CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
Near-Native Sociolinguistic Competence in French: Evidence from
Variable Future-Time Expression
Aarnes Gudmestad
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Amanda Edmonds
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
Bryan Donaldson
University of California, Santa Cruz
Katie Carmichael
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
This study aims to advance the understanding of sociolinguistic competence among near-
native speakers and to further knowledge about the acquisition of variable structures. We
conduct a quantitative analysis of variable future-time expression in informal conversations
between near-native and native speakers of French. In addition to examining linguistic
constraints that have been investigated in previous research, we build on prior work by
introducing a new factor that enables us to consider the role that formality of the variants
plays in the use of variable future-time expression. We conclude by comparing these new
findings to those for the same dataset and other variable structures (namely, negation and
interrogatives, Donaldson, 2016, 2017) and by advocating for more research that consists of
multiple, complementary analyses of the same dataset.
Les objectifs de cette étude sont (a) d’apporter de nouvelles données relatives à la
compétence sociolinguistique parmi des locuteurs non natifs qui ont un niveau très avancé
dans leur langue étrangère et (b) de contribuer à nos connaissances sur l’acquisition des
structures variables. Nous proposons une analyse quantitative de l’expression du futur dans
des conversations informelles entre un locuteur très avancé et un locuteur natif du français.
Afin de comprendre ce cas de variation, nous faisons appel à des facteurs linguistiques qui
ont été identifiés dans des recherches précédentes, et nous proposons un nouveau facteur qui
nous permet d’étudier le rôle joué par la formalité des variantes dans l’expression du futur.
Pour conclure, nous comparons les résultats de cette analyse aux recherches précédentes qui
ont examiné d’autres structures variables dans le même corpus (notamment, la négation et
les interrogatives, Donaldson, 2016, 2017) et nous soulignons l’intérêt et l’importance de
faire de multiples analyses complémentaires d’un seul corpus.
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
Near-Native Sociolinguistic Competence in French: Evidence from Variable Future-
Time Expression
In the current study we aim to further knowledge about sociolinguistic competence
among additional language users (see The Douglas Fir Group, 2016, for use of the term
additional language). Sociolinguistic competence involves the ability to vary language
according to a range of linguistic and extra-linguistic (namely, social) factors. Variationist
approaches (Labov, 1972) have been used to examine this ability, with scholars in the field
of second language acquisition (SLA) concentrating on how additional language learners
acquire and use variable structures (i.e., linguistic phenomena that are not categorical for
native speakers [NSs]; cf. Geeslin and Long, 2014). Although this research has examined
learners at different proficiency levels, resulting in observations about the developmental
trajectory with numerous variable structures, less is known about how near-native speakers
(NNSs) use variable structures. In the current study, we address how NNSs use variable
structures by reporting on a new empirical study of variable use of future-time expression
in French. Our primary goals are to examine the linguistic and sociostylistic constraints that
condition NNSs’ use of future-time expression in French and to compare their variable use
to that of NSs with whom the NNSs have close relationships.
As a secondary goal we
briefly compare our results on future-time expression to findings from previous
investigations that have examined how the same group of NNSs uses other variable
structures (Donaldson, 2016, 2017). In so doing, we argue for the importance of multiple,
complementary investigations of a single group of participants for advancing knowledge of
sociolinguistic competence.
In what follows we present two areas of research that are particularly relevant for
the current study, discussing additional language variationist research before offering a
concise overview of future-time expression in French.
Additional language variation
Sociolinguistic variation occurs when two or more forms or variants are used to
convey the same function or meaning and the use of these variants is conditioned by a
range of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors.
Such instances of variation have been the
object of study in variationist sociolinguistics, the approach we adopt. Typically, a
quantitative paradigm, variationist sociolinguistics not only documents the frequency with
which each variant occurs, but also offers probabilistic models that identify the linguistic
and extra-linguistic factors that predict the use of a given variant. These statistical models
have enabled researchers to characterize language variation and change among NSs
(Tagliamonte, 2012) and, subsequently, among non-native speakers (Geeslin & Long,
Preston’s (2000) psycholinguistic model for interlanguage variation provides a
theoretical explanation for additional language acquisition of variation. Reflecting on how
variable structures are affected by social context, linguistic context, and time, Preston
suggests that each (sub)conscious choice among variants – such as elle va (she’s going)
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
versus elle va aller (she’s going to go) versus elle ira (she will go) – is impacted by
probabilistic rankings at three different levels. Level 1 refers to extra-linguistic factors,
including, among others, gender of the learner (e.g., Mougeon, Nadasdi, & Rehner, 2010)
and interactional norms (e.g., Tarone, 2007), such as style and formality. Level 2 concerns
the linguistic factors that impact variation (e.g., adverbial specification for future-time
expression in French, Nadasdi, Mougeon, & Rehner, 2003), and Level 3 addresses time and
illustrates how the linguistic and social factors that govern variation change over time as
learners move along the developmental trajectory (e.g., Tarone & Liu, 1995). As pointed
out by Tarone (2007), the probabilistic nature of Preston’s (2000) model is consistent with
other usage-based models in SLA (see Ellis, 2012) and allows the researcher to conceive of
extra-linguistic and linguistic factors and time in a single, psycholinguistic model.
