The Sister Study
Dale P. Sandler, PI Epidemiology Branch
Clarice R. Weinberg, Co-Investigator Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch
Jack A. Taylor, Co-Investigator Epidemiology Branch
Alexandra J. White, Co-Investigator Epidemiology Branch
Chandra L. Jackson, Co-Investigator Epidemiology Branch
Katie M. O’Brien, Co-Investigator Epidemiology Branch
The Sister Study is a prospective cohort study of environmental and genetic risk factors for breast
cancer and other diseases among 50,884 sisters of women who have had breast cancer. Such
sisters have about twice the risk of developing breast cancer as other women, thus about 300
new cases of breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed each year. Study enrollment opened
nationally in October 2004 and closed in July 2009. Eligible women were 35 to 74 years of age,
lived in the United States, including Puerto Rico, and had a sister diagnosed with breast cancer
but did not have breast cancer themselves. Multiple recruitment strategies were used to enroll a
diverse cohort of women with a variety of different life experiences and exposures. Baseline data
on potential risk factors and current health status were collected in telephone interviews and
mailed questionnaires. Blood, urine, and environmental samples were collected during a baseline
home visit and banked for future use in nested case-cohort or case-control studies of breast
cancer or other diseases. Stored samples include whole blood, cryopreserved whole blood or
lymphocytes (12% random sample), plasma, serum, urine, toenail clippings, and household dust
collected with alcohol wipes. The cohort is being followed prospectively. Contact information and
major changes to health are updated annually. Comprehensive triennial questionnaires update
medical history and changes in exposures. Medical records, pathology reports, and tumor tissue
blocks are sought for women who develop breast and (recently) ovarian cancer. For other
cancers, pathology reports are requested. Other self-reported health outcomes are validated for
special studies. Analyses assess the effects of environmental and lifestyle exposures and genetic
factors on breast cancer risk and risk for other diseases (e.g. heart disease, osteoporosis, other
hormonal cancers, and autoimmune diseases). Future studies of environmental and genetic
influences on breast cancer prognosis are made possible by continuing to follow women in the
cohort who develop breast cancer.
Background and Rationale
Breast cancer is the leading (non-skin) cancer among women with approximately 282,000
diagnoses of breast cancer and 44,000 deaths per year in the United States. Known risk factors
explain less than 50% of variation in breast cancer risk and known breast cancer genes account
for fewer than 10% of cases. The Sister Study was designed to study environmental and genetic
risk factors for breast cancer and other women’s health conditions. The study creates a framework
for addressing current and future hypotheses as science advances over the follow up period,
including studies related to biological mechanisms. Studying sisters of women diagnosed with
breast cancer is advantageous because it allows for a smaller cohort size and shorter follow-up
than needed to study women in general. These sisters have about twice the risk of breast cancer
as other women and the frequency of relevant genes and shared risk factors will also be higher,
increasing the statistical power of the study. This enhances the ability to assess the interplay of
genes and environment in breast cancer risk and to identify potential modifiable risk factors. In
addition, sisters are often highly motivated to participate in long-term breast cancer research
because their family member has experienced the disease so the response rates and compliance
are high. The prospective design allows the assessment of exposures before the onset of disease
thereby avoiding biases common to retrospective studies.
Recruitment and Enrollment
After a four-city vanguard phase in 2003, nationwide enrollment took place October 2004 through
March 2009. Eligible women were 35 to 74 years of age, lived in the United States, including
Puerto Rico, and had a sister diagnosed with breast cancer but did not have breast cancer
themselves. Efforts were made to maximize the inclusion of women who are often under-
represented in research, such as minoritized racial and ethnic groups, those with low education,
and those aged 65 years and older, and to target women with possible relevant exposures
because of their place of residence or occupation. Recruitment activities included outreach to
volunteers and breast cancer organizations, networking with communities, direct mailings to
specific lists, national media campaigns and the endorsement of the Sister Study by high profile
celebrity supporters. Study materials were made available in Spanish in 2005. Additional details
can be found in Sandler, et al. 2017 (PMID: 29373861)
Study Population
A total of 50,884 women completed required baseline activities and were fully enrolled in the
study, including 8,311 women (16%) who self-identified as Hispanic/Latina or non-White, 8,874
women aged 65 years and older (17%), and 7,805 women with a high school education or less
(15%). A smaller group of women who completed some but not all study requirements (n=3,066)
is being followed passively through record linkage (vital statistics and possibly cancer registries)
to assess differences in outcomes for those who did and did not fully enroll. This latter group
includes a larger percentage of minority women (36%) and women with fewer years of schooling
(18%), women who were the focus of intense recruitment efforts towards the end of the
recruitment period. Reflecting the volunteer nature of the cohort and the recruitment of sisters of
women with breast cancer, Sister Study participants have higher education levels and have higher
prevalence of known breast cancer risk factors, including enhanced family history (Table 1).
Additional information about the cohort can be found on the study’s website
Baseline characteristics of women in the Sister Study
Non-Hispanic White
Non-Hispanic Black/African American
High school or less
Some college
Associates or technical degree
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s or doctoral degree
Alcohol consumption
Current, < 1 drink/day
Current, 1 drink/day
Body Mass Index
Number of sisters (full or half) with breast
Mother diagnosed with breast cancer
Includes non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islanders, non-Hispanic American Indians, and non-Hispanic Other;
women who self-identified as Black/African American and another race were included as Black/African
Data Collection
Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI): Telephone interviews were scheduled in two
one-hour sessions to collect information on a broad range of exposures and lifestyle
characteristics. Supporting materials, including a list of relevant medications and a chronological
life calendar, were provided to help women prepare for the interviews. Topics included
demographic and socioeconomic factors, lifestyle and environmental exposures, residential
history, medical and medication-use history, reproductive history and hormone use, breast
conditions and surgeries, occupational history, and physical activity. Questionnaires focused
specifically on early life (before puberty) and reproductive years as well as the time of enrollment.
Self-administered questionnaires: Participants filled out three self-administered questionnaires:
use of personal care products; prenatal (in utero) exposures and family medical history; and
current diet (Block 98 food frequency questionnaire), with supplementary questions on
complementary and alternative medicines, childhood diet, special diets, and eating patterns.
Home Visit: Trained female examiners from a national in-home phlebotomy service (EMSI) visited
participants’ homes (or a mutually agreed upon alternate site such as a doctor’s office) to draw
blood, measure blood pressure, height, weight, hips, and waist and to retrieve consent forms,
self-administered questionnaires and self-collected toenails, dust, and urine. Participants filled out
a brief questionnaire on the day of the visit to report information on their diet, medication use, and
activities over the past 24 hours. Examiners packed and shipped study samples and forms to the
Sister Study Laboratory by FedEx Priority Overnight on the same day as the visit.
Biological Specimen Collection: Nearly all participants provided biological samples. Details of
collection and processing can be found on the Sister Study website
Toenails: Participants collected toenail clippings from each toe unless they had a medical or
physical condition (e.g. diabetes) that would prohibit collection. Samples are stored at room
Dust: Participants collected dust samples from three rooms of their home using pre-packaged
alcohol wipes. Wipes are stored in -20° C freezers.
Urine: Participants collected clean-catch midstream first morning urine specimens on the day of
the home visit and kept them refrigerated until pick up by the examiner.
Blood: Participants were instructed to fast for at least eight hours prior to their blood draw.
Examiners collected approximately 45 ml of blood using six BD Vacutainer® (Becton, Dickinson
and Company) tubes, including two EDTA tubes (BD#s 367855 and 366643), two serum tubes
(BD# 367820) and two ACD-B tubes (BD# 364816). In the rare event that a blood sample could
not be collected due to an unsuccessful phlebotomy, participants were asked to provide a saliva
sample using an Oragene™ DNA self-collection saliva kit (DNA Genotek, Ottawa Canada).
DNA: DNA was extracted from whole blood (90%), clot, or saliva. We initially extracted DNA for
~2,400 breast cancer cases, 140 ovarian cancer cases, a random sample of the cohort (n=2,350),
and additional premenopausal women to maximize studies related to breast cancer in
premenopausal women. These cases and non-cases have been included in large scale GWAS
and methylation studies. Since then we have added more recently diagnosed breast and ovarian
cancer cases, women diagnosed with other cancers, additional premenopausal women, and
another random sample of the cohort. The other cancers selected were those likely to be
hormonally related, to have reasonable sample size to support candidate-SNP analyses or
pooling efforts, and to either have high rates of medical record confirmation or be those for which
self-reports are likely to be valid. DNA is also available for cases and non-cases included in early
pilot efforts. In all, DNA is available for 19,000 women in the cohort.
