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End-point assessment plan for Network Engineer
apprenticeship standard*
*this end-point assessment plan aligns with standard version 1.1
Apprenticeship standard
reference number
standard level
Integrated end-point assessment
Introduction and overview ...................................................................................................................... 2
EPA summary table ............................................................................................................................... 3
Length of end-point assessment period ................................................................................................. 3
Order of assessment methods ............................................................................................................... 4
Gateway ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Assessment methods ............................................................................................................................. 5
Reasonable adjustments ..................................................................................................................... 11
Grading ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Re-sits and re-takes ............................................................................................................................. 17
Roles and responsibilities……………………………………………………………………………………….22
Internal Quality Assurance (IQA).......................................................................................................... 22
Affordability .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Professional body recognition .............................................................................................................. 22
Mapping of knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) .......................................................................... 23
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Introduction and overview
This document sets out the requirements for end-point assessment (EPA) for the Network Engineer
apprenticeship standard. It is for end-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) who need to know how
EPA for this apprenticeship must operate. It will also be of interest to Network Engineer apprentices,
their employers and training providers.
Full time apprentices will typically spend 24 months on-programme (before the gateway) working
towards the occupational standard, with a minimum of 20% off-the-job training. All apprentices must
spend a minimum of 12 months on-programme.
The EPA period should only start, and the EPA be arranged, once the employer is satisfied that the
apprentice is deemed to be consistently working at or above the level set out in the occupational
standard, all of the pre-requisite gateway requirements for EPA have been met and can be evidenced
to an EPAO.
For level 3 apprenticeships and above apprentices without English and mathematics at level 2 must
achieve level 2 prior to taking their EPA.
The EPA must be completed within an EPA period lasting typically 3 months , after the EPA gateway.
The EPA consists of 2 discrete assessment methods.
The individual assessment methods will have the following grades:
Assessment method 1: Simulated assessment and questioning
Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by portfolio
Performance in the EPA will determine the overall apprenticeship standard grade of:
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EPA summary table
(typically, 24 months)
Training to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) in
the occupational standard.
Compiling a portfolio to underpin the professional discussion.
End-point assessment
Employer is satisfied the apprentice is consistently working at, or
above, the level of the occupational standard.
English and mathematics Level 2
Apprentices must submit:
A portfolio
End-point assessment
(which will typically take 3
Assessment method 1: Simulation Assessment and Questioning
Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by
Performance in the EPA will determine the overall apprenticeship
standard grade of:
Professional recognition
Aligns with recognition of Network Engineer on the Register of IT
Technicians (RITTECH)
Length of end-point assessment period
The EPA will be completed within an EPA period typically lasting 3 months, after the EPA gateway.
Any supporting material which underpins an EPA assessment method must be submitted at the
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Order of assessment methods
The assessment methods can be delivered in any order. The result of one assessment method
does not need to be known before starting the next.
The apprentice should only enter the gateway once the employer is content that the apprentice is
working at or above the occupational standard. In making this decision, the employer may take advice
from the apprentice’s training provider(s), but the decision must ultimately be made solely by the
The EPAO determines when all other gateway requirements have been met, and the EPA period will
only commence once the EPAO has confirmed this.
In addition to the employer’s confirmation that the apprentice is working at or above the level in the
occupational standard, the apprentice must have completed the following gateway requirements prior to
beginning EPA:
Achieved English and mathematics at Level 2. For those with an education, health and care
plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and Mathematics minimum
requirement is Entry Level 3. British Sign Language (BSL) qualifications are an alternative to
English qualifications for those who have BSL as their primary language.
For the professional discussion underpinned by portfolio, the apprentice will be required to submit a
The format and structure of the portfolio should be agreed between the employer and the EPAO
(e.g. hard copy or on-line). However, the content should be enough to evidence the apprentice
can apply the knowledge, skills and behaviours required as mapped to assessment method 2
There should be at least one piece of evidence relating to each knowledge, skill and behaviour
mapped to AM2. One piece of evidence can be referenced against more than one knowledge,
skill or behavioural requirement. It is expected that there will be a minimum of 5 pieces and a
maximum of 10 pieces of evidence.
The portfolio should cover the KSBs for the assessment method it is underpinning and of
activities that have been completed and referenced against the KSBs, supported by appropriate
evidence, including
photographic evidence, work products, work instructions, safety documentation, company
policies and procedures as appropriate to activities undertaken. Progress review
documentation, witness testimonies, and feedback from colleagues and/or clients should
also be included.
