Effective February 2, 2024
Scholar’s Edge
Plan Description and
Participation Agreement
This Plan Description and Participation Agreement for Scholar’s Edge 529® (Scholar’s Edge or the
Plan) has been identified by the Plan as the Offering Materials intended to provide substantive
disclosure of the terms and conditions of an investment in the Plan. This Plan Description and
Participation Agreement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any
security other than an investment in the Plan offered hereby, nor does it constitute an offer to sell or
the solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction or under any circumstances in which it would be
No security issued by the Plan has been registered with or approved by the United States Securities
and Exchange Commission or any state securities commission. Further, this Plan Description and
Participation Agreement is not subject to oversight by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
(FINRA) or the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).
The information contained in this Plan Description and Participation Agreement is believed to be
accurate as of the date above and is subject to change without prior notice. Account Owners should
rely only on the information contained in the Plan Description and Participation Agreement. No one
is authorized to provide information about Scholar’s Edge that is different from the information
contained in the Plan Description and Participation Agreement. Please visit our website,, for the most current Plan Description and Participation Agreement.
If you are not a New Mexico taxpayer, you should consider before investing whether your or the
Beneficiary’s home state offers a 529 plan that provides its taxpayers with favorable state tax and
other benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors that may only
be available through an investment in the home state’s 529 plan, and which are not available
through an investment in the Plan. Therefore, please consult your financial, tax, or other advisor to
learn more about how state-based benefits (or any limitations) would apply to your specific
circumstances. Keep in mind that state-based benefits should be one of the many appropriately
weighted factors to be considered when making an investment decision.
You should periodically access and, if appropriate, adjust your investment choices with your time
horizon, risk tolerance, and investment objectives in mind. Investing is an important decision. Please
read the Plan Description and Participation Agreement and the Enrollment Form in their entirety
before making an investment decision.
The Plan cannot and does not provide legal, financial, or tax advice and the following information
should not be construed as such with respect to the consequences for any particular individual as a
result of contributions to or distributions from a Plan account.
Section 529 plans are intended to be used only to save for qualified expenses. The Plan is not
intended to be used, nor should it be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of evading U.S. federal or
state taxes or tax penalties. You may wish to seek tax advice from an independent tax advisor based
on your own particular circumstances.
Capitalized terms used in this Plan Description and Participation Agreement are defined throughout
the document and in the Glossary starting on page 10.
This Plan Description and Participation Agreement describes the terms of your Account with
Scholar’s Edge. You should read it before you open your Account.
Getting Started ............................................................................................................................ 4
Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 10
How You Participate ................................................................................................................. 17
How To Take a Distribution from Your Account ..................................................................... 27
Maintaining Your Account ....................................................................................................... 31
Fees and Charges ...................................................................................................................... 35
Important Risks You Should Consider ..................................................................................... 54
Investment Information ............................................................................................................. 59
Investment Performance ........................................................................................................... 73
Important Tax Information ....................................................................................................... 79
General Information .................................................................................................................. 84
Plan Governance ....................................................................................................................... 88
Participation Agreement ........................................................................................................... 90
Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information .................................................. 96
What’s Inside
Getting started with Scholar’s Edge is easy. Just follow these steps:
1. Read this Plan Description and Participation Agreement in its entirety and save it for future
reference. It contains important information you should review before opening an Account,
including information about the benefits and risks of investing.
2. Gather your personal information:
(a) Your Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number
(b) Your Permanent Address (not a post office box)
(c) Your Beneficiary’s Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number and date of birth
(d) Your email address
(e) Your checking or savings account number and your bank’s routing number (if you want to
contribute electronically with a bank transfer)
3. Work with your Financial Professional to complete your Enrollment Form.
4. Instruct your Financial Professional to submit your Enrollment Form to the Plan on your behalf.
Contact Us
Phone: 1.866.529.SAVE (1.866.529.7283)
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mountain Time
Regular Mail: Scholar’s Edge
P.O. Box 219798
Kansas City, MO 64121-9798
Priority Delivery: Scholar’s Edge
1001 E 101
Terrace, Suite 220
Kansas City, MO 64131
Getting Started
About Scholar’s Edge
Scholar’s Edge is a Section 529 plan offered by The Education Trust Board of New Mexico
(the Board or Trustee). Scholar’s Edge is designed to help individuals and families save for
education goals in a tax-advantaged way and offers valuable advantages including tax-
deferred growth, generous contribution limits, attractive Investment Portfolios, and
professional investment management.
Ascensus College Savings Recordkeeping Services, LLC, as the Program Manager, is
responsible for the day-to- day operations of the Plan. Principal Global Investors, LLC (PGI
or Principal), as the investment advisor to the Plan, provides investment management
services to the Plan. Principal Funds Distributor, Inc. (PFD) serves as the distributor of the
Effective June 16, 2023, due to recent legislation in New Mexico, which fully aligned New
Mexico with all Federal IRC Section 529 uses, residents of the state of New Mexico with an
in-state 529 plan can use the assets in their Account for the following, which will now be
considered a qualified use for New Mexico tax purposes:
1. Toward the costs of nearly any public or private, 2-year or 4-year college
nationwide, as long as the student (Beneficiary) is enrolled in a U.S.-accredited
college, university, graduate school, or technical school that is eligible to
participate in U.S. Department of Education student financial aid programs.
2. To pay tuition expenses at a public, private or religious elementary or
secondary school up to $10,000 per student per year.
3. To pay certain expenses required for a registered apprenticeship program.
4. For payments towards qualified education loans up to a $10,000 lifetime limit
per individual.
Deductions from State income taxes for contributions which are used for these purposes will
not be subject to recapture after June 16, 2023, as had previously been the case.
Scholar’s Edge is offered only through certain broker-dealers and properly licensed
investment advisers (Financial Advisers). If you do not wish to work with a Financial
Adviser, the Board also offers a direct-to-consumer Section 529 plan, The Education Plan.
Go to for more information about The Education Plan.
What’s Inside
p. 10-16
This section provides definitions of terms contained in this Plan Description and Participation
Agreement. Note that terms defined in the glossary (other than you and your) appear with initial
capital letters when referenced in this document.
How You Participate
p. 17-26
If you are interested in opening an Account in Scholar’s Edge, you must utilize the services
of a Financial Professional. Your Financial Professional can help you open an Account and
determine which Investment Portfolios best meet your savings goals.
Scholar’s Edge is open to U.S. citizens or resident aliens throughout the United States. You,
as the Account Owner, maintain complete control over the Account and can open Accounts
for any number of Beneficiaries, including yourself. This section will guide you through the
details of opening an Account in Scholar’s Edge, contributing to your Account, maintaining
your Account, using your savings to pay for Qualified Expenses, and closing your Account.
To open an Account, your Financial Professional will work with you to complete an
Enrollment Form, which is a contract between you, as the Account Owner, and the Board,
establishing the obligations of each.
This section also highlights the many ways you can contribute to your Account, including
Recurring Contributions, Electronic Funds Transfer, and rollovers from an account with
another Qualified Tuition Program. See pages 79-83 for information regarding the impact of
New Mexico state and U.S. federal tax considerations regarding rollovers into your Account.
How to Take a Distribution from Your Account
p. 27-30
This section discusses the different ways you can withdraw funds from your Account. You
can have a withdrawal paid directly to you, as the Account Owner, to the Beneficiary or to
an Eligible Educational Institution. A withdrawal to pay K-12 Tuition is only payable to the
Account Owner.
This section also describes the difference between Qualified Distributions, Non-Qualified
Distributions, and other types of withdrawals (for example, when the Beneficiary receives a
scholarship, or is unable to attend school due to a Disability). There can be U.S. federal and
state tax impacts of taking a withdrawal. It is important to discuss withdrawals with a tax
advisor to ensure you understand your particular situation.
Maintaining Your Account
p. 31-34
This section provides information on various Account maintenance issues such as your
Account statements, changing Beneficiaries, and changing your Investment Portfolios. You
can change Investment Portfolios up to two times per year and with a permissible change of
Beneficiary. The twice per year limitation applies in the aggregate across all of your accounts
for the same Beneficiary under all Qualified Tuition Programs sponsored by the State of New
Fees and Charges
p. 35-53
Scholar’s Edge currently offers three Unit Classes for each Investment Portfolio: Class A
Units, Class C Units, and Class R Units. Each Unit Class has its own Fee structure. You
should ask your Financial Professional to assist you in choosing the Unit Class that best
meets your goals. Class R Units may not be available to you. Class R Units are designed for
use in fee-based accounts through qualified registered investment advisors or selling agents
who buy through a broker/dealer in advisory accounts. Class R Units may be sold by selling
agents that charge brokerage commissions and other transaction-related fees directly to their
Sales Charges
Class A: Class A Units are subject to a maximum initial sales charge of 3.50% of the
amount invested.
Class C: Class C Units are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of
1.00% if they are redeemed within one year of purchase.
Class R: Class R Units are not subject to any sales charges.
Annual Account Maintenance Fee. All Unit Classes are subject to the Annual Account
Maintenance Fee of $20, which is waived if the Account balance is at least $25,000, if you
or your Beneficiary is a New Mexico Resident, or if you make Recurring Contributions of at
least $25 per month or $75 per quarter.
Total Annual Asset-Based Fee. Each Unit Class for each Investment Portfolio is subject to
certain annual asset- based Fees. The Total Annual Asset-Based Fee is the sum of Underlying
Investment Expenses, the Program Management Fee, and the Board Administrative Fee. For
Class A and Class C Units, the Total Annual Asset- Based Fee also includes the Distribution
and Service Fee. See Fees and Charges Total Annual Asset-Based Fee beginning on page
35 for the range of Total Annual Asset-Based Fees for each Unit Class.
Automatic Conversion of Class C Units. Class C Units are automatically converted into
Class A Units five years after the date of purchase. The automatic conversions are not subject
to any initial sales charges or CDSCs.
Important Risks You Should Consider
p. 54-58
As with any investment, there are risks involved in investing in Scholar’s Edge, including
the risk of investment losses; the risk of changes in U.S. federal and state laws, including
U.S. federal and state tax laws; and the risk of Plan changes, as well as other risks. You
should be aware that the Board may change components of the Plan at any time. For
example, the Board may, without prior notice, change the Plan’s Fees, add or remove a
Portfolio, change a Portfolio’s Underlying Investment(s), close a Portfolio to new investors
and/or new contributions, or change the Program Manager or other Plan service provider.
To learn more about the risks, please thoroughly read and carefully consider the information
in this section and throughout this Plan Description and Participation Agreement, and ask your
tax, legal, and investment advisors about these risks.
Investment Information
p. 59-72
When you enroll in Scholar’s Edge, you choose to invest using at least one of three different
investment approaches, based upon your investing preferences and risk tolerance. You can
choose between the Year of Enrollment Portfolios, the Target Risk Portfolios, the Individual
Portfolios, or a mix of all three. Your investment returns will vary depending upon the
performance of the Portfolios you choose. Depending on market conditions and other factors,
you could lose all or a portion of your investment.
Year of Enrollment Portfolios
This option includes Portfolios that automatically move to progressively more conservative
investments as the Portfolios approach their target enrollment dates. There are eleven (11)
Year of Enrollment Portfolios. These Portfolios invest in certain Underlying Funds currently
managed by Principal, BlackRock, Vanguard, and JPMorgan. These Portfolios also invest in
the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract, which is a funding agreement issued by Principal
Target Risk Portfolios
This option includes four (4) Portfolios, each with an investment objective and strategy
based on a target risk level and asset allocation that remains fixed over time. Each Portfolio
may invest in certain Underlying Funds currently managed by Principal, BlackRock,
Vanguard, or JPMorgan. Certain of these Portfolios also invest in the Scholar’s Edge
Guaranteed Contract which is a funding agreement issued by Principal Life.
Individual Portfolios
This option includes fifteen (15) Portfolios. Each Portfolio, except one, invests in an
Underlying Fund that primarily invests in U.S. equity, international equity, real estate, or
fixed income investments. The Underlying Funds are currently managed by Principal,
BlackRock, Vanguard, JPMorgan, and New York Life. The other Portfolio in this option
invests in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract issued by Principal Life.
The Portfolios’ Underlying Investments are subject to change. There is no guarantee that the
current Investment Managers will manage any Underlying Fund of any Portfolio in the
future, or that any Portfolio will invest in a funding agreement issued by Principal Life.
Investment Performance
p. 73-78
This section discusses the performance of the Investment Portfolios in the Plan. Performance
data represents past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results. Investment
returns and principal value will fluctuate, so your Units, when sold, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. For up-to-date price and performance information, go to or call us at 1.866.529.7283.
Important Tax Information
p. 79-83
This section discusses both the New Mexico state and U.S. federal tax benefits for an
investment in Scholar’s Edge.
Contributions to your Account are eligible for a New Mexico income tax deduction if you
are a New Mexico taxpayer (resident or non-resident) filing a single or joint return. You (as
the Account Owner) may be subject to a recapture of this New Mexico tax deduction in
certain situations.
General Information
p. 84-87
In this section, you will learn about the rights and obligations associated with your Account;
considerations related to changes to your Account, this document, and state and federal laws;
and claims against your Account.
Plan Governance
p. 88-89
This section summarizes the administration of Scholar’s Edge.
Participation Agreement
p. 90-94
This section reviews your rights and responsibilities in connection with your enrollment in
Scholar’s Edge. You must review this agreement in detail prior to completing an Enrollment
in the Plan. You will be required to sign an acknowledgement of your understanding of and
agreement with the terms, conditions, and information contained in the Plan Description and
Participation Agreement.
Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information
p. 96-125
The information in the Appendix provides additional information about the Portfolios’
Underlying Investments. The Appendix includes information about the Underlying Funds’
investment objectives, principal investment strategies, and principal risks. The Appendix
also includes information about the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract.
Defined terms used in this Plan Description and Participation Agreement have the following
ABLE Rollover Distribution: A distribution to an account in a Qualified ABLE Program for the
same Beneficiary or a Member of the Family of the Beneficiary. Any distribution must be made
before January 1, 2026, and cannot exceed the annual contribution limit prescribed by Section
529A(b)(2)(B)(i) of the Code, $18,000 for 2024, subject to adjustment by the IRS.
Account: An account in Scholar’s Edge established by an Account Owner for a Beneficiary.
Account Owner or you: An individual 18 years or older, an emancipated minor (as determined by
New Mexico law), a trust, an estate, a partnership, an association, a company, a corporation, or a
qualified custodian under the UGMA/UTMA, who signs an Enrollment Form establishing an
Account. In certain cases, the Account Owner and Beneficiary may be the same person. An
individual seeking to open an Account as an emancipated minor must submit a court order as well
as any other documentation that we request, establishing that he or she is empowered to enter into a
contract without the ability to revoke a contract based on age. Without such documentation, we will
not open an Account for an emancipated minor.
Annual Account Maintenance Fee: An annual fee charged to each Account. The fee is waived if the
Account balance is at least $25,000, if you or your Beneficiary is a New Mexico Resident, or if you
make Recurring Contributions of at least $25 per month or $75 per quarter.
Apprenticeship Expenses: Expenses for fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for the
participation of a Designated Beneficiary in an apprenticeship program registered and certified with
the Secretary of Labor under section 1 of the National Apprenticeship Act.
Beneficiary: The individual designated by an Account Owner, or as otherwise provided in writing to
Scholar’s Edge, to receive the benefit of an Account.
BlackRock: BlackRock Fund Advisors, the Investment Manager of the iShares Underlying Funds.
Board: The Education Trust Board of New Mexico.
Code: Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. There are references to various Sections of the
Code throughout this Plan Description and Participation Agreement, including Section 529 as it
currently exists and as it may subsequently be amended, and any regulations adopted under it.
Custodian: The individual who opens an Account on behalf of a minor Beneficiary with assets from
an UGMA/ UTMA account. Generally, the Custodian will be required to perform all duties of the
Account Owner with regard to the Account until the Account Owner attains the age at which the
custodianship terminates under the applicable UGMA/UTMA law (usually 18 or 21), is otherwise
emancipated, or the Custodian is released or replaced by a valid court order. The Custodian of an
Account funded from an UGMA/UTMA account may not change the Account Owner or
Dealer: A distributor of Scholar’s Edge who is registered as a broker-dealer under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and a member of both FINRA and the MSRB.
Declaration of Trust: The Declaration of Trust establishing the Trust as may be amended from time
to time by the Board.
Distribution and Service Fee: A fee charged to support the distribution and marketing of the Plan. A
portion of this Fee may be redistributed to Dealers.
Distribution Tax: A U.S. federal surtax required by the Code that is equal to 10% of the earnings
portion of a Non- Qualified Distribution.
Disabled or Disability: Condition of a Beneficiary who is unable to do any substantial gainful
activity because of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be
expected to result in death or to be of long-continued and indefinite duration. We will require
medical documentation to verify this condition. See IRS Publication 970 available at for further details.
Educational Assistance: Educational Assistance generally refers to the tax-free portion of any
scholarships or fellowships, Pell Grants, employer provided educational assistance, veterans
education assistance, and other tax-free educational assistance. See IRS Publication 970 online at for more information.
EFT or Electronic Funds Transfer: A service in which an Account Owner authorizes Scholar’s Edge
to transfer money from a bank or other financial institution to an Account in Scholar’s Edge.
Eligible Educational Institution: An institution as defined in Section 529(e) of the Code. Generally,
the term includes accredited post-secondary educational institutions or vocational schools in the
United States and some accredited post-secondary educational institutions or vocational schools
abroad offering credit toward a bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree, a graduate level or
professional degree, or another recognized post-secondary credential. The institution must be
eligible to participate in a student financial aid program under Title IV of the Higher Education Act
of 1965 (20 U.S.C. § 1088). You can generally determine if a school is an Eligible Education
Institution by searching for its Federal School Code (identification number for schools eligible for
Title IV financial aid programs) at:
Enabling Legislation: The law that established the Trust and its Board (The Education Trust Act,
Chapter 21, Article 21K NMSA 1978).
Enrollment Form: A participation agreement between an Account Owner and the Trust, establishing
the obligations of each and prepared in accordance with the provisions of Scholar’s Edge. The term
“Enrollment Form” also includes any application used by a selling agent to establish an Account in
the Plan for an Account Owner.
Fees: Fees, costs, expenses, and charges associated with Scholar’s Edge.
Financial Professional: Certain broker-dealers, financial professional, or properly licensed
investment advisors that offer Scholar’s Edge to investors.
IRS: Internal Revenue Service.
Investment Portfolio: Each Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolio, Scholar’s Edge Target
Risk, Portfolio, and Individual Portfolio in Scholar’s Edge.
Investment Managers: The investment managers of the Underlying Investment options, which may
change from time to time, and currently include Principal, BlackRock, Vanguard, JPMorgan, and
New York Life, who are the investment managers of their respective Underlying Investments. The
Portfolios’ Underlying Investments are subject to change. There is no guarantee that the current
Investment Managers will manage any Underlying Fund of any Portfolio in the future.
JPMorgan: J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc., the Investment Manager of the JPMorgan
Underlying Fund.
K-12 Tuition: Expenses for tuition in connection with enrollment or attendance at an elementary or
secondary public, private. or religious school, up to $10,000 per student per taxable year.
Management Agreement: An agreement between the Board and the Program Manager to provide
Scholar’s Edge with program management, investment advisory, recordkeeping, administrative, and
marketing services. The Management Agreement between the Board and Ascensus College Savings
Recordkeeping Services LLC (ACSR) is now effective and will terminate in 2026, unless extended
or earlier terminated as provided in the Management Agreement.
Maximum Account Balance: The maximum aggregate balance of all accounts for the same
Beneficiary in Qualified Tuition Programs sponsored by the State of New Mexico, as established by
the Board from time to time, which will limit the amount of contributions that may be made to
Accounts for any one Beneficiary, as required by Section 529. The current Maximum Account
Balance is $500,000.
Member of the Family: An individual as defined in Section 529(e)(2) of the Code. Generally, this
definition includes a Beneficiary’s immediate family members. A Member of the Family means an
individual who is related to the Beneficiary as follows:
1. A child, a descendent of a child (e.g., grandchildren), or a stepchild;
2. A sibling, stepsibling, or half-sibling;
3. A parent (or ancestor of a parent, e.g., grandparent), or a stepparent;
4. A niece or nephew;
5. An aunt or uncle;
6. A first cousin;
7. A mother- or father-in-law, son- or daughter-in-law, brother- or sister-in-law; or
8. A spouse of any individual listed (except a first cousin).
For purposes of determining who is a Member of the Family, a legally adopted child or a foster child
of an individual is treated as the child of that individual by blood. The terms “brother” and “sister”
include half- brothers and half-sisters.
New Mexico Resident: An Account Owner or Beneficiary who has registered a New Mexico
address with the Plan.
New York Life: New York Life Investment Management LLC, the Investment Manager of the
Mainstay Underlying Fund.
Non-Qualified Distributions: A distribution from an Account that is not used to pay for Qualified
Omnibus Account: An account with the Plan held in the name of an Omnibus Service Provider for
the benefit of its customers or the customers of the applicable Dealer.
Omnibus Service Provider: A Dealer or third-party recordkeeping agent that has entered into an
agreement with the Program Manager to perform certain services for Omnibus Accounts.
PFD: Principal Funds Distributor, Inc., the distributor of the Plan.
PGI or Principal: Principal Global Investors, LLC, the investment advisor to the Plan, as well as the
Investment Manager of the Principal Underlying Funds.
Plan Description and Participation Agreement: This document, intended to provide substantive
disclosure of the terms and conditions of an investment in Scholar’s Edge, including any other
Supplements distributed from time to time.
Plan Officials: The State, Scholar’s Edge, the Board, the Trustee, the Trust, any other agency of the
State, the Program Manager (and its affiliates), PGI and PFD (and their affiliates), the Investment
Managers (and their respective affiliates), and any other counsel, advisor, or consultant retained by,
or on behalf of, those entities and any employee, officer, official, or agent of those entities.
Principal Life: Principal Life Insurance Company, the issuer of the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed
Principal Services Agreement: The agreement between the Program Manager and PGI and PFD,
and approved by the Board, pursuant to which PGI and PFD provide investment management and
distribution services, respectively, to Scholar’s Edge. The Principal Services Agreement is now
effective and will terminate in 2026, unless extended or earlier terminated as provided in the
Principal Services Agreement.
Program Management Fee: The annual asset-based Fee paid to the Program Manager for services
provided to the Plan.
Program Manager or Ascensus: Ascensus College Savings Recordkeeping Services, LLC has been
engaged by the Board to provide the program management services, including program
management, investment advisory, recordkeeping, administrative, and marketing services, as an
independent contractor, on behalf of Scholar’s Edge, the Trust, and the Board (as Trustee of the
Trust and administrator of the Plan).
Qualified ABLE Program: A program designed to allow individuals with disabilities to save for
qualified disability expenses. Qualified ABLE Programs are sponsored by states or state agencies
and are authorized by Section 529A of the Code.
Qualified Distribution: A distribution from an Account that is used to pay Qualified Expenses of the
Qualified Expenses: Qualified education expenses as defined in the Code and as may be further
limited by Scholar’s Edge. Generally, these include the following:
1. Tuition, fees, and the costs of textbooks, supplies, and equipment required for the enrollment
or attendance of a Beneficiary at an Eligible Educational Institution;
2. Certain costs of the room and board of a Beneficiary for any academic period during which
the student is enrolled at least half-time at an Eligible Educational Institution;
3. Expenses for special needs Beneficiaries that are necessary in connection with their
enrollment or attendance at an Eligible Educational Institution;
4. Expenses for the purchase of computer or peripheral equipment (as defined in Section
168(i)(2)(B) of the Code), computer software (as defined in Section 197(e)(3)(B) of the
Code), or Internet access and related services, if the equipment, software, or services are to be
used primarily by the Beneficiary during any of the years the Beneficiary is enrolled at an
Eligible Educational Institution;
5. K-12 Tuition;
6. Apprenticeship Expenses; and
7. Student Loan Payments.
Qualified Tuition Program or 529 plan: A qualified tuition program under Section 529.
Recurring Contribution: Also known as AIP or Automatic Investment Plan. A service in which an
Account Owner authorizes Scholar’s Edge to transfer money, on a regular and predetermined basis,
from a bank or other financial institution to an Account in Scholar’s Edge.
Refunded Distribution: A distribution taken for Qualified Expenses which is later refunded by the
Eligible Educational Institution and recontributed to a Qualified Tuition Program that meets the
following requirements:
1. The recontribution must not exceed the amount of the refund from the Eligible Educational
2. The recontribution must not exceed the amount of distributions previously taken to pay the
Qualified Expenses of the Beneficiary;
3. The recontribution must be made to an account in a Qualified Tuition Program of the same
Beneficiary to whom the refund was made; and
4. The funds must be recontributed to a Qualified Tuition Program within 60 days of the date
of the refund from the Eligible Educational Institution.
A Refunded Distribution will not be subject to U.S. federal or New Mexico state income tax,
recapture of the New Mexico state income tax deduction, or the Distribution Tax.
Rollover Distribution: A distribution resulting from a change of Beneficiary to another Beneficiary
who is a Member of the Family, either within Scholar’s Edge or between Qualified Tuition
Programs, or a rollover or transfer of assets between Qualified Tuition Programs for the same
Beneficiary, provided another rollover or transfer for the same Beneficiary has not occurred in the
previous twelve (12) months.
Scholar’s Edge or Plan: Scholar’s Edge 529, the 529 plan described in this Plan Description and
Participation Agreement.
Section 529: Section 529 of the Code.
Standing Investment Instruction: The selection made by an Account Owner indicating how
contributions are allocated among Investment Portfolios.
State: The State of New Mexico.
Student Loan Payments: Amounts paid as principal or interest on any qualified education loan of
either the Beneficiary or a sibling of the Beneficiary up to a lifetime limit of $10,000 per individual.
Successor Account Owner: The person named in the Enrollment Form or otherwise in writing to
Scholar’s Edge by the Account Owner, who may exercise the rights of the Account Owner under
Scholar’s Edge if the Account Owner of a funded Account dies. The Successor Account Owner may
be the Beneficiary if the Beneficiary is 18 years or older.
Supplement: An addendum to the Plan Description and Participation Agreement, issued from time
to time.
Trust: The Education Plan Trust of New Mexico created by the Declaration of Trust.
Trusted Contact Person: The person you designate as a contact to address possible financial
exploitation, to confirm the specifics of your current contact information, health status, or the
identity of any legal guardian, executor, trustee, or holder of a power of attorney; or as otherwise
permitted by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Rule 2165.
Trustee: The Board in its capacity as trustee of the Trust.
UGMA/UTMA: Uniform Gifts to Minors Act / Uniform Transfers to Minors Act.
Underlying Funds or Funds: The mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are
Underlying Investments of the Portfolios.
Underlying Investments: The Underlying Funds and other assets in which the Portfolios are
invested, including any funding agreements.
Unit or Units: The measurement of your interest in a Portfolio.
Unit Class: A class of Units offered for a Portfolio, either Class A, Class C, or Class R, each having
a different Fee structure.
Unit Value: The value per Unit for a Portfolio.
Upromise: A loyalty program offered by Upromise, LLC which enables Account Owners who are
members of Upromise to earn rewards from participating merchants and have those rewards
transferred from a Upromise account to a Plan Account, subject to minimum transfer amounts.
Upromise is a separate program from the Plan. Upromise, LLC is not affiliated with the State, the
Trust, the Board, the Program Manager, or any Plan Official.
Vanguard: The Vanguard Group, Inc., the Investment Manager of the Vanguard Underlying Funds.
We or our: Scholar’s Edge, the Board (as the Trustee of the Trust and administrator of the Plan), the
Program Manager, PGI, PFD, and/or the Investment Managers, as the case may be.
Account Basics
To participate in Scholar’s Edge, you must complete, sign, and have your Financial Professional
submit an Enrollment Form. You must be 18 years or older and a U.S. citizen (or a resident alien),
or an entity that is organized in the U.S. and have a valid permanent U.S. Street address. By signing
the Enrollment Form, you irrevocably consent and agree that the Account is subject to the terms and
conditions of the Enrollment Form and this Plan Description and Participation Agreement. You also
consent and agree to authorize your Financial Professional to access your Account and perform
certain transactions on your behalf as explained on the Enrollment Form or separately on the
appropriate power of attorney or agent authorization form.
If you do not wish to work with a Financial Professional, the Board also offers a direct-to-consumer
529 plan, The Education Plan. The Education Plan offers lower cost investment options compared
to Scholar’s Edge. Go to for more information about The Education Plan.
Investing through Omnibus Accounts. When you invest through a Financial Professional who works
for a Dealer that maintains your Account directly on its recordkeeping platform or where the Dealer
has an arrangement with a third-party recordkeeping agent that has entered into an agreement with
the Program Manager to perform certain services for Omnibus Accounts, the Omnibus Service
Provider will perform certain Account recordkeeping services such as accepting and processing
initial and subsequent contributions, accepting and processing requests for distributions, and
delivering confirmations and statements and other information. Usually, in such a case, the
Omnibus Service Provider maintains one single account held with the Plan in the institution’s name
for the benefit of its customers or the customers of the applicable Dealer. In an Omnibus Account
arrangement, Account Owner information is held on the Omnibus Service Provider’s platform and
trades are usually aggregated for transmission to the Plan. Different and/or additional fees than
those disclosed in this Plan Description and Participation Agreement may apply. You should
determine whether your Financial Professional’s Dealer holds Accounts in the Plan on behalf of its
customers under an Omnibus Account arrangement and if so, understand the details of such
arrangement, including the fees and expenses charged by such firm that are not disclosed in this
Plan Description and Participation Agreement.
In addition, guidelines, conditions, services, and restrictions may apply that vary from those
discussed in this Plan Description. Depending on a particular Omnibus Service Provider’s policies,
these differences may include but are not limited to: (i) eligibility standards to purchase, exchange,
and sell Units; (ii) availability of sales charge waivers and fees; (iii) minimum initial and subsequent
purchase amounts; (iv) conversion periods for Class C Units; (v) availability of Letter of Intent
Account Basics: You must work with a Financial Professional to open an Account, and you must
be 18 years or older and a U.S. citizen (or a resident alien), or an entity that is organized in the
U.S., and have a valid permanent U.S. Street address. If you have an open Account and you no
longer have a permanent U.S. Street address, your Account will not be eligible to receive
How To Participate
privileges; and (vi) availability of certain Plan features, such as the Upromise Program and Ugift.
Additionally, if you invest through a Financial Professional that maintains an Omnibus Account and
have one or more other Accounts with the Plan or eligible Principal mutual fund accounts, you must
notify your Financial Professional and the Plan in advance about your other Accounts or other
eligible Principal mutual fund accounts to help ensure that sales charge waivers, rights of
accumulation privileges, and/or other Plan features are properly applied to your Accounts. You may
be asked to provide additional information.
By establishing and/or contributing to an Account through an Omnibus Service Provider that holds
your Account directly on its recordkeeping platform, you will be deemed to have agreed that your
Account and its assets are subject to the terms and conditions of this Plan Description, including the
Participation Agreement, to the same extent as if you had executed the Participation Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of conflicts (as discussed above) between your financial
institution’s fees, guidelines, conditions, or policies and the Plan Description or Participation
Agreement, the fees, policies, or procedures of your financial institution will prevail as they relate to
any Accounts held in an omnibus capacity at your Omnibus Service Provider.
Successor Account Owner. You may designate a Successor Account Owner that is 18 years or older
(to the extent permissible under the laws that apply to your situation) to succeed to all of your right,
title, and interest in your Account upon your death. You can make this designation online, on the
Enrollment Form, over the phone, or in writing. We must receive and process your request before
the Successor Account Owner designation can be effective. You may change or terminate your
Successor Account Owner at any time by submitting the appropriate form. Forms may be obtained
from our website at or by calling us at 1.866.529.7283.
Beneficiary. You can set up an Account for anyone, including yourself or your child, grandchild,
spouse, or other relative or even someone not related to you. Each Account can have only one
Beneficiary at any time. However, you may have multiple Accounts for different Beneficiaries.
Also, different Account Owners may have an Account for the same Beneficiary within the Plan, but
contributions to an Account will be limited if the total assets held in all Accounts for that
Beneficiary under all 529 plans offered by New Mexico equal or exceed the Maximum Account
Balance. See Maximum Account Balance on page 12. Your Beneficiary may be of any age;
however, the Beneficiary must be an individual.
Identity Verification. U.S. federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record
information that identifies each person who opens an Account. When completing your Enrollment
Form, we will ask for your name, street address, date of birth, and Social Security or Tax
Identification Number. If you are a trust or other entity, we require a Tax Identification Number and
information for any person(s) opening your Account, such as a Custodian, agent under power of
attorney, trustee, or corporate officer. Further information about identification verification
requirements can be found in the General Information section beginning on page 84.
Trusts, Corporations, and Other Entities as Account Owners. If you are a trust, partnership,
corporation, association, estate, or another acceptable type of entity, you must submit
documentation to Scholar’s Edge to verify the existence of the entity and identify the individuals
who are eligible to act on the entity’s behalf. Examples of appropriate documentation include a trust
agreement, partnership agreement, corporate resolution, articles of incorporation, bylaws, or letters
appointing an executor or personal representative. This documentation must be submitted when an
Account is established. We will not be able to open your Account until we receive all of the
information required on the Enrollment Form and any other information we may require, including
the documentation that verifies the identity and existence of the Account Owner. A Beneficiary does
not have to be named during enrollment when the Account Owner is a tax-exempt organization, as
defined in the Code, and the Account has been established as a general scholarship fund.
How to Open and Fund Your Account
Minimum Contributions. You can make your initial and any additional contributions by check,
Recurring Contributions (also known as Automatic Investment Plan (AIP)), payroll direct deposit,
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), dollar-cost averaging, rolling over assets from another Qualified
Tuition Program, moving assets from an UGMA/UTMA account or Coverdell Education Savings
Account, or by redeeming U.S. Savings Bonds. Each of your contributions will be subject to
applicable Fees.
We will not accept contributions made by cash, money order, travelers checks, checks drawn on
foreign banks, contributions not in U.S. dollars, checks dated more than 180 days from the date of
receipt, checks post-dated more than seven days in advance, checks with unclear instructions, starter
or counter checks, credit card or bank courtesy checks, third-party personal checks over $10,000,
instant loan checks, or any other check we deem unacceptable. We will also not accept stocks,
securities, or other noncash assets as contributions to your Account.
You can allocate each contribution among any of the Investment Portfolios; however, the minimum
percentage per selected Investment Portfolio is 1% of the contribution amount. Your additional
contributions can be made to different Investment Portfolios than the selection(s) you make during
enrollment as long as investments in those different Investment Portfolios are permissible.
