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Schools and Libraries (E-Rate) Program
FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Available for Public Use
Table of Contents
Purpose of FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload Templates ..................................................................................... 4
Tips for Preparing the Spreadsheet Templates .......................................................................................... 4
Special Note on Reference Numbers ....................................................................................................... 5
Access to Bulk Upload Templates ............................................................................................................... 6
On the USAC website: ............................................................................................................................... 6
In the FCC Form 471 in EPC ...................................................................................................................... 6
Assistance ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Preparing the Files General Information .................................................................................................. 8
Reminders FRN Line Item Tab ............................................................................................................... 8
Reminders Recipients of Service Tab ................................................................................................... 8
Line-By-Line Instructions Data Transmission and/or Internet Access .................................................. 10
Category One Internet Access Tab......................................................................................................... 10
Recipients of Service Tab ....................................................................................................................... 13
List of Errors Tab .................................................................................................................................... 14
Line-By-Line Instructions Internal Connections .................................................................................... 14
Category Two Internal Connections Tab ............................................................................................... 14
Recipients of Service Tab ....................................................................................................................... 16
Budgeted Entities Tab ............................................................................................................................ 17
List of Errors Tab .................................................................................................................................... 17
Line-By-Line Instructions Managed Internal Broadband Services (MIBS) ............................................ 18
Category Two MIBS Tab ......................................................................................................................... 18
Recipients of Service Tab ....................................................................................................................... 19
Budgeted Entities Tab ............................................................................................................................ 20
List of Errors Tab .................................................................................................................................... 20
Line-By-Line Instructions Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections (BMIC) ..................................... 20
Category Two BMIC Tab ......................................................................................................................... 20
Recipients of Service Tab ....................................................................................................................... 22
3 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Budgeted Entities Tab ............................................................................................................................ 22
List of Errors Tab .................................................................................................................................... 23
Uploading the Templates .......................................................................................................................... 23
Create FCC Form 471 .............................................................................................................................. 23
Basic Information ................................................................................................................................... 23
Entity Information .................................................................................................................................. 23
Funding Requests ................................................................................................................................... 23
FRN Line Items for FRN # ........................................................................................................................ 24
Add New FRN Line Item .......................................................................................................................... 24
Bulk Upload ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Task Tab.................................................................................................................................................. 27
Successful Uploads ................................................................................................................................ 28
Unsuccessful Uploads ............................................................................................................................ 29
4 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
Available for Public Use
Updated: January 2024
Purpose of FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload Templates
E-Rate program applicants with large numbers of eligible services and/or large numbers of recipients
of service can now prepare and upload funding request data outside of the FCC Form 471 in the E-Rate
Productivity Center (EPC).
Applicants can use spreadsheet templates to distribute services and costs among recipients of
service. The spreadsheet templates also provide certain validations for the data entered and identify
missing and inconsistent information that you must correct before you upload the data into EPC.
There are four spreadsheet templates available for download
to assist you:
Category One
Data Transmission & Internet Access (v21.0)
o Do not use this template for any fiber requests.
o Do not use this template for Wi-Fi on busses.
Category Two
Internal Connections (v21.0)
Managed Internet Broadband Services (MIBS) (v21.0)
Basic Maintenance of Internet Connections (BMIC) (v21.0)
Tips for Preparing the Spreadsheet Templates
To complete the templates and prevent errors, follow these tips:
Use Microsoft Office Excel 2010.
Complete the template provided do not create your own template.
To start, save a copy of the template as an Excel Macro-enabled workbook. Then select the
Enable Editing and Enable Content options on the template (Excel spreadsheet) before you
enter any data.
Enter data for each new row, from left to right, one row at a time.
Include only Funding Request Number (FRN) line item-level detail.
Delete data by using backspace or delete keys.
Use the drop-downs where provided. Capitalization is important if the correct entry is “No”
and you type “no” instead of choosing the drop-down, your upload will not be successful.
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Do not enter spaces in blank fields. Simply tab through a field that does not require an entry or
right-click on the following field.
