Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
Sara Newcomer, Lockheed Martin, [email protected]
The purpose of this study was to document the structure of the index.sqlite file associated with the QuickLook
Thumbnail Cache in OS X, and test and confirm how and when entries are created in this database. Using OS X
version 10.8.4 (Mountain Lion.), the structure of the database was analyzed and the information stored in fields was
interpreted based on entries corresponding to known files. A new account was created, actions were documented,
and the results of those actions on the database were reviewed. Many features in the OS X Graphical User Interface
(GUI) generate thumbnails or previews of files. This article will provide a brief overview of the OS X GUI, as well
as the results of the study designed to confirm which GUI features result in database entries. The end goal is to
make accurate statements about a user’s actions in the OS X GUI based on information contained in the database.
Keywords: Index.sqlite, QuickLook, Thumbnails, OS X, Digital Forensics
The QuickLook Thumbnail Cache database index.sqlite is located in a hidden operating system directory, not
typically navigated to by users, inaccessible to non-admin accounts. Since this database tracks user’s Finder
navigation activities, it can be used to determine the folders accessed by a user on media attached to the system.
This included locally attached storage and network-attached storage. A separate database is maintained for each
user account on the system.
Many features of the OS X Graphical User Interface (GUI) generate thumbnails or previews of files including:
Viewing a directory in Finder
Viewing a file with QuickLook
Displaying information about a file
Files located in a stack on the Dock
Not all of these actions result in changes to the database.
For those not familiar with the OS X GUI, the information below will explain Finder, QuickLook, Stacks on the
Dock, and how thumbnails or previews of files are generated automatically for these applications.
OS X runs on the Finder application. For the GUI to function, Finder must be running. The Finder application is
somewhat analogous to the Windows Explorer in Microsoft (MS) Windows OS; Finder provides the interface for
users to browse file systems connected to the computer, both remote and local. Finder allows users to view files
using four different viewing options; Icon, List, Column, and Cover Flow.
In all Finder views a thumbnail can be created for files. The default view for Finder is Icon, and newly mounted
volumes automatically open in Icon view the first time they are opened with Finder. Icon view generates a custom
thumbnail for many file types including text, video, image, MS Office, iWork, and pdf files. Cover Flow generates
larger previews of the files in the directory, allowing a user to scroll through the files. As a file is highlighted in
Column view, a preview of the highlighted file is created. List, Column, and Cover Flow views all generate small
thumbnails of files in a directory; however, small custom thumbnails are not generated for as many files types as the
large thumbnails created in Icon view or the previews created in Cover Flow. For example in the List, Column, and
Cover Flow views in Figure 1, the files are all images. A small custom thumbnail is created for each file. If the files
were a file type that does not generate small custom thumbnails like a pdf or docx file, a small generic thumbnail
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
would be used. Similar to the preview created in Column view, when Finder is used to display information about a
file a preview of the file is included.
QuickLook is an application integrated into Finder with the release of 10.5 (Leopard). In addition to creating the
custom thumbnails and previews in Finder discussed above, QuickLook will open a separate window to preview a
file when a user presses the spacebar. QuickLook works for many complex file types including: PDF, MS Office,
iWork, html, txt, and multimedia files (e.g. JPEG, MP3, PNG, WAV, MPEG4, AVI). QuickLook provides a quick
way to view the contents of a file without having to open its associated application. With a file highlighted in Finder,
pressing the space bar opens the QuickLook window. Using the mouse or arrow buttons on the keyboard, a user can
browse through the contents of the directory in the open QuickLook window; QuickLook remains open until the
user presses the space bar again or clicks the close button in the upper left corner of the QuickLook window. The
QuickLook interface also allows a user to view files using the full screen, open the file in the default application,
scroll through files with multiple pages, and in the newer versions of the OS quickly share a file on social media
The Dock is a menu bar in OS X that is part of the Desktop. It contains shortcuts to applications and folders for easy
access. Stacks is a feature that provides access to frequently used directories. In different versions of OS X, stacks
for different directories have been seen by default on the Dock including Documents, Applications, and Downloads.
In the latest release, only the Users Downloads directory has a stack on the Dock by default. Users can customize
the Dock to add or remove stacks. The default display for a stack is for the icon of the file most recently placed in
the directory to be shown at the front on the Dock.