The Sister Study cohort is followed prospectively to identify incident breast cancer and other
health outcomes. Participants can report a diagnosis of breast cancer or other conditions at
annual updates (selected outcomes) or follow-up questionnaires, or they can contact a study
helpdesk by telephone, mail, or email. Annual update forms and biennial/triennial follow-up
questionnaires are available in English and Spanish. Starting in 2010, all study materials have
been available on the web and women have the option of completing follow-up questionnaires
on-line, by mail, or over the phone. Annual updates and questionnaires are administered in
“waves” representing groupings by enrollment date. Over time, waves have been combined to
condense the time it takes to complete a single follow-up activity from 5 years to just over 2 years
(see schematic below).
Women reporting a diagnosis of LCIS, DCIS, invasive breast cancer or ovarian cancer are asked
to provide information on their diagnosis and treatment and provide authorization for medical
record and tumor tissue sample retrieval. Women with other cancers are asked for pathology
reports or permission to retrieve them from medical providers. Protocols for validating other
incident conditions reported during follow up are developed as needed.
Annual updates: Women are contacted annually for a brief update or a scheduled detailed follow-
up questionnaire. The annual update form collects changes in contact information and allows
participants to report major changes in health, including breast cancer. Response rates for the
annual updates have been 91% or higher throughout follow-up (range 91%-96%). Through the
end of July 2021, 2,967 (5.8%) of Sister Study participants were known to be deceased.
Detailed questionnaires: More in-depth questionnaires collect information on medical diagnoses
and symptoms, changes in environmental exposures and lifestyle, and special topics of interest.
The first detailed (biennial) follow-up, completed in July 2012, consisted of three questionnaires:
Health and Medical History, Lifestyle, and the special topic, Stress and Coping. Responses were
obtained from 48,090 women for an overall response rate of 95%. For the next round of detailed
follow-up, the study shifted to triennial administration to reduce participant burden and simplify
workflow. The special topic for the 2
detailed follow-up (completed April 2014) was Quality of
Life and other related topics. The 3
detailed follow-up introduced a streamlined reproductive
section for participants >60 years of age; this follow-up was completed in August 2016. With this
questionnaire, we introducted an advocacy program, which provides more personal attention to
those at higher risk for dropping out of the study. The result was a preservation of high response
rates (91%), with an approximately 2% increase in response rate among minority women. A 4th
follow-up was completed in 2019 (response rate 85%) and a 5th is currently in the field (starting
fall 2020, response rate of 67% through July 2021, on track with prior surveys). Additionally, a
detailed family history questionnaire was distributed in 2017-2018 to collect data on the history of
cancer in first and second degree relatives (response rate of 83%), and a special COVID-19
survey was distributed in the fall of 2020 (response rate of 74% through July 2021).
Breast and Ovarian Cancer Follow-up
The breast cancer follow-up protocol has been streamlined over time to reduce participant burden
and maximize response rates. We are now also getting more detailed follow-up information from
ovarian cancer cases. Women are now contacted 6 months after diagnosis, closer to the end of
their treatment. They are mailed a packet that includes instructions, breast cancer definitions, a
self-administered questionnaire and authorization forms for requesting medical records and tumor
tissue samples. The questionnaire was streamlined to focus on information only the woman can
provide herself, such as how the tumor was detected, her health insurance status, and quality of
life after diagnosis. It also covers basic information on tumor pathology and treatment in case the
medical record is not obtained. We ask women to send us a copy of their pathology report if they
have one. Medical providers are asked to complete a form about the breast cancer diagnosis and
treatment and/or provide relevant pages from the medical record. They are also asked to send
pathology reports, blocks of breast (ovarian) carcinoma and normal breast tissue, and diagnostic
H & E slides.
As of the most recent Sister Study Data Release (9.0), 3,999 women had reported a diagnosis of
incident DCIS, or invasive breast cancer. Out of the total incident breast cancer events at that
time, medical records or pathology reports were obtained to confirm 3,269 (81.7%) incident breast
cancer events, and 2,487 tissue samples have been retrieved. Among women for whom we
obtain pathology reports or medical records, the positive predictive value (PPV) of a self-reported
breast cancer is 99.4%.
Breast Tissue Microarrays (TMAs) and Tissue Cores: Tumor and normal tissue blocs are being
used to create TMAs for immunohistochemical staining and to obtain tissue core biopsies. TMAs
are prepared at the UNC Translational Pathology Laboratory. Mark Sherman, formerly at NCI and
now at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville Florida, serves as study pathologist. He oversees the review of
slides, documentation of tumor features, and selection of tissue for sampling for TMAs and cores,
which are extracted and placed into individual tubes. When available, TMAs and cores include
invasive cancer tissue, co-occurring DCIS, and adjacent normal tissue. Initial
immunohistochemical staining will include ER, PR, HER2, Ki67, EGFR, and CK6/6 to allow for
comprehensive classification of breast cancer subtypes.
Other incident conditions
In 2010 we began validating other (non-breast) cancers, with prioritization of types based on
relevance to hormonal-related hypotheses, frequency of diagnosis, and opportunities for
consortia collaboration. Women are asked to mail a copy of the pathology report to us if available
and to sign an authorization form allowing us to request it from their medical provider.
Second Specimen Collection
In 2014/2015 we carried out the Sisters Changing Lives initiative in which we invited 3,800 women
to complete a second home visit for sample collection. Procedures were identical to those at the
enrollment visit except an RNA Tempest tube was substituted for one of the baseline whole blood
tubes. Women diagnosed with breast cancer by the time of the initiative and a random sample of
the cohort were targeted. Samples were obtained for 61% of invited breast cancer cases and 65%
of non-cases. A total of 2,434 women participated, of whom 1,227 were cases. This resource
allows for studies of changes in biomarkers over time and of changes in biomarkers due to a
breast cancer diagnosis.
Special COVID Survey
In response to the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic, we designed a special questionnaire to
collect data on coronavirus infections, testing, and COVID-related health behaviors. We also
included questions about screening or treatment delays, mental health (including stress, anxiety,
and sleep health), and many other factors. The survey was sent to all active participants in
November 2020, with a 74% response rate through July 2021. Several COVID-related questions
(e.g. ever infected, vaccine status) were also added to the annual follow-up questionnaire and 5th
detailed follow-up questionnaire. Additionally, we joined a large collaborative group collecting
COVID data from large cohorts in the US or UK via the Zoe app (
Data Management and Processing
Over the course of the study, data files were released for analysis for the first 10,000 (2006),
20,000 (2007), 30,000 (2008) and the final baseline cohort of 50,884 (2011) participants. To
create continuity across analyses and papers, we are now using data releases. The first data
release was created in January 2013. Data releases are issued approximately once per year to
incorporate new follow-up data, including updated mortality data from the National Death Index,
and any changes due to data cleaning. The most recent data release (DR 9.1) was in June 2021.
Data Release 10.0 is expected in early 2022.
Data Sharing and Collaboration
In the interest of promoting scientific research on the environmental and genetic risk factors for
breast cancer and other diseases, the Sister Study welcomes proposals for collaborative studies
from within NIEHS and the wider scientific community. Proposals are reviewed to ensure scientific
merit and to protect the integrity of the study and the confidentiality of participants. Acceptable
study topics will take advantage of the unique characteristics of the Sister Study cohort and may
involve the analysis of routinely collected data or specimens or involve new data collection.
Information on available data, instructions on how to submit a research topic and proposal, and
guidelines regarding the use of study data and specimens can be found on the Sister Study data
portal at This portal tracks study proposals, data requests, specimen
use and manuscripts.
Consortia and data pooling
The Sister Study participates in the National Cancer Institute’s Cohort Consortium, a group that
facilitates the pooling of data from individual cohort studies to create high-quality databases
large enough to investigate risk factors for rare cancers or to study low-penetrance genetic
variants and other factors with small effects in relation to breast and other common cancers.
More than 20 international cohorts are included.
Sister Study investigators (Dr. Sandler and former fellow Hazel Nichols, now at the University of
North Carolina) are leading a Cohort Consortium project on premenopausal breast cancer in
collaboration with investigators from the Institute of Cancer Research, London. Initial efforts aim
to understand pregnancy-related breast cancer risk factors and other exposures that may
differentially affect premenopausal versus postmenopausal breast cancer, such as obesity,
physical activity, and hormone therapy use. Drs. O’Brien and Sandler have also led projects in
the Ovarian Cancer Cohort Consortium (OC3), including studies of genital powder use and an
upcoming project on hormone therapy.
