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Temporary Foreign Worker Program
Annex 2
Instruction Sheet to Accompany Employment Contract
The purpose of an employment contract is to:
Have a written, detailed description of the job. It includes for example, the maximum number of
hours of work per week, wage rate and whether overtime will be paid. The contract must be
signed by both the employer and employee.
Describe the terms and conditions of employment.
Articulate the employer's responsibilities and the worker's rights.
Help ensure that the worker gets fair working arrangements.
The employment contract must respect provincial labour laws that establish minimum employment
standards such as the minimum wage.
Enforcing the terms and conditions of the employment contract
The Government of Canada is not a party to the contract. Employment and Social Development Canada
(ESDC)/Service Canada has no authority to intervene in the employer-employee relationship or to
enforce the terms and conditions of employment. It is the responsibility of the employer and worker to
familiarize themselves with laws that apply to them and to look after their own interests.
The contract assists ESDC/Service Canada officers in forming their Labour Market Impact Assessment,
pursuant to their role under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.
Sample Employment Contract
Employers must complete and sign a contract before applying for a Labour Market Impact Assessment.
The attached sample contract or another contract which includes all the terms and conditions of the
sample contract or described in the guidelines for employers, must be completed and signed by the
employer. Additional provisions may be added as long as they do not contradict the terms and conditions
mentioned above. The employer must complete and sign the employment contract and send it to the
foreign worker ("The Employee") with a copy of the confirmation letter he/she received from ESDC. The
worker must sign the contract and provide both documents to the Canada mission abroad.
Third-party Representatives
A third-party representative/recruiter cannot be party to or sign the employment contract on behalf of the
employer or otherwise.
Any agreement respecting employment validations between ESDC/Service Canada and the employer is
contingent on the employer being a party to the contract.
The Employer:
Business Name (if a Business, provide key business
contact under last name/first name):
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Last Name : _
First Name:
Address: _
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
The Employee:
Last Name:
First Name:
Home Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
The PARTIES agree as follows:
Duration of Contract
This contract shall have duration of _ months from the date The EMPLOYEE assumes his/her
functions (the "TERM OF EMPLOYMENT").
Both parties agree that this contract is conditional upon The EMPLOYEE obtaining a valid work permit
pursuant to the Immigration Regulations, and his/her successful entry to Canada.
Job Description
The EMPLOYEE agrees to carry out the following tasks
(describe tasks in detail): .
Work Schedule
The EMPLOYEE shall work hours per week. He/she shall be paid overtime for any hours of work
exceeding _ hours per week. His/her workday shall begin at _ and end at _ , or, if
the schedule varies by day, specify: .
The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to minutes per day of break time (lunch, coffee breaks
The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to _ day(s) off per week, on .
The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to weeks of paid vacation.
The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to days of sick leave per year.
Wages and Deductions
The EMPLOYER agrees to pay The EMPLOYEE, for his/her work, wages of $_ _ per week, or
$ per hour. These shall be paid at intervals of _.
The EMPLOYER agrees to remit all EMPLOYEE's income deductions to Canada Revenue Agency (in
Quebec, also to Revenu Québec) as prescribed by law (including, but not limited to Employment
Insurance, Income Tax, Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan).
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The EMPLOYER shall not recoup from the EMPLOYEE, through payroll deductions or any other
means, any costs incurred from recruiting the EMPLOYEE.
Reviewing Wages
If applicable, the EMPLOYER agrees to review and adjust (if necessary) the EMPLOYEE'S wages
after 12 months of continuous employment, to ensure they meet the prevailing wage rate for the
occupation in the region where the EMPLOYEE shall be employed.
Transportation Costs
Use the appropriate no. 13 clause according to the situation.
The EMPLOYER agrees to assume the transportation costs of the round trip travel of the EMPLOYEE
between his/her country of permanent residence and place of work in Canada, i.e.
(specify the country of permanent residence and the place of work in
Canada). It is the EMPLOYER'S obligation and responsibility to pay for the transportation costs and they
cannot be passed on to the foreign worker (i.e. the EMPLOYEE pays for the transportation costs on
behalf of the employer and is reimbursed at a later date). Under no circumstances are transportation
costs recoverable from the EMPLOYEE.
