Practical Guidance for Endpoint Protection, Hardening and Containment
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 2
Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Endpoint Hardening ........................................................................................................................... 4
Endpoint Segmentation ................................................................................................................... 4
RDP Hardening ................................................................................................................................ 8
Disable Administrative / Hidden Shares ..........................................................................................10
Disable SMB v1 ................................................................................................................................ 12
Hardening Windows Remote Management (WinRM) ........................................................................ 15
Credential Exposure and Usage Hardening ....................................................................................... 17
Remote Usage of Local Accounts ................................................................................................... 17
Reduce the Exposure of Privileged and Service Accounts .............................................................. 19
Cleartext Password Protections ..................................................................................................... 21
Domain Controller Isolation and Recovery Planning .........................................................................24
Group Policy Object (GPO) Permissions and Monitoring ....................................................................26
Conclusion .........................................................................................................................................27
Table of Contents
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 3
Ransomware is a common method of cyber extortion or disruption
for financial gain. This type of attack can instantly disrupt access
to files, applications or systems until the victim pays the ransom
(and the attacker restores access with a decryption key) or the
organization restores and reconstitutes from backups. Once
ransomware is invoked within an organization, most variants
utilize privileged accounts and trust relationships between
systems for lateral dispersion.
Ransomware is commonly deployed across an environment
in two ways:
1. Manual propagation by a threat actor after they have penetrated
an environment and have administrator-level privileges broadly
across the environment:
Manually run encryptors on targeted systems.
Deploy encryptors across the environment using Windows
batch files (mount C$ shares, copy the encryptor, and execute
it with the Microsoft PsExec tool).
Deploy encryptors with Microsoft Group Policy Objects (GPOs).
Deploy encryptors with existing software deployment tools
utilized by the victim organization.
2. Automated propagation:
Credential or Windows token extraction from disk or memory.
Trust relationships between systems — and leveraging methods
such as Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), SMB, or
PsExec to bind to systems and execute payloads.
Unpatched exploitation methods (e.g., EternalBlue —
addressed via Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010).
The purpose of this document is to provide practical endpoint
security controls and enforcement measures which can limit
the capability for a ransomware or malware variant to impact
a large scope of systems within an environment. If there is
an active outbreak, depending upon the propagation method
that the variant is leveraging, implementing many of the
recommendations within this document can potentially disrupt
and contain the event.
While the scope of recommendations contained within this
document are not all encompassing, they represent the most
practical controls for endpoint containment and protection
from a ransomware outbreak. If implemented proactively, the
scope of controls outlined within this document can protect an
organization from being impacted by a ransomware event that
disrupts operations and impacts a large scope of systems.
1 Microsoft (March 14, 2017). Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010 - Critical.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 4
Endpoint Segmentation
Windows Firewall
During a ransomware event, many variants utilize privileged and trusted accounts to bind to systems within an environment. Commonly,
Server Message Block (SMB) is utilized for the communication channel between systems. While SMB is typically required within a
Windows operating environment (e.g., workstation to Domain Controllers or File Servers), the scope of SMB communications permitted
directly between systems can be restricted and minimized (e.g., workstation-to-workstation).
During a ransomware event, a Windows Firewall policy can be configured to restrict the scope of communications permitted between
common endpoints within an environment. This firewall policy can be enforced locally or centrally via Group Policy. At a minimum, the
common ports and protocols that should be blocked between workstation-to-workstation—and workstations to non-Domain Controllers
and non-File Servers include:
SMB (TCP/445, TCP/135, TCP/139)
Remote Desktop Protocol (TCP/3389)
Windows Remote Management / Remote PowerShell (TCP/80, TCP/5985, TCP/5986)
WMI (dynamic port range assigned through DCOM)
Using Group Policy, the settings listed in Table 1 can be configured for the Windows Firewall to restrict inbound communications for
endpoints in a managed environment.
Group Policy Setting Path:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
Endpoint Hardening
Tactic: Lateral dispersion amongst systems using standard Windows Operating System protocols
TABLE 1. Windows Firewall recommended conguration state.
Inbound Connections
Log File Path
Log File
Size (KB)
Domain On
Block all connections that do
not match a precongured rule
Yes Yes %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\prewall.log 4,096
Private On Block All Connections Yes Yes %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\prewall.log 4,096
Public On Block All Connections Yes Yes %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\prewall.log 4,096
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 5
FIGURE 1. Windows Firewall recommended configurations.