Only work on one template at a time. (If you want to start a second template, close and exit the
first template.)
Use the “paste special/text” command to paste data from an external data source.
Do not enter or change reference numbers. They are assigned automatically, and changing the
reference numbers will create errors.
Do not enter over 5,000 rows in either the first or second tab, including the four header rows. If
you approach 5,000 in either tab, start a new template. You will have the option to enter
multiple templates, but each template is limited to 5,000 lines per tab.
After you are finished entering data or after you have updated data already entered, select the
Click to Validate button on the Recipients of Service tab to validate your data.
Then, check the template on the List of Errors tab to ensure the template is error-free. Correct
any errors identified on the tab.
After all errors have been corrected, click the Click to Validate button one last time. You can
look at your entries in the FRN Line Item tab and the Recipients of Service tab, but DO NOT
click in a field in either tab or your upload may be unsuccessful.
Save your Category One or Category Two template(s) for uploading.
Special Note on Reference Numbers
When a user starts a line in the FRN Line Item tab, the system automatically generates a reference
number for that line, and creates the same reference number in the drop-down menu in the
Recipients of Service tab. To identify the recipient(s) of service in the Recipients of Service tab, the
user can then choose the appropriate reference number from the FRN Line Item tab. (If the user
indicates for an FRN line item that all recipients of service share equally in the service, entries for that
line item are not required in the Recipients of Service tab.)
To avoid confusion with reference numbers, we suggest that you enter your FRN line items and
recipients of service in order, line by line. However, keep the following in mind, if you need to make
If you need to delete an FRN Line Item, first delete the associated recipients of service
identified by that FRN line item’s reference number. This will keep the reference numbers for
the other line items and recipients of service consistent.
If you modify certain information in an FRN line item, the reference number will change. To
return the reference numbers in the FRN Line Item tab to the original numbering, select all of
the reference numbers (starting with cell A5 – DO NOT select the entire Column A) and hit the
delete key.
6 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Access to Bulk Upload Templates
Templates are available for download via the USAC website or in EPC in the FCC Form 471 form.
On the USAC website:
To access the templates, go to the E-Rate program Forms page and click FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload
In the FCC Form 471 in EPC
If you have already started your FCC Form 471, you can download one or more templates from the
FRN line item section of the FCC Form 471. To do this, navigate to the FRN line item page and click the
Bulk Upload button.
7 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Then click the “Download template” hyperlink.
Below is a sample screenshot from a Category Two Managed Internal Broadband Services template
for reference.
If you have any questions about FCC Form 471 bulk upload templates, please contact the E-Rate
program’s Client Service Bureau (CSB) at (888) 203-8100 between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ET.
8 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Preparing the Files General Information
The template for Category One services (Data Transmission and or Internet Access) contains the
following three tabs:
First tab: FRN Line Item
Second tab: Recipients of Service
Third tab: List of Errors
The templates for Category Two services (Internal Connections, Basic Maintenance of Internal
connections (BMIC), and Managed Internal Broadband Services (MIBS)) contain the following four
First tab: FRN Line Item
Second tab: Recipients of Service
Third tab: Budgeted Entities
Fourth tab: List of Errors
Reminders FRN Line Item Tab
Make sure you include only FRN line item-level detail in this tab.
Follow the guidance provided in the pop-up messages and the helper text in Row 4 of the
The template will auto-generate the reference number in the first column when data is
entered for the first required field for the FRN line Item. This unique reference number is used
to link the FRN line item information in this tab to its recipient entities information listed in
the Recipients of Service tab.
For all Category Two spreadsheets, make sure that you have entered the same value under the
“Estimated Months of Service” column in this tab.
Reminders Recipients of Service Tab
Make sure you include only information pertaining to recipients of service in this tab.
Make sure you have added the FRN line item details in the first tab before you complete the
information on the recipients of service in this tab.
For each service, select the appropriate reference number value from the drop-down for each
row rather than manually entering a value to prevent reference number mismatches between
the FRN Line Item tab and this tab for recipients of service.
