There are now two ways to post a menu advisory
for raw or undercooked animal-based foods offered
on a menu. Most existing menu advisories that
complied with the previous law won’t need to be
The advisory for either option no longer has to be
placed in a specific location on the menu, deli case,
menu board, or whatever consumers read to make
their order selections.
Option 1: (Food Law section 289.6149)
Place the following statement on the main menu:
“Ask your server about menu items that are
cooked to order or served raw. Consuming raw
or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood,
shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of
foodborne illness.”
This option does not require specific foods served
raw or undercooked be identified on the menu.
The advisory may be changed to be product
specific if some of the food items listed aren’t
offered. For example, if the menu contains no raw
items, and only contains undercooked beef or egg
products, the advisory would read like this:
“Ask your server about menu items that are
cooked to order. Consuming undercooked
meats or eggs may increase your risk of
foodborne illness.”
Option 2: (Food Code section 3-603.11)
Identify undercooked animal-based foods with a
disclosure and reminder.
Consumer Advisory
(Food Code Section 3-603.11 and Food Law Section 6149)
1. The disclosure can be done in two ways:
Use statements, such as “oysters on the
half shell (raw oysters),” “raw-egg Caesar
salad,” and “hamburgers (can be cooked
to order);” or
• Asterisk (*) undercooked foods to a
footnote stating the items are served raw
or undercooked, or contain (or may
contain) raw or undercooked ingredients.
2. The reminder footnote shall include one
of the following statements verbatim:
• Consuming raw or undercooked meats,
poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may
increase your risk of foodborne illness; or
• Consuming raw or undercooked meats,
poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may
increase your risk of foodborne illness,
especially if you have certain medical
conditions; or
• Regarding the safety of these items, written
information is available upon request.
Menu item: *Caesar Salad
*Contains raw or undercooked ingredients.
Consuming raw or undercooked meats,
poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may
increase your risk of foodborne illness.
Updated April 7, 2008