Policy Bulletin
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Division of District Operations
Guidelines for Student Suspensions
Local District Superintendents
Administrators of Operations
Administrators of Instruction
Assistant Principals
BUL- 5655.3
Earl R. Perkins, Associate Superintendent
Division of District Operations
October 10, 2016
There are situations that may require suspension in response to student
misconduct; however, suspension, including supervised suspension (such as in-
school suspension and class suspension), should be utilized for adjustment
purpose only when other means of correction have failed to bring about proper
conduct and/or safety is at risk. Prior to issuing a student suspension, school
administrators should implement a system of positive behavior support and
strategic intervention that are age appropriate and designed to progressively and
effectively address and correct the student’s specific misconduct. All Local
Districts (LDs) and school-site discipline plans, codes, and procedures, including
those determined by local school governance councils, shall be consistent with
the policies and practices set forth herein.
This Bulletin replaces BUL-5655.2 of the same title, dated August 19, 2013. It
revises District policy and procedures regarding student suspensions based on
updated State and Federal laws and with the District’s implementation of the My
Integrated Student Information System (MiSiS). It also reflects the District’s re-
organization and the continuous implementation of Board Resolution: School
Discipline Policy and School Climate Bill of Rights.
This Bulletin aligns LAUSD suspension policies and procedures with current
State and Federal laws, as well as with the District’s Discipline Foundation
Policy: School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (BUL-6231.0,
February 14, 2014). It requires school administrators, whenever possible, to
utilize positive behavior support and interventions for violations, prior to or in
lieu of suspension, to resolve disciplinary issues. By law, alternatives to
suspension must be used to address problems of truancy, tardiness, and/or other
attendance-related issues. All schools are required to utilize the MiSiS to
monitor student behavior, search and update discipline records, provide data-
driven interventions, and develop solutions and strategies to effectively address
student behavior; and shall document all information regarding student
suspension in the MiSiS as described in BUL-5808.3, issued March 23, 2015.
1. The principal of each school must ensure that expectations of student
behavior and discipline policies are communicated to staff, parents, and
students at the beginning of each school year and to all newly enrolled
students and their parents at the time of enrollment in the school.
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2. It is the responsibility of school principals to develop procedures for
implementing alternatives to suspension at their school sites, including any
and all interventions. Pursuant to E.C. Section 48911.2 (a), schools with
out-of-school suspension numbers that exceed 30% of their enrollment from
the previous school year shall consider implementing alternatives to
3. Before imposing a suspension, including in-school suspension, for student
misconduct, the principal or administrative designee should consider on-site
remedial measures, resources, and interventions that address the needs of
the student. Once the principal issues the suspension, the suspension can
only be rescinded by the Local District (LD) Administrator of
Operations/Designee through an appeal process and not at the school site
level. However, when a principal determines that a student committed a
48915 (c) offense (See Attachment B Category I) at school or at a school
activity, principals have no discretion in the matter and must immediately
suspend and recommend expulsion.
When a student is suspended from class by the teacher, the parent may
appeal the class suspension to the school principal following the procedures
described in this bulletin and the result should be documented and reflected
in the student’s records.
4. Prior to issuing a suspension, a discipline referral must be created. All
suspension information must be entered into the MiSiS Support module and
all remedial measures, including prior interventions, must be documented in
the Referral Detail and Action Taken screens. (See BUL-5808.3, MiSiS
Student Support Module Required Usage, March 23, 2015, and access
http://achieve.lausd.net/Page/5831 for job aids.)
A. Suspension: Removal of a student from ongoing instruction for
adjustment purposes. The three types of suspension are school
suspension, in-school suspension, and class suspension. A student may
be suspended from one class or all classes and still remain in school
during the period of suspension if the student is appropriately supervised
and instructed.
B. Alternatives to Suspension: Responses that are age appropriate and
designed to address and correct the student’s specific misconduct and
that provide the student with an opportunity to learn the skills necessary
to avoid recurrence of misconduct. (See BUL-6231.0, February 14,
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C. Principal: Unless otherwise specified, the term “principal” shall refer to
the school principal or principal’s administrative designee.
D. Principal’s Designee: The principal may designate and specify in
writing any one or more administrators at the school as the “principal’s
designee(s)” to assist in disciplinary procedures. If no such person is
available at the school site, the principal may identify the principal of a
neighboring school to be his/her designee for student discipline matters.
The name(s) of the designee(s) shall be kept on file in the principal’s
office and should be entered in the designee tab of Administrator Online
Certification System that can be accessed at principalportal.lausd.net.
E. Parent: The term “parent” shall refer to the student’s parent(s), legal
guardian(s), or other adult(s) holding educational rights.
A. The California Education Code permits the superintendent or the
principal of the school in which the student is enrolled to suspend a
student if it is determined that the student committed any act(s) listed
under E.C. Sections 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3, 48900.4, 48900.7, or
48915. (See Attachments A and B) However, the District’s policy
prohibits suspension and expulsion to be utilized as corrective measures
in response to student misconduct of willful defiance as described in
E.C. Section 48900 (k)(1).
Offenses described in E.C. Section 48915 (c)(1) through (c)(5) and
under Category I of the Matrix for Student Suspensions and Expulsion
Recommendations require immediate notification to law enforcement
and immediate suspension from school and recommendation for
expulsion if it is determined that the student had committed the act at
school or at a school activity off school grounds. (See Attachment B)
Students enrolled in kindergarten and grades 1 to 3 shall not be
suspended or expelled due to sexual harassment (E.C. Section 48900.2),
an act of hate violence (E.C. Section 48900.3), threats and intimidation
against district personnel or pupils (E.C. Section 48900.7), or disruption
of school-wide activities [E.C. Section 48900 (k)(1)].
B. Suspension of a student from school shall be employed only if the
offense is related to school activity or school attendance. These offenses
may occur at any time, including, but not limited to, while on school
grounds; while going to or coming from school; during the lunch period,
whether on or off campus; or during, or while going to or coming from,
a school-sponsored activity.
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C. For all students, a single suspension may not be issued for more than
five (5) consecutive school days. However, in instances where the
student is being recommended for expulsion, E.C. Section 48911 (g)
authorizes that school districts may extend student suspensions beyond
five consecutive school days, except for students with disabilities. (See
Section II. E.)
For purposes of this section, the LD Administrator of Operations is the
designee of the Superintendent of Schools and may extend the student’s
suspension pending the results of the expulsion hearing. Such an
extension may be imposed only when the following conditions are met:
1. The principal shall submit the recommendation to extend the
suspension beyond five days to the LD Administrator of Operations
or designee for approval during the five-day suspension period.
2. The LD Administrator of Operations or designee must schedule to
meet with the student and the parent within the five (5)-day
suspension period.
3. The LD Administrator of Operations or designee must determine,
after the meeting, that the presence of the student at any school
would cause a danger to persons or property or a threat of disrupting
the instructional process.
4. If the action to extend suspension is not completed within the five
(5)-day suspension period, the student shall be enrolled in an interim
educational program.
If it is determined that the extension of suspension authorized by the LD
Administrator of Operations needs to be further extended (until the
Board takes final action on the expulsion recommendation), the
Superintendent of Schools shall then authorize this extension.
D. Pursuant to E.C. Section 48903, the number of days for which a student
in general education, including any student being served under Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, may be suspended from school
shall not exceed 20 days in any school year unless the student is
transferred to another school or program for adjustment purposes, in
which case, the number of days of suspension may be increased by 10,
making the total number of suspension days from school in any school
year 30. Every attempt, however, shall be made to address student
misconduct by implementing interventions and alternatives to
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E. The maximum number of days in a school year a student who receives
special education services can be suspended shall not exceed 10, unless
a court order stipulates otherwise.