For a FRN line item that has multiple recipients, there should be as many rows as there are
recipients sharing the service in this line item. The reference number linked with each of the
recipients should be the same as the reference number listed for the FRN line item in the first
9 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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If you delete/update details for an FRN line item in the first tab, make sure you update the
data entered in the second tab appropriately (add, delete, or modify the recipients).
Category One Data Transmission and/or Internet Access:
o For each FRN line item, you must list at least one recipient entity in this tab.
o For a FRN line item that is a connection directly to a school, library or a non-
instructional facility (NIF), make sure you have allocated the total number of lines
(monthly quantity) among the recipients listed in this tab for this line item.
Category Two Spreadsheets:
o For column “W” on the first tab, “Do any of these conditions apply?” the choices “A”
and “B” only apply to non-ESA school districts, independent schools, library systems
and independent libraries. Choices “C” and “D” only apply to consortia and ESA school
o If you select “A: Product/Service is for all entities” you will see a pop-up message
letting you know that you do not need to complete the Recipients of Service tab and
the Budgeted Entities tab because the system will automatically designate all of your
o If you select “B: Product/Service is only for some entities.” you will see a pop-up
message letting you know to enter the entity numbers for the Recipients of Service
on the second tab, and that you do not need to complete the Budgeted Entities tab.
o If you select “C: Product/Service is for only some entities, but the cost is split evenly
among the budgeted entities.” you will see a pop-up message letting you know to
enter the entity numbers for the Recipients of Service on the second tab. You do not
need to complete the Budgeted Entities tab because the system will split the cost
evenly among the BENs related to the recipients of service.
o If you select “D: Neither A, B, or C is applicable.” you will see a pop-up message letting
you know that all required data must be entered on the Recipients of Service and
Budgeted Entities tabs.
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Line-By-Line Instructions Data Transmission and/or Internet Access
Note: Do not use this template for fiber requests or bus Wi-Fi request. If you select Fiber, in the Function
column, the template will validate the information entered, but will generate errors you cannot easily
correct after you upload the template in EPC.
Category One Internet Access Tab
First, choose the appropriate entry from the Purpose drop-down menu. The choices are:
Internet access service that includes a connection from any service from any applicant site directly
to the Internet Service Provider.
Data connection between two or more sites entirely within the applicant’s network.
Data connection(s) for an applicant’s hub site to an Internet Service Provider and/or state/regional
network where Internet access service is billed separately.
Internet access with no circuit (data circuit to ISP state/regional network is billed separately).
(Consortia only) Backbone circuit for consortium that provides connectivity between aggregation
points or other non-user facilities.
Then choose the function and type of connection from the next two drop-down menus.
Type of Connection
REMINDER: Do not use this template for uploading fiber requests.
Cable Modem
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
Fractional T-1
Frame Relay
Switched Multimegabit Data Service
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Satellite Service
Data plan for portable device
Wireless data service
Broadband Over Power Lines
Radio Loop
NOTE: If you choose “Other,” enter the type of connection in the next column;
otherwise, leave that column blank.
Maintenance and Technical Support
Installation, Activation and Initial Configuration
Taxes and USF Fees
For some types of connections, the download and upload speeds will auto-populate. If the
fields are blank, please provide the appropriate information. NOTE: If you choose the
“Miscellaneous” option for the Function above, entries you provide in the speed value columns
will be emptied because they are not required.
Download Speed
Enter the bandwidth download speed as a number. If you do not have
this information, ask your service provider.
Bandwidth Download
Choose the appropriate unit for the number you provided for
the download speed Mbps or Gbps.
Bandwidth Upload Speed
Enter the bandwidth upload speed as a number. If you do not have
this information, ask your service provider. NOTE: This column will
auto-populate with the entry you made in the Bandwidth Download
Speed column, but it can be edited.
Bandwidth Upload Units
Choose the appropriate unit for the number you provided for the
upload speed Mbps or Gbps.
Burstable bandwidth?
Choose “Yes” if you have burstable bandwidth or “No” if you do not.
What is the maximum
burstable speed?
