Examples of Restorative Justice
Colorado School Safety Resource Center www.Colorado.gov/SchoolSafetyResourceCenter 303-239-4435 1 | P a g e
Taken from: Taking Restorative Justice to Schools: A Doorway to Discipline. J. Holtham. (2009).
Del Hayes Press.
Graffiti or property damage
Referral to law enforcement;
pay a court fee or fine.
Help clean, repair, or repaint and pay for
Putdowns, gossip, or
interpersonal conflicts
Spend time in detention.
Write a letter of apology to the
individual(s) harmed; write a reflection
paper on how it feels to be put down or
gossiped about.
Classroom disruption
Be shamed in front of the
class by the teacher.
Verbally apologize to the teacher and
fellow students with a promise to
contribute more positively in the future.
Request that peers hold him/her
accountable. Spend a week assisting the
teacher with classroom supervision or
Bullying younger students
Sent to in-school
suspension; have privileges
Set up a weekly book reading with the
younger students and read to them out
of Touching Spirit Bear, a book about
restorative justice that addresses a
serious assault. Facilitate a circle with
individuals considered bullies and
discover three reasons why they do it.
Facilitate a circle with victims of bullies
to find out how bullying affects others.
Ridicule or racial slurs of
another individual or group
Given a sanction to stay
away from the person in the
Participate in a blanket drive for the
homeless. Help on a project to raise
community awareness to stop “hate
crimes.” Set up a panel of speakers who
can talk to the entire class or school
about intolerance and the effect it has on
our communities. Write a letter of
apology to the person harmed and
his/her family.
Examples of Restorative Justice
Colorado School Safety Resource Center www.Colorado.gov/SchoolSafetyResourceCenter 303-239-4435 2 | P a g e
Out-of-school suspension.
Prepare and deliver a speech to a
classroom or larger school assembly
about how to negotiate with words
rather than fists. Teach a class during
detention on anger management and
self-control. Read the book Boundaries
for Kids and give an oral report on it.
Out-of-school suspension.
Return the stolen items with a sincere
verbal or written apology. Pay for
replacement of stolen items.
Use and possession of drugs
Out-of-school suspension
and/or expulsion
Do community service in a drug rehab
center or hospital where addicts are
being treated. Spend a night under
supervision in a rehab center.
Internet harassment
Out-of-school suspension
Contribute to a school newsletter article
on how Internet harassment damages
individual relationships. Write a research
paper on recent Internet harassment
incidents that have resulted in emotional
depression or suicide of the person who
was harmed.
(Unintentional) arson or
property damage
Suspension or expulsion.
Ride along with fire fighters. Visit a fire
station. Interview paramedics.
Suspension; referral to law
enforcement; truancy court
Write a reflection paper on assets for
youth. Help facilitate a circle discussion
on truancy and identify why some kids
skip school. Interview a recent high
school graduate that dropped out of
school and returned after recognizing the
value of a high school diploma. Interview
a college student and ask why he or she
wants to complete college. Ask for help
with an underlying problem that is
causing the truancy.