PPL, PRS And Playing Music In Public
We reported in June 2008 that PRS for Music was increasing its monitoring of music played in
the workplace and in other premises, to check whether such businesses hold the appropriate
licences. This trend is continuing.
In recent months it has become apparent that PPL is also conducting an aggressive enforcement
campaign. It seems that PRS for Music and PPL share information. If your business needs
licences from both of these organisations but only has a licence from one of them, then your
business may well be a target for investigation by one of these organisations.
However, there is some good news. A recent ruling of the Copyright Tribunal, vigorously but
unsuccessfully contested by PPL, conrmed that some of the tariffs charged by PPL from 2005
to 2009 were too high and unreasonable. Therefore, your business may be entitled to a refund if
you paid PPL licence fees, under the affected tariffs, during that period.
In this article we explain:-
Why you may need a licence to play music in public
PPL and PRS for Music – who they are and what they do
When and how are PPL and PRS for Music licence fees payable
How PPL and PRS for Music calculate their licence fees
Dealing with approaches from PPL or PRS for Music
Claiming Rebates From PPL
Hammonds LLP has signicant experience in managing disputes with PPL or PRS for Music and
with claiming rebates from PPL. We can also provide both standard and bespoke written policies
for staff relating to the playing of music in your business.
Copyright is a long-established legal right which protects certain types of works from
unauthorised commercial exploitation. Copyright protects in particular each of the following:-
Lyrics of songs
Recordings of songs or music
Radio or TV broadcasts.
The owner of the copyright in any of the above works can control their commercial exploitation by
either (i) stopping or (ii) charging third parties for the privilege of playing or performing them
in public.
July 2010
Commercial & Dispute Resolution
If your business
needs licences
from both of these
but only has a
licence from one
of them, then your
business may
well be a target
for investigation
by one of these
In public
The lyrics of a song, the notes of music, a recording of a song or a piece of music, or a radio or
TV broadcast, will be played in public where they are played other than for private and domestic
purposes and can be heard by at least one person, in addition to the person who caused them
to be played. Examples of what would amount to playing or performing such works in public
Playing a radio, TV or CD player in a restaurant, bar, nightclub, shop, supermarket or ofce.
Having a Karaoke competition in your ofce canteen or in a bar.
Playing a radio, CDs, an iPod or an MP3 player via a loudspeaker system to factory or ofce
Having the radio on in a private room forming part of a shop, bar or other premises, which can
nonetheless be heard by the public coming into the shop or bar.
Putting on live music in a hotel, exhibition hall, nightclub or restaurant.
Playing music videos in the workplace.
Playing music in nightclubs, discos, dances and by DJs.
Playing background music in casinos, amusement arcades, leisure centres and other
Playing music in exhibition venues and on individual stands.
Playing music or songs to telephone callers whilst they are kept on hold.
Examples of what would not amount to playing or performing such works in public include:-
An ofce worker listening to an IPod via headphones at work or in a pub.
Listening to or performing music at home with friends or family.
Watching TV or listening to TV, radio or a CD at home with family or friends.
An artist playing music whilst working alone in his studio.
Isn’t it a defence that I have bought and paid for the CD’s that I play?
No. When you buy a CD in effect you are buying a licence to play that music for your private and
domestic purposes. Playing music in public will be outside that licence.
PPL and PRS are collecting societies that collect and distribute licence fees to their members.
This centralised function means that businesses which play or perform music in public only
have to deal with these two organisations instead of having to deal with hundreds of recording
companies, individual musicians and song writers.
PPL collects and distributes licence fees in relation to sound recordings on behalf of record
companies and performers. Most sound recordings are made at recording studios or live at
PRS for Music, by contrast, collects and distributes licence fees relating to the performance in
public of the underlying song lyrics and music.
For many businesses if you have a PPL Licence you will need a PRS for Music Licence and vice
versa. For example, if your business plays recorded music via the radio, TV, CDs, DVDs or via
computers then you will need both a licence from PRS for Music (for the underlying music and/or
lyrics) and from PPL for the underlying sound recording.
However, if your business only hosts the performance of live music and plays no recorded music
at all then you will only need a licence from PRS for Music and not from PPL.
Both PPL and PRS for Music Fees are payable annually in advance. You can apply for your
licence either online or by telephone. If you operate more than one premises, it is possible to
obtain a ‘corporate licence’ to cover all of them under one application.
Some fees are calculated by reference to an estimate in advance, for example as to the number
of times music will be played or the average number of people that will attend (for more details
see below). For existing premises, licence fees are calculated by reference to the actual audited
gures from the previous year.
PPL and PRS calculate the licence fees payable to them in different ways.
PPL has a number of different tariffs depending on where sound recordings are played:-
Tariff 210 relates to background music in public houses, bars, restaurants and cafes
Tariff 211 relates to background music in shops and stores
Tariff 212 relates to background music in factories and ofces
Tariff 001 relates to specially featured entertainment
PPL tariffs 210, 211 and 212 were set in 2009 by the Copyright Tribunal (a public body which
oversees the charges set by PPL) and are calculated by reference to the size of the area in which
the music can be heard. The bigger the audible area the more you pay. For example, for the year
1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009, for a public house, bar, restaurant or café, with an audible
area of 1 to 400 square metres, the licence fee payable to PPL was £109.75. For such premises,
with an audible area of less than 50 square metres, who only play traditional radio and television
broadcasts (such as BBC national and local radio stations and independent radio stations
licensed by Ofcom), there is a discounted fee, which for 2009 was £54.88, (50% of the full fee).
PPL has a range of other tariffs, which apply to other situations. For example the PPL tariff 001
covers Specially Featured Entertainment (e.g. music played in nightclubs, discos, dances and by
DJs) and is based on the number of events per year, their duration and the average number of
people who attend them.
A multi-faceted business, such as a hotel, may need to pay fees under a number of different
tariffs: for example for telephone music played to callers, for background music played in hotel
restaurants, for music played to staff in kitchens and for specially featured entertainment, such
as DJs or bands, which are played during functions such as Christmas parties or wedding
The fees, which are payable annually in advance, increase each year by an amount linked to the
increase in the retail price index.
PPL charges a 50% uplift on its standard licence fee rates for those who have played music
without having a licence in place and are paying retrospectively. For example someone with a
pub with an audible area of 380 square metres would pay not £109.75 but £164.63.
PRS for Music
PRS for Music also has a number of different tariffs, for example:-
Tariff HR relates to hotels, restaurants and cafes
Tariff P relates to public houses
Tariff D relates to nightclubs
Tariff I relates to music played in the workplace
These PRS for Music tariffs are not related to the size of the area in which the music can be
heard but instead they are generally calculated by reference to the number of people who can
hear the music and the number of days/occasions on which it is played. For example, in relation
to music played in work canteens, the annual licence fee applicable from 1 March 2010 is 15.90
pence per day for each unit of 25 employees, or part there of, that can hear the music. For a hotel
putting on a karaoke night the charge will be £8.75 per night for the rst 100 people and then
£2.21 for each additional unit of 25 people.
For commercial discotheques and dance halls, special rules apply:-
(i) Fees are payable in advance based upon the audited admittance gures for the preceding
year as certied by an accountant. Upon receipt of the actual audited certied gures, the
organisation will then calculate if any additional fees or indeed any rebates are due in relation
to the fee paid in advance.
(ii) If the accountant acting for the discotheque or dance hall certies that the number of persons
admitted to the premises during a given year cannot be determined, then the number admitted
shall be deemed to be half of the licensed capacity of the premises (as set out in the local
Fire Ofcers Certicate) multiplied by the number of nights when the premises were or are
expected to be open (whether to the public or on private hire) in the year concerned.
PRS for Music has a number of other tariffs, which are calculated in different ways. Where live
music is performed the PRS for Music licence fees are generally calculated by reference to how
much it costs the venue to put on such music on an annual basis.
PRS for Music also charges a 50% surcharge in relation to licence fees that are paid
retrospectively, only after the public performances of works has already taken place.
PRS for Music’s licence fees increase annually by an amount which depends on either annual
changes to the Index of Average Earnings or the annual changes to that index and the RPI.
Licence fees payable to both PPL and PRS attract VAT.
Play Then Pay?
It is always sensible to acquire the necessary licences from PRS for Music and PPL before
you start playing music in your business. To play then pay can have a number of serious
As stated above if your business plays music in public without rst having the necessary PRS for
Music and/or PPL licences in place then the most likely consequence is that you will be required
to pay the retrospective licence fees plus a 50% uplift, which is levied to compensate PRS for
Music and PPL for their costs of pursuing those who do not take out a licence before they start
If your business has played copyright material in public without rst having obtained an
appropriate licence, then PPL or PRS for Music could sue your business for copyright
infringement. Such litigation could prove very expensive indeed as you could end up paying not
merely PRS’ or PRS for Music’s standard licence fees but also additional punitive damages as
well as your own and PPL’s/ or PRS for Music’s legal costs.
It is also worth noting that it is a criminal offence to play music in public without a licence if you
knew or had reason to know that doing so amounted to copyright infringement. This could lead
to directors of companies who play music in such circumstances being sentenced to up to six
months in prison or paying a ne of up to £5000. Although such prosecutions are unlikely to be
brought by the Crown Prosecution Service they could be brought privately by PPL or PRS for
We have signicant experience in acting for clients who are being pursued by PPL or PRS for
Music for licence fees or who are in dispute with PPL or PRS for Music about the amount of
licence fees payable.
Both PPL and PRS for Music maintain enforcement teams that seek to identify unlicensed
businesses, which play music in public. They frequently receive tip offs from disgruntled
employees or ex-employees.
Neither PRS nor PPL are government bodies. They are private sector organisations. Like any
other private claimant the burden is on them to prove that a third party owes them licence fees.
There is no presumption of guilt on the part of any third party: unless and until legal proceedings
have been commenced, there is no requirement on a third party to prove that it has not infringed
PPL’s or PRS for Music’s copyrights. That said, there is an obligation on businesses to ensure
that they have the necessary PPL and PRS licences in place and they should comply with that
obligation. When dealing with PPL and PRS for Music businesses should at all times conduct
themselves in a reasonable fashion, that will stand up to scrutiny in Court.
In most encounters between PPL/PRS for Music and those they are pursuing there is a huge
imbalance in experience: PPL and PRS for Music deal with complaints concerning unlicensed
playing of music week in and week out but most of those accused of such activities will be
completely unfamiliar with the nature of the complaints made against them and the legal
proceedings they are likely to be threatened with or involved in. It is our experience that PPL/PRS
can often be quite aggressive in their pursuit of licence fees. For businesses and those that work
in them, who are not used to dealing with these issues, this can often be intimidating.
Some important points to bear in mind when dealing with either PPL or PRS are:-
Control the ow of information – You should have one (and only one) senior person
nominated to deal with PPL/PRS for Music or their lawyers. This should ensure that they get
consistent information. Other employees should be told to refer any communications or calls
from PPL/PRS for Music to the nominated person.
Don’t be panicked into giving incomplete or inaccurate information – For a multi-site
organisation it can be time-consuming to work out what music has been played where, when,
in front of whom and by whom.
Providing inaccurate information under pressure, which you subsequently have to correct,
will often be characterised by PPL/PRS for Music as proof of dishonesty and may generally
undermine credibility in any subsequent legal proceedings.
Make it clear to PPL/PRS that you will answer relevant questions, properly raised, only once
you have had an opportunity to collate and review all relevant information.
Make it clear that you will pay what is properly due and that you won’t infringe – PPL/
PRS for Music will frequently threaten legal proceedings and injunctions.
Make it clear in relation to historical liabilities that you will promptly pay what is properly due once
the relevant information has been collated and reviewed and the gures agreed.
In relation to continuing or future playing or performing in public, it is important to make it clear
to PPL and PRS for Music that you undertake to (a) take all necessary licences in relation to
future public playing/performances and (b) to pay all licence fees properly due going forwards.
Providing your business is solvent and good for the likely future licence fees then giving such
an undertaking will make it very much harder for PPL or PRS for Music to obtain a temporary
injunction to restrain public playing going forwards.
Engage specialist experienced lawyers early on – Often it will save money in the long
run if specialist lawyers are engaged early on. These should be lawyers who have signicant
experience in dealing with PPL and PRS for Music.
You should not agree to disclose any of your documents nor agree to the terms of any court
order, without having rst taken proper legal advice.
Agree a deal where possible – If your business has played music in public, without having
the necessary licences in place, then you will need to settle with PPL/PRS to avoid court
proceedings, which will inevitably be expensive. This does not mean that you need to write a
blank cheque to PPL/PRS but it does mean that realism is required.
The use of without prejudice save as to costs offers and special offers made under Court Rules
(known as Part 36 offers) can give a measure of costs protection for your business where PPL/
PRS bring proceedings to recover unpaid licence fees. Such offers can provide costs protection
where PPL/ PRS are claiming a sum which is both greater than (a) the amount they are entitled to
claim and (b) the amount which has been offered to them or paid into Court.
If you do not wish to receive further legal updates or information about our products and services, please write to: Richard Green, Hammonds LLP, Freepost, 2 Park Lane, Leeds, LS3 2YY or
These brief articles and summaries should not be applied to any particular set of facts without seeking legal advice. © Hammonds LLP 2010.
Hammonds LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC 335584 and is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and
Wales. A list of the members of Hammonds LLP and their professional qualications is open to inspection at the registered ofce of Hammonds LLP, 7 Devonshire Square, London EC2M 4YH.
Use of the word “Partner” by Hammonds LLP refers to a member of Hammonds LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualication.
Face to face meetings with PPL/PRS representatives and mediation can both help to
resolve disputes.
Have a written policy on playing music in your business and enforce it – It may well
help your case, when dealing with PPL or PRS, if you can evidence that your business has
a written policy on playing music in the workplace, which is enforced. This policy should
be referred to in employment contracts and handbooks and be on your rm’s intranet site
and notice boards. Breaches by employees should be dealt with formally and the process
As stated above, the Copyright Tribunal imposed new tariffs 210, 211 and 212 on PPL in 2009.
This was done as a result of a legal proceedings between PPL and the British Hospitality
Association, The British Retail Consortium and other interested parties. The Copyright Tribunal
actually lowered the tariffs that PPL had been charging between 2005 and 2009. This means that
many businesses which paid PPL’s licence fees between 2005 – 2009 are entitled to a refund.
These refunds can be very substantial indeed for a multi-sited business.
We can assist your business in managing your dispute with PPL or PRS, with drafting your rm’s
music at work policy documents and with claiming rebates from PPL.
We have also developed a market-leading PPL/PRS compliance product, which will enable your
business to meet its PPL/PRS obligations with the minimum of fuss.
For further information please contact either:
Andrew Clay
T: +44 (0)121-222-3358
Stephanie Perraton
T: +44 (0)121 222 3359
Nicola Smith
T: +44 (0)121 222 3230
Stephanie and Nicola can also help you with any premise licensing issues you may have.
Andrew, Stephanie and
Nicola are all based in our
Birmingham ofce:-
Hammonds LLP
Rutland House
148 Edmund Street
Birmingham B3 2 JR
T: +44 (0)121 222 3000