Land Use Code (LUC):
This code is used to identify the use of a property. Some properties will have multiple uses such as a
store (1100) and a single family (0100) on the same property. The code for this type of property would
be (1200) mixed use. Another example would be an agricultural property (6000) with a section of land
set aside for single-family use. This can be classified as the minority land use (0100) as an alternate LUC.
Below is a list of LUC codes.
Land Use Code Property Type
0000 Vacant Residential
0100 Single Family
0200 Mobile Homes
0300 Multi-family10 units or more
0400 CondominiumResidential
0500 Cooperatives
0600 Retirement Homes (not eligible for
exemption under 196.192, F.S.
Others shall be given an Institutional
0700 Miscellaneous Residential (migrant
camps, boarding homes, etc.)
0800 Multi-family less than 10 units
0900 Undefined Reserved for use by
Department of Revenue only
1000 Vacant Commercial
1100 Stores one story
1200 Mixed Use store and office or
store and residential or residential
1300 Department Stores
1400 Supermarkets
1500 Regional Shopping
1600 Centers
1700 Office Buildings Non-professional
services buildings, one-story
1704 Offices Condominium
1800 Office Buildings Non-professional
services buildings, multi-story
1900 Professional Services Buildings
1904 Medical Condominium
2000 Airport (private or commercial), bus
terminals, marine terminals, piers,
2100 Restaurants, Cafeterias
2200 Drive-in Restaurants
2300 Financial Institutions (banks,
savings and loan companies,
mortgage companies, credit
2400 Insurance Company Offices
2500 Repair Service Shops (excluding
automotive), radio and TV repair,
refrigeration service, electric repair,
laundries, Laundromats
2600 Service Stations
2700 Auto Sales, auto repair and storages
(auto service shops, body and fender
shops, commercial garages, farm
and machinery sales and services,
auto rental, marine equipment,
trailers and related equipment,
mobile home sales, motorcycles,
construction vehicle sales)
2800 Parking Lots (commercial or
patron), mobile home parks
2900 Wholesale Outlets (produce houses,
manufacturing outlets)
3000 Florists, Greenhouses
3100 Drive-in theaters, open stadium
3200 Enclosed Theaters, Enclosed
3300 Nightclubs, Cocktail Lounges, Bars
3400 Bowling Alleys, Skating Rinks, Pool
Halls, Enclosed Arenas
3500 Tourist Attractions - permanent
exhibits, other entertainment
facilities, fairgrounds (privately
3600 Camps
3700 Race Tracks (horses, auto, or dog)
3800 Golf courses, Driving ranges
3900 Hotels, motels
4000 Vacant Industries
4100 Light Manufacturing small
equipment manufacturing plants,
small machine shops, instrument
manufacturing, printing plants
4200 Heavy Industrial Heavy equipment
manufacturing, large equipment
shops, foundries, steel fabricating
plants, auto or aircraft plants
4300 Lumber yards sawmills, planning
4400 Packing plants fruit and vegetable
packing plants, meat packing plants
4500 Canneries fruit and vegetable,
bottles, and brewers, distilleries,
4600 Other food processing candy
factories, bakeries, potato chip
4700 Mineral processing phosphate
processing, cement plants, refineries,
clay plants, rock and gravel plants
4800 Warehousing, Distribution terminals
trucking terminals, van and storage
4804 Industrial Condominium
4900 Open Storage new and used
building supplies, junk yards, auto
wrecking, fuel storage, equipment
and material storage
5000 Improved Agricultural
5100 Cropland Soil Capability Class l
5200 Cropland Soil Capability Class ll
5300 Cropland Soil Capability Class lll
5400 Timberland site index 90 and above
5500 Timberland site index 80 to 89
5600 Timberland site index 70 to 79
5700 Timberland site index 60 to 69
5800 Timberland site index 50 to 59
5900 Timberland not classified by site
6000 Grazing Land Soil Capacity Class l
6100 Grazing Land Soil Capacity Class ll
6200 Grazing Land Soil Capacity Class lll
6300 Grazing Land Soil Capacity Class IV
6400 Grazing Land Soil Capacity Class V
6500 Grazing Land Soil Capacity Class VI
6600 Orchard Groves Citrus, etc.
6700 Poultry, bees, tropical fish, rabbits,
6800 Dairies, feed lots (ornamental
miscellaneous agriculture)
7000 Vacant Institutional
7100 Churches
7200 Private schools and colleges
7300 Privately owned hospitals
7400 Homes for the aged
7500 Orphanages, other non-profit or
charitable services
7600 Mortuaries, cemeteries, crematoriums
7700 Clubs, Lodges, Union Halls
7800 Sanitariums, Convalescent and Rest
7900 Cultural Organization Facilities
8000 Undefined Reserved for future use
8100 Military
8200 Forest Parks, Recreational Areas
8300 Public County Schools includes all
property of Board of Public Instruction
8400 Colleges
8500 Hospitals
8600 Counties (other than public schools,
colleges, hospitals) including non-
municipal local governments
8700 State (other than military, forests,
parks, recreational areas, colleges,
8800 Federal (other than military, forests,
parks, recreational areas, colleges,
8900 Municipal (other than military, forests,
parks, recreational areas, colleges,
9000 Leasehold interests (government
owned property leased by a non-
governmental lessee)
9100 Utility, Gas, and Electricity (telephone
and telegraph, locally assessed
railroads, water and sewer service,
pipelines, canals, radio/television
9200 Mining lands, petroleum lands, or gas
9300 Subsurface rights
9400 Right-of-way, streets, roads, irrigation,
channel, ditch, etc.
9500 Rivers and lakes, submerged lands
9600 Sewage disposal, solid waste (borrow
pits, drainage reservoirs, waste lands,
marshes, sand dunes, swamps)
9700 Outdoor recreational or park land -
subject to classified use assessment
Centrally Assessed:
9800 Centrally assessed
Non-Agricultural Acreage:
9900 Acreage not zoned agricultural