Class of 2022
December 18, 2022
This book includes a list of the candidates for degrees to be granted upon completion of formal requirements.
Candidates for graduate degrees are recommended jointly by the Executive Board of the Rackham Graduate School
and the faculty of the school or college awarding the degree. Following the School of Graduate Studies, schools
are listed in order of their founding. Candidates within those schools are listed by degree then by specialization, if
Rackham Graduate School ......................................................................................................................................24
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts .............................................................................................................28
Medical School ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
Law School .............................................................................................................................................................34
School of Dentistry .................................................................................................................................................. 34
College of Pharmacy ...............................................................................................................................................34
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy ....................................................................................................................35
College of Engineering ............................................................................................................................................ 36
School of Education ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Stephen M. Ross School of Business ........................................................................................................................42
School for Environment and Sustainability .............................................................................................................43
School of Music, Theatre & Dance .......................................................................................................................... 44
A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning ............................................................................ 45
School of Nursing ...................................................................................................................................................46
School of Public Health ..........................................................................................................................................47
School of Social Work ............................................................................................................................................. 47
University of Michigan-Flint ...................................................................................................................................49
University of Michigan-Dearborn ............................................................................................................................55
School of Information .............................................................................................................................................56
Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design ................................................................................................................ 58
School of Kinesiology ..............................................................................................................................................58
A list of August 2022 degree recipients begins on page 59.
This program presents as complete and accurate a record of candidates for degrees as is possible as of the publication
Honoring the Class of 2022
Class of 2022 Procession
Faculty Procession
Platform Party Procession Grand March
Composed by Clare Grundman
The University of Michigan Commencement Band
Richard Frey
Assistant Director of University Bands
*The National Anthem The Star Spangled Banner
The University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club
The University of Michigan Women’s Glee Club
Mark Stover
Conductor, Men’s Glee Club
Welcome Laurie K. McCauley
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
2022 Graduate Remarks Hibah Mirza Chughtai
Senior, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Greetings on Behalf of the Faculty Silvia Pedraza
Chair, Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs
2022 Graduate Remarks Brandon Bond
Master’s Candidate, School of Public Health
and School of Social Work
Statement to the Class of 2022 Santa J. Ono
Conferring of Honorary Degrees Santa J. Ono
Rebecca M. Blank
Doctor of Laws
Melissa J. Moore
Doctor of Science
Vera L. Songwe
Doctor of Laws
Musical Performance The Yellow and Blue
Composed by Michael W. Balfe
The University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club
The University of Michigan Women’s Glee Club
The University
Composed by Jerry H. Bilik and Hazen J. Schumacher
The University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club
The University of Michigan Women’s Glee Club
2022 Graduate Remarks Nabeela Jaffer
Master’s Candidate, School of Education
Commencement Address Vera L. Songwe
Chair of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility
and Co-Chair of the High Level Panel on Climate Finance
Presentation and Hooding of Michael J. Solomon
Doctoral Candidates in the Dean, Rackham Graduate School
Horace H. Rackham School and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs–Graduate Studies
Recognition of Baccalaureate, Santa J. Ono and Deans of the Schools and Colleges
Master’s, and Other Degrees (by year of founding)
in Course
Congratulations The Honorable Kurtis Wilder
Former Michigan Supreme Court Justice
Director, Alumni Association
Closing Laurie K. McCauley
*University of Michigan Fight Song The Victors
Composed by Louis Elbel
The University of Michigan Commencement Band
and the Audience
(see lyrics on back cover)
*Recession of the Platform Party Proud Heritage
Composed by William Latham
The University of Michigan Commencement Band
*Those who are able are asked to stand for the portions of the program asterisked (*). At the conclusion of the
program, the audience is asked to remain standing until the platform party has left the arena.
Jordan B. Acker Huntington Woods
Michael J. Behm Grand Blanc
Mark J. Bernstein Ann Arbor
Paul W. Brown Ann Arbor
Sarah Hubbard Okemos
Denise Ilitch Bingham Farms
Ron Weiser Ann Arbor
Katherine E. White Ann Arbor
Santa J. Ono ex officio
Santa J. Ono President
Laurie K. McCauley Provost and Executive Vice President
for Academic Affairs
Thomas A. Baird Vice President for Development
Geoffrey Chatas Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Sally J. Churchill Vice President and Secretary of the University
Rebecca Cunningham Vice President for Research
Martino Harmon Vice President for Student Life
Chris Kolb Vice President for Government Relations
Timothy G. Lynch Vice President and General Counsel
Kallie Bila Michels Vice President for Communications
Ravi Pendse Vice President for Information Technology
and Chief Information Officer
Marschall S. Runge Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs
Debasish Dutta Chancellor
University of Michigan-Flint
Domenico Grasso Chancellor
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Beth Angell Dean, School of Social Work
F. DuBois Bowman Dean, School of Public Health
Anne Curzan Dean, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Vicki Ellingrod Dean, College of Pharmacy
(represented by Associate Dean Karen Farris)
Alec D. Gallimore Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering, College of Engineering
David A. Gier Dean, School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Donna Hayward Interim University Librarian and Dean of Libraries
Jan Hu Interim Dean, School of Dentistry
Patricia D. Hurn Dean, School of Nursing
(represented by Associate Dean Lisa Kane Low)
Carlos Francisco Jackson Dean, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design
Jonathan Massey Dean, A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Sharon F. Matusik Edward J. Frey Dean of Business, Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Elizabeth Birr Moje Dean, School of Education
Jonathan T. Overpeck Samuel A. Graham Dean, School for Environment and Sustainability
Lori Ploutz-Snyder Dean, School of Kinesiology
(represented by Associate Dean Peter Bodary)
Marschall S. Runge Dean, Medical School
(represented by Professor Gil Omenn)
Michael J. Solomon Dean, Rackham Graduate School
and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs–Graduate Studies
Celeste M. Watkins-Hayes Interim Dean, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Mark D. West David A. Breach Dean of Law, Law School
Elizabeth Yakel Interim Dean, School of Information
Mika LaVaque-Manty Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Associate Professor of Political Science and Philosophy
Director, Honors Program
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Chief Marshal
Valeria Bertacco Vice Provost for Engaged Learning
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
College of Engineering
Associate Dean for Physical Sciences and Engineering
Rackham Graduate School
Assistant Chief Marshal
Stephen West Professor of Music
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Assistant Chief Marshal
Doctoral dissertation research is conducted in consultation with a committee of faculty members selected by the
candidate. The dissertation chair leads the committee and works closely with the student to guide the research. This
collaboration is a fundamental relationship in the formation of scholars and so it is tting that dissertation chairs of
the doctoral graduates be asked to attend the ceremony and hood their students.
Josh Ackerman
Eytan Adar
Peter Adriaens
Ehsan Afshari
Elaheh Ahmadi
Omar Jamil Ahmed
Huda Akil
Silas D. Alben
Tatjana Aleksic
Mohammad Alhawary
Elizabeth S. Anderson
Megan Sapnar Ankerson
Ian Antonio
Elizabeth A. Armstrong
Ellen M. Arruda
Susan J. Ashford
James A. Ashton-Miller
Ella Marie Atkins
Al-Thaddeus Avestruz
Aldo Badano
Martha J. Bailey
Bob Bain
Brendon Baker
Kelly Marie Bakulski
James M. Balter
Laura Balzano
Moulinath Banerjee
Mihaela Banu
Marlyse Baptista
Nicola Barham
Sami J. Barmada
Kira L. Barton
Maya Barzilai
Jeremy Bassis
Michael Bastedo
Kate Bauer
Tomasz K. Baumiller
Satinder Singh Baveja
Daniel A. Beard
Udo Becker
Patrice Speeter Beddor
Ruth Behar
Damian R. Beil
Gordon Belot
Adriene Marie Beltz
Alexander Christopher Benken
Dmitry Berenson
Dennis S. Bernstein
Bhargav Bhatt
Stephanie Bielas
Abigail Winslow Bigham
Andrew D. Bishop
David Blaauw
Julio Andres Blanco
C. Hoyt Bleakley
Gabriele Boccaccini
Andre L. Boehman
Julie E. Boland
Victoria Booth
Tilman M. Borgers
Stephen W. Bougher
Phillip Jess Bowman
Christopher Arthur Hansen Brooks
Charles L. Brooks III
Miranda D. Brown
Susan H. Brown
Elizabeth Eve Bruch
Celeste A. Brusati
Ceren Budak
Sarah Andrea Burgard
Sarah Buss
Kenneth M. Cadigan
Cleopatra Howard Caldwell
Myron Campbell
Par Cassel
Ruth Rothaus Caston
Matias Damian Cattaneo
Rosario E. Ceballo
Carlos E. Cesnik
Sriram Chandrasekaran
Sunny Chapel
Matthew R. Chapman
Tabbye Maria Chavous
Yang Chen
Yuqing Chen
Zhan Chen
Cynthia Anne Chestek
Mosharaf Chowdhury
Tomasz Cierpicki
Mark Clague
Justin Adam Colacino
Joshua H. Cole
Rhima M. Coleman
Catherine A. Collins
Colleen M. Conway
Jay Cook
Maria Coolican
Gabriel Corfas
Jason Corso
Matthew J. Countryman
Maria Clara Cruz Da Silva Castro
Glen T. Daigger
Sonya Dal Cin
Shanna Daly
Sandra K. Danziger
Reetuparna Das
Neil P. Dasgupta
Michael K. Daugherty
Christian Davenport
Pamela Davis-Kean
Hui Deng
Lan Deng
Parag B. Deotare
Harm Derksen
Hendrickus Derksen
Hendrikus Derksen
Stephen Lowell DesJardins
Kristin Dickinson
Mark Dincecco
Andrzej A. Dlugosz
Susan J. Douglas
R. Paul Drake
Ronald Dreslinski, Jr.
Gregory R. Dressler
Nisha J. D’Silva
Bo Duan
Basil J. Dufallo
Meghan A. Duffy
David Alan Dunning
Karthik Duraisamy
Monica Dus
Robin Edelstein
Frieda Ekotto
Michael R. Elliott
John S. Ellis
Nick Ellis
Brian Thomas Emmer
Barbara Jane Ericson
Tulga Ersal
Mohammad Fallahi Sichani
Ying Fan
Yue Fan
Jeffrey A. Fessler
Krzysztof J. Fidkowski
C Alberto Figueroa
Evgueni Filipov
John V. Fine, Jr.
Cindy Finelli
Barry Fishman
Kate Fitzpatrick
Paul Joseph Fleming
Caryl Flinn
Michael Flynn
John Edison Foster
Betsy Foxman
Aaron Terrence Frank
Robert J. Franzese, Jr.
Peter Louis Freddolino
Donald Freeman
Jianping Fu
Johann Gagnon Bartsch
Andreas Gailus
Alec D. Gallimore
Almantas Galvanauskas
Mirko Gamba
Natalia Ganjushkina
George A. Garcia
Stephen M. Garcia
Amanda Lee Garner
Charles Hiroshi Garrett
Elaine K. Gazda
Ashley Nicole Gearhardt
Anne Ruggles Gere
Yogesh B. Gianchandani
Ronald M. Gilgenbach
David Ginsburg
Sharon C. Glotzer
William J. Glover
Oleg Y. Gnedin
Fatma Muge Gocek
Bryan Goldsmith
Richard D. Gonzalez
Dena Goodman
Anthony Grbic
Arthur R. Greene
Lindy Greer
Jolanta E. Grembecka
Jessy W. Grizzle
Karl Grosh
Emanuel Gull
Lorraine M. Gutierrez
Daniel Hack
Andreas Hagemann
Kristina I. Hakansson
J. Alex Halderman
David Halen
David Hancock
Michele A. Hannoosh
Christopher Todd Harding
Lucy Hartley
Kim F. Hayes
Xuming He
Zhi He
Zhong He
Idse Heemskerk
Justin E. Heinze
Alfred O. Hero III
John Thomas Heron
Alejandro Herrero-Olaizola
Andrew H. Herscher
Allen D. Hicken
Chris Hill
James R. Hines, Jr.
Arnold Kelly Ho
Wei Ho
Mel Hochster
Geoffrey J. Hoffman
Heath Hofmann
Megan L. Holmes
Jeffrey F. Horowitz
Roman D. Hryciw
Tailen Hsing
Jack Hu
Xianglei Huang
Yihe Huang
Muzammil M. Hussain
Dragan Huterer
David W. Hutton
Luke Williamson Hyde
Daniel J. Inman
Lori L. Isom
Brian Aaron Jacob
Richard Janko
Erica Christine Jansen
Paul Michael Jenkins
Hui Jiang
Yun Jiang
Ajit Joglekar
Eric Johnsen
Timothy D. Johnson
Matthew Kai Johnson-Roberson
Mattias Jonsson
Benjamin Alexander Jorns
Igor Jovanovic
David Jurgens
Sundeep Kalantry
Tasho Kaletha
Vineet Kamat
Jian Kang
Manos Kapritsos
Smadar Karni
Alla Karnovsky
Carrie Anne Karvonen-Gutierrez
Rojano Kashani
Martin Katz
Massoud Kaviany
Matthew Kay
Webb Keane
Paul Keiter
Robert T. Kennedy
John Kieffer
Jinsang Kim
John Leslie King
Emmanouil Kioupakis
Shinobu Kitayama
George W. Kling
David H. Kohn
Ilya Kolmanovsky
Nicole Koropatkin
Eric Kort
Nicholas Kotov
Kristin Koutmou
Danai Koutra
Ioulia Kovelman
Igor Kriz
Ethan F. Kross
Karl Michael Krushelnick
Mikhail Krutikov
Kevin Kubarych
Mark Kushner
Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki
Alexander Kuzmich
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
John E. Laird
Janet Louise Larson
Ronald G. Larson
Matthew D. Lassiter
Lisa Rose Lattuca
Daniel Allen Lawrence
John V. Leahy
Honglak Lee
SangHyun Lee
Seunggeun Shawn Lee
Shawna Jo Lee
Sunghee Lee
Nicolai Lehnert
Stephen G. Leider
Scott Frederick Leiser
Alaina M. Lemon
Andrej Lenert
Susan Therese Lepri
Cindy Leung
Andrei A. Levchenko
Liza Levina
Sandra R. Levitsky
Helen G. Levy
Ming Li
Qing Li
Mike Liemohn
Suljo Linic
David Lipps
John Joseph LiPuma
Henry Liu
David Lombard
Donald S. Lopez, Jr.
Nestor L. Lopez-Duran
Wolfgang B. Lorenzon
Nancy G. Love
Wei Lu
Ashley Elizabeth Lucas
Gary D. Luker
Jonathan E. Luntz
Jeffrey Lyman
Costas Andreas Lyssiotis
Cora MacAlister
Harsha Madhyastha
Hessam Mahdavifar
Scott Mahlke
Annalisa Manera
Bruce Mannheim
Xiaoming Mao
Z. Morley Mao
Anna K. Mapp
Joyce Marcus
Neda Masoud
Jamaal Sharif Matthews
Martha M. Matuszak
Adam J. Matzger
Timothy Patrick McAllister
Ryan David McBride
Marie McCarthy
Sara McClelland
Charles McCrory
Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
Qiaozhu Mei
Carol C. Menassa
Gabe Mendlow
David E. Meyer
Briana Mezuk
Eric Michielssen
Rada Mihalcea
Ann L. Miller
Jon Matthew Miller
Joshua L. Miller
Kevin F. Miller
Shelie Miller
Kenneth Mills
Ryan Edward Mills
Mark S. Mizruchi
John D. Monnier
Chauncey Monte-Sano
Hugh L. Montgomery
John Montgomery
James J. Moon
Bethany B. Moore
Cristina Moreiras-Menor
Jeffrey D. Morenoff
Jonathan David Morrow
Richard M. Mortensen
Sarah Moss
Cheryl A. Moyer
Trevor N. Mudge
Erik A. Mueggler
Bhramar Mukherjee
Steven G. Mullaney
Andrew G. Muntean
Geoffrey G. Murphy
Pavel Nagorny
Sunitha Nagrath
Supriya M. Nair
Khalil Naja
Brahmajee K. Nallamothu
Nambi Nallasamy
Alison Rae Hardin Narayan
Goutham Narla
Joan Iverson Nassauer
Belinda L. Needham
Alexey Nesvizhskii
Mark W. Newman
Long Nguyen
Jun Ni
Jon-Fredrik Nielsen
Brian D. Noble
Doug Noll
Diarmaid O’Foighil
Jennifer Ogilvie
Edwin Olson
John M. O’Shea
Pablo Ottonello
Andrew Owens
Necmiye Ozay
Benjamin B. Paloff
Dimitra Panagou
Sung Kyun Park
Stephen C. J. Parker
Marina Pasca Di Magliano
Celeste L. Pearce
Jillian Nydam Pearring
Vincent L. Pecoraro
Scott J. Peltier
Douglas Perkins
Karen Eileen Peterson
Victor Evgenyevich Petrov
Seth Pettie
Donald Peurach
Gretchen A. Piatt
Aaron Pierce
Ana Paula Pimentel Walker
Shachar Pinsker
David Pinsky
Kevin Pipe
Acrisio Pires
Aaron Pixton
Scott Pletcher
Thad Polk
Bogdan Ioan Popa
Pierre Ferdinand Poudeu-Poudeu
Sara A. Pozzi
Kartik Prasanna
Kerri Pratt
Yopie Prins
Helmut Puff
Amiyatosh Purnanandam
Manoj Puthenveedu
Liang Qi
Christopher Lee Quintana
Malini Raghavan
Stephen W. Ragsdale
Kaushik Ragunathan
Peter Railton
Uday Rajan
Indika Rajapakse
Venkat Raman
Stephen C. Rand
Arvind Rao
Lutgarde M. Raskin
Paul Resnick
Paul W. Rhode
Alexander Rickard
Keith Riles
Yaacov Ritov
Lionel Peter Robert
Elizabeth F. S. Roberts
Leah Elizabeth Robinson
Awilda Rodriguez
Daniel M. Romero
Matthew Stephen Ronfeldt
Tanya Rosenblat
Elliott J. Rouse
Stephanie Rowley
Gayle S. Rubin
Laura Ruetsche
Brandon Thomas Ruotolo
Mateusz Ruszkowski
Allison Murphy Ryan
Benjamin Safdi
Jeff S. Sakamoto
Brisa N. Sanchez
George J. Sanchez
Catherine Sanok
Kamal Sarabandi
Teresa L. Sattereld
Arlene Saxonhouse
Florian Schaub
Corinna Schindler
John E. Schulenberg
Amy Jo Schulz
Johann W. Schwank
Anna A. S. Schwendeman
Steven P. Schwendeman
Ruth S. Scodel
Clayton D. Scott
Priti R. Shah
Ashwin J. Shahani
Matthew D. Shapiro
Lonnie Shea
Kerby A. Shedden
David H. Sherman
Xu Shi
Albert J. Shih
Kang Geun Shin
Susan E. Shore
K. Alex Shorter
Andrew J. Shryock
Max Shtein
Ginger Shultz
Donald Jason Siegel
Jason Benjamin Siegel
Kathleen Sienko
Vanessa Sih
Adam Charles Simon
Nirala Singh
Logan Skelton
Dan Slater
Joel B. Slemrod
David Eric Smith
Ellen M. Lavoie Smith
Janet L. Smith
Karen E. Smith
Evan Sean Snitkin
Andrew Snowden
Henry Sodano
Scott Soleimanpour
Matthew P. Solomon
Michael J. Solomon
Kendrin Sonneville
Stuart Soroka
Sebastian Sotelo
Daniel Southworth
Corey Speers
Jason Spence
Michael Spencer
Joshua Barry Spitz
Paolo Squatriti
Anna G. Stefanopoulou
Jan Stegemann
Jeffrey L. Stein
Allison L. Steiner
Melvin Stephens, Jr.
Corey Stephenson
Abby Stewart
Brian A. Stewart
Sarah A. Stoddard
Stilian Atanasov Stoev
Yuekai Sun
Ronald G. Suny
Joel A. Swanson
Megan L. Sweeney
Dennis Michael Sylvester
Nathaniel Szymczak
Alan Taub
Jeremy Michael George Taylor
Alice Telesnitsky
Jonathan Terhorst
Linda L. Tesar
Peter Tessier
Ambuj Tewari
Sarah Grey Thomason
Greg Michael Thurber
Theresa L. Tinkle
Peter Todd
Gabor Toth
Kentaro Toyama
Valerie Traub
Natalie Tronson
Billy Tsai
Leung Tsang
Anish Tuteja
Dale A. Ulrich
Adam Unsworth
Alejandro Uribe-Ahumada
Nicholas A. Valentino
Sari Michelle van Anders
Mark Peter Van Oyen
John H. Vandermeer
Ram Vasudevan
Shravan Veerapaneni
Nickolas Vlahopoulos
Terri Diane Voepel-Lewis
V. G. Vinod Vydiswaran
Kon-Well Wang
Shaomeng Wang
Wenjing Wang
Lucretia M. Ward
Gary S. Was
Brian James Weatherson
Brian Weeks
Christina Jo Weiland
James David Weiland
Joshua Welch
Michael P. Wellman
Xiaoquan William Wen
John A. Whittier-Ferguson
Krista Wigginton
Emily Elissa Wilcox
Cristen J. Willer
Apryl Williams
Gareth Williams
Louise Willingale
Camille Maia Wilson
Jeffrey A. Wilson Mantilla
Sunny Y. Wong
Robert Woods
Gongjun Xu
Elizabeth Yakel
Won Sik Yang
Bing Ye
M. Remi Yergeau
Yafeng Yin
Vincent B. Young
Alford A. Young, Jr.
Donald R. Zak
Dominika Kamila Zgid
Jianzhi Zhang
Jifeng Zhang
Min Zhang
Xiang Zhou
Haojie Zhu
Ji Zhu
Yuri Zhukov
Paul Zimmerman
Rebecca M. Blank
Doctor of Laws
Rebecca M. Blank is an internationally respected labor
economist and leading policy expert whose research
examines the interaction of macroeconomics, the labor
market, and social policy programs and their impact
on the lives and well-being of low-income families. An
equally accomplished administrative leader, she has
served in three presidential administrations and led the
University of Wisconsin-Madison as Chancellor for the
last nine years. Dr. Blank earned a B.S. degree (1976) in
economics from the University of Minnesota and a Ph.D.
(1983) in economics from Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. She began her career as a faculty member
at Princeton University and subsequently moved
to Northwestern University where she directed the
Joint Center on Poverty Research and co-directed the
Northwestern/University of Chicago Interdisciplinary
Training Program in Poverty, Race and Underclass
Issues. Before joining the University of Michigan,
Dr. Blank served on the White House Council of
Economic Advisers during the Clinton administration. At the University of Michigan, she led
the transformation of the Institute for Public Policy Studies into the nationally ranked Gerald
R. Ford School of Public Policy, which she led as the inaugural Joan and Sanford Weill Dean
(1999-2007) and Henry Carter Adams Collegiate Professor of Public Policy and Economics
(1999-2008). As dean, Dr. Blank oversaw the construction of Weill Hall as the new home of the
Ford School. She also founded the National Poverty Center and launched new undergraduate
and doctoral programs. Dr. Blank left the university to become a fellow at the Brookings
Institution and soon after joined the Obama Administration as Undersecretary for Economic
Affairs in the Department of Commerce. In 2011, her nomination as Deputy Secretary of
Commerce was unanimously conrmed by the U.S. Senate; she also served for more than a year
as Acting Secretary of Commerce. In 2013, Dr. Blank was named Chancellor of the University
of Wisconsin-Madison where she led a successful effort to increase and diversify undergraduate
enrollments and establish a full-scholarship program to support students from low-income
backgrounds. In the face of budgetary and other pressures, she led a highly successful capital
campaign to ensure the university would remain affordable for all students and retain its world-
class faculty. A prolic scholar, Dr. Blank has written numerous articles and books, including
It Takes a Nation: A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty (1997) which won Princeton’s Richard
A. Lester book award as the outstanding book in labor economics and industrial relations. Her
honors include election as a lifetime national associate of the National Academies of Science.
She is also a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Economic
Association, and the Society of Labor Economists. Her outstanding research and scholarship
have been honored by the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences with the Eleanor
Roosevelt Fellowship and the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize.
Dr. Blank, you have devoted your life’s work to understanding and addressing poverty in
the United States. With scholarly integrity and compassion, you have advanced the eld of
economics. You answered the call to service from three American presidents, applying your
vast knowledge to inuence public policy on behalf of the underserved. You have made lasting
contributions to the University of Michigan and University of Wisconsin. In honor of your
remarkable achievements, the University of Michigan proudly presents you with this honorary
degree, Doctor of Laws.
Melissa J. Moore
Doctor of Science
Melissa J. Moore, renowned biochemist and molecular
biologist, is chief scientic ofcer emeritus at Moderna.
Her years of path-breaking research advancing RNA
therapeutics opened the way for the rapid development
of an effective COVID-19 vaccine. When the once-
in-a-century pandemic overtook humankind, she and
her research teams already had developed ways to
engineer messenger-RNA vaccines. The technology
synthesizes proteins found on viral surfaces and
stimulates the body’s immune system, which in turn
produces antibodies that are able to identify and destroy
deadly viruses. Dr. Moore’s basic investigations of
the role of RNA in molecular biological systems and
her use of these discoveries to develop new clinical
applications have protected the lives of hundreds of
millions of individuals across the globe and advanced a
new eld of therapeutics. Dr. Moore grew up in New
Market, Virginia, graduating from a high school that
sent only 20% of its students to college. She earned
her B.S. degrees (1984) in chemistry and biology from William and Mary and a Ph.D. (1989)
in biological chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She launched her RNA
research as a postdoctoral fellow under the direction of Nobel Laureate Phillip A. Sharp and
invented a novel method for joining long RNA molecules. In 1994, she joined the faculty of
Brandeis University where she was awarded both a Searle Scholarship and a Packard Fellowship.
In 1997, in recognition of the transformative potential of her biomedical research, Dr. Moore was
named a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. Dr. Moore later joined the University
of Massachusetts Medical School as professor of biochemistry and pharmacology (2007) and
became a founding co-director of its RNA Therapeutics Institute. In 2015, she joined Moderna’s
scientic advisory board and, the following year, joined Moderna as chief scientic ofcer for
mRNA Platform Research. When, three years later, COVID-19 began its mysterious sweep across
the planet, Dr. Moore was able to lead her teams in the rapid development of a safe and effective
vaccine. Dr. Moore continues to work with, inspire, and mentor RNA biomedical scientists who
pursue new ways to design and deliver mRNA medicines that can protect against other infections
and illnesses. In early 2021, she gave the keynote address to a seminar hosted by the U-M Center
for RNA Biomedicine. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences (2017)
and fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2019). Throughout her career she
has made it a priority to mentor young scientists and serve as a role model for women working
in STEM elds. In 2011, she received the William C. Rose Award for distinguished mentorship
from the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and, in 2021, she received a
Lifetime Achievement Award from the RNA Society.
Dr. Moore, you have advanced medical science with your exemplary RNA research. This research
and your leadership at Moderna contributed to the development of its COVID-19 vaccine, a
medical lifeline considered miraculous by countless grateful individuals in Michigan, across the
country, and around the globe. Young women and men forging careers in essential STEM elds
are inspired by your scientic prowess. For your unwavering commitment to scientic discovery
for the public good, the University of Michigan proudly presents you with this honorary degree,
Doctor of Science.
Vera L. Songwe
Doctor of Laws
Vera L. Songwe is an acclaimed economist, University
of Michigan alumna, and chairwoman of the board of
directors for the Liquidity & Sustainability Facility, a
new nancial entity launched by the United Nations’
Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). She also
serves as co-chair of the U.N. High-Level Panel on
Climate Finance and is a non-resident senior fellow at
the Brookings Institution’s African Growth Initiative.
Bringing economic prosperity to people living in the
countries across the African continent is both her
passion and her profession. Dr. Songwe is an authority
on scal and monetary policy, economic governance,
and innovative nancing mechanisms for development,
agriculture and energy. From 2017 to 2022, Dr. Songwe
served as under-secretary general at the United Nations
and 9th executive secretary, and rst woman, to lead
UNECA, a regional commission dedicated to advancing
economic cooperation and development within Africa’s
54 member states. She focused UNECA on policies to
achieve macroeconomic stability and led the establishment of the new Liquidity & Sustainability
Facility, which supports the liquidity of foreign currency bonds and incentivizes investments
to boost growth and development and meet the UN’s sustainable development goals for the
continent. Countries that are now able to issue these bonds can make long-overdue investments
in education, infrastructure, and technology so they can secure a future for their citizens in the
global economy. Dr. Songwe came to the University of Michigan from Cameroon earning her
A.B. degree in political science and economics (1990), while working at the Michigan Daily. A
Ph.D. in mathematical economics followed, from the University of Louvain in Belgium (1996)
where she also earned a M.A. in law and economics and a diploma of advanced studies in
economic sciences and politics. She returned to the United States in 2012 and held various senior
positions at the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. She was also a visiting
scholar at the University of Southern California and at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
She founded the African Women Leadership Fund to expand career opportunities for women
and established Africa 2.0, an advocacy initiative that brings young Africans together who are
committed to spurring economic growth in their countries. Her contributions to the development
of the economies of African states have earned her numerous accolades. In 2013, Forbes named
her one of 20 Young Power Women in Africa and in 2014 the Institut Choiseul, a French research
center for the analysis of international economic and political strategies for development,
chose her as one of their African Leaders of Tomorrow (2014). In recognition of her innovative
solutions for structural problems in banking and credit, in 2022 Dr. Songwe was named African
Icon of the Year by the African Bankers Association.
Dr. Songwe, you have long worked to increase prosperity for nearly 1.5 billion men, women
and children living on the African continent. As a graduate of the University of Michigan, your
career exemplies this institution’s values, particularly its mission to challenge the present and
enrich the future, as you are so ably doing, earning along the way international respect and
on-the-ground results. For your economic leadership and advancement of transparency and
accountability on behalf of the nations of Africa and their citizens, the University of Michigan
proudly presents you with this honorary Doctor of Laws.
Brandon Bond
Master of Public Health and Social Work Candidate, School of Public Health and School of Social Work
Brandon Bond of Belleville, Michigan, studies the intersection of holistic wellness, human rights,
and diversity-equity-inclusion promotion among groups such as Black men, refugees, and the
2SLGBTQIA+ community. In 2022, Brandon, a rst-generation college and graduate-school
student, received the Graduate Student of the Year Award and was one of two students to
serve on the U-M Presidential Search Committee. In addition to his studies, Brandon, became a
Wellness Coach, a certied HIV Prevention and Test Counselor, served on U-M’s Public Safety
Task Force, interned at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and was appointed
to the Ann Arbor Human Rights Commission, among other activities. Brandon plans to use his
public health and social work degrees to reimagine solutions for addressing disparities, traumas,
and injustices.
Hibah Mirza Chughtai
Bachelor of Arts Candidate, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Hibah Mirza Chughtai of New Delhi, India, builds data simulations to understand issues of
national importance such as determining the odds of contracting COVID-19 from an infected
person when in a randomly moving group setting, utilizing data from the Hubble Space Telescope
to help understand the distant universe, and assisting the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police
Department recognize online extremist behavior. A physics and psychology major, Hibah worked
for The Michigan Daily as managing design editor and graphic designer in charge of Multi-Ethnic
Student Affairs and served as editor of the university’s Undergraduate Research Journal. She is an
SC James Lewis Scholar and a STAR Scholar and has earned University Honors and Dean’s List
recognition. Hibah plans to pursue a Ph.D. in either physics or psychology.
Nabeela Jaffer
Master of Higher Education Management and Organizations Candidate, School of Education
Nabeela Jaffer, a Pakistani-American who became a United States citizen in early 2000, is a
nontraditional student determined to redene and elevate expectations for minority women,
proving it is possible to pursue higher education and a career while a wife and mother of ve
children. Nabeela’s “family rst” perspective slowed but did not deter her from achieving a B.S.
in computer science and a M.S. in information systems before embarking on a M.A. in higher
education management and organizations at U-M. A Saline, Michigan, resident and long-time
information-technology staff member at U-M, Nabeela wanted to understand how universities
worked – the dynamics, complexities and challenges – in order to further her U-M career as well
as launch a nonprot organization that provides employment opportunities for special-needs
young adults.
The ags behind the platform are arranged in the order in which the schools and colleges they
represent were founded. As the audience faces the ags, the arrangement from left to right is the
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Yasmeen Berry
Medical School Quintin Pedro Solano
Law School Bryan Borodkin
School of Dentistry on stage
College of Pharmacy Ana Lopez Medina
Rackham Graduate School Cailin Buchanan
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy on stage
College of Engineering Gabriela Chia
School of Education Estrella Raquel Salgado
Stephen M. Ross School of Business Noor Sheikh-Khalil
President’s ag on stage
University ag on stage
Regents’ ag on stage
School for Environment and Sustainability Sarah Schoenthal Collins
School of Music, Theatre & Dance Lucas Rubin
A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning Michael Ngan
School of Nursing on stage
School of Public Health on stage
School of Social Work Frances Dean
University of Michigan-Flint on stage
University of Michigan-Dearborn Josue A. Rios
School of Information Emmaline Lehman
Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design on stage
School of Kinesiology on stage
The university’s mace is a symbol of academic scholarship, integrity, and authority. It is carried
by the chair of the University Senate at the head of academic processions on such important
ceremonial occasions as commencements, convocations, and inaugurations, representing the
connection of all faculty members to important academic rituals. The mace being used today was
given to the university in 1968 by the Senior Board, representing all the undergraduate schools and
colleges. Crafted of red oak and trimmed with silver, the mace features the seals of the university
and of the State of Michigan. Also engraved on the mace are the names of the university presidents.
The lantern represents liberal learning and symbolizes enlightenment. The banner, Artes, Scientia,
Veritas, encourages each student to commit to in-depth and systematic study, through disciplinary
and professional knowledge. The rays of the sun represent personal growth. The outer rings
symbolize social responsibility.
Each discipline is represented by a unique color. Mingled colors distinguish combined
Architecture and Urban Planning blue violet
Business Administration drab
Dentistry lilac
Education light blue
Engineering orange
Environment and Sustainability russet
Fine Arts brown
Information lemon
Kinesiology sage green
Law purple
Literature and Arts white
Medicine green
Music pink
Nursing apricot
Pharmacy olive green
Philosophy dark blue
Public Health salmon pink
Public Policy peacock blue
Science golden yellow
Social Work citron
The colorful gowns and hoods worn by faculty members at commencement and other academic ceremonies represent
the degrees, disciplines, and alma maters of the wearers. The American academic costume tradition, imported from
England, dates to Colonial days.
Gowns Bachelor’s or master’s degree gowns traditionally are black, as are many
doctoral gowns in the United States. Some universities prescribe that their
graduates wear gowns of another solid color such as blue, crimson, or green.
Gowns differ in sleeve cut and trim. For example, the bachelor’s gown has
long, pointed sleeves while the master’s gown has oblong sleeves. Doctoral
gowns, with their distinctive bell-shaped sleeves, feature velvet panels down
the front and around the neck, as well as crossbars of velvet on the sleeves.
Colored trim denotes the eld or discipline in which the degree was earned.
Usually only a single degree from one institution is indicated by a garment.
If more than one degree is held, the gown and hood of the higher or highest
degree usually are worn.
Hoods The hood most precisely describes the wearer’s level of degree earned, the
major eld of learning, and the alma mater. The level of the degree held is
indicated by the hood’s shape and size and the width of its velvet or velveteen
trimming. The bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor’s hoods are 36 inches, 42 inches,
and 48 inches long, respectively. The velvet trim is two, three, and ve inches
wide, with the narrowest being for the bachelor’s hood and the widest for the
doctor’s hood. The color of trim on the hood, as on the gown, identies the
major eld of learning in which the degree was awarded. The hood is lined
with the ofcial colors of the college or university conferring the degree.
Caps Caps vary in style from the traditional black mortarboard to eight-, six-, and
four-corner tams, and Elizabethan-style caps. The mortarboard may be of any
appropriate material, such as cotton, poplin, rayon, or silk, to match the gown.
Velvet is reserved for holders of doctorates.
In order of year of founding.
College of Literature,
The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, founded in 1841, was the rst
Science, and the Arts duly constituted college of the University of Michigan. Today, with more
than 15,000 undergraduate and 2,000 graduate students, LSA is the largest
of the university’s schools and colleges, and it is still the heart of the campus.
Distinguished in the humanities since its earliest years, the college became
preeminent in the natural sciences during the early 20th century and went on
to become a world leader in social science research. The college has always
been dedicated to providing a richly diverse liberal arts education that prepares
students to lead fullling lives as responsible citizens within a wide range of
professional careers.
Medical School Since opening its doors in 1850, the Medical School has been a leader in
medical education, patient care, and biomedical research. In addition to its
professional doctor of medicine program, the Medical School offers master’s
and doctoral degrees in the basic medical sciences. The school established the
nation’s rst university-owned and -operated teaching hospital and created the
rst departments of pharmacology and human genetics in the United States. It
also played an important role in the development of the electrocardiogram and
in the development of iodized salt as a goiter preventive. The Medical School
was among the rst major American medical schools to graduate women and
African Americans; today there are more practicing M.D.s from the University
of Michigan than from any other medical school in the United States.
Law School Founded in 1859, the Law School awarded its rst bachelor of laws degrees
in 1860. In 1870, the school became the second in the nation to confer a
law degree on an African American candidate and the rst major law school
to admit a woman. In 1871, one of the school’s graduates became the rst
woman with a law degree to be admitted to the bar. A national law school
from its earliest years, the school’s graduates work in every state of the union
and in more than 73 countries, in business, as practitioners and professors, as
legislators and members of Congress, and as distinguished civil servants and
members of the judiciary.
School of Dentistry Established in 1875, the School of Dentistry rst granted the professional
degree, doctor of dental surgery, the following year. A national leader in the
training of professional dentists and long active in oral and craniofacial research,
the school offers the doctor of dental surgery, master’s degrees, and graduate
clinical programs in several dental specialties and general dentistry. A doctoral
degree is offered in oral health sciences and in an interdepartmental program
in biomaterials. The School of Dentistry also offers baccalaureate and master’s
programs in dental hygiene.