Note: “Informal Suspension” (e.g., a parent is told to keep a child at home
under the supervision of the parent, or a student is sent home without an
official Pupil Suspension Notice) is a violation of California Education
Codes, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
(IDEIA), and District policy. It is prohibited.
E.C. Section 48902 authorizes that the school principal, prior to suspending
or recommending expulsion of a student, notify the local law enforcement if
it is reasonably suspected that the student committed any of the following
A. Assault with a deadly weapon. [Penal Code (P.C.) Section 245]
B. Possession or sale of narcotics or a controlled substance or sale or
delivery of a substance represented as alcohol, a controlled substance, or
any intoxicant. [E.C. Sections 48900 (c) and (d)]
C. Possession of a firearm(s) at a public school. [P.C. Section 626.9]
D. Possession of a dirk, dagger, ice pick, knife having a fixed blade longer
than inches, folding knife with a blade that locks into place, razor
with an unguarded blade, taser or stun gun, BB or pellet or other type of
air gun, or spot marker upon the grounds of any school within a K-12
school district. [P.C. Section 626.10]
If the student is arrested, or released to a peace officer, the principal shall
take immediate steps to notify the parent regarding the place to which the
student is reportedly being taken. Prior to the release of the student to law
enforcement, the principal should obtain the name, badge number, and
contact information of the officer taking custody of the student. This
information should be shared with the parent. Efforts to notify the parent
should be documented.
Note: The principal shall not suspend a student at the time of arrest before
affording the student due process rights to a conference, nor shall the
principal suspend in absentia while the student is incarcerated. The
principal shall wait until the student is released from custody and returns to
the school and then proceed with appropriate disciplinary action. However,
the principal shall begin to investigate the misconduct and gather evidence
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immediately unless otherwise instructed in collaboration with law
(E.C. SECTION 48911)
A. Informal Conference with the Student
Schools are required to be proactive and to implement interventions at
the earliest sign that a student’s behavior is impeding his or her learning.
When student misconduct requires disciplinary action, the principal
shall conduct an informal conference with the student prior to issuing a
suspension. At this conference, the student shall be informed of the
reason(s) for the disciplinary action and shall be given the opportunity to
respond to the charge(s) and to present a defense. In addition, the
principal should encourage the student to write a statement concerning
the alleged misconduct and to sign and date it. (See Attachment C)
B. Suspension Conference with the Parent
If suspension is necessary, the principal shall notify the parent, remind
the parent that suspension is a disciplinary action, and schedule a parent
conference. The principal shall inform the parent that the parent is
expected to respond without delay to any request from school officials
to attend a conference regarding his or her child’s behavior.
Note: No student shall be penalized for his or her parent’s failure to
attend a conference with a school official. The return of a suspended
student shall not be contingent upon attendance by the student’s parent
at the school conference.
C. Emergency Situation
A principal may suspend a student without holding an informal
conference only if an emergency situation exists. The term “emergency
situation” means that the principal has determined that the immediate
conditions constitute a clear and present danger to the lives, safety, or
health of students or school personnel. If a student is suspended from
school without the conference, the designated administrator shall notify
both the parent and the student of their right to a conference and of their
right to return to school for that purpose. The conference shall be held
at the earliest time possible, but no later than two (2) school days after
the incident takes place unless the student waives this right or is
physically unable to attend. In the latter instance, the conference shall
be held as soon as the student is able to attend.
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D. Issuing a School Suspension
1. The principal shall give the student being suspended from school a
copy of the Pupil Suspension Notice, signed by the principal, along
with the appeal form and instructions generated from the MiSiS
Suspension screen in the student’s home language and English to
take home to their parent. School personnel shall also mail a signed
copy to the parent.
2. A copy of the signed Pupil Suspension Notice shall be kept in the
student’s discipline file, the “Yellow Folder” as described in BUL-
3927.2, Mandated Reporting of Certain Student Behavior,
September 13, 2010, and never in the cumulative record folder. Any
efforts by school/District personnel to contact the parent should be
documented in the MiSiS Suspension Screen Comments section.
3. The principal shall notify appropriate school staff of all student
suspensions on a daily basis. Secondary principals need to notify all
affected teachers.
E. Releasing the Student from School
When a student is suspended from school, the student shall not be
released from school before the end of the student’s school day unless
the parent picks up the student, or authorizes in writing (e.g., emergency
card) another adult to do so. Authorization by phone is no longer
In addition to the procedures described above, when suspension is being
considered for a student receiving special education services, the school
staff must review the implementation of the current Individualized
Education Program (IEP). If the student’s current IEP includes a Behavior
Support Plan (BSP), school staff must review its implementation and
progress monitoring information including services tracked in Welligent.
The following procedures apply:
A. Before any suspension: There will be an informal conference with the
student as described in section IV. A. above.
B. After a suspension: The school’s Discipline Review Team (DRT) must
hold a meeting after each suspension for students with disabilities to
review the following:
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1. Evaluate the severity of the misconduct and determine whether there
are interventions that can be used that do not require an IEP
2. Determine whether the implementation of current Behavior Support
Plan (BSP) needs to be modified. If so, an IEP meeting should be
held to develop or revise the BSP/BIP to prevent recurrence of the
In addition, if the student has been suspended two (2) times, or the total
days of suspension accumulate to 5, 8, or 10 school days, an IEP
meeting must be convened upon the student’s return to school to
determine appropriate services/placement. During the meeting, the IEP
team should review, develop, or modify the student’s entire program
including academic and behavioral intervention plans (such as BSP)
used with the student in an effort to prevent the recurrence of the
misconduct. Additionally, consideration should be given to any
assessments that must be done to identify the function of the student’s
behavior (i.e., Functional Behavior Assessment).
C. If the number of cumulative days of suspension approaches 10 days, the
IEP team shall hold an IEP meeting to conduct a manifestation
determination analysis. This analysis is to include discussion and
documentation of the misconduct and relationship between the
misconduct and the student’s disability to determine:
1. Was the misconduct caused by, or directly and substantially related
to, the student’s disability?
2. Was the misconduct a direct result of the District’s failure to
implement the IEP?
If the answer to either or both questions is “yes,” the IEP team shall
address the behavior through implementing behavioral interventions,
additional assessments, and/or changes in the student’s IEP.
If the answer to both questions is “no,” the school shall continue to
support and guide the student throughout implementation of all the
services required in the IEP.
D. “Informal Suspension” is a violation of the California Education Codes
and the Individual with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
(IDEIA). It is prohibited (e.g., a parent is told to keep a child at home
under the supervision of the parent, or a student is sent home without an
official Pupil Suspension Notice and Pupil Accounting Report) to
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informally suspend a student.
A student who has a Section 504 Plan will be afforded the protections
described in BUL-4692.5, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
June 15, 2015, as follows:
A. A student who has a Section 504 Plan may not be subjected to a
disciplinary action which changes the student’s placement for more than
10 days unless the Section 504 Team, in a “Section 504 Link
Determination Meeting, first determines the following:
1. Was the misconduct caused by, or directly and substantially related
to, the student’s disability?
2. Was the misconduct a direct result of the District’s failure to
implement the Section 504 Plan?
B. If the Section 504 Team determines that there is no direct link between
the misconduct and the student’s disability and that the misconduct is
not a direct result of the District’s failure to implement the Section 504
Plan, the school may suspend the student in the same manner as it
would a student without a disability.
C. If the Section 504 Team determines that there is a direct link between
the misconduct and the student’s disability and/or the misconduct is a
direct result of the District’s failure to implement the Section 504 Plan,
the Section 504 Team should consider revising the student’s Section
504 Plan and/or reviewing implementation strategies. This may include
updating the accommodations and/or revising or developing a “Section
504 Behavior Support Plan.
D. Suspensions totaling fewer than 10 days in a school year may be
affected without holding a Section 504 Team Meeting. However, a
noted pattern of misbehaviors may determine that a Section 504 Team
meeting is needed to review and, if appropriate, modify the current
Section 504 Plan, including developing behavioral supports.
(E.C. SECTION 48910)
A. A teacher may suspend a student from class for any of the acts
enumerated in E.C. Section 48900, except for the student misconduct of
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willful defiance as described in E.C. Section 48900 (k)(1), for the
remainder of that day (elementary) or period (secondary) and for the
following day or period when the class meets. (See Attachment D) The
teacher shall immediately report the suspension to the principal and
send the student to the administrator for appropriate action. Removal of
a student from a particular class shall not occur more than once every
five (5) school days. For students who receive special education
services, refer to the procedures stipulated in section V of this Bulletin.
The same protections apply.
B. The teacher shall confirm by telephone with the parent the date and time
of the conference to discuss the reason(s) for the suspension. This
information is to be entered in the MiSiS Suspension Screen for it to be
populated in the Class Suspension Notice.
C. Prior to the close of the school day, the principal or administrative
designee shall enter the Discipline Referral in MiSiS Student Support
Module and generate the Class Suspension Notice in the Suspension
Tab, which are signed by both the principal and the teacher who issued
the suspension. The principal shall give the student being suspended
from class a copy of the Class Suspension Notice. In addition, the
parent’s copy of the Class Suspension Notice shall be mailed
immediately to them. A copy of the signed Class Suspension Notice
should be kept in the student’s “Yellow Folder” and never in the
cumulative record folder. Any efforts by school personnel to contact
the parent should be documented in the MiSiS Suspension Screen
Comments section.
D. A student suspended from a class shall not be placed in another regular
class during the period of suspension; rather, the student shall attend the
supervised suspension classroom as described in section IX. D. of this
bulletin. If the student is assigned to more than one class per day, he
or she must attend the classes from which he or she was not suspended.
E. The student shall not be returned to the class from which he or she was
suspended during the period of suspension without the concurrence of
the principal and the teacher who imposed the suspension.
F. A teacher must provide all assignments and tests that the student will
miss while suspended and may require the completion of said tests and
assignments from the student upon return. Students with disabilities
should be provided with supports and services as outlined in their IEP
during the period of class suspension.
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(E.C. SECTION 48900.1)
A. Per District policy, the teacher may require that the parent of the student
attend a portion of the class from which the student was suspended if
the suspension was for behavior described in E.C. Section 48900 (i)
committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
The intent of the Legislature is to make class visits a positive experience
that may enhance and encourage collaboration between the parent and
school personnel. This procedure applies only to the parent who is
actually living with the student. The class visit is not meant to replace
the teacher-parent conference but, rather, to be a productive adjunct to
it. Following a visit to the classroom, the parent is required to meet
with the principal before leaving the school site.
B. Required Procedures
1. A teacher who plans to implement this policy shall clearly inform all
parents of his/her students, in advance, of the details of the
implementation. Furthermore, the teacher shall use his or her
authority uniformly among all students.
2. Upon receipt of the necessary information from the teacher, the
principal shall prepare a written notice stating that the parent’s
attendance is required pursuant to E.C. Section 48900.1 and mail the
letter, along with the Class Suspension Notice, to the parent. (See
Attachment E)
Note: At no time may the teacher use the parent’s failure to attend a
conference or class visit to deny the student’s readmission to class
after the suspension term is served.
3. To initiate the provision of E.C. Section 48900.1, when suspending
a student from class, the teacher shall:
a. Indicate one of the two specified reasons (committed an obscene
act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity) cited under
E.C. 48900 (i).
b. In the space provided for comments, indicate “class visit by
parent - required by teacher,” and state the date, time, and
duration of the anticipated visit (30 minutes to one hour in the
class is suggested).
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C. Other Considerations
When implementing the procedures described in E.C. Section 48900.1,
it is important that the intent of the Legislature be observed:
1. The teacher shall inform the parent of counseling and other available
resources within the school and the community that may assist the
parent and the student.
2. If possible, the teacher shall schedule the class visit on the same day
as the parent conference and hold the conference before the class
visit. The conference may then be used, in part, to develop a better
understanding between teacher and parent as to the purpose and
anticipated benefit of the visit.
A. Pursuant to E.C. Section 48911.2, school districts may establish an in-
school suspension program as an alternative to off-campus suspension.
The intent is to encourage schools to examine alternatives to off-campus
suspension that lead to resolution of student misconduct without
sending students off campus. (See Attachment F)
B. In-school suspension allows school districts to:
1. Remove the disruptive student from general student body.
2. Consider student as being present for ADA purposes.
3. Reduce the number of out-of-school suspensions.
C. Students may be assigned by the principal to a supervised suspension
classroom for the entire period of suspension (no more than five (5)
consecutive school days) if the student poses no imminent danger or
threat to the campus, other students, or staff. Students who violated
E.C. Sections 48900.3 (caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause,
or participated in an act of hate violence), 48900.4 (engaged in
harassment, threats, or intimidation against a pupil or group of pupils or
school district personnel), or 48900.7 (made terrorist threats against
school officials or school property, or both) are precluded by law for in-
school suspension. In addition, if an action to expel the student will be
or has been initiated, an in-school suspension is not permitted in lieu of
a suspension from school by principal.
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D. Guidelines for Supervised Suspension Classroom
1. At the time a student is assigned to a supervised suspension
classroom, a school employee shall notify, in person or by phone,
the student’s parent. Whenever a student is assigned to a supervised
suspension classroom for longer than one class period, the principal
shall give the student a copy of the In-School Suspension Notice,
signed by the principal, to take home to their parent. School
personnel shall also mail the signed copies of the In-School
Suspension Notice to the parent. A copy of the signed In-School
Suspension Notice shall be kept in the student’s discipline file, the
“Yellow Folder,” and never in the cumulative record folder. Any
efforts by school/District personnel to contact the parent should be
documented in the MiSiS Suspension Screen Comments section.
2. Students assigned to a supervised suspension classroom shall be
separated from other students at a school site for the period of
3. The teacher(s) shall provide all assignments and tests that the student
will miss while suspended. If no class work is assigned, the
certificated staff supervising the suspension classroom shall assign
4. Students should have access to appropriate counseling services while
serving in-school suspension.
5. Students with disabilities shall be provided with supports and
services as described in their IEP.
A parent may appeal a suspension if the parent disagrees or feels that the
suspension is not justifiable. When issuing a school suspension of any type,
the principal shall, along with the Pupil Suspension Notice, provide the
“Student Suspension Appeal Form” with instructions to the parent. (See
Attachment G) The appeal form and instructions are generated along with
the suspension letter from the MiSiS Suspension Screen.
A. School Suspension and In-School Suspension
The appeal for school suspension and in-school suspension shall be
handled by the LD Administrator of Operations. These suspensions can
be rescinded only through an appeal process at the local district level,
not at the school site level. If after the suspension conference, the
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parent still feels that the suspension is not justifiable and wishes to
appeal the principal’s decision, the parent may request a
suspension appeal and submit the paperwork to the LD Administrator of
Operations. The appeal may only be submitted from the day of
suspension to five (5) school days following the last day of the student's
suspension. The principal shall advise the parent of the following
appeal process:
1. Within five (5) school days following the last day of the student’s
suspension, the parent shall submit to the LD Administrator of
Operations or designee the suspension appeal packet including:
a. The Student Suspension Appeal Form with a clear description
of the complaint
b. The initial suspension documents
c. The supporting evidence for the appeal
2. Within five (5) school days of receiving the appeal packet from the
parent, the LD Administrator of Operations or designee shall form a
Suspension Appeal Committee of certificated member(s) and
conduct the suspension appeal review, during which the Committee
shall review the documents submitted by the school and the parent.