Contribution Date. We will credit any money contributed to your Account on the same business day
if the contribution is received in good order and prior to the close of the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE), normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The contribution will be credited on the next succeeding
business day that the NYSE is open if it is received after its close.
In the event of Force Majeure, we may experience processing delays, which may affect your trade
date. In those instances, your actual trade date may be after the trade date you would have received,
which may negatively affect the value of your Account. For the definition of “Force Majeure,” see
“Market Uncertainties and other eventsin the Section entitled “Important Risks You Should
Consider” on page 54.
We will generally treat contributions sent by U.S. mail as having been made in a given year if
checks are received in a mailing postmarked on or before December 31 of the applicable year, and
provided the checks are subsequently paid. With respect to EFT contributions, for tax purposes we
will generally treat contributions received by us in a given year as having been made in that year if
you initiate them on or before December 31 of such year, provided the funds are successfully
deducted from your checking or savings account at another financial institution. Your contributions
made by Recurring Contribution will generally be considered received by us in the year the
Recurring Contribution debit has been deducted from your checking or savings account at another
financial institution. See Funding Methods Recurring Contribution beginning on page 20.
Future Contributions. At the time you enroll, you must choose how you want your contributions
invested, which will serve as the standing investment instruction for future contributions (Standing
Investment Instruction). We will invest all additional contributions according to your Standing
Investment Instruction, unless you provide us with different instructions, and investments in
different Investment Portfolios are permissible. You may view or change your Standing Investment
Instruction at any time by logging onto our website at You may also change
your Standing Investment Instruction by downloading and submitting the appropriate
exchange/future contribution form from our website at
Changing Investment Portfolios. You may change the Investment Portfolios for your Account twice
per calendar year, and with a permissible change in the Beneficiary. The twice per calendar year
limitation on reallocations applies in the aggregate across all of your accounts for the same
Beneficiary under all Qualified Tuition Programs sponsored by the State of New Mexico. You may
exchange Units in a Portfolio only for Units of the same Unit Class in another Portfolio. You can
initiate this transaction online, over the telephone by contacting a Client Service Representative at
1.866.529.7283, or by downloading and submitting the appropriate exchange/future contribution
form from our website at
Control over Your Account. Although any individual or entity may make contributions to your
Account, you, as Account Owner, retain control of all contributions made as well as all earnings
credited to your Account up to the date they are directed for distribution. A Beneficiary who is not
the Account Owner has no control over any of the Account assets. You may also grant another
person the ability to take certain actions with respect to your Account by completing appropriate
By signing the Enrollment Form, you consent and agree to authorize your Financial Professional to
access your Account and perform certain transactions on your behalf as explained on the Enrollment
Form or separately on the appropriate power of attorney or agent authorization form.
Trusted Contact. You can choose to authorize us to contact a Trusted Contact Person and disclose to
that person information about your Account to address possible financial exploitation; to confirm
the specifics of your current contact information, health status, or the identity of any legal guardian,
executor, trustee, or holder of a power of attorney; or as otherwise permitted by law. You can
choose to designate a Trusted Contact Person by completing the appropriate form or the Trusted
Contact Person section of the Enrollment Form. A Trusted Contact Person must be at least eighteen
(18) years of age.
Funding Methods:
Recurring Contribution. You may contribute to your Account by authorizing us to receive periodic
automated debits from a checking or savings account at your bank if your bank is a member of the
Automated Clearing House, subject to certain processing restrictions. You may elect to authorize an
annual increase to your Recurring Contribution. You can initiate a Recurring Contribution either
when you enroll by completing the Recurring Contribution section during enrollment or after your
Account has been opened, either online, over the phone (provided you have previously submitted
certain information about the bank account from which the money will be withdrawn), or in writing
by submitting the appropriate form. Your Recurring Contribution authorization will remain in effect
until we have received notification of its termination from you and we have had a reasonable
amount of time to act on it.
Recurring Contribution deposits can be set up for as little as $1. However, if you do not otherwise
qualify for a waiver, you may need to schedule Recurring Contributions of at least $25 per month or
$75 per quarter in order for the Annual Account Maintenance Fee to be waived. See Fees and
Charges – Annual Account Maintenance Fee on page 35.
You may terminate your Recurring Contribution at any time. To be effective, a change to, or
termination of, a Recurring Contribution must be received at least five (5) business days before the
next Recurring Contribution debit is scheduled to be deducted from your bank account, and it is not
effective until processed by us. If your Recurring Contribution cannot be processed because the
bank account on which it is drawn lacks sufficient funds, if you provide incomplete or inaccurate
banking information, or if the transaction would violate processing restrictions, we reserve the right
to suspend processing of future Recurring Contributions.
There is no charge for making Recurring Contributions. Recurring Contribution debits from your
bank account will occur on the day you indicate, provided the day is a regular business day. If the
day you indicate falls on a weekend or a holiday, the Recurring Contribution debit will occur on the
next business day. You will receive a trade date of the same business day the bank debit occurs.
Quarterly Recurring Contribution debits will be made on the day you indicate (or the next business
day, if applicable) every three (3) months, not on a calendar quarter basis. If you do not designate a
date, your bank account will be debited on the 20th day of the applicable month.
The start date for a Recurring Contribution must be at least three (3) business days from the date
you submit the Recurring Contribution request. If a start date for a Recurring Contribution is less
than three (3) business days from the date you submit the Recurring Contribution request, the
Recurring Contribution will start on the requested day in the next succeeding month.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). You may also contribute by EFT subject to certain processing
restrictions. Each contribution must be in an amount of at least $1. You may authorize us to
withdraw funds by EFT from a checking or savings account for both initial and additional
contributions to your Account, provided you have submitted certain information about the bank
account from which the money will be withdrawn. EFT transactions can be completed through the
following means: (i) by providing EFT instructions on the Enrollment Form; (ii) by submitting EFT
instructions online after enrollment at; or (iii) by contacting a Client Service
Representative at 1.866.529.7283. We do not charge a Fee for contributing by EFT.
Contributions by Check. You may make your initial contribution by check. Checks must be made
payable to Scholar’s Edge. Third-party personal checks must be equal to or less than ten-thousand
dollars ($10,000) and be properly endorsed or made payable to Scholar’s Edge.
Limitations on Recurring Contributions and EFT Contributions. We may place a limit on the total
dollar amount per day you may contribute to an Account by EFT. Contributions in excess of this
limit will be rejected. If you plan to contribute a large dollar amount to your Account by EFT, you
may want to contact a Client Service Representative at 1.866.529.7283 to inquire about the current
limit prior to making your contribution.
An EFT or Recurring Contribution may fail because the bank account on which it is drawn lacks
sufficient funds or because the Account Owner has failed to provide correct and complete banking
instructions (Failed Contributions). If you have a Failed Contribution, we reserve the right to
suspend processing of future Recurring Contributions and EFT contributions. See Failed
Contributions on page 25.
Direct Deposits from Payroll. You may be eligible to make automatic, periodic contributions to
your Account by payroll direct deposit (if your employer offers this service). You may make your
initial investment by payroll direct deposit or set up payroll direct deposit for additional
contributions to your Account. The minimum payroll direct deposit contribution is $1 per paycheck.
Contributions by payroll direct deposit will only be permitted from employers able to meet our
operational and administrative requirements. You must complete payroll direct deposit instructions
by logging into your Account at, selecting the payroll direct deposit option,
and designating the contribution amount in the instructions. You will need to print these instructions
and submit them to your employer. Alternatively, you may submit the appropriate payroll direct
deposit form directly to us to initiate the payroll direct deposit process.
Employer-sponsored investment plan: Termination of Employment. If you terminate employment with
your employer, please notify the Plan. If you terminate employment with your employer, you may
continue to make contributions to your Account using a Check or Recurring Contributions. Any
additional purchases of Class A Units will be made with the appropriate sales charges applied. If you
make Recurring Contributions of at least $25 per month or $75 per quarter, your Annual Account
Maintenance Fee will be waived.
Rollover Contributions. You can make your initial investment by rolling over assets from another
Qualified Tuition Program to Scholar’s Edge for the benefit of the same Beneficiary. You can also
roll over assets from your Account or another Qualified Tuition Program to a Beneficiary who is a
Member of the Family of your current Beneficiary. See Maintaining Your Account – Options for
Unused Contributions, Changing a Beneficiary, Transferring Assets to Another of Your Accounts on
page 31. A rollover for the same Beneficiary is restricted to once per 12-month period. Incoming
rollovers can be direct or indirect.
A direct rollover is the transfer of money from one Qualified Tuition Program directly to another.
An indirect rollover is the transfer to you of money from an account in another state’s Qualified
Tuition Program; you then contribute the money to your Account. To avoid U.S. federal income tax
consequences and the Distribution Tax, you must contribute an indirect rollover within 60 days of
the distribution.
You should also be aware that some states may not permit direct rollovers from Qualified Tuition
Programs. In addition, there may be state income tax consequences (and in some cases state-
imposed penalties) resulting from a rollover out of a state’s Qualified Tuition Program. See
Important Tax Information – State Tax Issues beginning on page 79.
Moving Assets from an UGMA/UTMA Account. If you are the Custodian of an UGMA/UTMA
account, you may be able to open an Account in your custodial capacity, depending on the laws of
the state where you opened the UGMA/UTMA account. These types of accounts involve additional
restrictions that do not apply to regular Section 529 accounts. The Plan Officials are not liable for
any consequences related to your improper use, transfer, or characterization of custodial funds.
In general, your UGMA/UTMA custodial account is subject to the following additional requirements
and restrictions:
1. You must indicate that the Account is an UGMA/ UTMA account and the state in which the
UGMA/ UTMA account was opened by checking the appropriate box on the Enrollment Form;
2. You must establish an Account in your custodial capacity separate from any Accounts you may
hold in your individual capacity;
3. You will be permitted to make distributions in accordance with the rules regarding distributions
under applicable UGMA/UTMA law;
4. You will not be able to change the Beneficiary of the Account (directly or by means of a
Rollover Distribution), except as may be permitted by applicable UGMA/UTMA law;
5. You will not be able to change the Account Owner to anyone other than a successor Custodian
during the term of the custodial account under applicable UGMA/UTMA law;
6. You must notify us when the custodianship terminates and your Beneficiary is legally entitled
to take control of the Account. At that time, the Beneficiary will become the Account Owner
and will become subject to the provisions of the Plan applicable to non-UGMA/UTMA
Account Owners. If you fail to direct the Plan to transfer ownership of the UGMA/ UTMA
Account when the Beneficiary is legally entitled to take control of the Account assets, the Plan
may freeze the Account and/or refuse to allow you to transact on the Account. Some
UGMA/UTMA laws allow for more than one age at which the custodianship terminates (“Age
of Termination”). The Plan may freeze an Account based on the youngest allowable Age of
Termination of the custodianship according to the UGMA/UTMA laws where the custodianship
account was established, based on the Plan’s records. You may be required to provide
documentation to the Plan if the Age of Termination of the custodianship account is other than
the youngest allowable age under the applicable UGMA/ UTMA law or if the applicable
UGMA/UTMA law differs from Plan records;
7. We may require you to provide documentation evidencing compliance with the applicable
UGMA/ UTMA law; and
8. In addition, certain tax consequences described under Important Tax Information starting on
page 79, may not be applicable in the case of Accounts opened by a Custodian under
UGMA/UTMA. Moreover, because only contributions made in “cash form” may be used to
open an Account in Scholar’s Edge, the liquidation of non-cash assets held by an
UGMA/UTMA account would be required and may be considered a taxable event. Please
contact a tax advisor to determine how to transfer assets held in an existing UGMA/UTMA
account to Scholar’s Edge and what the implications of that transfer may be for your specific
Moving Assets from a Coverdell Education Savings Account. You may fund your Account by
moving assets from a Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA). Please indicate that the assets
were liquidated from the ESA on the Enrollment Form or with any additional investments. Unlike
UGMA/UTMA accounts, the Beneficiary may be changed to a Member of the Family of the
beneficiary of the ESA. Making distributions from an ESA to fund an Account for the same
Beneficiary may not be considered a taxable transaction. Consult your tax advisor for more
Redeeming U.S. Savings Bonds. You may fund your Account with proceeds from the redemption of
certain U.S. Savings Bonds. In certain cases, you may redeem U.S. Savings Bonds under the
education tax exclusion. Please visit to determine if you are eligible for this
Refunded Distributions. In the event the Beneficiary receives a refund from an Eligible Educational
Institution, those funds will be eligible for recontribution to your Account if:
The Beneficiary of your Account is the same Beneficiary receiving the refund; and
The recontribution is made within 60 days of the date of the refund.
The recontributed amount will not be subject to U.S. federal or New Mexico state income tax or the
Distribution Tax. For tax purposes, please maintain proper documentation evidencing the refund
from the Eligible Educational Institution.
Additional Form Requirements for Rollovers, ESAs, and Series EE or Series I Bonds
Rollover contributions and other transfers to your Account must be accompanied by the appropriate
incoming rollover form as well as any other information we may require, including the information
required for certain contributions described below. To roll over assets for a current Beneficiary into
an Account in Scholar’s Edge, you must complete the appropriate incoming rollover form and an
Enrollment Form.
When making a contribution to your Account with assets previously invested in an ESA, a
redemption of Series EE and Series I bonds or a rollover, you must indicate the source of the
contribution and provide us with the following documentation, as applicable:
1. In the case of a contribution from an ESA, an accurate account statement issued by the
financial institution that acted as custodian of the account that reflects in full both the
principal and earnings attributable to the rollover amount.
2. In the case of a contribution from the redemption of Series EE or Series I U.S. Savings
Bonds, an accurate account statement or IRS Form 1099-INT issued by the financial
institution that redeemed the bond showing interest from the redemption of the bond.
3. In the case of a rollover, either you or the previous Qualified Tuition Program must provide
us with an accurate statement issued by the distributing program which reflects in full both
the principal and earnings attributable to the rollover amounts.
Please visit the Scholar’s Edge website at or contact a Client Service
Representative at 1.866.529.7283 for any of the forms you may need. Until we receive the
documentation described above, as applicable, we will treat the entire amount of the rollover
contribution as earnings in the Account receiving the transfer, which would subject the entire
amount of the rollover contribution to taxation in the case of a Non- Qualified Distribution.
Dollar-Cost Averaging. The Plan allows Account Owners to take advantage of dollar cost averaging
via periodic systematic exchanges. Account Owners may choose an originating Portfolio and a
Portfolio into which specified dollar amounts (a minimum of $25 per Portfolio) will be transferred
on a monthly or quarterly basis. Account Owners must have at least $1,000 in the originating
Portfolio to begin dollar-cost averaging. Dollar-cost averaging does not eliminate the risks of
investing in financial markets and may not be appropriate for everyone. It does not ensure a profit or
protect you against a loss in declining markets.
If you elect to begin dollar-cost averaging assets that are currently in your Account, such election
will count as a transfer for purposes of the twice per calendar year limitation on reallocations. In
addition, changing your standing dollar-cost averaging instructions, or canceling them, will also be
considered a transfer for purposes of the same limitation. The twice per calendar year limitation on
reallocations applies in the aggregate across all of your accounts for the same Beneficiary under all
Qualified Tuition Programs sponsored by the State of New Mexico.
Maximum Account Balance. You can contribute up to a Maximum Account Balance of $500,000
for each Beneficiary. The aggregate market value of all accounts for the same Beneficiary under all
Qualified Tuition Programs sponsored by the State of New Mexico is counted toward the Maximum
Account Balance regardless of the Account Owner. Earnings may cause the Account balances for
your Beneficiary to exceed $500,000 and no further contributions will be allowed at that point. If,
however, the market value of your Account falls below the Maximum Account Balance, we will
then accept additional contributions.
Should the Board decide to increase the Maximum Account Balance, which it may in its sole
discretion, additional contributions up to the new Maximum Account Balance will be accepted.
Excess Contributions. The excess portion of any contributions received that would cause your
Account balance to exceed the Maximum Account Balance (as determined by the close of business
on the day prior to our receipt of your contribution) will be rejected or returned to you, without
adjustment for gains or losses. If you are enrolled in a Recurring Contribution, the Recurring
Contribution may be discontinued. Also, if a contribution is applied to an Account and we later
determine the contribution to have caused the aggregate market value of the account(s) for a
Beneficiary in all Qualified Tuition Programs sponsored by the State of New Mexico to exceed the
Maximum Account Balance, we will refund the excess contributions and any earnings thereon to the
contributor. Any refund of an excess contribution may be treated as a Non-Qualified Distribution.
Failed Contributions. If you make a contribution by check, EFT, or Recurring Contribution that is
returned unpaid by the bank upon which it is drawn, you will be responsible for any losses or
expenses incurred by the Portfolios or the Plan and we may charge your Account a reasonable Fee.
Your obligation to cover the loss may be waived if you make payment in good order within ten (10)
calendar days. We have the right to reject or cancel any contribution due to nonpayment.
Confirmation of Contributions and Transactions. We will send you a confirmation for each
contribution and transaction to your Account(s), except for Recurring Contributions, payroll direct
deposits transactions, exchanges due to dollar-cost averaging, and automatic transfers from a
Upromise account to your Account. Each confirmation statement will indicate the number of Units
you own in each Investment Portfolio. If an error has been made in the amount of the contribution
or the Investment Portfolio in which a particular contribution is invested, you must notify us of the
error within the required time period See Maintaining Your Account – Correction of Errors on page
32. We use reasonable procedures to confirm that transaction requests are genuine. You may be
responsible for losses resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized instructions received by us,
provided we reasonably believe the instructions are genuine. To safeguard your Account, please
keep your information confidential. Contact us immediately at 1.866.529.7283 if you believe there
is a discrepancy between a transaction you requested and the confirmation statement you received,
or if you believe someone has obtained unauthorized access to your Account. Contributions may be
refused if they appear to be an abuse of the Plan.
Ugift. You may invite family and friends to contribute to your Account through Ugift, either in
connection with a special event or just to provide a gift to the Account Owner’s Beneficiary. Family
and friends can either contribute online through an electronic bank transfer or by mailing in a gift
contribution coupon with a check made payable to Ugift—Scholar’s Edge. The minimum gift
contribution through Ugift is $1.
Gift contributions received in good order will be held for approximately five (5) business days
before being transferred into your Account. Gift contributions through Ugift are subject to the
Maximum Account Balance. Gift contributions will be invested according to the Standing
Investment Instruction on file for your Account at the time the gift contribution is transferred. There
may be potential tax consequences of gift contributions invested in your Account. You and the gift
giver should consult a tax advisor for more information. Ugift is an optional service, is separate
from Scholar’s Edge, and is not affiliated with the State of New Mexico, the Board, or the Trust.
For more information, please see our website at
. If you are enrolled in Upromise, you can link your Account so that amounts on deposit
in your Upromise account are automatically transferred to your Account on a periodic basis.
Transfers from a Upromise account may be subject to a minimum amount that is subject to change
at any time.
This Plan Description and Participation Agreement is not intended to provide detailed information
concerning Upromise. Upromise is administered in accordance with the terms and procedures set
forth in the Upromise Member Agreement (as amended from time to time), which is available at Participating companies, contribution levels, and terms and conditions are subject to
change at any time without notice. Upromise is an optional program, is separate from Scholar’s
Edge, and is not affiliated with the State of New Mexico, the Board, or the Trust.
General. You can take a distribution from your Account or close your Account at any time by
notifying us. We will not send any proceeds from your distribution request until all the money has
been collected, meaning the money’s availability in your Account is confirmed.
Distributions from your Account are either Qualified Distributions or Non-Qualified Distributions
as determined under IRS requirements. As the Account Owner, you are responsible for satisfying
the IRS requirements for proof of Qualified Distributions, which includes retaining any paperwork
and receipts necessary to verify the type of distribution you received. We are not required to provide
information to the IRS regarding the type (qualified or non-qualified) of distribution you request.
Distributions may be subject to U.S. federal and/or state tax withholding. For purposes of
determining that a distribution is not taxable or subject to the Distribution Tax, you must determine
whether the distribution is made in connection with the payment of Qualified Expenses, as defined
under the Code and discussed under Qualified Distributions on page 28, or fits within one of the
exceptions for treatment as a Non-Qualified Distribution as discussed under Other Distributions on
page 28.
Procedures for Distributions. Only the Account Owner may direct distributions from your Account.
Qualified Distributions made payable to the Account Owner, the Beneficiary, or an Eligible
Educational Institution may be requested online, by phone, or by completing the appropriate
distribution request form. In order for us to process a distribution request, the distribution request
must be in good order, and we must be provided with such other information or documentation as
we may require.
We will generally process a distribution from an Account within three (3) business days of
accepting the request. During periods of market volatility and at year-end, distribution requests may
take up to five (5) business days to process. Please allow ten (10) business days for the proceeds to
reach the Account Owner, the Beneficiary, or the Eligible Educational Institution. We may also
establish a minimum distribution amount and/or charge a Fee for distributions made by federal wire.
Distributions for Account Owners that are Trusts, Corporations and Other Entities. If the individuals
who are authorized to act on behalf of your entity have changed since your Account was
established, then additional documentation showing these changes must be submitted with any
distribution request.
Systematic Withdrawal Program. You may choose to establish periodic, pre-scheduled withdrawals
for Qualified Expenses from your Account. The Plan will file IRS Form 1099-Q annually for
distributions taken for all withdrawals, including those using systematic withdrawals. You may have
up to two sets of standing systematic withdrawal instructions at any given time. If the balance in an
Investment Portfolio from which you are taking systematic withdrawals is less than the amount
specified in your instructions, the systematic withdrawals under those instructions will be stopped.
A distribution for a systematic withdrawal will be held for up to five business days for
contributions that have not yet cleared, or ten (10) business days if the Account Owner or address
How To Take a Distribution from Your Account
Distributions: Distributions from your Account are either Qualified Distributions (tax free for U.S.
federal income tax purposes) or Non-Qualified Distributions (potentially subject to U.S. federal and
state income tax and, in some cases, the Distribution Tax).
has been changed on the Account and the systematic withdrawal is within ten (10) business days of
that change. The distribution will be released when the specified waiting period has been satisfied.
Temporary Withdrawal Restriction. If you make a contribution by check, EFT, or Recurring
Contribution (assuming all are in good order), we will defer the approval of a withdrawal of that
contribution from your Account for five (5) business days following deposit.
There will also be a hold of fifteen (15) business days on withdrawals following a change to your
address, and a hold of ten (10) calendar days on withdrawals if banking information has been added
or edited. For assistance, please contact a Client Service Representative at 1.866.529.7283.
Qualified Distributions. Distributions for Qualified Expenses are generally exempt from U.S. federal
and New Mexico state income taxes and the Distribution Tax. Also see “Important Tax Information
beginning on page 79.
Non-Qualified Distributions. A distribution that does not meet the requirements for a Qualified
Distribution will be considered a Non-Qualified Distribution by the IRS. The earnings portion of a
Non-Qualified Distribution will be subject to U.S. federal income taxes (and may be subject to other
taxes) and will be taxable to the person receiving the distribution. In addition, Non-Qualified
Distributions are subject to a Distribution Tax unless it is one of the distributions described below
under Other Distributions.
The person receiving the distribution is subject to IRS requirements, including filing applicable
forms with the IRS. Although we will report the earnings portion of all distributions, it is your
responsibility to calculate and report any tax liability and to substantiate any exemption from tax
and/or penalties.
Other Distributions. The distributions discussed below are not subject to the Distribution Tax.
Except for a Rollover Distribution, a Refunded Distribution, an ABLE Rollover Distribution, a
distribution for K-12 Tuition, a distribution for Apprenticeship Expenses and a distribution for
Student Loan Payments, the earnings portion of each distribution discussed will be subject to U.S.
federal and to any applicable state income taxes. For New Mexico taxpayers, Rollover Distributions
to another state’s plan may be subject to recapture.
See Important Tax Information Federal Tax Issues – Transfers and Rollovers on page 79 and
State Tax Issues beginning on page 82. You should consult a tax advisor regarding the application
of federal and state tax laws if you take any of these distributions:
Death of Beneficiary. In the event of the death of the Beneficiary, you may change the
Beneficiary of your Account, authorize a payment to a beneficiary of the Beneficiary, or the
estate of the Beneficiary, or request the return of all or a portion of your Account balance. A
distribution due to the death of the Beneficiary, if paid to a beneficiary of the Beneficiary or
the estate of the Beneficiary, will not be subject to the Distribution Tax, but earnings will be
subject to U.S. federal and any applicable state income tax. A distribution of amounts in
your Account, if not paid to a beneficiary of the Beneficiary or the Beneficiary’s estate, may
constitute a Non-Qualified Distribution, subject to U.S. federal and any applicable state
income taxes at the distributee’s tax rate and the Distribution Tax. If you select a new
Beneficiary who is a Member of the Family of the former Beneficiary, you will not owe U.S.
federal income tax or the Distribution Tax. Special rules apply to UGMA/UTMA custodial
Disability of Beneficiary. If your Beneficiary becomes Disabled, you may change the
Beneficiary of your Account or request the return of all, or a portion of your Account
balance. A distribution due to the Disability of the Beneficiary will not be subject to the
Distribution Tax, but earnings will be subject to U.S. federal and any applicable state income
tax at your tax rate. If you select a new Beneficiary who is a Member of the Family of the
former Beneficiary, you will not owe U.S. federal income tax or a Distribution Tax. Special
rules apply to UGMA/UTMA custodial accounts.
Receipt of Scholarship. If your Beneficiary receives a qualified scholarship, Account assets
up to the amount of the scholarship may be withdrawn without imposition of the Distribution
Tax. A qualified scholarship includes certain Educational Assistance allowances under U.S.
federal law as well as certain payments for educational expenses (or attributable to
attendance at certain educational institutions) that are exempt from U.S. federal income tax.
The earnings portion of a distribution due to a qualified scholarship is subject to U.S. federal
and any applicable state income tax at the distributee’s tax rate.
Attendance at Certain Specified Military Academies. If your Beneficiary attends a United
States military academy, such as the United States Naval Academy, you may withdraw up to
an amount equal to the costs attributable to the Beneficiary’s attendance at the institution
without incurring the additional Distribution Tax. The earnings portion of the distribution
will be subject to U.S. federal and any applicable state income tax at the distributee’s tax
Use of Education Tax Credits. If you pay Qualified Expenses from an Account, you will not
be able to claim American Opportunity or Lifetime Learning Credits for the same expenses.
Furthermore, expenses used in determining the allowed American Opportunity or Lifetime
Learning Credits will reduce the amount of a Beneficiary’s Qualified Expenses to be paid
from your Account as a Qualified Distribution and may result in taxable distributions. These
distributions will not be subject to the Distribution Tax.
Rollover Distribution. To qualify as a Rollover Distribution, you must reinvest the amount
distributed from your Account into another Qualified Tuition Program within sixty (60) days
of the distribution date. Rollover Distributions may be subject to certain state taxes, but are
generally exempt from U.S. federal income taxes and the Distribution Tax.
ABLE Rollover Distribution. To qualify as an ABLE Rollover Distribution, you must reinvest the
amount distributed from your Account into a Qualified ABLE Program within 60 days of the
distribution date. ABLE Rollover Distributions are generally exempt from U.S. federal income taxes
and the Distribution Tax. ABLE Rollover Distribution amounts previously deducted for New
Mexico income tax purposes may be recaptured if they are made after January 1, 2026, and/or
exceed the annual $18,000 contribution limit. Account Owners who are not New Mexico taxpayers
should consult their own tax advisors before transferring funds from a New Mexico 529 Plan to a
Qualified ABLE Program.
Roth IRA rollover. Starting in 2024 account owners can rollover up to an aggregate lifetime limit of
$35,000 from a 529 plan into a Roth IRA for the benefit of the 529 plan beneficiary. The rollover is
subject to a $7000 per year rollover limit and must be in the same name as the 529 plan beneficiary.
The 529 plan must have been in existence for at least 15 years prior to the rollover. Any 529
contributions made within the past 5 years are ineligible. Taxpayers should consult their own tax
advisors prior to completing a Roth IRA rollover.
See Important Tax Information – State Tax Issues Recapture of Income Tax Deduction on page 82.
Refunded Distribution. If you take a Refunded Distribution, any refunds received from an Eligible
Educational Institution will not be subject to U.S. federal or New Mexico state income tax or the
Distribution Tax.
Records Retention. Under current U.S. federal tax law, you are responsible for obtaining and
retaining records, invoices, or other documentation relating to your Account, including records
adequate to substantiate, among other things, the following: (i) expenses which you claim are
Qualified Expenses, (ii) the death or Disability of a Beneficiary, (iii) the receipt by a Beneficiary of
a qualified scholarship or Educational Assistance, (iv) the attendance by a Beneficiary at certain
specified military academies, (v) the earnings component of and compliance with the timing or
other requirements applicable to rollovers, savings bonds, or education savings accounts or (vi) a
Refunded Distribution.
Method of Payment. We pay distributions as noted to the following payees:
Account Owner (by check or by ACH to an established bank account);
Beneficiary (by check or by ACH to an established bank account); or
Eligible Education Institution (by check or by electronic payment to schools where available).
A distribution taken by check to pay K-12 Tuition will be made payable to the Account Owner only.
Timing of Distribution Request. Distribution requests received in good order before the close of the
NYSE (generally 4 p.m. Eastern Time) on any day the NYSE is open for business are processed that
day based on the Unit Values of the Portfolios underlying your Account for that day. Requests
received after the close of the NYSE are processed the next business day using the Unit Values on
that day.
In the event of Force Majeure, we may experience processing delays, which may affect your trade
date. In those instances, your actual trade date may be after the trade date you would have received,
which may negatively affect the value of your Account. For the definition of Force Majeure, see
Market Uncertainties and other events in the Section entitled Important Risks You Should Consider
beginning on page 54.
Tax Treatment of Distributions. Please read Important Tax Information starting on page 79.
Account Statements. You will receive quarterly statements to reflect transactions only if you have
made transactions within the quarter. These transactions include contributions (including gifts)
made to your Account, exchanges due to dollar-cost averaging, automatic transfers from a
Upromise account to your Account, withdrawals made from your Account, and transaction and
maintenance fees incurred by your Account. The total value of your Account at the end of the
quarter will also be included in your quarterly statements. You will receive an annual Account
Statement even if you have made no transactions within the year.
Your Account statement is not a tax document and should not be submitted with your tax forms.
However, you could use your Account statement(s) to determine the amounts contributed during the
previous tax year. You may request duplicate copies of Account statements to be provided to
another party.
You can choose to receive periodic Account statements, transaction confirmations, and other
personal correspondence via electronic delivery or in paper format. We reserve the right to charge a
Fee for duplicate copies of historical statements.
Your Financial Professional will not automatically receive copies of your Account Statements. If
you would like your Financial Professional to receive copies of your Account Statements, you must
complete and submit the appropriate power of attorney or agent authorization form.
Options for Unused Contributions, Changing a Beneficiary, Transferring Assets to Another of Your
Accounts. Your Beneficiary may choose not to attend an Eligible Educational Institution or may not
use all the money in your Account. In either case, you may name a new Beneficiary or take a
distribution of your Account assets. Any Non-Qualified Distribution from your Account will be
subject to applicable income taxes and may be subject to the Distribution Tax. See How to Take a
Distribution from your Account beginning on page 27.
You can change your Beneficiary at any time. To avoid negative tax consequences, the new
Beneficiary must be a Member of the Family of the original Beneficiary. Any change of the
Beneficiary to a person who is not a Member of the Family of the current Beneficiary is treated as a
Non-Qualified Distribution subject to applicable U.S. federal and state income taxes as well as the
Distribution Tax. An Account Owner who is an UGMA/UTMA Custodian will not be able to
change the Beneficiary of the Account, except as may be permitted under the applicable
UGMA/UTMA law. See Funding Methods – Moving Assets from an UGMA/UTMA Account
beginning on page 22.
To initiate a change of Beneficiary, you must complete and submit the appropriate beneficiary
change form. The change will be made upon our receipt and acceptance of the signed, properly
completed form(s) in good order. We reserve the right to suspend the processing of a Beneficiary
transfer if we suspect that the transfer is intended to avoid the Plan’s twice per calendar year
exchange and reallocation limits and/or the tax laws. Also, a Beneficiary change or transfer of assets
may be denied or limited if it causes one or more Accounts to exceed the Maximum Account
Account Maintenance:
Did you know that most transactions and changes to your Account can be
handled online by going to and logging into your Account?
Maintaining Your Account
Balance for a Beneficiary. There is no Fee for changing a Beneficiary. You may also initiate a
change of Beneficiary online by logging into your Account at
When you change a Beneficiary, we will invest your assets in accordance with the Standing
Investment Instruction for the new Beneficiary’s Account. You can also transfer assets in your
Account to a new Investment Portfolio when you change the Beneficiary for your Account.
Changing Investment Portfolios. You may change Investment Portfolios twice per calendar year,
and with a permissible change in the Beneficiary. The twice per calendar year limitation on
reallocations applies in the aggregate across all of your accounts for the same Beneficiary under all
Qualified Tuition Programs sponsored by the State of New Mexico. You may exchange Units in a
Portfolio only for Units of the same Unit Class in another Portfolio. You can initiate this transaction
online, over the telephone by contacting a Client Service Representative at 1.866.529.7283, or by
downloading and submitting the appropriate exchange/future contribution form from our website at Because you may make only two (2) changes per year as described above, it
is important that you select an Investment Portfolio that will meet your comfort level for risk in a
variety of market conditions.
Changing or Removing a Custodian. For an Account funded with assets originally held in an
UGMA/UTMA account, the Custodian may be released or replaced upon written notice to the Plan.
See Funding Methods – Moving Assets from an UGMA/UTMA Account on page 22.
Change of Account Owner. Except as discussed below, you may transfer control of your Account
assets to a new Account Owner. All transfers to a new Account Owner must be requested in writing
and include any information that may be required by us, including the designation of a Financial
Professional. However, your right of control may not be sold, transferred, used as collateral, or
pledged or exchanged for money or anything of value. We may require affidavits or other evidence
to establish that a transfer is non-financial in nature. Your right of control may also be transferred
under an appropriate court order as part of divorce proceedings or other legal proceedings. If you
transfer control of an Account to a new Account Owner, the new Account Owner must agree to be
bound by the terms and conditions of the Plan Description and Participation Agreement and
Enrollment Form.
Transferring an Account to a new Account Owner may have significant tax consequences. Before
doing so, you may want to check with your tax advisor regarding your particular situation.
Simultaneous Death of Account Owner and Beneficiary. If you and your Beneficiary both die and
there is no evidence to verify that one died before the other, the appointed Successor Account
Owner will become the Account Owner. If no Successor Account Owner has been appointed, the
fiduciary responsible for the disposition of the Beneficiary’s estate must designate the new Account
Owner. If no executor or fiduciary has been appointed, one must be appointed by a valid court order
for this purpose.