Although we examine both Level 1 and Level 2 constraints in the present
investigation, we highlight here one Level 1 issue that we aim to address, namely, the
formality or sociostylistic nature of variants, because it has received less attention than the
well-studied linguistic factors. Following Richards and Schmidt (2010), stylistic variation
refers to “differences in the speech or writing of a person or group of people according to
the situation, the topic, the addressee(s), and the location. Stylistic variation can be
observed in the use of different speech sounds, different words or expressions, or different
sentence structures” (p. 567). Mougeon et al. (2010) describe a continuum of sociostylistic
markedness for variants with five main categories: marked informal variants, mildly
marked informal variants, neutral variants, formal variants, and hyper-formal variants (p. 9-
10). In general, some of the distinguishing characteristics are that formal variants
correspond to prescriptive language rules and are common in written or careful speech,
whereas informal variants diverge from standard language rules and are typical of casual
speech. Neutral variants are similar to formal variants in that they correspond to standard
language rules but differ because they “are not sociostylistically marked … [and] stand as a
default alternative to other marked standard or non-standard variants” (p. 9-10). In their
investigation, Mougeon et al. analyzed the use of numerous variable structures by a group
of instructed, immersion learners of French in Canada and found differences in their use of
variants according to the sociostylistic value of the variant. Specifically, they observed that
immersion learners overused formal variants and underused informal ones. The learners
produced some but not all neutral variants as well (p. 109). The conclusion that instructed
learners tend to overuse formal variants when compared to NSs is supported by other
studies (Regan, Howard, & Lemée, 2009; van Compernolle, 2015), and van Compernolle
has called this aspect of sociolinguistic competence “non-native pragmatic conservatism”
(p. 60).
Less research, however, has examined the role that the formality of variants plays in
the use of variable structures by non-native speakers who are not in an instructional setting.
Thus, we aim to continue this line of inquiry by studying a near-native population living in
the target language environment. Importantly, our participant group has already been
investigated with respect to two other variable structures – interrogatives (Donaldson,
2016) and negation (Donaldson, 2017) – allowing us to consider findings from multiple
variable structures and, consequently, advance the understanding of near-native
sociolinguistic competence for this group of participants. Among other issues, both of these
studies have examined the sociostylistic value of these variable structures’ variants and
whether the NNSs’ use is targetlike. This research draws on informal conversation data
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
from ten NNSs and ten NSs of Hexagonal French. Donaldson (2016) detailed the full range
of interrogative forms that NNSs and NSs used and compared their communicative
function and how they were used in sociostylistic terms. The results showed that the NNSs
converged toward NS use, both in terms of repertoire and use of formal and informal
variants. Donaldson (2017) also provided evidence of near-nativeness with variable
negation. The preverbal negative particle ne is frequently omitted in informal spoken
French. The results revealed no statistical difference between the NNSs' and NSs' rates of
ne deletion, and the NNSs were sensitive to all of the sociostylistic factors (e.g., topic
seriousness) and most of the linguistic factors (e.g., clause type) that conditioned NSs’ use.
It bears mentioning that for topic seriousness, a factor included in the present investigation
(see Data coding and analysis for further details), both participant groups increased their
retention of ne (the formal variant) in serious topics. Together, these investigations offer
evidence of near-nativeness with the variable use of two grammatical structures that form
part of sociolinguistic competence in French. Furthermore, although instructed learners
tend to exhibit pragmatic conservatism (van Compernolle, 2015) by using formal variants
at a higher rate than NSs (e.g., Mougeon et al., 2010; Regan et al., 2009), Donaldson
(2016) argued, on the basis of these results, that “this type of stylistic infelicity can be
overcome at the near-native level” (p. 496). We seek to ascertain whether this participant
group exhibits near-nativeness with another variable structure – future-time expression.
Future-time expression in French
Future-time expression refers to verb forms that express a temporal reference
posterior to the moment of speaking. The inflectional future (IF), periphrastic future (PF),
and futurate present are the forms most often included in descriptions of future-time
expression in French. The following are examples from the current dataset:
IF: quelque chose qui terminera ce cycle- (NNS 10)
‘… something that will finish the cycle’
PF: tu sais pas à quelle heure tu vas terminer tout? (NS 3)
‘you don’t know what time you are going to finish everything?’
Futurate present: je termine à dix heures et demie (NS 5)
‘I finish at 10:30’
Future-time expression in French constitutes an example of morphosyntactic
variation conditioned by various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors (Poplack & Turpin,
1999). In this section we offer a brief overview of sociolinguistic research on future-time
expression in French among NSs, followed by a discussion of studies on non-native
NS sociolinguistic research. Sociolinguistic research on future-time expression in
French has centered on Canadian varieties (e.g., Comeau, 2011; Poplack & Dion, 2009;
Wagner & Sankoff, 2011) and to a lesser extent Hexagonal (i.e., French in mainland
France; e.g., Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson, & Carmichael, 2018; Roberts, 2012;
Villeneuve & Comeau, 2016) and Martinican (Roberts, 2016) varieties. We highlight the
independent variables that have been studied in previous research and then focus on the
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
evidence of the importance of formality in the use of this variable. We conclude the section
with a detailed presentation of the research examining Hexagonal French, the variety
represented in our data.
Numerous factors have been examined in variationist studies on future-time
expression in different varieties of French. Extra-linguistic factors include education level,
age, and gender, and well-studied linguistic factors include temporal distance,
(un)certainty, adverbial specification, sentential polarity, and grammatical person. These
various linguistic factors have been taken both from descriptions of future-time expression
in grammars and from the literature on future-time expression (see Poplack & Dion, 2009).
Temporal distance refers to the distance between the time of speaking and future-time
event. (Un)certainty deals with how certain the speaker is that the future-event will occur.
Adverbial specification identifies whether temporal adverbials accompany future-time
verbs. Sentential polarity distinguishes negated from affirmative sentences, and
grammatical person reflects the person and number of the subject. We continue the
exploration of many of these factors in the current study.
