Keiser University
First Edition
Official governing policies and procedures
Adopted December 10, 2007
December 2015, April 2018, October 2018, June 2019, August 2020, March 2023
For questions or comments concerning this handbook, please contact the Department of Academic Affairs. The information
contained in this handbook is program specific and supplements the information contained in the institutional catalog. The
administration reserves the right to amend, supplement or rescind these policies at any time without prior notification.
© 2020 Keiser University, Inc. All rights reserved.
Department of
Academic Affairs
Radiologic Technology Student Handbook
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Radiologic Technology Student Handbook
This handbook was written by the Faculty of the Radiologic Technology Program to inform students
of the Program’s policies and procedures. This is a competency based didactic and clinical training
program. The Faculty will periodically review the policies, procedures, curriculum and any other
information contained in this manual as necessary. Any changes and/or additions will be distributed
to the students in writing and will supersede previous policies and/or procedures.
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Radiologic Technology Student Handbook
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 5
KEISER UNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENT AND GOALS .................................................................... 6
Mission Statement .................................................................................................................................. 6
Strategic Directions ................................................................................................................................ 6
RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM INFORMATION ...................................................................... 7
Program Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 7
Program Philosophy ............................................................................................................................... 8
Program Description ............................................................................................................................... 8
Program Mission Statement ................................................................................................................... 8
Program Goals Statement ....................................................................................................................... 9
STANDARD OF ETHICS .................................................................................................................................. 9
ARRT Standard of Ethics ..................................................................................................................... 10
TECHNICAL STANDARDS ........................................................................................................................... 11
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS TO ENTER CORE PROGRAM ................................................................. 12
ACADEMIC PROGRESS................................................................................................................................. 12
General Education Courses .................................................................................................................. 13
Core Education Courses ....................................................................................................................... 13
PROGRAM BELIEFS ABOUT LEARNING .................................................................................................. 14
ACCREDITATION STATEMENT .................................................................................................................. 14
RESOLUTION OF A COMPLAINT REGARDING A JRCERT STANDARD ............................................. 15
ARRT NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION .............................................................................. 15
TECHNOLOGISTS .......................................................................................................................................... 16
STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSURE IN RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY .................................................... 16
ADIOLOGIC SCIENCE PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION ................................................................ 17
HEALTH SERVICES ....................................................................................................................................... 17
STUDENT TRANSPORTATION .................................................................................................................... 17
LIBRARY AND INTERNET RESOURCES ................................................................................................... 18
ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES ...................................................................................................................... 18
Orientation ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Standards of Appearance ...................................................................................................................... 18
Standards of Attendance ....................................................................................................................... 18
Program Attendance Policy .................................................................................................................. 18
Grading Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Student Dress Code Policy ................................................................................................................... 20
Cell Phone and Pager Policy ................................................................................................................ 21
Anatomical Marker Replacement Policy .............................................................................................. 22
No Food or Beverages in Classrooms/Lab Policy ................................................................................ 22
Professional Core Course Repeat Policy .............................................................................................. 22
Student Advisement Policy .................................................................................................................. 23
Student Grievance Policy ..................................................................................................................... 23
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Grievance Process Procedure ............................................................................................................... 24
Safe Environment Policy ...................................................................................................................... 25
Student Conduct Policies: Academic Honesty and Professional Behavior .......................................... 26
Sexual Harassment Policy .................................................................................................................... 31
Substance Abuse Policy ....................................................................................................................... 32
Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Policy .................................................................... 32
Hurricane Policy and Guidelines .......................................................................................................... 34
Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens & Communicable Diseases........................................................ 35
Medical Record Confidentiality Policy ................................................................................................ 36
Safety and Security ............................................................................................................................... 36
Social Media and Clinical Experience Policy ...................................................................................... 36
Clinical Education Requirements Policy .............................................................................................. 36
Clinical Education Center Assignment Policy ..................................................................................... 37
CLINICAL LOG REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................... 39
AFFECTIVE DOMAIN EVALUATION ......................................................................................................... 40
CLINICAL COORDINATOR EVALUATION ............................................................................................... 40
CLINICAL CONFERENCE ............................................................................................................................. 40
Clinical Competency Evaluation Form ................................................................................................ 40
Final Competency Evaluation Form ..................................................................................................... 41
Continual, Terminal & Final Competency Evaluation Policy .............................................................. 41
CONTINUAL, TERMINAL AND FINAL COMPETENCY CATEGORIES ................................................. 42
DIRECT AND INDIRECT SUPERVISION .................................................................................................... 43
Direct Supervision ................................................................................................................................ 43
Indirect Supervision ............................................................................................................................. 44
RTE 1804 CLINICAL ROTATION I .................................................................................................. 44
RTE 1814 CLINICAL ROTATION II ................................................................................................ 46
RTE 2824 CLINICAL ROTATION III .............................................................................................. 46
COURSE ........................................................................................................................................................... 49
CLINICAL COMPETENCY REMEDIATION PROCESS ............................................................................. 49
Clinical Rotation Case Study................................................................................................................ 50
RADIATION SAFETY PROGRAM ................................................................................................................ 52
Clinical Education Center Policies, Procedures ................................................................................... 55
Radiologic Technology Mammography Policy .................................................................................... 57
Program Handbook Evidence of Understanding .................................................................................. 58
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Radiologic Technology Student Handbook
The Keiser University catalog and the Radiologic Technology Program Student Handbook contain
the policies and procedures of Keiser University and of the Radiologic Technology Program. Due to
the nature of the curriculum and the clinical expectations of the Program’s graduates, program
policies and procedures may be more stringent than those of the University.
Students are responsible for becoming familiar with all the information contained in the University
catalog and the Radiologic Technology Program’s Student Handbook. The student, throughout the
duration of the program, should retain these materials and will receive copies of revised policies,
procedures and/or revised editions.
All faculty and students have the responsibility of preserving the privacy, dignity, and safety of all
individuals who are part of the program and must maintain confidentially in all academic and
clinical situations
Equal Opportunity Statement
Keiser University's policy of equal opportunity, consistent with Federal policy, assures that no
person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, handicap, national origin, sex, age, political
affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status or belief, be excluded from any training, be denied the
benefit of training or be subjected to discrimination in any hiring practice or activity of the
To ensure continued success in achieving equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all of its
programs and departments, Keiser University hereby reaffirms that it is the responsibility of all staff,
administration and supervisory personnel to work actively to ensure equal opportunities within their
respective departments, as well as to demonstrate a personal and professional commitment to equal
opportunity for all persons. Management and supervisory personnel have a responsibility to provide
leadership and support for equal opportunity programs
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Radiologic Technology Student Handbook
Mission Statement
Keiser University is a regionally accredited private career university that provides educational
programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels for a diverse student body in traditional,
nontraditional and online delivery formats. The main campus is located in Fort Lauderdale, with
campuses located throughout the State of Florida and internationally. Through quality teaching,
learning, and research, the university is committed to provide students with opportunities to develop
the knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary for successful employment. Committed to a
“students first” philosophy, Keiser University prepares graduates for careers in business, criminal
justice, health care, technology, hospitality, education, and career-focused general studies.
Inherent in the Mission is service to the community. This service includes community partnerships,
involvement with various constituencies and various continuing education programs.
Strategic Directions
The University maintains as key mission drivers the following Strategic Directions:
1. . Promote Academic Excellence by Providing Institutional Resources, Assistance, and Oversight
2. Attract and retain quality faculty and staff
3. Develop and maintain high-demand educational programs that are accessible and
responsive to the needs of the campus communities.
4. Develop and support initiatives designed to enhance institutional effectiveness.
5.Expand the international and domestic reach of the university’s programs, services, and
collaborative agreements in support of the university mission.
6. Continue the implementation of appropriate fiscal, budgetary, and managerial strategies to
provide adequate resources with which to support Keiser University and its future development.
7.Enhance the university’s relationships with its alumni, supporting constituencies, service
communities, and the professions it serves.
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Radiologic Technology Student Handbook
The Radiologic Technology Program requires 8 months of general education courses followed by 16
months of radiology courses. Radiology Courses at Keiser University are held Monday through
Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The program offers three clinical rotations: each rotation being
eight weeks in duration. The time of day, and possibly the days of the week (including weekends) of
the practice experiences may differ from the normal school schedule. The practice experiences
usually involve 5 days (40 hours) per week, unless other arrangements have been approved by the
Radiologic Technology Program for unusual circumstances. As part of the educational experience
students will be required to perform the final clinical rotation (RTE 2824) as an off-hours evening
and/or weekend rotation (shifts may include: 12:30pm - 8:30pm, 2:00pm -10:00pm and 3:00pm -
11:00pm). Students will not be scheduled to have any combination of class, lab and clinical hours in
excess of 10 hours per day nor more than 40 hours per week.
The curriculum is divided into a general education component and a RT core education component.
The core education component is further divided into didactic portion, which includes classroom and
laboratory experiences, and a clinical portion, which consists of experiences in clinical settings. Each
program course is a prerequisite for the subsequent program course offered, therefore, successful
completion of prerequisite courses is a requirement for progression throughout the program.
Admission into the program is the prerequisite for enrollment in the Radiologic Technology core
curriculum. General education courses must be completed with a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0. Students
may not progress into the core class with any general education course grade of D or F. D’s and Fs
earned within the general education component may be retaken as long as the overall G.P.A. will be
a 3.0 or above.
The Radiologic Technology curriculum is designed to provide the appropriate education necessary to
prepare the graduate to practice as an entry level Radiologic Technologist.
The curriculum is a sequence of courses offered once to each class. As the curriculum must reflect
the changing nature of the Radiologic Technology profession, from time to time restructuring of
individual courses and in some cases the curriculum must occur. Due to this potential restructuring,
students who leave the program from one class and return to complete the program with another
class are required to meet the graduation requirements of the program and University when they
Program Objectives
Keiser University’s Radiologic Technology Program is designed to provide instruction to prepare
qualified students in the routine, general and fluoroscopic procedures, special procedures, and use of
specialized equipment and techniques. Graduates will be qualified to take the American Registry of
Radiologic Technologists Radiography examination and meet the criteria for licensing by the Florida
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Radiologic Technology Student Handbook
Program Philosophy
Radiologic Technology is a profession, which serves a diverse population and focuses on the
diagnosis of disease and/or symptoms by use of imaging technology. The Radiologic Technologist
plays an integral role in the delivery of radiology services as part of the total health care team
serving the patient.
The Radiologic Technology Program curriculum consists of an integration of didactic, laboratory
and clinical experiences, each playing a vital role in the education of the student enrolled in the
Radiologic Technology Program.
The program believes that communication/ interaction skills play an integral role in the development
into an entry level Radiologic Technologist.
The program sees the value in providing the healthcare community with qualified, competent
Radiologic Technologists who are prepared to contribute to the workforce and to the field of
Radiologic Technology.
The program believes that each student is an individual active participant bringing in a variety of
needs and attributes to the educational process. The program strives to be aware of these individual
needs and attributes and strives to provide an environment throughout all components of the program
that will enhance and facilitate the development of a caring, competent entry level Radiologic
The program believes that both the faculty and the student are responsible for the learning
environment, requiring cooperation, commitment, and self-assessment from all individuals involved
in the program.
The program believes that learning is a continuous process, a part of professional growth and
development, which is encouraged and necessary.
Program Description
Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree in Radiologic Technology prepares students for
entry-level positions in the profession, producing radiographic images in accordance with
standardized practices and procedures. The program provides radiologic information including
medical terminology, patient care, radiographic procedures, radiation protection, equipment
operations and image production and evaluation. The program’s graduates are eligible to take the
national certification examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic
Technologists and are eligible to be licensed by the State of Florida to practice Radiologic
Program Mission Statement
Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree program in Radiologic Technology provides both
an educational and clinical foundation to produce competent graduates for entry-level positions in
radiologic technology and instill the values and concepts of life-long learning in its graduates.
Through community clinical partnerships, graduates integrate clinical competence, radiation safety,
professional and ethical behavior, and communication skills in keeping with the radiologic
technologist’s scope of practice.
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Program Goals Statement
The program’s mission is further defined in the following goals and associated student learning
Goal # 1 Students will communicate effectively
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate entry-level communication skills with
Students will demonstrate entry-level communication skills
with members of the healthcare team
Goal # 2 Students will apply critical thinking skills
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will perform non-routine procedures
Students will competently perform image evaluation and analysis
Goal # 3 Students will demonstrate clinical competency
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate radiation safety considerations
Students will achieve competency for entry-level practice
Goal # 4 Students will demonstrate interpersonal skills
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate professionalism
Students will collaborate within a teamwork setting
The program adheres to the ASRT Practice Standards for Radiologic Technologists, ARRT Standard
of Ethics, and ARRT Code of Ethics.
The Radiologic Technology Program curriculum consists of an integration of didactic, laboratory
and clinical experiences, each playing a vital role in the education of the student enrolled in the
Radiologic Technology Program. The curriculum is supported by the American Society of
Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), the professional agency that guides the profession.
Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree program in Radiologic Technology produces
competent graduates for entry-level positions in the field. The American Registry of Radiologic
Technologists (ARRT) is the national certification agency for the profession. Students in the
program are advised of the ARRT Standard of Ethics. Failure of the student to adhere to this
standard will be reported to the ARRT. Unethical or dishonest behavior on the part of the student
may cause ineligibility to sit for the national certification examination, obtain state licensure, and/or
dismissal from the program in accordance with ARRT guidelines.