The school principal and/or parent may be present, if they have so
3. Within three (3) school days of the appeal review, the LD
Administrator of Operations will notify the parent in writing of the
Committee’s decision. The results of the appeal may include, but
are not limited to:
a. Uphold the suspension in all respects.
b. Modify the suspension imposed (e.g., reduce suspension
duration, if possible).
c. Overturn the suspension and expunge the suspension from the
student’s records.
The decision of the Suspension Appeal Committee is the District’s final
decision and may not be further appealed. Parents may submit written
objections to the appeal decision which shall be included in the
student’s “Yellow Folder.” The LD Administrator of Operations will
enter all appeal information in the Appeal section of the Suspension
screen Response page of the MiSiS Student Support.
Note: If the parent files appeal for the school suspension while the
student is undergoing an expulsion process, the LD Administrator of
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Operations shall process the appeal in concurrence with the expulsion
process. The result of the appeal must be submitted to the Student
Discipline and Expulsion Support (SDES) Unit.
B. Class Suspension
A parent may appeal the class suspension by teacher to the school
principal, using the same Student Suspension Appeal Form by checking
the appropriate checkbox. The appeal form must be submitted from the
day of suspension to three (3) school days following the last day of the
suspension. The principal shall hold an appeal conference with the
parent within three (3) school days of the submission of appeal to
discuss the matter. The final decision shall be made and provided to the
parent in writing also within three (3) school days after the appeal
conference. The parent may be present, if it is so requested.
If the appeal is upheld, the principal shall document the appeal and
make change of student records in the Appeal section of the Suspension
screen Response page of the MiSiS Student Support. Parents may not
further appeal; however, they may submit written objections to the
appeal decision which shall be included in the student’s “Yellow
Folder” if the parent so requests.
A. The school principal shall issue and sign all Notices of Suspension and
the teacher shall also sign the Class Suspension Notice. Appropriate
personnel shall provide the signed Pupil Suspension Notice, Student
Suspension Appeal Form, along with the requested conference
appointment, to the parent.
B. If a student has committed multiple offenses, the school official shall
enter all discipline referral reasons in MiSiS Student Support.
C. All suspensions (including school suspension, class suspension, and in-
school suspension) must be entered into the MiSiS Student Support,
Referrals. Parent contacts, conferences, interventions, and remedial
measures in response to student misconduct must also be entered in the
subsequent tabs: Referral Details, Participants, Actions Taken,
Suspension. as additional responses in the Discipline module.
D. All discipline records, including, but not limited to, individual copies of
the Pupil Suspension Notice, juvenile court notice, parent response, and
student statement, are to be kept in the student’s discipline file, the
“Yellow Folder” as described in BUL-3927.2, September 13, 2010.
Policy Bulletin
BUL-5655.3 Page 16 of 18 October 10, 2016
Division of District Operations
These records must be kept for a minimum of three (3) years from the
date the student committed the act or was reasonably suspected to have
committed the act. (See BUL-2469.0, April 24, 2006)
Note: For compliance with E.C. Section 49079 and W.I.C. Section 827,
refer to BUL-3927.2, Mandated Reporting of Certain Student Behavior,
September 13, 2010.
E. Recording suspension and attendance
1. Partial-Day School Suspension
If a student is suspended in the middle of a school day and leaves
school before the end of the school day, that day is the effective date
of the suspension and counted as day one. The suspension should
be recorded as follows:
Elementary Schools: Assuming the student was present when the
teacher submitted attendance, the office staff is to change the
attendance status to Leave early (LE), enter the Time Out, and enter
the corresponding suspension reason code (4 Suspension School,
4I Suspension In-School, SC Suspension Class).
Secondary Schools: Teachers are to submit attendance as usual. For
the periods/classes missed, the applicable suspension reason codes
are automatically updated for past or current day suspensions. If the
suspension is for a future date, the suspension reason code will only
update if a school suspension is issued.
The suspension reason codes are automatically updated on the
attendance screens for past or current day suspensions. If the
suspension is for a future date, the suspension reason code will only
update if a School suspension is issued. For Class and School
suspensions, the user must add the corresponding suspension reason
code on the day the student serves the suspension. If the student is
absent, the corresponding absence code shall be entered.
If a suspension is appealed, and the decision is to revoke or modify
the suspension, the suspension absence reason code for the
applicable days must be changed to reason code 5 Administrator
Approval Justifiable Personal Reasons.
2. If the student is suspended from class or serving in-school
Policy Bulletin
BUL-5655.3 Page 17 of 18 October 10, 2016
Division of District Operations
a. The teacher(s) marks the attendance status as “absent.
b. Once the student arrives at the assigned suspension location, the
designated staff member enters the corresponding absence
reason code for the portion of the day the student missed due to
suspension, using the following codes:
SC - Suspended Class
4I - In-School Suspension
Both reason codes count as “present” for ADA purposes and will
not be counted in the absence totals of the student’s report card. For
a step-by-step guide, refer to Job Aid “Adding a Suspension to a
Referral” located on the MiSiS website > Job Aids > Student
A. Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion (English and Spanish)
B. Matrix for Student Expulsion Recommendation (English and Spanish)
C. Lawful and Unlawful Suspensions
D. Class Suspension by Teacher
E. Principal’s Letter for Teacher-Required Class Visit (English and Spanish)
F. In-School Suspension
G. Suspension Appeal Form (English and Spanish)
BUL-6231.0, Discipline Foundation Policy: School-Wide Positive Behavior
Intervention and Support, issued February 14, 2014
BUL-6050.2, Expulsion of Students Policy and Procedures, issued
October 10, 2016
BUL-3927.2, Mandated Reporting of Certain Student Behavior, issued
September 13, 2010
BUL-5269.2, Incident System Tracking Accountability Report (ISTAR), issued
July 10, 2013
BUL-847.0, Referral to Community Day Schools, issued March 22, 2004
Policy Bulletin
BUL-5655.3 Page 18 of 18 October 10, 2016
Division of District Operations
BUL-6362.0, Opportunity Transfer (O.T.) - Policy and Procedures, issued
August, 14, 2014
BUL-2469, Pupil Records: Access, Confidentiality, and Notice of Education
Rights, issued April 24, 2006
BUL-4692.5, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, issued June 15, 2015
BUL-3349.1, Sexual Harassment Policy (Student-to-Student, Adult-to-Student,
and Student-to-Adult, issued August 6, 2014
REF-1410.8 Special Education Dispute Resolution The Three Options For
Parents Wishing to Initiate a Form of Dispute Resolution Regarding the
Proposed Components of an IEP: (1) Informal Dispute Resolution, (2) State
Mediation Only, and (3) Formal Due Process Hearing, issued March 14, 2016
BUL-5808.3, My Integrated Student Information System (MiSiS) Student
Support Module Required Usage, issued March 23, 2015
BUL-6385.0 Guidelines and Procedures Relating to Student Behavior on School
Bus, issued September 29, 2014.
Special Education Policy and Procedures Manual - Disciplinary Procedures for
Students with Disabilities, issued July 2, 2007
Board of Education Resolution: School Discipline Policy and School Climate
Bill of Rights, enacted May 14, 2013
California Education Code Sections 48900 48914
For assistance or further information please contact:
Student Discipline and Expulsion Support Unit at (213) 202-7555
Division of District Operations at (213) 241-5337
Office of General Counsel at (213) 241-7600
Local District Administrators of Operations
Special Education Service Center - Operations (213) 241-6701
Educational Equity Compliance Office at (213) 241-7682
Pupil Services and Attendance at (213) 241-3844
MiSiS Help desk at (213) 241-5200.
