The Little Raiders Preschool
Parent Handbook
13644 West River Road
Columbia Station, Ohio 44028
Phone: 440-236-5021 Fax 440-236-1220
On Early Dismissal Days (Oct. 13 and March 2) there will be no afternoon
Fall Preschool conferences Oct. 12
and Oct. 13th
Spring Preschool conferences March 1
and March 2
Little Raiders Preschool
13644 West River Road
Columbia Station, Ohio 44028
Phone 440-236-5021 Fax 440-236-1220
Follow us on Twitter and also Download the Columbia Local School District App
Judith Skoczen Preschool Director
Elizabeth Aniol Administrative Assistant
Teaching Staff
Mrs. Eva Costa Early Childhood Intervention Specialist
Mrs. Robin Randall - Paraprofessional
School Psychologist
Lynley Roncone
Speech & Language Therapist
Megan Perkins
Occupational Therapist
Chelsea Kaminski
Jim Bassak
Mindi Porter, LPN
**Policies in this handbook are included in the Columbia Local Schools Board of Education Board Policy.
Guidelines in the Governing Board Policy reflect the standard set forth by the Ohio Department of
Education. A copy of the Columbia Local School Board of Education Preschool Program Governing
Board Policy is available upon request.
(Adopted June 2019)
(Updated August, 2021 and June, 2022)
General Information
Our integrated preschool program serves children ages 3-5 with and without special needs. The
children attend school Tuesday through Friday in either the morning or afternoon. During their
session, children will receive a nutritional snack. Please let your child’s teacher know about any
food allergies.
Teachers work on skills that are developmentally appropriate for each child attending the program.
Children entering the program on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will have their goals and
objectives included throughout the daily schedule. Related services such as speech therapy,
occupational therapy, and physical therapy are provided to students with IEP’s as determined by an
Evaluation Team Report (ETR).
Itinerant teachers and related service professionals serve students in their homes, community
preschool setting or at the Little Raiders Preschool. Related services such as speech,
occupational therapy, and physical therapy are provided to students as determined by the
Evaluation Team Report and Individual Education Plan.
Regular conferences are scheduled throughout the year with all parents to discuss progress.
The Little Raiders Preschool is licensed through the State of Ohio, Department of Education. We
follow all rules and regulations required by the Division of Early Childhood Education. The license is
posted in the classroom.
Typically developing children must be potty trained and at least 3 years old by August 1
each year to
be eligible to attend classes. Parents must provide a copy of a legal birth certificate and
immunization record prior to enrollment. All children must have a current physical exam on file within
30 days of enrolling into the program and register their child with the District Registrar at the
Administration Center. Each family will be charged tuition.
Licensing requires that all preschool children have a yearly medical exam. The preschool medical form
needs to be completed within 30 days of entry for a new student with special needs on an IEP.
Peer Models are required to have a medical form on the first day of school. Please be aware
that returning students need an updated medical form each year. Students will be excluded from the
program without the completed forms within 30 days.
Preschool children with disabilities are eligible to attend The Little Raider Preschool at no cost as
determined by the Operating Standard of Education of Children with Disabilities. The school district
in which the parents resides is responsible for determining a child’s eligibility for special education
If for any reason you need to withdraw your child from the program, a withdrawal form must be
completed. A withdrawal form can be obtained from the Director of the Little Raiders Preschool
Tuition for the 2022-2023 academic year is set at $1300.00 which includes a $100.00 snack fee. A
non-refundable deposit of $300.00 will be due upon registration. By screening $300.00 is due, with
the remaining $700.00 due by September 1
. Cash or checks are accepted. Checks are payable to:
Columbia Local Schools and payment is received at the Little Raiders Office.
Program Philosophy
At the Little Raiders Preschool, we believe all of our students are able to learn and grow. A safe,
caring and enriching environment will promote the social, emotional, physical, and academic needs of
our students. Our family, school, and community involvement will help students reach their full
We believe that family involvement in education is critical to a child’s growth. Parents are important
partners in their child’s learning and development. Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in
their child’s individualized preschool program. They will be kept aware of activities, expectations, and
available agency services through periodic progress reports, newsletter, notes home, and/or telephone
contacts from the preschool teacher. Parents of identified special needs children will participate in
Individual Educational Plan (IEP) meetings.
