UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Case No. 09-00218-01/10-CR-W-HFS
Plaintiff, ) COUNT ONE: Defendants 1 through 10
v. ) Conspiracy
) 18 U.S.C. § 371
STEVEN JAMES PALMER, (1) ) NMT: 5 Years Imprisonment
[DOB: 05/15/1981], ) NMT: $250,000 Fine
a/k/a “Haze,” ) NMT: 3 Years Supervised Release
a/k/a “DJ Haze Piffnten, ) Class D Felony
a/k/a “DJ Haze Gotti,” )
) COUNT TWO: Defendant 1 only
GERARD DORIEN BATES, (2) ) Access Device Fraud
[DOB: 07/11/1986], ) 18 U.S.C. § 1029(a)(5)
a/k/a “Coko, ) NMT: 15 Years Imprisonment
) NMT: $250,000 Fine
SEAN FLEMING, (3) ) NMT: 3 Years Supervised Release
[DOB: 08/09/1981], ) Class C Felony
a/k/a “David Bravo” )
a/k/a “Pucci,” ) COUNT THREE: Defendant 1 only
) Aggravated Identity Theft
ROMEYO CALAVAREY, (4) ) 18 U.S.C. § 1028A(a)(1)
[DOB: 01/07/1985], ) Mandatory Sentence: 2 Years Imprisonment
a/k/a “Malawtic Surreal ) NMT: $250,000 Fine
) NMT: 3 Years Supervised Release
TROY SAMPSON, (5) ) Class E Felony
[DOB: 02/18/1977], )
a/k/a “Alaysia Simpson,” ) COUNTS FOUR through NINE: Defendant
) 8 only
TYRONE JACKSON, (6) ) Access Device Fraud
[DOB: 05/21/1987], ) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1029(a)(5) and 2
a/k/a “TJ Milan, ) NMT: 15 Years Imprisonment
) NMT: $250,000 Fine
ALEXANDER LEWIS, (7) ) NMT: 3 Years supervised Release
[DOB: 11/25/1984], ) Class C Felony
a/k/a “Mike Gotti,” )
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TERMAIN BRICE, (8) ) Defendant 8 only
[DOB: 08/16/1978] ) Aggravated Identity Theft
) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1028A(a)(1) and 2
SIMON P. CARTER, (9) ) Mandatory Sentence: 2 Years Imprisonment
[DOB: 04/29/1979], ) NMT: $250,000 Fine
a/k/a “Simmone” ) NMT: 3 Years Supervised Release
) Class E Felony
and )
) Maximum Punishment if Convicted
KAREEM NELSON, (10) ) on All Counts:
[DOB: 01/12/1979], )
a/k/a “Mutley” ) Defendant Palmer (1):
) Not less than 2 years imprisonment
) Not more than 27 years imprisonment
Defendants. ) $750,000 Fine
_________________________________) Not more than 3 years Supervised Release
Order of Restitution
$100 Mandatory Special Assessment
(Each Count)
Defendant Brice (8):
Not less than 2 years imprisonment
Not more than 102 years imprisonment
$3,250,000 Fine
Not more than 3 years Supervised Release
Order of Restitution
$100 Mandatory Special Assessment
(Each Count)
Defendants 2 through 7, 9 and 10
Not more than 5 years imprisonment
$250,000 Fine
Not more than 3 years supervised release
Order of Restitution
$100 Mandatory Special Assessment
Each Count
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1. Between on or about August 20, 2008, and continuing to on or about March 27,
2010, in the Western District of Missouri and elsewhere, STEVEN JAMES PALMER,
CARTER, and KAREEM NELSON, defendants herein, did knowingly and with intent to
defraud, conspire and agree with each other and with others known and unknown to the Grand
Jury, to commit violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 (Wire Fraud),
1029(a)(5)(Access Device Fraud), and 1028A(a)(1)(Aggravated Identity Theft), by devising and
executing a scheme and artifice to defraud, which was to obtain stolen access device information
consisting of credit and debit card numbers, together with the matching cardholder names,
expiration dates, security codes, billing addresses, and other means of identification, without the
knowledge and without the authority of the cardholders, hereinafter “identity theft victims,” and
without lawful authority, and then transmitting and causing to be transmitted false and fraudulent
pretenses, representations, and promises, namely the stolen access device information belonging
to the identity theft victims, to make online purchases at Internet websites of the reservation
systems of United States domestic airline industry, including United Airlines, Delta Air Lines,
US Airways, American Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Continental Airlines,
Case 4:09-cr-00218-HFS Document 113 Filed 05/05/10 Page 3 of 31
AirTran Airways, Virgin America Airlines, Spirit Airlines, and Frontier Airlines, in order to
effect financial transactions, which were the purchase of airline tickets, by which STEVEN
aggregate value equal to or exceeding $1,000 during a one year period, and the transactions
affected interstate commerce.
2. The object of the conspiracy was to create a nationwide “black market” for the sale
of airline tickets by using stolen credit and debit card information of the identity theft victims
to make online purchases of airline tickets. STEVEN JAMES PALMER, GERARD DORIEN
worked together and with others known and unknown to the grand jury to obtain stolen credit
card information to make online purchases of airline tickets and the confirmation codes for the
tickets, which they forwarded to their customers, including TROY SAMPSON, who were the
passengers purchasing the tickets at a deep discount of their true value, knowing that the tickets
could not be legitimately purchased at that cost. Thus, STEVEN JAMES PALMER,
NELSON, profited from the scheme by purchasing the stolen credit and debit card information
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of the identity theft victims at a nominal cost, then using the stolen information to purchase the
airline tickets at no cost to the conspirators, and then selling the confirmation codes of the airline
tickets to customers of the conspirators, including TROY SAMPSON and KAREEM
NELSON, for prices usually between $100 and $250 per ticket, or sometimes for free.
3. The manner and means by which the conspiracy was sought to be accomplished
included, among others, the following:
a. The conspirators used cellular telephones, email accounts, and other forms
of electronic communication and storage, to communicate with each other
and their customers in furtherance of the conspiracy and to transfer,
possess, and use stolen credit and debit card information and means of
identification of the identity theft victims to make fraudulent purchases of
airline tickets. The instrumentalities of the electronic communication and
storage included:
Email Accounts
Case 4:09-cr-00218-HFS Document 113 Filed 05/05/10 Page 5 of 31
Telephone Numbers
313-903-4779 646-884-1166 407-690-1305
305-627-3034 786-406-9056 917-449-8933
347-479-3674 347-546-7072 347-449-5507
914-582-1607 917-356-1450
b. The conspirators obtained stolen credit and debit card information
belonging to identity theft victims in the United States from a common
source in Bangladesh (“Bangladesh source”), and other sources known and
unknown to the grand jury, including ALEXANDER LEWIS, via
electronic messaging to their electronic communication and storage
devices, for a fee.
c.ALEXANDER LEWIS had the ability to supply stolen credit card
information to the conspiracy by stealing credit and debit card numbers,
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and the corresponding means of identification of the cardholders, from his
places of employment, namely hotels in the Atlanta, Georgia, metro area.
d. Other conspirators, known and unknown to the grand jury, including
KAREEM NELSON, provided customers to the conspiracy who flew as
passengers on airline tickets fraudulently purchased with stolen credit card
e. Using the Internet connectivity of the conspirators’ computers and cellular
phones, and Internet Service Providers at airports, hotels, libraries,
FedEx/Kinkos stores, and other public Internet connections, and also
Internet connections at private residences, and voice calls, the conspirators
were able to access the reservation systems of the domestic airlines
industry to make purchases of airline tickets using stolen credit and debit
card information belonging to the identity theft victims.
f. Several of the conspirators, including STEVEN PALMER, GERARD
JACKSON, and TERMAIN BRICE, had access to the merchant
identification number belonging to a mattress company, “Sleepy’s,” in
White Plains, New York, which they used to call a credit card verification
service, “Elavon,” in Knoxville, Tennessee, and in doing so the
conspirators could check the stolen credit card numbers to determine
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whether or not the card numbers were valid and could be used to purchase
airline tickets, and that the means of identification of the cardholder
matched the card number being checked.
g. Upon successfully purchasing airline tickets in this manner, the
conspirators would obtain confirmation numbers for the tickets, which their
customers could use to obtain boarding passes allowing them to board
aircraft as if a ticket had been legitimately purchased. In addition, the
conspirators would book tickets for themselves using the stolen credit and
debit card information belonging to the identity theft victims.
