White paper
© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
How automation is driving
network engineer skills
How is enterprise network automation evolving? What are the
implications on people and processes? What are the skills that
network engineers will require in the future? Get answers to all
these questions and more.
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 2
Drivers for network automation .................................................................................................. 2
Network automation evolution ................................................................................................... 3
Network engineer skills of the future ....................................................................................... 16
Summary................................................................................................................................. 18
Authors ................................................................................................................................... 18
Reviewers ............................................................................................................................... 18
Citations and Bibliography ....................................................................................................... 18
White paper
© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Digital transformation is defined as the application of technology to create new business models,
processes, and services. It is being driven by a culmination of technologies and trends such as [1]:
Remote work making a high-quality user experience essential wherever the users are.
Boost of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications.
Wireless WiFi 6 and 5G delivering higher-speed connectivity and better performance.
IoT enabling people to interact with things to create a wide range of new use cases.
According to IDC, enterprises and governments around the world have made digital transformation a
strategic initiative, which has helped drive adoption and implementation of new technologies and
related services [2]. Digital capabilities transform the way customers buy and consume products and
services [3].
As an enterprise digitalizes, a transformation of the way it is organized and operated is required, with
particular emphasis on people and processes.
Enterprise network automation is evolving to support digitalization; the technology shift to software-
defined networking (SDN), the proliferation of analytics and insights tools to drive better user
experience (complemented with machine learning and artificial intelligence), cloud platform adoption,
and the introduction of NetDevOps practices are all driving the network engineer skills transformation.
This white paper reviews the evolution of network automation and identifies the skills requirements
introduced at every step, including a 3- to 5-year horizon.
Drivers for network automation
Why are enterprises embracing network automation? Nearly every organization relies on continuous
connectivity [4]. Users in the campus, branch, or homeworking as well as devices - need to
communicate with applications for the enterprise business to run. These applications reside in on-
prem datacenters, colocations, and public clouds. The network provides the connectivity that enables
this communication and is expected to be always available. But it is not just about providing
connectivity, it is also about optimizing the experience of the users consuming the business
At the same time, there is a greater need for the network to become more dynamic. Think about the
demand from business teams; they want new services, and they want them fast, they demand agility
to Information Technology (IT) teams. As a result, IT teams must be ready to reconfigure the network
at any time, in many cases these are changes at scale, e.g., they need to be able to instantaneously
reconfigure every node of the WAN network when a new application in the cloud is deployed, or when
required to respond to emerging threat conditions [4]. These changes need to be expedited, while
minimizing the errors during the deployment. The network must remain resilient, reliable, and secure.
The adoption of a network digital twin a digital representation of the production network is gaining
popularity, as it makes operations more efficient. A key use case is the creation of staging test
environments to validate network changes before applying them to production, to increase reliability
and resilience. In this context, creating test environments by consuming resources from a shared pool
and returning them once testing is completed improves the cost efficiency, as it removes the need to
keep resources (e.g., compute, network, and storage) allocated when not in use.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Another trend is the increased rate of changes both in the service supply side (applications) as well as
in the service demand side (application consumers). Applications are moving to containers and
serverless. Consumers often change location and access network type (Wired Ethernet, WiFi, Private
5G). These changes translate into constant consumer-to-supplier network policy changes and make
compliance with the organization’s security policies more challenging.
These trends and requirements drive the need for network automation, which takes actions based on:
Business intent translation into network policies.
User experience insights.
Network insights mapping to user experience insights.
Business transaction health mapping to application and connectivity performance.
Network automation evolution
In 1983, the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) took the decision to
migrate to TCP/IP Internet protocol suite [5]. In 1986, Kirk Lougheed left Stanford University to join
Cisco as the company’s first engineer, he developed the first version of Cisco Internetworking
Operating System (IOS) and began building and testing routers [6]. This was the time when history of
networking, as we know it today, started.
Initially, the network relied on manual provisioning and configuration via Command-Line Interface (CLI).
This was device-by-device (per box) configuration executed by network engineers using Telnet
protocol to connect to devices, and with configuration single source of truth residing in network
devices themselves.
