Troop Photo Release Form
Date: __________________________________________________________
I hereby give permission to Boy Scout Troop _____, its committee and adult leaders to
use images / photographs / videos whether a hard copy or electronic files of the persons
listed below to be published on the Troop’s website, social media, in the newspaper, or in
other publications and/or promotional material. I understand that these images
/photographs / videos can be viewed by anyone in the world. Troop ____ will not list the
Scouts full name in any of its own publications. I also understand that this permission is
good for one year and can be revoked with a written note to the Committee.
I am over 18, and I give permission for my image to be published.
Print name: ____________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________
I am the parent or legal guardian of the following child(ren) under 18 years of age, and I
give permission for their images to be published.
Child's name: ____________________________________________________
Child's name: ____________________________________________________
Child's name: ____________________________________________________
Adult's name (print): ______________________________________________
Adult's signature: ______________________________________________
I do not give permission for Boy Scout Troop ___ to publish any images anywhere.
Adult's name (print): ______________________________________________
Adult's signature: ______________________________________________
Child's name: ____________________________________________________