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It is the Program’s belief that:
Learning includes an understanding of the ethical and moral issues involved in patient care
and strives to maintain academic honesty and integrity in all aspects of the program in the
student’s preparation for entry to the profession. Adherence to the University and Program’s
Policies and Procedures demonstrates the student’s responsibility and accountability in all
aspects of the educational process.
The student will demonstrate/develop the ability to:
Perform within the standards of the professional code of practice for Radiologic Technology and
applicable state and federal laws within the scope of their abilities
Perform within the standards of the clinical education centers policies and procedures
Adhere to University and Programmatic policies and procedures
Adhere to the ASRT Practice Standards and ARRT Standard of Ethics
Participate in appropriate self-assessment and modify actions based on assessment results
ARRT Standard of Ethics
The Code of Ethics forms the first part of the Standards of Ethics. The Code of Ethics shall serve as
a guide by which Registered Technologists and Candidates may evaluate their professional conduct
as it relates to patients, healthcare consumers, employers, colleagues and other members of the
healthcare team. The Code of Ethics is intended to assist Registered Technologists and Candidates in
maintaining a high level of ethical conduct and in providing for the protection, safety, and comfort of
patients. The Code of Ethics is aspirational.
1. The radiologic technologist acts in a professional manner, responds to patient needs, and
supports colleagues and associates in providing quality patient care.
2. The radiologic technologist acts to advance the principal objective of the profession to
provide services to humanity with full respect for the dignity of mankind.
3. The radiologic technologist delivers patient care and service unrestricted by the concerns of
personal attributes or the nature of the disease or illness, and without discrimination on the
basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to
public assistance, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status,
age, or any other legally protected basis.
4. The radiologic technologist practices technology founded upon theoretical knowledge and
concepts, uses equipment and accessories consistent with the purposes for which they were
designed, and employs procedures and techniques appropriately.
5. The radiologic technologist assesses situations; exercises care, discretion, and judgment;
assumes responsibility for professional decisions; and acts in the best interest of the patient.
6. The radiologic technologist acts as an agent through observation and communication to
obtain pertinent information for the physician to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the
patient and recognizes that interpretation and diagnosis are outside the scope of practice for
the profession.
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7. The radiologic technologist uses equipment and accessories, employs techniques and
procedures, performs services in accordance with an accepted standard of practice, and
demonstrates expertise in minimizing radiation exposure to the patient, self, and other
members of the healthcare team.
8. The radiologic technologist practices ethical conduct appropriate to the profession and
protects the patient’s right to quality radiologic technology care.
9. The radiologic technologist respects confidences entrusted in the course of professional
practice, respects the patient’s right to privacy, and reveals confidential information only as
required by law or to protect the welfare of the individual or the community.
10. The radiologic technologist continually strives to improve knowledge and skills by
participating in continuing education and professional activities, sharing knowledge with
colleagues, and investigating new aspects of professional practice.
11. The radiologic technologist refrains from the use of illegal drugs and/or any legally
controlled substances which result in impairment of professional judgment and/or ability to
practice radiologic technology with reasonable skill and safety to patients.
The Rules of Ethics form the second part of the Standards of Ethics. They are mandatory standards
of minimally acceptable professional conduct for all Registered Technologists and Candidates.
ARRT certification and registration demonstrates to the medical community and the public that an
individual is qualified to practice within the profession. The Rules of Ethics are intended to promote
the protection, safety, and comfort of patients. Accordingly, it is essential that Registered
Technologists and Candidates act consistently with these Rules. The Rules of Ethics are enforceable.
Registered Technologists are required to notify ARRT of any ethics violation, including state
licensing issues and criminal charges and convictions, within 30 days of the occurrence or during
their annual renewal of certification and registration, whichever comes first. Applicants for
certification and registration are required to notify ARRT of any ethics violation, including state
licensing issues and criminal charges and convictions, within 30 days of the occurrence. Registered
Technologists and Candidates engaging in any of the following conduct or activities, or who permit
the occurrence of the following conduct or activities with respect to them, have violated the Rules of
Ethics and are subject to sanctions a
“Eligibility for Certification by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologistsor visit the
ARRT website:
Students must be physically capable of successfully performing the following standards related to
the occupation in a safe, accurate, and expeditious manner. Please read the following standards
carefully, make an assessment of your physical capabilities, and determine if you have any
physical limitations that may restrict or interfere with your satisfactory performance of any of the
standards listed below.
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Lift, move and transport patients (in excess of 50 pounds) to and from various ambulatory
devices, (wheelchair, stretcher, hospital bed, and radiographic table) without causing undue
pain or discomfort to patient or oneself.
The ability to spend prolonged periods of time walking, standing, sitting, bending, reaching,
pushing, and pulling.
Position patients for various radiologic examinations. This requires physical touch.
Manipulate x-ray equipment into proper positions, including fixed and mobile units. This
requires upper and lower body dexterity.
Recognize audio sounds and (bells, buzzers, etc.…) and visually distinguish colors.
Respond immediately to emergency situations that may otherwise jeopardize a patient’s
physical state if speedy care is not administered.
Evaluate written requisitions for radiographic procedures.
Communicate (verbal and written) the explanation of procedures and give effective
instructions to a patient.
Obtain medical histories of patients and communicate this information to appropriate
members of the health care team.
Visually evaluate radiographic images.
The following are admissions requirements to enter the core program:
Meet the established program requirements.
Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) for the completed general education
component of the program.
All general education courses taken must have a grade of “C” or higher.
Complete the required general education courses for the Radiologic Technology Program and
The Allied Health Program has a set grading standard designed to assist graduates in achieving
passing scores on the national certification examination and to demonstrate that the required core
competencies have been achieved.
To enter the Allied Health program core component, the student must achieve a minimum
cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in all general education courses.
Earning a grade of “D” or “F” in any general education course, and/or not attaining a cumulative
GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in the general education component will prevent the student from
entering the program core. The student may elect to repeat a general education course in which a
grade of “D” or “F” was received. Transfer credits from another institution will be calculated into
this required general education cumulative GPA for admission into the program core.
To ensure the appropriate rigor of the Allied Health Programs is applied as students prepare for
successfully completing the applicable national board exams, programs may implement
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recommendations offered by their respective programmatic accrediting agencies to award a course
grade on two accounts where both didactic and competency testing is required. 1) Didactic
knowledge and 2) skills/professionalism competency spans all three (3) learning domains (cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective) and directly correlate to student learning outcomes and course
objectives. These programs currently possess evaluation tools that can be utilized to measure
attainment of student learning objectives. Therefore, to ensure the university supports students who
possess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to pass a national certification/licensure exam,
as well as practice safe and effective patient care, the recommendation is for the programs to award a
course grade that includes both a didactic component and a competency component. Utilizing this
approach, students should achieve a minimum grade of 70% in each of the two categories in order to
pass the course and progress in the program of study. Allied Health SAP Policy will no longer be
applicable, effective May 6, 2019.
A student who fails a course within a core semester may choose to re-enter the program when the
course re-sequences. The failing grade will only be replaced when and if the student earns a passing
grade. Grade calculation will include four consecutive terms, bridging terms, to meet the established
core semester for which the student has re-entered. The student must meet the same core semester
GPA requirements as previously stated. Should a student be out of an Allied Health program for an
extended length of time (as determined in the program’s Student Handbook) then the student will be
required to re-apply to the program and start the core from the beginning. Grades earned for
previously taken core courses will not be considered.
General Education Courses
English (3 credit hours)
ENC 1101 English Composition 3 credit hours
Communications (3 credit hours)
SPC 1017 Speech 3 credit hours
Natural Sciences (8 credit hours)
BSC 2085C Anatomy and Physiology I 4 credit hours
BSC 2086C Anatomy and Physiology II 4 credit hours
Mathematics (3 credit hours)
MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra 3 credit hours
Humanities (3 credit hours)
AML 1000 American Literature 3 credit hours
ENG 1000 English Literature 3 credit hours
Computers (3 credit hours)
CGS 1000 Introduction to Computers 3 credit hours
Behavioral/Social Sciences (3 credit hours)
PSY 1012 Introduction to Psychology 3 credit hours
Core Education Courses
RTE 1000 Intro to Radiologic Technology 5.0 credit hours
RTE 1401 Radiologic Imaging 5.0 credit hours
RTE 1503C Radiologic Procedures I 4.0 credit hours
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RTE 1513C Radiologic Procedures II 4.0credit hours
RTE 1804 Clinical Rotation I 6.0 credit hours
RTE 1418C Radiologic Science I 5.0 credit hours
RTE 2785 Advanced Pathophysiology Imaging 5.0 credit hours
RTE 1523C Radiologic Procedures III 4.0 credit hours
RTE 1533C Radiologic Procedures IV 4.0 credit hours
RTE 1814 Clinical Rotation II 6.0 credit hours
RTE 2563 Advanced Radiologic Imaging I 5.0 credit hours
RTE 2824 Clinical Rotation III 6.0 credit hours
RTE 1458C Radiologic Science II 5.5 credit hours
General Education Courses 26 credit hours
Core Education Courses 64 credit hours
Total: 90 credit hours
Learning is a continuous process; a part of professional growth and development, which is
encouraged and necessary.
Learning with respect to each student’s individual personality, ability and learning style is
recognized and appreciated.
Learning includes being instructed by qualified faculty who are respectful, understanding, fair
and considerate of the needs of their students.
Learning includes a classroom of students who are respectful to their instructor and understand
and appreciate that each instructor’s individual personality leads to individual teaching styles.
Learning involves active participation of the emotional, social, cultural, physical, cognitive and
psychological aspects of each individual personality, each of which should be respected.
Learning includes recognizing cultural diversities among fellow classmates and demonstrating an
understanding and respect for one another, thus promoting the importance of team work.
Keiser University is institutionally accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools.
The Radiologic Technology Programs at the following Keiser University campuses are currently
accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):
Daytona Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Lakeland, Melbourne, Miami, Sarasota, Tampa, and
West Palm Beach. If a student has any questions about the program’s accreditation or the JRCERT
accreditation process the student may contact the Joint Review committee on Education in
Radiologic Technology.
Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
1866 Southern Lane
Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097
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(404) 679-4500
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 N Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300
The Radiologic Technology Program adheres to the highest possible standard of education and
promotes a quality educational process in which students are involved. Therefore, any complaint
about the program regarding accreditation or JRCERT Standards will be reviewed and reported to
the University’s administration and to the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic
If a complaint is received by the University or program concerning the program’s
accreditation, or that a particular JRCERT Standard has not been met, the program will
immediately notify University administration.
The program director will investigate the complaint and will determine its validity. A report
of findings will be presented to the University Administration for review within 3 business
days of the complaint.
Actions will be taken, if required and appropriate, to correct and/or improve the quality of the
program and resolve the complaint.
The program director will notify JRCERT of the complaint and the actions taken to correct
and/or improve the quality of the program, if required.
The complete process will be documented, and a record maintained on file in the Program
Directors Office.
A follow up report will be presented to the University Administration within 7 business days
following the programs report of findings; the follow up report will document programmatic
actions taken to resolve the complaint.
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 N Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300
Students who graduate form the Radiologic Technology Program at Keiser University are eligible to
submit an application to take the national certification examination administered by the American
Registry of Radiologic Technologists. This examination is computer based and may be taken at any
of the Pearson-Vue Test Centers, upon a scheduled appointment. If the student has any questions or
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wishes to obtain an application for the national certifying examination the student may contact the
The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
1255 Northland Drive
St. Paul, MN 55120
(651) 687-0048
If a student has ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor charges or convictions the student
must go through the ARRT review process and approval to be eligible to take their national
certifying examination.
If an applicant is convicted between the time of application and the exam administration date, it is
the applicant’s responsibility to inform the ARRT immediately and begin the review process.
Additional information may be found in the ARRT Rules and Regulations and in the ARRT
Standards of Ethics. Students who re-enter the program after being dismissed for any reason are
required to submit a statement with the ARRT application addressing the reason for leaving the
program, what they have done to move forward, and graduate after successful re-entry. This will be
accompanied by a letter from the program director acknowledging the student’s statement.
The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists can be contacted for any additional information
at the following:
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
1255 Northland Drive
St. Paul, Minnesota 55120
(651) 687-0048
Students who graduate from the Radiologic Technology Program at Keiser University and have a
Social Security number are eligible to submit an application for state licensure to the Department of
Health- Bureau of Radiation Control. To practice Radiologic Technology in the State of Florida one
must be licensed by the Bureau of Radiation Control. All applicants must have a Social Security
number in order to be eligible and must meet the ethics criteria for ARRT to be licensed by the State
of Florida.
If a student has ever been charged or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor the student must go
through the Bureau of Radiation Control, State of Florida review process for approval to be eligible
to be licensed by the State of Florida. If a student has any questions regarding licensure or wishes to
obtain an application for licensure, the student may contact the DOH- Bureau of Radiation Control.
Florida Department of Health
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Bureau of Radiation Control
Bin C21- 4052 Bald Cypress Way
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1741
(850) 488-0595
The Keiser University Radiologic Technology Program encourages currently enrolled RT students to
become a member of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT). The ASRT is the
world's largest and oldest membership association for medical imaging technologists and radiation
therapists. The ASRT provides its members with educational opportunities, promotes radiologic
technology as a career, and monitors state and federal legislation that affects the profession. It also
is responsible for establishing standards of practice for the radiologic science profession and
developing educational curricula. Student members are those who are enrolled in primary radiologic
science programs. They have all rights, privileges and obligations of Active members. Individuals
applying for student membership must demonstrate that they are currently enrolled in a primary
educational program in the radiologic sciences. Eligibility for student membership shall terminate
upon initial certification. Students receive discounted membership dues. Students may obtain an
ASRT application from the program director or by visiting the ASRT website at: ©2023 American
Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT website information)
In the event a student at Keiser University has a medical emergency; Keiser University will
immediately call 911 for emergency medical assistance. The student is responsible for all costs
incurred for all medical treatment.
Should the student require emergency medical treatment while at a clinical education site the student
will use emergency facilities, i.e., Emergency Room at the clinical education site. The student is
responsible for all costs incurred for all medical treatment.
Students must have current health insurance while at the clinical education centers. Student Services
has information available on student health insurance plans for students without personal insurance
The Department of Student Services maintains a listing of health centers and community hospitals if
a student is in need of a health service referral and/or insurance plan referrals. In the event of a
medical emergency “911" is called immediately.
The student is responsible for all costs associated with their transportation to and from Keiser
University and all assigned clinical education sites. The program will not make any allowances for a
student who is unable to be in a didactic or clinical course due to lack of transportation. Clinical
education sites are located at diverse geographical areas from the campus and require travel.
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The campus library has numerous volumes and issues of Radiologic Technology textbooks and
professional journals. In addition, the library holding includes textbooks and journals in other health
and allied fields.
The library has computers with Internet access. Multiple radiology related sites are accessible to
students who need to access the Internet for research assignments. Students can log in
In addition, the faculty has their own private collection of textbooks and professional journals which
students may use under the direction of the program’s faculty.
The orientation program held prior to the first day of each term is designed to facilitate the transition
to university, to familiarize new students with the organization and operation of the University, and
to assist them in planning their academic schedule. During orientation students are versed on the
mission and traditions of the University, rules and regulations, study techniques, academic standards,
and counseling.
Students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology Program are required to attend a programmatic
orientation for introduction to program policy and procedure and to receive the Program’s Student
Handbook. Orientation is scheduled prior to the start of the radiologic technology courses. Students
are notified in advance of the scheduled date and time.
Standards of Appearance
Proper professional dress and appearance are required per the program’s Dress Code Policy.
Students in the Allied Health Programs must wear the prescribed scrubs, hose or socks, closed-toe
and heel, clean all white shoes (no heels), and the approved lab coat. Uniforms must be maintained
and clean at all times.
Standards of Attendance
Regular class attendance is essential to proper academic progress and is expected. Absenteeism
(including late arrivals, extended break times and early leaves) resulting in fifteen (15) percent of
missed class hours, for any subject, may cause the student to be ineligible to take the final
examination in that subject. Absenteeism (including late arrivals, extended break times and early
leaves) in excess of ten (10) percent of missed clinical hours per clinical rotation may cause the
student to be ineligible to continue in the program. Patterns (3 or more occurrences during a
didactic and/or clinical course) of poor attendance include late arrivals, early leaves and extended
break times may also result in the following administrative actions: written warning, final written
warning, removal of clinical placement privileges, student suspensions, student termination and
cancellation or termination of student financial aid.
Program Attendance Policy
The Radiologic Technology Program has established a programmatic attendance policy that will
help facilitate the learning of required knowledge, technical skills and patient care vital to success in
the radiologic profession. Classes begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. A student will be considered late if
he/she arrives at 8:01 a.m. The program acknowledges that emergency circumstances (i.e., funeral,
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deaths, and serious illnesses of immediate family) can occur; such events will be taken under
advisement by the Program Director. However, students must provide the Program Director with
appropriate documentation supporting their reason for being late and/or absent. It is required that
students call their instructor ahead of time if they will not be able to attend class/clinical or will be
arriving late. Repetitive or excessive absences may result in dismissal from the program.
DIDACTIC ATTENDANCE: Absenteeism, including late arrivals, extended break times, and/or
early leaves resulting in 15% of missed class time (15 hours) for any didactic course may cause the
student to be ineligible to take the final examination in that subject, which could result in the student
receiving a failing grade for the course.
Written WarningIf a student misses 5% of course hours through a combination of absences, late
arrivals, extended breaks, or early leaves during a didactic course the student will receive a Written
nal Written Warning – If a student misses 10% of course hours through a combination of
absences, late arrivals, extended breaks, or early leaves during a didactic course the student will
receive a Final Written Warning.
rogram Dismissal If a student misses 15% of course hours through a combination of absences,
late arrivals, extended breaks or early leaves during a didactic course the student may be ineligible to
take the final examination, which could result in the student receiving a failing grade for the course.
A failing grade will result in the student being dismissed from the program.
CLINICAL ATTENDANCE: Absenteeism, including late arrivals, extended breaks and early leaves
in excess of 10% percent (16 of 160 hours) of missed clinical hours per clinical rotation may cause
the student to be ineligible to continue in the program. Exceptions for illness can be made by the
program director not to exceed a maximum of 20% (32 of 160 hours) per clinical rotation. A
doctor’s note is required.
A clinical absence is defined as 3 or more missed clinical hours on any one day, or 3 occurrences
in any combination of late arrivals, extended breaks and/or early leaves.
Written WarningIf a student arrives late to a clinical site or back from a scheduled break or leaves
early from a clinical site the student will receive a Written Warning.
Final Written Warning If a student is absent one day during a clinical rotation or has 2 occurrences in
any combination of late arrivals, extended breaks and/or early leaves the student will receive a Final
Written Warning.
Program DismissalIf a student is absent in excess of four days during one clinical rotation, through a
combination of absences, late arrivals, extended breaks or early leaves during a clinical rotation the
student may be dismissed from the program for excessive time missed.
Repeat pattern of poor attendance: a maximum of three Final Written Warnings throughout the
duration of the program can result in the student being dismissed from the program.
Program Re-ENTRY - If a student is dismissed from the program due to excessive absences (in any
combination of absences, late arrivals, extended break times and/or early leaves) the student may
apply for re-entry to the program; however, acceptance for program re-entry is contingent upon the
student’s cumulative GPA standing and the program not exceeding maximum class capacity.
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Grading Policy
The Radiologic Technology Program has set a program and course grading policy that will measure
the student knowledge and skill outcomes as outline for that core course. The program’s grading
policy follows Keiser University’s grading policy, as outlined in the University’s catalog.
The grade for any course examination, quiz, homework, lab exercise, and course final grade will
follow the following scale:
Letter Grade Numeric Grade
A 90.0 – 100.0%
B 80.0 – 89.9%
C 70.0 – 79.9%
D 65.0 – 69.9%
F Up to 64.9%
I Incomplete
The percentage of the course examinations, quizzes, homework, lab exercises, attendance, etc. that
apply toward the course final grade is determined by the program and faculty for each course and are
reflected in the course syllabus.
These areas and percentages can change as deemed necessary by the program and faculty to improve
the course(s) for the student.
Clinical course grades are factored into the student’s cumulative GPA. A student must submit all
required clinical paperwork, successfully complete the minimum clinical competency requirements
as outlined for each clinical rotation, participate in assignments, clinical conference sessions and
written examinations, and present a clinical case study. Students must adhere to the program’s
clinical schedule for examinations, presentations and clinical paperwork submission. Failure to meet
course requirement deadlines will impact the student’s final grade and may result in a failing grade
for the course. Students are provided with a schedule of clinical events and due dates prior to the
start of each clinical rotation. Grading criteria for each course evaluation strategy is listed in the
course syllabus which is provided to students during clinical orientation. Student’s clinical
performance will be evaluated by the Clinical Coordinator and the Clinical Preceptor.
Student Dress Code Policy
The Radiologic Technology Program has developed a student dress code that will help the student
develop a professional look and demeanor:
1. Students in the Program are required to wear green hospital scrub tops with the Keiser
University Radiologic Technology logo along with matching green scrub pants. White lab
coats are optional.
2. The student will be responsible for the cost of their scrubs.
3. Student identification badges are required to be visibly worn on the scrub top or scrub jacket
depending on which one the student is wearing.
4. The student’s footwear includes plain white closed toe and heel shoes, which can be
sneakers, and white socks or hosiery covering the entire foot and ankle.
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5. The student’s uniform, including footwear, must always be clean and neat, properly
maintained and appropriately laundered and pressed.
6. The student is required to wear their uniform and radiation dosimeter badge during all core
professional classes, labs, and clinical courses. The uniform should not be worn outside of
Keiser University Radiologic Technology experiences.
7. Any additional clothing, i.e., a sweater, etc., color must be WHITE. Sweatshirts are not
8. Jewelry must be kept to a minimum during all core professional classes, labs and clinical
courses. NO dangling jewelry, facial piercings, or sharp rings. Obscene or derogatory
jewelry and/or body adornment will not be permitted.
9. Body piercing: one small stud permitted per ear; no other visible piercings including tongue
10. Fingernails must be kept clean and clipped. Fingernail coloring must be neutral or light colors.
NO ARTIFICIAL FINGERNAILS. Nails: short (not beyond tip of finger); no nail
décor/jewelry, artificial or acrylic nails are permitted.
11. All students must maintain appropriate personal hygiene and grooming; free of body odor and
perfumes/colognes; overall body appearance must be commensurate with a professional
12. If a student comes to class, lab or the clinical site not dressed in the proper uniform, the
student will be sent home to change. It will be the responsibility of the student to obtain any
course assignments, examinations and/or course material that may be missed due to time
away from class or clinical rotation.
13. Any time lost from the course will be recorded in the student’s attendance record and
appropriate action(s) taken as per the program’s attendance policy.
14. When assigned to a clinical rotation site the student must follow that facility’s dress code in
addition to the Program’s policy.
15. No visible tattoos: tattoos that may be visible must be covered.
16. Hair must be neat and off the collar, away from the face and secured (must not fall forward
when bending over); securing devices must be simple/non-ornamental, preferably matching
the hair color or white /neutral in color. Hair must be of a natural color such as blonde,
brunette, auburn or black (no artificial colors, i.e. - florescent reds, blues, greens, purples
17. Facial hair, including beards, moustache, and sideburns must be neatly trimmed and is
contingent on facility policies.
Cell Phone and Pager Policy
Students attending class, lab or clinical sites can NOT have cell phones activated while in the
classroom or in the patient care areas. Cell phones may be placed on vibrate at the discretion of the
Students must turn off their cell phone while attending their class, lab, or clinical site. The ringing
of these devices disrupts the class and instruction being delivered. In addition, cell phones and other
electronic devices may interfere with medical equipment and devices in the patient care
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If a student’s cell phone goes off during the class, lab or clinical the student will receive a verbal
warning. A second incident will result in the student being given a written academic warning.
Appropriate administrative action will be taken for subsequent incidents.
If someone needs to contact a student, for any reason, they must call Keiser University and leave a
message with the receptionist. The message will be delivered to the student in a timely manner.
Anatomical Marker Replacement Policy
Students are expected to maintain control and possession of their anatomical markers (right and
left) while in the program.
An initial set of markers will be provided to the student.
Lost marker(s) must be replaced as soon as possible.
The student must report loss of the marker(s) to their Instructor, Clinical Coordinator, or the
Program director immediately.
Failure to have the proper markers may result in the student not being able to perform exams
which could result in a failing grade.
The student is responsible for associated replacement fees.
No Food or Beverages in Classrooms/Lab Policy
The Radiologic Technology Program wants the educational process for the student to be a quality
process, which means that the classroom and lab need to be as distraction free as possible.
Therefore, the student cannot bring food or drink into the x-ray lab or classroom. If a student does
bring food or drink into the x-ray lab or classroom, the student will be told to remove it immediately.
Subsequent incidents could result in the administrative action and program dismissal.
Only water in a sealed bottle may be brought into the classrooms.
Professional Core Course Repeat Policy
If a student fails or receives a “D” in a professional core course, the student can choose to repeat the
course with permission of the program, provided the program does not exceed maximum class
If a student needs to repeat a professional core course the student will have to wait
until the course re-sequences. Courses are only offered in their normal sequence;
with a time frame of approximately four months between offerings. If a class is full,
a student may have to wait an additional four months to re-enter the program.
Depending on the length of time a student is out of the program, there could be a
recommendation made by the Program Director, to have the student audit previous
course(s) because it is deemed the student has lost knowledge and skills due to the
time out of the program.
A student can only repeat the same major course once. If the student fails the same
course a second time, the student will be dismissed from the program.
A student can repeat only two different major courses one time. Failing a repeated
major course will result in the student being dismissed from the program. Should a
student wish to re-enter the program after a second failed major course, they may
apply for program entry and repeat the program from the beginning.
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Re-entry to the program should not exceed more than eight (8) months since the time
away may impact on the student’s ability to successfully complete academic and
clinical performance in meeting degree requirements. If the period of time away from
the program is eight (8) months or more the student must re-start the Radiologic
Technology program from the beginning of the professional courses as a means to
ensure adherence to current industry standards and best practices as related to
radiation safety principles. Admission is contingent upon not exceeding maximum
class capacity.
Re-entry students are required to demonstrate continued competency, previously
acquired, prior to re-entry to the core class. The eligible student will meet with the
Radiologic Technology Re-entry Committee which may include the program director,
clinical coordinator, and program faculty to address any student concerns and to
develop an action plan with input from the student in order to successfully complete
the program. Options may include, auditing classes, one-on-one remediation for
didactics and/or simulation for positioning, etc.
Repeat of courses may not be covered by Financial Aid.
Student Advisement Policy
The Radiologic Technology Program will advise program students in the area in which the student
or program has educational concerns and/or issues.
Student academic advisement will be conducted by the Program Director or designee each semester.
If a student has concerns and/or issues regarding course scheduling, transfer credits, or other
academic issues, the student should make an appointment with the Program Director.
All Program Faculty are available for student advisement. The student should speak directly with
the Faculty member (Instructor) if they have a concern and/or issue regarding coursework as the first
step in the resolution process.
The Faculty’s office hours are posted on their office door and are documented on the program’s
course syllabi; students may see faculty during these scheduled times or can make an appointment
for a different time.
If the Program’s Faculty cannot help the student or the student wants to discuss the concern and/or
issue with someone else, then the student should make an appointment with the Program Director.
If the student does not find resolution through the chain of command, (Instructor, Program Director,
Associate Dean, Dean of Academic Affairs and Campus Vice President) the student should refer to
the University Catalog Grievance Policy.
If the student has concerns and/or issues outside of the educational area, then the student should seek
assistance from the Department of Student Services.
Student Grievance Policy
The program encourages the student to discuss the issue with the party(s) involved (i.e. Instructor,
Program Director, etc.) within the first 48 hours following the alleged occurrence. If the student
received unsatisfactory resolution in directly dealing with the party(s) involved the student has a
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maximum two-week period to lodge a formal complaint with administration. (Administrative
members include Program Director, Associate Dean, Dean of Academic Affairs and Campus
President) A programmatic decision will be made by administrative members within 24 hours of the
student’s lodged complaint. The student will be notified of the decision by the following business
day. If the student wishes to appeal the program’s decision a formal process, external to the program
is in place for resolving a student’s grievance. This process has been established by Keiser
University and is as follows:
The student must initiate the grievance process within two (2) business days of the alleged
A student may petition for a grievance hearing by completing the “Request for Grievance
Committee” form, which can be obtained from the Director of Student Services during normal
business hours.
The completed request form should be submitted to the Director of Student Services by or on
Thursday, in order to hold the grievance committee on the following Tuesday.
The turnaround time from request submission to the Grievance Committee Panel convening shall
not exceed 3 normal business days.
The Grievance Committee Panel is a standing committee that meets at 1:00 P.M. each Tuesday, or
other scheduled time, when a grievance is to be heard. The voting members of the committee/panel
consist of two (2) faculty members, two (2) staff members, and one (1) student. The voting members
of the committee/panel will be non-biased participants; unrelated to the Radiologic Technology
Program. The Director of Student Services is the facilitator of the grievance process and is a non-
voting member of the proceedings.
Grievance Process Procedure
The Director of Student Services will present a brief introduction of the student requesting
the grievance as well as members of the grievance panel who will hear the issues. The
Director of Student Services will also provide a brief overview of the nature and chronology
of the proceedings.
The student will have ten (10) minutes in which to present his/her views, documentation,
and/or other evidence in opposition to the position or action taken by the University.
During the presentation of the student, members of the panel will have the opportunity to ask
questions and view any documentation provided by the student.
A representative of the University will have ten (10) minutes in which to present the position
of the University and/or the basis for the action taken by the University.
Following the conclusion of the presentation by the University representative, both the
student and the representative of the University will have the opportunity for a three (3)
minute rebuttal. The student will be permitted to rebut first and the University second.
Following the rebuttal, the Director of Student Services will ask for final questions.
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The student will be instructed as to the date that they can expect *notification of the
Grievance Panel’s decision.
Then the student and the University representative will be excused.
The members of the panel will deliberate and determine if Keiser University policy has been
adhered to. This decision will be forwarded to the Chancellor for approval.
*The student requesting the grievance committee will be notified of the decision within seventy-two
(72) hours of the grievance hearing.
Safe Environment Policy
The personal safety and health of each student is of primary importance to Keiser University. This
includes not only didactic courses held on campus, but also clinical courses which require students to
attend medical facilities for hands-on training. The goal of the Radiologic Technology Program is to
provide a safe program for students that will help prevent the incidence of injuries, fire, property
losses and exposure to hazardous conditions.
In order to maintain a safe learning environment, student involvement in, or witness to the following
types of events should be immediately reported to your Instructor/Clinical Preceptor, Clinical
Coordinator and/or to the Program Director. The student can review Keiser University security and
safety resources at
Smoking in unauthorized areas
Vandalism of personal property, University property or medical facility property
Theft (personal and/or University/medical facility)
Illegal drugs (possession or use)
Alcohol (possession or use)
Accidental radiation exposure (energized lab and/or clinical facility)
Emergencies (i.e., illness, fire, etc…)
Bodily injury to oneself, fellow student and/or patient, (i.e., slip or fall, exposure to
communicable disease, etc…)
Chemical or hazardous material spill
Equipment malfunctions/issues
Safety/security issues
Confidentiality issues
Threat of violence
Sexual harassment
Campus-Incident Reporting: Should an incident occur during a didactic RT course the student
should immediately inform the instructor of the occurrence. The RT Instructor will acquire all
pertinent information to complete an incident report. The student will adhere to Keiser University
policy and to the Radiologic Technology Program policy regarding the incident in question and may
consult with the Program Director. Appropriate actions and follow up will be initiated by the
Program Director upon receipt of a written incident report.
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Clinical Site-Incident Reporting: Should an incident occur during a student’s clinical rotation;
the student should inform the Clinical Preceptor at the site immediately and the Clinical Coordinator
within 24 hours of occurrence. The Clinical Coordinator will acquire all pertinent information to
complete an incident report. The student will adhere to the medical facility’s rules and guidelines for
the incident in question and may consult with the Clinical Coordinator and/or Program Director.
Appropriate actions and follow up will be initiated by the Program Director upon receipt of a written
incident report.
Student Conduct Policies: Academic Honesty and Professional Behavior
The University can best function and accomplish its mission in an atmosphere of high ethical
standards. As such, the University expects students to observe all accepted principles of academic
honesty. Academic honesty in the advancement of knowledge requires that students respect the
integrity of one another’s work and recognize the importance of acknowledging and safeguarding
the validity of intellectual property. Students are expected to maintain complete honesty and
integrity in all academic work attempted while enrolled at the University. Academic dishonesty is a
serious violation of the trust upon which an academic community depends. There are different
forms of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, the following:
Acquiring or Providing Information Dishonestly
Using unauthorized notes or other study aids during an examination; using unauthorized
technology during an examination; improper storage of prohibited notes, course materials and
study aids during an exam such that they are accessible or possible to view; looking at other
students' work during an exam or in an assignment where collaboration is not allowed;
attempting to communicate with other students in order to get help during an exam or in an
assignment where collaboration is not allowed; obtaining an examination prior to its
administration; altering graded work and submitting it for re-grading; allowing another person to
do one's work and submitting it as one's own; or undertaking any activity intended to obtain an
unfair advantage over other students.
The deliberate or unintentional use of another’s words or ideas without proper citation for which
the student claims authorship. It is a policy of Keiser University that students assume
responsibility for maintaining honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other work
designated by an instructor of a course. Students may not submit the same work completed for
one course in any other course, earning credit for the same work each time. Plagiarism, because
it is a form of theft and dishonesty that interferes with the goals of education, must carry severe
penalties. The penalties are as follows:
Partially plagiarized assignments
The first occurrence of a student turning in an assignment containing plagiarized
material results in an automatic “F” for that assignment.
The second occurrence of a student turning in an assignment containing plagiarized
material results in an automatic “F” for the course.
The third occurrence of a student turning in an assignment containing plagiarized
material results in an automatic dismissal from the University.
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Entirely plagiarized assignments
The first occurrence of a student turning in an entire plagiarized assignment results in
an automatic “F” for the course.
The second occurrence of a student turning in an entire plagiarized assignment results
in an automatic dismissal from the University.
Students who have been dismissed may reapply to Keiser University after remaining out of
school for one full semester. Keiser University believes strongly that each student against whom
the University is forced to take action, has a right to procedural due process where the student
has notice and an opportunity to be heard. If the administration has to take disciplinary measures
against a student or other action related to the student, the student may appeal the decision to the
Grievance Committee. The procedures for the grievance are found in the Keiser University
On written papers for which the student employs information gathered from books, articles,
electronic, or oral sources, each direct quotation, as well as ideas and facts that are not
generally known to the public at large, or the form, structure, or style of a secondary source
must be attributed to its author by means of the appropriate citation procedure. Only widely
known facts and first-hand thoughts and observations original to the student do not require
citations. Citations may be made in footnotes or within the body of the text. Plagiarism also
consists of passing off as one's own, segments or the total of another's work.
At Keiser University, references are cited in accordance with the American Psychological
Association (APA) approved format. Guidelines for the appropriate use of this format for citing
references are included in the appendices of this Handbook and assignments may be used by the
University to assist in future education by students.
Agreeing with one or more persons to commit any act of academic dishonesty.
Fabrication of Information
Falsifying or inventing any information, citation, or data; using improper methods of collecting
or generating data and presenting them as legitimate; misrepresenting oneself or one's status in
the University; perpetrating hoaxes unbecoming to students in good standing or potentially
damaging to the University's reputation or that of the members of its academic community of
students and scholars.
Multiple Submissions
Submitting the same work for credit in two different courses without the instructor’s permission.
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
Aiding another person in an act that violates the standards of academic honesty; allowing other
students to look at one's own work during an exam or in an assignment where collaboration is
not allowed; providing information, material, or assistance to another person knowing that it may
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be used in violation of course, departmental, or University academic honesty policies; providing
false information in connection with any academic honesty inquiry.
Abuse or Denying Others Access to Information or Resource Materials
Any act that maliciously hinders the use of or access to library or course materials; the removing
of pages from books or journals or reserve materials; the removal of books from libraries without
formally checking out the items; the intentional hiding of library materials; the refusal to return
reserve readings to the library; or obstructing or interfering with another student's academic
work. All of these acts are dishonest and harmful to the community.
Falsifying Records and Official Documents
Forging signatures or falsifying information on official academic documents such as drop/add
forms, incomplete forms, petitions, letters of permission, or any other official University
Clinical Misconduct
Dishonesty in the clinical setting includes but is not limited to: misrepresenting completion of
clinical hours or assignments; falsification of patient records; fabrication of patient experiences;
failure to report omission of, or error in, assessments, treatments or medications; and
appropriation/stealing of facility, client, staff, visitor and/or student property.
Disclosure of Confidential Information
A high, responsible standard of conduct and professionalism is expected from each student.
Students are personally accountable for the way in which patient information and other
confidential information in clinical facilities is utilized. Confidential information is never to be
discussed with anyone other than those directly involved in the care of the patient or in the
legitimate use of other confidential agency information. Those having access to patient, salary,
or associate information should never browse such information out of “curiosity.” It is to be
used and accessed only for legitimate, clinical/learning purposes.
A breach in confidentiality which involves discussing and/or releasing confidential patient or
facility information, or obtaining unauthorized system access, will lead to disciplinary action
from Keiser University.
Each student must seriously evaluate his/her daily use of confidential patient or facility
information to assure its proper use. When in doubt, students should seek clarification or
direction from their immediate supervisor.
Sanctions for Violating the Academic Honesty Policy
After determining that the student has violated the Academic Honesty Policy, the instructor may
impose one of the following sanctions (please note: separate sanctions apply to Plagiarism as
described above):
o The first occurrence of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of “F” for the assignment
or examination.
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o The second occurrence of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of “F” for the course.
o The third occurrence of academic dishonesty will result in dismissal from the University.
All progressive disciplinary measures described above are cumulative throughout the program and
not limited to occurrences within a specific course or term. Students who have been dismissed may
reapply to Keiser University after remaining out of school for one full semester.
Keiser University believes strongly that each student against whom the University is forced to take
action, has a right to procedural due process where the student has notice and an opportunity to be
heard. If the administration has to take disciplinary measures against a student or other action
related to the student, the student may appeal the decision to the Grievance Committee. The
procedures for the grievance are found in the Keiser University catalog.
The University has established a set of professional behavior(s) which will help students develop
their knowledge and skills for entry-level positions in their fields.
1. Adhere to University policies and procedures as outlined in the University catalog.
2. Adhere to program policies and procedures as outlined in the program student handbook.
3. Adhere to policies and procedures of the clinical education site where assigned.
4. Arrive to class and clinical sites on time; punctuality is a demonstration of professional
5. Demonstrate responsibility and accountability in all aspects of the educational process.
6. Demonstrate appropriate communication, interaction and behavior toward other students,
faculty and clinical staff.
7. Respect the learning environment regarding visitors. Visitors may not attend class or the
clinical education site. This includes children, spouses, parents, friends, animals or any other
The following behaviors are strictly prohibited while the student is in uniform:
Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited while attending clinical rotations.
Using alcohol and/or prescribed or non-prescribed mind-altering substances.
Using obscene language, gestures and/or language that may be offensive to others
Engaging in behaviors of any kind that may be construed by others as
inappropriate or lacking in consideration for the thoughts/feelings of others
Gum chewing is prohibited
If a student demonstrates unprofessional behavior(s), the student will be placed on an Administrative
Action and receive a written warning, final written warning, or program dismissal depending on the
severity of the action (Professional Behavior Procedure). A student action plan will be
implemented outlining the immediate expected professional behavior(s) to be consistently
demonstrated by the student. The program reserves the right to withdraw the student at any time if
the inappropriate behavior is judged extreme as determined by the program director and dean of
academic affairs.
Professional Behavior Procedure
The Administrative Action will become effective in the semester the student is currently enrolled in
and remain in place for the remainder of the following semester. At the completion of the following
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semester, the program director or dean will assess the student’s progress and determine whether to
remove the student from or to extend the Administrative Action. Failure to meet the terms of the
Administrative Action, as outlined in a student action plan, will result in dismissal from the program.
If additional unprofessional behavior(s) should occur during the remainder of the program, the
student will be dismissed from the program and the University and may be eligible for re-entry to the
Clinical Experience – Request for Removal of Student
Should a clinical site request removal of a scheduled student due to the student’s inability or
unwillingness to abide by the program and/or clinical site’s policies and procedures, the student will
be placed on Administrative Action and receiving a grade of “0” (zero) on the Affective Domain
It should be noted that if the cause for removing a student from a clinical site is deemed by the
program director and dean of academic affairs as extreme unprofessional behavior, the student may
be immediately dismissed from the program and/or the University.
Upon removal from the clinical site, the program will attempt to re-assign the student to a different
clinical site. However, should a second incident occur during the same clinical rotation/course in
which a clinical site requests the removal of the student, the program will immediately remove the
student from the site and provide no further clinical re-assignments. This action will result in the
student receiving a failing grade for the clinical rotation/course and the student will become
ineligible for re-entry to the program.
If a student has been re-assigned to a clinical education site due to a request for removal from a
previously assigned clinical site based on unprofessional behavior, and similar unprofessional
behavior occurs in a subsequent clinical rotation/course, the student will not be re-assigned for
clinical placement and will be permanently dismissed from the program.
Academic and Administrative Dismissal
A student may be dismissed from Keiser University for disregarding administrative policies. Causes
for dismissal include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Failure to meet minimum educational standards established by the program in which the student
is enrolled.
o Failure to meet student responsibilities including, but not limited to:
o meeting of deadlines for academic work and tuition payments;
o provision of documentation, corrections and/or new information as requested;
o notification of any information that has changed since the student’s initial
o purchase or otherwise furnish required supplies;
o maintenance of University property in a manner that does not destroy or harm it;
o return of library books in a timely manner and payment of any fines that may be
o obtaining required education and financial clearance prior to graduation and to
comply with all parking regulations;
o continued inappropriate personal appearance;
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o continued unsatisfactory attendance;
o non-payment for services provided by the University;
o failure to comply with policies and procedures listed in the current University
catalog and student handbook; or
o conduct prejudicial to the class, program or University.
Specific behaviors that may be cause for dismissal include, but are not limited to:
willful destruction or defacement of University or student property;
theft of student or University property;
improper or illegal conduct, including hazing, sexual harassment, etc.;
use, possession, and/or distribution of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, and/or
paraphernalia on campus;
being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs while on campus;
cheating, plagiarism, and/or infractions of the University’s Student Conduct Policies;
any behavior which distracts other students and disrupts routine classroom activities;
use of abusive language, including verbalization or gestures of an obscene nature; or
threatening or causing physical harm to students, faculty, staff or others on campus or
while students are engaged in off-site learning experiences.
Conflict Resolution
Students are encouraged to first discuss any concerns with their instructor. If the concern is not
resolved, they should speak to their program director. Subsequent levels are the associate dean or
dean of academic affairs and the campus president. Chain of command should always be utilized for
prompt resolution. Keiser University does however maintain an open door policy.
Student Disciplinary Procedures
If a student violates Keiser University’s Standards of Conduct in a classroom, the first level of
discipline lies with the faculty member. If a situation demands further action, the dean of academic
affairs is responsible. In the absence of the dean, the campus president determines disciplinary
action. If a student has a serious objection to the disciplinary action imposed, the student has the
right to use the grievance process as outlined in the Keiser University catalog.
When a student violates Keiser University’s Standards of Conduct outside the classroom but on
campus, the dean of academic affairs is the first level of discipline. The next level is the campus
president. If a student is dissatisfied with the disciplinary action imposed, the student has the right to
use the grievance process as outlined in the Keiser University catalog.
Sexual Harassment Policy
The Radiologic Technology Program follows Keiser University’s Sexual Harassment Policy as
stated in the University’s catalog. The statement is as follows:
Keiser University actively supports a policy on sexual harassment which includes a commitment to
creating and maintaining a community in which students, faculty, and administrative-academic staff
can work together in an atmosphere free of all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation.
Specifically, every member of the University community should be aware that the University is
strongly opposed to sexual harassment and that such behavior is prohibited both by law and by
University policy. It is the intention of the University to take whatever action may be needed to
prevent, correct, and, if necessary, discipline behavior which violates this policy.
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This statement applies to all students in the Radiologic Technology Program. It also covers the
educational areas of the University campus, classrooms and clinical education sites and the student’s
interaction with individuals involved in their education process.
A student will be withdrawn from the Radiologic Technology Program for violating this Sexual
Harassment Policy.
Substance Abuse Policy
Keiser University is in compliance with Federal Government Regulations for a Drug Free
Workplace for both students and employees. The program has established a substance abuse policy
for program students with the intent to protect the health, safety and welfare of the student, student
peers, faculty, University staff, and patients at the clinical education sites.
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages, illegal substances or paraphernalia on campus or at a
clinical education site will result in immediate dismissal from the program and subsequently from
the University.
Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Policy
The Joint Commission (TJC) has implemented requirements for criminal background checks.
Standard HR.1.20 for staff, students and volunteers who work in the same capacity as staff who
provide care, treatment, and services at EP 5 states criminal background checks are verified when
required by law and regulation and organization policy. (
State and/or federal laws through designated agencies regulate health professions. Each agency sets
the specific requirement for granting licensure or certification to practice as a healthcare provider.
Most agencies have restrictions on eligibility to sit for credentialing examinations and granting
licensure or certification to an individual with a criminal record.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 456.0635, the Florida Department of Health, and related health
care boards will refuse to issue a license, certificate or registration, or renew a license, certificate or
registration and will refuse to admit a candidate for examination if the applicant has been:
Convicted or pled guilty or no contest, regardless of adjudication, to a felony violation of the
following Florida Statutes: Chapter 409 - Social and Economic Assistance, Chapter 817 -
Fraudulent Practices or Chapter 893 - Drug Abuse Prevention and Control, or 21 United
States Code ss. 801-970 that pertains to Controlled Substances or 42 United States Code ss.
1395-1396 that pertains to Public health and Welfare and Medicare, unless the sentence and
any probation or pleas ended more than 15 years prior to the application.
Terminated for cause from the Florida Medicaid Program unless the applicant has been in
good standing for the most recent 5 years.
Terminated for cause by any other State Medicaid Program or the Medicare Program unless
the termination was at least 20 years prior to the date of the application and the applicant has
been in good standing with the program for the most recent 5 years.
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Is currently listed on the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of
Inspector General's List of Excluded Individuals and Entities.
Section 456.0635 of the Florida Statutes lists restrictions for initial licensure applicants and
renewals. It is the responsibility of the applicant to research eligibility for the examination, license,
and/or certification being sought.
The initial criminal background check will be required, during the admissions process and prior to
enrollment in the Allied Health Program. The completed background report will be reviewed and a
determination concerning program acceptance made within three (3) to five (5) business days. The
University reserves the right to deny an application.
Students will be subject to criminal background checks and drug screenings prior to enrollment in
the program and/or at any time throughout the duration of the program as per the request from the
program’s clinical affiliates. The student is responsible for all associated fees. Allied Health
programs mandate clinical participation to meet degree completion requirements. It is at the
discretion of each medical facility with which the program has a clinical affiliation agreement, to
implement a standard protocol regarding student admittance for educational purposes.
Once the student has been accepted into the program it will become the responsibility of the program
to assign the student to a clinical education site. Acceptance at the clinical site however, is
determined solely by the facility’s individual protocol. The program does not guarantee student
acceptance at a clinical education site.
If for any reason, a student is denied acceptance at a clinical facility and is unable to complete the
program based on their criminal background status the student will fail the clinical course, be
dismissed from the program and become ineligible for re-entry to the program.
It is the responsibility of the student to report any changes in the status of their criminal background
history to the Program Director immediately. Should the student become involved in criminal
activity after program acceptance, in which the initial criminal background clearance status becomes
compromised, the student will be withdrawn from the program. The program and the university will
not modify the curriculum for students who have an unsatisfactory criminal background status.
Students are subject to drug screening prior to and during their clinical education experience.
Students should be aware that some medical facilities require a drug screening on site prior to the
clinical rotation or a random drug screening during the clinical rotation. Students are required to
abide by facility protocols and are responsible for any associated fees.
In the event that a student receives a positive drug screen result, the following actions may occur:
1. If it is determined the student has breached the Keiser University Drug Policy the student will be
immediately dismissed from the program and subsequently from the University.
2. The student may request testing at another facility within 24 hours of notification of a positive
drug screen result. A second positive drug screen report will result in the student being
dismissed from the program and subsequently the University. Medication prescribed to the
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student by a licensed physician is an exception (Any additional costs incurred in this process
are the sole responsibility of the student).
3. The student may petition for a grievance hearing by completing the “Request for
Grievance Committee” form, which can be obtained from the Director of Student
Services during normal business hours. The student must initiate the grievance process
within two (2) business days of the alleged occurrence. (Refer to University catalog
grievance policy)
It is the student’s responsibility to report any changes in the criminal background status to the
Program Director immediately. Involvement in criminal activity after program acceptance, in which
the initial criminal background clearance status becomes compromised, will result in the student
being withdrawn from the program. The program and the university will not modify the curriculum
for students who have an unsatisfactory criminal background status.
Hurricane Policy and Guidelines
The Radiologic Technology Program has developed a Hurricane Plan in accordance with Keiser
University’s policies to protect the safety of the students. Above all else, Keiser University students
are encouraged to respond to the threat of a Hurricane for their location and should put their safety
and that of their families first.
During the didactic component of the curriculum when the students attend classes on campus, the
decision of the campus regarding school closings must be followed. During the clinical rotations the
student should follow the hurricane status based on the geographic area of the site and/or the
student’s address. For information and updates on approaching storms/hurricanes students can call
the Keiser University Hurricane Hot-line phone number – (877) 353-4737.
Campus classesUtilize the Keiser University Hurricane Hot-line phone number and listen
for your campus listing and any class cancellations.
Tropical Depression or Tropical Warning – No change in class schedule
Hurricane WatchStudents must attend classes as scheduled
Hurricane WarningClasses will be cancelled
Clinical sites
Students in clinical sites should follow the same procedures with the following exceptions:
The student is responsible to obtain a contact number for the Clinical Preceptor at the clinical
The student will call the Clinical Preceptor to find out if the site will be operating under normal
If the site is closing, the student must contact the clinical coordinator for further instructions.
Hospitals and Out Patient facilities may go into “lock-down” up to 24 hours prior to a storm
event. At the point the Clinical Preceptor informs the student of an eminent lock-down the
student will contact the clinical coordinator. The student is to leave the hospital and take all
personal items with them. The student may NOT stay in the facility once the lock-down
procedure has been instituted.
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Post Storm
Check to see that classes have resumed or for possible delayed openings. Once the University
resumes classes it is expected that students return to their scheduled class.
For clinical courses - contact the facility to see if they are operational; contact the clinical
coordinator prior to going to a facility.
If a facility was in the path of a hurricane, contact the clinical coordinator first for instructions.
In the event that a facility is closed or that students are not allowed at the site, the clinical
coordinator may require the students to come to campus.
Each event will be evaluated as it occurs and will be dealt with as needed by the program director
and the clinical coordinator per Keiser University policy. It is the student’s responsibility to keep in
contact with the University and the clinical coordinator. Any concerns or issues that arise will be
attended to on an as need basis; per Keiser University policy. If classes are not cancelled and you do
not attend, this will be considered an absence. Extenuating circumstances should be brought to the
attention of the program director.
Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens & Communicable Diseases
The Radiologic Technology Program has developed a policy to limit the student’s occupational
exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials since any exposure could result in the
risk of transmission of these materials. All students will receive orientation to the facility’s policy at
each assigned clinical education site.
Training: Basic information regarding blood borne pathogens and standard precautions will be
provided to all students in the Radiologic Technology Program.
Exposure associated tasks for Radiologic Technology students during the clinical rotations:
Patient hygiene/elimination
Vascular access
Environmental/equipment cleaning
Specimen collection
Specimen transport
Waste/linens management
Standard precautions to prevent the acquisition of infection by the student:
Hands must be washed between every direct patient contact
Nonsterile gloves must be used if contact with blood, body fluid, secretion or excretion is
Gown and facial protection must be worn when doing procedures which may cause
splatter & aerosolization of body fluids.
Disposable needles & syringes should be placed in rigid puncture resistant containers. To
prevent needle stick injuries, needles should not be recapped, bent or broken before
Incident Reporting: Should an exposure incident occur during a student’s clinical rotation, the
student should immediately inform the Clinical Preceptor at the site and the Clinical Coordinator
within 24 hours of occurrence. Appropriate actions and follow up will be initiated immediately
by the Program Director upon receipt of a written incident report.
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Students may be required to attend a facility orientation prior to the start of their clinical rotation;
this is contingent upon each facility. It will be the responsibility of the student to make up any
course assignments, or exams missed due to the facility’s orientation schedule.
Medical Record Confidentiality Policy
Students of the Radiologic Technology Program must maintain the confidentiality of all patient
medical records and information they come in contact with at a clinical education site or at the
University as part of their educational process.
The student must follow all state and federal statutes and regulations regarding patient medical
records and medical information.
The student must follow the clinical education site policies and procedures regarding medical
records and medical information.
When a student must use a patient’s medical information, the student must use it properly and in
the correct setting.
The student must not disclose any of a patient’s medical record information to a non-health care
provider. The health care provider must be medically involved with the patient for the student to
provide the patient’s medical record information.
Failure of the student to follow state and federal statutes and regulations and improperly using
confidential patient medical record information will cause the student to be permanently
withdrawn from the Radiologic Technology Program.
Safety and Security
Keiser Schools consider the safety and security of all University community members integral to its
educational mission. In preparation for natural and man-made emergencies, Keiser Schools have
developed an emergency management strategy that is intended to prevent, prepare, respond and
recover from disasters while providing a safe and secure environment to students, staff, faculty and
visitors. See also:
Social Media and Clinical Experience Policy
Students may not disclose any information concerning patients, employees, clients and/or procedures
witnessed during their clinical/fieldwork experience on any social media (see Medical Record
Confidentiality Policy). Social media includes but is not limited to blogs; media sharing; microblogs;
social networks; virtual worlds; and wikis.
Students should not socialize (including on any social media) with faculty, staff and clinical or
fieldwork instructors. If a student exhibits inappropriate behavior or posts on social media, the
program will follow the Professional Behavior Policy (see Professional Behavior Procedures).
Future employers often review social media network sites when considering potential candidates for
employment. Students should carefully consider the type of information posted on these sites as the
information they post may be public for anyone to see even after it has been removed or deleted.
Clinical Education Requirements Policy
Radiologic Technology Program students who will be assigned to a clinical education site for their
clinical rotation must have completed the following before they are assigned to a clinical education
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site. This includes required tests to include, but not limited to, TB test (chest x-ray for positive TB
test results), titers for MMR, Rubeola, Varicella, Hepatitis B (immunization record if available), flu
immunization, CPR/BLS certification, basic HIV/AIDS course, OSHA information, criminal
background check, drug screening. Testing will be required of all students prior to the first clinical
rotation and subsequently as determined by the assigned clinical education site’s requirements.
1. The health record and required tests must not be any older than one year from the clinical
assignment date; a current PPD within six months of the clinical assignment may be
accepted. Stricter deadlines may be required at assigned clinical education sites; the
student must meet these requirements in order to attend
2. The Radiologic Technology Program will schedule the HIV/AIDS, CPR/BLS and OSHA
courses at no cost to the student.
3. Students will need proof of Health Insurance coverage prior to each clinical rotation. The
student will be responsible for maintaining coverage for the duration of each clinical
rotation. Health Insurance fees are the responsibility of the student.
4. Completed criminal background check and negative drug screen as required by the
clinical education site; the student is responsible for any fees incurred.
5. The student must schedule an appointment for the required tests and is responsible for
any fees incurred. All forms to be submitted to the program director by the designated
date, including:
o Health Record/Immunizations Form
o Hepatitis Form
o Health Insurance verification
o Clinical Education Requirement Waiver
o TB results
o Immunizations as needed
o Flu vaccine as required by assigned clinical education site
6. It is the responsibility of the student to be in attendance for any scheduled and/or required
clinical education site orientation. The student will receive an orientation information
packet by the Clinical Coordinator prior to the start of each clinical rotation which will
include the date, time, and place of the mandatory orientation. Non-attendance of the
mandatory scheduled orientation or failure to complete the required orientation will result
in the student to not be allowed admittance to the medical facility in which they were
assigned a clinical rotation. The Program will reschedule an orientation time for the
student. However, due to the facility’s timeframe between scheduled orientations several
days or weeks could pass. Absenteeism in the amount of 5% of the clinical rotation hours
can result in the student being withdrawn from the course/clinical rotation, and
subsequently withdrawn from the program. The student may apply for re-entry to the
program when the course re-sequences; however, re-entry within eight months is
contingent upon not exceeding maximum student class size capacity and current GPA
Clinical Education Center Assignment Policy
Clinical Education is an integral part of the curriculum of the Radiology Technology program. The
program affiliates with a variety of clinical sites geographically dispersed throughout the
surrounding area. Locations of the program’s JRCERT recognized clinical affiliates may be found at
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each student receives a catalog in which the entire program curriculum is outlined. The clinical
rotation portion of the program is discussed in the catalog. The Radiologic Technology course
sequence of classes can be found on the Keiser University website at Click the text link titled “Radiologic
Technology Course Sequence Schedule.”
In preparation for clinical rotation site assignments, students will complete the Clinical Education
Setting Rotation Request Form. The Clinical Coordinator will consider student input in
assignment/placement. The program reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary. Each
student in the Radiologic Technology program will be assigned to a clinical education site/s. Each
site provides a Clinical Preceptor who will help instruct and evaluate student progress during the
clinical rotation course. Clinical education sites are located at diverse geographical areas from the
campus and require travel. The program will provide the student with the clinical education sites
locations and distance from campus.
The Radiologic Technology program provides three clinical rotations throughout the duration of the
program. Each rotation lasts 8 weeks. The forty-hour week allows students sufficient time to
complete the required clinical competencies for each assigned clinical rotation.
1. The clinical education component will consist of forty-hour weeks in an assigned facility
for supervised practice of acquired knowledge and skills. As part of the educational
experience students will be required to perform their final clinical rotation as an off-hour
evening shift and/or weekend rotation. Off-hour shifts typically include but are not
limited to: 2:00pm -10:00pm and 3:00pm -11:00pm).
2. Students will receive a set schedule of stated hours for the entire rotation prior to the start
of the clinical rotation. The program will attempt to place the student at one of their
requested clinical sites. However, if the program is unable to do so, then the student will
be required to attend the clinical education site the program has assigned and adhere to
the scheduled hours assigned.
3. At least one clinical rotation must include a hospital setting.
4. The program requires students to rotate through a minimum of two different clinical
education sites. However, students may elect to do two rotations at the same medical
facility provided the clinical education site in which they wish to return has not exceeded
maximum student capacity.
Clinical assignments are determined by the clinical coordinator after receipt of the student’s
Clinical Education Request form. Students will be scheduled for off hours during RTE 2824 at a
minimum of 3% (24 hours) of the total clinical hours (960 hours) of the program, not to exceed a
maximum of 22% (211 hours). Off-hours includes any assigned clinical rotation hours between 7
p.m. and 5 a.m. and any weekends hours.
The program will attempt to assign the student to one of the choices requested. However, the
program reserves the right to place the student at any clinical education setting which the student
did not select.
Once the program decides student placement, the student must attend the clinical education
setting assigned.
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All students are required to observe and/or perform imaging in advanced/specialized modalities
for no more than 40 hours; 16 of the 40 hours must be in CT during the 3 clinical rotations.
Students, male and female, may observe and/or perform breast imaging as well as, any imaging
procedures performed by radiologic technology professionals during clinical rotations unless
restricted by the clinical education setting.
Male students are advised that placement in a mammography rotation is not guaranteed and is
subject to the availability of a clinical setting that allows males to participate in mammographic
imaging procedures. The program will not deny female students the opportunity to participate in
mammography rotations if clinical settings are not available to provide the same opportunity to
male students.
If a student has any questions about this process, please discuss your concerns with the Clinical
Coordinator and/or the Program Director.
Florida Patient's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities Summary
The Bill of Rights applies to all physicians who see patients in an office setting, and to hospitals and
ambulatory surgical centers that offer emergency, outpatient, or inpatient services. Section 381.026,
Florida Statutes, requires that physicians and health care facilities, if requested, shall inform patients
of the address and telephone number of each state agency responsible for responding to patient
complaints. Physicians and health care facilities are also required to adopt and make public, in
writing, a summary of the rights and responsibilities of patients. This may be accomplished by
posting a copy in the office in a conspicuous place. Fines for noncompliance range from $100 for
non-willful violations to $500 for willful violations.
381.026 Florida Patient's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities;
Students are required to keep a current clinical log of daily radiographic procedures that they have
either observed, assisted, or performed during their clinical rotation. The log is to be maintained on
a daily basis and be readily available for review by the Clinical Preceptor and/or Clinical
Coordinator. Students will submit their clinical log bi-weekly to the Clinical Coordinator for
grading; this process allows the Clinical Coordinator to monitor the student’s progress and furnish
the student with appropriate feedback. At the end of each clinical rotation clinical logs will be
collected to become part of the student’s clinical file.
The clinical log is beneficial in the following ways:
Help students to locate observed, assisted, and/or performed radiographic examinations,
competency examinations, and clinical case studies.
Enable the Clinical Preceptor and the Clinical Coordinator to review exams with students in
order to determine the student’s knowledge of anatomy, positioning criteria, imaging techniques,
critical thinking scenarios, and correctness of the images relating to student competency. Exams
deemed less than acceptable by the Clinical Coordinator will not be added to the completed
competency list and student will not be credited with the exam.
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Enable Program Director to justify an enriching learning environment with sufficient and varied
workload. An average workload should be from approximately 400 – 800 exams for each
Maintaining the clinical log can also be time consuming; therefore, clinical time not to exceed 15
minutes will be allocated daily.
The Clinical Coordinator will check clinical logs bi-weekly. Failure to present an up-to-date clinical
log will be reflected in the student’s overall clinical grade.
On the last day of clinical rotation, the student must submit their daily log, and all other required
clinical paperwork (as stated on the course control document) to the Clinical Coordinator. Any
paperwork not submitted by the end of the rotation will cause the student to receive a failing grade
for the clinical rotation. A clinical grade of “C” or higher is required to continue in the program.
The main reason for this type of evaluation is the development of verbal and written communication,
professional/ethical behavior, attitude, and work ethic. It takes into consideration such areas as
conduct, attendance, patient interaction, and technical skills, etc. This evaluation is completed by
the Clinical Instructor at the clinical education site with input from the staff and administration and
is factored into the student’s overall clinical grade.
The main reason for this type of evaluation is the development of a professional/ethical behavior,
attitude, and work ethic. It takes into consideration such areas as ability to work with direct and
indirect supervision, apply critical thinking skills, welcome constructive criticism, adhere to
programmatic and medical facility policies and demonstrate progression of required clinical
competencies, etc. This evaluation is completed by the Clinical Coordinator at the clinical education
center with input from the staff and administration.
The students are brought together at Keiser University at least twice during each clinical rotation to
either present a clinical case study to the class or participate in an image system analysis workshop.
This type of workshop assists students in recognizing diagnostic quality images. A formal critique of
least (3) radiographic examinations will occur involving the identification of various projections,
positions, artifacts, techniques, and methods for improvement of the quality of the image(s). In
addition, there will be a discussion on educational topics that link the academic aspects and the
clinical portion.
Clinical Competency Evaluation Form
This form is used for clinical competency evaluation and can be completed by the Clinical Preceptor,
Clinical Staff, and/or Clinical Coordinator. The student can request a clinical competency
evaluation on a radiographic procedure only after the required performance has been learned
didactically, observed at least once in the clinical setting, and is reflected in the student’s clinical
log. The clinical competency evaluation will include all projections for each examination according
to the clinical education center’s protocol, and all tasks associated with the radiographic procedure.
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After the student has successfully completed the clinical competency the student can then perform
that examination under INDIRECT SUPERVISION. Continual and terminal competencies are
similar to clinical competency evaluations in that the same evaluation form is utilized.
Final Competency Evaluation Form
This form is used for clinical competency evaluation and is completed by the Clinical Coordinator in
the third clinical rotation. The clinical competency evaluation will include three radiographic
procedures to be performed by the student. The student must pass this evaluation with a minimum
score of 80% (240 of 300 points) to be considered clinically competent as an entry-level practitioner.
Any student that scores below the minimum required score will need to receive remediation by the
Clinical Coordinator and be reevaluated after the remediation process has been successfully
completed. Failure to achieve a grade of 80% on the second attempt will result in the student not
being able to pass the course and continue in the program.
Continual, Terminal & Final Competency Evaluation Policy
Continual competency evaluations will only occur in RTE 1814, Clinical Rotation II. The student
will only be able to perform a continual competency after they have successfully completed an
evaluation competency on the same radiographic procedure during RTE 1804, Clinical Rotation I.
The student must complete (4) continual competencies during RTE 1814, Clinical Rotation II.
Terminal competency evaluations and the final competency evaluation will only occur in RTE 2824,
Clinical Rotation III, and only after the student has completed all required competency evaluations,
as outlined in the clinical course Master Syllabus. The student must complete (4) terminal
competency evaluations (different examinations than those chosen for continual competency
evaluations), and successfully pass the final competency evaluation, no later than the end of RTE
2824. The student will choose from the list of categories on the Clinical Competency Requirement
Summary Sheet. Terminal and Final Competency Evaluations are to be performed at the clinical
site. Due to an unexpected situation, a student may request that a clinical competency (continual,
terminal, or final) be simulated. Simulation will be at the discretion of the Clinical Coordinator and
not to exceed 2 simulations per clinical rotation.
General Patient Care Competencies
Competency must be demonstrated in all nine patient care activities prior to the end of the
final clinical rotation. These include CPR, vital signs for blood pressure, temperature, pulse,
respiration, pulse oximetry, sterile and aseptic technique, venipuncture, transfer of patient,
and care of patient medical equipment. CPR and venipuncture will be simulated on campus.
Students are not to perform actual venipuncture on another person.
All other patient care competencies will be demonstrated on patients including aseptic
technique for venipuncture.
Hold patients during a radiographic procedure
Inject any contrast media or medication nor perform venipuncture on a patient
Support an image receptor during radiographic exposures
Perform radiographic exams unless a licensed and/or registered Radiologic Technologist is
present (direct supervision) or in the immediate area (indirect supervision) as required
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Perform or assist with radiographic procedures not yet learned didactically through
classroom instruction
Use fluoroscopy as a way to position patients for radiographic positions
Perform repeat radiographs without the consent and direct supervision of a State of Florida
licensed and/or registered Radiologic Technologist
Continual, Terminal and Final Competency Categories
Continual Competency Evaluation
Categories are as follows:
Terminal and Final Competency Evaluation
Categories are as follows:
Chest & Thorax
Extremities (upper and lower)
Extremities (upper and lower)
Spine & Pelvis
Fluoroscopy Studies
Mobile and Surgical Studies
Fluoroscopy Studies
Pediatrics (age 6 or younger)
Mobile and Surgical Studies
Pediatrics (age 6 or younger)
Continual Competency Evaluation
Continual competencies are similar to clinical competency evaluations and utilize the same
evaluation form and follow the same guidelines and procedures. Any radiographic procedure
in which the student has previously been evaluated, and has demonstrated clinical
competency, is subject to a continual competency. These competency evaluations are
performed during the student’s second clinical rotation course (RTE 1814) and can be
completed by the Clinical Preceptor, Clinical Staff, and/or Clinical Coordinator. Patient
selection for these evaluations should demonstrate a progressive level of difficulty. If the
student fails the continual competency the student will then be required to receive
remediation developed by the Clinical Coordinator and be reevaluated after the remediation
process is successfully completed. During this period the student will be placed back on
DIRECT SUPERVISION for that particular examination. Once the student has successfully
completed the continual competency evaluation the student will be placed on INDIRECT
SUPERVISION for that examination.
Terminal Competency Evaluation
Terminal competencies are similar to clinical competency evaluations, utilize the same
evaluation form and follow the same guidelines and procedures. Any radiographic procedure
in which the student has previously been evaluated, and has demonstrated clinical
competency, is subject to a terminal competency unless performed for a continual
competency. Terminal competencies are completed during the student’s final clinical rotation
course (RTE 2824) and evaluated by the Clinical Preceptor, Clinical Staff, and/or Clinical
Coordinator. Patient selection for these evaluations should demonstrate a progressive level
of difficulty. If the student fails the terminal competency the student will then be required to
receive remediation developed by the Clinical Coordinator and be reevaluated after the
remediation process is successfully completed. During this period the student will be placed
back on DIRECT SUPERVISION for that particular examination. Once the student has
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successfully completed the terminal competency evaluation, the student will be placed on
INDIRECT SUPERVISION for that examination.
Final Competency Evaluation
The Final Competency Evaluation is completed during the student’s final clinical rotation course
after satisfactory completion of all terminal competencies. Students must be within simulation range
of only 2 remaining competencies to challenge the final competency evaluation. Students will
perform 3 radiographic examinations to be evaluated only by the Clinical Coordinator. The patient
selection and time for these evaluations will again be at the discretion of the Clinical Coordinator. In
the event the student scores below the minimum required score of 80% the student will then be
required to receive remediation. The remediation process will be conducted by the Clinical
Coordinator and the student will be reevaluated after the remediation process is successfully
completed. Failure to achieve a grade of 80% on the second attempt will result in the student not
being able to pass the course and continue in the program.
Simulation of Clinical Competencies
Due to an unexpected situation a student may request that a clinical competency be
The Clinical Coordinator must approve the simulated clinical competency evaluation
and must be the evaluator.
A maximum of two (2) radiologic procedures can be simulated for clinical
competency evaluation during any clinical rotation.
A student may request additional lab experience and upon approval by the Program
Director an Instructor/Tutor will be assigned.
Students will be under DIRECT SUPERVISION until they successfully complete their clinical
competency on a radiographic procedure. At that time the student will be advised to be under
INDIRECT SUPERVISION for that radiographic procedure. The students will remain on
INDIRECT SUPERVISION for all successfully completed clinical competencies for the remainder
of the program.
Direct Supervision
Students will be required to be under DIRECT SUPERVISION under the following situations and
according to certain guidelines:
The student must receive DIRECT SUPERVISION until he/she successfully completes
his/her clinical competencies.
DIRECT SUPERVISION must be provided by a Radiologic Technologist who is State of
Florida licensed and/or an ARRT registered radiologic technologist. The Radiologic
Technologist will monitor the procedure(s) in relation to the student’s achievement.
The Radiologic Technologist will evaluate the condition(s) of the patient in relation to the
student’s knowledge.
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The Radiologic Technologist will be present throughout the duration of the radiographic
The Radiologic Technologist will review and approve the radiographic procedure(s).
The Radiologic Technologist will be present during student performance(s) of any repeat
procedures due to unsatisfactory images(s)
Indirect Supervision
Pertains to a Radiologic Technologist who is State of Florida licensed and/or an ARRT registered
radiologic technologist who will be immediately available to assist students regardless of the level of
student’s achievement. Immediately available is interpreted as the presence of the Radiologic
Technologist adjacent to the room or location where a radiographic procedure is performed. This
availability applies to all areas where ionizing radiation equipment is in use. The technologist will
approve the radiographic images prior to the patient leaving.
Clinical Competency Evaluations
The student can request a clinical competency evaluation on a radiographic procedure only after
the required performance has been learned didactically, observed at least once in the clinical
setting, and reflected in the student’s clinical logbook. Any State of Florida and ARRT
registered Radiologic Technologist on staff or Program Faculty may perform the clinical
competency evaluation.
Radiographic procedures (M – mandatory, E – elective) which are allowed to be evaluated and
those that may be simulated (*) for this clinical course are as follows:
Chest Routine (M)
Chest AP (Wheelchair or Stretcher) (M)
Ribs (M) S*
Chest Lateral Decubitus (E) S*
Sternum (E) S*
Upper Airway (Soft-Tissue Neck) (E) S*
Sternoclavicular Joints (E) S*
Upper Extremity
Thumb or Finger (M) S*
Hand (M)
Wrist (M)
Forearm (M)
Elbow (M)
Humerus (M) S*
Shoulder (M)
Trauma: Shoulder or Humerus (Scapular Y, Transthoracic or Axial)** (M)
Clavicle (M) S*
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Scapula (E) S*
AC Joints (E) S*
Trauma: Upper Extremity (Nonshoulder)** (M)
Lower Extremity
Foot (M)
Ankle (M)
Knee (M)
Tibia-Fibula (M) S*
Femur (M)*
Trauma: Lower Extremity** (M)
Patella (E) S*
Calcaneus (E) S*
Toe (E) S*
Pelvis (M)
Hip (M)
Cross Table Lateral Hip (M) S*
Sacroiliac Joints (E) S*
Abdomen Supine (KUB) (M)
Abdomen Upright (M) S*
Abdomen Decubitus (E) S*
Intravenous Urography (E)
Fluoroscopy Studies*
Upper GI Series (Single or Double Contrast) (E)
Barium Enema (Single or Double Contrast) (E)
Small Bowel Series (E)
Esophagus (NOT swallowing dysfunction study) (E)
Cystography/Cystourethrography (E)
Arthrography (E)
* Two procedures from this section must be performed per site protocol
Mobile C-Arm Studies
C-Arm Procedure (Requiring manipulation to obtain more than one projection (M) S*
C-Arm Procedure (Requiring manipulation around a sterile field) (M) S*
Mobile Radiographic Studies
Chest (M)
Abdomen (M)
Upper or Lower Extremity (M)
Pediatrics (age 6 or younger)
Chest Routine (M) S*
Upper or Lower Extremity (E) S*
Abdomen (E) S*
Mobile Study (E) S*
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Geriatric Patient (At least 65 years old and physically or cognitively impaired as a result of
Chest Routine (M)
Upper or Lower Extremity (M)
Hip or Spine (E)
S* - only exams with this designation can be simulated
**Trauma is considered a serious injury or shock to the body. Modifications may include variations
in positioning, minimal movement of the body part, etc.
Simulation of Clinical Competencies
Due to an unexpected situation a student may request that a clinical competency be simulated as
an evaluation.
The Program’s Clinical Coordinator must approve the simulated clinical competency evaluation
and must be the evaluator. A maximum of two (2) radiologic procedures can be simulated for
clinical competency evaluation during any clinical rotation.
Clinical Competency Evaluations
The student can request a clinical competency evaluation on a radiographic procedure only after
the required performance has been taught didactically in the classroom, observed at least once in
the clinical setting and is reflected in the student’s clinical log. Any State of Florida and ARRT
registered Radiologic Technologist on staff or Program Faculty may perform the clinical
competency evaluation.
Radiologic procedures which are allowed to be evaluated and those that may be simulated (*) for
this clinical course are as follows:
Chest Routine (M)
Chest AP (Wheelchair or Stretcher) (M)
Ribs (M)*
Chest Lateral Decubitus (E) S*
Sternum (E) S*
Upper Airway (Soft-Tissue Neck) (E) S*
Sternoclavicular Joints (E) S*
Upper Extremity
Thumb or Finger (M) S*
Hand (M)
Wrist (M)
Forearm (M)
Elbow (M)
Humerus (M) S*
Shoulder (M)
Trauma: Shoulder or Humerus (Scapular Y, Transthoracic or Axial)** (M)
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Clavicle (M) S*
Scapula (E) S*
AC Joints (E) S*
Trauma: Upper Extremity (Nonshoulder)** (M)
Lower Extremity
Foot (M)
Ankle (M)
Knee (M)
Tibia-Fibula (M) S*
Femur (M) S*
Trauma: Lower Extremity** (M)
Patella (E) S*
Calcaneus (E) S*
Toe (E) S*
Head- Candidates must select at least one elective procedure from this section.
Skull (E) S*
Paranasal Sinuses (E) S*
Facial Bones (E) S*
Orbits (E) S*
Temporomandibular Joints (E) S*
Nasal Bones (E*) S*
Mandible (E) S*
Spine and Pelvis
Cervical Spine (M)
Thoracic Spine (M) S*
Lumbar Spine (M)
Cross-Table Lateral Spine (Horizontal Beam Patient Recumbent) (M) S*
Pelvis (M)
Hip (M)
Cross Table Lateral Hip (Horizontal Beam Patient Recumbent (M) S*
Sacrum and/or Coccyx (E) S*
Scoliosis Series (E) S*
Sacroiliac Joints (E) S*
Abdomen Supine ( (M)
Abdomen Upright (M) S*
Abdomen Decubitus (E) S*
Intravenous Urography (E)
Fluoroscopy Studies*
Upper GI Series (Single or Double Contrast) (E)
Barium Enema (Single or Double Contrast) (E)
Small Bowel Series (E)
Esophagus (NOT swallowing dysfunction study) (E)
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Cystography/Cystourethrography (E)
Arthrography (E)
Myelography (E)
Hysterosalpingography (E)
Two procedures from this section must be performed per site protocol Mobile C-Arm Studies
C-Arm Procedure (Requiring manipulation to obtain more than one projection (M) S*
C-Arm Procedure (Requiring manipulation around a sterile field) (M) S*
Mobile Radiographic Studies
Chest (M)
Abdomen (M)
Upper or Lower Extremity (M)
Pediatrics (age 6 or younger)
Chest Routine (M S*
Upper or Lower Extremity (E) S*
Abdomen (E) S*
Mobile Study (E) S*
Abdomen (E) S*
Mobile Study (E) S*
Geriatric Patient (At least 65 years old and physically or cognitively impaired as a result of
Chest Routine (M)
Upper or Lower Extremity (M)
Hip or Spine (E)
S*- only exams with this designation can be simulated
*Trauma is considered a serious injury or shock to the body. Modifications may include
variations in positioning, minimal movement of the body part, etc.
Simulation of Clinical Competencies
In an unexpected situation, a student may request that a clinical competency be simulated as an
evaluation prior to the completion of the clinical rotation.
The program’s clinical coordinator must approve the simulated clinical competency evaluation
and must be the evaluator.
A student may simulate up to 6 mandatory or elective imaging procedures during the program. A
maximum of two radiologic procedures may be simulated for clinical competency evaluation
during each of the three clinical rotations.
CPR and Venipuncture will account for 2 simulations of the required competencies in the
General Patient Care section; all other activities in this section must be performed on a patient.
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10 of 36 mandatory clinical competencies
3 of 34 elective clinical competencies
23 of 36 mandatory clinical competencies
9 of 34 elective clinical competencies
4 continual competencies
36 of 36 mandatory clinical competencies
15 of 334elective clinical competencies
4 terminal competencies
1 final clinical competency (3 exams)
When a student fails a radiographic or patient skills competency, clinical competency, continual
competency, terminal competency, or final competency evaluation the student will be required to
receive remediation for that radiographic examination. If the student refuses to do an examination
selected by the clinical coordinator for their continual, terminal, or final competency evaluation, the
student will receive a grade of zero “0” which may result in the student failing the course.
The design for the remediation program will be done by the Clinical Coordinator based on the
individual student’s need and may include additional clinical experience, study of and about the
examination, additional laboratory experience, testing of their knowledge and skills associated with
the examination. The remediation process will include an action plan and student progress
The student will be placed on DIRECT SUPERVISION during the period of the remediation
program and successful completion of the competency evaluation.
The remediation program will be documented and placed in the student’s clinical file.
If the student fails a clinical competency of any type on the same radiographic procedure more than
once in the same clinical rotation course, remediation will be implemented immediately by the
Clinical Coordinator, in conjunction with the Clinical Preceptor. Should the student be unable to
demonstrate competency upon completion of the remediation plan the student will fail the clinical
rotation course. Failure to demonstrate competency includes but is not limited to repeated images,
unsafe radiation protection practice, and/or poor patient care Inability to demonstrate competency
will result in course failure.
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Radiologic Technology Student Handbook
Clinical Rotation Case Study
In order to fulfill the clinical course requirements of each clinical rotation the following assignment
must be satisfactorily completed via a written presentation to the instructor and an oral presentation
to the class.
1. Each student will submit a typed 2-page case study to the instructor at the time of the
presentation (12 pt. font)
2. The case study must be based on a procedure/exam in which the student was fully involved
or witnessed.
3. Each student should make copies of pertinent images, reports, and other documentation to
clarify and enhance the presentation. All identifying information must be removed.
