Our free 2025-2026 Scholarship booklet is under construction and will be
available in early October. However, you can still use last year’s version
as a reference.
VSAC administers more than 150 scholarships available to Vermont
residents (unless otherwise specified in the description).
You can pre-order the new booklet on our publication site or sign-up
for this newsletter list to get notified once a new PDF is available to
Scholarships for Vermonters
For students attending college or training in 20242025
postmark deadline
for all VSAC-assisted scholarships:
February 14, 2024
Vermont residency required, unless
otherwise specified.
Review scholarships and identify those for which you meet all
eligibility requirements.
Submit the 2024–2025 Unified Scholarship Application (USA)
online at secureacctaccess.vsac.org/myvsac/.
Request recommendation letters from your teachers, employers,
community service agencies, etc.
Begin submitting all required documents (transcripts, essays,
recommendation letters, etc.).
Submit the 20242025 Vermont Grant application.
View the status of your scholarship applications online through
MyVSAC at secureacctaccess.vsac.org/myvsac/.
Complete the 2024–2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) online at studentaid.gov/fafsa.
The USA and all required documents must be submitted or
postmarked on or before this date.
VSAC will begin notifying students of scholarships for which they were
chosen as recipients. Check your MyVSAC account (click on “Work
with VSAC-Assisted Scholarships”) for the status of all scholarships.
Colleges/universities can view the scholarships awarded to
students attending their institution through the college/university’s
MyVSAC account.
Scholarships are competitive.
Here’s your checklist for success:
c Know the deadlines; refer to the timeline below.
c Carefully review the eligibility and document requirements for ALL scholarships.
c Submit the Unified Scholarship Application (USA) and all required documents early—before the
February 14 submission/postmark deadline.
c Check each document before you submit it: Are your name and the document name on each document?
c Check your MyVSAC account (click on “Work with VSAC-Assisted Scholarships”) to confirm receipt of all
application documents.
Questions? Contact the VSAC Scholarships Program.
TOLL-FREE: 888-253-4819 BURLINGTON AREA: 802-654-3798 E-MAIL: [email protected]
Scholarships Timeline
Scholarships awarded in 2024 will be applied toward education
expenses incurred during the 20242025 academic year.
Starting October 1, 2023
Beginning in December 2023
On or before February 14, 2024
Beginning May 1, 2024
Before June 1, 2024
This booklet was produced by
the Vermont Student Assistance
Corporation, a public nonprofit
corporation established by the
Vermont Legislature in 1965
to help Vermont students save,
plan, and pay for education or
training beyond high school.
Checklist for Success & Timeline .................. inside front cover
Applying for VSAC-Assisted Scholarships ................................ 1
More About Required Documents............................................ 2
Required Documents: Recommendation Letters ............ 3
Required Documents: Essays .............................................. 4
How to Read A Scholarship Description .................................. 5
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships ...................................................... 6
Other Resources & Scholarships ............................................ 47
Scholarships for Vermonters
For students attending college or training in 2024–2025
For more information about applying for VSAC-assisted scholarships,
visit vsac.org/vsacscholarships.
Applying for VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Who should apply?
Students attending (or planning to attend) a college, university or training program within
the United States or Canada who are:
- United States citizens (or eligible non-citizens), and
- Vermont residents (unless the scholarship specifies otherwise).
How to apply
Scholarships listed on pages 6-46 require the Unified Scholarship Application (USA).
Complete the USA in your MyVSAC account at secureacctaccess.vsac.org/myvsac/
- If you don’t have a MyVSAC account, click on “Register Now” and follow the instructions.
Each scholarship usually requires at least one additional required document.
Submit your required documents online through your MyVSAC account.
Scholarships on pages 48-62 are not processed by VSAC and do not require the USA.
Refer to the scholarship descriptions in that section for application instructions.
When should I apply?
The USA is available October 1, 2023.
The deadline to submit the USA and all required documents for all scholarships is February 14, 2024.
Forgivable loans are awarded on a first-come, first served basis as long as funding is available.
How do I know the status of my application?
Check the status of your application through your MyVSAC account online at vsac.org—click on
“Work with VSAC-Assisted Scholarships.”
More About Required Documents
Required Document
Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Recommendation letters
Other required documents
If you’re a Vermont resident, your FAFSA will be received by VSAC automatically, once processed; you do not
need to send a FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS). If you’re not a Vermont resident, you will need to send a
copy of your FAFSA Submission Summary.
See page 3 for more information. Do not send more than one type of recommendation letter unless it’s
specifically required by the scholarship (see each scholarship description).
See page 4 for more information. The general essay is required for every VSAC-assisted scholarship in this
A transcript must:
include grades through the previous academic year
include a calculated GPA or proficiency-based GPA
include the student’s name, the school the transcript is from, and the school-year semesters that the
grades are for
If you’re a graduating high school senior and have never attended a college or training school after
high school graduation, submit an official transcript from the most recent high school you attended.
If you’ve attended a college or training school after high school graduation, submit an official transcript from
the most recent college, university, or training school you attended. Do not submit a high school transcript.
If you received a GED, submit an official report of your GED test results instead of an official transcript
from a high school.
If you were home-schooled, submit an official home-school transcript.
If you attended an Alternative Pathways High School through Act 77, submit a proficiency-based transcript.
If a scholarship requires additional documents, the document(s) will be listed in the description. Other
required documents should be submitted on a separate sheet of paper labeled with the document name,
your full name, and the last four digits of your Social Security number.
Each individual scholarship description indicates the
documents that must be submitted for your application
to be complete.
We’ll send copies of your documents (for the scholarships
you’ve listed on your application) to any committee that
requires it; you need to submit your documents only once.
Each document should be labeled with your name and
the document name.
- If you are mailing documents to VSAC, include the last
four digits of your Social Security number on each
Once you’ve submitted your Unified Scholarship Application
(USA), upload required documents through your MyVSAC
account as soon as they are ready. To upload your
required documents:
Log into your MyVSAC account (use the same username
you used when you submitted your USA).
Click on “Work with VSAC-Assisted Scholarships.”
Click on “Required Documents,” then on the “Upload
Required Documents” button.
Please note: Some high schools can upload documents to
VSAC on behalf of their students. Please check with your high
school to determine whether it has signed up to use this service.
If you’re unable to upload your required documents online,
you can send them by mail to:
VSAC Scholarships Program
PO Box 2000
Winooski, VT 05404-2601
Remember, if you’re mailing a document to VSAC, every
document must include the document name, your full
name, and the last four digits of your Social Security
Required Documents: Recommendation Letters
We recommend you copy this page and share with the person(s) you’ve selected
to write your recommendation letter(s). Request the recommendation letter(s)
at least a month prior to the deadline to give the writer sufficient time to
write the letter. Remember, this is their opportunity to speak directly to the
scholarship committee. Their letter should address the areas described in the
letter content section below.
Refer to each scholarship description on pages 6–46 to determine which of
the recommendation letters you’re required to submit. Do not send more than
one of the same type of recommendation letter (for example, not more than
one Letter #1) unless the scholarship specifically requires it.
Each recommendation letter must be written by the individual designated by
the applicant, be on official letterhead (school, business, college, organization,
etc.), and/or be physically signed by the individual who wrote the letter.
Letters not signed or not on official letterhead cannot be authenticated.
This may influence committee selection of a recipient.
Send properly labeled recommendation letter(s) to VSAC
Upload to: vsac.org (through your MyVSAC account) OR
Mail to: VSAC Scholarships Program
PO Box 2000
Winooski, VT 05404-2601
Please note: Some high schools can upload documents to VSAC on behalf of their students.
Please check with your high school to determine whether it has signed up to use this service.
Letter must be from someone who is NOT related to the applicant—for example, a counselor,
guidance director, academic advisor, teacher, professor, principal, academic dean, employer,
business leader, neighbor, or family friend. The letter must address the applicant’s:
talent/potential for success
community/school involvement
commitment to completing their education beyond high school
commitment to their chosen career/field of study
education/work ethic
Letter must focus on the applicant’s commitment to their community. Preferably this letter
should be from a community service provider or organization (not related to the applicant).
Letter must be from a visual or performing arts (music, dance, and theater) instructor, director,
or organization (not related to the applicant) and must address the applicant’s:
visual/performing arts activities
talent/potential, and
Your letter must be from someone who is not related to you and must address your
commitment to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. Letters can
be from school staff and can also be from a friend, co-worker, or someone outside of the
school setting who may be more closely connected to you.
Applicant’s name
Date of birth
Letter name
Dear Scholarship Committee:
Handwritten signature
Typed or printed name
Official Letterhead
Must be on
official letterhead
and/or signed.
(minimum 250 words)
(minimum 500 words)
Your essay should include each of the following focus areas:
Scholarship-specific criteria
Some scholarship descriptions ask you to include specific information in your general essay. Be
sure to read each scholarship description carefully to ensure you provide the information requested.
Describe your interest in and commitment to the career or program of study you’ve
chosen to pursue. Include one or more experiences in your life that helped you decide
to pursue your chosen career or program.
Explain how completing the particular program you’ve chosen will enhance your
career/vocation and/or increase your opportunities for future success/employment.
Describe your short- and long-term academic, career, and/or employment goals. Include
where you hope to live and work once you’ve completed your educational program.
Financial need
Address any family or financial information and/or circumstances that have an impact
on your ability to pay for college.
Describe any financial barriers or obstacles that limit your access to education after high school.
Community service
Describe the specific types of service and the impact that your participation in community
service has had on your life.
Describe what you believe might distinguish your application from others submitted.
Include experiences that have contributed to your personal growth, as well as any hardships
and/or challenges that you’ve faced and overcome.
If applicable, talk about what it means to you to be a first-generation college-bound student
(neither parent has earned a four-year college degree).
Include any special awards or honors you’ve received, as well as any extracurricular
activities, groups, or performances in which you’ve been involved.
Include specific examples of service, hardship, etc., if the scholarship description asks you to.
Include barriers or obstacles that limit your access to education after high school.
If you listed SAMARA as one of the scholarships for which you are applying, describe how you have
supported the empowerment, health, and safety of LGBTQ+ people in your school or community.
We would also like to know how your journey to understand your own identity has impacted
your educational goals. To be considered, your essay should be at least 500 words.
As a student from a historically underrepresented community, especially BIPOC and/or
Multilingual Learner, describe how your experience and interests impacted both: your decision
to pursue your higher education and career goals and your dedication to serving the interests
of underrepresented communities.
Required Documents: Essays
The essay is your opportunity to speak directly to the scholarship committee(s).
The general essay is required for all VSAC-assisted scholarships in this booklet
and must include all four focus areas below.
Scholarship descriptions sometimes ask you to include specific information
in your general essay; be sure to read each scholarship description carefully
to ensure that you provide the information requested.
Each essay must be written by the applicant and should be labeled like the
sample provided on the right. The sample essay is not traditional; however,
scholarship committees find it useful to have each focus area broken out.
Applicant’s name
Last four digits of your
Social Security number
Financial Need
Community Service
How to Read A Scholarship Description
The VSAC-assisted scholarships on pages 6–46 are listed alphabetically by VSAC ID. Other scholarships on
pages 48–62 are listed alphabetically by name. Each description provides information about the scholarship,
eligibility requirements, and selection criteria. Review each scholarship description carefully to see if you
may be eligible to apply.
Type of Student Eligible
Any student: Any student may apply.
Adult students: You must be consid-
ered an independent student for
financial aid purposes (see FAFSA
guidelines at studentaid.gov/
College students: You must already
be enrolled in and attending college
when you apply.
Graduate students: You must have
already received a four-year under-
graduate degree and be enrolled in
graduate or professional-level coursework.
High school students: You must be
a high school senior who will earn a
diploma or GED by the start of the
upcoming school year.
Eligibility Criteria
This section includes the specific criteria you must meet in
order to be eligible for this scholarship (type of school, major
or field of study, town or county of residence, and whether
you must demonstrate academic achievement, financial need,
community service, etc.). You’re eligible to apply ONLY IF you
meet all of the criteria listed.
Number of Credits Needed
Any enrollment: Any number of credits
Full time: Minimum of 12 credits/term
3/4 time: Minimum of 9 credits/term
1/2 time: Minimum of 6 credits/term
1/4 time: Minimum of 3 credits/term
Type of College or Training Program You Need to Be
Enrolled in to Be Eligible (more than one may apply)
Any program: Any program is acceptable.
Cert program: Certificate program
Degree program: Undergraduate, graduate, or professional
degree program
Graduate (or Grad) program: Graduate or professional
degree program
Non-Degree (or ND) program: A non-degree, non-certificate
Undergrad program: Undergraduate (associate or bachelor’s)
degree program
You’ll need this code
in order to complete
the USA for all VSAC-
assisted scholarships
(pages 6–46).
This section lists, in order of importance,
the documents and criteria that the
selection committee will consider when
choosing one or more recipients.
If applicable, this section will
appear in the description and
will indicate the number of
years for which the scholarship
may be renewable. Instructions
and details for renewal the
following year will be included
in the letter notifying you of
the award if you’re chosen as
a recipient.
Other Scholarships
Application deadline for all
other scholarships on pages
First Generation
An individual neither of
whose parents received a
bachelor’s degree; or an
individual who regularly
resided with and received
support from only one parent
and whose supporting parent
did not receive a bachelor’s
Any student
Cert or Undergradprogram
3/4 time
Example Scholarship
(sponsored by the Vermont Chapter of the National Organization
for Scholarships)
The Vermont Chapter of the National Organization for Scholarships
established this scholarship to encourage Vermont students with a
passion for and commitment to their chosen field to pursue education
or training in this profession after high school.
Seek a degree/certification in a specific major
Be among the first generation in your family to attend a college
or university
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: Maximum one $2,500 scholarship
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, financial need, and
academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 20 Estimated awards: 1
Required Documents
This section lists all of the
documents you must submit
to VSAC in order for your
application to be complete.
Remember that all VSAC-
assisted scholarships require
that you complete the Unified
Scholarship Application (USA)
available at vsac.org/
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Undergrad program
1/2 time
American Institute of Architects Vermont Scholar
Promise Award
(sponsored by the American Institute of Architects-Vermont)
The American Institute of Architects Vermont Chapter created this
scholarship to encourage students to enter the field of architecture.
Seek an undergraduate degree in architecture
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.85 cumulative GPA
on a 4.00 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills, endeavors, and/or achievements
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One to two scholarships up to $2,000, but no less than $1,000
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, recommendation
letters, and essay
Estimated applicants: 27 Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
The Alannas Scholarship
This scholarship was established in honor of Alan and Ann Schwartz,
parents who provided strong encouragement for their children to pursue
postsecondary education despite considerable nancial adversity. First-
generation applicants will recognize sacrices their parent(s) made while
maintaining strong work ethics and instilling these characteristics in
their children.
Be a current high school senior, among the rst generation in your
family to attend college/university, and recognize the sacrices your
parent(s) have made
to support you in your pursuit of a postsecondary education
Be a current participant in the VSAC Talent Search program or
GEAR UP Priority program
Enroll full time in an undergraduate degree program
Demonstrate nancial need
Face signicant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans).
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), and ocial transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship*
Selection: Essay, nancial need, and academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 183 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Any student
Cert or Undergradprogram
Any enrollment
Anderson Scholarship
This one- or two-year scholarship is created to provide education for
Vermont students to attain a certificate or associate (two-year) degree
in an applied technical field. This scholarship is based on financial need
and a demonstrated desire to achieve skills needed to support the
Vermont economy. It is not based on past academic performance.
Seek a certificate or associate (two-year) degree in a technical field
(preference given to applicants with no previous degree)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate potential for success
Attend an accredited school (preference given to students attending
a Vermont-accredited school)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative from school or employer),
and essay #1 (general essay)
Renewability: May be renewable for up to one additional year.
Amount: $2,000$4,000 per year
Selection: Financial need, essay, recommendation letter, and personal
Estimated applicants: 130 Estimated awards: 15
Any student
Degree program
Any enrollment
Jean Andrews Nursing Scholarship
(sponsored by Porter Medical Center Auxiliary)
This scholarship was created to encourage students to enter the nursing
Reside or work in Addison County
Seek an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree in registered
nursing or nursing education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application and essay #1
(general essay)
Amount: Four $5,000 scholarships
Selection: Essay
Estimated applicants: 33 Estimated awards: 4
Your electronic signature is required on
the Unified Scholarship Application (USA).
A missing signature prevents VSAC from sharing
with scholarship committees any of the information
or documents you submit for consideration.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Philip and Alice Angell Eastern Star Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Philip and Alice Angell,
active in the Vermont Order of Eastern Star (OES) for over 50 years.
Seek an undergraduate degree in business or education
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One $500 scholarship
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 183 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Ascutney Mountain Audubon Society Scholarship
This scholarship was established to assist a graduating high school senior
who lives in a designated Vermont town and who has demonstrated a
strong commitment to the environment.
Reside in Andover, Athens, Baltimore, Bellows Falls, Bridgewater,
Cavendish, Chester, Grafton, Hartland, Londonderry, Ludlow,
Plymouth, Pomfret, Reading, Rockingham, Springfield, Weathersfield,
Westminster, Weston, West Windsor, Windsor, or Woodstock
Be a current high school senior seeking a bachelor’s (four-year) degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate community involvement/service that is specifically
related to preserving and/or conserving the environment
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recommen-
dation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay; include community
involvement/service specifically related to preserving and/or conserving the
environment), and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, academic achievement,
and personal interview (if necessary)
Estimated applicants: 45 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
The Robert E. Ashton, Jr., Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by family and friends of Robert E. Ashton, Jr.)
This scholarship was established in honor of St. Albans resident and long-
time, dedicated Bellows Free Academy (BFA) teacher Robert E. Ashton, Jr.
In addition to teaching for 40 years, Mr. Ashton also held other positions
at BFA, including chair of the English department, Athletic Director, and
coach of baseball, football, track, basketball, and golf. This scholarship was
created to provide financial support to a graduate of BFA St. Albans who
has taken initiative to overcome challenges, and who demonstrates financial
need, academic achievement, a strong work ethic, and leadership qualities.
Graduate or have graduated from Bellows Free Academy, St. Albans
Reside in Franklin County
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Preference given to applicants that demonstrate school/community
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and official
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 59 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
1/2 time
The Southeastern Vermont Audubon
Environmental Scholarship
(sponsored by the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society)
This scholarship was established by the Southeastern Vermont
Audubon Society to support a student who shows promise in working
to preserve our natural world.
Reside in Windham or Windsor County
Seek an undergraduate associate or bachelor’s degree in science-biology/
marine, environmental studies, forestry, wildlife management, or
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4. 0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay), and
official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $2,000
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 40 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Full time
The Carolyn Barra Scholarship
Carolyn Barra was an Essex High School student who was gifted
academically, active in the performing arts, and dedicated to community
service. Carolyn died as a result of complications of pulmonary
hypertension disorder in her senior year, and this scholarship was
established to honor her memory and her special spirit.
Graduating or have graduated from Essex High School
Enroll full time
Demonstrate activity in performing arts (drama, music, etc.)
Demonstrate community involvement and service
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recom-
mendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter #3 (visual/
performing arts), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One $3,000 scholarship*
Selection: Recommendation letters, essay, and academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 12 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
The Blakely/Jensen South Hero Scholarship
Beverly J. and G. Barry “Skip” Blakely established this scholarship to honor
their family’s work ethic, inspired by their parents. They wish to support
South Hero, Vermont, students at any level of postsecondary education
and at any point in their lives, by providing them with the ability to pursue
their dreams.
