Welcome to
The Barnet Group
The Barnet Group is a not-for-prot Local Authority Trading Company that is wholly-
owned by the London Borough of Barnet. It provides a range of services, including
social housing and homelessness, adult social care, support, and private sector lettings.
We are the parent company to:
Barnet Homes – responsible for the management of the borough’s 13,000 council
homes on behalf of Barnet Council. It also works to prevent homelessness and
allocates homes to social housing applicants. Since July 2020 Barnet Homes delivers
a repairs and gas service for council homes.
Bumblebee Lettings - an online estate agents providing quality bespoke property
services to landlords and tenants, throughout Barnet and the surrounding areas.
Bumblebee was set up to offer customers a trustworthy and accountable service,
mixing public sector values with private sector professionalism.
Opendoor Homes – a subsidiary of Barnet Homes and gained Registered Provider
status from the then Homes and Communities Agency in 2016. Opendoor Homes has
an ambitious new build and acquisitions programme, and currently owns over 500
homes, with plans for many more. It strengthens The Group’s housing foundations by
building and acquiring new homes for those in most acute housing need. Opendoor
homes is a community and benevolent society registered with the Financial Conduct
TBG Flex – TBG Flex recruits and employs new staff. Flex is the Group’s one stop
shop for resourcing staff and will be fundamental to making our business growth
strategies commercially viable in the future.
Your Choice Barnet – an adult social care company that provides services to adults
within the borough. This includes people who have learning and physical disabilities,
autism, profound and multiple disabilities, mental health support needs and older
people, some of whom also require support to live well with dementia. Your Choice
Care is a provider of care homes, day care centres and dementia-friendly care which
sits within Your Choice Barnet. It provides exceptional care to Care Quality Commission
(CQC) registered services across Barnet.
We offer services to the community, such as training, employment and benets support.
About Us
Our people are passionate about making a difference, and we’re proud to play an important
role in improving people’s quality of life.
Whether it’s council tenants and leaseholders, social housing residents living in Opendoor
Homes properties, people at risk of homelessness, people living in market rental properties,
or people with learning or physical disabilities, we are committed to providing great service
at great value.
Regardless of whether our people’s roles are focused on supporting customers of Barnet
Homes, Your Choice (Barnet), Opendoor Homes, Bumblebee Lettings, or the whole Group,
we pull together as one big team, and recognise that our employees’ dedication to our
goals is our greatest asset.
We know how important it is for you to enjoy your job, and to feel appreciated, valued, and
rewarded for your hard work.
Our mission would be impossible if we didn’t have great people working for us. Every area
of our business is important, and no matter your role within our diverse organisation, you
have a vital part to play.
We have a supportive working environment set up to help you develop your skills and reach
your potential.
We are committed to equality and inclusion by valuing our people and celebrating their
differences. Whatever your background or goals, we want you to be able to develop at The
Barnet Group and build a future in our team.
Our mission: To make a real difference to every customer.
Our vision: For customers to be our biggest advocates.
Our values
Show respect – Being the best we can to each other and our customers.
Find solutions – A workplace where challenge and initiative are valued, and
collaboration is real.
Make a difference – A culture which nurtures our individual and collective potential to
make even more of a real difference.
Be people centred – Treat everyone you meet as an individual, and remember,
one size does not t all.
Our values
The Barnet Group’s Strategic Plan sets out
our ve-year vision from 2019-24 for how
we will continue to deliver good services
whilst supporting our customers and Barnet
Council through the challenges they face.
The objectives we have set are based on
our review of the external environment, the
needs of our customers and employees,
and our own strengths and weaknesses.
This plan is complemented by a strategic
action plan of priority activities that support
our aims and will ensure we reach our goals.
By 2024 we want The Barnet Group to be
seen as a leader in the sectors in which
we operate, and for our customers to be
our biggest advocates. To do this, we will
need to be more innovative in the way we
deliver services and to make continual and
sustained change. We must also attract the
best staff by being a great place to work.
