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Environmental Studies Undergraduate Student
Environmental Studies Program
Fall 2016
How Renewable Energy Bene7ts Businesses and the Environment How Renewable Energy Bene7ts Businesses and the Environment
Carson Schwalbach
University of Nebraska Lincoln
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How Renewable Energy Benefits Businesses and the Environment
An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
The Environmental Studies Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science
Major: Environmental Studies
Emphasis Area: Natural Resources
Minors: Energy Science and Business
Thesis Advisor Name: F. John Hay
Thesis Reader Name: Lisa Pennisi
Lincoln, Nebraska
Date: Jan. 2016 Dec. 2016
How Renewable Energy Benefits Businesses and the Environment
Carson Schwalbach, B.S.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016
Thesis Advisor: F. John Hay
This project is being conducted in Lincoln, Nebraska, through a literature
review and survey review. World energy consumption is continuing to rise, and
global power generation is responsible for more pollution than any other single
activity. Virtually all regions of the world have renewable energy sources, and
businesses need to become leaders in the renewable energy movement, in order to
preserve our environment for generations to come. The importance of our
environment should not be overlooked, and the potential benefits of thinking
sustainably are quantifiable. Conducting a literature review will help determine if
there has been an increase in companies implementing sustainable business
practices, as well as establish their opportunities for growth and profit. A small
survey of 20 questions, completed by 22 local businesses across Lincoln, will help
determine the company’s knowledge and interest levels of implementing a
renewable energy project, and what they feel are the main advantages and
disadvantages of doing so. Renewable energy is seen as the most important
instrument to mitigate climate change and reduce the negative effects of energy
production (Richter, 2012). Consumers are rewarding businesses that address
environmental concern and are punishing those that don’t (Bang et. al., 2000).
Companies that think with an environmental lens are generally more innovative and
profitable than its competitors (Etsy and Winston, 11, 2006). 100% of the
businesses surveyed believe that renewable energy is reliable and beneficial for the
environment. Only 14% of the respondents were very interested in implementing a
project, while 82% agree that they feel there are advantages to using renewables
over traditional methods. 95% of the participants feel that there is a marketing
advantage with renewables, yet 50% do not think that it could draw new customers
to their business. Solar energy is the most popular form of renewable energy
amongst the respondents.
There are many advantages to using renewable energy sources for
businesses, such as marketing opportunities, reduction of emissions, lower energy
costs, and many others. The impact these sources can have on the environment
should not be overlooked. A key concept to think about when discussing this topic is
how not all renewable sources are economically feasible at the current time, and
need major development to become widely used by companies around the world.
Although there has been great progress in some renewable sources, more progress
must be made to increase the possibility of these sources producing the energy that
is required around the globe.
This topic is very important to me for several reasons, because the future
health of our environment depends on us being able to turn away from the use of
fossil fuels by adopting new methods of energy. Future generations depend on us
acting on this problem now, to ensure the longevity of a clean atmosphere and
diverse ecosystems. Although some technology needs research and development, I
believe more renewable energy projects need to be implemented around the world.
By increasing the amount of renewable projects, more money will be invested into
this field, increasing the amount of research and progress that can be made.
Businesses need to take the lead in becoming more sustainable, by increasing their
renewable energy use. Corporations need to become leaders in making this change,
because the amount of energy they use is undeniably more than energy used
personally. Industry and electric power accounts for 61% of the total energy used in
the US, while personal use accounts for 12% (EIA). When big businesses start to
make a change, others will follow, which will set the stage for future years of
decreasing our dependency on fossil fuels. There are multiple environmental
benefits that result from converting to renewable sources, but businesses have to
consider the economic implications of doing so. The environmental effects fossil
fuels have on the world are becoming drastically worse as time moves forward, and
changes need to be made now before these effects become irreversible. Businesses’
becoming environmentally aware is extremely important to me, because they have
the capability to cause significant change amongst the population. The use of fossil
fuels over the past century has caused a dramatic increase in greenhouse gases
emitted into the atmosphere, and corporations are a huge contributor to the
problem. These businesses have the ability to lower their emissions by
implementing renewable sources, and can set an example for other businesses. To
me, the advantages in becoming a sustainable business outweigh the negative
economic possibilities, such as initial costs and maintenance factors. Businesses
need to realize that they have the power to make a dire change in how the world
uses energy. The environmental benefits from using renewable sources instead of
fossil fuels are endless, and the importance of this topic cannot be overlooked.
The sun provides as much energy every hour, as humans use every year
(Morton, 2006). This fact is incredible, and shows that we have all the clean energy
we need, but we must develop technology to capture and store it. Morton continues
by saying that solar markets in some countries, including Japan and Germany, have
been growing by 31% each year over the past decade (Morton, 2006). Other nations
need to follow this progress in renewable energy, and realize the benefits it can
have. The amount of unused renewable energy around the world needs to be taken
advantage of. Virtually all regions of the world have renewable sources (Bull, 2001).
With sunlight, wind, geothermal, and hydrological power capabilities in nearly all
corners of the world, the importance of harnessing this power can change the
planet. The possibilities of renewable energy are endless, while remaining clean and
beneficial to the environment. Human populations will use mass quantities of
energy every year regardless, and where this energy comes from influences the
world of tomorrow. There has been major progress in the use of renewable energy,
with hydroelectric, wind and solar as the leading renewable sources. We need to
deviate from fossil fuels in order to become a more sustainable world. Solar energy
has the potential to supply 69% of total electricity needs by 2050, and by 2100, will
have the potential to supply 90% of our energy needs (Fthenakis, et. al., 2009).
Knowing that renewable sources have the potential to completely replace fossil
fuels should be enough for people to pursue more research and funding for the
development of these technologies.
The reason for the continued use of fossil fuels is not because we have no
other option for energy, but rather the fact it is abundant and cheap to use at the
current time. Renewable energy is at a disadvantage to other forms of energy,
because of high initial costs, lack of skills and technology, financing risks and
uncertainties, as well as poor market acceptance (Beck and Martinot, 2004). I agree
that renewable energy is at a disadvantage, but that doesn’t mean that it cannot
benefit businesses. Although not all renewable energy systems are at the same level
of development, there are some technologies ready for action right now that can
help businesses become more sustainable today. Not all renewable energy sources
are sitting on the shelf ready to be plugged into the electricity system. Some, such as
wind are almost competitive in mass markets, while others remain in niche markets
with much more development to be made (Haas, et. al., 2004). We need to take
advantage of the systems we can use now, while remaining focused on evolving
other technologies to where they need to be. The renewable energy technology we
have today can benefit businesses now, but considerations have to be taken into
account. It is difficult to estimate the cost of damage avoided or the value of public
goods presented, in terms of air quality or climate change, by using renewable
energy sources. Increasing cost in energy for benefits that are unseen, is hard for
corporations to see as favorable for their business (Menanteau, 2003). Companies
need to realize these unseen benefits, and become leaders in the clean energy
movement. They need to look into the future and see the benefits these technologies
can have not only on the environment, but on their business as well. Sustainable
strategies are smart business strategies. Addressing environmental and
sustainability issues gives companies a sustainable competitive advantage and the
benefits are quantifiable (Willard, 2012). This article identifies that sustainable
strategies do benefit the business and the results can be measured, although some
estimates may need to be made. Companies can gain a competitive advantage
through renewable energy and other environmental technology. New technology
can create and expand market demands. Environmental technology incorporates
environmental considerations into many aspects of business operations, and
thereby affects the competitive landscape in most sectors of the economy
(Shrivastava, 1995). Renewable energy has the potential to benefit companies
today, and further those benefits in the future. Renewable sources being used by
businesses will help increase the movement towards clean energy, and help develop
the research and funding needed to allow these technologies to become a major
supply for the worlds energy.