Concerning the construct of sociostylistic variation and formality, two empirical
observations have provided evidence that IF is the formal variant in variable future-time
expression. First, by investigating the linguistic factor of grammatical person of the subject,
research has shown a connection between the IF and the formal second-person pronoun
vous (e.g., Poplack & Turpin, 1999, for Canadian French, and Roberts, 2012, for
Hexagonal French). Second, Blondeau and Labeau (2016) analyzed formal, prepared
language used in oral televised weather forecasts and found that both French and
Québécois weathercasters used the IF more often than the PF, a finding that contrasts with
results from examinations of interview data for these varieties, in which the PF was the
most frequent form. This difference across genres suggests an extra-linguistic,
sociostylistic distinction between the PF and IF, with the IF being the formal variant.
Whereas the IF has been associated with formality, the futurate present and the PF have
been categorized as neutral variants (e.g., Mougeon et al., 2010).
To conclude our discussion of future-time expression in NS French, we present two
variationist studies on future-time expression in Hexagonal French.
Roberts (2012)
examined oral interviews collected in the 1980s in the north and south of France. He found
that, as a group, these NSs used the PF more often than the IF and that sentential polarity
was the sole predictive factor. These NSs favoured the PF in affirmative contexts and the
IF in negative contexts. Villeneuve and Comeau (2016) investigated NSs from Vimeu, in
northern France. Their analysis of interview data indicated that, like in Roberts (2012),
participants used the PF more frequently than the IF. The factors predicting use, however,
differed from Roberts’ study. The linguistic factor that conditioned future-time expression
was temporal distance, where proximal contexts favoured the PF and distal contexts
favoured the IF. Education level was the only social factor that impacted use. Participants
without a high school diploma favoured the PF, whereas those who had completed high
school favoured the IF. The differences in results between these two studies not only
demonstrate that additional research is needed in order to better understand variable future-
time expression among NSs of Hexagonal French but also underscore the need, in
additional language research, to identify a NS comparative group that is appropriate for the
additional language speakers under investigation.
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
SLA research. Turning to SLA research, analyses of future-time expression in
French come from several types of data (e.g., interviews, written contextualized tasks) and
participant groups, though previous studies have generally focused on instructed learners in
various learning contexts (e.g., Ayoun, 2014; Howard, 2012a; Moses, 2002). Four insights
emerge from this body of work.
First, with regard to frequency of use of verb forms in
future-time contexts, classroom learners use the IF at higher rates than the PF (e.g.,
Howard, 2012a, 2012b; Moses, 2002), possibly because of the tendency to overuse formal
variants. Immersion experiences, however, lead to lower rates of the formal variant and
higher rates of the neutral variant PF (e.g., Howard, 2012b; Mougeon et al., 2010, see
Regan et al., 2009, for an exception). Second, several previous investigations have
examined many of the same linguistic factors that have been shown to predict NS use and
found differing results across studies (Blondeau, Dion, & Ziliak Michel, 2014; Edmonds &
Gudmestad, 2015; Gudmestad & Edmonds, 2016; Howard, 2012b, Mougeon et al., 2010;
Nadasdi et al., 2003; Regan et al., 2009). For instance, concerning adverbial specification,
the presence of a temporal adverbial favoured the occurrence of the futurate present among
Canadian immersion students (Mougeon et al., 2010; Nadasdi et al., 2003), Irish study-
abroad learners (Regan et al., 2009), adult Anglo-Montrealers (Blondeau et al., 2014),
Level 3 study-abroad learners (Edmonds & Gudmestad, 2015), and study-abroad learners
with high proficiency (Gudmestad & Edmonds, 2016). However, this effect was not found
for all study-abroad and foreign-language classroom learners reported on by Edmonds and
Gudmestad (2015) and Gudmestad and Edmonds (2016). Third, with the exception of
Anglo-Montrealers (Blondeau et al., 2014), no study has shown evidence of learners
becoming fully targetlike with future-time expression. Finally, two investigations have
addressed sociostylistic variation, specifically pertaining to formality. Neither immersion
learners (Nadasdi et al., 2003), nor university learners who had spent an academic year in
France (Regan et al., 2009) favoured the use of the IF with the subject pronoun vous, as has
been reported for certain groups of NSs. Regan et al. (2009) did, however, find that style
formality constrained use. The researchers differentiated between formal and informal style
based on the interview topic and found that the participants favoured the IF with formal
topics and the PF and futurate present with informal topics. This observation suggests that
non-native speakers can develop sensitivity to sociostylistic constraints of variable future-
time expression in French. We aim to build on this existing research by investigating how
another participant population – NNSs – uses variable future-time expression.
The Current Study
Our two research questions are formulated with the objectives of contributing new
knowledge on variable future-time expression among NNSs:
1. With what frequency do NNSs of Hexagonal French use the IF, PF, and present
indicative (PI) to express future-time expression in informal, unstructured
2. Which linguistic and sociostylistic factors predict NNSs’ use of the IF, PF and PI
in informal, unstructured conversation?
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
Dataset and participants
This dataset consists of 10 unguided conversations between a NNS and a NS of
French. The conversations, which lasted between 45 and 58 minutes, were recorded in an
informal setting without the presence of a researcher. The participants spoke about any
topic(s) of their choosing. The conversation partners knew each other well (e.g., spouses,
friends), which aided in eliciting informal speech (cf. Donaldson, 2017). The data were
collected mostly in southwest France, though one conversation was collected in Paris. We
argue that this NS group is particularly well-suited as a comparison group because the
NNSs have close relationships with the NSs. The dataset consists of 77,300 words
(excluding non-lexical backchannels, hesitations, etc.) and is balanced quantitatively
between NS and NNS production (5,300 and 5,600 finite clauses, respectively). Donaldson
(2016, 2017, inter alia) demonstrates that that there is no evidence that either participant
group is accommodating to the other.