If we are to realise our ambitions, we must
continue on our journey to transform and
We must ensure we achieve the greatest
impact from everything we do, including
our nancial decisions, the way we deliver
our services, what we expect from our
people, and the investments we make in
systems and technology. We will make sure
that operations across the Groups diverse
range of activities meet the high standard
expectations of customers, regulators,
and our stakeholders and partners. We will
focus our efforts on driving value for money
in all our activities.
We are committed to supporting the Council
in investing in re safety and implementing
best practice re safety measures in our
high-rise blocks. As a result of a review of
our approach, we will continue to prioritise
and enhance the safety of our customers,
and will engage with residents and increase
We will provide excellent services in our
core areas of operation, and will seek
to maximise potential outcomes and
achievements and ensure appropriate skills
and resources are shared by continuing
to work with partners, as we have in the
Welfare Reform Task Force, BOOST, and
Love Burnt Oak. We will support customers
who continue to be affected by welfare
reform. In order to address the wide range of
issues that can be linked to homelessness,
we must continue to nd ways to address
the growth in demand and deliver early
We will develop and adopt more exible and
efcient services, focusing on the priorities
of our customers, and providing choices
to meet their needs and aspirations.
We will review and simplify our service
delivery, aiming for resolution at the rst
point of contact. We will aim to optimise
our processes with a view to increase
digitisation and offer increased choices to
customers who prefer to access services in
this way.
We will grow and transform the services
within Your Choice (Barnet) to deliver
efciencies whilst ensuring improved
outcomes, increased effectiveness, high
customer satisfaction, and the promotion
of greater independence and choice.
The provision and management of housing,
The way we work
Our strategic plan
homelessness, and adult social care
services are why The Barnet Group exists;
however, the growth of our business over
the past 3 years has had the added benet
of acting as a catalyst to achieve savings,
improve services, and retain and develop
quality staff. We therefore intend to achieve
further growth in future years in order to
sustain our core services.
We will continue to grow and potentially
diversify our Registered Provider Opendoor
Homes and our private lettings company
Bumblebee, adopting innovative service
models in order to achieve positive
outcomes and deliver effective and
efcient services. We will also continue our
ambitious development and acquisition
programmes in order to increase the
housing supply within the borough and help
to meet growing demand across different
We recognise that our staff are our greatest
asset. We will focus on employee wellbeing
and engagement to make The Barnet
Group a great place to work, and to attract,
develop, and retain the best staff. We will
continue to nd ways to deliver social value,
including providing apprenticeships and
training. We will also invest in technology
that supports our staff to deliver effective
services and provides positive outcomes
for customers, and will focus on realising
the benets of this investment.
We will continue to be transparent and
accountable to our customers for the
decisions we make and the services we
provide. We will be responsive to changes
within the housing and adult social care
sectors and mindful of the current economic
climate, but will continue to make long-term
strategic decisions for the benet of this
and future generations.
Through our ambitious growth and
development of new homes, arising
opportunities in Adult Social Care, and our
robust approach to supporting Council
initiatives and other services over recent
years, we have supported the London
Borough of Barnet to overcome many of its
challenges. We believe we have developed
a proven model for local government
delivery where more is achieved with fewer
By the end of the life of this strategic plan
we will have outperformed our peers, our
customers will experience easy-to-use
services and increased positive outcomes
from their engagement with us, and our
staff will be proud of our accomplishments.
Having developed a successful track
record of improvement and demonstrated
our organisations competence, we are
condent in and excited by the prospect
of continuing this growth over the next
ve years. Ultimately, however, success is
not just measured through gures, and we
remain focused on the experience of our
customers and the outcomes we achieve
through working together.
If you are a customer you will be satised that your services are being delivered reliably
to a good standard, with a concern for your wellbeing. You will feel that our staff are friendly,
approachable, and have your best interests at heart. You will nd services inclusive, easy to
access, and appropriate to your needs, and you will feel condent that we will get things right
when you contact us. You will be treated fairly and with respect.