A parent/guardian questionnaire, completed at registration, provides important information
about each child.
Parent/guardians are welcome to observe and visit classroom at any time. If a
parent/guardian plans to stay for any entire class session, please arrange the visit in advance
with the classroom teacher.
Parent/guardian conferences are held twice a year. Additional conferences may be scheduled
at the request of the parent/guardian or the teacher.
Standard of Conduct
The Little Raiders Preschool respects and promotes the unique identity of each child and family and
refrains from stereotyping or discriminating on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion,
or disability. The staff will follow program confidentiality policies concerning information about
children, families and other staff members. Staff members never leave children alone or
unsupervised while under our care. We do not use corporal punishment, emotional or physical abuse or
humiliation. The Little Raiders Preschool staff is required by law to report any suspected child abuse
and/or neglect. The phone number for the Lorain County Child Abuse Hotline is 440-329-5340.
Discipline Policy
The preschool staff works to help our students gradually become more independent, self-reliant,
confident, and responsible for their behavior. Teachers use a variety of techniques to teach these
behaviors. They may use modeling of appropriate behavior, positive reinforcement, natural and logical
consequences, redirection, and “time out”. Teachers encourage children to express their feeling in an
acceptable way. The teachers address student’s behavior on an individual basis.
It is our belief that in order to maintain an environment conducive to learning, it shall be necessary to
develop an appropriate classroom management policy. This policy shall be conducted and supervised by
the certified staff in each classroom. No employee is, at any time, to commit an act of physical or
emotional abuse against any student in the program.
The following policies have been adopted by our board and are determined by the ODE Preschool
Program Licensing Rules:
Preschool Licensing Rules (ORC 3301-37-10)
One of the goals in working with young children is to help them feel comfortable with themselves
and others. In order to do this, a child must learn self-control and responsibility. We strive to
guide children to more mature and socially acceptable behavior. There are many ways that we help
the child recognize alternative and consequences which affect themselves and others. We DO
NOT use cruel or harsh punishments such as spanking, pinching or shaking. Nor do we withhold
food, rest or toilet use. Children will not be disciplined for failure to eat, failure to sleep or for
toileting accidents. As adults interested in developing self-confidence in children, we do not use
techniques that humiliate, shame or frighten children. Some of the ways we DO guide children to
more appropriate behavior include:
1. We practice preventative discipline by recognizing the age level characteristics and the
needs of individual children as we plan the learning environment to meet these needs
Providing many choices of play equipment and activities.
Viewing the health and safety of the children as a primary concern at all times.
Attempting to clearly define limits and consistently and fairly maintain them.
Allowing children time and opportunity to solve problems for themselves.
Stating suggestions or directions in a positive manner.
Providing outlets for expressing feelings or tension.
Reward positive behavior we want to see continue.
Warning children before transitions occur.
2. In dealing with ongoing classroom conflicts we guide children by:
Reinforcing other children while ignoring the child’s inappropriate behavior.
Pointing out natural or logical consequences.
Redirecting children to another activity or play area.
3. The following method is used if preventative and less intrusive discipline measures are not
The child may be removed from the current activity but kept in an adult’s
Acknowledge child’s feeling and restate rule involved with rational.
In some cases, it may be necessary for the child to sit in the room away from the
group activities to provide time to restore appropriate behavior and reflect.
Separation, when used as discipline, shall be brief in duration and appropriate to
the child’s age and development ability and the child shall be within sight and
hearing of a preschool staff member in a safe, lighted and well-ventilated space.
Help child return to the group and be more successful.
No discipline shall be delegated to another child, ORC 3301-37-10.
No physical restraint shall be used to confine a child by any means other than hold
a child for a short period of time, such as a protective hug so the child may regain
control. ORC 3301-37-10.
No child shall be placed in a locked room or confined in an enclosed area such as a
closet, box or similar cubicle, ORC 3301-37-10.
