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Predictive Modeling for Real Estate Days on Market Predictive Modeling for Real Estate Days on Market
Jeffrey Brann
Utah State University
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Predictive Modeling for Real Estate Days on Market
Jeffrey Brann
Many forms of property valuation exist but estimation models for duration on market are not
as common. This Paper examines a variety of variables as well those that would be found in a
hedonistic valuation model and applies them to a predictive model estimating a property’s
duration on market. A brief real estate market analysis is also provided regarding Cache
County, Utah to give better clarity as to the environment in which this predictive model is
Keywords: Real Estate, Single Family Homes, Predictive Modeling
How much is my home worth? How quickly can I sell? These are questions that almost
all homeowners face at some point in their lives. As individuals decide to move out of their
starter homes, seek to relocate long term, or even downsize later in life, they will most likely
attempt to sell a property. While there are many ways to predict the value of a property, the
most common way of predicting time on market is to look at a historical average. This paper
looks deeper into estimating the time that a property will remain on market before it is under
contract. This estimation benefits the seller by allowing them to set realistic expectations for
the sale of their property, plan for costs of holding, and have a timeframe for possibly entering
another property. It can also be a signal to buyers regarding the popularity of a property,
especially if it has been on market longer than typical properties in the area (Zhu, Xiong, Tang,
Liu, Ge, Chen, Fu, 2016).
The focus of this study is looking at single family properties sold in Cache County, Utah
between January 2010 and December 2020. The state of Utah provides some unique metrics
when considering this study. Over the 10-year span studied for this paper, Utah remains in the
top 4 states with greatest appreciation. Utah has been consistently growing and new
companies are moving in every year. Cache County itself stays a little lower than state average
for appreciation but still experiences rapid growth (Change, 2020). Because it is home to Utah
State University, there are some other unique attributes to the real estate market of Cache
County; for example, there are many parents that buy houses for their children to live in while
attending school then plan to sell them for a profit after graduation. Investors also buy many
properties around the university, as there is a steady supply of tenants potentially allowing the
investor to hold a cash-flowing property. On top of this there are the long-term residents of
the valley that are purchasing properties as a primary residence be it students who decided to
stay in the valley after graduation, families and individuals that are just part of the growing
population, or employees that are part of the growing local industry.
All in all, Cache County has had what is referred to as a “hot” or sellers’ market for the
last few years, meaning houses sell quickly on the market, often close to the asking price. Of all
properties that were part of this study, about 22% of them sold for a premium (paid more than
was asked) with the majority of this coming into play from 2015 to 2020. Sellers markets are
marked by lower inventory than demand, leading to potential bidding wars which can lead to
said premium in many cases (Taylor, 1995). All of this leads to a very dynamic and active real
estate market in Cache County.
Data Description
The data collected for this study comes from utahrealestate.com, which is the multiple
listing service (MLS) for all of Utah with the exception of two cities. Parameters were single
family homes that were listed and sold in Cache County Utah between January 1, 2010 and
December 31, 2020. Price range was restricted to being between $100,000 and $600,000 to
capture single family homes that most consumers in the area would be looking for. While
smaller and larger properties are available, houses in that price range cater to a more specific
market. To provide a more accurate measure of available inventory, listings that were
cancelled were also included but were not analyzed due to a lack of under-contract date,
meaning they were counted as available inventory but nothing else. Having the under-contract
data is imperative as the basic valuation of days on market is calculated from under-contract
date minus the entry date.
