North Schuylkill School District
Board of School Director
Public Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
North Schuylkill Jr./Sr. High School
Ashland, PA
Mr. Roy Green Dr. Robert Ackell
Board President Superintendent
1. Opening
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance
1.2 Roll Call
1.3 Invitation to Public to Speak on Agenda Items
2. Recognition of Guests
3. Approval of Minutes
A motion is requested to approve the minutes of the meetings referenced below:
3.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting March 20, 2024
3.2 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting March 20, 2024
3.3 Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting March 19, 2024
3.4 Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting March 20, 2024
3.5 Minutes of the Physical Facilities Committee Meeting March 20, 2024
3.6 Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting March 20, 2024
3.7 Minutes of the Food Service, Safety & Transportation Committee Meeting March
20, 2024
3.8 Minutes of the Extracurricular Programs Committee Meeting March 20, 2024
3.9 Minutes of the Policy/Legislative Committee Meeting March 20, 2024
3.10 Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting March 20, 2024
4. Finance Committee Report (Mary Anne Woodward Chairperson, Raymond Reichwein,
Mike Kiehl)
4.1 A motion is requested to approve the financial reports and check registers as listed
and included in Board packets.
4.1.1 Financial Summary Budget Comparison March 2024
4.1.2 Financial Summary Prior Year Comparison March 2024
4.1.3 General Fund Cash Accounts March 2024
4.1.4 Athletic Fund Summary March 2024
4.1.5 Capital Reserve & Capital Project Funds Financial Summary March 2024
4.1.6 Food Service Operating Statement March 2024
4.1.7 Expenditures Check Register 3/12/2024 through 4/9/2024
4.2 A motion is requested to approve the Consent for Compromise of Taxes on the
following properties:
7 West Ogden Street, Girardville
9 West Ogden Street, Girardville
341 West Mahanoy Avenue, Girardville
4.3 A motion is requested to approve the agreement with Heim Construction Co., Inc.,
Orwigsburg, PA, for the Exterior Water Damage Project at an approximate cost of
4.4 A motion is requested to approve the proposal from Pro Max Fence Systems,
Co-Stars Contract # 008-E23-1150, to install an 8 foot long overhang on the existing
backstop at the Robert Wetzel Field at a total cost of $21,960.00.
4.5 A motion is requested to approve the School District’s “Proposed Final Budget” for
the 2024-2025 fiscal year in the amount of $37,699,750.00 in accordance with School
Board Policy.
4.6 A motion is requested to establish the current local taxes and to set up real
estate tax rates in accordance with School Board Policy as follows in support of the
budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
2023-2024 2024-2025
Real Estate Schuylkill County 46.36 mills 48.70 mills
Real Estate Columbia County 46.36 mills 48.70 mills
Occupational Assessment $218.50 $218.50
Real Estate Transfer* 1.0% 1.0%
Earned Income Tax* 1.0% 1.0%
Local Services Tax $5.00 $5.00
Per Capita 511 Tax $0.00 $0.00
Per Capita 679 Tax $0.00 $0.00
* 0.5% for school district; 0.5% for municipalities
4.7 A motion is requested to approve the following dates for Real Estate and
Occupational Assessment Tax payments:
Discount Period ends August 31, 2024
Regular (face amount) period ends October 31, 2024
Tax installments no later than the following dates:
August 31, 2024
September 30, 2024
October 31, 2024
5. Communications
6. Other Committee Reports
6.1 Physical Facilities (Mike Kiehl Chairperson, Raymond Reichwein, Glenn Weist)
6.1.1 A motion is requested to approve, as presented, the following Facility Use
Applications, pending appropriate insurance and facility availability. All Facility
Use Applications are contingent upon availability and cannot interfere with
District activities or events. Fees will be applied where applicable.
6.1.1-1 The Friendship Fire Company to use the JSHS Lower Parking Lot
for an Evac Training Class on April 21, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
6.1.1-2 The Friendship Fire Company to use the entire NS Campus for
Preparation of the Schuylkill County Firemen’s Convention on August 16,
2025 from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The whole campus was reserved so that no
others will be on the campus during this time frame.
6.1.1-3 The NS Cheerleading Boosters to use the JSHS Cafeteria for a
Booster Fundraiser Pickup on May 14, 2024 from 4:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
6.1.1-4 The Schuylkill County Special Olympics to use Ghosh Orthodontics
Field at Spartan Stadium for Special Olympic Track Practice on March 30,
2024; April 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024 and May 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2024 from 8:30
a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
6.2 Personnel (Tom Fletcher, Chairperson; Doug Gressens, Mary Anne Woodward)
6.2.1 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Thomas Towers as Director of Buildings and Grounds
effective as soon as released from his current position and pending a written
satisfactory evaluation after a six-month probationary period at a salary of
$65,000.00 (pro-rated). Please note that his salary will remain at $65,000.00
for the 2024-2025 school year. There will be no raise for that school year.
The following motion items are in accordance with the NSSD/NSEA Collective
Bargaining Agreement and District policies and procedures:
6.2.2 A motion is requested to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the
North Schuylkill Education Association for a Shared Physics Teacher with the
Shenandoah Valley School District as presented to the Board.
6.2.3 A motion is requested to approve a childbearing/childrearing leave request for
Shaylee Miller, Elementary Teacher, effective on or about August 20, 2024,
until on or about October 7, 2024. She will use all available sick and personal
days and will then be on an unpaid FMLA Leave.
6.2.4 A motion is requested to approve a salary adjustment for Mallory Mattern,
Elementary Teacher who is currently at $45,825.00, Step 5, Bachelors. The
salary should be $46,425.00, Step 5, Bachelors + 24 for the 2023-2024 school
The following motion items are in accordance with the NSSD/NSESPA
Collective Bargaining Agreement and District policies and procedures.
6.2.5 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, the employment of Philip Koles as a Part-Time
Paraprofessional at a rate of $12.25 per hour, pending a written satisfactory
evaluation after a 90-day probationary period, effective retroactive to
April 8, 2024.
6.2.6 Information Item
6.2.61 A list of names of applicants for employment and a list of names of
individuals who have submitted letters of interest but for whom no
applications have been received to date.
6.3 Curriculum and Instructional Programs (Randy Lattis Chairperson, Tom Fletcher,
Mary Anne Woodward)
6.3.1 A motion is requested to approve designating Ryan Culbert as a Truancy
Officer for the North Schuylkill School District.
6.3.2 A motion is requested to approve the Sales Contract with IXL Learning, San
Mateo, CA, effective July 1, 2024 through July 1, 2027 for IXL site license for
1,900 students for personalized learning at a cost of $128,220.00.
6.4 Food Service, Safety, Transportation (Janine Simms Chairperson, Doug Gressens,
Glenn Weist)
6.4.1 A motion is requested to approve Metz Culinary Management, Dallas, PA, as
the District’s Food Service Provider for the 2024-2025 school year with a
projected profit of $236,000.00
6.4.2 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, adding the following individual to the roster of School Bus
Drivers/Van Drivers/Aides for the 2023-2024 school year:
Sade Brown
6.5 Extracurricular Programs (Doug Gressens Chairperson, Raymond Reichwein, Randy
6.5.1 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, William Bracey as Head Boys Basketball Coach for the
2024-2025 Winter Season at a salary of $4,100.00.
6.5.2 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Rich Wetzel as Head Girls Basketball Coach for the
2024-2025 Winter Season at a salary of $4,950.00.
6.5.3 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Leah Briggs as a Wrestling Cheerleading Advisor for the
2024-2025 Winter Season at a salary of $3,400.00.
6.5.4 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Corey Fetterolf as Head Wrestling Coach for the
2024-2025 Winter Season at a salary of $4,860.00.
6.5.5 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Melissa Tenaglia as Varsity Basketball Cheerleading Advisor
for the 2024-2025 Winter Season at a salary of $2,700.00.
6.5.6 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Ellen Geidner as Basketball/Wrestling Cheerleading Advisor
for the 2024-2025 Winter Season at a salary of $1,850.00.
6.5.7 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Marcie Ackell as Head Swimming Coach for the
2024-2025 Winter Season at a salary of $4,035.00.
6.5.8 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Renee Warner as an Assistant Girls Soccer Coach for the
2024 Fall Season at a salary of $1,765.00.
6.5.9 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Madeline Frew as a Volunteer Assistant Girls Soccer Coach
for the 2024 Fall Season.
6.5.10 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Sydney Casey-Fiamoncini as a Volunteer Assistant Girls
Soccer Coach for the 2024 Fall Season.
6.5.11 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Albert Maziekas as an Assistant Boys Soccer Coach for the
2024 Fall Season at a salary of $1,765.00.
6.5.12 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Khristian Onuschak as a Volunteer Assistant Boys Soccer
Coach for the 2024 Fall Season.
6.5.13 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Jamie Palmerio as an Assistant Volleyball Coach for the 2024
Fall Season at a salary of $1,875.00.
6.5.14 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Kevin Keating as a Volunteer Assistant Football Coach for the
2024 Fall Season.
6.5.15 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Brett Budwash as a Bocce Ball Co-Head Coach for the
2024-2025 school year at a salary of $850.00.
6.5.16 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate
documentation, Craig Demko as a Bocce Ball Co-Head Coach for the
2024-2025 school year at a salary of $850.00.
6.6 Policy/Legislative (Glenn Weist Chairperson, Janine Simms, Randy Lattis)
6.6.1 A motion is requested to approve the second reading of the following policy:
227 Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia
7. Old Business (Reserved for prior agenda items)
8. New Business (Reserved for items for placement on next meeting agenda)
9. Other Reports
9.1 A motion is requested to approve the appointment of Glenn Weist as the North
Schuylkill Representative on the Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 and Schuylkill
Technology Center Boards of Directors. The term runs from July 1, 2024 to
June 30, 2027.
10. Other Items for Consideration
10.1 Invitation to Public to Speak
11. Dates for Future Meetings
Wednesday, May 15 Board of School Directors Committee of the Whole 6:30 p.m.
Committee Meetings 7:00 p.m.
Board of School Directors Regular Meeting 7:30 p.m.
12. Adjournment