pyhaystack Documentation
Release 3.0.0
Christian Tremblay, P.Eng.
Sep 03, 2020
1 pyhaystack 1
1.1 What is this ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Which clients are implemented ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 How do I install pyhaystack ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.4 Using virtual env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 What is project-haystack ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.6 Actual implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.7 Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 How to use it 5
2.1 Connecting to a haystack server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Operation basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Your first request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Higher Level Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5 Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.6 Histories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.7 Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.8 Using pyhaystack in a synchronous way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.9 Plugin for Niagara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.10 Modules documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.11 pyhaystack package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.12 Indices and tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.13 Plugin for Skyspark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.14 Modules documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.15 pyhaystack package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.16 Indices and tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3 Modules documentation 57
4 pyhaystack package 59
4.1 Subpackages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2 Submodules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3 pyhaystack.exception module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.4 module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.5 Module contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5 Indices and tables 61
Python Module Index 63
Index 65
1.1 What is this ?
Pyhaystack is a module that allow python programs to connect to a haystack server using semantic data model for
buildings (project-haystack).
Browse a campus, building, floor. . . find VAV boxes, AHU units, etc. Then extract history data from them and get the
results ready for analysis using pandas or your own database implementation.
1.2 Which clients are implemented ?
Actually, connection can be established with :
Niagara4 by Tridium
NiagaraAX by Tridium
Widesky by VRT
Skyspark by SkyFoundry (version 2 and 3+)
Connection to Niagara AX or Niagara 4 requires the nHaystack module by J2 Innovations to be installed and properly
configured on your Jace. Refer to documentation of nHaystack for details.
1.3 How do I install pyhaystack ?
pip install pyhaystack
Or you can also git clone the develop branch and use
python install
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
Note: Some users reported problems when installing pyhaystack using the Python version provided by their OS (Mac
OS users). We recommend to try the virtual environment approach when you are unsure about the python version our
modules dependencies.
1.4 Using virtual env
You can find more information on how to use virtualenv_ but here is a short way of making it work.
sudo pip install virtualenv
mkdir your project folder
cd project
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Note: Once you are in your virtual env DO NOT use sudo to pip install. (in fact, this is the part that made me think
of permission issue as I read somewhere that we should never sudo pip install anything)
So now you are in your virtual env (it’s in parenthesis in the console) and you
pip install requests
pip install hszinc
pip install pyhaystack
(note that this time you won’t see any weird message when trying to install pandas and you need xcode to perform the
install. . . .) You are now able to
import hszinc
from pyhaystack.client.skyspark import SkysparkHaystackSession
1.5 What is project-haystack ?
As stated in the web site
Project Haystack is an open source initiative to streamline working with data from the Internet of Things.
We standardize semantic data models and web services with the goal of making it easier to unlock value
from the vast quantity of data being generated by the smart devices that permeate our homes, buildings,
factories, and cities. Applications include automation, control, energy, HVAC, lighting, and other envi-
ronmental systems.
1.6 Actual implementation
Pyhaystack is robust and will be ready for asynchronous development.
We have chosen a state machine approach with observer pattern. See the docs for more informations.
2 Chapter 1. pyhaystack
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This implementation has been mostly supported by VRT and Servisys. We are hoping that more people will join us
in our effort to build a well working open-source software that will open the door of building data analysis to Python
1.7 Dependency
Pyhaystack highly depends on hszinc which is a special parser for zinc encoded data. Zinc was created for project-
haystack as a CSV replacement.
For analysis, we also suggest using Pint to deal with units. It will bring a lot of possibilities to pyhaystack (ex. unit
1.7. Dependency 3
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4 Chapter 1. pyhaystack
How to use it
2.1 Connecting to a haystack server
Pyhaystack has support modules for various Project Haystack implementations, as well as an extensible framework
for adding support for more implementations.
The core object in Pyhaystack is the pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession object, which man-
ages the user credentials, implements caching and provides the interface through which you or your scripts interact.
This is an abstract class, for which several sub-classes exist.
There are two ways to create a session instance:
Directly: by importing the relevant class and calling its constructor.
Via the pyhaystack.connect (also known as pyhaystack.client.get_instance()) factory.
The former works well for ad-hoc usage in terminal sessions such as Jupyter Notebook, ipython and the plain Python
shell. The latter is recommended for scripts that instantiate a session from a configuration file.
2.1.1 Usage hints
Logging messages in Jupyter Notebook
For interactive users using the Jupyter Notebook, the Jupyter notebook configures its logs to only show messages with
severity “warning” or higher. To display logging messages at a lower level, run the following in your session:
import logging
logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # or DEBUG
Then log messages will appear in your session.
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
On-Demand connection
Pyhaystack uses a feature called “lazy evaluation” to handle the actual log-in session, and so will remain dormant after
the session instance is connected until a request is made.
If, when making a request, pyhaystack detects that it has been disconnected, it will attempt to re-connect automatically.
Loading from a file
The connect approach lends itself well to storing the connection details in a plaintext file using either JSON or
YAML format. e.g. given the file my-haystack-server.json:
"implementation": "skyspark",
"uri": "http://ip:port",
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"project": "my_project",
"pint": true
This can be instantiated like this:
import json
import pyhaystack
session = pyhaystack.connect(
(Similarly for YAML, import yaml and use yaml.safe_load.)
2.1.2 Base session options
pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession has the following base arguments. All subclasses should
pass these values though as keyword arguments, so all should be usable.
uri: This is the base URI used to access the Project Haystack server.
grid_format: This selects the grid serialisation format for the Project Haystack server. Some (e.g.
nHaystack/Niagara AX) only support ZINC serialisation, where as others (such as WideSky and Niagara4)
work better with JSON. Most of the time, the default here will be selected appropriate for the underlying server
implementation. Valid values are zinc and json.
http_client: This selects which HTTP client implementation to use for the session instance. pyhaystack at
the moment just has two implementations:
pyhaystack.client.http.sync.SyncHttpClient: a synchronous HTTP client based on the
Python Requests library. (default)
pyhaystack.client.http.dummy.DummyHttpClient: an asynchronous dummy HTTP client
used for writing unit tests.
There are plans to implement asynchronous HTTP clients for various Python asynchronous frameworks (e.g.
asyncio, TornadoWeb, Twisted, etc) in the future.
6 Chapter 2. How to use it
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http_args: This is a dict of keyword arguments that are passed to the constructor of the http_client
class used to create a HTTP client instance. If None is given, then it is assumed that no arguments are required.
tagging_model: This is used by the high-level entity interface to allow Python objects to be created us-
ing various mix-ins based on the tags attached to the entity. The default model, pyhaystack.client.
entity.models.haystack.HaystackTaggingModel assumes a standard Project Haystack tagging
model and should suit most users.
pint: This boolean passed to the hszinc module to enable use of the pint quantity classes (providing
on-the-fly unit conversion). By default, this is False.
log: An instance of logging.Logger used for session logging messages. If not given, then a logger named
pyhaystack.client.${CLASS_NAME} is created.
cache_expiry: An integer or floating-point value representing the period of time before
about/formats/ops response cache expires. The default is one hour.
HTTP client options (http_client and http_args)
The HTTP client interface is written with asynchronous HTTP clients in mind using a callback-style interface. Inter-
nally, the HaystackSession class does this:
if http_args is None:
http_args = {}
# ... etc ...
# Create the HTTP client object
if bool(http_args.pop('debug',None)) and ('log' not in http_args):
http_args['log'] = log.getChild('http_client')
self._client = http_client(uri=uri,
With the exception of the debug and log parameters, everything else is passed through verbatim to the underlying
HTTP client class. The following are the most useful arguments for http_args:
log: If given, this is an instance of a logging.Logger class that will be used for log messages from the
HTTP client itself.
debug: A boolean flag that enables HTTP client debugging. If given, the HaystackSession will create a
new logging.Logger class for the HTTP client (actually, a child logger of its own logger) for HTTP client
debug messages.
timeout: an integer or floating-point value that specifies the HTTP request time-out delay in seconds.
proxies: A dict that maps the host name and protocol of a target server to the URI for a local HTTP proxy
server to use for that server.
tls_verify: TLS verification of server certificates. If set to True, then the server’s HTTP certificate will
be verified against CA certificates known to the Python process. If you use a custom CA, then this should be set
to the full filesystem path to where that CA certificate is stored. Verification can be skipped by setting this to
False (not recommended).
When using a custom CA, the full certificate chain is required. This is usually done by converting all relevant
intermediate certificates to PEM format (aka .crt files) and concatenated in order, that is:
1. the certificate for the CA that signed your server’s certificate
2. the certificate for the CA that signed that CAs certificate
3. . . . etc
2.1. Connecting to a haystack server 7
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4. the certificate for the root CA.
If the root CA signed the server’s certificate, then the chain is literally the root CAs certificate itself. Note that
your server’s certificate is NOT part of the bundle.
See next section on CA certificates for more details on ways to add certificates to the python process (requests).
tls_cert: TLS client certificate. This is used to authenticate the Pyhaystack client to a Project
Haystack server using TLS client authentication. It should either be the full path to a combined certifi-
cate/key in PEM format, or a tuple of the form (tls_client_cert, tls_client_key) where both
tls_client_cert and tls_client_key are full paths to the relevant files.
The base class also supports some additional parameters that may be helpful in very specialised environments.
params: a dict of URI query parameters to add to all requests.
headers: a dict of HTTP headers to add to all requests.
cookies: a dict of HTTP cookies to add to all requests.
auth: Authentication credentials, in the form of a pyhaystack.client.http.auth.
AuthenticationCredentials sub-class.
2.1.3 CA Certificates
When connecting to a server using SSL certificates, you may face specific warning from requests. Using
http_args={tls_verify: False} should not be a permanent solution.
Following requests recommandations, it is possibile to use certifi. Certifi is a collection of curated Root Certificates.
This adds a file in your site-packages folder that will hold trusted certificates used by Requests. You can find this file
import certifi
# Returns something like
You can then add trusted certificates to this file (just append the trusted .pem text file to the end of cacert.pem).
Requests will accept all certificate from this file and consider your server secure. This will also prevent SSL warnings
filling your session debug.
Manual removing of warnings
Another way of dealing with warning log messages is to use specific code to disable warnings
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
Disabling warning is done at your own risks. Use those features carefully.
8 Chapter 2. How to use it
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By default, pyhaystack disable the SubjectAltWarning
# extract from
import requests.packages.urllib3
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import SubjectAltNameWarning
This is motivated by this issue : urllib3_issue523
2.1.4 Connecting to specific Haystack server implementations
Niagara4 (nHaystack)
Specific arguments
In addition to those supported by the base class, the following constructor arguments are supported:
username: The username to use when authenticating with nHaystack
password: The password to use when authenticating with nHaystack
Direct approach
from pyhaystack.client.niagara import Niagara4HaystackSession
session = Niagara4HaystackSession(uri='http://ip:port',
connect() approach
import pyhaystack
session = pyhaystack.connect(implementation='n4',
Niagara AX (nHaystack)
Specific arguments
In addition to those supported by the base class, the following constructor arguments are supported:
username: The username to use when authenticating with nHaystack
password: The password to use when authenticating with nHaystack
2.1. Connecting to a haystack server 9
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Direct approach
from pyhaystack.client.niagara import NiagaraHaystackSession
session = NiagaraHaystackSession(uri='http://ip:port',
connect() approach
import pyhaystack
session = pyhaystack.connect(implementation='ax',
VRT Widesky
Specific arguments
In addition to those supported by the base class, the following constructor arguments are supported:
username: The email address to use when authenticating with WideSky
password: The password to use when authenticating with WideSky
client_id: The OAuth2 client identity to use when authenticating with WideSky.
client_secret: The OAuth2 client secret to use when authenticating with WideSky.
impersonate: This is an optional parameter. If this is set and the caller
has the required permission to act as the target user. Then all subsequent requests coming from this HTTP
session will be based on the target user’s READ/WRITE permissions.