The time frame of the data does include some large impacting events. Since the data
begins in 2010, the recovery from the 2008 market crash is captured and an increase of positive
market sentimentality can be detected. The average mortgage interest rate stayed consistent
around 3.5% and 4.5% from 2010 to 2019 and therefore was not considered a large factor for
this study (Ceizyk, 2021). The latter end of the data captures some of the beginning effects of
the COVID-19 pandemic that shook financial markets from March 2020 until the end of the
year. One of the major impacts of the virus that this paper can observe is the decrease in
federal interest rates and subsequently a large decrease of mortgage interest rates. While the
purpose of this paper is not to provide an all-inclusive examination of the effects of the virus on
the local real estate market, it is an interesting factor. Total impact may not be seen for years
to come with many indirect influences on the market. Further research will be required to
examine the full extent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact it caused on housing
Another key component that is not investigated in this paper is the impact of new
construction. This is a large factor for the overall market but due to the data sample there is
not enough information on new construction to provide clear insight on its impact. On-market
data does not always include the full story in the situation of new construction. Homes that are
built on lots that have been already purchased by the owner and negotiated with a contractor
never get listed on the for-sale market. Developers that are building subdivisions may only list
a few of the model homes but not every property in the subdivision. This would have been an
important variable to consider as the proximity to new construction changes values of nearby
properties, inventory of available houses, and is a good indicator of positive market sentiment
(Zahirovich and Gibler, 2014).
After removing data points that were missing critical variables, a total of 12,873
properties were observed. The dependent variable that this paper is studying is days on market
(DOM). This is derived from the difference between the listing date of the property and the
date it goes under contract with the closing buyers. Variables that were included in this study
included those that would be found in a hedonic model, or a model that breaks a house down
into its key parts, such as original listing price, total number bedrooms, bathrooms, and square
footage (Sirmans, Macpherson, & Zietz 2005). Square footage is measured in hundreds of
square feet. Age of the property was also included and for simplicity’s sake, expressed as a
variable of entry year minus year built. For example, a property built in 2005 and sold in 2015
would be calculated as 2015-2005= 10 or age = 10. Age of 0 indicates the property was built in
year that it was sold. Houses that sold higher than original asking price would be considered
selling on premium and have been included as dummy or categorical variable that has been
broken down into positive quartiles. Houses not selling for a premium or at asking price were
marked as a zero (0). A one (1) indicates selling up to .89% over listing price, two (2) is up to
1.86%, three (3) is up to 3.33%, and four (4) up to 74.47%. Timing of the transaction was also
accounted for in this study as dummy variables for the year and month. Base variables for
month and year are respectively April and 2010. Additionally, because he COVID-19 pandemic
started to have an economic impact in Cache County in early 2020, to capture this specific
impact another dummy variable was included that takes into consideration whether the
transaction took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically from March 1, 2020 to
December 31, 2020. This Covid variable accounts for 1216 properties sold. Last of all, the
binary dummy variable InvAve was created to indicate if inventory at the time of listing was
above annual average -- noted with a 1 -- or below annual average -- noted as 0. Natural
logarithms were used for the dependent variable to correct for skewness as well as original
listing price to help with interpretation. All variables and their descriptions are listed in Table 1.
Correlations between all variables are found in Table 2. High correlation is observed
and expected between bedrooms, bathrooms, and square footage. Larger houses generally
have more rooms such as bedrooms and bathrooms with a 2:1 ratio. Older houses did not
follow this ratio as often, which explains why age has a high negative correlation with
bathrooms. The newer a house is the more likely it follows the 2:1 bedroom-to-bathroom ratio.
High correlation also exists between the dummy variable for 2020 and Covid. This is also
expected as 2020 only incorporates 3 additional months than the Covid variable. Last of all,
high correlation exists between the premium0 variable and the other premium variables.
Houses either do not sell on premium or they sell within one of the quartiles. This almost
binary condition leads to the high correlation.
Statistical Summaries
Table 3 includes summary statistics for discrete variables. The average house in this
study was a 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom house with about 2,300 square feet. Average time on
market was about two months with a listing price of $230,000. For any house sold there would
typically be another 385 properties to choose from in the valley. Table 4 provides a snapshot of
transactional behaviors for the ten years that are included in this study. Note that Premium
Percent of Total is for the given year and Average Inventory is the average number of houses
available per every sale. The general trend of increasing house sales can be observed from
2010 all the way through 2020; in contrast, DOM trends downward throughout the decade.
General property value appreciation can also be observed as properties listed on average were
about $195,000 in 2010 and $294,000 by 2020. A point of interest would also be the increase
of houses selling on premium to the point where 46% of houses sold in 2020 sold on premium,
as opposed to a mere %5 that sold on premium in 2010.
Empirical Tests and Results
For this study, a regression model was created using the order of least squares method
and combined elements from other studies to determine variables. The true model is as
= ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ϐ
+ ε
Due to heteroscedasticity found in the base model, the estimated model uses robust standard
error. A logarithmic model was used due to the skewness present in the DOM variables, given
that the majority of the observations are clustered to the left side, or less days on market. The
estimated coefficients and their significance are found in Table 5. Note lack of major
significance for total bathrooms which would be explained by the higher correlation with
bedrooms and square footage. The months of May, June, and July are not noted as significant
in this model as well as the Covid variable. Covid would be explained by high correlation with
the year 2020 variable. Insignificant variables were included in the model as they do contribute
to a higher R
value, meaning they do help explain the variance in the model. All other variables
are significant with 99% confidence.
The estimated model indicates that for every percent increase of price, time on market
will increase by 0.321%. For every year older that a house is, there will be a decrease of 0.1% of
time on market. For every bedroom included in a property, time on market decreases by 7%.
For every 100 square feet, DOM increases 1.4%. Every year after 2010 decreased time on
market compared to 2010. DOM in 2011 decrease by 56.3% in comparison to 2010; similarly,
2012 decreased by 76.3%, 2013 by 78.2%, 2014 by 82.8%, 2015 by 122.0%, 2016 by 164.1%,
2017 by 183.7%, 2018 by 177.3%, 2019 by 172.8%, and 2020 decreased DOM by 196.3%. All
months that held significance increased time on market as compared to April. Compared to
April, for example, January increased DOM by 40.7%, February by 20.2%, March by 14.1%,
August by 22.3%, September by 18.8%, October by 30.9%, November by 36% and December by
34.9%. The positive premium quartiles all decreased time on market compared to those houses
that sold at asking price or less. Quartile 1 or Premium1 decreases DOM by 68.7%, Premium2
by 81.3%, Premium3 by 82.7%, and Premium4 by 71.6%. The InvAve variable indicates an
increase of DOM of 12.4% when compared to those houses that sold below annual average
inventory. Caution should be exercise for interpreting the coefficients for bathrooms, May,
June, July, and Covid due to lack of significance.
The relationship between the InvAve and premium would have been expected that
lower than average inventory would result in more premiums being paid, but this was not
observed consistently through this study. Table 6 provides a breakdown of premiums paid
compared to inventory averages on a year-to-year basis. Basic supply and demand theory
would indicate that lower inventory (less supply) would be paired with more demand or
premiums paid. While this was the case for 2015 and 2020 it is not seen in the rest of the data.
A possible explanation for this seemingly counterintuitive result would be that the overall
inventory, regardless of annual averages, was below the demand levels resulting in premium
being paid even when inventory was above the annual average.
It was unsure how the COVID-19 pandemic would impact real estate but at least in 2020
it did not have a negative impact on DOM. The reduced federal interest rate resulting in low
mortgage rates would be a factor for the decrease seen in the Covid variable as well of the
implications that there was still a large demand for housing paired with decreasing inventory. It
would be expected that with the decreased inventory, 2020 would have had more time on
market as it had less inventory than the previous two years. As mentioned however, there was
no indication of decreased demand and 2020 still had faster sales than the year previous.
Another consideration that could factor into this decrease was the stimulus checks that were
sent out to the American people from the federal government encouraging them to consume
more. As mentioned before though, drawing conclusions on the impact of the pandemic may
still be premature. While the Covid variable is insignificant and the 2020 variable seems to
capture the majority of the impact, it is also possible that they are reflecting the impact of other
variables that were not captured in this model.
The adjusted R
of this model is 0.259, meaning the independent variables of this model
account for 25.9% of the variance found in days on market. As mentioned before, variables
such as new construction were not included as well as many other variables which would have
produced a better fitting model. As real estate purchasing is a multifaceted process with many
contributing factors, getting a perfectly fitted model is not very probable.
Most variables in this study’s model reduce the time that a residential piece of real
estate will sit on market compared to the model’s constant. However, the largest impacting
factors in this model though were the year-to-year variables followed by the premium variable,
indicating that non-captured variables have a very strong influence on how long a property sits
on market. It is interesting to note that the shortest days on market is paired with the highest
percent of transactions selling for premium. In 2020, 44.7% of the studied transactions sold for
a premium. The year with the shortest DOM also happened to be 2020 with an average of 26.5
days. These results would probably be best described with other variables not observed in this
study but one of the potential impacts could be due to the pandemic. People that needed to
sell their properties quickly may have listed just below market value in order to attract potential
buyers. In a market where houses are selling rapidly, a sub-market value house would grab the
attention of a ready buyer.
In a few years, the overall effect of COVID-19 has on the real estate market should start
coming to light as that could not fully be measured at this time. It is expected that large
number of foreclosures following the eviction and foreclosure moratorium that was passed
during the pandemic will start to sway the market back to where houses don’t sell as fast. The
demand for properties very well could also stay in place, keeping market activity elevated.
Regardless of the market in the future, the purpose of this study was to start creating a model
for predicting how long a property will sit on market.
Ceizyk, Denny. (2021). Historical Mortgage Rates: Averages and Trends from the 1970s to 2020.
Retrieved from https://www.valuepenguin.com/mortgages/historical-mortgage-rates.
Change in FHFA State House Price Indexes. (2020) Retrieved from https://www.
fhfa.gov/DataTools/ Tools/Pages/House-Price-Index-(HPI).aspx
Hengshu Zhu, Hui Xiong, Fangshuang Tang, Qi Liu, Yong Ge, Enhong Chen, Yanjie Fu. (2016).
Days on Market: Measuring Liquidity in Real Estate Markets. Retrieved
fromhttp://bigdata.ustc.edu.cn/ paperpdf/2016/ Hengshu-Zhu-KDD.pdf
Sirmans Stacy, Macpherson David & Zietz Emily. (2005). The Composition of Hedonic Pricing
Models, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 13:1, 1-44.
Taylor, Curtis R. (1995). The Long Side of the Market and the Short End of the Stick: Bargaining
Power and Price Formation in Buyers', Sellers', and Balanced Markets. The Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Aug., 1995, Vol. 110, No. 3 (Aug., 1995), pp. 837-855.
Zahirovich-Herbert, Velma and Gibler, Karen M.(2014). The effect of new residential construction on
housing prices. Journal of Housing Economics 26 (2014) 118.
Table 1-Variables and Brief Description
Days on Market measures days between original listing and going
under contract with buying party. Interpreted as percent of change.
Total of bedrooms found on property. Measured in units of rooms.
Total of bathrooms found on property. Measured in units of rooms.
Total square footage of living space on property. Measured in 100s
of feet.
Original price listed when property appeared on market. Interpreted
as percent of change.
Inventory average. 1 indicates inventory was above annual average
at time of listing and 0 indicates below average.
Age of property at time of sale. Calculated as entry year minus year
built. Measured in years.
Listed during Covid pandemic. 1 indicates listed between March 1,
2020 and December 31, 2020. 0 indicates listing prior to these dates.
Dummy variables indicating month in which listing occurred. April is
the base Variable
Dummy variables indicating year in which listing occurred. 2010 is
the base variable
Dummy variables indicating amount of premium paid. 0 indicates at
asking price or below, 1 is above listing price till .89%, 2 is above .89%
till 1.86%, 3 is above 1.86% till 3.33%, and 4 is above 3.33% till
74.47%. Values were determined by quartiles of positive premium.
Table 2 Correlation Matrix
Table 2 Correlation Matrix (Cont.)
Correlation of variables included in model. High correlation between bedrooms, bathroom, square footage, and listing price is
expected. Houses with more square footage would contain more rooms with bedrooms and bathrooms in particular. A larger
house be expected to have a larger price. High correlation between age and bathrooms would be explained by newer houses
sticking closer to the ratio of 1 bathroom per 2 bedrooms. The Covid variable holds high correlation with year 2020 variable as
this data set only looks till the end of 2020. Year 2020 only accounts for three additional months as compared to Covid.
Premium 0 is the variable accounting for houses that sold at asking price or below. This has high correlation with the other
premium variables since the others are the positive side of the spectrum. If the percent of premium was not positive it had to
be in the Premium 0 category.
Table 3 Summary Statistics
Min Median Mean Max
DOM 1 35 62 1,768
Listing Price $12,000 $214,900 $229,408 $599,900
Age 0 19 32 159
Bedrooms 1 4 4 9
Bathrooms 1 2 2 7
Square Feet 476 2,150 2,323 11,664
Inventory 1 391 385 523
Table 4 - Snapshot of Transactional Behaviors
Summary of transactional data for the timespan covered by this study. As time progresses more transactions occur and days on
market decrease for this sample. Demand and appreciation can be seen in the increase of list price as well as the increase of
properties sold for a premium. Notice tapering amounts of inventory between 2018-2020
Number of
List Price
Sold on
Percent of
Table 5 Regression Coefficients and Robust Standard Error
I(log(Original.List.Price)) 0.321***
Age -0.001***
Total.Bedrooms -0.070***
Total.Bathrooms 0.019
Sqrft 0.014***
Entry.YearDum_2011 -0.563***
Entry.YearDum_2012 -0.763***
Entry.YearDum_2013 -0.782***
Entry.YearDum_2014 -0.828***
Entry.YearDum_2015 -1.220***
Entry.YearDum_2016 -1.641***
Entry.YearDum_2017 -1.837***
Entry.YearDum_2018 -1.773***
Entry.YearDum_2019 -1.728***
Entry.YearDum_2020 -1.963
EntryMonthDumJan 0.407***
EntryMonthDumFeb 0.202***
EntryMonthDumMar 0.141***
EntryMonthDumMay 0.036
Table 5 - Regression Coefficients and Robust Standard Error (Cont.)
EntryMonthDumJune -0.037
EntryMonthDumJuly 0.077
EntryMonthDumAug 0.223***
EntryMonthDumSept 0.188***
EntryMonthDumOct 0.309***
EntryMonthDumNov 0.360***
EntryMonthDumDec 0.349***
Covid -0.093***
Premium1 -0.687***
Premium2 -0.813***
Premium3 -0.827***
Premium4 -0.716***
InvAve 0.124***
Constant 0.644
Observations 12,873
R2 0.261
Adjusted R2 0.259
Residual Std. Error 1.207 (df = 12840)
F Statistic 141.370*** (df = 32; 12840)
Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.
Table 6 Average Inventory vs Premium Quartiles
Below and above average refer to the amount of inventory available at listing compared to annual average. Premium
breakdown is as follows: 0 indicates at asking price or below, 1 is above listing price till .89%, 2 is above .89% till 1.86%, 3 is
above 1.86% till 3.33%, and 4 is above 3.33% till 74.47%. Values were determined by quartiles of positive premium.
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
Total Below Average 4528 330 314 350 342 1336
Above Average 5550 367 385 349 358 1459
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2010 Below Average 160 0 1 1 5 7
Above Average 169 0 1 2 8 11
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2011 Below Average 370 7 8 7 13 35
Above Average 446 8 8 7 17 40
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2012 Below Average 444 17 14 14 18 63
Above Average 372 12 16 13 22 63
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2013 Below Average 432 10 16 12 11 49
Above Average 535 19 9 6 15 49
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2014 Below Average 393 15 13 10 16 54
Above Average 609 17 14 9 14 54
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2015 Below Average 512 39 25 23 26 113
Above Average 592 31 17 23 19 90
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2016 Below Average 509 29 27 39 36 131
Above Average 629 66 46 35 38 185
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2017 Below Average 373 41 43 42 44 170
Above Average 584 51 65 55 53 224
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2018 Below Average 462 58 43 53 39 193
Above Average 574 59 50 52 45 206
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2019 Below Average 513 42 44 58 32 176
Above Average 628 51 64 69 52 236
Premium0 Premium1 Premium2 Premium3 Premium4 Total
2020 Below Average 360 72 80 91 102 345
Above Average 412 53 95 78 75 301