The ten NNSs, whose first language was English, ranged in age from 26 to 70 years
(M = 44.2). Eight were women and two were men. All were university educated. They
began studying French between the age of 10 and 21 years (M = 13) and had been living in
France for an average of 18 years and seven months (range in years;months: 4;3–47;3).
NNSs interacted daily with NSs. The ten NSs of Hexagonal French ranged in age from 31
to 65 years (M = 49.5). Seven were women and three were men.
All had earned the French
baccalauréat (roughly equivalent to a secondary school diploma), and nine of the ten were
university educated. They were dominant in French but had varying degrees of experience
with other additional languages. In general, the NSs were close in age and education level
to their NNS interlocutor. Each participant completed a replication of Birdsong’s (1992)
grammaticality judgment task, which was used to assess near-nativeness. The results
revealed that the NNSs had achieved near-native grammatical knowledge of French. While
further refinements to measuring near-nativeness are necessary, we note that prior
investigations on these participants have shown them to have nativelike behaviour on a
range of linguistic phenomena (Donaldson, 2016, 2017, inter alia).
All datasets present strengths and limitations. One advantage of this dataset is that it
allows us to contribute knowledge about near-native sociolinguistic competence (cf.
Geeslin & Long, 2014). It also enables us to extend additional language variationist
research on future-time expression to another type of data – informal conversations.
Finally, we feel confident that the sample is representative of the speakers' informal spoken
French, because their interlocutor is someone they know well. However, given the
restricted number of total speakers and the design of the corpus, certain extralinguistic
characteristics, including speaker age, gender, and regional provenance,
!cannot be
investigated. Although these factors may merit additional attention, existing research on
Hexagonal French has found neither age nor gender to be conditioning factors for future-
time expression (Roberts, 2012; Villeneuve & Comeau, 2016). With respect to potential
regional variation, only Villeneuve and Comeau have conducted an analysis of future-time
expression in France that has focused on a single regional variety. Whereas it remains to be
seen whether their findings hold for Hexagonal French more generally, we note that
extensive work by Armstrong and Pooley (2010) shows evidence of leveling of regional
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
differences in Hexagonal French. Finally, we recognize that time spent abroad may impact
use for the NNSs. We leave these issues to future research.
Data coding and analysis
After the third author and a NS of French had transcribed the conversations, we
coded the transcripts for future-time contexts. We operationalized a future-time context as
any conjugated verb with a temporal reference subsequent to the moment of speaking (cf.
Blondeau et al., 2014). We used contextual information, such as shared knowledge, subject
matter, and temporal expressions to establish futurity. This definition means that the
presence of the PF or IF did not necessarily constitute a future-time context because these
forms can express other functions (e.g., PF can be used to talk about habitual actions not
set to occur in the future, Poplack & Turpin, 1999). To establish reliability in the coding,
two authors coded every transcript independently and then compared their coding. Any
disagreements were resolved with the help of a third author.
After identifying future-time contexts, we coded each case for the dependent
variable and five independent variables. The verb form used in a future-time context was
the dependent variable. We focused on three of the most frequent forms identified in
Edmonds, Gudmestad, and Donaldson (2017): PF, PI, and IF. The IF warranted special
coding considerations because of homophony in the verb system in Hexagonal French.
First, the first-person singular forms of the conditional (je verrais [I would see]) and the IF
(je verrai [I will see]) tend to be homophonous in informal Hexagonal speech. These forms
maintain a spelling difference in the final morpheme, which reflects the fact that in the past
there was a phonetic difference. Although the phonetic distinction can still occur in
contemporary formal speech (e.g., Armstrong & Pooley, 2010; Hansen, 2016), this present-
day homophony in informal speech means that we could not empirically distinguish first-
person singular IF and conditional forms in our oral data. The analysis of the IF thus
excludes first-person singular forms. Another coding decision pertained to present-tense
forms that conveyed futurity. In French most present forms do not contain overt
morphology that signifies its verbal mood. In other words, although some forms have
morphology that marks them as an indicative or subjunctive form (e.g., tu viens
tu viennes
[you come]), most present forms are homophonous in the indicative and
subjunctive (e.g., j’étudie [I study] in both moods). In addition to this homophony, there is
also evidence of variation in the use of verbal moods in subordinate clauses (e.g.,
Gudmestad & Edmonds, 2015; Poplack, Lealess, & Dion, 2013). Because of these two
characteristics of present forms, which result in some ambiguity in the mood of many
present forms, we distinguished among three forms in dependent clauses: PI, present
subjunctive, and present ambiguous. Given that there is no evidence of mood variation in
independent clauses, we differentiated between two forms: PI and present ambiguous.
Thus, in the current study, our analysis includes PI forms only, whereas in previous
research, it appears that the futurate present also consisted of present ambiguous forms (see
Gudmestad et al., 2018, for a more detailed discussion of coding decisions).
In terms of independent variables, we investigated two levels of the
psycholinguistic model for interlanguage variation (Preston, 2000), namely Level 2 (four
linguistic factors) and Level 1 (one sociostylistic factor). Because we are examining NNSs
at one point in time, we do not consider Level 3 (time) of the model. The independent
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
linguistic factors were sentential polarity, (un)certainty, temporal distance, and lexical
temporal indicator (LTI).