Direct approach
from pyhaystack.client.widesky import WideskyHaystackSession
session = WideskyHaystackSession(
username='user', password='my_password',
client_id='my_id', client_secret='my_secret'
pint=True, impersonate='user_id')
connect() approach
import pyhaystack
session = pyhaystack.connect(implementation='widesky',
username='user', password='my_password',
(continues on next page)
10 Chapter 2. How to use it
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(continued from previous page)
client_id='my_id', client_secret='my_secret',
pint=True, impersonate='user_id')
Specific arguments
In addition to those supported by the base class, the following constructor arguments are supported:
username: The username to use when authenticating with SkySpark
password: The password to use when authenticating with SkySpark
project: The name of the SkySpark project instance.
Direct approach
from pyhaystack.client.skyspark import SkysparkHaystackSession
session = SkysparkHaystackSession(uri='http://ip:port',
connect() approach
import pyhaystack
session = pyhaystack.connect(implementation='skyspark',
Next steps
Having created a session instance, you’re ready to start issuing requests, which is covered in the next section.
2.2 Operation basics
Pyhaystack’s API is written around the concept of finite state machines. At the base level, a simple state machine is
used to retrieve the response from one of the Project Haystack server operations.
When one of the low-level functions is called, it takes the arguments, does a little processing then returns a state
machine object. Depending on the implementation of the HTTP client being used, it either executes synchronously,
and will be returned to you in a “finalised” state, or it may execute asynchronously in the background.
2.2. Operation basics 11
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2.2.1 Operation state machine interface
The base class for all operations is the pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation. The following
methods and properties are significant for client use:
pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation.result: The result of the state machine. If the
result was an exception, the exception will be re-raised.
pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation.is_done: Returns True if the operation is com-
plete, False otherwise.
pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation.is_failed: Returns True if the operation failed,
False otherwise.
pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation.wait(): This blocks the current thread until the
operation completes (or if timeout is specified, until that number of seconds expires).
pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation.done_sig: This is a signalslot.Signal
class that is “emitted” when the operation completes.
Synchronous usage
If you are using an asynchronous HTTP client running in a separate thread, you can optionally block your local thread
either temporarily or indefinitely using the wait method.
When using the synchronous HTTP client, the wait is a no-op, since the state machine is returned to the caller in a
resolved state. Thus, in synchronous code, it is recommended to do the following:
op = session.someoperation(arg1, arg2, arg3)
res = op.result
# do something with res
This ensures that the operation is complete prior to retrieving its result.
Operation states
The individual states of an operation depends on the type of state machine being inspected, however all have a final
state that can be checked by inspecting the is_done property. An operation is “done” if:
the operation succeeded, in which case see the result property to retrieve the return value.
the operation failed, in which case reading result will re-raise the exception.
Pyhaystack uses the :py:module:‘signalslot‘ module to provide a signal-based interface using the observer pattern. If
you’ve ever worked with Qt, you’ll be familiar with how this works.
def _on_op_done(operation,
assert op.is_done # <- should not fire
# Operation is done, do something with result.
op = session.someoperation(arg1, arg2, arg3)
12 Chapter 2. How to use it
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The signal object has a single method, signalslot.Signal.connect(), which takes a method or function
as an argument. The passed-in method or function needs to accept keyword arguments, and will receive a single
argument, operation, which will point to the instance of the HaystackOperation that emitted it.
Asynchronous Exceptions
When using signals, the behaviour is undefined if your “slot” throws an exception, thus you should catch exceptions
in your slots and handle those elsewhere. One helper class you can use for doing this is pyhaystack.util.
from pyhaystack.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
def async_func(callback):
res = do_something()
# Whoopsie!
res = AsynchronousException()
In the callback function, you can do something like this:
def callback_from_async_func(result):
if isinstance(result, AsynchronousException):
# Handle your exception
If result is an exception, it’ll be re-raised, allowing you to handle it in your code.
2.3 Your first request
You defined a session, now you want to connect to the server. The first request you could make is called “about”.
The about op queries basic information about the server.
Request: empty grid
Response: single row grid with following columns:
haystackVersion: Str version of REST implementation, must be “2.0”
tz: Str of server’s default timezone
serverName: Str name of the server or project database
serverTime: current DateTime of server’s clock
serverBootTime: DateTime when server was booted up
productName: Str name of the server software product
productUri: Uri of the product’s web site
productVersion: Str version of the server software product
2.3. Your first request 13
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moduleName: module which implements Haystack server protocol if its a plug-in to the
moduleVersion: Str version of moduleName
Using a synchronous request, you would use
op = session.about()
The output of op.result would print
Row 0: productName='Niagara AX', moduleName='nhaystack',
˓productVersion='', serverTime=datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 28, 21, 31, 33,
˓882000, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Montreal' EDT-1 day, 20:00:00 DST>), tz='Montreal
˓', moduleUri=Uri(''), serverName=
˓'Servisys', productUri=Uri(''), serverBootTime=datetime.
˓datetime(2016, 4, 5, 15, 9, 8, 119000, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Montreal' EDT-1
˓day, 20:00:00 DST>), haystackVersion='2.0', moduleVersion=''
The return response is a hszinc.Grid instance.
2.3.1 Session.nav()
Session.nav() let you navigate the structure of the Project Haystack server in a manner native to that implementation
of Project Haystack. The following is an example of the responses typically seen out of nHaystack.
op = session.nav()
nav = op.result
Row 0: dis='ComponentSpace', navId='slot:/'
Row 1: dis='HistorySpace', navId='his:/'
Row 2: dis='Site', navId='sep:/'
(continues on next page)
14 Chapter 2. How to use it
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(continued from previous page)
op = session.nav(nav_id='his:/')
nav = op.result
Row 0: dis='mySite', stationName='mySite', navId='his:/mySite'
2.4 Higher Level Interface
The session instance also provides a higher-level interface that exposes the entities within Project Haystack as Python
objects. The two functions that retrieve these entities are:
pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession.get_entity() and
Both are wrappers around the read operation that retrieve pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.Entity
instances for the entities returned.
get_entity expects a list of one or more fully qualified identifiers, and will perform a read query listing those identifiers
as given.
find_entity expects a filter expression, and performs a read specifying the given string as the filter argument. (Note:
find_entity takes an argument named filter_expr to avoid a clash with the built-in function filter().)
In both cases, a dict is returned, where the keys are the identifiers of matching entities and the values are the
Entity instances themselves. Depending on the tags present, and the tagging_model passed to the session, these Entity
instances may include other mix-in classes as well.
2.4.1 Building a filter string
As a convenience, it is possible to build up a filter string using Python objects, then take a string representation of that
composite object to generate a filter string.
The classes are in :py:module:‘pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder‘. An example:
:: from pyhaystack.util import filterbuilder as fb # for brevity
op = session.find_entity(fb.Field(‘site’) &
((fb.Field(‘tz’) == fb.Scalar(‘Brisbane’))
(fb.Field(‘tz’) == fb.Scalar(‘Montreal’))))
op.wait() sites_in_brisbane_and_montreal = op.result
would return all sites that are in the Brisbane or Montreal timezones.
This is helpful in scenarios where you have to construct a filter programmatically and wish to avoid the possibility of
unsanitised data corrupting your filter string.
2.4. Higher Level Interface 15
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2.4.2 Querying Sites
The site is
A site entity models a single facility using the site tag. A good rule of thumb is to model any building
with its own street address as its own site. For example a campus is better modeled with each building as
a site, versus treating the entire campus as one site.
To browse a site you will use
op = session.find_entity(filter_expr='site')
site = op.result
and get a dict containing all the information provided
{'': < {area=BasicQuantity(0.0, 'ft
'), axSlotPath='slot:/site', axType=
˓'nhaystack:HSite', dis='site', geoAddr='2017', geoCity='thisTown', geoCountry=
˓'myCountry', geoLat=0.0, geoLon=0.0, geoPostalCode='', geoState='myState',
˓geoStreet='myStreet', navName='site', site, tz='New_York'}>}
Using the default tagging model, because the entity has a site tag and a tz tag, the resulting Entity class returned here
will be subclasses of the following:
pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.Entity (base class) (mixin class) (mixin class)
A session have typically one site attached to it, but there could be more. As a shortcut, pyhaystack provides properties
on session to get the site:
# Target the first site (returns a SiteTzEntity)
# Get a dict with all sites
2.5 Tags
A list of tags can be found here :
For a detailed explanation of tag model, please read this:
Pyhaystack let you find what you look for via the “find_entity” functions.
Let see how. . .
2.5.1 Finding sensors
Let say I want to find every sensors on a site which are temperature sensors used in zone.
op = session.find_entity(filter_expr='sensor and zone and temp')
16 Chapter 2. How to use it
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This will find what you are looking for in the form of a “FindEntityOperation” object. To use the values of this object,
you will need to retrive the results using
znt = op.result
2.5.2 Exploring points and tags
This will return a dict object that contains all of the Project Haystack entities that matched the given filter string. The
entities are keyed by identifier. When exploring interactively, you can get a list of all the matching entities’ identifiers
by calling:
To retrieve a specific entity, you give its identifier as the key:
my_office = znt['S.SERVISYS.Salle-Conf~e9rence.ZN~2dT']
Having done this, it is possible to interrogate the tags attached to this entity. These are accessed by the tags property,
which also returns a pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.MutableEntityTags if your server supports
making changes via the Project Haystack API (currently only WideSky), or pyhaystack.client.entity.
tags.ReadOnlyEntityTags otherwise.
Both classes function like a dict.
{air, axAnnotated,
axStatus='ok', axType='control:NumericPoint', cur, curStatus='ok',
curVal=BasicQuantity(23.4428, '°C'),
dis='SERVISYS Salle Conférence Salle Conférence ZN-T',
equipRef=Ref('S.SERVISYS.Salle-Conf~e9rence', None, False),
his, kind='Number', navName='ZN~2dT', point,
precision=1.0, sensor, siteRef=Ref('S.SERVISYS', None, False),
temp, tz='Montreal', unit='°C', zone}
You can access specific tags, again, by giving the tag’s name as the key
val = my_office.tags['curVal']
# That will return BasicQuantity(23.4428, '°C')
# from which you can retrieve
What is the ~nn codes I keep seeing?
This is a feature specific to nHaystack. Project Haystack entity identifiers have a restricted character set, and only
support a small subset of possible ASCII characters. nHaystack derives the entity’s identifier from the name supplied
by the user in the back-end configuration.
To encode other forms of characters (from the ISO8859-1 character set), the character is replaced by the sequence,
~nn where nn is the hexadecimal character code for that character. In this case, you’ll see ~2d in place of -, and ~e9
in place of é.