The apprentice’s Manager/Mentor will typically support the development of the portfolio in
accordance with company policy and procedures, although the EPAO will provide further
guidance on the content
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The portfolio presents evidence from real-work projects and is used to underpin the Professional
Discussion. Apprentices are expected to draw on the contents of their portfolio when providing
responses to questions. The portfolio will be created pre-gateway and before EPA starts and is not
assessed as part of the EPA. It contains evidence from work activities that have been completed,
throughout the apprenticeship. Typically, more complex activities will be completed towards the end of
the apprenticeship.
The portfolio is not directly assessed. It underpins the professional discussion and therefore should not
be marked by the EPAO. Independent Assessors should review the portfolio in preparation for the
professional discussion but are not required to provide feedback after this review of the portfolio.
In cases where the apprentice is working in a confidential environment, the employer may insist that the
independent assessor (on behalf of the EPAO) reviews the portfolio at the employer’s premises only
and that the portfolio is not made available for review away from those premises. In such cases, the
EPAO and independent assessor should use their discretion to make suitable arrangements to verify to
their satisfaction that the portfolio was completed and available for review at the Gateway. Detailed
arrangements for satisfactory portfolio review by the independent assessor must be agreed with the
employer as part of their arrangement with the EPAO. An employer and EPAO may agree and give
examples of how to record restricted information in order to facilitate the reviewing of portfolio evidence
off site by mutual agreement.
Assessment methods
Assessment method 1: Simulation Assessment and Questioning
(This assessment method has 2 components.)
Assessment method 1 component 1: Simulation Assessment - Virtual Network Lab
Apprentices will be required to undertake 2 simulation assessments in a virtual lab environment.
The rationale for this assessment method is to assess the apprentice in a consistent way, irrespective
of their particular role in their organisation and to ensure that all KSBs mapped to this method are able
to be demonstrated in a reasonable timeframe. The typical length of network engineering projects could
make the EPA delivery through an observation impractical to schedule thus increasing costs and time
spent at gateway.
Apprentices must complete 2 simulation assessments in a virtual lab environment online where they will
demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO will arrange for the simulation
assessment to take place, in consultation with the employer. The EPAO will select the simulation
assessment the individual apprentice will take.
Each simulation assessment will include a short summary of the task to be completed, the timeframe
permitted and the items available for use.
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Simulation assessments must be carried out over an assessment time of 14 hours which must be
completed over 2 consecutive days. Each assessment task will take 7 hours.
Assessment task 1 (Network Failure) will be completed and submitted online by the end of day 1 and
assessment task 2 (Network Optimisation) will be completed and submitted online by the end of day 2
to ensure the security of assessment is maintained.
As part of each simulation assessment task the apprentice will be required to submit a virtual lab report
consisting of evidence of completed test activity along with decision-making evidence including:
the completed lab file (with all saved and completed work)
test plans
accompanying notes which explain why the apprentice chose a particular network engineering
solution or to explain the approach they took during the simulation. Explanatory diagrams
should also be included.
These items will be saved and uploaded online through the secure online portal. All work must be
uploaded and saved within the total assessment time for this assessment method. Any work which is
uploaded after the maximum assessment time will be disregarded and will not be assessed.
By submitting these items, the assessor will be able to make a judgement against the KSBs mapped to
this assessment method and can determine whether the tasks have been completed competently.
Before each simulated assessment begins, the apprentice must be provided with both written and
verbal instructions on the tasks they must complete, including the timescales they are working to. This
will not be included in the assessment time.
The simulation assessment must be overseen by an independent assessor or invigilator to ensure that
the apprentice completes the assessment independently. This task can be undertaken face to face or
online by use of a video camera to ensure that the apprentice is undertaking the simulated task
assessment unaided. EPAOs must ensure that appropriate measures are in place to ensure that the
security of the assessment is maintained and that the apprentice is not being aided in some way. If an
EPAO cannot provide access to Proctor Software, they should use live streaming or another
appropriate invigilation method. When using live streaming it must be by a continual feed.
The virtual lab environment must include a template facility for the apprentice to make brief explanatory
notes of critical decision-making activities that underpin completion of the tasks in the simulated
assessment. The notes facility must run alongside the online assessment activity and may be within the
same software package. These notes are key to enabling the assessor to understand why the
assessment solutions were arrived at and help ascertain the depth of understanding required to test
occupational competence against the assigned KSBs.
Each of the simulation tasks will have a brief and instructions for the apprentice including how required
outputs should be formatted. The brief and instructions will specify what systems, tools and platforms
will be required to complete the tasks. This information will be contained within the software package
for delivering the assessment. The software package will not be seen in advance and will be given to
the apprentice at the start of each simulation task.