4. In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect the objects of the conspiracy, the
following overt acts, among others, were committed in the Western District of Missouri and
elsewhere, and such acts were done without the authority of the identity theft cardholder victims
described below, and without lawful authority, and were in and affected interstate commerce:
a. On or about August 20, 2008, defendant STEVEN JAMES PALMER
accessed the online reservations website of Continental Airlines to book
two airline tickets for his customers, “Alaysia Simpson” and Bobby
Huggins, to fly from the Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport
in Florida to the Kansas City International Airport in the Western District
of Missouri.Alaysia Simpson was an alias used by TROY SAMPSON.
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Both tickets were purchased with a Citibank VISA credit card, without the
authority of the cardholder, identity theft victim JG of Brooklyn, New
York. The email address used for the two tickets was,
which was an email account registered through an IP address of the
Optimum Online Internet connection at STEVEN JAMES PALMER’s
residence in Brooklyn, New York.
b. On or about August 22, 2008, defendant STEVEN JAMES PALMER
accessed the website for Continental Airlines to book two airline tickets for
his customers, “Alaysia Simpson” and Bobby Huggins, to fly from the
Kansas City International Airport in the Western District of Missouri to the
Louis Armstrong New Orleans Airport in Louisiana. Both tickets were
purchased with an American Express Card, without the authority of the
cardholder, identity theft victim HK of Butler, Pennsylvania. The email
addresses used for the two tickets was “Alaysia
Simpson was an alias used by TROY SAMPSON.
c. Between on or about September 7, 2008, and on or about October 3, 2008,
STEVEN JAMES PALMER, used a United Missouri Bank VISA card
issued to identity theft victim PP of Jefferson City, Missouri, in the
Western District of Missouri, to fraudulently purchase twenty-one airline
tickets for STEVEN JAMES PALMER, “Alaysia Simpson,” (alias for
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TROY SAMPSON), Bobby Huggins, and other customers for flights on
Frontier Airlines, Continental Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines,
American Airlines, and US Airways. The total of the fraudulent charges
was $9,815.66. The email address used to book the United Airlines tickets
was, and the contact telephone number given was
646-884-1166, which was subscribed to by STEVEN JAMES PALMER.
One of the United tickets was for passenger “Steven Palmer.”
d. On or about September 30, 2008, FP of Douglasville, Georgia, called a
Bank of America call center in Hunt Valley, Maryland, to request a balance
transfer involving her Bank of America VISA card number ending in 8179.
The Bank of America employee she spoke with was TYRONE
JACKSON. Without the authority of the cardholder, and without lawful
authority, TYRONE JACKSON stole the Bank of America VISA card
number ending in 8179, and other means of identification of FP, and
transferred the information to the conspiracy for use in booking airline
tickets. The stolen information was immediately put to use on September
30, 2008, to book two airline tickets, as follows:
Date Passenger Route Airline Amount
09/30/08 Gerard Johnson Phoenix to Detroit Frontier $ 342.19
09/30/08 Charles Sweeney Phoenix to Detroit Frontier $ 342.19
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e. On or about October 1, 2008, an unknown member of the conspiracy
booked tickets on Spirit Airlines for GERARD DORIEN BATES and
SEAN FLEMING for two flights departing the Los Angeles International
Airport that same day. The Spirit ticket for GERARD DORIEN BATES
was for travel from Los Angeles to Detroit, Michigan and the ticket for
SEAN FLEMING was for travel from Los Angeles to Fort Lauderdale,
Florida. The tickets were purchased with the same Bank of America VISA
card ending in 8179, without the authority of the cardholder, FP, of
Douglasville, Georgia. The email address used for the booking of the
ticket for GERARD DORIEN BATES was The
email address used for the booking of the ticket for SEAN FLEMING was The same day, October 1, 2008, the Bank of
America VISA card ending in 8179 was used without the authority of the
cardholder, FP, to make online bookings for two sets of tickets on United
Airlines for Marcus Maddox and Kevin Pulley to fly from the Kansas City
International Airport in the Western District of Missouri, to Chicago, and
continuing to Detroit. The email address used for these two sets of tickets
f. On or about October 16, 2008, defendant STEVEN JAMES PALMER
used his Optimum Online Internet connection at his residence in Brooklyn,
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New York, to register an email account “” and gave
his registration name as “Steven Palmer.” The same day, SEAN
FLEMING created the email account “” and gave his
alternate email address as “” The billing name used
to register the new email address was “David Bravo.” The IP address used
to register the new email address was assigned to the residence of TD, of
Newark, New Jersey.
g. On or about October 28, 2008, defendant STEVEN JAMES PALMER
accessed the website for Delta Air Lines to book two airline tickets for his
customer, “Alaysia Simpson” (alias for TROY SAMPSON), to fly from
the New York LaGuardia airport to Atlanta, Georgia, then a second flight
from Atlanta to the Kansas City International Airport in the Western
District of Missouri, on October 31, 2008. Both tickets were purchased
with an American Express Card, without the authority of the cardholder,
identity theft victim RW of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The email addresses used
for the two tickets were and
The IP address used to book the tickets was the Optimum Online IP
address assigned to the residence of STEVEN JAMES PALMER in
Brooklyn, New York.