College of Pharmacy Established as a department in 1868, Pharmacy became a college in 1876,
the rst in any university in the United States. Today, the college has an
average annual enrollment of 330 doctor of pharmacy, 100 graduate, and
100 undergraduate students, and is consistently ranked among the top
pharmacy schools in the nation. The college offers the doctor of pharmacy
degree; baccalaureate programs in pharmaceutical sciences; master’s
program in integrated pharmaceutical sciences; and doctor of philosophy
programs in clinical pharmacy translational science, medicinal chemistry,
and pharmaceutical sciences. Major areas of research include the biological,
chemical, clinical, genomic, economic, and social aspects of drugs and
therapeutic agents.
Rackham Graduate The Rackham Graduate School oversees and coordinates
School graduate education, bringing together graduate students and faculty from across
the institution to experience and take full advantage of the university as a
scholarly community. The university awarded its rst master of arts degree in
1849, rst master of science degree in 1859, and rst doctor of philosophy
degree in 1876. Organized as a department in 1892, the School of Graduate
Studies became an autonomous unit in 1913. In 1935, a generous gift from
Horace H. and Mary A. Rackham included the site and construction of the
Rackham Building for graduate studies and a substantial endowment for carrying
on graduate work and research.
Gerald R. Ford School The School of Public Policy prepares graduates for distinguished careers in
of Public Policy policy analysis and management and promotes improved public policy through
research. Its curriculum combines rigorous grounding in contemporary social
science, opportunities to develop expertise in a variety of policy domains,
and practical experience. Graduates work in government and the private and
nonprot sectors, using their knowledge, judgment, and new ideas to solve
social problems, both domestic and international. The school traces its history
to the Institute of Public Administration, established in 1914 as one of the rst
programs in municipal administration in the United States. In 1999, the regents
approved the naming of the school in honor of Gerald R. Ford, the 38th
President of the United States and a 1935 graduate of the university.
College of Engineering Instruction began with a class in civil engineering in 1854. Historically, the
College of Engineering has been a leader in establishing departments in emerging
elds, including metallurgical engineering, naval architecture and marine
engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, aeronautical engineering,
nuclear engineering, and computer engineering. Today, the college and its 60,000
alumni provide leadership in various technologies, health care, business, and the
sciences, improving the quality of people’s lives around the world.
School of Education The School of Education was founded in 1921, 42 years after the university
established the rst chair in any United States collegiate institution devoted to
the “science and art of teaching. The school prepares students for professional
careers in teaching and administration, and offers advanced training for
researchers and practitioners at all levels of education. Teacher diplomas were
rst offered in 1874; the rst master’s degree in education was conferred in
1891, the rst Ph.D. in 1902, and the rst Ed.D. in 1938.
Stephen M. Ross Formally established in 1924, the Stephen M. Ross School of Business operates
School of Business on the mission of building a better world through business. Today, at all levels of
instruction — undergraduate, graduate, and executive education — its programs
rank among the world’s top business schools, preparing students to excel and
lead in a dynamic world. Each year, as many as 1,600 new Michigan Ross
graduates enter careers in business and academia, joining the more than 55,000
who already serve in leadership positions in business, government, and academic
institutions throughout the world.
School for Environment The clear-cutting of Michigan’s densely forested wilderness was well under way
and Sustainability when the University of Michigan began offering courses in forestry in 1881—the
rst university in the United States to do so. The year 1903 saw the creation of
a Department of Forestry, forerunner of today’s School for Environment and
Sustainability (SEAS). The school’s students and faculty organized the famous
1970 Teach-In on the Environment (the prototype of Earth Day), and incubated
the scholarly disciplines of Environmental Justice, Environmental Education,
and Environmental Informatics. From its inception as a forestry school to the
interdisciplinary institution it is today, SEAS has always prepared leaders to
understand and solve the major environmental challenges of the era.
School of Music, Consistently ranked among the top performing arts schools in the nation, and
Theatre & Dance one of the oldest, the School of Music, Theatre & Dance is committed to
creating an environment of educational and artistic excellence, nurturing
creativity, academic integrity, and professionalism in its students and faculty.
With degrees offered at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels, the School
is deeply engaged in the creation, practice, scholarship, and pedagogy of music,
theatre, and dance. It fosters a spirit of social responsibility and principled
entrepreneurship, and serves the community and State of Michigan through
public performances, cultural resources, arts education, and outreach programs.
A. Alfred Taubman Michigan offered its rst courses in architecture in 1876. The program became
College of Architecture a department in 1913, and by 1931, the College of Architecture was established
and Urban Planning as a separate entity. During the 1940s, the college was one of the few schools in
the country to consider research a necessary part of architectural education, and
in 1946 it became the rst to introduce a graduate program in urban planning.
The college offers master of architecture, master of urban planning, and master
of urban design degrees; bachelor of science and master of science degrees in
architecture; and doctoral programs in architecture and in urban and regional
planning. In 1999, the college was named in honor of A. Alfred Taubman,
founder and chairman of The Taubman Company, Inc., and a longtime friend,
supporter, and adviser to the college.
School of Nursing The University of Michigan School of Nursing (UMSN) is an international
leader in the advancement of nursing knowledge and strategies to improve
health care. In addition to the four-year BSN program and the second career in
nursing program, UMSN has a robust offering of graduate programs. Students
are prepared to be leaders in advanced clinical practice through our M.S.N. and
post-baccalaureate Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs. Students
can also lead and effect change through the M.S.N. or post-masters DNP
programs in systems, populations, and leadership. UMSN’s prestigious Ph.D.
and postdoctoral programs prepare nurse scientists to develop the knowledge
necessary to support and advance nursing practice.
School of Public Health Founded in 1941 and ranked among the country’s top public health schools,
the University of Michigan School of Public Health educates more than 1,000
graduate and undergraduate students each year. With over 170 faculty and
researchers across six departments and numerous collaborative centers and
institutes, the school brings interdisciplinary, innovative solutions to complex
health challenges, including chronic and infectious diseases, obesity and food
insecurity, health care quality and cost, climate change and environmental
factors, and socioeconomic inequalities and their impact on health.
Compassion, innovation, and inclusion drive the faculty, staff, students, and
15,000 alumni of Michigan Public Health to pursue positive change and lasting
impact on the health of the world.
School of Social Work The program in social work began in 1921, and was granted the status of a
school in 1951. Faculty maintain high research productivity while teaching an
innovative curriculum. At the master’s level, the school prepares professional
practitioners for work with individuals, children and their families, the aged,
organizations, and communities. Students may focus their studies in the
elds of substance abuse, mental health, education, child welfare, program
evaluation, and public policy. The joint doctoral program in social work and
social science is one of a kind and prepares students for academic and research
careers. Graduates of both programs are found in leadership positions around
the world. The School of Social Work consistently ranks as one of the best in
the nation.
School of Information A formal program began in 1926, when the Department of Library Science
was created in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. In 1948,
offerings became entirely graduate and a doctoral program was inaugurated.
Establishment of an independent school, committed to the interdisciplinary
study of information and library principles, came in 1969. In response to
the rapid change brought on by present technology, the school broadened
signicantly further in the 1990s. It now pursues a highly interdisciplinary
approach to educate professionals who will serve as leaders in the information
age. Recognizing this broader mission, the school was renamed the School of
Information in 1996.
Penny W. Stamps The Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design traces its history at the university
School of Art & Design to visual arts education in the late 19th century, awarding its rst degree in
1960, and becoming a University of Michigan school in 1974. In 2002, the
school launched a unique curriculum that prompted the National Association
of Schools of Art and Design to report, “The School of Art & Design and the
University of Michigan have created an opportunity to lead the academic
conversation in art and design in this country.The school prepares graduates
for a broad range of creative professions through its undergraduate and graduate
programs. Commitment to the integration of art and design, community
engagement, international experience, connections to the academic resources of
the university, interdisciplinary pursuit, and public presentation of creative work
are required of all majors.
School of Kinesiology Kinesiology has been part of the University of Michigan curriculum since the
turn of the 20th century and joined the ranks for the schools and colleges as an
independent unit in 1984. Concentrations have the common thread of human
movement and span a wide range including movement science, physical
education, sport management, and athletic training. Kinesiology prepares
undergraduates for careers as diverse as medicine and physical therapy to
athletic administration, marketing, and law. Master’s and doctoral students
expand their opportunities in higher education, research, health care, public
health or medicine, business, and law.
The following is a list of the candidates for degrees to be granted upon completion of formal
requirements. A candidate is listed alphabetically by degree, and in some cases also by eld of
specialization, under the school or college which awards the degree. In the commencement
ceremony, candidates are presented in the order of which their respective schools or colleges
were founded.
The Executive Board of the Rackham Graduate School awards doctoral, master’s, and some
graduate professional degrees (e.g., master of public policy, master of urban planning), although
most graduate professional degrees, such as doctor of medicine, master of social work, etc.,
are awarded by the respective schools or colleges. The Graduate School does not offer course
work, and advanced studies are conducted within the school or college of a candidate’s area of
This book presents as complete and accurate a record of candidates for degrees as is possible as of
the publication date.
Founded in 1912, Michael J. Solomon, Dean and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs–Graduate Studies
Doctor of Philosophy
Mohamed Elamin Abbadi, Field of Specialization:
Information. Dissertation: Religion and Social Behaviors:
Using Religious Reminders to Promote Honesty and Using
Prompt-based Interactions to Reduce Bias Against Religious
Kidus Ayaleneh Admassu, Field of Specialization: Civil
Engineering. Dissertation: Data-Driven Analysis of
Transportation Infrastructure Systems using Embedded
Wireless Sensing and Cloud-Based Data Architectures
Abdulrahman Abdulaziz S. Aljurbua, Field of Specialization:
Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dissertation: A Novel
Multistatic SAR for Subsurface Imaging: Detection and
Localization of Buried Pipelines and Leaks.
Abdulaziz Alqasem, Field of Specialization: Near Eastern
Studies. Dissertation: The Acquisition of Verbal Agreement
and Tense Among L3 Learners of Arabic: Language Transfer
and Other Contributing Factors.
Hyochan An, Field of Specialization: Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Dissertation: Energy Efcient Circuits and
Systems for Intelligent Edge Devices.
Laura B. Andre, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Optical Refrigeration
of Crystals Doped with Yb3+ and Ti3+ Ions.
April Apfelbaum, Field of Specialization: Cancer Biology.
Dissertation: Tumor Heterogeneity, Cell State, and Plasticity
in Ewing sarcoma.
Felichi Mae Passion Arines, Field of Specialization: Molecular,
Cellular and Developmental Biology. Dissertation: Decision-
making in Ubiquitin-based Cellular Decluttering.
Shireen Reyad Ashkar, Field of Specialization: Medicinal
Chemistry. Dissertation: Development and Discovery of
Novel Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA
Polymerase for the Treatment of Tuberculosis.
So Young Baek, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: On Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Injury: Biomechanical Studies of In Vitro Knee Kinematics
and Bone Morphology.
Anthony Balistreri, Field of Specialization: Chemical Biology.
Dissertation: Inhibiting Functional Amyloid Formation
Using Protein Engineering.
Eric William Bell, Field of Specialization: Bioinformatics.
Dissertation: Computational Tools for Protein-Protein
Interaction Prediction and Analysis.
Zachary James Berquist, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Developing Thermally Robust
Aerogels for Next-Generation Linear Concentrated
Selyna Pérez Beverly, Field of Specialization: Higher
Education. Dissertation: Raising their Voices: Exploring
Women’s Experiences with Instruction in Engineering
Freida Anne Blostein, Field of Specialization: Epidemiological
Science. Dissertation: Salivary Omics Measurements as
Biomarkers for Epidemiological Analysis.
Cailin Anne Buchanan, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Characterizing the Ce3+/Ce4+
Chemistry for Use in Redox Flow Battery Applications.
Scott Edward Campit, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Biology. Dissertation: Systems Biology Methods to Model
Cancer Metabolism and Epigenetics for Drug Discovery.
Jozet Briana Tinai Channey, Field of Specialization:
Education and Psychology. Dissertation: Not as Black and
White as You May Think: Parents’ and Teachers’ Reections
on Racial Inequity and Parental Involvement.
Zhuo Chen, Field of Specialization: Nuclear Engineering
and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation: Quantitative
Measurement and Development of Back-end Processing
System-on-Chip for the Pixelated CdZnTe Detector.
Youmin Cho, Field of Specialization: Nursing. Dissertation:
Technology for Advanced Cancer Symptom Science:
Exploring Facilitators of and Barriers to Using Electronic
Patient-Reported Outcome (ePRO) Data Collection
Methods in Oncology Clinical Trials.
Nathinee Chucherdwatanasak, Field of Specialization: Music:
Musicology. Dissertation: Creative Destruction, Perpetual
Rebirth: Classical Music in the Early Twenty-First-Century
United States.
Shahana Ahmed Chumki, Field of Specialization: Cellular
and Molecular Biology. Dissertation: The Mechanical and
Molecular Activation of Epithelial Tight Junction Repair.
Paula Clasing, Field of Specialization: Higher Education.
Dissertation: The Promise of Free Tuition: The Case of
Casey Hannigan Collins, Field of Specialization: Music: Music
Education. Dissertation: “There is Something to be Said for
Actually Being There:” Experiences of Elementary General
Music Teachers in High-Poverty Schools.
Kiela Aileen Crabtree, Field of Specialization: Political
Science. Dissertation: Forged in the Fire: Racially-Targeted
Violence and Implications for Political Behavior in the
United States.
Steven Michael Cullinane, Field of Specialization: English
Language and Literature. Dissertation: Modernism, Satire,
and the Fictions of Literary History.
Kanak Datta, Field of Specialization: Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Dissertation: Engineering Excitonic Properties
in van der Waals Solids Using Strain.
Amy B. Dawson-Andoh, Field of Specialization:
Communication. Dissertation: Game Localization from
Multiple Perspectives: The Roles of Industry, Press, and
K. C. Deane, Field of Specialization: Higher Education.
Dissertation: At the Intersection of College Access and
Spatial Justice: Geographic Accessibility of Broad Access
Colleges in Metropolitan Areas.
Diksha Dhawan, Field of Specialization: Chemistry and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: Hybrid Quantum-
Classical Methods for Noisy Intermediate Scaling Quantum
Andrew Michael Di Mauro, Field of Specialization:
Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: Fuel Formulation
Effects on Gasoline Compression Ignition and Its Emissions.
Francis John Doherty, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Atomistic Modeling for CO2
Reduction Using Thermal, Plasma, and Electrocatalysis.
Garrett Theodore Dow, Field of Specialization: Medicinal
Chemistry. Dissertation: Elucidation of DNA-Binding
and Dimerization Activities of the Master Virulence
Transcription Factor, VirF, From Shigella exneri to Aid
in Virulence-Targeted Inhibitor Design for Treatment of
Doctor of Philosophy
Katherine Dowdell, Field of Specialization: Environmental
Engineering. Dissertation: Assessment of the Impact
of Treatment and Distribution on the Occurrence of
Nontuberculous Mycobacteria and Free-Living Amoebae in
Full-Scale Drinking Water Systems.
Joe Drallmeier, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Optimization and Control of a
Dual-Motor Hybrid Opposed Piston Engine.
Guus Duindam, Field of Specialization: Philosophy.
Dissertation: An Interpretation and Defense of the Supreme
Principle of Morality.
Partha Pratim Dutta, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Pressure Sensing
Microsystems for Energy Industry Applications.
Charles S. Eckert, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: In-SRAM Computing for
Neural Network Acceleration.
Nicolaus Ray Espitia, Field of Specialization: Social Work and
Sociology. Dissertation: Our Existence is a Political Issue:
Examining the Political Participation of Undocumented
Latinx Immigrants in the Midwest.
Jacques Andre Esterhuizen, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Accelerating the Design and
Discovery of Heterogeneous Catalysts Using Machine
Siying Feng, Field of Specialization: Computer Science and
Engineering. Dissertation: Acceleration Techniques of Sparse
Linear Algebra on Emerging Architectures.
Zhen Feng, Field of Specialization: Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Dissertation: Energy-Efcient Low-Power Mm-
Scale Wireless Communication System.
Valerie Freund, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Negative Affect Associations with Adolescent
Psychopathology and Substance Use.
Aarohee Fulay, Field of Specialization: Nutritional Sciences.
Dissertation: Food Insecurity, Ultra-Processed Food
Acquisitions/Intake, and Diabetes Risk Factors in U.S.
Adolescents Ages 12-19 Years.
Matthew Stephen Galliher, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Synthesis of Resveratrol Natural Products and
Evaluation of their Antioxidant Properties.
Kyle James Gilman, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Scalable Algorithms
Using Optimization on Orthogonal Matrix Manifolds.
Keara Therese Saud Greatwood, Field of Specialization:
Materials Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Large
Impacts of Small Particles: The Effects of Active Particles on
Colloidal Gels and Crystals and of Inulin Microparticles on
Gut Retention in Mice.
Weihui Gu, Field of Specialization: Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Dissertation: Hybrid Method for Full-wave
Simulations of Vegetation.
Zachary Hajian-Forooshani, Field of Specialization: Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology. Dissertation: Emergent Spatial
Heterogeneity Structures the Assembly and Functioning of
Ecological Communities: An Agroecological Perspective.
Stephanie Victoria Hall, Field of Specialization: Health
Infrastructures and Learning Systems. Dissertation:
Understanding Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders:
A Learning Health Sciences Approach to Evaluating
Underdiagnosis, Undertreatment, and Health Policy Impact.
Renee Frances-Conway Hein, Field of Specialization: Cell
and Developmental Biology. Dissertation: Understanding
the Bud Tip Progenitor Cell Niche During Human Lung
Alexander James Hill, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Controlling Nanoscale
Restructuring to Improve Catalyst Activity, Stability, and
Material Utilization.
Hanna S. Hong, Field of Specialization: Immunology.
Dissertation: Dening Metabolic Regulators of T Cell-
Mediated Immunity.
Shengtuo Hu, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Securing Connected and
Automated Vehicle through Proactive Vulnerability Analysis
and Security Enhancement.
Kritika Iyer, Field of Specialization: Biomedical Engineering.
Dissertation: Data-driven Methods for Automated
Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease.
Edith Jones, Field of Specialization: Molecular and Integrative
Physiology. Dissertation: Using Model-Based Analysis
and Physiology-Informed Machine Learning for Precision
Phenotyping in Heart Failure.
Ju Yeon Jung, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Towards Actionable Data Science Systems: An
End-user Approach.
Michelle Karker, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: Predictive Analysis and Deep
Learning of Functional MRI in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Hiwot Tadese Kassa, Field of Specialization: Computer
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Efcient Utilization
of Heterogeneous Compute and Memory Systems.
Taslima Gani Khan, Field of Specialization: Chemical Biology.
Dissertation: Intracellular Trafcking Regulators for the
Atherogenic Lipoproteins LDL and Lp(a).
Zahra Afkhami Kheirabadi, Field of Specialization:
Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: Modeling and
Control of E-jet Printing Process for Multi-layer Structures.
Sooji Kim, Field of Specialization: Higher Education.
Dissertation: Improving Work and Equity for Lower-
Income Students: Examining the Effects and Underlying
Mechanisms of Federal Work-Study.
Yongtong Lao, Field of Specialization: Chemical Biology.
Dissertation: Biochemical and Structural Characterization of
the Starter Module in the Saxitoxin Biosynthesis Pathway.
Tingyang Li, Field of Specialization: Bioinformatics.
Dissertation: Articial Intelligence-Based Clinical Decision-
Making System for Cataract Surgery.
Harry Liu, Field of Specialization: Physics. Dissertation:
Topological Mechanical Systems Beyond the Limit of
Linear Ideal Springs.
Elizabeth Florence Ludwig-Borycz, Field of Specialization:
Nutritional Sciences. Dissertation: Sustainable Diets Among
Sociodemographically Diverse Populations in the US Before
and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Haojun Ma, Field of Specialization: Computer Science and
Engineering. Dissertation: Automating the Verication of
Distributed Systems.
Tianwen Ma, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics. Dissertation:
Novel Statistical Methods for EEG-Based Brain-Computer
Doctor of Philosophy
Brian Charles Macdonald, Field of Specialization: Materials
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Design and
Application of Surfaces that Control Liquid and Solid
Cristina Emma María Ríos, Field of Specialization:
Neuroscience. Dissertation: Individual Differences in
Nucleus Accumbens Activity and Cue-Reward Learning.
Stefano Marin, Field of Specialization: Nuclear Engineering
and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation: The Angular
Momentum of Fission Fragments and its Effects on
Neutron-Gamma Emission.
Katherine D. McLean, Field of Specialization: Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology. Dissertation: Ecological and
Evolutionary Drivers of Host Defenses and Pathogen
Infectivity Shape Host-Parasite Interactions at Multiple
Levels of Biological Organization.
Mackenzie Elizabeth Meyer, Field of Specialization: Applied
Physics. Dissertation: Investigating Plasma Interactions with
Multiphase Surfaces using Computational Models.
Allyson Munneke, Field of Specialization: Cellular and
Molecular Biology. Dissertation: Serotonin Signaling
Modulates Health and Lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster.
Sajedeh Nasr Esfahani, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Stem Cell-Based Models
of Human Amniogenesis and Primordial Germ Cell
Zeqi Niu, Field of Specialization: Chemical Engineering.
Dissertation: Monitoring and Targeting Metastasis Through
Circulating Tumor Cells: From Molecular Proling to
Natural Killer Cell-Based Therapeutics.
Ai Rene Ong, Field of Specialization: Survey Methodology.
Dissertation: Measuring Network Size and Recruitment
Productivity in Respondent Driven Sampling.
Roshan Paudel, Field of Specialization: Health Infrastructures
and Learning Systems. Dissertation: Urinary Continence
Recovery After Radical Prostatectomy Using Patient
Reported Outcomes Data: Variability, Predictions, and
Prediction Accuracy.
Yimai Peng, Field of Specialization: Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Dissertation: Energy-Efcient Circuits and
Systems for Powering, Sensing and Actuating the Motions in
Internet of Things.
Aniruddhe Pradhan, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Mathematical Formalisms and
Data-Driven Approaches for Coarse-Graining of Multi-
Scale Finite Element Discretizations.
Supraj Prakash, Field of Specialization: Aerospace Engineering.
Dissertation: Computational Modeling of Non-idealities in
Gaseous and Multiphase Detonating Flows.
Yue Qin, Field of Specialization: Biomedical Engineering.
Dissertation: A Novel Bioelastomer Platform with Tailorable
Design Parameters for Cartilage Regeneration.
Nicholas James Ragazzone, Field of Specialization: Medicinal
Chemistry. Dissertation: Elucidating Protein-DNA
Recognition by the Bacterial Transcription Factors MarA
and VirF by Homology Modeling and DNA-Binding
Studies of Wild-type and Mutant MarA and VirF.
Aravindabharathi Ramakrishnan, Field of Specialization:
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.
Dissertation: Transcription Factor Interactions Governing
Gene Regulation by the Wnt Signalling Pathway.
Danielle Richards, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Understanding Electrocatalytic
Nitrate Reduction Catalyst Performance in Ideal and
Practical Conditions.
Maa Alejandra Rodríguez Mustafa, Field of Specialization:
Earth and Environmental Sciences. Dissertation:
Geochronology and Source of Metals and Fluids in Iron
Oxide - Apatite and Iron Oxide - Copper - Gold Mineral
Brandon Kyle Russell, Field of Specialization: Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Magnetic Field
Dynamics and Shock Physics at the High Intensity Frontier
of Laser Plasma Interactions.
Divya Sanghi, Field of Specialization: Aerospace Engineering.
Dissertation: Maneuverability, Load Alleviation, and Ride
Qualities of Transonic High-Aspect-Ratio-Wing Aircraft.
Robert Samuel Santucci, Field of Specialization: Classical
Studies. Dissertation: Seneca and the History of Roman
Yourdanis Sedarous, Field of Specialization: Linguistics.
Dissertation: An Experimental Study on the Syntax of
English and Egyptian Arabic: A Unied Account of Bilingual
Grammatical Knowledge.
Jihwan Seol, Field of Specialization: Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Dissertation: Energy-Efcient Mixed-Signal
Circuits and Systems for Communication and Signal
Candilianne Serrano Zayas, Field of Specialization: Cellular
and Molecular Biology. Dissertation: Molecular Regulation
of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Expression.
Benjamin R. Setterholm, Field of Specialization: Astronomy
and Astrophysics. Dissertation: Advancing Optical
Interferometry to Unveil Sub-au Protoplanetary Disk
Qianhua Shan, Field of Specialization: Statistics. Dissertation:
Network Inference with Applications in Neuroimaging.
Titan Shih, Field of Specialization: Cell and Developmental
Biology. Dissertation: New Genes that Inuence Longevity
and ER Unfolded Protein Response in C. elegans.
Anna Shirazyan, Field of Specialization: Cell and
Developmental Biology. Dissertation: Role of Hedgehog
Signaling in Olfactory Epithelium Regeneration.
Jeff Spencer, Field of Specialization: Chemistry. Dissertation:
Beyond Frameworks of Fidelity: Tracking Collaborative
Design to Promote Multiple Perspectives of Science in the
Nishil Rakeshkumar Talati, Field of Specialization: Computer
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Optimizing
Emerging Graph Applications Using Hardware-Software
Hanh My Truong, Field of Specialization: Cellular and
Molecular Biology. Dissertation: The Ciliary Transition Zone
Protein, Tectonic, Forms a Membrane Diffusional Barrier in
Mouse Rod Outer Segments.
Allison Rae Bobyak Tyler, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Can We Still Archive? Privacy and Social
Science Data Archiving After the GDPR.
Robert Woods Vandervort, Field of Specialization: Applied
Physics. Dissertation: Experiments at the Intersection
of Inertially Conned Fusion and Astrophysics: An
Investigation of an Asymmetrically Irradiated Foam Sphere.
Doctor of Philosophy
Mike Vecchio, Field of Specialization: Music: Music
Education. Dissertation: Understanding Creative Musical
Agency Through Composition in Secondary Instrumental
Margaret Anne Veitch, Field of Specialization: Earth and
Environmental Sciences. Dissertation: Reecting the Past in
the Present: How Studying Living Crinoids Can Shed Light
on Their Fossil Record.
Andrea Colleen Ventola, Field of Specialization: Civil
Engineering. Dissertation: Development of Lab, Field, and
In-Situ Image Collection Systems and Analysis Methods for
Soil Characterization.
Xiaowei Wang, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Efcient, Recongurable, and
QoS-Aware Systems for Deep Neural Networks.
Yiyang Wang, Field of Specialization: Civil Engineering.
Dissertation: Cybersecurity in Connected and Automated
Transportation Systems.
Nicholas Chandler Wang, Field of Specialization:
Bioinformatics. Dissertation: Data, Model, Inference:
Evaluating Glioma MRI Models on Clinically Informed
Rebekah Weaver, Field of Specialization: Music: Music
Education. Dissertation: Understanding the Professional
Lives and Work of Experienced Music Educators Who
Teach in Multiple Music Classroom Contexts.
Liz Werren, Field of Specialization: Human Genetics and
Anthropology. Dissertation: Molecular Investigation of
Human-Specic Neurobiology: From Cortical Evolution to
Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Zhongyuan Wo, Field of Specialization: Civil Engineering.
Dissertation: Harnessing Buckling to Create Functionality in
Origami Tubes.
Tiana Jasmine Wong, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: Evaluation of Phosphate
Treatment and Long-Term RUNX2 Suppression on
Adult Human MSC Chondrogenesis and Neo-Cartilage
Youjia Wu, Field of Specialization: Physics. Dissertation:
Different Methods to Constrain Dark Matter.
Yaqing Xu, Field of Specialization: Mechanical Engineering.
Dissertation: Data-driven Modeling, State Classication, and
Performance Monitoring of Complex Systems.
Yujun Yan, Field of Specialization: Computer Science and
Engineering. Dissertation: Towards Generalizable Neural
Networks for Graph Applications.
Minzhi Yu, Field of Specialization: Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Dissertation: Development and Analytical Characterization
of Lipid-Based Nanoparticles.
Magdalena Zegarra, Field of Specialization: Anthropology.
Dissertation: Growing Old in the Margins: Care, Social
Abandonment, Death, and Possibility among the Elderly
Poor in Lima.
Jingyi Zhai, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics. Dissertation:
Statistical Methods for Gene Differential Expression
Detection and Cell Trajectory Reconstruction from Single-
Cell RNA Sequencing Data.
Junming Zhang, Field of Specialization: Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Dissertation: 3D Scene
Understanding with Deep Learning.
Ze Zhang, Field of Specialization: Computer Science and
Engineering. Dissertation: Compiler Support for Robust and
High Performance Autonomous Driving Environments.
Yang Zhao, Field of Specialization: Pharmacology. Dissertation:
The Role of SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex
Subunit BAF60a in Vascular Diseases.
Yi Zhao, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics. Dissertation:
Statistical Methods for Replicability Assessment.
Yongwen Zhuang, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: Statistical Methods for
Genome by Phenome Analysis Using Large Biobank Data.
Yixin Zou, Field of Specialization: Information. Dissertation:
Understanding and Improving Consumers’ Adoption of
Online Privacy-Protective Behaviors.
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Computational Discovery and Engineering
Xianghao Chen
Kritika Iyer
Founded in 1841, Anne Curzan, Dean
Bachelor in General Studies
Erick All, Jr.
Torin Alexander Clay
DeAnthony Michael Foster
Madeleine Raine Morrow
Gabriel Newburg
JuanDrago Turner II
Bachelor of Arts
Tiarra Abbott
Sundus Al Ameen
John Luke Albritton
Pedro M. Alfonso
Duaa Wail Aljira
Hussein A. Alkadhim
Sadik Alwahibi
Kaitlyn Marie Anderson
Teondria Mariah Anderson
Christina Marie Andrzejewski
Valeria Adelaida Arredondo
Michelle Ascrizzi
Estephanya Ayala
Ted Baas
Nathan Eric Babcock
Aaron Colber Baker
Thomas Derek Banks
Jack Barshaw
Laurel Elizabeth Baty
Zachary Baumgarten
Joshua Bradley Bay
Cameron Leroy Behr
Olivia Kate Bella
Miles Jonah Berger
Isabella Fern Beshouri
Ibrahim A. Bin-Asadullah
Nicholas Jacob Binno
Jack A. Blomgren
Joseph Gerard Bonglio
Sara Borsodi
Scott Boyd
Milagros Brito
Emily Lauren Brown
Craig V. Buhler
Diego Sanchez Burks
Luke Jonathan Bustamante
Gabrielle L. Byrnes
Sarah Elizabeth Carpenter
Olivia Carter
Sabina Grace Carty
Emmanuel Orozco Castellanos
ElleAnna Casterline
Elle Kathleen Caton
Hina Jay Champaneri
Jiarui Chang
Ni Chen
Sherry Chen
Demarius D. Clemons
Lucas Tremel Cole
Lauren Rae Constantine
Kraig Andrew Correll
Jessica Brooke D’Agostino
Renu Dabak-Wakankar
Susmita Dash
Kareem Sebastian Davanzo
Hanzhu Deng
James Matthew Donini
Benjamin Freedom Doughty
Brendan Michael Doyle
Alexandria Drake
Marie Hayes Dufour
Angelica Eagle
Asahni Mahdyna Eichelberger
Amy Ellis
Cooper Miles Ellis
Kate Fazioli
Katherine Julia FitzGibbons
Sam Folco
Alexandra Bethany Fortune
Alexander David Franchi
Cora Gracie Frankhouse
Benjamin Lucas Gallardo
Maxwell Jacob Gerstein
Christopher William Gilbert
William Goldbaum
Lindsay Jacqueline Goldman
Basha Bess Goldwater
George Edmunds Gotfredson
Grace T. Gottman
Abigail Pinter Grant
Cari Michelle Grifn
Chenxi Gu
Cindy Gu
Yushi Gu
Lauren Elizabeth Gwillim
Jackson Maxwell Hall
Maite Claire García Halliday
Kulsoom Haqqi
Christian Lucas Hart
Lindsey Haughton
Preston James Healy
Lauren Elizabeth Hellman
David B. Henderson, Jr.
Darryl Lamont Herring III
Joi Ivory Holmes
William Dallett Hoopes
Dagan Jareth Houston
Erin Taylor Alessandri Howley
Caitlin Sheridan Hoyng
Susan Huang
Yuqing Huang
Samuel Francis Huizenga
Aaron Ismael Ibarra
Bianca Ivezaj
Vyom Iyer
Sohil L. Jain
Jeongmin Jang
Olivia Jayakar
Shengxiong Jiang
Yi Jin
Aidan James Johnson
Cornelius Alexius Theodore Johnson
Kohlton Kenneth Johnson
Eo Jin Joo
Cassandra Marie Joseph
Jacob Alan Kadans
Joshua Zackary Katz
Damiya Kaul Verma
Trevor Keegan
William Charles Keim
Lindsay Ruth Keiser
Eden Leah Kerker
Mack Khoo
James Taehyun Kim
Katie Kim
Morgan Kim
Stephanie Kim
Felicity Kay Klemz
Liam Alfred Klopper
Hailey Ann Kozuchowski
Haley Corinne Krause
Sara Mackenzie Krebs
Caroline Paige Leary
Claire Haejeong Lee
Tommy Lee
Hannah Joann Lemos
Roseanna Cygnet Lemrow
Maxwell Nile Azzou Lessins
Justin Ross Levine
Dana Katherine Levy
Weiqing Li
Casey Jo Linares
Claire Virginia Maciolek
Sam Madery
Lauren Mary Majlinger
David Joel Mannis
Dominic James Manzo
Juan Pablo Angel Marcos
Cameron Scott Martin
Elise Boulos Mashni
Sadie Jane Mauger
Drew May
Madison Hope McDonnell
Caleigh McGuire
Emma Hope McKillip
Aidan Michael McLaughlin
Jingyi Men
Noa Merry
Mackenzi Gaetano Mier
David Mikkola
Lena Makena Miller
Haoran Mo
Rohan Kumar Mohan
Isabella Marie Morreale
Michael Morris, Jr.