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The Simulation Assessment MUST allow the following activities to be undertaken as a simulation
assessment without these tasks would seriously hamper the opportunity for the apprentice to
demonstrate occupational competence against the KSBs assigned to this assessment method:
Lab report and physical lab activity:
Detect and resolve network failures:
o Switch or Router configuration fault for remote access
o Configure dynamic routing protocols
Improve network performance:
o Poor / insecure Wi-Fi configuration
o Network response time is low
o IPv4 or / IPv 6 problems
Install and manage network architectures
Test and analyse network issues
Plan and work effectively
Fault diagnostics
Outputs from the lab activities could comprise the following:
Ticketing Systems/replies/escalation
Data Reports and log files
Each assessment task once begun may not be split, other than to allow comfort breaks as necessary.
Meal breaks are permitted to ensure that the assessment complies with the working time directive
legislation on breaks and lunchtimes. Any planned or unplanned breaks must be invigilated to ensure
the security of the assessment is maintained.
There may be others undertaking the simulated assessment at the same time, but they must be at least
two meters apart, at separate workstations and with their own system access. Each apprentice will
undertake a different combination of simulated assessment tasks at any one time to mitigate against
malpractice in the assessment.
The EPAO is responsible for ensuring a controlled environment is available and that local management
arrangements are in place to ensure the security of this assessment method.
Work must be saved in the virtual lab between tasks and backed up (note partial work is not
assessed by the independent assessor during the assessment although it is possible to check that the
work that has been done has not changed between work sessions).
The independent assessor will make all grading decisions.
Resources development
EPAOs will create and set simulation assessment tasks to assess related underpinning KSBs.
EPAOs will produce specifications to outline in detail how the simulation assessments will operate,
what it will cover and what should be looked for. It is recommended that this be done in consultation
with employers. EPAOs should put measures and procedures in place to maintain the security and
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confidentiality of their specifications if employers are consulted. Specifications must be standardised by
the EPAO.
EPAOs must develop ‘practical specification banks’ of sufficient size to prevent predictability and review
them regularly (and at least once a year) to ensure they, and the specifications they contain, are fit for
Each simulation assessment (and its constituent 2 tasks) will present a typical business task,
appropriate to an SME, an IT business, a large corporate or a non-IT business, and in the public and
private sectors.
Existing simulation assessments and their constituent tasks will be rotated, and new ones introduced
Simulation assessments must be conducted in a suitable venue selected by the EPAO (e.g. a training
provider's premises or an employer’s premises) The venue must:
Have reliable internet connectivity
Have access to reliable devices able to operate the practical assessment software
Provide a virtual lab environment to facilitate the identified scenarios required for the
assessment method.
Suitable video conferencing capability including desktop sharing facility to enable remote
As a minimum the virtual online lab will comprise of a virtual Wide Area Network configuration made up
of the following virtual features, assets and components:
1 x File server
1 x Email server
1 x Web server
4 x Clients per location
Main location (head office) and Branch location connected
Each location to have a router
Each location to have minimum a desktop switch, master switch and Wi-Fi access point switch
Each location to have Wi-Fi with access point
Default gateway
Main and guest Wi-Fi access
For the avoidance of doubt, the items listed above are virtual features, assets and components within
the online lab environment.
Support materials
EPAOs will produce the following material to support this assessment method:
independent assessor and invigilator assessment materials
structured specification
grading guidance
outline of the assessment method’s requirements
marking materials
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guidance document for employers and apprentices on the process/timescales for the
assessment method
guidance document for independent assessors on how to carry out the assessment
lab instructions
Assessment method 1 component 2: Questioning
This component will take the form of questioning which must be appropriately structured to draw out the
best of the apprentice’s competence and excellence and cover the KSBs assigned to this assessment
method. It will involve questions that will focus on coverage of the simulated assessment activity.
Questioning will occur on a separate day after the completion of the simulated assessment tasks to
enable the Independent Assessor sufficient time to assess the outputs of each simulation task and
generate appropriate questioning.
The rationale for this assessment method is:
It is usual for people in this occupation to engage in detailed technical discussions, so this assessment
method mirrors their day to day work.
The independent assessor will conduct and assess the questioning.
Questioning will happen after both simulated assessment tasks have been completed and assessed by
the independent assessor. The independent assessor should have a minimum of 5 working days in
which to assess the work submitted by the apprentice and generate appropriate questioning.