The Sister Study also has contributed data to Cohort Consortium studies on head and neck,
gallbladder, and thyroid cancers as well as large GWAS and sequencing-based studies of
breast and ovarian cancer. This allows us to contribute to research on cancers for which we lack
sufficient power on our own or to contribute to the large efforts needed for gene identification
and risk prediction. These include:
The Confluence Project, NCI
Biomarkers and Breast Cancer Risk Prediction in Younger Women, NCI
Diet and Cancer Consortium, NCI
Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC)
Cancer Risk Estimates Related to Susceptibility Genes (CARRIERS) Consortium, Mayo
Breast CAncer STratification (B-CAST) Consortium, Netherlands Cancer Institute
Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC)
Biliary Tract Cancers Pooling Project, Epidemiology and Genomics Research, NCI
Reproductive and Hormonal Factors and Thyroid Cancers Risk Pooling Project, NCI
AMH and Breast Cancer Pooling Project (NYU and the NCI Cohort Consortium)
Collaborative Study to Find Genetic Variants Associated with Variation in Anti-Müllerian
Hormone Levels, Exeter University (UK)
The Sister Study also contributes to other meta-analyses and data pooling efforts outside the
Cohort Consortium:
Trauma and ovarian cancer, Moffitt Cancer Center
Circulating hormones in premenopausal women and subsequent breast cancer risk, NCI
Breast and Ovarian Analysis of Disease Incidence and Carrier Estimation Algorithm
(BODICEA), Cambridge UK
Through an agreement with the PIs, we will be receiving a near complete copy of their study
data (enrollment and follow-up questionnaires and selected cancer outcomes) for the
Breakthrough Generations Cohort that will allow for pooling data from the two studies to
evaluate new hypotheses that require a larger sample or to validate findings published from
either cohort alone.
Finally, The Sister study participates in research led by extramural collaborators, funded by NIH
or other grants. For example, the Sister Study is one of several prospective cohorts included in
a study (NIH RO1, Joel Kaufman, PI) of ambient air pollution and incident cardiovascular. As
part of that effort, self-reported cases of cardiovascular disease in the Sister study were
validated with medical records and probability-based algorithms were created to classify those
with no available records. A spin-off study will include some of the same cohorts in a pooled
study of air pollution and breast cancer.
Geocoding studies
Sister Study enrollment, longest-lived and childhood residences have been geocoded allowing
linkage to air pollution, census, and other data. Follow-up addresses were recently geocoded as
part of the cardiovascular disease collaboration with Dr. Kaufman. A new effort will attempt to
identify Sister Study participant’s interim addresses (post-1980) using the LexisNexis database.
Ancillary Studies
Two Sister Study
The Two Sister Study, which completed enrollment in December 2010, is a family-based study of
genetic and environmental risk factors for young onset (before age 50) breast cancer. The study
recruited the affected sister of Sister Study participants (the sister with breast cancer who was
not in the Sister Study) if her diagnosis was before age 50 and within four years of screening for
eligibility. Case-sisters completed the same computer-assisted telephone interviews as their
sisters did when joining the Sister Study, provided saliva, dust, and toenail samples, provided
detailed information about their breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, and were asked to
authorize retrieval of medical records and tumor samples. In addition, participants invited their
parents to provide a saliva sample as a source of DNA for genetic analyses. Over 1,400 young-
onset sisters enrolled in the study by completing questionnaires and/or providing saliva samples
for DNA. These index cases are the sisters of ~1,700 women in the Sister Study (who also
provided questionnaires and samples for DNA). Of their parents, 1,438 provided a saliva sample.
About 1,300 of the sisters with young-onset breast cancer completed all study requirements (all
questionnaires and saliva sample) and are now being followed prospectively along with Sister
Study participants who developed breast cancer after joining the study.
CDC Special Survey and Survivorship Survey
In response to a CDC mandate under the Young Women's Breast Health Awareness and Support
of Young Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer bill (the 2010 EARLY Act), the Sister Study
teamed with researchers from the Epidemiology and Applied Research Branch in the Division of
Cancer Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to 1)
survey breast cancer free Sister Study participants about breast cancer screening practices,
family communication about cancer, and the effect of having a sister with breast cancer on
participants and their families. About 18,000 women participated in 2012; 2) survey women
diagnosed with breast cancer about topics of interest to younger women such as body image,
work-life balance, relationships and intimacy, and fertility, as well as impact of cancer on the lives
of breast cancer survivors and their families, survivors’ quality of life, physical and emotional
health, changes in lifestyle and environment, and coordination of cancer treatment and follow-up
care. This survey was completed (2012-2013) by 2,537 women with breast cancer in the Sister
Study and the Two Sister Study.
Validation of Early Life Factors
Data collection for a validation study of self-reported early life factors was completed in 2012. The
aim was to evaluate how accurately women reported the information on early life collected at
baseline, including information on their mother's pregnancy. A total of 1,802 of the participants’
mothers completed a questionnaire after receiving an invitation from their daughters.
Mammography Initiative
In collaboration with investigators from Columbia University, the Sister study attempted to retrieve
digital and film mammography images from a case-control sample of participants age <55, with a
goal of studying factors related to breast density changes over time. Approximately 60% of women
contacted for the study provided medical release forms, allowing for the collection of 10,000+
mammograms from more than 1,500 women.
Olfactory Impairment
Dr. Honglei Chen of Michigan State University received grant funding (Department of Defense
and Parkinson’s Foundation) to study airborne pollutants, the olfactory system, and Parkinson’s
disease. To support this research, a sample of 3,406 participants aged 50-79 completed a special
survey about olfaction status and a Brief Smell Identification Test.
Sister Study Collaborators
Intramural NIEHS
Donna Baird, PhD Epidemiology Branch
Stephanie London, MD, DrPH Epidemiology Branch
Suril Mehta, PhD National Toxicology Program
Christine Parks, MSPH, PhD Epidemiology Branch
Min Shi, MD, PhD Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch
Zongli Xu, PhD Epidemiology Branch
Shanshan Zhao, PhD Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch
Fellows/Trainees Using Sister Study Data/current position
Chelsea Anderson, PhD Univ of North Carolina / American Cancer Society
Aimee D'Aloisio, PhD Epidemiology Branch / Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
Mary Diaz-Santana, PhD Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch
Carolyn Eberle, MS Doctoral Student, Univ. of North Carolina
Christine Ekenga, PhD Epidemiology Branch / Washington Univ. St. Louis
Symielle Gaston, PhD Epidemiology Branch
Mandy Goldberg, PhD Epidemiology Branch
Allyson Gregoire Epidemiology Branch
Mark Guinter, PhD PhD Student, Univ. of South Carolina / Amer Cancer Society
Clinton Hall, PhD Doctoral Student, Univ. of California at Los Angeles / Leidos
Lauren Hurwitz, PhD
Sarah Jackson, PhD
Mengmeng Jia, PhD
Yue Jiang, PhD
Sangmi Kim, PhD
Jacob K. Kresovich, PhD
Kaitlyn Gam Lawrence, PhD
Melissa Furlong MacLean, PhD
Christina Markunas, PhD
Emma McGee, PhD
Ketrell McWhorter, PhD
Clare Meernik, MS
Helen Meier, PhD
Aaron Moore, MD
John Murphy, MS
Hazel Nichols, PhD
Nicole Niehoff, BS
Katie O’Brien, PhD
Jihye Park, MS
Yong-Moon Park, MD, MS, PhD
Joshua Petimar, ScD
Shahar Shmuel, ScM
Srishti Shrestha, PhD
Marina Sweeney, MS
Charlotte Talham, BS
Kyla Taylor, PhD
Kristen Upson, PhD
Ann von Holle, PhD
Cuicui Wang, PhD
Emily Werder, PhD
Alexandra White, PhD
Lauren Wilson, PhD
Jennifer Woo, PhD
Zeni Wu
Dongyu Zhang, PhD
Jing Xu, PhD
Intramural NIH
Clara Bodelon, PhD
Gretchen Gierach, PhD
Cari Kitahara, PhD, MPH
Jill Koshiol, PhD
Katherine McGlynn, PhD, MPH
Britton Trabert, PhD
Emily Vogtmann, PhD, MPH
Nicolas Wentzensen, MD PhD
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
PhD Student, Univ. of North Carolina / Duke Univ.