Ali Mroue
Margaret Ella Mulligan
Faith Elizabeth Nash
Bachelor of Arts
Kyle Andrew Nash
Thomas Connor Newman
Logan Marie Paeglis
Jinwoo Park
Sungju Cole Park
Jade Parker
Jack Ryan Parsons
Bradley Trent Pasekoff
Sunayna U. Patel
Logan Robert Payne
Kevin Penev
Rachel Sydney Penn
Collin J. Pennock-Monson
Matthew Dale Percival
Hank Peters-Wood
Angel Denise Phillips
Claudia Grace Pierce
Nikolas Jeffrey Plonski
Kaitlyn Nicole Poe
Ali Portereld
Rachel Qiu
Rithik Rajgopal
Katie Marie Rankin
Samuel Reamer
Jackson Henry Riegler
Lizzie Riles
Elliana Jacqueline Roberts
Cooper Lee Rood
Nicholas James Rossiello
Lucas Ronan Rubin
Isabella Rukaj
Mike Sainristil
Yadira Saldierna
Thalia Sanchez-Rivera
Isabel Nicole Schneider
Luke Taylor Schoonmaker
Vesa Sejdiu
Alexa Brianna Shelton
N’Dea M. Shelton
Tayyaba Noor Sheth
Kaitlynn Stone Sims
Charles Miller Sinder
Jenna Rachel Siteman
Hanna Miller Smith
Madison S. Smith
Mazi Kenson Smith
Spencer Montgomery Smith
Thomas Martin Sophocles
Carlos Eduardo Sosa
Madeleine Sosa
Wrenata T. Sproat
Teagan Michaels Stebbins
Jenny Gayong Suh
Suma Taher
Celsea Dolovi Tanasijevich
Matthew Allen Thomas
Natalie Claire Thomas
Teanna Thomas
Isabel LaBarrie Thompson
James Tran
Camden Fitzgerald Treiber
Emily Patricia VanSickle
James Bryan Varblow
Khushi Verma
Gina Margaret Viviano
Jordan Wadley
Sha Uzzaman Wa
Jingyuan Wang
Drew Waters
Alexander Frederick Wegrzyn
Michael Aaron Weisman
Jon Randall Weller
Kristina Jean Wendling
Charmayne Wiley
Kristian Helen Williams
Madisyn Marie Williams
Emily Catherine Wilson
Zachary L. Winfrey
Benjamin Matthew Wishnie
Nicholas Daniel Wood
Amanda M. Wright
Brianna L. Wyatt
Alexander John Wystepek
Yi Xia
Yang Xu
Yifan Xu
Talia Rose Yaakoby
Xiaoyu Yi
Ian Samuel Young
Allyson Kathryn Zayan
Nikolas Christian Zazula
Hanruo Zheng
Bachelor of Science
Omer Abdulaziz Abdullah
Abhinav Gautam Adari
Yelitzza Aguilar
Zara Ahmed
Rimsha Akhtar
Ali Al-Barakat
Kyle Allen
Hadi Moussa Allouch
Abdulmalik M. Alolo
Jonathan Bryan Alpert
Madison Altman
Alyssa Rachelle Anderson
Liliana Arida-Moody
Lily Zimmer Artz
Ali Attar
Clarissa May Tejero Babila
William Christopher Badour
Zerui Bao
Joseph Rene Batdorf
Natalie Deanna Bayrakdarian
Jack Paul Berens
Yasmeen Berry
Manav Bhatia
Vivienne Blackburn
Connor William Blesy
Abigail Ruby Bojanowski
Sophia Raquel Bonnewit
Fatima Boye
Madison Brand
Graham Gabriel Branton
Peter Brooks
Kayla Elizabeth Bruner
Connor Grifn Burke
Arthur Caldwell V
Erin Michaela Caneld
Chiara Marie Cebello
Chun Wai Chan
Matthew A. Chandra
Danyao Chen
Jeffrey Chen
Tianshi Chen
Chaitanya Chennareddy
Zacharie Chentouf
Adam Edward Childers
Winston Forbes Chloupek
Joshua Michael Namgyu Cho
Thomas Jaehyun Cho
Amy Choi
Taylor Choi
Farzana Y. Chowdhury
Polina Chuikov
Philip James Conway
Kyle Thomas Cragg
Jack Nelson Crandall
Braedon Creal
Tobias Currie
Jennifer Lynn D’Antonio
Christina Lilly Deng
Parker Denton
Gabrielle Dietz
Robert Allen Dilg
Xiaoqing Ding
Isabelle Marie Do
Matthew William Durocher
Nikhil Surya Dwibhashyam
Wesam El-Shaarawi
Alissa Isabelle Elanjian
Adam Erbes
Hanna Eteer
Camryn Morgan Evans-Burm
Connor Daniel Everett
Ahmad Faiyaz
Sarah Maher Fakih
Hezheng Fan
Aaden Holtham Fantom
Jaron Thomas Faulds
Ana Marie Felgner
Vietress Saavedra Feller
Gabriel Sadat Ferguson
Shea Elise Ferguson
Zachary Thomas Fewkes
Bachelor of Science
William James Fielding
Alison Fields
Andrew James Fischer-Garbutt
Lauren Rachel Fisher
Lindsey Rose Fleis
Jalen Cameron Fleming
Anne Victoria Forsyth
William Sean Fortney
Kathryn Rose Franko
Max Thomas Friedberg
Bethany Furness
Emily Regina Gajewski
Justin Alexander Gale
Yuer Gao
Annalise Gemellaro
Wilson Patrick Gipson
Josiah Goga
Pei Ying Goh
Jennifer Goodman
Spencer Grant
Jingfeng Guo
Wenxin Guo
Rahul Gupta
Rhea Gupta
Elijah Amiri Hall
Ja Yoon Han
Yiguang Han
Yufei (Fiona) Han
Andrew Hannoudi
Jenna Hart
Mieke Hailey Hart
Muhammad Mustafa Hashem
Sookyung Heo
Aja Rae Hill
Nameer M. Hirschkind
Hantao Hong
Alexandra Howard
Cole Jacob Howe
Tianxi Hu
Xiaoyang Hu
Catherine Jo Huang
Eric Wilson Huang
Jake Huang
Deanna Hunt
Katherine Grace Hutter
Julia Nicole Janeski
Lily Jankowiak
Rebecca Jean
Runxuan Jiang
Alisa Morgan Johnson
Zane Mckinney Jones
Mehlam Kadwalwala
Brendan James Kailukaitis
Madison Emma Kalter
Nooraldin Kamalaldin
Elina Minseo Kang
Anamika Kannan
Lasya Priya Kapa
Simar Kapoor
Tommy Karadimas
Vanessa Nicole Karagounis
Karlie Ann Kargela
Alexandra Marie Kejbou
John Edward Kelly
Katelyn Ann Kerns
Austin Khalaila
Aleezay Anwar Khan
Ekaterina Kikilo
Ava Jinah Kim
Ha Young Kim
Hae Rin Kim
Leah S. Kim
Nitin Dewan Kinra
Vijay Kodali
Emma Lillian Kominars
Ka Chuen Kong
Joshua Ct. Kooistra
Christopher Alisean Kordyan
Jakub Stanger Kraus
Tessa Rose Kravchenko
Esmee Quinn Kuiper
Kiran Kumar
Samson Kupferberg
Mitchell Ace Kuppersmith
Hannah Melissa Larson
Matthew K. Lau
Lucia Evonne Leonor
Benjamin M. Lesko
Isabelle Levine
Anlong Li
Albert HP Li
Hanning Li
Yiliang Liang
Clement Lim
Yu-Jun Lin
Zhen Lin
Zixuan Lin
Jade Lindenau
Grace Golden Liu
Haoxin Liu
Nemo Liu
Shawn Liu
Yutong Liu
Zixiong Luo
Hoàng S. Luong
Natalie Paige Lyijynen
Sarai Alegria Magallon
Natasha Chipo Makumbe
Anjana Malayarasan
Konrad Malik
Shauna Malik
Bhargav S. Malladi
Jiahang Mao
Dalia S. Marakby
Trenton Jerry Martz
Robert May
Jacob Thomas Mayr
Katie McCombs
Nicholas Alan McLellan
Mikayla Angela Meagher
Joshua Memmesheimer
Scott Daniel Metzger
Evan Sean Meyer
Julian Edgardo Meza
Elizabeth McNeil Michaelson
Samuel Allen Minzey
Rajiv Nair Mirchandani
Nabeel Shahriar Mohammad
Gillian Claire Molzon
Amy Elizabeth Montgomery
Jae Hyun Moon
Courtney Nicole Moore
Ethan Charles Morgan
Amber Morykwas
Michael James Moss
Rachna Munagala
Rayyan Munir
Kaoru Ellen Murai
Olivia Terese Murray
Robert Lloyd Myers
Kasey Ann Neff
Sarah Nicole Newhard
Jin Xin Ng
Andrew Le Nguyen
Alan Ernesto Noé Ponce
Ulysses John O’Donnell
Zephyr Michael O’Donnell
Carly Elizabeth O’Neill
Grifn Scott Olson-Allen
Alivia Joy Olver
Anna Marie Osborne
Dakota Michael Paasman
Dane Wilson Page
Taras Andrew Palczynski III
Akansha Pandey
Malvika Atul Pandya
Helly Rakesh Patel
Kush Alkesh Patel
Kristen Marie Paternoster
Jenna Michelle Peterson
Kathryn Gail Peterson
Hunter Michael Petz
Emma Pinnell
Farah Lynn Pitcher
Matthew Wayne Porter
Nikhil Prasad
Lorryn Elizabeth Preston
Khrystyna Prokopiv
Trinity Aaliyah Pryor
Andrew Jayadeva Puthran
Sarah Rosanna Christina Pyrtek
Mark Qian
Tianjie Qiu
Mingxuan Qu
Mingyu Rao
Naum Raskind
Geeta Rastogi
Nina Reddy
Faith Marie Reger
Jeffrey J. Reidt
Jacob Matthew Repucci
Benjamin Richard
Thiany Chido Riddihough
Yong Lin Roh
Daniel Medina Rolong
Kevin Roy
Bachelor of Science
Brian Miguel Ruiz-Cruz
Abednego Tambah Saah
Nadeed Taaha Sadique
Rohan Saha
Jaidev Karan Saka
Yusra Sannah
Jordan C. Savage
Kylie Jean Schache
Jill Schell
Justin E. Schneider
Tyler James Schneider
Laura Elizabeth Schouman
Benjamin Christopher Schuer
Addison Schultz
Srijani Sengupta
Felix Serlin
Ansh Niravbhai Shah
Pranav Sharma
Sameer Shepich
Mia Elizabeth Sinks
Cara Alaine Skrzycki
Cameron Michael Smith
Madelyn Grace Sonego
David Song
Yurim Song
Lawson Jon Sowa
Anna Rose Spieker
Hannah Victoria Steele
Elizabeth Kaylee Sterner
Silas Rucker Stewart
Zachary Ryan Stone
Halie Nicole Stuhlmann
Zeeshaan Habib Sultan
Angela Lingyun Suo
Teddy Sweeney
Sa-ur-Rahman Mohammad Asim
Hyunjeong Tae
Madeleine Mai-Lynh Tan
Peiling Tan
Tiffany Ji-Yin Tan
Evan Michael Tarian
Taha Teke
Zhixiang Teoh
Emmanuel Lemuel Tettey, Jr.
Advaith Govindrajan Thattai
Anaise Miliama Thomas
Bennett Jackson Thomas
Cam Thomas
Vera Ting
Tyla Brianna Tolbert
Haneen Tout
Manjari Dipesh Trivedi
Jordan Robert Tungate
Alexandra K. Turner
Dereck Michael Turner
Elena Johanna Tzalel
Aayush Unadkat
Chantal Uzoma
María E. Vélasquez-López
Nikith Veluru
Brady Aidan Vibert
Davi Vieira
Chloe Elizabeth Walker
Lu Wan
Anqi Wang
Jeanette Wang
Jizhe Wang
Kai Victor Wang
Wesley Michael Watson
Grace Wei
Alan Wen
Joseph Celmer Wentzel
Jillayne Ruth Wheeler
Alissa Jane Wierenga
Domenick K. Wilson
Lydia Wilson
Julia Rosemarie Woelmer
Abigail Gaynier Wolf
Kathleen Wong
Matthew Wong
Cecilia Woo
Trevor Philip Wood
Kristen J. Worden
Brandon Samuel Wu
Sherry Xia
BingRay Xiao
Haozhi Xu
Michelle Xu
George Yalamanchili
Lanxin Yan
Catherine Yang
Fenghua Yang
Qiyuan Yang
Yueqian Yang
Emily Yao
Tianyuan Yao
Yutong Yao
Siri Yarlagadda
Eashan Reddy Yedulla
Zihong Yi
Haobin Ying
Peter Christian Yousif
Ted Yuan
Ge Zeng
Aaron Zhang
Congkai Zhang
Eric Zhang
Yining Zhang
Huijia Zheng
Annie N. Zhou
Siyan Zhou
Ziyue Zhou
Hangtian Zhu
Huayu Zhu
Xiaoli Zhu
Yuntong Zhu
Bashar Zidan
Rachel Eden Zimmer
Jason Peiming Zou
Autumn Patricia Zwiernik
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Michael Francis DeDecker
David Huang
Bachelor of Arts
Dominic Joseph Coletti
Mickey Johnson
Madison Mila Krumins
Sophie Manon Le Pottier
Coleman Gregory Simon
Allison Marie Trotter-Wright
Bachelor of Science
Anusha Rajashree Kallapur
Sarah Miyoko Kim
Thomas Manett Moffat
Jacqueline Annalise Poma
Leah Elizabeth Viotti-Ziegler
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Afro-Luso-Brazilian Studies
Raquel Vieira Parrine Sant’Ana
Complex Systems
Emily Andrus
Critical Translation Studies
Tariq N. Elsaid
Mason Jabbari
Berkay Uluc
Digital Studies
Jasmine Noel An
Tameekia Imani Cooper
Miranda Miriam García
Grace Elizabeth Wilsey
Greek and Roman History
Joshua Scott
Judaic Studies
Joshua Scott
Shai Zamir
Museum Studies
Eimeel Carolina Castillo Dona
Chad Machinski
Caroline Nemechek
Science, Technology, and
Richard-Andre Bachmann
Allison Rae Bobyak Tyler
Women’s Studies
Selyna Pérez Beverly
World Performance Studies
So Yoon Ryu
Master of Arts
Julian Erich Schultz
Applied Economics
Lian Cao
Xinyi Cao
Xingkun Chen
Wenyu Dai
Ruiyao Dong
Miao Du
Yihan Jia
Trevor Kattenberg
Pierre Lasfargues
Byeongrok Lee
Xiyu Li
Jingjing Liang
Christina Pastoria
Kaiqi Peng
Juan Carlos Portillo Lemus
Xiaoyan Shen
Yiyang Sun
Muyao Wang
Yilin Wang
Hongsheng Wu
Jingwen Xu
Tianxiong Xu
Zhuoqun Xu
Mengru Yuan
Zesheng Yuan
Chuxuan Zeng
Zhongzhong Zhang
Zheng Zheng
Yunfei Zhu
Applied Statistics
Lian Cao
Xinyi Cao
Xingkun Chen
Wenyu Dai
Ruiyao Dong
Miao Du
Yihan Jia
Trevor Kattenberg
Pierre Lasfargues
Byeongrok Lee
Juan Carlos Portillo Lemus
Xiyu Li
Jingjing Liang
Christina Pastoria
Kaiqi Peng
Xiaoyan Shen
Yiyang Sun
Muyao Wang
Yilin Wang
Hongsheng Wu
Jingwen Xu
Tianxiong Xu
Zhuoqun Xu
Mengru Yuan
Zesheng Yuan
Chuxuan Zeng
Zhongzhong Zhang
Zheng Zheng
Yunfei Zhu
Classical Art and Archaeology
Nicholas Cullen
Communication and Media
Valerie Kemp
Tamanna Singh Dubey
Michael Finnegan
Erin Patricia Gibson
Razi Iqbal
Emil Lakkis
Eric Parolin
Mary Angela Quiroga
Gerardo Roberto Sanz-Maldonado
Hiroshi Toma
Germanic Languages and
Erin Olivia Johnston-Weiss
Rhiannon Evan Muncaster
Richard-Andre Bachmann
Ismael Garcia Pardo
Interdisciplinary Program in
Transcultural Studies
Sayanna Roy
Emma Mariah Banchoff
Maya Camille Glenn
Master of Science
Applied Statistics
Lewen Dai
Wenting Gao
Houyu Jiang
Tianyu Jiang
Katie Jiang
Chen Liu
Zixin Lu
Anandkumar Arvind Patel
Elishua K. Shumpert
Cheng Wang
Kailin Wang
Zefan Xu
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Katya Gozman
Faridat O. Agboola
Karis Renee Barnett
Andrew Cruz
William Benjamin Dowdle
Yekaterina Fyodorova
Dalia Mahmoud Hassan
Mami Horikawa
Elizabeth Claire Jaekle
Michela Lynn Maiola
Manon Leyla Nassar
Courtney Marie Peey
Alma Perez
Vaidehi M. Shastri
Jeff Spencer
Wei Sun
Data Science
Shivani Baskar
Yu Chi
Andrea Guan
Katie Jiang
Hareeshwar Karthikeyan
Kunheng Li
Zixin Lu
Vandan L. Patel
Prathik Girish Shirolkar
Xueqing Su
Zhenxi Wu
Yushan Yang
Yunfan Zhou
Earth and Environmental
Jada Nicole Langston
Ecology and Evolutionary
Taylor Renae West
Heitor Anginski Cotosky
Anna Brosowsky
Yichen Ding
Taeyoung Em
Pengrun Huang
Dian Hui Ke
Claudine Margolis
Juan Morales
Sandra Nair
Ekaterina Shchetka
Yi Zhou
Haonan Zhu
Molecular, Cellular and
Developmental Biology
Joyful L. Wang
Leia Barrowes
Joseph Paul Hollowed
Cassandra Elise Little
Kara Renee Mattioli
Raziq Noorali
Liana Rae Simpson
Yang Yu
Savannah Adams
Hanna Jean Carmon
Annika Noel From
Jose Morales Guzman
Danni Hayes
Yiyun Huang
Denise Lynn Jones
Gabrielle Kubi
Rebeca Maxon
Meaghan Pearson
Kristen Marion Schuh
Kari Sherwood
Selena Lam Tran
Jamie Lee Yellowtail
Quantitative Finance and Risk
Lian Cao
Da Feng
Bowen Huang
Kexin Jin
Seth Denver Kelley
Marina Korovkina
Shichun Li
Yueyang Liu
Jinyi Lu
Justin D. Moore
Zachary Alexander Belter Palank
Yingzhi Tang
Dan Wang
Ziyi Xie
Jun Xu
Paramee Yahiran
Sen Yang
Jiutao Yu
Chenhao Zhao
Ziyu Zheng
Haochen Zhong
Simeng Zhu
Founded in 1850, Marschall S. Runge, Dean
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Lingrui Cai
Elizabeth Choe
Renee Frances-Conway Hein
Qianhui Huang
Silin Li
Kelly Hannah Mayhew
Zeqi Niu
Tusharika Rastogi
Chloe Smile Bentley Weise
Cellular and Molecular
Jacqueline Forson
Anthony Robinson
Melissa Rose Seman
Master of Science
Health and Health Care
James W. Stewart II
Microbiology and
Sari Wald Grossman
Bobbie Lindy Paffel
Solai Swetha Ramanathan
Amanda Gregolynskyj
Lauren Grace Rysztak
Olivia Ferro
Xinyi Lu
Gabriel James Stuber
Hannah Mary Thompson
Founded in 1859, Mark D. West, David A. Breach Dean of Law
Juris Doctor
Matthew W. Lafferty
Founded in 1875, Jan Hu, Interim Dean
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Pediatric Dentistry
Zachary Charles Bennett
Chelsea Fullgrapp
Lauren D. Simon
Arianne Sophia Swanson
Kayla Iman Tillman
Chia-En Tsai
Ana Carracho
Krishnapriya Siripurapu
Founded in 1876, Vicki Ellingrod, Dean
Bachelor of Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kara Beth Blackburn
Jillian Hoffstadt
Brian Song
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Integrated Pharmaceutical
Xiaotao Dong
Nishant Sandeep Shah
Medicinal Chemistry
Jonathan Godinez
Founded in 1914, Celeste Watkins-Hayes, Interim Dean
Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy
Laura Veronica Benitez
Kylie Sharon Claxton
Alexander Miles Dumont
Addison Martin Egen
Adam Matthew Grimes
Olivia Kathleen Howard
Aaron Kielm
Leah Marie Leszczynski
Minor in Public Policy
Brock Ethan Boze
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Walter Robert Caldwell
Marshall Colton Eckert
Benjamin Asher Kellman
Master of Public Policy
Public Policy
Alayna S. Brasch
Wenyu Dai
Ruiyao Dong
Haotian Gao
Gage Garretson
Nomindari Gousakoff
Bethany Haddad
Daniel Patrick Hayes
Maximilian Hill
Kate Randall
Joel Andrew Wheeler
Founded in 1915, Alec D. Gallimore, Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Tatiana Bushkova
Braden Robert Callahan
Gabriela Aylin Chia
Eric O. Hersey, Jr.
Sudharsana Kali Lakshminarasimhan
Santiago García Lavanchy
Jongik Lee
Varindra Vinayakam Persad Maharaj
Kaleigh Christine Miller
Jose Brean Montesinos
Jared Thomas Ness
Michael Lee Nordlund
Samuel Allan Osenieks
Reed Hartman Scheinberg
Holly Nicole Van Brocklin
Frank J. Visnadul
Daniel Wilcox
Sebastian Colin Willard
Andy Zhou Cheng Wong
Biomedical Engineering
Ismael Zakaria Assi
Claire Marie Casey
Christian Yvette-Ware DeVaull
Isabel Marie Dziuba
Alec William Eames
Zakhar Frolov
Serena Gupta
Don Malcolm Hua
Seowoo Julie Kang
Rosie Kwon
Marisa Anne Leo
Timon Lwo
Justin Terrell Mason
Fu Yuen Ngai
Rabiah Odumosu
May Thazin Phoo
Joseph Michael Reynolds
Kennedy M. Rogers
Yinghao Wang
Katherine Treat Winslow
Bokyung Woo
Chemical Engineering
Alexander J. Arboleda
Janet Azar
Andrew Nelson Bonar
Brandon Aaron Born
Kenyatte Byron II
Abraham Chmelnik
Seung Yeon Cho
Michael Francis DeDecker
Jason Franchi
Dylan Anthony Herrera
Mohamad Kassem
Joan Lee
Jacob Richard Niesen
Katie J. Sale
Raven Lynn Shilander
Mahek Siwatch
Robert Stewart
Affan Ahmed Syed
Han G. Tran
Haley Westhoff
Michael Imad Zahran
Civil Engineering
Zubaeer Yousuf Akhtar
William Cole Ammerman
Jakob McLean Disbrow
Christopher Bordley Gushée
Gina Marie Kittleson
Alex John Kovacs
Kirill Mojeluk
Claire Elizabeth Smith
Pauline Wu Wang
Leah D. Webber
Climate and Meteorology
Olivia Doty
Aidan O. L. Kingwell
Computer Engineering
Shahad Alsayyad
Kyle S. Belveal
Jean Chang
Trevor Lee Durbin
Nathan Gould
Johnny Jia
Roberts Maris Kalnins
Logan Sue Kibler
Emma Rae Kreil
Lucas Fabian Lorenz
Wes Huesing Mackey
Himaja Motheram
Joshua Nye
Daniel Allen Richardson
Trevor Kennedy Shoudy
Jack Andrew Skupski
Ravi Antonio Somvanshi
Brian Hong Tsang
David Francis Vella, Jr.
Rohaan Valeed Waheed
Menelik Weatherspoon
Andrew Patrick Zaloudek
Computer Science
Pranav Abbott
Zaynab Rifat Alsalman
Justin Appleeld
Rhea Bhakhri
Ashutosh Singh Bhown
Subegh Singh Bhullar
Max Bickers
Brooke Taylor Boyce
Pranav Chaudhary
Rafael Eduardo Chavarria
Marshal Chen
Nikitha Laxmi Chittela
Lilian Emily Chu
Samuel James Cummins
Nick Davis
Casey James DeBiase
Abhimanyu Deshpande
Claire Dodson
Jonathan Alexander Dong
Ishita Goswami
Mazi Maria Gugin
Ashir Gupta
Nicholas Charles Gustafson
Ryan J. Hamby
Luke Michael Harder
Cooper Don Hickmott
Luke Hobeika
Ricky Hong
William Hsiao
Zongxi Huang
John Paul Jepko
Runxuan Jiang
Varun Jindal
Thomas Ju
Mina Kandelchy
Robert Qingchao Kang
Mohammad Rayat Khan
Abdulqader Khidir
Nathan Kim Kubczak
Arya Singh Kumar
Joseph Charles Kurkjian
Allison Kathryn Kwang
Calvin Kwok
Ian Iong Lam
Jake C. Lane
Daniel Lee
Isaac Sum-Hin Lee
Joseph Lee
Sangil Lee
Lukas Sebastian Lemke
Allen Li
Herbert Li
Jett Li
Tonia Li
Jonathan Lin
Alexander Raymond Liu
Wendy Liu
Braden Loughnane
Elizabeth Yi Lu
Vincent Ma
Pedro Madriz-Zepeda
Varindra Vinayakam Persad Maharaj
Ashish Mahuli
Matthew Martin II
Aidan McCarthy
Kaily Metz
Abigail J. Ng
Steven Thanh Nguyen
Cheney Ni
Jordan Nwogu
Derin Ogundairo
Arsh R. Patel
Shivan Prasad
Mohamed N. Qasem
Janidu Vilan Bandara Rathnayake
Andre Rodriguez
John D. Rosner
Quentin Edward Ross
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Computer Science
Nathan Alexander Rossol
Dan Rusca
Hasan Saeed
Zareef Raiyan Safdar
Hannah Marie Salameh
Ashwin Saxena
Sean Scarnecchia
Samay Ghansham Shamdasani
Caleb Shelton
Andrew Shen
Daniel Shim
Marc Socha
Ryan Junho Song
Srihari Srinivasan
Jiayao Su
Darren Michael Tascillo
Drake Therin James Thomas
Spencer Todd
Ryan P. Toth
Nathan Ren-Liang Tsiang
Ramani Tyagi
Drew Raymond Vanderspool
Benjamin Michael Walton
Ann Wang
Darren Wang
Richard Hanteng Wang
Christian Wong
Hubert Wong
Richard Wong
Yuan Xu
Alan J. Yang
Will Yang
Yilin Yang
Eli Shimon Yazdi
Joshua C. Yen
Colin Kennedy Yoon
Chenshu Yu
Evan David Zhang
Forest W. Zhang
Jared Zhang
Zhexin Zhou
Jason M. Zhu
Data Science
Mohamad Daniel Bairakdar
Joseph Allen Brooks
Abhimanyu Deshpande
Matthew Ryan Halpin
Daniel Lee
Herbert Li
William James Morland
Daniel Medina Rolong
Delna Sholapurwalla
Venkata Nikhil Bharadwaj Yadati
Hannah Yingxin Zhou
Electrical Engineering
Maram Alnahhas
Kathryn Ann Beeman
Isaac Bromley-Dulfano
Daniel William Fidler
Michaela Marion Garvey
Alec Christian Greene
Zhenzhen Gu
Julia Jean Hagler
Daniel Mai Li
Qianxu Li
Saaketh Mukunda Medepalli
Nathan Daniel Nohr
Christopher U. M. Okumura
Matthew Joseph Park
Christian Pasca
Caroline Jessica Ross
Sebastian Sulborski
Scott B. Tran
Julio Vata
Colin Edward Wagner
Joseph Anthony Wendt
Bill Wolf
Andy Zhang
Engineering Physics
Jonathan Alexander Dong
Dion J. Li
Environmental Engineering
Sydney A. Brown
Preston Rainier Vargas Dahlen
Rebecca Clover Heaman
Isabella Ann Pedraza
Industrial and Operations
Joseph Boutros
Timothy Breckwoldt
Stephen Daniel Brietzke
Derick Alexander Broche
Geon Cha
Max Richard Fiegel
Jasmine Maranion Glover
Eduardo Torres Gutierrez
John Carpenter Hyland
Elizabeth Zelda Kagan
Catherine Kleehammer Kobetis
David Lee
Juhyun Lee
Ivan Lundstrom-Placencia
Agnes Chakkalamuriyil Mathew
Faizul Miah
Sebastian Muñoz
Marvin Mbogo Mwangi
Vinay Polavarapu
Jack Rosette
Shayaan Siddiqui
Samuel Tirrell
Marcus Haziou Toure
Chia-Jung Tung
Haley Marie Wrona
Materials Science and
Gabrielle Juliet Grey
Nikolai Jeffrey Huotari
Rishabh Satya Kothari
Nicholas McCarthy
Krystal Nicole Quinn
Brianna Roest
Daniela Tavarez
Mechanical Engineering
Yire Ahn
Sajjad M. Ali Khan
Phyllis Amaguin Alinsao
Kathryn Anne Altes
Jacob Michael Babe
Andrew Backer
Christopher Donald Barkey
Aditya Sanjay Bhatnagar
Robert D. Clark
Dave Crisostomo
Julian Axel Daloisio
Tejas Richard DeBolle
Nasser W. Deeb
Charles Henry Gertner
Luke Douglas Grieser
Jae Hee Han
Connor William Charles Harte
Andrew Lawrence Hoelscher
Jacob Bruce Keener
Nathan Kim
Brannon Kincaid
Brian Young Lee
Justin Jonghyun Lee
Chae Woo Lim
Joseph Benjamin Luna II
Lillian Mei
Tess Julia Mello
John Milton
Sabrina Montañez
Sarah Montañez
Derin Ogundairo
Vrunda Harishbhai Patel
Frank Alexander Piesko
Alexandra Danee Roberts
Joseph Michael Self
Jared Michael Shattuck
Andrew Yujie Shi
Arthur Yuxuan Su
Hope Elizabeth Thayer
Nick Tyler Tholen
Cade Mcleroy Wagner
Alexandra Kaitlyn Walker
Grifn Scott Warden
Joseph Gary Williams
Andrew Yin
Jason Yuan
Jason M. Zhu
Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering
Nayah Mo’Nae Daniel
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Nuclear Engineering and
Radiological Sciences
Nathan Philip Piersma
Space Science and
Aidan O. L. Kingwell
Sterling Westwood Martin
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Engineering
Innovation &
Jinit Mayur Gandhi
Aishu S. Giriraju
Gokulakrishnan Jayakumar
Anastasia Karmaniola
Pritha Pal
Shreeyash Vyakarnam
Master in Engineering
Automotive Engineering
Nimmagadda Sree Nigam Aditya
Nitin Chanakya Akkaldevi
Srinivas Anegundi
Rakkappan Baskaran
Ayush Ulhas Deshmukh
Pranav Gokhale
Arihant Jain
Akhilesh Kota
Ishan Kumar
Vikram Kumar Mohanlal Mistri
Drumit Bharatkumar Modi
Shubham Omprakash Patil
Jack Preston Ruskell
Prasad Kashinath Sakat
Aman Shah
Shradha Ankush Shejul
Vinayak Kumar Varma
Qinda Wang
Pranav Rajaram Zirange
Construction Engineering and
Jacob Patrick Nurre
Electrical and Computer
Kunzhe Bao
William Scott Caradonna
Nan Chen
Jinit Mayur Gandhi
Yichen Li
Jiacheng Shi
Kedar Tripathy
Yuyue Tu
Chenyu Wang
Ziyao Wang
Qi Yang
Jeong Hyun Yoon
Molan Zhu
Energy Systems Engineering
Pratik Adibatla
Johnathan Sheldon Beckwith
Abhishek Bhattacharyya
Gregory William Deneszczuk
Karim Mohamed El Nemr
Kartik Hemant Jain
Meredith Jean Jonik
Shyama Maria Jose
Rony Joseph
Vikrant Nitin Joshi
Liam John Kelley
Alexander Douglas Montgomery
Justin Keith Nowosielski
Sriram Seshadri
Sahil Jigneshkumar Shah
Jack Townley Teener
Global Automotive and
Manufacturing Engineering
Bankole Adenrele
Aditi Mahesh Bang
Robert Brandon Buick
Amit Sanjay Chopde
Jeffrey Carmine D’Angelo
Miles David Dougherty
Kevin Matthew Fetty
Vineeth Reddy Gujjula
Devang Anand Kantharia
Jonathan Michael Kline
Yaksh Vinaykumar Patel
Alejandro Perez Ruiz
Huzaifa Moiz Rahim
Besi Rrumbullaku
Dhiral Prafulkumar Sawlani
Jay Hemantkumar Shah
Mohit Ajaysingh Thakur
Manufacturing Engineering
Ravinder Singh Grewal
Kalyan Nimmagadda
Benedict Nuerteye Nortey
Hongcheng Syu
Sumanth Dattu Veda
I Kang Wu
Yang Yan
Space Engineering
Antonina Andrukh
Ernest C. Cheng
Nelvin Chummar Vincent
Ryan Dick
Kieana Fana
Remington Lewis Free
Timothée Galmiche
Tyler Glynn Hudson
Andrew Michael Kelley
Bennett Charles Lawson
Maria Jose Mejia
Matthew Rutkowski
Andrew Juan Sais
Samriddhi Sharma
Nathan Benjamin Smith
Structural Engineering
Chenyu Ji
Systems Engineering and
Matthieu Audet
Ahmad Luay Fadel
Raghav Kumar
Nusha Laleh
Chaithanyasai Paruchuri
Akshat Srivastava
Jamie Lee Wisser
David Wu
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Data Science
Olamide Hammed Animasahun
Xiaotao Dong
Qi Gao
Bingchen Ji
Shivangi Kewalramani
Yichen Li
Yanbaihui Liu
Kamal Shaik
Selena Lam Tran
Shreeyash Vyakarnam
Ben Wang
Dongyao Zhang
Yuan Zhou
Engineering Education
Shannon M. Clancy
Plasma Science and
Mackenzie Elizabeth Meyer
Brandon Kyle Russell
Akash Prafulchandra Shah
Master of Science
Biomedical Engineering
Anna Elise Argento
Megan Cox
Adler Alexander Elliott-Rosenberger
Sai Sirish Gokavarapu
Jinrun Huang
Neha Sara John
Hengle Pan
Chih Hsuan Tsai
Pit Vollmers
Climate and Space Sciences
and Engineering
Ananyo Bhattacharya
Computer Science and
Sean Paul Anderson
Manav Rajesh Bhatia
Pai-Kai Cheng
Sri VikasMallik Cherukuri
Ssu-Hsien Li
Leheng Lu
Andrew McMullin
Shijie Qu
Kevin Christian Rodriguez Siu
Edward Donghyun Song
Clare Elizabeth Speer
Jiachen Sun
Eli Urban
Alex Z. Wang
Tianyang Wang
Yitong Wang
Yunhao Wang
Yuan Zeng
Jiayun Zou
Design Science
Fu-Min Hsiao
Sreeraksha Somashekar
Santiago Forero Vega
Electrical and Computer
Wonjin Ahn
Abdullah Mohammed Alburadi
Abrar Jamil O. Alhazmi
Malik Abdulmohsen M. Almunif
Damon William Anderson
Sanjeeth Reddy Ayanala
Sudharsan Babu Srikanthan
Bhavesh Bareja
Harshal Mahesh Bora
Manasa Buravalli
Haowen Chen
Ruichang Chen
Zhikai Chen
Zhiyang Chen
Meghana Chigurupati
Yongjae Chun
Rohit Damodar
Radhika Dang
Jixiang Ding
Karan Doshi
Ruoxi Gao
Yufan Gao
Paul George
Pingzhi Gong
Vishwas Gosain
Yirou Guo
Zixin Guo
Utkarsh Gupta
Sharanya Rajan Guptan
Ryien Parya Hosseini
Peijun Hou
Xiaofeng Hu
Junjie Huang
Pranav Vaibhav Jaguste
Arpit Jaiswal
Zezhou Jin
Tarun Kumar Kantipudi
Kunal Sunil Kasbekar
Sudeep Siddheshwar Katakol
Isha Khandelwal
Seong Taek Kong
Stefan Kosanovic
Matthew Ryan Lamb
Alexander Kyungmin Lee
Cheng-Lin Lee
Aishan Li
Jun Li
Tingjun Li
Zhongru Liang
Austin Jei Lin
Tzu-Yang Lin
Chengyu Liu
Hongjun Liu
Hongyang Liu
Muyang Liu
Xingyu Liu
Xiyuan Liu
Yanbaihui Liu
Zimin Lu
Riddhi Luthra
Zihang Lyu
Xinyu Ma
Yingkun Ma
Anshuman Maan
Suman Kumar Mallik
Brooke E. Mason
Alin N. Mecwan
Zhaobo Mei
Naomi Kavi Motwani
George Moustakos
Nikhil Nissankararao
Aditya Om
Shubham Parmar
Henglin Pu
Manoj Handithavally Purushothama
Dan Qiao
Haotian Qiao
Dinesh Samuel Sathia Raj
Rohan Xavier Sequeira
Tianyang Shi
Ikhee Shin
Janpreet Singh
Nivedita Sreejeth
Brady Parker Strabel
Mu-Jay Tai
Brandon Kane Tarter
Shrey Rajesh Thakkar
Akshay Tondak
Chia-Ching Tsai
Aishwarya Deepak Unta
Master of Science
Electrical and Computer
Aabhaas Vaish
Eeshaan Kanhaiya Vernekar
Chengcheng Wang
Hanbo Wang
Yuhao Wang
Zi Wang
Ziyan Wang
Luke David Wormald
Xinyi Wu
Tianyuan Xu
Yuanfan You
Benjamin David Young
Yin Yuan
Dongyao Zhang
Jiale Zhang
Mingkai Zhang
You Zhang
Yuqing Zhang
Yuxuan Zhao
Hanfei Zheng
Pengxiang Zheng
Kechen Zhu
Mingyu Zhu
Yongwen Zhuang
Engineering Education
Nagash Clarke
Industrial and Operations
Mingjia Chen
Yuxin Chen
Zequn Chen
Daniel Rodriguez Del Bosque
Laura Noelle Ely
Jin-Yang Hu
Bingchen Ji
Haocheng Ju
Emily Lindblad
Siddarth Pramod Maheshwari
Sharan Manjunath
Maocui Mu
Matthieu Pittavino
Krishna Rao
Mili Dipak Shah
Zishun Tang
Jing Tian
Madison Marie Walker
Xuchen Wang
Xiwei Wen
Shuangwei Yu
Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering
Victor Wilhelm Burguess
Yuning Zhang
Mitry Mark Anderson
Turki Saud Bin Mohaya
Carissa Jo Bush
Luis Cubillos
Rastri Dey
Yuhan Dong
Joseph Drockton
Japmanjeet Singh Gill
Tobias Stephen Ginsburg
Elijah Clayton Hodges
Heming Huang
Michelle Ji
Wan Kei Eric Kam
Christian Leonard
Shih Liu
Amanda Massey
Devin Scott McCulley
José Antonio Montes-Perez
Sairub Naaz
Derek Manuel Fermin Olivares
Mitchell Petrimoulx
Andrea Christine Sipos
Patrick James Tosh
Samuel Hodge Worsham
Man I Wu
Yifan Xu
Kaifan Yue
Xuhao Zhang
Master of Science in Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Jared Amman
Ashwin Anandakumar
Daniel Angkiat
Peter Noah Atma
Sathvik Bhat
Karthik Bijoy
Christopher Bolton
Jackson Joseph Button
Chang-Lin Chen
Adam Hall Childress
William E. Cohen
Alexander Clayton Dove
Sneha Gayen
Scott Eric Goutman
Jacob Michael Hare
Hogan Hsu
Shugo Kaneko
Avery J. Kress
Jasmin Lim
Giuliana Mannarino
A. Westley McMillan
Mitchell Kameha Miya
Pritha Pal
Sidharth Kumar Prasad
Anishraja Rajesh
Swamenathan Ramesh
Anirudh Ranganathan
Kriti Rathi
Forest Daniel Rulison
Erik C. Rutyna
Sabet Seraj
Andrew Warren Mercier Stephenson
Akhil Vinod
Derek R. Williams
Elgan Wu
Jay Jiahui Zhao
Yiqi Zhu
Biomedical Engineering
Jillian Rebecca Cwycyshyn
Tucker Michael Endersbe
Andrew M. Golin
Suraj Deepesh Kholwadwala
Junggon Lee
Basheer Mossallam
Andrew James Rice
Zoe Lynn Vandenberg
Lauren Ashley Wich
Chemical Engineering
Raneem Ahmad
Oluwaseun Akanbi
Sayed Ahmad J. A. S. A. S. H.