For sentential polarity, we coded for the presence or absence of a
verbal negator (negative and positive sentences, respectively). (Un)certainty reflected
whether the future-time context was accompanied by an overt expression of (un)certainty
in the same clause as the verb or the immediately previous clause. The categories were: the
presence of a certainty marker (e.g., certainement [certainly]), the presence of an
uncertainty marker (e.g., je sais pas [I don’t know]), and the absence of a marker.
temporal distance we identified the distance between the future event and the moment of
speaking. The five categories were: greater than one month, less than one month, less than
one week, today, and ambiguous. The final linguistic factor, LTI, investigated temporal
markers signifying futurity that occurred in the same clause as its corresponding verb
This variable consisted of three categories: the presence of a time-non-specific LTI
(e.g., plus tard [later]), the presence of a time-specific LTI (e.g., aujourd’hui [today]), and
the absence of a LTI.
The sociostylistic factor was topic seriousness. Although this
variable has not, to our knowledge, been investigated with respect to future-time expression
in French, we examined it because we felt that it was the most appropriate way to explore
formality in the current dataset. This issue has most often been investigated in future-time-
reference research with respect to the verb form favoured with the formal vous, but this
pronoun is rare in our dataset. We considered the concept of style, as operationalized by
Regan et al. (2009) but chose instead the concept of topic seriousness, which was explored
in Donaldson’s (2017) study of negation in these data. This decision has the important
advantage of allowing us to compare findings for the same factor across studies involving
the same participant group. More specifically, serious topics (within an otherwise informal
register) have been linked with greater use of the formal variant of variable negation in
French (e.g., Sankoff & Vincent, 1977), a finding that was also borne out in Donaldson
(2017). Such (usually temporary) stylistic shifts within the context of a given register are
labeled “micro-style variation” by Armstrong (2002, p. 171). As the IF has been described
as a formal future-time verb form (e.g., Mougeon et al., 2010), topic seriousness may
influence its use. Following previous literature (e.g., Fonseca-Greber, 2007; Poplack & St-
Amand, 2007), we coded as serious topics discussions of religion, sermons, moralizing,
education, the discipline of children, meetings, one’s profession, and the legal system. All
other topics were coded as non-serious. A final extra-linguistic factor was participant
group; we conducted separate analyses for the NNSs and NSs.
We began the analysis with a cross-tabulation to determine the frequency of use of
the PF, PI, and IF in future-time contexts. Next, using the statistical software R, we
generated a multinomial logistic regression to identify the independent linguistic variables
that conditioned the use of the verb forms under investigation.
This regression analyzes
the PF, PI, and IF in a single model, and, to our knowledge, the current study is the first to
apply this type of statistical analysis to production data for variable future-time expression
in additional language French. It compares one variant of the dependent variable (the
reference point) with the other two variants separately. In the current study the IF is the
reference point and this form is compared to the PF and the PI. We generated separate
multinomial regression models for the NS and NNS data, testing predictors for three future-
time expression forms: IF, PF, and PI. The best model of the data was selected through a
"step-up" procedure in R in which predictors were added to a bare model one at a time.
Then a model comparison was completed through an ANOVA, resulting in the final model
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
that includes only the predictors that significantly improved the model's ability to predict
the variation observed. The predictors reveal the linguistic and sociostylistic constraints on
the use of the future-time verb forms under investigation and the ways in which they
impact use (i.e., the direction of the effects). To make assessments about targetlike use, we
compare the NS and NNS groups’ frequency of use of the three verb forms and the factors
that condition this use.
The NNSs produced 345 future-time contexts and the NSs produced 308 future-
time contexts. We begin with the frequency of use of the three verb forms under
investigation (Table 1). Descriptively, the largest difference between the two participant
groups is with the IF. The NSs used the IF more frequently than the NNSs (23.1% versus
14.5%, respectively). As concerns the hierarchy of use, the NNSs used the PF most often,
followed by the PI, and, lastly, the IF. The NSs paralleled this use somewhat, though their
use was not dramatically different between the PI and IF.
Table 1
Frequency of verb forms
Verb form
For the second phase of the analysis, we generated a multinomial regression for
each participant group to identify the linguistic and sociostylistic factors that influenced use
of the PF, IF, and PI in future-time contexts. As previously mentioned, this statistical test
compares a reference point of the dependent variable (IF) against the other two forms
independently (PF and PI). Just as with the dependent variable, the test considers a
reference point of an independent variable against the other categories of that variable. The
reference points in the current study are the categories of today (temporal distance), none
(LTI), absence of a negator (polarity), and non-serious (seriousness of topic). For example,
for LTI, instances of future-time reference with no adverbial specification (the reference
point) were compared, separately, to cases where a time-specific LTI was present and to
cases involving a time-non-specific LTI. Although we began the analysis with the inclusion
of a fourth linguistic factor, (un)certainty, we were not able to include this variable in the
regression model due to the low occurrence of (un)certainty markers.
The details of the
regression models are available in Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5. In these tables a negative
coefficient means that the likelihood of using the PI or the PF is lower than the IF with a
given factor. Similarly, a positive coefficient means that the likelihood of using the PI or
PF is higher than the IF with a given factor. The p value shows whether the presence of that
predictor significantly predicts the future-time verb form (values less than < 0.05 are
statistically significant).
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
Tables 2 and 3 illustrate the results of a single multinomial regression model for the
NNSs. The NNS model demonstrates that LTI and topic seriousness, but not temporal
distance or polarity, predicted verb-form use in future-time contexts (see the Appendix for
the distribution of the verb forms according to temporal distance and polarity). Regarding
LTI, the NNSs were more likely to use the PI than the IF in the presence of a time-specific
LTI compared to the absence of a LTI. No significant effects for LTI were observed for the
PF-IF comparison. Moreover, the NNSs were less likely to use the PI and PF compared to
the IF when the discourse topic was serious. In other words, serious topics significantly
predicted the use of the IF.
Table 2
Multinomial regression model for NNSs: PF vs IF
Standard error
p value
(reference point: none)
(reference point: non-serious)
Note. Significant effects are in bold.
