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May/June 2016
Volume 35
Number 3 161
As young athletes become more and more competitive,
the risk for lower extremity injuries increases as well.
Injuries may be noted to the bony architecture, as seen in
fractures and Osgood–Schlatter’s disease, or may affect
the ligaments and muscles. One of these ligaments, the
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), is a signifi cant stabi-
lizer in the knee, and an injury to this can be a devastat-
ing event for a young athlete. It has been noted that fe-
male athletes, particularly those in the postpubescent
age, are at a three times greater risk for injury to the ACL
than same-age male counterparts ( Dharamsi & LaBella,
2013 ; Sutton & Bullock, 2013 ; Zazulak, Hewett, Reeves,
Goldberg, & Cholewicki, 2007 ). The injury initially
causes pain, followed by disability during the treatment
and recovery phase (often lasting 9–12 months), may in-
volve signifi cant expense ($17,000–$88,000 per injury),
and cause long-term consequences to the athlete
( Dharamsi & LaBella, 2013 ; Mather et al., 2013 ). Risk
factors erroneously thought to be the reasons these post-
pubescent female athletes were at risk included anatom-
ical differences (narrow quadriceps [Q] angle, narrow
intracondylar notch), hormonal changes ( Griffi n et al.,
2000 ; Postma & West, 2013 ; Sutton & Bullock, 2013 ),
lack of experience ( Sutton & Bullock, 2013 ), and even
poor coaching. Recently, studies have suggested the
greatest risk for ACL injury is weak core strength and
decreased proprioception, which are modifi able risk fac-
tors ( Dharamsi & LaBella, 2013 ; Griffi n et al., 2000 ;
Postma & West, 2013 ; Sadoghi, vonKeudell, & Vavken,
2012 ; Sutton & Bullock, 2013 ; Walden, Atroshi,
Magnusson, Wagner, & Hagglund, 2012 ; Zazulak,
Cholewicki, & Reeves, 2008 ; Zazulak et al., 2007 ). If an
injury prevention program (IPP) was designed to ad-
dress core strength and proprioception, would the post-
pubescent female athlete have a decreased risk of an ACL
The purpose of this study was to evaluate an ACL IPP
that was created on the basis of evidence of the best
means of reducing these modifi able risk factors, that is,
increasing core strength and proprioception. Exercises
from functional and applied kinesthetic science were
used as the basis for creating this program, as well as
principles for creating success in a sports season with
young female athletes, coaches, and athletic trainers.
The problem statement for this study was as follows: “In
female athletes participating in soccer (a noncontact
sport), will participation in an ACL IPP increase core
strength and proprioception over the course of a sports
season?” The hypothesis was that participation in the
IPP would increase core strength and proprioception at
the end of the sports season. Independent variables
were the measures of core strength and proprioception,
determined by six tests. Dependent variables were pre-
and postseason testing results.
BACKGROUND: In female high school athletes, soccer
continues to be a high-risk sport for sustaining an anterior
cruciate ligament injury
. Literature reviews indicate the best
injury prevention programs (IPPs) focus on increasing core
strength and proprioception in this age group.
PURPOSE: An IPP was created for a small Midwestern high
school girls’ soccer team. The goal of the study was to
evaluate the ef
fectiveness of the IPP on core strength and
METHODS: The IPP incorporated functional movement ap-
plied science and exer
cises. Students were tested pre- and
postseason. Results were analyzed using paired-samples t
RESULTS: Statistically signifi cant r
esults in improved core
measures were noted.
CONCLUSION: This IPP, which utilized functional movement
and training, could be utilized by other teams for incr
core strength and proprioception of players, as well as add-
ing to the body of literature utilizing functional movement.
Establishment and Evaluation of an
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Prevention Program
Rebecca Liebert
Rebecca Liebert, DNP, MSN, NP-C, ONP-C, Orthopaedic Nurse
Practitioner, Tomah Memorial Hospital, Tomah, WI; and Assistant
Professor, Family Nurse Practitioner Program, Viterbo University,
LaCrosse, WI.
The author has disclosed no confl icts of interest.