Reside in South Hero, Vermont
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate financial need
Preference given to students who demonstrate academic achieve-
ment (minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale)
Preference given to students who demonstrate school/community
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $2,000
Selection: Essay, financial need, academic achievement, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TB
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Mark Blucher Planning Scholarship
(sponsored by Rutland Regional Planning Commission)
This scholarship was created to recognize Mr. Blucher’s 39 years of service
to the Rutland Regional Planning Commission, as well as his commitment
to education. This scholarship is offered to Rutland County students who
demonstrate an interest in land use planning or a related field of study.
Reside in Vermont (preference given to residents of Rutland County)
Seek a degree in land use planning, legal studies, political studies,
emergency services, agriculture, environmental studies, forestry,
wildlife management, geography/history, automotive/motorcycle,
architecture, economics, or civil engineering (preference given to
applicants seeking education in land use planning)
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative
GPA on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letters, academic achievement, and
financial need
Estimated applicants: 132 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
VSAC Board of Directors Scholarship (David Coates)
(sponsored by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation)
VSAC established this scholarship to honor the contributions David
Coates made as a VSAC board member from April 2008 to June 2019.
Seek an associate or bachelor’s degree in business, accounting,
or finance
Be among the first generation in your family to attend college
(neither parent received a bachelor’s degree)
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay)
Renewability: May be renewable for up to one additional year.
Amount: Up to two $1,500 scholarships
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 76 Estimated awards: 2
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Any program
1/2 time
VSAC Board of Directors Scholarship (Dennis O’Brien)
(sponsored by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation)
VSAC established this scholarship to honor the contributions Dennis
O’Brien made as a VSAC board member from 2007 to 2021. This
scholarship will assist children of immigrants (who migrated to the
United States within the past 25 years) to pursue a postsecondary
Be a current high school senior
Be a child of immigrants to the United States; speak to this in your
general essay
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay—
speak to your parent(s)’ status as an immigrant; who migrated and
when), and official transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay, financial need, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 77 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Cert, Undergrad, or ND program
1/2 time
VSAC Board of Directors Scholarship
(Pamela Chisholm)
(sponsored by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation)
VSAC established this scholarship to honor the contributions Pamela
Chisholm made as a VSAC board member from July 2003 to June 2021.
This scholarship is created to assist first generation students, with
preference given to students who are attending or did attend the
Community College of Vermont with plans to continue their post-
secondary education. Recipients may re-apply in subsequent years.
Enroll at least half time in an undergraduate degree, certificate, or
non-degree program (preference given to students who are attending
or did attend CCV with plans to continue their postsecondary education—
speak to this in your essay)
Reside in Washington County
Be among the first generation in your family to attend college
(neither parent received a bachelor’s degree—speak to this in your essay)
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay—if attending or attended CCV, speak to your
plans for continued post secondary education), one recommendation
letter #1 (non-relative), and official transcript
Amount: Two $2,000 scholarships
Selection: Essay, financial need, academics, recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 32 Estimated awards: 2
College students
Undergrad program
3/4 time
VSAC Board of Directors Scholarship
(Virginia Cole-Levesque)
(sponsored by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation)
VSAC established this scholarship to honor the contributions Virginia
Cole-Levesque made as a VSAC board member from July 2005 through
June 2015.
Reside in Rutland or Windsor County
Be a current college student seeking an undergraduate degree in
health care or science
Enroll at least three-quarter time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to one additional year.
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, recommendation
letters, and essay
Estimated applicants: 54 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Any program
3/4 time
The Brighter Future Kyle Bouchard Scholarship
(sponsored by Ariel Love along with family, friends, and community)
This scholarship was created by Ariel Love, along with family, friends,
and coworkers of Kyle Bouchard, lifelong community member, former
Lamoille Union Student Assistance Program counselor and former
part-time deputy at Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department. The scholar-
ship was established to honor his selfless contributions to improving
the community.
Be a current high school senior residing in Lamoille County
Attend either Lamoille Union High School or Peoples Academy
Seek a degree in psychology, social work, counseling, human services,
education, or restorative justice
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Be among the first generation in your family to attend a college or
university (neither parent received a bachelor’s degree)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend a Vermont state college/university (Vermont State University,
University of Vermont, Community College of Vermont)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: Up to two $1,000 scholarships
Selection: Academic achievement, essay, recommendation letter,
and financial need
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Cert or Non-Degree program
Full time
William Boudreau Memorial Scholarship
for Licensed Nursing Assistants
(sponsored by the William Boudreau Trust)
The William Boudreau Trust established this scholarship in 2010 to
honor the memory and generosity of longtime Barton resident and
farmer William Boudreau. This scholarship provides financial assistance to
Orleans County residents who wish to become licensed nursing assistants.
Reside in Orleans County
Attend a licensed non-degree nursing assistant program within
Vermont, certified by the State Board of Nursing
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general
essay; describe any significant financial barriers that limit your access
to education)
Amount: Up to six $1,000 scholarships
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 10 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Dale A. Boutin Scholarship
This scholarship honors Dale Boutin, a woman who has a strong belief
in the power of education, and whose educational pursuits range from
biochemistry to landscape painting or music composition. She continues
to learn new skills and encourages others to pursue postsecondary
Be among the rst generation in your family to attend college/university
Be an independent student or be a dependent student from a single-
parent household seeking an undergraduate degree
Reside in Burlington, Barton, Glover, West Glover, Orleans, Irasburg,
or Newport
Enroll full time
Demonstrate nancial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: Two $1,500 scholarships
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 43 Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Cert, Undergrad, or ND program
1/2 time
Harry and Vi Bradley Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Law Enforcement Hockey Charities, Inc.)
The Vermont Law Enforcement Hockey Charities, Inc., created this
scholarship to provide financial support to a student involved in team
sports who intends to pursue a career in public safety. The Bradleys
were ardent supporters of the Vermont Law Enforcement Hockey
Charities, Inc., for many years, enabling the Corporation to provide
charitable contributions to youth groups around the state.
Be a current high school senior seeking an undergraduate degree or
non-degree certificate in public safety, including, but not limited to,
emergency medical services, fire service, health care, or law enforcement
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Face significant barriers or obstacles that limit your access to education
after high school
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letters, and essay
Estimated applicants: 123 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Lt. Col. Dale A. Burroughs Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Newbury Alumni Association)
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Lt. Col. Dale
Burroughs, a 1957 graduate of Newbury High School and UVM who lost
his life in a parachute accident. Dale was a 22-year veteran of the U.S.
Army, serving in Vietnam and earning the silver and bronze stars. He
was lieutenant colonel and commander of the 2nd Battalion of the
Special Forces Group, the Green Berets, at Fort Bragg, NC.
Reside in the town of Newbury, Vermont
Graduate or have graduated from Oxbow High School
Seek a certificate or undergraduate degree in the field of science
or agriculture
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: One $1,000
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, financial need, and
academic achievement
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Scott Campitelli Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Media Factory)
This scholarship was created to honor Scott Campitelli’s deep passion
for community media, lifelong learning, and free speech. It is offered to
any Vermont high school senior who is pursuing an education in radio,
television, broadcasting, or film.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree in Communications (radio, television,
broadcasting, or film)
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
one recommendation letter #2 (community service), official transcript
and an electronic portfolio of short video or audio submission of your
work. Portfolio must:
- be provided as either a website or a single file that provides short
video or audio examples of your work (please verify the quality of
the video or audio files prior to submitting);
- include a description of each piece stating what it represents, the
medium or software, and technique(s) used; and
- include your full name and date of birth.
Amount: One $2,000 scholarship*
Selection: Recommendation letters, essay, academic achievement,
and financial need
Estimated applicants: 35 Estimated awards: 1
Adult students
Undergrad program
1/2 time
Sister Elizabeth Candon Scholarship
(sponsored by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation)
VSAC created this scholarship to honor the contributions Sister Elizabeth
Candon has made to higher education in general and to women seeking
higher education in particular.
Be a female adult student seeking an undergraduate degree
Be a single parent with primary custody of at least one child 12 years
of age or younger
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay), and
family information (provide the name and age of the youngest child for
whom you are the custodial parent)
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 28 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Vermont John H. Chafee Education and Training
(sponsored by the federal government)
This scholarship was established for youth with experience in foster
care. The mission of this program is to help young adults prepare for
and enter training or educational institutions after high school. Funding
for this program is conditional upon annual federal approval.
Experienced Department for Children and Families (DCF) custody
after the age of 14 (after age 16 if exited to adoption or legal
Be under the age of 26 and have not participated in the program for
more than five years (years do not have to be consecutive)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, and
Vermont grant application (vsac.org/grants)
Amount: Scholarships generally range from $1,000 to $3,000 and may
not exceed $5,000. The amount disbursed cannot exceed your total cost
of attendance as defined by federal aid (tuition, fees, room, board, books,
and personal expenses) minus your student aid index (SAI) and all
other sources of gift aid combined.
Selection: Eligibility
Estimated applicants: N/A Estimated awards: N/A
Any student
3/4 time
Richard Clark Teacher Diversity Scholarship
This scholarship seeks to support Black, Indigenous, and other people
of color (BIPOC) and/or multilingual (ML) students who intend to
become teachers or other licensed educators such as a nurse, guidance
counselor, etc. (hopefully in a Vermont school). Amongst Vermont
preK-12 students, parents, and staff alike, there is a recognized need to
increase the racial and linguistic diversity of Vermont educators, and
this scholarship aims to assist in that effort.
Seek a degree in education—this can include any educator program
that results in a preK-12 license for a teacher, nurse, or guidance
Enroll at least three-quarter time
Identify as one or more of the following: BIPOC, Latinx, Asian
American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), Indigenous, Black, Hispanic,
and/or Multilingual Learner (ML) – English Learner (EL) whose
primary language in their home was one other than English
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, essay #1
(general essay), essay #3 (Scholarship-specific essay—Community),
and one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative)
Amount: Maximum of six scholarships—up to $1,500 for undergraduate
freshman/sophomore, up to $2,500 for undergraduate junior/senior, up to
$3,000 for graduate student
Selection: Essays and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 27 Estimated awards: 6
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Alice C. Coapland Scholarship
Alice C. Coapland established this scholarship in 2002. Before her death
in 2004, she generously bequeathed her estate to fund this scholarship
for female residents of northeastern Vermont who have high financial
need and who wish to pursue education after high school.
Be a female student seeking an undergraduate degree
Reside in a town served by the following high schools: Craftsbury
Academy, Lake Region Union High School, and North Country Union
High School (Albany, Barton, Brighton, Brownington, Charleston,
Coventry, Craftsbury, Derby, Glover, Greensboro, Hardwick, Holland,
Irasburg, Jay, Lowell, Morgan, Newport City, Newport Town, Stannard,
Troy, Westfield, Westmore, Wolcott, Woodbury)
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement and promise of continued
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: Two scholarships up to $3,000 each*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 77 Estimated awards: 2
Adult students
Any program
Any enrollment
G. Jason and Marcia Vance Conway Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by the G. Jason and Marcia Vance Conway Memorial
Scholarship Fund)
This scholarship was established in 2011 to honor the contributions
made to higher education by G. Jason Conway and Marcia Vance
Conway, who passed away in April 2010 and March 2009 respectively.
Face significant barriers or obstacles that limit your access to education
after high school
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $2,000 each*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 387 Estimated awards: 2
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
High school students
Undergrad program
1/2 time
Katie Currier Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by the Katie Currier Scholarship Fund)
This scholarship was created to honor the memory of Katie Currier,
who passed away at the age of 18. Katie was devoted to justice,
non-judgment, acceptance, and unity. This athletes’ scholarship was
established to provide financial aid to Vermont students who are
committed to promoting these qualities in their communities.
Be a current high school senior graduating from Essex High School
Seek an undergraduate degree
Be (or have been) a student athlete (preference given to applicants who
demonstrate and promote dedication to learning and a strong team spirit)
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recommen-
dation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay; include
examples of the ways in which you have demonstrated and promoted a
dedication to learning and a strong team spirit)
Amount: Two $1,000 scholarships (one to a male, and one to a female)
Selection: Essay and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 19 Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
The Merle Clough Cutting Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Newbury Alumni Association)
Merle Clough Cutting, a 1935 graduate of Newbury High School, was
employed by the Bell Telephone Company for 45 years, rising to the
position of chief operator in Woodsville and Plymouth NH.
Be a current high school senior residing in the town of Newbury,
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 16 Estimated awards: 1
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Champlain Valley Street Rodders (CVSR) Scholarship
The Champlain Valley Street Rodders established this scholarship to
assist students pursuing careers in the automotive field.
Seek a certificate or undergraduate degree in a field related to
automotive technology, mechanics, or repair
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One $500 scholarship
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, financial need, and
academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 31 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Degree program
Any enrollment
Elizabeth J. Davis Scholarship of the VNAs of Vermont
This scholarship was established to assist students who are seeking
bachelor’s degrees or advanced degrees in health professions.
Seek an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree in registered
nursing, licensed practical nursing, physical therapy, speech language
pathology, occupational therapy, or social work (preference given to
applicants pursuing four-year degrees or higher and/or applicants
interested in working in home health)
Demonstrate financial need
Intend to work in Vermont for a minimum of two years
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay—
speak to your interest in working in home health, if applicable)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $3,000 each*
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 329 Estimated awards: 18
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Graduate students
Graduate program
Any enrollment
Hildegard Durfee Scholarship (Graduate)
This scholarship was established to enable residents of Windham County
to further their education at the graduate level and/or to prepare themselves
for career changes that require graduate-level coursework after college.
Reside in Windham County (preference given to residents of Bellows
Falls, Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Newfane, and Putney)
Be a current graduate student seeking a graduate or professional
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
official transcript, and resumé
Amount: Scholarships range from $500 to $1,500
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, financial need, academic
achievement, resumé, and personal interview (if necessary)
Estimated applicants: 31 Estimated awards: 3
Any student
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Hildegard Durfee Scholarship (Undergraduate)
This scholarship was established to enable residents of Windham County
to further their education at the undergraduate level and/or to prepare
themselves for career changes that require undergraduate-level
coursework after high school.
Reside in Windham County (preference given to residents of Bellows
Falls, Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Newfane, and Putney)
Seek an undergraduate degree
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: Scholarships range from $500 to $1,500
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, financial need, academic
achievement, and personal interview (if necessary)
Estimated applicants: 120 Estimated awards: 58
How will scholarships affect other aid?
Before applying for scholarships, check with your
college/university or training school to ask whether
receiving a scholarship may affect your overall
financial aid package.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
College students
Undergrad program
1/2 time
Early Childhood Educators Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to support students who have a
commitment to the education of young children. Early childhood education
plays a crucial role in a child’s overall development and success by
cultivating their natural curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking abilities,
which are foundational for lifelong learning.
Be a current college student who resides in Chittenden, Franklin,
Grand Isle, or Lamoille County
Seek an undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,000 each
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Any student
Any program
3/4 time
Gordy and Gwen EMS Scholarship
This scholarship was created to recognize individuals in emergency
medical services (EMS) who serve others on a daily basis.
Be an active member (with a minimum of one year of active service)
OR be a spouse or dependent child of an active member (with a
minimum one year of active service) of a Vermont-licensed ambulance
or first respond squad in Addison or Chittenden County
Enroll at least three-quarter time
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), official transcript, and certification-first responders
(provide a signed statement from the head of a Vermont-licensed ambulance
or first respond squad in Addison or Chittenden County, certifying that: [1]
the applicant is either an active member OR a spouse or dependent child of
an active member of a Vermont-licensed ambulance or first respond squad
in Addison or Chittenden County; and [2] the squad member has a minimum
of one year of active service)
Amount: Up to two $1,000 scholarships*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, and essay
Estimated applicants: 16 Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Stanley C. Faryniarz, Sr. Teacher’s Scholarship
(sponsored by the Faryniarz Family)
This scholarship was established to help a Vermont high school
graduating senior pursue a college education with the goal of acquiring
Vermont teacher certification to become a teacher of public education
in Vermont.
Be a graduating high school senior seeking an undergraduate degree
in education
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend the Vermont State University, University of Vermont, or
Community College of Vermont
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship at $1,000
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Richard T. Gates Engineering and Technology
Endowed Challenge Scholarship
This scholarship was established to help worthy and able students
pursue their bachelor of science degrees in engineering or technology.
Have been born in Vermont
Have parent(s) who is legal resident of Vermont
Be a current high school senior currently attending a Windham
County high school or Springfield High School
Seek a bachelor of science degree in engineering or technology
(program must be accredited by the Accrediting Board for Engineering
and Technology)
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
official transcript, and birth certificate
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: One scholarship up to $4,000*
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, recommendation
letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 16 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Robert Gensburg Scholarship
(sponsored by Evernorth)
This scholarship not only recognizes the significant contributions
Robert Gensburg made to affordable housing and education in
Vermont, but also reflects Bob’s lifelong commitment to social and
economic equality for all Vermonters. Bob was a great mentor and
friend to Evernorth. This scholarship is available for those entered into
any college program, or any certification or technical training through
a technical school or college.
Reside in an affordable housing apartment owned by Evernorth, a
public housing authority, or one of the nonprofit regional housing
organizations, or be the child of a parent/guardian who resides in
an Evernorth-affiliated apartment
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay), and membership
(provide the name and address of the affordable housing apartment
owned by Evernorth, public housing authority or nonprofit regional
housing organization in which you or your parent/guardian resides,
as well as the name of the individual(s) who signed the lease for the
apartment, and their relationship to you)
Amount: Estimated four maximum $4,000 scholarships
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letters, and essay
Estimated applicants: 3 Estimated awards: 3
High school students
Cert or Undergrad program
Full time
Frank M. and Olive F. Gilman Foundation Scholarship
The Gilman Foundation created this scholarship to promote academic
growth and achievement in order to foster greater individual earning
power and a skilled labor force. Recipients are selected by an independent
selection committee not comprised of Gilman Foundation Board members.
Recipients will be notified at high school graduation ceremonies.
Vermont residency not required
Be a current high school senior who will graduate from one of the
following Orange County or Windsor County high schools: Blue
Mountain Union High School, Green Mountain Union High School,
Hartford High School, Mid Vermont Christian School, Oxbow High
School, Randolph Union High School, Sharon Academy, Springfield
High School, Thetford Academy, White River Valley High School,
Williamstown Middle High School, Windsor High School, or
Woodstock Union High School
Seek a certificate or an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years if
continuously enrolled full time.
Amount: Approximately 75 scholarships up to $6,000 each
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 200 Estimated awards: 62
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Vermont Sheriffs’ Association: William Graham
This scholarship was created to honor former Windham County Sheriff
William Graham, who has exemplified outstanding public service and
community leadership throughout his life.
Be a dependent of a member of the Vermont Sheriffs’ Association
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), official transcript, and membership (provide the name
of the individual who is a member of the Vermont Sheriffs’ Association, and
their relationship to you)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay, academic achievement, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 3 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Degree program
Any enrollment
Alfred T. Granger Student Art Fund Scholarship
This endowed fund was established to support a college education for
talented students pursuing studies in architecture, design, fine arts,
architectural engineering, or mechanical drawing (CAD).
Seek a degree in architecture, interior design, studio art, architectural
engineering, mechanical drawing, or lighting design
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#3 (visual/performing arts), essay #1 (general essay), official transcript,
and an electronic portfolio. Portfolio must:
- be provided as either a website or a single file that provides up to 20
electronic images (please verify quality of images prior to submitting);
- include artwork and/or architecture drawings, a description of
each piece stating what it represents, the medium or software,
and technique(s) used; and
- include your full name and date of birth.
