PyOData Documentation
Release 1.2.1
Sep 16, 2023
1 Supported features 3
2 Basic usage 5
3 The User Guide 7
3.1 Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Querying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3 Creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.4 Updating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.5 Deleting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.6 Function imports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.7 Metadata evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.8 Advanced usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.9 URLs generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
Python agnostic implementation of OData client library.
Contents 1
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
2 Contents
Supported features
OData V2
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
4 Chapter 1. Supported features
Basic usage
The only thing you need to do is to import the pyodata Python module and provide an object implementing interface
compatible with Session from the library Requests.
import pyodata
import requests
HTTP_LIB = requests.Session()
northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, HTTP_LIB)
for customer in northwind.entity_sets.Customers.get_entities().execute():
print(customer.CustomerID, customer.CompanyName)
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
6 Chapter 2. Basic usage
The User Guide
3.1 Initialization
PyOData requires an external HTTP library which has API compatible with Session from Requests.
3.1.1 Get the service
Basic initialization which is going to work for everybody:
import pyodata
import requests
northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, requests.Session())
3.1.2 Get the service proxy client for an OData service requiring sap-client param-
This is a sample when it is necessary to specify sap-client:
import pyodata
import requests
session = requests.Session()
param = {'sap-client': '510'}
session.params = param
northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, session)
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
3.1.3 Get the service proxy client for an OData service requiring authentication
Let’s assume you need to work with a service at the URL and User ID is
‘MyUser’ with the password ‘MyPassword’.
import pyodata
import requests
session = requests.Session()
session.auth = ('MyUser', 'MyPassword')
theservice = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, session)
3.1.4 Get the service proxy client for an OData service requiring Certificate authen-
Let’s assume your service requires certificate based authentication and you are able to export the certificate into the
file mycert.p12. You need to split the certificate into public key, private key and certificate authority key.
The following steps has been verified on Fedora Linux and Mac OS.
openssl pkcs12 -in mycert.p12 -out ca.pem -cacerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in mycert.p12 -out client.pem -clcerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in mycert.p12 -out key.pem -nocerts
openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key_decrypt.pem
You can verify your steps by curl:
curl --key key_decrypt.pem --cacert ca.pem --cert client.pem -k 'SERVICE_URL/$metadata
Python client initialization:
import pyodata
import requests
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = 'ca.pem'
session.cert = ('client.pem', 'key_decrypt.pem')
client = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, session)
For more information on client side SSL cerificationcas, please refer to this [gist](
3.1.5 Get the service with local metadata
It may happen that you will have metadata document for your service downloaded in a local file and you will want to
initialize the service proxy from this file. In such a case you can provide content of the file as the named argument
metadata. Please, make sure you provide bytes and not str (required by the xml parser lxml).
8 Chapter 3. The User Guide
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
import pyodata
import requests
with open('/the/file/path.xml', 'rb') as mtd_file:
local_metadata =
northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, requests.Session(), metadata=local_metadata)
3.1.6 Dealing with errors during parsing metadata
In the case where you need to consume a service which has not fully valid metadata document and is not under your
control, you can configure the metadata parser to try to recover from detected problems.
Parser recovery measures include actions such as using a stub entity type if the parser cannot find a referenced entity
type. The stub entity type allows the parser to continue processing the given metadata but causes fatal errors when
accessed from the client.
Class config provides easy to use wrapper for all parser configuration. These are:
XML namespaces
Parser policies (how parser act in case of invalid XML tag). We now support three types of policies:
Policy fatal - the policy raises exception and terminates the parser
Policy warning - the policy reports the detected problem, executes a fallback code and then con-
tinues normally
Policy ignore - the policy executes a fallback code without reporting the problem and then con-
tinues normally
Parser policies can be specified individually for each XML tag (See enum ParserError for more details). If no policy
is specified for the tag, the default policy is used.