Epidemiology Branch / Eli Lilly
Epidemiology Branch
Epidemiology Branch
PhD Student, Univ. of North Carolina/ Univ of Arizona
Epidemiology Branch/ RTI International
National Cancer Institute
Epidemiology Branch / Univ. of Kentucky
Doctoral Student, Univ. of North Carolina/
Epidemiology Branch / University of Michigan
Epidemiology Branch/ student North Carolina State
Doctoral Student, Univ. of North Carolina
Epidemiology Branch / Univ of North Carolina
Epidemiology Branch
Biostat. and Computational Biology / Epidemiology Branch
PhD Student, Univ. of North Carolina/
Epidemiology Branch / Univ Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Doctoral Student, Harvard University / Harvard University
Doctoral Student, Univ. of North Carolina
Epidemiology Branch / Univ. of Mississippi Medical Center
PhD Student, Univ. of North Carolina
Postbacc, Nat’l Inst of Minority Health and Health Disparities
PhD Student, Univ. of North Carolina / DNTP
Epidemiology Branch/ Michigan Statue University
Biostat and Computational Biology Branch
Biostat and Computational Biology Branch / Harvard Univ.
Epidemiology Branch
Epidemiology Branch
Epidemiology Branch
PhD Student, Univ. WI, Milwaukee / Epid Branch
National Cancer Institute
PhD Student, UNC Chapel Hill
Visiting Student, Peking Union Medical College / Peking
Union Medical College
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
Faustine Williams, PhD, MPH, MS National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities
Angeline Andrew, MD
Olga Basso, PhD
Kimberly Bertrand, ScD
Deborah Bookwalter, PhD
Leah Hawkins Bressler, MD
Timothy Buckley, PhD
Andrew Chan, MD MPH
Honglei Chen, MD, PhD
Fergus Couch, PhD
Sandra Deming-Halverson
Lisa DeRoo, PhD, MPH
Renee Fortner, PhD
Holly Harris, ScD
M. Elizabeth Hodgson, PhD
Laura Hooper, MD
Brian Jackson, PhD
Margaret Karagas, PhD
Joel D. Kaufman, MPH, MD
Alexander Keil, PhD
Joshua Keller, PhD
Cynthia Kleeberger, MS
Jenna Lilyquist, PhD
Erin Linnenbringer, PhD
Julie Palmer, ScD
Lucy Peipins, PhD
Juan Rodriguez, MPH
Minouk Schoemaker, PhD
Mark Sherman, MD
Amanda Simanek, PhD
Anthony Swerdlow, MD PhD
Adam A. Szpiro, PhD
Parisa Tehranifar, PhD
Mary Beth Terry, PhD
Melissa Troester, PhD, MPH
Wei-Lun Tsai, PhD
Shelley Tworoger, PhD
Paul Villeneuve, PhD
Mary C. White, ScD
Lauren Wright
Dartmouth College
McGill University
Boston University
Westat, Inc.
Univ. of North Carolina
US Environmental Protection Agency
Harvard University
Michigan State University
Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
University of Bergen, Norway
German Cancer Research Center
Univ. of Washington
Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
University of Washington, Seattle
Dartmouth, Dept of Earth Sciences
Dartmouth, Geisel School of Medicine
University of Washington, Seattle
University of North Carolina
U Washington/ Johns Hopkins / Colorado State
Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
Washington University in St. Louis
Boston University
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
University of WI at Milwaukee
Institute of Cancer Research, UK
University of Washington, Seattle
Columbia University
Columbia University
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
US Environmental Protection Agency
Moffitt Cancer Center
Carleton University, Canada
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Sister Study Publications 2017- August 2021
More than 220 Sister Study papers (primary papers and as part of large consortia) were published
since 2007. A complete list of papers can be found on the Sister Study Website
1. Amos CI, Dennis J, Wang Z, Taylor JA, Chanock SJ, Simard J, Easton DF. The
OncoArray Consortium: a network for understanding the genetic architecture of common
cancers. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2017;26(1):126-35.
2. Anderson C, Islam JY, Hodgson ME, Sabatino SA, Rodriguez JL, Lee CN, Sandler DP,
Nichols HB. Long-term satisfaction and body image after contralateral prophylactic
mastectomy. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2017;24(6):1499-506.
3. Anderson C, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR, Houck K, Chunduri M, Hodgson ME, Sabatino SA,
White MC, Rodriguez JL, Nichols HB. Age- and treatment-related associations with health
behavior change among breast cancer survivors. The Breast. 2017;33:1-7.
4. Campbell PT, Newton CC, Kitahara CM, Sandler DP, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Zheng W,
Gapstur SM. Body size indicators and risk of gallbladder cancer: pooled analysis of
individual-level data from 19 prospective cohort studies. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers
& Prevention. 2017;26(4):597-606.
5. D'Aloisio AA, Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Deming-Halverson SL, Sandler DP. Validity of self-
reported breast cancer characteristics in a nationwide cohort of women with a family history
of breast cancer. BMC Cancer. 2017;17:692.
6. Keller JP, Drton M, Larson T, Kaufman JD, Sandler DP, Szpiro AA. Covariate-adaptive
clustering of exposures for air pollution epidemiology cohorts. Annals of Applied Statistics.
7. Kim S, Campbell J, Yoo W, Taylor JA, Sandler DP. Systemic levels of estrogens and PGE2
synthesis in relation to postmenopausal breast cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers & Prevention. 2017;26(3):383-8.
8. Michailidou K, Lindström S, Dennis J,…, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg CR, …,
Simard J, Kraft P, Easton DF. Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk
loci. Nature. 2017 Nov 2;551(7678):92-4.
9. Milne RL, Kuchenbaecker KB, Michailidou K,…, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg
CR, …, Schmidt MK, Antoniou AC, Simard J. Identification of ten variants associated with
risk of estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer. Nature Genetics. 2017;49(12):1767-78.
10. Nichols HB, Anderson C, White AJ, Milne GL, Sandler DP. Oxidative stress and breast
cancer risk in premenopausal women. Epidemiology. 2017;28(5):667-74.
11. Nichols HB, Schoemaker MJ, Wright LB, …, Zheng W, Sandler DP, Swerdlow AJ. The
Premenopausal Breast Cancer Collaboration: A pooling project of studies participating in the
National Cancer Institute Cohort Consortium. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers &
Prevention. 2017;26(9):1360-9.
12. Niehoff NM, White AJ, Sandler DP. Childhood and teenage physical activity and breast
cancer risk. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2017;164(3):697-705.
13. O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Kinyamu HK, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR. Single-nucleotide
polymorphisms in vitamin D-related genes may modify vitamin D-breast cancer
associations. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 2017;26(12):1761-71.
14. O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR. Serum vitamin D and risk of breast
cancer within five years. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2017;125(7):077004.
15. O'Brien KM, Whelan DR, Sandler DP, Hall JE, Weinberg CR. Predictors and long-term
health outcomes of eating disorders. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0181104.
16. O'Brien KM, Whelan DR, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Eating disorders and breast
cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2017;26(2):206-11.
17. Park YM, O'Brien KM, Zhao S, Weinberg CR, Baird DD, Sandler DP. Gestational diabetes
mellitus may be associated with increased risk of breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer.
18. Park YM, White AJ, Nichols HB, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. The association
between metabolic health, obesity phenotype and the risk of breast cancer. International
Journal of Cancer. 2017;140(12):2657-66.
19. Phelan CM, Kuchenbaecker KB, Tyrer JP,…, D'Aloisio AA, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA,
…, Weinberg CR, …, Gayther SA, Antoniou AC, Pharoah PD. Identification of 12 new
susceptibility loci for different histotypes of epithelial ovarian cancer. Nature Genetics.
20. Sandler DP, Hodgson ME, Deming-Halverson SL, Juras PS, D'Aloisio AA, Suarez LM,
Kleeberger CA, Shore DL, DeRoo LA, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR; Sister Study Research
Team. The Sister Study cohort: baseline methods and participant
characteristics. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2017;125(12):127003.
21. Shi M, O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Taylor JA, Zaykin DV, Weinberg CR. Previous GWAS hits
in relation to young-onset breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.
22. Shmuel S, White AJ, Sandler DP. Residential exposure to vehicular traffic-related air
pollution during childhood and breast cancer risk. Environ Research. 2017;159:257-63.
23. Taylor KW, Baird DD, Herring AH, Engel LS, Nichols HB, Sandler DP, Troester
MA. Associations among personal care product use patterns and exogenous hormone use
in the NIEHS Sister Study. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.
24. White AJ, D'Aloisio AA, Nichols HB, DeRoo LA, Sandler DP. Breast cancer and exposure to
tobacco smoke during potential windows of susceptibility. Cancer Causes & Control.
25. White AJ, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. Lifetime alcohol intake, binge drinking
behaviors, and breast cancer risk. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2017;186(5):541-9.
26. White AJ, Sandler DP. Indoor wood-burning stove and fireplace use and breast cancer in a
prospective cohort study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2017;125(7):077011.