During many years, networks were provisioned and operated in this way, IT teams delivered very slow
rate of configuration changes, but still enough to satisfy the demand of business teams. It was a
rudimentary network operation style where IT teams manually translated business intent into network
device configurations, and where Information Technologies Operations Management (ITOM) and
Configuration Management Data Base (CMDB) systems were not connected to the network.
What about monitoring? Together with the emergence of Internet Protocol (IP) based networking,
monitoring protocols and tools were also introduced. The Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) was created as a standard management protocol for devices in IP networks [7], then tools
such as MRTG - that builds and displays graphs using data collected with the SNMP protocol -
became the first tools to monitor networks [8]. The network engineer was responsible to correlate,
analyze, and interpret network events to recognize problem situations, and take actions to remediate
Key challenges with this approach to deploy and manage networks were:
Error prone, manual configuration and analysis.
Network configuration drift was often introduced, resulting in deployment inconsistencies.
Low rate of configuration changes.
Network knowledge relied on a few individuals.
No configuration was removed from routers, switches, and firewalls, even though they were not
used anymore, to avoid the risk of inadvertently blocking some service.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
The first scripts
Already in the early days of networking, engineers started to adopt basic automation using scripts -
with focus on very frequent recurring tasks, e.g., basic device configuration automation and service
provisioning. These scripts were relatively simple software programs written with languages such as
Bash or Expect. Still today, scripting remains a key skill for network engineers to have.
Automating the software upgrade of a network device, deploying an IP Access Control List (ACL) to a
group of devices, or collecting network data are examples of use cases for scripting-based
In such legacy networks which still exist today scripts interact with the network using CLI or SNMP.
Network engineers initiate script execution manually or schedule them in Linux Cron or similar utilities.
Key challenges with this approach to manage networks are:
Very limited benefits of automation, which focuses only on highly recurring tasks.
Limited or no-collaboration between IT teams working on different network domains (campus,
WAN, datacenter). Each team maintains and executes their own scripts.
Device-by-device (per box) configuration.
Most scripts interact with device CLI interfaces, which are designed for human interaction and
not for machine-to-machine communication and automation.
Figure 1: Introduction of scripts to automate network configuration tasks
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
In the early days of networking, the first off-the-shelf network configuration tools were also released,
for IT teams to simplify network management. Cisco Prime (Cisco Works prior to 2011) is a good
example of such a tool, still being used today by many organizations.
Network controllers and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
As the demand for network services and their scalability increased, the network architectures
themselves started to expose their own limitations: hierarchy of different network domains, higher
over-subscription ratios, lack of network topology abstraction (no underlay/overlay separation), or
control plane scalability, among other.
To overcome these limitations, networking vendors started the transition towards Software-Defined
Networking (SDN) architectures for datacenter, campus, and WAN. As examples of this trend:
Cisco acquired Meraki in 2012 [9].
VMware acquired Nicira (NSX) in 2012 [10].
Juniper Networks acquired Contrail Systems in 2012 [11].
Alcatel-Lucent venture Nuage Networks launched SDN solution in 2013 [12].
Cisco acquired Insieme (Application Centric Infrastructure) in 2013 [13].
Cisco acquired Tail-f Systems in 2014 [14].
Cisco acquired Viptela (SD-WAN) in 2017 [15].
Cisco released DNA Center and SD-Access in 2017 [16].
In SDN architectures, per-domain network controllers are introduced, they act as an abstraction layer
and point of management for IT teams to provision, configure, and monitor the network.
In many cases, organizations integrate ITOM and CMDB with network controllers, facilitating the
design, plan, delivery, operation, and control of information technology services offered to users.
In SDN architectures, the network is treated as a ‘fabric’, a virtualized, automated lattice of overlay
connections on top of the physical network topology, with each device inheriting a specific role and
function within the fabric, being managed by a network controller. A network ‘fabric’ delivers the
following benefits to the operator [17]:
Abstracts the underlaying physical topology to create virtualized planes that simplify
deployment and operations.
Applies configurations fabric-wide rather than device-by-device, which increases the
consistency and facilitates large scale deployments.
Applies services and enforces policies uniformly across wired and wireless users and devices.
Lowers business risk by limiting traffic propagation, containing threats, and boosting security.
Creates standardized building blocks such that the network can be easily scaled.
In SDN architectures, network controllers play a key role in the translation of business intent into
configurations (Intent-Based Networking), the design, the policy definition, and automation of the
network deployment and change. Intent-Based Networking (IBN) transforms a device-centric manually
operated network into a controller-led network that captures business intent and translates it into
policies that can be automated and applied consistently across the network. The goal is for the
network to continuously monitor and adjust performance to help assure desired business outcomes.
The network controller acts as a central control point for network activity. The adoption of network
controllers and SDN architectures in all network domains (campus, WAN, datacenter, and cloud)
extends their benefits throughout the enterprise and helps make digital transformation a reality [18].
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Figure 2: Per-domain network controllers
Benefits of network controllers and SDN architectures can be summarized as:
Faster response to new business requirements.
Higher reliability.
Reduced operational expenses.
Consistent and scalable network changes.
Reduced risk and continuous compliance.
Improved rate of change through automation.
Facilitated network programmability.
SDN architectures are being adopted by many organizations. At the time of writing this document
September 2022 - this move from traditional networking towards controller-based networks is still
ongoing and is expected to continue over the next years. To support this transition, SDN architectures
and network controller knowledge are key skills for network engineers to have.
Network controllers, REST APIs, and programmability
Network controllers are a key enabler of programmability, thanks to their APIs (Application
Programming Interfaces) and their SDKs (Software Development Kits) which facilitate the integration of
the network controllers with IT systems, exposing their data and functionality through service
interfaces enabling automation.
Network engineers leverage network controller APIs to interact with the network and request tasks to
be completed (e.g., shutdown an interface), fetch pieces of information (e.g., get the status of an
interface), or store a piece of information (e.g., set the description of an interface). In this way, the
interaction with the network is automated. In most cases, RESTful APIs are used.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
A RESTful API is an architectural style for an API that uses HTTP request methods to access and use
data. That data can be accessed via GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, and DELETE methods, which refers to
the reading, updating, creating, and deleting programmable resources [19].
Undoubtedly, knowledge of REST APIs and programmability are key skills for network engineers to
Network programmability is a generic term, which has different meanings to different people. In this
document we are referring to network programmability as the use of software tools to deploy,
manage, and troubleshoot network elements [20].
Scripts are used in network programmability. As these scripts started to become more complex and
interact with the network using APIs, the use of Python has become popular; nowadays many network
engineers make use of it. Python is not the only language being used for network automation, but the
combination of being an easy to learn language, and availability of many code samples and utilities,
has made it a go-to language for network engineers [21]. Python has a built-in standard library that
provides complete support for data encoding and decoding, network protocols, and all other
networking concepts. Writing the code for network programming in Python is easier than in C++ or
Java. Python programming language provides two levels of network service access: low-level and
high-level access. The low-level access offers the basic socket support of the operating system, while
the high-level access allows the implementing protocols like FTP, HTTP, etc. [22].
Broadened scope of networks
The scope of network has broadened over the years. While in the first days of networking it referred
to routers and switches only, extending to firewalls and load-balancers later, today the term
encompasses networks in virtualized datacenter environments, VXLAN overlays, public cloud
networking, or container service mesh. We could say that the network is the collection of physical and
virtual systems that provide connectivity between users, devices, and applications.
This is raising the need for network engineers to become cross-domain experts, since IT teams need
to manage end-to-end connectivity. Today we still observe many organizations managing network
connectivity in silos, in particular the cloud and container environments, but there is a trend towards
unifying responsibilities under a single team that manages end-to-end connectivity. The number of
network engineers with public cloud and Docker / Kubernetes certifications is rapidly increasing,
which facilitates this operational transformation.
Automating network security
Enterprises need to add consistent end-to-end security policies to network deployments. Using CLIs
or GUIs is not a way to rapidly deploy security policies that have been validated, are consistent, and
cover end-to-end traffic flows [23]. Furthermore, administrator errors (fat finger errors) can leave the
configuration in an unsecured state.
In traditional network domains, a subset of security features is deployed and managed by network
controllers. For example, a campus network controller will typically provide the capability to implement
user access control, segmentation, and micro-segmentation policies.
