Record Retention Requirements for Federal
Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations
Most federal consumer protection laws and regulations require providers of nancial products and services to retain
records of compliance for a specied period. To facilitate compliance, we have listed a high-level summary of the retention
requirements for select federal consumer protection laws and regulations. We have designed this chart as a pullout for easy
future reference so, for example, if a compliance ofcer has a question about the retention requirements for Regulation
B, the chart would provide a summary and a link to the regulation for details. The chart is intended to provide a quick
overview but is not a substitute for reviewing the applicable statute or regulation. The chart is limited to the specic laws
listed, and other state or federal laws could also apply.
This informaon is paraphrased from the law or regulaon. The applicable law or regulaon contains more details.
This idenes the period that a record must be retained, not what triggers the retenon period (e.g., applicaon or date noce sent).
Each federal banking agency codies the ood implemenng regulaons in their respecve regulaons. We have provided the citaon for the Federal
Reserve’s ood implemenng regulaons. The other agencies’ ood insurance record retenon requirements, which are substanally similar, appear in
12 C.F.R. Part 22.9(d),(e) for instuons supervised by the Oce of the Comptroller of the Currency; 12 C.F.R. Part 339(d),(e) for instuons supervised
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporaon; and 12 C.F.R. Part 760.9(d),(e) for instuons supervised by the Naonal Credit Union Administraon.
Citaon Requirement
Retenon Period
Regulaon B/Equal
Credit Opportunity
Act (ECOA)
12 C.F.R. §1002.12 Maintain applicaons and required
nocaons, including wrien
statements alleging violaons,
prescreened solicitaons, related
selecon criteria, complaints
correspondence, self-test
documentaon, right-to-appraisal
noce, adverse acon noces, and ECOA
noces. Must also maintain records of
fair lending self-test
For consumer transacons and
self-tesng, 25 months aer date
of noce
For commercial transacons, 12
months, with a special rule for
business credit applicaons in
§1002.12(b)(5). For enforcement
proceedings and invesgaons,
the period is extended
Regulaon C/Home
Mortgage Disclosure
Act (HMDA)
12 C.F.R. §1003.5(a)
(1), (d)
Maintain loan/applicaon register (LAR)
and public disclosure statement
3 years — LAR
5 years — disclosure statement
Regulaon E/
Electronic Fund
Transfer Act (EFTA)
12 C.F.R. §1005.13(b),
Maintain evidence of compliance as
required by the EFTA and Regulaon
E, including (but not limited to) error-
related documentaon
2 years
Regulaon G/Secure
and Fair Enforcement
for Mortgage
Licensing (SAFE) Act
12 C.F.R. §1007.104(h) Maintain records of registrants’ criminal
history background reports and acons
Does not specify
Regulaon H/Flood
Disaster Protecon
Act of 1973
12 C.F.R. §208.25(i)(3),
and .25(f)(2)
Retain a record of the special ood
hazard determinaon form and receipt
of noces to the borrower and servicer,
force-placed noces, and evidence of
ood insurance if required
Life of the loan
Citaon Requirement Retenon Period
Regulaon M/
Consumer Leasing
12 C.F.R. §1013.8 Retain evidence of compliance with
Regulaon M, including having
performed required acons (except
adversing) and having made required
2 years
Regulaon V/Fair
Credit Reporng
Act (implemenng
for accuracy
and integrity
Appendix E to 12 C.F.R.