Recovery of Incorrect Amounts. If an incorrect amount is paid to or on behalf of you or your
Beneficiary, we may recover this amount from you or your Beneficiary, or any remaining balances
may be adjusted to correct the error. The processing of adjustments resulting from clerical errors or
other causes that are de minimis in amount may be waived at the discretion of the Board.
Correction of Errors. There is a 60-day period for making corrections. If, within sixty (60) days after
issuance of any Account statement or confirmation, you make no written objection to us regarding
an error in your Account that is reflected on that statement, the statement will be deemed correct and
binding upon you and your Beneficiary. If you do not write us to object to a confirmation within
that time period, you will be considered to have approved it and to have released the Plan Officials
from all responsibility for matters covered by the confirmation. Each Account Owner agrees to
provide all information that we need to comply with any legal reporting requirements.
Internet Access. You have the option to perform Account- related transactions and activity online.
You can securely access and manage your Account information, including quarterly statements,
annual statements, transaction confirmations, and tax forms, 24 hours a day at
once you have created an online user ID and password. If you choose to open an Account
electronically or register for online access to an existing Account, you can also choose to access
documents relating to your Account online. Please note that if you elect to receive documents
electronically, the only way to get paper copies of these documents will be to print them from a
computer. The Enrollment Kit and additional information about the Plan are available on our
website. These materials and this information may be supplemented from time to time throughout
the year. Any supplements will also be available on our website.
If you have elected electronic delivery, we may, from time to time, notify you by email that
documents, including Account statements and transaction confirmations, have been delivered.
However, email notification is not a substitute for regularly checking your Account at
We may archive Account documents and cease providing them on our website when they become
out of date. You should consider printing any Account information that you may wish to retain
before it is removed. After these documents are archived, you will be able to obtain a copy for a Fee
by contacting a Client Service Representative at 1.866.529.7283.
You will be required to create a user ID and password and authenticate your device(s) in order to
access and perform transactions in your Account. You should not share your password with anyone
else. We will honor instructions from any person who provides correct identifying information, and
we are not responsible for fraudulent transactions we believe to be genuine according to these
procedures. Accordingly, you bear the risk of loss if unauthorized persons obtain your user ID and
password and conduct any transactions on your Account. You can reduce this risk by checking your
Account information regularly. You should avoid using passwords that can be guessed and should
consider changing your password frequently. For security purposes, our Client Service
Representatives will not ask you for your password. It is your responsibility to review your Account
information and to notify us promptly of any unusual activity. You can withdraw your consent to
receiving documents electronically at any time by contacting a Client Service Representative at
1.866.529.7283 or making the change online.
We cannot guarantee the privacy or reliability of email, so we will not honor requests for transfers
or changes received by email, nor will we send Account information through email. All transfers or
changes should be made through our secure website. Our website uses generally accepted and
available encryption software and protocols. This is designed to prevent unauthorized people from
eavesdropping or intercepting information sent by or received from us. This may require that you
use certain readily available versions of web browsers. As new security software or other
technology becomes available, we may enhance our systems.
Unclaimed Accounts and Uncashed Distribution Checks. Under certain circumstances, if there has
been no activity in your Account, if we have not been able to contact you for a period of time, or
you fail to cash a distribution check, your Account or the uncashed check may be considered
abandoned under New Mexico’s or your state’s unclaimed property laws. If your property is
considered abandoned, it will, without proper claim by the Account Owner within a certain period
of years, revert to the State or your state. Maintaining and ensuring your account information is up
to date will assist the State or your state with properly contacting you should your Account be
considered abandoned.
Involuntary Termination of Accounts. Scholar’s Edge is not intended to be used, nor should it be
used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of evading U.S. federal or state taxes or tax penalties. We
may refuse to establish or may terminate an Account if we determine that it is in the best interest of
Scholar’s Edge or required by law. If we determine that you provided false or misleading
information to the Plan Officials or an Eligible Educational Institution in establishing or maintaining
an Account, or that you are restricted by law from participating in Scholar’s Edge, we may close
your Account. Trust interests redeemed as a result of closing your Account will be valued at the
Unit Value next calculated after we decide to close your Account, and the risk of market loss, tax
implications, and any other expenses, as a result of the liquidation, will be solely your
The Fees associated with Scholar’s Edge, which may change from time to time without notice, are
described in this section. Any changes to the Fees will be included in any updated Plan Description
and Participation Agreements or Supplements.
Scholar’s Edge currently offers three Unit Classes for each Investment Portfolio: Class A Units,
Class C Units, and Class R Units. Each Unit Class has its own Fee structure. You should ask your
Financial Professional to assist you in choosing the Unit Class that best meets your goals. Class R
Units may not be available to you. Class R Units are designed for use in fee-based accounts through
qualified registered investment advisors or selling agents who buy through a broker/dealer in
advisory accounts. Class R Units may be sold by selling agents that charge brokerage commissions
and other transaction-related fees directly to their clients.
Provided below is an overview of the Fees associated with Scholar’s Edge. Following the overview,
detailed information is provided about the Fee structure for each Unit Class. See Class A Units
Fees and Charges beginning on page 39, Class C Units – Fees and Charges beginning on page 45,
and Class R Units Fees and Charges beginning on page 48.
Sales Charges. Class A and Class C Units are subject to sales charges. Class A Units are subject to a
maximum initial sales charge of 3.50% on the amount invested. Class C Units are subject to a
maximum CDSC of 1.00% if they are redeemed within one year of purchase. Class R Units are not
subject to any sales charges. There are no sales charges applicable to Class A or Class C Units of
the Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio. Class A Units of the Scholar’s Edge Capital
Preservation Portfolio purchased without an initial sales charge that are then exchanged to any other
Portfolio will be subject to a maximum initial sales charge of 3.50%. Class C Units of the Scholar’s
Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio purchased without an initial sales charge that are then
exchanged to any other Portfolio will be subject to a maximum CDSC of 1.00% if they are
redeemed within one year of purchase. Sales charges may be reduced or waived in certain limited
Total Annual Asset-Based Fee. Each Unit Class for each Investment Portfolio is subject to certain
annual asset-based Fees. The Total Annual Asset-Based Fee is the sum of Underlying Investment
Expenses, the Program Management Fee, and the Board Administrative Fee. For Class A and Class
C Units, the Total Annual Asset-Based Fee also includes the Distribution and Service Fee.
Range of Total Annual Asset
-Based Fees by Unit
Class as of the date of this Plan Description and
Class A: 0.53% – 1.33%
Class C: 0.78% – 2.08%
Class R: 0.28% – 1.08%
Fees and Charges
Program Management Fee (All Unit Classes). Each Portfolio is subject to an ongoing annual
Program Management Fee of 0.20%. The Program Manager receives the Program Management
Fee for services provided to Scholar’s Edge. It is intended that the Program Management Fee
will provide all income to the Program Manager necessary to cover the expenses of
administering Scholar’s Edge. This Fee is accrued daily and is factored into a Portfolio’s Unit
Board Administrative Fee (All Unit Classes). Each Portfolio is subject to an ongoing annual
Board Administrative Fee of 0.08%. The Board receives the Board Administrative Fee to
administer and market the Plan. Any amounts deemed not necessary for such uses may be
used for any purpose related to the New Mexico 529 program.
Distribution and Service Fee (Class A and C Only). Class A and C Units for each Portfolio are
subject to an ongoing annual Distribution and Service Fee of 0.25% and 1.00%, respectively.
PFD receives the Distribution and Service Fee to support the marketing and sale of Scholar’s
Edge and as compensation for services that PFD provides to the Plan. PFD uses amounts
received from the Distribution and Service Fee to pay third parties, such as your Financial
Professional, that provide distribution, marketing, and related services. This Fee is accrued
daily and is factored into a Portfolio’s Unit Value.
Underlying Investment Expenses (All Unit Classes). The value of each Portfolio is reduced by
the expenses associated with its Underlying Investment(s). Underlying Investment Expenses may
increase or decrease over time. Except for the Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio,
each Portfolio invests in the shares of one or more mutual funds or exchange traded funds
(ETFs). The expenses associated with an investment in a mutual fund or ETF may include
investment advisory fees, administration fees, distribution and service fees, and other expenses.
These expenses are reflected in the mutual fund’s or ETF’s expense ratio, which is expressed as a
percentage of the fund’s average daily net assets. A mutual fund’s expense ratio may vary by
share class. See Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information – Underlying Fund
Share Classes beginning on page 96 for the share classes of the Underlying Funds in which the
Portfolios invest.
Investment advisory and other fees paid by the Underlying Funds are payable to the funds’
respective investment advisors and other service providers, including the Investment Managers
and their affiliates. PGI is the Investment Manager for certain Underlying Funds.
The Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio and certain other Portfolios invest in the
Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract, a funding agreement issued by Principal Life, an affiliate of
PGI and PFD. The Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract does not have expenses like an
Underlying Fund. However, there are certain costs and expenses associated with the contract that
impact the interest rate credited by Principal Life under the contract. See Appendix A: Additional
Underlying Investment Information Additional Information about the Scholar’s Edge
Guaranteed Contract on page 125.
Annual Account Maintenance Fee. An Annual Account Maintenance Fee of $20 is charged to each
Account and paid to the Program Manager. This Fee is waived if the Account balance is at least
$25,000, if you or your Beneficiary is a New Mexico Resident, or if you make Recurring
Contributions of at least $25 per month or $75 per quarter. The Fee, if not waived, will be assessed
on the first business day after the 20th calendar day in the anniversary month during which the
Account was opened. The Fee, if not waived, will be prorated if the Account is closed prior to that
Service-Based and Other Fees. We reserve the right to charge additional service-based and other
Fees if we consider them to be necessary and reasonable. We may also impose certain transactional
Fees up to the amounts specified below:
Fee Amount*
Returned Check or
Rejected ACH
Priority Delivery
$15 Weekday / $25
Saturday / $50 Foreign
Outgoing Wires
$15 Domestic / $25
Request for Historical
$10 per yearly statement
Electronic Payment to
Schools (where available)
Rollover Out of the Plan
* Subject to change without prior notice.
We reserve the right to not reimburse fees charged by financial institutions for contributions made
either via Recurring Contribution or EFT that are cancelled due to insufficient funds in the bank
account from which the money is withdrawn.
If you request delivery of distribution proceeds by priority delivery service, outgoing wire or, if
available, electronic payment to schools, Scholar’s Edge will deduct the applicable fee listed in the
table above directly from your Account and will include this fee amount on your annual IRS Form
1099-Q as part of the gross distributions paid to you during the year. In its discretion and without
prior notice, Scholar’s Edge may deduct directly from your Account the other fees and expenses
identified in the table above or similar fees or charges. Please consult your tax advisor regarding
calculating and reporting any tax liability associated with the payment of any of these fees out of
your Account in a year.
Float Income. The Program Manager may receive indirect compensation for the custodial services
that it provides to your Account. This compensation, known as “float” income, is paid by the
financial organization at which the Program Manager maintains “clearing accounts” or by the
investments in which the Program Manager invests in such clearing accounts. Float income may
arise from interest that is earned on Account contributions or distributions during the time that these
assets are held by the Program Manager in clearing accounts but are not invested in an Investment
Portfolio. For example, if you request a distribution and receive the distribution check but do not
cash it for several days, some interest may be earned while your funds remain in the clearing
These clearing accounts generally earn interest at a rate between the money market rate and that of
U.S. Treasury Notes. The interest paid on each of these transactions is typically small, and it is
likely to represent a minor portion of the overall compensation received by the Program Manager or
other Plan service provider.
Dealer Compensation. PFD distributes interests in Scholar’s Edge through Dealers, including your
Financial Professional, who are compensated by PFD for the distribution, marketing, administrative
support, or other services that they provide to the Plan. PFD uses sales charges and Distribution and
Service Fees under the Plan to compensate Dealers but may also compensate Dealers out of its own
assets. PFD may, from time to time, offer additional sales incentives to Dealers. These payments
may create a conflict of interest by influencing the Dealer or other intermediary and your Financial
Advisor to recommend Scholar’s Edge over other 529 plans or other investments. In addition,
because the compensation paid to Dealers by PFD varies by Unit Class, there may be an incentive
for a Dealer to recommend a particular Unit Class over another.
A Dealer must satisfy certain contractual arrangements with PFD in order to receive compensation
from PFD. PFD reserves the right to revise its compensation arrangements with Dealers at its
Additional Fees or Commissions. Financial Professionals may charge additional fees or receive
commissions other than those disclosed in this Plan Description and Participation Agreement. You
should ask your Financial Professional about any fees it charges or commissions it receives. With
respect to Class R Units, the fees associated with fee-based accounts are determined separately
between you and your Financial Professional and are not a feature of or affiliated with Scholar’s
Edge. Class R Units may be sold by selling agents that charge brokerage commissions and other
transaction-related fees directly to their clients. These commissions and fees are not a feature of or
affiliated with Scholar’s Edge. You should ask your Financial Professional if they charge brokerage
commissions or other fees related to the purchase of Class R Units.
Additional Compensation to the Program Manager, PGI, or PFD. The Program Manager will also
receive compensation from certain Investment Managers and/or distributors or transfer agents for a
variety of transfer agency, distribution, and other related administrative services with respect to the
Plan. These services include, for example, processing purchases, redemptions, exchanges, dividend
reinvestments, consolidated statements, tax reporting, and other recordkeeping services. The
Program Manager, PGI, and/or PFD also provides a variety of distribution and marketing services
as well as other support to Investment Managers. These services include, but are not limited to,
support personnel for Financial Professionals, review and implementation of features of the
Underlying Investments, strategic planning support to assist Investment Managers, and the
provision of sale-related reports and other information. In consideration for these services, the
Program Manager, PGI, and/or PFD may receive compensation from the Investment Managers, the
Underlying Investments, and/or their respective distributors or transfer agents, and the Portfolios.
Reinstatement Option. If you have taken a Non-Qualified Distribution from your Account, you may
reinvest an amount equal to all or a portion of the Non-Qualified Distribution in the same Unit Class
at the Unit Value next determined after receipt in proper form of your investment order. The
reinvestment must be made within sixty (60) days of the Non-Qualified Distribution and may be
reinvested in any Portfolio. Under these circumstances, the dollar amount of the initial sales charge
or CDSC you paid, if any, on Units will be reimbursed to you by reinvesting that amount in the
same Unit Class. You may exercise this option only once per Portfolio and certain restrictions may
apply. For purposes of any CDSC, the holding period will continue as if the Class A or Class C
Units had not been withdrawn. You must indicate in writing that you are reinvesting under the
reinstatement privilege.
Availability of this option varies by Dealer. Please check with your Financial Advisor as to whether
the Dealer with which the Financial Advisor is associated with allows this option.
Class A UnitsFees and Charges
Initial Sales Charge. If you invest in Class A Units, you will pay an initial sales charge of up to 3.50%
of the amount invested. The initial sales charge will be charged before your contribution is invested
in the Portfolio(s) you select. In certain limited circumstances, the initial sales charge may be reduced
or waived as described below.
Initial Sales Charge Breakpoint Schedule and Dealer Compensation. The maximum initial sales
charge applicable upon the purchase of Class A Units will be reduced according to the table below
based on your contribution amount. Rights of Accumulation may apply for purposes of calculating
your contribution amount. The table below also describes the portions of the maximum initial sales
charge that are (a) paid out by PFD as commissions to Dealers or (b) retained by PFD.
Contribution Amount
Maximum Initial Sales
Dealer Commission
Retained by
Up to $49,999
$50,000 to $249,999
$250,000 to $499,999
$500,000 or Greater
1. All percentages are a percentage of the amount invested.
2. The Program Manager or PFD will pay a dealer commission on aggregate contributions of
$500,000 or more from its own assets.
3. Subject to the paragraph immediately following this table.
PFD will pay a Dealer that establishes certain employer-sponsored investment plans that have elected to
allow Class A Unit purchases at NAV an upfront commission of 1.00%. PFD will also pay a 0.25%
annualized commission on amounts that are deposited to Scholar’s Edge. The 0.25% commission will be
paid beginning on the thirteenth month following the account opening date. PFD will pay such
commissions out of its own resources. PFD, in its discretion, may terminate
the payment of such
commissions at any time.
Notwithstanding the table above, the maximum initial sales charge will be 0% for one non-rollover,
lump-sum contribution of $75,000 or greater per Account. PFD will pay an upfront dealer
commission of 1.00% on any such lump-sum contribution used to purchase Class A Units of a
Portfolio. PFD will also pay a 0.25% dealer commission beginning on the thirteenth month
following such lump-sum contribution. The 0.25% commission amount will be calculated on the
then current Account value. PFD will pay such dealer commissions out of its own assets. PFD, in its
discretion, may terminate the payment of such commissions at any time. Any applicable contingent
deferred sales charges (CDSCs) will be waived on Qualified Distributions from such Accounts
receiving the initial sales charge waiver described above made within the first 12 months from the
date of the lump-sum contribution.
Rights of Accumulation. You may be able to receive a reduction in the initial sales charge on Class
A Units through Rights of Accumulation. Rights of Accumulation apply to Account Owners who
make a series of contributions to any Portfolio. If the combined value of holdings in (i) all Plan
Units (or any class) plus (ii) all Principal mutual Fund shares (as long as the broker of record for the
mutual Fund account is the same as for the Plan account) held by the Account Owner or their
immediate family members, or both, reaches a breakpoint discount level, the purchase of Class A
Units will receive the lower sales charge. However, the value of mutual funds for which no initial
sales charge was paid will not be considered for Rights of Accumulation. You and your immediate
family member must indicate your eligibility for Rights of Accumulation on your Enrollment Form.
For purposes of Rights of Accumulation, a member of an immediate family includes spouse,
domestic partner, parent, legal guardian, child, sibling, stepchild, and father- or mother-in-law. The
current value of your holdings is determined at the Unit Value of each Portfolio at the close of
business on the day prior to your purchase of Class A Units and by the value of mutual fund shares
you and your immediate family members currently own as shown in the most recent account
statement provided to the Plan. The current value of your holdings will be added to your purchase
of Class A Units for the purpose of calculating your contribution amount. The reduced initial sales
charges described above resulting from Rights of Accumulation apply only if the Program Manager
is notified that a contribution qualifies for a reduced initial sales charge at the time the contribution
is made. The reduced initial sales charge will be granted upon confirmation of the aggregate
contributions to the applicable Accounts. Such reduced initial sales charges generally will not be
applied retroactively to contributions made prior to the contribution that qualifies for the applicable
reduced initial sales charge.
Letter of Intent. Under a Letter of Intent, you may be able to reduce the initial sales charge rate that
applies to your purchases of Class A Units. A Letter of Intent is an investor’s statement in writing to
the Program Manager of his or her intention to purchase a specified value of Class A Units in all his
or her Accounts in the Plan during a 13-month period, which begins on the date of receipt of the
Letter of Intent by the Program Manager. The initial sales charge on each purchase of Class A Units
during the 13-month period is assessed at the rate that would apply to a single lump-sum purchase
of Class A Units in the amount intended to be purchased under the Letter of Intent. In submitting a
Letter of Intent, the Account Owner makes no commitment to purchase Units. However, if the
Account Owner does not fulfill the terms of the Letter of Intent by the end of the 13-month period,
he or she agrees to pay the additional initial sales charges that would have been applicable to the
Class A Unit purchases that were made.
Contingent Deferred Sales Charge. A maximum CDSC of 1.00% may be charged if Class A Units
that were not subject to an initial sales charge are redeemed for a Non-Qualified Distribution within
12 months of purchase but will not be charged for a Qualified Distribution. The CDSC on such
Class A Units will be waived on any amount attributable to investment gains. The CDSC on such
Class A Units will also be waived if the distribution is made as a result of the death or Disability of
either the Account Owner or the Beneficiary. The CDSC is calculated using the lower of cost or
market value of Units redeemed.
Class A Units of the Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio purchased without an initial sales
charge that are then exchanged to any other Portfolio will be subject to the applicable sales charge
described above or, if the exchange is eligible for an initial sales charge waiver, the CDSC if they
are redeemed for a Qualified or Non-Qualified Distribution within 18 months of the exchange into
the new Portfolio.
Sales Charge Waivers. An initial sales charge and Dealer commissions will not apply to the
purchase of Class A Units under the following situations:
Purchases by any employee, and any member of the immediate family of such
employee, of a firm with a selling agreement with Scholar’s Edge.*
Purchases by any employee, and any member of the immediate family of such
employee, of a company affiliated with an Underlying Investment (as determined in the
Program Manager’s or PFD’s discretion).*
Purchases by the Program Manager, PGI, PFD, or any other their affiliates or
employees or such employees’ immediate family members.*
Purchases by employees and registered representatives of the prior program manager,
OFI Private Investments Inc., or the prior distributor, Oppenheimer Funds Distributor,
Inc., who opened an Account in Scholar’s Edge prior to December 9, 2019.
Purchases by Principal Securities, Inc. where no advisor is listed on the account or
where a house account is established.
Purchases by certain employer-sponsored investment plans.
Purchases by endowments, foundations, banks, broker-dealers, or other
approved financial institutions or institutional accounts that do not accept or
charge the initial sales charges.
Purchases by current and former directors of Principal Funds, member companies of
Principal, and their active or retired employees, officers, directors, brokers, or agents, as
well as their immediate family members and trusts created by or primarily for the benefit
of any such individuals, for the life of their accounts.*
* For purposes of sales charge waivers, a member of an immediate family includes
spouse, domestic partner, parent, legal guardian, child, sibling, stepchild, and father- or
There are no sales charges applicable to Class A or Class C Units of the Scholar’s Edge Capital
Preservation Portfolio.
In addition to the circumstances set forth above, a purchase of Class A Units with assets rolled over
to the Plan from a Qualified Tuition Program sponsored by a state other than New Mexico may be
made without initial sales charges to the extent that the purchase is made through a Financial
Professional associated with a Dealer choosing to make the sales charge waiver available to its
Each Dealer is responsible for determining whether to make or not make the initial sales charge
waiver for rollovers to the Plan available to its clients. You should check with your Financial
Professional as to whether the Dealer with which the Financial Professional is associated makes the
initial sales charge waiver for rollovers available to its clients before initiating a rollover. No Plan
Official is responsible for a Dealer’s decision as to whether to make the initial sales charge waiver
available to its clients.
Rollovers from Other Section 529 Plans. Purchases of Class A Units with assets rolled over or
transferred to Scholar’s Edge from another Section 529 plan or from other Scholar’s Edge accounts
may be made without initial sales charges to the extent that the purchase is made through a
Financial Professional associated with a Dealer choosing to make the sales charge waiver available
to some or all of its clients. While the initial sales charge waiver is intended primarily for Account
Owners rolling over or transferring assets with respect to which initial sales charges have previously
been paid, a particular Dealer may choose to not make the initial sales charge waiver available for
any rollovers or transfers, or to extend the initial sales charge waiver to all rollovers or transfers to
Scholar’s Edge by such Dealer’s clients regardless of whether initial sales charges previously have
or have not been paid with respect to the assets being rolled over or transferred.
Each Dealer is responsible for determining whether:
to never make the initial sales charge waiver for rollovers and transfers to Scholar’s
Edge available to its clients under any circumstances, or
to limit the initial sales charge waiver to rollovers and transfers by its clients where
initial sales charges previously have been paid with respect to the assets being rolled
over or transferred, or
to extend the initial sales charge waiver to all rollovers and transfers to Scholar’s Edge
by its clients regardless of whether initial sales charges previously have or have not
been paid with respect to the assets being rolled over or transferred.
Each Dealer also is responsible for:
making the initial sales charge waiver available to its clients who qualify for such
waiver based on the criteria established by such Dealer; and
verifying that any client to whom the initial sales charge waiver is granted in fact
qualifies for such waiver based on such criteria.
You should check with your Financial Professional as to whether the Dealer with which the
Financial Professional is associated makes the initial sales charge waiver for rollovers and transfers
available to its clients and, if so, under what circumstances, before initiating a rollover or transfer.
Eligibility for any initial sales charge waiver is limited to the purchase of Class A Units with assets
rolled over or transferred directly from another Section 529 plan or from other Scholar’s Edge
accounts. All other fees and expenses applicable to Class A Units will apply. Neither Scholar’s
Edge, the board, Ascensus, or PFD is responsible for a Dealer’s decision as to whether to make the
initial sales charge waiver available to its clients or, if so, under what circumstances. In addition,
neither Scholar’s Edge, the board, Ascensus, or PFD is responsible for: (i) verifying that a Dealer
has made the initial sales charge waiver available to qualifying clients based on the criteria
established by such Dealer; or (ii) verifying that an Account Owner to whom the initial sales charge
waiver is granted in fact qualifies for such waiver based on such criteria.
PFD will pay a Dealer that makes the initial sales charge waiver for rollovers to Scholar’s Edge
available to its clients an upfront commission of 1.00% and 0.25% per month on assets that are
rolled over to Scholar’s Edge from other Section 529 plans and used to purchase Class A Units of a
Portfolio other than the Cash Reserve Portfolio. The 0.25% commission will be paid beginning on
the thirteenth month following the commission-eligible rollover. The contingent deferred sales
charge (CDSC) will be waived on any Qualified Distributions within the first 12 months paid from a
rollover. The commission amount will be calculated on the then current Section 529 account value.
PFD will pay such commissions out of its own resources. PFD, in its discretion, may terminate the
payment of such commissions at any time. Certain Dealers may choose to decline receipt of such
upfront commissions with respect to rollovers to Scholar’s Edge that qualify for an initial sales
charge waiver.
Fee Structure Table. The following table describes the Fees for the Class A Units of each Portfolio
in Scholar’s Edge.
and Service
Initial Sales
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios
2042-2043 Portfolio 0.40% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.93% 3.50%
2040-2041 Portfolio 0.40% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.93% 3.50%
2038-2039 Portfolio 0.40% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.92% 3.50%
2036-2037 Portfolio 0.39% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.92% 3.50%
2034-2035 Portfolio 0.39% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.92% 3.50%
2032-2033 Portfolio 0.37% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.90% 3.50%
2030-2031 Portfolio 0.35% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.88% 3.50%
2028-2029 Portfolio 0.34% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.87% 3.50%
2026-2027 Portfolio 0.31% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.84% 3.50%
2024-2025 Portfolio 0.28% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.81% 3.50%
Today Portfolio 0.25% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.78% 3.50%
Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios
Aggressive Portfolio 0.39% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.92% 3.50%
Moderate Portfolio 0.35% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.88% 3.50%
Conservative Portfolio 0.31% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.84% 3.50%
Fixed Income Portfolio 0.25% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.78% 3.50%
Individual Portfolios
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index
0.03% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.56% 3.50%
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio 0.57% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 1.10% 3.50%
Principal Equity Income
0.52% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 1.05% 3.50%
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index
Fund Portfolio
0.04% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.57% 3.50%
iShares Small Cap Index
0.06% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.59% 3.50%
Principal Diversified
International Portfolio
0.78% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 1.31% 3.50%
JPMorgan Emerging Markets
Equity Portfolio
0.80% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 1.33% 3.50%
Principal Core Fixed Income
0.38% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.91% 3.50%
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate
Bond Portfolio
0.03% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.56% 3.50%
Principal Short-Term Income
0.43% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.96% 3.50%
Vanguard Total World Stock
0.07% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.60% 3.50%
Vanguard Total International
Bond Portfolio
0.07% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.60% 3.50%
MainStay MacKay High Yield
Corporate Bond Portfolio
0.57% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 1.10% 3.50%
Scholar's Edge Capital
Preservation Portfolio
0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 0.53% 0.00%
Principal Real Estate
Securities Portfolio
0.80% 0.20% 0.08% 0.25% 1.33% 3.50%
The Annual Account Maintenance Fee of $20, which is waived if the Account balance is at least $25,000, if you or your Beneficiary is
a New Mexico Resident, or if you make Recurring Contributions of at least $25 per month or $75 per calendar quarter.
Underlying Investment Expenses are based on expenses of the Underlying Investments as of August 28, 2023, and may increase or
decrease over time. Estimated Underlying Investment Expenses for the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios and Scholar’s
Edge Target Risk Portfolios represent a weighted average of the expenses of the Portfolios’ respective Underlying Investments. See
fn. 6 below for information related to the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract, which is relevant to a Scholar’s Edge Year of
Enrollment Portfolio or Target Risk Portfolio to the extent that it invests in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract.
The Program Management Fee for a Portfolio may be voluntarily reduced at any time on a temporary or permanent basis by the Program
This total represents the sum of the annualized Estimated Underlying Investment Expenses, Program Management Fee, Board
Administrative Fee, and Distribution and Service Fee. It does not include the Annual Account Maintenance Fee.
These Portfolios invest all or a portion of their assets in ETFs. Because ETFs are traded on a securities exchange, Portfolios that invest in
ETFs will pay transaction costs when buying and selling shares of an ETF. These transaction costs are not listed in the table.
The Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio invests in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract which does not have an expense ratio
like the Underlying Funds found in the other portfolios. The Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract is a funding agreement issued by
Principal Life that provides a guaranteed interest rate to the Plan for a specified period of time that is backed by Principal Life’s general
account. While the calculation by Principal Life of the current interest rate under the contract is impacted by various costs and expenses
borne by Principal Life, such as losses incurred on the investments of the general account and lower investment returns due to timing of
contract cash flows relative to market conditions, such costs and expenses cannot be expressed as an expense ratio.
The maximum initial sales charge for the Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio is 0% as described in the section titled Sales
Class C UnitsFees and Charges
Contingent Deferred Sales Charge. Class C Units are sold without an initial sales charge. The full
amount of each contribution is invested in the Account. If Class C Units are redeemed for a
Qualified or Non-Qualified Distribution within one year of purchase, a maximum CDSC of 1.00%
may be charged. The CDSC on Class C Units will be waived on any amount attributable to
investment gains. The CDSC on Class C Units will also be waived if the distribution is made as a
result of the death or Disability of either the Account Owner or the Beneficiary. The CDSC is
calculated using the lower of cost or market value of Units redeemed.
There is no CDSC with respect to Class C Units of the Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation
Portfolio. Class C Units of the Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio that are exchanged to
any other Portfolio will be subject to the applicable CDSC if they are redeemed within 12 months of
the exchange into the new Portfolio.
Dealer Compensation. Dealers receive commissions up to 1.00% of the amount invested in Class C
Units. PFD pays commissions to Dealers on the sale of Class C Units from amounts received from
ongoing Distribution and Service Fees or CDSCs charged on the redemption of Class C Units or
otherwise from its own assets.
Automatic Conversion to Class A Units. Class C Units are automatically converted into Class A Units
five years after the date of purchase, at which time such Units become subject to the Total Annual
Asset-Based Fees for Class A Units. The automatic conversion is not subject to any initial sales charge
or CDSC.
Fee Structure Table. The following table describes the Fees for the Class C Units of each Portfolio in
Scholar’s Edge.
and Service
Based Fee
Deferred Sales
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios
2042 - 2043 Portfolio 0.40% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.68% 1.00%
2040 - 2041 Portfolio 0.40% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.68% 1.00%
2038-2039 Portfolio 0.39% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.68% 1.00%
2036-2037 Portfolio 0.39% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.67% 1.00%
2034-2035 Portfolio 0.39% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.67% 1.00%
2032-2033 Portfolio 0.37% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.65% 1.00%
2030-2031 Portfolio 0.35% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.63% 1.00%
2028-2029 Portfolio 0.34% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.62% 1.00%
2026-2027 Portfolio 0.31% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.59% 1.00%
2024-2025 Portfolio 0.28% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.56% 1.00%
Today Portfolio 0.25% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.53% 1.00%
Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios
Aggressive Portfolio 0.39% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.67% 1.00%
Moderate Portfolio 0.35% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.63% 1.00%
Conservative Portfolio 0.31% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.59% 1.00%
Fixed Income Portfolio 0.25% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.53% 1.00%
Individual Portfolios
iShares S&P 500 Stock
Index Portfolio
0.03% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.31% 1.00%
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio 0.57% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.85% 1.00%
Principal Equity Income
0.52% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.80% 1.00%
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index
Fund Portfolio
0.04% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.32% 1.00%
iShares Small Cap Index
0.06% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.34% 1.00%
Principal Diversified
International Portfolio
0.78% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 2.06% 1.00%
JPMorgan Emerging
Markets Equity Portfolio
0.80% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 2.08% 1.00%
Principal Core Fixed Income
0.38% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.66% 1.00%
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate
Bond Portfolio
0.03% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.31% 1.00%
Principal Short-Term Income
0.43% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.71% 1.00%
Vanguard Total World Stock
0.07% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.35% 1.00%
Vanguard Total International
Bond Portfolio
0.07% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.35% 1.00%
MainStay MacKay High
Yield Corporate Bond
0.57% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 1.85% 1.00%
Scholar's Edge Capital
Preservation Portfolio
0.20% 0.08% 0.50% 0.78%
Principal Real Estate
Securities Portfolio
0.80% 0.20% 0.08% 1.00% 2.08% 1.00%
1. The Annual Account Maintenance Fee of $20, which is waived if the Account balance is at least $25,000, if you or your
Beneficiary is a New Mexico Resident, or if you make Recurring Contributions of at least $25 per month or $75 per
calendar quarter.
2. Underlying Investment Expenses are based on expenses of the Underlying Investments as of August 28, 2023, and may
increase or decrease over time. Estimated Underlying Investment Expenses for the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment
Portfolios and Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios represent a weighted average of the expenses of the Portfolios’
respective Underlying Investments. See fn. 6 below for information related to the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract,
which is relevant to a Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolio or Target Risk Portfolio to the extent that it invests
in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract.
3. The Program Management Fee for a Portfolio may be voluntarily reduced at any time on a temporary or permanent basis by
the Program Manager.
4. This total represents the sum of the annualized Estimated Underlying Investment Expenses, Program Management Fee,
Board Administrative Fee, and Distribution and Service Fee. It does not include the Annual Account Maintenance Fee.
5. These Portfolios invest all or a portion of their assets in ETFs. Because ETFs are traded on a securities exchange,
Portfolios that invest in ETFs will pay transaction costs when buying and selling shares of an ETF. These transaction
costs are not listed in the table.
6. The Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio invests in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract which does not have
an expense ratio like the Underlying Funds found in the other portfolios. The Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract is a
funding agreement issued by Principal Life that provides a guaranteed interest rate to the Plan for a specified period of time
that is backed by Principal Life’s general account. While the calculation by Principal Life of the current interest rate under
the contract is impacted by various costs and expenses borne by Principal Life, such as losses incurred on the investments
of the general account and lower investment returns due to timing of contract cash flows relative to market conditions, such
costs and expenses cannot be expressed as an expense ratio.