Student Discipline and Expulsion Support Unit ATTACHMENT A
Note: District’s policy prohibits suspension and expulsion be utilized as corrective measures in response to student misconduct of
willful defiance as described in E.C. 48900 (k)(1).
Unidad de Disciplina Estudiantil y Apoyo de Expulsión ANEXO A-1
Artículos 48900 et seq. del Código de Educación de California
Un alumno no será suspendido de la escuela ni se recomendará su expulsión a menos que el superintendente o el director de la
escuela a la que está inscrito el alumno determine que el alumno:
(a) (1) Causó, intentó causar o amenazó causar una herida física a otra persona.
(2) Intencionalmente usó fuerza o violencia sobre la persona de otro, excepto en los casos de defensa propia.
(b) Tenía en su posesión, vendió o proporcionó cualquier arma de fuego, navaja/cuchillo, explosivo u otros objetos
peligrosos a menos que, en caso de posesión de cualquiera de dichos objetos, el alumno haya obtenido un permiso escrito
de un empleado certificado de la escuela para poseer dicho objeto y que dicho permiso haya sido aprobado por el director
o la persona designada por el director.
(c) Tenía en su poder, usó, vendió, o proporcionó ilegalmente, o estaba bajo la influencia de cualquier sustancia controlada,
descrita en el Capítulo 2 (empezando con la Sección 11053) de la División 10 del Código de Salud y Seguridad, bebidas
alcohólicas o cualquier tipo de intoxicante.
(d) Ofreció, dispuso, o negoció ilegalmente la venta de cualquier sustancia controlada, descrita en el Capítulo 2 (empezando
con la Sección 11053) de la División 10 del Código de Salud y Seguridad, bebidas alcohólicas o cualquier tipo de
intoxicante y después vendió, entregó, o proporcionó a cualquier persona otro líquido, sustancia o material y presentó el
líquido, sustancia o material como una sustancia controlada, bebidas alcohólicas o intoxicantes.
(e) Cometió o intentó cometer robo o extorsión.
(f) Causó o intentó causar daño a la propiedad escolar o propiedad privada.
(g) Robó o intentó robar propiedad escolar o propiedad privada.
(h) Poseyó o usó tabaco o cualquier producto que contiene tabaco o productos de nicotina, incluyendo, pero no limitado a,
cigarros, puros, cigarros en miniatura, cigarros de clavo, tabaco que no hace humo, rapé, tabaco de mascar, y betel. Sin
embargo, esta sección no prohíbe que el estudiante use o tenga sus propios productos con receta médica.
(i) Cometió actos obscenos o continuó participando en actos profanos o vulgaridades.
(j) Estaba ilegalmente en posesión de o ilegalmente ofreció, dispuso, o negoció la venta de accesorias para el uso de drogas
(parafernalia) descritas en la Sección 11014.5 del Código de Salud y Seguridad.
(k) (1) Perturbó actividades escolares o de otra manera desafió por voluntad propia a la autoridad válida de supervisores,
maestros, administradores, oficiales de la escuela u otro personal escolar dedicado al desempeño o de sus labores.
(del 4 al 12 grado) (suspensión solamente).
(l) Recibió a sabiendas propiedad escolar o propiedad privada robadas.
(m) Poseyó una arma de fuego de imitación.
(n) Perpetró o intentó perpetrar un ataque sexual o perpetró una agresión sexual.
(o) Acosó, amenazó o intimidó a un alumno que es un testigo acusador u otro testigo en un procedimiento disciplinario
escolar con el propósito de impedir que ese alumno sea testigo o el de tomar venganza contra el alumno por ser testigo o
(p) Ofreció, dispuso la venta, negoció la venta o vendió ilegalmente el medicamento recetado llamado Soma.
(q) Tomó parte en novatadas, o intentó tomar parte en las mismas, según se definen en el Artículo 32050.
(r) Participando en un acto de intimidación, incluyendo entre otros, intimidación cometida por medios electrónicos dirigida
específicamente hacia un alumno o personal escolar.
(t) Ayudó o instigó para infligir o intentar infligir una herida física en contra de otra persona (suspensión solamente).
48900.2 Cometió acoso sexual (del 4 al 12 grado).
48900.3 Causó, intentó causar, amenazó causar o participó en un acto de violencia por el odio. (del 4 al 12 grado).
48900.4 Tomó parte en acoso, amenazas o intimidación intencionalmente contra personal del distrito escolar o estudiantes
(del 4 al 12 grado).
48900.7 Hizo amenazas terroristas contra funcionarios escolares, propiedad escolar o ambos.
Es el intento de la Legislatura que alternativas a la suspensión o expulsión son impuestos contra cualquier alumno por faltar
injustificadamente, llegar tarde u otro modo ausente de actividades escolares. [48900 (w)]
Nota: la póliza del Distrito prohíbe que la suspensión y la expulsión sean utilizados como medidas correctivas en respuesta a la
mala conducta del estudiante de desafiar por voluntad propia como lo describe el Código de Educación 48900 (k)(1).
Student Discipline & Expulsion Support Unit
(State Law: Applicable to School Principals)
Category I
Student Offenses with
No Principal Discretion (except
as otherwise precluded by law)
Category II*
Student Offenses with
Limited Principal Discretion
Category III*
Student Offenses with
Broad Principal Discretion
Principal shall immediately
suspend and recommend
expulsion when the following occur
at school or at a school activity off
(E.C. 48915[c])
Principal must recommend expulsion when
the following occur at school or at a school
activity off campus unless the principal
determines that the expulsion is
(E.C. 48915[a])
Principal may recommend expulsion when the following occur at any time, including, but not limited to, while on school
grounds; while going to or coming from school; during the lunch period, whether on or off the campus; or during, or
while going to or coming from, a school-sponsored activity.
(E.C. 48915[b] and [e])
1. Possessing, selling, or
furnishing a firearm.
E.C. 48915(c)(1); 48900(b)
1. Causing serious physical injury to
another person, except in self-defense.
E.C. 48915(a)(1); 48900(a)(1),
maybe also 48900(a)(2)
1. Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.
(Unless, in the case of “caused,” the injury is serious. [See II.1]) E.C. 48900(a)(1); 48915(b)
2. Possession/Under influence of marijuana (1
offense < 1 oz.) or controlled substance or alcohol or any intoxicant.
E.C. 48900(c); 48915(b)
3. Sold, furnished, or offered a substitute substance represented as a controlled substance.
E.C. 48900(d); 48915(b)
2. Brandishing a knife at another
E.C. 48915(c)(2);
48900(a)(1) and 48900(b)
2. Possession of any knife, explosive, or
other dangerous object of no reasonable
use to the pupil.
E.C. 48915(a)(2); 48900(b)
4. Caused or attempted to cause damage to school or private property. E.C. 48900(f); 48915(e)
5. Stole or attempted to steal school or private property. E.C. 48900(g); 48915(e)
6. Possessed or used tobacco. E.C. 48900(h); 48915(e)
7. Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity. E.C. 48900(i); 48915(e)
3. Unlawfully selling a controlled
E.C. 48915(c)(3); 48900(c)
3. Unlawful possession of any controlled
substance (except for the first offense of
no more than an ounce of marijuana, and
over-the-counter and prescribed
E.C. 48915(a)(3); 48900(c)
8. Possessed, offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia. E.C. 48900(j); 48915(e)
9. Disrupted school (-wide) activities. (suspension only by administrator, no expulsion). E.C. 48900(k)(1)**; 48915(e)
10. Knowingly received stolen school or private property. E.C. 48900(l); 48915(e)
11. Possessed an imitation firearm. E.C. 48900(m); 48915(e)
12. Engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation against a pupil or group of pupils or school district personnel.