DOI: 10.1097/NOR.0000000000000245
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162 Orthopaedic Nursing
May/June 2016
Volume 35
Number 3 © 2016 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
Literature Review
A literature search was conducted on CINAHL,
MEDLINE, PubMed, and EBSCO utilizing delimiters of
“peer reviewed,” “anterior cruciate ligament,” “female
athlete,” and “injury prevention.” The focus of the
search included evaluation of existing IPPs and studies
predicting risk for ACL injury. In addition, searches
The Journal of the American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons
and well as
The Journal of Bone
and Joint Surgery
were conducted. The number of arti-
cles from all sources was narrowed to 149. Numerous
articles were utilized from collaborating disciplines,
such as physical therapy, strength and conditioning, re-
search journals, and theory articles. Studies and articles
were included if they were less than 6 years old, al-
though some studies were reviewed for historical sig-
nifi cance, because frequency of injury of the ACL in the
female athlete has been documented in literature since
the 1990s. Multiple Level 1 (strong evidence in rand-
omized controlled trials, cohort studies) and Level 2
(prospective cohorts) studies were used, as well as sev-
eral meta-analyses and systematic reviews.
Compared with males, females have a narrower intra-
condylar notch, more narrow Q angle, hormonal fl uc-
tuations, and decreased quadriceps strength ( Boden,
Sheehan, Torg, & Hewett, 2010 ; Dharamsi & LaBella,
2013 ; Postma & West, 2013 ; Sutton & Bullock, 2013 ). In
addition, female athletes were noted to have decreased
core strength and proprioception ( Zazulak et al., 2007 ).
These areas of weakness cause the female athlete to land
with an increased valgus stance, have poorer neuromus-
cular and quadriceps control in maneuvers, increased
dependence on bones for landing technique versus mus-
cle strength, and have weaker cores causing trunk insta-
bility with poor balance techniques ( Boden et al., 2010 ;
Dharamsi & LaBella, 2013 ; Griffi n et al., 2000 ).
The greatest increase of ACL injuries has been noted in
the female soccer athlete, particularly between the ages
of 16–18 years (some studies noted the ages of
15–19 years), and these females were at 3:1 increased risk
of injury to the ACL compared with the same-age male
athlete ( Bien, 2011 ; Dharamsi & LaBella, 2013 ; Noyes,
Barber-Westin, Tutalo-Smith, & Campbell, 2013 ; Sutton
& Bullock, 2013 ). Ford, Shapiro, Myer, Van Den Bogert,
and Hewett (2010) noted a signifi cant increase in injuries
in female athletes who have commenced puberty.
In order for an IPP to be successful, several components
must be present. First, the program must contain meas-
ures to strengthen the core and involve neuromuscular
control ( Bien, 2011 ; LaBella et al., 2011 ; Postma & West,
2013 ; Walden et al., 2012 ; Zazulak et al., 2007 ). Neither
the meta-analyses nor the Level 1 studies were able to
determine what the best specifi c exercises were. Second,
the IPP needs to be between 15 and 20 minutes, which
makes it easier to learn, and is more replicable in the
off-season ( Gilchrist et al., 2008 ; LaBella et al., 2011 ;
Pfi le et al., 2013 ). Third, a program should be low cost,
with little equipment necessary, and easy to implement
( Swart et al., 2014 ). For this IPP, functional science lit-
erature was examined for exercises to incorporate those
exercises that would include functional movement, as
sports occur in motion, versus static strengthening
( Bien, 2011 ; Myer, Ford, Palumbo, & Hewett, 2005 ;
Noyes et al., 2013 ; Reid, Birmingham, Stratford, Alcock,
& Giffi n, 2007 ; Zazulak et al., 2008 ).