If you chose “Yes” in the previous field, indicate the maximum
burstable bandwidth speed as a number.
What is the unit of the
burstable speed?
If you provided an entry in the previous field, choose the appropriate unit
for the number you provided for the burstable maximum speed Mbps or
Does this include basic
firewall services?
Choose “Yes” if this service includes basic firewall protection or “No” if
it does not.
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Is this connection directly to
a school, library, or a NIF?
Indicate if this service is a direct i.e., a last-mile connection. A last-
mile connection is the connection to an individual school or library
building, such as a WAN connection or a direct internet connection not
on a WAN. Last mile should NOT include the internet circuit to a district
Is this a connection that
supports service to a school,
library or NIF?
Choose “Yes” if this is a connection supporting service, such as a
wide area network (WAN) or “No” if it is not.
NOTE: If you answer “Yes,” you must allocate the number of
connections (the “Monthly Quantity” in the following table) to the
recipients of service. If you answer “No,” do not provide allocations
for the recipients of service.
Then enter the monthly and one-time costs:
Monthly Recurring Unit
service varies from month to month, use the cost of an average
month. If there are no eligible monthly costs, enter zero (“0”).
Monthly Recurring
Unit Ineligible Costs
there are no ineligible monthly costs, enter zero (“0”).
Estimated Monthly Eligible
Recurring Costs
two columns. This value is provided for your reference only.
Monthly Quantity
The number you provide, multiplied by the costs in the previous
column, will result in the total eligible monthly recurring costs for the
funding year.
Estimated Total Monthly
Eligible Recurring Costs
two columns. This value is provided for your reference only.
One-time Unit Costs
one-time costs, enter zero (“0”).
One-time Unit Ineligible Costs
are no ineligible one-time costs, enter zero (“0”).
13 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Estimated One-time Unit
Eligible Costs
previous two columns. This value is provided for your reference
One-time Quantity
The number you provide, multiplied by the costs in the previous
column, will result in the total eligible one-time costs for the
funding year. NOTE: If all of your one-time costs are represented
in the previous column, enter one (“1”) in this column.
Estimated Total Eligible One-
time Costs
previous two columns. This value is provided for your reference
Recipients of Service Tab
Reference Number
For each line that you complete in the Category One Internet Access
tab, the system will create a Reference Number. These numbers will
be added to the drop-down values available for this field.
If not all of the recipients of service are sharing the service, or if you
must allocate the number of lines to each recipient of service, create
one line for each recipient of service for this line item that features
the appropriate Reference Number in the first column.
Enter the entity number for each recipient that will share this service,
one recipient of service per line.
Be sure to eliminate any preceding or
trailing spaces. (Repeat the Reference Number on each subsequent
line until you have identified all of the recipients that are sharing the
You can add the name of the entity to this field for your reference.
This information will not be imported into your form, but will be
populated in the FCC Form 471 based on the entity number you
entered in the previous column.
Number of Lines per BEN
If the connection is directly to a school, library or a NIF, enter the
number of lines allocable to each BEN. (The total of all the entries on
this FRN line item should match the entry in the “Monthly Quantity”
field in the Cost Calculation section.)
Continue to create lines for recipients of service for each Reference Number as appropriate.
14 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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When you are finished, use the Click to Validate button located on the Recipients of Service
List of Errors Tab
This spreadsheet will identify inconsistent entries in the previous two tabs and provide information to
enable you to make corrections. You should continue to update your information and continue to use
the Click to Validate button until you have corrected all of your information and this tab is no
longer populated. Next save your work and exit the completed template without making ANY
additional changes or going back to review the information on any other tab.
Line-By-Line Instructions Internal Connections
Category Two Internal Connections Tab
First, choose the type of internal connection and type of product from the drop-down menus.
Type of Internal
Included in
Type of Product
Caching Equipment
Caching Service
Data Distribution
Data Protection
Firewall Services & Components
UPS/ Battery Backup
Racks & Cabinets
Operating System Software of Eligible Equipment
Wireless Data Distribution
Access Point
LAN Controller
Wireless Controller
Installation, Activation, & Initial Configuration
Fees, Taxes, etc.