2.5. Tags 17
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
2.5.3 Adding, Changing and Deleting tags
From this interface, it is also possible to update the values of these tags. This requires a back-end server that
supports “CRUD” operations (Create, Read, Update & Delete). If your server supports these operations (and
pyhaystack supports using them), the tags property will be of type pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.
Again, this object functions like a dict:
# Change the display text
znt.tags['dis'] = 'A new display text string'
# Delete the 'his' tag
del znt.tags['his']
# Add a new tag
znt.tags['space'] = hszinc.Quantity(4, 'm
The changes are held in memory until such time as you either commit them, or revert them. When changes are stored
locally, the is_dirty property will return True.
To forget these changes and roll it back to what’s live on the server, call revert. This can take an optional list (or
other iterable sequence) of tag names that you specifically wish to revert.
Alternatively, to push these changes, call commit, which takes an optional callback function. The return value of
commit is a state machine that returns an instance of the updated entity on success (or raises an exception with the
assert znt.is_dirty # assert will pass because of changes
op = znt.commit()
assert op.result is znt # this assert will pass
assert not znt.is_dirty # assert will pass because we've "committed"
# our changes back to the server.
2.6 Histories
Histories are a really important part of building data. Pyhaystack allows retrieving histories as zinc grid, pandas series
or pandas Dataframe depending on your needs.
2.6.1 Range
The range parameter is named rng to avoid a naming clash with the Python range keyword. Its value can be any of
the following: [ref : his_read]
"first" (WideSky only: returns the very first record)
"last" (WideSky only: returns the very last record)
18 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
"{dateTime}" (anything after given timestamp)
As a convenience, pyhaystack also understands, and will translate a, datetime.datetime or
slice object, so the following will work:, 5, 7) will be sent as "2017-05-07"
17,41)) will be sent as "2017-05-07T17:41+10:00 Brisbane"
slice(, 5, 8),, 5, 10)) will be sent as
How do I generate a timestamp in a point’s local time zone?
Any Project Haystack entity that carries the tz tag when retrieved using find_entity will automatically be a
sub-class of the class.
This mix-in class defines three properties:
hs_tz: The Project Haystack timezone name (equivalent to entity.tags['tz']), e.g. "Brisbane"
iana_tz: The IANA name for the timezone, e.g. "Australia/Brisbane"
tz: A datetime.tzinfo object that represents the timezone.
The timezone handling is built on the pytz module, the full documentation for which is on the pytz website.
site entities usually have a corresponding tz tag attached to them, knowing this:
import datetime
# Retrieve a single entity, by ID
op = session.get_entity('S.SERVISYS', single=True)
site = op.result # is the entity S.SERVISYS
# The current time at S.SERVISYS (to the microsecond)
now =
# A specific time, at S.SERVISYS
sometime =, 5, 7, 18, 11))
To retrieve all historical samples between sometime and now, one could use:
op = session.his_read('S.SERVISYS.Bureau-Christian.ZN~2dT',
rng=slice(sometime, now))
history = op.result
A gotcha regarding the precision of timestamps
Some project haystack servers, notably anything that is based on nodehaystack will reject timestamps that have greater
than millisecond-precision. This may require that you round the timestamp down to the nearest millisecond first before
passing it to pyhaystack.
One way this can be done is using the following lambda function:
2.6. Histories 19
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
truncate_msec = lambda dt : dt - datetime.timedelta( \
microseconds=dt.microsecond % 1000)
which is then used like this:
now_to_the_msec = truncate_msec(now)
2.6.2 Zinc Date and time format
[ref :]
<date> := YYYY-MM-DD
<time> := hh:mm:ss.FFFFFFFFF
<dateTime> := YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.FFFFFFFFFz zzzz
op = session.his_read('S.SERVISYS.Bureau-Christian.ZN~2dT', rng='today')
For more details about Pandas : pandas_datastructure
op = session.his_read_series('S.SERVISYS.Bureau-Christian.ZN~2dT', rng='today')
In the following example, we will retrive all the historical value from ‘today’ for all zone temperature sensors.
# Retrieve some points
op = session.find_entity(filter_expr='sensor and zone and temp')
znt = op.result
# Read today's history for all found points
op = session.his_read_frame(znt, rng= 'today')
b = op.result
We use find_entity first, then we call his_read_frame over the result.
Describe is a Pandas function that gives you some information about a Dataframe or a serie.
Here is an example from the room_temp_serie
count 55.000000
mean 23.454680
std 0.388645
min 22.551900
25% 23.169800
50% 23.689800
75% 23.748750
max 23.806300
dtype: float64
20 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
2.7 Quantity
Quantity is a way to attach a unit to a float value. Created by hszinc it comes in two flavours : BasicQuantity and
BasicQuantity is a simple parse of the unit read in the result of the haystack request. Each variable has a value property
and a unit property. Which can be used in your analysis.
PintQuantity is an interpretation of value and units as physical quantities with relation between them.
“Pint is a Python package to define, operate and manipulate physical quantities: the product of a nu-
merical value and a unit of measurement. It allows arithmetic operations between them and conver-
sions from and to different units.
It will allow for example, simple unit conversion on the spot.
2.7.1 How to configure
You choose between Quantities when defining the session.
session = NiagaraHaystackSession(uri='http://server', username='user', password=
˓'myComplicatedPassword', pint=True)
By default, Pint is not activated. It’s possible to modify the choice dynamically using
session.config_pint(False) # or True
2.7.2 Pros and Cons
For analysis tasks, using PintQuantity is a good thing. You can easily convert between units and keep coherence in
your analysis.
from pyhaystack import Q_
temp = Q_(13,'degC')'degF')
But when it’s time to write to a haystack server, things get complicated. Hard work has been done to convert from
haystack units to Pint. The reverse process is really difficult because of the non-standard nature of units in project-
2.7.3 Unit database
Pyhaystack uses a custom unit dictionnary built at run time. For more details about that, please refer to hszinc docu-
2.7.4 Pandas
When reading series and DataFrame, value stored inside are not Quantity. We extact the value property only. But for
each serie, we add Metadata to store the unit so you know what’s behind.
2.7. Quantity 21
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<UnitsContainer({'degC': 1.0})>
2.8 Using pyhaystack in a synchronous way
Exploring a site is the first thing we do to start analysing it. Here are some tips on the way you can explore your site.
We assume here that the session is created and you defined
site =
2.8.1 Browsing a site
A site is typically filled with equipments. Pyhaystack assumes that if you use bracket request over a site, you probably
want to explore :
tags (area, dis, geoAddr, tz, etc. . . )
equipments (VAV, AHU, etc. . . )
anything else
Lookup will be made in this order. If the key you passed can’t be found in tags, pyhaystack will start building a list of
equipments under the site.
Read tags
All tags can be retrieved using site[‘tagName’]:
site ['area']
# Returns
BasicQuantity(0.0, 'ft
Find equipments
Equipments can be found using the same syntax. So if you write
my_equip = site['myEquip']
Reading equipments for this site...
If the equipment exist, it will be returned
Once the first read is done, you can access the list using
# Returns a list of EquipSiteRefEntity
Note: The key provided will be compared to the ID, the dis and the navName. And will return the first hit.
22 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
Find points under equipments
The same logic we saw for site can be applied to equipment. Equipments are typically filled with points that we need
to access to. Using the bracket syntax should allow us to do so. So if you write
zone_temp = my_equip['ZN~2dT']
Reading points for this equipment...
Note: This time again, a list is populated under the object. All points for the equipment will be accessible using
the simple syntax equip.points. This list is also used to iterate rapidly over point when making search. This way,
pyhaystack doesn’t need to poll the server.
Finding something else using a filter
If the square bracket search doesn’t find tag or equipment or point, it will also try to use find_entity using the provided
key. This way, you can also use this simple syntax to look for more complicated results
air_sensors = my_equip['sensor and air']
# Returns all the points corresponding to this search.
Note: The square bracket search is context sensitive. The find_entity function will be called “where the search is
done”. This means that when using this search under an equipment, it will look under the equipment. You can also
use this search under a site, the search will be done under this particular site.
2.8.2 Histories
Histories are a big parts of pyhaystack if you’re using it for numerical analysis.
Pyhaystack provides functions to retrieve histories from your site allowing you to get your result in the form you want
it (simple grid, Pandas Series or Pandas Dataframe).
As we want to do numerical analysis, I’ll focus on Pandas Series and Dataframe.
As we saw earlier, we can retrieve entities using pyhaystack. Those entities can be used to retrieve histories.
Let’s say we would want to retrieve every room temperature sensors on site.
room_temp_sensors = session.find_entity(filter_expr='sensor and zone and temp').result
room_temp_sensors_df = session.his_read_frame(room_temp_sensors, rng= 'today').result
It’s also possible to get a serie out of a sensor :
room_temp = session.find_entity(filter_expr='sensor and zone and temp').result
room_temp_serie = session.his_read_series(room_temp['S.SERVISYS.Corridor.ZN~2dT'],
˓rng= 'today').result
2016-06-29 00:00:01.937000-04:00 23.8063
2016-06-29 00:15:01.510000-04:00 23.8011
2016-06-29 00:30:01.599000-04:00 23.8020
(continues on next page)
2.8. Using pyhaystack in a synchronous way 23
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
(continued from previous page)
2016-06-29 00:45:01.931000-04:00 23.7959
2016-06-29 01:00:03.847000-04:00 23.7961
2016-06-29 01:15:01.486000-04:00 23.7956
2016-06-29 01:30:01.884000-04:00 23.7946
2016-06-29 01:45:01.663000-04:00 23.7944
2016-06-29 02:00:01.820000-04:00 23.7932
2016-06-29 02:15:01.766000-04:00 23.7929
2016-06-29 02:30:01.587000-04:00 23.7854
2016-06-29 02:45:01.413000-04:00 23.7606
2016-06-29 03:00:02.369000-04:00 23.7487
2016-06-29 03:15:01.584000-04:00 23.7490
2016-06-29 03:30:02.019000-04:00 23.7488
2016-06-29 03:45:01.478000-04:00 23.7474
2016-06-29 04:00:01.638000-04:00 23.7467
2016-06-29 04:15:01.756000-04:00 23.7450
2016-06-29 04:30:01.865000-04:00 23.7450
2016-06-29 04:45:01.782000-04:00 23.7254
2016-06-29 05:00:01.586000-04:00 23.7142
2016-06-29 05:15:01.370000-04:00 23.6986
2016-06-29 05:30:01.931000-04:00 23.6977
2016-06-29 05:45:01.758000-04:00 23.6969
2016-06-29 06:00:01.920000-04:00 23.6954
2016-06-29 06:15:01.498000-04:00 23.6922
2016-06-29 06:30:01.810000-04:00 23.6946
2016-06-29 06:45:00.236000-04:00 23.6898
2016-06-29 07:00:01.763000-04:00 23.6569
2016-06-29 07:15:01.751000-04:00 23.6571
2016-06-29 07:30:01.604000-04:00 23.6137
2016-06-29 07:45:01.762000-04:00 23.6046
2016-06-29 08:00:02.015000-04:00 22.9552
2016-06-29 08:15:01.482000-04:00 22.6888
2016-06-29 08:30:01.687000-04:00 22.9885
2016-06-29 08:45:00.155000-04:00 23.2589
2016-06-29 09:00:02.063000-04:00 23.4131
2016-06-29 09:15:01.586000-04:00 22.8142
2016-06-29 09:30:01.694000-04:00 22.5519
2016-06-29 09:45:01.475000-04:00 22.9732
2016-06-29 10:00:01.994000-04:00 23.2174
2016-06-29 10:15:01.652000-04:00 23.4262
2016-06-29 10:30:01.596000-04:00 23.4417
2016-06-29 10:45:01.891000-04:00 22.8423
2016-06-29 11:00:01.873000-04:00 22.7915
2016-06-29 11:15:01.775000-04:00 23.1458
2016-06-29 11:30:01.641000-04:00 23.4154
2016-06-29 11:45:01.652000-04:00 23.6271
2016-06-29 12:00:02.147000-04:00 22.9879
2016-06-29 12:15:01.527000-04:00 22.6588
2016-06-29 12:30:01.819000-04:00 22.8726
2016-06-29 12:45:01.590000-04:00 23.1938
2016-06-29 13:00:01.880000-04:00 23.4289
2016-06-29 13:15:01.609000-04:00 22.8838
2016-06-29 13:30:00.607000-04:00 22.8446
dtype: float64
As seen when we covered Quantities, you can extract metadata from Series and get the unit.