E.C. 48900.4**; 48915(e)
4. Committing or attempting to
commit a sexual assault or
committing a sexual battery
(as defined in 48900[n]).
E.C. 48915(c)(4); 48900(n)
4. Robbery or extortion.
E.C. 48915(a)(4); 48900(e)
13. Engaged in sexual harassment. E.C. 48900.2**; 48915(e)
14. Caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence.
E.C. 48900.3**; 48915(e)
15. Made terrorist threats against school officials or school property, or both. E.C. 48900.7; 48915(e)
16. Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense. E.C. 48900(a)(2); 48915(b)
5. Possession of an explosive
E.C. 48915(c)(5); 48900 (b)
5. Assault or battery upon any
school employee.
E.C. 48915(a)(5);
48900(a)(1) and 48900(a)(2)
17. Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a disciplinary action.
E.C. 48900(o); 48915(e)
18. Any behavior listed in Category l or ll that is related to school activity or school attendance but that did
not occur on campus or at a school activity off campus. E.C. 48915(b)
19. Unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell, or sold the prescription drug Soma.
E.C. 48900(p); 48915(e)
20. Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing, as defined in Section 32050. E.C. 48900(q); 48915(e)
21. Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of electronic act directed
specifically toward a pupil or school personnel. E.C. 48900(r); 48915(e)
22. Aided or abetted the infliction of physical injury to another person (suspension only). E.C. 48900(t); 48915(e)
* For Categories ll and lll, the school must provide evidence of one or both of the following additional findings: (1) Other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed
to bring about proper conduct, (2) Due to the nature of the act, the students presence causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the pupil or others.
** Grades 4 through 12 inclusive.
Unidad de Disciplina Estudiantil y Apoyo de Expulsión
(La ley del estado: se aplica a los directores de escuela)
Categoría I
Ofensas del estudiante a las
cuales el director tiene no
Categoría II*
Ofensas del estudiante a las cuales el director
tiene discreción limitada
Categoría III*
Ofensas del estudiante a las cuales el director tiene la más discreción
El director debe suspender
inmediatamente y recomendar la
expulsión de un estudiante cuando
ocurra cualquiera de los actos
siguientes en la escuela o en una
actividad escolar fuera del plantel.
(C.E. 48915[c])
El director debe recomendar la expulsión de un
estudiante cuando ocurra cualquiera de los
actos siguientes en la escuela o en una
actividad escolar fuera del plantel A MENOS
DE QUE determine que la expulsión es
(C.E. 48915[a])
El director puede recomendar la expulsión de un estudiante cuando ocurra cualquiera de los actos siguientes en
cualquier momento, incluyendo, pero sin limitarse a, cuando se encuentre dentro del plantel escolar; mientras
vaya a o venga de la escuela; durante el período del almuerzo, sea dentro o fuera del plantel; o durante, o
cuando vaya a o venga de, alguna actividad patrocinada por la escuela.
(C.E. 48915[b] and [e])
1. Teniendo en posesión, vendiendo, o
proporcionando un arma de fuego.
C.E. 48915(c)(1); 48900(b)
1. Causando una herida física grave a otra
persona, excepto en caso de defensa propia.
C.E. 48915(a)(1); 48900(a)(1), y tal vez también
1. Causó o intentó causar, o amenazó causar, una lesión corporal a otra persona. (A menos de que, efectivamente, causó
una lesión grave) C.E. 48900(a)(1); 48915(b)
2. Posesión/bajo la influencia de marihuana (1
< 1 oz.) o alcohol o substancia controlada o embriagante.
C.E. 48900(c); 48915(b)
3. Vendió, proporcionó u ofreció una sustancia substituta, haciéndola pasar por una sustancia controlada.
C.E. 48900(d); 48915(b)
2. Blandiendo una navaja a otra
C.E.48915(c)(2); 48900(a)(1) y
2. Teniendo en posesión cualquier tipo de cuchillo,
explosivo o cualquier objeto peligroso que no
sea para el uso razonable del alumno.
C.E. 48915(a)(2); 48900(b)
4. Causó o intentó causar daño a propiedad escolar o privada. C.E. 48900(f); 48915(e)
5. Robó o intentó robar propiedad privada o de la escuela. C.E. 48900(g); 48915(e)
6. Poseyó o usó tabaco. C.E. 48900(h); 48915(e)
7. Cometió un acto obsceno o se comporto habitualmente de manera profana o vulgar. C.E. 48900(i); 48915(e)
3. Vendiendo ilegalmente una
sustancia controlada.
C.E. 48915(c)(3); 48900(c)
4. Teniendo en posesión ilegalmente cualquier
sustancia controlada (excepto en el caso de que
sea la primera ofensa por posesión de menos
de una onza de marihuana, y medicamento con
o sin receta)
C.E. 48915(a)(3); 48900(c)
8. Poseyó, ofreció o negocio para vender artículos relacionados con las drogas. C.E. 48900(j); 48915(e)
9. Interrumpió actividades escolares. (actividades a nivel escolar; emitida sólo por un administrador)
C.E. 48900(k)(1)**; 48915(e)
10. Recibió a sabiendas propiedad escolar o propiedad privadas robadas. C.E. 48900(l); 48915(e)
11. Poseyó una arma de fuego de imitación. C.E. 48900(m); 48915(e)
12. Acosó, amenazó o intimidó a algún alumno o grupo de alumnos o personal escolar del distrito. C.E. 48900.4**; 48915(e)
4. Cometiendo o intentando a cometer
un ataque sexual o cometiendo una
agresión sexual (según lo definido
en 48900[n]). C.E. 48915(c)(4);
4. Robo o extorsión.
C.E. 48915(a)(4); 48900(e)
13. Cometió acoso sexual. C.E. 48900.2**; 48915(e)
14. Causó, intentó causar, amenazó causar o participó en algún acto de violencia generado por el odio.
C.E. 48900.3**; 48915(e)
15. Hizo amenazas terroristas contra funcionarios escolares o propiedad escolar o ambos. C.E. 48900.7; 48915(e)
16. Intencionalmente uso fuerza o violencia sobre la persona de otro, excepto en los casos de defensa propia.
C.E. 48900(a)(2); 48915(b)
5. Que posea un explosivo
C.E. 48915(c)(5); 48900(b)
5. Ataque o agresión física sobre cualquier
empleado de la escuela.
C.E. 48915(a)(5); 48900(a)(1) y (a)(2)
17. Acosó, amenazó o intimidó a un alumno que es un testigo acusador u otro testigo en un procedimiento disciplinario.
C.E. 48900(o); 48915(e)
18. Cualquier tipo de conducta citada en la Categoría I o II que no ocurrió ni dentro del plantel escolar
ni en una actividad escolar fuera del plantel. C.E. 48915(b)
19. Ofreció, dispuso la venta, negoció la venta o vendió ilegalmente el medicamento recetado Soma. C.E.. 48900(p); 48915(e)
20. Tomó parte en novatadas, o intentó tomar parte en las mismas, según se definen en el Artículo 32050.
C.E. 48900(q); 48915(e)
21. Participando en un acto de intimidación, incluyendo entre otros, intimidación cometida por medios electrónicos dirigida
específicamente hacia un alumno o personal escolar. C.E. 48900(r); 48915(e)
22. Ayudó o instigó para infligir o intentar infligir una herida física en contra de otra person (suspensión solamente).
E.C. 48900(t); 48915(e)
* Para las categorías II y III la escuela debe presentar evidencia de uno o dos de las pruebas adicionales: (1) Otras medidas correctivas no son factibles, o repetidamente no se ha logrado obtener la conducta adecuada.
(2) Debido a la naturaleza del acto, la presencia del estudiante presenta un peligro continuo a la seguridad física del mismo o de los demás.
