Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
The Right-of-Way Mine headframe rises above the shores of Cobalt Lake on the
outskirts of Cobalt.
Road Tour of a Historic Silver Mining Camp
The famous silver mining town of Cobalt has earned the distinction of
being Ontarios most historic town. Cobalt is one of only 3 mining camps
in Canada—Dawson City in Yukon and Barkerville in British Columbia are
the others—to be designated as a National Historic Site. Cobalt is rich
with mining history. You can walk the streets of this historic town, tour a
former underground mine, or visit nearby historic mine and mill sites on
the Heritage Silver Trail.
How to get to the Heritage Silver Trail
Cobalt is 210 km by highway northeast of the City of Greater Sudbury.
Highway 11B through town becomes Silver Street, where the Cobalt Mining
Museum is located. You can pick up a trail guide and map for the Heritage Silver
Trail at the museum. This self-guided tour, best done by car or bike, takes visitors
through the back roads of the Cobalt mining camp. There are 20 sites along the
trail, each marked with interpretive signs that explain the history and mining
practices of this once booming mining camp.
This GeoTour guide focuses on a few of the Heritage Silver Trail sites that best tell
the story of mining and geology of the Cobalt camp.
A map of GeoTour stops at Cobalt.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Silver rush! The billion dollar bonanza and cradle of Canadian mining
A miner drilling underground at Cobalt. Photo courtesy of the
Cobalt Mining Museum.
Silver was discovered on the shores of Cobalt Lake in the summer of 1903. Within a
few years, Cobalt became one of the largest silver producers in the world, supplying
an astonishing 333 million ounces, or more than 10 000 tonnes, of silver by 1922 from
100 mines. In fact, Cobalt’s silver fortunes far exceeded those made from Klondike
gold. But like many mining rushes, the glory days of Cobalt were relatively brief.
Mining at the early busy pace continued until the 1930s, after which there was a
gradual decline to the 1970s.
Because of those rst 3 decades, however, Cobalts silver mines can lay claim to being
the birthplace of hard rock mining in Canada. While the nickel mines of Greater
Sudbury had been operating since the late 1880s, Cobalt’s ores were near the
surface, and men with limited experience and means could prospect, begin mining
and improve their skills as they mined deeper. Many miners learned their trade in
Cobalt, and then moved on to discover gold in Kirkland Lake, Timmins and elsewhere.
The hundreds of relatively small mines developed early in Cobalt’s history were
consolidated over the years into bigger mining companies that went on to develop
mines elsewhere.
The Cobalt Stock Exchange relocated to Toronto to become the Toronto Stock
Exchange, and Cobalt mines greatly increased the wealth of Canadian banks.
Moreover, the riches from Cobalt funded railways that opened up Northern Ontario.
Mining technology was pioneered at the mines in Cobalt, and generations of mining
specialists who trained at the nearby Haileybury School of Mines went on to develop
mines across Canada and around the world.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
A map showing the distribution of silver veins and mines
near Cobalt.
A cartoon showing the possible
geological origin of the Cobalt
silver veins. This illustration
is a generalized cross -section
showing the Cobalt area along
a line from the northwest to
southeast. The diabase sill is
exposed on surface only in the
southeast, but it is believed
that it once extended across
the entire area.
What made Cobalt so rich?
The many mines and great silver wealth of Cobalt reect the occurrence of
a dense cluster of small but rich veins near Cobalt. The veins formed during
the intrusion of a great molten sheet of magma deep in the Earth 2.2 billion
years ago. This igneous intrusion cracked the surrounding rock as it forced its
way in, and hot silver-rich uids related to the intrusion deposited silver and
related metals in the cracks. The at-lying intrusion, or sill, crystallized to a
dark-coloured, coarse-grained layer of rock, called diabase, about 300 m thick.
Erosion has removed much of the diabase sill and only remnants of the original
silver veins and diabase remain.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 1: Cobalt Mining Museum GPS co-ordinates: N47° 23.734’, W79° 41.149’
Make the Cobalt Mining Museum your rst stop in Cobalt. The museum has one of the nest collections of silver ore in the world as well as photographs,
artifacts and memorabilia that bring the history of the Cobalt mining camp to life. At its peak, the town of Cobalt had a population of 10 000. It was the
rst town in Northern Ontario to have a street car system, professional hockey teams, a provincial police detachment, an opera house and even a stock
Museum sta can help you plan your visit to Cobalt. Obtain a guide for a historic walking tour of the town or the Heritage Silver Trail. Tours of an
underground mine and a nearby mine headframe depart from the museum.