The apprentice should be given a minimum of 5 working days’ notice of the date for their questioning
The outputs from the simulated assessment will be shared with the apprentice by the independent
assessor online throughout the questioning. The apprentice will not be allowed to have access to the
simulated assessment outputs in advance of the questioning session in order to maintain the security of
the assessment method.
The questioning must last for 45 minutes. The independent assessor has the discretion to increase the
time of the questioning by up to 10% to allow the apprentice to complete their last answer. The
assessor will ask a minimum of 10 open questions.
During this method, the independent assessor must use questions generated by themselves in addition
to those from an EPAO generated question bank.
The purpose of questioning will be to check the knowledge & skills shown in the simulated assessment
and explore the underpinning reasoning where the supporting notes may be insufficiently detailed or
Video conferencing can be used to conduct the questioning, but the EPAO must have processes in
place to verify the identity of the apprentice and ensure the apprentice is not being aided in some way.
The independent assessor must use the assessment tools and procedures that are set by the EPAO to
record the questioning and answers given.
Outputs from the simulated scenario and answers to questions will be assessed holistically. The
independent assessor will make all grading decisions.
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Question development
A ‘question bank’ must be developed by EPAOs. The ‘question bank’ must be of sufficient size to
prevent predictability and the EPAO must review it regularly (at least once a year) to ensure that it, and
its content, are fit for purpose. The questions relating to the underpinning KSBs, must be varied yet
allow assessment of the relevant KSBs. Independent assessors must use the question bank as a
source for questioning and are expected to use their professional judgment to tailor those questions
appropriately. Independent assessors are responsible for generating suitable follow-up questions in line
with the EPAO’s training and standardisation process.
EPAOs must ensure that apprentices have a different set of questions in the case of re-sits/re-takes.
EPAOs will produce the following material to support this assessment method:
question bank
outline of the assessment method’s requirements
marking materials
guidance document for employers and apprentices on the process/timescales for the
assessment method
guidance document for independent assessors on how to carry out the assessment
The questioning should take place in a quiet room, free from distractions and influence.
The questioning can take place in any of the following:
employer’s premises
a suitable venue selected by the EPAO (for example a training provider's premises)
via video conferencing
Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by
Assessment method 2 component 1: Professional discussion underpinned by portfolio
This assessment will take the form of a professional discussion which must be appropriately structured
to draw out the best of the apprentice’s competence and cover the KSBs assigned to this assessment
The rationale for this assessment method is to draw out KSBs and in particular behaviours, which
would not naturally occur in the practical assessment. It is commonplace for people in this occupation
to engage in detailed technical discussions, so this assessment method mirrors their day-to-day work.
The independent assessor will conduct and assess the professional discussion.
The professional discussion must last for 60 minutes. The independent assessor has the discretion to
increase the time of the professional discussion by up to 10% to allow the apprentice to complete their
last answer.
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This is a 1:1 conversation in an appropriate environment (a quiet room free from distraction). Evidence
must be captured using documentation produced by the EPAO. The assessor will ask a minimum of 15
open questions. Questions can be taken from an EPAO question bank or be those generated by the
independent assessor. Follow up questions can be used to draw out further evidence.
The apprentice should be encouraged to refer to their portfolio of evidence during the professional
discussion to support their responses. The independent assessor should have a minimum of 10 days to
review the contents of the portfolio to generate appropriate questions. The apprentice will have a
minimum of 5 working days’ notice of the date for the professional discussion
Video conferencing can be used to conduct the professional discussion, but the EPAO must have
processes in place to verify the identity of the apprentice and ensure the apprentice is not being aided
in some way. e.g. use of a 360-degree camera.
The independent assessor must use the assessment tools and procedures that are set by the EPAO to
record the professional discussion.
The independent assessor will make all grading decisions.
The professional discussion should take place in a quiet room, free from distractions and influence.
The professional discussion can take place in any of the following:
employer’s premises
a suitable venue selected by the EPAO (for example a training provider's premises)
Other relevant information
A question bank must be developed by EPAOs. The ‘question bank’ must be of sufficient size to
prevent predictability and the EPAO must reviewed regularly (at least once a year) to ensure that it, and
its content, are fit for purpose. The specifications, including questions relating to the underpinning
KSBs, must be varied yet allow assessment of the relevant KSBs.
EPAOs must ensure that apprentices have a different set of questions in the case of re-sits/re-takes.
Independent assessors must be developed and trained by the EPAO in the conduct of professional
discussion and reaching consistent judgement.