Amount: Four $2,500 scholarships (undergraduate students) and two
$5,000 scholarships (graduate students)
Selection: Portfolio, recommendation letters, essay, academic
achievement, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 78 Estimated awards: 8
Notification of Applicants
Generally, recipients are notified by May 1, if we
have received the funding and recipient decisions
from the scholarship committee.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Degree program
1/4 time
Green Mountain Veterinary Scholarship
(sponsored by the Harold Mitchell Family)
The Harold Mitchell family established this scholarship to encourage
Vermonters to pursue a degree in the veterinary field.
Be a Vermont resident (preference given to students born in
Enroll in your first year of a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program
or your first year of a Veterinary Technician program (preference
given to students enrolled in a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans).
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: Up to $5,000 awarded annually
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Any student
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Green Up Vermont Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Green Up)
This scholarship was established in 2020 to mark the 50th anniversary
of Green Up Day, a statewide initiative that began in 1970 to clear
Vermont’s roadsides of litter. In 1979, the nonprofit organization
Vermont Green Up, Inc., was formed to continue the success of Green
Up Day and build awareness of a litter-free environment. This scholar-
ship is intended for individuals who have participated in Green Up Day.
Seek an undergraduate degree
Demonstrate active participation in Vermont Green Up Day
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, essay #1
(general essay), one recommendation letter #2 (community service),
and certification-Green Up (provide a signed letter from your Green Up
Volunteer Team Coordinator that states you actively participated in Green
Up Day)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Certification, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 167 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
1/4 time
The Mary K. Hale and J. Stewart Garvin
Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Newbury Alumni Association)
This scholarship was established in memory of Mary K. Hale and
J. Stewart Garvin. Mary K. Hale was a 1903 graduate of Newbury High
School and later from Smith College. She was a teacher at Newbury
High School for over 40 years, a member of the DAR, and the librarian
at the Tenney Memorial Library. J. Stewart Garvin was a World War I
veteran and superintendent of schools for Caledonia-Orange district for
30 years. Mr. Garvin was an outstanding leader in the field of education.
Be a resident of the town of Newbury, Vermont
Will graduate or have graduated from Oxbow High School (preference
given to current high school seniors attending Oxbow High School)
Seek a certificate or undergraduate degree in the field of education
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Virginia C. Henderson Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Newbury Alumni Association)
This scholarship was established by the Newbury Alumni Association
to honor Virginia C. Henderson, Newbury High School Class of 1933.
Ginny was the first woman to be elected lister for the Town of Newbury
in 1971. She served as alumni president for many years and gave her
unending support to the alumni and its scholarship funds.
Be a resident of the town of Newbury, Vermont
Will graduate or have graduated from Oxbow High School (preference
given to current high school seniors attending Oxbow High School)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
David A. Hicks Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to help students who have overcome
hardship in their lives (including illness) or who face significant barriers
that limit their access to education after high school.
Have graduated from Mount Anthony Union High School or West
Rutland High School (preference given to applicants who have overcome
hardship in their lives, including illness, or who face significant barriers
that limit their access to education after high school)
Seek a bachelor’s degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay;
include ways in which you have overcome hardship or illness in your life,
and a description of the barriers you face that limit your access to education
after high school)
Amount: One scholarship up to $2,000*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 14 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
1/2 time
Hi-Low Farm Orleans County 4-H Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial support to
students from Orleans County who were active in 4-H in their youth.
Reside in Orleans County
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement/service (including active
involvement in 4-H)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative; applicants are encouraged
to submit this recommendation letter from a current or former 4-H
leader), one recommendation letter #2 (community service), essay #1
(general essay; include examples of your active involvement in 4-H), and
current 4-H membership (provide the name of your current 4-H chapter)
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letters, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 2 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
1/2 time
Hi-Low Farm Lowell Vermont Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide nancial support to students
with a high school diploma, including students who have successfully
completed a home schooling program.
Reside in Brighton, Charleston, Coventry, Derby, Holland, Jay, Lowell,
Morgan, Newport City, Newport Town, Troy, North Troy, or Westeld,
and/or graduate/have graduated from North Country Union High School
(preference given to applicants who live/lived with a parent who is a resident
of Lowell at the time the applicant graduated from high school)
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate nancial need
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), and essay #1 (general essay—speak to Lowell
residency, if applicable)
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letters, and nancial need
Estimated applicants: 37 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
1/4 time
The Dwight and Doris Hitchcock Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Harold & Sally M. Mitchell)
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Dwight and
Doris Hitchcock for their lifelong love of family and friends, and service
to the town of Athens, Vermont. Dwight Hitchcock was a selectman,
and Doris held other positions in Athens for several years. The purpose
of this scholarship is to assist students in pursuing a two- or four-year
Seek an associate or bachelor’s degree
Enroll at least one-quarter time
Demonstrate financial need
Reside in the town of Athens, Grafton, or Bellows Falls VT (preference
given first to students living in Athens, next to students living in Grafton,
and third to students living in Bellows Falls)
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct Loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, two
recommendation letters #1 (non-relative, preferably from teachers/school
counselors), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One $2,000 scholarship*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, recommendation
letters, and essay
Estimated applicants: 29 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
You must be a Vermont resident and a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen of the United States to apply for
VSAC-assisted scholarships, unless a scholarship specifies otherwise.
Any student
Cert or Degree program
1/2 time
John Cooper Hubbard Scholarship
(sponsored by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation)
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide aid for worthy Vermont
students studying in the nursing field (RN or LPN level) or pursuing
advanced studies in the medical or nursing fields.
Seek a degree or certification in nursing or medical studies
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: Up to $50,000 annually
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 369 Estimated awards: 25
Any student
Degree program
1/2 time
Dr. Marc Hull Special Education Leadership Scholarship
(sponsored by the Vermont Council of Special Education Administrators)
This scholarship was created to honor Dr. Marc Hull, a former Vermont
commissioner of education who dedicated his career to creating equitable
learning opportunities for all students, particularly those with disabilities.
Seek a certificate or license in special education
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate community involvement/service (particularly related to
individuals with disabilities)
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recommen-
dation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter #2 (community
service), essay #1 (general essay—speak to community involvement/
service related to individuals with disabilities), and official transcript
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,500 total*
Selection: Recommendation letters, essay, and academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 30 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Carol A. Hurley Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the friends, family, and colleagues
of Carol Hurley, a VSAC outreach counselor who helped first-generation
college-bound students prepare for college.
Be a current high school senior who will graduate from one of the
following high schools: Randolph Technical Career Center, Randolph
Union High School, White River Valley High School, Windsor High
School, or Woodstock Union High School (preference given to applicants
who are among the first generation in their families to attend college)
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,000 each*
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, financial need, and academic
Estimated applicants: 55 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Any program
1/2 time
Franklin H. Isham Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Olive Wilcox created this scholarship to honor the memory of
her husband, Franklin Horace Isham.
Reside in Franklin County
Have graduated from a Franklin County high school
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, and essay
Estimated applicants: 121 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Undergrad program
1/2 time
Students with Disabilities Endowed Scholarship
Honoring Elizabeth Daley Jeffords
(sponsored by the Senator Jeffords Endowment Scholarship Fund)
Former U.S. Senator James M. Jeffords of Vermont established this
scholarship to honor his wife, Elizabeth Daley Jeffords, by providing
financial support to students with disabilities who wish to pursue
college degrees.
Demonstrate documented disability (504 Plan or IEP from your
school, or a statement from Voc Rehab documenting your disability)
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay), and
certification (provide a copy of your most recent 504 Plan or IEP, OR a
statement from Voc Rehab that documents your disability)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $4,000*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, financial need, and personal
interview (if necessary)
Estimated applicants: 193 Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Senator James M. Jeffords Endowed Scholarship
to Honor Marion Hausman Jeffords
Former U.S. Senator James M. Jeffords of Vermont established this
scholarship in memory of his mother, Marion Hausman Jeffords, to
honor her career as an educator who taught music and art in Rutland.
Be a current high school senior who resides in Rutland County or
attends a Rutland County high school
Seek an undergraduate degree in the arts, including, but not limited
to, music, visual arts, dance, or theater
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
one recommendation letter #3 (visual/performing arts), essay #1
(general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $4,000*
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, financial need, and
academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 16 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Senator James M. Jeffords Endowed Scholarship
to Honor Mary Jeffords Mills
Former U.S. Senator James M. Jeffords of Vermont established this
scholarship to honor his sister, Mary Jeffords Mills, by inspiring and
encouraging future generations of teachers.
Be a current high school senior who resides in Rutland County or
attends a Rutland County high school (preference given to Rutland High
School seniors)
Seek an undergraduate degree in education
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $4,000*
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, financial need, and academic
Estimated applicants: 14 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
3/4 time
Jennie Johnson Scholarship
This scholarship was created to honor the memory of artist Jennie
Johnson, who was most widely known as the postmaster of Beebe Plain,
Reside in Essex or Orleans County
Seek a certificate or undergraduate degree
Enroll at least three-quarter time
Intend to reside and work in Vermont upon graduation
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, recommendation
letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 76 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
The Jorgensen Tunbridge Scholarship
(sponsored by Kathryn Jorgensen)
This scholarship was established to support Tunbridge residents pursuing
post-high school/GED education or training in any accredited academic,
technical, vocational, apprenticeship, or graduate program.
Reside in Tunbridge, Vermont
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay), and
official transcript
Amount: Up to two $1,000 scholarships
Selection: Financial need, essay, recommendation letter, and academic
Estimated applicants: 8 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Any program
Full time
Taini Mae Kinney Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the family and friends of Taini Mae
Kinney who wished to honor Taini’s kindness toward others.
Reside in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont (Caledonia, Essex,
or Orleans County)
Seek education or training in a health care field, including holistic
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 68 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Cert program
Any enrollment
The Bruce Lamb Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Electric Cooperative Employee’s Fund)
This scholarship was created in memory of Bruce Lamb, a rst-class
lineman who passed away in a fatal accident while performing his job.
He was devoted not only to his job, but also to his co-workers and
friends. Bruce had many roles and was highly respected throughout
his work place, electrical union, community, and family. His career as
a lineman lasted 34 years.
Be a current high school senior who resides in one of the following
counties: Addison, Essex, Franklin, Orleans, Caledonia, Grand Isle,
Chittenden, or Lamoille
Accepted into a lineman certificate program at an accredited
lineman school
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills, endeavors, and/or achievements
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Face significant barriers or obstacles that limit your access to education
after high school
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, one recommen-
dation letter #1 (non-relative, from former teacher), one recommendation
letter #1 (non-relative, from former employer), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay and recommendation letters
Estimated applicants: 5 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Any program
Full time
Norman and Cecile Leduc Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by the Norman and Cecile Leduc Memorial Scholarship Fund)
This scholarship was created to honor the memory and lives of Norman
and Cecile Leduc.
Be a current high school senior
Reside in Franklin or Grand Isle County
Enroll full time
Demonstrate leadership in community service outside of school
activities (preference given to activities with religious groups)
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate nancial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required Documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay—speak to activities with
religious groups), and ocial transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: One $750 scholarship*
Selection: Financial need, essay, academic achievement, and
recommendation letters
Estimated applicants: 77 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Charles E. Leonard Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by the Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually
This scholarship was created in memory of Charles Leonard by his
mother after his death in 1981. Mr. Leonard, who was blind, was an
engineer at General Electric for many years and served as president
of VABVI from 1978 to 1980.
Be blind or visually impaired (after best corrected vision), OR be a
child of a blind or visually impaired person, OR pursue a career in
the education or rehabilitation of blind or visually impaired people
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay
#1 (general essay), official transcript, and certification-Leonard (If you
or one or more of your parents is blind or visually impaired, submit a copy
of the most recent optometrist report, including the cause of the visual
impairment and data relating to acuity, for each visually impaired person—
you and/or your parent/s.)
Amount: Approximately four $500 scholarships
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, and essay
Estimated applicants: 11 Estimated awards: 4
Any student
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Emily Lester Vermont Opportunity Scholarship
(sponsored by the State of Vermont)
This scholarship is administered with the proceeds from a trust fund
established through an annual appropriation from State of Vermont’s
general fund. Funding for this program is conditional upon annual
legislative approval.
Be currently under the custody of the Vermont Commissioner of the
Department for Children and Families (DCF) OR be between the ages
of 18 and 24 and have been under the custody of the Vermont
Commissioner of the DCF for at least six months when applicant was
between the ages of 16 and 18
Seek an undergraduate degree
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, and
Vermont grant application (available at vsac.org/grants)
Amount: Scholarships generally range from $1,000 to $2,000 and may
not exceed $3,000. The amount disbursed cannot exceed your total
costs (tuition, fees, room, and board) minus your student aid index (SAI)
and all other sources of gift aid combined.
Selection: Eligibility
Estimated applicants: N/A Estimated awards: N/A
College students
Undergrad program
3/4 time
Let’s Grow Kids Scholarship for Aspiring Early
Childhood Educators—Continuing Students
(sponsored by Let’s Grow Kids)
This scholarship was created to increase the quality and availability of
early care and learning teachers who plan to work with young children
in infant/toddler and prekindergarten programs. Every child deserves
a strong start and equal chance in life, which requires a well-qualified
early childhood education workforce.
Be a current student pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree in
early childhood education or early childhood special education
Enroll at least three-quarter time
Demonstrate outstanding academic achievement (minimum 2.5
cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate intention to work in Vermont for a minimum of two
years after college
Be a member of the Vermont Association for the Education of
Young Children
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
official transcript, and certification-LGK-CS (provide a signed statement
from an authorized member of the Vermont Association for the Education
of Young Children stating that you are a member of the association)
Amount: Up to three scholarships of up to $1,500 each
Selection: Academic achievement, essay, recommendation letter, and
financial need
Estimated applicants: 25 Estimated awards: 3
Are you mailing a document to VSAC?
Include your full name and last four digits
of your Social Security number on EVERY
Without this information, VSAC will be unable to
determine that it belongs with your application.
Your application will therefore be considered
incomplete and won’t be considered, even though
you may have submitted all required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Undergrad program
3/4 time
Let’s Grow Kids Scholarship for Aspiring Early Childhood
Educators—New Students
(sponsored by Let’s Grow Kids)
This scholarship was created for the purpose of increasing the quality
and availability of early care and learning teachers who plan to work
with young children in infant/toddler and prekindergarten programs.
Every child deserves a strong start and equal chance in life which
requires a well-qualified early childhood education workforce.
Be a graduating high school senior seeking an associate or
bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or early childhood
special education
Enroll at least three-quarter time
Demonstrate outstanding academic achievement (minimum 2.75
cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate intention to work in Vermont for a minimum of two
years after college
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans); preference given to students
attending a Vermont college or university
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: Up to three scholarships of up to $1,500 each
Selection: Academic achievement, essay, recommendation letter, and
financial need
Estimated applicants: 46 Estimated awards: 3
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Jericho-Underhill Lions Club David Damkot
Memorial Scholarship
The Jericho-Underhill Lions Club created this scholarship to encourage
residents in the Jericho-Underhill area to serve their communities and
develop high ethical standards. The scholarship name was changed in
2016 to memorialize and honor David Damkot, a charter member of
the club.
Be a graduating high school senior or an adult student pursuing
your first postsecondary academic degree
Reside in Bolton, Huntington, Jericho, Richmond, or Underhill
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community service and good citizenship
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,500 each
Selection: Recommendation letters, essay, financial need, and
academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 32 Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Amy Lowenstein Scholarship
This scholarship was created to assist academically promising graduates
of Addison County public high schools who plan to attend a competitive,
degree-granting, four-year, accredited college full time.
Be a current high school senior who resides in Addison County
Seek a bachelor’s (four-year) degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and promise of
continued excellence
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Attend a competitive accredited school approved for federal Title IV
funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: One $3,000 scholarship
Selection: Academic achievement, essay, financial need, and recom-
mendation letters
Estimated applicants: 49 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Denton and Ann Lyon Scholarship
This scholarship was created to assist graduating high school seniors
from Addison County who demonstrate strong financial need and high
academic achievement, and who are committed to attending and
succeeding in college.
Be a current high school senior who resides in Addison County
Graduate from an Addison County high school OR be a home-schooled
or GED recipient who would otherwise have graduated from an
Addison County high school
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement and/or service
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to one additional year.
Amount: Up to three scholarships of $2,000 maximum*
Selection: Financial need, essay, recommendation letter, and academic
Estimated applicants: 43 Estimated awards: 3
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Any program
1/2 time
John and Ruth Maciag Scholarship
This scholarship was created to honor John and Ruth’s commitment
to art and design, learning, and international travel.
Be a current high school senior
Seek education or training in architecture, architectural engineering,
computer graphics and animation, fine arts, interior design, studio
art, or a related field
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 100 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Edgar May Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the life and work of Edgar
May, longtime champion of individuals outside the circle of financial
and social success.
Be a current high school senior who resides in Caledonia, Essex,
Orange, Orleans, or Windsor County
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Face significant barriers or obstacles that limit your access to education
after high school
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One or more scholarship(s) of up to $1,000 each*
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 171 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Cert or Undergrad program
Any enrollment
The Harold and Sally Mitchell Scholarship
(sponsored by Harold and Sally Mitchell)
This scholarship was created to provide financial assistance to Vermont
high school graduating seniors who seek an associate degree or certifi-
cation in a vocational or technical field after high school graduation.
Preference given to students seeking certification in a vocational or
technical field
Reside in the town of Athens, Grafton, or Bellows Falls (preference
given first to students living in Athens, next to students living in Grafton,
and third to students living in Bellows Falls)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, two
recommendation letters #1 (non-relative, preferably from teachers/school
counselors), and official transcript
Amount: One $2,000 scholarship*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, and recommendation
Estimated applicants: 18 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Cert or Undergrad program
1/4 time
The Harold and Sally Mitchell Scholarship–
Bellows Falls/Springfield
(sponsored by Harold and Sally Mitchell)
This scholarship was established to help students graduating from
either Bellows Falls Union High School or Springfield High School to
pursue higher education or certification in a vocational/technical field
of study.
Be a current high school senior graduating from either Bellows Falls
Union High School or Springfield High School (preference given to
students living in Bellows Falls)
Seek a certificate or degree in a vocational, technical, or business-
related field
Enroll at least one-quarter time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Face significant barriers that limit your access to education after
high school
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $2,000*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, recommendation
letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 11 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Don’t assume.
Check the status of required documents through
your MyVSAC account online at:
or call us if you have ANY questions.
Toll-free 888-253-4819
Burlington area 802-654-3798
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
The Mitchell Family Scholarship
(sponsored by Harold and Sally Mitchell)
This scholarship was created to provide financial assistance to Vermont
students who want to pursue undergraduate education and their
career goals.
Be a current senior in a Vermont high school who has lived in
Vermont since birth
Enroll full time in an undergraduate associate or bachelor’s degree
Demonstrate financial need
Be among the first generation in your family to attend college
(neither parent received a bachelor’s degree)
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, Stafford loans, PLUS loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay), and
official transcript
Amount: Up to four $5,000 scholarships; only one applicant from a
high school will be selected*
Selection: Financial need, essay, recommendation letter, academic
Estimated applicants: 266 Estimated awards: 4
High school students
Cert or Undergrad program
1/4 time
The Harold and Sally Mitchell Scholarship–
Green Mountain/Springfield
(sponsored by Harold and Sally Mitchell)
This scholarship was established to help students graduating from
either Green Mountain Union High School or Springfield High School to
pursue higher education or certification in a vocational/technical field
of study.
