My Childcare Academy
13302 S Herriman Rose Blvd
Herriman, UT | 84096
[email protected] | 435.592.1438
Daycare Photography Release Form
My Childcare Academy
I, _____________________________, parent of children attending My Childcare Academy, acknowledge
and agree to the following:
• I understand that my children whose name(s) are listed below may be photographed at My Childcare
Academy during regular daycare hours, field trips, and activities.
• I understand that these photographs may be used in arts & crafts and for children to take home as
memorabilia. They may also be used for the purpose of promoting and marketing My Childcare
Academy and may be used on but not limited to; My Childcare Academy’s website, Facebook,
Instagram, print advertising, etc. A first name may be mentioned and surnames will be omitted.
The following are the names of my children attending My Childcare Academy:
(_) Yes, I confirm that I have read and understand the above, and agree to have my child(ren)’s photos
used for the purpose of keeping parents informed of My Childcare Academy happenings and for the
purpose of marketing for My Childcare Academy.
(_) No, I do not wish to have my child (ren)’s photographs published
Name (print) _________________________________ Date:_______________