Class R UnitsFees and Charges
Limited Availability. Class R Units may not be available to you. Class R Units are designed for use
in fee-based accounts through qualified registered investment advisors or selling agents who buy
through a broker/dealer in advisory accounts. The fees associated with fee-based accounts are
determined separately between you and your Financial Professional and are not a feature of or
affiliated with Scholar’s Edge.
No Sales Charges or Distribution and Service Fee. Class R Units are not subject to an initial sales
charge or a CDSC. Nor are Class R Units subject to a Distribution and Service Fee.
Dealer Compensation. Dealers receive no commissions on amounts invested in Class R Units.
Fee Structure Table. The following table describes the Fees for the Class R Units of each Portfolio
in Scholar’s Edge.
Selling Agent Commissions and Other Fees on the Purchase of Class R Units. Class R Units are not
subject to any sales charges through the Plan. However, selling agents may charge brokerage
commissions and other transaction-related fees directly to their clients for the purchase of Class R
Units. Such commissions and other fees are established by the selling agent and are disclosed by a
selling agent directly to its clients. These commissions and fees are not a feature of or affiliated with
Scholar’s Edge and are not included or reflected in the table below. You should ask your Financial
Professional about whether it charges brokerage commissions or other fees related to the purchase
of Class R Units.
Estimated Underlying
Investment Expenses
Management Fee
Administrative Fee
Total Annual
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios
2042-2043 Portfolio
20402041 Portfolio
2038-2039 Portfolio
2036-2037 Portfolio
2034-2035 Portfolio
2032-2033 Portfolio
2030-2031 Portfolio
2028-2029 Portfolio
2026-2027 Portfolio
2024-2025 Portfolio
Today Portfolio
Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios
Aggressive Portfolio
Moderate Portfolio
Conservative Portfolio
Fixed Income Portfolio
Individual Portfolios
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio
Principal Equity Income Portfolio
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund Portfolio
iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio
Principal Diversified International Portfolio
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity
Principal Core Fixed Income Portfolio
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond
Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio
Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio
Vanguard Total International Bond
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate
Bond Portfolio
Scholar's Edge Capital
Preservation Portfolio
Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio
1. The Annual Account Maintenance Fee of $20, which is waived if the Account balance is at least $25,000, if you or your
Beneficiary is a New Mexico Resident, or if you make Recurring Contributions of at least $25 per month or $75 per calendar
2. Underlying Investment Expenses are based on expenses of the Underlying Investments as of August 28, 2023, and may increase or
decrease over time. Estimated Underlying Investment Expenses for the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios and Scholar’s
Edge Target Risk Portfolios represent a weighted average of the expenses of the Portfolios’ respective Underlying Investments. See
fn. 6 below for information related to the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract, which is relevant to a Scholar’s Edge Year of
Enrollment Portfolio or Target Risk Portfolio to the extent that it invests in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract.
3. The Program Management Fee for a Portfolio may be voluntarily reduced at any time on a temporary or permanent basis by the
Program Manager.
4. This total represents the sum of the annualized Estimated Underlying Investment Expense, Program Management Fee, and Board
Administrative Fee. It does not include the Annual Account Maintenance Fee.
5. These Portfolios invest all or a portion of their assets in ETFs. Because ETFs are traded on a securities exchange, Portfolios that
invest in ETFs will pay transaction costs when buying and selling shares of an ETF. These transaction costs are not listed in the
6. The Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio invests in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract which does not have an
expense ratio like the Underlying Funds found in the other portfolios. The Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract is a funding
agreement issued by Principal Life that provides a guaranteed interest rate to the Plan for a specified period of time that is backed
by Principal Life’s general account. While the calculation by Principal Life of the current interest rate under the contract is
impacted by various costs and expenses borne by Principal Life, such as losses incurred on the investments of the general account
and lower investment returns due to timing of contract cash flows relative to market conditions, such costs and expenses cannot
be expressed as an expense ratio.
Approximate Cost for a $10,000 Investment
The following tables compare the approximate cost of investing in Scholar’s Edge over different
periods of time. Your actual cost may be higher or lower. The tables are based on the following
A $10,000 contribution is invested for the time periods shown.
A 5% annually compounded rate of return on the amount invested throughout the period.
The total funds available in the Account are withdrawn at the end of the period shown to
pay for Qualified Expenses (the table does not consider the impact of any potential state
or U.S. federal taxes on the withdrawal).
Total Annual Asset-Based Fees remain the same as those shown in the Fee Structure
Tables on pages 43, 46, and 48.
Expenses for each Investment Portfolio include the Annual Account Maintenance Fee of
The Account Owner pays the applicable maximum initial sales charge (without regard to
possible breakpoints) for Class A Units and any applicable CDSC for Class C Units.
Portfolios 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios
2042-2043 Portfolio $461 $694 $942 $1,638
2040-2041 Portfolio $461 $694 $942 $1,638
2038-2039 Portfolio $461 $693 $941 $1,636
2036-2037 Portfolio $461 $692 $939 $1,631
2034-2035 Portfolio $460 $691 $937 $1,626
2032-2033 Portfolio $458 $685 $927 $,1606
2030-2031 Portfolio $457 $681 $919 $1,589
2028-2029 Portfolio $455 $676 $911 $1,570
2026-2027 Portfolio $453 $668 $898 $1,542
2024-2025 Portfolio $449 $657 $878 $1,499
Today Portfolio
Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios
Aggressive Portfolio $461 $692 $939 $1,631
Moderate Portfolio $457 $681 $919 $1,589
Conservative Portfolio $453 $668 $898 $1,542
Fixed Income Portfolio $446 $646 $860 $1,459
Individual Portfolios
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio $425 $583 $751 $1,221
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio $477 $744 $1,027 $1,821
Principal Equity Income Portfolio $473 $732 $1,007 $1,777
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund Portfolio $426 $586 $756 $1,233
iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio $428 $592 $767 $1,256
Principal Diversified International Portfolio $499 $810 $1,140 $2,060
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio $500 $813 $1,145 $2,071
Principal Core Fixed Income Portfolio $460 $689 $955 $1,621
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond Portfolio $425 $583 $751 $1,221
Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio $463 $698 $950 $1,655
Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio $429 $595 $772 $1,268
Vanguard Total International Bond Portfolio $429 $595 $772 $1,268
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond
$478 $747 $1,033 $1,832
Scholar's Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio $422 $574 $735 $1,186
Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio $501 $816 $1,156 $2,082
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios
2042-2043 Portfolio $290 $587 $1,007 $1,691
2040-2041 Portfolio $290 $587 $1,007 $1,691
2038-2039 Portfolio $290 $586 $1,006 $1,689
2036-2037 Portfolio $290 $585 $1,003 $1,684
2034-2035 Portfolio $289 $584 $1,001 $1,680
2032-2033 Portfolio $287 $578 $992 $1,659
2030-2031 Portfolio $286 $574 $984 $1,642
2028-2029 Portfolio $284 $568 $975 $1,624
2026-2027 Portfolio $282 $561 $962 $1,596
2024-2025 Portfolio $278 $549 942 $1,554
Today Portfolio $275 $541 $929 $1,524
Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios
Aggressive Portfolio $290 $585 $1,003 $1,684
Moderate Portfolio $286 $574 $984 $1,642
Conservative Portfolio $283 $561 $962 $1,596
Fixed Income Portfolio $274 $538 $924 $1,515
Individual Portfolios
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio $253 $474 $815 $1,279
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio $307 $637 $1,092 $1,872
Principal Equity Income Portfolio $303 $625 $1,071 $1,828
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund Portfolio $254 $477 $821 $1,290
iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio $256 $484 $831 $1,313
Principal Diversified International Portfolio $329 $704 $1,204 $2,109
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio $330 $707 $1,209 $2,119
Principal Core Fixed Income Portfolio $289 $582 $999 $1,674
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond Portfolio $253 $474 $815 $1,279
Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio $292 $592 $1,014 $1,708
Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio $258 $490 $842 $1,336
Vanguard Total International Bond Portfolio $257 $487 $837 $1,325
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond
$308 $641 $1,097 $1,883
Scholars Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio $200 $309 $532 $989
Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio $331 $710 $1,214 $2,130
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios
2042-2043 Portfolio $89 $276 $475 $1,034
2040-2041 Portfolio $89 $276 $475 $1,034
2038-2039 Portfolio $89 $275 $474 $1,031
2036-2037 Portfolio $88 $274 $471 $1,027
2034-2035 Portfolio $88 $272 $469 $1,021
2032-2033 Portfolio $86 $267 $459 $1,000
2030-2031 Portfolio $85 $262 $451 $981
2028-2029 Portfolio $83 $256 $442 $962
2026-2027 Portfolio $80 $249 $428 $932
2024-2025 Portfolio $76 $237 $407 $886
Today Portfolio $74 $228 $393 $854
Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios
Aggressive Portfolio $88 $274 $471 $1,027
Moderate Portfolio $85 $262 $451 $981
Conservative Portfolio $80 $249 $428 $932
Fixed Income Portfolio $73 $225 $388 $844
Individual Portfolios
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio $52 $160 $274 $590
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio $106 $328 $564 $1,229
Principal Equity Income Portfolio $102 $315 $542 $1,182
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund Portfolio $53 $163 $279 $602
iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio $55 $169 $290 $627
Principal Diversified International Portfolio $128 $397 $682 $1,483
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio $129 $400 $688 $1,495
Principal Core Fixed Income Portfolio $87 $271 $466 $1,495
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond Portfolio $52 $160 $274 $590
Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio $90 $280 $483 $1,051
Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio $56 $172 $296 $640
Vanguard Total International Bond Portfolio $56 $172 $296 $640
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond
$107 $331 $570 $1,240
Scholar's Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio $49 $150 $257 $553
Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio $130 $403 $693 $1,506
Important Risks You Should Consider
You should carefully consider the information in this section, as well as the other information in the
Plan Description and Participation Agreement before making any decisions about opening an
Account or making any additional contributions. You should consult an attorney or a qualified
financial or tax advisor with any legal, business, or tax questions you may have. In addition, no
investment recommendation or advice you receive from your Financial Professional or any other
person is provided by, or on behalf of, the Plan Officials. The contents of the Plan Description and
Participation Agreement should not be construed as legal, financial, or tax advice.
The Plan is an Investment Vehicle. Accounts in the Plan are subject to certain risks. In addition,
certain Portfolios carry more and/or different risks than others. You should weigh these risks with
the understanding that they could arise at any time during the life of your Account. The Portfolios
are subject to the investment risks of their Underlying Investments. The investment risks of the
Underlying Investments are discussed in Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment
Information beginning on page 96.
Principal and Returns Not Guaranteed. Neither your contributions to an Account nor any investment
return earned on your contributions are guaranteed by the Plan Officials. You could lose money
(including your contributions) or not make any money by investing in Scholar’s Edge.
An investment in Scholar’s Edge is not a bank deposit. Generally, investments in Scholar’s Edge are
not insured or guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency or by the Plan Officials.
Relative to investing for retirement, the holding period for those saving for Qualified Expenses is
very short (i.e., 5-20 years versus 30-60 years). Also, the need for liquidity when you wish to make
withdrawals from your Account (to pay for Qualified Expenses) generally is very important. You
should strongly consider the level of risk you wish to assume and your investment time horizon
prior to selecting an Investment Portfolio.
When changes are made to the Plan, such as (but not limited to) when there are changes to the
Portfolios, the Underlying Investments, or a transition to a new program or investment advisor,
there may be periods of time when the Portfolios in which you are invested hold only cash (or more
cash than usual) and are not exposed to the market.
During such time periods, you may not participate (or fully participate) in general market
Market Uncertainties and Other Events. Due to market uncertainties, the overall market value of
your Account could be highly volatile and could be subject to wide fluctuations in response to
factors, including but not limited to, regulatory or legislative changes, worldwide political
uncertainties, and general economic conditions (such as including inflation and unemployment
rates), acts of God, acts of civil force or military authority, acts of government, accidents,
environmental disasters, natural disasters or events, fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes,
explosions, lightning, suspensions of trading, epidemics, pandemics, public health crises,
quarantines, wars, acts of war (whether war is declared or not), terrorism, threats of terrorism,
insurrections, embargoes, cyber-attacks, riots, strikes, lockouts or other labor disturbances,
disruptions of supply chains, civil unrest, revolutions, power or other mechanical failures, loss or
malfunction of utilities or communications services, delays or stoppage of postal or courier services,
delays in or stoppages of transportation, and any other events or circumstances beyond our
reasonable control whether similar or dissimilar to any of the foregoing (all enumerated and
described events in this section individually and collectively, “Force Majeure”).
Limited Investment Direction; Liquidity. Investments in a Qualified Tuition Program like Scholar’s
Edge are considered less liquid than other types of investments (e.g., investments in mutual fund
shares) because the circumstances in which you may withdraw money from your Account without a
penalty or adverse tax consequences are significantly more limited. Once you select a Portfolio for a
particular contribution, Section 529 provides that you can move money or transfer from that
Portfolio to another only twice per calendar year for the same Beneficiary. This limitation applies in
the aggregate across all of your accounts for the same Beneficiary under all Qualified Tuition
Programs sponsored by the State of New Mexico. Any additional transfers within that calendar year
will be treated as Non-Qualified Distributions, and they will be subject to U.S. federal and any
applicable state income taxes and the Distribution Tax.
Discretion of the Board; Potential Changes to the Plan. The Board has the sole discretion to
determine which Investment Portfolios will be available in the Plan. For example, the Board may,
without prior notice:
change the Plan’s Fees;
add or remove a Portfolio;
merge or change the composition of investments within the Portfolios;
close a Portfolio to new investors and/or new contributions; or
change the Program Manager or other Plan service provider, an Investment Manager,
or the Underlying Investment(s) of a Portfolio.
Depending on the nature of the change, you may be required to participate, or be prohibited from
participating, in the change with respect to Accounts you open before the change.
If we change the Underlying Investments in the Plan, during the transition from one Underlying
Investment to another Underlying Investment, we may sell all the securities in the Portfolio before
purchasing new securities. Therefore, the Portfolio may temporarily not be invested in one of its
asset classes. During a transition period, a Portfolio may temporarily hold a basket of securities if
the Underlying Investment from which it is transitioning chooses to complete the transition by
exchanging one security for another. In this case, the Plan will seek to liquidate the securities
received from the Underlying Investment as promptly as practicable so that the proceeds can be
invested in the replacement Underlying Investment. The transaction costs associated with this type
of liquidation, as well as any market impact on the value of the securities being liquidated, will be
borne by the Portfolio and Accounts invested in the Portfolio. An Underlying Investment from
which a Portfolio redeems may also impose redemption fees. In this case, the Portfolio will bear the
cost of the redemption fees.
Suitability. The Plan Officials make no representation regarding the suitability or appropriateness of
the Plan or any of its Portfolios as an investment. There is no assurance that any Portfolio will be
able to achieve its goals.
Other types of investments may be more appropriate depending upon your financial status, tax
situation, risk tolerance, age, investment goals, savings needs, and the investment time horizons of
you or your Beneficiary.
You should consult your Financial Professional and/or tax advisor to seek advice concerning the
appropriateness of this investment. There are programs and investment options other than the Plan
available as education investment alternatives. They may entail tax and other fee or expense
consequences and features different from the Plan including, for example, different investments and
different levels of Account Owner control. You may wish to consider these alternatives prior to
opening an Account.
Meeting College Expenses and Attendance at School Not Guaranteed. Even if you fund your
Account(s) to the Maximum Account Balance, there is no assurance that the money in your Account
will be sufficient to cover all the education expenses your Beneficiary may incur, or that the rate of
return on your investment will match or exceed the rate at which education expenses may rise each
year. In addition, there is no guarantee that the Beneficiary will be accepted to, allowed to continue
as a student by, or graduate from any particular school or institution. There is no guarantee that the
Beneficiary will be treated as a state resident of any state for Qualified Expenses purposes, or will
achieve any particular treatment under any applicable state or U.S. federal financial aid programs.
IRS Regulations Not Final. As of the date of this Plan Description and Participation Agreement, the
IRS has not issued final regulations regarding Qualified Tuition Programs. Scholar’s Edge has not
sought nor has it received a private letter ruling from the IRS regarding the status of Scholar’s Edge
under Section 529. If the IRS again begins issuing such private letter rulings, the Board may, in its
sole discretion, determine to seek such a ruling in the future.
Effect of Future Law Changes. It is possible that future changes in federal or state laws or court or
interpretive rulings could adversely affect the terms and conditions of the Plan, the value of your
Account, or the availability of state tax deductions, even retroactively. Specifically, Scholar’s Edge
is subject to the provisions of and any changes to or revocation of the Enabling Legislation.
In addition, it is the Board’s intention to take advantage of Section 529 and therefore, Scholar’s
Edge is vulnerable to tax law changes or court or interpretive rulings that might alter the tax
considerations described in Important Tax Information – Federal Tax Issues starting on page 79.
Death of Account Owner. If an Account Owner dies, control and ownership of the Account will be
transferred to the Successor Account Owner. If no Successor Account Owner has been named or if
the Successor Account Owner predeceases the Account Owner, control and ownership of the
Account will be transferred to the Beneficiary if the Beneficiary is 18 years or older.
If the Beneficiary is less than 18 years old, control and ownership of the Account will become
subject to the estate and guardianship laws of the state in which the Account Owner resided.
Upon the death of the Account Owner, the Successor Account Owner must submit a completed
Enrollment Form and a certified copy of the death certificate and any other documentation the Plan
reasonably requests. The account will become effective for the Successor Account Owner once this
paperwork has been received in good order and processed.
Tax Considerations; Tax Deduction Recapture. The U.S. federal and state tax consequences
associated with participating in the Plan can be complex.
You, as the Account Owner (not the contributor), must repay all or part, depending on the
circumstances, of the New Mexico state income tax deduction claimed in prior taxable years by any
contributors to your Account. See Important Tax Information – State Tax Issues Recapture of
Income Tax Deduction on page 82. You should consult a tax advisor regarding the application of tax
laws to your particular circumstances.
Cybersecurity Risk. The Plan is highly dependent upon the computer systems of its service
providers and their subcontractors. This makes the Plan susceptible to operational and information
security risks resulting from cyber threats and cyber-attacks which may adversely affect your
Account and cause it to lose value. For instance, cyber threats and cyber-attacks may interfere with
your ability to access your Account, make contributions or exchanges, request and receive
distributions; they may also impact the ability to calculate net asset values and/or impede trading.
Cybersecurity risks include security or privacy incidents, such as human error, unauthorized release,
theft, misuse, corruption, and destruction of Account data maintained online or digitally by the Plan.
Cybersecurity risks also include denial of service, viruses, malware, hacking, bugs, security
vulnerabilities in software, attacks on technology operations, and other disruptions that could
impede the Plan’s ability to maintain routine operations. Although the Plan undertakes efforts to
protect its computer systems from cyber threats and cyber-attacks, including internal processes and
technological defenses that are preventative in nature, and other controls designed to provide a
multi-layered security posture, there are no guarantees that the Plan, the Plan Officials, or your
Account will avoid losses due to cyber-attacks or cyber threats.
Securities Laws. Units held by the Accounts in the Plan are considered municipal fund securities.
The Units will not be registered as securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
or any state securities regulator. In addition, the Portfolios will not be registered as investment
companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Neither the SEC nor any state securities
commission has approved or disapproved the Units or passed upon the adequacy of the Plan
Description and Participation Agreement. Any representation to the contrary is illegal.
Relationship to Financial Aid. A Beneficiary may wish to participate in federal, state, or
institutional loans, grants, or other programs for funding higher education. An investment in
Scholar’s Edge may have an adverse impact on the Beneficiary’s eligibility to participate in needs-
based financial aid programs.
In making decisions about eligibility for financial aid programs offered by the U.S. government and
the amount of financial aid required, the U.S. Department of Education takes into consideration a
variety of factors, including, among other things, the assets owned by your Beneficiary and the
assets owned by the Beneficiary’s parents. Since the treatment of Account assets on the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) may have a material adverse effect on your
Beneficiary’s eligibility to receive valuable benefits under financial aid programs, you or your
Beneficiary should check with your tax advisor regarding the impact of an investment in the Plan on
needs-based financial aid programs.
Scholar’s Edge Accounts are not considered when determining eligibility for state financial aid
programs in New Mexico. If you are not a New Mexico Resident, check with the financial aid office
of an Eligible Educational Institution for more information.
Relationship of Your Account to Medicaid Eligibility. It is unclear how local and state government
agencies will treat Qualified Tuition Program assets for the purpose of Medicaid eligibility.
Although there are federal guidelines under Title XIX of the Social Security Act of 1965, each state
administers its Medicaid program and rules could vary greatly from one state to the next. You
should check with an attorney, a tax advisor, or your local Medicaid administrator regarding the
impact of an investment in the Plan on Medicaid eligibility.
General Portfolio Risks. Each Portfolio has its own investment strategy, risk, and performance
characteristics. In choosing the appropriate Portfolio(s) for your Account, you should consider your
investment objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon, and other factors you determine to be important.
A Portfolio’s risk and potential return are functions of its relative weightings of equity (or real
estate), fixed income, and capital preservation investments. Certain Portfolios carry more and/or
different risks than others. In general, the greater a Portfolio’s exposure to equity (or real estate)
investments, the higher its risk (especially short-term volatility) and its potential for superior long-
term performance. The more exposure a Portfolio has to fixed income and capital preservation
investments, the lower its risk and its potential long-term returns. There are also variations in
risk/return levels within asset categories. For example, international stocks typically have higher
risk levels than domestic stocks. Similarly, high yield (or junk) bonds have higher risk levels than
investment grade bonds.
There is no guarantee that the Investment Managers will continue to provide the Underlying Funds
for Scholar’s Edge or manage the Portfolio’s assets, as applicable, or that the Program Manager will
be able to negotiate their continued services in the future.
Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information, beginning on page 96, provides
additional information about the Portfolios’ Underlying Investments. The Appendix includes
information about the Underlying Funds’ investment objectives, principal investment strategies, and
principal risks. The Appendix also includes information about the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed
Investment Portfolios Use for K-12 Tuition. The Investment Portfolios we offer through the Plan
have been designed for you to save for Qualified Expenses as defined in the Code, including higher
education, K-12 Tuition, Apprenticeship Expenses and Student Loan Payments. Specifically, the
Year of Enrollment Portfolios are designed for Account Owners seeking to automatically invest in
progressively more conservative Portfolios as their Beneficiary approaches enrollment age for
higher education. If you wish to save for K-12 Tuition, you may choose an enrollment date that is
earlier than if you were saving for higher education. This means you may have a significantly
shorter time horizon with less potential for growth than an investor saving for higher education. In
addition, if you are saving for K-12 Tuition and wish to invest in the Individual Portfolios and the
Target Risk Portfolios, please note that these Portfolios have static asset allocations. Their
Underlying Investments and their allocations among them generally do not change over time. Please
consult a qualified tax or investment advisor about your personal circumstances.
In this section, you will find information about the Portfolios, including a discussion of the
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios, the Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios, and the
Individual Portfolios. You should consider the information in this section carefully before choosing
to invest in Scholar’s Edge. If you have questions about any of the investment-related information
in this section, please call a Client Service Representative at 1.866.529.7283 prior to making an
investment decision.
Here is where you can find specific investment information:
Investments Overview p. 59
Portfolio Descriptions p. 60
Additional Investment Information p. 69
Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information p. 96
Your Account assets are held in the Trust for your exclusive benefit and cannot be transferred or
used by the Plan for any other purpose. Please keep in mind that you will not own shares of or
interests in the Underlying Investments. Instead, you are purchasing Units of Portfolios in the Trust.
Those Portfolios invest in one or more of the Underlying Investments.
You can choose between three investment approaches (Year of Enrollment, Target Risk, or
Individual) at the time your Account is established and each time you make additional contributions.
We offer:
Eleven (11) Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios. These Portfolios automatically
move to progressively more conservative investments as the Portfolios approach their target
enrollment dates. Each Portfolio may invest in multiple Underlying Funds currently
managed by Principal, BlackRock, Vanguard, JPMorgan, and New York Life. As the
Portfolios become more conservative, they also increasingly invest in the Scholar’s Edge
Guaranteed Contract, which is a funding agreement issued by Principal Life.
Four (4) Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios. These Portfolios each have investment
objectives and strategies based on target risk levels. Each Portfolio invests in certain
Underlying Funds currently managed by Principal, BlackRock, Vanguard, or JPMorgan.
Certain of these Portfolios also invest in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract issued by
Principal Life. The Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios’ allocations to the Underlying
Funds remain fixed over time.
Investment Information
Fifteen (15) Individual Portfolios. Each of these Portfolios, except one, invests in an
Underlying Fund that primarily invests in U.S. equity, international equity, real estate, or
fixed income investments. The Underlying Funds are currently managed by Principal,
BlackRock, Vanguard, JPMorgan, and New York Life. The other Portfolio in this option
invests in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract issued by Principal Life.
The Investment Portfolios we offer through the Plan have been designed for you to save for
Qualified Expenses as defined in the Code, including higher education, K-12 Tuition,
Apprenticeship Expenses and Student Loan Payments. Specifically, the Scholar’s Edge Year of
Enrollment Portfolios are designed for Account Owners seeking to automatically invest in
progressively more conservative Portfolios as they approach their target enrollment dates.
The Portfolios’ Underlying Investments are subject to change. There is no guarantee that the current
Investment Managers will manage any Underlying Fund of any Portfolio in the future, or that any
Portfolio will invest in a funding agreement issued by Principal Life.
Year of Enrollment Portfolio Profiles
General. The eleven (11) Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios give you a simplified
approach to investing. We have designed these Portfolios to allow you to select a Portfolio based
upon your Beneficiary’s anticipated year of enrollment in a school. For example, if you expect your
Beneficiary to attend school beginning in the year 2038 or 2039, you may choose to select the 2038-
2039 Portfolio, or you may choose one or more of the other Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment
Portfolios if they better suit your risk tolerance, investment time horizon, or savings goals. If you
wish to save for K-12 Tuition, you may consider choosing a Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment
Portfolio with an earlier target enrollment date than if you were saving for higher education, as you
may have a significantly shorter investment time horizon with less potential for growth than an
investor saving for higher education.
The asset allocations of these Portfolios, other than the Today Portfolio, are automatically adjusted
semiannually over time to become more conservative as the Portfolios’ target enrollment dates draw
nearer. The asset allocation for the Today Portfolio is not periodically adjusted because the Today
Portfolio has already reached its most conservative phase. About every two (2) years, a new Year of
Enrollment Portfolio is created, and the oldest Year of Enrollment Portfolio is merged into the
Today Portfolio.
Portfolios with higher allocations to fixed income investments (including the Scholar’s Edge
Guaranteed Contract) tend to be less volatile than those with higher allocations to equity
investments (including real estate). Less volatile Portfolios generally will not decline as far when
stock markets go down, but they also generally will not appreciate in value as much when stock
markets go up. There is no assurance that any Portfolio will be able to reach its goal.
Investment Objective, Strategy, and Risks. The following describes the Scholar’s Edge Year of
Enrollment Portfolios’ investment objective, strategy, and risks. The investment risks of the
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios are in addition to the general risks of investing in
Scholar’s Edge. See Important Risks You Should Consider starting on page 54.
Investment Objective. Each Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolio seeks to achieve
total return consisting of long-term growth of capital, income, and preservation of capital
through asset allocations designed for Beneficiaries who are expected to enroll in college or
other qualified education programs during the Portfolios’ target enrollment dates.
Investment Strategy. Each Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolio allocates its assets
among mutual funds and ETFs. The Underlying Funds in which the Portfolios invest provide
access to broad asset classes that include (but are not limited to) U.S. and international
equities, real estate, bonds, and cash. The Portfolios may also invest in the Scholar’s Edge
Guaranteed Contract. The Portfolios’ asset allocations among the Underlying Investments
gradually become less focused on long-term growth of capital and more focused on income,
capital preservation, and volatility control as the Portfolios move closer to their specific target
enrollment dates. After the Portfolios reach their specific target enrollment dates, they are
merged into the Today Portfolio, which has a static asset allocation focused on capital
preservation and volatility control.
Investment Risks. The Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios are subject to the
investment risks of their Underlying Investments.
See Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information Investment
Objectives, Principal Investment Strategies, and Principal Risks of the
Underlying Funds starting on page 97 for information about the investment risks
of the Underlying Funds.
See Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information Additional
Information about the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract starting on page 125
for risk information related to the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract.
The asset allocation of each Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolio is derived using
quantitative models that have been developed based on a number of factors. Neither the Plan nor the
Plan Officials can offer any assurance that the recommended asset allocation will either maximize
returns or minimize risk or be the appropriate allocation in all circumstances for every investor with
a particular time horizon or risk tolerance.
Target Asset Allocations. The Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios’ target asset allocations
among certain asset classes will change over their lifespans, progressively becoming more
conservative as they approach their target enrollment dates. A diagram of this glide path is shown
The following table shows the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios’ target asset
allocations among their Underlying Investments as of the date of this Plan Description and
Participation Agreement. Their current target asset allocations are available at The Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios are rebalanced on an
ongoing basis to ensure that they are allocated as close to their target asset allocations as possible.
(Ticker if
Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios
U.S. Equity
iShares S&P
500 Stock Index
Principal Blue
Chip R6 Fund
Principal Equity
Fund (PEIIX)
Vanguard Mid-
Cap Index Fund
iShares Small
Cap Index ETF
International Equity
International R6
Fund (PDIFX)
JP Morgan
Markets Equity
Fixed Income
Principal Core
Fixed Income
R6 Fund
iShares Core
U.S. Aggregate
Bond (AGG)
Principal Short-
Term Income
Fund (PSHIX)
Funding Agreement
Scholar’s Edge
Real Estate
Principal Real
Estate Securities
R6 Fund
Total Equity
and Real
Total Fixed
Income and
Please note that target allocations above may reflect rounding. Target asset allocations may change
from time to time, and actual asset allocations will change with fluctuations in the value of each
Underlying Investment.
Target Risk Portfolio Profiles
General Description. Like the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios, the Target Risk
Portfolios invest in multiple Underlying Funds and may invest in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed
Contract. However, unlike the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios, the Scholar’s Edge
Target Risk Portfolios do not change their target asset allocations for their Underlying Investments
over time. Instead, each Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolio has an investment objective and
strategy based on a specific target risk level and asset allocation that remains fixed over time.
The order of the Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios by risk level, from most aggressive to most
conservative, is: Aggressive Portfolio, Moderate Portfolio, Conservative Portfolio, Fixed Income
Portfolio. The risk level of a Portfolio primarily relates to the extent to which it invests in equity and
fixed income investments. If you choose to invest in a Target Risk Portfolio with a significant
weighting in equity investments (including real estate), such as the Aggressive Portfolio, you might
consider moving your assets to the more conservative Target Risk Portfolios with significant
weightings in fixed income investments (including the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract) as your
Beneficiary approaches school age or as your investment time horizon otherwise shortens. Please
note that there are limitations on your ability to move assets from one Portfolio to another. See
Maintaining Your Account starting on page 31.
Investment Objectives, Strategies, and Risks. The following describes the Scholar’s Edge Target
Risk Portfolios’ investment objectives, strategies, and risks. The investment risks of the Scholar’s
Edge Target Risk Portfolios are in addition to the general risks of investing in Scholar’s Edge. See
Important Risks You Should Consider starting on page 54.
Aggressive Portfolio. Seeks to provide long-term growth of capital.
Moderate Portfolio. Seeks to provide growth of capital and total return.
Conservative Portfolio. Seeks to provide a high level of total return, capital
preservation, and some growth of capital.
Fixed Income Portfolio. Seeks to provide a high level of current income
consistent with capital preservation.
Investment Strategies. Each Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolio allocates its assets among
ETFs and mutual funds. The ETFs and mutual funds in which the Portfolios invest provide
access to broad asset classes that include (but are not limited to) U.S. and international
equities, bonds, real estate, and cash. The Portfolios may also invest in the Scholar’s Edge
Guaranteed Contract. The Portfolios’ target asset allocations, which are designed based on
their respective target risk profiles and investment objectives, generally remain static.
Aggressive Portfolio. A target asset allocation of 88% equity and 12% fixed income
Moderate Portfolio. A target asset allocation of 58% equity and 42% fixed income
Conservative Portfolio. A target asset allocation of 27.5% equity and 72.5% fixed
income investments.
Fixed Income Portfolio. A target asset allocation of 100% fixed income investments.
Investment Risks. The Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios are subject to the investment
risks of their Underlying Investments.
See Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information Investment
Objectives, Principal Investment Strategies, and Principal Risks of the Underlying
Funds starting on page 96 for information about the investment risks of the
Underlying Funds.
See Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information Additional
Information about the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract starting on page 124 for
risk information related to the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract.
Target Asset Allocations. The following table shows the Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios’
target asset allocations among their Underlying Investments. The Scholar’s Edge Target Risk
Portfolios are rebalanced on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are allocated as close to the target
allocations as possible.
Static Allocation Portfolios
Fixed Income
Asset Class Fund/ETF
U.S Equity
iShares S&P 500 Stock
Index ETF (IVV)
22.65% 17.80% 10.00% 0.00%
Principal Blue Chip R6
Fund (PGBHX)
11.35% 8.95% 5.00% 0.00%
Principal Equity
Income Inst Fund
11.35% 8.95% 5.00% 0.00%
Vanguard Mid-Cap
Index Fund
Institutional Shares
9.10% 4.20% 0.00% 0.00%
iShares Small Cap
Index ETF (IJR)
6.05% 2.10% 0.00% 0.00%
Principal Diversified
International R6 Fund
22.50% 15.05% 7.05% 0.00%
JPMorgan Emerging
Markets Equity R6
2.50% 0.95% 0.45% 0.00%
Principal Core Fixed
Income R6 Fund
9.60% 26.90% 34.80% 40.00%
iShares Core U.S.
Aggregate Bond
2.40% 6.70% 8.70% 10.00%
Principal Short-Term
Income Inst Fund
0.00% 4.20% 14.50% 20.00%
Scholar's Edge
Guaranteed Contract
0.00% 4.20% 14.50% 30.00%
Real Estate
Principal Real Estate
Securities R6 Fund
2.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Total Equity and Real Estate 88.00% 58.00% 27.50% 0.00%
Total Fixed Income and Funding
12.00% 42.00% 72.50% 100.00%
Please note that target allocations above may reflect rounding. Target asset allocations may change
from time to time, and actual asset allocations will change with fluctuations in the value of each
Underlying Investment.
Individual Portfolios
General Description. Unlike the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios and the Scholar’s
Edge Target Risk Portfolios, each Individual Portfolio invests in a single Underlying Investment. In
addition, unlike the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios, each Individual Portfolio’s
Underlying Investment does not change over time.