Table 3
Multinomial Regression Model for NNSs: PI vs IF
Standard error
p value
(reference point: none)
(reference point: non-serious)
Note. Significant effects are in bold.
Turning to the NSs, the regression model revealed that all four factors worked
together to predict the use of the PF, IF, and PI in future-time contexts. The PF-IF
comparison (Table 4) shows that these NSs were less likely to use the PF than the IF when
an event was less than a week away compared to today. There was no significant difference
between these forms and the other categories of temporal distance. The NSs also exhibited
lower odds of using the PF over the IF when a time-non-specific LTI was present
compared to absent, but there was no significant difference with time-specific LTIs. In
terms of polarity, they were less likely to use the PF than the IF when a verbal negator was
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
present (i.e., negative). There was no significant difference between the IF and PF with
regard to seriousness of topic. Concerning the PI-IF comparison (Table 5), these NSs
showed higher odds of using the PI versus the IF when a time-specific LTI was present
compared to absent. There was no significant difference between time-non-specific LTIs
and the absence of a LTI. For topic seriousness, they were less likely to use the PI
compared to the IF when the topic was serious. The model did not reveal significant
differences between these two verb forms with regard to temporal distance or polarity.
Table 4
Multinomial regression model for NSs: PF vs IF
Standard error
p value
(reference point: today)
less than a week
less than a month
greater than a month
(reference point: none)
(reference point: positive)
(reference point: non-serious)
Note. Significant effects are in bold.
! !
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
Table 5
Multinomial Regression Model for NSs: PI vs IF
Standard error
p value
(reference point: today)
less than a week
less than a month
greater than a month
(reference point: none)
(reference point: positive)
(reference point: non-serious)
Note. Significant effects are in bold.
When we compare the linguistic factors in the NNS and NS models, we see that
temporal distance and polarity were influential factors for the NSs, but these factors were
not significant for the NNSs. However, LTI was a significant constraint for both groups.
Although the NNSs did not exhibit the targetlike significant effect for time-non-specific
LTIs in the PF-IF comparison, they were similar to the NSs with the time-specific LTIs and
PI-IF comparison. In terms of the sociostylistic factor of topic seriousness, the NSs were
more likely to use the IF than the PI with serious topics but showed no differences with this
factor for the PF-IF comparison. For the NNSs, however, this effect was significant for the
PI-IF and PF-IF comparisons. Thus, they were nativelike insofar as serious topics
significantly predicted the use of the IF compared to the PI, although their sensitivity to
seriousness was stronger than that of the NSs, as it also constrained the PF-IF comparison.
In general, this analysis revealed a similarity in the hierarchy of verb-form frequency and
differences in the contexts of use of these forms, which appear to demonstrate that this
group of NNSs is not entirely nativelike in their use of the IF, PF, and PI in contexts of
future-time expression.
In what follows, we offer answers to the research questions based on the present
investigation’s findings. We also briefly compare the results on future-time expression to
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
those on interrogatives and negation (Donaldson, 2016, 2017) in order to better understand
the use of variable structures by the same group of NNSs. Then, we turn to a discussion of
the current study’s overarching contributions. Specifically, we elaborate on the
implications of multiple, complementary investigations of a single dataset for advancing
knowledge of SLA in general and sociolinguistic competence in particular.
Main findings
The first research question concerned the NNSs’ frequency of use of the PF, PI, and
IF in future-time contexts and how these rates of use compared to those of the NS
interlocutors. The NNSs used the PF most often, followed by the PI, and, lastly, the IF in
informal conversations. This general frequency pattern is similar to some study-abroad
learners (Howard, 2012b) and to immersion learners (Mougeon et al., 2010; Nadasdi et al.,
2003), who used the PF most often in a semi-guided interview. Furthermore, the results
demonstrated that, for the most part, the NNSs paralleled the NSs’ hierarchy of use. One
final observation concerning frequency pertains to the IF, which has been cited as the
formal verb form for future-time expression (e.g., Mougeon et al., 2010): the NNSs used
this form less often than the NSs. Whereas there is ample evidence in the literature showing
that (especially classroom) learners tend to overuse the formal variant, the pattern in the
current dataset suggests that these NNSs do not exhibit pragmatic conservatism (van
Compernolle, 2015) with future-time expression. This finding is consistent with results
found for interrogative forms and negation with the same group of participants (Donaldson,
2016, 2017) and may be related to the fact that they have many “active commitments”
(Mougeon & Rehner, 2015) to the target language and their community, meaning they are
well integrated into the community and do not consider themselves to be outsiders.
The second research question investigated which factors predicted NNSs’ use of the
IF, PF, and PI in future-time contexts and how these predictive factors compared to those
of the NSs. We found that the linguistic factor of LTI and the sociostylistic factor of topic
seriousness were included in the NNS model. The NNSs were less likely to use the IF,
versus the PI, when a time-specific LTI was present. Additionally, they were more likely to
use the IF, compared to the PF or PI, when the discourse topic was serious. These results
differ from previous variationist work on future-time expression in additional language
French among study-abroad learners in which the occurrence of future-time verb forms was
constrained by a range of linguistic factors such as temporal distance, LTI, and polarity
(Gudmestad & Edmonds, 2016; Regan et al., 2009), but they are similar to Nadasdi et al.
(2003), who found that adverbial specification (i.e., LTI) was the sole linguistic predictor
for immersion learners. Differences among these investigations in terms of data types and
French proficiency, however, make it difficult to draw conclusions about these divergent
findings. In contrast to the NNSs, the NSs exhibited significant effects for the three
independent linguistic variables included in the multinomial regression: temporal distance,
polarity, and LTI. Topic seriousness was included in the regression model but, unlike the
NNSs, a significant effect was found for the PI-IF comparison only. The NSs’ preference
for the IF compared to the PI with serious topics corroborates the claim that the IF is a
formal variant (cf. Mougeon et al., 2010; Roberts, 2012).