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After you have chosen the applicable entries from the drop-down fields, complete the following:
Choose the manufacturer of the internal connections from the drop-
down list. If the manufacturer is not listed, choose “Other” from the
bottom of the list.
Enter the Make (If Other)
If you chose “Other” in the previous field, enter the name of
the manufacturer.
Enter the model of the internal connections. If you do not know
the model, ask your service provider.
Lease or Non-
Purchase Agreement?
Choose “Yes” if the internal connections are being leased or under a
non- purchase arrangement or “No” if they are not.
Then enter the monthly and one-time costs:
Monthly Recurring Unit
Enter the total costs of the service for a single month. If there are no
eligible monthly costs, enter zero (“0”).
Monthly Recurring
Unit Ineligible Costs
there are no ineligible monthly costs, enter zero (“0”).
Estimated Monthly Eligible
Recurring Costs
Monthly Quantity
monthly quantity, enter zero (“0”).
unit of measurement for that entry provided in the previous field.
Otherwise, leave this field blank. The drop-down options are:
Hundred Feet
Estimated Total Monthly
Eligible Recurring Costs
The system will calculate this value from your entries in the previous
One-time Unit Costs
16 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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One-time Unit Ineligible Costs
Estimated One-time Unit
Eligible Costs
The system will calculate this value from your entries in the
previous two columns. This value is provided for your reference
One-time Quantity
not include the unit).
Estimated Total Eligible One-
time Costs
previous two columns. This value is provided for your reference
Do any of these conditions
you are an independent school, independent library, library
system or school district that is not an educational service
agency (ESA):
A. Product/Service is for all entities in the BEN. (If you
choose this option, do not complete the Recipients of
Service and Budgeted Entities tabs.)
B. Product/Service is for only some entities in the BEN. (If
you choose this option, complete the Recipients of
Service tab but not the Budgeted Entities tab.)
Options “C” and “D” only apply if you are a consortium or an ESA
school district:
C. Product/Service is for only some entities, but the cost
is split equally among the budgeted entities.(If you
choose this option, complete the Recipients of Service
tab but not the Budgeted Entities tab)
D. Neither A, B, nor C is applicable. Complete both the
Recipient of Services and Budgeted Entities tabs.
Recipients of Service Tab
Reference Number
For each line that you complete in the Category Two Internal
Connections tab, the system will create a Reference Number. These
numbers will be added to the drop-down values available for this
field. No entry should be made if “A” was selected in column W “Do
any of these conditions apply?” on the Category Two Internal
Connections tab for a given line item.
17 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Entity Number
Enter the entity number for each recipient that will share this service,
one recipient of service per line.
Be sure to eliminate any preceding or
trailing spaces. (Repeat the Reference Number on each subsequent
line until you have identified all of the recipients that are sharing the
You can add the name of the entity to this field for your reference.
This information will not be imported into your form, but will be
populated in the FCC Form 471 based on the entity number you
entered in the previous column.
Budgeted BEN
Enter the billed entity number (BEN) for the recipient of service that is
entered in column “B”. This is only for reference; it is not imported.
Budgeted Entities Tab
Complete this tab only if the services are for a consortium or ESA school district where the cost is not
shared equally among the BENs (meaning you have selected option “D” in column W of the Category
Two Internal Connections tab).
Select a line item drop-down in column A and enter the budgeted BEN for any entity receiving
service on the Recipients of Service tab. You may enter the name of the budgeted BEN for
reference. Enter the cost allocated to this budgeted BEN for this line item.
Repeat the above step for the same line item, until all budgeted BENs receiving service have
an entry. The sum of the entries for a given line item in the Eligible Cost per Budgeted BEN
column should equal the total cost for that line item.
Select another line item drop-down and repeat the two steps above. Continue until all line
items have budget allocations in the Eligible Cost per Budgeted BEN column.
