Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction
Description of Classes 2022
Weeks I-IV
Week One
Welcome to Hesychia
Our first class is designed to introduce you to the program and its leadership,
your fellow participants, and the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction.
Instructors: Pat Grile and Lee Morrison
Introduction to Contemplative Spiritual Direction
A contemplative approach to spiritual direction is, at its core, learning to be
present with and for another from our contemplative center. The director
offers an open undefended presence and values the art of deep listening with the
ears of the heart. We will explore the hallmarks of contemplative spiritual
direction as the directee is companioned to open to the mystery of God,
experience the sacredness of the present moment, nurture the inner silence and
spaciousness where the true self is in communion with God, and invites living in
union with God/Holy Love/the Divine and all that exists.
Instructor: Cheryl Lehman
Reading Triads
A discussion on assigned readings Spiritual Direction101: The Basics of Spiritual
Guidance by Teresa Blythe; The Practice of Spiritual Direction: by William Barry
and William J. Connelly; Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction: by Margaret
Guenther; Discernment: The Art of Choosing Well: by Pierre Wolf; and A Code of
Ethics for Spiritual Directors: by Thomas Hedberg, S.D.B. and Betsy Caprio.
Instructors: Pat Grile, Lee Morrison and Cheryl Lehman
Theology for Spiritual Direction
In a theology, we study the nature of the Divine and broadly speaking our
religious belief. We study systematically the focus of our relationship with God.
In spiritual direction, we specifically study our personal relationship with God. In
this class we will explore how theology is linked to spiritual direction.
Instructor: Pat Grile
Distinguishing Spiritual Direction from Other Helping Relationships
While counseling helps us work through or resolve problems in our lives and
relationships, spiritual direction is about the spiritual life, our relationship with
God and the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This presentation will
unravel the understanding or misunderstanding of the various helping disciplines.
Instructor: Deborah Giles
Desert Spirituality
This class will be about the Sonoran Desert and the history of desert spirituality.
We will explore the importance of our location and our indebtedness to the desert
fathers and mothers and what the contemplative tradition of spiritual direction
and hesychia are all about.
Instructor: David Denny
Openings and Blocks
This class focuses on the concepts and the terminology we use for the movements
of the Spirit in spiritual direction. Openings are those moments where it appears
the Spirit is breaking something open; Blocks are those moments when spiritual
directors inadvertently get in the way of what the Spirit is doing or lead the
session “off track.”
Instructor: Shirin McArthur
Spiritual Direction Session I
We bring in an experienced spiritual director and a person who has agreed to be
the directee for you to observe a real session in action. Time for observations and
reflection is included.
Instructors: Faculty Members
Attending and Responding Skills
In the non-directive or evocative method of spiritual direction, which we teach
and promote at HSSD, attending and responding skills form the core of a spiritual
directors toolkit. Throught instruction and example, we will explore these
essential practical skills.
Instructor: Shirin McArthur
Non-Violent Communication in Spiritual Direction
Marshall Goldberg’s NVC (Non-Violent Communication) concepts translate well
to spiritual direction. We will briefly explore the four components of non-violent
communication and what it takes to practice NVC in spiritual direction. This class
will invite the director to become aware of communication styles that block
contemplative presence and listening.
Instructor: Cheryl Lehman
Practicum Small Groups (PSG)
Students will have the opportunity to practice spiritual direction, alternating as a
director; or a directee, while other students participate as observers. The primary
objective of the PSG is to have the student director experiencing Openings and
Blocks with helpful comments from observers, all facilitated by experienced
spiritual directors.
The Way of the Spiritual Journey
This session looks at the many stages that humans frequently move through as
they seek God along a spiritual path. It will provide you with a framework to help
you assist a person regardless of where they may be on their journey.
Instructor: Deborah Giles
Desert Day of Prayer (schedule attached)
Lectio Divina
An experiential learning about the ancient Benedictine practice of “sacred
reading.” You will learn about lectio divina and practice it in at least two different
Instructor: Shirin McArthur
Week Two
Introduction to Interfaith Spirituality
What does it mean to do spiritual guidance work in a multi-faith world? This
class helps you prepare for the presentations you will receive in the week-long
exploration of spiritual guidance in many traditions.