FIGURE 2. Windows Firewall domain profile customized settings.
Additionally, to ensure that only centrally managed firewall rules are enforced during a containment event (and cannot be overridden by a
nefarious actor), the settings for Apply local firewall rules” and "Apply local connection security rules can be set to “No for all profiles.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 6
To quickly contain and isolate systems, the centralized Windows Firewall setting of “Block all connections” (Fig. 3) will prevent any
inbound connections from being established to a system. This is a setting that can be enforced on workstations and laptops - but will
likely impact operations if enforced for servers; although if ransomware is spreading throughout an environment, it may be a necessary
step for quick containment.
Note: Once the event has been contained and deemed “safe” to re-establish connectivity amongst systems within an environment, via
Group Policy, the “Inbound Connections” setting can be changed back to “Allow” if necessary.
The protocols and ports listed in Table 2 represent the most common avenues for lateral movement and propagation. If blocking all
inbound connectivity for common endpoints is not practical for containment, at a minimum, the protocols and ports listed in Table 2
should be considered for blocking using the Windows Firewall.
For any specific applications that may require inbound connectivity to end-user endpoints, the local firewall policy should be configured
with specific IP address exceptions for origination systems that are authorized to initiate inbound connections to such devices.
FIGURE 3. Windows Firewall - “Block all connections” settings.
TABLE 2. Windows Firewall suggested block rules.
Protocol / Port Windows Firewall Rule Command Line Enforcement
TCP/445, TCP/139, TCP/135
Predened Rule:
File and Print Sharing
netsh advrewall rewall set rule group=”File
and Printer Sharing” new enable=no
Remote Desktop Protocol
Predened Rule:
Remote Desktop
netsh advrewall rewall set rule group=”Remote
Desktop” new enable=no
WMI Predened Rule:
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
netsh advrewall rewall set rule
group=”windows management instrumentation
(wmi)” new enable=no
Windows Remote Management /
PowerShell Remoting
TCP/80, TCP/5985, TCP/5986
Predened Rule:
Windows Remote Management
Windows Remote Management (Compatibility)
Port Rule:
netsh advrewall rewall set rule
group=”Windows Remote Management” new
Via PowerShell:
Disable-PSRemoting -Force
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 7
FIGURE 4. Windows Firewall suggested rule blocks via Group Policy.
FIGURE 5. Windows Firewall rule example to block specific binaries from making outbound connections on an endpoint.
Additionally, the Windows Firewall can be configured to block
specific binaries from making outbound connections on
endpoints. During ransomware response engagements, Mandiant
has identified legitimate Windows binaries being leveraged to
download backdoors and encryptors from both internal and
external locations. To protect against this tactic, an organization
can leverage a series of Windows Firewall rules to block specific
binaries from making outbound connections from an endpoint.
Using powershell.exe and bitsadmin.exe as examples, the figure
below provides configurations of leveraging Windows Firewall
rules to deny the ability for specific binaries to establish outbound
connections from an endpoint.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 8
RDP Hardening
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a common method used by
malicious actors to remotely connect to systems, laterally move
from the perimeter onto a larger scope of systems, and deploy
malware. External-facing systems with RDP open to the Internet
have elevated risk. Malicious actors may exploit RDP to gain initial
access into an organization, perform lateral movement, invoke
ransomware, and potentially access and steal data.
Proactively, organizations should scan their public IP address
ranges to identify systems with RDP (TCP/3389) and other
protocols (SMB – TCP/445) open to the Internet. At a minimum,
RDP and SMB should not be directly exposed for ingress and
egress access to/from the Internet. If required for operational
purposes, explicit controls should be implemented to restrict
the source IP addresses which can interface with systems using
these protocols.
Enforce Multi-Factor Authentication
If external-facing RDP must be utilized for operational purposes,
multi-factor authentication should be enforced for connectivity.
This can be accomplished either via the integration of a
third-party multi-factor authentication technology or by
leveraging a Remote Desktop Gateway and Azure Multi-Factor
Authentication Server using RADIUS.
Leverage Network Level Authentication
For external-facing RDP servers, Network Level Authentication
(NLA) provides an extra layer of pre-authentication before a
connection is established. NLA is also useful for protecting
against brute force attacks, which often target open
internet-facing RDP servers.