If you are a tenant or leaseholder you will feel safe and connected in your community, and
proud of your home. You will have opportunities to be meaningfully engaged to improve services
and decision-making, and enhance local cohesion. You will receive services that are delivered in a
manner to enable and empower you. You will have increased opportunities to access key services
online so that you are able to have your needs met in a way and at a time that is convenient for you.
If you use our Care and Support services you will be satised that your services are
provided in a way that ensures you are kept safe and your welfare is safeguarded. You will be
treated with kindness, dignity, and respect, and in a caring manner that puts you, and your goals
and ambitions at the centre of how your support is delivered. You will receive services that achieve
good outcomes and support you to maintain a high quality of life, delivered by staff who are
equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to provide positive and individualised support.
If you are an employee you will perceive The Barnet Group as a great place to work, and an
organisation of which you can feel proud. We want our customers and partners to feel our passion,
and for our staff to feel empowered to be their best. You will feel highly engaged and will both
understand and support the objectives of the Group and how you contribute to our aims, and
you will feel condent that your efforts will be supported and recognised. It will be clear that the
diversity of our employees makes us stronger and better-able to help our customers.
If you are a stakeholder you will think of The Barnet Group as a trusted partner. You will feel
condent that the Group is a nancially robust, high-performing organisation that is able to deliver
on its promises. The Group’s ability to innovate and effectively bring other organisations together
to achieve the best results for the borough and its residents will provide assurance to stakeholders
that it can be trusted to grow and diversify.
The Barnet Group to 2024
Corporate and individual
We take our organisational responsibilities very seriously. On The Vine you will nd dedicated
sections with useful information and essential guidance that must be followed at all times:
Data protection
Equalities and Inclusion
Health and Safety
Key policies and procedures
Our Code of Conduct has been created to help you understand the behaviours we expect
of you and to provide you with guidance and support. It is essential reading for all new
In our policies directory on The Vine you will nd our policies, procedures, and other
important documents. Essential policies for you to read and understand include:
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy
Data Protection Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
Secure Email Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Fire Safety Policy
You may also need to refer to the following - please see The Vine for a full list of policies
Data Protection Incident Reporting Procedure
Whistleblowing Policy
Grievance Policy
Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy
Transgender Equality Policy
Safeguarding Policy
We take the health and wellbeing of our staff very seriously. If you feel that your workloads are
becoming overwhelming or are juggling other pressures, People at Work have independent
counsellors and advisers available to talk to. They also provide bereavement support and
help when you need it. It can really help to talk to people outside of your usual circle of
colleagues, line manager or even friends. People at Work is condential.
You can email [email protected].uk or 01548 511 65 to get in touch with People
at Work.
iTrent is the name of our HR system. You can use it to book your annual leave and
record sickness. You can also use it to access and book onto our wide range of training
opportunities. You can nd more information about iTrent on our intranet, The Vine, on the
Employee Development page.
You can nd out more information about our boards at thebarnetgroup.org. The Barnet
Group, Barnet Homes, Your Choice (Barnet), Opendoor Homes, TBG Flex and Bumblebee
Property each have their own Board. Barnet Homes also has a Resident Board, which
provides an opportunity for residents to be involved in Barnet Homes’ governance by
scrutinising our services. There are also spaces for residents on the Barnet Homes and
The Barnet Group boards.
The Boards are responsible for
monitoring operational and budgetary performance
setting the strategic direction of the company
identifying new business opportunities
As well as the board meetings, the Group has two committees that meet throughout the
year, these are:
The Audit & Risk Committee
The Governance and Remuneration Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee consists of ve members and meets four times per year. The
Committee runs to provide oversight of the nancial reporting process, the audit process,
the company’s system of internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations.
The Governance and Remuneration Committee consists of six members and meets four
times per year. The Committee runs to ensure that the board of directors structures,
procedures and operations align with the company’s governance ambitions, corporate
Employee support
Boards and governance
You can view full team
structure charts on The
Vine. Here is a broad
structure showing where
each team or service sits
within the business.