24 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
<UnitsContainer({'degC': 1.0})>
When using the square bracket search to retrieve a point, you can also chain the his function to the result
pcv6 = site['PCV~2d11~2d012_BVV~2d06']
zone_temp = pcv6['ZN~2dT']
# Return a Pandas Series with today's history by default.
Refer to the chapter on histories for more details.
2.9 Plugin for Niagara
2.9.1 BQL
[ref: Getting Started with Niagara | docUser.pdf | Niagara documentation] BQL is one Scheme used to Query in the
Niagara Framework. An Ord is made up of one or more Queries. A Query includes a Scheme and a body. The bql
Scheme has a body with one of the following formats:
BQL expression
Select projection FROM extent Where predicate
You can create the Ord Qualifier, Select, FROM and Where portions of a Query.
Technically, BQL can be used to retrieve any information from a Niagara station. One really useful usage would be to
request data from the alarm database or from the audit history.
bql_request = "station:|alarm:/|bql:select timestamp, alarmData.sourceName, \
normalTime,ackTime,alarmData.timeInAlarm, msgText, user, alarmData.lowLimit, \
alarmData.highLimit,alarmData.alarmValue, alarmData.notes, sourceState, ackState"
yesterday_alarms = bql_request + ' where timestamp in bqltime.yesterday'
alarms = session.get_bql(yesterday_alarms).result
The result will be a pandas dataframe.
2.10 Modules documentation
2.11 pyhaystack package
2.11.1 Subpackages
pyhaystack.client package
2.9. Plugin for Niagara 25
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
pyhaystack.client.entity package
pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins package
pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.equip module
‘equip’ related mix-ins for high-level interface.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.equip.EquipMixin
Bases: object
A mix-in used for entities that carry the ‘equip’ marker tag.
find_entity(filter_expr=None, limit=None, single=False, callback=None)
Retrieve the entities that are linked to this equipment. This is a convenience around the session find_entity
First call will force reading of points and create local list
Re-create local list of equipments
class pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.equip.EquipRefMixin
Bases: object
A mix-in used for entities that carry an ‘equipRef’ reference tag.
Retrieve an instance of the equip this entity is linked to.
pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.point module
‘point’ related mix-ins for high-level interface.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.point.HisMixin
Bases: object
A mix-in used for ‘point’ entities that carry the ‘his’ marker tag.
his(rng=’today’, tz=None, series_format=None, callback=None)
Shortcut to read_series
his_read_series(rng, tz=None, series_format=None, callback=None)
Read the historical data of the this point and return it as a series.
rng – Historical read range for the ‘point’
tz – Optional timezone to translate timestamps to
series_format – Optional desired format for the series
26 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
his_write_series(series, tz=None, callback=None)
Write the historical data of this point.
series – Historical series to write
tz – Optional timezone to translate timestamps to
class pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.point.PointMixin
Bases: object
value module
‘site’ related mix-ins for high-level interface.
Bases: object
A mix-in used for entities that carry the ‘site’ marker tag.
site.equipments returns the list of equipments under a site
First read will force a request and create local list
find_entity(filter_expr=None, single=False, limit=None, callback=None)
Retrieve the entities that are linked to this site. This is a convenience around the session find_entity method.
Re-create local list of equipments
Bases: object
A mix-in used for entities that carry a ‘siteRef’ reference tag.
Retrieve an instance of the site this entity is linked to. module
Mix-ins for entities exposing a ‘tz’ tag
Bases: object
A mix-in used for entities that carry the ‘tz’ tag.
Return the Project Haystack timezone type.
Return the IANA (Olson) database timezone name.
Return the timezone information (datetime.tzinfo) for this entity.
2.11. pyhaystack package 27
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
Module contents
pyhaystack.client.entity.models package
pyhaystack.client.entity.models.haystack module
Tagging Model Interface for Project Haystack
class pyhaystack.client.entity.models.haystack.HaystackTaggingModel(session)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.entity.model.TaggingModel
An implementation of the Project Haystack tagging model.
Initialise a new tagging model.
Module contents
pyhaystack.client.entity.ops package
pyhaystack.client.entity.ops.crud module
Entity CRUD state machines. These are state machines that perform CRUD operations on entities at a high-level.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.ops.crud.EntityTagUpdateOperation(entity, up-
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
Tag update state machine. This returns the entity instance that was updated on success.
Initialise a request for the named IDs.
Parameters session – Haystack HTTP session object.
Start the request, check cache for existing entities.
Module contents
pyhaystack.client.entity.entity module
High-level Entity interface.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.DeletableEntity(session, entity_id)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.Entity
Class to represent entities that can be deleted from the Haystack server (the server implements the ‘delete’
Initialise a new high-level entity object.
28 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
session – The connection session object.
entity_id – The entity’s fully qualified ID.
Delete the entity.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.Entity(session, entity_id)
Bases: object
A base class for Project Haystack entities. This is a base class that is then combined with mix-ins depending on
the tags present for the entity and the tagging model in use (by default, we use the “Project Haystack” tagging
model, but others such as ISA-95 may exist).
This base class just exposes the tags, and if supported by the server, may expose the ability to update those tags.
Initialise a new high-level entity object.
session – The connection session object.
entity_id – The entity’s fully qualified ID.
Return the description field of the entity.
Return the fully qualified ID of this entity.
Return the tags of this entity.
exception pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.StaleEntityInstanceError
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Exception thrown when an entity instance is “stale”, that is, the entity class type no longer matches the tag set
present in the entity.
pyhaystack.client.entity.model module
Tagging Model Interface.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.model.TaggingModel(session)
Bases: object
A base class for representing tagging models. The tagging model is responsible for considering the tags present
on a new entity then instantiating an appropriate data type based on those tags seen.
Initialise a new tagging model.
create_entity(entity_id, tags)
Create an Entity instance based on the tags present.
pyhaystack.client.entity.tags module
Entity tag interface. This file implements the interfaces that will be used to access and store tags of an entity.
2.11. pyhaystack package 29
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
class pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.BaseEntityTags(entity)
Bases: object
A base class for storing entity tags.
Initialise a new high-level entity tag storage object.
session – The connection session object.
entity_id – The entity’s fully qualified ID.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.BaseMutableEntityTags(entity)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.BaseEntityTags
A base class for entity tags that supports modifications to the tag set.
Commit any to-be-sent updates for this entity.
Returns true if there are modifications pending submission.
Revert the named attribute changes, or all changes.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.MutableEntityTags(entity)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.BaseMutableEntityTags, _abcoll.
class pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.ReadOnlyEntityTags(entity)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.BaseEntityTags, _abcoll.Mapping
Initialise a new high-level entity tag storage object.
session – The connection session object.
entity_id – The entity’s fully qualified ID.
Module contents
pyhaystack.client.http package
pyhaystack.client.http.auth module
Base HTTP client authentication classes. These classes simply act as containers for authentication methods defined in
the HTTP spec.
class pyhaystack.client.http.auth.AuthenticationCredentials
Bases: object
A base class to represent authentication credentials.
class pyhaystack.client.http.auth.BasicAuthenticationCredentials(username,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.http.auth.UserPasswordAuthenticationCredentials
30 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
A class that represents Basic authentication.
class pyhaystack.client.http.auth.DigestAuthenticationCredentials(username,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.http.auth.UserPasswordAuthenticationCredentials
A class that represents Digest authentication.
class pyhaystack.client.http.auth.UserPasswordAuthenticationCredentials(username,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.http.auth.AuthenticationCredentials
A base class that represents username/password type authentication.
pyhaystack.client.http.base module
Base HTTP client handler class. This wraps a HTTP client library in a consistent interface to make processing and
handling of requests more convenient and to aid portability of pyhaystack.
class pyhaystack.client.http.base.CaseInsensitiveDict(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: dict
A dict object that maps keys in a case-insensitive manner.
class pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient(uri=None, params=None, head-
ers=None, cookies=None, auth=None,
timeout=None, proxies=None,
tls_verify=None, tls_cert=None, ac-
cept_status=None, log=None, in-
secure_requests_warning=True, re-
Bases: object
The base HTTP client interface. This class defines methods for making HTTP requests in a unified manner. The
interface presented is an asynchronous one, even for synchronous implementations.
Instantiate a HTTP client instance with some default parameters. These parameters are made accessible as
properties to be modified at will by the caller as needed.
uri Base URI for all requests. If given, this string will be pre-pended to all requests
passed through this client.
params – A dictionary of key-value pairs to be passed as URI query parameters.
headers – A dictionary of key-value pairs to be passed as HTTP headers.
cookies – A dictionary of key-value pairs to be passed as cookies.
auth – An instance of a HttpAuth object.
timeout An integer or float giving the default maximum time duration for requests
before timing out.
proxies – A dictionary mapping the hostname and protocol to a proxy server URI.
tls_verify For TLS servers, this determines whether the server is validated or not.
It should be the path to the CA certificate file for this server, or alternatively can be set to
‘True’ to verify against CAs known to the client. (e.g. OS certificate store)
2.11. pyhaystack package 31
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
tls_cert – For TLS servers, this specifies the certificate used by the client to authenticate
itself with the server.
log If not None, then it’s a logging object that will be used for debugging HTTP opera-
requests_session Request sessions handles a lot of things inclusding cookies and
it is problematic with some implementations like Skyspark. This flag allows to disable this
Session and eliminate cookies round-trip.