LaRue Felder
Haolong Huang
Dasol Jun
Neha Nagpal
Harsh Hemantkumar Patel
Ahmet Sert
Ignacio Jesus Blanco Varela
Civil Engineering
Abdullah A. A. A. S. Alsalmi
Sohini Baddam
Jennifer Patricia Hansen
Xianchen Hao
Sicong Hong
Shijia Huang
Shijiao Luo
David Opland
Jonathan Putnam
Vishwas Ramachandra
Callie Leann Singer
Saiyu Zhang
Yiqun Zhang
Kechen Zhu
Computer Science and
Amani Abdulkader Alkayyali
Julien Nicolas Faro
Tian Gao
Master of Science in Engineering
Computer Science and
Alexander Gedeon
Jack Hong
Sarah Maria Jabbour
Liu Jiang
Neha Rama Kumar
Wei-Chen Tsai
Ryan Yulun Wu
Kailun Xu
Tsai-Lun Yang
Yiwen Yao
Austin Daniel Ye
Kevin Zhang
Wenxuan Zhu
Electrical and Computer
Junhao Cao
Ashmeet Kaur Chandok
Rohan John Chandy
Can Cui
Alec Colin Davies
Camdyn Davis
Ian L. Fan
Pengfei Gao
William Yihao Gao
Daniel Louis Garan IV
Quintin Riley Harter
Skyler Ning-Fong Hau
Po-Chun Huang
Sinan Karabocuoglu
Karthik Karyamapudi
Can Kinik
Srinidhi R. Krishnan
Aman Kushwaha
Hao-Tsung Lee
Rachel Li
Kyle Liebler
Yuang Lu
Joshua Ryan Malasig Magid
Rabellais Dylan Mbomgnin
Brandon Thomas Melton
Sonali Mohanty
Gabriel Patrick Ronan
Matthew Alexander Shannon
Samar Tawk
Hongyu Wang
Zezheng Wang
Mark Christopher Wassink
Jack Thomas Winkelried
Po-Hsun Wu
Alec Xu
Chenhao Yang
Huijie Zhang
Jinrui Zhang
Zikun Zhou
James Zhu
Environmental Engineering
Emilia Ornella Ferme Giralt
Soojung Lee
Sage M. Paris
Leah Mae Pifer
Tarrik Saleh Quneibi
Renata Rae Starostka
Industrial and Operations
Ali Nasser A. Almalaq
Revant Jwalant Buch
Ryan Jordan DaCosta
Jet Deng
Yuchen Du
Tarek El Bsat
Harsh J. Hegde
Gokulakrishnan Jayakumar
Vishal Kamalakannan
Saif Ali Khan
Abhinav Khanna
Anya Kothari
Joshua John Kowalski
Kartik Sriram Kumaravelan
Paptawan Meankere
Arun P. Palaniappan
Baibhav Kumar Panda
Keira Qiu
Abhishek Ramachandran
Kamal Shaik
Jonathan Beltran Sim
Aurea Carmen Siu
Cindy Leigh Stuch
Amit Tiwari
Abraham Tony Jo
Lavya Upadhyay
Shreeyash Vyakarnam
Xuening Wang
Albert Wei
Rui Yin
Qian Zhang
Xiaojie Zhou
Macromolecular Science and
Lauren Genevieve Duke
Shuo Zhang
Materials Science and
Ahmad Matar Abed
Pin-Chieh Chiang
Meng-Hsun Lee
Alex Shaw
Wei-Ting Tseng
Mechanical Engineering
Sanjay Bharati
Praneet Nallan Chakravarthula
Pin-Han Chen
Pinhan Chen
Matthew Choi
Sakshi Dayal
Joe Drallmeier
Augustus Krull Egan
Jun Fan
John William Hauck III
Farhan Javed
Dillon Kelly Jobes
Shivastu Kartik
Devon Patrick Kelly
Yujia Li
Adolfo Medellin
Alondra Michelle Ortiz Ortiz
Bindal Priteshkumar Patel
Julia Kate Rifkin
Apoorva Roy
Shaurya Sarna
Sai Nischay Shakelly
Ming Shao
Pranjal Shiva
Connor Jay Steffens
Steven Teguhlaksana
Jian Tu
Ana Laura Rivero Valles
Lakshmi Arpita Vamaraju
Aaron C. Villiger
Jiaqi Wang
Weiyue Wang
Zhenting Wang
Shutian Wu
Ray Dongkun Yang
Yiwei Yang
Yuxuan Ye
Huijie Zhang
Shi Zhang
Yuning Zhang
Zixiao Zhang
Qiwei Zhao
Zihan Zhou
Chenyi Zhu
Jiaye Zhu
Yifan Zou
Nuclear Engineering and
Radiological Sciences
David Jonathan Trimas
Founded in 1921, Elizabeth Birr Moje, Dean
Bachelor of Arts in Education
Sundus Al Ameen
Ky Minh Do
Maya Victtoria Green
Zoe Hebert
Bachelor of Science Education
Jesse Gorham
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Learning Experience Design
Hann Cheng
Master of Arts
Educational Leadership and
Cody Comerford
Autumn C. Eberly
Clara Modlin
Ariana Powell
Kayla Nicole Wagner
Educational Studies
Hann Cheng
Sarah R. Collins
Xuechan Dai
Chong Du
Wanqi Feng
Leah Kanost
Leon A. Mason, Jr.
Harmeet Kaur Saini
Estrella Raquel Salgado
Takuma Terada
Kaitlynn Nguyen Vo
Hye Ri Yang
Yichi Zhang
Higher Education
Maya Abbott-Smith
Aide Guadalupe Aguirre
Sam Anderson
Imani F. Barnes
Byron DeMarco Brooks
Kari Beall Conley
Berenice Alejandra Cabrera
Olivia Callahan
Michela Luisa Corsi
Anna-Jo Marie Duval
Emily Laura Freeland
Ane Makana O’Kalani Holland
Chris Hung
Karoline Elizabeth Inman
Nabeela Jaffer
Madison Jeffrey
Devin Deánte Johannis
Christina LaShawn Kelly
Julie Lim
Jennifer C. Lopez
Lauren Elizabeth Lopez-Mauer
Kimberly Nguyen Ly
Caitlyn Marchand
Jeannie Guthrie Marks
Laura Largo Marsh
Madison McCann
Sarah Elizabeth Meer
Kayleigh Elaine Merz
Khan Nguyen
Nneka Nwabueze
Jordan Min Peyton
Joy Ikea Richardson
Shiksha Sneha
Jordan Stevens
Emma Martine Thomas
Allison Kay Uy
Caryn Rebecca Wilson
Kierstyn Worthem
Rachel Zhang
Shuai Zhou
Founded in 1924, Sharon F. Matusik, Edward J. Frey Dean of Business
Bachelor of Business Administration
Justin Appleeld
Anuar Baisynov
Nick Davis
William Ju
Rayyan Munir
Joseph Michael Self
Noor Sheikh-Khalil
Delna Sholapurwalla
Venkata Nikhil Bharadwaj Yadati
Master of Business Administration
Samuel Walter Ashley
Grace Brevart
Yvon Brousseau
Madison Brown
Sean Ryan Cannady
Ian Cody Comerford
Leah Marie Craft
Mackenzie Dallas
Abhijit Jagdish Deshpande
Laura Dyer
Jess Halter
Andrew Richard Horne
Vidit S. Jain
Liza Kameen
Alexis K. Kantaris
Kyle J. Kasten
Brian Francis Kilkelly
Jacqueline Jou Kim
Alli Lesovoy
Christopher C. Li
Nathan David Lohrmann
Brad William Lorant
Maxwell George Miller
Jeremy New
Ronald Robert Nicklaus II
Ling Nie
Jessica Palffy
John Pontillo
Bryce Jarrod Rajabian
Diane Alexandra Simunek
Jason Smullen
Jordan Stewart
Chad Michael Teven
Ramen Tieu
Evangelia Caroline Tzelios
Patrick Lawrence Jackson Van
Siqin Wei
Nolan Woodle
Master of Management
Katelyn Marie Boisvert
Dylan S. Elmer
Kendil G. Johnston-Tinsley
Master of Supply Chain Management
Melissa Leigh Warshauer
Founded in 1927, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Samuel A. Graham Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Thomas Derek Banks
Jack Barshaw
Isabella Fern Beshouri
Renu Dabak-Wakankar
David Brian Henderson, Jr.
Samuel Francis Huizenga
Felicity Kay Klemz
Hannah Joann Lemos
Juan Pablo Angel Marcos
Madison McDonnell
Molly McKenna
Benjamin Rose Levine
Bachelor of Science
Joseph Rene Batdorf
Sophia Raquel Bonnewit
Aaden Holtham Fantom
Lindsey Rose Fleis
Natalie Paige Lyijynen
Robert May
Scott Daniel Metzger
Thomas Manett Moffat
Dane Page
Addison Schultz
Cecilia Woo
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Santiago Forero Vega
Clara Kate Zeder
Master of Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture
Yunfan Zhou
Master of Science
Environment and
Frances Dominique Arthur
Katelyn Marie Boisvert
Yvon Brousseau
Sean Ryan Cannady
Sarah R. Collins
Mackenzie Dallas
Theresa Dowker
Laura Dyer
Isha Goel
Jess Halter
Blake Evan Heidenreich
Vidit S. Jain
Kyle J. Kasten
Jordan James Larson
Alli Lesovoy
Nathan David Lohrmann
Chad Machinski
Christina Pastoria
John Pontillo
Diane Alexandra Simunek
Jason Smullen
Jack Townley Teener
Mingyu Wang
Melissa Leigh Warshauer
Nolan Woodle
Founded in 1929, David A. Gier, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Joshua Cho
Michael Ngan
Bachelor of Fine Arts
ElleAnna Casterline
Musical Theatre
Allison Grace Bell
Performing Arts Technology:
Computer and Information
Sam Smith
Performing Arts Technology:
Natalie Campbell Bogert
Bachelor of Music
Music Education:
Thomas Liborio Bonasera
Tesslynn Maria Lauer
Bella Soledad Villasenor
Music Education: Choral
Leslie Anne Meloni
Performance: Bassoon
Benjamin Richard
Performance: Saxophone
Jordan C. Savage
Performance: Trumpet
Thomas Liborio Bonasera
Jonathan Mitchell Fontan
Bachelor of Musical Arts
Multidisciplinary Studies
William Ju
Performance: Voice
Brock Ethan Boze
Luca Ronan Rubin
Theodore Sweeney
Bachelor of Science
Jackson Thomas Carroll
Alec C. Greene
Logan Kibler
Master of Music
Chamber Music
Elle Marie Crowhurst
Alexandria Marguerite Ott
Jack Walter Smid
Salvador Flores
Jordan Eric Rattner
Performance: Bassoon
Marissa Dory Honig
Performance: Cello
Benjamin Albert Maxwell
Performance: Clarinet
Elle Marie Crowhurst
Alexander James Gutierrez
Michelle Ho
Performance: Saxophone
Salvador Flores
Performance: Trumpet
Jack Walter Smid
Performance: Violin
Alexandria Marguerite Ott
Performance: Voice
Anthony Jule Larson
Mario Melone
Performance: Wind
Alex Harrison Toth
Specialist of Music
Performance: Viola
Stuart Carlson
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Arts
Music Composition
Grey Grant
Founded in 1931, Jonathan Massey, Dean
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Sean Michael Carraway
Madhumita Krishnan
Michael Ngan
Master of Architecture
Jacob Patrick Nurre
Haoyu Zhou
Master of Urban Design
Khalid Khairi MB Aburajab
Zhilin Cai
Chengqian Chen
Jiawei Ding
Devendra Hemant Dugad
Senmiao Guo
Quan Li
Bhavna Madappa
Shreya Nambiar
Tejas Saiyya
Dongdong Shu
Jason Minh-Phuc Tran
Tanner Blake Vargas
Kejie Wang
Wenyuan Zhang
Yiru Zhang
Zhaoqi Zhu
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Healthy Cities
Helen Susan Seddelmeyer
Master of Urban and Regional Planning
Urban and Regional Planning Bryant F. Hepp
Founded in 1941, Patricia D. Hurn, Dean
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Anne Joseph
McKenna Lambert
Crystal Lilly
Madeline McAdams
Jeana Park
Kaitlyn Pelton
Eddie Villavicencio
Master of Science in Nursing
Adult-Gerontology Acute
Care Nurse Practitioner
Kristine Vitug
Leadership, Analytics and
Melissa Barrow
Matthew Steven Brand
Joslyn L. Brenner
Maeher Grewal
Kayley Martin
Ashley Patterson
Jessica Perion
Stacia Potempa
Catherine Pugh
Heather A. Rufn
Ashley White
Tatiana Wishinsky
Kevin Wu
Founded in 1941, F. DuBois Bowman, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Tayebah Chowdhury
Bachelor of Science
Ryan Anthony Lawson
Graduate Certificate
Health Informatics
Sereen Kallerackal
Injury Science
Brandon C. Bond
Michaela Murphy
Maternal and Child Nutrition
Liz Baldwin
Public Health Genetics
Bridget Blevins
Risk Science and Human
Connor Vandivier
Social Epidemiology
Frances Mary Dean
Master of Health Informatics
Health Informatics
Abdul Haris Ibrahim
Sarah Kim
Yihan Li
Master of Public Health
Frances Mary Dean
Adam Ressler
Health Behavior and Health
Emma Abed
Bridget Blevins
Brandon C. Bond
Allison Fritsch
Mac Murphy
Davon Wheeler
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Clinical Research
Elizabeth Voss Joyce
Founded in 1951, Beth Angell, Dean
Master of Social Work
Emma Abed
Anjelica Rachel Abraham
Mickey Agoglia
Stephanie Patricia Aguayo
Tahani Hussain S A Al-Shamari
Mariam Chopohn Alamshahi
Emily Amherst Andersen
Breanne Aquilina Armstrong
Grace Katherine Atchison
Rosa Jazmin Avilez-Martinez
Diana Azad
Blair Baker
Catherine Alison Bargerstock
Caroline Bartholomew
Chelsea Leia’Louise Benedict
Samantha Jayne Bessette
Alexander Jerrod Black
Alexandria Nicole Bly
Master of Social Work
Carson Phillip Bolinger
Brandon C. Bond
Becca Bordner
Jade Bowen
Katlin Brantley
Tess Brieva
Anna Ruth Brunson
Starr Isabelle Bryan
Nicholas Steffel Buckingham
Katelynd Dakota Burd
Mason Bushnell
Lindsay Ann Calka
Karla Roxanna Carrillo
Haley Carter
Mikayla Grace Carter
Natalie Che
Jiaxuan Chen
Madeline Chen
Sylvia Chen
Caressa Chester
Anusha P. Chudhry
Rossi K. Clark
Monique Alysse Cloutier
Rachel Starr Cortez
Michaela Leone Cosand
Joshua Costa
Kayla Rose Cronan
Katie Czarnik
Lauren N. Dandridge
Samhar Daoud
Matt Dargay
Druanna Marie Darling
Rawan W. Darouiche
Arie Davey
Elizabeth Dávila-Ferrall
Acacia S. Davis
Arianna Davis
Taylor Diane DeJulia
Jamie Diaz
Kasey Madelyne Downing
Alicia Nicole DuBois
Elizabeth Marie Einig
Kaitlyn Cheyenne Ender
Evonnia Elizabeth Evans
Mackenzie Christine Fee
Aaron J, Fillmore
Megan Fordon
Dalia Catherine Fragoso
Rachael Hannah Freedman
Allison Fritsch
Erin Gaines
Samantha Elizabeth Ganzak
Amanda J. Gareffa
Jasmine Imari Garrett-McNair
Sarah Dawn Gibson
Aishu S. Giriraju
Alana Hope-Levy Goldstein
Tanya Yaretzy Gomez
Megan Elizabeth Gougeon
James Macgregor Anthony Gray
Kelly Renee Gryniewicz
Alicia Renee Hadley
Kimberlee Joy Hall
Quentin R. Harris
Stephen Herrod
Markus Issac Hicks
Julian Ho
Hadley Huff
Matthew Hutchinson
Ella Imes
Aiman Irshad
Marni Jacobson
Brittany Jerzowski
Sierra Johnson
Kayla R. Jones
Kayla Lynn Kane
Anastasia Karmaniola
Mia Kato
Jacqueline Jean Katt
Hasna Kazi
Bailee Michelle Kiel
Yune Hie Kim
Charlotte Cameron Knipp
Julia Knowles
Alexa Dare Krug
Katie Kurnick
Joseph Kuzminski
Zoe Suzanne Larkins
Marisa Rose Launstein
Lisa Michele Lawson
Alison Lee
Leslie J. Leong
Katie A. Lingle
Sara Livingston
Janelis Lopez
Hannah Rose Lunsford
Rachyl Lyons
Madison Rae Markwardt
Katy Martinez-Osorio
Nicole Michele Massoud
Isabelle Matossian
Ryan C. McLean
Delaney Elizabeth Menoher
Leland Merrill
Nicole Ashley Merriwether
Sariah Janise Metcalfe
Ryan Miller
Maya Mokh
Lauren Melissa Morgan
Julia Walpole Moss
Mac Murphy
Natalie Nasr
NaKara Denise Neely
Rachel Katherine Netz
Jack O’Connell
Kristin Lilyanne Orrach
Rosemary Santos Pal
Olga Panteleeva
Madison Shay Petersen
Rogjett Peterson
Michele Reske
J’Melia Nefertiti-Hart Richardson
Ronald A. Riekki
Spencer Lee Rogers
Lydia M. Rohde
Meg Christina Royer
Jake Aaron Rubin
Alison Russell
Lauren B. Sandtveit
Patrick Chrobry Schaefer
Sarah Nicole Schornack
Hillary Schroeder
Gabrielle Denyer Walton Schwartz
Helen Susan Seddelmeyer
Amber Venae Silva
Sean Kieran Brennan
Cera D. Smart
Emmary Lynn Smith
Frances Mary Dean
Abigail Margaret Spatafora
Allison Nicole Spiller
Anika Kylee Sproull
Emma Strange
Delaney Tabucchi
Kimberly Tkaczyk
Jordyn E. Tovey
Hayley Katherine Trombley
Elena Katherine Van Loo
Alexis Marie Vatterott
America Vicente
Ellyse Leandra Vogel
Carly Lynne Wagatha
Seaira Lauren Gathoni Wainaina
Kaylee Sue Wasco
Alyssa Renee Waters
Sierra Jade Weavil
LeeAnn A. Whaley
Davon Wheeler
Eliana Patrice Whitehouse
Kayla Wiitala
Yvonne Lilian Winer
Leah Bayle Wittenberg
Xizi Yan
Isabella Katharine Yzerman
Emma Layne Zichi
Kristen Zylka
Founded in 1956, Debasish Dutta, Chancellor
Bachelor of Applied Science
Jody M. Basso
Letesha L. Cunningham
Trisha Keller
Kylee R. Marth
Bachelor of Arts
Melissa R. Aalbertsberg
Calvin W. Adams
Wafa A. Alwageeh
Angelica C. Anaya
Harrison D. Bacon
Madelyn M. Baldassarra
April G. Bartle
Eleni J. Batsios
Emily J. Bell
Jina J. Bhagat
Renita R. Broome
Elexis M. Burton
Amy M. Childers
Rachael H. Clay
Emily R. Coe
Courtney A. Criner
Gary D. Cripps
Shbeib P. Dabaja
Hawley S. Dixon III
Devon M. Frazee
Kay-lee E. Fuller
Giovanni R. Galdoni
D’Angelo L. Gillespie
Kayla R. Goldner
Daviana M. Greer
Izzy L. Guertin
Guinevere B. Hammond-Stone
Melissa Z. Ibrahim
Megan N. Jonas
Maiya H. Kaufmann
Dean P. Kromer
Christina LeGrow
Aidan M. Mathis
Alex M. Maxwell
Zachary R. McIntire
Alannah S. Mitchell
De’Andrea M. O’Neal
Megan K. Patterson
Lexi E. Peterson
Julia R. Popler
Lydia M. Powell
Patrick B. Sambaer
Jenifer L. Smith
Keonia C. Thompson
DeNauja J. Tiner
Levi N. Todd
Marwah Tuleimat
Joshua T. Walters
Blaze J. Whitsitt
Alexiss G. Woodard
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Stephanie A. Chisnell
Bachelor of Music Education
Julia G. Abel
Bachelor of Science
Maysaa Abdelrahman
Jinan Abou khodor
Sarah R. Alkiek
Haley E. Andrews
Catherine M. Aucompaugh
Brittany A. Baldwin
Ashley Bertschy
Shelby L. Biscorner
Blake R. Burgess
Brittney B. Butcher
Maxwell H. Buxton
Levi M. Castonguay
Jazlynne K. Cathey
Kyle D. Clarke
Joseph V. Cooper
Nathaniel J. Cordova
Nikolas J. Davis
Alexis R. Dodgin
Logan E. Dowell
Brad A. Dyer
Ghaith S. Elian
Mandy K. Foster
Grace A. Fritzler
Brianna M. Fuller
Adam T. Gabriel
Alexia M. Ghazi
Cassidy M. Goyette
Jessica M. Hang
Heather Hannon
Joseph R. Harris
Leah M. Hart
Mariann W. Hayek
Ashley M. Herrell
Randy D. Herron
Joshua N. Hickey
Capri C. Hoge
Abigail Houser
Samantha Hubbard
Larissa E. Kohn-Magee
Cason A. Konzer
Mayson T. Lance
Sam A. Lazar
Mark A. Lifsey
Emily R. Long
Makayla P. MacDonald
Viineeth Manam
Cassie K. Marentette
Karina Marin
Ricky C. Marsden
Kelsey Martin
April Mayeur
Daniel J. Mayhew
Joseph McAuliffe
Kayla McFadden
Bachelor of Science
Mariana M. Arambula Mercado
Krysten Mere
Ryan Michael
Shanna L. Miller
Ali C. Morse
Elizabeth Nelson
Katherine R. Nickels
Avery R. Offer
Jenna R. Poole
Brittany N. Potter
Kaitlyn M. Powell
Acier R. Rodriguez
Carmelle-Arianna Rozanski
Jacob R. Runnels
Batoul Sbeiti
Aubrey J. Scharrer
Thomas H. Schlosser
Amena Shukairy
Matthew W. Smith
Trinity A. Smith
Gabby Stephens
Michael J. Stubbert
Shelby L. Sutter
Kozon-G D. Thomas
Alona Tucker
Tanner K. Tuttle
Hannah VanDuinen
Kayla L. Vines
Emily E. Warner
Doren K. White
Kortney S. White
Certificate (Undergraduate)
Jina J. Bhagat
Master of Arts in English Language & Literature
Amanda K. Seney
Master of Science in Biology
Angela C. Lewis
Master of Arts in Social Science
Michael A. Schunot
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies
Jennifer L. Liversedge
Master of Public Administration
Malcolm A. Cottle
Alyssa J. Molnar
Christopher S. Rowley
Kudirat A. Shittu
Carrie S. Spencer
Ahmad Ziadeh
Bachelor of Science
Haley A. Burnett
Emily A. Cobleigh
Kendeja E. Cureton
Lindsey C. Dotson
Saharra M. Harris
Ayrianna R. Jones
Brandi R. Morgan
Carissa M. Patterson
Jessica A. Pumfrey
Jillian M. Schmuck
Angela S. Sintery
Alayna K. Wuestnick
Bachelor of Social Work
Jason S. Becerril
Doctor of Education
Precios M. Armstrong
Kate G. Harmon
Mercedes E. Harvey-Flowers
Ja’Nel L. Jamerson
Kendra S. Katnik
Tim J. McAboy
Master of Arts in Educational Technology
Mike Lorenc
Jaimie Meyers
Master of Arts in Education TCP
Christian K. Mansour
Brad M. Sharpe
Master of Arts in Literacy Education
Taylor L. Idoni Adriane G. Koehne Jennifer Woehlke
Bachelor of Science
Jenna N. Baker
Zoe K. Baxter
Noelle M. Cool
Adam P. Didluch
Tia L. Evans
Emma G. Ford
En’Dea S. Haygood
Evaett A. Hudson
Diana M. Jones
Mark A. Judd
Remington A. Miller
Kala Murphy
Jennifer M. Oskey
Ashlie R. Pulford
Jordan E. Quandt
Amanda R. Sikorski
Ashley E. Smith
Kaylah L. Thelen
Kylie M. Tyler
Hope D. Vines
Sharie D. Williams
Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy
Gary D. Bates Jr.
Andrea Fodchuk
Kristin M. Hydon
Heather L. Ledford
Andrew Marshall
Christy J. Meda Prakash
Carla L. Steingold
Julie R. Wilson
Master of Public Health
Darlynn Darko
Brittany D. Denam
Jessica J. Lee
Amanda L. Parker
Maria A. Pyland
Mark J. Pyland
Hannah L. Ruble
Amy S. Thompson
Jamie G. Wright
Stephanie M. Zawacki
Master of Science in Health Care Management
Chamari Alexander
Jada M. Davis
Beth MacDonald
Angela N. Margaritis
Angela Prush
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Gargi D. Chokshi
Hannah K. Huber
Mackenzie A. Petersen
Kevin L. Young
Bachelor of Science
Noah J. Abrigo
Jared J. Adams
Batool Almasbah
Sara Alouh
Ali M. Alyami
Evan S. Bessette
Brenna Brunell
Devon S. Christman
Marco A. Colonna
Aaron L. Dennis
Lancine J. Doumbia
Zehao Feng
Grant F. Finn
Skylar J. Garner
Justin C. Hitt
Alexander P. Joitke
Akilah A. Jones
Colton V. Kilbreath
Parker J. McComas
Amy N. Parks
Ravi B. Patel
George Reichert
Landon M. Rollins
Justice A. Scott
Khurram Shaque
Matt F. Thames
Collin A. Tift
Corey J. Vancura
Jason M. VanTol
Kayla M. Ward
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Ali M. Alayashi
Ali A. Alghawi
Mustafa Alghawi
Ahmed S. Almomen
Montadar A. Alqurain
Tawney A. Bergeron
Ryan M. Bray
Brad A. Fredericks
Joshua A. Gray
Zachary E. Hibbard
Timothy J. Humphreys
Caden T. Johnson
Connor M. Mitchell
Lucas Mohrbach
Joshua M. Monosmith
Chad J. Mrdeza
Lance J. Mucha
Caden C. Pifer
Ryan P. VanSlyke
Kyle J. Verhelle
David Walt
Master of Science in Computer Science & Information Systems
Yusuf Korkmaz
Huyen N. Tran
Bachelor of Business Administration
Hussein A. Alghawi
Thomas J. Allen
Hana Alnounou
Dalal S. Alosaimi
Jessica R. Barrett
Fatos Berisha
Madelyn M. Bloomeld
Edwin J. Bredick
Katie E. Christopher
Alyssa L. Clapp
Shelby C. Conrad
Michael Cronshagen
Collin L. Csintyan
Liza M. Derey
Olivia A. Doyle
Bachelor of Business Administration
Jacob T. Exum
Michael D. Fini
Tony R. Hathaway
Danielle L. Hoffman
Destiny A. Holley
Carter J. Holmes
Katrina T. Horan
Kelsey L. Huff
Airiel I. Jabiro
David J. Jackson
Tyler E. Jamison
Alysha M. Johnson
Brandon R. Joyner
Jennah S. Khirfan
Ashley R. Koerner
Jeffrey M. Kosmalski
Abbey M. Kuhn
Meghan C. Ledford
Kelly E. Luther
Joseph D. Manick
Brittney N. McFadden
Garrett M. Meagher
James K. Michael
Peyton Nixon
Bryson D. Nugent
Nicole N. Parker
Lucia M. Qazaha
Michael G. Rinoldo II
Alexander M. Robinson
Ebony M. Roman
Charles E. Ross
Zachary P. Rowe
Luke Schlanderer
Breanna C. Simmons
Gerald C. Sims
Ryan D. Southwell
Alexander V. Stevenson
Aurora Swank
Sade T. Taylor
David L. Vang
Loran H. Wasik
Bailey J. Williams
Emily Williams
Certificate (Graduate)
Jeffrey Conklin
Cedric H. Scott
Kaylin A. Smith
Master of Business Administration
Natasha J. Baig
Jessica A. Bailey
Torriah D. Bates
Lexie Coppens
Cristiano da Luz Coimbra
Alexis E. Damouni
Sara B. Elmore
DeMarcus R. Garrett
Tayler R. Hemmes
Erik E. Hohman
Jinesh John
Siri Chandana Kolli
Danielle E. Lesko
Randi L. Lewis
Angel S. Mendez
Sarah Miller
Eun Ji Nam
Kellie C. Nash
Alaina D. Noble
Jared A. Ralph
Ursula Ray
Julius T. Rogers IV
Tushar Sharma
Kaylin A. Smith
Shaikh M. Sohail
Debie Thao
Randy Treece
Jennifer J. Williams
Ron Williams
Jonathan M. Wilson
Flora Wu
Master of Science in Accounting
Beth A. Albrecht
Cody F. Alexander
Skyler Bednarick
Lexie Coppens
Kimm A. Flynn
DeMarcus R. Garrett
Zachary A. Jones
Melanie A. Kless
Amber M. Kosha
Joshua T. Legant
Sandra M. Maxey
Sarah Miller
Alesha M. Smolinski
Jacob J. Thibeault
Jennifer J. Williams
Master of Science in Leadership and Organization Dynamics
Bishr A. Al-Dabagh
Nicholas I. Custer
Mahnoor Munir
Alaina D. Noble
Shaun D. Scott
Lemma B. Shomali
Reva M. Spikener
Gennois R. Wiggins
Tonya M. Wright
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Hailey E. Abro
Alfonso Alcantara
Fatema Aldroubi
Michael W. Allsop
Joe M. Amberg
Naomi C. Amey
Paula J. Barron
Mia M. Bennett
Heather L. Bethune
Michelle L. Blackburn
Raeanne L. Blackburn
Cheyenne Bradford
Jillian P. Brandon
Cailin E. Bridges
Kelsey A. Bruno
Katie L. Byrne
Haley R. Camargo
Connie M. Champine-Derocher
Alana E. Chapman
Brita M. Cowell
Jacob S. Danek
Kelsey J. Dobis
Katlyn M. Drexler
Jessica S. Dymowski
Emily Eisenbeis
Natalie J. Ellis
Dayna N. Finley
Jennifer M. Fraley
Graysen Q. Fulbright
Alanna M. Fullmer
Kayli J. Gandara
Juan C. Garcia
Trevor Gates
Irina Gridean
Maggie M. Gromaski
Noel Patrick D. Gutierrez
Adrian E. Hair
Shannon E. Harrison
Zeinab Hawy
Sarah Haycock
Olivia Herig
Breanna N. Hitsman
Russell W. Holdwick, Jr.
Shaun S. Jackson
Natalie M. Jeffrey
Keirstin M. Jenkins
Makalia L. Jenkins
Lana Jevtic
Jessica A. Johnson
Adam J. Joyner
Taylor M. Kane
Tiara L. Kantola
KiJuan D. Kelly
Allison N. King
Jaclyn A. King
Katherine M. Kinney
Kayla N. Koester
Samantha L. Koral
Sydney M. Krenz
Heath M. Lamb
Haley A. Lauria
Regina B. Long
Amy L. Marek
Daniel A. Mathai
Madeline R. Mathenia
Emily A. McCarty
Maddy L. McCormick
Jackie M. McNiel
Vanessa E. Meads
Claire A. Meyer
Amanda L. Milkowski
Molly Minnick
Nicole R. Moline
Jessica A. Moralez
Brian T. Niebel
Taylor S. Pace
Mariame Dee P. Panse
Rita E. Pardy
Elise R. Pariseau
Jessa A. Parks
Ashley C. Peck
Erica M. Perry
Allison G. Petts
Emma Phillips
Rachel J. Platt
Vita L. Pruitt
Dayna N. Ratashak
Joseph A. Reitano
David E. Reyburn
Elizabeth A. Rhodes
David A. Rutherford
Nicholas J. Schindler
Anne E. Schulte
Katie M. Sharp
Allison P. Sheffer
Amy L. Sherman
Alana I. Siemen
Madison L. Sills
Danielle B. Smith
Megan A. Snyder
Allison Sommerfeldt
Doris A. Stacy
Larissa S. Stenzel
Miranda M. Stephens
Samantha I. Stern
Macyn G. Stevens
Brodi N. Tobolski
Jennifer Toreli
Micaela R. Trevino
Shinda R. Turbeville
Amie E. Turner
Mallory Turner
KiRah Tyus
Ebuka C. Unobagha
Chelsea M. Warga
Cody Washinski
Melanie J. Wogaman
Bri A. Woolwine
Jennifer D. Young
Drew M. Zahm
Abigail L. Zmijewski
Certificate (Undergraduate)
Katlyn M. Drexler
Amanda L. Milkowski
Amy L. Sherman
Danielle B. Smith
Certificate (Graduate)
Magdalena L. Balan
Aurora Case
Jennifer L. Mercer
Cindy K. Norscia
Jori Reigle
Genci Shkembi
Thao B. Tran
Master of Science in Nursing
Katy Keith
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Aubrey P. Alfano
Nissrin Barade
Angela Y. Bowman
Julia S. Cherrone
Sara B. Elmore
Nicolas A. Fedirko
Melinda S. Garner
Paige N. Goulette
Amy M. Griswold
Katrina Hobson
Thi H. Le
Scott R. McGillivray
Tamekia R. Nash-Walls
Kyle J. Nordstrom
Dorris N. Nwamba
Chimerebere M. Okafor
Alyssa L. Pechta
Jolanda M. Price-Yancy
Katie L. Riddle
Valerie V. Riggins
Erik M. Riley
Jennifer L. Shaffer
Takesha Thornton
Carissa J. VanDerWoude
Michelle A. Van Elsacker
Mary Yun
Founded in 1959, Domenico Grasso, Chancellor
Bachelor of Arts
Hadeel R. Abdelkader
Yaqeen A. Abdullah
Hoda Hassan Ahmad
Zahraa Al-Beedani
Garam Ali Aljahmi
Ahmed Raad Alnasir
Umalbanin Bassim Al-Tiwainy
Tasneem Alzayadi
Ahmed Ayoub
Walker M. Barnes
Alex J. Bartos
Timothy D. Batt
Jalal Ibrahim Baydoun
Nader Baydoun
Naji Ali Baydoun
Mariam Moussa Bazzi
Sharifa Haidar Bazzi
Gary M. Bennett
Grace Bielski
Faith Jean Billinger
Mark John Evans Boyanowski
Noah Michael Brannon
Arlissa Marie Brock
Brendan Michael Buccini
Andrew Buendia
Constance J. Burroughs
Brandon Michael Carrauthers
Matthew John Catoni
Jacqueline Louise Chapman
Chanelle H. Cheaytelli
Nicholas James Chinn
Chavon Clarice Cobbs
Takira Darcel Coleman
Kailee Michelle Corr
Zachary James Cruz
Sara A. Damo
Raneem Moin Daoud
Thomas G. Deneau
Rahmatoulaye Diallo
Kayla M. Dicks
Phoenix Sky DiMauro
Briana C. Dugan
Zach Kamel Elagamy
Miah Sun Ernst
Cierra Marie Evans
Nadine I. Farhat
Shane W. Fugate
John S. Gonek
Amani Hamadi
Jack T. Haman
Mohamad Hamka
Noor G. Hammad
Elijah Hanschu
Tynnetta Rebecca Harris
Yasmine Hussain Hazime
Christa Elizabeth Hooper
Irma Gisel Jaramillo
Dayne Alan Johnson
Allison Faye Jones
Penny Lyn Kane
Anaya Khalil
Hussein Khalil
Kristine Elizabeth Korzeniewski
Nicholas J. Lawrence
Erica Grace Lesher
Melina Theresa Losek
Shahad Luaibi
Jayson Ali Macek
Hairaty Mahamadou Alhassane
Donna Majed
Hassan Mohamed Marwani
Hala M. Masoud
Ryan Anthony Masson
Mohammadali A. Mazloum
Marcie Marie McConnell
Keyonna Patrice McCray
Lauren Elizabeth Milia
Joshua Ardawan Misho
Madalyn Mosallam
Kawthar N. Mousa
Christina Marie Naylor
Mathieu Steven Nordstrom
Vincent A. Nowak
April Ann Nudell
Victoria Danielle Onan
Sophia Sara Ortiz
Shermin Delilah Otero
Kathryn Janae Palmer
Tudor Cristian Pester
Bachelor of Arts
Giovanna Piza Del Rio
Rachel Lynn Rains
Aleah Nicole Roman
Maria Del Rosario Rosas
Sara Christine Roza
Erika Paige Schiffer
Michael J. Schmelter
Hanan H. Shahit
Brittanie Sharp
Safeer Ahmed Siddiqui
Evan Davis Siemasz
Nathan Douglas Switala
Michael Donald Thomas
Renee’ Sinclair Thornton
Ashley M. Tufts
Crystal Annette Turner
Antonio Alexander Ward, Jr.