This topic relates to the health of the environment, which is connected to
almost everything on the planet. The importance of these sources becoming widely
used should not be ignored. The amount of energy human’s use is available through
renewable sources, but we need to develop the systems in order to remain
economically feasible in the eyes of businesses and corporations. This problem
affects everyone around the world, and will for generations to come. Decreasing our
dependency on fossil fuels needs to happen sooner than later if we want a clean
environment for our children to live in. Humans and the use of fossil fuels threaten
every ecosystem in the world, and we have the responsibility to protect the
biodiversity of earth. Converting to clean, renewable energy can solve many of our
world’s problems, by creating jobs, and conserving our planets health. The most
important part of this project to me is not necessarily the benefits businesses can
have from implementing renewable energy projects, but the example they can set
for others to create a world of clean energy for generations to come. Protecting the
environment is something that needs to be more highly focused on today, in order
to prevent dramatic changes tomorrow. I am very interested in the preservation of
the environment, without harming the progress of human civilization, and I feel that
renewable energy does just that. Showing how renewable energy is viewed by
businesses and determining their level of interest is the main objective of this
Materials and Methods
Using clean energy to create products is a clean and healthy way of getting
things done, which will hopefully increase exponentially in the near future. Although
it may not be the most cost effective method of producing goods currently, it allows
for the company to stand out from its competitors and reach out to further markets.
Collecting data from businesses is very important in understanding how future
businesses value renewable projects, and how much these projects can affect the
environment. Creating a survey to hand out to businesses can give reliable feedback
to see companies interests in renewable projects, and what they think the benefits
could be. Realizing the pros and cons of renewable projects is something that every
business must consider before moving forward with a project.
I conducted a literature review to determine the increase in sustainable
strategies used by businesses, as well as their opportunities for growth and profit.
Analyzing the information helped me determine if companies are realizing the
potential benefits of implementing renewable energy projects, and the advantages it
can give them over their competitors. Using scholarly resources will help establish if
consumers have a role in making businesses think with the environment in mind, as
well as highlighting benefits it can have on the environment. The literature review
shows why it is important for corporations to become leaders in the sustainable
energy movement.
Conducting a small survey for multiple businesses across Lincoln is another
method being used that will help determine company’s interest in renewable
projects, and get feedback on what they think of renewable projects for businesses.
The survey will consist of 20 questions related to how businesses feel about
renewable energy. The survey was sent to 75 small businesses across Lincoln,
Nebraska; to get a feel for what knowledge these companies have on renewable
energy. The contacts came from the entrepreneurial career services at the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln and were contacted through emails and LinkedIn
profiles. An online survey tool was used and to create an easy accessible way for the
businesses to respond. 22 businesses responded to the survey. The companies
surveyed are of all shapes and sizes. Surveying businesses who have considered a
project, and surveying those who haven’t will allow for us to determine the potential
benefits of a project, and help us get an understanding of interest levels on starting a
project. Using literature review to show why businesses around the world are
starting to think environmentally, and conducting surveys of companies locally to
see their interest and thoughts of renewable energy are equally important.
Increasing businesses knowledge and interest in renewable projects is something
that will shape the future for clean energy. Knowing the benefits of these projects,
and gaining interest for future projects is needed to ensure a change in how industry
uses energy.