Components of the IPP
On the basis of the aforementioned literature review, a
15-minute program was developed that involved no ad-
ditional costs or equipment other than utilized by the
soccer team already. The exercises chosen in this pro-
gram were based on functional movement and consisted
of fi ve exercises: the common lunge matrix (see Figure 1 ),
single leg hop, single leg deadlift, soccer ball toss, and
shuttle run. Most of the exercises were simple to begin
with and then progressed to an advanced level for the
athlete ready to safely advance. The common lunge ma-
trix, developed by Gary Gray of the Gray Institute ( www. ), has been rigorously tested for
strength training. YouTube videos are available to learn
how to perform these exercises (https://
com/watch?v = hNdfemgY9KI ). In addition, the re-
searcher produced videos of these exercises for demon-
stration purposes for the participants. The common
lunge matrix uses functional movement of lunges in the
frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes (see Figure 1).
These exercises were performed in a rotation, alternating
right and left legs ( Myer et al., 2005 ). With increasing
strength, athletes could progress to a lunge hop. This ro-
tation lasted about 5 minutes. The single leg hop ( Myer
et al., 2005 ) had athletes alternating hopping on each leg
for 15-second intervals for 2 minutes. As athletes pro-
gressed, they could advance to hopping forward and
backward, as well as lateral and rotational hops. A single
leg deadlift ( Bien, 2011 ) was performed for 3 minutes.
Again, this exercise could be progressed to hopping, as
well as using a water or sports bottle to lift as an added
weight to increase core strengthening and stability. The
soccer ball toss ( Bien, 2011 ; Cowley & Swensen, 2008 )
was performed standing on one leg, which increased
core stability while throwing. This exercise was done
with a partner and lasted about 2 minutes. Finally, the
team was divided into partners for a shuttle run incorpo-
rating forward/reverse/lateral and karaoke (also known
as grapevine) running styles (https://
watch?v = maI6ZXtoYsA ). This lasted approximately 3
minutes. These exercises involved only the student and
inexpensive accessories—water bottles and soccer balls,
both of which were an integral part of practice.
The Promoting Action on Research Implementation in
Health Services (PARIHS) framework was utilized as
the basis of this project. PARIHS puts evidence-based
practice into action ( Ciliska et al., 2011 ). Stetler,
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© 2016 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Orthopaedic Nursing
May/June 2016
Volume 35
Number 3 163
Damschroder, Helfrich, and Hagedorn (2011) developed
a guide for use of this model. Their guide is task based,
which was appropriate for this project. Evidence-based
characteristics for this framework includes evaluating
research and guidelines (literature reviews), evaluating
the local environment for change (school and coaches
were supportive), consideration of costs (none to mini-
mal), and compatibility of the practice change.
Contextual readiness for implementation included the
culture, targeted group, and leadership support, which
were sought by the athletic director, coaches, students,
and school board. The researcher needed both expecta-
tions and activities to be discussed with the participants
(which included parents as well), availability on-site for
interaction with others (both at practice and at games to
answer questions of parents), and able to identify the
purpose of this change. Finally, successful implementa-
tion of this model included development of the plan, in-
cluding clinical interventions (development of the IPP),
matching patient (increased core strength and proprio-
ception), and organizational (decreased injuries) out-
comes, with evaluation of their success (postseason test-
ing) and remaining focused on interventions that will be
evaluated prospectively, while examining strengths and
weaknesses of the study during implementation as well
as retrospectively.
FIGURE 1. Soccer exercises.
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164 Orthopaedic Nursing
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Volume 35
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A total of 49 subjects participating in soccer at a small
Midwestern high school were asked to participate in the
study. The sample was a convenience sample, including
all students participating in soccer, as the IPP was going
to become part of the practice warm-up. Educational
information was given at team meetings for students
and parents, allowing for question and answers. E-mail
addresses and phone numbers of researchers were pro-
vided for students. Students were assured that failure to
complete postseason testing would not affect their play-
ing time in games. Students younger than 18 years had
parental assent; those 18 years and older completed con-
sents. The investigational review board of Graceland
University of Independence, Independence, MO, ap-
proved the study. School board, athletic director, ath-
letic trainer, and coach approval was sought before con-
ducting the program. Confi dentiality of participants was
ensured, as each student was assigned a random num-
ber for testing. Demographic sheets with identifying in-
formation were only available to the primary researcher
and kept off-site. Two students were injured preseason
and unable to test. Sixteen more students were unable to
complete postseason testing (two quit, two were not al-
lowed because of academic performance, four had other
injuries [head, arm, hip], and eight students were una-
ble to attend the postseason testing sessions). Thirty-one
students completed the program.