27. White AJ, Weinberg CR, Park YM, D'Aloisio AA, Vogtmann E, Nichols HB, Sandler
DP. Sleep characteristics, light at night and breast cancer risk in a prospective
cohort. International Journal of Cancer. 2017;141(11):2204-14.
28. Wilson LE, Harlid S, Xu Z, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. An epigenome-wide study of body mass
index and DNA methylation in blood using participants from the Sister Study
cohort. International Journal of Obesity. 2017;41(1):194-99.
29. Anderson C, Milne GL, Park YM, Sandler DP, Nichols HB. Cardiovascular disease risk
factors and oxidative stress among premenopausal women. Free Radical Biology &
Medicine. 2018;115:246-51.
30. Anderson C, Milne GL, Park YM, Sandler DP, Nichols HB. Dietary glycemic index and
glycemic load are positively associated with oxidative stress among premenopausal
women. The Journal of Nutrition. 2018; 148(1):125-30.
31. Anderson C, Nichols HB, Deal AM, Park YM, Sandler DP. Changes in cardiovascular
disease risk and risk factors among women with and without breast cancer. Cancer.
32. Anderson C, Park YM, Stanczyk FZ, Sandler DP, Nichols HB. Dietary factors and serum
anti-Müllerian hormone concentrations in late premenopausal women. Fertility and Sterility.
33. Basso O, Weinberg CR, D'Aloisio AA, Sandler DP. Maternal age at birth and daughters'
subsequent childlessness. Human Reproduction. 2018 Feb 1;33(2):311-9.
34. Ge W, Clendenen TV, Afanasyeva Y, …, Nichols HB, Sandler DP, …, Visvanathan K, Liu M,
Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A. Circulating anti-Müllerian hormone and breast cancer risk: A study in
ten prospective cohorts. International Journal of Cancer. 2018; 142(11): 2215-26.
35. Guinter MA, Sandler DP, McLain AC, Merchant AT, Steck SE. An estrogen-related dietary
pattern and postmenopausal breast cancer risk in a cohort of women with a family history of
breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2018;27(10):1223-6.
36. Hooper LG, Young MT, Keller JP, Szpiro AA, O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Vedal S, Kaufman
JD, London SJ. Ambient air pollution and chronic bronchitis in a cohort of U.S.
women. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2018 Feb 6;126(2):027005.
37. Kleeberger C, Shore D, Gunter E, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. The effects of long-term
storage on commonly measured serum analyte levels. Epidemiology. 2018;29(3):448-52.
38. Kresovich JK, Parks CG, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Reproductive history and blood cell
telomere length. Aging. 2018;10(9):2383-93.
39. Lu Y, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Wu L,…, Sandler DP, …, Pharoah PDP, Zheng W, Long J. A
transcriptome-wide association study among 97,898 women to identify candidate
susceptibility genes for epithelial ovarian cancer risk. Cancer Research. 2018;78(18):5419-
40. O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Shi M, Harmon QE, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR. Genome-wide
association study of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in US women. Frontiers in Genetics.
41. O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Xu Z, Kinyamu HK, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR. Vitamin D, DNA
methylation, and breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research. 2018;20(1):70.
42. Ong JS, Hwang LD, Cuellar-Partida G, Martin NG, Chenevix-Trench G, Quinn MCJ,
Cornelis MC, Gharahkhani P, Webb PM, MacGregor S. Assessment of moderate coffee
consumption and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer: A Mendelian randomization
study. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2018;47(2):450-9.
43. Pan Y, Cai J, Kim S, Zhou H. Regression analysis for secondary response variable in a
case-cohort study. Biometrics. 2018;74(3):1014-22.
44. Parks CG, D'Aloisio AA, Sandler DP. Childhood residential and agricultural pesticide
exposures in relation to adult-onset rheumatoid arthritis in women. American Journal of
Epidemiology. 2018;187(2):214-23.
45. Peipins LA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Soman A, White MC, Hodgson ME, DeRoo LA,
Sandler DP. Communicating with daughters about familial risk of breast cancer: Individual,
family, and provider influences on women's knowledge of cancer risk. Journal of Women's
Health. 2018;27(5):630-9.
46. Premenopausal Breast Cancer Collaborative Group, Schoemaker MJ, Nichols HB, Wright
LB, O'Brien KM, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Sandler DP, Swerdlow AJ. Association of
body mass index and age with subsequent breast cancer risk in premenopausal
women. JAMA Oncology. 2018;4(11):e181771.
47. Taylor KW, Troester MA, Herring AH, Engel LS, Nichols HB, Sandler DP, Baird
DD. Associations between personal care product use patterns and breast cancer risk among
White and Black women in the Sister Study. Environmental Health Perspectives.
48. Villeneuve PJ, Jerrett M, Su JG, Weichenthal S, Sandler DP. Association of residential
greenness with obesity and physical activity in a US cohort of women. Environmental
Research. 2018 Jan;160:372-84. Epub 2017 Oct 20.
49. White MC, Soman A, Weinberg CR, Rodriguez JL, Sabatino SA, Peipins LA, DeRoo L,
Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Sandler DP. Factors associated with breast MRI use among
women with a family history of breast cancer. The Breast Journal. 2018 Sep;24(5):764-71.
Epub 2018 May 20.
50. Wu L, Shi W, Long J,…, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg CR, …, Easton DF,
Chenevix-Trench G, Zheng W. A transcriptome-wide association study of 229,000 women
identifies new candidate susceptibility genes for breast cancer. Nature Genetics.
51. Zhang D, Ferguson K, Troester M, Bensen JT, Cai J, Milne GL, Sandler DP, Nichols
HB. Tea consumption and oxidative stress: A cross-sectional analysis of 889
premenopausal women from the Sister Study. The British Journal of Nutrition.
52. Anderson C, Nichols HB, House M, Sandler DP. Risk versus benefit of chemoprevention
among raloxifene and tamoxifen users with a family history of breast cancer. Cancer
Prevention Research. 2019;12(11):801-8.
53. Basso O, Weinberg CR, D'Aloisio AA, Sandler DP. Mother's age at delivery and daughters'
risk of preeclampsia. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2019;33(2):129-36.
54. Clendenen TV, Ge W, Koenig KL, …, Sandler DP ,…,Visvanathan K, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte
A, Liu M. Breast cancer risk prediction in women aged 35-50 years: Impact of including sex
hormone concentrations in the gail model. Breast Cancer Research. 2019;21(1):42.
55. Furlong M, Deming-Halverson S, Sandler DP. Chronic antibiotic use during adulthood and
weight change in the Sister Study. PloS ONE. 2019;14(5):e0216959.
56. Gaston SA, Park YM, McWhorter KL, Sandler DP, Jackson CL. Multiple poor sleep
characteristics and metabolic abnormalities consistent with metabolic syndrome among
White, Black, and Hispanic/Latina women: Modification by menopausal status. Diabetology
& Metabolic Syndrome. 2019;11:17.
57. Grant DJ, Manichaikul A, Alberg AJ, …, Sandler DP, Taylor JA, O'Brien KM, Velez
Edwards DR, Edwards TL, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Wentzensen N, Pearce CL, …, DeFazio A,
Kennedy CJ, Schildkraut JM. Evaluation of vitamin D biosynthesis and pathway target
genes reveals ugt2a1/2 and egfr polymorphisms associated with epithelial ovarian cancer
in African American women. Cancer Medicine. 2019;8(5):2503-13.
58. Hall C, Heck JE, Sandler DP, Ritz B, Chen H, Krause N. Occupational and leisure-time
physical activity differentially predict 6-year incidence of stroke and transient ischemic
attack in women. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 2019;45(3):267-79.
59. Hawkins Bressler L, Mersereau JE, Anderson C, Rodriguez JL, Hodgson ME, Weinberg
CR, Sandler DP, Nichols HB. Fertility-related experiences after breast cancer diagnosis in
the Sister and Two Sister Studies. Cancer. 2019;125(15):2675-83.
60. Hosgood HD, 3rd, Klugman M, Matsuo K, White AJ, …, Sandler DP, … , Zheng W, Boffetta
P, Lan Q. The establishment of the Household Air Pollution Consortium
(HAPCO). Atmosphere. 2019;10(7).
61. Jackson SS, Van Dyke AL, Zhu B, …, O'Brien KM, …, Sandler DP, … , McGlynn KA,
Campbell PT, Koshiol J. Anthropometric risk factors for cancers of the biliary tract in the
Biliary Tract Cancers Pooling Project. Cancer Research. 2019;79(15):3973-82.