CONTENT_LENGTH_HDR = 'Content-Length'
CONTENT_TYPE_HDR = 'Content-Type'
PROTO_RE = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
get(uri, callback, **kwargs)
Convenience function: perform a HTTP GET operation. Arguments are the same as for request.
post(uri, callback, body=None, body_type=None, body_size=None, headers=None, **kwargs)
Convenience function: perform a HTTP POST operation. Arguments are the same as for request.
body – Body data to be posted in this request as a string.
body_type – Body MIME data type. This is a convenience for setting the Content-Type
body_size Length of the body to be sent. If None, the length is autodetected. Set to
False to avoid this.
request(method, uri, callback, body=None, params=None, headers=None, cookies=None,
auth=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, tls_verify=None, tls_cert=None,
exclude_params=None, exclude_headers=None, exclude_cookies=None, ex-
clude_proxies=None, accept_status=None)
Perform a request with this client. Most parameters here exist to either add to or override the defaults given
by the client attributes. The parameters exclude_. . . serve to allow selective removal of defaults.
method – The HTTP method to request.
uri – URL for this request. If this is a relative URL, it will be relative to the URL given
by the ‘uri’ attribute.
callback – A callback function that will be presented with the result of this request.
body – An optional body for the request.
params – A dictionary of key-value pairs to be passed as URI query parameters.
headers – A dictionary of key-value pairs to be passed as HTTP headers.
cookies – A dictionary of key-value pairs to be passed as cookies.
auth – An instance of a HttpAuth object.
timeout An integer or float giving the default maximum time duration for requests
before timing out.
proxies – A dictionary mapping the hostname and protocol to a proxy server URI.
tls_verify For TLS servers, this determines whether the server is validated or not.
It should be the path to the CA certificate file for this server, or alternatively can be set to
‘True’ to verify against CAs known to the client. (e.g. OS certificate store)
32 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
tls_cert – For TLS servers, this specifies the certificate used by the client to authenti-
cate itself with the server.
exclude_params – If True, exclude all default parameters and use only the parameters
given. Otherwise, this is an iterable of parameter names to be excluded.
exclude_headers If True, exclude all default headers and use only the headers
given. Otherwise, this is an iterable of header names to be excluded.
exclude_cookies If True, exclude all default cookies and use only the cookies
given. Otherwise, this is an iterable of cookie names to be excluded.
exclude_proxies If True, exclude all default proxies and use only the proxies given.
Otherwise, this is an iterable of proxy names to be excluded.
accept_status If not None, this gives a list of status codes that will not raise an
error, but instead be passed through for the Haystack client to handle.
Can be used to disable Insecure Requests Warnings in “controlled” environment. Use with care.
class pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPResponse(status_code, headers, body, cook-
Bases: object
A class that represents the raw response from a HTTP request.
Return the content type of the body.
Return the content type arguments of the body.
Attempt to decode the raw body into text based on the encoding given.
pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions module
HTTP client exception classes.
exception pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPBaseError
Bases: exceptions.IOError
Error class to represent a HTTP errors.
exception pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPConnectionError
Bases: pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPBaseError
Error class to represent a failed attempt to connect to a host.
exception pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPRedirectError
Bases: pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPBaseError
Error class to represent that the server’s redirections are looping.
exception pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPStatusError(message, status,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPBaseError
Error class to represent a returned failed status from the host.
2.11. pyhaystack package 33
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
exception pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPTimeoutError
Bases: pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions.HTTPConnectionError
Error class to represent that a request timed out.
pyhaystack.client.http.sync module
Synchronous HTTP client using Python Requests.
class pyhaystack.client.http.sync.SyncHttpClient(**kwargs)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient
Module contents
pyhaystack.client.mixins package
pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor package
pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky package
pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky.crud module
VRT Widesky low-level CRUD operation mix-in. This is a mix-in for HaystackSession that implements CRUD oper-
ations as used in VRT Widesky’s implementation of Project Haystack.
At present, this has not been adopted by other implementations.
class pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky.crud.CRUDOpsMixin
Bases: object
The CRUD operations mix-in implements low-level support for entity create / update / delete operation exten-
sions to Project Haystack. (Read is not included, since that’s part of the core standard.)
create(entities, callback=None)
Create the entities listed. If given a dict, we are creating a single entity, otherwise multiple entities may be
given as individual dicts.
Each dict must carry an id which is a string giving the unique fully qualified ID of the entity. All other
keys are taken to be tag values to attach to that entity, the values of which must be valid hszinc types.
Parameters entities – The entities to be inserted.
create_entity(entities, single=None, callback=None)
Create the entities listed, and return high-level entity instances for them. This is a high-level convenience
around the above create method.
delete(ids=None, filter_expr=None, callback=None)
Delete entities matching the given criteria. Either ids or filter_expr may be given. ids may be given as a
list or as a single ID string/reference.
34 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
filter_expr is given as a string. pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder may be useful for generating these programat-
ids – IDs of many entities to retrieve as a list
filter_expr – A filter expression that describes the entities of interest.
update(entities, callback=None)
Update the entities listed. If given a dict, we are creating a single entity, otherwise multiple entities may
be given as individual dicts.
Each dict must carry an id which is a string giving the unique fully qualified ID of the entity. All other
keys are taken to be tag values to update on that entity, the values of which must be valid hszinc types.
Parameters entities – The entities to be updated.
pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky.multihis module
VRT Widesky low-level multi-hisRead/hisWrite operation mix-in. This is a mix-in for HaystackSession that imple-
ments CRUD operations as used in VRT Widesky’s implementation of Project Haystack.
At present, this has not been adopted by other implementations.
class pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky.multihis.MultiHisOpsMixin
Bases: object
The Multi-His operations mix-in implements low-level support for multi-point hisRead and hisWrite operations.
multi_his_read(points, rng, callback=None)
Read the historical data for multiple points. This processes each point given by the list points and returns
the data from that point in a numbered column named idN where N starts counting from zero.
multi_his_write(timestamp_records, callback=None)
Write the historical data for multiple points.
timestamp_records may be given as: - a Pandas DataFrame object, with column names specifying IDs of
points - a list of dicts with the key ‘ts’ mapping to a datetime object and
the remaining keys mapping point IDs to the values to be written.
a dict of dicts, with the outer dict mapping timestamps to the inner dict mapping point IDs to values.
Module contents
Module contents
Module contents
pyhaystack.client.ops package
pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor package
2.11. pyhaystack package 35
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.niagara module
Niagara AX operation implementations.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.niagara.NiagaraAXAuthenticateOperation(session,
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
An implementation of the log-in procedure for Niagara AX. The procedure is as follows:
1. Do a request of the log-in URL, without credentials. This sets session cookies in the client. Response
should be code 200.
2. Pick up the session cookie named ‘niagara_session’, submit this in a GET request for the login URL with
a number of other parameters. Response should NOT include the word ‘login’.
Future requests should include the basic authentication credentials.
Attempt to log in to the Niagara AX server.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
uri Possibly partial URI relative to the server base address to perform a query. No
arguments shall be given here.
expect_format – Request that the grid be sent in the given format.
args – Dictionary of key-value pairs to be given as arguments.
multi_grid – Boolean indicating if we are to expect multiple grids or not. If True, then
the operation will _always_ return a list, otherwise, it will _always_ return a single grid.
raw_response – Boolean indicating if we should try to parse the result. If True, then we
should just pass back the raw HTTPResponse object.
retries – Number of retries permitted in case of failure.
Start the request.
pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.skyspark module
Skyspark operation implementations.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.skyspark.SkysparkAuthenticateOperation(session,
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
An implementation of the log-in procedure for Skyspark. The procedure is as follows:
1. Retrieve the log-in URL (GET request).
2. Parse the key-values pairs returned, pick up ‘username’, ‘userSalt’ and ‘nonce’.
3. Compute mac = Base64(HMAC_SHA1(key=password, msg=”${username}:${userSalt}”))
4. Compute digest = Base64(SHA1(“${mac}:${nonce}”))
36 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
5. POST to log-in URL: nonce: ${nonce} digest: ${digest}
6. Stash received cookies given in the returned body.
Future requests should the cookies returned.
Attempt to log in to the Skyspark server.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
retries – Number of retries permitted in case of failure.
Start the request.
pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.skyspark.binary_encoding(string, encoding=’utf-8’)
This helper function will allow compatibility with Python 2 and 3
pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky module
VRT WideSky operation implementations.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky.CreateEntityOperation(session, enti-
ties, single)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.ops.entity.EntityRetrieveOperation
Operation for creating entity instances.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
entities – A list of entities to create.
Start the request, preprocess and submit create request.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky.WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation(session,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.ops.feature.HasFeaturesOperation
class pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky.WideSkyPasswordChangeOperation(session,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.BaseAuthOperation
The Password Change operation implements the logic required to change a user’s password.
Start the request.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky.WideskyAuthenticateOperation(session,
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
An implementation of the log-in procedure for WideSky. WideSky uses a M2M variant of OAuth2.0 to authen-
ticate users.
2.11. pyhaystack package 37
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Attempt to log in to the VRT WideSky server. The procedure is as follows:
POST to auth_dir URI:
Headers: Accept: application/json Authorization: Basic [BASE64:”[ID]:[SECRET]”]
Content-Type: application/json
Body: { username: “[USER]”, password: “[PASSWORD]”, grant_type: “password”
EXPECT reply:
Headers: Content-Type: application/json
{ access_token: . . . , refresh_token: . . . , expires_in: . . . , token_type: . . .
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
retries – Number of retries permitted in case of failure.
Start the request.
Module contents
pyhaystack.client.ops.entity module
Entity state machines. These are state machines that perform CRUD operations on entities.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.entity.EntityRetrieveOperation(session, single)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
Base class for retrieving entity instances.
Initialise a request for the named IDs.
Parameters session – Haystack HTTP session object.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.entity.FindEntityOperation(session, filter_expr, limit,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.ops.entity.EntityRetrieveOperation
Operation for retrieving entity instances by filter. This operation peforms the following steps:
Issue a read instruction with the given filter:
For each row returned in grid:
If entity is not in cache:
Create new Entity instances for each row returned.
Update existing Entity instance with new row data.
Add the new entity instances to cache and store.
(continues on next page)
38 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
(continued from previous page)
Return the stored entities.
# State: done
Initialise a request for the named IDs.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
filter_expr – Filter expression.
limit – Maximum number of entities to fetch.
Start the request, check cache for existing entities.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.entity.GetEntityOperation(session, entity_ids, re-
fresh_all, single)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.ops.entity.EntityRetrieveOperation
Operation for retrieving entity instances by ID. This operation peforms the following steps:
If refresh_all is False:
# State: init
For each entity_id in entity_ids:
If entity_id exists in cache:
Retrieve and store entity from cache.
Add entity_id to list got_ids.
For each entity_id in got_ids:
Discard entity_id from entity_ids.
If entity_ids is not empty:
# State: read
Perform a low-level read of the IDs.
For each row returned in grid:
If entity is not in cache:
Create new Entity instances for each row returned.
Update existing Entity instance with new row data.
Add the new entity instances to cache and store.
Return the stored entities.
# State: done
Initialise a request for the named IDs.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
entity_ids – A list of IDs to request.
refresh_all – Refresh all entities, ignore existing content.
Start the request, check cache for existing entities.
pyhaystack.client.ops.grid module
Low-level grid state machines. These are state machines that perform GET or POST requests involving Haystack
ZINC grids.
2.11. pyhaystack package 39
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
class pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.BaseAuthOperation(session, uri, retries=2,
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
A base class authentication operations.
Initialise a request for the authenticating with the given URI and arguments.
It also contains the state machine for reconnection if needed.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
uri Possibly partial URI relative to the server base address to perform a query. No
arguments shall be given here.
retries – Number of retries permitted in case of failure.
cache Whether or not to cache this result. If True, the result is cached by the session
Start the request.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.BaseGridOperation(session, uri, args=None,
raw_response=False, retries=2,
cache=False, cache_key=None,
headers=None, ex-
Bases: pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.BaseAuthOperation
A base class for GET and POST operations involving grids.