When you are finished, use the Click to Validate button located on the Recipients of Service
List of Errors Tab
This spreadsheet will identify inconsistent entries in the previous two tabs and provide information to
enable you to make corrections. You should continue to update your information and continue to use
the Click to Validate button until you have corrected all of your information and this tab is no
longer populated. Next save your work and exit the completed template without making ANY
additional changes or going back to review the information on any other tab.
18 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Line-By-Line Instructions Managed Internal Broadband Services
Category Two MIBS Tab
First choose the type of managed service agreement, then enter the monthly and one-time
Type of Managed Service
Choose the drop-down option that best describes your managed
service agreement:
Managed and leased from a third-party service provider.
Managed by third party service provider, and purchased
from them or other vendors.
Managed services contract of already installed equipment.
Monthly Recurring Costs Enter the total costs of the service for a single month. If the cost of the
service varies from month to month, use the cost of an average month.
If there are no monthly costs, enter zero (“0”).
Monthly Recurring
Ineligible Costs
Enter the total ineligible costs of the service for a single month. If
there are no ineligible monthly costs, enter zero (“0”).
Estimated Monthly
Recurring Eligible Costs
The system will calculate this value from your entries in the previous
two columns. This value is provided for your reference only.
One-time Costs
Enter the total one-time costs of the service. If there are no one-time
costs, enter zero (“0”).
One-time Ineligible Costs
Enter the total ineligible one-time costs of the service. If there are
no ineligible one-time costs, enter zero (“0”).
Estimated One-time Eligible
The system will calculate this value from your entries in the
previous two columns. This value is provided for your reference
19 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Do any of these conditions
Choose the appropriate option. Options “A” and “B” only apply if
you are an independent school, independent library, library
system or school district that is not an educational service agency
A. Product/Service is for all entities in the BEN and the
cost is split equally. (If you choose this option, do not
complete the Recipients of Service and Budgeted
Entities tabs.)
B. Product/Service is for only some entities in the BEN,
but the cost is split equally among them. (If you choose
this option, complete the Recipients of Service tab BEN
information but do not allocate costs.)
Options “C” and “D” only apply if you are a consortium or an ESA
school district:
C. Product/Service is for only some entities, but the cost
is split equally among the budgeted entities. (If you
choose this option, complete the Recipients of Service
tab but not the Budgeted Entities tab.)
D. Neither A, B, nor C is applicable. Complete both the
Recipient of Service and Budgeted Entities tabs.
Recipients of Service Tab
Reference Number
For each line that you complete in the Category Two Managed
Internal Broadband Services tab, the system will create a Reference
Number. These numbers will be added to the drop-down values
available for this field.
No entry should be made if “A” was selected in
column W “Do any of these conditions apply?” on the Category Two
Internal Connections tab for a given line item.
Entity Number
Enter the entity number for each recipient that will share this service,
one recipient of service per line.
Be sure to eliminate any preceding or
trailing spaces. (Repeat the Reference Number on each subsequent
line until you have identified all of the recipients that are sharing the
You can add the name of the entity to this field for your reference.
This information will not be imported into your form, but will be
populated in the FCC Form 471 based on the entity number you
entered in the previous column.
Budgeted BEN
Enter the billed entity number (BEN) for the recipient of service that is
entered in column “B”. This is only for reference; it is not imported.
20 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Budgeted Entities Tab
Complete this tab only if the services are for a consortium or ESA school district where the cost is not
shared equally among the BENs (meaning you have selected option “D” in column W of the Category
Two Managed Internal Broadband Services tab).
Select a line item drop-down in column A and enter the budgeted BEN for any entity receiving
service on the Recipients of Service tab. You may enter the name of the BEN for reference.
Enter the cost allocated to this BEN for this line item.
Repeat the above step for the same line item, until all BENs receiving service have an entry.
The sum of the entries for a given line item in the Eligible Cost per Budgeted BEN column
should equal the total cost for that line item.
Select another line item drop-down and repeat the two steps above. Continue until all line
items have budget allocations in the Eligible Cost per Budgeted BEN column.