Each Individual Portfolio provides access to an asset class such as (but not limited to) U.S. and
international equities, bonds, real estate, or cash. One Individual Portfolio invests in the Scholar’s
Edge Guaranteed Contract. Please note that there are limitations on your ability to move assets from
one Portfolio to another. See Maintaining Your Account starting on page 31.
The following table lists each Individual Portfolio and its Underlying Investment.
Individual Portfolios
Asset Class Fund/ETF
U.S. Large Cap iShares S&P 500 Stock Index ETF (IVV)
U.S. Large Cap Principal Blue Chip R6 Fund (PGBHX)
U.S. Large Cap Principal Equity Income Inst Fund (PEIIX)
U.S. Mid Cap Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund Institutional Shares (VMCIX)
U.S. Small Cap iShares Small Cap Index ETF (IJR)
Non-U.S. Equity Principal Diversified International R6 Fund (PDIFX)
Emerging Market
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity R6 (JEMWX)
Core Fixed Income
Principal Core Fixed Income R6 Fund (PICNX)
Core Fixed Income
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond (AGG)
Short Term Fixed
Principal Short-Term Income Inst Fund (PSHIX)
Global Equity
Vanguard Total World Stock ETF (VT)
Non-U.S. Fixed
Vanguard Total International Bond ETF (BNDX)
U.S. High Yield
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond (MHYSX)
Scholar's Edge Guaranteed Contract
U.S. Real Estate Principal Real Estate Securities R6 Fund (PFRSX)
Investment Objective, Strategy, and Risks. The table below describes the Individual Portfolios’
respective investment objectives, strategies, and risks. Each Individual Portfolio is subject to the
investment risks of its Underlying Investment.
See Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information Investment Objectives,
Principal Investment Strategies, and Principal Risks of the Underlying Funds starting on
page 97 for information about the investment risks of the Underlying Funds.
See Appendix A: Additional Underlying Investment Information Additional Information
about the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract starting on page 125 for risk information
related to the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract.
The investment risks of the Individual Portfolios are in addition to the general risks of investing in
Scholar’s Edge. See Important Risks You Should Consider starting on page 54.
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond Portfolio
Investment Objective. The iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond Portfolio seeks to track the investment
results of an index composed of the total U.S. investment-grade bond market.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond
ETF. The iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF seeks to track the investment results of the Bloomberg
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, which measures the performance of the total U.S. investment-grade
(as determined by Bloomberg Index Services Limited) bond market.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the iShares Core U.S. Aggregate
Bond ETF.
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio
Investment Objective. The iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio seeks to track the investment results of
an index composed of large-capitalization U.S. equities.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the iShares Core S&P 500 ETF. The
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF seeks to track the investment results of the S&P 500 index, which measures
the performance of the large-capitalization sector of the U.S. equity market, as determined by S&P Dow
Jones Indices LLC.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the iShares Core S&P 500 ETF.
iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio
Investment Objective. The iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio seeks to track the investment results of an
index composed of small-capitalization U.S. equities.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF.
The iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF seeks to track the investment results of the S&P Small Cap 600
index, which measures the performance of the small capitalization sector of the U.S. equity market, as
determined by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the iShares Core S&P Small-
Cap ETF.
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio
Investment Objective. The JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio seeks to provide high total
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity
Fund. Under normal circumstances, the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Fund invests at least 80% of
the value of its assets in equity securities and equity-related instruments that are tied economically to
emerging markets.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the JPMorgan Emerging
Markets Equity Fund.
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond Portfolio
Investment Objective. The MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond Portfolio seeks maximum
current income through investment in a diversified portfolio of high-yield debt securities. Capital
appreciation is a secondary objective.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the MainStay MacKay High Yield
Corporate Bond Fund. The MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond Fund, under normal
circumstances, invests at least 80% of its assets (net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes)
in high-yield corporate debt securities. Securities that are rated below investment grade by independent
rating agencies are commonly referred to as “high-yield securities” or “junk bonds.”
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the MainStay MacKay High
Yield Corporate Bond Fund.
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Principal Blue Chip Portfolio seeks long-term growth of capital.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Principal Blue Chip Fund. Under
normal circumstances, the Principal Blue Chip Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any
borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of companies with large market capitalizations at
the time of purchase that, in the opinion of Principal Global Investors, LLC (the fund’s investment
advisor), display characteristics of a “blue chip” company.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Principal Blue Chip Fund.
Principal Equity Income Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Principal Equity Income Portfolio seeks to provide current income and long-
term growth of income and capital.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Principal Equity Income Fund. Under
normal circumstances, the Principal Equity Income Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any
borrowings for investment purposes, in dividend-paying equity securities at the time of purchase.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Principal Equity Income
Principal Income Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Principal Income Portfolio seeks to provide a high level of current income
consistent with preservation of capital.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Principal Core Fixed Income Fund.
Under normal circumstances, the Principal Core Fixed Income Fund invests primarily in a diversified pool
of investment-grade fixed-income securities, including corporate securities, U.S. government securities,
asset-backed securities, and mortgage-backed securities (securitized products) (including collateralized
mortgage obligations), and foreign securities.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Principal Core Fixed Income
Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio seeks to generate a total return.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Principal Real Estate Securities Fund.
Under normal circumstances, the Principal Real Estate Securities Fund invests at least 80% of its net
assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of companies principally engaged
in the real estate industry at the time of purchase.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Principal Real Estate
Securities Fund.
Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio
Investment Objective. Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio seeks to provide as high a level of current
income as is consistent with prudent investment management and stability of principal.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Principal Short-Term Income Fund.
The Principal Short-Term Income Fund invests primarily in high quality short-term bonds and other fixed-
income securities that, at the time of purchase, are rated BBB- or higher by S&P Global Ratings or Baa3
or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Principal Short-Term
Income Fund.
Principal Diversified International Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Principal Diversified International Portfolio seeks long-term growth of capital.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Principal Diversified International
Fund. The Principal Diversified International Fund invests primarily in foreign equity securities.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Principal Diversified
International Fund.
Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio seeks a stable principal while
providing interest.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract
issued to the Plan by Principal Life. Under the contract, principal and a rate of interest are guaranteed to
the Plan by Principal Life. Principal Life guarantees the interest rate under the Contract will be at least
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the risk that Principal Life will become unable to make its
payment obligations under the contract.
Vanguard Mid Cap Index Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Vanguard Mid Cap Index Portfolio seeks to track the performance of a
benchmark index that measures the investment return of mid-capitalization stocks.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund. The
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the
performance of the CRSP US Mid Cap Index, a broadly diversified index of stocks of mid-size U.S.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Vanguard Mid-Cap Index
Vanguard Total International Bond Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Vanguard Total International Bond Portfolio seeks to track the performance of
a benchmark index that measures the investment return of non-U.S. dollar-denominated investment-grade
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Vanguard Total International Bond
ETF. The Vanguard Total International Bond ETF employs an indexing investment approach designed to
track the performance of the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Float Adjusted RIC Capped
Index (USD Hedged). This index provides a broad-based measure of the global, investment-grade, fixed-
rate debt markets.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Vanguard Total
International Bond ETF.
Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio
Investment Objective. The Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio seeks to track the performance of a
benchmark index that measures the investment return of stocks of companies located in developed and
emerging markets around the world.
Investment Strategy. The Portfolio invests 100% of its assets in the Vanguard Total World Stock ETF.
The Vanguard Total World Stock ETF employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the
performance of the FTSE Global All Cap Index, a float-adjusted, market-capitalization-weighted index
designed to measure the market performance of large-, mid-, and small-capitalization stocks of companies
located around the world.
Investment Risks. The Portfolio is subject to the same investment risks as the Vanguard Total World
Stock ETF.
Systematic Rebalance Option. The Systematic Rebalance Option is designed to offer Account
Owners the ability to design a customized portfolio from the Investment Portfolios that will remain
consistent with their predetermined investment objectives over time. The participant’s chosen asset
allocation among the selected Investment Portfolios will periodically be rebalanced on a quarterly
basis in accordance with the participant’s target allocations on file.
In order to participate, the Account Owner must adhere to the following requirements:
Select two or more Portfolios from the Investment Portfolios.
o You may choose to combine the Scholar’s Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios,
Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios, and Individual Portfolios
Choose a target allocation to each one of your selected Portfolios, totaling 100%.
Electing this option at the time of enrollment will not count as one of your two per calendar
year allowable investment changes.
o Adding, stopping, or restarting the Systematic Rebalance Option at any other time
will count as one of your two per calendar year allowable investment changes.
o Changes to the Portfolio selections within your Systematic Rebalance Option
instructions will also count as one of your two per calendar year allowable
investment changes. These changes would include adjusting the percentages assigned
to the Portfolios.
o Once you have used your two investment changes in a calendar year, you will not be
entitled to make any further investment changes until the following calendar year,
other than if you change the Beneficiary to a Member of the Family of the current
On a quarterly basis, the Portfolios within your Systematic Rebalance Option instructions will
automatically rebalance back to your most recent target allocations on file.
o You cannot opt out of the quarterly rebalancing process without it counting as one of your
two allowed annual investment changes.
o The automatic rebalance will occur on or about the tenth calendar day following the last
day of each quarter end.
o These automatic rebalances will be confirmed on your Account’s quarterly statement.
Future contributions will automatically be invested
in line with the most recent target
allocations that are on file for your Systematic Rebalance Option.
You may direct contributions into a Portfolio that is different from that which is on file.
However, your Account will automatically rebalance in line with your target allocations
at the time the next quarterly rebalancing is affected.
How Your Units Are Valued. The Unit Value of each Portfolio is normally calculated as of the
close of the NYSE each day. If securities held by an Underlying Investment in your Portfolio are
traded in other markets on days when the NYSE is closed, that Portfolio’s value may fluctuate on
days when you do not have access to it to purchase or redeem Units. If events that are expected to
materially affect the value of securities traded in other markets occur between the close of those
markets and the close of business on the NYSE, those securities may be valued at their fair value.
Investment Policy Statement. The Board has adopted an Investment Policy Statement, effective
November 2, 2022, which is available at The Investment Policy Statement sets forth, in
1. the Board’s judgments, expectations, objectives, and guidelines for the investment of all Plan
2. an investment structure for managing all Plan assets. This structure includes various asset
classes and investment management styles that span the risk/return spectrum;
3. the criteria and procedures for selecting Investment Portfolios and Investment Managers;
4. guidelines for each Portfolio that controls the level of overall risk and liquidity assumed in
that Portfolio so that all Plan assets are managed in accordance with stated objectives;
5. communications between the Board, the investment consultant to the Board, the Program
Manager, and the Investment Managers;
6. criteria to monitor, evaluate, and compare the performance results achieved by the
Investment Managers on a regular basis; and
7. fiduciary, legal, prudence, and due diligence requirements.
The Board, with the recommendation of PGI and the Program Manager, and the advice of the
consultant to the Board, has developed Investment Portfolios and selected the Underlying
Investments for each Portfolio based on the guidelines set forth in the Investment Policy Statement.
Benchmarks. Pursuant to the Investment Policy Statement described above, the Board has
established criteria to monitor, evaluate, and compare the Underlying Investments. The benchmarks
for the Underlying Funds are disclosed in the Underlying Fund prospectuses.
Treatment of Dividends and Capital Gains. The Underlying Investments distribute dividends and
capital gains because they are required to do so under the current provisions of the Code to maintain
their tax status as regulated investment companies. Each Portfolio, which is an offering through the
Trust, is not considered a mutual fund. Therefore, the Portfolios are not required to comply with
these requirements. Any reinvested dividends and capital gains from the Underlying Investments
will become assets of the Portfolios. Although the Underlying Investments may distribute dividends
and or capital gains, the Portfolios, rather than distributing earnings, reflect changes in value from
income and gains and losses from the Underlying Investments solely by increasing or decreasing the
Portfolio’s Unit Value.
Differences between Performance of the Portfolios and Underlying Investments. The performance
of the Portfolios will differ from the performance of the Underlying Investments. Because the
Portfolios have higher expense ratios than the Underlying Investments, over comparable periods of
time, all other things being equal, a Portfolio would have lower performance than its comparable
Underlying Investment. However, the Underlying Investments do not offer the same tax advantages
as the Portfolios. Performance differences also are caused by differences in the trade dates of
Portfolio purchases. When you invest money in a Portfolio, you will receive Portfolio Units as of
the trade date. The Portfolio will use your money to purchase shares or interests in an Underlying
Investment. However, the trade date for the Portfolio’s purchase of Underlying Investment shares or
interests typically will be one (1) business day after the trade date for your purchase of Portfolio
Units. Depending on the amount of cash flow into or out of the Portfolio and whether the
Underlying Investment is going up or down in value, this timing difference will also cause the
Portfolio’s performance to differ from the Underlying Investment’s performance. For more
information on investment performance, see Investment Performance beginning on page 73.
Investment Selection. For each new contribution, you can select from any of the Portfolios when
you make your contribution as long as investments in those different Portfolios are permissible. The
minimum allocation per selected Investment Portfolio is 1% of the contribution amount.
Changing Portfolios. Once your Portfolio is selected for a particular contribution, IRS guidance
provides that you can move money or transfer from one Portfolio to another twice per calendar year
for the same Beneficiary. This limitation applies in the aggregate across all of your accounts for the
same Beneficiary under all Qualified Tuition Programs sponsored by the State of New Mexico. You
may exchange Units in a Portfolio only for Units of the same Unit Class in another Portfolio.
Requesting Additional Information about the Underlying Funds. Additional information about the
investment strategies and risks of each Underlying Fund is available in its current prospectus and
Statement of Additional Information (SAI). You can request a copy of the current prospectus, the
SAI, or the most recent semiannual or annual report, as applicable, of any Underlying Fund by
visiting the following Investment Managers’ websites or calling the numbers referenced below.
Principal 800-787-1621
BlackRock* 800-474-2737
Vanguard 800-528-4999
JPMorgan 800-480-4111
New York Life** 800-624-6782
* Investment Manager of the iShares Underlying Funds.
** Investment Manager of the MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond Portfolio.
The tables below show the average annual total return of an Investment Portfolio (after deducting
fees and expenses).
Portfolio performance information represents past performance, which is not a guarantee of future
results. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate, so your Units, when sold, may be
worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the
performance data cited. Performance may be substantially affected over time by changes in the
allocations and/or changes in the investments in which each Investment Portfolio invests.
For Portfolio performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit or
call us at 1.866.529.7283.
Average annual total returns as of
1 Year
3 Year
Scholar’s Edge 2042-2043 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar’s Edge 2040-2041 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar’s Edge 2038-2039 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar’s Edge 2036-2037 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2034-2035 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2032-2033 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2030-2031 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2028-2029 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2026-2027 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2024-2025 Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Today Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Aggressive Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
Investment Performance
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Moderate Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Conservative Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Fixed Income Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Principal Equity Income Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Vanguard Mid Cap Index Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Principal Diversified International Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Principal Core Fixed Income Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Vanguard Total International Bond Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio A
Without Sales Load
With Sales Load
Average annual total returns as of
1 Year
3 Year
Scholar’s Edge 2042-2043 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar’s Edge 2040-2041 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar’s Edge 2038-2039 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar’s Edge 2036-2037 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge 2034-2035 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge 2032-2033 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge 2030-2031 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge 2028-2029 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge 2026-2027 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge 2024-2025 Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge Today Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge Aggressive Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge Moderate Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge Conservative Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge Fixed Income Portfolio C
Without CDSC
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Principal Equity Income Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Vanguard Mid Cap Index Portfolio C
Without CDSC
iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Principal Diversified International Portfolio C
Without CDSC
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Principal Core Fixed Income Portfolio C
Without CDSC
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Vanguard Total International Bond Portfolio C
Without CDSC
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Scholar's Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio C
Without CDSC
Average annual total returns as of
1 Year
3 Year
Scholar’s Edge 2042-2043 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar’s Edge 2040-2041 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar’s Edge 2038-2039 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar’s Edge 2036-2037 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2034-2035 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2032-2033 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2030-2031 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2028-2029 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2026-2027 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge 2024-2025 Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Today Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Aggressive Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Moderate Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Conservative Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Fixed Income Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
iShares S&P 500 Stock Index Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Principal Blue Chip Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Principal Equity Income Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Vanguard Mid Cap Index Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
iShares Small Cap Index Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Principal Diversified International Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Vanguard Total World Stock Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Principal Real Estate Securities Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Principal Core Fixed Income Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Principal Short-Term Income Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Vanguard Total International Bond Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
Scholar's Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio R
Without Sales Load
General. This section describes some of the federal tax considerations you should be aware of when
investing in Scholar’s Edge. However, the discussion is by no means exhaustive and is not meant as
tax advice. The U.S. federal tax consequences associated with an investment in Scholar’s Edge can
be complex. Scholar’s Edge should not be used for the purposes of avoiding U.S. federal tax or tax
penalties. Before you invest you may wish to consult an independent tax advisor regarding the
application of tax laws to your particular circumstances.
Some states may impose taxes and/or penalties on investments in or withdrawals from a Qualified
Tuition Program offered by other states. These penalties and taxes may, in certain cases, have the
effect of offsetting some or all of the U.S. federal tax benefits discussed below.
Risk of Tax Law Changes. The IRS has issued only proposed regulations and certain other guidance
under Section 529. Final regulations, if issued, may differ from the proposed regulations, may apply
retroactively, and therefore could affect the U.S. federal tax considerations of investing in Scholar’s
Edge or require changes in the terms of Scholar’s Edge. In addition, other administrative guidance
or court decisions may be issued that could affect the U.S. federal tax treatment described herein.
U.S. Federal Tax-Deferred or Tax-Free Earnings. Any earnings on contributions are tax-deferred,
which means your Account assets grow free of current U.S. federal income tax and are tax-free,
meaning such earnings are not subject to U.S. federal income tax, if withdrawn to pay for Qualified
Expenses, as described below.
U.S. Federal Gift/Estate Tax. If your contributions, together with any other gifts to the Beneficiary
(over and above those made to your Account), do not exceed the U.S. Federal exemption, no gift
tax will be imposed for that year. Gifts of up to $90,000 by an individual can be made during 2024
($180,000 for married couples making a proper election on their U.S. federal income tax return) to a
Beneficiary and you may elect to apply the contribution against the annual exclusion equally over a
five-year period. This allows you to move assets into tax-deferred investments and out of your
estate more quickly. If you die with assets still remaining in your Account, the Account’s value will
generally not be included in your estate for U.S. federal estate tax purposes, unless you elect the
five-year averaging and die before the end of the fifth year, in which case the contributions allocable
to the remaining years in the 5-year period would be includible in your estate. If your Beneficiary
dies, and assets remain in your Account, the value of your Account may be included in the
Beneficiarys estate for U.S. federal tax purposes. Further rules regarding gifts and the generation-
skipping transfer tax may apply in the case of distributions, changes of Beneficiaries, and other
situations. The state law treatment of gift and estate taxes varies so you should check with your tax
advisor for the specific effect of U.S. federal and state (if any) gift tax and generation-skipping
transfer tax on your situation.
Transfers and Rollovers. Where a distribution is placed in another Account or another Qualified
Tuition Program account within sixty (60) days of the distribution date, you may avoid incurring
U.S. Federal Taxes: The U.S. federal taxation of your Scholar’s Edge Account can be complex.
Make sure you understand the U.S. federal tax benefits and obligations before you invest.
Important Tax Information
U.S. federal income tax or a Distribution Tax if the transfer is for the same Beneficiary or for a
Member of the Family of the Beneficiary. You can transfer assets for the same Beneficiary from
another Qualified Tuition Program to your Account without adverse tax consequences only if no
other such rollovers have occurred within the prior twelve (12) months. Changes in your
Beneficiary could potentially cause gift and/or generation-skipping transfer tax consequences to you
and your Beneficiary. Because gift and generation-skipping transfer tax issues are complex, you
should consult with your tax advisor.
ABLE Rollover Distributions.
Where a distribution is placed in a Qualified ABLE Program account within 60 days of the
distribution date, you may avoid incurring U.S. federal income tax or a Distribution Tax if the
transfer is for the same Beneficiary or for a Member of the Family of the Beneficiary. Any
distribution must be made before January 1, 2026, and cannot exceed the annual Qualified ABLE
Program contribution limit (currently $18,000).
Changes in your Beneficiary could potentially cause gift and/or generation-skipping transfer tax
consequences to you and your Beneficiary. Because gift and generation-skipping transfer tax issues
are complex, you should consult with your tax advisor.
Rollovers to Roth IRAs. Starting on January 1, 2024, certain limited transfers from an Account
directly to a Roth IRA (as described in Section 408A of the Code) maintained for the benefit of the
Beneficiary of the Account will also be treated as a rollover distribution for U.S. federal tax
purposes. In order for a rollover from an Account to a Roth IRA to be treated as a rollover
distribution, the Account must have been maintained for a period of no less than 15 years, ending on
the date of the rollover transfer. Additionally, the rollover must be paid directly from the Plan to the
Roth IRA and is limited to the amount of the aggregate contributions (and earnings on such
contributions) made to the Account prior to the five-year period ending on the date of the rollover.
The aggregate amount of this type of rollover distribution may not exceed the lifetime limit of
$35,000 per beneficiary, and is subject to the annual limit on the rollover is the IRA contribution
limit for the year, less any other IRA contributions. The provisions of the Code permitting such
rollovers were recently enacted, and additional requirements may be imposed under regulations
promulgated by the IRS. You are responsible for determining the eligibility of a rollover to Roth
IRA including tracking and documenting the length of time your Account has been opened and the
amount of assets in your Account eligible to be rolled into a Roth IRA. Account Owners and
Beneficiaries should each consult with a qualified tax advisor regarding how these rules apply to
their circumstances.
Direct Transfers Between Plans for the Same Beneficiary. Under Section 529, you can transfer
assets directly between any 529 plan sponsored by the State of New Mexico twice per calendar year
for the same Beneficiary. Such a direct transfer is considered an investment exchange for U.S.
federal and state tax purposes and is therefore subject to the restrictions described in Maintaining
Your Account – Changing Investment Portfolios on page 32.
Indirect Transfers. For U.S. federal and state tax purposes, an indirect transfer involving the
distribution of money from The Education Plan to Scholar’s Edge, or vice versa, would be treated
as a Non-Qualified Distribution (and not as an investment exchange), even though it is subsequently
contributed to the new account for the same Beneficiary.
Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESA). Generally, contributions may be made to both an
ESA (defined in Section 530 of the Code) and a Qualified Tuition Program in the same year on
behalf of the same Beneficiary. However, the same educational expenses cannot be claimed for a
tax-exempt distribution from both the ESA and the Qualified Tuition Program.
Education Tax Credits. You and your Beneficiary, if eligible, can take advantage of American
Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Tax Credits without affecting your participation in Scholar’s
Edge or its benefits. American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits can be claimed in the
same year that a tax-exempt distribution is taken from a Qualified Tuition Program provided the
distribution is not used for the same educational expenses.
All Distributions. Distributions may be comprised of: (1) principal, which is not taxable when
distributed, and (2) earnings, if any, which may be subject to U.S. federal income tax. We determine
the earnings portion based on IRS rules and report to the IRS and the recipient. However, we do not
report whether the distribution is a Qualified Distribution or a Non-Qualified Distribution. You are
responsible for preparing and filing the appropriate forms when completing your U.S. federal
income tax return and for paying any applicable tax directly to the IRS.
Qualified Expense Distributions. If you take a distribution from your Account to pay for Qualified
Expenses, your Beneficiary generally does not have to include as income any earnings distributed
for the applicable taxable year if the total distributions for that year are less than or equal to the total
distributions for Qualified Expenses for that year minus any tax-free Educational Assistance and
expenses considered in determining any American Opportunity or Lifetime Learning Credits
claimed for that taxable year.
You, or your Beneficiary, as applicable, are responsible for determining the amount of the earnings
portion of any distribution from your Account that may be taxable and are responsible for reporting
any earnings that must be included in taxable income. You should consult with your tax advisor for
further information.
Other Distributions. For U.S. federal income tax purposes, you or the Beneficiary may be subject to
U.S. federal and state income tax on the earnings portion of a distribution in the event of the death
or Disability of a Beneficiary, the receipt by the Beneficiary of a scholarship, grant, or other tax-free
Educational Assistance, attendance at certain specified military academies, use of American
Opportunity or Lifetime Learning Credits, or a Refunded Distribution. The distributions discussed
in this paragraph generally are not subject to the Distribution Tax.
Non-Qualified Distributions. You, or the Beneficiary, as applicable, are subject to U.S. federal and
state income tax and the Distribution Tax on the earnings portion of any distribution that is not
exempt from tax as described above. You will also be subject to a recapture of the New Mexico state
income tax deduction with respect to any Non- Qualified Distribution and certain other withdrawals
as discussed in State Tax Issues - Recapture of Income Tax Deduction on page 82.
Determination of Taxable Earnings. The earnings portion of a distribution will generally be
calculated on an Account-by-Account basis. An Account Owner may only open one Account for the
same Beneficiary. If you do not select a specific Investment Option(s) from which to take a
distribution, the distribution will be taken proportionally from all the Investment Options in the
Account. If you request that a distribution be taken from one or more specific Investment Option(s),
the earnings, for tax reporting purposes, will be calculated based on the earnings of all the
Investment Options in your Account.
General. This section describes some of the state tax considerations you should be aware of when
investing in Scholar’s Edge. However, the discussion is by no means exhaustive and is not meant as
tax advice. The New Mexico state tax consequences associated with an investment in Scholar’s
Edge can be complex.
Scholar’s Edge should not be used for the purposes of avoiding state tax or tax penalties. Before you
invest, you may wish to consult an independent tax advisor regarding the application of tax laws to
your particular circumstances.
Income Tax Deduction for New Mexico Taxpayers. If you are an individual New Mexico taxpayer
(resident or non-resident), filing a single or joint return, you may deduct contributions to The
Education Plan and Scholar’s Edge for New Mexico individual income tax purposes. In certain
circumstances, the amounts deducted may be recaptured in subsequent years as discussed below.
The contributor does not need to be the Account Owner of an Account to be eligible for the
Recapture of Income Tax Deduction. In certain circumstances, the amounts deducted may be
recaptured in subsequent years. For example, ABLE Rollover Distribution amounts previously
deducted for New Mexico income tax purposes may be recaptured if they are made after January 1,
2026, and/or exceed the annual contribution limit. Account Owners are advised to seek tax advice
from an independent tax advisor before using an account to pay for these and other expenses.
New Mexico Tax-Free Distributions for Qualified Expenses. Because New Mexico adjusted gross
income is generally derived from U.S. federal adjusted gross income, you or the Beneficiary, if a
New Mexico taxpayer, will be subject to New Mexico adjusted gross income tax in the same
manner as U.S. federal income tax. As a result, you or the Beneficiary are generally not subject to
New Mexico adjusted gross income tax on the earnings portion of any distributions for Qualified
Expenses. Since different states have different tax provisions, if you or your Beneficiary, as
applicable, are not a New Mexico taxpayer, you should consult your own state’s tax laws or your
tax advisor for more information on your state’s taxation of distributions for Qualified Expenses.
New Mexico Taxation of Non-Qualified and Other Distributions. Because New Mexico adjusted
gross income is generally derived from U.S. federal adjusted gross income, you or the Beneficiary,
as applicable, will be subject to New Mexico adjusted gross income tax on the earnings portion of
any Non-Qualified Distribution, or other distributions that are also included in your U.S. federal
adjusted gross income for a taxable year.
Refunded Distributions. Where a distribution is made to pay Qualified Expenses and the distribution
or a portion of the distribution is refunded by the Eligible Educational Institution, you may avoid
incurring New Mexico income tax or the recapture of the New Mexico state income tax deduction
claimed by contributors in prior taxable years if:
You recontribute the refund to a Qualified Tuition Program account for which the Beneficiary
is the same Beneficiary as the Beneficiary who received the refund; and
The recontribution is made within 60 days of the date of the refund from the Eligible
Educational Institution.
Non-New Mexico Taxpayers. If you or your Beneficiary are not a New Mexico taxpayer, consider
before investing whether your or the Beneficiary’s home state offers a Qualified Tuition Program
that provides its taxpayers with favorable state tax and other benefits such as financial aid,
scholarship funds, and protection from creditors, that may only be available through investment in
the home state’s Qualified Tuition Program, and which are not available through an investment in
Scholar’s Edge. You may wish to contact your home state’s Qualified Tuition Program(s), or any
other Qualified Tuition Program, to learn more about those plans’ features, benefits, and limitations.
State-based benefits should be one of many factors to be considered when making an investment
decision. Since different states have different tax provisions, this Plan Description and Participation
Agreement contains limited information about the state tax consequences of investing in Scholar’s
Edge. If you or your Beneficiary, as applicable, are not a New Mexico taxpayer, you should consult
your tax advisor for information on your own state’s tax laws, including the taxation of distributions
for Qualified Expenses, and to learn how state-based benefits (or any limitations) would apply to
your specific circumstances.
General Information
Identification Verification. Certain information is necessary to properly verify your identity. If we
do not receive all of the required information, there could be a delay in opening your Account. If,
after making reasonable efforts, we are unable to verify your identity, we may take any action
permitted by law, without prior notice to you, including rejecting contribution and transfer requests,
suspending Account services, or closing your Account and issuing a refund at the Unit Value
calculated the day your Account is closed. Any refund made under these circumstances may be
considered a Non-Qualified Distribution. The risk of market loss, tax implications, and any other
expenses, as a result of the liquidation, will be solely your responsibility.
Documents in Good Order. To process any transaction in the Plan, all necessary documents must be
in good order, which means executed when required and properly, fully, and accurately completed.
Purpose of Qualified Tuition Programs. Qualified Tuition Programs are intended to be used only to
save for Qualified Expenses. Qualified Tuition Programs are not intended to be used, nor should
they be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of evading U.S. federal or state taxes or tax penalties.
You may wish to seek tax advice from an independent tax advisor based on your own particular
Your Account. When you complete your enrollment, you acknowledge that you agree to be bound
by the terms and conditions of this Plan Description and Participation Agreement and the
Enrollment Form. The Plan Description and Participation Agreement and your completion of the
Enrollment Form, when executed by you, is considered the entire agreement between you and the
Trust with respect to your Account. By signing the Enrollment Form, as applicable, you are
requesting that we open an Account for the benefit of your Beneficiary. Your Account, the Plan
Description and Participation Agreement and your signed Enrollment Form are subject to the
Enabling Legislation and any rules we may adopt under the Enabling Legislation. Your Account
assets will be held, subject to the Enabling Legislation and the Code, the Plan Description and
Participation Agreement, and your signed Enrollment Form, for the exclusive benefit of you and
your Beneficiary.
Changes to Your Account. The Plan Officials are not responsible for the accuracy of the
documentation you submit to us to make changes to your Account, whether submitted online or in
paper form. If received in good order, notices, changes, options, and elections relating to your
Account will take effect within a reasonable amount of time after we have received the appropriate
documentation in good order, unless the Board agrees otherwise.
Accuracy of Information in Plan Description and Participation Agreement. The information in this
Plan Description and Participation Agreement is believed to be accurate as of the cover date, but it
is subject to change without notice. No one is authorized to provide information that is different
from the information in the most current form of this Plan Description and Participation Agreement,
as supplemented from time to time.
Changes to the Plan Description and Participation Agreement. The Board may amend the terms of
the Plan Description and Participation Agreement from time to time to comply with changes in the
law or regulations or if the Board determines it is in the Plan’s best interest to do so. However, the
Board will not retroactively modify existing terms and conditions applicable to an Account in a
manner adverse to you or your Beneficiary, except to the extent necessary to assure compliance
with applicable state and U.S. federal laws or regulations or to preserve the favorable tax treatment
to you, your Beneficiary, the Board, Scholar’s Edge, or the Trust.
Keep Legal Documents for Your Records. You should retain this Plan Description and Participation
Agreement for your records. We may make modifications to Scholar’s Edge in the future. If so, an
addendum (Supplement) to the Plan Description and Participation Agreement may be sent to your
address of record or notice sent to you by email if you choose to receive documents electronically.
In these cases, the new Supplement and/ or Plan Description and Participation Agreement will
supersede all prior versions.
Please note that we periodically match and update the addresses of record against a change of
address database maintained by the U.S. Postal Service to reduce the possibility that items sent by
First Class Mail, such as Account statements, will be undeliverable.
Changes to State Statutes; Adoption of Rules. The New Mexico Legislature may, from time to time,
pass legislation, which may directly or indirectly affect the terms and conditions of Scholar’s Edge
and the Plan Description and Participation Agreement. Also, the Board may adopt rules pursuant to
the provisions of the Enabling Legislation, which may directly or indirectly affect the terms and
conditions of Scholar’s Edge and the Plan Description and Participation Agreement.
Guide to Interpretation. The Plan is intended to qualify for the tax benefits of Section 529.
Notwithstanding anything in the Plan Description and Participation Agreement to the contrary, the
terms and conditions applicable to your Account will be interpreted and/or amended to comply with
the requirements of Section 529 and applicable regulations.
Continuing Disclosure. Certain financial information and operating data relating to the Trust will be
filed by or on behalf of the Trust in electronic form with the Electronic Municipal Market Access
system (EMMA) maintained by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) pursuant to
Rule 15c2-12 as promulgated by the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Notices of
certain enumerated events will be filed by or on behalf of the Trust with the MSRB.
Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. The State requires an independent registered
public accounting firm to audit the Plan’s financial statements annually. The independent registered
public accounting firm is selected by the Board.
Custodial Arrangements. The Bank of New York Mellon (Mellon) is the Plan’s custodian. As
custodian, Mellon is responsible for holding the Plan’s assets, including Underlying Fund shares
owned by the Trust and monies contributed to Accounts by Account Owners.
Creditor Protection under U.S. Laws. U.S. Federal bankruptcy law excludes from property of the
debtor’s bankruptcy estate certain assets that have been contributed to an account in a Qualified
Tuition Program. However, bankruptcy protection in this respect is limited and has certain
conditions. Additional provisions of New Mexico state law, including NMSA 21-21K-6.A, may
also apply. For the Qualified Tuition Program account to be excluded from the debtor’s estate, the
Beneficiary must be a child, stepchild, grandchild, or step-grandchild (including a legally adopted
child or a foster child) of the individual who files for bankruptcy protection. In addition,
contributions made to all Qualified Tuition Program accounts for the same Beneficiary are protected
from becoming property of the debtor’s estate as follows:
contributions made to all Qualified Tuition Program accounts for the same beneficiary more
than seven hundred twenty (720) days before a U.S. federal bankruptcy filing are completely
contributions made to all Qualified Tuition Program accounts for the same beneficiary more
than three hundred and sixty-five (365) days but less than seven hundred and twenty (720)
days before a U.S. federal bankruptcy filing are protected up to seven thousand five hundred
seventy five dollars ($7,575.00), an amount currently revised every three (3) years by the
Judicial Conference of the United States; and contributions made to all Qualified Tuition
Program accounts for the same beneficiary less than three hundred sixty-five (365) days before
a U.S. federal bankruptcy filing are not protected against creditor claims in U.S. federal
bankruptcy proceedings.