Aaron Ryan Weisman
David Patrick Werk
Mason M. Werlinger
Zeena R. Whayeb
Jasmine White
Daniel L. Williams
Timothy Wimbush
Katherine Noelle Wys
Justin Thomas Yax
Maya Joelle Yazbek
Bachelor of General Studies
Wayne Richard Jarrett
Bachelor of Science
Batoul Mohamad Awada
Ali H. Beydoun
Lacey Joan Bishop
Mark John Evans Boyanowski
Benjamin P. Braden
Aya Talal Chahine
Kara Elizabeth Coleman
Baylee Renae Collins
Hicham M. El Ali
Hassan El Ghoul
Salina Millcent Halime Elitawi
Megan Brianne Faulkner
Adam E. Ferris
James L. Gaecke
Cassandra Gorges
Karli Greizis
Emily A. Gruenwald
Rachel A. Gumpper
Mira Ghassan Hajhassan
Andrew James Henry
Ali A. Hjaige
Brandon Robert Hutchison
Dean Johnson
Aya Naim Khanafer
Aaron M. Kuehn
Veeru Naidu Kunapareddy
Khitam Salih Mahdi
Ayah Ali Ramadan
Maya Saab
Nesreen Hassan Saad
Aya N. Salim
Obaidah F. Shaherli
Zaakia Fathima Siddique
Michael R. Solomon
Nicholas A. Sowizral
Princess-Rry’al Shellby Novought
Hailey Leanna Standifer
Mohamed Wahidi
Bruce A. Wilkie
Master of Public Administration and Policy
Rachel Hammer Coy
Master of Science
Criminology and Criminal
Bryan Matthew Pyszk
Environmental Science
Archana Nagarajan
Harmony Lynn Ward
Selen Atak
Founded in 1969, Elizabeth Yakel, Interim Dean
Bachelor of Science in Information
Najmin Ahmed
Eric Joseph Andrews
Anuar Baisynov
Emily Daryn Bass
Addison Aliya Bassock
Muamer Bektas
Sydney Lynn Bruce
Kara Burke
Seungyun Cha
Maya Lynn Chalker
Malana Jin Chan
Yiyang Chen
Bachelor of Science in Information
Lydia Suang-Suang Cheng
Alexander John Cotignola
Senait Dafa
Ruma Deb
Emily Frances Dershowitz
Brenna Christine Doyle
Kaeli Marie Fish
Orli Noa Forster
Courtney Ann Fortin
Margeaux Fortin
Nia Gray
Noah Gustafson
Justin Matthew Halper
Grace Elizabeth Hurley
Loren Andrea Jacobs
Theodore Perry Kardasis
Michelle Elizabeth Karls
Insun Kim
Nicholas Ketchum
Alok Manish Kothari
Sarah Latto
Dustin Lee
Jacob Leslie
Charles Thomas Logan
Hope Mao
Benjamin Millunchick
Chloe Minieri
Joshua Mollison
Tara Selin Moore
Edwin Mui
Ashley Nicole Newman
Summer Thanh Truc Nguyen
Emma Kate Nisbet
Nikolas Manual Palafox
Ewelina Papiez
Kaleb Maurice Parker
Brooke Samantha Powning
Jessica Blake Rakowski
Benjamin Joseph Riela
Natalie Sangkagalo
Jade Shepherd
Madeleine Elizabeth Singh
Olivia Charlotte Sterling
Dhiraj N Tadikamalla
Sayako Wakabayashi Takai
Nate Tran
Jennifer Lynn Tsai
Simone Bess Liss Turner
Isabella Lena Valice
Timothy Yu-Shyuan Wang
Gillian Wasserman
Lauren Elizabeth Watsky
Samuel James Winter
Katelyn Isabelle Wolberg
Angela Maria Young
Master of Applied Data Science
Robert Nagi Abader
Ojan Are-Anbarani
Kathryn Andrews
Mitchell Norman Burke
Corbin Shea Cahalan
Beatriz Cabrera
Qing Chang
Lindsey Grace Ching
Collin Gregory Clifford
Damon Clifford
Michael Benjamin Daly
Amanda Davis
Minxin Dong
William Scott Dougall
Rania Mohamed Sherif El-Shenety
Chih-Yu Fang
Christopher Fiore
Austin Craig Geary
Frederic Alain Gigou
Christine Gregg
Ezgi Gumusas
Yin-Chen Hsu
Alison Huang
Kim Hyunwoo
Sylvester E Ikpa
Ryan Jacob Jimenez
Urvi Joshi
I Chen Kao
Andre Kleber
Charles Gregory Knox
Michael Kozma
Erik Lang
Rodolfo A Layedra
Chieh Lee
Alexander Levin-Koopman
Wenyuan Li
Narendra Shrikant Madurkar
Yi Mao
Trevor Mitchell Mccalmont
John Ryan Mcnally
Scott Frank Miketa
Joshua Michael Nacey
Mel Nguyen
Srilekha Sikhinam
Timothy Strebel
Rajesh Thannikunnath Panchu
Ariane Rose Troschinetz
Robert James Underhill
Malarvizhi Veerappan
Arthur Cho Ka Wai
Julien Weinstein
Matthew Zachary Wiese
Suwasit Wittayawijug
Henry Cheuk Sang Wong
Master of Health Informatics
Abdul Haris Ibrahim
Sarah Kim
Yihan Li
Jacob Dale Parry
Master of Science in Information
Samuel Osei Afriyie
Ali Ali
Qinchi Chen
Ssu-Ying Chen
Rui Ding
Alyssa Joyce Downs
Sidra Effendi
Shijie Gao
Roberto Guzman-Lozano
Muhammed Daniyal Hamid
Sereen Kallerackal
Norman Khan
Qingyan Li
Xinton Li
Yaoqi Liao
Yinglun Luo
Christopher Pena
Megan Rigney
Nikita Sridhar
Karin Stratton
Yingying Tang
Chenyun Tao
Tong Wang
Yue Wang
Yuxin Wang
Yi Wu
Linsa Varghese
Cathy Xu
Ziqi Yang
Jing Zhang
Yanfei Zhao
Yiting Zheng
Ziming Zhao
Founded in 1976, Carlos Jackson, Dean
Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design
Amelia Hansen
Insun Kim
Michelle Mikyung Kim
Sabrina Isabelle Kliza
Reyne Kyan Lesnau
Jenny Gayong Suh
Megan Elizabeth Young
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Design
Marisa Elise Dengate
Jumana Ahmad Elkahlah
Ryan Espitia
Diana Deyanira Galicia Heredia
Coyne Bailey Gatto
Mariah Parker
Founded in 2008, Lori Ploutz-Snyder, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Sport Management
Ali Bazzy
Oliver J. Bral
Zhuowen Chen
Thomas Forlenza
Timothy John Fox
Tyler Hopping
Ethan Zelmanovici Jesselson
Samuel Jay Kaplan
Jack Moore
Mitch Ossowski
Ryan Hieu Pabreza
Caleb Rex Muller Posner
Michael Gabriel Redlinger
Dominic Shipp
Andrew James Spiewak
Gillian Mariah Thorp
Bachelor of Science
Applied Exercise Science
Jada Elizabeth Binder
Christopher Calvin Flonoury, Jr.
Madison Alexa Mariani
Collin Michael Takas
Movement Science
Eden Nycole Buell
Robert Nickolas Burridge
Jonathan David Guarisco
Inaki Rodriguez Jugo
Kyuri Kim
Charlie Wenzhe Lu
Dahvi Foster Lupovitch
Sadie Jane Mauger
Ryan Joshua McCurry
Jodi Gita Motlagh
Isabel Francesca Pencyla
Abhisek Amarnath Pusty
Sruti Ramamoorthy
Jordan Natasha Raschi
Emily Lynn Roopas
Arianna Joy Stadler
Tanner Thomas Trenary
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Physical Activity and
Kathryn A. Maurer
Devon Van Rensburg
Master of Science
Athletic Training
Emily Joyce Miller
Jenna Bethany Miller
Emily Kate Marie Norscia
Lindsey Noel Rehmer
Justin Wagler
Movement Science
Yu Chen
Kathryn A. Maurer
Henna Mutahr
Devon Van Rensburg
Sport Management
Henry Zhehao Chen
Joseph Willliam Pace
Qi Tao
Justin Matthew Vagnozzi
Olivia Vaughn
Brandon Lee Veal
Tong Zhang
Yunke Zhang
August 2022
The following is a list of candidates granted degrees in August 2022.
Founded in 1912, Michael J. Solomon, Dean and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs–Graduate Studies
Doctor of Musical Arts
Brian J. Allen, Field of Specialization: Music Performance.
Dissertation: Golden Age of the Violin.
Joonghun Cho, Field of Specialization: Music Performance.
Dissertation: Summary of Three Dissertation Recitals.
Gala Flagello, Field of Specialization: Music Composition.
Dissertation: THE BIRD-WHILE a Concerto for Solo
Flute, Clarinet in Bb, Violin, and Cello, and Symphonic
Winds Commissioned by Hub New Music.
Alissa Marie Freeman, Field of Specialization: Music
Performance. Dissertation: A New Liberation: Reviving
the Piano Literature of Classical-Era Women Composers
through Online Teaching Resources.
Forrest Howell, Field of Specialization: Music Performance.
Dissertation: Bourdieusian Frameworks Applied to Topics
in Piano Pedagogy.
Matthew Robert Koester, Field of Specialization: Music
Performance. Dissertation: Summary of Dissertation
Yi-Hsuan Lee, Field of Specialization: Music Performance.
Dissertation: Summary of Dissertation Recitals Three
Programs of Solo Piano Music.
Kathryn Marks, Field of Specialization: Music
Performance. Dissertation: Three Dissertation Horn
Stephen Mitton, Field of Specialization: Music
Composition. Dissertation: Amphigories.
Allison Marie Nicotera, Field of Specialization: Music
Performance. Dissertation: Three Dissertation Bassoon
Jie Ren, Field of Specialization: Music Performance.
Dissertation: Summary of Dissertation Recitals Three
Programs of Solo Piano Music.
Emily Salgado, Field of Specialization: Music Performance.
Dissertation: Summary of Dissertation Recitals: The
Coexistence of Two Worlds, Mirrors, Well Behaved
Women Seldom Make History.
Natalie Renee Sherer, Field of Specialization: Music
Performance. Dissertation: Summary of Dissertation
Recitals: Three Programs of Collaborative Piano
Philip Solomonick, Field of Specialization: Music
Performance. Dissertation: Piano Performance
Doctor of Philosophy
Harsh Agarwal, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Charge Transfer of Transition
Metal Ions for Flow Battery Applications.
Alexander Aguayo, Field of Specialization: Comparative
Literature. Dissertation: (De)formations of the “I”:
Contemporary Black Women Poets of the Americas.
Marisa Elizabeth Aikins, Field of Specialization:
Pharmaceutical Sciences. Dissertation: Nanoparticle-
based Immunotherapeutic Strategies to Target Acute
Myeloid Leukemia and Cancer Stem Cells in Melanoma.
Rasha Mohammad Alahmad, Field of Specialization:
Information. Dissertation: Articial Intelligence and IT
Identity: Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of
Human-Machine Integration in the Workplace.
Abdulrahman Abdulaziz Alaqeel, Field of Specialization:
Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dissertation:
Phenomenological Study of Radar Scattering at High
Millimeter-Wave Frequencies in Support of Autonomous
Matthew W. Alemu, Field of Specialization: Public Policy
and Sociology. Dissertation: Better Than My Father
or Better Than His Absence: An Exploration of the
Inuence of Absentee Fatherhood on the Minds and
Lives of Disadvantaged Black Men.
Aliya Alimujiang, Field of Specialization: Epidemiological
Science. Dissertation: A Comprehensive Evaluation of
Life Purpose, Psychosocial Wellbeing, and Mortality.
Faris Abdulmoti R. Alsolamy, Field of Specialization:
Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dissertation:
Cylindrical Vector Beam Generation Using Spatially-
Dispersive, Mode-Converting Metasurfaces.
William Argiroff, Field of Specialization: Environment
and Sustainability. Dissertation: Fungal Community
Composition Regulates Fine Root Decay: Implications
for the Cycling and Storage of Carbon in Terrestrial
Maria Aristizabal-Ramirez, Field of Specialization:
Economics. Dissertation: Essays in International
Maris Arthurs, Field of Specialization: Physics. Dissertation:
Radon Reduction and the First Science Results of the LZ
Esra Ascigil, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Afliative Responses to External Stress in
Farzad Asgarian, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Low-Power Low-
Error Wireless Sensor Network for Health and Usage
Monitoring Systems.
Elham Asghari Adib, Field of Specialization: Molecular,
Cellular and Developmental Biology. Dissertation:
Investigating the Role of DLK Signaling in Synapse Loss
Inammation and Cell Death.
Mazin Assanie, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Learning General
and Correct Procedural Knowledge in a Cognitive
Christina Athanasouli, Field of Specialization: Applied and
Interdisciplinary Mathematics. Dissertation: Analyzing
Perturbations of Sleep-Wake Dynamics Using Bifurcation
Theory and Circle Maps.
Edmond Akugbire Atindaana, Field of Specialization:
Microbiology and Immunology. Dissertation: High
Throughput Analysis of Integrant-specic HIV-
1 Expression Patterns, Persistence, and Latency
Anton Avanceña, Field of Specialization: Health Service
Organization and Policy. Dissertation: Alcohol-Related
Liver Disease in the US: Projections of Future Burden
and Economic Evaluation of Pricing Policies.
Doctor of Philosophy
Noora Hussein Abdulrahman Ba Sunbul, Field of
Specialization: Nuclear Engineering and Radiological
Sciences. Dissertation: Novel Developments and
Applications of Dosimetry in Radiation Therapy
Zhitong Bai, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Defect Evolutions and
Mechanisms of Structural Materials under Extreme
Environments by Energy Landscape-based Atomistic
Emanuele Bardelli, Field of Specialization: Educational
Studies. Dissertation: Early Career Teaching Supports,
Instructional Growth, and Employment Decisions.
Justin Asay Barney, Field of Specialization: Classical
Studies. Dissertation: Plato and Aristotle on the Efcacy
of Religious Practice.
Sergio Gael Barrera, Field of Specialization: American
Culture. Dissertation: Fraternal Masculinities: Dancing,
Performing, and Queering Brotherhoods.
Madeline Rose Barron, Field of Specialization:
Microbiology and Immunology. Dissertation:
Investigating Bacterial Intestinal Colonization Through
the Lens of Systems Biology.
Mikayla Barry, Field of Specialization: Nutritional
Science and Epidemiologic Science. Dissertation: Food
Insecurity in Relation to Eating Disorder Risk Factors and
Symptoms Among U.S. Youth.
Shivam Barwey, Field of Specialization: Aerospace
Engineering. Dissertation: Data-Driven Modeling of
Compressible Reacting Flow Using Hardware-Oriented
Megan Behrend, Field of Specialization: English
Language and Literature. Dissertation: The Latinity
of Middle English Literature: Form, Translation, and
Will Beischel, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Gender Pleasure: The Positive Affective
Component of Gender/Sex.
Finn McLafferty Bell, Field of Specialization: Social Work
and Sociology. Dissertation: Marginalized Food Growers
in a Changing Environment: Tracing Collective Survival
Michael Kevin Bellas, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Energetic Materials and Oxygen Balance:
Noncovalent Synthesis with Oxidizers.
Sujeet Suresh Bhoite, Field of Specialization: Molecular,
Cellular and Developmental Biology. Dissertation:
Mechanistic Insight Into the Role of Gut Bacterial
Functional Amyloids in Modulating α-synuclein
Secil Binboga, Field of Specialization: Architecture.
Dissertation: Scaling the Region: Visuality, Infrastructure,
and the Politics of Design in Cold War Turkey.
Shantonio Winston Saint Birch, Field of Specialization:
Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: Thermoelectric
Transport in Disordered Materials.
Cameron Blocker, Field of Specialization: Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Adaptive
Regularization for Inverse Problems in Imaging.
Rebecca Marie Bloom, Field of Specialization: Asian
Languages and Cultures. Dissertation: Pictures to Live
By: Uncovering an Iconography of the Tibetan Buddhist
Monastic Code.
Hannah Marie Bolder, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays in Health Economics.
Morgan William Bolger, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: The Effect of Diabetes on
Perilacunar Composition, Mechanics, and the Osteocyte
Lacuno-canalicular Network.
Robert Edward Bonsall, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Electrochemical Reductive Stability of Self-
Assembled Monolayers on Transition Metal Electrodes.
Kelley Borton, Field of Specialization: Nutritional Sciences.
Dissertation: Does Size Matter? Cross-sectional and
Experimental Data Examining Disordered Eating Risk
Factors and Anti-fat Attitudes in the Online Body
Positivity Movement.
Hayley R. Bowman, Field of Specialization: History.
Dissertation: Ineffable Knowing: Sor María de Jesús de
Ágreda in the Early Modern Spanish World.
Lia Bozarth, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Pitfalls in Popular Misinformation Detection
Methods and How to Avoid Them.
Taylor A. Bramlett, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Investigation of Non-Covalent Interactions
in the Solid-State and in Solution Phase.
Emily Briggs, Field of Specialization: Pharmaceutical
Sciences. Dissertation: Integrated Exposure-Response
Analyses of Dupilumab in Pediatric, Adolescent, and
Adult Patients with Atopic Dermatitis.
Max Apollo Bright, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Fast Algorithms for
Long-Range Wave Propagation over Complex Terrain.
Duc Bui, Field of Specialization: Computer Science and
Engineering. Dissertation: Assessment of Privacy Risks in
Mobile and Web Applications/Services.
Johanna Buschhaus, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
Regulate Functional States of ER+ Breast Cancer Cells.
Andrew Thomas Cadotte, Field of Specialization: Applied
Physics. Dissertation: Self-Assembly and Real-Space
Modeling in Binary Hard-Particle and Quasicrystalline
James A. Caldera, Field of Specialization: Business
Administration. Dissertation: Essays on Macroeconomic
Policy and the Prices of Financial Assets.
Katharine Campbell, Field of Specialization: History of
Art. Dissertation: Creating the Composite: Combinatory
Artistry and the Notion of Style in Antwerp, c. 1510-
Meghan Marie Capeling, Field of Specialization:
Biomedical Engineering. Dissertation: Dened
Culture Environments Create an Improved Human
Intestinal Organoid Model System to Study Intestinal
Jack Harrison Carlisle, Field of Specialization:
Mathematics. Dissertation: Equivariant Complex
Cobordism and Geometric Orientations.
Doctor of Philosophy
Alexandra Katherine Carlson, Field of Specialization:
Robotics. Dissertation: Intelligent Deep Data Generation
in 2D and 3D.
Grifn Scott Cearley, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering and Scientic Computing. Dissertation:
Analytical and Computational Techniques for Fluid
Flows Interacting With Intense Radiation Fields.
Filipe Cerqueira, Field of Specialization: Microbiology
and Immunology. Dissertation: Biochemical Features of
Resistant Starch Degradation by Ruminococcus bromii.
Minjeong Cha, Field of Specialization: Materials Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Application of Data-
Driven Analysis to Chiral Nanomaterials and Surfaces.
Sieun Chae, Field of Specialization: Materials Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Theoretical Discovery
and Experimental Synthesis of Ultra-wide-band-gap
Semiconductors for Power Electronics.
Chun-Yu Chen, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Context-Aware Detection
and Resolution of Data Anomalies for Semi-Autonomous
Cyber-Physical Systems.
Yixuan Chen, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Development of Cu2Se-
based Multifunctional Semiconducting Materials with
Hierarchical Structures.
Yuxin Chen, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Operando Analysis of Li
Plating on Graphite Anodes During Fast Charging.
Chu Chen, Field of Specialization: Biophysics. Dissertation:
Quantitative and Mechanistic Studies on the Spindle
Assembly Checkpoint in Human Cells Reveal the Origin
of Its Sensitivity.
Sha Chen, Field of Specialization: Earth and Environmental
Sciences. Dissertation: A Journey from Partition
Coefcients in Melt Inclusions of Lunar Samples
to the Prediction of Vibrational Modes Under High
P/T Conditions and the Thermodynamics of Sulde-
mediated Redox Reactions in Sediments.
Xienan Cheng, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays on Information Economics.
Kristi Alexis Chin, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Relationships are More Than Skin Deep:
Associations Between Testosterone, Relationship Quality,
and Prosocial Behavior.
Vishnu Samadhan Chipade, Field of Specialization:
Aerospace Engineering. Dissertation: Collaborative Task
Allocation and Motion Planning for Multi-Agent Systems
in the Presence of Adversaries.
Heeryung Choi, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: SRLA: Self-Regulated Learning Analytics.
Christopher Ian Choi, Field of Specialization: Molecular
and Integrative Physiology. Dissertation: Metabolic
Regulation of Longevity by Flavin-containing
Monooxygenase 2.
Jae Eun Choi, Field of Specialization: Cancer Biology.
Dissertation: PIKfyve Alters Dendritic Cell Function and
Antitumor Immunity.
Jae Do Choi, Field of Specialization: Business and
Economics. Dissertation: Essays on International
Economics and Economic Growth.
Glen Chou, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Safe End-to-
end Learning-based Robot Autonomy via Integrated
Perception, Planning, and Control.
Kenneth Chung, Field of Specialization: Environmental
Engineering. Dissertation: Data Fusion, Hedonic Pricing,
and Blockchains: Lowering Investment Barriers for
Sustainable Infrastructure.
Grace Chung, Field of Specialization: Health Service
Organization and Policy. Dissertation: Comparative
Effectiveness and Economic Evaluations of
Anticoagulation Strategies in Patients with Left
Ventricular Assist Devices.
Anne Carol Clark, Field of Specialization: Sociology.
Dissertation: Internalizing Achievement Inequality:
The Development of Racial/Ethnic Differences in
Mathematics Attitudes and Their Implications for
Persistence in STEM.
Marissa Cloutier, Field of Specialization: Genetics and
Genomics. Dissertation: Novel Cell Intrinsic and
Extrinsic Mechanisms of X-chromosome Inactivation.
Anoff Nicholas Cobblah, Field of Specialization: English
Language and Literature. Dissertation: The Work of
Playful Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain.
Robert Cochrane, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Tensor Ranks and Norms.
Gary Collins, Field of Specialization: Aerospace
Engineering. Dissertation: Adjoint and Acceleration
Methods for Projection-based Reduced Order Modeling.
James Lester Collins, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Harnessing Imine Photochemistry for the
Synthesis of Important Building Blocks.
Natacha Comandante Lou, Field of Specialization:
Biomedical Engineering. Dissertation: A Systems
Approach to Overcome Tumor-cell Heterogeneity in
Drug Response: Metrics and Mechanisms.
Tameekia Imani Cooper, Field of Specialization:
Comparative Literature. Dissertation: Ancestors and
Algorithms: Ethnocomputing AI with African & African
Diasporic Heritage.
Jaron Marshal Gabriel Cordero, Field of Specialization:
Economics. Dissertation: Toward Cooperative Altruism:
Essays on the Foundations of Altruistic Economics.
Mercedes Maria Corredor, Field of Specialization:
Philosophy. Dissertation: Expressing Emotions for Sex
Ryan David Crawford, Field of Specialization:
Bioinformatics. Dissertation: Computational Methods for
Large Scale Analysis of Microbial Genome Evolution and
Application to Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens.
Ralph Robert Crisci, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Molecular Understanding of Antifouling
Surfaces and Surface Passivating Materials.
Caroline Crockett, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: How Students
and Algorithms Learn to Filter: Investigating Students’
Understanding of Signal Processing Concepts and Bilevel
Methods for Learning Filters for Image Reconstruction.
Xiaofan Cui, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Control, Modeling,
and Design Towards Higher Performance Energy
Doctor of Philosophy
Yifan Cui, Field of Specialization: Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Dissertation: Er:ZBLAN Fiber-based Ultra-
short Pulse Generation, Amplication and Wavelength
Tuning in Mid-IR and LWIR.
Shannon Maureen Danforth, Field of Specialization:
Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: Human Prediction
and Robotic Lower-Limb Prosthesis Planning for Safe
Perturbation Recovery During Motion.
Jathan E. Day, Field of Specialization: English and
Education. Dissertation: Extension, Engagement, and
Agency: Canvas as a Network for the Writing Classroom.
Mateus de Freitas Virgilio Pereira, Field of Specialization:
Aerospace Engineering. Dissertation: Constrained
Control for Load Alleviation in Very Flexible Aircraft.
William Dean, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Spectroscopic and Microscopic
Characterization of Heterogenized Molecular Catalyst
Zihao Deng, Field of Specialization: Materials Science and
Engineering and Scientic Computing. Dissertation:
First-Principles Calculations on the Thermodynamic and
Electronic Properties of Defective Semiconductors and
Semiconductor Alloys.
Nicholas S. Denomme, Field of Specialization:
Pharmacology. Dissertation: Neuropharmacological
Studies of Sodium Channel-linked Developmental and
Epileptic Encephalopathies.
Jon Denton-Schneider, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: History and Human Capital in Developing
Chris Dessert, Field of Specialization: Physics. Dissertation:
Indirect Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard
Julio Eduardo Diaz, Field of Specialization: Nuclear
Engineering and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation:
Radiation Transmission Imaging Applications for Nuclear
Reactor Systems.
Nicolas Alfredo Diaz, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Total Synthesis of Diterpene
( )-Aspewentin A via a Michael/Aldol Cascade.
Peter Emil Dillery, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Rigid Inner Forms Over Function Fields.
Katherine More Dimmery, Field of Specialization: Asian
Languages and Cultures and Anthropology. Dissertation:
After Words: Writing Worlds in 21st-Century China.
Robert Doherty, Field of Specialization: Neuroscience.
Dissertation: Developing an Isoform-Specic Knock
Out Mouse to Investigate the Roles of Non-Canonical
Signaling by ErbB4 In Vivo.
Michael James Dominguez, Field of Specialization:
Applied Physics. Dissertation: Analysis of the Coupled
Electron and Nuclear Spin Systems from Optically
Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in GaAs.
Tianshu Dong, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: High Density Carbon Fiber
Array Assembly Machine for Brain Electrophysiological
Yabin Dong, Field of Specialization: Environment and
Sustainability and Scientic Computing. Dissertation:
Modeling Based Approaches to Assess the Sustainability
of Cold Chain (Refrigerated Supply Chain).
Xinyang Dong, Field of Specialization: Physics and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: Numerical Methods
for Two-particle Fluctuations and Real-time Dynamics of
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems.
Monika Doshi, Field of Specialization: Health Behavior
And Health Education. Dissertation: Effects of the
2016 US Presidential Election and Racialized Policing
on Mental Health among Latinx in Connecticut by
Documentation Status: A Mixed Methods Research
Project Integrating Findings from Electronic Health
Record Data and Patient/P.
Gabrielle Alyssa Dotson, Field of Specialization:
Bioinformatics. Dissertation: 4D Nucleome-Guided
Cellular Reprogramming.
Hailey Lynn Dotterer, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Developmental Risk Factors and
Neurocognitive Functioning of Antisocial Behavior and
Callous-Unemotional Traits.
Tanner Jeffrey Douglas, Field of Specialization: Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Common-
Aperture Dual-Polarized Transceiver Antenna Systems
for Millimeter-Wave Polarimetric Radar.
Weizhi Du, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: High Energy Pulse
Amplication in Mid-IR Range Using Er:ZBLAN Fibers.
Rong Duan, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Ultrafast Dynamics of Vibrational Polaritons
Probed with 2D-IR Spectroscopy.
Harley Jane Dutcher, Field of Specialization: Psychology
and Women’s and Gender Studies. Dissertation:
Dispersion of Values: A Discursive Examination of
Attitude Self-report Item Designs.
Louis Meyer Edelman, Field of Specialization: Aerospace
Engineering. Dissertation: Physics and Modeling of
Quasi-Steady and Forced Shock Trains.
Martha Katherine Epperson, Field of Specialization:
Educational Studies. Dissertation: The Neoliberal Promise
of English: A Comparative Case Study of Representations
of English in Vulnerable Schools in Chile.
Reginald Christopher Evans, Field of Specialization:
Chemical Engineering. Dissertation: Computational and
Experimental Design of Therapeutics and Diagnostic
Meghan Fagan, Field of Specialization: Educational Studies.
Dissertation: Novice Teachers’ Use of Professional
Condants to Manage Problems of Practice: A Case
Study of a Teaching Fellowship for Alternative
Sharlyn Marie Ferguson, Field of Specialization: Education
and Psychology. Dissertation: Supports for K-12
Students’ Engagement when Learning Online and
Júlio Ferreira, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Control and Enhancement of
Saturated Flow-Boiling Thermal Conductance and Crisis
with Porous Metasurfaces: Hydrodynamic-Stability and
Capillary-Viscous Limit Theories, Direct Simulations, and
Experimental Verication.
John Richard Finkelberg, Field of Specialization: History.
Dissertation: Becoming a Man in the Age of Fashion:
Gender and Menswear in Nineteenth-Century France,
Doctor of Philosophy
Jamie Skidmore Fogel, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: What is a Labor Market? Classifying
Workers and Jobs Using Network Theory.
Gloryvee Fonseca-Bolorin, Field of Specialization: Higher
Education. Dissertation: A Strength-based Framework of
College Student Persistence: The Relationships between
Campus Racial Climate, Racial Ethnic Identity, Sense
of Belonging and Intentions to Persist among Black and
Latinx Students Attending Predominantly White In.
Monika Kristine Franco, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Biology. Dissertation: Consequences Of Uridine mRNA
Modications On Translation.
Fengyi Gao, Field of Specialization: Chemical Engineering.
Dissertation: Colloidal and Protein Self-Assembly with
Shape-Based Models.
Tyler Gardner, Field of Specialization: Astronomy and
Astrophysics. Dissertation: Probing Unique Regimes of
Exoplanet Science with Long Baseline Interferometry.
Karl J. Gaudyn, Field of Specialization: Comparative
Literature. Dissertation: A Sensuous Love of the Unseen:
Beauty and Ordinary Life in the Works of Gautier, Pater,
Proust, and Bellow.
Nathan Geib, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Spatial Nonlocality and Its
Effects on the Scattering Characteristics of Wave-Bearing
Daniel Jon Geiszler, Field of Specialization: Bioinformatics.
Dissertation: Computational Methods for Characterizing
Post-translational and Chemical Modications Found in
Open Searches.
Lequn Geng, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Designing Switchable Opioid Peptides for
Interrogating the Effects of Cell Type-Specic Opioid
Receptor Activation.
Irena Gershkovich, Field of Specialization: Physics.
Dissertation: Investigating Periodic Density Structures in
the Solar Wind’s Elemental and Ionic Composition.
Morgan Gingerich, Field of Specialization: Cellular and
Molecular Biology. Dissertation: Intrinsically Disordered
Protein Regions Encoded by the Diabetes Gene
CLEC16A Regulate Mitophagy.
Aaron Gladstein, Field of Specialization: Materials Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Visualization and Analysis
of Nanoscale Microstructure Evolution of In situ Metal
Matrix Composites.
Yanan Gong, Field of Specialization: Macromolecular
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Molecular
Dynamics Simulation of Crystallization of Alkane
Oligomers and Its Application to Processing of Industrial
Yukai Gong, Field of Specialization: Robotics. Dissertation:
Feedback Control of Highly Dynamic 3D Bipedal
Aibo Gong, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays in Theoretical and Applied
Kayla Lovejoy Grant, Field of Specialization: English
Language and Literature. Dissertation: The Descriptive
Aesthetic: British Aestheticism and the Realist Novel in
the Late Nineteenth Century.
Jeffrey K. Grim, Field of Specialization: Higher Education.
Dissertation: Possibilities and Potential: A Multilevel
Analysis of Leader Identity Construction for Faculty of
Christopher Ryan Grimm, Field of Specialization:
Computer Science and Engineering. Dissertation:
The Value Equivalence Principle for Model-Based
Reinforcement Learning.
Shouchang Guo, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Novel Models
for High-Dimensional Imaging: High-Resolution fMRI
Acceleration and Quantication.
Yijie Guo, Field of Specialization: Computer Science and
Engineering. Dissertation: Sample-Efcient Algorithms
for Hard-Exploration Problems in Reinforcement
Wendy Guo, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Processing Collocations in First (L1) and
Second Languages (L2): Effects of Collocation- and
Word-level Variables on Speakers Varying in Prociency
and Dominance.
Hanjia Guo, Field of Specialization: Molecular and Cellular
Pathology. Dissertation: Mechanisms of Metabolic Stress
Response Induced by Heart Failure and Cadmium
Sanjana Gupta, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Contributions to Nonparametric Quantile
Analysis and Quantile-Based Mediation Analysis, With
Applications to Lifecourse Analysis in Human Biology.
Huatse Gyal, Field of Specialization: Anthropology.
Dissertation: The Remaking of Home, Community, and
Self: Rangeland Fencing, Resettlement, and the Resilience
of Tibetan Pastoralists.
Emmamarie Catherine Haasl, Field of Specialization:
History. Dissertation: The London Bridge House, c.1209-
1554: A Case of Civic Growth and Religious Transition in
Late Medieval London.
Hani Habra, Field of Specialization: Bioinformatics.
Dissertation: Computational Approaches Enabling
Disparately Acquired Untargeted LC-MS Metabolomics
Data Analysis.
Acshi Kyne Haggenmiller, Field of Specialization:
Robotics. Dissertation: Non-parametric Models for Long-
term Autonomy.
Alex Kate Halvey, Field of Specialization: Materials Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Design and Applications of
Surfaces for Solid Fouling Mitigation.
Guolei Han, Field of Specialization: Earth and
Environmental Sciences. Dissertation: Development
of Noble Gases as Tracers of Subsurface Fluids - from
Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon to
Geothermal Systems.
Yilin Han, Field of Specialization: Chemistry. Dissertation:
Investigation of Amyloidogenic Protein-ligand
Complexes by Ion-Mobility Mass Spectrometry.
Yuyan Han, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Metacognitive Processes Underlying the
Self-Assessment of Knowledge.
Doctor of Philosophy
Rigel D. Hanbury, Field of Specialization: Nuclear
Engineering and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation: The
Role of Displacement Damage in Irradiation Affected
Corrosion of 316L Stainless Steel.
Maggie O’Connell Hanna, Field of Specialization:
Educational Studies. Dissertation: Cultivating “Kid
Success” in Detroit Neighborhoods: A Case Study of
Literacy Programs at an Education-Focused Nonprot
Yucong Hao, Field of Specialization: Asian Languages
and Cultures. Dissertation: Acoustics of Crisis:
The Transnational Making of Auditory Culture in
Revolutionary China, 1937-1976.
Christina Harvey, Field of Specialization: Aerospace
Engineering. Dissertation: Avian Wing Joints Provide
Longitudinal Flight Stability and Control.
Carl Christopher Haynes-Magyar, Field of Specialization:
Information. Dissertation: On Learning How to Program
via an Interactive eBook with Adaptive Parsons Problems.
Trevor Louis Hewitt, Field of Specialization: Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology. Dissertation: Evolutionary
Dynamics of Parasitic Larval Ecology and Lure Mimicry
in North American Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae:
Bivalvia: Mollusca).
Robert M. Hohlman, Field of Specialization: Medicinal
Chemistry. Dissertation: Harnessing Cascade Biocatalysis
for the Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Unnatural
Hapalindole-Type Metabolites and Further Exploration
into their Biosynthesis.
Francisco Holguin, Field of Specialization: Astronomy
and Astrophysics. Dissertation: The Impact of Cosmic
Ray and Ionizing Radiation on Galactic Structure and
Associated Observational Diagnostics.
Benjamin Travis Hollenbach, Field of Specialization:
Anthropology. Dissertation: All Are Welcome: Inclusion
and Mainline Protestantism in the United States.
Alexander Sanford Honold, Field of Specialization:
Educational Studies. Dissertation: Exploring Historical
and Contemporary Causal Problem Framing: Towards a
Framework for Research, Teaching, and Assessment.
Aleksander Horawa, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Motivic Action on Coherent Cohomology
of Hilbert Modular Varieties
Lorraine Raquel Horwitz, Field of Specialization:
Neuroscience. Dissertation: Novel Sensory Pathways
for Thermosensation and Pain Under Physiological and
Pathological Conditions.
Christina Anne Howard, Field of Specialization:
Chemical Biology. Dissertation: Development And
Characterization of Irreversible NSD1 And NSD3
Histone Methyltransferase Inhibitors.
Marshall Burgess Howington, Field of Specialization:
Cellular and Molecular Biology. Dissertation: Regulation
of Longevity by Flavin-Containing Monooxygenases.
Hua-Wei Hsu, Field of Specialization: Applied Physics.
Dissertation: Time-dependent Nuclear Spin Polarization,
Effects of Device Non-uniformity on the Gunn Effect,
and Electron Spin Dynamics at High Electric Fields in
Jiaqi Hu, Field of Specialization: Applied Physics.
Dissertation: Phase Transitions of Exciton-Polaritons in
Grating-Based Microcavities.
Bruce J. K. Huang, Field of Specialization: Robotics.
Dissertation: Autonomous System for Legged Robots:
From Calibration and Pose Estimation to CLF Reactive
Motion Planning.
Shang-En Huang, Field of Specialization: Computer
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Dynamic
Connectivity, Hopsets, and Byzantine Agreement.
Katherine Hummel Sandoval, Field of Specialization:
English Language and Literature. Dissertation: Ecologies
of Infrastructure in Contemporary Postcolonial
Josh Hunt, Field of Specialization: Philosophy. Dissertation:
Symmetry and Reformulation: On Intellectual Progress
in Science and Mathematics.
Alana Gayle Huszar, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Non-commutative Rank, Quivers, and
Brian Christopher Iezzi, Field of Specialization: Materials
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Additive and
Fiber Nano-manufacturing of Multi-material, Dielectric
Photonic Crystals.
Oana Ignat, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Towards Human Action
Understanding in Social Media Videos Using Multimodal
Mohammad Vahid Jamali, Field of Specialization:
Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dissertation:
Coding and Multi-User Schemes for Future Wireless
Byoungwook Jang, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Probabilistic Decomposition in Machine
Learning Problems.
Harkamal Jhajj, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: Discovery and Development of
Agonist Antibodies for T cell Receptors.
Ashley Jian, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Ga2O3-Based
Devices for High Power Switching Applications.
Daohan Jiang, Field of Specialization: Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology. Dissertation: Mechanisms of
Phenotypic Evolution at Different Levels of Biological
Organization: From Molecules to Organisms.
Hanjie Jiang, Field of Specialization: Chemistry and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: Conguration
Interaction Methods to Predictions on Photophysical
Properties of Organic Materials.
Zhi Jiang, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Tensors, Cap Set and Invariant Theory.
Yifan Jin, Field of Specialization: Statistics. Dissertation: On
Some Approximate Inference Approaches in Population
Tibin T. John, Field of Specialization: Neuroscience.
Dissertation: Deciphering Neural Population Dynamics
in Health and Disease.
Jeremy Paul Johnson, Field of Specialization: Anthropology
and History. Dissertation: Literacy Unveiled: Citizenship,
Nationality, Gender and the Campaigns to Eradicate
Illiteracy in the Soviet South Caucasus (Armenia,
Georgia and Azerbaijan) 1922-1936.
Steven Joshua Jones, Field of Specialization: Computer
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: A Cognitive
Architecture Realization of Event Cognition Capabilities.
Doctor of Philosophy
Lisa Jong, Field of Specialization: English Language and
Literature. Dissertation: Anticolonial Abstractions Race,
Labor, and Literary Form in Native American and Asian
American Modernism.
Johnathon Jordan, Field of Specialization: Physics.
Dissertation: Physics at Short Baseline Neutrino
Hyung Kyu Jun, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Representation Theory of Curried Algebras
and Non-primality of Certain Symmetric Ideals.
Jaehyun Jung, Field of Specialization: Macromolecular
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Functionalized
Aramid Nanobers for the Reinforcement of Thermosets
and Rubber Nanocomposites.
Viktoryia Alexandrovna Kalesnikava, Field of
Specialization: Epidemiological Science. Dissertation:
Chronic Psychosocial Stress and Cardiometabolic Health:
Variations in Measurement and Structural Determinants.
Atsunori Kaneshige, Field of Specialization: Medicinal
Chemistry. Dissertation: Development of a First-In-Class
STAT5 PROTAC Degrader.
Jiwoong Kang, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Kinetics and Connectivity of
Grain Boundaries in Three-dimensional Metallic Systems.
Yuval Katz, Field of Specialization: Communication.
Dissertation: (Re)imagining Peace: Exploring Mediatized
Everyday Peace in Israel/Palestine.