When you are finished, use the Click to Validate button located on the Recipients of Service
List of Errors Tab
This spreadsheet will identify inconsistent entries in the previous three tabs and provide information
to enable you to make corrections. You should continue to update your information and continue to
use the Click to Validate button until you have corrected all of your information and this tab is no
longer populated. Next, save your work and exit the completed template without making ANY
additional changes or going back to review the information on any other tab.
Line-By-Line Instructions Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections
Category Two BMIC Tab
Complete the first two fields, then enter the monthly and one-time costs.
Type of Internal
Connections Being
Choose “Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections.” You do not
need to specify the type(s) of internal connections.
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Total Quantity of Equipment
Enter the total number of pieces of equipment being maintained. You do
not need to specify the type(s) of internal connections.
Monthly Recurring Costs
Enter the total costs of the service for a single month. If the cost of the
service varies from month to month, use the cost of an average month.
If there are no monthly costs, enter zero (“0”).
Monthly Recurring
Ineligible Costs
Enter the total ineligible costs of the service for a single month. If
there are no ineligible monthly costs, enter zero (“0”).
Estimated Monthly
Recurring Eligible Costs
The system will calculate this value from your entries in the previous
two columns. This value is provided for your reference only.
One-time Costs
Enter the total one-time costs of the service. If there are no one-time
costs, enter zero (“0”).
One-time Ineligible Costs
Enter the total ineligible one-time costs of the service. If there are
no ineligible one-time costs, enter zero (“0”).
Estimated One-time Eligible
The system will calculate this value from your entries in the
previous two columns. This value is provided for your reference
Do any of these conditions
Choose the appropriate option. Options “A” and “B” only apply if
you are an independent school, independent library, library
system or school district that is not an educational service
agency (ESA):
A. Product/Service is for all entities in the BEN and the
cost is split equally. (If you choose this option, do not
complete the Recipients of Service and Budgeted
Entities tabs.)
B. Product/Service is for only some entities in the BEN,
but the cost is split equally among them. (If you choose
this option, complete the Recipients of Service tab BEN
information but do not allocate costs.)
Options “C” and “D” only apply if you are a consortium or an ESA
school district:
C. Product/Service is for only some entities, but the cost
is split equally among the budgeted entities. (If you
choose this option, complete the Recipients of Service
tab but not the Budgeted Entities tab.)
D. Neither A, B, nor C is applicable. Complete both the
Recipient of Service and Budgeted Entities tabs.
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Recipients of Service Tab
Reference Number
For each line that you complete in the Category Two Basic
Maintenance of Internal Connections tab, the system will create a
Reference Number. These numbers will be added to the drop-down
values available for this field. No entry should be made if “A” was
selected in column W “Do any of these conditions apply?” on the
Category Two Internal Connections tab for a given line item.
Entity Number
Enter the entity number for each recipient that will share this service,
one recipient of service per line.
Be sure to eliminate any preceding or
trailing spaces. (Repeat the Reference Number on each subsequent
line until you have identified all of the recipients that are sharing the
You can add the name of the entity to this field for your reference.
This information will not be imported into your form, but will be
populated in the FCC Form 471 based on the entity number you
entered in the previous column.
Budgeted BEN
Enter the billed entity number (BEN) for the recipient of service that is
entered in column “B”. This is only for reference; it is not imported.
Budgeted Entities Tab
Complete this tab only if the services are for a consortium or ESA school district where the cost is not
shared equally among the BENs (meaning you have selected option “D” in column W of the Category
Two Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections tab).
Select a line item drop-down in column A and enter the budgeted BEN for any entity receiving
service on the Recipients of Service tab. You may enter the name of the BEN for reference.
Enter the cost allocated to this BEN for this line item.
Repeat the above step for the same line item, until all BENs receiving service have an entry.
The sum of the entries for a given line item in the Eligible Cost per Budgeted BEN column
should equal the total cost for that line item.
Select another line item drop-down and repeat the two steps above. Continue until all line
items have budget allocations in the Eligible Cost per Budgeted BEN column.