U.S. Federal bankruptcy law permits a debtor to exempt certain specified assets from liability even
though the assets are property of the debtor’s estate. Under U.S. federal bankruptcy law, assets held
in a 529 plan account that are property of the debtor’s estate are not exempt from debt for domestic
support obligations. This information is not meant to constitute individual tax or bankruptcy advice,
and you should consult with your own advisors concerning your individual circumstances.
Representation. All factual determinations regarding your or your Beneficiary’s residency, Disabled
status, and any other factual determinations regarding your Account will be made by the Board or
its designee based on the facts and circumstances of each case.
Accounts Not Insured; Returns not Guaranteed. Your Accounts are not insured by the State and
neither the principal deposited, nor the investment return is guaranteed by the State of New Mexico
or Plan Officials. Opening an Account does not guarantee that your Beneficiary will be admitted to
an Eligible Educational Institution or be allowed to continue enrollment at or graduate from an
Eligible Educational Institution after admission. Opening an Account does not establish New
Mexico residence for your Beneficiary. Neither the State of New Mexico nor Plan Officials
guarantee that amounts saved in your Account will be sufficient to cover the Qualified Expenses of a
Beneficiary. All obligations under your Account and the Plan Description and Participation
Agreement are legally binding contractual obligations of the Trust only.
Privacy Policy.
Scholar’s Edge Privacy Policy
As an Account Owner of the Plan, you are entitled to know how we protect your personal
information and how we limit its disclosure. You can access a copy of the most recent Scholar’s
Edge Privacy Policy on the Plan’s website at
Information Sources
We obtain non-public personal information about our Account Owners and Beneficiaries when you
provide it to us, or we obtain it with your authorization. This includes information that we receive
from applications or other forms you submit, when you access your Account online, and when there
are transactions associated with your Account.
Protection of Information
We do not disclose non-public personal information about current or former Account Owners and
Beneficiaries to anyone, except as permitted by law. Permitted disclosures include, for instance,
providing information to Scholar’s Edge employees and to related service providers who need to
know the information to assist Scholar’s Edge in providing services to you. In all such situations,
Scholar’s Edge stresses the confidential nature of the information being shared.
Other Security Measures
The security of your personal and financial information is very important. We maintain physical,
electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your personal Account information. Our employees
and agents have access to that information only so that they may offer you products or provide
services, for example, when responding to your Account questions.
How You Can Help
You can also do your part to keep your Account information private and to prevent unauthorized
transactions. If you obtain a user ID and password for your Account, do not allow it to be used
by anyone else. Also, take special precautions when accessing your Account on a computer used
by others.
Ascensus Privacy Policy
Under the terms of the contract between Ascensus and Scholar’s Edge, Ascensus is required to treat
all personal information confidentially. Ascensus is prohibited from using or disclosing such
information, except as may be necessary to perform its obligations under the terms of its contract with
Scholar’s Edge or if required by applicable law, by court order or by other order.
Plan Governance
Scholar’s Edge. Scholar’s Edge is a Qualified Tuition Program that is operated under the Trust
established pursuant to the Enabling Legislation.
The Enabling Legislation authorizes the Board to establish and administer Qualified Tuition
Programs and gives the Board power to develop and implement Scholar’s Edge through the
establishment of rules, guidelines, procedures, or policies. In addition, the Board is provided
discretion with regard to the formation of Scholar’s Edge, including the establishment of minimum
Account contributions and retention of professional services necessary to assist in the administration
of Scholar’s Edge. Scholar’s Edge is administered by the Board of the Trust, an instrumentality of
the State.
The Board and Declaration of Trust. The Plan is sponsored by the State of New Mexico and is
administered by the Board. The Board, which serves as Trustee of the Trust, has the authority to
appoint a Program Manager and other service providers to the Plan, adopt rules and regulations to
implement and administer the Plan and the Trust, and establish investment policies for the Trust.
The Plan is implemented in part pursuant to a declaration of trust (the Declaration of Trust) adopted
by the Board. The Declaration of Trust governs the terms of the Trust and the respective obligations
of the Program Manager and its affiliated service providers and the Board. The Trust assets are
maintained separately from other plans within the New Mexico 529 Program and assets of the State
of New Mexico.
The Enabling Legislation established the Education Trust Board of New Mexico, for the purpose of
administering the Act. The Education Trust Board is comprised of five members. One of these
members sits on the Board by virtue of the position he or she holds in New Mexico State
Governmentthe Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Higher Education (or the
Secretary’s designee). The Governor of the State of New Mexico (two members), the Speaker of the
New Mexico House of Representatives, and the President Pro Tempore of the New Mexico Senate
appoint the remaining members, respectively.
The Board reserves the right at any time, and without consent of or notice to Account Owners or
Beneficiaries, among other things, to:
Refuse, change, discontinue or temporarily suspend accepting contributions, rollovers or
transfers and processing withdrawal requests;
Delay sending out the proceeds of a withdrawal request for up to five business days;
Change the Plan’s Fees and expenses;
Change the maximum account balance limit;
Add, subtract, terminate, or merge Portfolios, the asset allocation of the Portfolios, or the
Underlying Investment(s) in which any Portfolio invests;
Terminate an Account and/or assess a penalty against the Account if the Board determines
that the Account Owner or the Beneficiary has provided false or misleading information to
the Board, the Program Manager, the Plan’s other service providers, or an Eligible
Educational Institution;
Terminate the Management Agreement and the Principal Services Agreement and replace the
Program Manager and the Plan’s other service providers;
Amend the Declaration of Trust, the Participation Agreement, this Plan Description and
Participation Agreement and the Enrollment Application; and
Suspend or terminate the Trust without any action on the part of the Account Owners or
Beneficiaries by giving written notice of such action to Account Owners, so long as after the
action the assets in the Account are still held for the exclusive benefit of the Account Owner
and the Beneficiaries.
Program Manager to Scholar’s Edge. Ascensus College Savings Recordkeeping Services, LLC, the
Program Manager, and its affiliates, have overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the
Plan, including recordkeeping and administrative services.
Investment Advisor to Scholar’s Edge. Principal Global Investors, LLC, a registered investment
advisor with the SEC, serves as the investment advisor to the Plan. PGI is responsible for, among
other responsibilities, providing recommendations to the Board for the Underlying Investments in
which the Portfolios invest, monitoring and rebalancing the asset allocations of the Portfolios,
monitoring the Portfolios’ compliance with the Board’s Investment Policy Statement and applicable
law. PGI is the Investment Manager of the Principal Underlying Funds. PGI is also affiliated with
Principal Life, the life insurance company that issued the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract. PGI,
Principal Life, and their affiliates receive additional revenues from their affiliated Underlying
Investments in the Plan. PGI may consider such revenues when recommending Underlying
Investments and Portfolio asset allocations to the Board. PGI may also consider revenues that it or
its affiliates receive or may receive from unaffiliated Underlying Investments when making such
recommendations. Under the Principal Services Agreement, it is expected that no less than 75% of
the assets under management in Scholar’s Edge will be invested in Underlying Investments
managed by PGI. PGI has a fiduciary duty to the Board to make recommendations that are in the
best interest of Scholar’s Edge.
Distributor to Scholar’s Edge. Principal Funds Distributor, Inc. serves as the distributor of the Plan.
PFD is registered as a broker-dealer under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and is a member of
FINRA and the MSRB. PFD is responsible for, among other responsibilities, marketing Scholar’s
Edge, entering into selling agreements with Dealers who will offer and sell interests in Scholar’s
Edge, and providing other distribution-related services to the Board, the Plan, the Program Manager,
PGI, Underlying Funds, and the Investment Managers.
Program Manager Address.
1001 E 101
Terrace, Suite 220
Kansas City, MO 64131
All general correspondence, however, should be addressed to:
Scholar’s Edge, P.O. Box 219798, Kansas City, MO 64121-9798
PGI and PFD Address. 801 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50392
Participation Agreement
In this section, we ask you to indemnify the Plan Officials, make certain representations to us and
acknowledge your responsibilities. By opening an Account, the Account Owner agrees to be bound
by the terms of this Participation Agreement.
As an Account Owner, I agree to and acknowledge the following indemnity:
1. I am opening an Account in the Trust based upon my statements, agreements, representations,
warranties, and covenants as set forth in the Plan Description and Participation Agreement and
Enrollment Form.
2. I, by executing the Enrollment Form, as applicable, agree to indemnify and hold harmless the
Plan Officials from and against any and all loss, damage, liability, penalty, tax, or expense,
including costs of reasonable attorneys’ fees, which they incur by reason of, or in connection
with, any misstatement or misrepresentation that is made by me or my Beneficiary, any breach
by me of the acknowledgements, representations, or warranties in the Plan Description and
Participation Agreement and Enrollment Form, or any failure by me to fulfill any covenants or
agreements in the Plan Description and Participation Agreement or Enrollment Form.
Representations, Warranties and Acknowledgements
I, as Account Owner, represent and warrant to, and acknowledge and agree with, the Board
regarding the matters set forth in the Plan Description and Participation Agreement and Enrollment
Form including that:
1. I have received, read, and understand the terms and conditions of the Plan Description and
Participation Agreement, Enrollment Form and any additional information provided to me by the
Plan Officials with respect to the Trust or the Plan.
2. I certify that I am a natural person, at least 18 years of age, and a citizen or a resident of the
United States of America, who resides in the United States of America or, that I have the
requisite authority to enter into this participation agreement and to open an Account for the
Beneficiary. I also certify that the person named as Beneficiary of the Account is a citizen or a
resident of the United States of America.
3. I understand that the Plan is intended to be used only to save for Qualified Expenses.
4. I understand that any contributions credited to my Account will be deemed by the Plan Officials
to have been received from me and that contributions by third parties may result in adverse tax
or other consequences to me or those third parties.
5. If I am establishing an Account as a Custodian for a minor under UGMA/UTMA, I understand
and agree that I assume responsibility for any adverse consequences resulting from the
establishment, maintenance, or termination of the Account.
6. If I am establishing an Account as a trustee for a trust, I represent that: (i) the trustee is the
Account Owner; (ii) the individual signing the Enrollment Form, as applicable, is duly authorized
to act as trustee for the trust; (iii) the Plan Description and Participation Agreement may not
discuss tax consequences and other aspects of the Plan of particular relevance to the trust and
individuals having an interest in the trust; and (iv) the trustee, for the benefit of the trust, has
consulted with and relied on a professional advisor, as deemed appropriate by the trustee, before
becoming an Account Owner.
7. I understand that Plan assets may be allocated among equity funds, fixed income funds, capital
preservation funds, funding agreements, and other investments.
8. In making my decision to open an Account and completing my enrollment, I have not relied
upon any representations or other information, whether written or oral, other than as set forth in
the Plan Description and Participation Agreement, and I have considered the availability of
alternative education savings and investment programs, including other Qualified Tuition
9. I understand the I am solely responsible for determining which Qualified Tuition Program is best
suited to my needs and objectives. I understand that Scholar’s Edge and the Investment
Portfolios offered by the Plan may not be for all investors as a means of saving and investing for
education costs. I have determined that an investment in Scholar’s Edge is a suitable investment
for me as a means of saving for the Qualified Expenses of my Beneficiary.
10. I have been given an opportunity to obtain any additional information needed to complete my
enrollment and/or verify the accuracy of any information I have furnished. I certify that all of the
information that I provided in the Enrollment Form, as applicable, and any other documentation
subsequently furnished in connection with the opening or maintenance of, or any withdrawals
from, my Account is and shall be accurate and complete, and I agree to notify the Board or the
Program Manager promptly of any material changes in this information.
11. The value of my Account depends upon the performance of the Portfolios. I understand that at
any time the value of my Account may be more or less than the amounts contributed to the
Account. I understand that all contributions to my Account are subject to investment risks,
including the risk of loss of all or part of the contributions and any return or interest earned. I
understand that the value of the Account may not be adequate to fund actual Qualified Expenses.
12. I understand that although I own Units in a Portfolio, I do not have a direct beneficial interest in
the Underlying Investments and other investment products approved by the Board from time to
time, and therefore, I do not have the rights of an owner or shareholder of those Underlying
Investments. I further understand that I received no advice or investment recommendation from,
or on behalf of, the Plan Officials.
13. After I make my initial contribution to a specific Investment Portfolio, I will be allowed to direct
the further investment of that contribution no more than two (2) times per calendar year. I
understand that Units in a Portfolio may be exchanged only for Units of the same Unit Class in
another Portfolio.
14. I cannot use my Account as collateral for any loan. I understand that any attempt to use my
Account as collateral for a loan would be void. I also understand that the Trust will not lend any
assets to my Beneficiary or to me.
15. I understand that, if I so elect, the Program Manager has the right to provide the Financial
Professional I have identified to the Program with access to financial and other information
regarding my Account. Access may be limited or restricted by the Plan or its representatives if
needed to safeguard the account. You will be notified of any such restrictions.
16. I understand that, unless otherwise provided in a written agreement between me and my
Financial Professional, or between me and the Board or the Program Manager, no part of my
participation in the Plan will be considered the provision of an investment advisory service.
17. Except as described in this Plan Description and Participation Agreement, I will not assign or
transfer any interest in my Account. I understand that, except as provided under New Mexico
law, any attempt to assign or transfer that interest is void.
18. I acknowledge that the Plan intends to qualify for favorable U.S. federal tax treatment under the
Code. Because this qualification is vital to the Plan, the Board may modify the Plan or amend
this Plan Description and Participation Agreement at any time if the Board decides that the
change is needed to meet the requirements of the Code or the regulations administered by the
IRS pursuant to the Code, State law, or applicable rules or regulations adopted by the Board or
to ensure the proper administration of the Plan.
19. The Plan Officials, individually and collectively, do not guarantee that my Beneficiary: will be
accepted as a student by a particular elementary or secondary school, any institution of higher
education or other institution of post-secondary education; if accepted, will be permitted to
continue as a student; will be treated as a state resident of any state for Qualified Expenses
purposes; will graduate from any elementary or secondary school, any institution of higher
education or other institution of post- secondary education; or will achieve any particular
treatment under any applicable state or U.S. federal financial aid programs; or guarantee any rate
of return or benefit for contributions made to my Account.
20. The Plan Officials, individually and collectively, are not liable for:
a. A failure of Scholar’s Edge to qualify or to remain a Qualified Tuition Program under
the Code including any subsequent loss of favorable tax treatment under state or U.S.
federal law;
b. Any loss of funds contributed to my Account or for the denial to me or my Beneficiary
of a perceived tax or other benefit under Scholar’s Edge, the Declaration of Trust, or
the Enrollment Form; or any loss, failure or delay in performance of each of their
obligations related to your Account or any diminution in the value of your Account
arising out of or caused, directly or indirectly, by circumstances beyond its reasonable
control in the event of Force Majeure (See “Market Uncertainties and Other Events
in the Section entitledImportant Risks You Should Consider” for the definition of
Force Majeure”).
21. My statements, representations, warranties, and covenants will survive the termination
of my Account.
22. Waiver and Release: You agree that any claim by you or the Beneficiary against any
Plan Official may be made solely against the assets in your Account and that all
obligations hereunder are legally binding contractual obligations of the Plan, you agree
to the condition of and in consideration for the acceptance of this Agreement by the
Program Manager on behalf of the Plan, you agree to waive and release all Plan
Officials from any and all liabilities arising in connections with rights or obligations
arising out of this Participation Agreement or the Account.
Claims; Disputes. All decisions and interpretations by the Plan Officials in connection with the
operation of the Plan will be final and binding upon you, the Beneficiary, and any other person
affected. Any claim by you or your Beneficiary against the Plan Officials, individually or
collectively, with respect to your Account will be made solely against the assets in your Account.
The obligations of The Scholar’s Edge 529 Plan under your agreement with the Trust are monies
received from you and earnings and/or losses from your Account investments, and neither you nor
your Beneficiary will have recourse against the Plan Officials, collectively or individually, in
connection with any right or obligations arising out of an Account. Assets in your Account are not
an obligation of the State.
Any controversies that may arise between you or the Beneficiary and Board involving any
transaction in your Account, or the construction, performance, or breach of this Participation
Agreement, may be determined by arbitration or court proceedings, as determined by the Board in
its sole discretion. If there is a dispute between you or the Beneficiary and the Board that is
adjudicated in the courts, you hereby submit (on behalf of yourself and the Beneficiary) to exclusive
jurisdiction in the courts of New Mexico for all legal proceedings arising out of or relating to this
Participation Agreement. In any such proceeding, you (on behalf of yourself and the Beneficiary)
and the Board each waive your rights to trial by jury. If there is a dispute between you or the
Beneficiary and the Board that the Board determines, in its sole discretion, has to be arbitrated, you
agree (on behalf of yourself and the Beneficiary) that the arbitration will be conducted in New
Mexico pursuant to the then current rules for such proceedings as provided under the Uniform New
Mexico Arbitration Act.
Lawsuits Involving Your Account. Except as to controversies arising between you or the
Beneficiary and the Board, the Board may apply to a court at any time for judicial settlement of any
matter involving your Account. If the Board does so, they must give you or your Beneficiary the
opportunity to participate in the court proceeding, but they also can involve other persons. Any
expense incurred by the Plan Officials in legal proceedings involving your Account, including
attorney’s fees and expenses, are chargeable to your Account and payable by you or your
Beneficiary if not paid from your Account.
Severability. In the event that any clause or portion of the Plan Description and Participation
Agreement or the Enrollment Form, including your representations, warranties, certifications, and
acknowledgements, is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a valid court order, that clause or
portion will be severed from the Plan Description and Participation Agreement or the Enrollment
Form, as applicable, and the remainder of the Plan Description and Participation Agreement or
Enrollment Form, as applicable, will continue in full force and effect as if that clause or portion had
never been included.
Precedence. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Declaration of Trust, in the event of
inconsistencies between the Plan Description and Participation Agreement, the Management
Agreement, Principal Services Agreement, Board policy or any rules adopted by the Board, and the
Code or New Mexico statutes, the provisions of the New Mexico statutes or the Code, as applicable,
will govern. To the extent permitted by New Mexico law, the Code will govern in the event of any
inconsistencies between New Mexico statutes and the Code.
New Mexico Law. The Plan is created under the laws of the state of New Mexico. It is governed by,
construed, and administered in accordance with the laws of the State. The venue for disputes and all
other matters relating to the Plan will only be in the State.
Binding Nature. The Plan Description and Participation Agreement and your agreement to
participate in the Plan are binding upon the parties and their respective heirs, successors,
beneficiaries, and permitted assigns. By signing an Enrollment Form, you agree that all of your
representations and obligations are for the benefit of the Plan Officials, all of whom can rely upon
and enforce your representations and obligations contained in the Plan Description and Participation
Agreement and the Enrollment Form.
Arbitration In connection with any arbitration, I understand that:
I am giving up important rights under state law, including the right to sue in court and the
right to a trial by jury, except as provided by the rules of the arbitration forum in which the
claim is filed;
Arbitration awards are generally final and binding, and my ability to have a court reverse or
modify an arbitration award is very limited;
My ability to obtain documents, witness statements, and other discovery is generally more
limited in arbitration than in court proceedings;
The potential cost of arbitration may be more or less than the cost of litigation;
The arbitrators generally do not have to explain the reason(s) for their award and the Board
does not guarantee that it will join any request I may make for such an explanation;
The arbitrators selected to hear the case may or may not be affiliated with the securities
In limited circumstances, a claim that is ineligible for arbitration may be brought in court;
The rules of the arbitration forum are incorporated by reference into this Plan Description
and Participation Agreement and are available by contacting a Client Service Representative
at 1.877.337. 5268.
To the extent permitted by applicable law the terms and conditions of the agreement between you
and the Trust and New Mexico law will be applied by the arbitrator(s), when applicable, without
regard to conflict of laws principles.
You may have other rights under FINRA’s Code of Arbitration Procedure.
Neither the Board nor I can bring a putative or certified class action to arbitration, or seek to enforce
any pre-dispute arbitration agreement against any person who has initiated in court a putative class
action; who is a member of a putative class who has opted out of the class with respect to any
claims encompassed by the putative class action until: (i) the class certification is denied; or (ii) the
class is decertified; or (iii) the person is excluded from the class by the court. A failure to enforce
this arbitration provision does not constitute a waiver of any of the Plan Official’s rights under the
Plan Description and Participation Agreement or the Enrollment Form or your Account except to
the extent set forth in this Arbitration Section.
Each Portfolio, except the Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio, invests in one or more
Underlying Funds. The Scholar’s Edge Capital Preservation Portfolio invests, and the Scholar’s
Edge Year of Enrollment Portfolios and certain Scholar’s Edge Target Risk Portfolios also invest, in
the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract. See Investment Information – Portfolio Descriptions
starting on page 60 for the Portfolios’ Underlying Investment(s).
This appendix provides additional information about the Portfolios’ Underlying Investments,
including information regarding Underlying Fund share classes; Underlying Fund investment
objectives, strategies, and risks; and the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract. The information in
this appendix is current as of the date of this Plan Description and Participation Agreement.
Here is where you can find specific Underlying Investment information in this appendix:
nderlying Fund Share Classes p. 96
nvestment Objectives, Principal Investment Strategies, and Principal Risks of the
Underlying Funds p. 97
xplanation of Investment Risks for the Underlying Funds p. 108
dditional Information about the Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract p. 125
If you have questions about any of the investment-related information in this section, please call a
Client Service Representative at 1.866.529.7283 prior to making an investment decision. If you
have questions about any of the Underlying Funds, you may also contact the Investment Managers
The following table shows the shares classes of the Underlying Funds in which the Portfolios invest.
Underlying Fund (Ticker)
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV)
iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF (IJR)
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG)
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Fund
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond
Fund (MHYSX)
Principal Blue Chip Fund (PGBHX)
Principal Equity Income Fund (PEIIX)
Principal Core Fixed Income Fund (PICNX)
Principal Real Estate Securities Fund (PFRSX)
Principal Short-Term Income Fund (PSHIX)
Principal Diversified International Fund
Appendix A: Additional Underlying
Investment Information
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund (VMCIX)
Vanguard Total International Bond ETF (BNDX)
Vanguard Total World Stock ETF (VT)
*The Underlying Fund is an ETF, which does not offer multiple share classes.
The information below is a summary of the investment objectives, principal investment strategies,
and principal risks of the Underlying Funds based on the Underlying Funds’ current prospectuses as
of the date of this Plan Description and Participation Agreement. Each Underlying Fund’s current
prospectus and statement of additional information contains information not summarized here and
identifies additional principal risks to which the Underlying Fund may be subject.
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV)
Investment Objective. The iShares Core S&P 500 ETF seeks to track the investment results of an
index composed of large-capitalization U.S. equities.
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund seeks to track the investment results of the S&P 500,
which measures the performance of the large-capitalization sector of the U.S. equity market, as
determined by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. As of March 31, 2022, the underlying index included
approximately 82% of the market capitalization of all publicly traded U.S. equity securities. The
securities in the underlying index are weighted based on the float-adjusted market value of their
outstanding shares. The underlying index consists of securities from a broad range of industries. As
of March 31, 2022, a significant portion of the underlying index is represented by securities of
companies in the technology industry or sector. The components of the underlying index are likely
to change over time.
The fund’s advisor uses a “passive” or indexing approach to try to achieve the fund’s investment
objective. Unlike many investment companies, the fund does not try to “beat” the index it tracks and
does not seek temporary defensive positions when markets decline or appear overvalued.
Indexing may eliminate the chance that the fund will substantially outperform the underlying index
but also may reduce some of the risks of active management, such as poor security selection.
Indexing seeks to achieve lower costs and better after-tax performance by aiming to keep portfolio
turnover low in comparison to actively managed investment companies.
The fund’s advisor uses a representative sampling indexing strategy to manage the fund.
“Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample
of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to that of an applicable underlying
index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics
(based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental
characteristics (such as return variability and yield) and liquidity measures similar to those of an
applicable underlying index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the underlying
The fund generally will invest at least 80% of its assets in the component securities of its underlying
index and in investments that have economic characteristics that are substantially identical to the
component securities of its underlying index (i.e., depositary receipts representing securities of the
underlying index) and may invest up to 20% of its assets in certain futures, options and swap
contracts, cash and cash equivalents, including shares of money market funds advised by The fund’s
advisor or its affiliates, as well as in securities not included in the underlying index, but which the
fund’s advisor believes will help the fund track the underlying index. Cash and cash equivalent
investments associated with a derivative position will be treated as part of that position for the
purposes of calculating the percentage of investments included in the underlying index. The fund
seeks to track the investment results of the underlying index before fees and expenses of the fund.
The fund may lend securities representing up to one-third of the value of the fund’s total assets
(including the value of any collateral received).
The underlying index is a product of the index provider, which is independent of the fund and the
fund’s advisor. The index provider determines the composition and relative weightings of the
securities in the underlying index and publishes information regarding the market value of the
underlying index.
Industry Concentration Policy. The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of
its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to approximately the same extent that
the underlying index is concentrated. For purposes of this limitation, securities of the U.S.
government (including its agencies and instrumentalities) and repurchase agreements collateralized
by U.S. government securities are not considered to be issued by members of any industry.
Principal Investment Risks. Asset Class Risk; Authorized Participant Concentration Risk;
Concentration Risk; Cybersecurity Risk; Equity Securities Risk; Index-Related Risk; Infectious
Illness Risk; Issuer Risk; Large-Capitalization Companies Risk; Management Risk; Market Risk;
Market Trading Risk; Operational Risk; Passive Investment Risk; Risk of Investing in the U.S.;
Securities Lending Risk; Technology Sector Risk; and Tracking Error Risk.
iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF (IJR)
Investment Objective. The iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF seeks to track the investment results
of an index composed of small-capitalization U.S. equities.
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund seeks to track the investment results of the S&P Small
Cap 600, which measures the performance of the small capitalization sector of the U.S. equity
market, as determined by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. As of March 31, 2022, the underlying
index included approximately 2% of the market capitalization of all publicly traded U.S. equity
securities. The securities in the underlying index are weighted based on the float-adjusted market
value of their outstanding shares, and have, as of March 31, 2022, a market capitalization between
$186.13 million and $7.98 billion at the time of inclusion in the underlying index, which may
fluctuate depending on the overall level of the equity markets. The securities are selected by the
index provider based on certain factors including the index provider’s liquidity measures. The
underlying index consists of securities from a broad range of industries. As of March 31, 2022, a
significant portion of the underlying index is represented by securities of companies in the
financials industry or sector. The components of the underlying index are likely to change over
The fund’s advisor uses a “passive” or indexing approach to try to achieve the fund’s investment
objective. Unlike many investment companies, the fund does not try to “beat” the index it tracks and
does not seek temporary defensive positions when markets decline or appear overvalued.
Indexing may eliminate the chance that the fund will substantially outperform the underlying index
but also may reduce some of the risks of active management, such as poor security selection.
Indexing seeks to achieve lower costs and better after-tax performance by aiming to keep portfolio
turnover low in comparison to actively managed investment companies.
The fund’s advisor uses a representative sampling indexing strategy to manage the fund.
“Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample
of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to that of an applicable underlying
index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics
(based on factors such as market capitalization and industry weightings), fundamental
characteristics (such as return variability and yield) and liquidity measures similar to those of an
applicable underlying index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the underlying
The fund generally will invest at least 80% of its assets in the component securities of its underlying
index and in investments that have economic characteristics that are substantially identical to the
component securities of its underlying index (i.e., depositary receipts representing securities of the
underlying index) and may invest up to 20% of its assets in certain futures, options and swap
contracts, cash and cash equivalents, including shares of money market funds advised by the fund’s
advisor or its affiliates, as well as in securities not included in the underlying index, but which the
fund’s advisor believes will help the fund track the underlying index. Cash and cash equivalent
investments associated with a derivative position will be treated as part of that position for the
purposes of calculating the percentage of investments included in the underlying index. The fund
seeks to track the investment results of the underlying index before fees and expenses of the fund.
The fund may lend securities representing up to one-third of the value of the fund’s total assets
(including the value of any collateral received).
The underlying index is a product of the index provider, which is independent of the fund and the
fund’s advisor. The index provider determines the composition and relative weightings of the
securities in the underlying index and publishes information regarding the market value of the
underlying index.
Industry Concentration Policy. The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of
its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to approximately the same extent that
the underlying index is concentrated. For purposes of this limitation, securities of the U.S.
government (including its agencies and instrumentalities) and repurchase agreements collateralized
by U.S. government securities are not considered to be issued by members of any industry.
Principal Investment Risks. Asset Class Risk; Authorized Participant Concentration Risk;
Concentration Risk; Cybersecurity Risk; Equity Securities Risk; Financials Sector Risk; Index-
Related Risk; Infectious Illness Risk; Issuer Risk; Management Risk; Market Risk; Market Trading
Risk; Operational Risk; Passive Investment Risk; Risk of Investing in the U.S.; Securities Lending
Risk; Small-Capitalization Companies Risk; and Tracking Error Risk.
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG)
Investment Objective. The iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF seeks to track the investment
results of an index composed of the total U.S. investment-grade bond market.
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund seeks to track the investment results of the Bloomberg
U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, which measures the performance of the total U.S. investment-grade (as
determined by Bloomberg Index Services Limited) bond market. As of February 28, 2022, there
were 12,364 issues in the underlying index.
The underlying index includes investment-grade U.S. Treasury bonds, government-related bonds,
corporate bonds, mortgage-backed pass-through securities (MBS), commercial mortgage-backed
securities (CMBS) and asset-backed securities (ABS) that are publicly offered for sale in the U.S.
As of February 28, 2022, a significant portion of the underlying index is represented by MBS and
U.S. Treasury securities. The components of the underlying index are likely to change over time.
The securities in the underlying index must have $300 million or more of outstanding face value
and must have at least one year remaining to maturity, with the exception of amortizing securities
such as ABS and MBS, which have lower thresholds as defined by the index provider. In addition,
the securities in the underlying index must be denominated in U.S. dollars and must be fixed-rate
and non-convertible. Certain types of securities, such as state and local government series bonds,
structured notes with embedded swaps or other special features, private placements, floating-rate
securities and bonds that have been issued in one country’s currency but are traded outside of that
country in a different monetary and regulatory system (e.g., Eurobonds), are excluded from the
underlying index. The underlying index is market capitalization-weighted, and the securities in the
underlying index are updated on the last business day of each month.
As of February 28, 2022, approximately 24% of the bonds represented in the underlying index were
U.S. fixed-rate agency MBS. Such securities are issued by entities such as the Government National
Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), and
the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) and are backed by pools of
mortgages. Most transactions in fixed-rate MBS occur through standardized contracts for future
delivery in which the exact mortgage pools to be delivered are not specified until a few days prior to
settlement (to-be-announced (TBA) transactions). The fund may enter into such contracts on a
regular basis. The fund, pending settlement of such contracts, will invest its assets in high quality,
liquid short-term instruments, including shares of money market funds advised by the fund’s
advisor or its affiliates. The fund will assume its pro rata share of the fees and expenses of any
money market fund that it may invest in, in addition to the fund’s own fees and expenses. The fund
may also acquire interests in mortgage pools through means other than such standardized contracts
for future delivery.
The fund’s advisor uses a “passive” or indexing approach to try to achieve the fund’s investment
objective. Unlike many investment companies, the fund does not try to “beat” the index it tracks and
does not seek temporary defensive positions when markets decline or appear overvalued.
Indexing may eliminate the chance that the fund will substantially outperform the underlying index
but also may reduce some of the risks of active management, such as poor security selection.
Indexing seeks to achieve lower costs and better after-tax performance by aiming to keep portfolio
turnover low in comparison to actively managed investment companies.
The fund’s advisor uses a representative sampling indexing strategy to manage the fund.
“Representative sampling” is an indexing strategy that involves investing in a representative sample
of securities that collectively has an investment profile similar to that of an applicable underlying
index. The securities selected are expected to have, in the aggregate, investment characteristics
(based on factors such as market value and industry weightings), fundamental characteristics (such
as return variability, duration, maturity, credit ratings and yield) and liquidity measures similar to
those of an applicable underlying index. The fund may or may not hold all of the securities in the
underlying index.
The fund will invest at least 80% of its assets in the component securities of the underlying index
and TBAs that have economic characteristics that are substantially identical to the economic
characteristics of the component securities of the underlying index, and the fund will invest at least
90% of its assets in fixed income securities of the types included in the underlying index that the
fund’s advisor believes will help the fund track the underlying index. The fund will invest no more
than 10% of its assets in futures, options, and swaps contracts that the fund’s advisor believes will
help the fund track the underlying index as well as in fixed income securities other than the types
included in the underlying index, but which the fund’s advisor believes will help the fund track the
underlying index. Cash and cash equivalent investments associated with a TBA position will be
treated as part of that position for purposes of calculating the percentage of investments in the
component securities of the underlying index. Cash and cash equivalent investments associated with
a derivative position will be treated as part of that position for the purposes of calculating the
percentage of investments included in the underlying index. The fund seeks to track the investment
results of the underlying index before fees and expenses of the fund.
The fund may lend securities representing up to one-third of the value of the fund’s total assets
(including the value of any collateral received). The underlying index is sponsored by the index
provider, which is independent of the fund and the fund’s advisor. The index provider determines
the composition and relative weightings of the securities in the underlying index and publishes
information regarding the market value of the underlying index.
Industry Concentration Policy: The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of
its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to approximately the same extent that
the underlying index is concentrated. For purposes of this limitation, securities of the U.S.
government (including its agencies and instrumentalities), repurchase agreements collateralized by
U.S. government securities, and securities of state or municipal governments and their political
subdivisions are not considered to be issued by members of any industry.
Principal Investment Risks. Asset Class Risk; Authorized Participant Concentration Risk; Call Risk;
Concentration Risk; Credit Risk; Cybersecurity Risk; Extension Risk; Geographic Risk; High
Portfolio Turnover Risk; Income Risk; Index-Related Risk; Infectious Illness Risk; Interest Rate
Risk; Issuer Risk; Large Shareholder and Large-Scale Redemption Risk; Management Risk;
Market Risk; Market Trading Risk; Operational Risk; Passive Investment Risk; Prepayment Risk;
Risk of Investing in the U.S.; Securities Lending Risk; Tracking Error Risk; U.S. Agency Debt
Risk; U.S. Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities Risk; U.S. Treasury Obligations Risk; and
Valuation Risk.
JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Fund (JEMWX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks to provide high total return.