In the case of dedicated appliance-based security systems such as firewalls or IDS/IPS, traditional
management methods are no longer sufficient and there is a shift towards leveraging device or
controller APIs to provide consistent, scalable methods, to automate and orchestrate configuration
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Cross-domain analytics and user experience
Together with the evolution of automation, there is a shift from network monitoring towards analytics
and insights. New tools are being introduced to analyze network trends and patterns, to provide IT
teams deeper understanding of network behavior and the impact on the applications and services the
network enables. This equips IT teams to make data-driven decisions, anticipate and predict failures,
as well as accelerate remediation.
In parallel to this, full-stack observability tools are being introduced to the market. They provide users
application experience as well application performance insights. They move beyond domain
monitoring into full-stack visibility, insights, and actions across the technology stack, so IT operations
teams can deliver and optimize the user experience [24]. They deliver real-time observability across
the modern technology stack applications, software defined compute, storage, services, network,
and more, i.e., the full stack to provide enterprises with in-depth visibility into the behavior,
performance and health of their applications and supporting infrastructure via high fidelity telemetry
(metrics, events, logs and traces) collected from their entire IT estate [25]. This allows to create a
common context of the full-stack services provided and supported by the different IT teams, allowing
them to take actions prioritizing user experience and business performance.
These trends will lead network engineers to leverage data gathering, visualization (i.e., Telegraf,
Grafana, Prometheus, etc.), and full-stack observability tools.
In the current context of distributed, microservices based applications and workload and workforce
mobility, network and user analytics and insights need to be deployed cross-domain. This is where
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools are introduced. They collect metadata from
multiple network controllers and user experience observability tools to provide cross-domain insights
that enable data-driven decisions relevant to the end-to-end service. As AI/ML becomes more
relevant in modern networking, we expect to see network engineers that broaden their technology
skills, learning the basics of AI/ML and the networking related use cases, and working closely together
with AI/ML teams.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Another emerging trend in the last years is Infrastructure as Code (IaC), following a common cloud
deployment model where cloud infrastructure and services are maintained using tools and processes
commonly used by software developers (version control system, peer review, automated testing,
deployment pipelines, etc.).
Enterprise IT organizations start to treat network configurations in a similar fashion as code, storing
them in structured data files (e.g., YAML) in version control systems such as GIT. An IaC configuration
inventory represents the desired state of the network configuration, then IaC tools are leveraged to
make certain that the network current state aligns with the desired state. IaC configuration inventory
files content is the single source of truth for the desired state of the network.
The predominant tools in IaC are Ansible and Terraform, but also commercial tools such as Cisco NSO
[26]. Networking vendors are developing Ansible collections (a distribution format for Ansible content
that can include playbooks, roles, modules, and plugins [27]) and Terraform providers to enable IT
organizations with the evolution of network automation towards the next level.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Figure 3: Infrastructure as Code process
There are generally two ways to approach IaC: declarative (functional) vs imperative (procedural). The
difference between the declarative and the imperative approach is essentially defining 'what' versus
'how' [28]. A declarative approach keeps a list of the current state of the system objects, which
simplifies the management of the infrastructure. An imperative approach instead defines the specific
commands needed to achieve the desired configuration, and those commands then need to be
executed in the correct order [29]. With an imperative approach, error conditions must be managed
Figure 4: IaC declarative configuration definition file example
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
There is currently a trend towards the adoption of IaC declarative approach, where the automation
tools own the responsibility of the system consistency.
When choosing the software to be used in IaC environments, the network rate of change is often a
key decision driver. Today there are tools that deliver very fast mapping of IaC based configuration
inventory (network-model) to underlaying network configurations. This agility cannot be achieved
manually or with workflow orchestrator engines.
Once an organization starts to manage the network infrastructure with a declarative IaC approach, they
will realize that they need to include policy and procedure enforcement as part of their automation
framework. A policy can be thought of as a set of rules. As such, every organization is going to have a
number of policies in place, and even an organization without formal policies in place will still need to
comply with regulations, agreements, and laws. A policy might describe things like which devices on a
network should be considered trusted, or what roles are required to perform different actions in a
device [30].
In this context, Policy-as-Code (PaC) is a natural next step in the evolution of the network automation
governance. Declarative policy models are very useful tools to this end, an example would be the
adoption of Open Policy Agent (OPA) to describe unit tests for Terraform plans, which makes it
possible to evaluate the Terraform code against rules and policies defined by the administrator. OPA
makes it possible to write policies that test the changes Terraform is about to make before they are
actually executed [31]. Such tools ease and foster collaboration between NetDevOps and SecDevOps
NetDevOps and CI/CD pipelines
The IaC approach often goes hand in hand with the adoption of tools and DevOps practices that
application developers have been using for years. This approach is commonly referred to as
In NetDevOps, Continuous Integration (CI) is the process of automating and integrating network IaC
changes and updates from many team members during network operations. In CI, automated tools
confirm that IaC definitions are valid and error-free and will not introduce errors when applied to a
test/validation environment. This helps detecting errors and enables network changes at an
unprecedented rate.
Continuous Delivery (CD) is the ability to push network changes into production multiple times a day
(or hour or minute). CI/CD is part of NetDevOps, it helps shorten the network change process.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Figure 5: Industrialized network configuration with CI/CD pipeline
A CI/CD pipeline is a series of steps which are executed in a specific order to deploy network
changes. These steps typically include IaC configuration inventory syntax validation and security
checks using tools like Yamillint and Yamale, testing the network changes in a lab with ROBOT
framework-based test automation tools, ChatOps to notify operations teams, deployment of changes
in production network, verification of changes in production network, and other steps. Common tools
used to build pipelines are Jenkins, Drone, or Github Actions, among others.
Drivers for organizations to adopt IaC and NetDevOps are:
Highly reliable provisioning and change processes thanks to automated pre and post
deployment validations and verifications.
Network configuration consistency.
Enablement of changes at scale.
Reduction of human errors through four-eyes principles/review process.
Elimination of network device configuration drift.
Cost savings, thanks to the adoption of open-source tools and automation.
Agility, faster provisioning of services, and higher rate of change.
Historical log of network changes (facilitating both troubleshooting and compliance audit).
Highly skilled architects and engineers can focus on tasks more relevant to the business.
While the tools facilitate the work, the IT team remains responsible to take network change decisions
and initiate them by making updates to the IaC configuration inventory file(s).
Where do IaC and CI/CI pipelines fit into the framework that we are using throughout this white paper
to represent the evolution of network automation? This is described in Figure 6.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Figure 6: IaC and CI/CD pipelines in automation framework
IaC and NetDevOps trends are leading many network engineers to learn human-readable data-
serialization languages (e.g., YAML, JSON), Ansible, Terraform, as well as CI/CD tools and
NetDevOps practices.
With the move towards NetDevOps, we also start to observe enterprise organizations foster greater
collaboration across teams within IT, with shared script repositories, and shared strategy in terms of
tools in use.
Digital twin
Testing to validate network and security policy changes in staging environment is a key element of
CI/CD pipelines. A network digital twin facilitates the change validation processes, by providing a
software representation of the production network infrastructure.
Automation is used to replicate the production network topology and state as well as network
security posture in a staging environment, where physical components are replaced by a digital
representation. Then, network changes are simulated within the ‘digital twin’ and results are validated.
If results are satisfactory, the changes are applied to production network. Finally, the state of the
production network is also validated.
Network data model
In the context of automation with IaC, defining a network and network-service data model is a
recommended first step. A data model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and
standardizes how they relate to one another, and to the properties/attributes of real-world entities. For
instance, a data model may specify that the data element representing a network is composed of a
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
number of VRF elements that represent the name, description, routing settings, and interfaces
assigned. YANG is commonly used as data modeling language [32].
Developing knowledge around network data modeling and definition of schemas that specify the
expected structure of YAML files - input value types (String, Enum, IP, etc) and additional constraints
(e.g., value ranges, regular expressions, etc) - are valuable skills for network teams to have.
Workflow orchestration
While network controllers and IaC are in most cases deployed per network domain, it is common
that organizations adopt network cross-domain workflow orchestration tools that link business intent to
end-to-end network changes. An orchestration workflow will typically trigger multiple CI/CD pipelines
in different network domains (datacenter, WAN, campus, cloud) to deploy/change/remove the
different network components that provide connectivity to a business service.
For specific business use cases, a service catalog portal triggers orchestrator workflows that update
IaC configuration inventory. IT teams also provide manual inputs to workflow execution based on user
experience and network insights.