NLA can be configured either via the User Interface (UI) (Fig. 6)
or via Group Policy (Fig. 7).
FIGURE 6. Enabling NLA via the UI.
2 Microsoft (July 10, 2018). Remote Desktop Gateway and Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server using RADIUS.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 9
Using Group Policy, the setting for NLA can be enabled via:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop
Session Host > Security > Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication
Some caveats about leveraging NLA for RDP:
The Remote Desktop client v7.0 (or greater) must be leveraged.
NLA utilizes CredSSP to pass authentication requests from the
initiating system. CredSSP stores credentials in LSA memory
on the initiating systemand these credentials may remain
in memory even after a user logs off from the system. This
provides a potential exposure risk for credentials in memory on
the source system.
On the RDP server, users permitted for remote access using
RDP must be assigned the “Access this computer from the
network” privilege when NLA is enforced. This privilege is often
explicitly denied for user accounts to protect against lateral
movement techniques.
Restrict Administrative Accounts from Leveraging RDP
on Internet-Facing Systems
For external-facing RDP servers, highly-privileged domain and
local administrative accounts should not be permitted access to
interface with the servers using RDP (Fig. 8).
This can be enforced using Group Policy, configurable via the
following setting:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment >
Deny log
FIGURE 7. Enabling NLA via Group Policy.
FIGURE 8. Group Policy configuration for restricting highly privileged domain and local administrative accounts from leveraging RDP.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 10
Registry Method:
Using the registry, administrative and hidden shares can be disabled on endpoints (Fig. 9 and Fig. 10).
Disable Administrative / Hidden Shares
Some ransomware variants will attempt to identify administrative
or hidden network shares, including those that are not explicitly
mapped to a drive letter—and use these for binding to endpoints
throughout an environment. As a containment step, an
organization may need to quickly disable default administrative
or hidden shares from being accessible on endpoints. This can be
accomplished by either modifying the registry, stopping a service,
or by using the “Microsoft Security Guide” Group Policy template
from the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit.
Tactic: Lateral dispersion amongst systems via binding to administrative shares for tool or malware deployment
DWORD Name = “AutoShareWks
Value = “0
DWORD Name = “AutoShareServer
Value = “0
Common administrative and hidden shares on endpoints include:
Note: Disabling administrative and hidden shares
on servers, specifically Domain Controllers, may significantly
impact the operation and functionality of systems within a
domain-based environment.
Additionally, if PsExec is utilized in an environment, disabling the
admin (ADMIN$) share can restrict the capability for this tool to be
utilized to remotely interface with endpoints.
FIGURE 9. Registry value for disabling administrative shares on workstations.
FIGURE 10. Registry value for disabling administrative shares on servers.
3 See
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 11
Group Policy Method:
Using the “MSS (Legacy)” Group Policy template, administrative and hidden shares can be disabled on either a server or workstation using
Group Policy settings (Fig. 12).
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MSS (Legacy) > MSS (AutoShareServer)
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MSS (Legacy) > MSS (AutoShareWks)
Service Method:
By stopping the “Server” service on an endpoint, the ability to access any shares hosted on the endpoint will be disabled (Fig. 11).
FIGURE 11. “Server” Service Properties.
FIGURE 12. Disabling administrative and hidden shares via the “MSS (Legacy)” Group Policy template.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 12
Disable SMB v1
In addition to patching for known vulnerabilities impacting common protocols (e.g., SMB)
, disabling SMB v1 on endpoints can reduce the
mass propagation methods used by specific ransomware variants.
SMB v1 can be disabled on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (and above) using either PowerShell (Fig. 13), a registry modification,
or by using the “Microsoft Security Guide” Group Policy template from the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit.
PowerShell Method:
Tactic: Lateral dispersion amongst systems via vulnerability exploitation or legacy protocol abuse
Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false
Registry entry: SMB1
REG_DWORD = “0” (Disabled)
Registry entry: Start
REG_DWORD = “4” (Disabled)
Registry entry: DependOnService
R E G _ M U LT I _ S Z: B o w s e r ”,“ M R x S m b 2 0 ”,“ N SI
FIGURE 13. PowerShell command to disable SMB v1.
FIGURE 14. Registry key and value for disabling SMB v1 server (listener).
FIGURE 15. Registry key and value for disabling SMB v1 client.
Registry Method:
Using the registry, SMB v1 can be disabled on endpoints (Fig. 14 and Fig. 15).