Part 1022
Maintain records to substanate
accuracy of consumer informaon
furnished to credit reporng agencies
that is subject to a direct dispute
Reasonable period of me, but
not less than any applicable
recordkeeping requirement to
substanate the accuracy of any
informaon about consumers it
furnishes that is subject to a direct
Regulaon X/Real
Estate Selement
Procedures Act
12 C.F.R. §§1024.10(e),
14(h), 15(d)
Retain HUD-1/HUD-1A (if applicable),
documents relang to kickbacks and
unearned fees and aliated business
5 years aer selement
12 C.F.R. §1024.38(c)
Small servicers, as
dened in §1026.41(e)
(4), are exempt from
§1038(c)’s requirements
Servicer must retain records
documenng acons taken for a
mortgage loan account, including
servicing disclosure statements
In addion to the record retenon
requirements, the servicer must
maintain an accessible servicer le
accessed within 5 days and contains
transacons credited or debited to the
account, including escrow and suspense
accounts, the security instrument,
servicers’ notes for communicaons
with the borrower, and any documents
the borrower provided to the servicer
1 year aer loan is discharged or
servicing is transferred
Record Retention Requirements for Federal
Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations
Citaon Requirement Retenon Period
Regulaon Z/Truth in
Lending Act (TILA)
12 C.F.R. §1026.25 Retain evidence of compliance with
excepons noted below
2 years – agencies may require
longer retenon periods
§1026.25(c)(1)(i), 25(c)
Retain records for loan originator
compensaon, ability-to-repay
requirements in §1026.43, and loans
secured by real property, except closing
disclosure, which are covered below
3 years
§1026.25(c)(1)(ii)(A) Retain closing disclosure 5 years
§1026.25(c)(1)(ii)(B) Must provide records to new owner
or new servicer if loan is sold or a new
servicer is appointed who must retain
records for balance of 5 years. The
creditor must also retain evidence that
it performed the required acons and
issued the required disclosures
5 years
Regulaon CC/
Expedited Funds
Availability Act
12 C.F.R. §229.21(g) Retain evidence of procedures to ensure
receipt of disclosures and noces and to
prove compliance with funds availability.
Must also retain copies of “reasonable
cause” excepons under §229.13(g) and
descripon of why excepons apply
2 years
Regulaon DD/Truth
in Savings Act
12 C.F.R. §1030.9 Retain evidence of compliance and show
evidence that procedures are followed
(e.g., informaon of rate and balances
to verify interest properly paid). Sample
disclosures must be kept
Minimum 2 years — agencies may
require longer retenon periods
Regulaon BB/
Reinvestment Act
12 C.F.R. §228.43
CRA disclosure statement
CRA public le, including wrien
comments, assessment areas, branch
informaon, and HMDA disclosure
statement (if bank is an HMDA reporter)
Wrien comments about CRA
performance and the banks responses
Most recent public CRA performance
Current and prior 2 calendar years
We have provided the citaon to the Federal Reserve’s CRA implemenng regulaons. The other agencies’ record retenon requirements for CRA,
which are substanally similar, appear in 12 C.F.R. Part 195.43 for federal savings associaons supervised by the Oce of the Comptroller of the Curren-
cy; 12 C.F.R. Part 25.43 for naonal banks supervised by the Oce of the Comptroller of the Currency; and 12 C.F.R. Part 345.43 for state nonmember
banks supervised by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporaon.
Record Retention Requirements for Federal
Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations
A discussion of record retenon must include the Electronic Signatures in Global and Naonal Commerce Act (E-Sign Act),
15 U.S.C. 7001(d)(1) et seq. The E-Sign Act was designed to facilitate electronic commerce by providing that the validity
or enforceability of a contract, electronic record, or signature for a transacon aecng interstate commerce (subject to
certain excepons) cannot be challenged solely because it is in electronic form or because an electronic signature or record
was used to form the contract. For purposes of this arcle and chart, the E-Sign Act also provides that if a law requires the
record of a transacon to be retained, an electronic record sases this requirement. To comply with the E-Sign Act for
recordkeeping purposes, an electronic record must:
accurately reect the informaon in the contract or other record,
be retained in a form that reects the informaon in the contract or other record,
be accessible to people entled to view the informaon for the period the law requires, and
be in a form that can be retained and later reproduced.
Specic quesons should be directed to your primary regulator.
15 U.S.C. §7001(d)(1) and 15 U.S.C. §7001(e). Outlook discussed the compliance requirements for the E-Sign Act in a 2009 arcle tled “Moving from
Paper to Electronics: Consumer Compliance Under the E-Sign Act,” available at hps://
Citaon Requirement Retenon Period
Servicemembers Civil
Relief Act (SCRA)
50 U.S.C. §3901 et seq. The SCRA does not impose
recordkeeping requirements; however,
examiners may want to view SCRA
records to verify compliance
Fair Credit Reporng
Act (FCRA)
15 U.S.C. §1681(m) Creditors or insurance companies
making prescreened oers of credit or
insurance based on consumer reports
must retain criteria used to make the
oer and the requirements that apply to
loan if secured
3 years
15 U.S.C. §1681(w); 12
C.F.R. Part 208, App. D-2
While the focus of this arcle has been
on record retenon, the FCRA also
requires that when nancial instuons
dispose of certain sensive consumer
informaon, they take reasonable
measures to protect against
unauthorized access to or use of
the informaon in connecon with its
Record Retention Requirements for Federal
Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations