EST client installation and use
© 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
White Paper
Open-Source EST Clients: How to Use Them for Secure Certificate
What You Will Learn
The concept of a public key infrastructure (PKI) has existed for a long time. The PKI authenticates the identity of
users and devices by using signed public key pairs in the form of certificates. The recently created Enrollment over
Secure Transport (EST) protocol aims to provision certificates in a more robust manner than the traditional Simple
Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). There are open-source EST implementations for anyone to use and
improve. This document describes the installation and implementation of open-source EST clients that you can
experiment with or use to import EST into your products.
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Installation and Use ................................................................................................................................................... 2
libEST .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Python EST Client ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
References ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
EST client installation and use
© 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
EST is an IETF standard that describes a simple, yet functional, certificate management protocol targeting Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) clients that need to acquire client certificates and associated Certification Authority (CA)
certificates. It also supports client-generated public/private key pairs as well as key pairs generated by the CA.EST
went through several iterations through the IETF. Multiple vendors and independent parties in the standards
community participated in the effort.
EST is the successor to SCEP, initially sponsored by Cisco. SCEP has become the standard in certificate
provisioning, but even though it is widely used, it is not standardized. (Recently it was taken up again by IETF for
standardization, but a lack of area director support makes standardization unlikely.) On the other hand, on top of the
high community participation in its development, EST also offers a variety of security advantages over SCEP that
include elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) certificates and open-source code availability. Cisco itself has open-
sourced libEST, a library that offers EST client and server functionality, in order to promote its adoption and
interoperability across vendors.
EST has several advantages:
It uses TLS for the highly secure transport of certificates and messages.
The transport is tied to the request. The certificate signing request (CSR) can be tied to a requestor that is
already trusted and authenticated, so the certificate requestor owns the private key and the certificate is
provided only to the entity requesting it.
There are open-source implementations of EST for vendors and private parties to experiment with and
It supports ECC certificates.
It supports certificate reenrollment.
The issue of certificate provisioning and PKI is ubiquitous. Other communities such as OpenStack are addressing it
with similar and different approaches. We believe that EST is the best candidate solution because of the openness of
its development, the open-source code available, and the advantages it offers. For more information on EST and its
advantages, refer to the PKI: Simplify Certificate Provisioning with EST whitepaper.
The sections below present the basic steps of using the existing EST client software. Developers can follow these to
install and use the existing open-source libraries. A tool we do not present in this document is jester, a Java
implementation of EST. jester includes the EST client and server, but falls beyond the scope of this document. As
stated in its page, “jester aims to be 100% compatible with Cisco's libest implementation.Cisco did not write or
test jester and doesn’t own or support it.
Installation and Use
The instructions below were performed using a 64-bit CentOS 7 virtual machine. They should work the same in all
Red Hatbased systems and very similarly in others like Ubuntu. The goal of the steps is to take a new user through
the process of getting the open-source EST libraries working against an EST server. We do not demonstrate the full
EST protocol, but by following the steps you should be able to make full use of the options that the libraries offer in
order to use an EST client with an EST server. For our case, we use the Cisco® public EST server located at For more information on how to use the server in libEST, refer to the EST server
section of the Cisco IOS EST client example whitepaper.
EST client installation and use
© 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco maintains the open-source library libEST. It is a portable library that implements RFC 7030 (EST). It is
written in C and uses OpenSSL 1.0 and can be used to provision certificates from a certificate authority (CA) or
registration authority (RA).
1. First download libEST from GitHub:
git clone
2. Then untar the tar.gz file, and compile and install libEST:
tar xvf libest.tar.gz && cd libest
make clean && ./configure --with-ssl-dir=/usr/local/openssl1.0.1p && make
sudo make install
3. Run the example test client:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/openssl1.0.1p/lib:/usr/local/est/lib
export EST_OPENSSL_CACERT=./qvrca2.pem
./example/client-simple/estclient_simple -s -p 8443 \
-u estuser -h estpwd
The example/client-simple/estclient_simple example program showcases four EST requests. First the
/cacerts request is sent to the server. Next, the /csrattrs request is sent to the server. Then the application
creates a certificate signing request (CSR) and then CSR is sent to the server using /simpl eenroll and an X509
certificate is returned. libEST supports the /simplereenroll function as well.
estuser and estpwd are the default credentials to authenticate the EST client against the EST server. The
qvrca2.pem certificate downloaded from the server is the implicit CA certificate that the EST client is using to
verify the certificate offered by the server in the HTTPS connection in order to authenticate it. Moreover, without
setting the right path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to the OpenSSL library
(/usr/local/openssl1.0.1p/lib for my system) libEST will not compile and give an error like
/home/panos/libest-1.2.0/example/client-simple/.libs/lt-estclient_simple: error
while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory
After the example program is run, three files are created in the current directory:
newcacerts.pkcs7 contains the latest copy of the CA certificates from the EST server.
cert-b64.pkcs7 contains the newly provisioned certificate.
new_key.pem contains the new key pair that was generated when creating the certificate request. It
contains the private key that matches the public key in the new certificate.