Principal Investment Strategies. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of the
value of its Assets in equity securities and equity-related instruments that are tied economically to
emerging markets. Emerging markets include most countries in the world except Australia, Canada,
Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, most of the countries of Western
Europe and Hong Kong. Securities and instruments tied economically to an emerging market
include: (i) securities of issuers that are organized under the laws of an emerging markets country or
that maintain their principal place of business in an emerging markets country; (ii) securities that are
traded principally in an emerging market country; (iii) securities of issuers that, during their most
recent fiscal year, derived at least 50% of their revenues or profits from goods produced or sold,
investments made, or services performed in an emerging markets country or that have at least 50%
of their assets in an emerging market country; or (iv) securities or other instruments that expose the
fund to the economic fortunes and risks of one or more emerging market countries. “Assets” means
net assets, plus the amount of borrowings for investment purposes.
The equity securities and equity-related instruments in which the fund may invest include, but are
not limited to, common stock, preferred stock, convertible securities, trust or partnership interests,
depositary receipts, warrants and rights, participation notes or other structured notes, and other
instruments that provide economic exposure to one or more equity securities. Certain of the equity
securities in which the fund invests are expected to be issued by companies that rely on variable
interest entity (VIE) structures.
The fund may overweight or underweight countries relative to its benchmark, the MSCI Emerging
Markets (EM) Index (net total return). The fund’s advisor attempts to emphasize securities that it
believes are undervalued, while underweighting or avoiding securities that appear to the advisor to
be overvalued.
The fund may invest in securities denominated in U.S. dollars, other major reserve currencies, such
as the euro, yen and pound sterling, and currencies of other countries in which it can invest. The
fund typically maintains full currency exposure to those markets in which it invests. However, the
fund may from time to time hedge a portion of its foreign currency exposure into the U.S. dollar.
The fund may invest in securities across all market capitalizations, although the fund may invest a
significant portion of its assets in companies of any one particular market capitalization category.
The fund may utilize currency forwards to reduce currency deviations, where practical, for the
purpose of risk management. The fund may also use exchange-traded futures for the efficient
management of cash flows.
Investment Process: The advisor seeks to add value primarily through security selection decisions.
Thus, decisions about country weightings are secondary to those about the individual securities,
which make up the portfolio. The portfolio managers are primarily responsible for implementing the
recommendations of the research analysts, who make their recommendations based on the security
ranking system described below.
Research analysts use their local expertise to identify, research, and rank companies according to
their expected performance. Securities are assessed using a two-part analysis which considers (1)
expected share price returns on a medium-term forward basis (five year expected returns) and (2)
longer-term business growth characteristics and qualitative factors (strategic classifications). As a
part of this analysis, research analysts seek to assess the impact of environmental, social and
governance (ESG) factors on many issuers in the universe in which the fund invests. The advisor’s
assessment is based on an analysis of key opportunities and risks across industries to seek to
identify financially material issues with respect to the fund’s investments in securities and ascertain
key issues that merit engagement with issuers. These assessments may not be conclusive, and
securities of issuers may be purchased and retained by the fund for reasons other than material ESG
factors while the fund may divest or not invest in securities of issuers that may be positively
impacted by such factors. In order to encourage creativity, considerable autonomy is given to
research analysts at the stock idea generation stage of the process.
The fund has access to the advisor’s currency specialists in determining the extent and nature of the
fund’s exposure to various foreign currencies.
Principal Investment Risks. Equity Market Risk; General Market Risk; Foreign Securities and
Emerging Markets Risk; Geographic Focus Risk; Greater China Region Risk; Depositary Receipts
Risk; Smaller Company Risk; Derivatives Risk; Currency Risk; Structured Instrument Risk;
Industry and Sector Focus Risk; and Transactions Risk.
MainStay MacKay High Yield Corporate Bond Fund (MHYSX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks maximum current income through investment in a diversified
portfolio of high-yield debt securities. Capital appreciation is a secondary objective.
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund, under normal circumstances, invests at least 80% of its
assets (net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in high-yield corporate debt
securities, including all types of high-yield domestic and foreign corporate debt securities that are
rated below investment grade by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO) or
that are unrated but are considered to be of comparable quality by MacKay Shields LLC, the fund's
Securities that are rated below investment grade by NRSROs (such as securities rated lower than
BBB- and Baa3) are commonly referred to as “high-yield securities” or "junk bonds." If NRSROs
assign different ratings to the same security for purposes of determining the security's credit quality,
the fund will use the middle rating when three NRSROs rate the security. For securities where only
two NRSROs rate the security, the fund will use the higher rating. If only one rating is available for
a security, the fund will use that rating.
The fund's high-yield investments may also include convertible corporate securities, loans, and loan
participation interests. The fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in common stocks and other
equity-related securities.
The fund may hold cash or invest in short-term instruments during times when the subadvisor is
unable to identify attractive high-yield securities.
The fund may invest in derivatives, such as futures, options, and swap agreements to seek enhanced
returns or to reduce the risk of loss by hedging certain of its holdings.
In times of unusual or adverse market, economic or political conditions, the fund may invest without
limit in investment grade securities and may invest in U.S. government securities or other high
quality money market instruments. Periods of unusual or adverse market, economic or political
conditions may exist in some cases, for up to a year or longer. To the extent the fund is invested in
cash, investment grade debt or other high quality instruments, the yield on these investments tends
to be lower than the yield on other investments normally purchased by the fund. Although investing
heavily in these investments may help to preserve the fund's assets, it may not be consistent with the
fund's primary investment objective and may limit the fund's ability to achieve a high level of
Investment Process: The subadvisor seeks to identify investment opportunities by analyzing
individual companies and evaluating each company's competitive position, financial condition, and
business prospects. The fund invests in companies in which the subadvisor has judged that there is
sufficient asset coveragethat is, the subadvisor's subjective appraisal of a company's value
compared to the value of its debt, with the intent of maximizing risk adjusted income and returns.
The subadvisor may sell a security if it believes the security will no longer contribute to meeting the
investment objectives of the fund. In considering whether to sell a security, the subadvisor may
evaluate, among other things, the price of the security and meaningful changes in the issuer's
financial condition and competitiveness.
Principal Investment Risks. Market Risk; Portfolio Management Risk; Yield Risk; Debt Securities
Risk; High-Yield Securities Risk; Liquidity and Valuation Risk; Loan Participation Interest Risk;
Floating Rate Loans Risk; Convertible Securities Risk; Foreign Securities Risk; Derivatives Risk;
Equity Securities Risk; Money Market/Short-Term Securities Risk; and Private Placement and
Restricted Securities Risk.
Principal Blue Chip Fund (PGBHX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Principal Investment Strategies. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net
assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of companies with large
market capitalizations at the time of purchase that, in the opinion of Principal Global Investors,
LLC, the fund’s investment advisor, display characteristics of a “blue chip” company. For this fund,
companies with large market capitalizations are those with market capitalizations similar to
companies in the Russell 1000® Growth Index (as of November 30, 2022, this was between
approximately $1.2 billion and $2.4 trillion). In the advisor’s view, “blue chip” companies typically
display some or all of the following characteristics: (1) large, well-established and financially sound
companies; (2) issuers with market capitalizations in the billions; (3) are considered market leaders
or among the top three companies in its sector; and (4) commonly considered household names. The
fund tends to focus on securities of companies that show potential for growth of capital as well as an
expectation for above-average earnings. In selecting securities in which to invest, the fund’s advisor
uses a bottom-up, fundamental process, focusing on a fundamental analysis of individual companies.
The fund invests in securities of foreign companies. The fund invested significantly in industries
within the financial services and information technology sectors as of November 30, 2022.
Principal Investment Risks. Equity Securities Risk; Growth Style Risk; Financial Services Sector
Risk; Foreign Currency Risk; Foreign Securities Risk; Information Technology Sector Risk; and
Redemption and Large Transaction Risk.
Principal Equity Income Fund (PEIIX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks to provide current income and long-term growth of income
and capital.
Principal Investment Strategies. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its
net assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in dividend-paying equity securities at the
time of purchase. The fund usually invests in equity securities of companies with large and medium
market capitalizations. The fund invests in value equity securities, an investment strategy that
emphasizes buying equity securities that appear to be undervalued. The fund also invests in
securities of foreign issuers.
Principal Investment Risks. Equity Securities Risk; Smaller Companies Risk; Value Style Risk;
Foreign Securities Risk; and Redemption and Large Transaction Risk.
Principal Core Fixed Income Fund (PICNX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks to provide a high level of current income consistent with
preservation of capital.
Principal Investment Strategies. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net
assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in fixed-income securities. The fund invests
primarily in a diversified pool of investment-grade fixed-income securities, including corporate
securities, U.S. government securities, asset-backed securities, and mortgage-backed securities
(securitized products) (including collateralized mortgage obligations), and foreign securities.
“Investment grade” securities are rated BBB- or higher by S&P Global Ratings (S&P Global) or
Baa3 or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s) or, if unrated, of comparable quality
in the opinion of those selecting such investments. If the security has been rated by only one of
those agencies, that rating will determine whether the security is investment grade. If securities are
rated differently by the rating agencies, the highest rating is used. The fund is not managed to a
particular maturity. Under normal circumstances, the fund maintains an average portfolio duration
that is within ±25% of the duration of the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, which, as of
January 31, 2023, was 6.43 years.
Principal Investment Risks. Fixed-Income Securities Risk; Foreign Securities Risk; Portfolio
Duration Risk; Real Estate Securities Risk; Redemption and Large Transaction Risk; Securitized
Products Risk; U.S. Government Securities Risk; and U.S. Government-Sponsored Securities Risk.
Principal Real Estate Securities Fund (PFRSX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks to generate a total return.
Principal Investment Strategies. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net
assets, plus any borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of companies principally
engaged in the real estate industry at the time of purchase. A real estate company has at least 50% of
its assets, income, or profits derived from products or services related to the real estate industry.
Real estate companies include real estate investment trusts (REITs) and companies with substantial
real estate holdings such as paper, lumber, hotel, and entertainment companies, as well as those
whose products and services relate to the real estate industry, including building supply
manufacturers, mortgage lenders, and mortgage servicing companies. The fund is considered non-
diversified, which means it can invest a higher percentage of assets in securities of individual
issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, changes in the value of a single investment could cause
greater fluctuations in the fund’s share price than would occur in a more diversified fund.
REITs are pooled investment vehicles that invest in income-producing real estate, real estate-related
loans, or other types of real estate interests. REITs are corporations or business trusts that are
permitted to eliminate corporate level federal income taxes by meeting certain requirements of the
Internal Revenue Code.
The fund invests in equity securities regardless of market capitalization (small, medium, or large).
The fund invests in growth and value equity securities. The fund concentrates its investments (invest
more than 25% of its net assets) in securities in the real estate industry.
The fund is considered non-diversified, which means it can invest a higher percentage of assets in
securities of individual issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, changes in the value of a single
investment could cause greater fluctuations in the fund’s share price than would occur in a more
diversified fund.
Principal Investment Risks. Equity Securities Risk; Growth Style Risk; Smaller Companies Risk;
Value Style Risk; Industry Concentration Risk; Real-Estate Risk; Non-Diversification Risk; Real
Estate Investment Trusts Risk; Real Estate Securities Risk; and Redemption and Large Transaction
Principal Short-Term Income Fund (PSHIX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks to provide as high a level of current income as is consistent
with prudent investment management and stability of principal.
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a
broad range of high-quality, fixed-income securities. The fund invests primarily in high-quality
short-term bonds and other fixed-income securities that, at the time of purchase, are rated BBB- or
higher by S&P Global Ratings (S&P Global) or Baa3 or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc.
(Moody’s) (if securities are rated differently by S&P Global and Moody’s, the highest rating is
used; or, if unrated, in the opinion of those selecting such investments, are of comparable quality).
The fund’s investments also include corporate securities, government securities, mortgage-backed
and asset-backed securities (securitized products), and foreign securities.
Under normal circumstances, the fund maintains an effective maturity of five years or less and an
average portfolio duration that is within ±15% of the duration of the Bloomberg Credit 1-3 Year
Index, which, as of January 31, 2023, was 1.87 years.
The fund invests in derivatives, including Treasury futures, to manage the fixed-income exposure. A
derivative is a financial arrangement, the value of which is derived from, or based on, a traditional
security, asset, or market index.
Principal Investment Risks. Derivatives Risk; Futures; Fixed-Income Securities Risk; Foreign
Securities Risk; Portfolio Duration Risk; Real Estate Securities Risk; Redemption and Large
Transaction Risk; Securitized Products Risk; U.S. Government Securities Risk; U.S. Government-
Sponsored Securities Risk.
Principal Diversified International Fund (PDIFX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund invests primarily in foreign equity securities. The fund
has no limitation on the percentage of assets that are invested in any one country or denominated in
any one currency, but the fund typically invests in foreign securities of at least twenty countries.
Primary consideration is given to securities of issuers of developed areas (for example, Japan,
Western Europe, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore); however, the fund also invests in
emerging market securities. The fund invests in equity securities regardless of market capitalization
size (small, medium, or large) and style (growth or value).
Principal Investment Risks. Emerging Markets Risk; Equity Securities Risk; Growth Style Risk;
Smaller Companies Risk; Value Style Risk; Foreign Currency Risk; Foreign Securities Risk; and
Redemption and Large Transaction Risk.
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund (VMCIX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures
the investment return of mid-capitalization stocks.
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to
track the performance of the CRSP US Mid Cap Index, a broadly diversified index of stocks of mid-
size U.S. companies. The fund attempts to replicate the target index by investing all, or substantially
all, of its assets in the stocks that make up the index, holding each stock in approximately the same
proportion as its weighting in the index.
Principal Investment Risks. Stock Market Risk; Investment Style Risk; and Index Replicating Risk.
Vanguard Total International Bond ETF (BNDX)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures
the investment return of non-U.S. dollar-denominated investment-grade bonds.
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to
track the performance of the Bloomberg Global Aggregate ex-USD Float Adjusted RIC Capped
Index (USD Hedged). This index provides a broad-based measure of the global, investment-grade,
fixed-rate debt markets. The index includes government, government agency, corporate, and
securitized non-U.S. investment-grade fixed income investments, all issued in currencies other than
the U.S. dollar and with maturities of more than one year. The index is market value-weighted and
capped to comply with investment company diversification standards of the Internal Revenue Code,
which state that, at the close of each fiscal quarter, a fund’s (1) exposure to any particular bond
issuer may not exceed 25% of the fund’s assets and (2) aggregate exposure to issuers that
individually constitute 5% or more of the fund may not exceed 50% of the fund’s assets. To help
enforce these limits, if the index, on the last business day of any month, were to have greater than
20% exposure to any particular bond issuer, or greater than 48% aggregate exposure to issuers that
individually constitute 5% or more of the index, then the index sponsor would reallocate the excess
to bonds of other issuers represented in the index. The index methodology is not designed to satisfy
the diversification requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940. The fund will attempt to
hedge its foreign currency exposure, primarily through the use of foreign currency exchange
forward contracts, in order to correlate to the returns of the index, which is U.S. dollar hedged. Such
hedging is intended to minimize the currency risk associated with investment in bonds denominated
in currencies other than the U.S. dollar.
The fund invests by sampling the index, meaning that it holds a range of securities that, in the
aggregate, approximates the full index in terms of key risk factors and other characteristics. All of
the fund’s investments will be selected through the sampling process and, under normal
circumstances, at least 80% of the fund’s assets will be invested in bonds included in the index. The
fund maintains a dollar-weighted average maturity consistent with that of the index. As of October
31, 2022, the dollar-weighted average maturity of the Index was 9.1 years.
Principal Investment Risks. Country/Regional Risk; Interest Rate Risk; Income Risk;
Nondiversification Risk; Credit Risk; Call Risk; Index Sampling Risk; Currency Risk and Currency
Hedging Risk; Derivatives Risk; and ETF Risk.
Vanguard Total World Stock ETF (VT)
Investment Objective. The fund seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures
the investment return of stocks of companies located in developed and emerging markets around the
Principal Investment Strategies. The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to
track the performance of the FTSE Global All Cap Index, a float-adjusted, market-capitalization-
weighted index designed to measure the market performance of large-, mid-, and small-
capitalization stocks of companies located around the world. As of October 31, 2022, the index
included 9,526 stocks of companies located in forty-nine markets, including both developed and
emerging markets. As of October 31, 2022, the largest markets covered in the Index were the United
States, Japan, and the United Kingdom (which made up approximately 61.7%, 5.9%, and 3.9%,
respectively, of the index’s market capitalization). The fund attempts to sample the target index by
investing all, or substantially all, of its assets in common stocks in the index and by holding a
representative sample of securities that resembles the full Index in terms of key risk factors and
other characteristics. These factors include industry weightings, country weightings, market
capitalization, and other financial characteristics of stocks.
Principal Investment Risks. Stock Market Risk; Country/Regional Risk; Emerging Markets Risk;
Currency Risk; Index Sampling Risk; and ETF Risk.
This section of the appendix explains the investment risks of the Underlying Funds listed in the
previous section. The explanations below are organized by Underlying Fund family.
Explanation of Investment Risks for the iShares Funds
Asset Class Risk - Securities and other assets in the underlying index or in the fund’s portfolio may
underperform in comparison to the general financial markets, a particular financial market or other
asset classes.
Authorized Participant Concentration Risk - Only an authorized participant may engage in creation
or redemption transactions directly with the fund, and none of those authorized participants is
obligated to engage in creation and/or redemption transactions. The fund has a limited number of
institutions that may act as authorized participants on an agency basis (i.e., on behalf of other
market participants). To the extent that authorized participants exit the business or are unable to
proceed with creation or redemption orders with respect to the fund and no other authorized
participant is able to step forward to create or redeem, fund shares may be more likely to trade at a
premium or discount to NAV and possibly face trading halts or delisting.
Call Risk - During periods of falling interest rates, an issuer of a callable bond held by the fund may
“call” or repay the security before its stated maturity, and the fund may have to reinvest the
proceeds in securities with lower yields, which would result in a decline in the fund’s income, or in
securities with greater risks or with other less favorable features.
Concentration Risk - The fund may be susceptible to an increased risk of loss, including losses due
to adverse events that affect the fund’s investments more than the market as a whole, to the extent
that the fund’s investments are concentrated in the securities and/or other assets of a particular
issuer or issuers, country, group of countries, region, market, industry, group of industries, sector,
market segment or asset class.
Credit Risk - Debt issuers and other counterparties may be unable or unwilling to make timely
interest and/or principal payments when due or otherwise honor their obligations. Changes in an
issuer’s credit rating or the market’s perception of an issuer’s creditworthiness may also adversely
affect the value of the fund’s investment in that issuer. The degree of credit risk depends on an
issuer’s or counterparty’s financial condition and on the terms of an obligation.
Cybersecurity Risk - Failures or breaches of the electronic systems of the fund, the fund’s advisor,
distributor, the index provider and other service providers, market makers, authorized participants or
the issuers of securities in which the fund invests have the ability to cause disruptions, negatively
impact the fund’s business operations and/or potentially result in financial losses to the fund and its
shareholders. While the fund has established business continuity plans and risk management
systems seeking to address system breaches or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans
and systems. Furthermore, the fund cannot control the cybersecurity plans and systems of the fund’s
index provider and other service providers, market makers, authorized participants, or issuers of
securities in which the fund invests.
Equity Securities Risk - Equity securities are subject to changes in value, and their values may be
more volatile than those of other asset classes. The underlying index is composed of common
stocks, which generally subject their holders to more risks than preferred stocks and debt securities
because common stockholders’ claims are subordinated to those of holders of preferred stocks and
debt securities upon the bankruptcy of the issuer.
Extension Risk - During periods of rising interest rates, certain debt obligations may be paid off
substantially more slowly than originally anticipated and the value of those securities may fall
sharply, resulting in a decline in the fund’s income and potentially in the value of the fund’s
Financials Sector Risk - Performance of companies in the financials sector may be adversely
impacted by many factors, including, among others, changes in government regulations, economic
conditions, and interest rates, credit rating downgrades, and decreased liquidity in credit markets.
The extent to which the fund may invest in a company that engages in securities-related activities or
banking is limited by applicable law. The impact of changes in capital requirements and recent or
future regulation of any individual financial company, or of the financials sector as a whole, cannot
be predicted. In recent years, cyberattacks and technology malfunctions and failures have become
increasingly frequent in this sector and have caused significant losses to companies in this sector,
which may negatively impact the fund.
Geographic Risk - A natural disaster could occur in a geographic region in which the fund invests,
which could adversely affect the economy or the business operations of companies in the specific
geographic region, causing an adverse impact on the fund’s investments in, or which are exposed to,
the affected region.
High Portfolio Turnover Risk - High portfolio turnover (considered by the fund to mean higher than
100% annually) may result in increased transaction costs to the fund, including brokerage
commissions, dealer markups and other transaction costs on the sale of the securities and on
reinvestment in other securities.
Income Risk - The fund’s income may decline if interest rates fall. This decline in income can occur
because the fund may subsequently invest in lower yielding bonds as bonds in its portfolio mature,
are near maturity or are called, bonds in the underlying index are substituted, or the fund otherwise
needs to purchase additional bonds.
Index-Related Risk - There is no guarantee that the fund’s investment results will have a high
degree of correlation to those of the underlying index or that the fund will achieve its investment
objective. Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s
ability to adjust its exposure to the required levels in order to track the underlying index. Errors in
index data, index computations or the construction of the underlying index in accordance with its
methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the index
provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its
shareholders. Unusual market conditions may cause the index provider to postpone a scheduled
rebalance, which could cause the underlying index to vary from its normal or expected composition.
Infectious Illness Risk – An outbreak of an infectious respiratory illness, COVID-19, caused by a
novel coronavirus has resulted in travel restrictions, disruption of healthcare systems, prolonged
quarantines, cancellations, supply chain disruptions, lower consumer demand, layoffs, ratings
downgrades, defaults, and other significant economic impacts. Certain markets have experienced
temporary closures, extreme volatility, severe losses, reduced liquidity and increased trading costs.
These events will have an impact on the fund and its investments and could impact the fund’s ability
to purchase or sell securities or cause elevated tracking error and increased premiums or discounts
to the fund’s NAV. Other infectious illness outbreaks in the future may result in similar impacts.
Interest Rate Risk - During periods of very low or negative interest rates, the fund may be unable to
maintain positive returns or pay dividends to fund shareholders. Very low or negative interest rates
may magnify interest rate risk. Changing interest rates, including rates that fall below zero, may
have unpredictable effects on markets, result in heightened market volatility and detract from the
fund’s performance to the extent the fund is exposed to such interest rates. Additionally, under
certain market conditions in which interest rates are low and the market prices for portfolio
securities have increased, the fund may have a very low or even negative yield. A low or negative
yield would cause the fund to lose money in certain conditions and over certain time periods. An
increase in interest rates will generally cause the value of securities held by the fund to decline, may
lead to heightened volatility in the fixed-income markets and may adversely affect the liquidity of
certain fixed-income investments, including those held by the fund. Because rates on certain
floating rate debt securities typically reset only periodically, changes in prevailing interest rates (and
particularly sudden and significant changes) can be expected to cause some fluctuations in the net
asset value of the fund to the extent that it invests in floating rate debt securities. The historically
low interest rate environment heightens the risks associated with rising interest rates.
Issuer Risk - The performance of the fund depends on the performance of individual securities to
which the fund has exposure. The fund may be adversely affected if an issuer of underlying
securities held by the fund is unable or unwilling to repay principal or interest when due. Changes in
the financial condition or credit rating of an issuer of those securities may cause the value of the
securities to decline.
Large-Capitalization Companies Risk - Large-capitalization companies may be less able than
smaller capitalization companies to adapt to changing market conditions. Large-capitalization
companies may be more mature and subject to more limited growth potential compared with smaller
capitalization companies. During different market cycles, the performance of large-capitalization
companies has trailed the overall performance of the broader securities markets.
Large Shareholder and Large Scale Redemption Risk Certain shareholders, including an
authorized participant, a third-party investor, the fund’s advisor or an affiliate of the fund’s advisor,
a market maker, or another entity, may from time to time own or manage a substantial amount of
fund shares, or may invest in the fund and hold their investment for a limited period of time. There
can be no assurance that any large shareholder or large group of shareholders would not redeem
their investment. Redemptions of a large number of fund shares could require the fund to dispose of
assets to meet the redemption requests, which can accelerate the realization of taxable income
and/or capital gains and cause the fund to make taxable distributions to its shareholders earlier than
the fund otherwise would have. In addition, under certain circumstances, non-redeeming
shareholders may be treated as receiving a disproportionately large taxable distribution during or
with respect to such year. In some circumstances, the fund may hold a relatively large proportion of
its assets in cash in anticipation of large redemptions, diluting its investment returns. These large
redemptions may also force the fund to sell portfolio securities when it might not otherwise do so,
which may negatively impact the fund’s NAV, increase the funds brokerage costs and/or have a
material effect on the market price of the fund shares.
Management Risk - As the fund will not fully replicate the underlying index, it is subject to the risk
that the advisor’s investment strategy may not produce the intended results.
Market Risk - The fund could lose money over short periods due to short-term market movements
and over longer periods during more prolonged market downturns. Local, regional, or global events
such as war, acts of terrorism, the spread of infectious illness or other public health issues,
recessions, or other events could have a significant impact on the fund and its investments and could
result in increased premiums or discounts to the fund’s NAV.
Market Trading Risk - The fund faces numerous market trading risks, including the potential lack of
an active market for fund shares, losses from trading in secondary markets, periods of high volatility
and disruptions in the creation/redemption process. ANY OF THESE FACTORS, AMONG
Operational Risk - The fund is exposed to operational risks arising from a number of factors,
including, but not limited to, human error, processing and communication errors, errors of the
fund’s service providers, counterparties or other third parties, failed or inadequate processes and
technology or systems failures. The fund and its advisor seek to reduce these operational risks
through controls and procedures. However, these measures do not address every possible risk and
may be inadequate to address significant operational risks.
Passive Investment Risk - The fund is not actively managed, and its advisor generally does not
attempt to take defensive positions under any market conditions, including declining markets.
Prepayment Risk - During periods of falling interest rates, issuers of certain debt obligations may
repay principal prior to the security’s maturity, which may cause the fund to have to reinvest in
securities with lower yields or higher risk of default, resulting in a decline in the fund’s income or
return potential.
Risk of Investing in the U.S. - Certain changes in the U.S. economy, such as when the U.S.
economy weakens or when its financial markets decline, may have an adverse effect on the
securities to which the fund has exposure.
Securities Lending Risk - The fund may engage in securities lending. Securities lending involves the
risk that the fund may lose money because the borrower of the loaned securities fails to return the
securities in a timely manner or at all. The fund could also lose money in the event of a decline in
the value of collateral provided for loaned securities or a decline in the value of any investments
made with cash collateral. These events could also trigger adverse tax consequences for the fund.
Small-Capitalization Companies Risk - Compared to mid- and large-capitalization companies,
small-capitalization companies may be less stable and more susceptible to adverse developments. In
addition, the securities of small-capitalization companies may be more volatile and less liquid than
those of mid- and large-capitalization companies.
Technology Sector Risk – Technology companies, including information technology companies,
may have limited product lines, markets, financial resources, or personnel. Technology companies
typically face intense competition and potentially rapid product obsolescence. They are also heavily
dependent on intellectual property rights and may be adversely affected by the loss or impairment of
those rights. Companies in the technology sector are facing increased government and regulatory
scrutiny and may be subject to adverse government or regulatory action.
Tracking Error Risk - The fund may be subject to “tracking error,” which is the divergence of the
fund’s performance from that of the underlying index. Tracking error may occur because of
differences between the securities and other instruments held in the fund’s portfolio and those
included in the underlying index, pricing differences (including, as applicable, differences between
a security’s price at the local market close and the fund’s valuation of a security at the time of
calculation of the fund’s NAV), transaction costs incurred by the fund, the fund’s holding of
uninvested cash, differences in timing of the accrual of or the valuation of distributions, the
requirements to maintain pass-through tax treatment, portfolio transactions carried out to minimize
the distribution of capital gains to shareholders, acceptance of custom baskets, changes to the
underlying index or the costs to the fund of complying with various new or existing regulatory
requirements, among other reasons. This risk may be heightened during times of increased market
volatility or other unusual market conditions. Tracking error also may result because the fund incurs
fees and expenses, while the underlying index does not.
U.S. Agency Debt Risk - The fund invests in unsecured bonds or debentures issued or guaranteed
by the U.S. government or one of its agencies or sponsored entities. Certain debt issuances by U.S.
government agencies or sponsored entities, including, among others, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the
Federal Home Loan Banks, and the Tennessee Valley Authority, are backed only by the general
creditworthiness and reputation of the U.S. government agency or sponsored entity and not the full
faith and credit of the U.S. government and, as a result, are subject to additional credit risk. To the
extent that the U.S. government has provided support to a U.S. agency or sponsored entity in the
past, there can be no assurance that the U.S. government will provide support in the future if it is not
obligated to do so. Ginnie Mae securities and certain foreign government debt issuances guaranteed
by the U.S. government are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
U.S. Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities Risk - The fund invests in MBS issued or guaranteed by
the U.S. government or one of its agencies or sponsored entities, some of which may not be backed
by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. MBS represent interests in “pools” of mortgages
and are subject to interest rate, prepayment, and extension risk. MBS react differently to changes in
interest rates than other bonds, and the prices of MBS may reflect adverse economic and market
conditions. Small movements in interest rates (both increases and decreases) may quickly and
significantly reduce the value of certain MBS. MBS are also subject to the risk of default on the
underlying mortgage loans, particularly during periods of economic downturn. Default or
bankruptcy of a counterparty to a TBA transaction would expose the fund to possible losses.
U.S. Treasury Obligations Risk - U.S. Treasury obligations may differ from other securities in their
interest rates, maturities, times of issuance and other characteristics and may provide relatively
lower returns than those of other securities. Similar to other issuers, changes to the financial
condition or credit rating of the U.S. government may cause the value of the fund’s U.S. Treasury
obligations to decline.
Valuation Risk - The price the fund could receive upon the sale of a security or other asset may
differ from the fund’s valuation of the security or other asset and from the value used by the
underlying index, particularly for securities or other assets that trade in low volume or volatile
markets or that are valued using a fair value methodology as a result of trade suspensions or for
other reasons. In addition, the value of the securities or other assets in the fund’s portfolio may
change on days or during time periods when shareholders will not be able to purchase or sell the
fund’s shares. Authorized participants who purchase or redeem fund shares on days when the fund
is holding fair-valued securities may receive fewer or more shares, or lower or higher redemption
proceeds, than they would have received had the fund not fair-valued securities or used a different
valuation methodology. The fund’s ability to value investments may be impacted by technological
issues or errors by pricing services or other third-party service providers.
Explanation of Investment Risks for the JPMorgan Fund
Currency Risk - Changes in foreign currency exchange rates will affect the value of the fund’s
securities and the price of the fund’s Units. Generally, when the value of the U.S. dollar rises in
value relative to a foreign currency, an investment impacted by that currency loses value because
that currency is worth less in U.S. dollars. Currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over
short periods of time for a number of reasons, including changes in interest rates. Devaluation of a
currency by a country’s government or banking authority also will have a significant impact on the
value of any investments denominated in that currency. Currency markets generally are not as
regulated as securities markets, may be riskier than other types of investments and may increase the
volatility of the fund. Although the fund may attempt to hedge its currency exposure into the U.S.
dollar, it may not be successful in reducing the effects of currency fluctuations. The fund may also
hedge from one foreign currency to another. In addition, the fund’s use of currency hedging may not
be successful and the use of such strategies may lower the fund’s potential returns.
Depositary Receipts Risk - The fund’s investments may take the form of depositary receipts,
including unsponsored depositary receipts. Unsponsored depositary receipts may not provide as
much information about the underlying issuer and may not carry the same voting privileges as
sponsored depositary receipts. Unsponsored depositary receipts are issued by one or more
depositaries in response to market demand, but without a formal agreement with the company that
issues the underlying securities.
Derivatives Risk - Derivatives, including swaps, currency forwards and futures, may be riskier than
other types of investments because they may be more sensitive to changes in economic or market
conditions than other types of investments and could result in losses that significantly exceed the
fund’s original investment. Many derivatives create leverage thereby causing the fund to be more
volatile than it would be if it had not used derivatives. Certain derivatives also expose the fund to
counterparty risk (the risk that the derivative counterparty will not fulfill its contractual obligations),
including the credit risk of the derivative counterparty. Certain derivatives are synthetic instruments
that attempt to replicate the performance of certain reference assets. With regard to such derivatives,
the fund does not have a claim on the reference assets and is subject to enhanced counterparty risk.
Equity Market Risk - The price of equity securities may rise or fall because of changes in the broad
market or changes in a company’s financial condition, sometimes rapidly or unpredictably. These
price movements may result from factors affecting individual companies, sectors or industries
selected for the fund’s portfolio or the securities market as a whole, such as changes in economic or
political conditions. When the value of the fund’s securities goes down, your investment in the fund
decreases in value.
Foreign Securities and Emerging Markets Risk - Investments in foreign issuers and foreign
securities (including depositary receipts) are subject to additional risks, including political and
economic risks, unstable governments, civil conflicts and war, greater volatility, decreased market
liquidity, expropriation and nationalization risks, sanctions or other measures by the United States
or other governments, currency fluctuations, higher transaction costs, delayed settlement, possible
foreign controls on investment, and less stringent investor protection and disclosure standards of
foreign markets. In certain markets where securities and other instruments are not traded “delivery
versus payment,” the fund may not receive timely payment for securities or other instruments it has
delivered or receive delivery of securities paid for and may be subject to increased risk that the
counterparty will fail to make payments or delivery when due or default completely. Foreign market
trading hours, clearance and settlement procedures, and holiday schedules may limit the fund’s
ability to buy and sell securities.
Events and evolving conditions in certain economies or markets may alter the risks associated with
investments tied to countries or regions that historically were perceived as comparatively stable
becoming riskier and more volatile. These risks are magnified in “emerging markets.” Emerging
market countries typically have less established market economies than developed countries and
may face greater social, economic, regulatory and political uncertainties. In addition, emerging
markets typically present greater illiquidity and price volatility concerns due to smaller or limited
local capital markets and greater difficulty in determining market valuations of securities due to
limited public information on issuers. Certain emerging market countries may be subject to less
stringent requirements regarding accounting, auditing, financial reporting and record keeping and
therefore, material information related to an investment may not be available or reliable.
Additionally, the fund may have substantial difficulties exercising its legal rights or enforcing a
counterparty’s legal obligations in certain jurisdictions outside of the United States, in particular in
emerging markets countries, which can increase the risks of loss.