** Válido sólo para alumnos del 4 al 12 grado.
Student Discipline & Expulsion Support Unit
Lawful Suspension
Unlawful Suspension
E.C. 48900 et seq. Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion,
except for the student misconduct of willful defiance as described
in E.C. Section 48900 (k)(1)
E.C. 48911.1 Suspension, Supervised Classroom
E.C. 48910 Suspension by Teacher
E.C. 48912.5 Suspension, Continuation School
E.C. 48900 (s) Jurisdiction
A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated
in E.C. Section 48900 et seq. if the act is related to school activity or
school attendance occurring at any district school under the jurisdiction
of the Superintendent or principal or within any other school district,
including but not limited to the following circumstances:
1. While on school grounds.
2. While going to or coming from school.
3. During the lunch period, whether on or off the school campus.
4. During, going to, or coming from a school-sponsored activity.
A student may not be suspended from school, unless the principal of
the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the student
has committed an act listed under E.C. Sections 48900, 48900.2,
48900.3, 48900.4, 48900.7, or 48915.
Students enrolled in kindergarten and grades 1 to 3 shall not be
suspended or expelled due to sexual harassment (E.C. 48900.2), act
of hate violence (E.C. 48900.3), or threats and intimidation against
district personnel or pupils (E.C. 48900.4).
Students may not be suspended from school for any reasons, for
more than five (5) consecutive school days.
“Informal suspension” is prohibited. (e.g., parent told to keep child
at home without an official suspension notice).
Extended suspension due to the parent’s failure to attend a
conference with school officials.
Suspend in absentia (when a student is suspended in the student’s
absence) is a violation of the student’s due process rights.
Students of general education (including students served under a
504 plan) shall not be suspended for more than 20 school days in
any school year (30 days if student transfers to another school).
Students with disabilities shall not be suspended for more than 10
school days in any school year.
Problems with truancy, tardiness, and/or other attendance-related
*The principal may designate and specify in writing any one or more administrators at the school as the “principal’s designee(s)” to assist in
disciplinary procedures. If no such person is available, the principal may identify the principal of a neighboring school to be his/her designee
for student discipline matters. The name(s) of the designee(s) shall be kept on file in the principal’s office.
Student Discipline & Expulsion Support Unit
Suspension from Class by Teacher
E.C. 48910
A teacher may suspend a student from class for any of the acts
enumerated in E.C. 48900, except for the student misconduct of
willful defiance as described in E.C. Section 48900 (k)(1), per District
The teacher should report the suspension to the principal and send
the student to the principal or designee for appropriate action, which
includes appropriate supervision.
The student shall not be placed in another regular class during the
period of suspension. The student shall not return to the class
during the period of suspension without the concurrence of the
principal and the teacher. If the student is assigned to more than
one class per day, he or she must attend the classes from which he
or she was not suspended (secondary).
The teacher may require from the student the completion of tests
and assignments missed during the period of suspension.
For a student receiving special education services, the school shall
adhere to all requirements specified in his or her IEP. (Refer to the
Special Education Policies and Procedures Manual, July 2007).
Duration and Limitation
For the remainder of that day (elementary) or period (secondary)
and for the following day or period when the class meets.
Removal from a particular class shall not occur more than once
every five (5) school days.
Parent Conference and Class Visit
The teacher shall request the parent/guardian to attend a parent-
teacher conference regarding the suspension as soon as possible.
A school administrator shall attend the conference if the teacher or
the parent/guardian so request. If possible, a counselor or
psychologist shall attend the conference. The main purpose of this
conference is to work towards a partnership among the teacher,
parent, and student.
Per District policy, the teacher may require the parent of the
student to attend a portion of the class from which the student was
suspended if the suspension was for behavior described in E.C.
Section 48900 (i) committed an obscene act or engaged in
habitual profanity or vulgarity.
1) This is not meant to replace the teacher-parent conference.
2) A teacher who plans to implement this policy shall clearly
inform all parents/guardians in advance.
3) If possible, schedule the class visit on the same day as the
parent conference.
4) This procedure applies only to the parent/guardian who is
actually living with the student.
A parent’s failure to attend the conference or class visit should at
no time deny the student’s readmission to class after the
suspension term is served.
Office of the Superintendent
(Parent/Guardian Name)
(City, State)
Dear (Parent/Guardian Name):
Attached is a notification that your child, __________________________ was suspended from class today by
the teacher. You will note that the teacher has scheduled an appointment, as required by law, to confer with
you about this matter. In addition, pursuant to Education Code (E.C.) 48900.1, you are required to attend your
child’s classroom for a portion of a school day. The details of this visit are stated at the conclusion of this
letter. In order that you better understand this requirement and the legal basis for it, the intent and provisions
of E.C. 48900.1 are summarized below:
1. The Legislature declares that parents and guardians can and must play an active role in the behavior of their
children while in school.
2. Classroom discipline presents a significant problem in many schools today and detracts from the amount of
time for actual teaching.
3. Teachers are authorized to require that the parent or guardian of a student who has been suspended (from
class) for committing an obscene act, engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity, attend a portion of a school
day in the child’s classroom.
4. Employers are prohibited from taking action against parents who are absent from work to attend class
pursuant to this law.
5. Parents or guardians who attend school pursuant to this law must meet with the school administrator or
designee after completing the classroom visit and before leaving the school site.
In accordance with the above provisions of E.C. 48900.1, you are requested to attend _________________’s
classroom as follows:
Please bring this letter with you to my office after completing your visitation.
I look forward to meeting with you and trust our collective efforts will result in greater success for your
child in school. If you have questions regarding this matter, or would like more information, please contact
me at (School Phone Number).
Office of the Superintendent
(Nombre y apellido del padre, la madre, el tutor o la tutora)
(Ciudad, Estado)
Estimado(a) (Parent/Guardian Name):
Se adjunta una notificación de que su hijo(a), __________________________, fue suspendido(a) de la clase el dia de hoy por su
maestro(a). El maestro (la maestra) ha programado una cita, según lo requiere la ley, para reunirse con usted en relación a este
asunto. Además, conforme con el artículo 48900.1 del Código de Educación (Education Code 48900.1), a usted se le requiere que
asista parte de la jornada escolar, al salón de clases de su hijo(a). Los detalles de esta visita quedan declarados al concluir esta
carta. Con el fin de que usted entienda mejor este requisito y la base legal del mismo, la intención y las disposiciones del artículo
48900.1 del Código de Educación (E.C. 48900.1) se resumen a continuación:
1) La Asamblea Legislativa declara que los padres de familia y los tutores pueden y deben desempeñar activamente un papel
en el comportamiento de los hijos mientras están en la escuela;
2) La disciplina dentro del salón de clases actualmente presenta un problema considerable en muchas escuelas y merma el
tiempo del que se dispone para realmente impartir la enseñanza;
3) Los maestros están autorizados para que requieran que los padres o tutores de los alumnos que hayan sido suspendidos
(de clases) por haber cometido un acto obsceno, por usar habitualmente blasfemias e irreverencias, asistan a una porción
de la jornada escolar en el salón de clases de sus hijos;
4) Los empleadores tienen prohibido tomar medidas en contra de los padres de familia, cuando éstos se ausentan de sus
trabajos para asistir a las clases, conforme a esta ley;
5) Según la ley, los padres o los tutores que asisten a la escuela, una vez que hayan completado la visita al salón de clases y
antes de retirarse del plantel escolar, deben reunirse con el/la administrador(a) de la escuela, o con la persona que se haya
De acuerdo con lo dispuesto anteriormente del artículo 48900.1 del Código de Educación (E.C. 48900.1), a usted se le requiere que
asista al salón de clases de _______________________________________ según se indica:
Después de completar su visita, por favor traiga(n) con usted(es) esta carta a mi oficina.