To view the new CA certificates returned by the server and the newly provisioned certificate, you could use
openssl base64 -d -in ./newcacerts.pkcs7 | \
EST client installation and use
© 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -text -print_certs
openssl base64 -d -in ./cert-b64.pkcs7 | \
openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -text -print_certs
The libest/example directory has more example programs. For example, libest/example/client shows
you how to use an existing key in the CSR request, how to retrieve the CSR attributes from the server separately,
and how to authenticate the client using an already provisioned certificate.
Although it falls outside the scope of this white paper, readers should note that the libEST library can also be used
for EST server functionality. est/example/server has a program, and the README explains how to set it up.
For more information on how to use the server in libEST, refer to the EST server section of the Cisco IOS EST
client example whitepaper.
Note about OpenSSL: If you are using OpenSSL 1.0.1e or earlier, libEST might not compile because of missing
header files like (include/srp.h). Thus someone would need to upgrade OpenSSL to a later (and more secure)
After downloading the new OpenSSL version (let’s say in openssl1.0.1p.tar.gz), you can untar and install it:
tar xvf openssl1.0.1p.tar.gz
cd openssl1.0.1p
make clean && ./config --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl1.0.1p shared
make && make test
sudo make install
If OpenSSL is not compiled with the shared flag, compilation errors might occur like
/usr/local/ssl/lib/libssl.a(s23_srvr.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata'
can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with fPIC
/usr/local/ssl/lib/libssl.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
Python EST Client
est-client-python is a Python-based tool that can act as an EST client. The EST operations it supports (as of
September 2015) are /simpleenroll, /simplereenroll, and /cacerts. It requires Python packages
pyopenssl and requests. The instructions below cover installation and use of the package with Python 2.7.10.
1. Before proceeding with the installation, make sure to install all the required Python packages epel-release,
python-pip, python-devel, libffi-devel, and openssl-devel using
sudo yum install <package_name>
The last three packages are because of dependencies of pyopenssl and requests.
2. Then download the Python EST client:
git clone
3. And download the EST server implicit CA certificate:
wget -O server.pem
EST client installation and use
© 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
4. Run the test Python program:
cp est/test/
The example program showcases three EST requests. It first creates a CSR. Then it sends a
/cacerts request to the server. Then the application sends the CSR to the server using /simpleenroll and an
X509 cert is returned. Finally it sends a /simplereenroll. The client uses estuser and estpwd as the default
credentials to authenticate the EST client against the EST server. The server.pem certificate downloaded from the
server is the implicit CA certificate that the EST client is using to verify the certificate offered by the server in the
HTTPS connection in order to authenticate it. In, the file in the
implicit_trust_anchor_cert_path = line needs to contain the implicit certificate file server.pem. Note
that if someone wanted to print the certificates generated, he could do so by printing out the pem variable in
est/ file.
Alternatively, someone could create a file that uses the client Python function and run it. He could put the following
code in a python file and run it as in Step 4:
import est.client
host = ''
port = 8443
"""server.pem is the server implicit CA cert downloaded with
wget -O server.pem
implicit_trust_anchor_cert_path = 'server.pem'
client = est.client.Client(host, port, implicit_trust_anchor_cert_path)
ca_certs = client.cacerts()
username = 'estuser'
password = 'estpwd'
client.set_basic_auth(username, password)
common_name = 'test'
country = 'US'
state = 'Massachusetts'
city = 'Boston'
organization = 'Cisco Systems'
organizational_unit = 'ENG'
email_address = '[email protected]'
private_key, csr = client.create_csr(common_name, country, state, city,
organization, organizational_unit,
client_cert = client.simpleenroll(csr)
client_cert = client.simplereenroll(csr)
Note about support: Even though it is very useful, Cisco did not officially write and doesn’t own or support est-
EST client installation and use
© 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Note about Python: Versions of Python earlier than 2.7.10 might throw errors. Initially, version 2.7.5 was giving
InsecurePlatformWarning warnings about an untrusted server certificate. The reference of the warnings
suggested upgrading Python.
Someone has to install python 2.7.10 in a nondefault location (/usr/local) to not break the existing Python
installation. Let’s download the python2.7.10.tar.gz file and install it using
tar xvf python2.7.10.tar.gz && cd Python2.7.10
make clean && ./configure --prefix /usr/local/ && make
./python -V (to make sure it compiled)
sudo make install
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.7.10
python2.7.10 -V (to make sure the symbolic link works)
Then try to run the Python test. If it doesn’t work because of a missing OpenSSL package imported by
est/, find the package locations using
pip list
pip show pyopenssl
pip show requests
The packages are in the "system pre-installed" (version 2.7.5) Python’s /usr location. Thus, you should install the
packages in the new Python 2.7.10 installation. First download and install pip:
sudo python2.7.10
pip (for Python 2.7.10) gets installed in /usr/local/bin/pip and not in /usr/bin/pip of the Python system
installation (2.7.5). Then install the two packages in the new Python 2.7.10 version:
sudo /usr/local/bin/pip install pyopenssl
sudo /usr/local/bin/pip install requests
Finally, the test program in Step 4 can be run successfully.
The EST libraries presented here are very portable and easy to use. As time goes by, more clients and public
certificate authorities will adopt EST. The open-source code will make it easier to quickly bring EST into more and
more products, so vendors can use this common protocol in a modern and efficient manner.
EST RFC 7030:
EST client installation and use
© 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Panos Kampanakis (panosk[at]cisco[dot]com)
Technical Marketing Engineer