Probiotics are live microorganisms
that when administered in adequate
amounts confer a health eect on the
There have been many studies of
the eects of probiotics on the health
of humans, but few in small animals. In reviews of human
studies involving probiotics. it was stated that well-established
probiotic eects include:
1. Prevention and/or reduction of duration and complaints
of rotavirus-induced or antibiotic-associated diarrhea as
well as alleviation of complaints due to lactose intolerance;
2. Reduction of the concentration of cancer-promoting
enzymes and/or putrefactive (bacterial) metabolites in
the gut;
3. Prevention and alleviation of unspecic and irregular
complaints of the gastrointestinal tracts in healthy people;
4. Benecial eects on microbial aberrancies, inammation
and other complaints in connection with inammatory
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Helicobacter pylori
infection or bacterial overgrowth;
5. Normalization of passing stool and stool consistency in
subjects suering from obstipation or an irritable colon;
6. Prevention or alleviation of allergies and atopic diseases
in infants; and
7. Prevention of respiratory tract infections (common cold,
inuenza) and other infectious diseases as well as treat-
ment of urogenital infections.
Immune-mediated and infectious diseases are very com-
mon in small animals so the potential benecial eects of
probiotics that can immune modulate could signicantly
impact veterinary practice. All mechanisms of immune modu-
lation have not been characterized, and it is clear that these
eects vary by the probiotic. Some probiotics may benecially
inuence innate and acquired immunity systemically by a
variety of proposed mechanisms including inducing cytokine
production, natural killer cell activity, and both specic and
nonspecic immunoglobulin production.
Several review articles in human medicine have recently
suggested that the evidence indicating probiotics have provided
a benecial eect for human conditions such as Clostridium
dicile diarrhea and hospital-acquired pneumonia is minimal
and that larger, more rigorously controlled multicenter studies
should be performed. These ndings emphasize that biological
eects of individual probiotics will vary and that each pro-
biotic introduced should be rigorously
evaluated in a controlled fashion to
dene the potential for clinical utility.
In addition, the source of the probiotic
should also be considered. For example,
in recent veterinary studies, the majority
of products claiming to contain probiotics generally did not
meet the label claim when evaluated.
One exception is the
Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets probiotic, Enterococcus
faecium SF68 (FortiFlora). It was recently shown that this
probiotic stored appropriately still met the label claim for
bacterial numbers several years aer production.
The potential benet of immune-modulating probiotics to
animal health could be considerable.
Some of the strongest
data supporting immune-modulating properties of some
probiotics in people and dogs are associated with the treat-
ment of atopy and inammatory bowel diseases.
Enterococcus faecium strain SF68 (NCIMB10415) was
originally isolated from the feces of a healthy baby and was
initially shown to inhibit the growth of a number of entero-
The purpose of this lecture is to summarize
key ndings regarding past and ongoing studies of the
potential immune-modulating eects of this probiotic.
Dog Immune Modulation Studies
Enterococcus faecium strain SF68 was fed to a group of
puppies vaccinated for canine distemper virus (CDV) and
compared over time to a control group that was similarly
vaccinated, but not fed the probiotic.
A number of ndings
suggested an immune-modulating eect of the probiotic.
The puppies supplemented with SF68 had increased serum
and fecal total IgA concentrations, increased CDV-specic
IgG and IgA serum concentrations, and increased percent-
age of circulating B lymphocytes when compared to control
puppies. The eect on CDV-specic IgG and IgA antibodies
in serum was seen only aer the puppies had been sup-
plemented for 31 and 44 weeks, and it was believed that
SF68 prevented the decline in antibody titers observed in
the controls by maintaining high levels of antibodies in the
supplemented puppies.
In the rst study, immunological parameters were not
assessed until 10 weeks aer starting supplementation with
the probiotic. Clinical observations suggest that immune
modulation induced by this probiotic may occur sooner than
10 weeks. Thus, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Evidence for Immune Modulation Induced by a Probiotic
Michael Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Colorado State University
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Fort Collins, CO
Glossary of Abbreviations
CDV: Canine Distemper Virus
IFA: Immunofluorescent Anti-
body Testing
in healthy young adult Beagles was recently performed at the
Center for Companion Animal Studies. Due to prepublication
restrictions, this proceedings will only present the general
ndings with more extensive review of the results presented
at the Summit. Using ow cytometry for the measurement
of cellular ndings and a serum-based cytokine panel,
evidence for immune modulation induced by the probiotic
was shown as early as four weeks aer supplementation.
In another ongoing study at the Center for Companion
Animal Studies, the eect of E. faecium SF68 on the clinical
outcomes of American Pitbull Terriers with generalized
demodecosis will be shared at the Summit.
Kitten Immune Modulation Study
In a follow-up study, a similar experimental design used
to assess vaccine responses in puppies was applied to a study
group of kittens.