4. Each case study presentation should last approximately 5-10 minutes. Students should be
prepared to correctly answer questions posed by the instructor.
5. The case study presentation must include the following:
Age and gender of the patient
Primary diagnosis (briefly explain why the procedure was performed)
Discussion of student interaction with the patient before, during, and after the exam
Complete patient history
Critique of Film:
Discuss positioning
Discuss technical factors
Identify imaging equipment utilized
Identify materials needed (i.e., contrast, etc.)
Critique image quality (sensitivity or exposure indicator)
Purpose of the procedure
Radiologist interpretation (include Radiologist’s report)
Discuss pathology (what was found and significance of finding)
Other related or additional tests to be performed
Any other relevant or interesting information
Grading Criteria: (Refer to the Clinical Case Study Rubric for details of grading criteria)
Written Section maximum point value – 25 points
Oral Section maximum point value – 25 points
Critical Thinking Section maximum point value – 25 points
Total maximum point value is 75points = 100%
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Radiation Protection Policies and Practices:
The Radiation Protection Program will be re-evaluated annually, each January.
Program faculty and students will follow the ALARA principle and always use good Radiation
Protection practices and techniques.
Students operating the x-ray units and administering radiation as part of their educational training, in
the program’s energized laboratory must:
o Never turn on the x-ray units without a licensed and registered Program Instructor present.
o Must be supervised by a licensed and registered Program Instructor when using the energized
When students are at their assigned clinical educational center, they MUST:
o Follow the department’s Radiation Protection Policies.
o Always be under either DIRECT or INDIRECT supervision by a licensed and registered
o Participate in a facility orientation within the first week of arriving at a clinical education site.
o Receive orientation and training prior to entry to the MR imaging area at each new facility.
o Always be under DIRECT supervision in the MR imaging area at all times
When students are at their assigned clinical educational center, they MUST NOT:
o Hold patients during a radiographic procedure
o Inject any contrast media or medication
o Support an image receptor during radiographic exposures
o Perform radiographic exams unless a licensed and/or registered Radiologic Technologist is
present (direct supervision) or in the immediate area (indirect supervision) as appropriate
o Perform radiographic procedures not yet learned didactically
o Use fluoroscopy as a way to position patients for radiographic positions
o Perform repeat images without the consent and direct supervision of a State of Florida licensed
and/or registered Radiologic Technologist
Failure to comply with any of the above mandates will result in disciplinary action by the
program and possible program dismissal.
Personal Radiation Monitoring
All students in the Radiologic Technology Program will be required to wear a radiation monitor to
measure any radiation exposure/dose the student might receive during their attendance in the Program.
This includes simulation lab and the clinical areas.
The radiation monitor (dosimeter) will be supplied and maintained by the Radiologic Technology
The radiation monitoring dosimeters will be issued to the student by the radiation safety officer (RSO)
at the start of the program.
Once a student is given their first personal radiation monitor, the student is required to use and
maintain it properly. The dose equivalent reading should not exceed the program threshold dose
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equivalent exposure of 325 mrem per month and will not exceed the NCRP occupational effective
dose equivalent of 5000 mrem per year.
o The student must wear the dosimeter at their collar level at all times this includes class, lab,
and the clinical education site.
o During fluoroscopy exams the dosimeter is placed at the collar level outside of the lead apron.
o The dosimeter must never be stored or placed in their car (for long periods of time) near heat,
direct light or near microwave ovens.
o If the dosimeter gets wet, dried, damaged or lost, the student must report this immediately to
the course Instructor or Clinical Coordinator.
If a student does not have, or is not wearing their dosimeter, the student will not be allowed into the
simulation lab or clinical education site.
If a student voluntarily declares in writing that she is pregnant a second dosimeter will be assigned to
the student. This second dosimeter must be worn at waist level and will monitor the fetal
The student may review the radiation Dosimetry Report within thirty (30) days after the report is
received by the radiation safety officer. A copy of the report with identifying information is kept
locked in the Program Director’s office, un-identifying information reports are posted for student
review. The student's initials will document knowledge of his/her current radiation levels.
A student whose dosimeter reading exceeds the program threshold dose equivalent exposure for whole
body, eye, extremities or fetal limit will be advised by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).
The RSO will determine the circumstances of the excessive dose; advise the student; make
recommendations based upon the student’s accumulated annual dose.
The radiation safety officer/ program director, clinical coordinator and student will participate in
developing an action plan to reduce further excessive exposure.
At the completion of the Program, all radiation monitoring dosimeters must be returned to the Radiologic
Technology Program for final dosimeter reading.
A final report will be given to all students after the termination of the program.
Occupational Dose Limits
Students are responsible for adhering to the guidelines for radiation safety and protection and practicing
the ALARA principles. The Effective Dose Equivalent is recorded in the Radiation Dosimetry Report
provided by Landauer®. These records are kept by the Radiation Safety Officer. Students and faculty
receive instruction on radiation safety and protection guidelines. Excessive Dose Guidelines are
established for dosimetry report review and reporting. The occupational dose limits listed in the table
below based on the NCRP Report # 116 Limitation of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation and found in -
Title10, Part 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10CFR20).
Occupational Effective Dose
Will not exceed
Program Threshold Dose Equivalents
Should not exceed
Total effective dose
equivalent (whole body)
Eye dose equivalent
Shallow dose equivalent
(skin) or extremity
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Pregnant Worker
Occupational Effective Dose
Will not exceed
Program Threshold Dose Equivalents
Should not exceed
Pregnant worker
500 (entire pregnancy)
Radiation Exposure Awareness
Notification of radiation dosimetry readings will be given to students exceeding allotted radiation
exposure levels. The radiation safety officer will review the report with the student to discuss
unacceptable practice or inaccuracies. The student will be made aware of the importance of good radiation
protection practices and recommendations will be provided to the student to correct any discrepancies in
monitoring dosimeter placement, storage and better use of good radiation protection practices and
techniques. A copy of the student consultation/advisement plan will be placed in the student’s file.
Appropriate follow up will be done by the radiation safety officer to ensure the safety advisement plan is
adhered to.
Radiation Shielding
The Program’s energized laboratories meet all federal and state requirements for primary and secondary
radiation shielding.
Radiation Safety Officer
A Radiation Safety Officer is designated for each campus.
Radiation Protection Guidelines
A student is required to exercise sound radiation practices and techniques at all times. At no time may a
student participate in a procedure using unsafe protection practices. This includes, but is not limited to:
All students participating in lab activities or attending clinical education settings must wear a
dosimetry dosimeter.
A student may not take exposure, intentionally or unintentionally, on another student or while another
student is in the energized lab. All exposures on human beings are to be taken for a medically valid
reason only and prescribed by a physician.
A student may not attempt any procedure under INDIRECT SUPERVISION until competency has
been achieved.
A student may not repeat an image without the supervision of a licensed and registered Radiologic
Radiation Personal Monitoring Dosimeter Replacement Policy
Students are expected to maintain control and possession of their radiation monitoring dosimeter,
while in the Program.
If a student loses, misplaces, or damages their radiation monitoring dosimeter, it must be replaced as
soon as possible. Loss of or damage to the radiation monitoring dosimeter may result in loss of
exposure data.
The student must report loss or damage of the radiation monitoring dosimeter to their Instructor,
Clinical Coordinator, or the Program director immediately.
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The student will then receive a replacement dosimeter from the Program’s contracted company.
The student will be required to pay the replacement cost for the dosimeter overnight delivery, and any
charges associated with dosimeter replacement based on current charges. The student will be required
to pay this amount before the dosimeter can be picked up.
Clinical Education Center Policies, Procedures
Students must follow all of the policies and procedures of the Clinical Education Center to which they are
assigned as well as adhere to the Program’s Radiation Safety Rules.
MRI Safety
Students must complete an MR safety checklist prior to initial entry to each clinical education site
MR imaging suite and follow all protocols.
Students must be oriented to the MR facilities protocols prior to entering the MR imaging area.
Students are to remain under DIRECT supervision in the MR imaging area at all times.
All students must follow the Radiologic Technology and Clinical Education Center Radiation Safety
Programs. Pregnant students must follow Imaging and MR protocols for pregnant workers.
Termination Reports of Occupational Radiation Dose
All students will receive a written copy of their termination report of occupational radiation dose after
concluding the program and submission of the final dosimeter to the Radiation Safety Officer. Landauer®
will provide the termination report within the next two weeks and the report will be mailed to the address
provided by the student. The report will be sent by the Radiation Safety Officer approximately 45 days
after final dosimeter submission.
Excessive Radiation Exposure Form Appendix
Pregnancy Policy Awareness Form (for students that declare pregnancy) Appendix
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Radiation Safety Program Pregnancy Policy
The student may voluntarily notify the Program Director of her pregnancy. This notification must be in
writing and include the following information:
a. Student’s Name
b. Expected date of birth or date of conception
c. Social Security number
d. Student’s date of birth
1. Should the student choose to voluntarily in writing declare her pregnancy, the RSO will order a
monthly embryo/fetal radiation monitoring dosimeter which will be worn at waist level during the
entire gestation period.
2. Should the student choose to voluntarily declare her pregnancy and remain in the program. The
program director will review modification options available to the student regarding clinical
assignments/scheduling in areas of potentially higher radiation exposure such as: OR, ER, mobile
and/or fluoroscopy.
3. The student also has the option to continue in the program without modification and may choose
to request a leave of absence, per the University’s policy. The request shall be granted upon
submission of proper documentation. Upon completion of the leave, the student may choose to be
reinstated in the program as outlined in the re-entry policy.
4. The student shall not receive an embryo/fetal exposure dose of more than 400 mrem during the
gestation period nor should the monthly equivalent dose exceed 40 mrem.
5. The radiation safety officer will review the dosimeter reading with the student on a monthly basis.
The student’s initials will document knowledge of her current radiation exposure levels.
6. A student who has given voluntarily written notice of pregnancy to the radiation safety officer
may submit a voluntary written withdrawal of the notification at any time. The radiation safety
officer will determine whether to continue to issue a fetal dosimeter. Upon withdrawal of
declaration the lower limits no longer apply (NRC Regulatory Guide No. 8.13)
7. The radiation safety officer will meet with each student who has voluntarily declared or
voluntarily undeclared pregnancy in writing to review the clinical environment and course
objectives to assure a less than 40 mrem exposure per month and no more than 400 mrem annual
8. Pregnant students are responsible for following all safety precaution protocols for pregnant
personnel in MRI.
9. Modifications to limit potential radiation exposure may include but is not limited to deferring
assignment of OR, ER, fluoroscopy or portables to another clinical rotation.
The Radiation Safety Officer/Program Director will monitor the declared student’s radiation
dosimetry reports and readings. If the student’s radiation exposure dose exceeds 400 mrem during
the gestation period or should the monthly dose exceeds 40 mrem, the student may be required to
take a leave of absence from the program. Upon completion of the leave, the student may choose to
be reinstated in the program as outlined in the re-entry policy.
Upon completion of the leave, the student may choose to be reinstated in the program by making an
appointment with one of the University Deans to fill out the appropriate University re-entry forms.
The returning student will meet with the program director for academic advisement, remediation, etc.
prior to re-entry. Once paperwork is complete the student will be permitted to re-enter the program
into same course they took leave from the program. The program will not offer “out of sequence”
course(s) to accommodate returning students.
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Radiologic Technology Mammography Policy
It is the policy of Keiser University that radiologic technology students participate in mammography clinical
rotations to observe and/or perform breast imaging and any imaging procedures performed by professionals who
are of the opposite gender of the patient
1. Radiologic technology students, male and female, may observe and/or perform breast imaging or
any imaging procedures performed by professionals who are of the opposite gender of the patient
during clinical rotations unless restricted by the clinical education setting.
2. Male students are advised that placement in a mammography rotation is not guaranteed and is
subject to the availability of a clinical setting that allows males to participate in mammographic
imaging procedures.
3. The radiologic technology program will not deny female students the opportunity to participate in
mammography rotations if clinical settings are not available to provide the same opportunity to
male students.
1. Male and female radiologic technology students, will be offered the opportunity to participate in
mammography procedures during clinical rotations.
2. The program will make every effort to place a male student in a mammography clinical rotation if
requested; however, the program is not in a position to override clinical setting policies that
restrict clinical experiences in mammography to female students.
3. Male students are advised that placement in a mammography rotation is not guaranteed and is
subject to the availability of a clinical setting that allows males to participate in mammographic
imaging procedures.
4. The program will not deny female students the opportunity to participate in mammography
rotations if clinical settings are not available to provide the same opportunity to male students.
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Program Handbook Evidence of Understanding
I have read the Keiser University Criminal Background Check & Drug Screening Policy/Waiver and
understand my responsibility in the criminal background and drug screening process.
Furthermore, I understand that it is my responsibility to report any changes in the status of my criminal
background history to the Program Director immediately. Should I become involved in criminal activity
after program acceptance, in which the initial criminal background clearance status becomes
compromised, I will be withdrawn from the program. The program and the university will not modify the
curriculum for students who have an unsatisfactory criminal background status.
I authorize the release verbally and/or in writing of all the information contained in the health records
including drug screen test, and/or criminal background check to Keiser University and its clinical
affiliates as necessary for assignment in a clinical facility.
I have read the statements of policy and procedure for Keiser University Radiologic Technology Program.
I understand the contents and agree that I will adhere to the policies and procedures specified in the RT
Student Handbook. In cases where I do not follow the program guidelines, I am willing to abide by the
consequences identified in this statement, course syllabus, and/or the University Catalog.
Student’s Name (print) ______________________________
Signature_____________________________ Date___________________
Copy: Student’s file