Initialise a request for the grid with the given URI and arguments.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
uri Possibly partial URI relative to the server base address to perform a query. No
arguments shall be given here.
expect_format – Request that the grid be sent in the given format.
args – Dictionary of key-value pairs to be given as arguments.
multi_grid – Boolean indicating if we are to expect multiple grids or not. If True, then
the operation will _always_ return a list, otherwise, it will _always_ return a single grid.
raw_response – Boolean indicating if we should try to parse the result. If True, then we
should just pass back the raw HTTPResponse object.
retries – Number of retries permitted in case of failure.
cache Whether or not to cache this result. If True, the result is cached by the session
cache_key – Name of the key to use when the object is cached.
accept_status – What status codes to accept, in addition to the usual ones?
40 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
exclude_cookies – If True, exclude all default cookies and use only the cookies given.
Otherwise, this is an iterable of cookie names to be excluded.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.GetGridOperation(session, uri, args=None,
multi_grid=False, **kwargs)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.BaseGridOperation
A state machine that performs a GET operation then reads back a ZINC grid.
Initialise a GET request for the grid with the given URI and arguments.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
uri Possibly partial URI relative to the server base address to perform a query. No
arguments shall be given here.
args – Dictionary of key-value pairs to be given as arguments.
multi_grid Boolean indicating if we are to expect multiple grids or not. If true, then
the operation will _always_ return a list, otherwise, it will _always_ return a single grid.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.PostGridOperation(session, uri, grid, args=None,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.BaseGridOperation
A state machine that performs a POST operation with a ZINC grid then may read back a ZINC grid.
Initialise a POST request for the grid with the given grid, URI and arguments.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
uri Possibly partial URI relative to the server base address to perform a query. No
arguments shall be given here.
grid – Grid (or grids) to be posted to the server.
post_format – What format to post grids in?
args – Dictionary of key-value pairs to be given as arguments.
pyhaystack.client.ops.his module
High-level history functions. These wrap the basic his_read function to allow some alternate representations of the
historical data.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadFrameOperation(session, columns, rng, tz,
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
Read the series data from several ‘point’ entities and present them in a concise format.
Read the series data and return it.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
columns – IDs of historical point objects to read.
2.11. pyhaystack package 41
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rng – Range to read from ‘point’
tz – Timezone to translate timezones to. May be None.
frame_format – What format to present the frame in.
FORMAT_DICT = 'dict'
FORMAT_FRAME = 'frame'
FORMAT_LIST = 'list'
Start processing the operation. This is called by the caller (so after all __init__ functions have executed)
in order to begin the asynchronous operation.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadSeriesOperation(session, point, rng, tz, se-
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
Read the series data from a ‘point’ entity and present it in a concise format.
Read the series data and return it.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
point – ID of historical ‘point’ object to read.
rng – Range to read from ‘point’
tz – Timezone to translate timezones to. May be None.
series_format – What format to present the series in.
FORMAT_DICT = 'dict'
FORMAT_LIST = 'list'
FORMAT_SERIES = 'series'
Start processing the operation. This is called by the caller (so after all __init__ functions have executed)
in order to begin the asynchronous operation.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisWriteFrameOperation(session, columns, frame, tz)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
Write the series data to several ‘point’ entities.
Write the series data.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
columns – IDs of historical point objects to read.
frame – Range to read from ‘point’
tz – Timezone to translate timezones to.
Start processing the operation. This is called by the caller (so after all __init__ functions have executed)
in order to begin the asynchronous operation.
42 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
class pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisWriteSeriesOperation(session, point, series, tz)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
Write the series data to a ‘point’ entity.
Write the series data to the point.
session – Haystack HTTP session object.
point – ID of historical ‘point’ object to write.
series – Series data to be written to the point.
tz – If not None, a datetime.tzinfo instance for this write.
Start processing the operation. This is called by the caller (so after all __init__ functions have executed)
in order to begin the asynchronous operation.
class pyhaystack.client.ops.his.MetaDataFrame(*args, **kw)
Bases: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Custom Pandas Dataframe with meta data Made from MetaSeries
add_meta(key, value)
meta = {}
class pyhaystack.client.ops.his.MetaSeries(data=None, index=None, dtype=None,
name=None, copy=False, fastpath=False)
Bases: pandas.core.series.Series
Custom Pandas Serie with meta data
add_meta(key, value)
meta = {}
Module contents
pyhaystack.client.loader module
Haystack Implementation loader and factory. This module provides a simplified wrapper around importlib to allow
implementation of a near-consistent interface for fetching session instances.
Get an implementation of Project Haystack session manager based on the class name.
pyhaystack.client.loader.get_instance(implementation, *args, **kwargs)
Get an instance of a Project Haystack client.
pyhaystack.client.niagara module
Tridium Niagara Client support (AX and N4)
2.11. pyhaystack package 43
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
class pyhaystack.client.niagara.Niagara4HaystackSession(uri, username, password,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession, pyhaystack.client.mixins.
vendor.niagara.bql.BQLMixin, pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.niagara.
The Niagara4HaystackSession class implements some base support for Niagara4. This is mainly a convenience
for collecting the username and password details.
Initialise a Nagara 4 Project Haystack session handler.
uri – Base URI for the Haystack installation.
username – Authentication user name.
password – Authentication password.
grid_format – the grid format to use in series (json, zinc)
Return true if the user is logged in.
class pyhaystack.client.niagara.NiagaraHaystackSession(uri, username, password,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession, pyhaystack.client.mixins.
vendor.niagara.bql.BQLMixin, pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.niagara.
The NiagaraHaystackSession class implements some base support for NiagaraAX. This is mainly a convenience
for collecting the username and password details.
Initialise a Nagara Project Haystack session handler.
uri – Base URI for the Haystack installation.
username – Authentication user name.
password – Authentication password.
Return true if the user is logged in.
pyhaystack.client.session module
Core Haystack Session client object interface. This file defines an abstract interface for Project Haystack clients and
is responsible for opening and maintaining a session with the server.
44 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
class pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession(uri, api_dir, grid_format=’text/zinc’,
http_client=<class ’py-
http_args=None, tag-
ging_model=<class ’py-
log=None, pint=False,
Bases: object
The Haystack Session handler is responsible for presenting an API for querying and controlling a Project
Haystack server.
HaystackSession itself is the base class, which is then implemented by way of HaystackOperation subclasses
which are instantiated by the session object before being started and returned.
These operations by default are specified by class member references to the classes concerned.
Methods for Haystack operations return an ‘Operation’ object, which may be used in any of two ways:
as a synchronous result placeholder by calling its wait method
followed by inspection of its result attribute. - as an asynchronous call manager by connecting a “slot” (callable
that takes keyword arguments) to the done_sig signal.
The base class takes some arguments that control the default behaviour of the object.
Initialise a base Project Haystack session handler.
uri – Base URI for the Haystack installation.
api_dir – Subdirectory relative to URI where API calls are made.
grid_format – What format to use for grids in GET/POST requests?
http_client – HTTP client class to use.
http_args – Optional HTTP client arguments to configure.
tagging_model – Entity Tagging model in use.
log – Logging object for reporting messages.
pint – Configure hszinc to use basic quantity or Pint Quanity
cache_expiry – Number of seconds before cached data expires.
See : for details about pint
FEATURE_ID_UUID = 'id_uuid'
about(cache=True, callback=None)
Retrieve the version information of this Project Haystack server.
Authenticate with the Project Haystack server. If an authentication attempt is in progress, we return it,
otherwise we instantiate a new one.
2.11. pyhaystack package 45
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
find_entity(filter_expr, limit=None, single=False, callback=None)
Retrieve instances of entities that match a filter expression.
filter_expr – The filter expression to search for.
limit – Optional limit to number of entities retrieved.
single – Are we expecting a single entity? Defaults to True if ids is not a list.
callback – Asynchronous result callback.
formats(cache=True, callback=None)
Retrieve the grid formats supported by this Project Haystack server.
get_entity(ids, refresh=False, single=None, callback=None)
Retrieve instances of entities, possibly refreshing them.
ids – A single entity ID, or a list of entity IDs.
refresh – Do we refresh the tags on those entities?
single – Are we expecting a single entity? Defaults to True if ids is not a list.
callback – Asynchronous result callback.
has_features(features, cache=True, callback=None)
Determine if a given feature is supported. This is a helper function for determining if the server implements
a given feature. The feature is given as a string in the form of “base_feature/extension”.
Result is a dict of features and the states (boolean).
Parameters features – Features to check for.
his_read(point, rng, callback=None)
point is either the ID of the historical point entity, or an instance of the historical point entity to read
historical from. rng is either a string describing a time range (e.g. “today”, “yesterday”), a
object (providing all samples on the nominated day), a datetime.datetime (providing all samples since the
nominated time) or a slice of datetime.dates or datetime.datetimes.
his_read_frame(columns, rng, tz=None, frame_format=None, callback=None)
Read the historical data of multiple given points and return them as a data frame.
columns – A list of Haystack ‘point’ instances or a dict mapping the column label to the
Haystack ‘point’ instance.
rng – Historical read range for the ‘point’
tz – Optional timezone to translate timestamps to
frame_format – Optional desired format for the data frame
his_read_series(point, rng, tz=None, series_format=None, callback=None)
Read the historical data of the given point and return it as a series.
point – Haystack ‘point’ entity to read the data from
rng – Historical read range for the ‘point’
tz – Optional timezone to translate timestamps to
46 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
series_format – Optional desired format for the series
his_write(point, timestamp_records, callback=None)
point is either the ID of the writeable historical point entity, or an instance of the writeable historical
point entity to write historical data to. timestamp_records should be a dict mapping timestamps (date-
time.datetime) to the values to be written at those times, or a Pandas Series object.
his_write_frame(frame, columns=None, tz=None, callback=None)
Write the historical data of multiple given points.
frame – Data frame to write to. Columns either list explicit entity IDs or column aliases
which are mapped in the columns parameter.
columns If frame does not list explicit IDs, this should be a dict mapping the column
names to either entity IDs or entity instances.
tz – Reference timestamp to use for writing, default is UTC.
his_write_series(point, series, tz=None, callback=None)
Write the historical data of the given point.
point – Haystack ‘point’ entity to read the data from
series – Historical series data to write
tz – Optional timezone to translate timestamps to
invoke_action(entity, action, callback=None, **kwargs)
entity is either the ID of the entity, or an instance of the entity to invoke the named action on. Keyword
arguments give any additional parameters required for the user action.
nav(nav_id=None, callback=None)
The nav op is used navigate a project for learning and discovery. This operation allows servers to expose
the database in a human-friendly tree (or graph) that can be explored.
ops(cache=True, callback=None)
Retrieve the operations supported by this Project Haystack server.
point_write(point, level=None, val=None, who=None, duration=None, callback=None)
point is either the ID of the writeable point entity, or an instance of the writeable point entity to retrieve
the write status of or write a value to.
If level is None, the other parameters are required to be None too, the write status of the point is retrieved.
Otherwise, a write is performed to the nominated point.
read(ids=None, filter_expr=None, limit=None, callback=None)
Retrieve information on entities matching the given criteria. Either ids or filter_expr may be given. ids
may be given as a list or as a single ID string/reference.
filter_expr is given as a string. pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder may be useful for generating these programat-
id – ID of a single entity to retrieve
ids – IDs of many entities to retrieve as a list
filter_expr – A filter expression that describes the entities of interest.