EPAOs will produce the following material to support this assessment method:
question bank
outline of the assessment method’s requirements
marking materials
guidance document for employers and apprentices on the process/timescales for the
assessment method
guidance document for independent assessors on how to carry out the assessment
Reasonable adjustments
The EPAO must have in place clear and fair arrangements for making reasonable adjustments for this
apprenticeship standard. This should include how an apprentice qualifies for reasonable adjustment
and what reasonable adjustments will be made. The adjustments must maintain the validity, reliability
and integrity of the assessment methods outlined in this assessment plan.
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Weighting of assessment methods
All assessment methods are weighted equally in their contribution to the overall EPA grade.
Assessment method 1: Simulation Assessment and Questioning
Apprentices must meet all the
pass descriptors in order to
achieve a pass
In addition to the pass
criteria apprentices must
meet all of the following
distinction descriptors in
order to achieve a distinction
Across all
Demonstrates independent
working initiative being
resourceful when faced with the
online simulation tasks and
taking responsibility for solving
problems within their own remit
K1 K12
Identifies network failures,
setting out the rationale behind
the identified task. K1 K12
Demonstrates a diagnostic
strategy when faced with a
network failure to establish the
root cause and the options
available and reason for the
choice of solution. B6
Implements a secure fix to
resolve network failure
proportionate to the need
describing the constraints and
considerations within the
Network Failure solution. S1
Evaluates the long- and short-
term impacts of network failure
solutions within the simulation.
Analyses and reviews the
effectiveness of maintaining
the security of the network
within the simulation. S1 K17
K3 K4 K5
S6 S12
Identifies network performance
issues within specified
parameters K3
Demonstrates a working solution
to resolve performance issues
showing a response in real time
Selects uses and justifies
diagnostic tools to deliver
Reviews the effectiveness of
methods used to securely
troubleshoot network service
performance’ K4
Compares and contrasts the
effectiveness of methods used
to securely trouble shoot
network service performance
including analytical
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improved system performance
Uses organizational procedures
to deal with recording
information effectively and in line
with protocols K5
Delivers service performance
optimisation with a rationale for
why this is the best option. S12
approaches to diagnosis of
network issues and
recommendations of future
requirements based on
outcomes and results of the
simulation tests carried out. S6
Install and
K2 S2 S10
Plans and carries out their
installation and configuration
activity to show the stages of
activity required and explains the
choice and use of hardware and
or software to manage and
maintain a secure network K2 S2
Manages network architecture
tasks in line with tickets raised
by customers to resolve or
escalate as necessary S10
‘Reviews their choice of
network architecture and
evaluates the effectiveness of
their choice’ K2
Analyses customer response
to determine the suitability of
hardware and software choice
Test and
S3 S6 S9
Tests the network to identify
issues using more than one
method and compiles test plans
in line with identified faults S3 S9
Demonstrates analytical
approaches to diagnose Network
Issues S6
and working
B4 B8
Plans and prioritises tasks
arising balanced with costs and
efficiencies S17 B4
Works within the simulation tasks
effectively under pressure
showing resilience B8
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Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by
Apprentices must demonstrate
all the pass descriptors in
order to pass
In addition to the pass
criteria apprentices must
demonstrate all the
following distinction
descriptors in order to get a
Planning Work
S13 S14
Does not meet
the pass
Outlines how they have
organised and prioritised
clients/stakeholders’ requests
and explains the use of Service
Level Agreements S13
Describes how they have
outlined their role as a Network
Engineer to key stakeholders
Network Tasks
K8 K9 K10
S18 S20
Does not meet
the pass
Explains the purposes and uses
of ports and protocols in Network
Engineering activities K8
Describes features and factors
that play a role in deployment of
devices, applications, protocols
and services at their appropriate
OSI and/or TCP/IP layers. K9
Explains the concepts and
characteristics of routing and
switching in Network Engineering
activities K10
Explains how to apply numerical
skills in Network Engineering
activities to ensure that
outcomes meet the defined
specifications for the network
task S18
Describe how they have selected
the appropriate tools in regard to
Analyses how the use of
different hardware and
software required for network
engineering activities could
provide benefits to the
organisation and evaluates
the associated risks. S20
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specific Network activities and
comply with organisation policies
and processes when upgrading
systems S20
S4 S15
Does not meet
the pass
Explains the types of current
security threats to networks and
describes K19
Describes how they have
maintained the security and
performance of the system
against known standard threats.