Dominic Patrick Kelly, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Using Intensive Longitudinal Data to Model
Person-Oriented Relations Between Cognition and
Personality to Inform Development.
Samantha Paige Kelly, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Biology. Dissertation: Applications of Fungal Indole
Alkaloid Biosynthetic Machinery in Biocatalysis.
Vazrik Keshishian, Field of Specialization: Materials
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Development of
Hybrid Electrolytes for Solid-State Batteries.
Dalia Khammash, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: A TMS Paradigm to Measure Visual Cortical
Inhibition and Its Application to Aging.
Farzad Khoeini, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Energy Efcient
Integrated Circuits and Systems for Communications and
Sensing: RF to Optical.
Heeyun Kim, Field of Specialization: Higher Education.
Dissertation: A Fad or the New Norm for Student Access
Today? Holistic Admissions and Student Enrollment
Patterns in Korea.
Wooseok Kim, Field of Specialization: Political Science.
Dissertation: Essays on Distributive Politics and Party
Young Rim Kim, Field of Specialization: Communication.
Dissertation: Pandemic Data Publics: Surveillance
Culture and Civic Action in Times of Public Health
Paul Michael Kindsgrab, Field of Specialization:
Economics. Dissertation: Empirical Essays in Public
Steven George Kiyabu, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering and Scientic Computing. Dissertation:
Computational Discovery of Salt Hydrates for Thermal
Energy Storage.
Emily Kayla Kobernik, Field of Specialization: Health
Infrastructures and Learning Systems. Dissertation:
Reducing Maternal Mortality and Morbidity in Michigan:
A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Impact of an Obstetric
Hemorrhage Patient Safety Bundle.
Beomseo Koo, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: Effects of Electric Stimulation
on Physiology and Anatomy of Visual Pathway.
Ozge Korkmaz, Field of Specialization: Anthropology.
Dissertation: Politics, Ethics, and Complicity in Turkey’s
Kurdistan: Anxieties of an Era.
Rachel Bultemeier Kuck, Field of Specialization:
Educational Studies. Dissertation: Exploring Leaders’
Conceptualizations of Instruction, Leadership
Practice, and School Organization amid Schoolwide
Implementation of Project Based Learning.
Mijeong Kwon, Field of Specialization: Business
Administration. Dissertation: The Moralization of
Intrinsic Motivation.
Xingjian Lai, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Bottleneck Prediction and
Resilience Improvement for Manufacturing Systems.
Steven J. Lanham, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Modeling Pulsed Power
Plasmas and Applications to In-situ Nanoparticle
Mos Laoprapassorn, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays in International Trade and
Cecilia Monserrat Lara Mondragón, Field of
Specialization: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental
Biology. Dissertation: Uncovering Reproductive Roles Of
Cell Wall Glycoproteins In Flowering Plants.
Connie Yu Jeong Lee, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Medical Applications of
Thermoelectric Temperature Control.
Gaang Lee, Field of Specialization: Civil Engineering.
Dissertation: Wearable Biosensor-Based Stress Detection
to Understand and Improve the Quality of Interactions
between Humans and Construction and Built
Hyun Jong Lee, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Improving Application
Connectivity with Network-Conscious Systems.
Seungjong Lee, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: High Resolution
ADCs for Acoustic Processing and Other Applications.
Ung Hee Lee, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Actuation, Control, and
Customization: Key Elements Toward Real-world
Deployment of Powered Exoskeleton Systems.
Jamy Yuen Lee, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Chemical Characterization of Fresh and
Aged Biomass Burning Aerosols from Wildres and
Prescribed Burns.
Tonhi Lee, Field of Specialization: English Language and
Literature. Dissertation: Migration and Mimesis in the
English Renaissance, 1492-1668.
Rayleigh X. Lei, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Modeling Simplex-valued Data and Latent
Doctor of Philosophy
Aleda Leis, Field of Specialization: Epidemiological Science.
Dissertation: Obesity, Cardiometabolic Disease, and
Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury: A Retrospective
Cohort Study.
Rachel Ann Lenko, Field of Specialization: Nursing.
Dissertation: Achieving Goal-Concordant End-of-Life
Care: The Roles of Race/Ethnicity and Advance Care
Feiran Li, Field of Specialization: Biomedical Engineering.
Dissertation: Cell Therapy and Immunomodulation for
Type 1 Diabetes.
Jiayang Li, Field of Specialization: Environment and
Sustainability. Dissertation: Novel Nature-based
Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: Understanding
and Expanding the Role of Community Perception and
Everyday Landscape Experiences.
Linfeng Li, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Essays on Field Experiments in Behavioral
Chengcheng Li, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Statistical Estimation and Inference for
Large-Scale Categorical Data.
Yuanzhi Li, Field of Specialization: Statistics. Dissertation:
Contributions to Quantile and Superquantile Regression.
Jiawei Li, Field of Specialization: Business Administration.
Dissertation: Behavioral Decision-Making in Operations
Jason Liang, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Vinberg Representations and 2-Descent on
Jacobians of Curves.
Yein Lim, Field of Specialization: Chemical Engineering.
Dissertation: Engineering Assembly of Polyhedral
Particles Toward Complex Structures and Pathways.
Nadav Linial, Field of Specialization: Near Eastern Studies.
Dissertation: Second Time as Tragedy: The Tragic Mode
in Second Aliyah Hebrew Literature.
Chaoyi Liu, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Understanding Structure-
Property Correlation in Metallic Glasses by Energy
Landscape-Augmented Atomistic Modeling.
Ying Liu, Field of Specialization: Macromolecular Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Structure and Rheology of
Polymer Mixtures at the Boundary Between Soft Solid
and Viscous Liquid Behaviors - From Fundamental Study
to Application.
Liu Liu, Field of Specialization: Biological Chemistry.
Dissertation: The Regulatory Function of Heme
Oxygenase in Modulating Mammalian Heme
Bioavailability and Homeostasis.
Tongyu Liu, Field of Specialization: Cell and
Developmental Biology. Dissertation: Intrahepatic
Paracrine Signaling by CLCF1 Ameliorates Diet-induced
NASH in Mice.
Yejun Liu, Field of Specialization: Chemical Biology.
Dissertation: Development of a Dual-Targeting Peptide
Selectively Inhibiting CBP/p300 KIX.
Nasa Lohawala, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Three Essays on the Effects of Government
Dena Michaela Lomonosov, Field of Specialization:
Economics. Dissertation: Essays in Housing and Public
Vincent Longo, Field of Specialization: Film, Television,
and Media. Dissertation: A Hard Act to Follow: Live
Performance in the Age of the Hollywood Studio System
Joshua Lott, Field of Specialization: Pharmacology.
Dissertation: Delineating the Specicity of Cannabinoid
Effects by Investigating Cannabinoid Receptor-1
Trafcking and Signaling.
Ta’Les Lyrick Love, Field of Specialization:
Communication. Dissertation: #TheDarkestShade:
Exploring Skin Tone Labor and the Role of Colorism in
the Cultural Messaging Around Black Beauty Inuencers.
Tieyi Lu, Field of Specialization: Chemistry. Dissertation:
Probing the Interfacial Peptides/Proteins by Using Sum
Frequency Generation Spectroscopy with Hamiltonian
Approach Data Analysis Method.
Yang yi Lu, Field of Specialization: Statistics. Dissertation:
Advances in Sequential Decision Making Problems with
Causal and Low-Rank Structures.
Yunze Lu, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: On the Coefcients of some Nonabelian
Equivariant Cohomology Theories.
Fusheng Luo, Field of Specialization: History. Dissertation:
Land, Law, and Economic Development in Semi-colonial
Guangzhou and Shanghai: 1842-1937.
Maxwell James Lykins, Field of Specialization: Political
Science. Dissertation: Regime Agnosticism: Tacitus on the
Nature of Republics and the Growth of Savagery.
Jingxuan Lyu, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Miniature Wheel for Grinding
of the Arterial Calcied Plaque.
Jiaqi Ma, Field of Specialization: Information. Dissertation:
Towards Trustworthy Machine Learning on Graph Data.
Chenchen Ma, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Statistical Learning for Latent Attribute
Guadalupe Madrigal, Field of Specialization:
Communication. Dissertation: From Dreamers to Family
Separation: The Content and Consequences of U.S.
Media Coverage of Immigrant Children.
Rumaan Malhotra, Field of Specialization: Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology. Dissertation: More Than Habitat
Loss and Fragmentation: The Effect of Human-Modied
Landscapes on the Spatiotemporal Use and Interactions
of Mesocarnivores.
McKenna E. Marko, Field of Specialization: Slavic
Languages and Literatures. Dissertation: Spatial
Mediations of Holocaust Memory in Yugoslav and Post-
Yugoslav Art.
Andrew Marquis, Field of Specialization: Molecular and
Integrative Physiology. Dissertation: System-Level
Integration of Ventilation-Perfusion Matching by
Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction.
Larken Rebecca Marra, Field of Specialization: Movement
Science. Dissertation: Factors Affecting Lifelong
Participation in Physical Activity for Adults with Cerebral
Christian Ashley Martell, Field of Specialization: Higher
Education. Dissertation: Marketing Race in Post-
Afrmative Action Contexts.
Joshua Lane Martin, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: A Fluoride Migration Approach to the
Rapid Synthesis of Small Oligosaccharides.
Doctor of Philosophy
Shawn Michele Martin, Field of Specialization: Public
Policy and Economics. Dissertation: Essays on College
Majors and the Labor Market.
Daniel Matera, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Applying Biomimetic
Modeling and Clinical Transcriptomics Data to
Investigate Fibrotic Disease.
Christiana Mavroyiakoumou, Field of Specialization:
Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Scientic
Computing. Dissertation: Membrane Flutter in Inviscid
Allison McDonald, Field of Specialization: Computer
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Advancing Digital
Safety for High-Risk Communities.
Andrew Ryan McInnerney, Field of Specialization:
Linguistics. Dissertation: The Argument/Adjunct
Distinction and the Structure of Prepositional Phrases.
Elizabeth Ann McLain, Field of Specialization: Music:
Musicology. Dissertation: The Apolitical as Political:
Olivier Messiaen’s Theology, Intellectual World, and
Aesthetic Agenda in the 1930s.
Andrew N. McMillan, Field of Specialization: Applied and
Interdisciplinary Mathematics. Dissertation: A Note on
Dynamic Processes.
Michael McMillan, Field of Specialization: Cellular and
Molecular Biology. Dissertation: Intersection Between
RNA Methylation and TDP43-Mediated Toxicity in ALS.
Elizabeth Ann McNeill, Field of Specialization: Germanic
Languages and Literatures. Dissertation: Speaking of
Animals: Animal Psychology between Experimental
Science and Imagination (1840-1920).
Zachary Israel Mendel, Field of Specialization:
Microbiology and Immunology. Dissertation: The Role
of Extracellular Amino Acids in the Regulation of
Xi Meng, Field of Specialization: Astronomy and
Astrophysics. Dissertation: Formation of the First
Rosa Menjivar, Field of Specialization: Cellular and
Molecular Biology. Dissertation: Arginase 1 is a Key
Driver of Immune Suppression and a Therapeutic Target
of Pancreatic Cancer.
Anna Renee Michmerhuizen, Field of Specialization:
Cellular and Molecular Biology. Dissertation: Dening
the Role of Nuclear Hormone Receptors in Response
to Radiation Therapy: Targeted Therapies for
Radiosensitization in Androgen Receptor-Positive and
Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancers.
Valerie Micol, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Parenting and Family-related Protective
Factors for Adolescents at High Risk for Depression and
Jess Millar, Field of Specialization: Bioinformatics.
Dissertation: Modeling of Infectious Disease Informed by
Investigative Focus and Data Characteristics, From the
Microscopic to County Community Level.
Samar Minallah, Field of Specialization: Climate and Space
Sciences and Engineering. Dissertation: A Study on the
Atmospheric, Cryospheric, and Hydrologic Processes
Governing the Evolution of Regional Hydroclimates.
Ian Stefan Roumenov Mladjov, Field of Specialization:
History. Dissertation: Concepts of Emperorship from the
Ancient Near East to Medieval Bulgaria.
Amanda Nicole Moccia, Field of Specialization: Human
Genetics. Dissertation: Investigation of Developmental
Disorders: Genetic Discovery and Functional Validation.
Bernardo Modenesi, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays in Labor Market Employing Network
Theory and Decomposition Methods.
Shubhodip Mondal, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: G a-perf -modules and de Rham
Jeremy G. Monroe, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: N1-methylpseudouridine and
pseudouridine mRNA Modications Modulate
Translation Rate and Fidelity.
Bretney Melissa Moore, Field of Specialization: English
Language and Literature. Dissertation: “a profusion of
lovely clothes”: (Ad)dressing the Longing Imbued in My
Dylan T. Moore, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Three Essays in the Economics of Taxation.
Bryan William Morgan, Field of Specialization: Nuclear
Engineering and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation:
Radiation Induced Nonlinear Optical Effects in Optical
Glasses and Sapphire.
Lolita Talana Moss, Field of Specialization: Social Work and
Psychology. Dissertation: The Medium and the Message:
An Investigation of Mainstream Media Use, Relationship
Scripts, and Intimate Partner Violence among Black
Debarghya Mukherjee, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Analysis of High Dimensional Statistical
Models with Discontinuity.
Dalia Murra, Field of Specialization: Neuroscience.
Dissertation: Neural and Behavioral Predictors of
Vulnerability to Chronic Social Stress in Mice.
Bradley Wayne Musselman, Field of Specialization:
Chemistry. Dissertation: Cobalt Porphyrinoid Complexes
in Catalysis: Mechanistic Insights into Carbene Transfer
and Biocatalysis Applications.
Rama Mwenesi, Field of Specialization: Health
Infrastructures and Learning Systems. Dissertation:
Applying Learning Health Systems and Implementation
Science Strategies To Understand and Improve Surgical
Count Error Reporting Among Perioperative Nurses.
Amanda Susie Ndaw, Field of Specialization: Romance
Languages and Literatures Spanish. Dissertation: A
Moving Target: The Border and Senegalese Gendered
Migration to Spain.
Dylan Kane Nelson, Field of Specialization: Sociology.
Dissertation: Corporate Control, Conceptions of
Value, and Economic Inequality Among Workers: The
Distributional Consequences of Private Equity’s ‘Buy,
Reorganize, Resell’ Strategy.
Hoang Huy Nguyen, Field of Specialization: Physics.
Dissertation: Probing the Charge Separation Mechanics
in the Photosystem II Reaction Center using Two-
dimensional Spectroscopy.
Huy N. Nguyen, Field of Specialization: Physics.
Dissertation: Light Matter Interfaces with Single-Atom
Arrays and Rydberg Ensembles.
Doctor of Philosophy
Kyle Simone Nisbeth, Field of Specialization: Health
Behavior And Health Education. Dissertation: An
Exploration of Motherhood: Testing Pathways of the
Environmental Affordances Model on Depressive
Symptoms and Allostatic Load.
Laura K. Niss, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Topics in Sequential Decision Making and
Algorithmic Fairness.
Chukwuma Ernest Nweke, Field of Specialization:
Macromolecular Science and Engineering. Dissertation:
Fabrication, Modication, and Evaluation of Modular,
Gelatin-Based Microcarriers for the Delivery of
Progenitor Cells in Bone Tissue Engineering Applications.
Vivek Ojha, Field of Specialization: Aerospace Engineering.
Dissertation: Goal-Oriented Mesh Adaptation for High-
Fidelity Aeroelastic Simulations.
Eli Olson, Field of Specialization: Immunology.
Dissertation: Endo-Lysosomal Assembly Variations
Among Human Leukocyte Antigen B (HLA-B)
Jo Osborn, Field of Specialization: Anthropology.
Dissertation: Jahuay: Maritime Specialization in a Littoral
Topara Community (200 BC-AD 150).
Aidyn Osgood, Field of Specialization: History and
Women’s and Gender Studies. Dissertation: Armies in
the Sexual Imaginary of France and the Holy Roman
Empire, 1500-1650.
Garrett Todd Pace, Field of Specialization: Social Work
and Sociology. Dissertation: Corporal Punishment Bans
in Global Perspective: Conceptualization and Child- and
Caregiver-Reported Outcomes.
Eunice Paik, Field of Specialization: Physics. Dissertation:
Designing and Measuring Novel Van der Waals
Semiconductor Photonic Devices.
Thibaut Remo Pardo-García, Field of Specialization:
Neuroscience. Dissertation: The Role of Food Memories
on Feeding Behavior.
Kristine Frances Parson, Field of Specialization:
Chemistry. Dissertation: Development of Ion Mobility-
Mass Spectrometry Methods for Membrane Proteins
Incorporated into Nanodiscs.
Annika Joyce Pattenaude, Field of Specialization: English
Language and Literature. Dissertation: Undisciplined:
Reading Affects in Late Medieval England.
Eitan Paul, Field of Specialization: Public Policy and
Political Science. Dissertation: Raising Representation?
Gender and Village Budgeting Reforms in Indonesia.
Nora Yujia Payne, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: An Accurate and Scalable Approach to
Classifying High-Dimensional Data With Dense Latent
Adolmary Pena, Field of Specialization: Anthropology.
Dissertation: Remapping Afro-Caribbean Landscapes:
Embodiment and the Sensory Aesthetics of Dominican
Tourism Space.
Hao Peng, Field of Specialization: Information. Dissertation:
Gender and Ethnic Disparities in Science Production and
Mia Qing Peng, Field of Specialization: Epidemiological
Science. Dissertation: Phthalates and Obesity: Examining
the Metabolism-disrupting Chemical Hypothesis in
Midlife Women.
Mert Dieter Pesé, Field of Specialization: Computer
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Bringing Practical
Security to Vehicles.
Colten Alexander Peterson, Field of Specialization:
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences. Dissertation:
The Application of Infrared Spectral Radiances and
Fluxes for Arctic Climate Monitoring and Cloud Phase
Determination from Space.
Chanda D. Phelan, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Opportunities and Challenges for
Technology Use in Substance Use Disorder Recovery.
Malia Charlotte Piper, Field of Specialization: Classical
Studies. Dissertation: The Misunderstood Meretrix:
Luxuria, Negotium, and Amicitia in Roman Comedy.
Sarah Ann Pizzano, Field of Specialization: Neuroscience.
Dissertation: Molecular Mechanisms of Subcellular
Development: Down Syndrome-Related Genetic
Interactions and Axon-Dendrite Coordination During
Edward Lee Platt, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Network Deliberation: The Role of
Network Structure in Large-Scale, Internet-Enabled,
Participatory Decision-Making.
Carri Polick, Field of Specialization: Nursing. Dissertation:
The Impact of Child and Adult Stressors on Multiple
Sclerosis Biopsychosocial Disease Features.
Kamaria B. Porter, Field of Specialization: Higher
Education. Dissertation: Speaking into Silence:
Intersections of Identity, Legality, and Black Women’s
Decision to Report Sexual Assault on Campus.
Caitlin K. Posillico, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Sex Differences in the Neuroimmune
Modulation of Learning and Memory.
Thomas Henry Pospiech, Jr., Field of Specialization:
Chemical Biology. Dissertation: Cryo-EM Structural
Analysis of Neuronal and Inducible Nitric Oxide
Synthase Complexes.
Xiaoying Pu, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Integrating Visualization
Grammars With the Task Language of Data Analysts.
Morgan Robert Purrier, Field of Specialization: Sociology.
Dissertation: In the City and Out of the Gayborhood:
How Black, Queer Men Contend with Spatial
Inequalities in the Pursuit of Urban, Queer Community.
Christine Lynette Quince, Field of Specialization:
Educational Studies. Dissertation: “Nobody Ever Says
That”: A Case Study Countering Decit-Framing of
Black Students by Centering their Community Cultural
Ravi Michael Raghani, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: Immunotherapeutic and
Diagnostic Potential of Engineered Materials.
Vivek Rai, Field of Specialization: Bioinformatics.
Dissertation: Using Integrative Multiomics Approaches to
Dissect Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Risk in Pancreatic Islets.
Shriti Raj, Field of Specialization: Information. Dissertation:
Making Sense of Multidimensional Health Data to
Manage Chronic Conditions: Designing to Support
Episode-Driven Data Interaction.
Ashwin Rajadesingan, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Designing for Safe, Fun and Informative
Online Cross-Partisan Interactions.
Doctor of Philosophy
Ritz S. Raju, Field of Specialization: Nuclear Engineering
and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation: Beyond the
Solid Core Nuclear Thermal Rocket: A Computational
Investigation into Criticality and Neutronics Performance
of Advanced Liquid and Gas Core Reactor Approaches
for Next Generation Performance.
Anil Ramachandran Menon, Field of Specialization:
Political Science. Dissertation: Historical Violence,
Trauma, and Political Identity.
Nicholas Ramey, Field of Specialization: Nuclear
Engineering and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation:
Diagnosing the DARHT Electron Beam-Target
Interaction and Hydrodynamic Expansion.
Menglou Rao, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Design of High-
Performance Antennas and Novel Electromagnetic
Radiation Measurement Techniques for Biological Cells.
Alan Etienne Rask, Field of Specialization: Chemistry and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: The Many-Body
Expansion of Electron Interactions for Transition Metal
Madan Ravi Ganesh, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Compression and
Curriculum Strategies for Efcient Learning in Deep
Neural Networks.
Zachary Alexander Reese, Field of Specialization:
Psychology. Dissertation: Social Comparison in Close
Marjoris Victoria Regus, Field of Specialization:
Music: Music Education. Dissertation: “’Ni de aqui
ni alla’ resonates with me a lot”: The Experiences of
Spanish-English bilingual AfroLatina/o/x Students in
Undergraduate Music Education Degree Programs.
Zoe Leigh Rehnberg, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Robust and Computationally Efcient
Methods for High-Throughput Drug Screening Studies.
Alistair Dean Richardson, Field of Specialization:
Chemistry. Dissertation: Leveraging Lewis Acids and
Visible Light for Method Development and Total
Michael Ricks, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays on the Provision of Effective Public
Alison Katherine Rittershaus, Field of Specialization:
Classical Art and Archaeology. Dissertation: The
Domestic Chestnut: Space, Place, and the Embodiment
of Nature at Oplontis Villa A.
Luis Yamil Rivera-Rivera, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering and Scientic Computing. Dissertation: The
Role of Fluctuations in Colloidal Self-Assembly, Stability
and Design.
Emily Kate Roberts, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics.
Dissertation: Causal Inference Methods and Intermediate
Endpoints in Randomized Clinical Trials.
Odilon Rodrigues Filho, Field of Specialization: Naval
Architecture and Marine Engineering. Dissertation: Use
of Hybrid Surrogate in Sampling Process for Design and
Analysis of Computer Experiments (DACE) applied on
Multivariable Problems.
Enrique Emanuel Rodriguez, Field of Specialization:
Environmental Engineering. Dissertation: Assessing and
Addressing Chemical Exposure in Water Reuse and
Resource Recovery Settings.
Ilka B. Rodríguez-Calero, Field of Specialization: Design
Science. Dissertation: Practicing Engineers’ Use of
Prototyping Strategies to Engage Stakeholders During
Front-End Design.
Kali Jean Roeten, Field of Specialization: Climate and
Space Sciences and Engineering. Dissertation: Winds in
the Thermosphere of Mars: Exploring the Behavior of the
Neutral Winds in the Upper Atmosphere and Examining
Connections to the Lower Atmosphere.
Carolina Rojas Ramirez, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Combining Native Ion Mobility-Mass
Spectrometry and Radical-based Fragmentation for Top-
down Structural Proteomics.
Matthew Michael Romano, Field of Specialization:
Robotics. Dissertation: Planning, Control, and Estimation
for Diverse Multi-UAS Missions.
Karl Romanowicz, Field of Specialization: Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology. Dissertation: The Soil Microbiome
and Its Response to Permafrost Thaw in Arctic Tundra.
Ryan A. Rosario, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Toward Computationally
Optimized Orthopedics: Creating and Improving Finite
Element Models to Inform Clinical Orthopedics Practice.
Kierstin Rosenbach, Field of Specialization: Earth and
Environmental Sciences. Dissertation: Evolutionary
Relationships and Flight Capacity of Late Cretaceous
Pterosaurs Elucidated by New Azhdarchoid Pterosaur
Remains From Afro-Arabia.
Sydney Lena Rosenblum, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Biology. Dissertation: Development of a Cell-Based Assay
for the Detection of pre-miRNA-Protein Interactions.
Jenia Rousseva, Field of Specialization: Applied and
Interdisciplinary Mathematics. Dissertation: Propagation
and Reduction of Coherent States in Bargmann Spaces.
Martin Ruiz Mendoza, Field of Specialization: Romance
Languages and Literatures Spanish. Dissertation:
Violence, Conict, and Historical Reconciliation in
Cultural Production: Colombia in Transition.
Kwesi Joe Rutledge, Field of Specialization: Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Correct-by-
Construction Control Adaptation against Sensing, Model,
and Information Uncertainty.
Tara Lynn Safavi, Field of Specialization: Computer
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Augmenting
Structure with Text for Improved Graph Learning.
Moira Rachel Saltzman, Field of Specialization: Linguistics.
Dissertation: A History of Jejueo.
Derek Samarian, Field of Specialization: Epidemiological
Science. Dissertation: Laboratory Modes Systems to
Explore Approaches to Control Oral Biolms.
Nawg-nika Sanga, Field of Specialization: Urban and
Regional Planning. Dissertation: Federal Incentives,
State Preemptions, and Local Politics: Implementing
Inclusionary Housing Policies in India and the United
Sneha Sanjeevini, Field of Specialization: Aerospace
Engineering. Dissertation: Left Inversion, System Zeros,
and Input Estimation.
Doctor of Philosophy
Merve Sariisik, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays on Discrimination and Wage
Jonathan William Sarnoff, Field of Specialization:
Philosophy. Dissertation: Crimes and Risks.
Michael Kemper Scales, Field of Specialization: Cell and
Developmental Biology. Dissertation: Roles for GLI
Transcription Factors in Pancreas Development and
Cody Ryan Scarborough, Field of Specialization: Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Spatially-
Discrete Traveling-Wave Modulated Electromagnetic
Emma Theis Schiestl, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: The Qualitative Evaluation of the Lived
Experience of Food Addiction.
Michael Wesley Schleh, Field of Specialization: Movement
Science. Dissertation: Integration of Insulin Sensitivity
in Adipose Tissue and Skeletal Muscle, and the Role of
Exercise on Muscle Lipid Regulation.
Ligia Buloto Schmitd, Field of Specialization: Oral
Health Sciences. Dissertation: Nerves in Oral Cancer:
Mechanism of Interaction and Clinical Relevance.
Bernadette L. Schneider, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Solution Studies of Lanthanide-Centered
Metallacrowns and Metallacrown Nanocapsules.
Matt Schnizlein, Field of Specialization: Microbiology
and Immunology. Dissertation: Examining Regional
Differences in the Gut Microbiota and Their Effects on
Clostridioides difcile Colonization Resistance.
Nicholas Gage Schott, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: A Multicellular, Biomaterial-
based Platform for the Engineering of Vascularized Bone.
Joshua R. Scott, Field of Specialization: Near Eastern
Studies. Dissertation: Second Temple Jewish Messianism
as Social Political Discourse.
Aunnasha Sengupta, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: In Silico Tools for
Investigating the Performance of Breast Cancer Imaging
Akash Prafulchandra Shah, Field of Specialization: Applied
Physics. Dissertation: Effects of Pre-Ionization on the
Gas-Puff Z-Pinch.
Wenhao Shao, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Purely Organic Triplet Emitters: From
Fundamental Molecular Design to Performance
Amplication in Modern Applications.
Prashin Santosh Sharma, Field of Specialization: Robotics.
Dissertation: UAS Contingency Management Autonomy
with Experimentally Validated Models.
Megan Shearer, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Modeling Trading
Strategies in Financial Markets with Data, Simulation,
and Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Daniela Elena Bohorquez Sheinin, Field of Specialization:
History. Dissertation: Staging Neighborhood: Making
Queens in the Construction of New York’s Last Great
Marcus Daniel Sherman, Field of Specialization:
Bioinformatics. Dissertation: Cultivation of Enhanced
Bioinformatic-Specic Pedagogical Manipulatives,
Interventions, and Professional Development.
Joe Shin, Field of Specialization: Philosophy. Dissertation:
In the Wake of Wrong: Essays on the Ethics of Blame, the
Reactive Emotions, and Apologies.
Bassam F. Sidiki, Field of Specialization: English Language
and Literature. Dissertation: Parasitic Empires: Immunity,
Insularity, Inter-Imperiality, 1870-2020.
Danny Siu, Field of Specialization: Psychology. Dissertation:
Hippocampal Coordination of Navigation, Reward, and
Epilepsy Circuits.
Kevin Christopher Skinner, Field of Specialization:
Chemistry. Dissertation: Development and Application
of Computational Tools to Study Single-Electron Transfer
Initiated Reactions in Solution and Enzymes.
Tyler Jackson Smith, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Modication and Sequence of tRNAs
and mRNAs Impact Translational Speed and Accuracy:
Insight into how Purines can Modulate Protein Synthesis.
Mahdi Soleymani, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Analog Coding:
Theory and Applications.
Hojun Son, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: Wearable Technology to
Enable Independent Waynding for People with Visual
Laura Katherine Soter, Field of Specialization: Philosophy
and Psychology. Dissertation: Acceptance, Belief, and
Partiality: Topics in Doxastic Control, the Ethics of Belief,
and the Moral Psychology of Relationships.
Marissa Francesca Spada, Field of Specialization: Film,
Television, and Media. Dissertation: Camera Beauty:
Makeup and the Art of Image Making in Studio Era
Michelle L. Sprouse, Field of Specialization: English and
Education. Dissertation: Social Annotation in First-Year
Manikandasriram S. R., Field of Specialization: Robotics.
Dissertation: Thermal Infrared for Robot Vision in the
Vishal Srivastava, Field of Specialization: Aerospace
Engineering. Dissertation: Generalizable Data-driven
Model Augmentations Using Learning and Inference
assisted by Feature-space Engineering.
Mariane Aparecida Stanev, Field of Specialization:
Comparative Literature. Dissertation: Sovereign Noise in
Times of Peace: An Abolitionist Transimperial Cultural
History of Pacication in the U.S. and Latin America.
Cecelia Stewart, Field of Specialization: Health Behavior
And Health Education. Dissertation: Under the Inuence
of Racism: An Examination of Race-Neutral Drug
Policies in the United States.
Sarah Stilwell, Field of Specialization: Education and
Psychology. Dissertation: “Helping a Child for an Hour” A
Mixed Methods Exploration of K-12 Tutor Perspectives.
Aaron J. Stone, Field of Specialization: English Language
and Literature. Dissertation: Desires for Form: Modernist
Narrative and the Shape of Queer Life.
Yushi Sugimoto, Field of Specialization: Linguistics.
Dissertation: Underspecication and (Im)possible
Derivations: Toward a Restrictive Theory of Grammar.
Anand Raj Sukumaran, Field of Specialization: Music:
Music Education. Dissertation: Many Streams, One River:
Multimusical Educators in the K-12 Music Classroom.
Doctor of Philosophy
Nawaz John Sultani, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Gromov-Witten Theory of Non-Convex
Complete Intersections.
Angela Sun, Field of Specialization: Philosophy.
Dissertation: Essays on Integrated Agency.
Xin Sun, Field of Specialization: Education and Psychology.
Dissertation: Cross-linguistic Inuences on Bilingual
Child Literacy: Behavioral and Neuroimaging Evidence.
Aditya Sundar, Field of Specialization: Materials Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Modeling the Structural
and Chemical Stability of Materials in Reactive
Environments Using Multiscale Methods.
Brian Michael Swiger, Field of Specialization: Climate and
Space Sciences and Engineering. Dissertation: Patterns of
Electron Flux in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet: Statistical
Isaiah Sypher, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Poverty and Parenting: Exploring Ecological
Roya Talibova, Field of Specialization: Political Science and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: Why Fight? Causes
and Consequences of Joining a Tyrant’s Army.
Weijing Tang, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Statistical Learning for Large-Scale and
Complex-Structured Data.
Prithvi Thakur, Field of Specialization: Earth and
Environmental Sciences. Dissertation: Dynamic
Simulations of Earthquake Cycles in Strike-Slip Fault
Katey Nicole Thomas, Field of Specialization: Nuclear
Engineering and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation:
Effect of Cascade Size and Damage Rate on α’
Precipitate Stability on Fe-15Cr.
Tsu Wei Tasha Gloria Thong, Field of Specialization:
Toxicology. Dissertation: Single-cell Assessment of Breast
Cells from Genetically Diverse Individuals: A Model for
Precision Toxicology to Evaluate Racial Disparities in
Breast Cancer.
Daniel Eduardo Torrente Quintero, Field of Specialization:
Molecular and Integrative Physiology. Dissertation: Role
of tPA in Central Nervous System Pathologies: From
Ischemic Stroke to Parkinson’s Disease.
Virginia Traweek, Field of Specialization: Business
Administration. Dissertation: Essays on Banking.
Kenneth Gordon Trieu, Field of Specialization: Cell and
Developmental Biology. Dissertation: Understanding
Genetic Factors that Modulate Hedgehog-Driven Skin
Nicolas Trueba, Field of Specialization: Astronomy and
Astrophysics. Dissertation: Probing the Inner Regions
Near Accreting Black Holes and Neutron Stars with
Huy-Sinh Trung, Field of Specialization: Physics.
Dissertation: Interactions between Heliospheric and
Ionospheric Plasma in Geospace.
Muhammed Belig Uluyol, Field of Specialization:
Computer Science and Engineering. Dissertation:
Predictable Performance and Low Cost for Geo-
Distributed Applications.
Joseph Michael Valle, Field of Specialization: Materials
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Abolitionist
Engineering: An Autoethnographic Approach to
Understanding How Abolition Can Transform Materials
Science and Engineering.
Drew Anthony Vecchio, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Engineering. Dissertation: Multi-scale Functional
Nanomaterials for the Spectroscopic Detection of
Ionizing Radiation and Characterization of Complex
Structural Networks.
Vivek Veeriah, Field of Specialization: Computer
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Discovery in
Reinforcement Learning.
Ashley Velez, Field of Specialization: Cell and
Developmental Biology. Dissertation: Epithelial
Oncogenic KRAS Drives Immunosuppression in
Pancreatic Cancer.
Jesse Velleu, Field of Specialization: Design Science.
Dissertation: Embodiment Design Cartography: A
Conceptual Framework for Design Space Mapping to
Support the Development of Physically-Interactive
Róbert Venyige, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: The Road From Serfdom: Essays in
Economic Development and Property Rights.
Thomas Vigil, Field of Specialization: Molecular and
Integrative Physiology. Dissertation: The Role of
Aconitate Decarboxylase 1 in Inammation and Disease.
Daniel Abiola Mamadou Coissi Vignon, Field of
Specialization: Civil Engineering. Dissertation: On the
Economics and Regulation of Smart Transportation
Peter Vorissis, Field of Specialization: Comparative
Literature. Dissertation: Tableau Vivant and the
Aesthetics of Modernity.
Nadia Amethys Vossoughi, Field of Specialization:
Psychology. Dissertation: The Barriers and Facilitators
to System Challenging Collective Action Across Group
Benjamin Natan Wachs, Field of Specialization:
Aerospace Engineering. Dissertation: Optimization and
Characterization of Facility Effects for a Low-Power
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Magnetic Nozzle Thruster.
Michael McCreery Wade Wolfe, Field of Specialization:
Chemistry. Dissertation: Advancing Boron Mediated
Fluoroalkylation Reactions.
Jason B. Wagner, Field of Specialization: Slavic Languages
and Literatures. Dissertation: Yiddish Ruthenias: Home
Landscapes in the Modernist Poetry of Moyshe Kulbak
and Dovid Hofshteyn in the Age of Revolutions and
National Revivals in Eastern Europe.
John Paul Wakeeld, Field of Specialization: Applied and
Interdisciplinary Mathematics. Dissertation: Macroscopic
Trafc Models with Behavior Variation Driven by Noise.
Dalen C. B. Wakeley-Smith, Field of Specialization:
Anthropology and History. Dissertation: They Came Like
Gypsies in the Night: Immigration Regimes, Race, and
Romani Representations in New York City 1890-1960.
T. J. Waller, Field of Specialization: Molecular, Cellular and
Developmental Biology. Dissertation: Shared Regulators
of Axon Degeneration and Synaptic Structure.
Doctor of Philosophy
Qiwen Wang, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Neural Network
Implementations on Analog In-Memory-Computing
Xi Wang, Field of Specialization: Civil Engineering.
Dissertation: Enabling Human-Robot Partnerships in
Digitally-Driven Construction Work through Integration
of Building Information Models, Interactive Virtual
Reality, and Process-Level Digital Twins.
Xiantong Wang, Field of Specialization: Climate and Space
Sciences and Engineering and Scientic Computing.
Dissertation: First-Principle Modeling and Machine
Learning for Space Weather Forecasting.
Yutong Wang, Field of Specialization: Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Classication
via Multiple Hyperplanes: Loss functions,
Overparametrization, and Interpolation.
Jiafu Wang, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays in International Economics.
LeeAnne Wang, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Improved Mass Spectrometry-Based
Approaches to Screening and Structural Analysis in Drug
Xiao Wang, Field of Specialization: Sociology. Dissertation:
Three Papers on Social Contexts and Older Adult Health
in China.
Yu Wang, Field of Specialization: Statistics. Dissertation:
Interpretable and Scalable Graphical Models for
Complex Spatio-temporal Processes.
Kaitlin Paxton Ward, Field of Specialization: Social Work
and Psychology. Dissertation: Ecological Inuences of
Parental Discipline Behaviors and Child Outcomes
among Families in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Helen Ivory Warheit-Niemi, Field of Specialization:
Microbiology and Immunology. Dissertation: The
Regulation of Neutrophil Function and Trafcking in
Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Alexandra Marie Weber, Field of Specialization:
Bioinformatics. Dissertation: Integrating Diverse
Technologies for Genomic Variant Discovery.