After researching numerous articles, I have found that there has been a major
growth in businesses using sustainable strategies. This has resulted in more and
more companies becoming “green” as time moves forward, and is setting the pace
for other companies to follow. Historically, corporate interest in the environmental
arena tends to rise and then fall, but this time seems different. Instead of focusing
mainly on environmental costs and risks, or corporate responsibility, more and
more companies have come to see opportunities for growth and profit through a
focus on environmental sustainability (Etsy and Winston, xi, 2006). Businesses are
realizing the potential benefits from implementing sustainable practices and the
advantages it gives them over their competitors. Media is playing a vital role in the
growth of companies becoming green, by increasing employees and customers
concern. Stakeholders around the world are hearing the green message and are
becoming confident that the green economy will have a lasting effect. Over the last
three decades there has been a growing concern amongst consumers about whether
the earth’s resources will continue to sustain the standard of living that is enjoyed
by most Americans (Bang, et. al., 2000). Energy consumption is continuing to rise,
and worldwide power generation is responsible for more pollution than any other
single activity. Americans are beginning to recognize the link between energy use
and environmental degradation. This has lead to a growing segment of consumers
either rewarding or intending to reward organizations that address environmental
concerns in their business and marketing practices, and punishing firms that ignore
environmental imperatives (Bang, et. al., 2000). Corporate strategies are
increasingly becoming influenced by consumer concerns for the environment, and
businesses are now trying to become more environmentally aware, while remaining
profitable. Renewable energy appears to be one of the most efficient and effective
solutions (Dincer, 2000). Corporations using renewable energy have realized that
they get “the best of both worlds,” because they see an economic benefit of
implementing these projects by lowering their energy costs, and the benefits of
“green” marketing. The environmental impacts are also a bonus for everyone. Solar
energy emits roughly 98 grams of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour, while coal, the
most widely used energy generation practice, emits 955 grams, or about ten times
than that of solar (Akella, 2009). Geothermal, wind, hydroelectric, and energy crops
generate even less than solar. Renewable energies are seen as the most important
instrument to mitigate climate change and reduce negative effects of energy
production (Richter, 2012). The business world and the natural world are
inevitably linked, and smart businesses are beginning to realize this. Companies that
bring an environmental lens to their business strategy are generally more
innovative and profitable than their competitors (Etsy and Winston, 11, 2006).
The first question in the survey asked, “What industry does your company do
business in?” to get an understanding of what these businesses do. The businesses
surveyed do practices in tools, textiles, financing, agriculture, marketing, and many
more, creating a diverse pool of respondents. Having different backgrounds in
business was important to ensure that the respondents would have diverse interest
levels in renewable energy. The second question referred to the size of the
businesses, and of the 22 companies surveyed 21 claimed to be small, while one
claimed to be a medium sized business. Surveying local businesses gave me similar
results of them mostly being smaller companies, which was expected.
Question #4, “Do you believe using renewable
energy lowers carbon emissions and is beneficial
for the environment?”
Twenty of the respondents believe that using
renewable energy is beneficial for the
environment, and lowers carbon emissions. Two
of the respondents stated, “Generally yes,
depending on which kind of renewable energy.”
Zero of the businesses think that it is not
beneficial for the environment.
Question #6, “On a scale of 1-5, how interested
are you in the possibility of implementing a
renewable energy project for your business?”
Five of the respondents are not interested, four
gave it a rating of “two”, four are somewhat
interested, six are interested, and three are very
Question #8, “What do feel is the biggest
advantage of a business using renewable
Eight of the respondents feel that cost saving is
the biggest advantage, while three believe it is
reduction of emissions. Nine believe green
marketing, one feels cost stability and energy
supply, and one believes that a sustainable
business practice is the biggest advantage.
Question #10, “Do you think using renewable
energy and having sustainable business strategies
has a marketing advantage?”
Twenty believe that it does have a marketing
advantage, while one does not. One respondent
said, “It depends on the industry and customer
culture, but there seems to be a shift in many
industries that is making this advantage greater.”
Question #12, “Do you feel that your customers
would appreciate your business more if you used
renewable energy over traditional methods?”
Eleven think yes, while ten believe that it would
not make their customers appreciate them more.
One respondent said, “We don’t have “customers”
in our government agency.
Question #13, “On a scale of 1-5, how
important do you think your business using
renewable energy is to your customers?”
Eight respondents feel it is not important, three
gave it a “2” rating, and eight believe it is
somewhat important. One gave it a “4” rating,
and two businesses feel that it is very important
to their customers.
Question #14, “Do you believe renewable
energy usage will increase drastically over the
next 10 years?”
Twenty-one of the respondents agree that
renewables will drastically increase in the near
future, while one does not.
Question #16, “If set-up costs/maintenance were
not a factor, would you consider using renewable
energy for all of your energy needs?”
Twenty of the respondents said yes, while only
one said no. One stated, “Probably not “all” right
away, but yes to some immediately and then
increasing over the years.”
Question #18, “On a scale of 1-5, how much
would a government incentive increase your
interest in implementing a renewable energy
One said “not at all” while zero gave it a rating of
“2.” Eighth said their interest would increase
somewhat, two gave it a rating of “4” and eleven
said it would increase their interest level very
Question #20, “What renewable energy system
would you like to learn more about, to possibly
increase your interest of implementing a project
in the future?”
Fourteen of the respondents agreed that solar is
what they would like to learn more about, while
two agreed on geothermal, and two on biofuels.
One respondent wants to learn more about
hydroelectric, while zero have interest in wind.
One doesn’t know what they would like to learn
more about, one doesn’t want to learn about any
of them, while one wants to learn about all of
The findings from my research, had surprising outcomes, as well as expected
results. It was very pleasing to realize that more companies are beginning to think
with the environment in mind, while remaining strong and innovative. I think it is
very important that certain companies are starting to set the pace for others to
follow, by leading the way for sustainable business practices and using renewable
energy to show their customers that they care about preserving the environment.
Companies are undoubtedly realizing that there are quantifiable benefits to using
renewable energy and portraying an environmental friendly aspect to their business
plans. The objective of this paper was to prove that renewable energy has clear
benefits for the health of our planet, as well as explore the views and innovations for
businesses. It was frightening to realize that corporate interest in the environmental
arena tends to rise and fall over the past several decades, but it gives me hope that
this time will be different and have a lasting effect. It is surprising that industries are
deviating from thoughts about the costs and risks associated with making
environmental changes, and are realizing the opportunities for growth with their
consumers in mind. The customers have a key relationship to why businesses are
starting to become more environmental friendly, which gives hope that future
generations will continue and strengthen this relationship. It was expected to
identify the vital role that media plays with why corporations are starting to behave
in a sustainable manner, because of all the emotions that climate change have
stirred. It is amazing to know that everyday more people are becoming concerned
for future generations and the environment we are leaving behind, and are
dedicating themselves to making better choices in order to preserve the health of
the planet by doing whatever they can. Hopefully this will give the “green” economy
a lasting effect, and allow more people and corporations to hear the “green”
message. It is known that energy consumption will continue to rise as our
population increases, with more developed communities, which is a main reason as
to why we need to act now and make the transformation to renewable energy
sources. It was predictable that renewable energy is seen as one of the most
important tools to mitigate climate change, but was surprising to find that
businesses are just now realizing the potential profits and advancement these
sources can give them. My findings support that the business world and the natural
world are inevitably linked, and that the benefits businesses and the environment
can gain from the use of renewable energy is tangible and measurable.
The companies in the survey sample all do practices in different areas of
business, which gave me a diverse assortment of what they know and what they
would like to know about renewable energy projects and the benefits it can have on
their costs, marketing, and reduction of emissions. It was expected to find out that
100% of the companies agree that renewable energy is reliable and beneficial for
the environment, but slightly surprising that only 14% have high interest levels of
implementing a project. It was unanticipated that 77% of the respondents thought
that businesses using renewable energy is important, considering the fact that all of
them are still using traditional energy methods to run their facilities. This shows
that they know that changing the way they use energy significant, but there are
barriers that refrain them from doing so. It was very surprising that 82% of the local
companies felt that there is a definite advantage of using renewable energy over the
usual approaches and that 95% of them agreed that there is a marketing advantage
as well. This was surprising, because although they agree that there are advantages
to adjusting towards sustainable business practices, the ease of implementing a
project keeps them moving forward. It was projected that the initial costs of
executing a renewable energy project was going to be the most agreed upon
disadvantage of undertaking the task, but was very surprising to realize that “green”
marketing was the top choice for the advantages these companies sought. It was
imagined that the cost saving on energy bills would be seen as the largest advantage,
coming from an industrial mentality. It was interesting to see that over half of the
surveyed felt that implementing a renewable energy project would not draw new
customers to their business, but more than half felt that their customers would
appreciate their business more for doing so. This was interesting, because it
illustrates that they think their current customers value and environmental attitude,
but don’t consider that it could draw new customers from their competitors. The
next question asked about the views of significance they feel their customers have
on renewable energy used in industry, and it is satisfying to know that 61% of them
believe that their customers consider it important. 95% of the respondents felt that
renewable energy use in businesses will increase drastically over the next ten years,
which gives hope that these companies will adapt to future modifications in the
energy sector and make adjustments in their energy use. It was anticipated that a
government incentive would increase the likelihood of the respondent’s interest to
committing to a renewable energy project, and astonishing that nearly all of them
would use renewable energy to meet all of their energy demands today if set-up
costs and maintenance were not a factor. This proves that the initial costs and lack
of incentives is a major reason why more companies are not pursuing alternative
energy sources. It was extremely surprising that none of the companies considered
wind power as their top choice for what sources they had most interest in,
considering the amount of wind energy capabilities that is present in Nebraska.
Solar was top choice of interest and by a considerable amount, and also the top
answer for the technology they would like to learn more about. This was a probably
the most agreed upon energy solution, because of the availability to ease of applying
solar panels directly to the facilities rooftop. Overall, some of the answers from the
survey were very surprising, while most were expected, and proved that local
companies do perceive renewable energy as an advantage for businesses
profitability and marketing. The data clearly showed that the respondents mutually
agree on most of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a renewable
project, and proves that the initial cost and lack of incentives is what is keeping most
businesses from taking the leap and becoming leaders in the renewable energy
This project was completed in order to find factual information about the
way companies feel about renewable technology, and the interest levels they have in
implementing a project, as well as prove the importance and benefits it has on the
environment. Understanding the overall knowledge local and worldwide businesses
have is important to comprehending why some companies are becoming leaders in
using renewable energy to power their facilities, and why others are not taking the
steps needed to ensure the growth of these alternative energy sources. The
references used show the potential benefits that renewable energy can have on the
environment, as well as the profitability and competitive advantage it gives to
businesses. Solar energy is the most practiced form of renewable energy in
industries right now, and has 10 times less carbon emissions than the leading
energy source coal (Akella, 2009). The importance renewable energy has in regards
to the preservation of the environment should not be overlooked, as it is seen as the
most important instrument to mitigate climate change and reduce the negative
effects of energy production (Richter, 2012). Companies are beginning to realize the
positive benefits renewable energy can have on its reduction of costs, as well as
marketing advantages, and sustainable business practices are on the rise.
Consumers are becoming more environmentally aware and having growing
concerns about future generations, and is starting to reward companies that have
ecological outlooks, and punishing those that don’t (Bang et. al., 2000). The local
businesses surveyed seem to agree on the advantages and disadvantages
implementing a renewable energy project have, and all know that there will be
drastic increases over the next ten years. The lack of incentives, initial costs, and
availability and ease of implementing a project is what is holding these companies
back from moving forward and becoming leaders in the renewable energy
movement. Renewable energy has been rising over the past several years, but there
needs to be more drastic changes in the corporate industry to set an example for
others to follow. The survey respondents agree that there are marketing and profit
advantages from using renewable energy, but their interest levels are lower than
where some may like them to be.
This project could have been bettered by increasing the amount of
businesses surveyed to increase the diversity of the knowledge and interest levels
they have on renewable energy sources. Future studies should include a wider area
of companies surveyed, to recognize the different views businesses have in different
states, as well as companies of all sizes, to ensure a variety of local small businesses,
and large corporations thoughts on the issue. By creating a more diverse pool of
industries, the thoughts and opinions could be differentiated from my findings, and
generate a more practical outlook on what businesses really feel about renewable
energy used in business and the possible benefits it can have. Overall this project
had some credible information that can give insight to how companies are feeling
today about renewable energy and what the future has in store for renewable
energy industry. The importance of the environment needs to be accepted by all
people, businesses, and governments to ensure the longevity of our communities
and the health of our planet for generations to come.
This project could not have been completed with out the help of John Hay,
Lisa Pennisi, Christine Haney, and Dave Gosselin. Their advice and structure made it
possible for this project to be completed accurately and in a timely manner, and is
greatly appreciated. The 22 local businesses surveyed were a huge help in
conducting research on the interest levels and overall knowledge they have on
renewable energy sources and highly valued.
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