Created: 4/16/2024
Last update: 5/16/2024
Table of Contents . . . . . . . 2
Welcome Letter . . . . . . . . 3
Relay Basics . . . . . . . . 4
Relay Safety Guidelines General . . . . . 4
Relay Safety Guidelines Exchange Points . . . . 8
Rules, Code of Conduct, Etiquette and Penalties . . . . 10
Team Check-in and Captain’s Meeting for All Relays . . . 13
Start Procedures . . . . . . . 15
RTO Start Details on Friday Morning . . . . 15
Capital and Comstock Odyssey Start Details on Saturday Morning 15
Contests and Awards including Circle of Fame . . . . 16
Finish Line Festival Area Procedures . . . . . 17
Course Maps and Leg Breakdown . . . . . 19
Relay Leg Assignment Table (link) . . . . 19
Individual Leg Maps (link) . . . . . 19
Driving Instructions for the "Resting Van" . . . . . 19
Tips To Having a Great Time During the Relay . . . . 21
Tips for Having a Successful RTO Ultra Team Experience . . 23
Packing Checklist (link) . . . . . . . 23
Historical Points of Interest (link) . . . . . . 23
Things To Do When You Get Home . . . . . 23
Thank Yous and Next Year. . . . . . . 23
Release / Authorization Form . . . . . 25
Runner Line Up/Team Time Log . . . . . 26
Hello Runners,
Welcome to the 18th running of the Reno-Tahoe Odyssey Relay Run Adventure, the 10th Capital Odyssey
Relay and the 8th Comstock Odyssey Relay!
This is a spectacular, one-of-a-kind course, including downtown Reno, beautiful Lake Tahoe, historic Virginia
City and countless epic views along the way. We have fun contests for the most spirited teams and exchange
points, plus the Leg 4 Time Trial where we will crown the fastest man and fastest woman, and 178th place will
score a great prize too. This is a challenging event so remember to smile, cheer on fellow runners then
celebrate your achievement at the Idlewild Park Finish Line Festival.
Will any of you be joining the Circle of Fame? Please let us know so we can have your swag ready for you. If
you have run 5 RTOs or 10 RTOs or 15 RTOs, we will be giving you special patches.
Your safety and the safety of everyone else out there is critical, so we need you to follow the rules especially
along CA State Route 89 (Legs 9 through 16). Please follow the leg instructions and cross the highway only
where we direct you to cross.
Once again there will be a lot of runners and vans, so be alert and patient. Please check in with the volunteers
at each exchange point so we can keep track of your team.
Preparation is key. Get familiar with the legs you are running. This event is so much more fun when you are
not lost.
No one leaves XP 18 before Friday 10:30 pm and XP 24 before Saturday 2:30 am. Start times are critical so
please reach out if you have questions or concerns about your given start time.
If it is REALLY hot on Saturday, we will have a procedure to deal with starting teams’ second vans a little early
in Virginia City.
Thank you for joining us this year. Thank every volunteer. Respect the locals. Be safe. Have fun.
Best regards,
Matt Balzer
President, Reno Running Co.
RTO Race Director
We are proud of this course that takes you on an amazing tour of the Reno-Tahoe region. Along the way you
will see many of the attractions this area has to offer.
The course is divided into 36 legs. At the end of each leg is a runner exchange point. That is where
one runner ends and the next runner begins.
Runners will carry a team slap band and pass that to each other at the exchange points. The slap band
takes the place of a baton.
Teams with 12 runners run through their line-up 1 through 12 to complete the relay course. After
running the first 12 legs, the runners repeat this process and run the second and third groups of 12
legs. Each runner should run 3 legs of the 36 leg course.
Let’s focus on the vehicles for a moment. Each team has two vehicles, with 6 runners in each vehicle.
The first vehicle with 6 runners will cover the first 6 legs. The second vehicle with the other 6 runners
will cover the next 6 legs. The vehicles will leapfrog along the course alternating covering each group
of 6 legs until the team finishes the course. Accordingly, the runners in the first team vehicle will cover
Legs 1-6, 13-18, and 25-30. Let’s call that vehicle “Van 1.” The runners in the second team vehicle will
cover Legs 7-12, 19-24, and 31-36. Let’s call that vehicle “Van 2.”
At the end of each group of 6 legs is a vehicle exchange area. That is where one group of 6 runners
completes running the prior 6 legs and the team’s other runners begin to run the next group of 6 legs.
Part of the challenge of a relay like this one is to estimate how long it will take each runner to run his or
her leg. Teams need to be at the next runner exchange point when the runner arrives there. In
addition, the one team vehicle needs to be at the vehicle exchange point when the other team vehicle
arrives there that is carrying the runners who ran the prior six legs.
Each team must provide its own supplies to support its runners. Plan to leave room in your team
vehicles for these supplies. Do not plan on any aid stations along the course.
The safety of every runner is our first concern, so we address safety before anything else in this
Handbook. It is our expectation that every participant reads this Handbook. We request that a copy of
this and the Leg Maps are in each team vehicle.
If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911. If you have a non-life-threatening medical
emergency, please call REMSA at (800) 648-4888 and ask for the Communications Supervisor. You may call
911 also but after you have called the number above. Once you have things under control, please contact Matt
Balzer at 775-771-1369
Volunteers at every exchange point will be ready to address a medical emergency and contact REMSA too.
There are hospitals with emergency facilities along the course. They are:
Renown Medical Center (775) 982-4100, 1155 Mill St., Reno
Tahoe Forest Hospital (530) 587-6011, 10121 Pine Ave, Truckee
Barton Hospital (530) 541-3420, 2170 South Avenue, South Lake Tahoe
Carson Tahoe Medical Center (775) 445-8000, 1600 Medical Parkway, Carson City
Renown Medical Center South Meadows (775) 982-7000, 10101 Double R Blvd., South Reno
Let’s get down to it...
Nothing could be more serious than your safety. This section is critical for every runner to review and
understand. We request that each of you be mindful of overall safety. Please be careful while running and
traveling the course. This is a long-distance relay run that will take most teams more than 24 hours to
complete. It does not make sense to dash across a busy road and put yourself in a dangerous situation to save
a minute or two on your total team time. The roads and paths used for the relay course are NOT closed for the
In general:
At all times, every runner, team driver and team member
needs to be alert and exercise caution at all times.
must comply with all traffic laws.
respects everyone’s property. Go to the bathroom in a public restroom or facilities or in the
portable toilets we put at the XPs.
does not litter.
be quiet in the QUIET ZONES.
parks in designated areas at the XPs.
parks legally and completely off the roadway when stopping to support your runner. Do not
stop if there is no room!
At all times, runners must also
follow the directions provided with each leg.
run outside the white lines on the shoulders of the roads as much as possible.
be ready to step off the course if you hear a large truck coming or a lot of other traffic.
cross roads at designated intersections and comply with the traffic signals.
stop for a few moments to make sure you are in a safe spot if you need to.
Run off the roadway on the shoulder whenever you can. Run outside of the white line that
separates the main roadway from the shoulder. NEVER run on the white line. NEVER run
inside the white line in the traffic lane.
NOTE: If anyone associated with your team violates these rules, your team may be disqualified. We are not
trying to be hard asses. We just want this event to happen year after year, so that we get our permits and
approvals every year, and that we do not create problems for the property owners along the course and the
other motorists using the roads. And of course, we want to see ALL of you with your smiling faces and tired
legs at the Finish Line Festival! Thank you for your cooperation.
Team vehicles
No team vehicles over 20 feet long for your team support vehicles. No RVs, limousines, long wheel
base Sprinter vans, etc.
Due to a few runner exchanges being relatively small, we limit the size of the team vehicles. Please
follow this key rule. It makes for a much better scene at those smaller exchanges.
One exception to this rule is that your team may park a larger RV at Exchange Point Nos. 24 and 30 to
use for your team’s mobile lodging. There are big lots at those locations where there is more room.
The location of Exchange Point No. 30 in Virginia City is on E Street between the V&T Museum and
the Silverland Hotel. BUT PLEASE DO NOT have those big RVs follow you along any part of the
course in California. In the Boca area and along CA State Route 89 we do not want those big vehicles
tying up traffic on those smaller roads.
Team vehicles should act as an additional safeguard for runners. They can do that in at least two
ways. One is to display the “Runners on Road” sign that we provide to you. Place the sign on the
back of the vehicle in a conspicuous location. We will provide each team with two signs, one for each
vehicle. If you have extra ones, use them.
We recommend checking in on your runner once during the course of each leg then driving to the
exchange point.
Team vehicles should not cause traffic and safety issues. Team vehicles may not drive next to runners
for long periods of time, as this may cause a traffic hazard. Team vehicles must park safely off of the
roadways and not block access to other roads or driveways. Team vehicles should not speed along
the course endangering other teams’ runners. Do not place any signs or decorations on the vehicle
that block your views out of windows of the vehicle.
Be certain you can see out all of the windows of the vehicle. DO NOT block your view outside the
windows of the vehicles by putting up decorations or signs on those windows.
Do not take over an intersection stopping traffic so that your runner can run free without having to stop.
That happened one year in south Reno at a major intersection. This is not how we roll during the
event, and it really is dangerous!
Night running
For many runners this is their favorite run of their 3 legs, and this is their favorite time of the relay. It can be
such a great experience. Enjoy the moment but be alert and YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE RULES or be
subject to disqualification:
From dusk till dawn, runners must wear a lighted vest or reflective vest, then two blinking lights visible
on their back and carry a lighted flashlight, a headlamp or waist lamp on the front.
As a precautionary matter, we encourage runners to always wear reflective vests no matter the time.
We strongly urge you to stay in your van between dusk to dawn unless you are running or safely within
the confines of an exchange area.
Should you determine it is absolutely necessary to be outside your van at night, you must be wearing a
reflective vest and carry a lighted flashlight, wear a headlamp or waist lamp on the front. Traffic may
expect runners along the road, but they will not expect anyone darting across the road to support or
cheer on a runner.
Drinking and Driving
This is a serious issue. The laws that prohibit motorists from drinking and driving obviously apply to our
participants too. Do not put anyones life in danger: do not drink and drive.
Running Partner
At any part of the relay a runner may be accompanied by another runner. Please no bike escorts.
We recommend no use of headphones on Legs 8 through 32. If you must wear them then your 2 options are
the (outside of ear) bone-conducting headphones, or only one earbud in your ear (no earbud in the traffic-side
ear). Not following this rule makes your team subject to disqualification.
Railroad Crossings
Please be careful crossing railroad tracks. The trains may be going as fast as 45 mph. Please keep the
following in mind before starting the event.
1. You cannot judge the distance and speed of an oncoming train.
2. A train can approach any track, from either direction at any time. On multiple tracks, more than one
train can be present at one time.
3. You cannot always hear a train coming.
When the crossing gates go down and the lights and bells start up, DO NOT CROSS THE TRACKS!! Rather,
wait patiently for the train, and enjoy the brief rest stop. This is a 24-hour relay on a 178-mile course on roads
open to traffic and other elements. There are going to be moments when your team is not advancing along the
course due to some circumstance outside your control. A train at a crossing is one of these circumstances. Be
smart and safe.
Wild Animals
Although rare, please be aware that it is possible for wild animals to make an appearance while running this
event. The bike paths located around Lake Tahoe are parallel for the most point to Hwy 89; at certain locations,
however, these paths turn away from the road and twist through the trees (Legs 15,16). This may be a little
spooky for you, especially in the night. We have had bear sightings. Usually grazing in dumpsters. When
running into these more wooded areas, we suggest making some noise as a safety precaution or run with a
partner. DO NOT APPROACH WILD ANIMALS! If you come across them, stay away. Always be aware of your
Permits, law enforcement, signs, a system for emergencies, and lots of volunteers
We take many, many steps to make this event a safe experience. Those steps include the following:
Every single mile of our course is permitted by appropriate authorities that means 2 states, 9
counties, 5 sheriff departments, and 33 different state and private entities including: CHP, NHP, USFS,
Cal Trans, and NDOT. It’s more important that everyone finishes safely than anything else. A
permitted race is one that has been “vetted” by local authorities. We don’t consider that a hassle. We
consider it a necessity.
We work closely with the law enforcement authorities. We contract with them to patrol certain parts of
the course and help with traffic controls services. We pay them to do it. We’re happy to have them
involved in the event.
In addition, we put up changeable message boards and “Special Event Ahead” signs along the course
in strategic locations to let drivers know that you are out there. We also will place some light plants at
certain exchange points.
Team Check-in and Team Captains Meeting
Teams are required to check in the night before the start of the race at the official Team Check-in. We need to
get you your race bibs, signs, etc. At this check-in, you must also demonstrate that you have the proper
reflective and lighting equipment at least one full set for each vehicle. Then, you are required to have at
least one team member attend the team captain’s meeting. At that time, we will tell you about any last-minute
course issues or event issues. This is not a meeting that can be lightly blown off. We want to hold this event
every year. To do so, we need your cooperation regarding these safety guidelines. Thank you for your
See section in this Handbook for detailed information, time and location.
Please pay particular attention to the following exchange point issues on the route used for the Reno-Tahoe
Odyssey, Capital Odyssey and Comstock Odyssey.
There are 2 types of exchanges runner and van exchange points. Please be aware that the van exchange
points are always the most crowded exchanges. Please be extra careful entering and exiting them. For all
exchanges, watch out for runners and other team vehicles and other motorists as always.
XP 2 please park on the side of the road where the exchange is. DO NOT park across from road from the
exchange area.
XP 3 do not park in the lane where parents are parked to pick up their kids at Verdi Elementary. Do not
park in or block the driveways across the street from the school.
XP 6 is a VAN EXCHANGE POINT at the Tahoe Forest Church, 10315 Hirschdale Road in Truckee.
Parking will be inside the church property. Please park in the designated spots and follow the directions
given by our parking attendants. There will be one-way traffic on the church property, so follow the one
XP 7, please park along the north side of the dirt Prosser Dam Road just east of the exchange. You will
need to make a U-turn on the dirt road. Your van should be facing westbound.
XP 9 (Highway 89 between Truckee and Olympic Valley Park) This exchange is in a large dirt area
adjacent to Highway 89. We will direct vans to veer off the highway and park just short of the exchange in
the dirt area. Be careful leaving and re-entering the highway here. Quickly get out of, then back into, the
traffic lane.
XP 10, please park in the Olympic Valley Park parking lot. DO NOT park across the street from the park.
XP 12-A and 12-B are unique to the 2024 event. Typically, this is a single van exchange point but due to
construction we’ve had to split it into two locations. Leg 12 runners will finish their leg at 12-A. Leg 13
runners will begin their leg at. 12-B. Your two vans will not come together at this point. Included with the leg
maps is a new document called “Exchange 12-A and 12-B Guidelines” outlining exactly what each van
needs to do this year. Please have that with you during the race and follow the directions carefully. Please
limit your time at these locations. These new exchanges have limited space, and these directions will keep
everyone safe and happy as we move through this brief part of the course. Next year we’ll be back at
Homewood for a normal van exchange, we appreciate your understanding and cooperation!
XP 12-A, please park in the SNO-PARK parking lot on your right when entering the property. If the lot is
full, please pull further down the road, make a U-turn, and park on the eastbound side of the road (facing
the lake).
XP 13, please turn right and drive up the hill and park on one of the side streets or turn around and park
headed down the hill on Silvertip Drive. DO NOT park on the right side of Silvertip going up the hill,
because that will block traffic coming in and out of this exchange. Also DO NOT park along CA State
Route 89.
XP 15 AND 16 NOTE: Camp Richardson at South Lake Tahoe is not part of the relay. We do not have an
arrangement with Camp Richardson. So, unless you have a room or campsite there, please do not stop
there. Thank you.
XP 15, please pull into the long driveway of Taylor Creek Visitor Center and park in the nearby parking lot.
DO NOT park on the right side of the driveway, because that will block traffic coming in and out of this
exchange. Also DO NOT park across the highway from the exchange.
XP 16, this is a rolling exchange so please park out of the way of traffic, ideally facing westbound but not in
the parking lot of the commercial center. Runners can exchange anywhere on Venice Drive between 15th
and Tahoe Keys Blvd. We prefer you exchange closer to Tahoe Keys Blvd.
XP 18 is a VAN EXCHANGE POINT at South Lake Tahoe’s Village Center. This year, the exchange will be
in the back parking lot, behind the stores. This back lot is a very large parking lot with plenty of parking
spaces. Turn right onto Heavenly Village Way, continue .17 miles, then turn right into the parking lot.
XP 21, please park on the side of the road where the exchange is. DO NOT park across the road from the
exchange area.
XP 24 is a VAN EXCHANGE POINT at the Super Walmart store just south of Carson City, there is another
very large parking lot with plenty of parking spaces. There are two entrances to the parking lot off of Topsy
Drive. We’d prefer that you use the first one as compared to the second one right by the Walmart sign and
the exchange. We’d prefer that you exit there also.
XP 29, please park parallel in the chain installation area on the right. If that area is full, please park
continue past the exchange and park along the road above the exchange and walk back to the exchange.
XP 30 is a VAN EXCHANGE POINT in the heart of historic Virginia City. We are closing the main street (C
St.) for the block where the exchange is located. When you reach Virginia City, find your way to E Street 2
blocks east of C Street and park by the museum at the corner of E Street and Union. It is a short two block
walk up the hill to the exchange across from the Delta Saloon and next door to the Bucket of Blood Saloon.
XP 32, please park on the side of the road where the exchange is. DO NOT park across the road from the
exchange area.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE follow the event rules and the traffic laws.
Please be reasonable and responsible as you travel the course.
Please use the portable toilets at each exchange point. Stay off people’s lawns/yards. Do not pee in
anyone’s yard!
Please pick up your garbage and put it in trash cans.
There are many people who enjoy doing this event. We want to be able to put on the RTO every year for many
years to come. Thank you in advance for your consideration and your cooperation.
Quiet Zones and Other Good Neighbor Practices
The course passes through some residential neighborhoods, including some during the nighttime when people
are trying to sleep. Please be quiet. Do not honk your car horn or any other horns. Do not ring your
cowbells or any other bells. Do not speed in your vans.
Where? In the following areas in particular but as a rule wherever there are homes:
Leg 8 on Prosser Dam Road, one of Truckee’s most established neighborhoods
Leg 16 through Tahoe Keys
XP 19 at Daggett Summit at the top of Kingsbury Grade
XP 21 at the bottom of Kingsbury Grade
XP 22 in the cute little town of Genoa, Nevada’s oldest settlement
Leg 25 through south Carson City
Leg 26 through the middle of Carson City
XP 31 and 32, keep the roads clear. These are the only roads for residents to use to access their Virginia
Highlands neighborhood. They need to use these roads during our event. So please keep out of their way.
Follow traffic signals at all intersections and be polite toward other motorists. Never stop traffic so that
your runner can run through an intersection without having to mind the traffic and pedestrian laws.
Please use the portable toilets at each exchange point or other restrooms along the course that are open to the
public. Do not go to the bathroom in the yards or on the property of residents near our exchange points or
along the route.
Please be respectful of restrooms along the course. Treat them as your own so that we may continue to use
them. One public restroom at a Nevada State Park facility at one exchange point was left in such HORRIBLE
condition one year that we lost our privileges to use those restrooms.
In the past we have had some complaints about runners littering the course with water bottles and other trash.
Please throw away all trash in the garbage cans near the portable toilets at exchange points or in other
garbage cans along the course. This is not a typical road race where we follow behind you and pick up. We
cannot do that for 178 miles. So please pick up after yourself. Thank you!
A fun ritual at relays is "tagging" other teams' vehicles with your team's distinct mark. Under no circumstances
should anyone put something on a car’s paint. Be sure that whatever materials that you use for tagging are
temporary and fully removable-use washable markers or little magnets. DO NOT make any permanent marks
that damage the vehicles. Do not use real stickers.
Many relay runners get very excited when they pass others along the route. They actually make little markings
on their own vehicles to indicate how many runners their team has passed. This is called "keeping track of
roadkill." But please don't be obnoxious about this practice. And make sure that every time you are passed
you delete a marking. That's only fair!
Splitting a leg between two or more runners
Each runner should run his or her entire leg. A runner may stop and let another runner run the rest of the leg
only if the runner believes he or she is about to suffer injury. We do not want anyone to get hurt. However, we
also do not want teams to exchange wherever they want to do so. This creates various safety hazards. And it
is not how teams are supposed to run this event.
If anyone on your team violates any of our safety guidelines, your team may be disqualified. No one
wants to be onerous or difficult, but safety is very important. We want everyone to have a good and
SAFE time.
Only Matt Balzer, Race Director, has authority to pull a team from the relay and direct them to stop. If
a volunteer at an exchange point or anyone else happens to tell your team that your team is
disqualified and the relay is over for your team and you must stop, please call Matt at 775-771-1369 to
Teams that are disqualified may not receive their medals at the finish line and they may not be listed in
the official results. Relay officials reserve the right to impose other penalties.
Time Adjustments and Penalties
AHEAD OF TIME: Teams may be asked to stop at an exchange point for a period of time if they are ahead of
their projected times or for other reasons. If you are asked to stop, please track your stopped time from the
time you get to the exchange point until the time you are authorized to continue. Confirm this stop time with
relay officials and the exchange point volunteers at that exchange point where you stopped. We will subtract
the stop time to determine your total time.
HARD HOLD TIMES: If your team is running fast or ahead of our volunteers, expect to be stopped and held for
a period of time at Exchange No. 18 and/or No. 24. If you think you will get to either of these locations before
the times below, please contact Matt Balzer about adjusting your start time.
XP 18, we’ll hold all teams until 10:30 pm.
XP 12-B, we’ll hold all teams until 4:45 pm.
XP 24, we’ll hold all teams until 2:30 am.
FALLING BEHIND: Teams that fall behind their projected times or who fall outside of the time windows for the
exchange points you will be asked to skip legs. Volunteers will let you know at XP 12, 18, 24 and 30 if you
need to skip ahead 3 legs.
Rules for Competitive Teams Trying to Win Their Division or Maybe the Whole RTO
Please note that this event is not set up to be a true competition. We cannot guarantee uniformity in all the
conditions that each team will encounter. Teams run at different times of the day and night. Teams encounter
different challenges, such as different weather conditions at different parts of the course, and different length
stops for trains and/or long red lights and/or unexpected wildlife encounters. We cannot police every mile of a
178 mile course.
To try to bring some order to the competition, competitive teams must adhere to the following rules.
Teams must run in the order of their line-up. For example, for a 12 person team, they will run through
the line-up in order 3 times: 1 through 12, then 1 through 12, then 1 through 12.
If a team has only 11 runners, then they must run through their order 3 times. The first three runners in
the line-up will need to run the last 3 legs in the same order. In other words, runner no. 1 will run Leg
34, runner no. 2 will run Leg 35, and runner no. 3 will run Leg 36.
Teams cannot change or otherwise manipulate the order and still be eligible to claim first place. Once
they do that, they are no longer eligible to win.
o There is one exception: if there is a legitimate injury to one runner. If someone cannot begin
their leg or complete a leg, the team may select a substitute runner from the roster to run that
leg and any other legs that that runner was supposed to run. The injured runner is disqualified
from running in the rest of the event. No dropping out, then coming back in. The same
teammate cannot substitute more than once. Hence, if 3 legs must be run by substitute
runners, 3 different runners must run one leg each.
o In addition, 10 minutes will be added for every substitution.
For example, if a runner was injured during his or her first leg (but he or she completed the leg) and was unable
to run the next two, the team would be penalized 20 minutes. If a runner was injured during his or her first leg
and was unable to run the entirety of the first leg and the next two, the team would be penalized 30 minutes.
If the order is changed a second time because of an injury to a second runner or for some other reason, the
team is no longer eligible to win.
At the time of the injury, please text Matt Balzer at 775-771-1369 to report the injury and the substitution plan.
Relay officials are the final authority to determine the winners of the divisions. Their decision stands.
What Happens If It Is Really Hot on Saturday?
If we have record high temperatures on Saturday, we will let some teams start their second van on Leg
31 before their first van finishes Leg 30. This is for your health and safety.
Teams will need to contact Matt Balzer to get permission so that we know where your team is and IS
NOT running.
To help manage the situation, we’ll need the team captain to text Matt at 775-771-1369. We’ll need
you to provide the following info: (1) Team captain’s name and cell phone number; (2) Team No.; (3)
anticipated time of day that your Van 1 will finish Leg 30; (4) estimated amount of time that your Van 2
will need to finish the final 6 legs. Once that information is provided, Matt will let you know if your team
may start its Van 2 on Leg 31 before its Van 1 reaches the end of Leg 30.
We also may direct your team to skip some legs.
Cooperation and communication with Matt are important. We need to know what is happening with
your team, and we will let the exchange point volunteers know that your team won’t be passing by a
certain exchange.
When your team checks in, there will be multiple stations for you to pass through. Just one person can check
in the team. Every team member does NOT have to be present but we will have RTO merchandise for sale so
some might want to stop by.
NOTE: Capital or Comstock teams if cannot check-in or attend the Captain’s Meeting, please contact Matt
Balzer at matt@race178.com to make alternative arrangements.
Date: Thursday, May 30
Time: 4:15 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: self-parking lot of the J Resort in downtown Reno at 235 Ralston.
Station 1a:
You provide us with the following:
1) Confirm your team's name and number, your start time and your division.
2) Fully signed release / authorization forms for any runners who were added after May 15. A paper
release must be signed and provided to us. The form is in the Appendix of this handbook. We will not
provide forms for you.
3) Confirm the cell numbers of at least 1 runner in each van if you provided it online or provide us with a
list. This will speed up the process and not require you to have to write in that info on a phone list on-
Station 1b:
No RTO or Capital teams are exempt from this Station this year. We had many runners without enough lighting
at dusk/night last year. We need you to demonstrate that you understand and have the equipment for your
runners to be safe and visible for their dusk till dawn runs.
Show us your safety equipment 1 set for each vehicle. From dusk till dawn, runners must wear a lighted vest
or reflective vest, then two blinking lights visible on their back and carry a lighted flashlight, a headlamp or waist
lamp on the front. But please have a lot more. Plan to decorate yourself in enough lighting to be visible from
the front and the back. Yes, a human Christmas tree is the goal and what we want to see!
If you plan on getting out of your vehicle when you aren’t running, you must have on a minimum of a reflective
vest and lighted flashlight, headlamp or waist lamp. You need to be seen as well.
NOTE: make sure you have extra batteries for your lights as well as chargers.
Station 2:
We provide you with the following:
1) Your team’s race numbers and pins. There will be an ankle chip for the Leg 4 runner to wear on that
leg and return at the end of it.
2) Your team’s baton which is one slap bracelet you are not DQ’ed if you lose it.
3) Team Time Log form. Yes, we know this can be done electronically, but having a piece of paper and
your watch on a clipboard is a tradition we think is worth keeping. There is nothing like the stress of
making sure that dang watch is NOT turned off during the entire event. Teams will need to turn this in
at the finish, especially teams competing for a division or overall finish. The form is in the Appendix of
this Handbook.
4) One ballot for each van to complete for most spirited team and most spirited exchange point. These
will be turned in at the finish when you pick up your medals.
5) If your team was one of the first 25 teams to register, you will have an extra envelope with your early
registration RTO merchandise discount coupon.
6) Two “Caution: Runner On Road” signs, one for each van (remember to bring tape to attach your signs
on your vehicles).
Station 3:
Pick up your race shirt and goodies!
RTO Store
It's best to get your merch here because it might sell out before you get to the Finish Line Festival on Saturday!
Attendance is mandatory for captains but the whole team is welcome. We will address items that came up
since publication of the handbook. Items such as course modifications, road construction, detours, weather
issues, etc. Plus we will have a lot of fun. We’ll make special announcements about certain runners. We’d do
a Top Ten Countdown of the Best Team Names and announce the winner of that contest. We’ll of course
answer any questions that you have. Even if you don’t have any questions and you are ready to go, come to
the meeting to relax before the relay and start bonding with your teammates and the other runners. Please
note that this meeting is mandatory for at least one runner per team. If no one from your team can make it,
please email Matt Balzer at [email protected]m to make alternative arrangements to get the info discussed at
the meeting.
Date and location: same as Team Check-in above
Time: 7:35 p.m. (bring a chair if you don’t want to stand or sit on the ground)
RTO Parking Friday morning
Like past years, we will reserve the street parking spots along West First Street on the north side of the
Truckee River across from the Wingfield Park island where we start. There is a pedestrian bridge that
connects this area to the start area on the island in the middle of the river. So this is by far the best place to
park. You will be in the best spot also to chase your runners down Riverside Drive.
RTO Race Morning Start Check-in
ALL TEAMS MUST CHECK-IN SO WE KNOW YOU ARE HERE. Please arrive 25 minutes before your
assigned start time.
RTO Race Morning late goodie bag pick-up at the start
Friday morning late check-in and goodie bag pick-up will occur at the start area at Wingfield Park West. The
check-in process defined above will be the same one here. Please arrive 60 minutes before your start time to
complete the check-in process.
NOTE: If you want to be considered for Best Team Shirts, Best Team Costumes and Best Decorated Team
Vans, please let us know at the start area so we can give your team due consideration before you begin.
Parking - There is a huge parking lot in front of the Carson Valley Super Walmart where Leg 25 begins, which
is the first leg of the Capital Odyssey Relay.
The start will occur close to Exchange Point No. 24 at the intersection of Topsy Drive and the entrance
driveway into the parking lot nearest Walmart. Look for the Capital Odyssey Relay start sign. Please check in
15 minutes before your assigned start time with the starter there. At a minimum the Leg 1 runner of the Capital
Odyssey Relay should be there, but all teammates are invited.
If your team was not able to complete the check in process on Thursday or Friday, then a modified check in
process will happen here. All teams please arrive 30 minutes before your start time to complete the check-in
process with the Race Director or volunteers on-site.
Parking -There is a huge parking lot that begins at the intersection of Union and E Streets, just two blocks
down the hill from the Bucket of Blood Saloon on C Street where Leg 31 begins, which is the first leg of the
Comstock Odyssey Relay.
The start will occur close to Exchange Point No. 30 in front of the Bucket of Blood Saloon on C Street. Look for
the Comstock Odyssey Relay start sign. Please check in 15 minutes before your assigned start time with the
starter there. At a minimum the Leg 1 runner of the Comstock Odyssey Relay should be there, but all
teammates are invited.
If your team was not able to complete the check in process on Thursday or Friday, then a modified check in
process will happen here. All teams please arrive 30 minutes before your start time to complete the check-in
process with the Race Director or volunteers on-site.
RTO Circle of Fame
Some of you aspire to run every leg of the RTO. If you run all 36 legs of the RTO, you qualify for our special
club… RTO Circle of Fame!
Please let us know if you will become a member of this club after running this year’s RTO. We will have some
special swag for you at the finish line festival. Please email Kelly at [email protected] letting her know the
years that you ran. At the finish line, ask for Kelly to get your gear and be recognized. Congratulations to those
runners joining this one-of-a-kind club!
The Fun Contests
This year’s fun contests for teams are Best Team Name, Best Team Shirt, Best Costume, Best Decorated
Team Vans and Most Spirited Team. We will announce the Best Team Name winner at the Captains Meeting.
If RTO teams want to be considered for Best Shirt, Best Costume, and Best Decorated Vans, please let us
know at the Start at Wingfield Park. Capital and Comstock Odyssey runners, let us know at the end at Idlewild
The Most Spirited Team will be the team who puts out the most energy and effort during the entire event up
through their finish. You will have been provided ballots in your team packet for each vehicle to vote for the
Most Spirited Team. Turn in your ballots at the Finish Line Festival.
Most Spirited Exchange Point Contest
Once again there will be a friendly contest amongst the volunteers working at the 35 exchange points. Each
team van of runners will be allowed to cast one ballot for the “most spirited” exchange point for the legs that it
covered. Ballots will be in your team packet. Turn in your ballots at the Finish Line Festival. NOTE: this will not
include XP 6 where Dolan Auto Group has a distinct advantage or XP 18 where Red Bull will add their own
energy, music and samples.
The Leg 4 aka Donner’s Downfall Time Trial
Leg 4 is the epic leg of the RTO course. It travels through beautiful mountain terrain with stunning views of
Dog Valley and the High Sierra peaks. It is the longest leg on the course. There is no van support for the
runner. Every team should have their strongest runner run this leg and be in the No. 4 spot in the runner
We call it Donner’s Downfall because many of the infamous Donner Party perished not far from where this leg
ends. See our summary of the history along the course for more info.
The fastest male and female runner will get special recognition and special prizes. Same for the 178
in the field.
Special awards for teams winning the RTO and/or winning their Division
Please see the Rules section to ensure you comply and are eligible to win. You must also submit a Team Time
Log at the Finish Line. This was provided to you at Team Check-in in your team packet and can also be found
in the Appendix.
Parking in or around Idlewild Park
As you drive into Idlewild Park on Cowan Drive you can park in the lots on your left for the Snowflake
picnic area and the Terrace picnic area
Park on the streets
Park on Spoon Drive adjacent to the softball fields. It is a short walk to the Finish Line Festival from
Park along Idlewild Drive.
DO NOT park in front of the California Building or in their parking lot. DO NOT park in front of the Kiddieland
play area along Cowan Drive. And please DO NOT park on the grass anywhere.
THOSE PARKING AREAS. Please ask your family and friends to park at Reno High School or other locations
and make the short walk to Idlewild Park.
Parking in Idlewild Park on Friday night - BEWARE
The City of Reno does not allow parking in the park overnight.
The Finish Line Festival
We look forward to all of you returning to Reno and joining in the celebration at the Finish Line Festival at the
end of the relay in Idlewild Park. This event is free and open to the public so invite your family, friends and
others. There will be great food from Men Wielding Fire and Buenos Grill. We will serve cold beers from our
official beer sponsor Revision Brewing. There will be some other sponsors and vendors including Asics and
EVERY RUNNER 21 & OVER WILL RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY BEER at the finish; you will need to turn
in a drink ticket which will be attached to your race bibs (and show your ID) to get the beer. You will need to
pay for all other food and beverages, so have your wallet handy. We will have a water station for the final
runner finishing Leg 36. Plan to hang out at the Finish Line Festival for a while after you cross the finish line
with your teammates, enjoying great food, drink, and music, while sitting on the grass in the shade or putting
your tired and aching feet in the Truckee River.
Please note that the City of Reno requires us to set up a perimeter around our Finish Line Festival so
that no one can leave the park carrying open beers. Please also note that the City of Reno does not
allow you to bring your own alcohol into Idlewild Park. Thank you for your cooperation.
Two Finish Lines
There will be two finish lines, the official one and the ceremonial one.
1. The official finish line will be at the point you turn off onto the Crooked Mile pathway along the Truckee
River. That is when we will stop the clock for your team time.
2. The ceremonial finish line will be under the Finish arch. That is where you will bask in glory as a
team. Your team can mug for photos for a few moments. We will have volunteers to help take your
team picture and possibly a professional photographer.
Please note that with so many RTO, Capital and Comstock Odyssey teams, we will need to move you
along relatively quickly. No posing for extended time periods there unless no other team is lined up.
Hot Tip: There may be a wait to take your picture at the ceremonial Finish banner! Please be patient. You can
fill out the ballots to vote for the Most Spirited Exchange Point and Most Spirited Team (2 votes per vehicle),
your Captain can go get your medals, you can get a cold beverage and enjoy it as you wait. We’ll move teams
along as reasonably quickly as possible.
Finish Check-out Stations
Captains come to our stations to do the following either before they take a photo at the ceremonial arch, while
in line or after taking a photo:
1. Turn in your ballots for “Most Spirited Exchange Point- you were given this at Team Check-in.
2. Turn in your Team Time Log Form (you were given this at Team Check-in see APPENDIX). To be
eligible to win your division, we need this form.
3. Get your team medals.
4. Get a little something for all your hard work- your official captain’s pilsner glass and a ticket for a
complimentary lunch. THANK YOU, Captains, for all your efforts! Your teams could not do it without
You must print off these maps and have a set in each team vehicle. Having access to them during your run,
either digitally or printed, will be extremely handy and key to staying on course. For the most current maps
follow the links to each of the following:
Course Map - overview
Relay Leg Assignments breakdown of legs, distances, ranking
Individual Leg Maps detailed map of each leg (study your legs and bring a copy of the printed map
when you run)
This is the vehicle with the runners who are not running that group of 6 legs.
To reduce the chance of traffic congestion on certain parts of the relay course, the vehicle that is transporting
the runners who are sitting out the group of 6 legs and not running them (aka The Resting van as compared to
The Running Van, terms we borrow from our friend Jeff Shapiro the race director of The Relay) must follow
these driving directions.
Legs 1-6
Van 2 will be the vehicle with runners sitting out these legs. Do not travel along the relay course through
southwest Reno and Verdi and later along Stampede Dam/Meadows Road. Rather, you should leave the
Wingfield Park start area by traveling west on W. First Street. Turn right on Keystone Avenue and travel north
to Interstate 80. Enter Interstate 80 westbound toward Sacramento and travel on the freeway 23 miles. Take
the Hirschdale Road exit (Exit No. 194). At the stop sign, turn right and drive under the freeway much less than
a mile to the Tahoe Forest Church at 10315 Hirschdale Road. Exchange Point No. 6 will be on your left. Pass
the exchange and enter the church property where there will be plenty of parking and fun stuff too.
For those of you using a navigational device, the address for the Tahoe Forest Church is 10315 Hirschdale
Road, Truckee, California.
Legs 7-12
Van 1 will be the vehicle with resting runners. Head back due north to Interstate 80. Enter Interstate 80
heading west to Truckee and use the freeway to travel west to Truckee just a few miles to the west. To see
historic Downtown Truckee, use the Central Truckee exit (Exit No. 186) and turn left on Donner Pass Road.
The main commercial district is just a mile or so down the road. Or to head directly to Lake Tahoe, continue on
I-80 to the next exit for Highway 89 South and Lake Tahoe (Exit No. 185). Turn left onto Highway 89 and
proceed south approximately 13 miles to Tahoe City. As you approaching Tahoe City, turn right at the first
roundabout, crossing the Truckee River Bridge, and then make a right at the next roundabout onto CA State
Route 89.
The location for Blackwood Canyon Sno-Park where Exchange No. 12-A is located is at the intersection of
Barker Pass Rd and CA State Route 89.
Legs 13-18
Van 2 is the vehicle with resting runners. You have no option here but to travel the relay course south down
Highway 89 to get to South Lake Tahoe. At the “Y” intersection with Highway 50 - Lake Tahoe Blvd, turn left
and proceed to the Village Center just short of Stateline. That is the location of the mid-point of the relay course
and the next vehicle exchange point.
The address of the Starbucks at the Village Center is 4000 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, California.
Please do not drive in excess of the speed limit as you travel south on Highway 89. You will be
passing your teammates and other runners. Show them lots of consideration.
Legs 19-24
Van 1 is the vehicle with resting runners for this stretch. Do not travel on Nevada State Route 207 to get to
the Carson Valley. Rather, you should use Highway 50 to travel to Carson City. When you reach Carson City,
turn right on Highway 395. The Carson Valley Center is located just a mile or so up the road on your right and
is the next vehicle exchange point.
The address of the Walmart is 3770 South Highway 395, Carson City, Nevada.
Legs 25-30
Van 2 is the vehicle with resting runners. Do not follow the relay course through Carson City. Rather, you
should drive through Carson City using the two main streets. Drive north on Highway 395 which becomes
Carson Street (which is the main north-south thoroughfare and continues to be the same as Highway 395). You
will pass the Nevada State Capitol Building on your right. At the intersection with Williams Street (which is the
main road that leaves town to the east and is the same as the route of Highway 50 East), turn right and
proceed east out of town. Continue to the intersection with Nevada State Route 341 a.k.a. the Comstock
Highway. Turn left and drive toward Virginia City. If you get to Dayton, you have gone too far. When you drive
up State Route 341 and reach the junction with State Route 342, turn right and use State Route 341. This is
the alternative route aka the truck route to Virginia City. Do not go straight on State Route 342 through
Silver City and Gold Hill this road is narrow and you will cause a traffic jam around Exchange No. 29.
As you enter Virginia City, you may use the main street (C Street) but be ready to turn right and get to E Street
and proceed until you reach the designated parking area for the last vehicle exchange point.
The address for the Bucket of Blood Saloon is 1 South C Street, Virginia City, Nevada.
Legs 31-36
Nevada State Route 341 is the one road from Virginia City to Reno, so Van 1 must travel on that road down
Geiger Grade. At the bottom, you should continue along that main road to the intersection with Highway 395.
Do not turn right on Western Skies Drive; do not travel along the relay course through South Reno.
Drive on Highway 395 which becomes a freeway and use that route to return to Downtown Reno. Proceed to
the interchange with Interstate 80 and take the exit for I-80 westbound toward Sacramento. Once on Interstate
80, travel just a couple miles or so and use the Downtown Reno Virginia Street exit (Exit No. 13). Turn left on
Sierra Street and drive past the casinos. Turn right on W. First St. Cross through the Arlington Blvd.
intersection, passing Wingfield Park where the relay began. Turn left on Riverside Drive. Turn right on Booth
Street, crossing the river. Turn right on Idlewild Drive. Turn right into Idlewild Park where the finish line and
post-relay festival are located. Park in the designated parking area.
Use 1000 Whitmore Lane, Reno, Nevada, the address of the California Building in the park, for your GPS unit.
Designate a captain for your team who is a take charge personality and enjoys working with details.
Train for this event. Be ready to go physically and mentally.
Be very familiar with the parts of the course that you are running.
To make sure you stay on course, have your team van and van mates hang around in a safe parking
location near every turn so they can see that the runner made the correct turn. In addition, while
running your leg, carry a copy of the map of your leg and your cell phone to give you an extra sense of
Always be cautious, alert, and safe. Wear your safety vest all the time.
When running your legs, be properly hydrated. Carry your own water or sports drink. Don’t rely on your
team to hydrate you as you run your leg. It may be too late.
Enjoy our sponsors who add a tremendous value to our VAN EXCHANGE POINTS:
o XP 6 PRESENTED BY THE DOLAN AUTO GROUP at the Tahoe Forest Church - This is a
GREAT SCENE! Dolan Auto Group will be putting on a special party for all of the runners. So
be sure to enter the property, sample what they are serving, get your photo taken by the
special photo stations, play a game, and hang out for a bit.
o XP 18 in South Lake Tahoe RED BULL will be there to help you take your performance to
the next level! Check out the RED BULL vehicles and enjoy the music.
o XP 30 in Virginia City - This has become probably the BEST scene on the entire course, a
crowd favorite year after year! Our presenting sponsor, Nevada Army National Guard, will be
there to encourage you to the XP. We close the main drag through town (which is a Nevada
state highway) for one block, turning it into a runner and spectator zone exclusively. A few
businesses open very early (at 5 a.m.!!) including the Delta Saloon and Restaurant and the
Bucket of Blood Saloon. As per tradition, the Virginia City High School graduating class will be
selling breakfast burritos for a fundraiser. The world-famous DJ The Rhino will be playing
tunes to keep the excitement/celebration going.
The running van should closely monitor the runners on Legs 34, 35 and 36. It can be VERY WARM on
Saturday when the runners are on these last 3 legs. Stay close enough to them to make sure the
runner has enough water for the entirety of these legs.
Stretch after you run each of your legs.
Don’t run a set of legs that are rated “Most Difficult” or “More Challenging” unless you are a more
experienced or talented runner. Don’t be assigned to a slot in the runner line-up that you don’t think
you can handle.
The runners who are assigned to run the steeper climbs, especially the uphill parts of the “Most
Difficult” legs, should feel free to “power walk” those parts. That is, they should get in a crouch position
and take long strides to get up those hills. This is a tactic used by ultra runners who face steep climbs
during their ultra runs. Trying to run the climbs will only deplete you of energy. Don’t let your pride get
in the way of your completing the leg in the most effective manner.
Don’t run Leg 4 unless you are a strong runner. Don’t run Leg 33 unless you like descending steep dirt
roads with loose rocks intermittently thrown in.
Runners in Van 2 may want to reserve a room(s) in South Lake Tahoe for Friday night. After finishing
Legs 7-12, the runners in Van 2 should drive straight to South Lake Tahoe, check into their room(s),
and get a quick nap and/or a shower. NOTE: The faster your team runs, the less time you will have to
pull this off. You may have no option but to “rough it.”
The runners in Van 1 may want to reserve a room(s) in Carson City for Friday night. After completing
Legs 13-18, the runners in Van 1 should drive straight to Carson City, check into their room(s), and get
a quick nap and/or a shower. NOTE: The faster your team runs, the less time you will have to pull this
off. You may have no option but to “rough it.”
Reno-Tahoe Odyssey and Capital Odyssey Relay runners may want to get a room at the Silverland
Hotel in Virginia City to use for team naps and showers.
Get to the runner and van exchange points far enough in advance of the approaching runner so that
you can park the team vehicle in a safe manner and let the next runner have a time to get ready to go.
When your running van finishes your set of legs, always drive forward along the course, ideally all the
way to a location in close proximity to the next van exchange point. Do not drive backwards on the
course. Do not hang out for a long time at the exchange where you finished your legs. Driving
backwards or hanging out too long at that location will make it more difficult for your van to get to the
next van exchange point where your van will be running legs again
Carry extra running gear such as socks and shirts.
Get to know the other teams. Your experience will be more rewarding if you create friendships with the
other teams and cheer on each other as you travel the course.
Enjoy the time with your teammates.
Appreciate the fact that you are able to participate in this event. Look out at the vistas. Suck up the
fresh air. Gaze up at the stars. Have a blast!
Finish as a team. There will be enough time for both Van 1 and Van 2 to drive to the finish area and
park. The rest of your team should be standing at the start of Idlewild Park ready to escort your final
runner to the finish line.
Smile for a team photo after your team has completed the relay.
Last but not least: This is a 178 mile adventure relay run that takes 24 hours give or take a few hours
depending on your team. This is not a quick and easy 5K in a park but you should have fun achieving
your goals and enjoying the journey along with thousands of your other “friends” there.
Heidi and Pete Parker, both Circle of Famers and veteran RTO’ers kindly updated this list and provided their
own experience to EJ Maldonado another Circle of Famer, veteran RTO’er and long-distance runner about how
to get ready for and how to run the RTO with a six runner ultra team. Take a look at what they suggest here.
We wanted to provide you with some ideas of what you and your team should have on the relay course. Take a
look and print it off here.
Many interesting historic events have occurred along the RTO course (not talking about RTO history, that is a
long separate chronicle). Eric, founder of the RTO, is a history buff and wanted to make sure you knew about
them. Enjoy here!
Way to go! It will feel like a dream, but it really did happen. Take a breath and recognize what you have
Take a shower.
Get a good night's sleep.
Wash those stinky clothes. Plan to donate all of those extra bagels and power bars to a worthy charity.
Contact your friends and tell them how much fun you had running in this year's Reno-Tahoe Odyssey
Relay Run Adventure or Capital Odyssey Relay or Comstock Odyssey Relay.
Send us your Photos, Videos and Testimonials
Please take lots of photos and videos during the event. Be sure to tag us on the Reno-Tahoe Odyssey
Facebook and Race178 IG pages.
#RTO2024 #renotahoeodyssey
We also invite you to rate us and email us with your testimonials.
This event could not happen without the generous support of our sponsors. Thank you to all of the terrific
companies and organizations who are sponsors: Nevada Army National Guard, ASICS, Dolan Auto Group,
Reno Running Company, Revision Brewing, New West Distributing, PK Electrical, The J Resort, Sinclair
Broadcast Group, Bradley Drendel & Jeanney, Garmin, Granite Construction, Tahoe Forest Church, Delta
Saloon, Interstate U-Stor, Village Shopping Center, ChiroFIT, Pendola Project, Branded, Men Wielding Fire
Fine Food and Barbecue and Buenos Grill.
Please thank all of these organizations by giving them your business.
Property Owners and Permitting Authorities
We also want to thank the MANY government agencies and property owners who cooperated with us in setting
up the course and agreed to let us use their roadways and properties. They are: Nevada Department of
Transportation, California Department of Transportation, Nevada Highway Patrol, California Highway Patrol,
City of Reno, Jacobs Entertainment and the Sands Regency, Washoe County, Randy Witt and Interstate U-
Stor, Verdi Elementary School (Washoe County School District), Sierra County, United States Forest Service,
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Tahoe National Forest, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Group, Tahoe
Forest Church, Town of Truckee, Tahoe-Truckee campus of Sierra College, Placer County, Tahoe City Public
Utility District, California State Parks, Tahoe Maritime Museum, El Dorado County, City of South Lake Tahoe,
Tahoe Keys Professional Center, Lake Tahoe Community College, The Village Center at South Lake Tahoe,
Douglas County, Town of Genoa, Nevada State Parks, Jacks Valley Volunteer Fire Department, Walmart on
US HWY 395 and Topsy Lane in Carson City, Carson City, Carson City Parks and Recreation, Glenbrook
Company, Southgate Shopping Center, JC Penney, Walmart on College Way in Carson City, North Carson
Crossing Shopping Center, Lyon County, Larry LaMonica & Son, Storey County, Delta Saloon, Bucket of Blood
Saloon, Highland Ranches Property Owners Association, Parkway Athletic Club, and Huffaker Elementary
School (Washoe County School District). Please thank them by (1) leaving their roadways and properties as
you found them, (2) picking up your garbage, (3) peeing in the portable toilets, not their yards, and (4) being
quiet when appropriate.
Our 400+ volunteers donate their time and energy to make sure your 178-mile relay run event goes as
smoothly and safely as possible. Many have volunteered every year of the event. Please respect and give
them a big thank-you when you see them. We COULD NOT put on this race without these incredible
As for next year’s RTO, Capital and Comstock Odyssey Relays
The 19th Running of the Reno-Tahoe Odyssey Relay Run Adventure will occur on the Friday-Saturday
following Memorial Day 2025 which is May 30-31, 2025. We intend to open registration on June 1, 2024. So
be ready to sign up earlier than later to make sure you have a spot in the field.
Thank you again for your support of the RTO, Capital and Comstock Odyssey Relays!
Release / Authorization Form Team Bib Number :______________________
In consideration of the acceptance of my entry and my participation in the Reno-Tahoe Odyssey Relay Run
Adventure (hereinafter referred to as “the Event”), I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and
assigns, do forever release, waive, discharge and give up any and all claims of any kind whatsoever, including
but not limited to claims for personal injury, death, property damage, lost wages, medical expenses, attorney’s
fees, and any other types of losses, damages, and costs, against the Event owners, promoters, organizers,
staff, volunteers, sponsors, vendors, the United States, the State of Nevada, State of California, Nevada
Highway Patrol, Nevada Department of Transportation, California Highway Patrol, California Department of
Transportation, County of Washoe, County of Sierra, County of Nevada, County of Placer, County of El
Dorado, County of Douglas, County of Lyon, County of Storey, City of Reno, City of Sparks, City of South Lake
Tahoe, Carson City, Virginia City, Town of Truckee, Town of Genoa, and the owners and lessees of property
used for the Event, and each of their officers, directors, shareholders, employees, representatives, agents,
contractors, subcontractors, subsidiaries, agencies and assigns, which may arise in connection with the Event,
even if the party whom I am releasing caused any such loss, damage or cost to some degree. I understand that
the Event is potentially hazardous. I acknowledge that I have read the Odyssey Safety Manifesto for the Event.
I acknowledge that I should not participate unless I am able to do so and properly trained. I voluntarily assume
all risks associated with participating in the Event, including but not limited to running on roads open to traffic
without sidewalks or designated running lanes, running at nighttime on roads without street lights or other
lighting, crossing roads, adverse weather conditions, encounters with wild animals, and no aid stations, and I
hereby accept responsibility for any such loss, damage or cost that I may incur in relation to such risks. If I
require any medical treatment or care from emergency response authorities, I agree that I will be responsible to
pay for such treatment and care. I grant full permission to the Event owners to obtain photographs, videotapes,
or any other recordings of this event and to use them for the purpose of promoting the Event or to conduct
other related business. I understand that the course may be modified as deemed necessary by the Event
owners, and that the Event may be cancelled as deemed necessary by the Event owners. I understand that the
entry fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Printed Name
Printed Name
Team Time Log RTO, CAPITAL AND COMSTOCK ODYSSEY teams will need to keep track of their total time on this
form. Each team should have a way to monitor exact times during the entire event. THIS FORM MUST BE TURNED IN AT
Team Bib Number and Name: _____________________________________________________________
Division: ______________________________________Total Elapsed Time at Finish: _________________
Leg Time
Total Elapsed Time