Amanda Weissman, Field of Specialization: Educational
Studies. Dissertation: Friend or Foe? The Role of Machine
Learning in Education Policy Research.
Weiling Wen, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Evaluation of Corrosion and Its
Impact on the Mechanical Performance of Al-Steel Joints.
Yifan Weng, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Mutually Adaptive Shared
Control between Human Operator and Autonomy in
Ground Vehicles.
Carissa Marie Wengrovius, Field of Specialization:
Movement Science. Dissertation: Preschool Yoga: An
Evaluation of Two Delivery Methods and the Role of
Kelly Wheeler, Field of Specialization: English and
Education. Dissertation: Silence, Speech, and Support:
Community Response to Trauma and the Taxonomy of
an Embodied Rhetorical Genre.
Steven Todd Whitaker, Field of Specialization: Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Dissertation: Magnetic
Resonance Imaging: Myelin Water Imaging and Model-
Based Image Reconstruction.
Andrew Whiteman, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics.
Dissertation: Bayesian Analysis of Neuroimage Data
Using Gaussian Process Priors.
Lydia Mollie Leibson Wileden, Field of Specialization:
Public Policy and Sociology. Dissertation: (Mis)Perceiving
the Metropolis: The Correlates and Consequences of
Imperfect Neighborhood Knowledge.
Charnan Michelle Williams, Field of Specialization:
History. Dissertation: The History of Slavery and Race in
California from the Gold Rush to the United States Civil
War, 1848-1865.
Travis Williams, Field of Specialization: Romance
Languages and Literatures Spanish. Dissertation: Corpus
and Archive: Figurations and Disgurations of Popular
Sovereignty in Post-Revolutionary Mexico.
Elizabeth Ann Kezar Wilson, Field of Specialization:
Chemical Engineering. Dissertation: Design and
Application of Surface Corrugated Microparticles for
Photocatalysis in Nonpolar Media.
Ciara Witt, Field of Specialization: Chemistry. Dissertation:
Toward RNA Design: Computational Exploration of
ncRNA Sequence and Structure.
Esther Grace Witte, Field of Specialization: English
Language and Literature. Dissertation: Transgurative
Access and Journal-Keeping Practice: Theorizing Anti-
Oppressive Rhetorical Scholarship.
Whitney Lauryn Wolff, Field of Specialization: Movement
Science. Dissertation: The Inuence of Idiopathic
Chronic Neck Pain on Sternocleidomastoid and Upper
Trapezius Muscle Activity and Elasticity.
Jung Yeon Won, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics.
Dissertation: Statistical Methods for Exposure
Measurement Error in Built Environment Studies.
Elise Woodard, Field of Specialization: Philosophy.
Dissertation: Inquiring Further: Essays on Epistemic
Steven Woodruff, Field of Specialization: Civil
Engineering. Dissertation: How Curved Creases Enhance
the Stiffness and Enable Shape Morphing of Thin-Sheet
Joshua Michael Woods, Field of Specialization: Aerospace
Engineering. Dissertation: Performance of a Rotating
Magnetic Field Thruster.
Logan T. Woods, Field of Specialization: Political Science.
Dissertation: How Do People React When They Can’t
Vote How They Want? The Relationship Between the
Public and Democratic Institutions.
Jeffrey Michael Woolstrum, Field of Specialization:
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences.
Dissertation: Hall Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations
of Hall-Physics-Driven Effects in Low-Density Plasmas
Surrounding Dense Z-Pinch Liners.
Kelly Elizabeth Wright, Field of Specialization: Linguistics.
Dissertation: Black Professionalism: Perception and
Metalinguistic Assessment of Black American Speakers’
Sociolinguistic Labor.
Shannon Elizabeth Wright, Field of Specialization:
Neuroscience. Dissertation: Repeat-Associated Non-
AUG Translation of CGG Repeats in Native Neuronal
Function and Disease.
Doctor of Philosophy
Yongyi Wu, Field of Specialization: Physics. Dissertation:
Study of High-Performance Detectors for a Charged-
Lepton-Flavor-Violating Muon Conversion Search.
Yujin Wu, Field of Specialization: Chemistry. Dissertation:
Development and Application of CDOCKER Docking
Kuan-Han H. Wu, Field of Specialization: Bioinformatics.
Dissertation: Integrating Electronic Health Records with
Genetic Information to Advance Precision Medicine
Approaches in Cardiovascular Diseases.
Wenbo Wu, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: Flexible Competing
Risk Modeling for Big Data from Administrative Records
and Disease Registries.
Yutong Xia, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: Deployment Dynamics of
Origami Sheets and Fluidic Origami Tubular Structures.
Nuannuan Xiang, Field of Specialization: Political Science.
Dissertation: Between Public Health and Social Welfare:
Saving Mothers and Infants in the United States and
Japan in the Early Twentieth Century.
Jingcheng Xiao, Field of Specialization: Pharmaceutical
Sciences. Dissertation: Pharmacometric Modeling and
Simulation in Special Populations.
Haiqing Xu, Field of Specialization: Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology. Dissertation: Molecular
Determinants, Fitness Effects, and Evolutionary
Consequences of Gene Expression.
Anirudh Singh Yadav, Field of Specialization: Economics.
Dissertation: Essays in Housing and Macroeconomics.
Cheng Yang, Field of Specialization: Environmental
Engineering and Scientic Computing. Dissertation:
Data-Driven Approaches to Improve Operations of
Biological Processes in WRRFs: Analytics, Model and
Emily Grace Yang, Field of Specialization: Climate and
Space Sciences and Engineering. Dissertation: Space-
Based Evaluations of Urban Carbon Dioxide Emissions:
Applications, Methods, and Policy Implications.
Gang Yang, Field of Specialization: Nuclear Engineering
and Radiological Sciences. Dissertation: Development
of Coupled PROTEUS and SAM Code System for
Multiphysics Analysis of Advanced Reactors.
Zhen Yang, Field of Specialization: Civil Engineering.
Dissertation: An Infrastructure-based Cooperative
Driving Framework for Connected and Automated
Guangyu Yang, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics.
Dissertation: Estimation of Change-Points in Spline
Wijit Yangjit, Field of Specialization: Mathematics.
Dissertation: Hilbert’s Inequality, Generalized Factorials,
and Partial Factorizations of Generalized Binomial
Drew Yarger, Field of Specialization: Statistics.
Dissertation: Statistical Approaches for Spatially-
Dependent Functional Data and Their Application in
Chia-Nan Yeh, Field of Specialization: Physics and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: Ab Initio Many-
Body Theory for Solids Based on the Green’s Function
Jeremy York, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Seeking Equilibrium in Data Reuse: A
Study of Knowledge Satiscing.
Jie You, Field of Specialization: Computer Science and
Engineering. Dissertation: Toward Practical Application-
Aware Big Data Systems.
Peifeng Yu, Field of Specialization: Computer Science and
Engineering. Dissertation: Application-Aware Scheduling
in Deep Learning Software Stacks.
Qinggang Yu, Field of Specialization: Psychology.
Dissertation: Sociocultural Patterning of Biological
Processes: An Examination with Biological Health and
Brain Functioning.
Hengshi Yu, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics.
Dissertation: Deep Generative Models for Single-Cell
Perturbation Experiments.
Astrid Nicole Zamora, Field of Specialization: Nutritional
Sciences. Dissertation: Exploring Pathways Linking
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals, Progesterone, and
Epigenetics to Sleep and Metabolic Health Outcomes
Among Mexican Populations.
Xin Zan, Field of Specialization: Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Dissertation: Scalable Architectures for High
Frequency and Very High Frequency Wireless Power
Kelcie Anne Zegalia, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Advances in Islet Metabolomics using
Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography-Mass
Lara Emily Zetzsche, Field of Specialization: Chemical
Biology. Dissertation: Engineering Biocatalysts for
Oxidative Cross-Coupling Reaction.
Yuxin Zhai, Field of Specialization: Mechanical
Engineering. Dissertation: An Approach for Active
Acoustic Metamaterial Design Implementation and
Mohammad Zhalechian, Field of Specialization: Industrial
and Operations Engineering. Dissertation: Data-Driven
Learning and Resource Allocation in Healthcare
Operations Management.
Hui Zhang, Field of Specialization: Environmental
Engineering. Dissertation: Trimethoprim Degradation by
Micro Suldated Zero Valent Iron Activated Persulfate
Ethan Zhang, Field of Specialization: Civil Engineering.
Dissertation: A Predictive-Prescriptive Safety Framework
at Intersections in a Connected Vehicle Environment.
Yuhang Zhang, Field of Specialization: Biomedical
Engineering. Dissertation: Hierarchical Motion Modeling
of Abdominal Motions for Radiation Therapy.
Xiaoxi Zhang, Field of Specialization: Comparative
Literature. Dissertation: De-centering Modern
Language(s): The Case of Chinese, Portuguese, and
Xinyan Zhao, Field of Specialization: Information.
Dissertation: Explain and Improve Natural Language
Processing Systems with Human Insights.
Tianchen Zhao, Field of Specialization: Applied and
Interdisciplinary Mathematics. Dissertation: Neural
Quantum States for Scientic Computing: Applications
to Computational Chemistry and Finance.
Doctor of Philosophy
Yuchao Zhao, Field of Specialization: Anthropology.
Dissertation: Taming the Plateau: From Hunting to
Herding in the Fourth Millennium BP at Meilong Cave,
Western Tibet..
Zeyu Zheng, Field of Specialization: Computer Science
and Engineering. Dissertation: Advances in Deep
Reinforcement Learning: Intrinsic Rewards, Temporal
Credit Assignment, State Representations, and Value-
equivalent Models.
Muru Zhou, Field of Specialization: Macromolecular
Science and Engineering. Dissertation: Full-eld,
Conformal Epiretinal Electrode Array Using Hydrogel
and Polymer Hybrid Technology.
Yanbing Zhou, Field of Specialization: Chemistry
and Scientic Computing. Dissertation: Quantum
Chemistry in Solid-State Simulations: Gaussian Basis
Sets Development and ab-initio Green’s Function Based
Realistic System Applications.
Weijiao Zhou, Field of Specialization: Nursing.
Dissertation: Physical Activity of Surgical Lung Cancer
Yi Zhu, Field of Specialization: Civil Engineering and
Scientic Computing. Dissertation: An Integrated
Framework for Fabrication, Simulation, and Design of
Functional Origami.
Jian Zhu, Field of Specialization: Linguistics and Scientic
Computing. Dissertation: A Computational Account of
Selected Patterns of Linguistic Variation and Change.
Jiaqiang Zhu, Field of Specialization: Biostatistics.
Dissertation: Statistical Methods and Computational
Tools for High-throughput Genomics Data.
Christine Ann Ziegler, Field of Specialization: Biological
Chemistry. Dissertation: Mechanisms of Nutrient Sensing
and Gene Regulation by the E. Coli Leucine-responsive
Regulatory Protein, a Global Feast-Famine Transcriptional
Eleni Katherine Zotos, Field of Specialization: Chemistry.
Dissertation: Chemistry Graduate Students’ Knowledge
for Teaching and Factors That Inuence Their
Development as Instructors.
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Computational Discovery and Engineering
Maris Arthurs
Minjeong Cha
Weizhi Du
Hao Huang
Atsunori Kaneshige
Master of Science
Chemical Biology
Diamond Joyce Buchanan
Alex Zore Zmejkoski
Founded in 1841, Anne Curzan, Dean
Bachelor in General Studies
Ronald Darius Bell
Miranda Felty
Alaina Gregory
Erin Elizabeth Helka
Brandon Johns, Jr.
Michael M. Joyce
Spencer David Rubin
Jackson Sharp
Jennie Kae Whiteld
Jamilah Omnia-M’Hawa Willis
Maxwell Norman Wittwer
Noelle M. Yang
Bachelor of Arts
Lilia Elena Aguilera
Faith Olivia Allen
William Jose Allen
Michelle Alvarez
Lucas Andrighetto
Lily C. Antor
Dyanna Bateman
Jamie Geoffrey Bateman
Wren Nichols Beauchamp
Alice Becker
Maverick McClure Becker
Chloë Christina Bennett
Kayla Bennett
Samantha R. Bernier
Tamara Felisha Bingham
Nicholas Van Blankenburg
Brooke Grace Boardman
Noah Dominic Bonello
Benjamin Frank Borschke
Logan Bronsink
Kelly Brueger
Benjamin Peter Campagna
Benjamin Campbell
Kylin Cao
Andrew John Caroen
Jonathan Chen
Junxi Chen
Lenny Cheng-Yi Chen
Ziyin Chen
Valerie Theresa Christou
Brianna Coleman
Joel Patrick Collin
Tiana M. Covington
Brendan P. Cupchak
Bennett J. Currie
Delaney Noelle Dahlstrom
Jacqueline De Los Reyes Young
Marissa Marie Deardurff
Zachary J. DeDionisio
Evan Glen Dempsey
Grant Thomas Denhof
Thomas P. Donahue
Shenghe Du
Liam Mayers Elliott
Samuel James Erickson
Stephane Andrea Estrada
Erin Marie Eyler
Thomas Liam Fanning
Daniel Alexander Franco
Ellis Bernard Freatman IV
Lea Sophia Garzotto
Sanna Ghafoor
Shemya Gilmore
Alexander Josue Gonzalez
Sandra Perez Gonzalez
Angela Lauren Gosselin
Alysa Renee Gould
Sierra E. Hansen
Spencer Noel Harris
Marshall Ford Demond Hayes
Laura Elizabeth Henriksen
Henry Hu
Mackenzie Dae Hubbard
Kelsie Elizabeth Imus
Harshita Jalluri
Shawn Singh Jande
Deashia Monique Johnson
Quinten Stephen Johnson
Claire Grace Kausch
Lauren O. Kay
Lily Maria Kelsey
Daniel Kane Kessler
Phoebe Kim
Se Myoung Kim
Kierra Krawec
Janavi Krishnan
Nini Landwer
William Lau
Kyle Murphy Layman
John Joseph Leavy IV
Sophia Elena Leiter
Katrina Lewis
Scott Li
Chuyi Liu
Yurong Liu
Grace Livsey
Fernando Javier López
Devon Michael Mann
Andrew Lee Mannis
Ta’Miya Massey
Tondray Mizell Mays
Andrew McHarg
Cade Michael McNamara
Sosi Mehren
Lauren Annika Middleton
Mikayla Margaret Sunjoo Mitchell
Kathryn Monahan
Nicholas Casio Moore
Katelynn Marie Mulder
Mallory Nicole Murphy
Emily Claire Noyer
Uyi Stephanie Otote
Jacob Victor Paparella
Reyana Shelby Patterson
Yi Peng
Jalen Perry
Arianna Pollack
Kelly Blair Poole
Jhenna L. Puckett
Kaiyu Qin
Olivia Grace Randazzo
Jacob Evan Ratner
Jeri Seline Rhodes
Jeremy Ritz
Addie Lynn Rodenberger
Dieter C. Roeser
Nitza Anabel Rosario
Jack Bradley Roshco
Clarisa Alina Russenberger
Max Alexander Satin
Aaysha Satti
Maria Scerbak
Jessica Marie Schrader
Brandon Taylor Schulz
Rickey Donald Shackelford
Jacob William Shereda
Borna Shoa
Nicholas James Simpson
Gurbaz Singh
Lucy Inez Smith
Sofía Mercedes Southam
Jack Edward Stewart
Carlos Daunta Thompson II
Austin J. Trychel
Robert Oskar Vasilkovskii
Jordan Lee Walker
Jedidiah Liam Weinstein
Celynn Nicole Welch
Julius Welschof
Gavin M. White
Scott William White
Nakia Scharie Wilkins
Sadie Louise Willingham
Amanda Paige Wirgau
Jack Robert Wisneski
Nathanael Wong
Teresa Renata Woryk
Walker Ahrens Young
Yutian Zuo
Bachelor of Science
Shahab Majeed Abdullah
Sayyah Ahmed
Duha Alhashimi
Sawsan Adnan Alkhalili
Rene Andino
Michaela Rose Barry
Ryan Edward Bederka
Kelisha Bhari
Maryam M. Bishdary
Beau Grayson Blankenship
John William Bolt
Carson Britt
Lauren Kendall Buchman
Lili Calderon-Moscrip
Xinyue Cao
Benjamin William Centner
Jiarui Chen
Shiyi Chen
Yue Chi
Jun Ryul Choi
Sooin Choi
Hibah Mirza Chughtai
Madison Clausen
Ari Scott Coester
Erin E. Connor
Jessica Angel Cortez
Alexis Bianca Callejo Covacha
Ali Darwiche
Kennedy Kahlice Davis
Jacqueline Del Angel
Theodore Daniel DelGizzi
Elizabeth M. Dickinson
Hannah Jane Doerr
Eric S. Dorais
Charlotte Anne Drumm
Conor P. Egan
Brianna Eldredge
Megan H. Fahey
Ellie Falahee
Imanuel Familia
Boyu Fang
Mackenzie Katherine Farrow
Alexis Sarah Fine
Annabella Colette Lazzara Fritts
Tingxiao Fu
Raj Gautam
Caleb Lido Geister
Anthony Victor Giannobile
Matthew Robert Golub
Meredith Clare Green
Arthur Ivins Greenlee IV
Megan Elizabeth Gron
Gaurie Gunasekaran
Augusta Guo
Bohan Guo
Xiaofan Guo
Zoe Alexandria Gust
Faiz Haider
Kennedy Rose Hawkins
Chase Paul Henley
Brian Dereck Hicks
Olivia M. Hintz
Nickolas Holden
Chloe Alexis Hooker
Jing Ye Huang
Brock Huber
Olduz Ilkhchoui
Sohan Jadhav
Ashhad M. Jaffer
Darine Haidar Jbara
Xilin Ji
Fatime Wadad Jomaa
Evan James Joneson
Labib Ahmad Joumaa
Varun Gururaj Kathawate
Alan William Kay
Katerina Alice Kornievskaia
Janel LaPalm
Bingyao Lei
Kendell Nicole Lewis
Yining Li
Adam Liang
Parth A. Limachia
Yaqi Liu
Yi Liu
Christopher Lobdell
Jose Agusto Lopez Sanchez
Yiming Ma
Brenna Leigh MacLeod
Yehya Maitah
Danny Majed
Victoria Anne Markle
Benjamin Curtis McCrary
Jeannie Mei
Alexander David Meyer
Destiny Noel Mitchell
Stephen C. Moss
Ali Naeem
Celine Nasser
Benjamin Vito Nepa
Olivia Ngo
Meg Nicholson
Logan Alexander Niswander
Quinn Olson
Angelina Oram
Timothy Pai
Hannah Palomino
Matthew Palumbo
Anuraag Parchuri
Kyle Reed Peres
Emery Pollack
Elizabeth Larsen Pritchard
Hayleigh Allyn Rachel Proskin
Nila Pugazhendhi
Kang Qi
Joanna Qu
Mahnoor Rauf
Amelia Belle Rave
Sampoorna M. Ravikanth
Sophia Marie Rightmer
Rashid Elmahdi Saeed
Filip Saulean
Frank Seidl
Davinder Sekhon
Ameen Ahmed Semia
Habib Ali Serhan
Juliette L. Shaheen
Jamaal Parvez Shaikh
Junli Shao
Paarth Sharma
Shelby Ann Shaughnessy
Lydia Ayad Shmona
Madison Jane Siddall
Durosham Mehak Siddiqui
Sehar Siddiqui
Joshua Solomon
Basil Philip Sousounis
Sara Souweidane
Zoe Liu Srackangast
Maya Subramanian
Jacob David Sunderlik
Xiaoying Tang
Omar Salah Tarabah
Julia Carmen Tenbusch
Justine Marie Thomas
Nicholas Tilson
Jagienka Helena Timek
Christina Toeller
Toriqul Amin Tonmoy
Maya Leela Uradnik
Ahmed Ali Usman
Celesta J. VanWyk
Jason Wagenmaker
Madelyn Walker
Samuel Wallace
Andrew Michael Wancha
Noah Williams
Janeé Deanna Wiseman
Alayna S. Wong
Gavin Michael Wright
Chenming Xing
Hao Xu
Jing Xu
Leyao Yang
Zhe Yang
Yasser Yassine
Qiming Ying
Hanyu Zhang
Shuyu Zhao
Nina Zheng
Rachel Zhou
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Kagiso Sebetela
Hongdi Wu
Bachelor of Arts
Ani Aileen Kalousdian
Arianna McClellan
Violet Astrid Needham
Avery Nicole Sandstrum
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
African American Diasporic
Ta’Les Lyrick Love
African Studies
Promise McEntire
Xiaoxi Zhang
Cognitive Science
Sean Matthew Costello
Complex Systems
Andrew Cabaniss
Critical Translation Studies
Genta Nishku
Digital Studies
Sergio Gael Barrera
Yuval Katz
Sona Rao
Kelly Wheeler
Judaic Studies
Nadav Linial
Latina/o Studies
Sergio Gael Barrera
Transgender Queer Studies
Will Beischel
Aaron J. Stone
Medieval and Early Modern
Taylor Anne Sims
Museum Studies
Isabelle Gillet
Adolmary Pena
Mariane Aparecida Stanev
Tina Tahir
Chuyi Zhu
Science, Technology, and
Sriram Mohan
Women’s and Gender Studies
Eshe Sherley
World Performance Studies
Alessandro Hagerman-Lepanto
Yucong Hao
Jason Jermaine Howard
Marjoris Victoria Regus
Samantha Rose Williams
Master of Arts
American Culture
Glenesha Berryman
Kyle Lindsey
Julianna C. Loera Wiggins
Ian Patrick Beggen
Ella Rebekah Brown
Promise McEntire
Alexandra Lynn Norwood
Noelia Santana
Anthropology and History
Colin John Garon
Applied Economics
Qiancheng Hao
Francis Stipek
Xue Yang
Arabic Studies
Cecilia Elisabeth Kuehnel
Julia Marie Boylan Schwartz
Classical Art and Archaeology
Andrew Cabaniss
Classical Studies
Derek Alfredo Cebrian
Ashton Rodgers
Ana Santory Rodríguez
Classical Studies-Latin
William Tseten Dorjé Soergel
Zoey Chopra
Germano Wallerstein Ferreira Gomes
Siyun He
Xiaomeng Li
Dianne Catherine McWilliam
Xinrui Zhou
Germanic Languages and
Giovanni Angelo Doveri
Master of Arts
Arielle Sadie Gordon
Mix Mann
International and Regional
Amanda J. Hardy
Dominique Canning
Cameron McCulloch
Joe Shin
Political Science
Anil Ramachandran Menon
Zoe V. Chanin
Joyce Ho
Ethan Johnston
Katherine B. Leu
Jasmine Ione Rivera
Janet Wang
Jun Zhou
Aibo Gong
Heather Johnston
Wooseok Kim
Bernardo Modenesi
Dylan Kane Nelson
Roya Talibova
Xiao Wang
Amanda Weissman
Mohammad Zhalechian
Master of Science
Applied Physics
Hao Huang
Jacob Waelder
Applied Statistics
Jingyi Jia
Ran Yan
Tyler Jackson Smith
Abigail Rebecca Sossen
Chris A. V. Swendris
Isabelle A. Zelaya
Data Science
Ruoyu Duan
Huo Gao
Jingyi Jia
Wentao Xiong
Earth and Environmental
Emily Lan Do
Bryanne Michelle Gordon
Isaac Hinz
Natalie Rose Packard
Ecology and Evolutionary
Rebecca Anne Clemons
Jenny Flores
Janae Jacqueline White
Shelby Cox
John William Haviland
Patrick Francis Kelley
Molecular, Cellular and
Developmental Biology
Sarah Marie Jaksich
John Zientko
Huy N. Nguyen
Hannah Claire Becker
Lindzey Victoria Hoover
Shreya Karippurathu Rajagopal
Katy Michon
Jahla Briaundria Osborne
Jordan Dub Palms
Danielle Rosenscruggs
Matthew Whalen
Quantitative Finance and Risk
Wentao Xiong
Founded in 1850, Marschall S. Runge, Dean
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Vincent Alexander Alessi
Elham Asghari Adib
Tasmine Clement
Marissa Cloutier
Hanjia Guo
Tongyu Liu
Morgan Danielle Oneka
Jingcheng Xiao
Health and Health Care
Sidra Bonner
Tammy L. Eaton
Stanley Matthew Kalata
Olivia Joy Killeen
Megan Lane
Avinash Maganty
Aaron Parzuchowski
Chloé Alexandra Powell
Phoebe Tsao
Master of Science
Health Infrastructures and
Learning Systems
Angelina Rita Adam
Megan Joy Adam
Engers Fernandez Nunez
Louis Haddad
Grace Catherine Hohn
Ambrielle Victoria Stoltz-Bango
Human Genetics
Isabel Wellik
Katlynn Emaus
Alondra Perez Cortez
Zahraa Bazzi
Wanqing Cheng
Ward Ghazi
Zehui Gu
Caroline Hernandez-Casner
Joe Cameron Minton
Matthew Aaron Nye
Heyuan Qin
Joseph Anthony Serrenho
Tingzhen Shen
Yudong Sun
Alexander Charng-Dar Tsai
Zhoumu Xiang
Hang Xiong
Jun Zhou
Meghan Faith Anderman
Blake David Bloomeld
Joseph Keegan Brown
Caroline Rose Cibulas
Kimberly Fujiwara
Klea Gjonaj
Brice Hendrickson
Robert Alexander Holt
Hannah McAllister Kellogg
Rida Mustafa Khan
Spencer Gregory Kramer
Michael Lee
Jonathon Garrett Lewis
Max Wiegand Macgregor
John David Pestenariu
Kiana Nika Sadri
Kimberly Lynn Sims
Katie LaRayne Singer
Sabrina Vega
Meghan Elizabeth Vill
Morgan Crystal Win
Alexander Barkley Wood
Founded in 1859, Mark D. West, David A. Breach Dean of Law
Doctor of the Science of Law
Chun-Han Chen
Founded in 1875, Jan Hu, Interim Dean
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
Alyvia Rose Kurtzhals
Hope Leigh Lovins
Yessenya Santamaria
Doctor of Dental Surgery
Judi Kaakarli
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Dental Hygiene
Allison M. Bittner
Abrielle Kay Lamphere
Paramvir S. J. Guram
Dana Rún Heimisdóttir
Michael Baptista Rodillo
Rebecca Kathleen Steffens
Oral Health Sciences
Mintesnot Lemma Beyecha
Dylan James Keener
Danielle Michelle Kristal
Candice Elizabeth Logan
Tamara Mackie
Nicholas Joseph Shirey
Tessa Nicole Streeter
Neil Eiji Tamashiro-Miyamoto
Shayan Barootchi
Matthew Simon-Peter Galli
Benyapha Sirinirund
Larissa Rachel Steigmann
Tyler Scott Anderson
Uvoh Erhiegueke Onoriobe
Chenxuan Wei
Restorative Dentistry
Fahad Ibrahim A. Alawad
Mohammad Ahmad A. Alenizy
Farah Jameel H. Alhamed
Razan Naffaa N. Alharbi
Razan Marwan Y Hashim
Henry Benjamin Heeter
Felipe Tarosso Réa
Founded in 1876, Vicki Ellingrod, Dean
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Paige Jean Carrigan
Mackenzie Ann Stevens
Doctor of Pharmacy
Chiamaka Fedora Agu
Ana I. Lopez Medina
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Integrated Pharmaceutical
Yuanhuang Chen
Ismail Ahmad Jomha
Samarth Khasakia
Yueting Liu
Alex Miller
Shuxin Sun
Zhixin Yu
Founded in 1914, Celeste Watkins-Hayes, Interim Dean
Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy
Kevin James Davis, Jr.
Minor in Public Policy
Arianna Pollack
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Science, Technology and
Public Policy
Shannon Maureen Danforth
Monika Kristine Franco
Sarah Ann Pizzano
Steven Woodruff
Master of Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Jonathan Dwight Breems
Rachel McGivern
Joseph A. Moreno
Master of Public Policy
Public Policy
Claire Salant
Cassidy Uchman
Founded in 1915, Alec D. Gallimore, Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Federico Giovanni De Geronimo
Cameron Charles Greifenberger
Justin David Marshall
Biomedical Engineering
Andrew Michael Golin
Isabella Campbell Hartman
Yvonne Lin
Chemical Engineering
Jane Kay Burnett
Jessica Anne Mercier
Marisa S. Patel
Sanjeev Venkat Raja
Civil Engineering
Jeanna Lynn Washington
Computer Engineering
Ronald Hale Fisher III
Alvaro Quiroga
Wenhao Song
Zimeng Zhang
Computer Science
Owen Alexander
Sam Ali Bashir
Jad A. Beydoun
Braden Lucas Crimmins
Paul D. Davis
Joshua Alexander Fink
Olivia Grace Garrahan
Caleb Brett Gleason
Jacinda Stefani Green
Ibrahim A. Kosgi
Haoxuan Liu
Marco Comandante Lou
Suhaas Karthik Nandyala
Mason Nelson
Thomas James Pickup
Areeb Abdul Rahim
Ivan Pablo Roman
Matthew Ryan Schneider
Andrew Jay Schultz
Joey Zev Shoyer
Artemis Siavelis
Jack Hugo Thiesen III
Ruiyi Wang
Yuheng Wang
James Francis Wiaduck, Jr.
Ryan Yulun Wu
Congyu Xu
Data Science
Christopher Rolla Baumgartner
Joshua John Kowalski
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Data Science
Haoxuan Liu
Sanjeev Venkat Raja
Electrical Engineering
Albi Ali Bregu
Engineering Physics
Desmond J. Harbin
Jack Hugo Thiesen III
Industrial and Operations
Kagan Daugherty Conrad
Sadie Emerald Cox
Tarek El Bsat
Amran Eltobah
Max Morrison Ford
Charlie Hickman
Matthew Benjamin Howard
Johnny Huang
Daniel Korach
Misha Korolev
Kirk Richard Oliver, Jr.
Darian Eva Pace
Jeremy Segal
Amit Tiwari
Grace Anne Vandelac
Xinrui Cindy Zhao
Materials Science and
Madison S. Buford
Mechanical Engineering
Joy Aun
Sarah Suzanne Bindon
Madison Mera Bryce
Miguel Alberto Burelli
Kevin William Dietz
Nicholas K. Imboden
James A. Johal-Smith
James Lorenz
Zachary Krishnendu Majumdar
Neel S. Patel
Ruben Ramos
Steven Stamatios Shinas
Joseph Zeolla
Christian Jun-Dao Zung
Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering
Katerina Siavelis
William Jaamal Spraggins
Nolan Scott Swantick
Nuclear Engineering and
Radiological Sciences
Thomas Grifn Jayasankar
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Engineering
Innovation and
Nicholas Gage Schott
Master of Engineering
Automotive Engineering
Austin James Jeffries
Electrical and Computer
Deepthi Antony
Energy Systems Engineering
Jaclyn Marie Belleville
Stephany Elaine Damaso
Adam Patrick Flanders
Tyler Blake Grim
Mark Livshin
Michelle Ngoc Nguyen
Edgar Daniel Oviedo Monsivais
Aileen Reene Peer
Jack Pigott
Hunter Gilbert Rimatzki
Shayne Michael Suban
Dhruv Atul Tatke
Samuel Thomas Varghese
Global Automotive and
Manufacturing Engineering
Richard J. Ellis
Jessica Anne Gartrell
Margaret Ann McFarland
Space Engineering
Patrick John Baranek
Structural Engineering
Songjie Jia
Systems Engineering and
Ruchi Aggarwal
Matthew Thomas Daigger
Joseph Mascolo
Cameron Montgomery Miller
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Data Science
Soyeon Choi
Xiaofan Cui
Weihui Gu
Ahmad Shirazi
Brian Michael Swiger
Jieping Yang
Engineering Education
Joseph Michael Valle
Master of Science
Biomedical Engineering
Reliza McGinnis
Julianna Richie
Computer Science and
Q. Cong
Richard Ely Locke Higgins
Barbara Jadwiga Korycki
Haojun Ma
Yisen Wang
Zijian Zhang
Design Science
Megan Tienyan Eng
Kyra Grant
Rhea Mehra
Madeline Ann Moening
Electrical and Computer
Zhelin Cao
Joseph T. Costello
Jack Hamel
Jingzhou Zhang
Industrial and Operations
Sajjad Seyedsalehi
Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering
Wei-Lun Liu
Kevin Best
Manikandasriram S. R.
Weiheng Tan
Master of Science in Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Mehmet Akif Ahrazoglu
Greta Colford
Biomedical Engineering
Elizabeth Jean Bealer
Meagan Brucker-Hahn
Katie Burkhard
Guillermo Rafael Escalona
Kate Grifn
Maggie Jewett
Miguel A. Ortiz-Lopez
Despina Igenia Pavlidis
Laila M. Rad
Brian Connor Ross
Hisham Temmar
Robert Michael Theisen
Ruoliu Zhang
Chemical Engineering
Ajay Shankaran
Civil Engineering
Ching Cheung Fung
Computer Science and
Cristian-Paul Bara
Aditya Chitta
Electrical and Computer
Yufeng Chen
Environmental Engineering
Zhenghao Zhou
Macromolecular Science and
Sungmin Diana Kim
Mechanical Engineering
James Albert Abraham
David Adamovicz
Haozhen Chen
Shannon Maureen Danforth
Steven George Kiyabu
Yong Seok Kwon
Larson Lovdal
Maurice Miro
Laura Murphy
Keyen A. Yockey
Nuclear Engineering and
Radiological Sciences
Kyle Andrew Beyer
Founded in 1921, Elizabeth Birr Moje, Dean
Bachelor of Arts in Education
Joys Kapali
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Learning Experience Design
Sydne Eden Kasle
Melissa Mae McCurry
Master of Arts
Educational Leadership and
Shelby Grace Benham
Dohyun Kim
Angelica Ramos
Educational Studies
Caleb Jason Adams
Jared Donald Akins
Milly Claire Ash
Morgan Yvonne Beckett
Delaney Bond
Jeanette Bouton
Taylor Nicole Bradley
Sarah Jean Brish
Biatris Ariana Bruins
Gabbie Buendia
Gabriella Machado De Sant Anna
Meagan Caye Cosand
Domenic Dame
Rebecca D’Angelo
Jan Christine Del Rosario Macasa
Morgan Renae Dobbins
Carlina Marie Domingos
Theresa Ying Du
Jazmin Valentina Edwards
Jack Fernbacher
Shivani Gandhi
Claire Elizabeth Garner
Christina Jordan Greeneld
Terrance T. Grifn
Emma Grimes
Amber Gustafson
Aaron Hale-Dorrell
Andrew Franklin Hall
Lindsay Erin Hall
Rita Mei Barry Hathaway
Yuanhuan He
Sarah Hickman
Ashley M. Highland
Parker Hill
Myra Arif Hussain
Christine Michelle Hutchinson
Saki Inoue
Amber Renee Jakiel
Hunter Philippe Janness
Hyein Jee
Yen Jeong
Ingrid Magdalena Johnson
Taylor Kane
Sydne Eden Kasle
MiKayla Lynn Kasparian
Reeti Katoch-Rouse
Sydney Kayne
Hui Jia Ke
Caroline Hastings Kelly
William Michael Kelly
Noa Knoerl-Morrill
Macy Marie Kurth
Anna Kyle
Connor Sabo Otto Laporte
Scott Edwin Leake
Jonathan Gregory Lelo
Xinyu Liu
Xuechen Liu
Alexander M. Llanso
Anamaria Jasenka Lopez
Qianyue Lu
Tirzah Jeannette Lundberg
Madeline Claire Machesky
Melissa Mae McCurry
Bradley Philip McIntosh
Claire Mary McLaughlin
Nicholas Steven Michael
Abigail Nickerson
Alayna Nugent
Kendall Rose Perdue
Angel Mae Polzin
Garret William Potter
Sulayman Qazi
Isabella Sepulveda Ramos
Hannah Marie Rutherford
Reagan Frances Shapton
Haley Rose Sheldon
Vanesa Corene Skocelas-Johnson
Marissa Angelin Solis
Cristina Marie Stanojevich
Stephanie Christine Stoneback
Alex Taylor
Mia Leeann Thompson
Lauren Olivia Vani
Samuel James Waldron
Hannah Mary Walsh
Lu Wang
Benjamin Paul Ward
Paige Simone Wint
Ethan Lawrence Wolf
Abigail Rose Wolgamuth
Mark Edward Wood
Jordan Daniel Bouchard Wyant
Juncheng Zhang
Higher Education
Michelle Austin
Mackenzie Avis
Michael Metcalf
Sophia Rose Muta
Founded in 1924, Sharon F. Matusik, Edward J. Frey Dean of Business
Bachelor of Business Administration
Sarah Suzanne Bindon
Fernando Isidro Garcia-Chacon
Alaina Gregory
Henry Hu
Luisa Maria Kaas
Janavi Krishnan
Gavin James LaPeer
James Lorenz
Ryan Michael McNamara
Clayton James Simmon
Eugene Anthony Williams
Zachary Michael Wu
Master of Business Administration
John S. Y. An
Daniel Jonathan Bekemeyer
Tyler Jennings Bennett
Alex Block
John Allen Bobango, Jr.
Brahmananda Reddy Boggula
Kyle Justin Keolani Brunsman
Thomasina Camarda
Peter Joseph Caruso
Wei Chen
Xiaoqiong Chen
Ryan Coleman
Aayush Damani
Eric Fortin
Kyra Grant
Andrew Green
Hans Gurtner
Sophie Elisabeth Hardig
Master of Business Administration
Carolyn Collins Hickman
Ally Howington
Vyacheslav Istomin
Jutos Jakkaichawadol
Sinhyo Jung
Takeshi Kokubun
Duangjai Korsutjarit
John Lee
Sirimon Makarananda
Brandon Paul Manson
Sean McConville
Chompoonoot Monchaitrakul
Vidur Munjal
Yuzuru Nakashima
Shota Nakatsuka
Hunter Nierman
David Brendon Norris
Naoto Ozawa
Sheena Sriniti Patterson
Nathan P. Piechocki
Didsayachai Prirungruang
Amarjeet Singh Sahota
Scott Schenkelberg
David Silvers
Dennis William Smith
Henry Thomas Smith
Jeffrey Michael Tomevi
Kalayarat Vanich
Ethan Venitz
Michael Yee
Alex Yuan
Derek Zheng
Master of Supply Chain Management
Grifn Jack Baker
Erik Ball
Ankit Banerjee
Arani Basu
Shraddha Batra
Siddhant Behera
Ruiji Cai
Yiwen Cai
Isabella Kathryn Case
Saideepa Chama
Hong Chen
Zheyu Chen
Junho Cho
Wenxin Cui
Bhumika Das
Andrew Nolan Denk
Jian Ding
Sara Dwivedi
Irem Erdogan
Xinrong Fang
Alexander H. Fedje-Johnson
Matthew Ethan Frey
Pranav Gala
Yuchen Gu
Fou He
Alvin Hermiz
Chuoxin Huang
Jing Huang
Daniel Tomas Hult
Linda Ivanovic
Gaoyuan Ji
Feiran Jiang
Xin Jiang
Aditya Ashwani Kapoor
Sun Kim
Girish Kumar
Xiang Li
Yueying Li
Eric Liang
Lianna Lin
Mingjian Liu
Yuetong Liu
Deepank Mangal
Zachary F. Mansour
Yash Mehta
William Grady Miller
Natalie Nicole Montas
Jingxuan Mu
Mrunalini Nalla
John Earl Nixon
Samaakhya P
Dipesh K. Patel
Jiaying Peng
Joost Xavier Plaetinck
Jier Qian
Bharat Radhakrishnan
Sangya Rai
Tia John Ramapuram
Daokun Shang
Zhaoxuan Shi
Steve Song
Liang Su
Yun-Wen Su
Edwin Sungkono
Jonas Taghavi
Chung-Ling Tao
Arjav Kamlesh Tolia
Xinyu Tong
Meng En Tsai
Henry Wang
Shawn Wang
Liao Wang
Minghan Wang
Tianchi Wang
Sara Wujciak
Tingting Xie
Xiuge Yu
Nanyu Zhang
Zijian Zhao
Yusha Zhou
Minjie Zhu
Founded in 1927, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Andrew John Caroen
Kelsie Elizabeth Imus
Claire Grace Kausch
Lily Maria Kelsey
Daniel Kane Kessler
Mikayla Mitchell
Jhenna Puckett
Bachelor of Science
Hannah Jane Doerr
Caleb Lido Geister
Evan James Joneson
Christopher Lobdell
Davinder Sekhon
Joshua Solomon
Sara Souweidane
Noah Williams
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture
Jieping Yang
Master of Science
Environment and
Kathryn Sara Barr
Ember Sienna Bradbury
María Isabel Dabrowski
Rachel Lynn Darling
Michael Scott Grabda
Cameron Michael Leitz
Larson Lovdal
Elena M. Miyasato
Jesse Vega-Perkins
Natural Resources and
Jeremiah L. Johnson
Founded in 1929, David A. Gier, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Christina Toeller
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Performing Arts Technology:
Spencer Harris
Bachelor of Music
Sylvan Talavera
Performance: Bassoon
Daniel Alexander Zaldana
Performance: Violin
Matthew David Adams
Bachelor of Science
Sound Engineering
Evan Pillow
Master of Music
Music Education
Madeleine Danielle Aiken
Erin Blass
Steven Manuel Fernandez
Katherine Jewel
Giovanna Nicolette Koesterer
Performance: Cello
Jonathan Lien
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Certificate of Graduate Studies
Arts Entrepreneurship and
Samantha Rose Williams
Music Theory Pedagogy
Philip Solomonick
Master of Arts
Music Composition
Dustin Michael Dunn
Music: Musicology
Casper Yuen Hei Chan
Master of Fine Arts
Jason Jermaine Howard
Elisandra Mairym Rosario
Imani Ma’At Taylor
Duoduo Wang
Founded in 1931, Jonathan Massey, Dean
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Alexandra Janice Blanchard
Dallin Benson Deem
Zenia Jason Farhat
Kirstine Michelle Jett
Zoë Elizabeth Meinke
Petr Christian Moore
Leonie Muno
Aonor M. Washington
Master of Architecture
Jie Feng
Dan Shen
Founded in 1941, Patricia D. Hurn, Dean
Master of Science in Nursing
Acute Care Pediatric Nurse
Caroline Elizabeth Biehl
Matthew Grit
Rachel Miriam Thornton
Hannah Wellman
Alexandria Worrell
Family Nurse Practitioner
Sarah Barno
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Bradley Steven Liestenfeltz
Founded in 1941, F. DuBois Bowman, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Madeline May Christmann
Katherine Harvey
Bachelor of Science
Hassan Mohamed Beydoun
Andrea Rebecca Birkhofer
Soe Nadia Tiguert
Graduate Certificate
Social Epidemiology
Aleda Leis
Master of Health Informatics
Health Informatics
Mostafa Fakhruldin
Steven Michael Warrington, Jr.
Master of Health Services Administration
Health Management and
Daniel Hayden Kaplan
Megan Michalik
Marie Chantel Montas Urena
Darrell Williams
Master of Public Health
Yolaine A. Civil
Nutritional Sciences
Anthony James De Cicco
Hospital and Molecular
Jess Millar
Health Behavior and Health
Janay Dill
Inara Ismailova
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Clinical Research
Reid Meeker McCallister
Anuj Patel
Quintin Pedro Solano
Eric Aaron Steinbrook
Founded in 1951, Beth Angell, Dean
Master of Social Work
Eamann Al-Azem
Alison Noel Alkire
Cheri Antonow
Chelsea Susan Arlington
Brittney Ann Barros
Aaron Nathaniel Benard
Mariah Christina Benford
Nicole Marie Berent
Claire Arden Beutler
Jacob Andrew Blevins
Meghan Louise Boyd
Lauren Marie Bratton
Kaitlin Anne Bronstein
Amari Lillian Brown
Sarahann Elizabeth Buda
Constance McKenzie Bumgarner
Marie Kelleher Burke
Maddison Rae Buschur
Hallie Butterer
Shelbe Marie Cahill
Briana Dockery Carpenter
Soz Ortiz Carro
Sarah Kate Castle
Sally Catherine Cederberg
Brooke Chapman
Paul Martin Chase
Mina Kaur Cheema
Nuo Chen
Alyssa Marie Cisneros
Catherine Clark
Riaz Ali Clark
Danielle Hannah Cohn
Kalysta Nicole Coulter
Abigail Frederica Daum
Reilly Diggins
Sarah Marie Dykstra
Devin M. Eagle
Tariq N. Elsaid
Rebecca Emrick
Elizabeth Claire Alison Estes
Melody Kathleen Fakhourie
Catherine Anne Fernando
Paris Lynn Freeman
Kendra Mariah Gantt
Aziza Adib Ghanem
Isabella Barrientos Ginsberg
Maria Therese Gomez
Sara Elisabeth Grahn-Nilsson
Spencer Connor Hall
Kenneth James Harrington
Hope Kerstyn Hernandez
Brianna T. Jackson
Katherine Anne Jaeger
Limei Janik
Ajsa Jasarevic
Franchion Nicole Jefferson
Corielle Demont Johnson
Malaysha Chante Johnson
Evelyn Margaret Kamradt
Kaylee Corinne Keena
Julia Paige Kirby
Michael Kloc
Mackenzie Reagan Leatherman
Arim Lee
Lillian Anne Lemkuil
Jiangnan Liu
Madeline Loss
Derek John Macfarlane
Derrick Matthew Martinez
Jessica Ann McCain
Dalton Meister
Sarah Jessica Mellendorf
Kristina Renee Miller
Ashley Elease Minter
Elizabeth B. Moak
Moise Hakizimana Moket
Audrey Grace Montgomery
Aaron Michael Vernon Moore
Amber Lynne Morgan
Daniela Munoz
Reganne Elizabeth Delaney Nabozny
Grace M. Nadler
Soa Isabel Ortiz Carro
Brenda Istifan Osachi
So Yeon Park
Chelsea Michelle Parker
Harrison Samuel Charles Parker
Allison Parrish
Jessica Sue Penhale
Kayla May Pentecost
Elisabeth Cortner Pixley-Fink
Sophia Christine Poelker
Kelsey Porter
Kera Kathleen Reed
Emily Jacqueline Reinhardt
Amanda Lynn Riggs
Julia Rodgers
Micah Leonard Roland
Alyssa Romack
Kate Elizabeth Rylaarsdam
Samantha Lynn Scherba
Heidi Elizabeth Schleif
Master of Social Work
Joseph Sciuto
Kathleen Scola
Yuliya A. Shyrokonis
Morgan Anne Simpson
Leah Naomi Singman
Journey Nicole Stockton
Ashley Stroessler
Zinan Tao
Kelly Rae Teahan
Madeline Claire Tebo
Allison Uzarek
Vanessa Richelle Wandel
Gabrielle M. Watts
Tonya Katherine Wells
Marie K. White
Anne Elizabeth Wilhoit
Lucinda L. Wilmshurst
Hannah Noelle Wilson
Michael Wing
Kimberly Ruth Wisser
Brandon Kenneth Wolliston
Practice Breanne Danielle Woods-
Victoria Elizabeth Worthington
Shichang Yang
Tony Yerks
Rebecca Young Eun Yook
Yunzi Yu
Founded in 1956, Debasish Dutta, Chancellor
Bachelor of Applied Science
Sean M. Conely
Toby A. Igo
David J. Peet
Bachelor of Arts
Whitney M. Boose
James Dehuelves
Danielle M. Edwards
Isaiah M. Edwards
Rayeh S. Elian
Jordan Galarneau
Lauren C. Hackett
Shekinah L. Hill
Mariah L. Hobbs
Myles J. MacDonald
Alisa Maloney
Frankie E. Mcintosh
Abed A. Najjar
Jordan Natchez-Carroll
Brandon Z. Smith
Noor S. Subhani
Annaleis M. Varela
Deonna A. Wynn
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Nicholas Berklich
Mark A. Mabry
Mizahnyi T. Tipton-Thomas
Bachelor of Science
Johnathon D. Baxter
Chancery C. Bigelow
Caniyia L. Buckner
Tommy M. Burger, Jr.
Hani U. Changezi
Abigail R. Clement
Darius N. Collins
Anna G. Delgado
Norm C. Engel IV
Cheyenne Feltz
Katrina E. Gaines
Rebecca L. Gerkin
Jerrae Green
Cameron M. Hall
Connor A. Horgan
Breanna D. Hurd
Alex R. Kumke
Ashley M. Long
Kirsten J. Main
Calli A. Miller
Chelsea L. Mishler
Adam M. Mizgalski
Queen Odira
Lauren M. Pariseau
Kat A. Pretty
Ashley E. Robinson
Ali Sheikh-Khalil
Bachelor of Science
Garry Singh
Gurjinder Singh
Hilary A. Thompson
Marina R. Threadgould
Katy R. Veit
Ahana Vinayak
Micah D. Watson
Elissa R. Wilson
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Paul F. Beiswenger
Certificate (Undergraduate)
Norm C. Engel IV
Master of Science in Biology
Riley C. Swanson
Master of Science in Computer Science & Information Systems
Daniel Legat
Rajani Maddula
Venkata Ravi Teja Pinisetti
Mitchell Ryan
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Arts Administration
Taegon Kim
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies
Jesse R. James
Michael L. Sartor
Master of Public Administration
Tylise M. Black
Jonathon Click
Brandy A. Jones
Jennifer M. Katz
Troy P. Kosal
Harleigh L. Putmon
Marcus A. Randolph
Roy N. Rashke
Donald J. Rhoads
Bachelor of Science
Ellery S. Bodnar
Bachelor of Social Work
Kristen N. Harmon
Niyah J. Mccree
Dann J. Stankiewicz
Doctor of Education
Tim F. Tenneriello
Education Specialist
Edith E. Feaster
Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education
Melanie K. Berry
Shan C. Cook
Renee L. Wilkinson
Master of Arts in Educational Technology
Lauren A. Jones
Nolan Kolacz
Nicholas M. Moore
Lindsay R. Swope
Master of Arts in Literacy Education
Kari L. Bailey
Kelsey Grifth
Rebecca L. Lowe
Collene McCormick
McKenzie G. Taylor
Emily R. Thelen
Bachelor of Science
Selwa Aboudane
Lauren Baker
Manny F. Belal
Reem F. Belal
Alexis A. Benjamin
Melody Brooks
Shannon DeLorge
Morgan A. Engle
Hailey J. Eshelman
Kailee S. Ford
Amaliea M. Hindy
Jessica L. Macko
Shalice E. McGee
Liliana C. Mendoza
Annikka J. Mills
Kyle T. Mulcahy
Janet C. Phillips
Lauren P. Reichert
MiCayla J. Sandlin
Fares M. Siddig
Jill A. Sorensen
Sophie K. Stokes
Max A. Thomas
Alexandria N. Timmons-Geisert
Tessa P. Vanbuskirk
Chasen R. VanWormer
Kristin Watkins
Madeline R. Welch
Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy
John M. Duffy
Amy K. Jeans
Kelly C. Lawrence
Collin C. Smelcer
Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice
Yvonne M. Bridgeford
Jeff R. Denton
Brittany M. Fischer
Matthew M. Jacque
Janessa Johnson
Tinu Y. Kalejaiye
Danielle Malouf
Leif K. Marker
Jennifer L. Meiser
Pride T. Mudzwova
Amanda M. Oaks
Garry M. Payne
Caitlin M. Pemberton
Catarino Perez
Jaclyn R. Rochefort
Brian L. Shue
Jeffrey D. Sinicki
Salvatore Taormina
Nicole F. Thompson
Jonathan B. Toje
Kyle A. Trent
Timothy R. Turner
Stephanie K. Vallie
Sean S. VanDerWaal
Grant E. Voisinet
Lauren M. Young
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Shelby Abbott
Maddy J. Allen
Bilal A. Bandar
Jalen N. Bodrie
Lawrence R. Bogner II
Michael R. Boone
Brent J. Cheyne
Tom T. Chung
Jennifer M. Colonna
Kaley N. Conover
Courtney N. Cox
Kaitlin Dobrowolski
Marla-Wyona Dornbrach
Marissa N. Duke
Emily J. Everest
Lyndsie A. Farlow
Renee D. Fedorinchik
Zachary G. Gendron
John H. Girven III
Amber S. Gorman
Sydney L. Gregart
Louis G. Haase
Aaron G. Hanchett
Jacquelyn M. Harbin
Delaney B. Heavin
Spencer E. Ingles
Tyreece J. Justice
Hannah Alise A. Karczewski
Andrea L. Kelly
Ida Kolodziejczyk
Pellumb Kurtaga
Bryce R. LaBar
Lauren M. Lawler
Bruce Linder
Austin A. Macias
Samantha E. Mallia
Danielle S. Marzec
Elyse Mazurkiewicz
Fellipe Mikami
Erica Oriel
Nikki S. Palmer
Selina Paupert
Alexis M. Rau
Miranda D. Rysiewicz
Abigail N. Simone
Kelsey B. Soldner
Olivia S. Steele
Brooke N. Stewart
Travis J. Striber
Corey E. Temple
Nicole A. Tomczyk
Dominick B. Tyll
Matthew K. Waineo
Jared Walters
Gwen I. Warby-Marsh
Gavin N. Williams
Amanda L. Woodruff
Madison P. Zimmerman
Master of Public Health
Kelly A. DelReal
Jenna R. Denson
Zahera J. Farhan
Master of Science in Health Care Management
Kathrina A. Feldhouse
Sulman S. Hans
Jessica M. Retsel
Leanne M. Vargas
Kevin Wilhelm
Doctor of Occupational Therapy
Danielle N. Baker
Felicia N. Baldassare
Lexie C. Cardello
Quinn Hanses
Brady Harbaugh
Ashley Hovde
Courtney R. Humphrey
Sandin Kekic
Lindsay Krug
Michaela R. Lee
Andrea E. Lowell
Scott D. Maki
Caroline Markvluwer
Molly M. Marn
Gabrielle L. Mathes
Melissa C. Monticciolo
Paige V. Natke
Rachelle J. Parker
Sandra T. Patrick
Katelyn E. Reed
Michelle N. Roldan
Hannah M. Rukkila
Nicole E. Ruprich
Brooke J. Sears
Elizabeth Shamon
Erick O. Sustaita
Rebekah L. Taylor
Kaylee Toren
Sarah L. Voss
Anna Rose R. Wiencek
Bachelor of Business Administration
Meghann A. Adams
Jacob A. Atherton
Ally R. Backus
Courtney M. Banks
Melanie D. Beaumont
Jin shil V. Binene
Hunter J. Chappell
Yijing Chen
Nicole G. Depillars
Matt P. Durphey
Bailey N. Duvall
Debbie H. El-Amin III
Alex Grimes
Megan J. Hanson
Devin R. Harris
James M. Harris
Kalie M. Kilgour
LaTara L. LeBlanc
Tristan H. Lovasz
Shannda M. Markee
Tyler J. Nowacki
Darian O’Neil
Alexis R. Orr
Kailyn M. Rieckelman
Konnor Robinson
Matt M. Sanborn
Jared J. Smith
Christianna J. Snyder
Sean C. Sperling
Percy W. Whitmore
Jordan E. Williams
Michaela Yankee
Zoe Z. Zaravelis
Jasmine Zhao
Certificate (Undergraduate)
Alisa Maloney
Certificate (Graduate)
Jennifer A. Spenny
Master of Business Administration
Nathan Allen
Nia Bashir-Benton
Hayden J. Brown
Darren S. Burbank
Randall W. Conway
Joseph F. Day
Quinn Hanses
Julie L. Hill
Daniel N. Hundley
Jacklyn J. Joslin
Michael T. Joslin
Michael Mansour
Timothy J. May Jr.
Tom E. McCarthy III
Jessica L. McClorey
Jay C. McDaniel
Angela M. Mosure
Katelyn Nerdrum
Jane Ngumo
Alexis Rodgers
Brittany L. Rugg
Sarah J. Smeets
Emily G. Teresczenko
Zach M. Weir
Chad A. Wernicke
Brie B. Williams
Master of Science in Accounting
Sailab M. Ajmeri
Nathan Allen
Aaron C. Bond
Nicole L. Cavender
Karima A. Corchado-Siddiqui
Joseph F. Day
Julie L. Hill
Yang Moore
Ronald G. Puruleski
Anjelica K. Smith
Maia L. Spotted-Tail
Iqra Y. Sumbal
Brad L. Zalud
Master of Science in Leadership and Organization Dynamics
Pavel V. Kolyvanov
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Taylor Bowman
Macey A. Brice
Maleah Broering
Carla Burns
Bridget L. Cassel
Jessika N. Chilcote
Christina Czerniawski
Alexandra Dmitruchina
Anngilyn Dombrowski
Peace H. Essegbey
Teri L. Estes
Joseph R. Gendron
Natalie L. Greer
Tiani S. Hale
Jessica A. Halling
Katie E. Harris
Hannah Heck
Zachary C. Hicks, Sr.
Kelle M. Hinspeter
Dana R. Holmes
Deanna A. Hosler
Heather M. Johnson
Bailey A. Kilmer
Lily J. Kingma
Amanda J. Kolb
Trenise M. Layton
Kristi R. Lundgren
Melissa M. Lyons
Kelley B. Manns
Asma Mawri
Baraka Mawri
David Maxsam
Jessica Mayne
Miranda J. Nowosatko
Sanah S. Omar
Nicole L. Ortiz
Sunday G. Oshoakpeme
Alexander A. Ott
Amanda Paul
Jamie L. Penny
Erin E. Pilot
Aubrey E. Racinski
Lisa A. Randall
Alexis Rhinehart
Tamehrah Rhone
Austin J. Roy
Clayton M. Smith
David T. Steele
Martha Stella
Leea Ureche
Taylor E. Vaughn
Debbie J. Williams
Emma Woloszyk
Wisam R. Zeineh
Certificate (Undergraduate)
Jessika N. Chilcote
Peace H. Essegbey
Jessica Mayne
Miranda J. Nowosatko
Amanda Paul
Wisam R. Zeineh
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Keith M. Ferguson
Katharine M. Gross
Bobbi D. Gusler
Andrea E. Kappler
Salma Mansour
Whitney L. Primeau
Master of Science in Nursing
Na Algahmi
Abdulla S. Aljabaly
Angela K. Austin
Joy J. Austin
Jenn K. Barone
Emily M. Bessette
Miranda N. Brown
Marissa L. Bruin
Heather M. Buchel
Jolie Carmack
Kristin R. Cates
Emily M. Cesefske
Larisa Chernishuk
Kacie L. Christensen
Tony J. Diegel
Eddy Y. Elkassis
Cassie M. Ellul
Paula M. Friedrick
Munir A. Hadwan
Holly M. Hendershot
Matthew L. Hill
Quang B. Ho
Dena Hornsby
Kathryn S. Kilbourn
Jillian R. Koterba
Taylor R. Kroeze
Meghan C. Mahoney
Daniel J. Marcath
Suzanne M. Martin
Kefah A. Mazloum
Jordan K. McGuire
Pamela Meng
Cheryl A. Meyer
Katherine M. Morris
Amy J. Nowak
Shannon L. Poe
Alyssa L. Saclayan
Dylan Scheid
Stephanie Schmitt
Princy M. Smith
Dayna Stevens
Cassie Thiesse
Sugandha Tijoriwala
Leah West
Heather A. Wilson-Vani
Kristina Wright
Amy L. Yenumulapally
Abraham Zindani
Founded in 1959, Domenico Grasso, Chancellor
Bachelor of Arts
Sausan Alazzani
Zaineb-Stalene Abbas-Hanene
Hashim Abdulmawla Alhaddi
Koya Tonia Allen
Mariam Fadhel Al-zuad
Meghan Marie Anderson
Ali Aoude Aoude
Zeinab A. Assi
Carson Miranda Beller
John Patrick Blanzy
Kyce M. Dawwas
Dana Caroline Devine
Byron T. Dorsey, Sr.
Micah Deshone Douglas
Johnathan E. Gomer
Nicole E. Gonzales
Tommy Haysam Hamid
Jessica Davina Hayes
Carla Huhn
Wendy Massiel Janvier
Mohammedali Jasim Karamali
Kelly Briana Keys
Manaal Yousef Khan
Dmitry R. Khusht
Ashley Nicole Lessel
Mallory Alexandria Lloyd
Zeina Mackie
Micah D. Marsh
Celia Jean Mendoza
Cierra Princess Marie Miles
Emma Kathleen Morin
Cierra Symone Murphy
Addison Hope Mussen
Andrew J. Nagy
Farah Bilal Nasrallah
Andrea Marie Praski
Trevor A. Rank
Adel Najib Rizk
Giselle Samperio
Berenice Serratos
Lama Samer Shami
Grejsi Sofroni
Steven Thomas Strzelecki
Yahaira Vega
Hatem O. Yahfou
Bachelor of Science
Zeinab Ali Alawiyeh
Misha Bakhsh
Makenna Leigh Baldwin
Jarrett Michael Droski
Rachel Ann Dudek
Zeinab Elhagehassan
Daren A. Giangrande
Victoria Elena Gimik
Syeda Fabia Hussain
Ruby Ann Jewell
Brauley Hudson Kramer
Hunter Reed Major
Tesneem Abdullah Nasser
Gloria Nolasco
Amber Marie Puckett
Grace Elizabeth Sherlitz
Grejsi Sofroni
Kevin Wu
Master of Public Administration and Policy
Zakia Chanel Gloria Brewer
Haley Sztykiel
Master of Science
Criminology and Criminal
Joshua M. Smith
Andrew John Werth
Celia Louise Bourgeau
Alicia Forsythe
Nadeah Brianne Hall
Erika N. Katt
Amanda May Langolf
Rachel Marie Routin
Tzippy Slomovics
Katherine Mary Smith
Bachelor of Business Administration
Adam R. Abu-Rayyan
Mariya S. Al Mazrui
Ali Alaboodi
Alijawad Alawieh
Hussain Al Bahrani
Khalid Bandar Alsaidi
Aseel Abdo Ammari
Surya T. Bairisetti
Taryn Morgan Bergman
Alexander P. Braden
Alex James Braid
Katarina Sophia Cassar
Bachelor of Business Administration
Jada Renee Collins
Brenden Jacob Fraczek
Tyler J. Godlewski
Yousef Hassan
Ziyad Hasson
Chealsey Lashawne Jones
Khalid Y. Khan
Savyour S. Khoshi
Robert Joseph Kuczmarski
Anthony Vincenzo Laginess
Shantaniece Najier Lewis
Rhett Mariano Limback
Erin N. McCune
Maurice M. McKinzie
Hanifa Mirzada
Yasmeen Mukhal
Zachary Scott Murray
Danya Nassar
Tyler Andrew Osborne
Joseph C. Payovich
Andrew D. Raykhinshteyn
Brooke Elizabeth Spiegel
Nathan Paul Susalla
Benghap Ty
Kyle J. Van Coppenolle
Lauren Alexandria Weber
Lewis E. Will
Malik Yehia
Master of Business Administration
Sarah Carnevale-Vaquer
John David Cessna
Patricia Mary Chiado
Nathaniel Francis Conti
Alison Nicole Davis
Natalie Jean DiStefano
Kayla Marie Kenney
Justin G. Lee
Nicholas Lucchese
Jillian A. McDade
Jennifer Padula
Brandon M. Rudolph
Andrew Thomas Stowe
Jacob Colton Vert
Yi Yang
Valerie Paige Zaleski
Yuchen Zhang
Master of Science
Raya Jean Ackling
Bryan Barnum
Jeffrey Edward Good
Lakshmi Sri Sowmya Kuruganti
Ashwini Dattu Raut
Joseph Lawrence Rushing
Hammad Ahmed Syed
Sneh Thusoo
Zachary D. Townsend
Master of Science in Accounting
Eric Michael Bone
Kareem Elaswad
Heidi Amber Gobats
Greta G. Prahm
Sarah Anne Miriam Sisk
Master of Science in Finance
Bradley Ross Freeman
Michael Allen Kreutzer
Adam Allen Roberts
Adam Segers
Bachelor of Arts
Collin Bradley Fiscus
Diamond L. Shillingburg
Kamryn Nicole Walker
Dawn M. Wilson
Bachelor of Science
Nooradeen Jehad Albataineh
Hana H. Al-Jubury
Nesrine N. Charara
Zeinab Chedid
Hassan Hamade
Claudia Majid Hammoud
Aya Akram Ismail
Ghadir Khalil
Jacqlyn Makki
Mahdiyeh Zainab Moosavi
Sammanie Nemindara Prematillaka
Lianne Shami
Hussein Ali Taher
Courtney LeeAnn Todd
Mohamad Shabaan Yasin
Madison Elizabeth Yoakum
Master of Arts
Community Based Education
Cassandra Adelle Byrd
Kyle Mitchell Johnson
Early Childhood Education
Francesca Rose Terzoli
Educational Leadership
Tekiyah Shirley Elizabeth Bush
Educational Technology
Amal Zamzam Ali
Andrew Thomas Howe
Mark Allen Livelsberger
Master of Science
Applied Behavior Analysis
Heba Ali Bashroush
Julia Anna Behmlander
Julia Francesca Cercone
Olivia R. Collins
Olivia Lauren Ecclestone
Buse Nur Kahyaoglu
Ashley A. Kritzman
Autumn I. Lewis
Daylonna LaTrice Marcum
Nusrat S. Rahman
Aisha Ali Shator
Gabriela Valdez-Winconek
Ashley Suzanne Wojan
Educational Specialist
Latosha Jones
Susan Kay VanderSloot
Doctor of Education
Karen Widger Caldwell
Bachelor of Science
Reem A. Omer
Brian Andrew Welch
Computer Engineering
Jahina Salim Al Maamari
Norbert Barnabas Erdokozi
Mohammed Muhtasim Faysal
Miguel Roberto Flores
Nicholas Ryan Frazer
Patrick Henry
Olivia Sierra Look
Albi Muhollari
Joshua Ryan Pereli
Talha Habib Rehman
Megan Rose Terberg
Computer and Information
Dua F. Atoui
Mustafa Ayyad
Jason T. Bean
Matthew J. Braden
Zachary Allan Doctrove
Ryan Gregory Hendershot
Afraz Ahmed Jaweed
Mark K. LaFreniere
Taylor R. Landicho
Amr Mashrah
Christopher J. Sauer
Jacob Christopher Travis
Thomas Bernard Wuillaume
Nathan Charles Yomtoob
Cybersecurity and Info
Raghad Hajar
Jawad Kazma
Bachelor of Science
Electrical Engineering
Hesham Mohamed Alaidarous
Hamza Al-Habib
Hamzah Ahmed Alharash
Talal Mused Alryashy
Ali Kassem Baydoun
Hussein Mohamad Bazzi
David Cox
Hassan Z. El Chawich
Norbert Barnabas Erdokozi
Mohammed Muhtasim Faysal
Imad Harajly
Hassan Mohamad Hassan
Abdullah Jamshaid
Kyle T. Johnson
Christine Kakish
Salim Walid Khoury
Karl John Kubica
Gabriella M. Kyrtsos
Hussein Makkieh
Alyssa Noelle Maldonado
Brandon Alexander Martin
Michael J. McDonough
Albi Muhollari
Kevin V. Pham
Jeremiah Ross Preston
Talha Habib Rehman
Ali Ahmad Saleh
Mohammed Sayed
Jared James Self
Megan Rose Terberg
Ali Zouheir Yazbek
Industrial and Systems
Daniel Joseph Torres-Davenport
Mechanical Engineering
Al-Julandi Salim Said Al Bahri
Mohamad Abdallah Bitar
Ross J. Boughton
Nicholas Constantine Cardasis
Amira Moussa Doulani
Elgida Elezi
Gary Rey Ennis
Jason Tyler Gigliotti
Erick Guevara
Alanna Faye Hall
Sujoy Khastagir
Albert Michael Lenart
Norbert Thomas Lenart
Reem A. Omer
Mary Sophia Pantino
Austin S. Parsons
Harsh H. Patel
Alexander Douglas Puhl
Jacob Randall Stec
Brian Andrew Welch
Alexander Michael Zachar
Robotics Engineering
Jenfrey Robby Gudger
Software Engineering
Abdallah Alallaf
Basmalah M. Algahmi
Rawan Almasnaah
Nathan W. Baines
Kassim Mohammad Ballout
Ali Bazzi
James N. Bordeau III
Basel Mustapha Ismail Fawaz
Avery Girven
Ronnie H. Kina
Arafat Musleh
Stephen Olufolarin Oduntan
Khodr Salman
Gurnoor Singh Sandhu
Lubna Tattan
Ahsan Latif Virk
Master of Science
Computer and Information
Nicholas J. Frazier
Tanvi Demu Shet
Chukwubuikem Nnanonyelum
Reshma Venkatesh Kumar
Cybersecurity and
Information Assurance
Olajide Dolapo David
Data Science
Rashmi Ramniwas Bhutada
Sreekrishna M. Palaparthi
Human-Centered Design &
Olivia Rose Nalon
Michael Waldemar Steinbrenner
Information Systems and
Vamshi Krishna Reddy Chilukuri
Akshay Goud Chinnapilla
Christopher R. Loftis
Magdalena Spinu
Software Engineering
Mit Bipinkumar Patel
Victoria Yanez Mayo
Master of Science in Engineering
Automotive Systems
Sawan Kumar Golla Balasubramani
Jason Michael Hendrix
Michael Austin Matley
Sara Ali Khalil
Computer Engineering
Khaled Ghali
Electrical Engineering
Meera Youssef Abdallah
Denisa Gjini
Angela Mary Xydis
Energy Systems Engineering
Nabeen Sidiq Mattoo
James Steven Sevier Meyers
Industrial and Systems
Chandni Nevil Bhavsar
Meriam Chelbi
Fiona Zhi Qian Choo
Shahriyar Karim Chowdhury
Haider Mashkoor
Manufacturing System
Amanda N. Hansbrough
Mechanical Engineering
Latif A. Bouda
Nicholas James Christoforou
John Riesterer
Matteo Simeoni
Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical and Computer
Guanliang Liu
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Engineering Management
Clara Tenneriello Goldberg
Gerard Anan Ngombi
Guiseppe Giovanni Screnci
Jacob Garrett Singer-Miller
Software Engineering
Hassan Ali
Master of Science in Engineering
Electrical and Computer
Mohamad Alasry
James William Walsh
Industrial and Systems
Nathaniel Francis Conti
Mechanical Engineering
Alex Russel Allmandinger
Mohd Rizeq Atala
Founded in 1969, Elizabeth Yakel, Interim Dean
Bachelor of Science in Information
Kevin Galvan
Ian Herdegen
Alaa Shahin
Nicholas Sidor
Travis Simmons
Master of Applied Data Science
Rietesh Amminabhavi
Garrett Amstutz
Angelique Assaf
Kyle Balog
Benjamin Bartek
Matthew Berryhill
Cory Bilyeu
Keith Bourne
Miroslav Boussarov
Christopher Brown
Carla Brown
Rachell Calhoun
Nicolas Capaldini
Sheng Chang
Brian Clow
David Coe
Zealand Cooley
Ruth Corddry
Kevin Dewandeler
David Dunstan
Kendall Dyke
Ryan Estrada
David Fix
Thomas Friss
Peter Gardner
Elizabeth Giancola
Mohamed Gibril
Robert Gillin
Curtis Guo
Steven Han
Idris Hana
Joseph Hardy
Daniel Haver
Yunhong He
Neel Homchowdhury
Chihshen Hsu
Stanley Hung
Nisha Kaushal
Do Young Kim
Joshua Koboldt
Thomas Korejsza
Junkyeong Lee
Alexander Lee
Zheng Wei Lim
Xuanchen Liu
Zhipeng Luo
Jiahui Ma
Philip Michaels
Cody Middleton
Holden Miller-Schaeffer
Michael Misson
Eric Moreno
Jacqueline Muratore
Ryota Nakamura
Paul Natland
Chi Wang Ng
Tanner Olson
Abbas Razavi
James Rosenkoetter
Aseem Sachdeva
James Salley
Shiv Saxena
Joseph Schmit
Sydney Schwartz
Sashaank Sekar
Travis Stowe
Master of Applied Data Science
Jason Tan
Yee Dang Tay
Cody Therrien
Christopher Thorne
Susannah Trevino
Alex Van Poznak
Robby Waite
Adrian Wallace
Zhou Wang
Ziqian Wang
Yao Wei
Suwasit Wittayawijug
Lauren Wolf
Ricky Wong
Garrett Woody
Justin Young
Yejin Yu
Narain Yucel
Qi Zhang
Wei Zhou
John Zupan
Master of Health Informatics
Mostafa Fakhruldin
Steven Warrington, Jr.
Master of Science in Information
Soo Ji Choi
Soyoung Lee
Michelle McClellan
Kaitlin Roberts
Tasha Torchon
Safa Viqar
Founded in 1976, Carlos Jackson, Dean
Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design
Miguel Alberto Burelli
Valerie Theresa Christou
Dallin B. Deem
Gabrielle Healy
Chloe Alexis Hooker
Min Joo Kim
Shaquim Frederick Lowe
Sara Spillman
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Design
Breanna Lynn Boersma
Robert Chamberlain Borer IV
Josephine Aurora Burck
Madisyn Rae Hicks
Malaynah Diane-Marie Leach
Natalie Renae Nelson
Trey Joseph Pritchard
Jonathan Hayes Walsh
Abigail Mackenzie Zotter
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Fine Arts
Martha Daghlian
Founded in 2008, Lori Ploutz-Snyder, Dean
Bachelor of Arts
Sport Management
Christina Linda D’Anjolell
Kristos McCarthy
Gavin James Lapeer
Bachelor of Science
Applied Exercise Science
Anna Marie McCrory
Decari M. Walden
Movement Science
Sarah Yamei Greeley
Kaitlyn R. Lewis
Joseph Daniel Shoemaker
Kenneth Jackson White
Recommended jointly by the school faculty and the Executive Board of the Graduate School
Master of Arts
Andrew Lav Sikic
Master of Science
Movement Science
Adam Patrick Audet
Ejlal Abdullah S. Bin Mulayh
Xinyu Li
Erin Leslie Ross
Joanna Wootton
Sport Management
Bianca Elizabeth Fulara
Robert B. Lucas II
Alumni Association of the University of Michigan
200 Fletcher St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1007 | 800.847.4762 |
Dear Graduate,
On behalf of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan, congratulations on
your momentous achievement; you have earned a place among the 650,000-plus Michigan
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the Michigan Alum community!
Corie Pauling, '93
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Alumni Association of the
University of Michigan
For those who leave Michigan, but for whom Michigan never leaves.
Kathleen Wilson-Thompson, 79
Chair of the Board of Directors
Alumni Association of the
University of Michigan
Available outside Section 134
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The University of Michigan, as an equal opportunity/afrmative action employer,
complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and
afrmative action. The University of Michigan is committed to a policy of equal
opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender
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Freedom of Expression Statement
Thank you for attending this program. The University of Michigan strives to create
a truly open forum, one in which diverse opinions can be expressed and heard.
It is the right of members of the university community, speakers, artists and other
invited guests to express their views and opinions at the university. We will protect
the right of individuals to speak or perform, and the rights of those members of the
University community who wish to hear and communicate with an invited speaker
or artist.
Protesters also have a right to express their opposition to a speaker in appropriate
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protesters must not interfere unduly with communication between a speaker or artist
and members of the audience.
If the hosts of this event or university representatives believe that protesters are
interfering unduly with a speaker or performer’s freedom of expression, those
protesters will be warned. If the warnings are not heeded and the interference
continues, then the individuals responsible may be removed from the building.
We reafrm these policies in order to most fully protect the rights of free expression
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Hail! to the victors valiant,
Hail! to the conqu’ring heroes,
Hail! Hail! to Michigan
the leaders and best.
Hail! to the victors valiant,
Hail! to the conqu’ring heroes,
Hail! Hail! to Michigan
the champions of the West!
Sing to the colors that float in the light;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Yellow the stars as they ride thro’ the night,
And reel in a rollicking crew;
Yellow the fields where ripens the grain,
And yellow the moon on the harvest wain – Hail!
Hail to the colors that float in the light;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!