Figure 7: Cross-domain workflow orchestration
IT teams may either initiate the provisioning through the workflow orchestrator or initiate changes by
making updates to the network IaC configuration inventory.
In this context, workflow orchestration is another key skill for network teams.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Closed-loop automation
The ultimate goal of automation is closed-loop systems with automated provisioning of self-organized,
self-diagnosing, and dynamically updated intent-based network fabrics, where business intent and
cross-domain insights drive network changes, and IT team becomes an observer and supervisor while
NetDevOps team maintains pipelines.
Figure 8: Closed-loop automation
Note that in typical operational environments, network performance data is abundant, but many
toolsets simply do not have a comprehensive and coalesced understanding of the network control
state and routing protocol event data. When data is not organized, analyzed, and displayed logically, it
becomes difficult to comprehend. This is where an integrated closed-loop system that automates
real-time feedback is required. Experience has shown that an integrated solution with full multivendor
network programmability and workflow orchestration is key to achieving measurable benefits, including
improved capital efficiency, better-operating expense utilization, and reduction in time to deploy a
service [33].
Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) is a term coined by Gartner in 2016 as an industry
category for machine learning analytics technology that enhances IT operations analytics. Such
operation tasks include automation, performance monitoring, and event correlations, among others.
The goal is to enable IT transformation, receiving continuous network insights, and providing
continuous fixes and improvements via automation [34]. Adoption of AIOps drives network automation
towards closed-loop and predictive operations.
Benefits of closed-loop automation are:
Augmented network reliability through AIOps.
Automated fault recovery, reducing downtime and business impact of network outages.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Incident resolution time is reduced, increasing customer experience.
Reduction of operational cost by reduction of required manual tasks.
Increases the benefits of IaC and CI/CD.
AIOps and closed-loop automation requires network teams to develop or hire AI/ML (pattern
detection, anomaly detection, machine learning) skills, to fine tune the systems.
Protecting automation code
In the first steps of the automation journey, basic scripts are developed. As the team develops network
automation scripts, security should always be top of mind. Applying best practices to version control
systems, secure storage of the credentials used by scripts (data at rest), and encrypting data
communication to network devices (data in transit) are required to comply with enterprise security
IT team must protect the version control system by disabling public repository creation, granting
network access only to specific IP addresses, using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), keeping regular
control of the users allowed to access, and never storing credentials in the repository, among other
Best practices to store credentials used by code must also be adopted, to prevent that they are
retrieved in the event a system that runs the automation code is compromised. There are solutions
such as HashiCorp’s Vault that helps you secure, store, and tightly control access to tokens,
passwords, certificates, encryption keys for protecting secrets, and other sensitive data using a UI,
CLI, or HTTP API [35].
Communication from systems running the scripts to network devices should use a secure channel, like
TLS/SSL. Communicating with a TLS certificate protects all access credentials and API data in transit
using end-to-end encryption. API keys are another step toward securing a REST API [36].
DevOps and DevSecOps practices in network automation code development
As the enterprise progresses in the network automation journey, DevOps and DevSecOps will play an
increasingly important role. Network automation code (e.g., scripts, Ansible modules, other) should be
treated as any other software and, therefore, its development needs to follow software development
DevOps practices. While earlier in this document we have discussed about CI/CD pipelines in the
context of network operations, the network automation code development process will also leverage
CI/CD pipelines. Think about network automation with Ansible; automation use cases are first defined,
then Ansible modules are developed or customized to implement the use cases. These Ansible
modules need to be tested in a lab environment, then deployed to production to be used in the
network automation process. The behavior of the modules in production is then monitored to provide
continuous feedback to the team developing them.
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Figure 9: Network automation code development cycle
What about the security of the network automation code? Adding security to the automation code
development DevOps pipeline is described as ‘shift left security practice. The idea is to catch security
vulnerabilities earlier in the network automation code lifecycle. This will reduce operational risk
downstream in the production environment and the potential for - usually far greater - associated
remediation costs and by extension, reputational costs, regulatory fines, etc.
DevSecOps complements DevOps practices and focuses on security. Capabilities like Static
Application Security Testing (SAST) ensure that security weaknesses such as those listed in the
OWASP Top Ten [37] and the 2022 CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses [38] are
detected in the proprietary code being developed.