In that study, it was hypothesized that
feeding E. faecium SF68 to kittens would enhance nonspecic
immune responses, FHV-1, FCV, and FPV-specic humoral
immune responses, and FHV-1-specic cell-mediated immune
responses of kittens. Twenty 6-week-old SPF kittens were
purchased from a commercial vendor and divided into two
groups. One group was fed SF68 daily, and the other group
was fed the placebo starting at 7 weeks of age.
At 9 and 12 weeks of age, a commercially available FVRCP-
modied live vaccine was administered SQ, and the kittens
were followed until 27 weeks of age. The attitudes and
behavior of the kittens were monitored daily throughout the
study. Body weight was measured weekly. Blood, saliva, and
feces were collected from all cats prior to starting probiotic
or placebo supplementation at 7 weeks of age and at 9, 15,
21, and 27 weeks of age. In addition, feces were collected
from kittens in the treatment group aer the study was
completed at 28 weeks of age.
For each group of kittens, ve fecal samples per day were
randomly selected from the shared litter box and scored
using a standardized graphic scoring card. Fecal extracts
from samples taken at 9 and 27 weeks of ages were analyzed
for total IgA and total IgG. Other parameters monitored
included randomly amplied polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR
on feces to determine if viable E. faecium SF68 was in the
stools of treated cats and to assess whether the probiotic was
accidentally transmitted from the treated kittens to the
control kittens. Commercially available ELISAs were used to
determine whether Clostridium perfringens enterotoxins or
C. dicile toxins A/B were present in the feces of the kittens.
Routine aerobic fecal cultures for Salmonella spp. and
Campylobacter spp. were performed. Complete blood counts,
serum biochemical panels, and urinalyses were performed to
assess for adverse events induced by the probiotic. Antigen-
specic humoral immune responses were estimated by
measuring serum FHV-1-specic IgG, FHV-1-specic IgA,
FCV-specic IgG, and feline panleukopenia-specic IgG
in sera as well as FHV-1 specic IgG and IgA levels in saliva
using adaptations of previously published ELISA assays.
Total IgG and IgA concentrations in sera, fecal extracts,
and saliva were estimated by use of commercially available
ELISA assays or radial immunodiusion assay. Cellular
immune responses were assessed via ow cytometry and
whole blood proliferation assays. Lymphocytes were stained
for expression of CD4, CD8, CD44, MHC Class II, and B cells.
In addition, lymphocyte proliferation in response to conca-
navalin A and FHV-1 antigens was assessed.
Body weight and fecal scores were not statistically dierent
between the two groups over time or at any individual time
points. Feces from seven of nine treatment cats were positive
for SF68 on at least one time point during the study, whereas
feces from all control cats were negative for SF68 at all time
points. SF68 DNA was not detectible from feces of any treated
cat one week aer stopping supplementation (week 28).
All samples from placebo cats were negative for SF68 by
RAPD-PCR. Neither Salmonella spp. nor Campylobacter spp.
were grown from feces. Numbers of positive samples for
C. dicile toxins A/B or C. perfringens enterotoxin were not
signicantly dierent between the groups over the course
of the study.
Complete blood counts and biochemical proles were
within normal limits for the age group for all cats at all time
points. A number of the immune markers were numerically
greater in the SF68 kittens versus the placebo group, but did
not reach statistical signicance. For example, at 21 and 27
weeks of age, the mean levels of FHV-1-specic IgA in serum
and saliva were greater in the treatment group when compared
to the placebo group. Moreover, the mean FHV-1-specic
serum IgG levels were greater in the treatment group when
compared to the placebo group at 15, 21, and 27 weeks of age.
At 15 weeks of age, the treatment group serum mean FPV-specic
IgG levels were greater than those of the placebo group.
There were no statistical dierences between the groups
for any cell surface markers at the rst four time points.
However, at 27 weeks of age, the treatment group had a
signicantly higher percentage of gated lymphocytes pos-
itive for CD4 (mean 13.87%) than the placebo group (mean
10.61%, p = 0.0220).
In this study, we concluded that SF68 was safe to admin-
ister to cats and the increase in CD4+ cell counts in the
treatment group compared to the placebo group without
a concurrent increase in CD8+ counts at 27 weeks of age
demonstrated a systemic immune modulating eect by the
probiotic. Because we did not show a signicant increase
in lymphocyte stimulation by FHV-1 or an increase in the
expression of the memory cell marker CD44 on the CD4+
lymphocytes in the treatment group, the increase in CD4+
T lymphocytes may have been nonspecic as the cells
appeared to be unprimed. As the CD4+ T lymphocytes of
kittens in this study were not additionally characterized via
cytokine production proles or additional cell-surface
marker characterization; it could not be determined whether
a Th1 or Th2 response predominated. We believed that sample
size and/or the duration of the study may have precluded
detection of statistical dierences between the groups in
regard to FPV, FCV, and FHV-1 antibody titers.
Chronic Feline Herpesvirus 1 Study
Since the normal kitten study documented potential eects
of E. faecium SF68 on cell-mediated immunity in cats, we
chose to study the potential eects on feline herpesvirus 1
This infectious agent is extremely common in cats
and is frequently associated with morbidity because of
recurrent ocular and respiratory clinical signs of disease.