General Market Risk - Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming
increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country
or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions. Securities in the
fund’s portfolio may underperform in comparison to securities in general financial markets, a
particular financial market or other asset classes due to a number of factors, including inflation (or
expectations for inflation), deflation (or expectations for deflation), interest rates, global demand for
particular products or resources, market instability, debt crises and downgrades, embargoes, tariffs,
sanctions and other trade barriers, regulatory events, other governmental trade or market control
programs and related geopolitical events. In addition, the value of the fund’s investments may be
negatively affected by the occurrence of global events such as war, terrorism, environmental
disasters, natural disasters or events, country instability, and infectious disease epidemics or
For example, the outbreak of COVID-19 has negatively affected economies, markets and individual
companies throughout the world, including those in which the fund invests. The effects of this
pandemic to public health and business and market conditions, including, among other things,
reduced consumer demand and economic output, supply chain disruptions and increased
government spending, may continue to have a significant negative impact on the performance of the
fund’s investments, increase the fund’s volatility, exacerbate preexisting political, social and
economic risks to the fund, and negatively impact broad segments of businesses and populations. In
addition, governments, their regulatory agencies, or self-regulatory organizations have taken or may
take actions in response to the pandemic that affect the instruments in which the fund invests, or the
issuers of such instruments, in ways that could have a significant negative impact on the fund’s
investment performance. The duration and extent of COVID-19 and associated economic and
market conditions and uncertainty over the long-term cannot be reasonably estimated at this time.
The ultimate impact of COVID-19 and the extent to which the associated conditions impact the fund
will also depend on future developments, which are highly uncertain, difficult to accurately predict
and subject to frequent changes.
Geographic Focus Risk - The fund may focus its investments in one or more regions or small groups
of countries. As a result, the fund’s performance may be subject to greater volatility than a more
geographically diversified fund.
Greater China Region Risk – In addition to the risks listed under “Foreign Securities and Emerging
Markets Risk,” investments in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan are subject to significant
legal, regulatory, monetary and economic risks, as well as the potential for regional and global
conflicts, including actions that are contrary to the interests of the U.S.
Investments in Mainland China involve political and legal uncertainties, currency fluctuations and
aggressive currency controls, the risk of confiscatory taxation, and nationalization or expropriation
of assets, which could adversely affect and significantly diminish the values of the Mainland
Chinese companies in which the fund invests. The Mainland Chinese securities markets are
emerging markets characterized by greater price volatility. Mainland China is dominated by the
one- party rule of the Communist Party, and the Mainland Chinese government exercises significant
control over Mainland China’s economic growth. There is the potential of increased tariffs and
restrictions on trade between the United States and Mainland China. An increase in tariffs or trade
restrictions, or even the threat of such developments, could lead to a significant reduction in
international trade, which could have a negative impact on Mainland Chinese companies and a
commensurately negative impact on the fund.
The political reunification of Mainland China and Taiwan, over which Mainland China continues to
claim sovereignty, is a highly complex issue. There is the potential for future political, military or
economic disturbances that may have an adverse impact on the values of the fund’s investments in
Mainland China and elsewhere, or make certain fund investments impractical or impossible. Any
escalation of hostility between Mainland China and Taiwan would likely have a significant adverse
impact on the value and liquidity of the fund’s investments in both Mainland China and elsewhere,
causing substantial investment losses for the fund.
Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Since Hong Kong
reverted to Chinese sovereignty in 1997, it has been governed by the Basic Law. Under the Basic
Law, Hong Kong was guaranteed a high degree of autonomy in certain matters, including economic
matters, until 2047. Attempts by the government of Mainland China to exert greater control over
Hong Kong’s economic, political or legal structures or its existing social policy could negatively
affect investor confidence in Hong Kong (as has been the case previously during certain periods),
which in turn could negatively affect markets and business performance.
Chinese operating companies sometimes rely on VIE structures to raise capital from non-Chinese
investors, even though such arrangements are not formally recognized under Chinese law. In a VIE
structure, a Mainland China-based operating company establishes an entity (typically offshore) that
enters into service and other contracts with the Mainland Chinese company designed to provide
economic exposure to the company. The offshore entity then issues exchange-traded shares that are
sold to the public, including non-Chinese investors (such as the fund). Shares of the offshore entity
are not equity owners interests in the Mainland Chinese operating company and therefore the ability
of the offshore entity to control the activities at the Mainland Chinese company are limited and the
Mainland Chinese company may engage in activities that negatively impact investment value.
Under a VIE structure, the fund will typically have little or no ability to influence the Mainland
China-based operating company through proxy voting or other means because it is not a Mainland
Chinese company owner/shareholder. The VIE structure is designed to provide the offshore entity
(and in turn, investors in the entity) with economic exposure to the Mainland Chinese company that
replicates equity ownership, without actual equity ownership of the Mainland Chinese operating
company. VIE structures are used due to Mainland Chinese government prohibitions on foreign
ownership of companies in certain industries and it is not clear that the contracts are enforceable or
that the structures will otherwise work as intended. Intervention by the Mainland Chinese
government with respect to VIE structures could adversely affect the Mainland Chinese operating
company’s performance, the enforceability of the offshore entity’s contractual arrangements with
the Mainland Chinese company and the value of the offshore entity’s shares. If this were to occur,
the market value of the fund’s associated portfolio holdings would likely fall, causing substantial
investment losses for the fund.
Industry and Sector Focus Risk - At times, the fund may increase the relative emphasis of its
investments in a particular industry or sector. The prices of securities of issuers in a particular
industry or sector may be more susceptible to fluctuations due to changes in economic or business
conditions, government regulations, availability of basic resources or supplies, or other events that
affect that industry or sector more than securities of issuers in other industries and sectors. To the
extent that the fund increases the relative emphasis of its investments in a particular industry or
sector, the value of the fund’s shares may fluctuate in response to events affecting that industry or
Smaller Company Risk - Investments in securities of smaller companies (mid cap and small cap
companies) may be riskier, less liquid, more volatile and more vulnerable to economic, market and
industry changes than securities of larger, more established companies. The securities of smaller
companies may trade less frequently and in smaller volumes than securities of larger companies. As
a result, changes in the price of securities issued by such companies may be more sudden or erratic
than the prices of securities of large capitalization companies, especially over the short term. These
risks are higher for small cap companies.
Structured Instrument Risk - Instruments that have similar economic characteristics to equity
securities, such as participation notes or other structured instruments (structured instruments), are
structured, synthetic instruments that generally attempt to replicate the performance of a particular
equity or market (reference assets). There can be no assurance that structured instruments will trade
at the same price or have the same value as the reference assets. In addition, structured instruments
may be subject to transfer restrictions and may be illiquid or thinly traded and less liquid than other
types of securities, which may also expose the fund to risks of mispricing or improper valuation.
Structured instruments typically are not secured by the reference assets and are therefore dependent
solely upon the counterparty for repayment. Structured instruments also have the same risks
associated with a direct investment in the reference assets.
Transactions Risk - The fund could experience a loss and its liquidity may be negatively impacted
when selling securities to meet redemption requests. The risk of loss increases if the redemption
requests are unusually large or frequent or occur in times of overall market turmoil or declining
prices. Similarly, large purchases of fund shares may adversely affect the fund’s performance to the
extent that the fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash
position than it ordinarily would.
Explanation of Investment Risks for the MainStay Fund
Convertible Securities Risk - Convertible securities are typically subordinate to an issuer’s other
debt obligations. In part, the total return for a convertible security depends upon the performance of
the underlying stock into which it can be converted. Also, issuers of convertible securities are often
not as strong financially as those issuing securities with higher credit ratings, are more likely to
encounter financial difficulties and typically are more vulnerable to changes in the economy, such
as a recession or a sustained period of rising interest rates, which could affect their ability to make
interest and principal payments. If an issuer stops making interest and/or principal payments, the
fund could lose its entire investment.
Debt Securities Risk - The risks of investing in debt or fixed-income securities include (without
limitation): (i) credit risk, e.g., the issuer or guarantor of a debt security may be unable or unwilling
(or be perceived as unable or unwilling) to make timely principal and/or interest payments or
otherwise honor its obligations, or changes in an issuer’s credit rating or the market’s perception of
an issuer’s creditworthiness may affect the value of the fund’s investments; (ii) maturity risk, e.g., a
debt security with a longer maturity may fluctuate in value more than one with a shorter maturity;
(iii) market risk, e.g., low demand for debt securities may negatively impact their price; (iv) interest
rate risk, e.g., when interest rates go up, the value of a debt security generally goes down, and when
interest rates go down, the value of a debt security generally goes up (long-term debt securities are
generally more susceptible to interest rate risk than short-term debt securities); and (v) call or
prepayment risk, e.g., during a period of falling interest rates, the issuer may redeem a security by
repaying it early, which may reduce the fund’s income if the proceeds are reinvested at lower
interest rates.
Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of the fund’s investments in fixed income or debt
securities will change because of changes in interest rates. There is a risk that interest rates across
the financial system may change, possibly significantly and/or rapidly. Changes in interest rates or a
lack of market participants may lead to decreased liquidity and increased volatility in the fixed-
income or debt markets, making it more difficult for the fund to sell its fixed-income or debt
holdings. Decreased liquidity in the fixed-income or debt markets also may make it more difficult to
value some or all of the fund’s fixed-income or debt holdings. For most fixed-income investments,
when market interest rates fall, prices of fixed-rate debt securities rise. However, when market
interest rates fall, prices of certain variable and fixed-rate debt securities may be adversely affected
(i.e., falling interest rates bring the possibility of prepayment risk, as an instrument may be
redeemed before maturity). Very low or negative interest rates may magnify interest rate risk. Low
interest rates (or negative interest rates) may magnify the risks associated with rising interest rates.
The fund may also be subject to heightened interest rate risk when the Federal Reserve raises
interest rates. Changing interest rates, including rates that fall below zero, may have unpredictable
effects on markets, may result in heightened market volatility and may detract from fund
performance to the extent the fund is exposed to such interest rates and/or volatility. Other factors
that may affect the value of debt securities include, but are not limited to, economic, political, public
health, and other crises and responses by governments and companies to such crises.
Not all U.S. government debt securities are guaranteed by the U.S. government—some are backed
only by the issuing agency, which must rely on its own resources to repay the debt. The fund's yield
will fluctuate with changes in short-term interest rates.
Derivatives Risk - Derivatives are investments whose value depends on (or is derived from) the
value of an underlying instrument, such as a security, asset, reference rate, or index. Derivative
strategies may be riskier than investing directly in the underlying instrument and often involve
leverage, which may exaggerate a loss, potentially causing the fund to lose more money than it
originally invested and would have lost had it invested directly in the underlying instrument. For
example, if the fund is the seller of credit protection in a credit default swap, the fund effectively
adds leverage to its portfolio and is subject to the credit exposure on the full notional value of the
swap. Derivatives may be difficult to sell, unwind, and/or value. Derivatives may also be subject to
counterparty risk, which is the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the
transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable or unwilling to honor its contractual
obligations to the fund. Futures may be more volatile than direct investments in the instrument
underlying the contract and may not correlate perfectly to the underlying instrument. Futures and
other derivatives also may involve a small initial investment relative to the risk assumed, which
could result in losses greater than if they had not been used. Due to fluctuations in the price of the
underlying instrument, the fund may not be able to profitably exercise an option and may lose its
entire investment in an option. To the extent that the fund writes or sells an option, if the decline in
the value of the underlying instrument is significantly below the exercise price in the case of a
written put option or increase above the exercise price in the case of a written call option, the fund
could experience a substantial loss. Swaps may be subject to counterparty credit, correlation,
valuation, liquidity, and leveraging risks. Swap transactions tend to shift a fund's investment
exposure from one type of investment to another and may entail the risk that a party will default on
its payment obligations to the fund. Additionally, applicable regulators have adopted rules imposing
certain margin requirements, including minimums on uncleared swaps, which may result in the fund
and its counterparties posting higher margin amounts for uncleared swaps. Certain standardized
swaps are subject to mandatory central clearing and exchange trading. Central clearing, which
interposes a central clearinghouse to each participant’s swap, and exchange trading are intended to
reduce counterparty credit risk and increase liquidity, but neither makes swap transactions risk-free.
Derivatives may also increase the expenses of the fund.
Equity Securities Risk - Investments in common stocks and other equity securities are particularly
subject to the risk of changing economic, stock market, industry and company conditions and the
risks inherent in the ability to anticipate such changes that can adversely affect the value of portfolio
Floating Rate Loans Risk - The floating rate loans in which the fund invests are usually rated below
investment grade, or, if unrated, determined by the subadvisor to be of comparable quality
(commonly referred to as “junk bonds”) and are generally considered speculative because they
present a greater risk of loss, including default, than higher quality debt instruments. Moreover,
such investments may, under certain circumstances, be particularly susceptible to liquidity and
valuation risks.
Although certain floating rate loans are collateralized, there is no guarantee that the value of the
collateral will be sufficient or available to satisfy the borrower’s obligation. In times of unusual or
adverse market, economic or political conditions, floating rate loans may experience higher than
normal default rates. In the event of a recession or serious credit event, among other eventualities,
the value of the fund’s investments in floating rate loans are more likely to decline. The secondary
market for floating rate loans is limited and, thus, the fund’s ability to sell or realize the full value of
its investment in these loans to reinvest sale proceeds or to meet redemption obligations may be
impaired. In addition, floating rate loans generally are subject to extended settlement periods that
may be longer than seven days. As a result, the fund may be adversely affected by selling other
investments at an unfavorable time and/or under unfavorable conditions or engaging in borrowing
transactions, such as borrowing against its credit facility, to raise cash to meet redemption
obligations or pursue other investment opportunities. In certain circumstances, floating rate loans
may not be deemed to be securities. As a result, the fund may not have the protection of the anti-
fraud provisions of the federal securities laws. In such cases, the fund generally must rely on the
contractual provisions in the loan agreement and common-law fraud protections under applicable
state law.
Floating rate loans and other similar debt obligations that lack financial maintenance covenants or
possess fewer or contingent financial maintenance covenants and other financial protections for
lenders and investors (sometimes referred to as “covenant-lite” loans or obligations) are generally
subject to more risk than investments that contain traditional financial maintenance covenants and
financial reporting requirements.
The terms of many floating rate loans and other instruments are tied to the London Interbank
Offered Rate (LIBOR) or the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), which function as
reference rates or benchmarks. Certain LIBOR tenors were discontinued at the end of 2021, but the
most widely used LIBOR tenors may continue to be provided on a representative basis until mid-
2023. There remains uncertainty regarding the future use of LIBOR and the nature of any
replacement rate, such as SOFR. As such, the potential effect of a transition away from LIBOR
tenors may cause increased volatility and illiquidity in the markets for instruments with terms tied to
such LIBOR tenors or other adverse consequences, such as decreased yields and reduction in value,
for these instruments. This may adversely affect the fund and its investments in such instruments.
Foreign Securities Risk - Investments in foreign (non-U.S.) securities may be riskier than
investments in U.S. securities. Foreign regulatory regimes and securities markets can have less
stringent investor protections and disclosure standards and less liquid trading markets than U.S.
regulatory regimes and securities markets, and can experience political, social, and economic
developments that may affect the value of investments in foreign securities. Foreign securities may
also subject the fund's investments to changes in currency rates. Changes in the value of foreign
currencies may make the return on an investment increase or decrease, unrelated to the quality or
performance of the investment itself. Economic sanctions may be, and have been, imposed against
certain countries, organizations, companies, entities and/or individuals. Economic sanctions and
other similar governmental actions or developments could, among other things, effectively restrict
or eliminate the fund’s ability to purchase or sell certain foreign securities or groups of foreign
securities, and thus may make the fund’s investments in such securities less liquid or more difficult
to value. Such sanctions may also cause a decline in the value of securities issued by the sanctioned
country or companies located in or economically tied to the sanctioned country. In addition, as a
result of economic sanctions and other similar governmental actions or developments, the fund may
be forced to sell or otherwise dispose of foreign investments at inopportune times or prices. The
fund may seek to hedge against its exposure to changes in the value of foreign currency, but there is
no guarantee that such hedging techniques will be successful in reducing any related foreign
currency valuation risk.
High-Yield Securities Risk - Investments in high-yield securities or non-investment grade securities
(commonly referred to as "junk bonds") are considered speculative because investments in such
securities present a greater risk of loss than investments in higher quality securities. Such securities
may, under certain circumstances, be less liquid than higher rated securities. These securities pay
investors a premium (a high interest rate or yield) because of the potential illiquidity and increased
risk of loss. These securities can also be subject to greater price volatility. In times of unusual or
adverse market, economic or political conditions, these securities may experience higher than
normal default rates.
Liquidity and Valuation Risk - The fund’s investments may be illiquid at the time of purchase or
liquid at the time of purchase and subsequently become illiquid due to, among other things, events
relating to the issuer of the securities, market events, operational issues, economic conditions,
investor perceptions, or lack of market participants. The lack of an active trading market may make
it difficult to sell or obtain an accurate price for a security. If market conditions or issuer specific
developments make it difficult to value securities, the fund may value these securities using more
subjective methods, such as fair value pricing. In such cases, the value determined for a security
could be different than the value realized upon such security's sale. As a result, an investor could
pay more than the market value when buying shares or receive less than the market value when
selling shares. This could affect the proceeds of any redemption or the number of shares an investor
receives upon purchase. The fund is subject to the risk that it could not meet redemption requests
within the allowable time period without significant dilution of remaining investors' interests in the
fund. To meet redemption requests or to raise cash to pursue other investment opportunities, the
fund may be forced to sell securities at an unfavorable time and/or under unfavorable conditions,
which may adversely affect the fund’s performance. These risks are heightened for fixed-income
instruments when interest rates are low or rapidly increasing.
Loan Participation Interest Risk - There may not be a readily available market for loan participation
interests, which in some cases could result in the fund disposing of such interests at a substantial
discount from face value or holding such interests until maturity. In addition, the fund may be
exposed to the credit risk of the underlying corporate borrower as well as the lending institution or
other participant from whom the fund purchased the loan participation interests. The fund may not
always have direct recourse against a borrower if the borrower fails to pay scheduled principal
and/or interest and may be subject to greater delays, expenses and risks than if the fund had
purchased a direct obligation of the borrower. Substantial increases in interest rates may cause an
increase in loan obligation defaults.
Market Risk - Changes in markets may cause the value of investments to fluctuate, which could
cause the fund to underperform other funds with similar investment objectives and strategies. Such
changes may be rapid and unpredictable. From time to time, markets may experience periods of
stress as a result of various market and economic factors for potentially prolonged periods that may
result in: (i) increased market volatility; (ii) reduced market liquidity; and (iii) increased
redemptions of shares. Such conditions may add significantly to the risk of volatility in the net asset
value of the fund's shares.
Money Market/Short-Term Securities Risk - To the extent the fund holds cash or invests in money
market or short-term securities, the fund may be less likely to achieve its investment objective. In
addition, it is possible that the fund’s investments in these instruments could lose money.
Portfolio Management Risk - The investment strategies, practices, and risk analyses used by the
subadvisor may not produce the desired results or expected returns.
Private Placement and Restricted Securities Risk The fund may invest in privately issued
securities, including those which may be resold only in accordance with Rule 144A under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Securities acquired in a private placement generally are subject
to strict restrictions on resale, and there may be no market or a limited market for the resale of such
securities. Therefore, the fund may be unable to dispose of such securities when it desires to do so
or at the most favorable price. This potential lack of liquidity also may make it more difficult to
accurately value these securities.
Yield Risk - There can be no guarantee that the fund will achieve or maintain any particular level of
Explanation of Investment Risks for the Principal Funds
Derivatives Risk Derivatives may not move in the direction anticipated by the portfolio manager.
Transactions in derivatives may increase volatility, cause the liquidation of portfolio positions when
not advantageous to do so, and result in disproportionate losses that may be substantially greater
than a fund’s initial investment.
Futures – Futures contracts involve specific risks, including: the imperfect correlation between the
change in market value of the instruments held by the fund and the price of the futures contract;
possible lack of a liquid secondary market for a futures contract and the resulting inability to close a
futures contract when desired; counterparty risk; and if the fund has insufficient cash, it may have to
sell securities from its portfolio to meet daily variation margin requirements.
Emerging Markets Risk. Investments in emerging markets may have more risk than those in
developed markets because the emerging markets are less developed and more illiquid. Emerging
markets can also be subject to increased social, economic, regulatory, and political uncertainties and
can be extremely volatile. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.S. Department of
Justice, and other U.S. authorities may be limited in their ability to pursue bad actors in emerging
markets, including with respect to fraud.
Equity Securities Risk - A variety of factors can negatively impact the value of equity securities
held by a fund, including a decline in the issuer’s financial condition, unfavorable performance of
the issuer’s sector or industry, or changes in response to overall market and economic conditions. A
fund’s principal market segment(s) (such as market capitalization or style) may underperform other
market segments or the equity markets as a whole.
Growth Style Risk – Growth investing entails the risk that if growth companies do not
increase their earnings at a rate expected by investors, the market price of their stock may
decline significantly, even if earnings show an absolute increase. Growth company stocks
also typically lack the dividend yield that can lessen price declines in market downturns.
Smaller Companies Risk Investments in smaller companies may involve greater risk and
price volatility than investments in larger, more mature companies. Smaller companies may
have limited product lines, markets, or financial resources; lack the competitive strength of
larger companies; have less experienced managers; or depend on a few key employees. Their
securities often are less widely held and trade less frequently and in lesser quantities, and their
market prices often fluctuate more than securities of larger companies.
Value Style Risk Value investing entails the risk that value stocks may continue to be
undervalued by the market for extended periods, including the entire period during which the
stock is held by a fund, or the events that would cause the stock price to increase may not
occur as anticipated or at all. Moreover, a stock that appears to be undervalued actually may
be appropriately priced at a low level and, therefore, would not be profitable for the fund.
Financial Services Sector Risk A fund that invests significantly in financial services companies
may be more susceptible to adverse economic or regulatory occurrences affecting financial services
companies. Financial companies may be adversely affected in certain market cycles, including
periods of rising interest rates, which may restrict the availability and increase the cost of capital,
and declining economic conditions, which may cause credit losses due to financial difficulties of
borrowers. Because many types of financial companies are especially vulnerable to these economic
cycles, the fund’s investments in these companies may lose significant value during such periods.
Fixed-Income Securities Risk - Fixed-income securities are subject to interest rate, credit quality,
and liquidity risks. The market value of fixed-income securities generally declines when interest
rates rise, and increased interest rates may adversely affect the liquidity of certain fixed-income
securities. Moreover, an issuer of fixed-income securities could default on its payment obligations
due to increased interest rates or for other reasons.
Foreign Currency Risk - Risks of investing in securities denominated in, or that trade in, foreign
(non-U.S.) currencies include changes in foreign exchange rates and foreign exchange restrictions.
Foreign Securities Risk - The risks of foreign securities include loss of value as a result of political
or economic instability; nationalization, expropriation, or confiscatory taxation; settlement delays;
and limited government regulation (including less stringent reporting, accounting, and disclosure
standards than are required of U.S. companies).
Industry Concentration Risk - A fund that concentrates investments in a particular industry or group
of industries has greater exposure than other funds to market, economic, and other factors affecting
that industry or group of industries.
Real Estate Risk – A fund concentrating in the real estate industry is subject to the risks
associated with direct ownership of real estate, securities of companies in the real estate
industry, and/or real estate investment trusts. These risks are explained more fully below in
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Risk and Real Estate Securities Risk.
Information Technology Sector RiskCompanies in the information technology sector may face
dramatic and often unpredictable changes in growth rates and are particularly vulnerable to changes
in technology product cycles, product obsolescence, government regulation, and competition, both
domestically and internationally. Such companies are heavily dependent on patent and intellectual
property rights, the loss or impairment of which may adversely affect profitability.
Non-Diversification Risk - A non-diversified fund may invest a high percentage of its assets in the
securities of a small number of issuers and is more likely than diversified funds to be significantly
affected by a specific security’s poor performance.
Portfolio Duration Risk - Portfolio duration is a measure of the expected life of a fixed-income
security and its sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The longer a fund’s average portfolio
duration, the more sensitive the fund will be to changes in interest rates, which means funds with
longer average portfolio durations may be more volatile than those with shorter durations.
Real Estate Investment Trusts Risk - In addition to risks associated with investing in real estate
securities, real estate investment trusts (REITs) are dependent upon management skills, are not
diversified, and are subject to heavy cash flow dependency, risks of default by borrowers, and self-
liquidation. Investment in REITs also involves risks similar to risks of investing in small market
capitalization companies, such as limited financial resources, less frequent and limited volume
trading, and may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements than larger company
securities. A REIT could fail to qualify for tax-free pass-through of income under the Internal
Revenue Code. Fund shareholders will indirectly bear their proportionate share of the expenses of
REITs in which the fund invests.
Real Estate Securities Risk - Investing in real estate securities subjects the fund to the risks
associated with the real estate market (which are similar to the risks associated with direct
ownership in real estate), including declines in real estate values, loss due to casualty or
condemnation, property taxes, interest rate changes, increased expenses, cash flow of underlying
real estate assets, regulatory changes (including zoning, land use and rents), and environmental
problems, as well as to the risks related to the management skill and creditworthiness of the issuer.
Redemption and Large Transaction Risk - Ownership of the fund’s shares may be concentrated in
one or a few large investors (such as funds of funds, institutional investors, and asset allocation
programs) that may redeem or purchase shares in large quantities. These transactions may cause the
fund to sell securities to meet redemptions or to invest additional cash at times it would not
otherwise do so, which may result in increased transaction costs, increased expenses, changes to
expense ratios, and adverse effects to fund performance. Such transactions may also accelerate the
realization of taxable income if sales of portfolio securities result in gains. Moreover, reallocations
by large shareholders among share classes of a fund may result in changes to the expense ratios of
affected classes, which may increase the expenses paid by shareholders of the class that experienced
the redemption.
Securitized Products Risk - Investments in securitized products are subject to risks similar to
traditional fixed income securities, such as credit, interest rate, liquidity, prepayment, extension, and
default risk, as well as additional risks associated with the nature of the assets and the servicing of
those assets. Unscheduled prepayments on securitized products may have to be reinvested at lower
rates. A reduction in prepayments may increase the effective maturities of these securities, exposing
them to the risk of decline in market value over time (extension risk).
U.S. Government Securities Risk - Yields available from U.S. government securities are generally
lower than yields from many other fixed-income securities.
U.S. Government-Sponsored Securities Risk - Securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored
enterprises such as the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Federal National Mortgage
Association, and the Federal Home Loan Banks are not issued or guaranteed by the U.S.
Explanation of Investment Risks for the Vanguard Funds
Call Risk - The chance that during periods of falling interest rates, issuers of callable bonds may call
(redeem) securities with higher coupon rates or interest rates before their maturity dates. The fund
would then lose any price appreciation above the bond’s call price and would be forced to reinvest
the unanticipated proceeds at lower interest rates, resulting in a decline in the fund’s income. Such
redemptions and subsequent reinvestments would also increase the fund’s portfolio turnover rate.
Call risk should be low for the fund because it invests only a small portion of its assets in callable
Country/Regional Risk - The chance that world events—such as political upheaval, financial
troubles, or natural disasters—will adversely affect the value and/or liquidity of securities issued by
companies in foreign countries or regions. Because the fund may invest a large portion of its assets
in securities of companies located in any one country or region, the fund’s performance may be hurt
disproportionately by the poor performance of its investments in that area. Country/regional risk is
high for a fund investing in non-U.S. investments, especially investments in emerging markets.
Credit Risk - The chance that a bond issuer will fail to pay interest or principal in a timely manner
or that negative perceptions of the issuer’s ability to make such payments will cause the price of that
bond to decline. Credit risk should be relatively low for the fund because it purchases only bonds
that are of investment-grade quality.
Currency Risk - The chance that the value of a foreign investment, measured in U.S. dollars, will
decrease because of unfavorable changes in currency exchange rates. Currency risk is especially
high in emerging markets.
Currency Risk and Currency Hedging Risk - The fund seeks to mimic the performance of foreign
bonds without regard to currency exchange rate fluctuations. To accomplish this goal, the fund
attempts to offset, or hedge, its foreign currency exposure by entering into currency hedging
transactions, primarily through the use of foreign currency exchange forward contracts (a type of
derivative). However, it generally is not possible to perfectly hedge the fund’s foreign currency
exposure. The fund will decline in value if it under hedges a currency that has weakened or over
hedges a currency that has strengthened relative to the U.S. dollar. In addition, the fund will incur
expenses to hedge its foreign currency exposure. By entering into currency hedging transactions, the
fund may eliminate any chance to benefit from favorable fluctuations in relevant currency exchange
rates. Currency risk and currency hedging risk for the fund is low. The fund’s use of foreign
currency exchange forward contracts also subjects the fund to counterparty risk, which is the chance
that the counterparty to a currency forward contract with the fund will be unable or unwilling to
meet its financial obligations. Counterparty risk is low for the fund.
Derivatives Risk - The fund may invest in derivatives, which may involve risks different from, and
possibly greater than, those of investments directly in the underlying securities or assets.
Emerging Markets Risk - The chance that the stocks of companies located in emerging markets will
be substantially more volatile, and substantially less liquid, than the stocks of companies located in
more developed foreign markets because, among other factors, emerging markets can have greater
custodial and operational risks; less developed legal, tax, regulatory, financial reporting, accounting,
and recordkeeping systems; and greater political, social, and economic instability than developed
ETF Risk - Because the fund’s shares are traded on an exchange, they are subject to additional risks:
The fund’s shares are listed for trading on NYSE Arca or Nasdaq and are bought and sold on
the secondary market at market prices. Although it is expected that the market price of a fund
share typically will approximate its net asset value (NAV), there may be times when the
market price and the NAV differ significantly. Thus, you may pay more or less than NAV
when you buy fund shares on the secondary market, and you may receive more or less than
NAV when you sell those shares.
Although the fund’s shares are listed for trading on NYSE Arca or Nasdaq, it is possible that
an active trading market may not be maintained.
Trading of the fund’s shares may be halted by the activation of individual or market wide
trading halts (which halt trading for a specific period of time when the price of a particular
security or overall market prices decline by a specified percentage). Trading of the fund’s
shares may also be halted if (1) the shares are delisted from NYSE Arca or Nasdaq without
first being listed on another exchange or (2) NYSE Arca or Nasdaq officials determine that
such action is appropriate in the interest of a fair and orderly market or for the protection of
Income Risk - The chance that the fund’s income will decline because of falling interest rates.
Income risk should be moderate for the fund because it invests in a diverse mix of short-,
intermediate-, and long-term bonds, so investors should expect the fund’s monthly income to
fluctuate accordingly.
Index Replicating Risk - The chance that the fund may be prevented from holding one or more
securities in the same portion as in its target index.
Index Sampling Risk - The chance that the securities selected for the fund, in the aggregate, will not
provide investment performance matching that of the fund’s target index. Index sampling risk for
the fund is expected to be low.
Interest Rate Risk - The chance that bond prices overall will decline because of rising interest rates.
Interest rate risk should be moderate for the fund because it invests in a geographically diverse mix
of short-, intermediate-, and long-term bonds.
Investment Style Risk - The chance that returns from mid-capitalization stocks will trail returns
from the overall stock market. Historically, mid-cap stocks have been more volatile in price than the
large-cap stocks that dominate the overall market, and they often perform quite differently. The
stock prices of mid-size companies tend to experience greater volatility because, among other
things, these companies tend to be more sensitive to changing economic conditions.
Nondiversification Risk - The chance that the fund’s performance may be hurt disproportionately by
the poor performance of bonds issued by just a few issuers or even a single issuer. The fund is
considered non-diversified, which means that it may invest a greater percentage of its assets in
bonds issued by a small number of issuers as compared with diversified mutual funds.
Stock Market Risk - The chance that stock prices overall will decline. Stock markets tend to move
in cycles, with periods of rising prices and periods of falling prices. If a fund has a target index that
tracks a subset of a market (such as the U.S. stock market), the fund could perform differently from
the overall market. A fund’s investments in foreign stocks can be riskier than U.S. stock
investments. Foreign stocks may be more volatile and less liquid than U.S. stocks. The prices of
foreign stocks and the prices of U.S. stocks may move in opposite directions. In addition, the fund’s
target index may, at times, become focused in stocks of a particular market sector, which would
subject the fund to proportionately higher exposure to the risks of that sector.
The Scholar’s Edge Guaranteed Contract is the Funding Agreement with Guaranteed Interest
available through Principal Life, a member of the Principal Financial Group®, Des Moines, Iowa,
50392. Under the contract, principal and a rate of interest are guaranteed to the Plan by Principal
Life. Principal Life guarantees the interest rate under the contract will be at least 1%.
The investment risk associated with the contract is that Principal Life will become unable to make
its payment obligations under the contract. An investment in a Portfolio that invests in the contract is
not guaranteed.
Principal Life’s guarantees under the contract are to the Board, as Trustee for the Plan, not to
individual Account Owners. The contractual guarantees are supported by the general account of
Principal Life, but the Plan does not participate in the investment experience or performance of the
general account.
Scholar’s Edge
P.O. Box 219798
Kansas City, MO
Priority Delivery
Scholar’s Edge
1001 E 101
Terrace, Suite 220
Kansas City, MO
onday through
Friday, 8 a.m. to 7
p.m. Mountain
Scholar’s Edge is administered by The Education Trust Board of New
Mexico. Ascensus College Savings Recordkeeping Services, LLC, the
Program Manager, and its affiliates, have overall responsibility for the day-to-
day operations, including recordkeeping and administrative services.
Principal Global Investors, LLC, as the investment advisor to the Plan,
provides investment management services to the Plan.
Principal Funds Distributor, Inc. serves as the distributor of the Plan.
The Program Manager is not affiliated with Principal Global Investors,
LLC or Principal Funds Distributor, Inc.
Scholar’s Edge’s Portfolios invest in: (i) mutual funds; (ii) exchange traded
funds; and/or (iii) a funding agreement issued by Principal Life Insurance
Investments in Scholar’s Edge are not insured by the FDIC. Units of the
Portfolios are municipal securities and the value of units will vary with market
Investment returns will vary depending upon the performance of the
Portfolios you choose. You could lose all or a portion of your money by
investing in Scholar’s Edge depending on market conditions. Account
Owners assume all investment risks as well as responsibility for any U.S.
federal and state tax consequences.
Upromise is an optional program offered by Upromise, LLC and is separate
from Scholar’s Edge. Specific terms and conditions apply. Participating
companies, contribution levels, terms and conditions are subject to change.
Upromise, LLC is not affiliated with the State of New Mexico, the Trust, the
Board, the Program Manager, or any Plan Officials.
Upromise and the Upromise logo are registered service marks. Ugift is a
registered service mark.
Scholar’s Edge
and Scholar’s Edge
Logo are registered trademarks of The
Education Trust Board of New Mexico used under license.
All other marks are the exclusive property of their respective owners.
Not FDIC-Insured. No Bank, State or Federal Guarantee. May Lose Value.
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