Be a current high school senior graduating from either Green
Mountain Union High School or Springfield High School (preference
given to students living in Andover)
Seek a certificate or degree in a vocational, technical, or business-
related field
Enroll at least one-quarter time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $2,000*
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, recommendation
letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 17 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
M&T Bank Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to
Vermont students who wish to pursue college degrees.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: One $2,500 scholarship
Selection: Academic achievement, recommendation letter, essay,
and financial need
Estimated applicants: 519 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Municipal Service Scholarship
(sponsored by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns)
The Vermont League of Cities and Towns established this scholarship to
encourage Vermonters to serve in a city, town, or village government.
Must be a Vermont municipal employee (including part-time and
seasonal who have served within 12 months of application), or a
Vermont municipal elected official, or a Vermont municipal appointed
official, or dependent child age 26 or younger of any of the above.
Vermont municipal appointed officials are defined as any individual
appointed to a municipal role by the legislative body of a municipality,
including planning commission members.
Commit to working in a municipal government (must speak to this in
your essay)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans), within Vermont.
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay—include why you want to serve in a municipal
government), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative; must be from
a municipal official), and resumé
Amount: One $2,000 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Undergrad program
1/2 time
Bernice Murray Scholarship
(sponsored by former U.S. Senator James Jeffords and the Federal
Executives’ Association)
This scholarship was created by former U.S. Senator James M. Jeffords
of Vermont, along with family and friends of Bernice Murray, longtime
aide to Senator Jeffords. The scholarship was established to honor her
unselfish contributions to improving the lives of Vermonters.
Be a single parent with primary custody of at least one child 12
years of age or younger
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and child care information (provide current/future day care provider’s
name, address, and phone numbers; include the age of each child attending
day care, the number of hours each child will be in day care/week, and the
total cost of day care/week; also provide the name and age of the youngest
child for whom you are the custodial parent)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $4,000 to be used for
payment of child care expenses*
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 17 Estimated awards: 3
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Newbury Alumni Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Newbury Alumni Association)
This scholarship was established in honor of all Newbury High School
alumni to enable a graduate to pursue college after high school.
Be a resident of the town of Newbury, Vermont
Will graduate or have graduated from Oxbow High School (preference
given to current high school seniors attending Oxbow High School)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Nichols Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2015 to honor Francis and Louise
Nichols and their children, William Nichols and Sarah Nichols Gruenig.
The intent of this program is to ease the financial burden of a college
degree for Vermont students who have faced adversity in their lives
and/or overcome hardship.
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity and/or hardship
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay;
include specific examples of ways in which you have demonstrated
resilience in the face of adversity and/or overcome hardship in your life),
and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: Two scholarships up to $6,250 each
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, recommendation
letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 752 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Nichols Family Scholarship (Agriculture and
Environmental Science)
This scholarship was established in 2014 to honor Francis and Louise
Nichols and their children, William Nichols and Sarah Nichols Gruenig,
who valued education, hard work, and the natural world. The intent of
this program is to support students in pursuing studies in agriculture or
environmental studies.
Seek an undergraduate degree in agriculture or environmental studies
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: Two scholarships up to $6,250 each
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 113 Estimated awards: 2
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Degree program
1/2 time
NROC Art Scholarship
Northgate Residents Ownership Corporation (NROC) is a resident-
owned and -directed community in the New North End of Burlington.
This scholarship was created for Northgate residents who may be first-
generation college students, new Americans, and/or those who may have
experienced generational poverty. All applicants should demonstrate that
they understand the idea behind Northgate Residents Ownership
Corporation, which is a diverse community that works together for the
greater good of its immediate and greater community.
Must be a Northgate Apartments resident for at least six months
Seek an associate degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in
art (any medium)
Enroll at least half time
Face significant barriers that limit or have limited your access to
education after high school
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, certification-
NROC (Note: candidate MUST contact the Northgate management
office to request a certification be completed on their behalf; Northgate
will determine candidate’s eligibility), one recommendation letter #1
(non-relative), essay #1 (general essay), and an electronic portfolio.
- Portfolio must be provided as either a website or a single file that
provides up to 20 electronic images (please verify quality of images
prior to submitting).
- Portfolio should include artwork and/or architecture drawings, a
description of each piece stating what it represents, the medium or
software, and technique(s) used.
- Portfolios must include your full name and date of birth.
Amount: One $3,000 scholarship
Selection: NROC certification, recommendation letter, essay, and portfolio
Estimated applicants: 3 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Cert or Non-Degree program
Any enrollment
NROC Non-Degree Scholarship
Northgate Residents Ownership Corporation (NROC) is a resident-
owned and -directed community in the New North End of Burlington.
This scholarship was created for Northgate residents who may be first-
generation college students, new Americans, and/or those who may have
experienced generational poverty. All applicants should demonstrate that
they understand the idea behind Northgate Residents Ownership
Corporation, which is a diverse community that works together for the
greater good of its immediate and greater community.
Must be a Northgate Apartments resident for at least 6 months
Seek education and/or training/career enhancement from trade
school, vocational school, or career classes
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, certification-
NROC (Note: candidate MUST contact the Northgate management office
to request a certification be completed on their behalf; Northgate will
determine candidate’s eligibility), and essay #1 (general essay).
Amount: Seven $1,000 scholarships
Selection: NROC certification and essay
Estimated applicants: 2 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Degree program
1/2 time
NROC Postsecondary Education Scholarship
Northgate Residents Ownership Corporation (NROC) is a resident-
owned and -directed community in the New North End of Burlington.
This scholarship was created for Northgate residents who may be first-
generation college students, new Americans, and/or those who may have
experienced generational poverty. All applicants should demonstrate that
they understand the idea behind Northgate Residents Ownership
Corporation, which is a diverse community that works together for the
greater good of its immediate and greater community.
Must be a Northgate Apartments resident for at least 6 months
Demonstrate any significant barriers that limit, or have limited, their
access to a postsecondary education
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Enroll at least half time in an undergraduate or graduate degree
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, certification-
NROC (Note: candidate MUST contact the Northgate management office
to request a certification be completed on their behalf; Northgate will
determine candidate’s eligibility), one recommendation letter #1
(non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay).
Amount: Five $3,000 scholarships
Selection: NROC certification, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 5 Estimated awards: 5
Did you submit an OFFICIAL transcript?
A transcript must:
include grades through the previous academic year
include a calculated GPA or proficiency-based GPA
include the student’s name, the school the transcript
is from, and the school-year semesters that the
grades are for
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Norwich Women’s Club Scholarship
This scholarship is open to any resident of Norwich who is pursuing
education beyond high school. Students of all ages are urged to apply.
Previous awardees are encouraged to apply in subsequent years. The
Women’s Club makes multiple annual awards, including the Woodworth
Scholarship Award, which recognizes applicants whose service to others
has made a signicant dierence in the community. Applicants should
indicate in their essay whether they’re eligible for the Woodworth
Scholarship. In their essay, applicants should also speak to the issue
of nancial need.
Reside in Norwich
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, and
essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: Scholarships range from $500 to $6,000
Selection: Financial need and essay
Estimated applicants: 12 Estimated awards: 14
Any student
Degree program
Any enrollment
Northwest Vermont Accounting Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Community Foundation/Northwest Vermont
Accounting Scholarship Fund)
This scholarship was established to assist residents of the northwestern
part of Vermont who are committed to pursuing a college education
and a career in accounting.
Reside in Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, or
Washington County
Seek a degree in accounting
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and ocial transcript
Amount: Two $1,000 scholarships
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, academic achievement, and
nancial need
Estimated applicants: 14 Estimated awards: 2
Adult students
Undergrad program
1/2 time
Orange County Scholarship
This scholarship was created to assist female first-generation college
students who have been residents of Orange County for at least one
Be a female student who has resided in Orange County for a minimum
of one year
Have faced or are facing significant barriers that limit access to
education after high school (preference given to applicants who are
among the first generation in their families to attend college—neither a
parent nor a grandparent received a bachelor’s degree)
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 28 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
The Paquin Family Technical Scholarship
This scholarship was created by Burton A. Paquin, Sr. to encourage
and foster training for Vermonters in the technical and skilled trades
to ensure the perpetuation of these valuable skills for the benet of
Vermont’s economy and communities.
Reside in Franklin County
Seek an accredited certicate or degree in a technical eld or skilled
trades, including but not limited to, auto technician, electrician,
plumber, carpenter, welder, heavy equipment operator, surveyor,
nursing, health care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and
speech therapy
Demonstrate nancial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate potential for academic success
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One scholarship up to $2,500*
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 53 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
PC Construction Scholarship
(sponsored by PC Construction)
PC Construction established this scholarship to recognize a Vermont
graduating high school senior who demonstrates outstanding perform-
ance in a range of areas. The scholarship assists with his or her pursuit
of a degree in a construction-related field.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree in construction management or
civil/mechanical engineering
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate strong work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One $2,500 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, essay, academic achievement, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 53 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
PedsOne Youth Service Scholarship
(sponsored by PedsOne)
This scholarship was created to support and inspire graduating high
school seniors who have demonstrated leadership in community service,
and are passionate about and committed to improving the lives of
children and/or teens.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree and/or experiences in college that will
support future youth-related work
Enroll full time
Demonstrate exceptional community service leadership
Demonstrate nancial need
Demonstrate academic achievement and a work ethic that predict
successful completion of a bachelor’s degree (minimum 3.0 cumulative
GPA on a 4.0 scale)
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required Documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay), and ocial transcript
Amount: One $2,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay, recommendation letters, nancial need, and
academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 188 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Degree program
1/2 time
Karen Quill Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals
and the Quill Family)
The Karen Quill Scholarship was established in 2012 in memory of
Karen Quill, a dedicated union nurse.
Be an active member or the child of an active member of a union
Seek an undergraduate or graduate degree in nursing
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter #2
(community service), essay #1 (general essay), and membership
(provide the name of the union, the name of the individual who is a
member of the union, and their relationship to you)
Amount: Two scholarships up to $1,000
Selection: Essay, recommendation letters, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 38 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
The Raven Ridge Scholarship
This scholarship was created to assist academically promising incoming
or current undergraduate students who are passionate about and com-
mitted to pursuing a career either in social work or early childhood
education in the State of Vermont. All applicants are asked to describe
their career goals in the general essay. Priority is given to past Raven
Ridge Scholarship recipients.
Seek a bachelor’s degree in social work or early childhood education
in Vermont (preference given first to social work majors, next to early
childhood education majors)
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and promise of
continued excellence (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay), and
official transcript
Amount: Up to four $2,500 scholarships
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 80 Estimated awards: 4
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
College students
Any program
1/2 time
AHEC Mimi Reardon Scholarship for Northern Vermont
The Northeastern Vermont Area Health Education Center (now
Northern Vermont AHEC) established this scholarship to honor Dr.
Mildred A. Reardon, the founder of the AHEC program in Vermont, and
to encourage and support students pursuing health careers and who
express interest in practicing in a Vermont community.
Be a current college student who resides in Caledonia, Essex, Franklin,
Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, or Washington County
Seek education or training for a career in health care, dental health,
mental and behavioral health, public health or social work
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate interest in practicing in Vermont
Demonstrate financial need
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,000
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 156 Estimated awards: 5
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
3/4 time
RehabGYM Scholarship
This scholarship was created to assist students who have undergone
significant physical challenges or illness and who met those challenges
with courage and perseverance.
Have overcome a significant physical challenge or illness
Seek a certificate or undergraduate degree (priority may be given to
those who seek a career in physical or mental health, fitness, wellness,
public health, population health, healthcare administration, or other
health and wellness adjacent fields)
Enroll at least three-quarter time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, and
essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Essay and financial need
Estimated applicants: 137 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Any student
Any program
1/2 time
Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Rotary Scholarship
The Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Rotary created this scholarship
for residents of Charlotte, Shelburne, or Hinesburg who demonstrate
uncommon commitment and service to their communities. One of
the scholarships will be awarded in memory of Denny Bowen, and the
second in memory of Alan Bates, both former CSH Rotary members.
Reside in one of three towns served by the Charlotte-Shelburne-
Hinesburg Rotary (Charlotte, Shelburne, and Hinesburg)
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate community involvement and/or service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recom-
mendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter #2
(community service), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: Two awards of $2,000 (We hope to offer a third award of
$2,000, pending raising the funds.)
Selection: Recommendation letters and essay
Estimated applicants: 16 Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Essex Rotary Scholarship
(sponsored by the Rotary Club of Essex)
The Rotary Club of Essex Scholarship recognizes students from Essex
High School, Center for TechnologyEssex, and Mt. Mansfield Union
High School who have demonstrated high ethical standards and applied
the ideal of Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self” in their community and
personal lives. One of the scholarships will be awarded in the name of
former Rotarian Ray Cota.
Be a graduating senior of Essex High School, Center for Technology
Essex, or Mt. Mansfield Union High School. If you enrolled in the
Center for TechnologyEssex, please mention this in your essay.
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate community involvement and/or service
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Family members of Essex Rotarians are not eligible to apply
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation
letter #2 (community service), and essay #1 (general essay—if you
will graduate from the Center for Technology Essex, please mention this
in your essay)
Amount: Up to six $2,500 scholarships (preference is to award two
scholarships each to Essex High School graduating seniors, Mt. Mansfield
Union High School graduating seniors, and graduating seniors enrolled at
Center for Technology–Essex)
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letters
Estimated applicants: 43 Estimated awards: 6
The submission/postmark deadline is critical.
Submit all documents ONOR BEFORE the February
14 deadline. ONE late document will mean a late
application that is not considered by a scholarship
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Any program
1/2 time
Woodstock Rotary Scholarship
The Woodstock Rotary Scholarship Fund was established to provide
scholarship assistance to graduates of Woodstock Union High School.
Woodstock Rotarian family members are not eligible to apply.
Graduate or have graduated from Woodstock High School
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement and/or service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #2 (community service), and essay #1
(general essay)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,000 each*
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 23 Estimated awards: 10
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
Samara Fund Scholarship
The Samara Fund at the Vermont Community Foundation is led by a
group of Queer and Trans Vermonters committed to a vision of trans-
formational grants and scholarships to the people and groups through-
out Vermont who demonstrate their dedication to the empowerment,
health and safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer
(LGBTQ+) people.
We fund students who identify as LGBTQ+ who are committed to
positive change for LGBTQ+ people through their activism, academics,
and/or personal growth.
We fund LGBTQ+ students living all over the state in both rural
communities and cities and who seek to enroll at a four-year college
or university, a career or technical college, or a vocational program.
We prioritize scholarships to students who are Black, Indigenous,
and/or people of color.
We prioritize scholarships to students who are low-income.
We prioritize funding students who have experienced barriers to
education due to their gender and/or sexuality.
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter #4
(SAMARA), essay #1 (general essay), and essay #2 (scholarship-specific
Amount: Up to $5,000 awarded annually ($1,000 average award per
Selection: Essays, recommendation letters, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 124 Estimated awards: 6
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Any student
Degree program
Any enrollment
John Hudson Savage Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Colchester Rescue Association)
This scholarship was established to honor John Hudson Savage in
recognition of his 28 years of volunteer service to the town of Colchester
as a member of the Colchester Rescue Squad.
Reside in Chittenden County
Seek an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree in public
safety, including, but not limited to, emergency medical services, fire
service, health care, or law enforcement
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter #2
(community service), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One $500 scholarship
Selection: Essay, recommendation letters, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 51 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Cert or Undergrad program
Full time
Ronald H. Sawyer Endowed Scholarship
(sponsored by by Ronald H. Sawyer)
This scholarship was established to assist graduating high school
seniors from Middlebury Union High School, Mount Abraham Union
High School, and/or Vergennes Union High School who plan to attend a
technical school, college or university full time, with focus on the trades,
agriculture, or agricultural management.
Be a graduating high school senior from Middlebury Union High
School, Mount Abraham Union High School or Vergennes Union High
Seek an undergraduate degree or certificate in agriculture, agricultural
management or a technical degree in in the trades, including but not
limited to: HVAC, plumbing, electrical, automotive technology, masonry,
or metalworking
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
and official transcript
Amount: Maximum two scholarships up to $5,000 each
Renewability: Renewable for one additional year
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, recommendation
letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
College students
Undergrad program
Full time
Alicia Shanks Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Mrs. Alicia Shanks to
assist college students who have demonstrated the capacity to become
passionate and dedicated teachers.
Be a current college student enrolled in your sophomore, junior, or
senior year of college
Seek a bachelor’s degree in elementary or secondary education
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recommendation
letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,000 each*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 43 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
The Shutler-MacMartin Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Lt. Gen. Philip D. Shutler, USMC
(retired) and his family to encourage Northfield High School graduates
with a passion for and commitment to their chosen field to pursue
education or training in this profession after high school.
Graduate or have graduated from Northfield High School
Demonstrate school/community involvement, specifically:
- demonstrated performance as a positive role model
- enthusiastically participated in the life of Northfield High School
- contributed as a citizen of a global society
Be a student in good academic standing
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, essay #1 (general
essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and official transcript
Amount: Two $1,000 scholarships (one to a male, and one to a female)*
Selection: Essay and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 11 Estimated awards: 2
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
High school students
Cert or Undergrad program
Full time
Ski Vermont Scholarship
(sponsored by the Vermont Ski Areas Association)
The Vermont Ski Areas Association established this scholarship to
provide financial assistance and encourage students with a passion
for skiing, snowboarding, the mountains, and the outdoors to pursue
a course of study related to ski area management.
Be a current high school senior seeking a certificate or degree
in recreation/ski area management, tourism/hospitality, civil and
environmental engineering, environmental studies, or related tech-
nology field such as lift maintenance or diesel power technology
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: Maximum of three scholarships up to $2,000 each
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 59 Estimated awards: 3
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
The Jim Spadaccini Technical Scholarship
(sponsored by the Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Rotary Club)
This scholarship was established by the Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg
Rotary Club in honor of Jim Spadaccini, a long-term member since 1972.
The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage training for Vermonters
in the technical and skilled trades, to foster personal success and to
provide a boost to this essential part of the local economy. Known as
“Mr. Rotary,” Jim owned and operated the Spadaccini Construction
Reside in Charlotte, Shelburne, or Hinesburg
Seek a degree or certificate in a skilled trade or technical field,
including but not limited to: auto mechanic, carpenter, computer
science, construction management, electrician, healthcare, heavy
equipment operator, lineman, nursing, physical/occupational therapy,
plumber, surveyor, or welder
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, essay #1
(general essay), and one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative)
Amount: Up to $2,000 awarded annually
Selection: Essay and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
1/2 time
Ron and Judy Sprague Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the lives of Ron and Judy
Sprague of Brandon, Vermont, who valued family, the independent
spirit of their state, the democratic ideals of their country, and the
beauty of the natural world. Born with limited means, both sacrificed
and worked hard to support their family. Through hard work, developing
new skills, and making decisions toward a better tomorrow, they created
a comfortable home, financial security, and new opportunities for
themselves and their children.
Be a resident of Rutland County (preference for residents of Brandon
or Rutland)
Demonstrate strong work ethic
Be among the first generation in your family to seek a certification
or attend college/university
Demonstrate commitment to chosen field
Demonstrate resiliency and the ability to strive toward long range
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay, financial need, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
The Springfield Equity Scholarship
(sponsored by the Springfield Equity Committee)
This scholarship supports Springfield High School and River Valley
Technical Center students of color with funds for tuition or other
expenses associated with continuing education.