62. Jiang X, Finucane HK, Schumacher FR, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg CR,
…, Amos CI, Kraft P, Lindström S. Shared heritability and functional enrichment across six
solid cancers. Nature Communications. 2019;10(1):431.
63. Jiang Y, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Zhao S. Use of detailed family history data to improve
risk prediction,with application to breast cancer screening. PloS ONE.
64. Kresovich JK, Harmon QE, Xu Z, Nichols HB, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Reproduction, DNA
methylation and biological age. Human Reproduction. 2019;34(10):1965-73.
65. Kresovich JK, Xu Z, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Epigenetic mortality
predictors and incidence of breast cancer. Aging. 2019;11(24):11975-87.
66. Kresovich JK, Xu Z, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Methylation-based
biological age and breast cancer risk. Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
67. Mavaddat N, Michailidou K, Dennis J, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg CR,
…,García-Closas M, Simard J, Easton DF. Polygenic risk scores for prediction of breast
cancer and breast cancer subtypes. Amer Journal of Human Genetics. 2019;104(1):21-34.
68. McGee EE, Jackson SS, Petrick JL, …, O'Brien KM, …, Sandler DP, …, McGlynn KA,
Campbell PT, Koshiol J. Smoking, alcohol, and biliary tract cancer risk: A pooling project of
26 prospective studies. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2019;111(12):1263-78.
69. McWhorter KL, Park YM, Gaston SA, Fang KB, Sandler DP, Jackson CL. Multiple sleep
dimensions and type 2 diabetes risk among women in the Sister Study: Differences by
race/ethnicity. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. 2019;7(1):e000652.
70. McWhorter KL, Parks CG, D'Aloisio AA, Rojo-Wissar DM, Sandler DP, Jackson
CL. Traumatic childhood experiences and multiple dimensions of poor sleep among adult
women. Sleep. 2019;42(8).
71. Moore AM, Xu Z, Kolli RT, White AJ, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Persistent epigenetic changes
in adult daughters of older mothers. Epigenetics. 2019;14(5):467-76.
72. Murphy JD, Sandler D, White AJ, O'Brien KM. Severe acne and risk of breast
cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2019;177(2):487-95.
73. Nichols HB, Schoemaker MJ, Cai J, …, Weinberg CR, Swerdlow AJ, Sandler DP. Breast
cancer risk after recent childbirth: A pooled analysis of 15 prospective studies. Annals of
Internal Medicine. 2019;170(1):22-30.
74. Niehoff NM, Gammon MD, Keil AP, Nichols HB, Engel LS, Sandler DP, White AJ. Airborne
mammary carcinogens and breast cancer risk in the Sister Study. Environment
International. 2019;130:104897.
75. Niehoff NM, Gammon MD, Keil AP, Nichols HB, Engel LS, Taylor JA, White AJ, Sandler
DP. Hazardous air pollutants and telomere length in the Sister Study. Environmental
Epidemiology. 2019;3(4):e053.
76. Niehoff NM, Nichols HB, Zhao S, White AJ, Sandler DP. Adult physical activity and breast
cancer risk in women with a family history of breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers & Prevention. 2019;28(1):51-8.
77. O'Brien KM, D'Aloisio AA, Shi M, Murphy JD, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Perineal talc use,
douching, and the risk of uterine cancer. Epidemiology. 2019;30(6):845-52.
78. O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, House M, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR. The association of a breast
cancer diagnosis with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration over time. American
Journal of Epidemiology. 2019;188(4):637-45.
79. O'Brien KM, White AJ, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Toenail-
based metal concentrations and young-onset breast cancer. American Journal of
Epidemiology. 2019;188(4):34-43.
80. O'Brien KM, White AJ, Sandler DP, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Weinberg CR. Do post-
breast cancer diagnosis toenail trace element concentrations reflect prediagnostic
concentrations? Epidemiology. 2019;30(1):112-9.
81. Park YM, Steck SE, Fung TT, Merchant AT, Hodgson ME, Keller JA, Sandler DP. Higher
diet-dependent acid load is associated with risk of breast cancer: Findings from the Sister
Study. International Journal of Cancer. 2019;144(8):1834-43.
82. Park Y-MM, White AJ, Jackson CL, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. Association of exposure to
artificial light at night while sleeping with risk of obesity in women. JAMA Internal Medicine.
83. Petimar J, Park YM, Smith-Warner SA, Fung TT, Sandler DP. Dietary index scores and
invasive breast cancer risk among women with a family history of breast cancer. The
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2019;109(5):1393-401.
84. Ruth KS, Soares ALG, Borges MC, … , Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, … , Lawlor DA,
Swerdlow AJ, Murray A. Genome-wide association study of anti-Müllerian hormone levels
in pre-menopausal women of late reproductive age and relationship with genetic
determinants of reproductive lifespan. Human Molecular Genetics. 2019;28(8):1392-401.
85. Shu X, Wu L, Khankari NK, , Simard J, Easton DF, Zheng W. Associations of obesity and
circulating insulin and glucose with breast cancer risk: A Mendelian randomization
analysis. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2019;48(3):795-806.
86. Trabert B, Poole EM, White E, …, Sandler DP, O'Brien K, … , Wolk A, Wentzensen N,
Tworoger SS. Analgesic use and ovarian cancer risk: An analysis in the Ovarian Cancer
Cohort Consortium. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2019;111(2):137-45.
87. White AJ, Keller JP, Zhao S, Carroll R, Kaufman JD, Sandler DP. Air pollution, clustering of
particulate matter components, and breast cancer in the Sister Study: A U.S.-wide
cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2019;127(10):107002.
88. White AJ, Kresovich JK, Keller JP, Xu Z, Kaufman JD, Weinberg CR, Taylor JA, Sandler
DP. Air pollution, particulate matter composition and methylation-based biologic
age. Environment International. 2019;132:105071.
89. White AJ, Kresovich JK, Xu Z, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Shift work, DNA methylation and
epigenetic age. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2019;48(5):1536-44.
90. White AJ, O'Brien KM, Niehoff NM, Carroll R, Sandler DP. Metallic air pollutants and breast
cancer risk in a nationwide cohort study. Epidemiology. 2019;30(1):20-8.
91. Wilson LE, Xu Z, Harlid S, White AJ, Troester MA, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Alcohol and
DNA methylation: An epigenome-wide association study in blood and normal breast
tissue. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2019;188(6):1055-65.
92. Yang Y, Wu L, Shu X, …, Sandler DP, … , Pharoah PDP, Zheng W, Long J. Genetic data
from nearly 63,000 women of European descent predicts DNA methylation biomarkers and
epithelial ovarian cancer risk. Cancer Research. 2019;79(3):505-17.
93. Andrew AS, O'Brien KM, Jackson BP, Sandler DP, Kaye WE, Wagner L, Stommel EW,
Horton DK, Mehta P, Weinberg CR. Keratinous biomarker of mercury exposure associated
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis risk in a nationwide U.S. study. Amyotrophic Lateral
Slerosis & Frontotemporal Degeneration. 2020;21(5-6):420-7.
94. Chan AT, Drew DA, Nguyen LH, …, Sandler DP, … , Willett WC, Wolf J, Spector T. The
COronavirus Pandemic Epidemiology (COPE) Consortium: A call to action. Cancer
Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2020;29(7):1283-9.
95. Diaz-Santana MV, O'Brien KM, D'Aloisio AA, Regalado G, Sandler DP, Weinberg
CR. Perinatal and postnatal exposures and risk of young-onset breast cancer. Breast
Cancer Research. 2020;22(1):88.
96. Drew DA, Nguyen LH, Steves CJ, Menni C, Freydin M, Varsavsky T, Sudre CH, Cardoso
MJ, Ourselin S, Wolf J, Spector TD, Chan AT. Rapid implementation of mobile technology
for real-time epidemiology of COVID-19. Science. 2020;368(6497):1362-7.
97. Eberle CE, Sandler DP, Taylor KW, White AJ. Hair dye and chemical straightener use and
breast cancer risk in a large US population of Black and White women. International
Journal of Cancer. 2020;147(2):383-91.
98. Fachal L, Aschard H, Beesley J, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg CR, …,
Easton DF, Kraft P, Dunning AM. Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies
191 likely target genes. Nature Genetics. 2020;52(1):56-73.
99. Feng H, Gusev A, Pasaniuc B, Wu L, Long J, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg
CR, …, Milne RL, Easton DF, Chenevix-Trench G, Zheng W, Kraft P, Jiang
X. Transcriptome-wide association study of breast cancer risk by estrogen-receptor
status. Genetic Epidemiology. 2020; 44(5):442-68.