Explains how they have applied
the appropriate process, policies
and legislation to ensure security
and performance requirements
have been met S15 B2
Analyses the evolving
landscape of security threats
to networks and how they
mitigate threats S4 B2
Does not
meet the pass
Explains how they use diagnostic
tools to trouble-shoot problems
within the Network environment
Explains how they investigate
new approaches and tools to
troubleshoot the
organisations network with a
focus on security. S5
K11 K13 K14
K15 K16 K18
S8 S11
Does not meet
the pass
Identifies the characteristics of
network topologies, types and
technologies K11
Explains cloud concepts and
their purposes within the network
engineering environment. K13
Describes the functions of
network services K14
Explains how they have
undertaken Network
maintenance activities K15 S11
Explains how current legislation
relates to network engineering
activities K16
Describes the integration of a
server into a network and
explains how they have
maintained system performance
and integrity. K18
Explains how they have
upgraded, applied and tested
Compare and contrast
approaches to maintaining
system performance and
integrity K15 K18 S8 S11
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components to systems
configurations ensuring that the
system meets the organisation’s
requirements and minimises
downtime. This should include
backup processes and an
understanding of the use of
automated tools K20 S8
K6 S7 S16
Describe how they have
communicated and recorded
Network Engineering outcomes
to stakeholders in line with
organizational procedures and
Service Level Agreements taking
into consideration an
organisation’s cultural
awareness and its technical
ability K6 S7 S16
The bigger
K7 K21
B3 B5 B7
Describes their role in the
organisations Business
Continuity and Disaster
Recovery process. K7
Explains the principles of change
management within the network
engineering environment and
how they have ensured
compliance. K21 S19
Explains how they have worked
within the goals, vision and
values of the organisation B3
Describe how they have met or
exceeded customers’
requirements and expectations
Explains how they take
responsibility for their own CPD
and technical skill developments
and reflects on the outcome of
feedback on their own
performance based on the
expectations of the organisation’
Justifies how they have
utilised a new approach or
technical development to
network engineering and
evaluates the outcome. K21
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Overall EPA grading
All EPA methods must be passed for the EPA to be passed overall.
Grades from individual assessment methods should be combined in the following way to determine the
grade of the EPA as a whole:
Assessment method 1
Simulation assessment
and questioning
Assessment method 2
professional discussion
Overall grading
Any grade
Any grade
Re-sits and re-takes
Apprentices who fail one or more assessment method will be offered the opportunity to take a re-sit or a
re-take. A re-sit does not require further learning, whereas a re-take does.
An apprentice who fails an assessment method, and therefore the EPA in the first instance, will be
required to re-sit or re-take any failed assessment methods only.
Apprentices should have a supportive action plan to prepare for the re-sit or a re-take. The apprentice’s
employer will need to agree that either a re-sit or re-take is an appropriate course of action.
The timescales for a re-sit/re-take is agreed between the employer and EPAO. A re-sit is typically taken
within two months of the EPA outcome notification. The timescale for a re-take is dependent on how
much re-training is required and is typically taken within four months of the EPA outcome notification.
All assessment methods must be taken within a six-month period, otherwise the entire EPA will need to
be re-sat/re-taken, unless in the opinion of the EPAO exceptional circumstances apply outside the
control of the apprentice or their employer.
Re-sits and re-takes are not offered to apprentices wishing to move from pass to merit or merit to
Where any assessment method must be re-sat or re-taken, the overall apprenticeship grade is not
capped, meaning that an apprentice is still able to achieve an EPA grade of distinction.
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Roles and responsibilities
As a minimum, apprentices should:
participate in and complete on-programme training to meet
the KSBs as outlined in the occupational standard for a
minimum of 12 months
undertake 20% off-the-job training as arranged by the
employer and training provider
understand the purpose and importance of EPA
undertake the EPA including meeting all gateway
As a minimum, employers should:
work with the training provider (where applicable) to
support the apprentice in the workplace to provide the
opportunities for the apprentice to develop the KSBs
arrange and support a minimum of 20% off-the-job training
to be undertaken by the apprentice
decide when the apprentice is working at or above the
occupational standard and so is ready for EPA
select the EPAO
ensure that all supporting evidence required at the
gateway is submitted in accordance with this EPA plan
remain independent from the delivery of the EPA
confirm arrangements with the EPAO for the EPA (who,
when, where) in a timely manner (including providing
access to any employer specific documentations as
required, for example company policies)
ensure that the EPA is scheduled with the EPAO for a
date and time which allow appropriate opportunity for the
KSBs to be met
ensure the apprentice is well prepared for the EPA
ensure the apprentice is given sufficient time away from
regular duties to prepare for and complete all post-
gateway elements of the EPA, and that any required
supervision during this time (as stated within this EPA
plan) is in place
where the apprentice is assessed in the workplace, ensure
that the apprentice has access to the resources used on a
daily basis
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work collaboratively with the EPAO to ensure a suitable
EPA venue is available.