2.11. pyhaystack package 47
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
limit – A limit on the number of entities to return.
This helper will return the first site found on the server. This case is typical : having one site per server.
This helper will return all sites found on the server.
watch_poll(watch, refresh=False, callback=None)
watch is either the value of watch_id given when creating a watch, or an instance of a Watch object.
If refresh is True, then all points on the watch will be updated, not just those that have changed since the
last poll.
watch_sub(points, watch_id=None, watch_dis=None, lease=None, callback=None)
This creates a new watch with debug string watch_dis, identifier watch_id (string) and a lease time of lease
(integer) seconds. points is a list of strings, Entity objects or hszinc.Ref objects.
watch_unsub(watch, points=None, callback=None)
watch is either the value of watch_id given when creating a watch, or an instance of a Watch object.
If points is not None, it is a list of strings, Entity objects or hszinc.Ref objects which will be removed from
the Watch object. Otherwise, it closes the Watch object.
pyhaystack.client.skyspark module
Skyspark Client support
class pyhaystack.client.skyspark.SkysparkHaystackSession(uri, username, password,
project=”, **kwargs)
Bases: pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession, pyhaystack.client.mixins.
The SkysparkHaystackSession class implements some base support for Skyspark servers.
Initialise a Skyspark Project Haystack session handler.
uri – Base URI for the Haystack installation.
username – Authentication user name.
password – Authentication password.
project – Skyspark project name
Return true if the user is logged in.
class pyhaystack.client.skyspark.SkysparkScramHaystackSession(uri, user-
name, pass-
word, project,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession, pyhaystack.client.mixins.
The SkysparkHaystackSession class implements some base support for Skyspark servers.
Initialise a Skyspark Project Haystack session handler.
48 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
uri – Base URI for the Haystack installation.
username – Authentication user name.
password – Authentication password.
project – Skyspark project name
Return true if the user is logged in.
close session when leaving context by trick given by Brian Frank
but beware that this is not standard!
pyhaystack.client.widesky module
VRT Widesky Client support
class pyhaystack.client.widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(uri, username, pass-
word, client_id,
client_secret, api_dir=’api’,
Bases: pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky.crud.CRUDOpsMixin, pyhaystack.
client.mixins.vendor.widesky.multihis.MultiHisOpsMixin, pyhaystack.client.
mixins.vendor.widesky.password.PasswordOpsMixin, pyhaystack.client.session.
The WideskyHaystackSession class implements some base support for Widesky servers. This is mainly a con-
venience for collecting the username and password details.
Initialise a VRT Widesky Project Haystack session handler.
uri – Base URI for the Haystack installation.
username – Authentication user name.
password – Authentication password.
client_id – Authentication client ID.
client_secret – Authentication client secret.
impersonate – A widesky user ID to impersonate (or None)
Return true if the user is logged in.
Module contents
Haystack Client interface
Get an implementation of Project Haystack session manager based on the class name.
2.11. pyhaystack package 49
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
pyhaystack.client.get_instance(implementation, *args, **kwargs)
Get an instance of a Project Haystack client.
pyhaystack.util package
pyhaystack.util.asyncexc module
Asynchronous Exception Handler. This implements a small lightweight object for capturing an exception in a manner
that can be passed in callback arguments then re-raised elsewhere for handling in the callback function.
Typical usage:
def _some_async_function(..., callback_fn):
do some async op that may fail
result = ...
except: # Capture all exceptions
result = AsynchronousException()
class pyhaystack.util.asyncexc.AsynchronousException
Bases: object
pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder module
Filter abstract syntax tree builder. These classes and functions attempt to build a filter string for use with ‘read’
operations by combining Python’s operators to trick it into producing the desired values.
Yes, we’re hijacking operators to do what they weren’t expected to do.
Typical usage:
from pyhaystack.util import filterbuilder as fb
# Get all historical points:
# All historical points in Brisbane timezone.
session.find_points(fb.Field('his') & ( fb.Field('tz') == fb.Scalar(
˓'Brisbane') ))
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.And(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary
OP = 'and'
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Base
Bases: object
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Base
50 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Equal(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary
OP = '=='
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Field(value)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Base
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.GreaterThan(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary
OP = '>'
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary
OP = '>='
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.LessThan(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary
OP = '<'
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.LessThanOrEqual(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary
OP = '<='
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Not(value)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Unary
OP = 'not'
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.NotEqual(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary
OP = '!='
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Or(x, y)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Binary
OP = 'or'
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Scalar(value)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Base
class pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Unary(value)
Bases: pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Base
pyhaystack.util.state module
State machine interface. This is a base class for implementing state machines.
class pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation(result_copy=True, re-
Bases: object
A core state machine object. This implements the basic interface presented for all operations in pyhaystack.
Initialisation. This should be overridden by subclasses to accept and validate the inputs presented for the opera-
tion, raising an appropriate Exception subclass if the inputs are found to be invalid.
These should be stored here by the initialisation function as private variables in suitably sanitised form. The
core state machine object shall then be created and stored before the object is returned to the caller.
2.11. pyhaystack package 51
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
Start processing the operation. This is called by the caller (so after all __init__ functions have executed)
in order to begin the asynchronous operation.
Return true if the operation is complete.
Return true if the result is an Exception.
Return the result of the operation or raise its exception. Raises NotReadyError if not ready.
Return the current state machine’s state.
Wait for an operation to finish. This should NOT be called in the same thread as the thread executing the
operation as this will deadlock.
exception pyhaystack.util.state.NotReadyError
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Exception raised when an attempt is made to retrieve the result of an operation before it is ready. module
Helper function to detect if a value is boolean
Helper function to detect if a value is a float
Pretty print json object
Module contents
2.11.2 Submodules
2.11.3 pyhaystack.exception module
pyhaystack Custom exceptions
exception pyhaystack.exception.AuthenticationProblem
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.HaystackError(message, traceback=None, *args,
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Exception thrown when an error grid is returned by the Haystack server. See
exception pyhaystack.exception.NoCookieReceived
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.NoResponseFromServer
Bases: exceptions.Exception
52 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
exception pyhaystack.exception.ProblemReadingCookie
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.ProblemSendingRequestToServer
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.UnknownHistoryType
Bases: exceptions.Exception
2.11.4 module
File : (2.x) This module allow a connection to a haystack server Features provided allow user to
fetch data from the server and eventually, to post to it.
See for more details
Project Haystack is an open source initiative to streamline working with data from the Internet of Things. We stan-
dardize semantic data models and web services with the goal of making it easier to unlock value from the vast quantity
of data being generated by the smart devices that permeate our homes, buildings, factories, and cities. Applications
include automation, control, energy, HVAC, lighting, and other environmental systems.
2.11.5 Module contents
Main init file
Loading hszinc Creating “connect” shortcut for get_instance
This file will also automatically disable SubjectAltNameWarning when dealing with CA certificate. See docs for more
information about that.
2.12 Indices and tables
2.13 Plugin for Skyspark
2.13.1 Eval
Eval is used to evaluate any Axon expression. Request: a grid with one column called expr and one row with Str
expression to evaluate. Response: result of the expression converted to a grid using Etc.toGrid If an error occurs an
error grid is returned.
// GET request /api/demo/eval?expr=readAll(site)
// POST request ver:”2.0” expr “readAll(site)”
2.12. Indices and tables 53
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
result = session.get_eval('readAll(site)').result
2.14 Modules documentation
2.15 pyhaystack package
2.15.1 Subpackages
2.15.2 Submodules
2.15.3 pyhaystack.exception module
pyhaystack Custom exceptions
exception pyhaystack.exception.AuthenticationProblem
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.HaystackError(message, traceback=None, *args,
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Exception thrown when an error grid is returned by the Haystack server. See
exception pyhaystack.exception.NoCookieReceived
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.NoResponseFromServer
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.ProblemReadingCookie
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.ProblemSendingRequestToServer
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.UnknownHistoryType
Bases: exceptions.Exception
2.15.4 module
File : (2.x) This module allow a connection to a haystack server Features provided allow user to
fetch data from the server and eventually, to post to it.
See for more details
Project Haystack is an open source initiative to streamline working with data from the Internet of Things. We stan-
dardize semantic data models and web services with the goal of making it easier to unlock value from the vast quantity
of data being generated by the smart devices that permeate our homes, buildings, factories, and cities. Applications
include automation, control, energy, HVAC, lighting, and other environmental systems.
54 Chapter 2. How to use it
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
2.15.5 Module contents
Main init file
Loading hszinc Creating “connect” shortcut for get_instance
This file will also automatically disable SubjectAltNameWarning when dealing with CA certificate. See docs for more
information about that.
2.16 Indices and tables
2.16. Indices and tables 55
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
56 Chapter 2. How to use it
Modules documentation
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
58 Chapter 3. Modules documentation
pyhaystack package
4.1 Subpackages
4.2 Submodules
4.3 pyhaystack.exception module
pyhaystack Custom exceptions
exception pyhaystack.exception.AuthenticationProblem
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.HaystackError(message, traceback=None, *args,
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Exception thrown when an error grid is returned by the Haystack server. See
exception pyhaystack.exception.NoCookieReceived
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.NoResponseFromServer
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.ProblemReadingCookie
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.ProblemSendingRequestToServer
Bases: exceptions.Exception
exception pyhaystack.exception.UnknownHistoryType
Bases: exceptions.Exception
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
4.4 module
File : (2.x) This module allow a connection to a haystack server Features provided allow user to
fetch data from the server and eventually, to post to it.
See for more details
Project Haystack is an open source initiative to streamline working with data from the Internet of Things. We stan-
dardize semantic data models and web services with the goal of making it easier to unlock value from the vast quantity
of data being generated by the smart devices that permeate our homes, buildings, factories, and cities. Applications
include automation, control, energy, HVAC, lighting, and other environmental systems.
4.5 Module contents
Main init file
Loading hszinc Creating “connect” shortcut for get_instance
This file will also automatically disable SubjectAltNameWarning when dealing with CA certificate. See docs for more
information about that.