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h. On or about January 14, 2009, STEVEN JAMES PALMER, used his
Optimum Online Internet connection at his residence in Brooklyn, New
York, to register an email account “ and gave his
registration name as “Martin Palmer.”
i. On or about March 25, 2009, the Bangladesh source sent an email to an
email address used by ROMEYO CALAVAREY,, which contained five stolen sets of VISA
credit card numbers, including the means of identification of the
cardholders and the VISA credit card numbers, expiration dates, security
codes, billing addresses, cardholder contact information, and email
addresses of the cardholders. The same day, ROMEYO CALAVAREY
forwarded the sets of stolen VISA numbers to an email account used by
j. On or about April 9, 2009, ROMEYO CALAVAREY sent an email to
SEAN FLEMING which contained six sets of stolen MasterCard credit
card numbers, including the means of identification of the cardholders and
the MasterCard credit card numbers, expiration dates, security codes,
billing addresses, cardholder contact information, and email addresses of
the cardholders. ROMEYO CALAVAREY sent the email using the
screen nameRomeyo c” and the email address
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14 SEAN FLEMING received the email at Later the same day, SEAN FLEMING sent an email
to ROMEYO CALAVAREY which contained the same six sets of
MasterCard credit card numbers, with a message in the subject line of the
email header stating: “None of those work.The email header contained
the SEAN FLEMING screen name “Pucci” and his email address, as the sender of the email and a ROMEYO
CALAVAREY email address as the
recipient of the email. A digital “carbon copy” of the email was sent to the
Bangladesh source. Later the same day, the Bangladesh source sent five
sets of MasterCard information and one American Express Card, along
with the means of identification of the cardholders to The list was then forwarded to, screen name “Pucci.”
k. On or about April 16, 2009, SEAN FLEMING sent an email message to
ROMEYO CALAVAREY containing nine sets of stolen American
Express Card information, including means of identification of each
cardholder, along with the American Express Card numbers, expiration
dates, security codes, billing address, and contact telephone numbers.
SEAN FLEMING used the screen name “Pucci” and the email address
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15 to transmit the email. ROMEYO CALAVAREY
used the screen name “Romeyo calavarey Malawtic Surreal” and the email
address to receive it.
l. On or about April 29, 2009, SIMON CARTER sent a Western Union
electronic funds transfer from Brooklyn, New York to a Bangladesh
conspirator “Mohammed Solaiman” in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in the amount
of $200, which converted to 13,475.23 Takas, the currency of Bangladesh,
as payment for stolen credit card information and corresponding means of
identification belonging to the cardholders sold by the Bangladesh
conspirator to SIMON CARTER and his co-conspirators.
m. On or about May 5, 2009, ALEXANDER LEWIS, using his email
account, sent an email message to, used by SEAN FLEMING. The email message
contained a stolen CitiBank MasterCard number ending in 8214 belonging
to PM of Canton, Georgia. Within a week, SEAN FLEMING used the
the stolen MasterCard number and means of identification of PM to
book four tickets on United Airlines, four tickets on Spirit Airlines, three
tickets on Frontier Airlines, five tickets on Delta Air Lines, and one ticket
on Virgin America Airlines for customers of the conspiracy. The total in
fraudulent charges on the PM MasterCard was $7,228.98.
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n. On or about May 11, 2009, ROMEYO CALAVAREY used 347-546-
7072 to exchange a series of text messages with SIMON CARTER, who
was using 347-479-3674, to negotiate the sale of stolen credit card
information from a Bangladesh source to SIMON CARTER. ROMEYO
CALAVAREY sent the payee information to SIMON CARTER via text
messaging, instructing that the purchase of the stolen credit card
information be accomplished by a Western Union electronic transfer of
funds to “Mohammed Solaiman” in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
o. On or about May 11, 2009, SIMON CARTER sent a Western Union
electronic funds transfer from Brooklyn, New York to a Bangladesh
conspirator “Mohammed Solaiman” in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in the amount
of $250, which converted to 16,844.73 Takas, the currency of Bangladesh,
as payment for stolen credit card information and corresponding means of
identification belonging to the cardholders sold by the Bangladesh
conspirator to SIMON CARTER and his co-conspirators.
