December 2018
Operations Plan for Absence of Appropriations—Major Provisions
In accordance with the provisions of U.S.C. 1341, the Agency will begin implementation of this
plan on the morning of the first working day following the lapse of appropriations. This also
includes activities in preparation for a shutdown. All Agency personnel will be advised to report to
their assigned duty stations to prepare for the orderly cessation of operations no longer funded or
not specifically excepted by the provisions of 31 U.S. C. 1342, as interpreted by OMB Bulletin 80-
14, supplement 1, dated August 20, 1982.
OMB Guidelines:
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provides agencies with annual instructions on how
to prepare for and operate during a funding gap in Circular No. A-11, dated July 2016. The circular
establishes two policies regarding the absence of appropriations:
(1) A prohibition on incurring obligations unless the obligations are otherwise authorized by law
(2) Permission to incur obligations “as necessary for orderly termination of an agency’s functions,”
but prohibition of any disbursement (i.e., payment).
OMB requires shutdown plans to include:
An estimate of the time to complete shutdown activities, to the nearest half-day;
The number of employees expected to be on-board (i.e., filled positions) before
implementation of the plan; and
The total number of employees to be “excepted” under the plan (i.e., not subject to
furlough), because:
1) Their compensation is financed by a resource other than annual appropriations;
2) They are necessary to perform activities expressly authorized by law;
3) They are necessary to perform activities necessarily implied by law;
4) They are necessary to the discharge of the President’s constitutional duties and powers;
5) They are necessary to protect life and property.
OMB Circular No. A-11, section 124.3, specifies that OMB will monitor the status of congressional
actions on appropriations bills and will notify agencies [i.e., Department of Agriculture] if
shutdown plans are to be implemented.
FSIS Excepted Activities under Continuing Operations:
Appropriated Activities
Those direct functions excepted to ensure that the Nation’s commercial supply of meat including
Siluriformes, poultry, and processed egg products is safe as required under the authority of the
Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA), as amended; the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA), as
amended; and the Egg Products Inspection Act (EPIA) as amended. This includes the daily on-site
inspection presence, regulatory enforcement and product testing in the laboratories. In addition, in
cases where these functions are performed by State employees (under the Federal State Cooperative
Act, Talmadge-Aiken), the activities are considered excepted. These activities are excepted as
necessary to protect life.
Reimbursable Work for Industry
The agency performs reimbursable work for industry (non-federal partners) as authorized by the
Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946; the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA), as amended; the
Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA), as amended; and the Egg Products Inspection Act (EPIA)
as amended. None of these reimbursable activities are funded under an appropriation prior to
reimbursement, and, therefore, are not affected. The agency will continue to offer those services to
industry and will maintain the appropriate supervisory, administrative and technical support as
necessary. Further, because these activities are funded by non-appropriated sources the agency
plans to make actual disbursements to employees performing such work, including overtime.
Designation of Excepted Functions for Continuing Operations
Based on OMB Circular No. A-11, two of the five categories of employees excepted from being
furloughed apply to FSIS:
Category 1: Their compensation is financed by a resource other than annual appropriations;
Category 5: They are necessary to protect life and property.
FSIS positions fall into three groups:
Excepted, on duty. This includes employees retained to protect life and property. FSIS was
advised that food safety activities fall under OMB Category 5.
Not paid by appropriated funds. This includes positions whose compensation is financed by a
resource other than annual appropriations and therefore not affected by a furlough. This is
synonymous with OMB Category 1.
Non-excepted, on call. This includes all other FSIS employees. The Antideficiency Act prohibits
voluntary services and employment of personal services exceeding what has been authorized by
law. Therefore, all personnel not designated as excepted will be furloughed.
Note: The agency has an agreement with the Department of Health and Human Services to
compensate them for approximately 20 Commissioned Corps Officers; all are identified as
Following is summary information on the excepted functions. More detail is available in Annex 4.
Field inspection of meat including Siluriformes, poultry and egg products: The following
direct field staff functions will be performed to ensure the safety of human life for the duration of a
government shutdown:
1. Inspecting before and after slaughter those birds and animals intended for use as food for
humans and supervising the further processing of meat and poultry products.
2. Ensuring that meat including Siluriformes, poultry, and egg products are safe and preventing
the movement or sale in commerce of any meat or poultry products which are adulterated.
3. Applying foreign governments’ inspection requirements and procedures to verify that
products exported from the United States are safe.
4. Conducting emergency operations in connection with the voluntary recall of meat including
Siluriformes or poultry products contaminated with drug or chemical residues, other
adulterants, or microbial contamination.
5. Conducting epidemiological investigations based on reports of food-borne health hazards
and disease outbreaks.
6. Monitoring allied industries to prevent uninspected or adulterated meat including
Siluriformes, poultry and egg products from illegally entering channels of commerce.
7. Providing pathological, microbiological, chemical, and other scientific examination of meat
including Siluriformes, poultry and egg products for disease, infection, contamination, or
other types of adulteration.
8. Conducting a microbiological monitoring and surveillance program.
Enforcement/Food Safety Surveillance and Investigations. To ensure that the Nation’s
commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products to include Siluriformes, is safe, wholesome,
and correctly labeled and packaged, Office of Investigation, Enforcement, and Audit (OIEA)
employees may be required to conduct emergency and significant incidents and/or other services.
Excepted activities may include:
1. Traceback/traceforward foodborne illness outbreak investigations.
2. Initiation of recall or performance of recall effectiveness checks.
3. Response to and recovery associated with natural disasters or intentional contamination.
4. Conducting surveillance that cannot be rescheduled.
5. Surveillance required to support OIG and investigations in accordance with agreements.
6. Deposition or testimony scheduled at the direction of the U.S. Attorney.
7. Representing the Agency at MSPB hearings.
Support of excepted activities. The following functions are excepted because they are necessary
to support excepted activities:
Agency-wide. The agency must ensure adequate senior level management and coordination
of the agency’s public health responsibilities during a shutdown. Excepted activities include
responding to intentional and unintentional food safety events. A small number of
individuals will support these activities for the duration of the shutdown, while others will
be available on-call if such an event occurs, including recall staff, scientists; recall
communication specialists, significant incident specialists.
Office of Public Health Sciences (OPHS)/Field Laboratories. In addition to those excepted
activities identified above, several supporting activities must be excepted; for example,
laboratory equipment maintenance and repair and sample handling. Personnel at the three
field laboratories will largely be considered excepted for the duration of the shutdown.
Office of Management (OM)
o Office of Human Resources (OHR): Excepted functions are those necessary to
maintain and support personnel performing excepted activities to protect human life,
and actions necessary to support Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs
(OWCP); medical screenings for excepted plant employees, etc.
o Administrative Services Division (ASD): Excepted functions include procurement
actions necessary to support the excepted activities for the duration of the shutdown.
These activities will be limited to those actions for which an obligation has already
been made (e.g., providing instructions to a vendor to ship inspection supplies to a
specific plant) or those “emergencies involving the safety of human life or the
protection of property.” The Antideficiency Act prohibits federal officials from
obligating funds before an appropriations measure has been enacted, so generally no
new contracts can be awarded during a shutdown. ASD also manages activities
related to the protection of Federal property and records. Inventories of Federal
property and records must be taken, and arrangements made to transfer their custody
to GSA and OPM. OMB Bulletin 80-14 prohibits such transfer custody until 30
days of lapsed funding has transpired. ASD will also oversee management of
purchase cards and fleet vehicles (only by those excepted employees carrying out
excepted functions.)
Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO). Excepted functions include payroll
processing for reimbursable work for non-federal partners, as well as billing and collections
for reimbursable services for the duration of the shutdown. This billing is for work done by
employees in positions paid by appropriated funds as well as in positions that are directly
charged to the reimbursable program.
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). Excepted functions include continued
operation of information systems necessary to support excepted activities, including
inspection and enforcement systems, maintaining connectivity to the field, maintaining help
desk support, among others. While most of the work is performed by contractors, a small
number of personnel will be required for the duration to provide direction and oversight of
these key functions.
Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE). Excepted functions, handled
on an “on-call” basis, include notifying consumers about time sensitive recall data to
prevent harm to the public and maintaining the import/export library on the FSIS website.
Office of Planning, Analysis, and Risk Management (OPARM). Excepted functions include:
sample scheduling; Public Health Risk Evaluation (PHRE) scheduling; ensure PHIS alerts
and reports are available for FSIS inspection personnel; state meat and poultry inspection
personnel; and industry.
Office of Employee Experience and Development (OEED). Excepted functions include
required trainers for training classes that have already begun prior to the shutdown, when
training is a condition of employment for excepted, frontline employees.
Office of Policy and Program Development (OPPD). Excepted functions include provision
of expertise on regulatory issues. A small number of personnel will be required to be on-
call to respond as needed.
Office of International Coordination (OIC). Excepted functions include provision of
expertise on international issues. A small number of personnel will be required to be on-call
to respond as needed.
The agency has identified its Talmadge Aiken program as an excepted function. All
employees in the Talmadge Aiken program are State employees who perform field
inspection of meat, poultry and processed egg products in Federal plants. The agency has
identified these activities as excepted commensurate with the identical activities performed
by Federal employees. This creates an on-going obligation for the agency, which will need
to be funded when an appropriation is received. The agency anticipates current availability
of approximately 30 days of operation for its Talmadge Aiken activities.
Guidelines for filling excepted functions. Consistent with Reduction in Force (RIF) and Furlough
guidelines, seniority and the ability to perform the excepted function will be the primary
consideration by managers in filling positions for excepted functions.
In the process of making determinations for excepted and non-excepted designation of employees,
in addition to adhering to collective bargaining agreement requirements, all supervisors should also
utilize equitable Equal Opportunity guidelines to ensure that one or more groups of employees are
not unintentionally impacted by the selection process. Management must consider the importance
of workplace diversity when making these personnel decisions in order to avoid the appearance of
discriminatory practices.
On an annual basis, approximately 8,416 staff years (including those whose time is reimbursable)
are required for this effort. The agency will support these activities through its permanent full-time
workforce and use of temporary and intermittent personnel as necessary to provide coverage. More
detail is included in Annex 4.
FSIS Activities Prior to a Shutdown
FSIS activities prior to a shutdown may be summarized as preparing as much as possible to
implement a shutdown, once OMB has notified USDA and USDA has notified FSIS. The
following are critical preparatory activities for FSIS:
The Administrator will ensure that a review of available funding and excepted functions and
positions is conducted, based on the current state of the agency. See Annex 4.
The Administrator will ensure that a shutdown action plan, in chronological order, is
developed to support this plan. For more detail, see Annex 1.
The Assistant Administrator (AA) for the OPACE will prepare a Communication Plan for
internal and external stakeholders. Employee communication will include questions about
rights under grievance procedures, access to benefits, eligibility for workman’s
compensation and unemployment benefits and other concerns. Additionally, maintenance
of the Emergency Contact Listing for FSIS Senior Executive staff, including phone numbers
and email addresses for all staff members. External communication will include disposition
and/or postings to hotlines, social media, web resources, and other tools. More detail is
provided in Annex 2.
The OHR will prepare a comprehensive Human Resources Plan, including guidance on
bargaining unit requirements, activities that must be performed to implement a furlough, and
systems and processes that must be maintained to support excepted activities. More detail is
provided in Annex 3.
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will coordinate with the Department’s CFO on access to
financial and feeder systems including WebTA, payroll, Financial Management
Modernization Initiative SmartPay, and Internal Audit Staff to ensure timely support for
excepted activities as appropriate.
The OHR and CFO will, consistent with Departmental guidance, develop agency-specific
guidance for time and attendance reporting and payroll processing.
The Director of ASD will develop a plan for procurement, including notifying contractors of
their excepted and non-excepted status; and maintaining excepted procurement functions,
including those necessary to support the excepted activities for the duration of the shutdown.
These will be limited to those that actions for which an obligation has already been made
(e.g., providing instructions to a vendor to ship inspection supplies to a specific plant) or
those “emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of property.”
For Information Technology contracts, ASD will work with the Chief Information Officer
(CIO) or their designee to include in their plan specific guidance on information technology-
related contracts and agreements and shipping contracts to ensure the continuity of field
operations and appropriate management IT development contracts.
ASD will also develop a plan for overseeing management of purchase cards and fleet
vehicles (only by those excepted employees carrying out excepted functions.)
The CIO will work with program areas to revise the list of FSIS applications and web site
that will remain available and those FSIS applications and web sites that will not remain
available during a shutdown. Once these are approved by the Office of the Administrator,
they will be posted online by the Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education as
directed by USDA Office of Communications and the USDA Office of the Chief
Information Officer. The CIO will work with the USDA CIO or designee to ensure USDA
systems and other shared services will be available to support the Agency’s requirements
during a shutdown.
Each AA is responsible for ensuring that all employees are designated by name as excepted or non-
excepted employees so that they can be notified of their status.
Consistent with Departmental and agency guidance, the OHR will be responsible for
processing all furlough documents, including updates to furlough notices when non-
excepted on-call employees are returned to excepted status. The USDA Office of Human
Resources Management, Executive Resources Services will be responsible for processing
furlough notices for all FSIS SES/SL/ST employees. In addition, the OHR will undertake a
review of all outstanding offers to prospective employees with an effective date likely to be
impacted by a shutdown and ensure that appropriate actions are taken. The OHR is also
responsible for ensuring continuing availability of information to employees, bargaining
unit and non-bargaining unit, on their administrative rights during a furlough.
The CFO is responsible for ensuring payroll processing occurs for compensable time prior
to the shutdown, including having the requisite financial staff in place to monitor funds
FSIS Activities under an Orderly Shutdown
The following are the Agency’s plans for implementing an orderly shutdown, contingent on OMB
and USDA approval to implement a shutdown.
The Administrator will be responsible for ensuring that communication to the Management
Council addresses the full scope of their responsibilities under a shutdown scenario as soon
as appropriate after notification by the Department.
Each day during the shutdown, the Administrator will conduct a meeting of senior excepted
staff to relay and discuss any guidance from the Department and discuss any emergent
Each day during the shutdown, the AA of each office, or an excepted employee who has
been designated by the AA, is to prepare a short (less than one page) status report on
developments in that office that day. The report is to be prepared and delivered to the
Administrator by 4 p.m. and is to recount any major events that occurred; whether any
employees who had been on-call had been called back, the names of those employees; why
it was necessary to call them back; and whether any employees who had been at work were
released and placed on on-call status and their names. The Administrator will gather all the
reports into a single document and forward it to the Under Secretary before close of
business that day.
The Administrator is responsible for evaluating emergent needs as the shutdown continues
and directing the recall of employees as necessary to meet operational requirements.
The Administrator is responsible for ensuring that the agency’s plan is implemented as
established or updated to reflect new requirements.
The Administrator or his/her designee will verify through contacts with each of the AAs that
they, their managers, and the employees in their program area have received notification of
the shutdown, of whether they are excepted or non-excepted, and of what they are to do on
the first day of a shutdown.
If a manager decides that he/she needs to return a non-excepted employee to duty, the
manager will need to obtain the concurrence of the AA or his/her excepted designee. Once
concurrence is received, the manager is to follow procedures provided by OHR in returning
non-excepted employees to duty and tracking time worked.
Consistent with Departmental and agency guidance, the AAs will ensure that, for their
program areas:
o All non-excepted travelers have returned to their duty station, unless the return
disrupts an excepted activity;
o All time and attendance records are complete;
o All workstations, records and property are secured;
Other actions as identified.
Consistent with Departmental and agency guidance, the CFO will be responsible for
ensuring availability of all financial systems necessary to support excepted activities.
Consistent with Departmental and agency guidance, the Chief Information Officer (CIO)
will be responsible for ensuring availability of all information technology systems necessary
to support excepted activities and/or the orderly shutdown of systems that do not support
excepted activity.
For succeeding days after a government shutdown, and on a daily basis, supervisors of employees
performing excepted activities will assess the continued need for such employees and release them
from duty if necessary, effective with the close of business.
This plan includes several Annexes.
Annex 1 outlines Agency shutdown activities in chronological order.
Annex 2 outlines the Agency’s shutdown communication plan.
Annex 3 outlines the Agency’s human resources plan for a shutdown.
Annex 4 includes a further breakdown of all FSIS personnel, grouped into Excepted on duty,
Excepted on duty not paid by appropriations, and Non-exempt (furlough).
Annex 5 describes the Agency’s programs in support of State Meat and Poultry Inspection
Annex 6 outlines the Agency’s startup of non-exempt operations plan.
Annex 1
FSIS Operational Plan for Lapse of Appropriations
This annex summarizes in chronological order the basic actions necessary to cease operation of
non-excepted activities and maintain operation of excepted activities during a lapse in appropriated
funding. It supports the FSIS Draft Operational Plan for Lapse of Appropriations.
We estimate that it will take the agency 5 days to complete orderly close down procedures. This
plan is subject to OMB and USDA guidance and may change based upon that guidance.
At least 7 Calendar Days Prior to Day 1, the following actions will be completed:
The Administrator ensures that communication to the Management Council addresses the
full scope of responsibilities under a shutdown scenario as soon as appropriate after
notification by the Department.
The Administrator ensures identification of appropriate Department contacts for
communications purposes and orderly close down of the agency; e.g., who at USDA will
notify who at FSIS to initiate shutdown procedures in motion or to confirm that a shutdown
will not be necessary.
The Administrator ensures that a review of available funding and excepted functions is
conducted, based on the current state of the agency. A summary of applicable authorities
for functions is prepared. See Annex 4.
The Administrator ensures identification of excepted positions necessary to carry out
excepted functions. Consistent with RIF and furlough guidelines, seniority and the ability to
perform the excepted function are the primary considerations used by managers to identify
excepted positions. This is to be done in a consistent and fair manner in compliance with
applicable personnel regulations and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
guidance to ensure that one or more groups of employees are not unintentionally impacted
by the selection process. Management also is to consider the importance of workplace
diversity when making these personnel decisions in order to avoid the appearance of
discriminatory practices. Positions are identified by job title, classification and any other
information, such as pay band and duty station, needed to distinguish excepted positions
from similar non-excepted positions. See Annex 4.
The Administrator ensures that a thorough assessment of the practical implications of a
shutdown on non-excepted and excepted activities is conducted; e.g., impacts on labor
management relationship, contracting, hiring. This assessment is used to inform planning
and communication. See Annex 4.
The Administrator ensures that procedures are defined for communicating with State Meat,
Poultry, and Egg Inspection Agencies so that they can administer programs in a manner to
effectuate programs as defined in the Federal and State Cooperation provisions of the
FMIA, PPIA, and EPIA, Talmadge-Aiken Act, and Cross Utilization agreements during an
emergency shutdown; so that the cost for providing this service to the Agency under an
emergency shutdown can be determined; and so that the Agency can appropriately
reimburse the State Agency for work done under an emergency shutdown. See Annex 5.
The AA for OPACE prepares a Communication Plan for employees and other internal and
external stakeholders on Agency operations and critical issues. External communication
includes postings to hotlines, social media, web resources, and other tools. More detail is
provided in Annex 2.
The Director, OHR, consistent with OPM and Department guidance, implements a
comprehensive Human Resources (HR) Plan, including guidance on administering the
collective bargaining agreement for bargaining unit employees, and guidance on activities
that must be performed to implement a furlough, and systems and processes that must be
maintained to support excepted activities. Employee and supervisor HR communication
materials will address questions about rights under grievance procedures, rights for
bargaining unit employees, access to benefits, eligibility for workers compensation and
unemployment benefits and other concerns. The Agency will notify all employees of their
excepted or non-excepted status. See Annex 3.
The CFO coordinates with the Department’s CFO on access to financial and feeder systems
including WebTA, payroll, FMMI, SmartPay, and IAS to ensure timely support for excepted
activities as appropriate.
The CIO identifies what system support is needed to maintain essential services and
information technology infrastructure.
The Director, ASD identifies measures to secure records, personal property, real property,
and facilities that will be maintained and protected until appropriate disposition is
The AA for OFO will coordinate with OHR and OA to organize work unit meetings
(WUM) in the week leading up to the potential shutdown lasting no more than 30 minutes.
Each AA identifies all potential meetings, hearings, and other previously arranged Agency
business that may need to be cancelled.
Each AA identifies all employees that are to be in travel status on Day 1 of anticipated
closedown, so that they can be quickly alerted if they need to return to duty station.
Each AA updates emergency telephone lists for the units in their program.
3 Days Before Day 1:
OHR begins preparing furlough notification letters for all employees to be furloughed.
Ensure at least two excepted employees have access and are monitoring eCop to quickly
react to and distribute new department guidance as it is received.
Alert all employees of possible furlough and their status. Because of the geographic
dispersal of the workforce, FSIS will send a brief, one-page alert to all employees signed by
the Administrator or Under Secretary and including only the most basic information: why
we may need to take this action; categories of excepted employees; categories of non-
excepted employees; how employees will be notified if they are actually furloughed;
instructions for Day 1 – report to duty station or, if teleworking, report in to supervisor.
Director ASD, creates a master list of essential and non-essential contracts.
2 Days Before Day 1:
Provide all managers with an Agency alert (OPACE) on the possible upcoming closedown
and HR information packages (OHR) to disseminate to their subordinate supervisors.
Packages include samples of all materials that will be provided to employees: for example;
sample furlough letter, sample letter confirming employee will not be furloughed;
procedures for call-back if furloughed employee is required to work.
Hold teleconference with managers and supervisors to alert them of a possible furlough; go
over package, address questions and confirm understanding.
Supervisors alert employees in travel status that they may need to return to duty station in 2
days; confirm how they will be reached or who they should call or final instructions on Day
1 if travel cannot be concluded before Day 1.
Managers and supervisors coordinate activities to prepare for potential shutdown, such as:
Document the status of cases and projects so that they can be resumed, transferred, or
otherwise appropriately handled when the Agency’s ultimate funding situation is
determined; identify and stage files for potential boxing and storage or transfer.
Director ASD, provides pre-notification to vendors that their contracts will or won’t be
considered essential if there is a shutdown. Holds a phone meeting with all FSIS CORS to
provide guidance on dealing with contracts and contractors in the event of a shutdown.
1 Day Before Day 1:
Resolve and document answers to new questions and concerns; dialogue among managers,
supervisors, to minimize confusion. (All)
Supervisors notify employees as to their furlough or non-furlough status: face-to-face,
telephone, e-mail notification. This notification will be complemented by written
notification. Supervisors should make sure that they have contact information for all
employees (including personal e-mail addresses where possible).
Finalize processing of materials for internet, intranet posting, door signs, e-mail
dissemination, phone message from Administrator or Under Secretary. Ensure at least two
excepted FSIS employees have access to external communication platforms. (OPACE)
Provide updated EMC duty roster with exempted employees serving on the EMC
(Significant Incident and Preparedness Staff (SIPRS))
Provide COOP employee contract information (SIPRS)
Provide list of FSIS staff (names and buildings) who need access to federal buildings during
a shutdown to OO (OM)
Day 1
The Administrator is responsible for ensuring that the agency’s plan is implemented as
established or updated to reflect new requirements.
Each day during the shutdown, the Assistant Administrator of each office, or an excepted
employee who has been designated by the AA, is to prepare a short (less than one page)
status report on developments in that office that day. The report is to be prepared and
delivered to the Administrator by 4 p.m. and is to recount any major events that occurred;
whether any employees who had been on-call had been called back, the names of those
employees; why it was necessary to call them back; and whether any employees who had
been at work were released and placed on on-call status and their names. The Administrator
will gather all the reports into a single document and forward it to the Under Secretary
before close of business that day.
Each day during the shutdown, the Administrator will conduct a meeting of senior excepted
staff to relay and discuss any guidance from the Department and discuss any emergent
Verify that all public notification materials and employee guidance materials are posted on
internet, intranet as appropriate. (OHR/OPACE) (To enable at least 4 hours of viewing by
Director, ASD, coordinates with all contracting officers and contracting officer technical
representatives to notify all contractors and vendors on non-essential contracts that work is
suspended. This work may continue into Day 2.
All employees report to their supervisors to receive assignments of duties or pertinent
information for an orderly shutdown. For those employees teleworking, “report” may be
done by telephone. Where possible, telework should be encouraged. Shutdown activities
will normally not take more than 4 hours, though more time or less may be necessary as
determined by the supervisor.
Supervisors begin shutdown tasks, including ensuring that:
o All records, personal property and real property, including workstations, are secured;
o All employees, excepted or not excepted, complete appropriate T&As for pay period
involving furlough using Agency-specific instructions consistent with Departmental
o Instruct non-excepted employees to monitor the status of the government shutdown
and agency operations primarily via the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
website (www.opm.gov);
o All non-excepted employees put out-of-office messages on their phone and email;
o All non-excepted employees leave the worksite as they complete shutdown
Supervisors contact any employees on leave and communicate that employee leave is
cancelled. The employee can request permission from their supervisor to be absent, but they
cannot be in approved leave status during the shutdown.
Supervisors contact any employee in non-excepted travel status and direct employee to
return to duty station.
Managers, supervisors and employees cancel all meetings, hearings and previously arranged
Agency business for Week 1 of closedown.
Validate existing communication strategy and employee contact information for future
communication need.
Excepted CFO employees record all current and prior year budget authority available for
expenditure and all future budget authority and other reconciliations; review and adjust as
necessary all apportionment and allocations, particularly for the reimbursable programs;
confirm internal processes for interim payroll processing are complete; and oversee/sign-off
on all financial reporting data and allocations.
OHR begins preparing and distributing formal written notices to Assistant Administrators
for further distribution to staff.
OHR begins preparing and processing Personnel Actions for furloughed employees and for
furloughed employees returned to work.
Day 2 -20
The Administrator is responsible for ensuring that the agency’s plan is implemented as
established or updated to reflect new requirements.
For succeeding days after a government shutdown, and on a daily basis, supervisors of
excepted/on duty employees assess the continued need for such employees and release them
from duty if necessary, effective with the close of business as shut-down tasks are
Each day during the shutdown, the Administrator will conduct a meeting of senior excepted
staff to relay and discuss any guidance from the Department and discuss any emergent
If a manager decides that he/she needs to return a non-excepted employee to duty, the
manager will need to obtain the concurrence of the Assistant Administrator or his/her
excepted designee. Once concurrence is received, the manager is to follow procedures
provided by their respective AA in returning non-excepted employees to duty and tracking
time worked. At a minimum, the manager is to notify the returning employee in advance of
the start date & time, duty location, and to whom the returning employee is to report to,
along with an estimate of how long the employee will be needed to perform excepted duties.
Only excepted employees report for work to perform excepted duties.
Consistent with Departmental and agency guidance, the CIO is responsible for ensuring
availability of all information technology systems necessary to support excepted activities
and/or the orderly shutdown of systems that do not support excepted activity.
Consistent with Departmental and agency guidance, the AA for OPACE is responsible for
maintaining appropriate internal and external communication.
Consistent with Departmental and agency guidance, the CFO is responsible for ensuring
availability of all financial systems necessary to support excepted activities.
Annex 2
Absence of Appropriations Communications Plan for Shutdown Day One
Mission Area/Agency
Office of Food Safety/Food Safety and Inspection Service
High line message #1
Food safety continues in absence of appropriations
Related USDA Strategic Plan Goal and Objective
Strategic Goal 7: Provide Americans with safe, nutrition, and secure food. Objective 7.1: Prevent
foodborne illness and protect public health
The first priority of the Food Safety and Inspection Service is to prevent foodborne illness. If a
government shutdown occurs, USDA food inspection will not stop. We are committed to
continuing fulfilling our mission to protecting public health through food safety.
Communications Goals and Target Audiences
Overall Target Audiences
Reassure that inspection of FSIS regulated
products will continue even if gov’t shut
down occurs.
Provide clear and accurate information to
excepted employees about their duties so
employees can fulfill mission.
Provide clear and accurate information to
non-excepted employees about their
actions during a shutdown.
Ensure Union is fully informed; the agency
is responsive and all applicable bargaining
obligations are satisfied.
Provide clear and accurate information
regarding continuation of inspection so
industry understands impacts on their
Industry/foreign gov’ts
Provide clear and accurate information
regarding continuation of inspection and
/or contracts so state programs understands
Reassure consumers that meat including
Siluriformes, poultry and egg products will
still be inspected for safety and
wholesomeness; possible furloughs have
no impact on safety of food supply
Consumers/Consumer Groups
Provide concise, clear information
regarding the constancy of USDA
inspection and food safety
Emphasize the seriousness of our actions to
comply with statue and direction of
Congress with both exempt and furloughed
Action Items
No information is sent until we
are given express direction by
Dept to do so.
No information is sent until we
are given express direction by
Dept to do so.
Press release,
statement, web
advocacy groups
No information is sent until we
are given express direction by
Dept to do so.
No information is sent until we
are given express direction by
Dept to do so.
As soon
as the
No information is sent until we
are given express direction by
Dept to do so.
As early
No information is sent until we
are given express direction by
Dept to do so.
Intranet posting
As early
No information is sent until we
are given express direction by
Dept to do so.
Employee town
Previously scheduled but should
expect questions about a
shutdown to be asked.
Talkers for
As early
No information is sent until we
are given express direction by
Dept to do so.
Annex 3
Employee Notification and HR Guidance for Excepted and Non-Excepted Employees
The Agency’s Office of Human Resources (OHR) is well prepared for an emergency furlough
situation. We are using or customizing information provided to all USDA Mission Area HR
Directors from USDA Office of Human Resources Management and developing plans and
materials for aspects not covered by the USDA materials.
USDA materials developed or being customized are listed below (additional items may be
Timeline for furlough action
T&A processing procedures (pending possible revision)
Template: Memorandum to (non-excepted) employees. FSIS will also notify excepted
Q&A for shutdown (for all employees)
o What is a furlough and who can be furloughed
o Procedural rights of employees covered and not covered under Title 5; grievance or
appeal rights
o Presence in the office or telework for orderly shutdown
o Payment for excepted employees
o Retroactive payment for non-excepted employees
o Other employment while on furlough (Ethics issue)
o Illegality of volunteering
o Unemployment compensation (affected by length of furlough, state laws vary)
o Order of deductions if employee’s pay is not sufficient to cover all
o Effect of furlough/nonpay status on:
health benefits, dental and vision insurance plans, flexible spending
accounts, federal life insurance; TSP
leave (AL, SL, LWOP), Family & Medical Leave Act
within-grade increases, career tenure, probationary period, qualification
standards (duration), time-in-grade
RIF, severance pay
military duty, workers’ compensation, continuity of pay
pay on holiday (or day before or after)
payment of performance awards, SES performance awards payments
travel and per diem for furloughed employees to return to duty station for
Supervisory guidance for hiatus (Advance activities, Day One shutdown activities,
prohibited activities, procedures when funding is approved)
Listing of Merit Systems Protection Board Regional Offices
SF-8 (Employment Compensation)
TSP Effect of Nonpay Status on your TSP Account
Employee Assistance Program guidance
OM also has developed plans for maintaining services to excepted employees and/or preparing for
an orderly shutdown. These are listed below.
Labor-Management and Employee Relations Impact. Bargaining has already taken
place on shutdown related issues.
Human Resources processing activities. Plan established for processing activities.
Workplace violence prevention. We are requesting that 1 position be exempted to answer
workplace violence calls and respond to those that reflect imminent danger to human life.
Worker’s Compensation. FSIS has a large Workers’ Compensation Program.
Approximately 1,600 current or former employees receive this compensation benefit, at or
about $17 million annually.
o Employees who have a traumatic injury receive “Continuation of Pay” (COP) for up
to 45 days depending upon the injury. COP is paid by FSIS using appropriated
funds. Although OPM guidance indicates employees on COP are entitled to
continue in this status during a furlough, it is possible that payment might be
o FSIS current and former employees who are temporarily or totally disabled are on
what is known as “the periodic rolls.” These employees are paid by the Department
of Labor, which subsequently charges back the costs to FSIS, typically a year or
more later. Under a Government-wide shutdown, neither the Department of Labor
nor FSIS would have appropriated funding to pay these employees this benefit.
o Since most current employees on the periodic rolls are bargaining unit employees,
the National Joint Council of Food Inspection locals (NJC) could request impact and
implementation bargaining if we are ultimately notified that funding is not available.
o Ensure that time and attendance for these employees is accurately recorded.
Delivery of Furlough Notification Packages. OHR through the Assistant Administrator, Office of
Management will provide furlough notification packages to AAs for distribution to all employees.
Assistant Administrators (and designees) are responsible for attempting to notify their employees
and for providing a list of employees who were unreachable during 4 hour timeframe so that
excepted Human Resources Operations Division and other excepted Agency personnel can follow-
up during furlough. Written notification is required though verification of receipt may be
accomplished through electronic means (return receipt, etc.).
Human Resources Operations Division (HROD), Minneapolis, MN
Operational and Closeout Activities
Notification of furlough (approximately 4 hours) action items:
Receive list of excepted positions from Headquarters.
Identify applicants scheduled for Excepted On Duty and confirm that they are within
excepted category. The Agency has taken the position that in an emergency furlough,
Agency employees will be positively notified that they either are furloughed or are not
furloughed. This is required for employees to be furloughed, and it will minimize confusion
for those who are not being furloughed. Priority will be given to notifying those who are
excepted from furlough.
Delivery of Information to Non-Bargaining Unit Employees. If determined
employee/applicant is in excepted category, attempt notification to advise to report or not to
report, complementing Agency communication. Assistant Administrators (and designees)
are responsible for attempting to notify their employees and for providing a list of
employees who were unreachable during 4 hour timeframe so that excepted HROD and
other excepted Agency personnel can follow-up during furlough. Written notification is
required though verification of receipt may be accomplished through electronic means
(return receipt, etc.). OHR will provide written notification packages to AAs for
distribution to non-bargaining unit employees. Upon notification by AAs or their designees,
HROD will mail notification packages to the home address on file for the employees who
could not be notified by the AA.
Delivery of Information to Excepted Bargaining Unit Employees. Bargaining unit
employees will receive the notification that they are not being furloughed along with other
pertinent information (the most comprehensive we are able to provide by the date sent).
Notification packages will be provided by OHR to the Assistant Administrator, Office of
Field Operations for distribution through District Offices. Supervisors will follow guidance
from the Labor and Employee Relations Division (LERD) regarding communication with
Bargaining Unit Employees. District Managers will notify OHR if they are unable to
provide notification packages to their bargaining unit employees. Upon notification, HROD
will mail packages to supervisors in plants identified by the District Managers for
distribution. Additionally, upon notification by District Managers or their designees, HROD
will mail notification packages to the home address on file for the employees who could not
be notified by the AA.
Service and Systems Sections identify announcement closing dates and any certificates of
eligibles due to expire during furlough. Determine status and appropriate action to take
based on status.
Each section takes inventory of personnel actions/other work (see list below) scheduled to
be effective during the furlough timeframe, provide report to Director, OHR and ensure all
necessary action is taken. This includes entering personnel actions scheduled to be effective
during the furlough. If time does not permit, document and consolidate required tasks so
excepted HR personnel may continue the work during the furlough.