For parser to use your custom configuration, it needs to be passed as an argument to the client.
import pyodata
from pyodata.v2.model import PolicyFatal, PolicyWarning, PolicyIgnore, ParserError,
import requests
namespaces = {
'edmx': '',
'edm': ''
custom_config = Config(
ParserError.ANNOTATION: PolicyWarning(),
ParserError.ASSOCIATION: PolicyIgnore()
(continues on next page)
3.1. Initialization 9
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
(continued from previous page)
northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, requests.Session(), config=custom_config)
Additionally, Schema class has Boolean atribute ‘is_valid’ that returns if the parser encountered errors. It’s value does
not depends on used Parser policy.
3.1.7 Prevent substitution by default values
Per default, missing properties get filled in by type specific default values. While convenient, this throws away the
knowledge of whether a value was missing in the first place. To prevent this, the class config mentioned in the section
above takes an additional parameter, retain_null.
import pyodata
import requests
northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, requests.Session(), config=pyodata.v2.model.
unknown_shipped_date = northwind.entity_sets.Orders_Qries.get_entity(OrderID=11058,
˓'Blauer See Delikatessen').execute()
f'Shipped date: {"unknown" if unknown_shipped_date.ShippedDate is None else
Changing retain_null to False will print Shipped date: 1753-01-01 00:00:00+00:00.
3.1.8 Set custom namespaces (Deprecated - use config instead)
Let’s assume you need to work with a service which uses namespaces not directly supported by this library e. g. ones
hosted on private urls such as and
import pyodata
import requests
namespaces = {
'edmx': ''
'edm': ''
northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, requests.Session(), namespaces=namespaces)
10 Chapter 3. The User Guide
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
3.2 Querying
3.2.1 Get one entity identified by its key value
Get employee identified by 1 and print employee first name:
employee1 = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entity(1).execute()
3.2.2 Get one entity identified by its key value which is not scalar
Get number of orderd units in the order identified by ProductID 42 and OrderID 10248:
order = northwind.entity_sets.Order_Details.get_entity(OrderID=10248, ProductID=42).
3.2.3 Get all entities of an entity set
Print unique identification (Id) and last name of all employees:
employees = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities().select('EmployeeID,LastName
for employee in employees:
print(employee.EmployeeID, employee.LastName)
3.2.4 Get entities matching a filter
Print unique identification (Id) of all employees with name John Smith:
smith_employees_request = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities()
smith_employees_request = smith_employees_request.filter("FirstName eq 'John' and
˓LastName eq 'Smith'")
for smith in smith_employees_request.execute():
3.2.5 Get entities matching a filter in more Pythonic way
Print unique identification (Id) of all employees with name John Smith:
from pyodata.v2.service import GetEntitySetFilter as esf
smith_employees_request = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities()
smith_employees_request = smith_employees_request.filter(esf.and_(
˓FirstName == 'Jonh',
˓LastName == 'Smith'))
for smith in smith_employees_request.execute():
3.2. Querying 11
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
3.2.6 Get entities matching a filter in ORM style
Print unique identification (Id) of all employees with name John Smith:
from pyodata.v2.service import GetEntitySetFilter as esf
smith_employees_request = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities()
smith_employees_request = smith_employees_request.filter(FirstName="John", LastName=
for smith in smith_employees_request.execute():
3.2.7 Get entities matching a complex filter in ORM style
Print unique identification (Id) of all employees with name John Smith:
from pyodata.v2.service import GetEntitySetFilter as esf
smith_employees_request = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities()
smith_employees_request = smith_employees_request.filter(FirstName__contains="oh",
for smith in smith_employees_request.execute():
3.2.8 Get a count of entities
Print a count of all employees:
count = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities().count().execute()
Print all employees and their count:
employees = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities().count(inline=True).
for employee in employees:
print(employee.EmployeeID, employee.LastName)
3.2.9 Get a count of entities via navigation property
Print a count of all orders associated with Employee 1:
count = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entity(1).nav('Orders').get_entities().