Since the EMPLOYEE is currently in Canada, the EMPLOYER agrees to pay the costs of transporting
the EMPLOYEE from his/her current Canadian address to the EMPLOYER'S location of work in Canada,
i.e. _ (specify the EMPLOYEE'S current Canadian address and the place of work) and one-way
transportation back to the EMPLOYEE'S country of permanent residence i.e (specify the
EMPLOYEE'S country of permanent residence). It is the EMPLOYER'S obligation and responsibility to
pay for the transportation costs and they cannot be passed on to The EMPLOYEE (i.e. employee pays for
his/her own transportation on behalf of the EMPLOYER and is reimbursed at a later date). Under no
circumstances are transportation costs recoverable from the EMPLOYEE.
If there is a termination of the employer-employee relationship and the EMPLOYEE is hired by a NEW
EMPLOYER who has a neutral or positive Labour Market Impact Assessment under the Low-wage
Stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, The EMPLOYEE shall release the ORIGINAL
EMPLOYER with the obligation of his/her return transportation cost to his/her country of permanent
residence. The NEW EMPLOYER is responsible for the EMPLOYEE’s transportation costs to the new
location of work in Canada and back to the EMPLOYEE's country of permanent residence. The
EMPLOYER is obliged to and responsible for paying the transportation costs (i.e. the ORIGINAL
EMPLOYER pays incoming transportation costs and the NEW EMPLOYER pays for the return
transportation costs to the country of permanent residence). These costs cannot be passed on to the
EMPLOYEE (i.e. EMPLOYEE pays for its own transportation on behalf of the EMPLOYER and is
reimbursed at a later date). Under no circumstances are transportation costs recoverable from foreign
Temporary foreign workers who change jobs must ensure that their work permits are modified accordingly
and EMPLOYERS who hire temporary foreign workers already in Canada must apply to ESDC/Service
Canada for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) and obtain a neutral or positive LMIA.
The EMPLOYER agrees to ensure that reasonable and proper accommodation is available for the
EMPLOYEE, and shall provide the EMPLOYEE with suitable accommodation, if necessary. If
accommodation is provided, the employer shall recoup costs as outlined below. Such costs shall not be
more than is reasonable for accommodations of that type in the employment location.
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The EMPLOYER _ will / will not provide the EMPLOYEE with accommodation. (Mark X
beside appropriate box)
If yes, The EMPLOYER will recoup the costs at an amount of $ _ per (month, two-week
period etc.) through payroll deductions.
Hospital and Medical Care Insurance
The EMPLOYER agrees to provide health insurance at no cost to the foreign worker until such time
as the worker is eligible for applicable provincial health insurance.
Workplace Safety Insurance (Worker's Compensation)
The EMPLOYER agrees to register The EMPLOYEE under the relevant provincial government
insurance plan. The EMPLOYER agrees not to deduct money from The EMPLOYEE'S wages for this
Notice of Resignation
Should the EMPLOYEE wish to terminate the present contract, The EMPLOYEE agrees to give The
EMPLOYER written notice thereof at least one week in advance.
Notice of Termination of Employment
The EMPLOYER must give written notice before terminating the contract of The EMPLOYEE if
the EMPLOYEE has completed 3 months of uninterrupted service with the EMPLOYER and if the
contract is not about to expire. This notice shall be provided at least one week in advance.
Contract Subject to Provincial Labour and Employment Legislation and Applicable Collective
The EMPLOYER is obliged to abide by the standards set out in the relevant provincial labour
standards act and, if applicable, the terms of any collective agreement in place. In particular, The
EMPLOYER must abide by the standards with respect to how wages are paid, how overtime is
calculated, meal periods, statutory holidays, annual leave, family leave, benefits and recourse under the
terms of the provincial labour standards act and, if relevant, collective agreement. Any terms of this
contract of employment less favourable to The EMPLOYEE than the standards stipulated in the relevant
labour standards act is null and void.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties state that they have read and accepted all the terms and conditions
stipulated in the present contract.
Signed at:
The Employer _
and at:
The Employee
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