Listing of Actions to include:
Processing personnel actions by a Processing Assistant such as promotions,
Processing death actions, retirements, and bargaining unit awards (if applicable) by
Benefits staff and Processing Assistant.
Identify pending legal cases/requests to determine if action can be postponed or if
due date would require a response from excepted HR Personnel on staff during
Any processing associated with Legal Actions (such of compliance with settlement
Set up automatic message for HROD voicemail system. Each employee would need to
place an out of office message on their voicemail and email. A determination should be
made regarding whether the phone needs to be forwarded to an excepted HR staff member.
Ensure proper T&A input/processing through collaboration with FSC and NFC.
Identify recruitment trips and cancel by contacting schools, events, and field recruiter.
Cancel any training scheduled during furlough by sending notice to provider/employee.
Provide notice to building management for security purposes.
Supervisors cancel leave for staff for any time that is scheduled during furlough.
Identify off-site personnel to notify them of furlough and return to work.
Annex 4
Annex 4 includes a further breakdown of all FSIS personnel, grouped as follows:
Excepted/ On Duty. Personnel essential to the functioning of food safety operations in the
nation’s food supply, who would continue to perform services essential to public health
during a government shutdown.
Not paid with appropriated funds. Personnel either specially contracted or paid for
through non-appropriated funding who remain on duty and are not affected by furlough.
Non-Excepted/ On Call (Furloughed). Personnel normally needed for day to day
operations during regular FSIS operations, but not likely to be needed during a government
shutdown. Subject to recall to Excepted/on duty status.
Based on the FSIS established criteria, the agency anticipates that its workforce will break down
into the following categories in the event of a government shutdown:
Within 24 hours of the notice of a Federal Government shutdown, and by the close of business on
the applicable day, employees listed above as on duty and contractors will be identified and
instructed to continue to report for duty until otherwise advised. Other employees will be notified
that they will be on furlough effective with the close of business date as specified by the Agency
and will not return to work until officially notified to report for duty by their supervisor.
For succeeding days after a government shutdown, and on a daily basis, supervisors of excepted/on
duty employees will assess the continued need for such employees and release them from duty if
necessary, effective with the close of business as essential shut-down tasks are completed.
Depending upon the extent of the period of time the agency is operating without funding; non-
excepted employees will be on an “on call” basis and returned to work when required.
Impact by FSIS Program and Mission Area under Continuing Operations
Meat including Siluriformes, Poultry and Egg Products Inspection are the sole programs of the
Agency funded by annual appropriation. However, certain headquarters functions can be
suspended for a very short time without a direct and immediate impact on the safety of human life.
A lengthy hiatus would affect the safety of human life and have serious adverse effects on the
industry, the consumer and the Agency.
The following headquarters staffs performing the central program guidance, coordination, direction
and planning functions described will be furloughed except as minimally required in direct support
of Agency field operations:
Inspection Operations (Office of Field Operations): Responsible for planning, coordinating and
directing the Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products Inspection programs. Due to the large numbers of in
plant inspection personnel who support excepted activities, most individuals in this area would be
excepted and on duty.
Public Health Science (Office of Public Health Science): The Public Health Science Program is
responsible for planning, coordinating and directing all scientific guidance and support in
chemistry, epidemiology, pathology, toxicology, nutrition, and parasitological. The Public Health
Science Program also performs Agency risk assessments, directs the residue testing program, and
also performs activities that address zoonotic diseases. With the exception of the laboratory
function within Public Health Science, designations for these functions would be non-excepted,
with limited individuals being identified as excepted and on duty. The majority of all Laboratory
functions will be excepted.
International Programs (Office of International Coordination, Office of Field Operations,
Office of Policy and Program Development, and Office of Investigation, Enforcement and
Audit): The International Programs are responsible for ensuring that meat including Siluriformes,
poultry, and egg products from foreign countries are safe and wholesome. Program personnel also
confer with foreign governments on issues involving imports and exports of meat including
Siluriformes, poultry and egg products and international food safety standards. A substantial
number of these programs other than inspection of imports and certifying products for export would
not be accepted. Excepted functions include provision of expertise on international issues. A small
number of personnel will be required to be on-call to respond as needed for international
Regulatory Programs (Office of Policy and Program Development): Responsible for planning
all Agency policies relating to domestic and international inspection, enforcement, equivalence, and
auditing policies. This work also involves pre-market review of all food labels; developing Agency
regulations and policies relative to product standards and truthful labeling of meat and poultry
product; suitability reviews of food ingredients in conjunction with the Food and Drug
Administrations’ review of new technologies; development of Agency Federal Register documents,
directives and notices; and performing analyses of economic and other matters. Most of the
individuals in this category would be non-excepted.
Data Analyses (Office of Planning, Analysis, and Risk Management): Responsible for
reviewing and analyzing Agency and other data to assess the efforts of Agency policies and
programs and how to improve them, reports, alerts, assigning sampling tasks, and creating the
PHRE schedule used by excepted staff in the Office of Field Operations. Most employees in this
area would be designated non-excepted.
Training and Outreach (Office of Employee Experience and Development): Responsible for
providing training of all agency personnel and coordinating all employee engagement activities.
Most employees in this area would be designated as non-excepted. Trainers would be excepted/on
call to conduct inspection training needed to protect health and required for OFO Excepted staff.
Civil Rights Staff (In Office of the Administrator): Responsible for advising the Administrator
on the status of the Program within the Agency, advising managers of their responsibilities, and
informing all employees of their rights under current laws and regulations. The Civil Rights Staff
would be designated as non-excepted, but members of the staff will be on call.
Information and Legislative Affairs (OPACE): Responsible for communicating with the public,
Congress, and other governmental agencies about FSIS programs and activities. This includes
coordinating public information and education programs on the safe handling and cooking of meat
and poultry products utilizing a toll free “hot line” as well as news releases, radio and TV
announcements and food safety publications. This mission area is also responsible for responding
to requirements under the Freedom of Information Act. Most of this staff would be identified as
non-excepted, except for those on call for a recall with the exception of 1 staff member.
Administrative Management, Financial, and Information Technology Activities (OM,OCFO,
OCIO): Responsible for providing a variety of administrative management services including
budget formulation, presentation, and execution; financial analysis, personnel administration and
resource management; procurement, and personal property and office services; labor-management
relations; developing training material and providing training to inspection personnel; providing
data information to FSIS management and other users. A limited number of individuals would be
designated as excepted and on duty. Most would be considered non-excepted and under the
provisions of a furlough, based on the shutdown of government operations with the following
OCFO (primarily Reimbursable):
FSC Payroll--Employees for the duration of the furlough, to process Time and
Attendance for over 5,000 employees without access to WebTA and a similar number of
employees eligible for payment under reimbursable authority. Additional employees
will be on-call for managing financial system issues, as appropriate.