No child shall be subjected to profane language, threats and derogatory remarks
about himself, his family or other verbal abuse. ORC 3301-37-10
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
This is a school-wide systematic approach to embed evidence-based practices and data-driven decision
making to improve school climate and culture in order to achieve improved academic and social outcomes
and increase learning for all students. It encompasses a wide range of systemic and individualized
positive strategies to reinforce desired behaviors, diminish re-occurrences of challenging behaviors and
teach appropriate behavior to students.
Discipline is addressed as a teaching and learning opportunity throughout the school day. The Columbia
Local Schools uses a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program known as the RAIDER
WAY. This framework focuses on four behaviors for all students. The RAIDER WAY is PRIDE,
We follow the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Early Learning and Development Standards when
developing lesson plans. These standards lead directly into the ODE Elementary content standards. The
Preschool Standards include Language and Literacy, Cognition and General Knowledge (which includes
Math, Science, and Social Studies), Social and Emotional, Approaches Toward Learning, and Physical
Wellbeing and Motor Development. These standards can be found on the ODE website at The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive curriculum program that is used as a
foundation for classroom learning and is aligned with the Ohio Department of Education Early Learning
and Development Standards.
Our Program
Studies are hands-on, project-based investigations of topics that are relevant to children’s everyday
experiences. Studies are exciting and engaging. They tap into children’s natural curiosity, resulting in a
learning environment that is both fun and intentional. The study approach is a method of integrating
content learning through children’s in-depth investigations of a meaningful topic. Children raise questions
about the topic, and, through exploration and discovery, they find answers to their questions. The study
approach allows for deep, firsthand exploration of topics that interest children, offering a myriad of
ways to learn about each topic. Plus, the study approach not only allows children to gain a deeper
understanding of the topic but also encourages them to develop skills across all domains as they apply the
investigative process.
Importance of Play
Play is a child’s main activity during the preschool years. Play is the way children experience and learn
about the world and how they can cope with it and establish foundations for life-long learning. Play
promotes the development of the “whole” child, emotionally, physically, intellectually and socially. In play,
a child experiences his/her greatest opportunities to control his/her environment and promote a positive
approach to learning.
Physical Development
Physical development includes children’s gross (large muscles) and fine (small muscle) motor development.
With more advanced physical development, children master increasingly sophisticated tasks and gain
personal responsibility for their own physical needs, such as dressing themselves. In addition, physical
development in many ways promotes social/emotional development. Gross motor control includes balance
and stability: movement such as running, jumping, hopping, galloping, and skipping: and physical
manipulation such as throwing, kicking and catching. Fine motor control includes performing self-help
skills and manipulating small objects such as scissors and writing tools.
The preschool class is taught by an Early Childhood Intervention Specialist with a classroom assistant(s).
The primary role of each team member is to be a facilitator of learning. Essentially the teacher sets the
stage for learning and ensures that the developmental needs of the children are being met. Within this
environment, the teacher and classroom assistant(s) are careful observers. It is through careful
observation that the team can assess how a child relates to his/her peers, how he/she uses materials, a
child’s strengths and weakness, a child’s best modality for learning, and make changes or adaptations that
could help a child to learn.
The classroom may also be supported by related services such as a Speech and Language Pathologist
(SLP), Occupational Therapist (OT), and Physical Therapist (PT). Children qualify for these services
through an Evaluation Team Report by the Preschool Assessment Team.
SLP is available to enhance language skills individually or in a small group. Language development
services as a strong base for our programs, and is emphasized in all areas.
OT works with children to improve or develop the fine, gross, and sensory motor skills needed to
perform school and daily living tasks on a normal basis.
PT will provide services individually for a child, who needs support, to improve or maintain strength
and/or range of motion and to encourage motor and reflex development.
Teachers assess students in a variety of ways, which may include the following formal assessments:
Early learning Assessment The Ohio Department of Education requires preschool students to be
assessed on early learning skills.
Age & Stages-3 Questionnaire Student’s growth in social-emotional, fine motor, gross motor,
communication, and problem-solving are monitored through a questionnaire completed by parents once a
school year in the fall. A follow-up screener will be given in the spring if there is an area of concern.