In addition, there is no known drug therapy that consistently
eliminates the carrier state, and vaccination does not provide
sterilizing immunity. In this study, it was hypothesized that
feeding SF68 would decrease clinical disease, episodes of
FHV-1 shedding, and numbers of FHV-1 DNA copies shed
over time in cats with chronic FHV-1 infection.
Overall, 12 cats with chronic FHV-1 infection were admin-
istered either SF68 or the palatability enhancer as a placebo,
monitored for clinical signs of disease, monitored for FHV-1
shedding, and evaluated for FHV-1-specic humoral and
cell-mediated immune responses as well as for fecal microbi-
ome stability. Aer an equilibration period, mild stress was
induced over time by changing the housing of the cats from
cages to group housing multiple times over a ve-month
The SF68 was well-tolerated by all cats. Fecal microbial
diversity was maintained throughout the study in cats sup-
plemented with SF68, but decreased in cats fed the placebo,
indicating a more stable microbiome in cats fed SF68. Upper
respiratory signs of disease were not exacerbated in this model
of stress. While results varied among cats, those administered
SF68 had fewer episodes of conjunctivitis than the placebo
group during the supplementation period suggesting that
administration of the probiotic lessened morbidity associated
with chronic FHV-1 infection exacerbated by stress.
Murine Acute Giardia Study
In previous work, mice administered SF68 and then infected
with Giardia intestinalis shed fewer trophozoites and less
Giardia antigen than the placebo group.
In addition, supple-
mented mice had increased CD4+ cells in Peyer’s patches
and the spleen as well as increased anti-Giardia intestinal
IgA and serum IgG when compared to untreated mice.
Chronic Subclinical Giardia Study in Dogs
When SF68 was administered to 10 adult dogs with chronic,
subclinical Giardia infection, no dierences in cyst shedding
or fecal antigen testing were found when compared to 10
placebo-treated dogs.
In addition, there were no dierences
between groups in fecal IgA concentrations. In contrast to the
mouse study, the dogs were previously infected by Giardia,
which may have aected the results. In addition, the study
was only for six weeks; in the previously discussed puppy
study, some of the signicant immune-modulating eects
were not seen until later in the supplementation period.
Shelter Animals Acute Nonspecific
Diarrhea Study
In a recent study, we hypothesized that cats and dogs
housed in an animal shelter that were fed SF68 would have
decreased episodes of diarrhea and improved fecal scores
compared to untreated cats and dogs in the same environ-
The cats were housed in two dierent rooms, and
the dogs were housed in two dierent rooms in a northern
Colorado Animal Shelter. The cats and dogs were all fed
a standardized diet by species. Animals in one room were
supplemented daily with E. faecium SF68, and animals in
the alternate room were supplemented daily with a placebo.
Otherwise, management of the rooms was identical for the
duration of the study. To reduce risk of a room inuence on
the results of the study, the room in which cats or dogs were
being supplemented with E. faecium SF68 was switched
aer one month, with a one-week washout period to lessen
the possibility that SF68 surviving in the environment could
inuence the results of the study.
During the study, routine shelter cleaning and disinfection
protocols were being followed. Prior to cleaning the room
each morning, feces in the cage of each animal was scored
by one of the investigators using the Purina Fecal Scoring
System for Dogs and Cats. This person was blinded to the
treatment groups. Aer scoring, feces from dogs with a score
from 4 to 7 (indicating mild to severe diarrhea) were collected
and transported to Colorado State University for infectious
disease testing, which included microscopic examination
for parasites eggs, cysts, and oocysts aer zinc sulfate
centrifugation otation and immunouorescent antibody
testing (IFA) for Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts
Cryptosporidium/Giardia, Meridian Bioscience
Inc., Cincinnati, OH). The percentages of dogs or cats with
diarrhea of >2 days duration were calculated over the course
of the study. A generalized linear mixed model using a
bionomial distribution with treatment being a xed eect
and the room being a random eect was used to assess for
statistical dierences between treatment groups. Presence
of parasites was included as a covariate. Signicance was
dened as p < 0.05.
Diarrhea prevalence rates were low for all dogs in the study,
and statistical dierences were not detected. However, the
percentage of cats with diarrhea >2 days was 7.7% for the
probiotic group and 20.7% for the placebo group. This result
was signicantly dierent (p = 0.0297). These results suggest
that administration of SF68 to cats housed in shelters may
lessen the numbers of days with diarrhea. As this was a
short-term study, this eect may have been from probiotic
inuences on intestinal microbiota rather than systemic
immune enhancing eects.
Summary and Conclusions
The evidence gathered to date suggests that E. faecium SF68
has immune-modulating eects in dogs and cats and may be
eective as an aid in the management of select clinical disorders.
Further data is needed to detail the range of immune mod-
ulation and to provide comparative data among probiotics.
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