OHCS Electronic File Prep Guide – 1/2017
When OHCS conducts an electronic file review for a property, the tenant files must be scanned
and uploaded to Google Docs; which is a secure file sharing program. Tenant files must be sent
as a PDF file to an established Google account. Instructions for setting up a Google Drive
Account and sharing documents can be found on the OHCS webpage. If you have not yet set up
an account for Google sharing, please follow the instructions and set up the account prior to the
date of a review.
When Management is asked to upload files they must do so within 24 hours and notify the
Compliance Officer via email when they have been uploaded. Specific files to upload will be
sent as part of the review process. Please ensure all files are uploaded in a consistent manner and
are not scanned upside down or sideways.
The following list represents the preferred order for scanned files. If the files are received in a
disorganized manner or for any reason are difficult to review due to the order in which they were
uploaded, management may be required to re-upload them in the proper format/order.
The scanned files must include the following:
TIC (move-in and annual recertification’s as applicable*)
Applicant/Tenant Questionnaire (One for each adult household member)
All eligibility documentation supporting the TIC’s for each household member,
o All third-party income verifications, including wages, child support,
unemployment benefits, pensions, periodic income, TANF, etc.
o Calculation worksheets demonstrating how income was calculated
o Any other form of income verification, including paystubs, Work Number
Reports, Wage History Reports, completed, signed and dated tax returns, etc.
o Verification of assets including but not limited to bank statements, property
tax statements, Under $5,000 Asset Certification, etc.
o Clarifications and self-affidavits including Income Status Certifications
o Annual Certification of Student Status and all other student documentation
Lease agreement and all lease addendums
Lead-based paint disclosure (when applicable)
HOME Lease Compliance Form (when applicable)
Assessment of Household Demographics
VAWA Agreement/Certification
Any other applicable eligibility documentation not described above
Application for each adult household member
Screening Report for each adult household member
do not scan or send:
Correspondence not relating to tenant eligibility, such as late rent notices,
recertification reminders, maintenance requests, tenant correspondence, etc.
RD or Section 8 Certifications and/or RD/Sec 8 documentation (if the Compliance
Officer deems it necessary to review a Section 8 or RD certification they will notify the
OHCS Electronic File Prep Guide – 1/2017
Medical documentation or tenant health/diagnosis information
Section 8 EIV documents
*If the household has lived in the unit longer than a year remember to send the TIC’s and supporting
documentation for each certification year. If the tenant has lived in the unit for longer than 5 years,
please check with your Compliance Officer to receive specific instruction on what to upload.
Scanning Tips and Tricks:
After each Move-in or Recertification is completed, scan in the documentation and save for the
next potential review or request for upload.
If there are a large number of files that need to be scanned, organize a schedule that will fit your
needs so that you will be prepared for the next review (for example schedule the scanning of 5-
10 current files a week as time allows until all files have been scanned).
Review scans before sending them to OHCS.
Make sure that all pages are facing the same direction and are legible.
Store information on a USB thumb drive or External hard drive (this is also a great way to save
a back-up copy of documents).
When choosing a scanner it helps to compare the following: scan speed, software
compatibility, document and tray capacity, ability to scan double sided, automatic
document feeder, image clarity, USB drive capability (there are many name brand scanners
on the market that can fit site office needs ranging from $180-$300).