FSC Accounts Receivable-- billing and collections for services already provided (and to
be provided under the Trust Fund). Employees for processing of reimbursable services
rendered (FSIS form 5110) and debt management, including those who charge their time
directly to the reimbursable fund.
o One procurement official will be on call for contracting needs should an emergency
requiring a contract action arise that will support operations for the safety and
defense of public health.
o OCIO employees to oversee appropriate: database operations for available Agency
applications; infrastructure is available to securely support internal and external
customers; including Industry; oversight of the Operations and Management contract
to ensure sufficient oversight for outsourced operational support, including network
operations, the Service Desk and the Depot, for Federal and State employees;
customer ticketing operations and customer support; telecommunications support,
especially for field operations; and cybersecurity operations to protect the
infrastructure and data.
Annex 5
State MPI Programs
The Agency will share its criteria for establishing excepted duties, positions, and functions from its
approved Agency Shutdown Plan with State Meat, Poultry, and Egg Inspection Agencies so that
they can administer programs in a manner to effectuate programs as defined in the Federal and State
Cooperation provisions of the FMIA, PPIA, EPIA, Talmadge-Aiken Act, Cross Utilization
agreements during an emergency shutdown; determine cost for providing this service to the Agency
under an emergency shutdown; and for Agency reimbursement to the State Agency under an
emergency shutdown. The Administrator for OFO is responsible for communication with the states.
FSIS reimburses programs according to language in Cooperative Agreements that are signed at the
start of each fiscal year. Cooperators are defined as State Agencies. The Service is defined as
The following conditions exist for Cooperators administering programs in a manner to effectuate
programs as defined in the Federal and State Cooperation provisions of the Federal Meat
Inspection, Poultry Products Inspection and Egg Products Inspection Acts, and Talmadge-Aiken
A. The Cooperator shall:
1. Administer and enforce the State and meat and/or poultry inspections program,
including recruiting, selecting and assigning, training and supervising State
2. Maintain complete accounting, property and program records and/or reports as
required by 7 CFR Part 3015, FSIs Directives 3300.1 and 5720.2 depicting the status
of the inspection program(s) within the State.
3. Compensate all State employees working under the terms of this agreement wholly
from public funds of the State.
The following conditions exist for FSIS to support Cooperators administering programs in a manner
to effectuate programs as defined in the Federal and State Cooperation provisions of the FMIA,
PPIA, EPIA, and Talmadge-Aiken Act.
B. The Service shall:
1. Furnish the Cooperator with financial and other aid for the administration of such
a program.
The following conditions exist for FSIS and Cooperators administering programs in a manner to
effectuate programs as defined in the Federal and State Cooperation provisions of the FMIA, PPIA,
EPIA, and Talmadge-Aiken Act.
C. It is Mutually Understood and Agreed that:
1. The amount to be contributed to the Cooperator under paragraph B(1), (2) and (3) of
this Agreement shall not exceed 50 percent of the estimated total cost of the cooperative
program established by this agreement or under any additional cooperative agreement,
such as one entered into under the authority of the Tallmadge-Aiken Act (7 U.S.C. 450),
except for overtime expenses.
The following agreement exists for FSIS and Cooperators administering programs under cross
utilization agreements provided for in Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968. Under the
statue, FSIS reimburses the State Agency for administering and enforcing Federal Meat Inspection,
Poultry Products Inspection and Egg Products Inspection Acts.
The agency acknowledges that it will be incurring emergency obligations under a shutdown for the
Talmadge Aiken program.
Annex 6
Start-Up of Operations Plan
This document establishes a plan of action to execute an orderly start-up of FSIS non-exempt
operations following the approval of funding. This plan will be enacted through a notification to all
employees from the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Assistant Administrator, Office of
Management (OM). Assistant Administrators (and designees) are responsible for verification that
all of their employees have been notified.
The functions and activities described herein are to be executed in accordance with all applicable
statutes, regulations, policies, and delegations of authority.
High-Level Summary
The FSIS Shutdown Plan instructed employees to monitor the status of the government
shutdown and agency operations primarily via the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
website (www.opm.gov).
Unless it is a regularly scheduled non-duty day, or employee is absent due to leave that was
previously approved, or on leave without pay under the Family and Medical Leave Act
(FMLA), employees are expected to return to work the next work day following the President
signing a bill funding the agency. Any delay in reporting for duty requires a request for leave
that must be approved by the supervisor. Supervisors should use their discretion should
notification arrive late in the evening.
An orderly start-up of agency operations is expected to take place as expeditiously as possible,
so that service to customers can resume quickly.
Initial Communications Timeline
FSIS has prepared for an agency start-up following an approval of funding. In order to keep the agency
informed during this start-up process the following communications will occur (note: Day 1 is the first full
day of operations upon restoration of funding):
Following approval of funding: Furloughed Federal employees receive notification via the
OPM website that they should report for work on the next work day.
Following approval of funding: The Director, Human Resources and Assistant Director,
Labor and Employee Relations Division (LERD), Office of Human Resources Management
(OHR), Office of Management will conduct a Labor-Management Teleconference to
provide advance notice to union leadership, regarding the operational status of the agency.
Day 1: 9:00 am EST – Joint meeting of the FSIS Management Council and Start-Up Team
(members identified below) to initiate the Start-Up of FSIS Operations Plan
Day 1: 1:00 pm EST – The FSIS Administrator will review the start-up plan with the
Management Council and provide any new guidance from the Department.
Day 1: 2:30 pm EST – Assistant Administrator, Office of Field Operations, Assistant
Administrator, Office of Management, Director, Office of Human Resources (OHR),
Director ASD, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Information Officer will review the start-
up plan, focusing on specific guidance for human resources, time and attendance,
contracting, budget and finance, and information technology (IT), and provide any guidance
from the Department.
Day 2: 9:00 am EST – Joint meeting of the FSIS Management Council and Start-Up Team
to continue implementation of the Start-Up of FSIS Operations Plan
Day 3: 9:00 am EST - Joint meeting of the FSIS Management Council and Start-Up Team to
continue implementation of the Start-Up of FSIS Operations Plan
Day 3: 1:00 pm EST –– The Administrator will check status of operations start-up, gather
information on major issues and needs related to start-up and post-shutdown activities, and
provide any additional guidance.
Other Communications: The Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE)
will coordinate and oversee any external communication necessary post-shutdown.
General Start-Up Procedures
All employees are responsible for taking necessary actions to restore the agency to a fully operational status.
Key items to address include, but are not limited to:
Turn off the out-of-office message for your Outlook email.
Reset your voice mail message(s).
Remove all signage indicating the office was closed because of the funding lapse.
Restart computers and other IT devices according to guidance outlined in the Information
Technology section of this plan.
Resume use of transit benefits, if available where you work.
Resume use of government-issued mobile devices, including cell and smart phones, tablets,
and/or laptops for approved purposes.
Resume use of government purchase, fleet and travel cards for appropriate government use.
Inform supervisor of any issues that must be immediately addressed as a result of shutdown
in order to resume operations.
Customer Service for Resumption of All FSIS Operations
The re-start of FSIS operations will be accompanied by many employee, customer, and partner
questions and concerns. It is important for FSIS to provide timely and consistent information that is
in keeping with statute, regulation, and policy, and that this information is accessible throughout
A temporary cross-cutting Start-Up Team (“Team”) will be established and be available to address
this need on Day 1 (and subsequent days) of the return of the FSIS workforce to duty status. The
Team will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the start-up plan; providing related
policy and procedural direction; ensuring coordination and consistency across functional areas
(human resources, financial management, information technology, property and procurement,
programmatic, etc.); troubleshooting system and unique challenges; and monitoring progress related
to restoring full operational status and in addressing employee, partner, and customer concerns.