Print all orders associated with Employee 1 and their count:
12 Chapter 3. The User Guide
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
orders = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entity(1).nav('Orders').get_entities().
for order in orders:
print(order.OrderID, order.ProductID)
3.2.10 Use non-standard OData URL Query parameters
Sometimes services implement extension to OData model and require addition URL query parameters. In such a case,
you can enrich HTTP request made by pyodata with these parameters by the method custom(name: str, value: str).
employee = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entity(1).custom('sap-client', '100').
employees = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities().custom('sap-client', '100
˓').custom('$skiptoken', 'ABCD').top(10).execute()
3.2.11 Encode OData URL Path
By default the resource paths of requests are percent encoded. However if this is not what your API expects, you can
disable the encoding with the variable encode_path by setting it to False.
employee = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entity(1, encode_path=False).execute()
3.2.12 Query server-side paginations using the __next field
Response may contains ony partial listings of the Collection. In this case, “__next” name/value pair is included, where
the value is a URI which identifies the next partial set of entities.
employees = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities().select('EmployeeID,LastName
while True:
for employee in employees:
print(employee.EmployeeID, employee.LastName)
# Stop if server has no more entities left
if employees.next_url is None:
# We got a partial answer - continue with next page
employees = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities().next_url(employees.
3.3 Creating
The create action executes the HTTP method POST which is usually protected by CSRF and therefore you must make
some effort to initialize your HTTP Session to send POST requests acceptable by the remote server.
Let’s assume you use the python library Requests
3.3. Creating 13
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
import pyodata
import requests
session = requests.Session()
response = session.head(SERVICE_URL, headers={'x-csrf-token': 'fetch'})
token = response.headers.get('x-csrf-token', '')
session.headers.update({'x-csrf-token': token})
theservice = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, session)
3.3.1 Create an entity with a complex type property
You need to use the method set which accepts key value parameters:
employee_data = {
'FirstName': 'Mark',
'LastName': 'Goody',
'Address': {
'HouseNumber': 42,
'Street': 'Paradise',
'City': 'Heaven'
create_request = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.create_entity()
new_employee_entity = create_request.execute()
or you can do it explicitly:
create_request = northwind.entity_sets.Employees.create_entity()
'HouseNumber': 42,
'Street': 'Paradise',
'City': 'Heaven'
new_employee_entity = request.execute()
3.4 Updating
To update an entity, you must create an updated request, set properties to the values you want and execute the request.
The library will send an HTTP PATCH request to the remote service.
import pyodata
import requests
(continues on next page)
14 Chapter 3. The User Guide
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
(continued from previous page)
northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, requests.Session())
update_request = northwind.entity_sets.Customers.update_entity(CustomerID='ALFKI')
update_request.set(CompanyName='Alfons Kitten')
In the case the service you are dealing with requires PUT method, you have two options.
The first option allows you to change the used HTTP method for a single call via the key word parameter method of
the method update_entity.
update_request = northwind.entity_sets.Customers.update_entity(CustomerID='ALFKI',
If you need to run more update requests for different entity sets and all of them must be PUT, then you can consider
setting the default service’s update method to PUT.
northwind.config['http']['update_method'] = 'PUT'
3.4.1 Encode OData URL Path
By default the resource paths of requests are percent encoded. However if this is not what your API expects, you can
disable the encoding with the variable encode_path by setting it to False.
update_request = northwind.entity_sets.Customers.update_entity(CustomerID='ALFKI',
3.5 Deleting
The delete action executes the HTTP method DELETE which is usually protected by CSRF and therefore you must
make some effort to initialize your HTTP Session to send DELETE requests acceptable by the remote server.
Let’s assume you use the python library Requests
import pyodata
import requests
session = requests.Session()
response = session.head(SERVICE_URL, headers={'x-csrf-token': 'fetch'})
token = response.headers.get('x-csrf-token', '')
session.headers.update({'x-csrf-token': token})
theservice = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, session)
3.5.1 Deleting an entity
You can either delete entity by passing its PropertyRef value to the delete function
3.5. Deleting 15
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
request = service.entity_sets.Employees.delete_entity(23)
or by passing the EntityKey object
key = EntityKey(service.schema.entity_type('Employee'), ID=23)
request = service.entity_sets.Employees.delete_entity(key=key)
3.5.2 Encode OData URL Path
By default the resource paths of requests are percent encoded. However if this is not what your API expects, you can
disable the encoding with the variable encode_path by setting it to False.
request = service.entity_sets.Employees.delete_entity(key=key, encode_path=False)
3.6 Function imports
3.6.1 Calling a function import
products = northwind.functions.GetProductsByRating.parameter('rating', 16).execute()
for prod in products:
3.7 Metadata evaluation
By default, the client makes sure that references to properties, entities and entity sets are pointing to existing elements.