60 Chapter 4. pyhaystack package
Indices and tables
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
62 Chapter 5. Indices and tables
Python Module Index
pyhaystack, 55
pyhaystack.client, 49
pyhaystack.client.entity, 30
pyhaystack.client.entity.entity, 28
pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins, 28
27, 27
pyhaystack.client.entity.model, 29
pyhaystack.client.entity.models, 28
pyhaystack.client.entity.ops, 28
pyhaystack.client.entity.ops.crud, 28
pyhaystack.client.entity.tags, 29
pyhaystack.client.http, 34
pyhaystack.client.http.auth, 30
pyhaystack.client.http.base, 31
pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions, 33
pyhaystack.client.http.sync, 34
pyhaystack.client.loader, 43
pyhaystack.client.mixins, 35
pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor, 35
pyhaystack.client.niagara, 43
pyhaystack.client.ops, 43
pyhaystack.client.ops.entity, 38
pyhaystack.client.ops.grid, 39
pyhaystack.client.ops.his, 41
pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor, 38
pyhaystack.client.session, 44
pyhaystack.client.skyspark, 48
pyhaystack.client.widesky, 49
pyhaystack.exception, 54, 54
pyhaystack.util, 52
pyhaystack.util.asyncexc, 50
pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder, 50
pyhaystack.util.state, 51, 52
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
64 Python Module Index
about() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 45
add_meta() (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.MetaDataFrame
method), 43
add_meta() (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.MetaSeries
method), 43
And (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 50
AsynchronousException (class in py-
haystack.util.asyncexc), 50
authenticate() (py-
method), 45
AuthenticationCredentials (class in py-
haystack.client.http.auth), 30
AuthenticationProblem, 52, 54, 59
Base (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 50
BaseAuthOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.grid), 39
BaseEntityTags (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.tags), 29
BaseGridOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.grid), 40
BaseMutableEntityTags (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.tags), 30
BasicAuthenticationCredentials (class in py-
haystack.client.http.auth), 30
Binary (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 50
binary_encoding() (in module py-
haystack.client.ops.vendor.skyspark), 37
CaseInsensitiveDict (class in py-
haystack.client.http.base), 31
commit() (pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.BaseMutableEntityTags
method), 30
config_pint() (py-
method), 45
haystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient at-
tribute), 32
content_type (pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPResponse
attribute), 33
content_type_args (py-
attribute), 33
haystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient at-
tribute), 32
create() (pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky.crud.CRUDOpsMixin
method), 34
create_entity() (py-
method), 29
create_entity() (py-
method), 34
CreateEntityOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky), 37
CRUDOpsMixin (class in py-
DeletableEntity (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.entity), 28
delete() (pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.DeletableEntity
method), 29
delete() (pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky.crud.CRUDOpsMixin
method), 34
dict_to_grid() (in module py-
haystack.client.ops.grid), 41
DigestAuthenticationCredentials (class in
pyhaystack.client.http.auth), 31
dis (pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.Entity attribute), 29
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
Entity (class in pyhaystack.client.entity.entity), 29
EntityRetrieveOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.entity), 38
EntityTagUpdateOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.ops.crud), 28
Equal (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 50
equipments (
attribute), 27
EquipMixin (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.mixins.equip), 26
EquipRefMixin (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.mixins.equip), 26
attribute), 45
attribute), 45
attribute), 45
Field (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
find_entity() (py-
method), 26
find_entity() (py-
method), 27
find_entity() (py-
method), 45
FindEntityOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.entity), 38
FORMAT_DICT (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadFrameOperation
attribute), 42
FORMAT_DICT (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadSeriesOperation
attribute), 42
FORMAT_FRAME (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadFrameOperation
attribute), 42
FORMAT_LIST (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadFrameOperation
attribute), 42
FORMAT_LIST (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadSeriesOperation
attribute), 42
attribute), 42
formats() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 46
get() (pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient
method), 32
get_digest_info() (in module py-
haystack.client.ops.vendor.skyspark), 37
get_entity() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 46
get_equip() (pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.equip.EquipRefMixin
method), 26
get_implementation() (in module py-
haystack.client), 49
get_implementation() (in module py-
haystack.client.loader), 43
get_instance() (in module pyhaystack.client), 49
get_instance() (in module py-
haystack.client.loader), 43
get_site() (
method), 27
GetEntityOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.entity), 39
GetGridOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.grid), 41
go() (pyhaystack.client.entity.ops.crud.EntityTagUpdateOperation
method), 28
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.entity.FindEntityOperation
method), 39
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.entity.GetEntityOperation
method), 39
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.grid.BaseAuthOperation
method), 40
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadFrameOperation
method), 42
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisReadSeriesOperation
method), 42
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisWriteFrameOperation
method), 42
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.HisWriteSeriesOperation
method), 43
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.niagara.NiagaraAXAuthenticateOperation
method), 36
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.skyspark.SkysparkAuthenticateOperation
method), 37
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky.CreateEntityOperation
method), 37
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky.WideskyAuthenticateOperation
method), 38
go() (pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky.WideSkyPasswordChangeOperation
method), 37
go() (pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation method),
GreaterThan (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder),
GreaterThanOrEqual (class in py-
haystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
66 Index
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
has_features() (py-
method), 46
HaystackError, 52, 54, 59
HaystackOperation (class in pyhaystack.util.state),
HaystackSession (class in py-
haystack.client.session), 44
HaystackTaggingModel (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.models.haystack), 28
his() (pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.point.HisMixin
method), 26
his_read() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 46
his_read_frame() (py-
method), 46
his_read_series() (py-
method), 26
his_read_series() (py-
method), 46
his_write() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 47
his_write_frame() (py-
method), 47
his_write_series() (py-
method), 26
his_write_series() (py-
method), 47
HisMixin (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.mixins.point), 26
HisReadFrameOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.his), 41
HisReadSeriesOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.his), 42
HisWriteFrameOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.his), 42
HisWriteSeriesOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.his), 42
hs_tz (
attribute), 27
HTTPBaseError, 33
HTTPClient (class in pyhaystack.client.http.base), 31
HTTPConnectionError, 33
HTTPRedirectError, 33
HTTPResponse (class in pyhaystack.client.http.base),
HTTPStatusError, 33
HTTPTimeoutError, 33
iana_tz ( at-
tribute), 27
id (pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.Entity attribute), 29
invoke_action() (py-
method), 47
is_dirty (pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.BaseMutableEntityTags
attribute), 30
is_done (pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation at-
tribute), 52
is_failed (pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
attribute), 52
is_logged_in (pyhaystack.client.niagara.Niagara4HaystackSession
attribute), 44
is_logged_in (pyhaystack.client.niagara.NiagaraHaystackSession
attribute), 44
is_logged_in (pyhaystack.client.skyspark.SkysparkHaystackSession
attribute), 48
is_logged_in (pyhaystack.client.skyspark.SkysparkScramHaystackSession
attribute), 49
is_logged_in (pyhaystack.client.widesky.WideskyHaystackSession
attribute), 49
isBool() (in module, 52
isfloat() (in module, 52
LessThan (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
LessThanOrEqual (class in py-
haystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
logout() (pyhaystack.client.niagara.Niagara4HaystackSession
method), 44
logout() (pyhaystack.client.niagara.NiagaraHaystackSession
method), 44
logout() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 47
logout() (pyhaystack.client.skyspark.SkysparkScramHaystackSession
method), 49
meta (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.MetaDataFrame at-
tribute), 43
meta (pyhaystack.client.ops.his.MetaSeries attribute),
MetaDataFrame (class in pyhaystack.client.ops.his),
MetaSeries (class in pyhaystack.client.ops.his), 43
multi_his_read() (py-
method), 35
Index 67
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
multi_his_write() (py-
method), 35
MultiHisOpsMixin (class in py-
MutableEntityTags (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.tags), 30
nav() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 47
Niagara4HaystackSession (class in py-
haystack.client.niagara), 43
NiagaraAXAuthenticateOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.vendor.niagara), 36
NiagaraHaystackSession (class in py-
haystack.client.niagara), 44
NoCookieReceived, 52, 54, 59
NoResponseFromServer, 52, 54, 59
Not (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
NotEqual (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
NotReadyError, 52
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.And attribute), 50
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Equal attribute), 51
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.GreaterThan attribute),
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.GreaterThanOrEqual at-
tribute), 51
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.LessThan attribute), 51
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.LessThanOrEqual
attribute), 51
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Not attribute), 51
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.NotEqual attribute), 51
OP (pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder.Or attribute), 51
ops() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 47
Or (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
point_write() (py-
method), 47
PointMixin (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.mixins.point), 27
points (pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.equip.EquipMixin
attribute), 26
post() (pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient
method), 32
PostGridOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.grid), 41
prettyprint() (in module, 52
ProblemReadingCookie, 52, 54, 59
ProblemSendingRequestToServer, 53, 54, 59
PROTO_RE (pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient at-
tribute), 32
pyhaystack (module), 53, 55, 60
pyhaystack.client (module), 49
pyhaystack.client.entity (module), 30
pyhaystack.client.entity.entity (module),
pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins (module),
(module), 26
(module), 26
(module), 27 (mod-
ule), 27
pyhaystack.client.entity.model (module),
pyhaystack.client.entity.models (module),
(module), 28
pyhaystack.client.entity.ops (module), 28
pyhaystack.client.entity.ops.crud (mod-
ule), 28
pyhaystack.client.entity.tags (module), 29
pyhaystack.client.http (module), 34
pyhaystack.client.http.auth (module), 30
pyhaystack.client.http.base (module), 31
pyhaystack.client.http.exceptions (mod-
ule), 33
pyhaystack.client.http.sync (module), 34
pyhaystack.client.loader (module), 43
pyhaystack.client.mixins (module), 35
pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor (module),
(module), 35
(module), 34
(module), 35
pyhaystack.client.niagara (module), 43
pyhaystack.client.ops (module), 43
pyhaystack.client.ops.entity (module), 38
pyhaystack.client.ops.grid (module), 39
pyhaystack.client.ops.his (module), 41
pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor (module), 38
(module), 36
68 Index
pyhaystack Documentation, Release 3.0.0
(module), 36
(module), 37
pyhaystack.client.session (module), 44
pyhaystack.client.skyspark (module), 48
pyhaystack.client.widesky (module), 49
pyhaystack.exception (module), 52, 54, 59 (module), 53, 54, 60
pyhaystack.util (module), 52
pyhaystack.util.asyncexc (module), 50
pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder (module), 50
pyhaystack.util.state (module), 51 (module), 52
read() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 47
ReadOnlyEntityTags (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.tags), 30
refresh() (pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.equip.EquipMixin
method), 26
refresh() (
method), 27
request() (pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient
method), 32
reraise() (pyhaystack.util.asyncexc.AsynchronousException
method), 50
result (pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation at-
tribute), 52
revert() (pyhaystack.client.entity.tags.BaseMutableEntityTags
method), 30
Scalar (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
silence_insecured_warnings() (py-
haystack.client.http.base.HTTPClient method),
site (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession at-
tribute), 48
SiteMixin (class in py-, 27
SiteRefMixin (class in py-, 27
sites (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession at-
tribute), 48
SkysparkAuthenticateOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.vendor.skyspark), 36
SkysparkHaystackSession (class in py-
haystack.client.skyspark), 48
SkysparkScramHaystackSession (class in py-
haystack.client.skyspark), 48
StaleEntityInstanceError, 29
state (pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation at-
tribute), 52
SyncHttpClient (class in py-
haystack.client.http.sync), 34
TaggingModel (class in py-
haystack.client.entity.model), 29
tags (pyhaystack.client.entity.entity.Entity attribute), 29
text (pyhaystack.client.http.base.HTTPResponse
attribute), 33
tz ( attribute),
TzMixin (class in, 27
Unary (class in pyhaystack.util.filterbuilder), 51
UnknownHistoryType, 53, 54, 59
update() (pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky.crud.CRUDOpsMixin
method), 35
(class in pyhaystack.client.http.auth), 31
value (pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins.point.PointMixin
attribute), 27
wait() (pyhaystack.util.state.HaystackOperation
method), 52
watch_poll() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 48
watch_sub() (pyhaystack.client.session.HaystackSession
method), 48
watch_unsub() (py-
method), 48
WideskyAuthenticateOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky), 37
WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky), 37
WideskyHaystackSession (class in py-
haystack.client.widesky), 49
WideSkyPasswordChangeOperation (class in py-
haystack.client.ops.vendor.widesky), 37
Index 69