Disable SMBv1 Server:
4 Microsoft (October 10, 2017). Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010 - Critical.
5 See
Disable SMBv1 Client:
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 13
Group Policy Method:
Using the “Microsoft Security Guide” Group Policy template, SMB v1 can be disabled using the settings noted below.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MS Security Guide > Configure SMB v1 Server
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MS Security Guide > Configure SMB v1 Client Driver
Configure MrxSMB10 driver
Disable driver
FIGURE 16. Disabling SMB v1 server via the “MS Security Guide” Group Policy template.
FIGURE 17. Disabling SMB v1 client driver via the “MS Security Guide” Group Policy template.
FIGURE 18. Disabling SMB v1 client driver via the “MS Security Guide” Group Policy template – additional setting.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 14
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MS Security Guide > Configure SMB v1 Client (extra setting needed for
Configure LanmanWorkstation Dependencies
FIGURE 19. Disabling SMB v1 client extra settings via the “MS Security Guide” Group Policy template.
FIGURE 20. Disabling SMB v1 client driver via the “MS Security Guide” Group Policy templateadditional settings ensuring that the “MRxSmb10” option is not present.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 15
Hardening Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
Manual operators may leverage Windows Remote Management (WinRM) to propagate ransomware throughout an environment. WinRM is
enabled by default on all Windows Server operating systems (since Windows Server 2012 and above), but disabled on all client operating
systems (Windows 7 and Windows 10) and older server platforms (Windows Server 2008 R2).
PowerShell Remoting (PS Remoting) is a native Windows remote command execution feature thats built on top of the WinRM protocol.
If WinRM has ever been enabled on a client (non-server) operating system, then the following configurations will exist on an endpoint, and
will not be remediated solely through the PowerShell command noted in Figure 21.
WinRM listener configured
Windows Firewall exception configured
These items will need to be disabled manually through the commands in Figure 24 and Figure 25.
Tactic: Lateral dispersion between systems via Windows Remote Management (WinRM) and PowerShell remoting
Disable-PSRemoting -Force
Note: Disabling PowerShell Remoting does not prevent local users from creating PowerShell sessions on the local computer - or for sessions destined
for remote computers.
After running the command, the message recorded in Figure 22 will be displayed.
FIGURE 21. PowerShell Command to disable WinRM / PowerShell Remoting on an endpoint.
FIGURE 22. Warning message after disabling PSRemoting.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 16
Figures 23-26 show how to enforce the additional steps for disabling WinRM via PowerShell.
Stop and disable the WinRM Service.
Stop-Service WinRM -PassThruSet-Service WinRM -StartupType Disabled
dir wsman:\localhost\listener
Remove-Item -Path WSMan:\Localhost\listener\<Listener name>
Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName ‘Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)’ -Enabled False
Set-ItemProperty -Path
HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Value 0
FIGURE 23. PowerShell command to stop and disable the WinRM Service.
FIGURE 24. PowerShell commands to delete a WSMAN listener.
FIGURE 25. PowerShell command to disable firewall exceptions for WinRM.
FIGURE 26. PowerShell command to configure the registry key for LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy.
Disable the listener that accepts requests on any IP address.
Disable the firewall exceptions for WS-Management communications.
Restore the value of the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to “0” (zero), which enforces UAC token filtering (admin approval mode) for
the built-in administrator (RID 500) account.
Group Policy Method:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Remote Management (WinRM) >
WinRM Service > Allow remote server management through WinRM
If the above Group Policy setting is configured as “Disabled”, the WinRM service will not respond to requests from a remote computer,
regardless of whether or not any WinRM listeners are configured.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Remote Shell > Allow Remote
Shell Access
This Group Policy setting will manage the configuration of remote access for all supported shells to execute scripts and commands.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 17
Remote Usage of Local Accounts
Local accounts that exist on endpoints are often a common
avenue leveraged by attackers to laterally move throughout
an environment. This tactic is especially impactful when
the password for the built-in local administrator account is
configured to the same value across multiple endpoints.
To mitigate the impact of local accounts being leveraged for
lateral movement, Microsoft Security Advisory KB2871997
introduced two (2) well-known SIDs that can be leveraged within
Group Policy settings to restrict the usage of local accounts for
lateral movement.
S-1-5-113: NT AUTHORITY\Local account
S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of
Administrators group
Specifically, the SID “S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account
and member of Administrators group” is added to an account’s
access token if the local account is a member of the BUILTIN\
Administrators group. This is the most beneficial SID to stop
an attacker (or ransomware variant) that propagates using
credentials for any local administrative accounts.
Note: For SID “S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account and
member of Administrators group”, if Failover Clustering is utilized,
this feature should leverage a non-administrative local account
(CLIUSR) for cluster node management. If this account is a
member of the local Administrators group on an endpoint that
is part of a cluster, blocking the network logon permissions can
cause cluster services to fail. Be cautious and thoroughly test this
configuration on servers where Failover Clustering is utilized.
Credential Exposure and Usage Hardening
Tactic: Lateral movement and propagation using the built-in local administrator account on endpoints
Step 1 – Option 1: S-1-5-114 SID
To mitigate the usage of local administrative accounts from being
used for lateral movement, utilize the SID
S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of
Administrators group” within the following settings:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny access to this computer from the network
Deny log on as a batch job (SeDenyBatchLogonRight)
Deny log on as a service (SeDenyServiceLogonRight)
Deny log on through Terminal Services
Debug Programs (SeDebugPrivilege)permission used for
attempted privilege escalation and process injection
Step 1 – Option 2: UAC Token-Filtering
An additional control that can be enforced via Group Policy settings
pertains to the usage of local accounts for remote administration
and connectivity during a network logon. If the full scope of
permissions (referenced in Option 1 above) cannot be implemented
in a short timeframe, consider applying the UAC token-filtering
method to local accounts for network-based logons.
These configurations can be enforced via the previously
mentioned “Microsoft Security Guide” Group Policy template from
the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit.
Group Policy Setting:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates >
MS Security Guide > Apply UAC restrictions to local accounts on
network logons
6 Microsoft (May 13, 2014). Microsoft Security Advisory: Update to improve credentials protection and management; May 13, 2014.
7 See
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 18
Once enabled, the registry value (Fig. 27) will be configured on each endpoint:
When set to “0”, remote connections with high integrity access tokens are only possible using either the plaintext
credential or password hash of the RID 500 local administrator, dependent upon on the setting of “FilterAdministratorToken.”
The “FilterAdministratorToken” setting can either enable (1) or disable (0) (default) “Admin Approval” mode for the RID 500 local
administrator. When enabled, the access token for the RID 500 local administrator account is filtered and therefore User Account Control
(UAC) is enforced for this account (which can ultimately stop attempts to leverage this account for lateral movement across endpoints).
Group Policy Setting:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options > User Account Control:
Admin Approval Mode for the built-in Administrator account
Once enabled, the registry value (Fig. 28) will be configured on each endpoint:
Note: It’s also prudent to ensure that the default setting for “User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode
(“EnableLUA” option) is not changed from Enabled (Default) to Disabled. If this setting is disabled, all UAC policies are also disabled. With
this setting disabled, it is possible to perform privileged remote authentication using plaintext credentials or password hashes with any
local account that is a member of the local administrators group.
Group Policy Setting:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MS Security Guide > User Account Control: Run all administrators in
Admin Approval Mode
Once enabled, the registry value (Fig. 29) will be configured on each endpoint. This is the default setting.
REG_DWORD = “0” (Enabled)
REG_DWORD = “1” (Enabled)
REG_DWORD = “1” (Enabled)
FIGURE 27. Registry key and value for enabling UAC restrictions for local accounts.
FIGURE 28. Registry key and value for requiring admin approval mode for local administrative accounts.
FIGURE 29. Registry key and value for enabling UAC restrictions for local accounts.
UAC access token filtering will not affect any domain accounts in the local Administrators group on an endpoint.
Step 2: LAPS
Once the usage of local accounts has been blocked for remote authentication and access to remote endpoints, an organization must
align a strategy to enforce password randomization for the built-in local administrator account. For many organizations, the easiest way
to accomplish this task is by deploying and leveraging Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solutions (LAPS).
8 See
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 19
Reduce the Exposure of Privileged and Service Accounts
Privileged Account Logon Restrictions
For ransomware to be deployed throughout an environment,
privileged and service accounts credentials are commonly
utilized for lateral movement and mass propagation. Until a
thorough investigation has been completed, it may be difficult
to determine the specific credentials that are being utilized by a
ransomware variant for connectivity to a large scope of systems
within an environment.