The athletes were given educational material in multi-
ple ways to ensure proper form of doing the exercises.
The team captain was videotaped performing all the
exercises, and these tapes were provided on the team
social media page for review before and during the sea-
son. The athletic trainer was photographed doing the
exercises, and a training sheet was given to the students
as well as the coaches for referral. The primary and sec-
ondary investigators attended practice three times
weekly the fi rst 4 weeks and then once weekly to moni-
tor the students’ form during practice. The investigators
made themselves available for questions of the students
to ensure safety and competency during the exercises at
practice, as well as at home games to meet with parents
and answer questions if needed.
Data were collected pre- and postseason by the investi-
gators of the study. The testing stations included
validated exercises determined from the literature
review as measures of core strength and neuromuscular
General Demographics
Each participant completed a demographic sheet (see
Figure 2 ). Figure 2 noted name, assigned identifi cation
number for confi dentiality, birth date, parental assent or
student consent, onset of menarche, and assessment of
access to social media and educational materials. Figure 3
noted ID number, height, weight, body mass index, as
well as testing measures described in the following text.
Functional Pre- and Postseason Testing
The Star Excursion “Y balance” test is considered a gold
standard for neuromuscular control, as there is little
room for testing error, it has proven reliability and va-
lidity, and it tests movement in multiple directions in a
short amount of time ( Bien, 2011 ; Plisky, Rauh,
Kaminski, & Underwood, 2006 ). To increase reliability
of these results, two individuals trained in proper test-
ing, conducted both pre- and postseason testing.
Additional tests included the single leg hop and hold
( Reid et al., 2007 ), triple crossover hop ( Lim et al., 2009 ;
Mandelbaum et al., 2005 ; Reid et al., 2007 ), superman
( Bien, 2011 ), and the shuttle run (“T” test) for speed and
agility ( Lim et al., 2009 ; Mandelbaum et al., 2005 ; Noyes
et al., 2013 ; Semenick, 1990 ). The measurement of hip
internal and external range of motion was completed by
the same investigator pre- and postseason to reduce risk
of interrater reliability error (see Figure 3 ).
Likert Scale for Subjective Evaluation of
As this program was new to the school soccer program,
student athletes were asked to evaluate the program
using a Likert scale (see Table 1 ). The Likert scale ranged
from 1 to 5, with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5
“strongly agree.” Components of this evaluation in-
cluded ascertaining if the program was easy to learn, if
the educational materials were helpful, and if this pro-
gram would be replicable in the off-season.
All data were analyzed using SPSS software (SPSS,
Chicago, IL). Statistical methods included paired-
tests, evaluating pre- and postseason core
For all paired-samples
tests, the α level was .05. The
total degree of freedom (
) was 30 (31 1 = 30). The
critical value for the
-test statistic, two-tailed test equal
= α /
= .05/30 = 2.042. Each measure of pre- and
postseason testing was compared. A total of 25 pairs of
data sets were evaluated. Samples from each test are in-
cluded in Table 2 .
Findings noted overall improvement of the athletes’
core strength and proprioception. Abdominal strength
improved as evidenced by the simple superman test
= .01, mean improved 9 seconds; see Figure 4).
Speed and agility improved as noted in the shuttle run
test (
= .02), although the difference in time improve-
ment for the test was less than 1 second. The single leg
hop and hold had varied fi ndings, with no signifi cant
improvement noted on the right (
= .29) or left
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© 2016 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Orthopaedic Nursing
May/June 2016
Volume 35
Number 3 165
= .23) single leg hop, or the right triple crossover
and hold (
= .88). However, the left triple crossover
and hold improved signifi cantly (
= .01). Hip external
and internal rotation improved in both hips signifi -
cantly (all with
= .001, except right hip internal rota-
= .002; see Table 2 ). The Y balance test evaluates
each leg in six directions each, for a total of 12 differ-
ent fi ndings (see Figure 5 ). Seven of 12 measures noted
statistically signifi cant improvement (
< .05). Of the
ve measures that did not show statistically signifi cant
changes, four of fi ve applied to the right lower extrem-
ity (see Figure 6 ).
The students were asked to evaluate the program.
Thirty-one students responded. As some students did
not watch the social media videos, the number of re-
spondents to those questions was less than 31 (see
Table 1 ). Results from the student evaluation were posi-
tive, with scores ranging from 3.03 to 4.54 on the Likert
scale. Evaluation of two main goals of this IPP, (1) that
exercises were easy to learn and (2) the exercises would
be replicable in the off-season, scored between “agree”
and “strongly agree” (scores > 4.16). This indicated that
these goals were achieved.
The pre- and postseason scores noted improvement in
many tests. Signifi cance was noted in seven of 12 meas-
ures of the Y balance test. Hip internal and external ro-
tation improved (
< .002), although the exercises fo-
cused on core strength and proprioception, not
increased fl exibility. This improvement may be attrib-
uted to the stretching exercises or overall improvement
in fi tness throughout the season. Times for the shuttle
run improved (
< .028). The superman test was signifi -
cant for change (
< .010), with time increasing from 80
to 89 seconds. The single leg hold and triple crossover
improved for the left leg (
< .049 and
< .022) but not
for the right leg (
< .189 and
< .073). The reason for
this is not determined, but possibly as all exercises were
performed bilaterally, more improvement was noted on
the weaker leg.
FIGURE 2. Participant demographic sheet.
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166 Orthopaedic Nursing
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As noted, components of an IPP, to be successful,
must be replicable in the off-season, easy to learn, and
inexpensive. This IPP required no tools or costs except a
soccer ball (part of the team sport) and water bottles.
The Likert scale evaluating the ability to perform in the
off-season with coaching has a means of 4.35/5. Students
felt the warm-up and practice time was appropriate
(4.06/5) and the exercises were easy to learn (4.16/5).
Interestingly, the perception of challenge of these exer-
cises was only 3.03/5, which may indicate more students
could have advanced to more diffi cult levels of exercises
as the season went on. Multiple methods of learning
were provided for students. Social media was used for
videos, but these had a poor response rate; the paper
handouts were perceived better for learning. The IPP
improved core strength and proprioception as evidenced
FIGURE 3. Pre- and postseason exercise testing. BMI = body mass index.
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May/June 2016
Volume 35
Number 3 167
( SD )
The exercises were easy to learn 31 4.16
The exercises were challenging 31 3.03
I understood why we were doing this IPP 31 3.87
If I had questions, they were answered
31 4.54
The paper handouts helped me learn the
28 4.00
The videos on Facebook helped me learn
the exercises
20 3.30
I feel like I could do this program in the
off-season without someone coaching
31 4.35
The time it took to do the warm-up/IPP
seemed appropriate
31 4.06
Note . IPP = injury prevention program.
Test Name Mean SD N t df p
Pair 1 P R HIR 38.74 6.57 31
30 .002
PO R HIR 42.16 5.21 31
Pair 2 P L HIR 40.51 7.25 31
30 .001
PO L HIR 44.41 6.41 31
Pair 3 P R HER 31.06 6.59 31
30 .001
PO R HER 36.54 5.40 31
Pair 4 P L HER 31.51 4.50 31
30 .001
PO L HER 38.09 3.627 31
Pair 5 P R SLH 59.55 7.24 31
30 .290
PO R SLH 61.09 7.65 31
Pair 6 P R TCH 163.89 27.65 31
30 .880
PO R TCH 164.81 35.27 31
Pair 7 P L TCH 162.93 27.92 31
30 .015
PO L TCH 170.30 24.08 31
Pair 8 P L SLH 59.61 7.96 31
30 .235
PO L SLH 61.27 7.86 31
Note . HER = hip external rotation; HIR = hip internal rotation; L = left; P = preseason; PO = postseason; R = right; SLH = single leg hop
and hold; TCH = triple crossover hop and hold.
by nearly all measurements of pre- and postseason test-
ing. Students found the program easy to learn and rep-
licable in the off-season, but it could have been more
These results indicate that this program design is a
means of increasing core strength and proprioception.
During this sports season, one student was not able to
participate in this program due to a hip injury. She ex-
perienced an ACL tear late season, but there is no direct
correlation that this injury would have been prevented
if she had been able to participate. Another student had
a knee strain. Several others had arm and head injuries
mid-season. Coaches indicated there were more inju-
ries this season than most but perceived there to be
fewer injuries to the knee and lower extremities.
Historically, this school and its female soccer athletes
are perceived to have had a low incidence of ACL injury
but actual statistics of injuries have not been tabulated
in past seasons.
Implications for future research for this school
would be evaluating the incidence of ACL injury over
time to determine if the number of injuries was reduced.
Future doctorate of nursing practice students could cor-
relate these fi ndings over time to determine if this evi-
dence-based practice has long-term success.
Orthopaedic nurses could be involved with education of
student athletes, coaches, and athletic trainers.
Orthopaedic nurse practitioners may be able to evaluate
core strength of patients with other lower extremity in-
juries to determine if core strength assists with other
lower extremity injury prevention. As soccer is a sport
that often begins at the age of 4 or 5 years, incorporating
simple age-appropriate core strength and propriocep-
tive exercises at young ages may be benefi cial as well.
This program could be replicated and tested in larger
studies, or as part of a randomized study, comparing
with other IPP, preexisting warm-up programs, or no
IPP. Weakness of this study included participants lim-
ited to primarily White or northern European descent,
middle class females in a rural town. The sample size
was small, at 31 athletes. Studies evaluating functional
movement as part of IPPs in soccer are limited. This will
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168 Orthopaedic Nursing
May/June 2016
Volume 35
Number 3 © 2016 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
add to the body of knowledge of functional movement,
but more studies involving these types of movements
are needed.
Future Implications
The framework for this project, PARIHS, may be used in
the future, with similar programs with students partici-
pating in other sports such as volleyball or basketball. In
addition, examining the students over time or multiple
soccer seasons may provide additional data to deter-
mine if an overall decreased number of ACL injuries
would be noted because of establishment or participa-
tion in a program similar to this.
Both the problem statement and hypothesis were an-
swered, in that core strength and proprioception in-
creased by participation in this particular IPP. Future
studies may examine similar areas but may modify the
IPP or the length/duration of a program. This will add to
the body of knowledge for orthopaedic nurses, as well
as physical therapists, athletic trainers, and functional
sports science.
FIGURE 4. Paired-samples t -test statistics Black bars = preseason; gray bars = postseason. (A) Superman. (B) Shuttle and agility
run. PO SH = preseason shuttle and agility run; POSUP = postseason Superman; P SH = preseason shuttle and agility run;
PSUP = preseason Superman.
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May/June 2016
Volume 35
Number 3 169
FIGURE 5. Paired-samples means for Y balance. black = preseason; L = left; LA = left anterior; LAL = left anterolateral; LP = left
posterior; LPL = left posterior lateral; P = preseason; gray = postseason; PO = postseason; R = right; RA = right anterior;
RAL = right anterolateral; RP = right posterior; RPL = right posterior lateral; Y = Y balance.
FIGURE 6. Paired-samples t -test signifi cance for Y balance test. L = left; LA = left anterior; LAL = left anterolateral; LP = left
posterior; LPL = left posterior lateral; P = preseason; PO = postseason; R = right; RA = right anterior; RAL = right anterolateral;
RP = right posterior; RPL = right posterior lateral; Y = Y balance.
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170 Orthopaedic Nursing
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Injury prevention programs are necessary for athletes
of all ages. Because of increasing numbers of ACL in-
juries in female high school athletes, in particular soc-
cer players, it is important to prevent this costly injury
with potential long-term complications. Incorporating
exercises in motion, not just in static planes, has been
shown to increase core strength and proprioception,
which are known measures to decrease risk of ACL
The author thanks Mathew Herbst, MSPT, MS3, for in-
troducing knowledge of functional applied science and
past experience to help create this injury prevention
program, as well as assisting with all pre- and postsea-
son testing.
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Volume 35
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