Childhood Outcome Summary Forms (COSF) Students’ cognitive, language and social skills are assessed
by teachers twice a school year using this format (as well as other methods).
Progress Reports and Report Cards will be given three times a year, in fall, winter, and spring.
Our preschool staff meets or exceeds state standards for certification and licensure as teachers and
instructional aides. We will continue to provide professional development through in-service and
continuing education.
Transition Plan and Activities
Our preschool staff believes communication and knowledge are crucial components in successful
transitions for children, parents, and staff. These transitions include, but are not limited to, preschool to
kindergarten programs, home or other care programs to community programs, and community programs to
center-based preschool.
Activities provided to support parents and their children might include:
- Preschool Screening
- District Opening Events
- Open House
- Kindergarten Registration Night, which includes tours
- Visits to kindergarten classrooms
- Written information regarding registration and screening dates (kindergarten)
- Classroom activities such as “All About Me”
- Transition meetings held with staff.
- Kindergarten teacher visits to the preschool classroom
- Release time for preschool and kindergarten teachers to go over individual plans for students, plan
for the following year, and share assessment information.
Our materials are developmentally appropriate for use with preschool children. Safety is the main
consideration for toy selection. Toys are routinely washed, disinfected, and checked for safety. TOYS
FROM HOME ARE NOT PERMITTED, except for days designated by your child’s teacher (ex. Show
and Tell).
Preschool Supplies
Send a backpack with your child every day. Please make sure the backpack is standard size with no
wheels and labeled with your child’s name. The backpack will help your child carry the communication
folder, school projects, and an extra set of clothes. The extra set of clothing (shirt, pants, socks and
undergarment) should be in a plastic Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name. The bag of clothing should
remain in your child’s backpack throughout the year.
A pack of diaper/pull up-s and a container of wet wipes may be needed for special education
preschoolers. Peer Models are required to be toilet trained.
Clothing should be “play-type,” comfortable, and suitable for preschool activities, such as painting, gluing
and outside playing. It is unrealistic to expect your children to keep their clothes clean at preschool!
Shoes should fit comfortably and have rubber soles. Children wearing dresses/skirts should wear shorts
under them. Please dress your child appropriately for outdoor play. NO flip-flops, high heels, or loose
Clothing should be easy enough for children to manage by themselves. “Onesie”, bodysuits, suspenders,
etc. are difficult to fasten and should not be worn to school.
Food and Snack Guidelines
Snacks and other food served meet the requirements of our current licensure policy. A daily snack will be
provided for all students. Please make sure your child has eaten before arriving at school.
Health and safety go hand in hand. Due to the prevalence of food allergies and other health issues
affecting our students, we must be proactive when it comes to food, snack, and treats consumed at
school. Please follow the following guidelines:
If your child would like to share something for his/her birthday, we kindly ask you to send in a
non-food item with your child. (Non-food ideas include: pencil, stickers, or eraser)
No cupcakes, brownies, cookies, candy, etc. will be permitted for birthdays.
If any type of food item is sent into school, it will be sent back home with the child. NO
Holiday Parties
Students in grades Pre-K-4 participate in holiday parties for Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s
Day. Treats and snack WILL BE permitted on the scheduled party days. However, all food must
be store bought and pre-packaged.
NO homemade food items will be allowed for parties. This way, food labels can be referred to if
need be.
NO glass items or balloons of any kind may be used in/for party game or crafts.
Miscellaneous Classroom Activities
Classroom parties will not serve soda-pop to students. Water, juice, Capri-suns, juice boxes, or
milk should be served.
There may be preplanned activities that support a unit of study (i.e. making applesauce for Johnny
Appleseed Day, Thanksgiving Feast, etc.). If this is planned for the classroom, parents will be
notified prior to that activity taking place. This does NOT include birthdays.
Children attending the Little Raiders Preschool half-day session will be in class from 7:45 a.m. to 10:30
a.m. (morning session) or 11:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (afternoon session). Classes are held Tuesday through
Friday following the calendar adopted by the Columbia Board of Education; however, the first day of
preschool classes will be the 9/8/2022. Please be prompt when dropping your child off for school. Late
arrivals are disruptive to the class and are counterproductive to the lessons being taught. If your child
will be arriving late or will be picked up early, an authorized adult must bring the child into the main office
at Copopa.