For any accounts that have privileged access throughout an
environment, the accounts should not be utilized on standard
workstations and laptops, but rather from designated systems
(e.g., Privileged Access Workstations (PAWS)) that reside in
restricted and protected VLANs and Tiers. Explicit privileged
accounts should be defined for each Tier, and only utilized within
the designated Tier.
The recommendations for restricting the scope of access for
privileged accounts is based upon Microsoft’s guidance for
securing privileged access.
Tactic: Lateral movement and propagation using domain-based accounts
As a quick containment measure, consider blocking any accounts
with privileged access from being able to login (remotely or locally)
to standard workstations, laptops, and common access servers
(e.g., virtualized desktop infrastructure).
The settings referenced below are configurable via the Group
Policy path of:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Accounts delegated with local or domain privileged access should
be explicitly denied access to standard workstations and laptop
systems within the context of the following settings (which can
be configured using Group Policy settings similar to what are
depicted in Fig. 30):
Deny access to this computer from the network (also include
S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of
Administrators group)
Deny log on as a batch job
Deny log on as a service
Deny log on locally
Deny log on through Terminal Services
FIGURE 30. Example of Privileged Account access restrictions for a standard workstation using Group Policy settings.
9 Microsoft (February 13, 2019). Active Directory administrative tier model.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 20
Service Account Logon Restrictions
Organizations should also consider enhancing the security of
domain-based service accounts - to restrict the capability for the
accounts to be used for interactive, remote desktop, and where
possible, network-based logons.
On endpoints where the service account is not required for
interactive or remote logon purposes, Group Policy settings can
be used to enforce recommended logon restrictions for limiting
the exposure of service accounts.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny log on locally (SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight)
Deny log on through Terminal Services
Additional recommended logon hardening for service accounts
(on endpoints where the service accounts is not required for
network-based logon purposes):
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny access to this computer from the network
If a service account is only required to be leveraged on a single
endpoint to run a specific service, the service account can
be further restricted to only permit the account’s usage on a
predefined listing of endpoints.
Active Directory Users and Computers > Select the Account Tab
Log On To” button > Select the proper scope of computers for
access (Fig. 31)
Protected Users Security Group
By leveraging the “Protected Users” security group for privileged
accounts, an organization can minimize various risk factors and
common exploitation methods for exposing privileged accounts
on endpoints.
Beginning with Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Windows
Server 2012 R2 (and above), the “Protected Users” security
group was introduced to manage credential exposure within an
environment. Members of this group automatically have specific
protections applied to their accounts, including:
The Kerberos ticket granting ticket (TGT) expires after 4 hours,
rather than the normal 10-hour default setting.
No NTLM hash for an account is stored in LSASS since only
Kerberos authentication is used (NTLM authentication is
disabled for an account).
Cached credentials are blocked. A Domain Controller must be
available to authenticate the account.
WDigest authentication is disabled for an account, regardless
of an endpoint’s applied policy settings.
DES and RC4 cant be used for Kerberos pre-authentication
(Server 2012 R2 or higher); rather Kerberos with AES encryption
will be enforced.
Accounts cannot be used for either constrained or
unconstrained delegation (equivalent to enforcing theAccount
is sensitive and cannot be delegated” setting in Active Directory
Users and Computers).
To provide Domain Controller-side restrictions for members of
the “Protected Users” security group, the domain functional level
must be Windows Server 2012 R2 (or higher). Microsoft Security
Advisory KB2871997
adds support for the protections enforced
for members of the “Protected Users” security group to Windows
7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012 systems.
Note: Service accounts (including Managed Service Accounts)
should NOT be added to the “Protected Users” security group — as
authentication will fail.
FIGURE 31. Option to restrict an account to logon to specific endpoints.
10 Microsoft (May 13, 2014). Microsoft Security Advisory: Update to improve credentials protection and management; May 13, 2014.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 21
Cleartext Password Protections
In addition to restricting access for privileged accounts, controls
should be enforced that minimize the exposure of credentials and
tokens in memory on endpoints.
On older Windows Operating Systems, cleartext passwords
are stored in memory (LSASS) to primarily support WDigest
authentication. WDigest should be explicitly disabled on all
Windows endpoints where it is not disabled by default.
Tactic: Obtaining cleartext credentials in memory for credential harvesting
Registry Method:
Another registry setting that should be explicitly configured is the “TokenLeakDetectDelaySecs” setting (Fig. 33), which will clear
credentials in memory of logged off users after 30 seconds, mimicking the behavior of Windows 8.1 and above.