When you are finished, use the Click to Validate button located on the Recipients of Service
23 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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List of Errors Tab
This spreadsheet will identify inconsistent entries in the previous two tabs and provide information to
enable you to make corrections. You should continue to update your information and continue to use
the Click to Validate button until you have corrected all of your information and this tab is no
longer populated. Next save your work and exit the completed template without making ANY
additional changes or going back to review the information on any other tab.
Uploading the Templates
After you have prepared your Bulk Upload template from the appropriate template on the USAC
website, you need to verify that you have no errors in your template by using the Click to Validate
button and verifying that the List of Errors tab is no longer populated. After the data has been
validated, you can start your FCC Form 471, by taking the following steps:
Create FCC Form 471
Select the FCC Form 471 link from your landing page.
Basic Information
Enter the requested information for the Basic Information pages of your FCC Form 471
application process.
Choose the Category One or Category Two option.
Entity Information
Continue to enter or review all information for the Entity Information section.
Funding Requests
Complete your Add FRN entry for the Funding Request. Upon reaching the FRN Line Items for
FRN # page, a Bulk Upload option will be displayed for uploading your template(s).
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FRN Line Items for FRN #
This page displays the funding request line items for this FRN.
Add New FRN Line Item
Optional: Select the Add New FRN Line Item button to manually add your information OR select the
Bulk Upload button.
25 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Bulk Upload
1. Select the Bulk Upload option to upload multiple line items of information from your pre-
populated template(s) for this FRN.
2. Click the Bulk Upload button. The Bulk Upload page displays.
3. Click the Upload button.
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4. Select the template document you have prepared and saved on your computer and then click
the Open button.
5. Click the Submit button to proceed.
6. Select No option to cancel the submission or Yes to proceed with the upload. If you select Yes,
the system will attempt to upload your template.
a. If your file is too large (over 5,000 rows in either the first or the second tab, including
the four header rows), the system will not upload the file and will generate an error
b. Otherwise, the system will process the upload and create a Task for you to review the
results in your Tasks list. Note that it can take a few minutes for the system to
complete the upload and generate the task.
27 | Universal Service Administrative Company | FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload User Guide
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Task Tab
7. Locate the FCC Form 471 Bulk Upload document from the Tasks list and then click the
document link to open it.
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Successful Uploads
If your upload was successful, the system displays the following message:
8. Click the Submit button. The system then takes you to the FRN Line Item page.
9. Optional: View your new FRN Line Item information, if applicable.
10. Optional: Click the checkbox next to the FRN Line Item Number and then click the Number
(blue-highlighted text) for a detailed view of your recipients of service; OR, if you are finished
uploading your information, continue to the next funding request.
11. When you have completed creating your funding requests, click the Continue button to
proceed with your FCC Form 471 application through Certification.
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Unsuccessful Uploads
If your upload was unsuccessful, your task will include information about the reason(s) the template
could not be uploaded.
You should review the information provided, make the appropriate changes, use the Click to Verify
button in the template and verify that the List of Errors tab does not contain any errors, and then try
your upload again. Note that the system does not perform a partial upload of information that may be
correct; instead, it rejects the entire template.
Below are some of the reasons your upload may not be successful:
The template is empty.
The template is in the wrong format (e.g., a PDF file).
The template is for the wrong service type.
The template is missing one of its tabs.
Columns were added or deleted from one or more of the tabs.
One or more of the BENs you identified as a recipient of service does not appear in your
organization profile.
Information in the template was changed and the Click to Validate button was not clicked
The template contains too many rows. Our current limit is 5,000 rows in the FRN Line Item tab
(including the four header rows) and 5,000 rows in the Recipients of Service tab (including
the four header rows). If your entries exceed these limits, you will need to prepare multiple
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The template is too big (> 50 MB).
There is a discrepancy between the number of months of service you provided in the template
and the number of months of service calculated from the service start and end dates you
provided in the form.
You may see error messages if previously uploaded line items are deleted followed by
uploading of a validated template. You can avoid this by deleting the entire FRN before
uploading the template.