Stop 1: The small front of the Cobalt Mining Museum disguises
the actual size of the seven-room display of Cobalt’s history.
Stop 1: This piece of native silver ore from a mine near Cobalt
is part of a unique chain of oce created for the Mayor of
Cobalt. Cobalt-bearing minerals commonly occurred in the
silver veins, and gave the town its name.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 2: Mining Heritage Park GPS co-ordinates: N47° 23.734’, W79° 41.149’
Across the street from the museum is a small park with an interesting cluster of sculpture, historic mining equipment, commemorative markers, outcrop
of conglomerate and a headframe.
Stop 2: The Pan Silver headframe across the street
from the Cobalt Mining Museum is the Willet Green
Miller Memorial, Site #14 on the Heritage Silver Trail. The
headframe was moved to the site from a nearby mine
when the mine ceased production in 1978.
Stop 2: A bronze relief sculpture commemorates the miners
of Cobalt.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 2: The outcrop in the park is a rock composed of cobbles.
This rock, known as conglomerate, occurs throughout the Cobalt
area and formed from an ancient gravel deposited by glaciers
more than 2.2 billion years ago.
Stop 2: A plaque honours Willet Green Miller, Ontarios rst Provincial Geologist. Miller read
the secret of the rocks at Cobalt. He identied the ore minerals for miners, and determined
the structure of veins that led to further discoveries. His research began the study of the
geology and mineral wealth of Ontario by government geologists that continues today in
the work of the Ontario Geological Survey.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 3: The Townsite Mine building included a
headframe and adjacent mill. The building sits beside a
fenced sink hole caused by the collapse of the surface
into underlying mine workings.
Stop 3: Townsite Mine and glory hole GPS co-ordinates: N47° 23.534’, W79° 41.429’
The rst and second sites on the Heritage Silver Trail are the Townsite Mine and glory hole along Highway 11B at the south end of Cobalt. Headframes are
the iconic mine buildings of Cobalt, the visible part of the largely subterranean mine workings. A sink hole by the headframe is a reminder of the miles of
mine tunnels below the town of Cobalt. A short walk leads to the glory hole, a deep opening that connects to the mine workings below your feet.
Stop 3: A headframe is a tower constructed above the mine shaft
house cable and pulleys. Cables thread through the pulleys and
connect to a powered hoist, raising and lowering cages with miners,
equipment and ore. Stopes are openings, or rooms, made in the rock
when ore is extracted.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 4: The foundations of
the former McKinley–Darragh
mill. This mill was built on a
hillside so that crushed ore
would ow downward by
gravity through the various
milling stages in the plant.
Stop 4: McKinley–Darragh Mine mill site
GPS co-ordinates: N47° 23.290’, W79° 41.504’
Many mills operated in the Cobalt camp, processing the silver ore by crushing and separating the ore
minerals from waste rock. The foundations of the McKinley–Darragh Mine mill, the rst to operate in
the Cobalt mining camp, illustrate the scale of these mills. This mine was named for the discoverers
of the Cobalt camp, James McKinley and Ernest Darragh. They found glittering rocks on the shores
of Cobalt Lake in August of 1903 while working on construction of the Temiskaming and Northern
Ontario Railway. They had learned to test nuggets by biting them with their teeth and recognized soft
native silver in the shiny shoreline rocks.
Stop 3: A glory hole is formed when underground mining comes to surface, creating
a surface opening. This glory hole was created by mining a vein from the lower levels
of the Townsite Mine. The ore was removed from below and carried in rail cars through
a tunnel to the Townsite Mine shaft for hoisting to the surface. The walls of the glory
hole provide a glimpse of the mine workings.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 5: Little Silver Vein GPS co-ordinates: N47° 23.157’, W79° 41.244’
Cobalt is famous for the abundance of silver veins nearby. The Little Nipissing silver mine site provides a prole view of mine workings along one such
silver vein named the Little Silver Vein. The cleft-like workings of the mined-out vein are exposed in a cli face and allow you to imagine both conned
life of a Cobalt miner underground, as well as the narrowness of the vein that was the miner’s prize.
The Little Nipissing silver mine site also displays one of the local rock types that host the veins. The nely layered rocks formed from ancient silt and mud
that accumulated on the oor of an ancient sea during a glaciation more than 2.2 billion years ago. At the top of the cli is a layer of conglomerate that
overlies the layered rocks, and like the conglomerate at Stop 2, was deposited by glaciers on the ancient seaoor.