The Team will work in a cohesive and coordinated manner to ensure timely, accurate, and
consistent responses to shutdown/start-up questions from employees, customers, and partners. In
addition, the Team will inform the Administrator and the Management Council of the status of its
work, and will elevate issues and opportunities that require higher level interaction or resolution.
The Team will be disbanded when the Administrator has determined operations are back to normal
and any major issues/challenges related to the shutdown have been resolved.
The makeup of the Start-Up Team will be as follows:
Chief Operating Officer, Chair
Assistant Administrator, Office of Management
Assistant Administrator, Office of Field Operations
Director, Office of Human Resources
Director, Administrative Services Division
Chief of Staff
Chief Financial Officer
Assistant Administrator, Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education
Chief Information Officer
A centralized email box will be established so that all employees can submit shutdown and start-up
questions on a 24 hour/7 days per week basis. The Team will monitor the box and ensure that
responses are developed and appropriately vetted, and that employees receive responses as rapidly
as possible. Questions and answers with broad applicability also will be posted to InsideFSIS, as
well as being posted in prominent places in hard copy for employees without computer access.
A user notice should be distributed to remind employees of required start-up procedures, including
voicemail and out-of-office message updates.
Information Technology
The FSIS Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for ensuring that Information Technology
(IT) Systems are available and operating with a high level of confidence to perform agency business
operations across the enterprises. Upon restoration of funding for the agency:
FSIS CIO will restore all FSIS IT systems, business tools, and websites to their last known
state in order to conduct official FSIS business.
FSIS CIO will coordinate with USDA-OCIO-ITS and NITC to ensure all interdependent
and enterprise IT systems are online and available.
Employee notifications will be provided as appropriate.
Employees should retrieve all IT equipment (laptops, Blackberry, iPhone, iPads, etc.) from
their secured location in order to conduct official FSIS business.
Employees will restart their computers and other IT devices to ensure all memory,
temporary files, and caches are cleaned, giving the computer a fresh start.
Reset any expired passwords, and ensure that any associated equipment (e.g., smart phone,
notebooks, iPad) is also updated.
Employees should connect computers and laptops to the IT network to ensure all systems
are updated with the appropriate security patches and system updates. As a result of IT
systems being offline for several days this process may take up to 4 hours to complete.
Employees will be instructed not to turn off computers while the updates are in progress.
FSIS CIO will work with USDA-OCIO-ITS to ensure technical issues submitted to the IT
helpdesk are addressed completely and in a timely manner.
FSIS CIO will provide ongoing monitoring to ensure availability and proper functionality of
IT systems throughout the start-up and recovery process.
Human Resources
The Director, Office of Human Resources Management is responsible for ensuring that all Human
Resources (HR) services and guidance is provided to FSIS employees, including HR Specialists in
order to return to operations after a government shutdown due to a lapse in appropriations. In
addition, the Start-Up Team referred to previously is available to provide additional assistance.
Return to Duty After Shutdown
o Generally, employees are expected to return to work the next business day or scheduled
work day following the approval of a budget or a continuing resolution as instructed in
the furlough notifications
o If an employee received unemployment compensation and is paid retroactively for time
during furlough the employee will be required to repay the unemployment
compensation. This guidance is also provided in the furlough notifications. For further
guidance employees should visit https://www.nfc.usda.gov/
Time and Attendance
o Timekeepers must follow up with supervisors and employees to determine if corrected
timesheets need to be prepared for pay periods affected by the furlough (WebTA
guidance – prepared in coordination with the CFO -- will be provided by COB on day
Guidance for Human Resources Operations Division staff:
o Provide the Director, HR the status of the following by COB on Day 1:
o Employees scheduled to begin work during the shutdown or within one pay
period of start up
o Certificates that closed during the shutdown or within 2 business days prior to
the shutdown
o Vacancy announcements that closed during the shutdown or within 2 business
days prior to the shutdown
o Number of SF-52s submitted for processing during the shutdown or immediately
prior to the shutdown that need to be processed immediately
o Any other relevant information regarding issues that need to be immediately
addressed as a result of the shutdown
o Precede to process outstanding personnel actions.
o Meet with the Director, HR and Assistant Director, HROD to determine extension dates,
re-advertisement policies, etc.
o Review expiration dates of certificates of eligible applicants and document the case file.
The CFO is responsible for providing coordinated guidance to authorized agency travelers on issues that may
have arisen because of the shutdown and furlough.
Travelers should complete any outstanding travel vouchers immediately after FSIS has
confirmed the operational status of all associated IT systems.
The FSIS CFO will work with the Department’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer to
determine policy regarding timely payment of travel card balances since FSIS employees do
not have access to the travel system during government shutdowns. Once the Department
makes its determination, the FSIS CFO will communicate the Department’s policy and
Contracts, Grants, Agreements, and Asset Management
The Director, ASD is responsible for managing the resumption of functions related to acquisitions
and procurements; contracts, grants, and agreements; and asset management (i.e., real and personal
property). The expectation is that these activities will resume within two (2) working days
following agency start-up.
Contracts, Grants and Agreements Guidance:
o Contracts, Grants and Agreements under FSIS authority, and requiring FSIS support,
oversight, assistance, will resume as determined by the appropriate Contracting Officer
and Grants/Agreements signatory officials.
o Contracting Officers will issue resume work orders (modifications) for those contracts
that were suspended/stopped during the furlough.
o Interagency and other agreements will resume under the existing terms of the agreement.
Asset Management Guidance:
o Personal property (vehicles, survey equipment, copiers, etc.) owned or leased by FSIS
will be made safe, ready, and available for use by authorized Federal and non-Federal
personnel. The use of vehicles by non-Federal partners or other agency personnel may
resume according to the terms of existing agreements.
o Real property (buildings/office space) owned or leased by FSIS will be made safe and
available for use by authorized Federal and non-Federal personnel, and reopened to the
public as appropriate.
Financial Management
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for ensuring that funding for agency operations is
made available in a timely manner, and for ensuring that agency financial operations are properly
resumed, including close-out (if appropriate).
Financial Management Modernization Initiative (FMMI) Accessibility:
o The FMMI system is managed by the Department’s Office of the Chief Financial
Officer. It is anticipated that FMMI will be made available to all USDA agencies within
the first business day after operations resume. The interface between FMMI and agency
IT systems will be evaluated to ensure that it is functioning properly.
o Questions about FMMI access should be directed to the Financial Policy, Training and
Systems Division at nrc[email protected] for resolution.
Discretionary funding:
o Applicable discretionary funding made available will be loaded into FMMI, reflecting
the terms and conditions of the appropriations language and automatic apportionment by
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Applicable Allocations:
o Initial allocations, based on a percentage of the prior year appropriation or continuing
resolution allocations, will be provided within five (5) days of resumption of full
o Initial allocations will support agency operations during pendency of complete
allocation process.