Another key capability that is required for effective DevSecOps practice is the feedback loop. Both
application observability telemetry as well as automation code runtime data should be leveraged to
inform developers of unusual code execution behaviours or sub-performant code.
Network engineer skills of the future
In previous sections we have reviewed the evolution trends in network automation and identified skills
that network teams require today or will require in the future.
As organizations define their automation strategies, it is important to understand the transformation of
the network engineer's role, as well as the technical skills it will require [39]. We have summarized our
view in Table 1.
It is crucial for organizations to enable network teams to confidently rebalance resources, reduce risks,
and accelerate innovation [40]. There is also an opportunity for network engineers’ personal
satisfaction, evolving from being perceived as the bottleneck and slowing down innovation, to
becoming the enabler of IT’s success, and to better service the lines of business (not to mention the
greater appeal of their resume).
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© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table 1: Network engineer work evolution and skills of the future
Traditional network engineers might be overwhelmed, especially during the transition from provisioning
and manually managing static on-premises resources to providing a readily available, dynamic, and
highly automated network infrastructure. With the list in Table 1, we hope to help clarifying the road
ahead and address the challenges head-on.
The list is extensive, and not every network engineer will require each of the skills listed in the table
or will be involved in all of the work activities. However, it is unquestionable that the scope of the
network engineer is expanding and will continue doing so, therefore, every network engineer must be
open to developing new skills, become more cross-domain knowledgeable, get familiar with new
tools, and learn to connect the applications with the network and with the performance of the
As network engineers accelerate their journey to develop their skills, the skills development journey
will become increasingly digitalized. The use of digitized learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy,
or Pluralsight, is rapidly growing.
To contribute to network engineer learning, Cisco has created the DevNet community as an extensive
repository of information, tutorials, labs, and sandboxes, to learn and practice with the technologies
and methodologies mentioned in this paper. The DevNet certification program validates the skills of
software developers, DevOps engineers, automation specialists, and other software professionals. The
program validates key emerging technical skills for a new kind of IT professional, empowering
organizations to embrace the potential of applications, automation, and infrastructure for the network,
Internet of Things (IoT) and DevOps [41].
Work on cross-domain projects
Architect SDN based networks
Create network change prioritization rules
Create CI/CD pipelines
Define automation test cases
Adjust automation based on operational
feedback/problems found
Use open-source data gathering and
visualization tools for troubleshooting
Apply Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
disciplines to operation [42]
Develop AI/ML close-automation systems
Observe and supervise automation systems
Engineer solutions for sustainability
Public cloud networking
Docker, Kubernetes
Scripting, programmability, Python
Software code protection and integrity
SDN / overlay network architectures
Interacting with APIs / REST
Data modeling
Human-readable data-serialization language
(e.g., YAML)
Ansible, Terraform
CI/CD tools, NetDevOps practices
Data gathering, massaging and visualization
tools (e.g., Telegraf, Grafana, etc.)
Full stack observability tools
AI/ML (Pattern detection, anomaly detection,
machine learning)
Network engineer’s skills of the future
Network engineer’s work evolution
White paper
© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Enterprise network automation is evolving to support digitalization; the technology shift to software-
defined networking (SDN), the proliferation of analytics and insights tools to drive better user
experience, cloud platform adoption, and the introduction of NetDevOps practices are all driving the
network engineer skills transformation.
This white paper reviews the evolution of network automation, from the introduction of scripts to
closed-loop automation systems, and identifies the skills requirements introduced at every step.
We have listed the skills that network teams require today and in the future and why every network
engineer must be open to developing new skills, become more cross-domain knowledgeable, get
familiar with new tools, and learn to connect the applications with the network and with the
performance of the business.
Asier Arlegui, Principal Architect, Cisco Customer Experience
Greg Page, Enterprise Strategist, Cisco Sales
Juan José Fonseca, Solutions Architect, Cisco Customer Experience
Koenraad Bastiaens, VP, Cisco Customer Experience
Oliver Boehmer, Principal Architect, Cisco Customer Experience
Luca Relandini, Principal Architect, Cisco Sales
Héctor Fernández, Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco Sales
Rafael Muller, Principal Engineer, Cisco Customer Experience
Mike Reshetar, Principal Architect, Cisco Customer Experience
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