Instructor: Mary E. Wildner-Bassett
Spiritual Direction with BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)
The Christian Church historically has a part in a legacy that has perpetuated and
been complicit in racism. There is an urgent mandate to promote the dignity of
all people regardless of their color. How do spiritual directors use the art of
listening deeply with the ears of the heart to our brothers and sisters who
experience the suffering and pain of racism, injustice and inequality?
Instructor: Maurice Nutt
Spiritual Direction for the “Spiritual but not Religious”
Persons coming for spiritual direction might give voice to deep spiritual longings
and existential questions without identifying with a particular religious tradition
or framework. This class will provide important awareness, vocabulary, the “why”
and “how” of inclusive spiritual direction/ companioning for sincere seekers.
Instructor: Cheryl Lehman
Panel Discussion on Spiritual Direction in Interreligious Context
This panel discussion aims to help students learn how to support people of
various religious traditions on their spiritual journey. Three speakers from the
Buddhist, Islam and Jewish traditions will briefly share the essential tenets of
their particular religious tradition. They will address questions that pertain to
spiritual direction and take questions from students.
Facilitator: Shirin McArthur, Panel Instructors: Michael Pellegrino, Dr. Aneesah
Nadir, Rabbi Helen Cohn
Spiritual Direction Session II
We bring in an experienced spiritual director and a person who has agreed to be
the directee for you to observe a real session in action. Time for observations and
reflection is included.
Instructors: Faculty Members
Living in Transition the Transition Journey, Forgiveness
Transition is the process of moving from one known state to an unknown state
with an interval of uncertainty between. It is our personal response to a shift in
the situations of our lives, physical, mental, emotional, environmental, social and
spiritual. Transition is a journey or “pilgrimage” from ending (beginning), in
between and new beginning. Each one of us traverse transitions differently, but
the process can be a journey of healing and transformation. Forgiveness is one of
the issues facing a person on the transition journey. It is one of the most difficult
issues in our lives. As spiritual directors, we will often be companions as people
confront issues surrounding forgiveness.
Instructor: Frank Williams
Spiritual Direction with the Second Half of Life
This class will explore common themes for persons in the second half of life and
important considerations for the spiritual director. With the use of several
vignettes, the spiritual director will sharpen their capacity to be fully present and
be able to recognize their own “hooks,” challenges, and invitations as they offer
spiritual direction/companioning.
Instructor: Cheryl Lehman
Principles of Spiritual Discernment
Discernment is one spiritual practice that brings many people to spiritual
direction. It means “faithful choices,” and there are many ways to help a person
discern around their life choices. Principles from the Quaker and Ignatian
traditions will be presented.
Instructor: Teresa Blythe
12-Step Spirituality
The Oxford Group’s highly successful Alcoholic Anonymous program (and its
many offshoot organizations) has had an enormous impact on spirituality in the
United States. Many people coming for spiritual direction will refer to “12-step
spirituality” as their faith tradition. This class outlines the 12 steps and discusses
how spiritual direction can benefit from understanding them.
Putting it All Together and Invitation to Personal Questions, Reflections
This class, at the end of week II, allows a lot of time for discussion and
integration of what you have seen, heard and learned together.
Instructors: Pat Grile, Lee Morrison
Week Three
Working with Images in Spiritual Direction
Art, nature, dreams, symbols, sculptures, poetry, etc. suggest a myriad ways to
connect to God. The spiritual director will expand their capacity to trust Spirit’s
invitations in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic images.
Instructor: Cheryl Lehman
Supervision of the Spiritual Director
Students will observe an actual supervision session (not role play) and will
become familiar with the preparation for a supervision session and the importance
of maintaining ongoing supervision with a supervisor or peer group. There will
be an explanation of what supervision is, how it is done, and options for finding a
Instructor: Cheryl Lehman
Spiritual Direction with victims of Trauma
A person with trauma in their history may especially benefit from the gentle and
accepting nature of the non-directive spiritual direction. Find out what trauma is,
what the person with trauma needs, and get tips on how to handle those times
when you may need to help the person get additional care.
