The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
is one of the most commonly injured
ligaments in the knee. Approximately
150,000 ACL injuries occur in the United
States each year. Female athletes par-
ticipating in basketball and soccer are
two to eight times more likely to suffer
an ACL injury compared to their male
counterparts. Recent data from the
Women’s National Basketball Association
indicates white European-American
players may be at increased risk for
ACL injury compared with African-
American, Hispanic or Asian players.
Athletes who have suffered an ACL
injury are at increased risk of developing
arthritis later on in life, even if they have
surgery for the injury. ACL injuries
account for a large health care cost
estimated to be over half-billion dollars
each year.
Researchers believe there are external
and internal factors associated with
ACL injury. External factors include
any play where the injured athlete’s
coordination is disrupted just prior to
landing or slowing down (deceleration).
Examples of a disruption include being
bumped by another player, landing in
a pothole, or a ball deflection. Other
external factors which have been stud-
ied include the effect(s) of wearing a
brace, shoe-surface interface (how
certain types of athletic footwear
perform on different surfaces), and
the playing surface itself.
Internal factors include differences
in the anatomy of men and women,
increased hamstring flexibility, increased
foot pronation (flat-footed), hormonal
effects, and variations in the nerves
and muscles which control the position
of the knee. Anatomical differences
between men and women, such as a
wider pelvis and a tendency towards
“knock knee” in women, may predispose
women to ACL injury. Differences in ACL
injury rates between men and women
seem to begin shortly after puberty
because the nerve/muscle system
(coordination) adapts at a slower pace
than the anatomical and hormonal
changes. It is possible that the incidence
of injuries in women increases at this
age because the nerve/muscle system
(coordination) adapts to these changes
at a slower rate than in men. Women
also tend to have knees that are less
stiff than men, placing more forces on
the ligaments. In addition, the female
hormone estrogen may relax or allow
stretching of the ACL, thereby predis-
posing female athletes to ACL injury.
Nerve/muscle factors pertain to the
interaction and control of the knee by
the quadriceps and hamstrings muscles
in the legs. Researchers are very inter-
ested in studying this particular factor
since it may be the easiest to modify.
Careful study of videos of athletes
tearing an ACL show that approximately
70 percent of these injuries are non-
contact and 30 percent occur during
contact. The noncontact injuries usually
occur during landing or sharp decelera-
tion. In these cases, the knee at the
time of injury is almost straight and
may be associated with valgus (inward)
collapse (see Figure 1). The athlete
often lands with a flat-foot position
and the leg is placed in front or to the
side of the trunk.
Figure 1
Figure 2
everal prevention programs have been
developed in an attempt to decrease
the incidence of noncontact ACL injuries.
The focus of current prevention
programs is on proper nerve/muscle
control of the knee. These programs
focus on plyometrics, balance, and
strengthening/stability exercises.
Plyometrics is a rapid, powerful move-
ment which first lengthens a muscle
(eccentric phase) then shortens it
(concentric phase). The length-short-
ening cycle increases muscular power.
An example would be an athlete jump-
ing off a small box and immediately
jumping back into the air after contact
with the floor.
Balance training commonly involves
use of wobble or balance boards.
On-field balance exercises may include
throwing a ball with a partner while
balancing on one leg.
To improve single-leg core strength
and stability, athletes perform exer-
cises such as jumping and landing on
one leg with the knee flexed and then
momentarily holding that position.
High-intensity plyometrics may be key
in reducing the number of ACL injuries.
To be most successful, plyometric
training should be performed more
than once per week for a minimum
of six weeks. Athletes are taught prop-
r landing techniques which emphasize
landing on the balls of the foot with the
knees flexed and the chest over the
knees (see Figure 2). The athlete
should receive feedback on proper
knee position to prevent inward buck-
ling. Many of the newer programs are
being adapted by coaches as an integral
part of warm-up during practice, such
as jumping over a soccer ball and
landing in the correct position.
Boden BP, Dean GS Feagin JA et al.
Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament
injury. Orthopedics. 200;23:573-578.
Hewett TE, Lindenfeld TN, Riccobene JV et
al. The effect of neuromuscular training on the
incidence of knee injury in female athletes:
A prospective study. American Journal of
Sports Medicine. 1999;27:699-706.
Mandelbaum BR, Silvers HJ, Watanabe D et
al. Effectiveness of a neuromuscular and
proprioceptive training program in prevent-
ing anterior cruciate ligament injuries in
female athletes: Two year follow up.
American Journal of Sports Medicine.
Expert Consultant:
Barry P. Boden, MD
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