100. Fortner RT, Rice MS, Knutsen SF, … , O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, … , Wentzensen N,
Tworoger SS, Schouten LJ. Ovarian cancer risk factor associations by primary anatomic
site: The Ovarian Cancer Cohort Consortium. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers &
Prevention. 2020;29(10):2010-8.
101. Gaston SA, Feinstein L, Slopen N, Sandler DP, Williams DR, Jackson CL. Everyday and
major experiences of racial/ethnic discrimination and sleep health in a multiethnic
population of U.S. women: Findings from the Sister Study. Sleep Med. 2020;71:97-105.
102. Goldberg M, D'Aloisio AA, O'Brien KM, Zhao S, Sandler DP. Pubertal timing and breast
cancer risk in the Sister Study cohort. Breast Cancer Research. 2020;22(1):112.
103. Guinter MA, Park YM, Steck SE, Sandler DP. Day-to-day regularity in breakfast
consumption is associated with weight status in a prospective cohort of
women. International Journal of Obesity. 2020;44(1):186-94.
104. Huang T, Townsend MK, Wentzensen N, … , Sandler DP, …, Wolk A, Zeleniuch-
Jacquotte A, Tworoger SS. Reproductive and hormonal factors and risk of ovarian cancer
by tumor dominance: Results from the Ovarian Cancer Cohort Consortium (OC3). Cancer
Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2020;29(1):200-7.
105. Jackson SS, Adami HO, Andreotti G, , O'Brien KM, … , Sandler DP, …, McGlynn KA,
Campbell PT, Koshiol J. Associations between reproductive factors and biliary tract
cancers in women from the Biliary Tract Cancers Pooling Project. Journal of Hepatology.
106. Jia M, Wu Z, Vogtmann E, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Gierach GL. The
association between periodontal disease and breast cancer in a prospective cohort
study. Cancer Prevention Research. 2020;13(12):1007-16.
107. Kapoor PM, Lindström S, Behrens S, …, Easton DF, Milne RL, Chang-Claude
J. Assessment of interactions between 205 breast cancer susceptibility loci and 13
established risk factors in relation to breast cancer risk, in the Breast Cancer Association
Consortium. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2020;49(1):216-32.
108. Keller JP, Szpiro AA. Selecting a scale for spatial confounding adjustment. Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society Series A, Statistics in Society. 2020;183(3):1121-43.
109. Kresovich JK, O'Brien KM, Xu Z, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Prediagnostic
immune cell profiles and breast cancer. JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(1):e1919536.
110. Kresovich JK, Parks CG, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR, Taylor JA. The role of blood cell
composition in epidemiologic studies of telomeres. Epidemiology. 2020;31(4):e34-6.
111. Lawrence KG, Kresovich JK, O'Brien KM, Hoang TT, Xu Z, Taylor JA, Sandler
DP. Association of neighborhood deprivation with epigenetic aging using 4 clock
metrics. JAMA Network Open. 2020 Nov 2;3(11):e2024329.
112. Lee S, Chang AM, Buxton OM, Jackson CL. Various types of perceived job discrimination
and sleep health among working women: Findings from the Sister Study. American
Journal of Epidemiology. 2020;189(10):1143-53.
113. Lo JJ, Park YM, Sinha R, Sandler DP. Association between meat consumption and risk of
breast cancer: Findings from the Sister Study. International Journal of Cancer.
114. Mehta SS, Arroyave WD, Lunn RM, Park YM, Boyd WA, Sandler DP. A prospective
analysis of red and processed meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer in
women. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2020;29(1):141-50.
115. Nguyen LH, Drew DA, Graham MS, … , Ourselin S, Steves CJ, Chan AT. Risk of COVID-
19 among front-line health-care workers and the general community: A prospective cohort
study. The Lancet Public Health. 2020;5(9):e475-e83.
116. Niehoff NM, Keil AP, O'Brien KM, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Weinberg CR, White
AJ. Metals and trace elements in relation to body mass index in a prospective study of US
women. Environmental Research. 2020;184:109396.
117. O'Brien KM, Tworoger SS, Harris HR, Anderson GL, Weinberg CR, Trabert B, Kaunitz
AM, D'Aloisio AA, Sandler DP, Wentzensen N. Association of powder use in the genital
area with risk of ovarian cancer. JAMA. 2020;323(1):49-59.
118. O’Brien KM, Sandler DP, Wentzensen N. Genital powder use and ovarian cancer-reply.
JAMA. 2020;323(20):2096-2097.
119. Palmer JR, Polley EC, Hu C, … , Sandler DP, … , Nathanson KL, Kraft P, Couch
FJ. Contribution of germline predisposition gene mutations to breast cancer risk in African
American women. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2020;112(12):1213-21.
120. Schoemaker MJ, Nichols HB, Wright LB, … , O'Brien KM, … , Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,
Sandler DP, Swerdlow AJ. Adult weight change and premenopausal breast cancer risk: A
prospective pooled analysis of data from 628,463 women. International Journal of Cancer.
121. Shi M, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR. Interactions between a polygenic risk score and non-
genetic risk factors in young-onset breast cancer. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1):3242.
122. Sweeney MR, Sandler DP, Niehoff NM, White AJ. Shift work and working at night in
relation to breast cancer incidence. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
123. Trabert B, Tworoger SS, O'Brien KM, … , Sandler DP, … , Wolk A, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,
Wentzensen N. The risk of ovarian cancer increases with an increase in the lifetime
number of ovulatory cycles: An analysis from the Ovarian Cancer Cohort Consortium
(OC3). Cancer Research. 2020;80(5):1210-8.
124. Tsai WL, Silva RA, Nash MS, Cochran FV, Prince SE, Rosenbaum DJ, D'Aloisio AA,
Jackson LE, Mehaffey MH, Neale AC, Sandler DP, Buckley TJ. How do natural features in
the residential environment influence women's self-reported general health? Results from
cross-sectional analyses of a U.S. national cohort. Environmental Research.
125. Wang C, O'Brien KM, Xu Z, Sandler DP, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR. Long-term ambient fine
particulate matter and DNA methylation in inflammation pathways: Results from the Sister
Study. Epigenetics. 2020;15(5):524-35.
126. White AJ, O'Brien KM, Niehoff NM, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Weinberg CR, Keil
AP. Toenail metal concentrations and age at menopause: A prospective
study. Environmental Epidemiology. 2020;4(4):e0104.
127. Xu J, White AJ, Niehoff NM, O'Brien KM, Sandler DP. Airborne metals exposure and risk
of hypertension in the Sister Study. Environmental Research. 2020;191:110144.
128. Xu Z, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Blood DNA methylation and breast cancer: A prospective
case-cohort analysis in the Sister Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
129. Yang Y, Wu L, Shu XO, … , Sandler DP, … , Easton DF, Zheng W, Long J. Genetically
predicted levels of DNA methylation biomarkers and breast cancer risk: Data from 228 951
women of European descent. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2020;112(3):295-
130. Zhang D, Nichols HB, Troester M, Cai J, Bensen JT, Sandler DP. Tea consumption and
breast cancer risk in a cohort of women with family history of breast cancer. International
Journal of Cancer. 2020;147(3):876-86.
131. Zhang H, Ahearn TU, Lecarpentier J, Barnes D, Beesley J, Qi G, Jiang X, O'Mara TA,
Zhao N, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg CR, …, Milne RL, Kraft P, Simard J,
Pharoah PDP, Michailidou K, Antoniou AC, Schmidt MK, Chenevix-Trench G, Easton DF,
Chatterjee N, García-Closas M. Genome-wide association study identifies 32 novel breast
cancer susceptibility loci from overall and subtype-specific analyses. Nature Genetics.
132. Adedokun B, Du Z, Gao G, … , Sandler DP, Taylor JA, O’Brien KM, …, Palmer JR,
Haiman CA, Huo D. Cross-ancestry GWAS meta-analysis identifies six breast cancer loci
in African and European ancestry women. Nature Communications. 2021; 12(1): 4198.
133. Anderson C, Fry RC, Hartwell H, Kleeberger C, Sandler DP, Nichols HB. Measurement of
mitochondrial DNA copy number in dried blood spots: A pilot study. Mitochondrion.
134. Baxter JS, Johnson N, Tomczyk K, …, O’Brien KM, … , Sandler DP, … , Taylor JA, …,
Weinberg CR, … , Haider S, Orr N, Fletcher O. Functional annotation of the 2q35 breast
cancer locus implicates a structural variant in influencing activity of a long-range enhancer
element. American Journal of Human Genetics. 2021; 108(7): 1190-1203.