By default, WDigest authentication is disabled in Windows 8.1+
and in Windows Server 2012 R2+.
Beginning with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, after
installing Microsoft Security Advisory KB2871997,
authentication can be configured either by modifying the registry
or by using the “Microsoft Security Guide” Group Policy template
from the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit.
FIGURE 32. Registry key and value for disabling WDigest authentication.
FIGURE 33. Registry key and value for enforcing the “TokenLeakDetect DelaySecs” setting.
FIGURE 34. Disabling WDigest authentication via the “MS Security Guide” Group Policy template.
Group Policy Method:
Using the “Microsoft Security Guide” Group Policy template, WDigest authentication can be disabled via a Group Policy setting (Fig. 34).
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MS Security Guide > WDigest Authentication
11 Microsoft (May 13, 2014). Microsoft Security Advisory: Update to improve credentials protection and management; May 13, 2014.
12 See
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 22
13 Microsoft (May 13, 2014). Microsoft Security Advisory: Update to improve credentials protection and management; May 13, 2014.
Additionally, an organization should verify if any applications are explicitly listed in the “Allow” keys (Fig. 35) - as this would permit the
tspkgs / CredSSP providers to store cleartext passwords in memory.
As Microsoft Security Advisory KB2871997
is not applicable for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008, to
disable WDigest authentication on these platforms, prior to a system reboot, WDigest needs to be removed from the listing of LSA
security packages within the registry (Fig. 36 and Fig. 37).
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Security Packages
FIGURE 35. Additional registry key for hardening against cleartext password storage.
FIGURE 36. Registry key to modify LSA security packages.
FIGURE 37. LSA security package registry key before and after the removal of WDigest authentication from the listing of providers.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 23
By default, Group Policy settings are only reprocessed and
reapplied if the actual Group Policy was modified prior to the
default refresh interval.
Many attackers will manually “enable” WDigest authentication on
endpoints by directly modifying the registry (UseLogonCredential
configured to a value of “1). Even on endpoints where WDigest
authentication is automatically disabled by default, it is
recommended to enforce the Group Policy settings noted in
Figure 33and configure automatic policy reprocessing for the
configured settings on an automated basis.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates >
System > Group Policy > Configure security policy processing
Enabled - Process even if the GPOs have not changed
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates >
System > Group Policy > Configure registry policy processing
Enabled - Process even if the GPOs have not changed
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 24
In the event of a ransomware outbreak, an organization must
ensure that they have a practiced plan in place to quickly isolate
key systems, and ensure that at least one Domain Controller can
be quickly taken offline and safely isolated for each domain within
managed and trusted forests. If the disk partition that houses the
Active Directory database (%SYSTEMROOT%\ntds\ntds.dit) and
SYSVOL (%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSVOL) on all Domain Controllers
were to be encrypted, this will impact the availability of domain
services and functionality for all domain-based applications and
services, including authentication, name resolution, and GPO
processing. If Domain Controller backups are either encrypted
or are not current, an organization may be faced with a complete
rebuild of an entire forest, which can further impact downtime.
Domain Controller Isolation and Recovery Planning
When Mandiant is engaged to help contain an active ransomware
deployment, the first steps recommended that an organization
take are to isolate at least one Domain Controller (preferable one
that holds FSMO roles) and ensure that offline backups of SYSVOL
(%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSVOL\*) and GPOs are available and current.
Proactively, in the event that either an authoritative or non-
authoritative Domain Controller restoration is required, an
organization should ensure that the Directory Services Restore
Mode (DSRM) password is set to a known value on all Domain
Controllers. If an organization does not have the DSRM password
available, the password can be set to a known value by following
the process outlined in the figure below. The steps will need to be
initiated on each Domain Controller.
netdom query fsmo
backup-gpo -domain “domain.local” -all -path “c:\temp\gpo-backups
PS C:\Windows\system32> ntdsutil
C:\Windows\System32\ntdsutil.exe: set drsm password
Reset DRSM Administrator Password: reset password on server null
Please type password for DS Restore Mode Administrator Account: *****************
Please confirm new password: **************
Password has been set successfully.
Reset DRSM Administrator Password: q
FIGURE 38. Command to determine a Domain Controller that holds a FSMO role.