The most often problem that we had to deal with was an invalid ValueList annotation pointing to a non-existing
To enable verification of service definition, the client instance of the class Service publishes the property schema which
returns an instance of the class Schema from the module pyodata.v2.model and it contains parsed $metadata.
3.7.1 List of the defined EntitySets
If you need to iterate over all EntitySets:
for es in service.schema.entity_sets:
or if you just need the list of EntitySet names:
entity_set_names = [ for es in service.schema.entity_sets]
16 Chapter 3. The User Guide
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
3.7.2 Property has this label
assert northwind.schema.entity_type('Customer').proprty('CustomerID').label ==
3.7.3 Property has a value helper
assert northwind.schema.entity_type('Customer').proprty('City').value_helper is not
3.8 Advanced usage
3.8.1 Batch requests
Example of batch request that contains 3 simple entity queries:
batch = northwind.create_batch()
response = batch.execute()
print(response[0].EmployeeID, response[0].LastName)
print(response[1].EmployeeID, response[1].LastName)
print(response[2].EmployeeID, response[2].LastName)
Example of batch request that contains simple entity query as well as changest consisting of two requests for entity
batch = northwind.create_batch()
changeset = northwind.create_changeset()
response = batch.execute()
print(response[0].EmployeeID, response[0].LastName)
3.8.2 Error handling
PyOData returns HttpError when the response code does not match the expected code. Basically the exception is
raised for all status codes >= 400 and its instances have the property response which holds return value of the library
making HTTP requests.
3.8. Advanced usage 17
PyOData Documentation, Release 1.2.1
For example, the following code show how to print out error details if Python Requests is used as the HTTP commu-
nication library.
new_data = create_request.execute()
except pyodata.exceptions.HttpError as ex:
In the case you know the implementation of back-end part and you want to show accurate errors reported by your ser-
vice, you can replace HttpError by your sub-class HttpError by assigning your type into the class member VendorType
of the class HttpError.
from pyodata.exceptions import HttpError
class MyHttpError(HttpError):
def __init__(self, message, response):
super(MyHttpError, self).__init__('Better message', response)
HttpError.VendorType = MyHttpError
The class pyodata.vendor.SAP.BusinessGatewayError is an example of such an HTTP error handling.
3.8.3 Enable Logging
The library uses Python logging without own handler, so to enable logging it is enough to set log level to the desired
import logging
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
3.8.4 Dynamically referenced EntitySet
If you need to work with many Entity Sets the same way or if you just need to pick up the used Entity Set name in
run-time, you may find out the ability to get an instance of Entity Set proxy dynamically. Here is an example of how
you can print a count of all employees:
count = getattr(northwind.entity_sets, 'Employees').get_entities().count().execute()
3.9 URLs generation
Sometimes you may want to not use PyOData to actually make the HTTP requests, but just grab the url and body for
some other library. For that, you can use following methods from ODataHttpRequest class - which is base of every
query, update or delete covered in pyodata documentation.
18 Chapter 3. The User Guide
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3.9.1 Locust integration example
Warning - execute load testing scripts only against service you own!
Following is example of integration of pyodata as url provider for Locust load testing tool.
import requests
import pyodata
import os
from locust import HttpUser, task, between
odataClient = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, requests.Session())
smith_employees_query = odataClient.entity_sets.Employees.get_entities().filter(
˓"FirstName eq 'John' and LastName eq 'Smith'")
class MyUser(HttpUser):
wait_time = between(5, 15)
def filter_query(self):
urlpath = smith_employees_query.get_path()
url = os.path.join(SERVICE_URL,urlpath)
params = smith_employees_query.get_query_params()
3.9. URLs generation 19