p. On or about May 12, 2009, a Bangladesh conspirator using, sent an email to ROMEYO CALAVAREY at, which contained one stolen American Express Card
ending in 81002, belonging to JS of Cincinnati, Ohio, and two stolen
MasterCard numbers, the first one ending in 5262, belonging to JH of
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Zanesville, Ohio, and the other one ending in 4025, belonging to JP of
Worthington, Kentucky. Within a few minutes, ROMEYO
CALAVAREY forwarded the email containing the stolen credit card
information to SIMON CARTER at
q. On or about June 21, 2009, STEVEN JAMES PALMER opened a T-
Mobile account for a new Google G1 Android cell phone, 407-690-1305,
which he provided to the conspiracy.
r. On or about June 24, 2009, STEVEN JAMES PALMER and GERARD
DORIEN BATES, relocated their scheme from Orlando, Florida, to Los
Angeles, California, where STEVEN JAMES PALMER sublet an
apartment at 6016 Carlton Way, Los Angeles, California (“the Carlton Way
apartment”). The Carlton Way apartment was equipped with Internet
access through an AT&T Internet Services account, which was used by
the online reservation systems of Northwest Airlines and United Airlines.
s. On or about July 2, 2009, STEVEN JAMES PALMER received a text
message on his iPhone, 646-884-1166, from 407-690-1305 (the Google G1
Android cell phone that STEVEN JAMES PALMER had provided to the
conspiracy), which stated: “Aisha Walker (dtw 2 atl) 2morrow night @
7p.m. last flight out!”
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t. On or about July 3, 2009, a cash payment of $162.20 was made to United
Airlines to purchase a one-way ticket for Aisha Walker to fly from Detroit,
Michigan (airport code “DTW”) to Atlanta, Georgia (airport code “ATL”).
The cash payment was made at the ticket counter at the Los Angeles
International Airport. The online reservation for the ticket captured the IP
address at the time of the reservation, which was the AT&T account at the
Carlton Way apartment. The reservation information also contained the
telephone number for GERARD DORIEN BATES, 313-903-4779, and
his email address,
u. On or about July 6, 2009, GERARD DORIEN BATES, left Los Angeles,
California, to continue his role in the conspiracy at his residence in Detroit,
Michigan. GERARD DORIAN BATES flew from Los Angeles to
Detroit on United Airlines, using a ticket purchased with an American
Express Card ending in 62001, which belonged to MW of Louisville,
Kentucky. The email address that was used for the booking was The IP address used to book the ticket was the
AT&T account at the Carlton Way apartment.
v. On or about July 10, 2009, STEVEN JAMES PALMER received an
email to his account at, which he stored on his
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iPhone, 646-884-1166. The email contained forty sets of stolen American
Express Card information, including the following:
Cardholder Initials and Address Last Five Digits of the Card
VV, North Haven, Connecticut 31007
GL, Denville, New Jersey 94009
CM, Smithtown, New York 41012
AV, Carmel, New York 25013
MC, Leesburg, Virginia 62012
DF, Las Vegas, Nevada 61007
JM, Newtown, Connecticut 44002
DL, South Lion, Michigan 91003
w. On or about July 10, 2009, the Northwest Airlines online reservation
system received a ticket order for passengers Brezzy Hurst and Chrisjen
Ellis to travel from the Chicago O’Hare Airport to Atlanta, Georgia, which
was purchased with an American Express card ending in 31007, which
belonged to VV of North Haven, Connecticut, and such purchase was
without the authority of the cardholder and without lawful authority. The
email address used for the booking was The IP
address of the purchaser of the tickets was captured by the Northwest
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Airlines website, and at the time of the transaction it was assigned to the
Carlton Way apartment.
x. On or about July 10, 2009, the Northwest Airlines online reservation
system received a ticket order for passengers Dedhane Francis and David
Francis to travel from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Birmingham,
Alabama, which was purchased with an American Express card ending in
94009, which belonged to GL of Denville, New Jersey, and such purchase
was without the authority of the cardholder and without lawful authority.