FIGURE 39. PowerShell command to backup all GPOs in a domain.
FIGURE 40. Command to set the DSRM password on a Domain Controller.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 25
When restoring Active Directory from previous Domain Controller
backups is the only viable option to restore domain services,
an organization must first ensure that they have a working and
tested backup plan and strategy to guarantee the availability
and integrity of the schema and domain services that need to be
reconstituted. The following best practices should be proactively
reviewed by an organization:
Offline backups: ensure that offline Domain Controller backups
are secured and stored separately from online backups.
Encryption: backup data should be encrypted both during
transit (over the wire) and when at rest or mirrored for offsite
Configure alerting for backup operations: backup products
and technologies should be configured to detect and provide
alerting for operations that are critical to the availability and
integrity of backup data (e.g., deletion of backup data, purging
of backup metadata, restoration events, media errors).
Data Retention: backup products and technologies should
ensure that backups are retained for a pre-defined period-of-
time - before overwriting or purging data.
Enforce role-based access control: Access to backup media
and the applications that govern and manage data backups
should utilize role-based access controls, to restrict the
scope of accounts that have access to the stored data and
configuration parameters.
Testing and verification: An organization should periodically
test and verify that data can be restored and reconstituted from
both online and offline media sources. Both authoritative and
non-authoritative Domain Controller restoration processes
should be documented and tested.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 26
A common tactic utilized by ransomware operators is to deploy
encryptors by modifying an existing GPO configuration, or by
creating a new GPO, and linking either at the root of the domain
or to a large scope of Organizational Units (OUs) that contain
computer objects. By leveraging scheduled tasks, startup / logon
scripts, or software installation package settings within GPOs,
ransomware operators are able to leverage native functionality
Group Policy Object (GPO) Permissions and Monitoring
within Active Directory to accomplish their mission, without the
need to directly interface with each endpoint to invoke encryptors
across an enterprise environment.
Proactively, organizations should review the scope of configured
GPOs, and the last modified timestamp of a GPO to ensure that all
modifications align to authorized and expected activities.
Additionally, organizations should review permissions for existing
GPOsspecifically focusing on the scope of accounts and
groups that have the ability to modify GPOs within a domain. Any
accounts or security groups that have the ability to modify a large
get-gpo -all | export-csv -path “c:\temp\gpo-listing-all.csv” -NoTypeInformation
$permissions = Foreach ($GPO in (Get-GPO -All | Where {$_.DisplayName -like “*”}))
Foreach ($Permission in (Get-GPPermissions $GPO.DisplayName -All | Where {$_.Permission -like “*}))
New-Object PSObject -property @{GPO=$GPO.DisplayName;Trustee=$Permission.Trustee.
Nam e;Permission=$Permission.Permission}
$permissions | Select GPO,Trustee,Permission | Export-CSV c:\temp\GPO-Permissions.csv -NoTypeInformation
FIGURE 41. PowerShell command to review the scope of configured GPOs – including the last modified timestamp.
FIGURE 43. Event ID 5136 detection for GPO modifications.
FIGURE 42. PowerShell commands to list existing GPOs and assigned permissions.
scope of GPOs, or GPOs that are linked-to and enforce security
settings for a large scope of endpoints (e.g., Default Domain
Policy) should be carefully protected, and deemed to be privileged
within a domain.
GPO modifications can be proactively detected by reviewing
Security event logs on Domain Controllers for Event ID 5136 -
which requires that “Audit Directory Service Changes” auditing be
enabled. Figure 43 provides an example of a Security event log
detection for the Default Domain Policy GPO (well-known GUID of
31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F00C04FB984F9) being modified, and a
Scheduled Task (client side extension of AADCED64-746C-4633-
A97C-D61349046527) being added.
REPORT | MANDIANT Ransomware Protection and Containment Strategies 27
Ransomware poses a serious threat to organizations, as attackers continue
to utilize this tactic to monetize breaches. This whitepaper provided
practical guidance on protecting against ransomware attacks and containing
ongoing ransomware events. This whitepaper should not be considered a
comprehensive guide on every tactic and control that can be used for this
purpose, but it can serve as a valuable resource for organizations faced
with this challenge. It is based on years of experience of helping our clients
protect against and recover from ransomware attacksand it can help your
organization do the same.
Learn more at
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names are or may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. M-EXT-WP-US-EN-000212-04
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