The Barnet Group is wholly owned by the London Borough of Barnet (Barnet Council),
although it has independent boards that play a signicant role in setting its strategic direction
and managing the business. We have a very close working relationship with the council,
and your role may include a large amount of work with our council colleagues. In addition
to providing some independent services through Opendoor Homes and Bumblebee, we
provide a number of services on behalf of the council, including its homelessness, social
housing allocations, management of council social housing, and a range of specialist adult
social care services.
Structures and teams
The London Borough of Barnet
Tim Mulvenna
Chief Executive
New Build
Business Development
Strategy &
Derek Rust
Group Director of
Development and
Growth, Deputy CEO
IT, Systems & Data
Human Resources
PR & Communications
Shaun McLean
Group Director
of Resources
Housing Management
(inc. Major Works,
and Health &
Safety and
Housing Options
Estates Services
Gas & Repairs
Elliott Sweetman
Group Director
of Operations
and Property
Kate Laffan
Director of
Sheltered, Supported
and Extra Care
Floating Support
Your Choice Barnet
adult care services
(including care homes,
day centres,
and other specialist
Julie Riley
Group Director
of Care & Support
values and external compliance demands. The Committee also sets the company’s
remuneration policy, determines each executive director’s total individual remuneration
package and sets the targets for performance-related pay.
The Barnet Homes Resident Board is TBG’s highest level of resident involvement. It is a
group made up of Tenants and leaseholders and the main function is to be accountable
to the Barnet Homes Group Board and residents living in properties managed by Barnet
Homes in monitoring the performance of Barnet Homes’ housing management services
that are provided to tenants and leaseholders. The Barnet Homes Resident Board is not
part of The Barnet Group Limited’s formal governance structure; however, it plays an
important role in monitoring operational performance, inuencing strategic priorities and
policy, and making recommendations to the Barnet Homes Board.
The Resident Board hold 4 main business meetings a year and 4 separate sessions to
look into service area’s in more depth, they also have the capacity to instruct the Resident
Support Group to carry out activities such as focus groups, mystery shopping and resident
surveys to back up evidence to recommend changes to services to aid improvement.
We offer a variety of involvement opportunities for Barnet Homes and Opendoor Homes
Tenants and Leaseholders, some of our opportunities require more commitment than
others, although we also provide task and nish activities for residents with limited time to
spare. We endeavour to make sure our opportunities are all inclusive and representative of
all our customer base. Some of the opportunities available include;
Resident Board
Resident Support Group
Opendoor Homes Involvement Group
Focus Groups
Mystery Shopping
Resident Surveys
Resident Association/Community Groups
Garden Clubs
Customer involvement
Our Executive Team
Tim Mulvenna, CEO
Tim is The Barnet Group’s Chief Executive Ofcer. Tim joined in February
2018 from London and Quadrant, where he was their Group Director of
Customer Service. He has more than 15 years experience in customer
service, in a number of industry sectors, including telecoms, charity and
IT. He has a degree in Business Administration.
Elliott Sweetman, Group Director of Operations and Property
Elliott has been with Barnet Homes since 2006 and is directly
responsibility for Customer Access, Tenancy & Estate Management,
Leaseholder Services, Repairs & Maintenance, Income Collection,
Financial Inclusion and Homelessness & Housing Options. Elliott has
a strong track record of creating, inspiring, and leading ambitious and
high-performing teams to deliver great quality services to customers,
whilst achieving signicant cost efciencies.