135. Bertrand KA, O’Brien KM, Wright LB, Palmer JR, Blot WJ, Eliassen AH, Rosenberg L,
Sandin S, Tobias D, Weiderpass E, et al. Gestational diabetes and risk of breast cancer
before age 55 years. Int J Epidemiol. 2021 online ahead of print.
136. Boddicker NJ, Hu C, Weitzel JN,… , Taylor JA, … , Sandler DP, …. O’Brien K,… Polley
EC, Domchek SM, Couch FJ. Risk of late-onset breast cancer in genetically predisposed
women. J Clin Oncol. 2021; online ahead of print.
137. Clendenen TV, Ge W, Koenig KL, … , Sandler DP, … , Visvanathan K, Liu M, Zeleniuch-
Jacquotte A. Breast cancer risk factors and circulating anti-Mullerian hormone
concentrations in healthy premenopausal women. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
Metabolism. 2021; online ahead of print.
138. Coignard J, Lush M, Beesley J, …, O'Brien KM, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …,
Weinberg CR, …, Easton DF, Andrieu N, Antoniou AC. A case-only study to identify
genetic modifiers of breast cancer risk for BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers. Nature
Communications. 2021;12(1):1078.
139. Du Z, Gao G, Adedokun B, …, Sandler DP, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg CR, … , Garcia-
Closas M, Huo D, Haiman CA. Evaluating polygenic risk scores for breast cancer in
women of African ancestry. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2021; online ahead of
140. Gao C, Polley EC, Hart SN, … , O'Brien KM, … , Sandler DP, … , Taylor JA, … ,
Weinberg CR, … , Nathanson KL, Couch FJ, Kraft P. Risk of breast cancer among carriers
of pathogenic variants in breast cancer predisposition genes varies by polygenic risk
score. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021; online ahead of print.
141. Gaston SA, McWhorter KL, Parks CG, D'Aloisio AA, Rojo-Wissar DM, Sandler DP,
Jackson CL. Racial/ethnic disparities in the relationship between traumatic childhood
experiences and suboptimal sleep dimensions among adult women: Findings from the
Sister Study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2021;28(1):116-29.
142. Gaston SA, Atere-Roberts J, Ward J, Slopen NB, Forde AT, Sandler DP, Williams DR,
Jackson CL. Experiences with everyday and major forms of racial/ethnic discrimination
and type 2 diabetes risk among White, Black and Hispanic/Latina women: Findings from
the Sister Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2021: online ahead of print.
143. Hu C, Hart SN, Gnanaolivu R, … , O'Brien KM, … , Sandler DP, … , Weinberg C, … ,
Kraft P, Polley EC, Couch FJ. A population-based study of genes previously implicated in
breast cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2021;384(5):440-51.
144. Johnson N, Maguire S, Morra A, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA, …, Weinberg CR, …,
Schmidt MK, Orr N, Fletcher O. CYP3A7*1C allele: linking premenopausal oestrone and
progesterone levels with risk of hormone receptor-positive breast cancers. British Journal
of Cancer. 2021;124(4):842-54.
145. Kapoor PM, Mavaddat N, Choudhury PP, …, O'Brien KM, …, Sandler DP, …, Taylor JA,
…, Milne RL, García-Closas M, Chang-Claude J. Combined associations of a polygenic
risk score and classical risk factors with breast cancer risk. Journal of the National Cancer
Institute. 2021;113(3):329-37.
146. Kresovich JK, Garval EL, Martinez Lopez AM, Xu Z, Niehoff NM, White AJ, Sandler DP,
Taylor JA. Associations of body composition and physical activity level with multiple
measures of epigenetic age acceleration. American Journal of Epidemiology.
147. Kresovich JK, Martinez Lopez AM, Garval EL, Xu Z, White AJ, Sandler DP, Taylor JA.
Alcohol consumption and methylation-based measures of biological age. Journal of
Gerontology, Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2021; online ahead of
148. Kresovich JK, Xu Z, O’Brien KM, Shi M, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Blood DNA
methylation profiles improve breast cancer prediction. Mol Oncol. 2021; online ahead of
149. Markunas CA, Hancock DB, Xu Z, Quach BC, Fang F, Sandler DP, Johnson EO, Taylor
JA. Epigenome-wide analysis uncovers a blood-based DNA methylation biomarker of
lifetime cannabis use. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B, Neuropsychiatric
Genetics. 2021;186(3):173-82.
150. McCartney DL, Min JL, Richmond RC, … , Kresovich JK, … ,Sandler DP, … , Taylor JA,
… , Relton CL, Horvath S, Marioni RE. Genome-wide association studies identify 137
genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging. Genome Biology. 2021; 22(1):194.
151. Meernik C, Sandler DP, Peipins LA, Hodgson ME, Blinder VS, Wheeler SB, Nichols
HB. Breast cancer-related employment disruption and financial hardship in the Sister
Study. JNCI Cancer Spectrum. 2021;5(3):pkab024.
152. Niehoff NM, O’Brien KM, Keil AP, Levine KE, Liyanapatirana C, Haines LG, Waidyanatha
S, Weinberg CR, White AJ. Metals and breast cancer risk: A prospective study using
toenail biomarkers. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2021; online ahead of print.
153. O'Brien KM, Tworoger SS, Harris HR, Trabert B, Weinberg CR, Fortner RT, D'Aloisio AA,
Kaunitz AM, Wentzensen N, Sandler DP. Genital powder use and risk of uterine cancer: A
pooled analysis of prospective studies. Int Journal of Cancer. 2021;148(11): 2692-701.
154. O’Brien KM, Weinberg CR, D’Aloisio AA, Moore KR, Sandler DP. The association between
douching, genital talc use, and the risk of prevalent and incident cervical cancer. Scientific
Reports. 2021;11(1):14836.
155. Park J, Rodriguez JL, O'Brien KM, Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Weinberg CR, Sandler
DP. Health-related quality of life outcomes among breast cancer survivors. Cancer.
156. Park YM, Sandler DP. Making sense of associations between type 2 diabetes, metformin,
and breast cancer risk. British Journal of Cancer. 2021; online ahead of print.
157. Park YM, Bookwalter DB, O'Brien KM, Jackson CL, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. A
prospective study of type 2 diabetes, metformin use, and risk of breast cancer. Annals of
Oncology. 2021;32(3):351-9.
158. Park YM, Shivappa N, Petimar J, Hodgson ME, Nichols HB, Steck SE, Hébert JR, Sandler
DP. Dietary inflammatory potential, oxidative balance score, and risk of breast cancer:
Findings from the Sister Study. International Journal of Cancer. 2021;149(3):615-26.
159. Peipins LA, Dasari S, Rodriguez JL, White MC, Hodgson ME, Sandler DP. Employment
after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment among women in the Sister and the Two
Sister studies. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2021; 31(3): 543-551.
160. Ruth KS, Day FR, Hussain J, … , Sandler DP, … , Weinberg CR, … , Murray A, Roig I,
Perry JRB. Nature. 2021;596(7872):393-397.
161. Simanek AM, Meier HCS, D'Aloisio AA, Sandler DP. Objective and subjective childhood
socioeconomic disadvantage and incident depression in adulthood: a longitudinal analysis
in the Sister Study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2021; 56(7):1201-10.
162. Tsai WL, Nash MS, Rosenbaum DJ, Prince SE, D'Aloisio AA, Neale AC, Sandler DP,
Buckley TJ, Jackson LE. Types and spatial contexts of neighborhood greenery matter in
associations with weight status in women across 28 U.S. communities. Environmental
Research. 2021;199:111327.
163. Upson K, Weinberg CR, Nichols HB, Dinse GE, D'Aloisio AA, Sandler DP, Baird
DD. Early-life farm exposure and ovarian reserve in a U.S. cohort of
women. Epidemiology. 2021; online ahead of print.
164. Von Holle A, O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Janicek R, Weinberg CR. Association between
serum iron biomarkers and breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers &
Prevention. 2021;30(2):422-5.
165. Von Holle A, O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Evidence for familial clustering in
breast cancer age of onset. Int Journal of Epidemiology. 2021 Mar 3;50(1):97-104.
166. White AJ, Gregoire AM, Taylor KW, Eberle C, Gaston S, O'Brien KM, Jackson CL, Sandler
DP. Adolescent use of hair dyes, straighteners and perms in relation to breast cancer
risk. International Journal of Cancer. 2021;148(9):2255-63.
167. White AJ, Sandler DP, Gaston SA, Jackson CL, O’Brien KM. Use of hair products in
relation to ovarian cancer risk. Carcinogenesis. 2021; online ahead of print.
168. Xu Z, Taylor JA. Reliability of DNA methylation measures using Illumina methylation
beadchip. Epigenetics. 2021;16(5):495-502.