_________________________________________ ________________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________________
Purchasing Department
Request for Waiver of Competitive Bidding
Pursuant to the purchasing policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on November 17, 2022, the Director of Purchasing is authorized to purchase goods
and/or services without competitive bidding when justified. A Request for Waiver of Competitive Bidding form must accompany a requisition when
colleges or vice presidential areas seek to purchase goods and/or services in excess of the bid limits without engaging in a competitive bid process.
Bid limits for goods and services are greater than or equal to $75,000 for both goods and services. Purchases from BuckeyBuy, for consortia
agreements or university-wide contracts are excluded from this provision.
Rationale for granting Waiver of Competitive Bidding (Please check the applicable box that explains the rationale for the requested waiver.)
A Sole Source justication exists if the goods and/or services required to satisfy the University’s needs are only available from
Sole Source
one supplier.
An Emergency justication exists if the goods and/or services are required to:
• Correct or prevent an emergency health, environmental or safety hazard; and/or,
• Provide for the completion of special or time sensitive events; and/or,
Enable the emergency repair/replacement of existing equipment essential for daily operations.
An economic justication relieves the University of additional expenses that would result from NOT making the purchase; use
of another supplier would result in incompatibility with existing conditions; and/or require considerable training, time and money;
and/or the goods or services are being used in ongoing long-term projects.
Technical and
The President and/or Senior Vice President for Business and Finance, or his/her designee, may grant a Waiver of Competitive
Bidding when he/she determines that services to be purchased are technical and specialized consulting services that are
temporary in nature and there are sucient economic reasons to support such a waiver and where such terms and conditions
as are in the best interest of the University. The exercise of this authority shall be subject to the oversight authority of the
Senior Vice President for Business and Finance. If waiver amount is greater than $250,000 it will require President's Cabinet
Supplier Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Describe Good or Service:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Org # / Fund # : _____________________________ Req # / Date:________________________________ Waiver Amount: _____________________________
Senior Fiscal Ocer
Name (printed)
Name (printed)
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
All changes to previously approved waivers much be sent to Purchasing via a requisition. It shall be at the discretion of Purchasing
whether the request for change should be approved.
For Purchasing Department Use Only
Received from Department Date: _____________
Received from Purchasing Date: ______________
Purchasing Department Approver:
Recommended Not Recommended
Ofce of Business and Finance Approver:
Recommended Not Recommended
Waiver # :________________________________
Academic Support
Select Waiver Category Code:
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________
Signature Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Signature Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Administrative Support Equipment & Services Instructional & Academic Research Equipment & Services
REV 07/2023