Derek Rust, Group Director Development & Growth,
Deputy CEO
Derek has been with Barnet Homes since it transferred from the Council
in 2004 and oversaw the transfer of the Council’s Homelessness service
in 2012. Derek was appointed Deputy Chief Executive in December
2015. He is directly responsible for development of new homes and
asset management, overseeing wider service delivery in Barnet Homes
Shaun McLean, Group Director of Resources
Shaun joined The Barnet Group in January 2020. He moved into
the housing sector as he values the importance of making a social
contribution and nds it a rewarding role. He oversees Finance,
procurement, IT, Systems and Data, Human Resources as well as PR &
Julie Riley, Group Director of Care & Support
Julie joined the Group in early 2014 and has responsibility for all of the
Your Choice services and Sheltered Housing, Floating Support and
Assist within Barnet Homes.
Kate Laffan, Director of Customer Experience &
Service Improvement
Kate was previously the Assistant Director, responsible for our Housing
Options service. As of June 2019, she is our Director of Customer
Experience & Service Improvement.
Bristol Avenue, Colindale
Our ofces
Who works at Bristol Avenue?
Development, Growth and New Initiatives, Strategy and Compliance, Finance, Procurement,
IT, Systems and Data, Human Resources, PR and Communications, Learning and
Development, Housing Management, Housing Options (our homelessness service) Health
and Safety, Customer Experience, Property Services, and Business Development.
How to get to Bristol Avenue
Address: 3rd Floor, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, NW9 4EW
The ofce is well served by public transport with several
bus routes serving the area (125, 186, 204, 303). Colindale
Tube station (Northern Line, Edgware branch) is also just a
5-8-minute walk.
Parking at Bristol Avenue
Parking in the area is limited and we would encourage all who can to use public transport.
There is a large controlled parking zone (CPZ) around the ofce, so you are advised to take
public transport if you can.
The ofce is not inside the Greater London Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ), though some
parts of Barnet are, so you should check your car’s eligibility at t.gov.uk. The Barnet
Group will not cover the cost of your daily ULEZ charge.
If you do need to travel by car, nearby paidparking is available atColindale Underground
Station,Watling Avenue,Bunns Lane,Mill Hill Broadway Station andDaws Lane. All are
within a 20 to 30 minute walk of the new ofce with good public transport links.
There are ve disabled parking spaces directly outside the Colindale building (on Valentina
Avenue) for blue badge holders. In addition, following parking regulations, any blue badge
holders will be able to park free of charge in any CPZin and around the area at any time.
My FM Portal
Log in to myfmportal.co.uk to access building information as well as facility services to
simplify your time working in your ofce.
Request ID Badge: You can complete your access pass request online on myfmportal.
Report a Fault: If you experience any issue in the building submit a report online. Go to ‘My
Building’ and click on ‘Helpdesk’.
Visitor Management System: All visitors to the estate must be booked in to the Colindale
building.You can make and manage your visitorbookings and requirements online via the
estate Portal.
Local Area: Access information about local amenities and travel.
Where to go
For Food
Sainsbury’s Local
Tesco Express
Co-op Food
ITJL - café (staff discount available)
Wenzel’s The Bakers
Spaccanapoli - Pizza
Eat Tokyo - Japanese takeaway
(staff discount available)
Bang Bang Oriental - Asian Food
Jun Ming - Chinese cuisine
Mibento - Taiwanese Café
The Beaufort - Pub and Dining
Colindale Avenue Post Ofce
Park View Health Club (staff
discount available)
Leisure centres at: Barnet
Copthall, Burnt Oak, Hendon,
Finchley Lido and New Barnet
(staff discount available)
Grahame Park, Colindale
Who works at Grahame Park?
Estates and Repairs services
How to get to Grahame Park
Address: 17 The Concourse, Grahame Park, Colindale, NW9 5XA
The ofce is well served by public transport with several bus routes serving the area (125,
186, 204, 303). Colindale tube station (Northern Line, Edgware branch) is also just a 10-12
minute walk
Parking at Grahame Park
Parking in the area is limited and we would encourage all who can to use public transport.
If you do need to travel by car, nearby paidparking is available atColindale Underground
Station,Watling Avenue,Bunns Lane,Mill Hill Broadway Station andDaws Lane. All are
within a 20 to 30 minute walk of the new ofce with good public transport links.
Requesting an ID Badge
Request your Id Badge using the FM Portal at myfmportal.co.uk and collect it later from the
Colindale Ofce.
New members of staff need to request an access fob from the Ofce Co-ordinator who will
arrange for them to sign for the fob. Only employed staff or staff on a short term contract
who work from the GPO are entitled to an access fob, (other than directors, Heads of
Service) others need to ring the bell.
Where to go
For Food
Sainsbury’s Local
Tesco Express
Co-op Food
ITJL (staff discount) - café
Wenzel’s The Bakers
Spaccanapoli - Pizza
Eat Tokyo - Japanese (staff discount)
Bang Bang Oriental - Asian Food hall
Jun Ming - Chinese cuisine
Mibento - Taiwanese Café
The Beaufort - Pub and Dining
Colindale Avenue Post Ofce
Park View Health Club (staff discount)
Leisure centres: Barnet Copthall, Burnt
Oak, Hendon, Finchley Lido and New
Your Choice Barnet
Your Choice Barnet offers specialist care and support to
adults with a range of physical and learning disabilities.
We enable people to live their lives as they wish, giving
them the support they need to become as independent as
We also offer consultancy services and can manage
services on behalf of other organisations.
Our services
Ansell Court - It is a fantastic new Extra Care
scheme, developed by Barnet Homes on
behalf of Barnet Council. It provides tenants
with the very best in independent living and
the peace of mind that on-site care and
support is available, day and night.
Community Space - It is a day service
offering support for adults with a wide range
of learning disabilities. Our staff support
people to take part in activities that meet
their needs and interests. The focus is to
support people to develop skills, gain more
independence and become a valued part of
their community.
Enablement - Your Choice Enablement
supports people after stays in hospital.
Flower Lane - Itprovides specialist support
to people on the autism spectrum. We
offer a diverse range of activities within our
main centre and out in the community. Our
experienced staff work with individuals to
build upon their existing skills, helping them
to become more independent and enjoy life
to the full.
Independent Living - It offers specialist
support to adults with a range of physical
and sensory impairments. We work with
individuals and in partnership with other
organisations to help people reach their
potential and get the most out of their life.
Our care homes - Your Choice Care
In 2019, three care homes and two day centres joined The Barnet Group. YCC provides
exceptional care to CQC-rated services across the borough of Barnet.
Apthorp Care Centre, in Barnet, North London, provides expert care and support for
individuals, including those living with dementia, in a safe and comfortable environment.
Dell Field Court in Finchley, North London, provides specialist residential care for older
people, including those living with mild dementia, in a safe and homely environment.
Meadowside in Finchley, North London, provides specialist care for older people, including
those living with dementia, in a modern and welcoming environment.
Requesting an ID badge
YCB and YCC staff can obtain their ID Badge via Human Resources.
PA Choices - It matches people who are in
receipt of direct payments with personal
assistants who are able to support them on a
day to day basis.
Rosa Morison Day Centre - It is a day
service for adults with profound and complex
learning and physical disabilities. We pride
ourselves on giving people the support to
exercise choice and independence in their
day-to-day lives.
Supported Living - It helps people with
learning disabilities to live as independently
as possible in their own home. By offering
service users support in all areas of living, we
help them to enjoy life to the full, both at home
and out and about.
Valley Way Respite Service - It is a respite
service for adults with complex learning
disabilities, physical disabilities, autism and
challenging behaviour. Our service gives
families and carers a chance to take a break
from their caring responsibilities overnight,
for several days or weeks.
Equality and inclusion
Equality and inclusion is central to everything we do at The Barnet Group. We want to
create a workplace where everyone can be themselves and knows they can reach their full
We value our people and respect and celebrate their differences. We’re proud that our
colleagues come from different backgrounds and have varied outlooks, and we know
that bringing together these experiences and unique points of view makes us a stronger
organisation and better able to serve our diverse customers.
We are always looking for ways to support our colleagues and are committed to being
responsive to demands to create staff networks and support groups. Our Race Equality
Steering Group supports staff from ethnic minority backgrounds and allies, and is
championing our work to strengthen race equality within our organisation. This includes
driving our Race Equality Action Plan, which is an important part of our wider equalities
and improvement work as we strive to nd ways to become a more efcient and effective
business with equality of opportunity and outcome for our people and our customers.
If you are interested in joining the Race Equality Steering Group, please contact Laura
Giles, Head of Strategy and Compliance.
Gender Pay Gap
The Barnet Group undertakes a mandatory review of the Gender Pay Gap every year and
commits to an action plan where improvements are needed. The Gender Pay Gap is a
measure of what women are paid relative to men and shows the difference between the
average (mean or median) earnings of men and women across the workforce. We publish
information on our Gender Pay Gap results on our website – you can view it here: [link]
Ethnicity Pay Gap
The Barnet Group is currently reviewing the Ethnicity Pay Gap as part of its equalities
work. Unlike the Gender Pay Gap, this isn’t a mandatory exercise in the UK, but we have
committed to understanding this within our businesses and to publishing the results and
identifying any action we can take to improve equality within our business.
Hybrid working
Learning and development
All staff at The Barnet Group can work remotely, as long as it suits their job role. Any
arrangements will need to be made with their line manager.
On The Vine you will nd our policy that sets out our approach to hybrid working (currently
called the Flexible Working Policy), and our Hybrid Working Principles that should be
followed by all staff.
The Barnet Group is committed to the development of its staff. There’s a wide range of
training available, tailored to suit your job role, including in-person event, eLearning and
virtual training.
IT systems
We have a broad range of IT systems which allow staff to work effectively from remote
locations. This is predominately built around the Ofce365 suite of applications.
Lone working
If your role involves lone working, your manager will brief you on the process. Please request
a lone working device by speaking to the Health and Safety team.
The eLearning Hub
The Barnet Group has recently launched its eLearning hub.
The hub will provide access to a range of courses to support all staff learning and
development. The modules available will be continually developed to meet staff needs as
well as the priorities and initiatives of The Barnet Group.
Why eLearning?
any time, any place learning, as long as you have an internet connection. This will give
greater exibility and support ‘just in time’ training
online training ensures consistent training messages are received
it is training that you can refer back to and refresh when you need to
learn on demand whenever and wherever you have internet access.
The Learning and Development Team will continue to develop the e-learning hub, adding
new courses every couple of months – watch out for the updates via The Loop, The Vine
and emails. If you cannot nd the content you want or would like to support us in developing
further training courses please contact the Learning and Development team.
If you are working for Your Choice Barnet, or another front-line service, you may also use
another eLearning service called My Learning Cloud. You will be provided with information
on this by your manager when you start working at The Barnet Group.
Stay connected
Flex Benets
The Loop - The Barnet Group weekly staff magazine
The Vine - The Barnet Group’s intranet , it is the best place to hear about the latest news
and access a wide range of resources
Regular Executive Team briengs - These take place in-person or online. You will receive
an email invitation when one is taking place.
All employees are entitled to the Flex Fund which gives them access to the benets of
their choice, including pension, Flex Bank (voucher scheme), medical cash plan, dental
insurance and dining cards. For more information visit our intranet, The Vine or contact HR.
For support with:
New user requests
Laptop issues
Printer issues
CAPITA Customer Support Group (CSG) at
0208 359 3333
For a ofce entry ID card (this will
also be used to print documents)
Login using your Windows username and password
Access to The Vine - The Barnet
Group’s staff intranet
Login using your Windows username and password
iTrent Employee Self Service
Portal (HR system)
TBG Business System Support
(for support with QL, Integra,
iTrent, Swordsh, Keyfax, Pen-
tana, MARS)
Non-Capita related IT Support
Login using your Windows username and password
0208 610 3537
IT support
2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 5EW