Be a current high school senior of color graduating from Springfield
High School or River Valley Technical Center
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recom-
mendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay—include
specific examples of how your experience as a person of color shaped you
into the person you are today), and official transcript
Amount: Maximum $4,000 awarded annually
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 12 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
1/2 time
Helen K. and Robert T. Stafford Scholarship
This scholarship was created to honor the entire Stafford family by
providing financial support to a student who demonstrates strong
financial need and a commitment to a career in environmental studies
or special education, and who shows deep compassion and enthusiasm
for making the world a better place.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree in environmental studies or special
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement and/or service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 79 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Cert, Undergrad, or ND program
1/2 time
Stonyfield Farm Endowed Scholarship for St. Albans
Cooperative Creamery
The owners of Stonyfield Farm established this scholarship to convey
their gratitude and appreciation to the St. Albans Cooperative Creamery
for its support, partnerships, and friendship.
Be a Vermont resident who is a member or partnering farmer of the
successor in interest to the St. Albans Cooperative Creamery, or a
spouse or dependent child of a member or participating farmer of
the successor in interest
Seek a certificate or an undergraduate degree, or enroll in a non-
degree program
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and membership (provide the name of the individual who is a member
or employee of the St. Albans Cooperative Creamery, and their relationship
to you)
Amount: Maximum $5,000 awarded annually*
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 9 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
1/2 time
Helen J. Switzer Nursing Scholarship
Helen Switzer’s children established this scholarship to honor their
mother’s commitment to nursing and her 30-year career caring for the
sick and elderly.
Reside in Windham County (preference given to residents of
Rockingham, Westminster, Athens, and Grafton—in that order)
Enroll at least half time in a licensed practical nursing degree program
(LPN) OR an associate degree of science in nursing degree program
(AS, RN) OR a bachelor of science in nursing degree program (BSN, RN)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,000 each*
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 17 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Undergrad program
1/2 time
Taigh Scholarship
This scholarship was established to inspire and encourage residents
of Peacham to pursue education after high school. It is the donors’ intent
to assist students from rural areas, particularly those who are among the
first generation in their families to attend college.
Reside in Caledonia County (preference given to applicants who are
residents of Peacham and/or are among the first generation in their
families to attend college)
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,000 each*
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 60 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Mary B. Taisey Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Newbury Alumni Association)
This scholarship was established by the Newbury Alumni Association
with funds donated in her memory by William S. Kenty, Class of 1933.
Mr. Kenty boarded at Miss Taisey’s while attending Newbury High
School and she became his adopted grandmother. Mr. Kenty served in
the U.S. Army for 30 years, was a purple heart recipient, and retired as
a major.
Be a resident of the town of Newbury, Vermont
Will graduate or have graduated from Oxbow High School (preference
given to current high school seniors attending Oxbow High School)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and offi-
cial transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
The Tatarczuch Family Scholarship (Business)
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Thomas F.
Tatarczuch, a man of integrity, whose career in management, accounting,
and finance was dedicated to preserving and expanding manufacturing
opportunities throughout North America. The purpose of this scholarship
is to assist students in pursuing a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance,
and/or business management.
Seek a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, and/or business
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans). For-profit schools are excluded from
this scholarship.
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $5,000*
Selection: Essay, financial need, academic achievement, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 138 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Scholarships are competitive; applicants who
apply compete for a limited number of awards.
It’s the applicant’s responsibility to make sure
their application is complete and on time.
VSAC doesn’t contact applicants to let them know
whether something is incomplete and/or missing.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
The Women Thriving Scholarship
(sponsored by Thrive Educational Advising Group, LLC)
Thrive Educational Advising Group’s leadership scholarship, Women
Thriving, focuses on representation and issues of equity and access.
The scholarship seeks diverse women who have demonstrated leader-
ship potential in their academics, extracurricular activities, or work in
the community. Consistent with our mission to mentor, guide, and offer
educational assistance, we seek to identify future women leaders who
are interested in empowering other young women, improving diversity
in leadership, and inspiring positive change in their communities.
Currently a female high school senior who resides in Chittenden County
Pursuing an undergraduate associate’s or bachelor’s degree (preference
given to students who demonstrate experience directly related to the
scholarship’s purpose, and an interest in making a positive impact on
society and/or addressing equity issues)
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate leadership potential in extracurricular activities or
academic work
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans).
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative),
one recommendation letter #2 (community service), and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Selection: Essay, recommendation letters, academic achievement,
and financial need
Estimated applicants: 69 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
Any enrollment
THV Scholarship
This scholarship was created to encourage Windham County residents
to seek education after high school and to contribute fully to freedom,
peace, and social understanding throughout the world, beginning in
their own homes and communities.
Reside in Windham County or in the towns of Readsboro or
Searsburg in Bennington County (preference given to residents of
the Deerfield Valley towns of Dover, Halifax, Readsboro, Searsburg,
Whitingham, and Wilmington who are first-generation college-bound,
and/or nontraditional students)
Seek a certificate or undergraduate degree
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000—maximum
$25,000 awarded annually*
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 84 Estimated awards: 11
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Trinity College of Vermont Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by the Trinity College of Vermont Association of Alumni
and Friends)
The Trinity College of Vermont Association of Alumni and Friends awards
this scholarship to promote empowerment through education, and to
encourage work that supports healthy communities and social justice.
Seek an undergraduate degree in social work or education
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement and/or service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #2 (community service), essay #1 (general
essay), and official transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, financial need, and academic
Estimated applicants: 127 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Upper Valley Scholarship
(sponsored by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation)
This scholarship was created to provide financial support to residents
of the Upper Valley who pursue education after high school.
Town of legal residence must be: Baltimore, Barnard, Bethel,
Bradford, Bridgewater, Cavendish, Chelsea, Corinth, East Ryegate,
Fairlee, Groton, Hartford, Hartland, Newbury, Norwich, Pomfret,
Randolph, Reading, Royalton, Ryegate, Sharon, South Ryegate,
Springfield, Strafford, Thetford, Topsham, Tunbridge, Vershire,
Weathersfield, West Fairlee, West Windsor, Windsor, or Woodstock
Seek an undergraduate degree
Demonstrate financial need (preference given to applicants who are
among the first generation in their families to attend college)
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
one recommendation letter #2 (community service), and essay #1
(general essay)
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: Approximately four scholarships up to $1,000 each
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 161 Estimated awards: 2
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Graduate students
Graduate program
Full time
VT AHEC Scholars Medical Student Incentive
Scholarship/Loan Forgiveness Program
(sponsored by the State of Vermont)
This program was established by the Vermont legislature in collaboration
with the Department of Health, UVM’s Office of Primary Care and Area
Health Education Centers Program (AHEC), and Vermont Student
Assistance Corporation (VSAC). The purpose of the program is to
strengthen the primary care workforce pipeline and increase the number
of new physicians practicing in Vermont to meet the health care needs
of Vermonters, with a focus on rural areas and undersupplied medical
specialties. Funding for this program is conditional upon annual
legislative appropriation.
Vermont residency not required
Be enrolled full time in your third or fourth year of the Larner College
of Medicine at the University of Vermont
Intend to work in Vermont as a primary care physician in an eligible
medical specialty (listed below) for a minimum of one year following
the completion of your medical training
If awarded, you must sign a promissory note detailing the terms and
conditions of the award. The award and its terms become binding
once the promissory note is signed and executed. Disbursement of
the award will not be made unless a signed promissory note is
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application and personal
statement/required questions (e-mail [email protected] to obtain
the required questions)
Complete forgiveness of this loan under the following conditions:
Practice medicine in Vermont in one of the following medical specialty
priority areas, outside of Chittenden County, in a facility not owned by
an academic medical center and that accepts patients covered by
Medicaid, Medicare, or other publicly funded health benefit program:
- family medicine
- internal medicine adult primary care
- pediatric primary care
- obstetrics-gynecology
- psychiatry
Amount: Award amount no less than the in-state tuition rate for the
Larner College of Medicine (LCOM) at the University of Vermont
Selection: Personal statement/required questions and input from
AHEC/LCOM Selection Committee
Estimated applicants: 12 Estimated awards: 6
College students
Undergrad program
Full time
The VELCO STEM Studies Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc.)
This scholarship supports Vermont students from historically under-
represented groups who have completed/are scheduled to complete
at least twenty four credits (or the equivalent of two full-time years of
attendance) at an accredited institution, and who wish to continue their
education by pursuing a bachelor’s degree in a STEM field (science,
technology, engineering, mathematics).
Have already completed or are on target to complete at least twenty
four credits (or the equivalent of two full- time years of attendance)
this academic year
Seek a bachelor’s degree in a STEM field (especially, but not exclusively
engineering, environmental science, mathematics, information technology)
Enroll full-time
Demonstrate financial need
Self-identify as being from a group historically underrepresented in
the STEM field (including, but not limited to, minority racial/ethnic
backgrounds, LGBTQ+, women, ability, veterans, non-traditional family
backgrounds, citizenship and nationality)
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, Direct loans).
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative, must be from a faculty or
staff member at the undergraduate school you attended), essay #1
(general essay), official transcript showing proof of credits, and self-
certification (a brief paragraph documenting that you identify as a
member of a group historically underrepresented in the STEM field)
Renewability: May be renewable for up to one additional year.
Amount: One $5,000 scholarship (will also be offered the option to apply
for a supplementary paid summer internship)
Selection: Financial need, certification, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 10 Estimated awards: 1
Submit all required documents.
Check each description carefully to be sure you understand which documents are required for each scholarship
for which you’re applying. Remember to submit ONE original of each document (duplicates are discarded).
Once a document is on file with VSAC, it’s available to every scholarship committee that requires it.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
The Krishnan Venkataraman Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to support Black, Indigenous, and
people of color (BIPOC) who have faced and continue to face significant
barriers in their access to education.
Identify as one or more of the following: BIPOC, Latinx, Asian
American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), Indigenous, Black, and/or
Hispanic (you must speak to this in your general essay)
Face significant barriers that limit your access to education after
high school
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative
GPA on a 4.0 scale)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), one recommendation letter #1(non-relative),
and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to one additional year.
Amount: One scholarship up to $2,000
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, financial need, and
academic achievement
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
Burlington Veterans’ Club Scholarship
The Burlington Veterans’ Club established an education trust fund with
VSAC to help Vermont students pursue education beyond high school.
VSAC arranged for the proceeds from the trust to be distributed as
scholarships to Chittenden County high school seniors.
Graduate from a Chittenden County high school
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,500*
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, recommendation
letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 167 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Grand Isle County Veterans of Foreign Wars Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Grand Isle County Veterans of
Foreign War Post 10854 to support higher education for Vermont high
school seniors pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree.
Be a current high school senior residing in Grand Isle County
Seek an associate or bachelor’s degree
Demonstrate financial need
Preference given to veterans or dependents of veterans
(speak to this in your general essay)
Demonstrate community service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay—speak to your or your parents’ veteran status),
two recommendation letters #1 (non-relative)
Amount: Up to four $2,000 scholarships
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letters
Estimated applicants: 2 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
Ludlow VFW Scholarship
The members of the Ludlow VFW Post 10155 established this scholarship
to help students from Cavendish, Ludlow, Mount Holly, and Plymouth
who aspire to attend college but lack the financial resources to do so.
Be a current high school senior who resides in Cavendish, Ludlow,
Mount Holly, or Plymouth (preference given to students who had a
parent or grandparent that served in any branch of the armed forces)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and membership (If applicable, provide the name of the parent or
grandparent who served in the armed forces, as well as the branch
of the armed forces in which he/she served.)
Amount: One or more scholarships up to $1,000 each*
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 7 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Cert, Undergrad, or ND program
Any enrollment
Don Vickers Scholarship
Don Vickers served as president and CEO of VSAC for a full quarter-
century from 1988 to 2013. He joined VSAC in 1971 as director of the
state grant programs. When he retired from VSAC in June 2013, his
colleagues, friends, and staff contributed to an endowment for the
purpose of awarding one or more scholarships in his honor.
Seek a certificate or an undergraduate degree, or enroll in a
non-degree program
Intend to work in public service
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter
#2 (community service), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000*
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letters, essay, and academic
Estimated applicants: 217 Estimated awards: 1
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Vermont National Guard Tuition Benefit Program
(Interest-free and forgivable)
The Vermont National Guard Tuition Benefit Program (VNGTBP) was
established as an interest-free, forgivable loan program in 2018 by the
Vermont General Assembly to recruit and retain high quality Guard
members. This program replaced the National Guard Educational
Assistance Program (NGEAP), previously established in 1998. In 2022
the VNGTBP was expanded to include second bachelors and masters
degrees in a pilot program that will be in effect from 7/1/22–7/1/2025.
Funding for this program is conditional on annual legislative appropriation.
Vermont residency not required
Be an active member, in good standing, of the Vermont National Guard
Have successfully completed basic training
Plan to attend a Vermont university, college (unless the degree program
is not available in Vermont), or an eligible training institution offering
certificate training or continuing education programs beginning on or
after July 1, 2023
If pursuing a second bachelor’s degree, first bachelor’s degree was
not funded through either VNGTBP or NGEAP
Not be in default on a federal education loan
Demonstrate satisfactory academic progress
Have exhausted any available post-September 11, 2001 tuition benefits
and other federally funded military tuition assistance; provided, however,
that this subdivision shall not apply to: (a) tuition benefits and other
federally funded military tuition assistance for which the individual
has not yet earned the full amount of the benefit or tuition; (b)
Montgomery GI Bill benefits; (c) post-September 11, 2001 educational
program housing allowances; (d) federal educational entitlements; (e)
National Guard scholarship grants; (f) loans under section 2856 of this
title; and (g) other nontuition benefits
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application and Vermont
National Guard Certification form
To be eligible for partial/complete forgiveness of this tuition benefit
interest-free loan:
Member must complete two years of service (after the scholarship is
first disbursed) in the Vermont National Guard for each full academic
year award disbursed. Service commitment is served concurrently
with Service Member’s current contract.
Members participating on less than a full-time basis must complete
one month of service for each credit hour attempted, not to exceed
12 months of service for a single semester.
Members participating in training programs must complete 6 months
of service for each credential earned and 1 month for every credit hour
for certificates. Each Guard member may enroll in up to two training
program certificates/credentials per term, and up to two terms per year.
Members using VNGTBP to attain a graduate degree must, on receipt
of the degree and until the individual’s service commitment under 16
V.S.A 2857(d) is satisfied, be employed full time in Vermont or, if
unemployed, be actively seeking full-time employment in Vermont.
VSAC annually determines the amount of the interest-free loan to be
forgiven for each completed year of service.
Application timeline: Awards determined on a first-come, first-served
basis, as long as the funding is available. We encourage you to apply by
the deadline; however, applications will be accepted after the deadline
provided funding is available.
Amount: The amount of the award will vary depending upon the
institution and/or program in which the student enrolls. Visit
members for more information.
Selection: Based on whether applicant meets all eligibility requirements
Estimated applicants: 140 Estimated awards: 87
Award Year
Scholarships awarded in 2024 are applied toward
education expenses that will be incurred during
the 20242025 academic year.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont Police Association:
Erwin Bugbee Memorial Scholarship
The Vermont Police Association created this scholarship in memory of
one of its past presidents, Erwin Bugbee of the Bellows Falls Police
Seek an undergraduate degree in law enforcement
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, and
essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay and financial need
Estimated applicants: 24 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont Police Association:
Gene Gaiotti & Ron West Memorial Scholarship
The Vermont Police Association created this scholarship in memory of
one of its past presidents, Gene Gaiotti, a member of the Vermont Liquor
Control Department who was killed in the line of duty, and Ron West.
Be a police officer (or a legal dependent of a police officer) who is an
active member of the Vermont Police Association
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), and membership (provide the name of the individual who
is a member of the Vermont Police Association, and their relationship to you)
Renewability: May be renewable for up to three additional years.
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay and financial need
Estimated applicants: 14 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont Police Association:
George Whitney Scholarship
The Vermont Police Association created this scholarship in recognition
of George Whitney, who served the VPA as its secretary/treasurer for
more than 25 years.
Seek an undergraduate degree in a eld related to public safety,
including but not limited to, emergency services, law enforcement,
or criminal justice.
Enroll full time
Demonstrate nancial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, and
essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay and nancial need
Estimated applicants: 72 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont Police Association:
Herbert Fullam Scholarship
The Vermont Police Association created this scholarship in memory of
one of its founders, Herbert Fullam of the Springfield Police Department.
Be a legal dependent of a police officer who is an active member of
the Vermont Police Association
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay
#1 (general essay), and membership (provide the name of the individual
who is a member of the Vermont Police Association, and their relationship
to you)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay and financial need
Estimated applicants: 14 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont Police Association:
John J. King Scholarship
The Vermont Police Association created this scholarship in recognition
of John King who served the VPA as Scholarship Chair for more than
40 years.
Seek an undergraduate degree in public safety, including but not
limited to emergency services, law enforcement, or criminal justice.
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay—include in your essay the reason why you are
applying for a scholarship from the Vermont Police Association), and one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 14 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont Police Association:
Raymond R. Mooney Scholarship
The Vermont Police Association created this scholarship in memory
of Captain Mooney of the Rutland Police Department, who served for
several years as secretary/treasurer of the Vermont Police Association.
Seek an undergraduate degree in a field related to public safety,
including, but not limited to, emergency services, law enforcement,
and criminal justice
Enroll full time
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, and
essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay and financial need
Estimated applicants: 68 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Vermont State Grange Agricultural Scholarship
The Vermont State Grange Agricultural Scholarship was created to
encourage Vermont students to enter the field of agriculture.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree in agriculture
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #2 (community service), essay #1 (general
essay), and official transcript
Amount: One $500 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 29 Estimated awards: 1
College students
Cert or Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Vermont State Grange Alice Cossingham Scholarship
This scholarship was created to encourage Vermont students to enter
the field of nursing.
Be a current college student
Seek a certificate or an undergraduate degree in nursing (practical
nursing, licensed practical nursing, or registered nursing)
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative; applicants are encouraged
to submit a letter from a current instructor), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One $500 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 118 Estimated awards: 1
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Scholarship committees will not consider your
application if it is incomplete (missing one or more
required documents) or late (one or more required
documents is submitted/postmarked after
February 14, 2024).
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont State Grange Educational Aid Fund
The Vermont State Grange created this scholarship to assist students
with obtaining their associate or bachelor’s degrees.
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #2 (community service), essay #1 (general
essay), and official transcript
Amount: Two $1,000 scholarships
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 592 Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Cert or Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont State Grange Scholarship (Vocational/Technical)
The Vermont State Grange created this scholarship to assist high school
seniors with obtaining vocational or technical education.
Be a current high school senior
Seek a certificate or undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited vocational or technical school
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One $1,500 scholarship
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, and essay
Estimated applicants: 113 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont Association of Broadcasters Scholarship
The intent of this scholarship is to fund an employee or a direct family
member of an employee of a Vermont radio or television station.
Be an employee or a direct family member of an employee of a
Vermont radio or television station
Seek an undergraduate degree
Enroll full time
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #2 (community service), essay #1 (general
essay), and membership information (broadcast relation declaration letter
with the full name of the broadcast employee; the full name of the radio or
television station where the employee works; and the employee’s relationship
to you, if applicable).