The email address used for the booking was The IP
address of the purchaser of the tickets was captured by the Northwest
Airlines website, and at the time of the transaction it was assigned to the
Carlton Way apartment.
y. On or about July 10, 2009, GERARD DORIEN BATES, using 313-903-
4779, sent a text message to STEVEN JAMES PALMER, who was using
646-884-1166, requesting the purchase of an airline ticket for:Lashawn
Bailey (clt to atl) @ 3:10p.m. on delta operated northwest airlink!”
z. On or about July 11, 2009, the Northwest Airlines online reservation
system received a ticket order for passenger Lashawn Daniels to travel
from CLT (Charlotte, North Carolina) to ATL (Atlanta, Georgia), which
was purchased with an American Express card ending in 41012, which
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belonged to CM of Smithtown, New York, and such purchase was without
the authority of the cardholder and without lawful authority. The email
address used for the booking was Approximately
five hours later, GERARD DORIEN BATES, using 313-903-4779, sent
a text message to STEVEN JAMES PALMER, who was using 646-884-
1166, which stated: “U spelled her name wrong on delta lashawn bailey not
aa. On or about July 11, 2009, GERARD DORIEN BATES, using 313-903-
4779, sent a text message to STEVEN JAMES PALMER, who was using
646-884-1166, requesting the purchase of an airline ticket for: “Chelly
Massie & Tanisha Owens (DTW to ATL) @ 4:00p.m. or 5p.m.on Delta or
bb. On or about July 11, 2009, the Northwest Airlines online reservation
system received a ticket order for passengers Chelly Massie and Tanisha
Owens to travel from DTW (Detroit, Michigan) to ATL (Atlanta, Georgia),
which was purchased with an American Express card ending in 25013,
which belonged to AV of Carmel, New York, and such purchase was
without the authority of the cardholder and without lawful authority. The
email address used for the booking was The IP
address of the purchaser of the tickets was captured by the Northwest
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Airlines website, and at the time of the transaction it was assigned to the
Carlton Way apartment.
cc. On or about July 11, 2009, the Northwest Airlines online reservation
system received a ticket order for passenger Bridget Scott to travel from
New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Birmingham, Alabama, which was
purchased with an American Express card ending in 62012, which
belonged to MC of Leesburg, Virginia, and such purchase was without the
authority of the cardholder and without lawful authority. The email
address used for the booking was The IP address of
the purchaser of the tickets was captured by the Northwest Airlines
website, and at the time of the transaction it was assigned to the Carlton
Way apartment.
dd. On or about July 11, 2009, the Northwest Airlines online reservation
system received a ticket order for passengers Dedhane Francis and David
Francis to travel from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Birmingham,
Alabama, which was purchased with an American Express card ending in
62012, which belonged to MC of Leesburg, Virginia, and such purchase
was without the authority of the cardholder and without lawful authority.
The email address used for the booking was The IP
address of the purchaser of the tickets was captured by the Northwest
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Airlines website, and at the time of the transaction it was assigned to the
Carlton Way apartment.
ee. On or about July 11, 2009, STEVEN JAMES PALMER, using 646-884-
1166, sent a text message to GERARD DORIEN BATES, using 313-
903-4779. The text message transmitted a means of identification of DF,
a resident of Las Vegas, Nevada, together with DF’s American Express
Card number ending in 61007, and the expiration date and security code for
that access device, without the authority of the cardholder and without
lawful authority.
ff. On or about July 11, 2009, GERARD DORIEN BATES used 313-903-
4779, to send a text message to STEVEN JAMES PALMER, at 646-884-
1166, which stated: “Marlon Thomas and Tracy Thomas roundtrip from
Las Vegas to Buffalo on Sunday July 12 on the earliest possible flight.
And returning Tuesday July 14 in the evening. I need a one way ticket for
Aniah Thomas, on the same flight going to Buffalo, NY.”
gg. On or about July 12, 2009, DF’s American Express Card ending in 61007
was used, without authority, to book a ticket via the Internet website
“,” for a United Airlines ticket for passenger Marlon Thomas
to fly from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Buffalo, New York, with a stop in
Chicago, Illinois, on July 12, 2009.
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hh. On or about July 12, 2009, Tracy Thomas was booked on the same United
Airlines flight as Marlon Thomas to fly from Las Vegas, Nevada, to
Buffalo, New York, with a stop in Chicago, Illinois. The American
Express Card number used to purchase the Tracy Thomas ticket ended in
44002, which belonged to JM of Newtown, Connecticut, and was used
without the authority of the cardholder and without lawful authority.
ii. On or about July 12, 2009, Aniah Thomas was booked on the same United
Airlines flight as Marlon and Tracy Thomas to fly from Las Vegas,
Nevada, to Buffalo, New York, with a stop in Chicago, Illinois. The
American Express Card number used to purchase the Aniah Thomas ticket
ended in 91003, which belonged to DL of South Lion, Michigan, and was
used without the authority of the cardholder and without lawful authority.