Children shall only leave with a parent or persons designated on the enrollment paperwork. If someone
other than a designated person will be picking up your child, please follow the procedure as stated in the
Child Release Policy section of this handbook.
Attendance is taken daily. Please call the office at 440-236-5021 if your child will be absent.
If your child is absent for five days in a row without notifying the school, parents will be asked if they
plan to continue the child’s enrollment in our program.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is provided to children receiving special education services only. Typical students must
be dropped off and picked up by a parent or guardian. If you wish to speak to the transportation staff
regarding questions or concerns, please call 236-8222. Our transportation department will call parents
with approximate pick-up drop-off times prior to the first day of school.
Field Trips
Little Raiders Preschool may plan parent-involvement field trips within the community setting
throughout the year. If so, the field trip scheduled will take the place of the regular school day.
Transportation will be provided by the parent/guardians and parent/guardians will be required
to stay and chaperone their child throughout the event.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Children will be escorted daily to and from their classroom by a designated staff member at the beginning
and end of school. A staff member will record your child’s arrival and departure daily. If for some
reason (other than removing them early from class) you need to come in to pick up or drop off your
child, please report to the main office at Copopa. Please be advised that buses will be given priority at
arrival and dismissal times.
Car Rider Procedure:
Students can be dropped off in the morning at 7:40 a.m. and in the afternoon at 11:40 p.m. at the
rear of the Copopa Building using curb side drop off. Please observe the one way drop off and
pick up lines. Please remove your child from his/her restraint and staff will have him/her wait on
the walk until all students have arrived and are escorted into the building.
At pick up, your child will be on the sidewalk as you pull to the walk in the pick-up line for those
that attend the morning session. This is for morning session only.
Afternoon session preschoolers, will be at the fence by the Copopa Playground. Please park in the Copopa
Parking lot and walk to the fence line to pick up your child and walk him or her to your vehicle.
Please make every effort to be on time for arrival and dismissal.
Early Dismissal
No student will be allowed to leave school prior to dismissal time without either: (a) a written request
signed by the parent or guardian: or (b) the parent or guardian coming to the school office to request the
release. No student will be released to a person other than a custodial parent(s) or guardian without
written permission signed by the custodial parent(s) or guardian.
There will be NO SCHOOL FOR THE AFTERNOON PRESCHOOL on the following days due to early
dismissal for Columbia Schools:
October 13,2022 March 2,2023
Professional Development/District Inservice Days
During the school year, the teachers will be taking part in Professional Development/District Inservice Days.
On these dates, teachers will be attending school, however: students will not. Professional Development
days for 2022-2023 school year are as follows:
September 23, 2022 Nov. 7, 2022 January 20, 2023
The following guidelines are observed:
1. No child will be left unsupervised or alone at any time.
2. Immediate access to working telephones in each classroom.
3. Fire, tornado, and intruder drills are held on a regular basis. Students are instructed by the
teachers on these procedures. These drills are required by law.
4. In the event of a fire, weather, or medical emergency, the staff will follow plans which state action
to be taken and staff responsibilities. These are posted in each classroom with diagrams showing
evacuation routes. Rules for action by children will be explained periodically and practiced
5. In the event of an accident or minor emergency, a staff member will administer first aid and
contact a parent/guardian, as well as send home a written notification of the incident.
6. A staff member is required to legally notify the Lorain County Children Services when it is
suspected that a child has been abused or neglected.
7. Each classroom contains a first aid kit that meets the preschool state licensing requirements.
8. The outside play area will be supervised so that all children are visible to a staff member at all
times. Children will be supervised going to and coming from the outside playground and the
9. A registered nurse from the Lorain County Health Department acts as a consultant to the school
program and is available as needed. Her duties do not require her to be on site each day. Staff is
able to reach her when her expertise is needed.
10. Safety inspections are posted in the classroom for your review.
All children must have immunizations required for their age. Parents will provide information regarding
emergency medical and dental care, emergency transportation, and the names of a minimum of three
persons who have permission and are available to pick up your child. It is the parent’s responsibility to
notify us of any changes in this information.