Considering both predictive models together, the findings indicated that, despite
having converged toward a NS target for negation and interrogatives (as discussed in
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
Additional language variation), these NNSs exhibited some differences from the NS group
with variable future-time expression, insofar as two linguistic factors that significantly
influenced NS use were not included in the NNS model. Moreover, we found that the
NNSs were more constrained by topic seriousness than the NSs because this factor
conditioned their use of not only the PI-IF comparison, but also the PF-IF distinction. The
results for this factor suggest that the NNSs have made a stronger association between the
IF and formality than the NSs. Perhaps worth noting as well is that the findings for the
NNS regression model appear to indicate that these NNSs are sensitive to style and
characteristics of discourse, more so than linguistic factors – at least with regard to the
constraints under investigation. This observation stems from the results that two of the
linguistic factors under investigation (polarity and temporal distance) did not impact their
use of future-time verb forms, that LTI was significant for the PI-IF comparison only, and
that topic serious constrained use for both comparisons (i.e., all verb forms under
investigation). Whereas research has shown that stylistic variation is an acquisitional
challenge for non-native speakers (e.g., Sax, 2003), this group of NNSs is sensitive to a
subtle indicator of style – topic seriousness – in their use of variable future-time
Overarching contributions to SLA
Rich, multifaceted analyses of a single group of non-native speakers have become
more feasible, thanks in part to researchers who have made additional language corpora
publicly available, allowing for many different researchers to work on the same dataset
(e.g., Granger, 2009; MacWhinney, 2000; Mitchell, Tracy-Ventura, & McManus, 2017).
This trend stands to improve the generalizability of findings, which can be difficult to
achieve when scholars are faced with making comparisons across investigations with
diverse research designs. We agree with the need for a multifaceted approach to SLA
research and argue that it is essential for furthering the understanding of additional
languages in general and of near-native sociolinguistic competence more specifically. In
the case of the current dataset, these informal, unguided conversations have been used to
investigate multiple variable structures. We are thus able to articulate our new findings on
future-time expression with the existing research on these speakers, resulting in a more
nuanced characterization of near-native sociolinguistic competence in informal French than
would otherwise be possible. Specifically, although these NNSs’ use of interrogative forms
and negation were largely targetlike (Donaldson, 2016, 2017), they exhibited various
patterns in their use of the PF, IF, and PI in future-time contexts that differed from the
patterns of the NS group. Thus, this comparison of findings from different linguistic
phenomena and the same participant population enables us to see that these NNSs have
exhibited differing outcomes for these variable structures, and, consequently, leads to a
follow-up question: why have these NNSs converged with NSs to a larger degree with
interrogatives and negation than future-time expression? While a complete answer to this
question is beyond the scope of the current investigation, we offer a preliminary reflection
on the question of varying outcomes of variable structures that emerged from our
comparison of the current study, Donaldson (2016), and Donaldson (2017). Ultimately, our
hope is to encourage more analyses of a single participant pool that aim to contribute to the
understanding of sociolinguistic competence.
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
We focus our reflection on differing outcomes of variable structures on the
formality of the variants. As mentioned in the Background section, sociolinguistic research
has classified different variants on the basis of their level of formality (e.g., Mougeon et al.,
2010) and variationist research has suggested that this feature plays a role in additional
language development. In particular, instructed learners tend to use formal variants at
higher rates than informal or neutral variants (e.g., Howard, 2012a; Kanwit, Geeslin, &
Fafulas, 2015; Mougeon et al., 2010), showing evidence of non-native pragmatic
conservatism (van Compernolle, 2015). Moreover, Kanwit et al. (2015), in their study of
three variable morphosyntactic structures among study-abroad learners in Mexico and
Spain, hypothesized that the level of consciousness with regard to whether variants carry
stigma or prestige among NSs likely impacts the input learners receive, which in turn could
influence acquisition. Although what is meant by “level of consciousness” remains to be
operationalized clearly, this observation seems to suggest in part that the salience of a
variant’s formality may impact additional language development (see Gass, Spinner, &
Behney, 2018, for recent research on salience, and Billieaz & Buson, 2013, for a discussion
of perceived formality of different variable features in Hexagonal French).