The source IP address for the Internet bookings of the Aniah Thomas,
Marlon Thomas, and Tracy Thomas flights from Las Vegas to Buffalo was, which was a Time/Warner Roadrunner account for Lavinia
Welch of Valley Village, California.
jj. On or about July 12, 2009, STEVEN JAMES PALMER sent an text
message to the Bangladesh source for stolen credit card information which
informed the Bangladesh source that STEVEN JAMES PALMER had
sent Western Union payment information to an email account for the
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Bangladesh source, and STEVEN JAMES PALMER requested an
additional batch of 30 sets of stolen credit card information, for which
STEVEN JAMES PALMER would pay the Bangladesh source $500.
kk. On or about July 12, 2009, STEVEN JAMES PALMER received an
email to his account at, which he stored on his
iPhone, 646-884-1166. The email contained thirty-three sets of stolen
American Express Card information, including the following:
Cardholder Name and Address Last Five Digits of the Card
PD, Manahawkin, New Jersey 51003
JC, Potomac Falls, Virginia 92036
ll. On or about July 13, 2009, GERARD BATES, using the email account, forwarded an email to the STEVEN PALMER
email account,, stating:Kenneth Ellison Kenya
Chavis Going to Houston.” Later the same day, a second email was
forwarded in the same manner, which stated: La shawn Bailey Chelly
Massie Tanisha Owens Leaving tomorrow evening to Charlotte all three.”
Later the same day, the Northwest Airlines website reservation system
received online orders to purchase tickets, from an IP address assigned at
that time to the Carlton Way apartment, in Los Angeles, California. The
first two tickets purchased in this fashion were for passengers Kenneth
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Ellison and Kenya Chavis to fly from Atlanta, Georgia, to Houston, Texas,
and the method of payment was an American Express card ending in
51003, which belonged to PD of Manahawkin, New Jersey. The American
Express Card was used without the authority of the cardholder and without
lawful authority. Less than an hour later, three tickets were purchased in
the same fashion for passengers Chelly Massie, Tanisha Owens, and
Lashawn Bailey, to fly from Atlanta, Georgia, to Charlotte, North Carolina,
on the same Northwest flight, and the method of payment was an American
Express Card ending in 92036, which belonged to JC of Potomac Falls,
Virginia. The email address given by the purchaser for all five flights was
mm. On or about November 22, 2009, TERMAIN BRICE, used the Verizon
internet connection at his residence, 1019 Burke Avenue, Bronx, New
York, to make three attempts to purchase a United Airlines ticket for
KAREEM NELSON, who was requesting to fly from White Plains, New
York, to Atlanta. The three tickets were attempted to be charged to the
American Express accounts of: RS of Ridgefield, Washington, ending in
53000; BH of Kansas City, Missouri, ending in 81005; and RB of Grove
City, Ohio, ending in 03004.
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nn. On or about March 25, 2010, TERMAIN BRICE, used his cell phone,
917-449-8933, to exchange text messages and voice calls regarding five
passengers to travel from Atlanta, Georgia, to Kansas City, Missouri, on
Delta Air Lines. Three of the passengers were booked using a stolen
Discover Card number ending in 8447, belonging to KT of Grapeland,
Texas, and the other two passengers were booked using a stolen Discover
Card number ending in 5369, belonging to KH of Windsor, Connecticut.
oo. On or about March 27, 2010, TERMAIN BRICE, used his cell phone,
917-449-8933, to exchange text messages regarding two passengers to
travel from Kansas City, Missouri, to Houston, Texas on Delta Air Lines.
Both passengers were booked using a stolen Discover Card number ending
in 7484, belonging to MB of Evansville, Indiana.
All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 371.
(Access Device Fraud)
On or about October 28, 2008, in the Western District of Missouri and elsewhere,
STEVEN JAMES PALMER, did knowingly and with intent to defraud, effect financial
transactions using an access device consisting of an American Express Card number ending in
2016, without the authority of the cardholder, RW, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, by which STEVEN
JAMES PALMER intended to receive things of an aggregate value of at least $1,000 during
Case 4:09-cr-00218-HFS Document 113 Filed 05/05/10 Page 27 of 31
a one-year period, consisting in part of a Delta Airlines ticket for Troy Sampson to travel from
Atlanta, Georgia, to Kansas City, Missouri, and which transactions affected interstate commerce;
all in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1029(a)(5) and 1029(b)(1).
