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ITELs scientific, objective analysis helps the homeowner and adjuster arrive at a fair
settlement price. The process uses accurate physical specifications and currently
available flooring styles to find comparable ooring. Using ITEL is easy and fast, with
results returned to your you in as little as one business day.
Step 1: Collect the Flooring Sample
Read all directions before removing flooring. Keep safety in mind when
collecting the samples. Be careful around sharp tools and edges; always use safety
gloves and eye protection. If you have safety concerns, consider asking a contractor to
collect a sample for you.
ITEL determines “Like Kind and Quality flooring styles based on specifications from the
original product. Collect the cleanest, least damaged and least worn sample for the
most accurate results. Corners of rooms and closets are good places to collect flooring
samples as they tend to have little traffic and wear.
Carpet: Cut a 10" x 10" or larger sample of the carpet. A sample of pad can also be
collected when cutting the carpet sample.
Vinyl: Cut a 2" x 2" or larger piece of flooring. If the sample is vinyl tile, a complete tile
can be sent. Place the vinyl sample in small plastic bag.
Laminate and Wood: A full width and thickness of the plank (include the tongue and
groove) and 10" of length is requested for wood and laminate flooring. An uninstalled
piece left from the original installation can be sent and will be the easiest to collect.
For glueless, snap-together flooring, you may be able to lift an entire piece from the
floor by removing the baseboard at the intersection of two walls.
f the wood flooring is glued or nailed down, follow the glueless procedures. The first
board pulled up may break apart, but additional boards will then be easier to remove.
Need help? ITEL’s Customer Experience Team is available Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Eastern Time at 800-890-4835. You can also e-mail us at
Homeowners Homeowners Guide:Guide:
Sending Flooring SamplesSending Flooring Samples
Your form may be slightlty different.
help with these instructions, call ITEL’s Customer Service Team: 800-890-ITEL (4835) Monday - Friday, 8:00
AM to 9:00 PM Eastern Time. You can also e-mail our team:
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Sample collection complete!
The ITEL report will be returned to your adjuster the next business day after we receive
the sample.
For questions on the results or your claim, please contact your insurance adjuster. If you need
Send the sample
If the sample is wet, enclose the form in a ziplock-style bag before shipping.
Place the form and sample in a sturdy shipping envelope or box, attach the label, and
seal the package. Express Pak envelopes are available free at UPS Stores®. You can
drop the sample off at
a UPS drop box or take it to a UPS
Store. Drop box and store
locations are available at If using your own shiping, send the
sample to:
ITEL Laboratories
6676 Corporate Center Pkwy
Suite 107
Jacksonville FL 32276
The top part of the peel-and-
tick label should be placed on
the envelope.
If you have downloaded the
label, you will need to tape the
label to your package using
clear packing tape.
The bottom part is your
return receipt. It includes
the UPS
tracking number
and should be kept for
your records.
Downloaded labels will
not have the return
receipt; please keep a
copy of your tracking
number for reference.
Step 3: Ship the sample using the pre-addressed UPS® label
Need a shipping label? Download a shipping label at There is no need to pre-pay the
shipping when using the ITEL shipping label.
Check the box to indicate if you
are paying for the analysis by
check or credit card.
For credit card payment, do not
include your credit car
d number.
An ITEL representative will call for
your payment information.
Step 2: Fill out the “Homeowner’s Test Request Form
Complete the Test Request Form.
All information is required
except where noted.
1. List your information.
2. List insurance company
3. Check appropriate box
for enclosed sample.
6745 Philips Industrial Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Phone: 800-890-ITEL (4835)
Fax: 904-363-2379
1. Enclose this form in a sealed plastic bag if the sample is wet.
2. Send the cleanest, leas
t damaged sample possible.
3. Collect the flooring ba
sed on the instructions in the kit.
4. Completely fill out you
r contact and billing information.
Today's Date: _________________________________
Date Damage Occurred: _______________________
Homeowner Information (All fields required)
Homeowner's Name:
Phone #:
Fax # or E-mail Address:
City, State, and Zip Code
(Damaged house):
Insurance Company (Complete if your flooring is part of an insurance claim)
Insurance Company:
Claim Number:
Adjuster Name:
Adjuster Phone Number:
Adjuster Fax # OR E-mail:
SSaammppllee EEnncclloosseedd ((IInncclluuddee oonnee ffoorrmm ppeerr fflloooorriinngg ssaammppllee))::
Description: ___________________________________________
Room(s): ______________________________________________
Pad or underlayment (free test if sent with flooring sample)
Description: ____________________________________________
Room(s): _________
Carpets should be 10" x 10"; pads should be 6"
x 6". Smaller samples may affect accuracy.
2. Sheet and tile vinyl should be at least 2" x 2".
3. Send the full width and 10" of length for
laminate, wood, and vinyl plank. If the full width
is not available, note i
t on the form.
TTeesstt aanndd SShhiippppiinngg FFeeeess**::
Test Fee:
Pre-Paid Shipping: $ #.##
For security, do not include your credit card
number on this form. An ITEL account
representative will contact you for credit card
Checks are payable to ITEL, Inc.
*Fees valid through 12/31/08. Contact ITEL
Customer Service for current fees, or visit our
BBiilllliinngg ((cchheecckk oonnee))::
Call homeowner for credit card
Check enclosed
QQUUEESSTTIIOONNSS?? Please contact our Customer Service team at 800-890-ITEL (4835) or [email protected].
Rev. 08/08
Homeowners Guide: Homeowners Guide: Submi�ing Samples Submi�ing Samples page 2page 2
6676 Corporate Center Pky
Suite 107
Jacksonville, FL 32216
Phone: 800-890-ITEL (4835)
Test Request Form
1. Enclose form in a sealed plastic bag if the sample is wet.
2. Read the enclosed instructions for collecting the sample.
3. Send the cleanest, least-damaged sample possible.
Today’s Dat
Date Damage Occurred: ______________________
Homeowner's Name:
City, State, and Zip Code:
(damaged house)
Phone Number:
E-mail Address
Insurance Company (Complete if your flooring is part of an insurance claim)
Insurance Company:
Claim Number:
Adjuster Name:
Adjuster Phone Number:
Adjuster E-mail Address
Description: _______________________________________
1. Send the cleanest, least damaged sample possible. Corners and
closets are often in better condition than high-traffic areas.
2. Include one form for each flooring sample. Note pad on the same
form as the corresponding flooring sample.
3. Carpet: 10" x 10"; pad 6" x 6".
Sheet / tile vinyl: at least 2" x 2".
Laminate, wood, and vinyl plank: full width and 10" of length.
6. Tile and stone: 6" x 6", or full tile if smaller.
Pad or Underlayment (free test when sent with flooring)
Description: _______________________________________
Test Fees (per flooring sample)
Billing (check one):
Call me for credit card
Check enclosed for:
Insurance: Check this box only
if your adjuster instructed you to
send a sample as part of your
insurance claim.
The “Insurance
Company” section above must be
completed. The test results and
invoice will be sent to your adjuster
For security, do not
include your credit card
number on this form. An
ITEL account
representative will
contact you for credit
card payments.
Checks should be
payable to
ITEL Laboratories, Inc.
Ceramic or
Stone Tile
Test Fee
Carpet, Wood,
Laminate, Vinyl
$61.50 $140.00
Sample Shipping Fees (ITEL Label)
Next Day
Shipping Fee
$15.58 $22.80
Fees valid through 12/31/22. Call 800-890-4835 or
email [email protected] for current fees.
Please contact our Customer Experience team at 800-890-ITEL (4835) or
Rev.4/2020; expires 12/31/2020