As a minimum, EPAOs should:
make all necessary contractual arrangements, including
agreeing the price of the EPA
understand the occupational standard
appoint administrators (and invigilators where required) to
administer the EPA as appropriate
provide training for independent assessors in terms of
good assessment practice, operating the assessment
tools and grading
provide adequate information, advice and guidance
documentation to enable apprentices, employers and
training providers to prepare for the EPA
arrange for the EPA to take place, in consultation with the
conform to the requirements of this EPA plan and deliver
its requirements in a timely manner
develop and provide appropriate assessment recording
documentation to ensure a clear and auditable process is
in place for providing assessment decisions and feedback
to all relevant stakeholders
have no direct connection with the apprentice, their
employer or training provider. In all instances including
when the EPAO is the training provider (i.e. HEI) there
must be no conflict of interest
have policies and procedures for internal quality
assurance (IQA), and maintain records of regular and
robust IQA activity and moderation for external quality
assurance (EQA) purposes
conform to the requirements of the nominated external
quality assurance provider (EQAP)
conform to the requirements of the Register of End-Point
Assessment Organisations (RoEPAO)
deliver induction training for independent assessors, and
for invigilators and markers where used
undertake standardisation activity on this apprenticeship
standard for all independent assessors before they
conduct an EPA for the first time, if the EPA is updated
and periodically as appropriate (a minimum of annually)
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manage invigilation of apprentices in order to maintain
security of the assessment in line with their malpractice
verify the identity of the apprentice being assessed
use language in the development and delivery of the EPA
that is appropriate to the level of the occupational standard
request certification via the Apprenticeship Service upon
successful achievement of the EPA
develop and produce assessment materials including
specifications and marking materials (for example mark
schemes, practice materials, training material)
appoint suitably qualified and competent independent
provide details of the independent assessor’s name and
contact details to the employer
have and apply appropriately an EPA appeals process
As a minimum, an independent assessor should:
have the competence to assess the apprentice at this level
and hold any required qualifications and experience in line
with the requirements of the independent assessor as
detailed in the IQA section of this EPA plan
understand the occupational standard and the
requirements of this EPA
have, maintain and be able to evidence up to date
knowledge and expertise of the subject matter
deliver the end-point assessment in-line with the EPA plan
comply with the IQA requirements of the EPAO
have no direct connection or conflict of interest with the
apprentice, their employer or training provider; in all
instances including when the EPAO is the training provider
(i.e. HEI)
attend induction training
attend standardisation events when they begin working for
the EPAO, before they conduct an EPA for the first time
and a minimum of annually on this apprenticeship
assess each assessment method, as determined by the
EPA plan, and without extending the EPA unnecessarily
assess against the KSBs assigned to each assessment
method, as shown in the mapping of assessment methods
and as determined by the EPAO, and without extending
the EPA unnecessarily
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make all grading decisions
record and report all assessment outcome decisions, for
each apprentice, following instructions and using
assessment recording documentation provided by the
EPAO, in a timely manner
use language in the development and delivery of the EPA
that is appropriate to the level of the occupational standard
Training provider
As a minimum, the training provider should:
work with the employer and support the apprentice during
the off-the-job training to provide the opportunities to
develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours as listed in
the occupational standard
conduct training covering any knowledge, skill or
behaviour requirement agreed as part of the Commitment
Statement (often known as the Individual Learning Plan).
monitor the apprentice’s progress during any training
provider led on-programme learning
advise the employer, upon request, on the apprentice’s
readiness for EPA
remain independent from delivery of the EPA. Where the
training provider is the EPA (i.e. a HEI) there must be
procedures in place to mitigate against any conflict of
As a minimum, invigilators should:
attend induction training as directed by the EPAO
have no direct connection or conflict of interest with the
apprentice, their employer or training provider; in all
instances, including when the EPAO is the training
provider (i.e. HEI)
invigilate and supervise apprentices during tests and in
breaks during assessment methods to prevent malpractice
in accordance with the EPAO’s invigilation procedures
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Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)
Internal quality assurance refers to the requirements that EPA organisations must have in place to
ensure consistent (reliable) and accurate (valid) assessment decisions. EPA organisations for this EPA
appoint independent assessors who are competent in the occupation they are assessing.