Espero poder reunirme con usted(es) y confío en que nuestros esfuerzos mutuos den como resultado y mayor éxito para su hijo(a)
en la escuela. Si tiene(n) alguna pregunta al respecto, o si quisiera(n) más información, por favor comuníquese conmigo al (School
Phone Number).
Student Discipline & Expulsion Support Unit
In-School Suspension E.C. 48911.1
Alternative to Suspension
State law authorized school districts to establish an in-school
suspension program as an alternative to off-campus suspension.
The intent is to encourage schools to examine alternatives of off-
campus suspension that lead to resolution of student misconduct
without sending students off campus.
In-school suspension allows school districts to:
1) Remove the disruptive student from general student
2) Consider him or her as being present at school for ADA
3) Reduce the number of out-of-school suspensions.
Supervised Suspension Classroom
Student suspended from a school for any reason enumerated in E.C. sections 48900
and 48900.2 may be assigned by the principal or designee to a supervised
suspension classroom for the entire period of suspension (no more than five (5)
consecutive school days) if the pupil poses no imminent danger or threat to the
campus, pupils, or staff, or if an action to expel the pupil has not been initiated.
Students who caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated
in an act of hate violence (E.C. 48900.3); engaged in harassment, threats, or
intimidation against a pupil or group of pupils, or school district personnel (E.C.
48900.4); or made terrorist threats against school officials or school property, or
both (E.C. 48900.7), are precluded by law for in-school suspension.
If an action to expel the student will be or has been initiated, an in-school suspension
is not permitted in lieu of a suspension from school by principal.
At the time a student is assigned to a supervised suspension classroom, a school
employee shall notify, in person or by telephone, the parent/guardian. A parent
should be notified in writing if the student is assigned to the supervised suspension
classroom for longer than one class period.
Students assigned to a supervised classroom shall be separated from other students
at the school site for the period of suspension.
Upon the request of the suspended student, the teacher shall provide all assignments
and tests that the pupil will miss while suspended. If no classroom work is assigned,
the person supervising the suspension classroom shall assign schoolwork.
For the duration of the class suspension, each student has access to appropriate
counseling services.
Students with disabilities shall be provided supports and services as written in their
School Suspension Class Suspension In-School Suspension
Date: ________/________/________
Student Name: _________________________________________ DOB: ________/_______/________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone # __________________________________ Cell/Work # _______________________________
School of Attendance: ___________________________________ Date of Suspension: __________________
Reason for Suspension: ______________________________________________________________________
I request to be present at the appeal review conference.
I request not to be present at the appeal review conference.
* Please attach additional sheet(s) if necessary.
Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________
-------------------------------------------------------Office Use Only-----------------------------------------------------------
Received by: ______________________________ ____________________ Date: ____________________
Name Title
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Student Suspension Appeal Form:
Fill out the Student Suspension Appeal Form appropriately.
Describe the reason of appeal clearly and attach additional sheet(s) if necessary.
Attach the Pupil Suspension Notice.
Attach any supporting evidence or additional documents.
To appeal a school suspension or in-school suspension, the parent shall submit the completed Student
Suspension Appeal Form and attachments to the area ESC Administrator of Operations no later than five
(5) school days after the last day of suspension.
For school suspension and in-school suspension appeals, the Administrator of Operations shall form a
Suspension Appeal Committee and conduct a suspension appeal review within five (5) school days of
the submission of appeal.
To appeal a class suspension, the parent shall submit the completed Student Suspension Appeal Form
and attachments to the school Principal within three (3) school days of the issuance of the class
For class suspension appeal, the principal shall hold an appeal review conference within three (3) school
days of the submission of appeal.
The Administrator of Operations or the principal shall notify the parent in writing of the decision of the
appeal within three (3) school days of the appeal conference.
School and In-School Suspension: The appeal decision made by the Administrator of Operations is
final and may not be further appealed. The results shall be documented in the District’s My Integrated
Student Information System (MiSiS) and kept as student records.
Class Suspension: The appeal decision made by the Principal is final and may not be further appealed.
The results shall be documented in the District’s My Integrated Student Information System (MiSiS) and
kept as student records.
Parents may submit a written objection to the final decision; however, no further appeal action will be
taken. The written objection will be kept in the student’s discipline file if the parent so requests.
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Suspensión de la escuela Suspensión de la clase Suspensión dentro de la escuela
Fecha: ________/________/________
Nombre del alumno: ______________________________ Fecha de nacimiento: ______/______/______
Dirección: _________________________________________________________________________________
Nombre del padre o tutor: ____________________________________________________________________
Teléfono # ______________________________ Celular/Trabajo # ___________________________
Escuela a la que asiste: __________________________________ Fecha de la suspensión: ________________
Motivo de la suspensión: _____________________________________________________________________
Solicito estar presente en la audiencia de revisión de la apelación.
Solicito no estar presente en la audiencia de revisión de la apelación.
* Favor de adjuntar hoja(s) adicional(es) si es necesario.
Firma del padre o tutor _____________________________
------------------------------------------------------Sólo para uso oficial ------------------------------------------------------
Recibido por: ___________________________ ____________________ Fecha: ____________________
Nombre Título
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Formulario de Apelación de Suspensión del Estudiante:
Llene correctamente el Formulario de Apelación de Suspensión del Estudiante.
Describa claramente el motivo de la apelación y anexe hoja(s) adicional(es), si es necesario.
Anexe la Notificación de Suspensión del Alumno.
Anexe cualquier prueba fehaciente o documentos adicionales que corroboren su posición.
Para apelar una suspensión de la escuela o una suspensión dentro de la escuela, los padres deberán llenar
y presentar el Formulario de Apelación de Suspensión del Estudiante y los anexos al(la)
Administrador(a) de Operaciones de área de ESC a más tardar cinco (5) días escolares después del
último día de la suspensión.
Para las apelaciones de la suspensión de la escuela y la suspensión dentro de la escuela, el(la)
Administrador(a) de Operaciones formará un Comité de Apelaciones de Suspensión y deberá llevar a
cabo una revisión de la apelación de la suspensión dentro de cinco (5) días escolares a partir de que se
presente la apelación.
Para apelar una suspensión de la clase, los padres deberán llenar y presentar el Formulario de Apelación
de Suspensión del Estudiante y los anexos al(a la) Director(a) de la escuela dentro de tres (3) días
escolares a partir del momento en el que se le suspenda al alumno de la clase.
Para una apelación de la suspensión de la clase, el(la) Director(a) deberá llevar a cabo una audiencia de
revisión de apelación dentro de tres (3) días escolares a partir del momento en el que se haya presentado
la apelación.
El(La) Administrador(a) de Operaciones o el(la) Director(a) notificarán por escrito a los padres sobre la
decisión de la apelación dentro de un período de tres (3) días escolares a partir de la audiencia de
Suspensión dentro de la Escuela y Suspensión de la Escuela: La decisión de la apelación hecha por
el(la) Administrador(a) de Operaciones es definitiva y no se puede apelar más. Los resultados deben ser
documentados en el Mi Sistema de Información Integrada del Estudiante (MiSiS) y se deberá guardar
con los registros del estudiante.
Suspensión de la Clase: La decisión de la apelación hecha por el(la) director(a) es definitiva y no se
puede apelar más. Los resultados deben ser documentados en el Mi Sistema de Información Integrada
del Estudiante (MiSiS) y se deberá guardar con los registros del estudiante.
Los padres pueden presentar una objeción por escrito a la decisión final; sin embargo no se tomará
ninguna acción adicional de apelación. La objeción por escrito se guardará en el expediente de
disciplina del estudiante si el padre o la madre lo solicitan.
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