1. Insert the CD containing the music
tracks to be copied
2. iTunes should open automatically; if
not, click the iTunes icon on the
Launcher. When the CD name is
highlighted in Source window, the list of
tracks will appear in right window.
3. Click on the plus sign at the bottom left of the iTunes window to create a
new “Untitled Playlist”
4. Name your new playlist file: click once on Untitled Playlist > type in a name
5. Click on the CD icon/name in the Source window on the left to show music tracks
6. Select the tracks to burn:
a. To select individual tracks: hold
down the Command (Apple) key
and click on names of tracks to be
copied so that they are highlighted
b. To copy the entire CD: highlight
the first song name > hold down the
Shift key and click on the last song
name to highlight all
7. Once all the songs to be copied are selected, drag them on to the new playlist name. A
green circle containing a plus sign will appear and playlist name highlighted > release
the mouse and songs will be copied to your playlist—this may take several minutes.
8. To check if the items copied to the playlist correctly, click on its name. If you copied a
song that you don’t want on the new CD, just highlight and click the Delete key.
9. Once all the music tracks to be burned are added to the playlist, eject your CD. Tracks
from another CD may be added to the same playlist: insert the new CD and copy as
above. CD length and file size are shown at the bottom of the iTunes window so you
can check remaining space on the CD.
10. When playlist is complete, go to iTunes >
a. Click the Burning icon that appears in the
General window
b. Under Disc Format, click Audio CD
c. If current volume settings are OK check the
Use Sound Check box
d. Click OK
11. Back in iTunes:
a. Select the playlist to burn
b. In the upper right corner of the iTunes window click Burn Disc
12. The Burn Disc icon will morph into an icon that blinks red and yellow. Insert your
blank CD-R > click on the Burn Disc icon.
13. When the naming windows appears:
a. Type in the name for your new CD
b. Click OK
(This name will appear with the icon on the desktop
when the disc is later inserted into a computer.)
14. Click the Burn Disc icon > iTunes will now begin burning. The Burn Disc icon will spin
while burning, and the status window will show recording status.
15. When burning is finished, the Burn Disc icon will close. The process is complete and
the new CD can be ejected.
Use a Sharpie or similar type of permanent marker to write your name, date, and the name
of the CD on the label (top) side of the CD. Keep in a CD case or cover if possible to
protect it and ensure longer life.
The computer must be equipped with a DVD burner. The instructions are the same as for
CD. Note, however, that the current Mac OS will not burn to DVD+R medium; please use
DVD-R (or RW) instead.
Scripps Information Technology August 2005