Stop 5: The underground
workings of the Little Nipissing
silver mine are exposed on a
cli face 20 m high. The narrow
workings followed the Little Silver
Vein that averaged only
20 cm wide but produced
700 000 ounces of silver.
Stop 5: Sedimentary
layers exposed on a cli at
Little Silver Vein.
Stop 5: A
close-up of
nely layered
rock exposed
in the cli.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 6: Nipissing 96 Mine GPS co-ordinates: N47°23.003’, W79° 41.184’
The Nipissing 96 Mine site showcases a well-preserved headframe with its hoist room as well as a striking view of the crevasse-like opening of the
former underground mine workings. This deep gash in the hillside is all that remains of silver vein No. 96. The vein was discovered by trenches dug down
through the soil to the bedrock surface.
The vein was mined upwards from several tunnels that intersected the vein at various depths. The resulting open cut extends for a length of 142 m on
surface and is 75 m deep.
Stop 6: The headframe of the
Nipissing 96 Mine was used from
1968 to 1972.
Stop 6: A viewing platform
straddles the narrow opening of
the Nipissing 96 Mine, and allows
the visitor a view into the former
mine workings.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 7: Nipissing Hill lookout GPS co-ordinates: N47° 23.466’, W79° 40.797’
Stop 7: Most silver ores from the Cobalt area also
contained cobalt minerals. This cobalt-bearing
sample of silver ore displays characteristic pinkish
cobalt bloom”. This mineral coating results from
weathering of cobalt-bearing minerals and was a
helpful guide to prospectors looking for silver ore.
Stop 7: Nipissing Hill lookout is built on the foundations of the Cobalt camps largest mill. Situated at the top of
Nipissing Hill, the lookout provides a panoramic view of Cobalt and surrounding area. Much of the ore for the mill
came from the Nipissing 73 Meyer Shaft Mine across the valley in Cobalt by way of an aerial tram.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Stop 8: The open cut of the Nipissing 81 Mine was mined from
surface. The adjacent bare rock surface reects hydraulic stripping
of soils to expose the underlying silver veins.
Stop 8: Nipissing 81 Mine site
GPS co-ordinates: N47° 23.525’, W79° 41.039’
The Nipissing 81 Mine site sits on the ank of Nipissing Hill across
Cobalt Lake from the town of Cobalt. Once covered with soil and
trees, the hill was swept clean in 1914 by high-pressure hydraulic
hoses in search of silver veins. Pressurized water was pumped from
a plant on the shores of Cobalt Lake. The lack of vegetation on
Nipissing Hill reects this historic exploration practice which would
not be allowed now.
Stop 9: A guide explains early mining practices during a tour of
the historic Colonial Mine.
Stop 9: Colonial Mine underground mine tour
GPS co-ordinates: N47° 23.696’, W79° 39.692’
The Colonial Mine operated from 1907 to 1937 and produced 1.25 million
ounces of silver. The underground tour of the Colonial Mine provides an
excellent sense of the dark, dank and cool working conditions of one of
Cobalt’s early mines. Visitors enter the mine through a horizontal tunnel,
or adit, blasted into the hillside of diabase rock.
Heritage Silver Trail, Cobalt
Authors: Bob Turner and Marianne Quat (Natural Resources Canada), Ruth Debicki (Ontario Geological Survey), Phil Thurston (Laurentian University)
Technical editing: Marg Rutka (Ontario Geological Survey)
Review: Christine Hutton (Natural Resources Canada), Tom Watkins (Ontario Geological Survey)
Graphic layout: Ashley Hubert (Ontario Geological Survey)
Graphic illustration: Richard Franklin
Assistance with research:
Anne Fraboni and Reg Holdsworth (Cobalt Mining Museum), Jim Ireland (Ontario Geological Survey)
Please refer to this publication as:
Natural Resources Canada and Ontario Geological Survey 2015. Heritage Silver
Trail, Cobalt: Road tour of a historic silver mining camp; GeoTours Northern Ontario series.
Material in this GeoTour may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes provided that credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged. Please direct commercial requests to the Ontario Geological Survey.
© Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2015. © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2015.
All GeoTours Northern Ontario brochures are available for free download from http://www.sciencenorth.ca/dynamic-earth/geotours/ or http://www.mndm.gov.on.ca/en/mines-and-minerals/geology.