Instructor: Carson Hawks
Writing as Spiritual Practice
Whether or not you see yourself as a writer, the written word has an important
place in the spiritual journey. We will explore our relationship to words and our
instructor will evoke from you some writings about your spiritual life.
Instructor: Shirin McArthur
Some Common Themes in Spiritual Direction
While we teach that anything in life can be brought up in spiritual direction
sessions, after years of practice we will begin to notice common issues brought to
spiritual direction. Some of these common themes are divorce, life changes,
illness, death, aging, marital problems, prayer, and vocation. In this session, the
instructor will discuss the common experience of “outgrowing the container”
(Richard Rohr), or the deconstruction of theological certainties, or experiencing
the “dark night.”
Instructor: Deborah Giles
Working with Resistance in Spiritual Direction
What to do when you or the directee seem “stuck.” What resistance is and how to
work through it.
Instructor: Deborah Giles
Psychological Dimensions of Spiritual Direction, Boundaries, Transference
Therapy and Spiritual Direction are quite different yet there are psychological
dimensions of spiritual direction that you need to be aware of. Our instructor is a
therapist and a spiritual director who will lead you through a way of
understanding the human person that will help you determine the difference
between the two kinds of relationships. She will address knowing where you end
and the other person begins while working in spiritual direction, and
understanding the dynamics of transference and counter-transference.
Instructor: Deborah Giles
Grief Work in Spiritual Direction
Tips for working with clients who are deeply in grief.
Instructor: Lee Morrison
Clearness Committee
One type of group spiritual direction is the Clearness Committee, a Quaker
practice of communal discernment. The class will form a clearness committee to
help a designated focus person with a discernment question. Time for debriefing
and questions will conclude the session.
Instructor: Shirin McArthur
Desert Day of Prayer (schedule attached)
Centering Prayer
In the 1970s, Trappist monks Thomas Keating, William Meninger and Basil
Pennington -- set out to modernize contemplative prayer practices from the
Christian tradition that had been used in monasteries to the broader public. They
develop this simple method of contemplative prayer where we sit quietly in the
presence of God. Unfortunately, there is more to it than sitting quietly!
Instructor: Cheryl Lehman
Week Four
The Spiritual Director’s Code of Ethics
This class offers a comprehensive engagement with the Spiritual Directors
International small booklet “A Code of Ethics for Spiritual Directors.” Topics
such as dual relationships, beginning and ending spiritual direction relationships,
and confidentiality will be addressed. Each student will be invited to self-
reflection regarding the invitations they receive for a profound understanding and
commitment of ethical guidelines as they practice the art of spiritual
Instructor: Cheryl Lehman
Self-Care for the Spiritual Director
A class designed to highlight the importance of extreme self-care for the person
who works as a spiritual guide for others.
Instructor: Lee Morrison
The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
In the quest for wholeness, we must pay attention to all of who we aremind,
body and spirit. This class will help us learn to relax our body and listen to our
body so that our mind, body and spirit may come into alignment.
Instructor: Natasha Korshak
Setting up a Spiritual Direction Practice
This is our “nuts and bolts” class about how to let the world know you are
accepting directees and what to do once you get them. Covers issues of where to
offer direction, how to market yourself, how to ask for and receive compensation,
and ways to network in the community.
Instructor: Laura Lies
Gender Fluidity and Spiritual Direction
Gender can be a fluid concept for some of our directees, and it is important for
spiritual directors to be aware of this fluidity. This class is designed for all who
want to share their experiences of how their gender identity and spirituality
Instructor: Davin Franklin-Hicks
Group Spiritual Direction
Several models of group spiritual direction are presented along with the benefits
and challenges of each one. Practical guidelines are included.
Instructor: Shirin McArthur
Spiritual Direction with LGBTQ persons
An exploration of spirituality for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer
person and some issues that may come up when working with people in this
Instructor: Greg Wiest
Open Forum
Graduation Ceremony
Note to Students: Some of these classes or instructors are subject to change at the
last minute due to teacher availability. However, we do our best to keep our
classes consistent from program to program.