(Aggravated Identity Theft)
On or about October 28, 2008, in the Western District of Missouri, and elsewhere
STEVEN JAMES PALMER did knowingly and without lawful authority transfer, use, and
possess one or more means of identification, consisting of an American Express Card number
ending in 2016, of another person, namely RW of Tulsa, Oklahoma, during and in relation to a
felony offense, that being access device fraud as defined by Chapter 47, Title 18, United States
Code, Section 1029(a)(5), by effecting financial transactions consisting of the purchase of airline
tickets, the aggregate cost of which was in excess of $1,000 in a one-year period, using the stolen
American Express Card number ending in 2016, and other identifying information of RW of
Tulsa, Oklahoma, without his knowledge and authority, which actions were in and affected
interstate commerce; all in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1028A(a)(1).
(Access Device Fraud)
1. The Grand Jury incorporates by reference paragraphs one through four of Count One
of the Indictment as if fully set forth herein.
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2. On or about the dates alleged below, in the Western District of Missouri and
elsewhere, in furtherance of the conspiracy to commit access device fraud and aggravated
identity theft and to accomplish the goals of the conspiracy’s scheme to defraud the airlines, the
credit and debit card issuers and their cardholders, who were the identity theft victims,
defendants TERMAIN BRICE and his accomplices did knowingly and with intent to defraud,
effect and attempt to effect financial transactions using access devices consisting of the accounts
described in each count below and issued in the names of the identity theft victims below, by
which TERMAIN BRICE and his accomplices received things of an aggregate value equal to
and exceeding $1,000 during a one-year period, and which transactions affected interstate
commerce, as follows:
Counts Dates Amount Credit Issuer ID Theft Victim
4 11/22/2009 $502.20 American Express RS, Ridgefield, WA
5 11/22/2009 $502.20 American Express BH, Kansas City, MO
6 11/22/2009 $502.20 American Express RB, Grove City, OH
7 03/25/2010 $1,088.10 Discover Card KT, Grapeland, TX
8 03/25/2010 $725.40 Discover Card KH, Windsor, CT
9 03/27/2010 $651.80 Discover Card MB, Evansville, IN
All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1029(a)(5) and 2.
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(Aggravated Identity Theft)
1. The Grand Jury incorporates by reference paragraphs one through four of Count One
of the Indictment as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about the dates listed below, in the Western District of Missouri and elsewhere,
in furtherance of the conspiracy to commit access device fraud and aggravated identity theft and
to accomplish the goals of the conspiracy’s scheme to defraud the airlines, the credit and debit
card issuers and their cardholders, who were the identity theft victims, by transferring,
possessing, and using means of identification of the identity theft victims consisting of stolen
credit and debit card numbers, together with the cardholder names, expiration dates, security
codes, and billing addresses to effect and attempt to effect transactions with access devices
issued to the identity theft victims to receive payment and things of value, consisting of
confirmation codes for airline tickets, the passenger seats associated with each ticket
confirmation code, and payments of money from customers requesting the tickets, the aggregate
value of which was in excess of $1,000 during a one-year period, TERMAIN BRICE,
defendant herein, did knowingly and without lawful authority transfer, use, and possess one or
more means of identification of other persons, as identified in each count below, during and in
relation to a predicate felony offense, that being access device fraud as defined by Chapter 47,
Title 18, United States Code, Section 1029(a)(5), and such actions were in or affected interstate
commerce, as follows:
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Counts Dates Airline Tickets Purchased: ID Theft Victims
10-12 11/22/09 White Plains, NY to RS, Ridgefield, WA
Atlanta, GA BH, Kansas City, MO
RB, Grove City, OH
13-14 03/25/10 Atlanta, GA to KT, Grapeland, TX
Kansas City, MO KH, Windsor, CT
15 03/27/10 Kansas City, MO MB, Evansville, IN
Los Angeles, California
All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1028A(a)(1) and 2.
_/s/ David W. Lewis, Jr._______________
_/s/ John E. Cowles / /s/ Matt Hiller__
John E. Cowles #11797 and Matt Hiller
Assistant United States Attorneys
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