assessors must have achieved a relevant qualification at a level equivalent to or higher than the
apprenticeship standard being assessed and have recent relevant experience of the
occupation/sector gained in the last two years or significant experience of the occupation/sector.
maintain (and produce on request) an up-to-date and accurate record of their CPD activities
which should equate to at least 5 days CPD in the last year relevant to the KSB's
demonstrate that their CPD activities are of learning activities relevant to current or future
seek to ensure that their CPD has benefited the quality of their practice
if applicable hold additional security clearance as required by the employing organisation.
appoint independent assessors who have been trained by the EPAO on the use and
assessment of virtual lab
provide training for independent assessors in terms of good assessment practice, operating the
assessment tools and grading
have robust quality assurance systems and procedures that support fair, reliable, and consistent
assessment across the organisation and over time
operate induction training and standardisation events for independent assessors when they
begin working for the EPAO on this standard and before they deliver an updated assessment
method for the first time
ensure independent assessors attend standardisation events on an ongoing basis and at least
once per year for this standard.
Affordability of the EPA will be aided by using at least some of the following practice:
using an employer's premises
online assessment tools including virtual lab software and video conferencing
Professional body recognition
This apprenticeship is designed to prepare successful apprentices to meet the requirements for
registration as a Network Engineer on the Register of IT Technicians (RITTECH)
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Mapping of knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs)
Assessment method 1: Practical Assessment and Professional
K1 the causes and consequences of network and IT infrastructure failures
K2 the architecture of typical IT systems, including hardware, OS, server, virtualisation, voice, cloud
and applications
K3 the techniques for systems performance and optimisation
K4 diagnostic techniques and tools to interrogate and gather information regarding systems
K5 organizational procedures to deal with recording information effectively and in line with protocols
K12 wireless technologies and configurations.
K17 troubleshooting methodologies for network and IT infrastructure
S1 apply the appropriate tools and techniques when securely operating and testing Networks
S2 install and configure the elements required to maintain and manage a secure Network
S3 implement techniques to monitor and record systems performance in line with defined
S6 apply the appropriate tools and techniques to gather information to troubleshoot issues and
isolate, repair or escalate faults
S9 record task details whether face-to-face, remote or in writing in line with organisational
S10 interpret information received from a manager, customer or technical specialist and accurately
implement the defined requirements
S12 implement techniques to optimise systems performance in line with defined specifications
S17 apply the appropriate level of responsibility when planning and prioritizing work tasks
B1 work independently and demonstrate initiative being resourceful when faced with a problem and
taking responsibility for solving problems within their own remit
B4 take a wider view of the strategic objectives of the tasks/ projects they are working on.
B6 Identifies issues quickly, enjoys investigating and solving complex problems and applies
appropriate solutions. Has a strong desire to push to ensure the true root cause of any problem is
found and a solution is identified which prevents recurrence
B8: work effectively under pressure showing resilience
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Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by
K6: Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and their application to delivering network engineering
activities in line with contractual obligations
K7: their role in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
K8: the purposes and uses of ports and protocols
K9: devices, applications, protocols and services at their appropriate OSI and/or TCP/IP layers.
K10: the concepts and characteristics of routing and switching
K11: the characteristics of network topologies, types and technologies
K13: cloud concepts and their purposes
K14: functions of network services
K15 the different types of network maintenance
K16: how current legislation relates to or impacts occupation
K18: how to integrate a server into a network
K19: the types of security threats to networks and IT infrastructure assets
K20: how to use tools to automate network tasks
K21: approaches to change management
S4 maintain security and performance of the system against known and standard threats
S5 apply the appropriate tools and techniques to identify systems performance issues
S7 communicate outcomes of tasks and record in line with organisational procedures and SLAs
S8 upgrade, apply and test components to systems configurations ensuring that the system meets
the organisation’s requirements and minimises downtime. This should include backup processes
S11 monitor, identify and implement required maintenance procedures
S13 organise and prioritise clients/stakeholders’ requests in line with SLAs and organization
S14 explain job role within the business context to stakeholders
S15 operate securely and apply the appropriate process, policies and legislation within their business
S16 communicate with a range of stakeholders taking into consideration of organisations cultural
awareness and technical ability
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S18 apply the relevant numerical skills (Binary, dotted decimal notation) required to meet the defines
S19 ensure compliance of network engineering outputs with change management processes
S20 select the appropriate tools and comply with organisation policies and processes when
upgrading systems
B2: work securely within the business
B3 work within the goals, vision and values of the organisation
B5 works to meet or exceed customers’ requirements and expectations
B7 committed to continued professional development in order to ensure growth in professional skill
and knowledge.