Amount: Up to $1,250 awarded annually*
Selection: Membership information (broadcast relation declaration
letter), recommendation letter, essay, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 8 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont Dairy Industry Association (VDIA)
Memorial Scholarship
The Vermont Dairy Industry Association established this scholarship to
further its commitment to assist students in their educational pursuits in
the study of dairying.
Seek an undergraduate degree in dairy business/production, dairy
sciences, or a related field
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recommen-
dation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay—describe the
impact that your prior experiences with agriculture made on your decision
to pursue a career in, or associated with, dairy), and official transcript
Amount: One to six scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, and academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 24 Estimated awards: 6
* There can be no guarantee of a scholarship award for this scholarship, or
the size of an award, as this scholarship is funded by an endowment subject
to laws restricting disbursements under certain investment yield scenarios.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Vermont DAR Good Citizenship Scholarship
This scholarship was created to promote dependability, community
service, leadership, historic preservation, and patriotism among high
school seniors.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree in the social sciences, such as
anthropology, archaeology, criminology, economics, geography, history,
international relations, philosophy, political science, psychology, social
work, sociology, or urban studies (preference given to applicants who
demonstrate and promote dependability, community service, leadership,
historic preservation, and patriotism)
Enroll full time
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay;
include how your interests and activities relate to the Vermont DAR
scholarship objective to promote dependability, community service,
leadership, historic preservation, and patriotism), and official transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, recommendation
letter, and essay
Estimated applicants: 170 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Vermont Dental Hygiene Scholarship
(sponsored by the Hill Family and Vermont Dental Foundation)
This scholarship was established by the members of the Vermont State
Dental Society to encourage Vermont residents preparing to enter the
dental hygiene profession.
Enroll in an accredited dental hygiene program (preference given
to students enrolled, or enrolling in, a program leading to initial degree
attainment [associate degree] in a dental hygiene program)
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
and official transcript
Amount: One or more scholarships totaling between $18,000
and $22,000
Selection: Academic achievement, financial need, essay, and
recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 25 Estimated awards: 8
Graduate students
Graduate program
Full time
Vermont State Dentist Incentive Loan Program
(Interest-Free and Forgivable)
(sponsored by the State of Vermont and Vermont Department of Health)
This program was established by the Vermont Legislature to respond
to a dentist shortage in Vermont and to ensure an adequate number
of dentists to meet the future healthcare needs of Vermonters, including
increased access for the Medicaid population. The program is designed
for students who are committed to working in Vermont as dentists
upon graduation. Funding for this program is conditional on annual
legislative appropriation. While Vermont residency is not required
while applicant is attending dental school, he/she must demonstrate
a history of previous Vermont residency.
Be a current graduate student who has completed the first year and
is entering the second, third, or fourth year of a dental program
Enroll full time in an accredited dental school
Intend to work as a dentist in Vermont for a minimum of one year
following licensure
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate academic achievement
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
official transcript, and resumé
Amount: Up to $50,000 awarded annually in interest-free loans
Partial/complete forgiveness of interest-free loan under the following
Completion of a training program leading to eligibility to sit for dental
licensure exams
A successful passing grade on the NDBE and Vermont state licensing exams
Completion of one year of employment as a dentist in Vermont
(employment must average no less than 20 hours/week; recipients
are expected to accept patients with coverage under Medicaid or
other state-funded health care benefit programs)
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, financial need, academic
achievement, and resumé
Estimated applicants: 4 Estimated awards: 1
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Degree program
Any enrollment
Vermont Feed Dealers and Manufacturers Association
This scholarship was established to support students who are pursuing
a degree in fields related to agriculture.
Seek an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree in a field
related to agriculture, including, but not limited to, animal sciences,
equine studies, agribusiness, plant and soil science, forestry,
horticulture, or veterinary medicine or technology
Clearly demonstrate academic and career goals that support the
future of agriculture in Vermont
Past applicants and recipients may reapply and receive funding
multiple years in a row, provided they continue to meet eligibility
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, one recommen-
dation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay)
Amount: One or more scholarships totaling up to $10,000
Selection: Essay and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 68 Estimated awards: 6
Any student
Degree program
1/4 time
Vermont Lakes and Ponds Scholarship
(sponsored by the Federation of Vermont Lakes and Ponds, Inc.)
This scholarship was created to encourage and support students who
are seeking education beyond high school and are interested in pursuing
aquatic environmental studies, such as watershed management, water
resources education, and limnology.
Seek an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree in environ-
mental studies (preference given to students seeking a degree in aquatic
environmental studies, such as watershed management, water resources
education, and limnology)
Enroll at least one-quarter time
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate community involvement and/or service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), one recommendation letter #2
(community service), essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One $500 scholarship
Selection: Essay, recommendation letters, financial need, and academic
Estimated applicants: 55 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Any program
1/2 time
Vermont Mentoring Scholarship
This scholarship was created (1) to provide financial assistance to
individuals who have participated as mentees in a mentoring program;
(2) to provide additional incentives for young people to join, fully
participate in, and commit to a mentoring program; and (3) to provide a
giving avenue for individuals who want to contribute to the mentoring
movement but have work and family obligations that limit their ability
to do so.
Be or have been a mentee in a recognized MENTORVermont mentoring
program for a minimum of two consecutive years
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), essay #1 (general essay),
official transcript, and certification-Mentoring Program (provide a signed
statement from an authorized official of the recognized MENTORVermont
mentoring program in which you participated, indicating the name and
location of the program, the name of your mentor/s, and the date you
started and, if applicable, ended your participation)
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Selection: Recommendation letter, essay, financial need, and academic
Estimated applicants: 18 Estimated awards: 1
Submit complete documents on time.
An incomplete or late required document is the
#1 reason an applicant isn’t considered by a
scholarship committee.
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Graduate students
Graduate program
1/2 time
Vermont Mental Health Professional Forgivable Loan
Incentive Program (Interest-Free and Forgivable)
(sponsored by the State of Vermont and the Vermont Department of Health)
This scholarship was established by the Vermont Legislature in 2022.
The purpose of this scholarship is to expand opportunities for work-
force education, training, and development to expand the mental
health professional workforce across the State.
Vermont residency not required
Enroll in a master’s degree program in one of the following fields:
- Social work
- Mental Health Counseling
- Marriage and Family Therapy
- Psychology
- Community Mental Health Counseling
- Clinical Mental Health
- Forensic Mental Health
The program must allow you to sit for, and pass, one of the following
Vermont licensure exams:
- Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC)
- Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW)
- Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC)
Enroll at least half-time
Maintain good standing at your school
Agree to work full time as a mental health professional in Vermont
for a minimum of one year following licensure, for each year of
forgivable loan awarded
Complete a promissory note agreeing to repayment of the loan if
the employment service commitment is not met
Attend an accredited school approved for federal title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans). Preference given to students enrolled
in a college within the Vermont State University system.
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), and official transcript
Partial/complete forgiveness of interest-free loan under the following
Completion of a master’s level degree program leading to the
eligibility to sit for one of the following licensure exams:
- Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC)
- Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW)
- Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC), or
A successful passing grade on the LCMHC, LICSW or LADC exam
Completion of one year of full-time employment in Vermont as a
licensed mental health professional (for each year of award received),
following the successful passing of the LCMHC, LICSW or LADC exam.
Application timeline: Awards determined on a first-come, first-served
basis, as long as the funding is available. We encourage you to apply by
the deadline; however, applications will be accepted after the deadline
provided funding is available.
Amount: Tuition charged for your program up to $17,628 (award may
be used to cover room, board, books, and supplies expenses)
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Graduate student
Graduate program
1/2 time
Vermont Nurse Faculty Forgivable Loan Incentive
Program (Interest-Free and Forgivable)
(sponsored by the State of Vermont and Vermont Department of Health)
This scholarship was established by the Vermont Legislature in 2022.
The purpose of this scholarship is to expand opportunities for work-
force education, training and development to expand the nursing
faculty workforce across the State.
Vermont residency not required
Enroll in a program that leads to a graduate degree in nursing,
including APRN, MSN and DNP, that qualifies you to teach at a
nursing school in Vermont
Enroll at least half time
Maintain good standing at your school
Agree to work full time as a member of the nurse faculty at a nursing
school in Vermont for a minimum of one year following graduation
and if needed licensure, for each year of forgivable loan awarded
Complete a promissory note agreeing to repayment of the loan if
the employment service commitment is not met
Attend an accredited school approved for federal title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), and official transcript
Partial/complete forgiveness of interest-free loan under the following
Completion of one year of full-time employment as a nurse faculty
member at a nursing school in Vermont.
Application timeline: Awards determined on a first-come, first-served
basis, as long as the funding is available. We encourage you to apply by
the deadline; however, applications will be accepted after the deadline
provided funding is available.
Amount: Tuition charged for your program up to $16,280 (award may
be used to cover room, board, books, and supplies expenses)
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Cert or Degree program
1/2 time
Vermont Nursing Workforce Incentive Loan Program
(Interest-Free and Forgivable)
(sponsored by the State of Vermont and Vermont Department of Health)
This program was established by the Vermont Legislature to ensure
an adequate number of nurses for the future healthcare needs of
Vermonters. The program is designed for students who are committed
to working as nurses in Vermont upon graduation. Funding for this
program is conditional upon annual legislative appropriation.
Vermont residency not required
Enroll in one of the following nursing programs:
- a practical nursing certificate program, after which the student is
eligible to sit for the NCLEX-PN examination
- an associate of science degree in nursing program, following which
the student is eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN examination
- a bachelor of science degree in nursing
- a graduate degree in nursing (such as APRN, MSN, DSN)
Maintain good standing at your school
Agree to work full time as a nurse in Vermont employed directly by
a Vermont health care provider for a minimum of one year following
licensure for each year of forgivable loan awarded. Employment as
a traveling nurse does not meet this employment commitment
Complete a promissory note agreeing to repayment of the loan if the
employment service commitment is not met
Enroll at least half time
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans). Preference given to students enrolled
in an accredited school within Vermont.
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Partial/complete forgiveness of interest-free loan under the following
Completion of a training program leading to the eligibility to sit for
nursing licensure exams
A successful passing grade on NCLEX exam and Vermont state licensing
Completion of one year of full-time employment employed by a
Vermont health care provider as a nurse in Vermont
Application timeline: Awards determined on a first-come, first-served
basis, as long as the funding is available. We encourage you to apply by
the deadline; however, applications will be accepted after the deadline
provided funding is available.
Amount: Full tuition at a Vermont public institution, or up to UVM’s
in-state tuition at a Vermont private or out-of-state institution (award
may be used to cover room, board, books, and supplies expenses)
Estimated applicants: 250 Estimated awards: 150
Any student
Degree program
Any enrollment
Vermont Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship
The Vermont Sheriffs’ Association created this scholarship to assist
Vermont residents seeking degrees in law enforcement in order to
become police officers.
Seek an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree in law
enforcement to become a police officer
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
essay #1 (general essay), and official transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay, academic achievement, and financial need
Estimated applicants: 20 Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Cert or Degree program
Any enrollment
Vermont Teacher Forgivable Loan Incentive Program
(Interest-Free and Forgivable)
(sponsored by the State of Vermont)
This program was established by the Vermont Legislature in 2023.
The goal of the program is to encourage students to enter into teaching
professions, with an emphasis on encouraging Black, Indigenous,
and persons of color, New Americans, and other historically under-
represented communities.
Vermont residency not required
Enroll in a teaching program, at an eligible school, that leads to a
degree or certicate in education and a teaching license
Maintain good standing at your school
Agree to work full time as a teacher in a Vermont public school for a
minimum of one year following licensure, for each year of forgivable
loan awarded
Complete a promissory note agreeing to repayment of the loan if
the employment service commitment is not met
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA,
Vermont Grant application (if a VT resident), ), essay#1 (general essay),
and ocial transcript
Partial/complete forgiveness of interest-free loan under the following
Completion of one year of full-time employment as a teacher in a
Vermont public school.
Application timeline: Awards determined on a first-come, first-served
basis, as long as the funding is available. We encourage you to apply by
the deadline; however, applications will be accepted after the deadline
provided funding is available.
Amount: Tuition charged for your program up to $16,280 (award may
be used to cover room, board, books, and supplies expenses)
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
See pages 14 for complete instructions and full descriptions of required documents.
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
Any student
Cert or Non-Degree program
Any enrollment
The Vermont Trades Scholarship Program (Interest-Free
and Forgivable Loan) – Licensing & Exam Fees
(sponsored by the State of Vermont)
This scholarship was established by the Vermont Legislature in 2022 for
the purpose of expanding opportunities for workforce education, training,
and development for Vermonters. Funding for this program is conditional
upon annual legislative appropriation.
Vermont residency not required
Enrolled in or completed an industry-recognized training and certifica-
tion program that leads to initial employment or career advancement
in a high-demand sector in Vermont, including, but not limited to:
building, mechanical, industrial or medical trade; emergency services,
including paramedics; energy, including clean energy, energy efficiency,
or weatherization; transportation, including clean transportation;
broadband; and robotics
Applying for this program to pay for exam fee and/or initial licensing fee
Demonstrate financial need
If unemployed, register with the Vermont Department of Labor for
the purpose of receiving relevant job referrals
Agree to work full time in your profession in Vermont for a minimum
of one year following licensure or certification completion
Complete a promissory note agreeing to repayment of the loan if the
employment service commitment is not met
Preference given to students attending a Vermont-based training
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application and Federal
Income Tax Return (or Vermont Grant/Advancement Grant application)
Partial/complete forgiveness of interest-free loan under the following
Completion of one year of full-time employment in your industry-
recognized, high-demand sector within Vermont
Application timeline: Awards determined on a first-come, first-served
basis, as long as the funding is available. We encourage you to apply by
the deadline; however, applications will be accepted after the deadline
provided funding is available.
Amount: Up to initial licensing and/or exam fee (maximum award
determined each year)
Selection: Financial need
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Any student
Cert or Non-Degree program
Any enrollment
The Vermont Trades Scholarship Program (Interest-Free
and Forgivable Loan) – Tuition
(sponsored by the State of Vermont)
This Scholarship was established by the Vermont Legislature in 2022
for the purpose of expanding opportunities for workforce education,
training, and development for Vermonters. Funding for this program
is conditional upon annual legislative appropriation.
Vermont residency not required
Be enrolled in an industry-recognized training and certification
program that leads to initial employment or career advancement in
a high-demand sector in Vermont, including, but not limited to, building,
mechanical, industrial or medical trade; emergency services, including
paramedics; energy, including clean energy, energy efficiency, or
weatherization; transportation, including clean transportation;
broadband; and robotics
Demonstrate financial need
If unemployed, register with the Vermont Department of Labor for
the purpose of receiving relevant job referrals
Agree to work full time in your profession in Vermont for a minimum
of one year following licensure or certification completion
Complete a promissory note agreeing to repayment of the loan if the
employment service commitment is not met
Preference given to students attending a Vermont-based training
Required documents: Unified Scholarship Application and Federal
Income Tax Return (or Vermont Grant/Advancement Grant application)
Partial/complete forgiveness of interest-free loan under the following
Completion of one year of full-time employment in your industry-
recognized, high-demand sector within Vermont.
Application timeline: Awards determined on a first-come, first-served
basis, as long as the funding is available. We encourage you to apply by
the deadline; however, applications will be accepted after the deadline
provided funding is available.
Amount: Up to tuition (maximum award determined each year)
Selection: Financial need
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
High school students
Cert or Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Owen D. Williams Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by co-workers, family, and friends of Owen)
Owen Williams worked for VSAC as a web developer for many years
and passed away due to complications from COVID-19. Owen was a
kind, caring, and thoughtful person who was dedicated to VSAC’s mission.
He was never afraid to do the right thing and looked out for those who
were marginalized and defenseless in this world. VSAC sta, family and
friends have created this scholarship in his memory.
Be a current high school senior graduating from a high school
located in Chittenden or Washington county (preference given to
students graduating from Spaulding High School)
Seek a certicate or undergraduate degree in a science-related eld
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Face signicant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding (Pell
grants, federal Direct loans).
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, essay #1
(general essay), one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and
ocial transcript
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and academic achievement
Estimated applicants: 3 Estimated awards: TBD
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
1/2 time
The Carl T. Witherell Technical Scholarship
(sponsored by The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation)
This scholarship was created to provide nancial assistance to graduates
of the Hartford school system who are pursuing technical training after
high school.
Graduate of (or will graduate from) Hartford High School or Hartford
Area Career and Technology Center
Seek a certicate or associate degree in a technical eld
Enroll at least half time
Demonstrate nancial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, one
recommendation letter #1 (non-relative), and essay #1 (general essay).
Renewability: May be renewable for one additional year.
Amount: Six or more scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: 11 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
The Jedidiah Zabrosky Scholarship
(sponsored by the Zabrosky family)
This Scholarship was established by the Zabrosky family to aid a
Vermont student interested in pursuing a degree in special education.
Be a graduating high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree in special education
Enroll full time
Demonstrate nancial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Be among the rst generation in your family to attend college
(neither parent received a bachelor’s degree—speak to this in your essay)
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved for
federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents: Unied Scholarship Application, FAFSA, essay #1
(general essay), and one recommendation letter #1 (non-relative)
Amount: One scholarship up to $2,000
Selection: Financial need, essay, and recommendation letter
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Follow directions under “Application” — VSAC forms cannot be used to apply for other scholarships.
Other Scholarships
Each of the scholarships on the following pages 4862 has
its own requirements and application process; please refer
to page 5, “How to Read A Scholarship Description,” to
understand the scholarship eligibility requirements in the
black toolbars, and follow the instructions under the
“Application” section of each scholarship listing.
Note: The date listed in the upper right-hand corner above
the black toolbar is the RECEIPT DATE, not the postmark date.
For questions about these scholarships, please contact the
individual included in the scholarship information.
To find even more scholarships, start close to home and
branch out as time allows:
Your community—your local high school, businesses,
clubs, or town officials
Your college or university—check with the financial aid
office at the school you plan to attend
On the web
Other Resources & Scholarships
The scholarships on the following pages are administered by agencies or organizations other than VSAC
and do not use the Unified Scholarship Application (USA).
Please refer to the scholarship descriptions for application instructions and contact information.
Beware of Scams
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warns students to be careful in using scholarship search companies. While
some firms are legitimate, others aren’t. A tip-off could be if the firm “guarantees” or “promises” scholarships or
grants. No reputable firm can legitimately make such a claim.
Beware of these telltale statements:
“This scholarship is guaranteed or your money back.”
“You can’t get this information anywhere else.”
“We’ll need your credit card or bank account number to hold this scholarship.”
“We’ll do all the work for you!”
“There’s a fee to apply for this scholarship.”
“You’ve been selected by a national foundation to receive a scholarship.”
“You’re a finalist …” (in a contest you never entered)
Other Scholarships
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
The Caledonia County Maple Award
(sponsored by the Caledonia County Maple Association, Inc.)
The intent of this award is to assist the recipient financially with tuition
costs related to maple training opportunities, or to purchase equipment
and supplies for the production of maple products, or to assist with
textbooks or materials necessary to prepare for and use in their future
involvement in maple production.
Graduating high school senior who resides in Caledonia or Essex
counties who is actively involved in the management and production
of maple products.
Demonstrate a high level of interest and involvement in the maple
Demonstrate evidence of working in a maple production facility
within the past two years
Complete 20 hours of community service activities
Be an ambassador for the promotion of maple products
Selection process:
Complete an application
Provide evidence of maple work experiences (letter from maple
employer or sugarhouse manager/owner, list of maple experiences)
Provide evidence of 20 hours of community service
Two letters of recommendation from a non-family member
250-word essay describing “What does maple mean to you and how
would this award benefit you?” (Essay must be word-processed,
12 point font, double-spaced.)
Obtain application from:
caledoniamaple.com OR
your school guidance counselor OR
Marc Luneau
1790 Mountain View Road
East Hardwick, VT 05836
Phone: 802-793-5183
Amount: One $2,000 award
Estimated applicants: 6 Estimated awards: 1
Graduate students
Graduate program
Full time
Cornell Law School Alice J. Rothenberg and J. Stuart
Zahinser Scholarship
(sponsored by Cornell Law School)
The Rothenberg/Zahinser Scholarship was created through an estate
gift from Lloyd A. Portnow, a 1960 graduate of Cornell University and
a 1964 graduate of Cornell Law School. The fund provides tuition
assistance to Chittenden County high school graduates who have
enrolled at Cornell Law School and have requested financial aid.
Graduated from a high school located within Chittenden County
(preference given to Burlington High School graduates)
Enroll in Cornell Law School
Required documents:
Cornell Law School application
College Board CSS Profile
Renewability: Renewable for two additional years.
Obtain application from:
Cornell Financial Aid Office
115 Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: 607-255-5141
Amount: Up to $30,000 awarded annually
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Follow directions under “Application” — VSAC forms cannot be used to apply for other scholarships.
Other Scholarships
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
Courcelle Scholarship
(sponsored by PEGTV—Rutland))
This scholarship honors the memory of Joe Courcelle for his dedicated
and pioneering work for Public Access Television in Rutland. He was an
active member of the original board of directors, a dedicated certified
independent producer, and an integral part of the establishment of
Rutland PEGTV.
Reside in Rutland County
Seek education in any area of television, film, radio, Internet, computer
animation, graphic arts, sound engineering, photo and print journalism,
marketing, communications, public relations, or digital arts
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Essay—fewer than 500 words
Samples of work
Official signed transcript of high school grades
Dated letter of recommendation from at least one school
administrator, teacher, coach, or community member
Obtain application from:
pegtv.com OR
Courcelle Scholarship
c/o Education Coordinator
1 Scale Avenue
Suite 108, Building #24
Rutland, VT 05701
Phone: 802-747-0151
Amount: Two $2,000 scholarships
Estimated applicants: 6 Estimated awards: 2
Any student
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Farm Credit East Scholarship
This scholarship was created for students pursuing a full-time, post
high school education (including colleges and technical schools) who
demonstrate—through their career plans, experience, program of study
and extracurricular activities—significant progress toward, and a clear
intention for, a career in agriculture, forestry, commercial fishing or a
related field. An associate, bachelor’s, or graduate degree, as well as
technical school attendance, qualifies as post high school education.
Candidates for the scholarship must have a permanent home address
within the eight-state territory served by Farm Credit East:
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Candidates must also plan to
attend post high school education in the upcoming fall semester.
Applicants are eligible to win this scholarship only once.
Obtain application from farmcrediteast.com/Scholarship/
Phone: 860-741-4376
Amount: $1,500
Estimated applicants: 115 Estimated awards: 35–40
Deadlines are critical.
Submit all documents required for each scholar-
ship BEFORE the deadline for that scholarship. ONE
late document will mean a late application that is
not considered by a scholarship committee.
Other Scholarships
Keep copies for your records.
Submit original forms and keep a copy of every
document for your own records.
College students
Degree program
3/4 time
Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont Scholarship
(sponsored by the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont)
A one-year scholarship is available to undergraduate juniors and
seniors, and graduate students pursuing a master’s degree. Applicants
must be US citizens and a resident of Vermont studying a horticulture-
related program.
Must be a U.S. Citizen and a Vermont resident
Enroll in an undergraduate program as a junior or senior or enroll
in a master’s degree program.
Seek a degree in a horticulture related program, including agronomy,
agriculture education, floriculture, horticulture, landscape design,
botany, biology, forestry, plant pathology, city planning, habitat of
forest/systems ecology, environmental conservation, land management,
and wildlife science
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Attend a Vermont state college/university (Vermont State University
or University of Vermont)
Required documents:
List of extracurricular activities over the past three years
Letter stating goals, background, financial need, and commitment
to chosen field of study
Official transcript
Two letters of recommendation
Renewability: Renewable for two additional years.
Obtain application from:
Mail completed application to:
Carol Kress
1624 Hopkins Road
Panton VT 05491
Or e-mail to:
Questions: E-mail [email protected] or call 802-349-5450
Amount: One $1,000 scholarship
Estimated applicants: 3 Estimated awards: 1
MAY 15
High school students
Undergrad program
3/4 time
The Frank Spencer Achievement Award
(sponsored by the Rotary Club of the Deerfield Valley)
This scholarship is awarded to two students annually who reside in one
of our member towns (Dover, Halifax, Jamaica, Marlboro, Readsboro,
Searsburg, Stratton, Wardsboro, Whitingham, Wilmington).
Graduating high school senior enrolling in an undergraduate degree
program at least three-quarter time
Reside in Dover, Halifax, Jamaica, Marlboro, Readsboro, Searsburg,
Stratton, Wardsboro, Whitingham, or Wilmington
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Completed application
Page 1 of FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS)
Extraordinary circumstances (optional)
Official transcript
Personal statement/essay (see application for topic)
Community service activities
Extracurricular activities/hobbies
Three references—personal, academic, other
Renewability: Will be renewed for one year, subject to meeting
program requirements.
Obtain application from:
President, Rotary Club of the Deerfield Valley Fund
PO Box 542
West Dover, VT 05356
Phone: 802-464-3580
Amount: Up to two $2,000 scholarships (disbursed $1,000 annually)
Estimated applicants: 10 Estimated awards: 2
Follow directions under “Application” — VSAC forms cannot be used to apply for other scholarships.
Other Scholarships
Adult students
Any program
Any enrollment
General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Vermont
Scholarship (Barbara Jean Barker Memorial
A woman resident of the State of Vermont, beyond the traditional
high school to college-age track, who seeks education or training to
acquire or upgrade skills in order to enter or advance in the workplace.
Required documents: General Federation of Women’s Clubs of
Vermont Scholarship Application
Obtain application from:
Any local Federated Women’s Club of Vermont OR
Amount: Up to three scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,500
Selection criteria:
Have specific employment goals or a specific plan for further education
Have an estimate of the services and cost required to meet your goals
Be prepared for a personal interview with the scholarship committee
Estimated applicants: 40 Estimated awards: 3
Any student
Any program
Full time
George Buzzell Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was created to support students residing in Orleans
County and pursuing higher education in a natural resource management-
related field.
Reside in Orleans County
Seek a degree in a field related to natural resource management,
including, but not limited to, agriculture, forestry, woodland and/or
wildlife management
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Required documents:
Application with:
1. full name, mailing address, phone number(s), e-mail address, date
of birth, and gender
2. the name and address of the school you plan to attend, your
expected year in school, and your expected degree program/field
of study
Two recommendation letters from non-family members, including
the nature and duration of acquaintance with the applicant
500-word essay addressing how you hope to contribute to society
by pursuing a career in natural resource management
Official transcript (high school transcript for students who have
never attended higher education; college transcript(s) for students
who have completed one or more years of higher education)
List of extracurricular activities, interests, and work experience
Obtain application from:
The George Buzzell Scholarship Committee
c/o Colleen Goodridge
183 East Bailey Hazen Road
PO Box 515
Albany, VT 05820
Amount: Up to two $500 scholarships
Selection: Recommendation letters, essay, academic achievement,
school/community involvement/service, and education/work ethic
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1
Other Scholarships
MAY 15
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
Horace Greeley Edward Lewis Memorial Scholarship
Abolitionist Horace Greeley was a newspaper giant and a candidate for
President of the United States in 1872. The Vermont Legislature formally
recognized Greeley by passing a resolution to honor him as a notable
Vermonter and a voice of conscience to the American people.
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Double-spaced essay (minimum two pages) on Horace Greeley’s
influence on American society in his times and on modern,
contemporary America; cite sources.
Recommendation letter
College acceptance letter
Send required documents to:
Horace Greeley Foundation
95 On the Green
Poultney, VT 05764
Phone: 802-287-9477
Amount: One $300 scholarship
Selection: Essay, recommendation letter, and community involvement
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1
MAY 15
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
John Penfield Scholarship
(sponsored by the Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Club)
John Penfield was a charter member and the founding president of the
Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Club. This scholarship was created to honor
his spirit of giving in the community, his dedication to service, and his
expertise in the automotive field.
Reside in Windham County
Town of legal residence must be one of the following: Brattleboro,
Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, Vernon, Newfane, Brookline, Jamaica,
Townshend, or Windham
Seek a degree in a technical or skilled labor field, especially automotive
Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills, endeavors, and/or achievements
Demonstrate school/community involvement or service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate financial need
Face significant barriers or obstacles that limit your access to education
after high school
Required documents:
Penfield Scholarship Application (see website below)
High school transcripts or recent vocational education transcripts
Two letters of recommendation from non-relatives
Short vocational goals statement in writing or via another medium
(alternate arrangement made in advance)
Obtain application and more information from:
brattleborosunriserotary.org OR
Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Scholarship Committee
PO Box 1995
Brattleboro, VT 05301-1995
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Selection: Community involvement, employment history, financial
need, statement of vocational goals, and recommendation letters
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
Jon Borowicz Memorial Music Scholarship
Not be a previous winner of the competition
Audition in November
Required documents: Jon Borowicz Memorial Music Scholarship
application (requires teacher’s signature)
Obtain application and detailed requirements of the competition from:
Marta Cambra
Coordinator of Music Scholarship
Vermont Philharmonic
1388 Crosstown Road
Berlin, VT 05602
E-mail: [email protected]; information also available on the
website: vermontphilharmonic.com/scholarship
Amount: One $500 scholarship to be used to further music education,
and the opportunity to play as soloist with the Vermont Philharmonic
Selection: Audition of three prepared pieces of the student’s choice
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1
College students
Degree program
1/4 time
Knights Templar Educational Foundation
Scholastic Achievement Award
(sponsored by Vermont Division of Knights Templar)
The Grand Encampment launched the Knights Templar Educational
Foundation in 1922 to provide educational advantages for American
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Be a U.S. citizen
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Note: Graduating high school seniors are not eligible to apply.
Required documents:
Knights Templar Educational Foundation Scholastic Achievement
Award application
Official transcript
Minimum one-page and maximum two-page essay on one of the
following topics: (1) Why did you choose your major, and what do you
hope to gain from it? OR (2) Why did you choose your college/university,
and what do you hope to gain by attending that particular school?
Obtain application from:
vtyorkrite.org/gckt/award.pdf OR
Grand Recorder’s Office
49 East Road-Berlin
Barre, VT 05641-5390
Amount: One or two scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000 to be
used for travel, books and incidentals.
Selection: Academic achievement and education/work ethic
Estimated applicants: 64 Estimated awards: 1–2
Follow directions under “Application” — VSAC forms cannot be used to apply for other scholarships.
Other Scholarships
Graduate students
Graduate program
Full time
Martin Devlin Scholarship
Martin Devlin was a beloved member of the Physician Assistant
Academy of Vermont (PAAV) for many years. Following his untimely
death, a scholarship fund was created in his memory.
Be a Vermont resident who is or will be enrolled in a physician
assistant program full time
Required documents:
PAAV scholarship application
Financial information
Personal statement
Student status verification
Obtain application from:
paav.mypanetwork.com/page/648-the-paav-devlin-award OR
PO Box 341
Quechee, VT 05059
Phone: 603-643-2325
Amount: $1,000 awarded annually
Selection: Financial need and personal statement
Estimated applicants: 4 Estimated awards: 1
Graduate students
Graduate program
Full time
Mildred Reardon Medical Student Scholarship
(sponsored by the Vermont Medical Society’s Education and Research
The VMSERF awards this scholarship on an annual basis to a third year
University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine student committed to
practicing medicine in Vermont. The scholarship is made to a student
interested in any specialty with a preference for specialties in high need
in Vermont. It is the purpose of the scholarship to recruit medical students
to practice medicine in Vermont, especially its less served areas, to
ensure that Vermonters in all parts of the state continue to have access
to excellent medical care.
Currently enrolled as a third-year student at the University of
Vermont Larner College of Medicine
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate financial need
Attend the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
Required documents:
Curriculum vitae/resumé
A cover letter describing your commitment to practice medicine in
Vermont and to care for Vermonters, your main specialty interests at
this point in time, and any geographic preference in Vermont that you
may have at this time
A signed commitment form (available from [email protected])
A copy of your current student loan obligations/education debt
Finalists will be contacted to schedule a 15–20-minute remote interview
with the selection committee.
E-mail above required documents to: [email protected]
Visit vtmd.org/mildred-reardon-student-scholarship OR
Colleen Magne, Business Manager
Vermont Medical Society
802-223-7898 or [email protected]
Amount: One scholarship up to $10,000
Estimated applicants: 5 Estimated awards: 1
Other Scholarships
High school students
Any program
Full time
Pat Murray Memorial VT Chartered Property & Casualty
Underwriters (CPCU) Society Scholarship
This scholarship was created to encourage Vermont students to pursue
a career in insurance. All business careers will be considered; however,
preference will be given to those with an interest in the insurance
and risk management sector.
Seek education or training related to business (preference given to
applicants who seek education or training in insurance/risk management)
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Letter or acceptance to an accredited college/university
Essay (one to two pages, double-spaced)
Official transcript
Obtain application from:
Submit required documents to:
Amount: One $1,500 scholarship
Selection: Academic achievement and essay
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Ranney Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by the Windham County Farm Bureau)
The Stickney, Thwing, Ranney, and Darrow families made these
scholarships possible.
Be a resident of Windham County
Pursue a degree in a field related to agriculture
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate academic achievement
Required documents:
Windham County Scholarship Application
Official transcript
Essay, including choice of study, goals, and financial need
Obtain application from:
High school counseling office OR
Carlene Hellus at 802-254-3601
Amount: Maximum two scholarships up to $2,000 each
Selection: Financial need, recommendation letters, and essay
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
Reach for the Stars Scholarship
(sponsored by the Vermont Principals’ Association)
This scholarship was established in memory of Ray Pellegrini, a Vermont
educator for more than 30 years, to recognize Ray’s commitment to
and support for all Vermont students.
Be among the first generation in your family to attend college
(neither parent has received a bachelor’s degree)
Plan to remain in Vermont upon graduation from college (preference
will be given to students majoring in education)
Attend an accredited school located within Vermont and approved
for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Reach for the Stars Scholarship application
Official high school transcript
Recommendation letters
Community reference
Obtain application from vpaonline.org/student-activities/
Amount: Minimum $500 scholarship to be disbursed upon successful
completion of the first year
Selection: Recommendation letters, community involvement, and
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 2
High school students
Any program
Any enrollment
Rebekah Assembly of Vermont I.O.O.F. Scholarship
Be a graduating high school senior OR
Be a graduating high school senior who attends school in an adjacent
state, and whose parent(s) are Vermont residents OR
Be a graduating high school senior who resides in an adjacent state
but who normally attends a Vermont high school
Required documents:
Rebekah Assembly of Vermont I.O.O.F. Scholarship application
Official transcript
Two recommendation letters from school personnel
List of extracurricular activities
Statement of education plans
Explanation of financial need
Obtain application by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Mrs. Nora-Ellen Spaulding
786 VT Route 10
Chester, VT 05143
Amount: Two $1,500 scholarships
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, recommendation
letters, and extracurricular activities
Estimated applicants: 40 Estimated awards: 2
Follow directions under “Application” — VSAC forms cannot be used to apply for other scholarships.
Other Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Rebekah Assembly of Vermont Nursing Scholarship
Be accepted at or enrolled in an accredited school of nursing
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Rebekah Assembly of Vermont Nursing Scholarship application
Official transcript
Two recommendation letters (one from an educator and one from
an employer)
Statement of education plans
Explanation of financial need
Obtain application by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Mrs. Nora-Ellen Spaulding
786 VT Route 10
Chester, VT 05143
Amount: One $1,500 scholarship
Selection: Financial need, previous academic/work experience, and
recommendation letters
Estimated applicants: 6 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Roger J. Sheridan Memorial Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Elks Association, Inc.)
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Roger J.
Sheridan, former coach at Saint Michael’s High School in Montpelier,
basketball and football official, and member and secretary of the
International Association of Approved Basketball Officials.
Seek a degree in physical education or a related field (athletic
trainer, physical therapy, etc.)
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Roger J. Sheridan Memorial Scholarship application
Official signed transcript of high school grades
Copy of college entrance test scores (SAT or ACT)
Two current dated and signed one-page recommendation letters (one
from a high school official and one from a coach or athletic director)
Essay from applicant stating their plans after graduation from
Obtain an application from:
Amount: Two $1,000 scholarships—one to a male applicant and
one to a female applicant
Selection: Commitment to chosen career/field of study, academic
achievement, school/community involvement and/or service, and
financial need
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1 (male),
1 (female)
MAY 15
College students
Undergrad program
3/4 time
The Rotary Club of the Deerfield Valley Scholarship
(sponsored by the Rotary Club of the Deerfield Valley)
This scholarship is awarded to two students who are enrolling in the
third year of their postsecondary education and who reside in one of
our member towns (Dover, Halifax, Jamaica, Marlboro, Readsboro,
Searsburg, Stratton, Wardsboro, Whitingham, Wilmington).
Will be enrolled in the third year of an undergraduate degree program
at least three-quarter time
Reside in Dover, Halifax, Jamaica, Marlboro, Readsboro, Searsburg,
Stratton, Wardsboro, Whitingham, or Wilmington
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
on a 4.0 scale)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Completed application
Page 1 of FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS)
Extraordinary circumstances (optional)
Official transcript
Personal statement/essay (see application for topic)
Community service activities
Extracurricular activities/hobbies
Three references—personal, academic, other
Renewability: Will be renewed for one year, subject to meeting
program requirements.
Obtain application from:
President, Rotary Club of the Deerfield Valley Fund
PO Box 542
West Dover, VT 05356
Phone: 802-464-3580
Amount: Up to two $2,000 scholarships (disbursed $1,000 annually)
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 2
Other Scholarships
MAY 15
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Roxane Leopold Scholarship
(sponsored by King Street Center)
King Street Center created this scholarship to honor the achievements
of Roxane Leopold, who served as executive director from 1985 to 2007,
and to improve the lives of King Street Center youth and families through
education and training.
Have been enrolled in one of King Street Center’s programs:
Preschool, Afterschool Excellence, Teen Futures, Mentoring, or Kids
on the Ball (before 2017)
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Official transcript
Personal essay on the impact that King Street Center had on your life
One recommendation letter
Send required documents to:
King Street Center
Leopold Scholarship
ATTN: Kelli Shonter
PO Box 1615
Burlington, VT 05402
Phone: 802-862-6736
Amount: Four to six scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000
Selection: Official transcript, personal essay, and two recommendation
Estimated applicants: 7 Estimated awards: 7
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
St. Johnsbury Rotary Community Service Award
(sponsored by the St. Johnsbury Rotary Club)
Each year, the St. Johnsbury Rotary Club provides several awards to
area graduating high school seniors who plan to pursue education
beyond high school. All applicants need to demonstrate the Rotary
motto of “Service above Self.” While scholastic achievement is
important, the Rotary Club feels that community service should be
the paramount criterion for our selection process.