Any child needing medication during school hours must have a completed Columbia medication form that is
signed by the parent and physician to specify medication, dosage and time medication is to be given to the
child (including cough drops). Medication should be brought to school (BY THE PARENT) in the original
container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy. A written log will be kept by the school nurse to verify
the dosage and time the medication was given.
Our teachers are trained in first aid, recognition of child abuse, handwashing procedures, and symptoms
of communicable disease. Every child’s health will be observed daily.
If a child is ill, please keep him/her at home. Should a condition persist, consult your physician.
Children with flu-like symptoms, vomiting, and/or a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will
not be kept at school. If a child becomes ill or injured at school, a clinic note detailing the event
will be sent home with the child. If the need arises, parents will be contacted according to the
Emergency Authorization Form on file and asked to pick up their child.
Dispensing Medication
For students who require medication to be dispensed at school the following policy is in effect:
1. Medication shall not be carried, stored or self-administered by the student. (Exceptions to
this are epi-pens and inhalers with a physician’s permission on file.)
2. For legal purposes, written permission must be obtained for administering medication to a
student. This permission must be signed by the parent and physician. The form used for
this permission can be picked up in the school office from the nurse.
3. Each student’s medication shall have affixed a prescription label including the child’s name,
name of the drug and the directions for dosage. Instructions for the duration of the
medication should also be included. A written log will be kept by the school nurse to verify
dosage and time the medication was given.
4. The school will supervise administration of medication in pill form only. It will not assume
responsibility for administering liquid medication that must be measured, application of
ointments, change of dressing or injections.
5. Parents may come to the office to administer his/her own child’s medication.
Healthchek Services for Children Younger than Age 21
Healthchek is Ohio’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program.
It is a service package for babies, kids, and young adults younger than age 21 who are enrolled in
Ohio Medicaid. The purpose of Healthchek is to discover and treat health problems early. If a
potential health problem is found, further diagnosis and treatment are covered by Medicaid.
Healthchek covers ten check-ups in the first two years of life and annual check-ups thereafter
and offers a comprehensive physical examination that include:
Medical history
Complete unclothed exam (with parent approval)
Developmental screening (to assess if child’s physical and mental abilities are age
Vision screening
Dental screening
Hearing assessment
Immunization assessment (making sure child receives them on time)
Lead screening; and
Other services or screenings as needed
If your children are enrolled in Ohio Medicaid, Healthchek services are available to them. If
you are younger than 21 and are also enrolled, you can receive Healthchek services, too.
You can get help and information by contacting your county Healthchek coordinator or your
managed care plan and by going to
Injury, Medical or Dental Emergencies
1. There is always at least one preschool staff member on duty that is trained in first aid.
2. First aid supplies are available in the preschool room and in the school clinic. Medical and
dental emergency procedures are posted by the telephone. These procedures are also
available to parents.
3. For minor injuries standard Red Cross First Aid procedure will be followed. The parent will
be notified.
Heath Records and Immunizations
We require to have on file an up to date health record/medical statement signed by your
physician and a list of immunization dates for each child within the first 30 days of enrollment
and updated annually. The Ohio Revised Code (ORC 3313.67) requires that the following
immunizations be obtained. Students who do not have the required immunizations will be
excluded from school per Ohio State Law until such record is provided. You must provide an
immunization record verifying the month/date for each of the following:
5 (Dose 5 required if 4
dose given prior to 4
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DPT)
4 (Dose 4 required if 3
dose given prior to 4
Polio Vaccine
2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
3 Hepatitis B vaccine series
2 Varicella (Chicken Pox vaccine) (Or documentation of having the disease)
Management of Communicable Disease, Illness
Maintaining a healthy school environment is very important! To ensure the health of your child,
as well as other, the following policy has been adopted:
1. There is always at least one staff member who has been trained in first aid, child abuse
recognition and communicable disease.
2. All staff members have been trained in signs and symptoms of illness, hand washing
procedure, and disinfecting procedures.