Concerning the variable structures at hand, each has a formal variant: ne retention
(negation), interrogative inversion (interrogative forms), and the IF (future-time
expression) (Armstrong, 2001; Mougeon et al., 2010). Despite this similarity, research on
the NNSs under investigation reveals differing outcomes with regard to targetlike use for
these forms and the variable structures as a whole. It will be recalled that these NNSs
appeared to be more targetlike with negation and interrogative forms than the future-time
expression. One possible hypothesis for the varying outcomes with these three variable
structures may have to do with the relative degree of formality of the variants. For instance,
although it may be the case that many variable structures have a formal variant, the level of
formality expressed when a speaker opts for the IF may be relatively lower than that of ne
retention and interrogative inversion, which may communicate a comparatively high level
of formality (see Mougeon et al., who rank variants along a continuum in terms of
formality, with five different levels of (in)formality). If true, this observation could
essentially mean that the stakes are higher for NNSs who have not mastered a variable
structure whose variants diverge notably in terms of formality (such as negation and
interrogatives) than for a variable structure whose variants show less divergence (i.e.,
future-time expression). In other words, consequences associated with non-nativelike use
of variable structures may vary from one structure to the next. This may be because the use
of a less formal variant (such as the PF or PI) in formal contexts may be less stigmatized
than the use of informal variants for the other two variable structures (cf. Kanwit et al.,
2015). Another possibility is that these three formal variants may be similar in their level of
formality, but that IF is a less salient indicator of formality than ne retention and
interrogative inversion, so NNSs could be less aware of this sociostylistic feature (see
Billiez & Buson, 2013). It may also be, however, that the degree to which NNSs feel
integrated into the target community and the extent to which they share the values of
formality present in the community (cf. Mougeon & Rehner, 2015) impact whether the
salience of the formality level of variants plays a role in differing outcomes among variable
In sum, by comparing the current study’s results on future-time expression to those
on negation and interrogatives, we were able to make a new observation about this group of
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
NNSs’ sociolinguistic competence: at least with regard to specific linguistic and
sociostylistic constraints, they appeared to be less nativelike with future-time expression
than the other variable structures under investigation. We believe that this observation is
valuable, and we also hope to have shown that multiple, complementary analyses of the
same dataset offer great potential for furthering knowledge about near-native
sociolinguistic competence. While our preliminary reflection on the level of formality of
variants is not a generalizable conclusion, it is a hypothesis that emerged from multifaceted
analyses of a single dataset. Finally, we wish to stress that, although we have focused on
formality, complementary analyses have the potential to be beneficial for furthering
knowledge of other explanatory factors at play in the development of sociolinguistic
The current study has provided new knowledge about sociolinguistic competence in
additional language French by conducting a variationist analysis of the use of the IF, PF,
and PI to express futurity in informal conversations between NNSs and NSs. The findings
for the NNSs revealed both nativelike and non-native like patterns of use in terms of the
frequency of occurrence of the forms and the constraints that condition their use. We also
investigated a new sociostylistic factor in the investigation of future-time reference in
French – topic seriousness – and found that it conditioned use for NNSs and NSs.
Moreover, by comparing the current study’s findings to those of other examinations of
variation from the same dataset (Donaldson, 2016, 2017), we have offered important
contributions to SLA. The present investigation, in conjunction with Donaldson (2016,
2017), serves as an example of research that has conducted multifaceted analyses of the
same dataset and has shown that these types of analyses are important for further
developing a comprehensive understanding of near-native sociolinguistic competence. We
advocate, furthermore, that multiple, complementary analyses of a single participant group
are essential for advancing the understanding of additional language acquisition more
Correspondence should be addressed to Aarnes Gudmestad.
We use this abbreviation to refer exclusively to near-native speakers, not non-native
speakers more generally. We recognize that near-nativeness is complex and operationalize
near-native in a way which is consistent with how other scholars have used this term (e.g.,
Bartning, Forsberg, & Hancock, 2009; Birdsong, 1992; Birdsong & Molis, 2001; Coppieters,
We do not use the terms ‘native-speaker norm/target’ and ‘NSs’ to refer to a monolingual
target. Instead, we use them generally to refer to individuals who have been exposed to the
target language since birth and who have had varying degrees of exposure to additional
CJAL * RCLA Gudmestad, Edmonds, Donaldson & Carmichael
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
Due to space constraints, see Geeslin & Long (2014) for a discussion on the evaluation of
linguistic variables and the difference between same-meaning and same-function variation
(p. 31).
In Gudmestad et al. (2018) we investigated 12 NSs of Hexagonal French, 10 of whom we
examine in the current study. Since the focus of this previous investigation was on the role
of the present indicative in future-time contexts, we do not discuss it here.
Most of this research has adopted a sociolinguistic perspective (see Ayoun, 2014, and
Moses, 2002, for exceptions). Although there is work on different data types, the results do
not show a clear divergence by task type.
The size of the participant pool prevents us from being able to investigate the role of
intensity of contact with NSs (Blondeau et al., 2014). We leave this issue to future
Since most of the participants are women, it may be that the current study’s findings
reflect women’s speech. Whether there are gender differences for future-time reference and
this population is left to future research.
Given the homophony between the conditional and IF in the first-person singular and the
fact that vous was very infrequent in the dataset, we did not include grammatical person in
the analysis.
Our operationalization of this factor diverges from Wagner and Sankoff (2011) because
quand ‘when’ and si ‘if’ statements were so infrequent that we were not able to examine
them as separate categories.
See Gudmestad et al. (2018) for a discussion of this variable and an operationalization of
LTI that goes beyond the clause level.
Although some researchers have called this factor adverbial specification, we use the
term LTI in order to make the distinction between morphological marking of futurity on
verbs and other (mostly lexical) marking of futurity. LTI includes the latter only. Our use
of LTI is also consistent with our previous work on this dataset (Edmonds et al., 2017 and
Gudmestad et al., 2018).
We recognize that it has become increasingly common in applied linguistics to generate
mixed-effects models with fixed effects and a random effect for participant. However,
although it is possible to run mixed-effects models in R, the dependent variable must be
binary. At the time we analyzed the data, R did support mixed-effects models when the
dependent variable is multinomial, which is the case in the current study. Nevertheless, we
compared the results reported here to a set of Bonferroni-corrected binary regression models
including participant as a random effect. These models revealed similar results to those found
with the two multinomial models.
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Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics: 23, 1 (2020): 169-191!
The NNSs used 34 certainty markers, 19 uncertainty markers, and 292 cases without an
(un)certainty marker. The NSs produced 24 certainty markers, 11 uncertainty markers, and
273 contexts without an (un)certainty marker.
See Mougeon et al. (2010), Howard (2012a), and Kanwit et al. (2015) for other research
that has investigated multiple variable structures with the same participant pool.
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Table A1
Distribution of verb forms according to temporal distance for NNSs
Temporal distance
Less than a week
Less than a month
Greater than a month
Table A2
Distribution of verb forms according polarity for NNSs