Expect to graduate from Danville High School, Hazen Union
High School, or St. Johnsbury Academy by the end of the current
school year
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
St. Johnsbury Rotary Educational Award Application & Statement of
Two letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to
your community service
A student letter addressed to Rotary of not more than 500 words,
typed and double-spaced, indicating your immediate and long-term
goals, including your high school career and/or future career plans
with details outlining your community service
Resumé of community service
Obtain application from St. Johnsbury Rotary website:
Amount: Up to four awards ranging from $500 to $1,500
Selection: Community service, financial need, recommendation letters,
and essay
Estimated applicants: 6 Estimated awards: 2
Follow directions under “Application” — VSAC forms cannot be used to apply for other scholarships.
Other Scholarships
MAY 15
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Sunrise Rotary Scholarship
(sponsored by the Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Club)
The Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Club created this scholarship to help
Windham County residents who plan to pursue postsecondary education
and are committed to the ideal of service.
Reside in Windham County
Town of legal residence must be one of the following: Brattleboro,
Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, Vernon, Newfane, Brookline, Jamaica,
Townshend, Windham
Seek a degree in a technical or skilled labor field, especially automotive
Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills, endeavors, and/or achievements
Demonstrate school/community involvement or service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate financial need
Face significant barriers or obstacles that limit your access to education
after high school
Required documents:
Sunrise Rotary Scholarship Application (see website)
Statement of future goals (one paragraph)
Statement of financial need (one paragraph)
Four-Way Test essay or via another medium (alternate arrangement
made in advance); see application for details
Obtain application and more information from:
brattleborosunriserotary.org OR
Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Scholarship Committee
PO Box 1995
Brattleboro, VT 05301-1995
Amount: Scholarships up to $2,000
Selection: Community involvement, employment history, financial
need, and essay
Estimated applicants: 20 Estimated awards: 5
Any student
Cert or Undergrad program
1/4 time
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood
Scholarship Program
A program of the Vermont Association for the Education of Young
Children (VTAEYC)
T.E.A.C.H Early Childhood
Vermont gives early childhood educators
access to debt-free education and increases their compensation—
bolstering early childhood professionals, the children and families
they care for, and the early education field in Vermont as a whole.
Scholarships are accessible to early childhood educators of both
center-based and family childcare homes.
Seek a certificate or undergraduate degree in early childhood
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Be a member (or a legal dependent of a member) of Vermont
Association for the Education of Young Children
Attend an accredited school located in Vermont (or Springfield
College, MA) and approved for federal Title IV funding (Pell grants,
federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Confirmation of completed FAFSA
Income verification for work requirement (30 hours per week)
Current license of early childhood education employer
Previous transcripts (if applicable)
Renewability: Recipient will have an opportunity to renew the
scholarship for three additional years
To access the application and more information about T.E.A.CH. Early
Vermont Scholarship Models:
Visit vtaeyc.org/teach/, OR
[email protected] or call (802) 234-1090 ext. 1
Amount: Up to $10,000 awarded annually
Estimated applicants: 125 Estimated awards: 125
Other Scholarships
High school students
Undergrad program
Full time
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission
Scholarship Program
(sponsored by Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission)
This scholarship was established to encourage and recognize high
school students pursuing career and life choices consistent with the
vision and values of vibrant and sustainable communities.
Reside in Barnard, Bethel, Bradford, Braintree, Bridgewater,
Brookeld, Chelsea, Corinth, Fairlee, Granville, Hancock, Hartford,
Hartland, Newbury, Norwich, Pittseld, Plymouth, Pomfret, Randolph,
Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, Stockbridge, Straord, Thetford,
Topsham, Tunbridge, Vershire, West Fairlee, Woodstock
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Seek a degree in agriculture, the arts and creative economy, education,
energy, engineering, environmental studies, forestry, geography,
mathematics, nursing, planning, political science, psychology, sociology,
or trades
Demonstrate academic achievement
Demonstrate community service-oriented activities
Demonstrate leadership skills
Demonstrate innovative thinking and problem solving
Demonstrate entrepreneurship and resourcefulness
Demonstrate nancial need
Required documents:
Essay (no more than 1,000 words) describing your career and life
goals and how your postsecondary education, employment, and
extracurricular activities support achievement of those goals.
Include full name, mailing address and e-mail address.
High school transcript
Letter of college acceptance
Three letters of recommendation
Documentation of any nancial assistance received
Submission of documents:
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission
128 King Farm Road
Woodstock, VT 05091
Questions: Call TRORC at 802-457-3188
Amount: Up to ten $1,000 scholarships (Payment to students will
be made upon successful completion of their rst semester of study,
provided the student attains a B average or better in that semester.)
Selection: Academic achievement, essay, and recommendation letters
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: TBD
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
United Motorcyclists of Vermont Scholarship
(sponsored by the United Motorcyclists of Vermont)
This scholarship is available to Vermont residents regardless of age
who are seeking to further their education by attending an accredited
school, tech school, college university, etc.
Graduating high school senior or anyone furthering their education
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Required documents:
Completed application
Parent/guardian/annual income and amount of personal contribution
to education
Essay as instructed on application
Obtain application from:
Lorelei Wheeler, Secretary of UMV
998 South Main Street #142
Stowe, VT 05672
Questions: E-mail [email protected]
Amount: Up to $500 awarded per applicant, granted only once per
Estimated applicants: 5 Estimated awards: 5
Follow directions under “Application” — VSAC forms cannot be used to apply for other scholarships.
Other Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)
United States Naval Academy (USNA)
United States Military Academy at West Point (USMA)
United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA)
Check with the applicable academy
Required documents: Varies by academy
Initiate a nomination by contacting a member of Vermont’s
congressional delegation.
(The USAFA, USNA, and USMA also accept nominations from the Vice
President or President of the United States.)
AND initiate a file with the academy or academies of your choice in
the spring of high school junior year (or as soon thereafter as possible):
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)
USAFA, CO 80840-5025
United States Naval Academy (USNA)
117 Decatur Road
Annapolis, MD 21402-5017
United States Military Academy at West Point (USMA)
West Point, NY 10996-1797
United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA)
Steamboat Road
Kings Point, NY 11024-1699
Amount: Appointments to the academies cover tuition, room, and
board; some academies provide a monthly salary to the cadets or
Selection: Academic achievement, SAT or ACT scores, extracurricular
activities, recommendation letters, physical and medical examinations,
and interview
Estimated applicants: N/A Estimated awards: N/A
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
The VEOP Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)
(sponsored by Vermont Educational Opportunity Programs)
Applicants for this scholarship must be participants in Vermont
Educational Opportunity Center (EOC), a VEOP member program.
VEOP programs work to ensure equal access to and success in higher
education for Vermont students. Students are often the first generation
in their family to attend college, are from low- to moderate-income
families, are underrepresented, or are individuals with disabilities.
Be a participant in a Vermont Educational Opportunity Program (VEOP)
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Required documents:
Application; go to veop.org/scholarship-program for application
and details.
Essay that describes the positive impact that your participation in a
TRIO/GEAR UP program has had on your education journey. In your
response, please share any challenge(s)—either personal, academic,
financial, or otherwise—that your program helped you to navigate
and/or overcome.
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Estimated applicants: 10 Estimated awards: 1
Graduate students
Graduate program
Any enrollment
The VEOP Graduate School Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Educational Opportunity Programs)
Applicants for this scholarship must be participants in a VEOP-member
McNair Scholars Program OR be former participants in another current
VEOP member program. Applicants must be attending graduate school
in the award year. VEOP programs work to ensure equal access to and
success in higher education for Vermont students. Students are often
the first generation in their family to attend college, are from low to
moderate income families, are underrepresented, or are individuals
with disabilities.
Be a graduate student seeking a graduate or professional degree
Be a current participant in a VEOP member McNair Scholars Program
OR a former participant in another current VEOP member program
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Application; go to veop.org/scholarship-program for application
and details.
Essay that describes the positive impact that your participation in a
TRIO/GEAR UP program has had on your education journey. In your
response, please share any challenge(s)—either personal, academic,
financial, or otherwise—that your program helped you to navigate
and/or overcome.
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Estimated applicants: 3 Estimated awards: 1
Other Scholarships
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
The VEOP GEAR UP Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Educational Opportunity Programs)
Applicants for this scholarship must be participants in Vermont GEAR UP,
a VEOP member program. VEOP programs work to ensure equal access
to and success in higher education for Vermont students. Students are
often the first generation in their family to attend college, are from low to
moderate income families, are underrepresented, or are individuals with
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree
Be a current participant in Vermont GEAR UP
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Application; go to veop.org/scholarship-program for application
and details.
Essay that describes the positive impact that your participation in a
TRIO/GEAR UP program has had on your education journey. In your
response, please share any challenge(s)—either personal, academic,
financial, or otherwise—that your program helped you to navigate
and/or overcome.
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Estimated applicants: 3 Estimated awards: 1
College students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
The VEOP Student Support Services Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Educational Opportunity Programs)
Applicants for this scholarship must be participants in a VEOP-member
Student Support Services program. VEOP programs work to ensure
equal access to and success in higher education for Vermont students.
Students are often the first generation in their family to attend college,
are from low to moderate income families, are underrepresented, or
are individuals with disabilities.
Be a current college student seeking an undergraduate degree
Be a current participant in a VEOP Student Support Services program
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Application; go to veop.org/scholarship-program for application
and details.
Essay that describes the positive impact that your participation in a
TRIO/GEAR UP program has had on your education journey. In your
response, please share any challenge(s)—either personal, academic,
financial, or otherwise—that your program helped you to navigate
and/or overcome.
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
The VEOP Talent Search Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Educational Opportunity Programs)
Applicants for this scholarship must be participants in Vermont Talent
Search, a VEOP member program. VEOP programs work to ensure
equal access to and success in higher education for Vermont students.
Students are often the first generation in their family to attend college,
are from low to moderate income families, are underrepresented, or
are individuals with disabilities.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree
Be a current participant in Vermont Talent Search
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Application; go to veop.org/scholarship-program for application
and details.
Essay that describes the positive impact that your participation in a
TRIO/GEAR UP program has had on your education journey. In your
response, please share any challenge(s)—either personal, academic,
financial, or otherwise—that your program helped you to navigate
and/or overcome.
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Estimated applicants: 17 Estimated awards: 1
High school students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
The VEOP Upward Bound Scholarship
(sponsored by Vermont Educational Opportunity Programs)
Applicants for this scholarship must be participants in a VEOP-member
Upward Bound program. VEOP programs work to ensure equal access
to and success in higher education for Vermont students. Students are
often the first generation in their family to attend college, are from low
to moderate income families, are underrepresented, or are individuals
with disabilities.
Be a current high school senior
Seek an undergraduate degree
Be a current participant in a VEOP-member Upward Bound program
Face significant barriers that limit access to a postsecondary education
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Application; go to veop.org/scholarship-program for application
and details.
Essay that describes the positive impact that your participation in a
TRIO/GEAR UP program has had on your education journey. In your
response, please share any challenge(s)—either personal, academic,
financial, or otherwise—that your program helped you to navigate
and/or overcome.
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,000
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1
Follow directions under “Application” — VSAC forms cannot be used to apply for other scholarships.
Other Scholarships
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Vermont Air National Guard Montgomery G.I. Bill
Chapter 1606
(administered and paid by the Veterans Administration)
Check with your Education Officer
Required documents: N/A
Renewability: May be renewable for up to four years.
Obtain additional information and details from:
Vermont Air National Guard recruiter
Vermont Air National Guard retention office manager
Amount: Contact your Vermont National Guard recruiter for information
regarding amount of payments.
Selection: Six-year service commitment and completion of basic and
technical training
Estimated applicants: 470 Estimated awards: 470
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Vermont Air National Guard Montgomery G.I. Bill
Kicker Program
(administered and paid by the Veterans Administration)
Check with your Education Officer
Required documents: N/A
Renewability: May be renewable for up to four years.
Obtain additional information and details from:
Vermont Air National Guard recruiter
Vermont Air National Guard retention office manager
Amount: Contact your Vermont National Guard recruiter for information
regarding amount of payments.
Selection: Six-year service commitment and completion of basic
and technical training
Estimated applicants: 300 Estimated awards: 300
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Vermont Army National Guard Montgomery G.I. Bill
Chapter 1606
(administered and paid by the Veterans Administration)
Check with your Education Officer
Required documents: N/A
Renewability: May be renewable for up to four years.
Obtain additional information and details from:
Local Vermont Army National Guard recruiter
Local Guard unit
Vermont Army National Guard Education Office (802-338-3378)
Amount: Contact your Vermont National Guard recruiter for information
regarding amount of payments.
Selection: Six-year service commitment and completion of initial active
duty training
Estimated applicants: 400 Estimated awards: 400
Any student
Any program
Any enrollment
Vermont Italian Cultural Association Scholarship
and Grants Fund
(sponsored by the Vermont Italian Cultural Association)
The Vermont Italian Cultural Association (VICA) awards grants and
scholarships to support projects and endeavors consistent with our
mission. VICA Scholarships and Grants Fund encourages individuals
who are seeking to broaden their knowledge of Italy—including the
Italian-American experience, the Italian experience, and Italian
language, arts, music, history, and culture—to apply.
Demonstrate school/community involvement/service
Demonstrate education/work ethic
Demonstrate financial need
Required documents:
Applicants should submit a PDF or word document providing
brief and explicit responses to each of the prompts or questions
that appear on the application. Although there is no specific word
or page limit, the application template is intended to encourage
focused responses that align with the VICA Scholarships and Grants
Committee’s application and review criteria. Typically, completed
applications are 35 pages.
Two letters of reference are required. (See further instructions on
the application.)
Obtain application from:
VICA Scholarships and Grants Committee
P.O. Box 4054
Burlington VT 05406-4054
E-mail [email protected] OR
Visit our website at vermontitalianculturalassociation.org/
Amount: One scholarship up to $1,500
Estimated applicants: 3–4 Estimated awards: 1
Other Scholarships
APRIL (contact VRGA for specific date)
High school or adult students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Vermont Retail and Grocers Association (VRGA)
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to
eligible students entering their first year at an accredited two- or
four-year school.
Be a Vermont resident or be affiliated with a VRGA member in
Be a graduating high school senior planning to attend an accredited
two- or four-year school in the United States OR plan to attend, for
the first time, an accredited two or four year postsecondary school
in the United States in 2024 and have received a high school diploma
File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) no later than
four weeks prior to the scholarship deadline and meet one or more
of the following conditions:
a) Be the dependent of an employee or owner of a VRGA member com
pany. The company or employee must be located in Vermont or have
responsibility in Vermont; or
b) Be an employee of a VRGA retail or associate member company in
Vermont. The employee must be located in Vermont or have responsi-
bility in Vermont. The employee must be employed a minimum of 15
hours per week or 750 hours per year, and have been employed at a
VRGA retail member store or company for a minimum of one year at
the time the student applies for this scholarship.
Required documents:
Vermont Retail and Grocers Association Scholarship application
Two recommendation letters (one from a teacher or school official
and one from a current or previous employer)
Official high school transcript
Copy of FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS)
Copy of financial aid offer from college/university
Obtain application from:
vtrga.org/vrga-scholarship-program OR
Vermont Retail and Grocers Association (VRGA)
963 Paine Turnpike North
Berlin, VT 05602
Phone: 802-839-1928
Amount: Ten scholarships will be awarded (three $1,500 scholarships
based on merit and seven $1,500 scholarships based on financial need
and merit)
Selection: Academic achievement, extracurricular activities,
recommendation letters, and financial need (if applicable)
Estimated applicants: 30 Estimated awards: 10
MAY 15
High school or college students
Undergrad program
Any enrollment
Windham Regional Woodlands Association Scholarship
This scholarship was created to encourage students to pursue education
related to sustainable forestry management practices, and evolving
techniques and technologies.
Reside in Windham County
Be a high school senior or have a high school diploma OR
be a college student
Plan to enroll or be enrolled in a two- or four-year program seeking a
degree in forestry or an allied field (e.g., natural resource management,
wildlife management) (For the purpose of this scholarship, more general
programs such as agriculture, botany, turf management, or environmental
science are not considered allied fields unless the applicant can clearly
demonstrate how the chosen field is focused on forest management)
Required documents:
Windham Regional Woodlands Association Scholarship Application
Official transcript: high school transcript(s) for students who have
never attended college; college transcript(s) for students who have
attended college
List of extracurricular/volunteer activities
Request application in writing from:
Windham Regional Woodlands Association, Inc.
130 Austine Drive, Suite 300
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Amount: One scholarship up to $3,000
Selection: The Scholarship Committee will evaluate candidates based
on the completeness, clarity, quality, and content of the applications.
In some circumstances (e.g., several comparable applicants), the
committee may request an in-person interview.
Estimated applicants: TBD Estimated awards: 1
Any student
Degree program
Any enrollment
Windsor County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Be a resident of Windsor County
Be a member of the Windsor County Farm Bureau (applicant or
applicant’s family)
Seek a degree in a field related to agriculture
Attend a school located in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Vermont
Attend an accredited school approved for federal Title IV funding
(Pell grants, federal Direct loans)
Required documents:
Windsor County Farm Bureau Scholarship application
Official transcript from high school or college
Three recommendation letters attesting to your interest in agriculture
or a related field
Maximum 500-word essay describing your goals related to agriculture
Obtain application materials from:
Windsor County high school guidance offices OR
Marion Barr, Office Secretary
Windsor County Farm Bureau
Ascutney Basin Road, PO Box 295
Reading, VT 05062-0295
Amount: One or more scholarships totaling $1,000
Selection: Academic achievement, community involvement,
recommendation letters, and essay
Estimated applicants: 4 Estimated awards: 1–2
Be sure to submit COMPLETE documents.
Check every document carefully to be sure it’s
completed in full, signed, and dated (if applicable).
One incomplete document will mean an
incomplete application that is not considered
by a scholarship committee.
The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) publishes
this booklet to provide you with information about specific
scholarships available to Vermont residents. Most of the
scholarships listed are sponsored by private groups, including
Vermont businesses, charitable or service organizations, veterans
groups, and others.
The majority of financial aid available to Vermont students is
provided by your college, university, or training school, the federal
government, and VSAC. Scholarships are considered supplements
to other aid, such as grants and loans.
Scholarships, like grants, are forms of “gift aid,” meaning there
is no obligation (under most circumstances) to repay the funds.
While grants are generally awarded according to financial need,
scholarships are typically based on factors unique to each
scholarship. These may include residency, degree program or
major, academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and—
in some cases—financial need.
Remember that when you apply for scholarships, you’ll be
competing against other students who apply. Keep in mind,
though, that if a scholarship is based on academic achievement,
you may not have to be the best student in your class; you
simply need to be the best student applying for that scholarship.
Similarly, if a scholarship is based on financial need, your need
will be compared only to the need of other applicants within
that scholarship pool.
VSAC does not discriminate in employment or the provision of services on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, ancestry, place of birth, age, veteran or military status, genetic information, disability, or any other legally protected status. Please
contact VSAC at 800-642-3177 or 802-655-9602 in the Burlington area (TDD for hearing impaired, 800-281-3341 or 802-654-3766) if auxiliary aids or
services are needed for application or participation in VSAC services.
Fall 2023
Questions About Scholarships?
Contact VSAC.
Contact your college or university.
Contact your local high school, businesses, clubs, or town officials.
Search the Web.
Contact us
ONLINE: vsac.org/scholarships
CALL: 888-253-4819
VISIT US: VSAC Resource Center
10 East Allen Street
Winooski, Vermont
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation 10 East Allen Street PO Box 2000 Winooski, VT 05404