3. Children who have a communicable disease, as classified by the Ohio Department of
Health or who have the following signs or symptoms of illness need to be excluded from
school are advised to contact their physician:
Diarrhea (2 or more time in the same day)
Severe coughing
Difficult or rapid breathing
Yellowish skin or eyes
Temperature of 100 or above (auxiliary method) when in combination with any
other sign of illness
Untreated infected skin patches
Unusually dark urine and or grey or white stool
Stiff neck
Evidence of lice, scabies or other parasitic infestation
Unusual spots or rashes
Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
Continuous runny yellow/green mucus from nose accompanied with a cough
4. Children who become ill or injured during the day or are suspected of having a
communicable disease will be isolated from the other children and made as comfortable
as possible while parents are contacted. Fresh, sanitized cot will be provided.
5. An adult will care for the child while the parent or person authorized by the
parent/guardian arrives to take the child home.
6. A child is considered to be mildly ill when he/she does not feel well enough to participate
in preschool activities but does not have symptoms that may be indicative of a
communicable disease.
Returning to School
1. A child is ready to return to preschool under the following conditions:
Child’s temperature has been normal for 24 hours without a fever-reducing
Child is free from any contagious skin rash
The child has not vomited or had a bout of diarrhea for a 24-hour period
2. Please notify the school if your child is absent with a communicable disease.
3. Parents will be notified in writing if their child has been exposed to a communicable
4. In case of severe emergency, the following steps will be taken:
Provide immediate necessary first aid
Contact 911
Contact parents
Follow procedure indicated on child’s emergency form
Sick Child Pick-Up Policy
If your child should need to be sent home early due to illness, etc., every effort will be made to reach a
parent/guardian. If the parent or guardian is unavailable, the emergency contact persons on the
emergency form will be contacted. Safety of the other students and staff is a priority. Once you or one
of your emergency contacts has been notified of your child’s illness, he/she must be picked up promptly.
Child Release Policy
If someone other than the custodial parent should need to pick up your child, the parent/guardian must
send a note on the day of pick-up to the teacher stating the name of the person who will be picking up the
child. The note must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian. All persons picking up a child will be
required to show a photo ID to verify identification. This procedure is in place for the protection of your
child. Please note that the emergency form is to be used by the school when a child is ill or has an
emergency at school. It is NOT used for the end of the day pick-up.
School Closing Policy
Winter brings snow and occasional winter storms! When these winter storms cause road conditions to
close schools, The Little Raiders Preschool may also be closed. For weather-related issues, the decision
to close our school will be made based on the closing of Columbia Local Schools.
Since our primary concerns are for your safety and that of your child on snowy roads, follow these
1. Watch any of the local television stations (Channel 3, 5, 8, or 19) for the Columbia Local
Schools to be delayed or closed. The name of our school will not be listed.
2. The School District App. will be updated with any school closings.
3. Phone calls from the Superintendent through School Messenger will go out to inform
parents of the school closing.
4. In case of weather-related or any other closure, (broken water line, no heat, etc.) an
attempt will be made to notify all parents through an automated phone system.
Grievance Policy
This preschool is licensed by the Ohio Department of Education. Ohio Department of Education personnel
are available to discuss any concerns or complaints you as a parent may have. However, it is recommended
that you attempt to solve the matter internally with the Preschool staff or Program Director, before
filing a formal complaint.
Program Director: Judith Skoczen 440-236-5021
Columbia Administration Center - 440-236-5008
If you still have concerns regarding the classroom environment, teacher qualifications, health and safety
conditions, the number of children, care of the children or similar matters, please call: 614-466-0224 or
toll-free 877-644-6338 ask for Preschool Program Licensing.
If your child has an IEP and you have concerns regarding your parental rights or your child’s program,
please call 614-466-0224 or toll-free 877-644-6338 ask for the Office of Early Learning and School
(Updated, June, 2022)
This handbook has been prepared for the families of the Columbia Little Raiders Preschool.
I have read and reviewed the contents of the 2022-2023 Parent Handbook
Child’s Name (please print)
____________________________________ __________________________________ ________________
Parent/Guardian (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Comment, questions or concerns: