IBD sgi Diagnostic™
(Please customize based on your patient’s medical history, treatment experience, and/or claims adjudication)
Medical Director
Insurance name
Insurance address
Insurance city, state zip code
Patient: Patient Name
Date of Birth : Patient Date of Birth
Date of service: XX/XX/XXXX
Provider: Physician Name, MD
Claim Number: 111111 (If available)
Dear [Medical Director]:
I am writing to request full coverage or at least in-network benefit coverage for the diagnostic test PROMETHEUS
IBD sgi Diagnostic™ for my patient [patient name]. I am [patient name] physician practicing at [facility name] in
[city, state]. I consider this test a medically necessary step in the diagnosis and treatment of my patient. My patient
has a history of [diarrhea, GI bleeding, and nonspecific enteritis].
(List information relevant to the patient’s symptoms, treatment and test results if applicable. Address each
reason for denial or unacceptable payment listed on the EOB. Reasons may include:
Laboratory testing considered experimental
Out-of-network deductibles/rates applied
Laboratory services available through a capitated laboratory
Laboratory testing not considered medically necessary
Include a copy of the patient’s chart notes when applicable.)
I chose Prometheus to perform the IBD sgi diagnostic test instead of an alternative in-network laboratory test
because Prometheus is the only laboratory that offers a diagnostic test that combines serologic, genetic, and
inflammation markers. It also uses a proprietary Smart Diagnostic Algorithm to assist me in differentiating between
IBD vs. non-IBD and CD vs. UC in one comprehensive blood test.
Other potential reasons:
I directed my patient to utilize an in-network laboratory, but [his/her] blood sample was referred to
Prometheus without our knowledge.
There is not an in-network laboratory near my patient that refers this test or is able to provide comparable
testing. I’ve included information about Prometheus and several scientific references validating the
performance and value of PROMETHEUS
IBD sgi Diagnostic™.
Please approve full coverage for the PROMETHEUS
IBD sgi Diagnostic™ or at least apply in-network benefit
coverage waiving all out of network deductibles for laboratory testing.
Thank you for your prompt attention. I look forward to receiving a written response from you within two weeks.
Please contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX if you require any additional medical information concerning patient name.
Physician name, MD
Facility name
Facility address
Facility city, state zip code
Facility phone number
IBD sgi Diagnostic™
(Please customize based on your patient’s medical history, treatment experience, and/or claims adjudication)
IBD sgi Diagnostic™ Product Detail Sheet
2. Patient Chart Notes
3. Lab Results
4. Other
For additional information about PROMETHEUS
IBD sgi Diagnostic™ or procedure code descriptions, contact
Prometheus Laboratories Inc. at 1-888-892-8391.