The research focuses on the questions: What information is stored in the QuickLook thumbnail cache database, and
when are entries created in the database?
The first step was determining what information is stored in the index.sqlite and what tools can be used to view the
information. During this phase, actions that generate thumbnails or previews of files were performed on a set of
control data to help identify the starting point for the second phase.
The index.sqlite file was copied to the Desktop using the sudo cp command in Terminal. The following tools were
used to view the index.sqlite file: BlackLight Version 2013 R1 (OS X), BlackLight Version 2013 R2.1 (OS X),
SQLite2009Pro v3.7.3 (Windows), and SQLite Database Browser v 2.0 b1 (Windows). The only tool capable of
displaying all of the information in the database and provide access to all data contained in the fields was BlackLight
Version 2013 R2.1. More recent versions of BlackLight also display all fields.
The second step was creating a new user account in OS X, documenting actions as they were performed in the GUI,
and analyzing the entries created in the QuickLook thumbnail cache database. This analysis determined which
actions resulted in database changes.
The new account created was setup as a Standard user, not an Administrator account. The Administrator account on
the system was used to copy index.sqlite for analysis.
The third step was to review QuickLook thumbnail cache databases on other OS X systems to create observations
about user’s action on those systems. Systems with multiple users, deleted user accounts, and older version of OS X
were analyzed. Reviewing these systems provided additional information about the data stored in index.sqlite.
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
Location of QuickLook Thumbnail Cache Database
OS X uses the /private/var/folders directory to cache information related to some applications, including
QuickLook. The /private directory and subdirectories are hidden by default in the OS X GUI, making them an area
that users may not realize is storing information traceable to specific user accounts. The /private/var directory is
owned by the system user account, root. As shown in Figure 6, inside the /private/var directory, there are directories
named with two random characters (lowercase alphanumerical characters and sometimes an underscore). There is a
separate directory for each user on the system. There will always be a directory named zz for the root account.
Determining which directory belongs to which user cannot be done at this level; like the /private/var/ directory, all
of the two character directories belong to the system user account root. The root account always has the user
identifier (UID) 0, identified in BlackLight in the field BSD.OwnerID (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Owner of /private/var/folders/jv
Inside the two character directories are directories with random 30 character names. The 30 characters contain
lowercase alphanumerical characters and sometimes an underscore (_). It is at this level, the directory will be owned
by a user account other than root. When an account is deleted in OS X, the directory structure in /private/var/folders
related to that user account remains intact. As with active accounts, the UID can be used to link the directory to a
deleted account.
Figure 2: Owner of /private/var/folders/jv/vrfzxxs50sv8r4hdzn5d7_qw0000gn
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
Navigating further down into the directory structure varies depending on the version of OS X. In 10.5 (Leopard) and
10.6 (Snow Leopard) you may see a directory named Caches. In 10.7 (Lion) and 10.8 (Mountain Lion) the
directory is named C. Regardless of the version, a subdirectory named will
contain several files, including the SQLite database index.sqlite.
Figure 3: Location of the index.sqlite File
Information Stored in QuickLook Thumbnail Cache Database
Entries are created in the index.sqlite file as custom thumbnails for files are created. This occurs when a directory is
viewed with Finder and for items in a stack on the Dock. The view selected in Finder will determine if a custom
thumbnail is created, as well as the number and size of the thumbnails created.
Looking at an example, a CD with the volume label “Shoes” is placed in an OS X system and the volume is opened
in Finder.
Figure 4: /Volumes/Shoes Default Finder View
By default, this volume is opened in Icon view, and icons are generated for the ten JPEG files stored on the CD.
Since this is the first time this volume was mounted, Finder defaults to Icon view. The size of the thumbnails
generated from Icon view will vary depending on the icon size Finder is set to show.
Without making any changes to default settings, the expected sizes of any custom thumbnails generated should be as
Table 1: Size and Number of Entries Created by Viewing a Directory in Finder
Finder View
Number of Entries
Default Thumbnail Size(s)
Variable between 48 and 64
Cover Flow
16 and something larger
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
Custom thumbnails with a size of 16 for file types other than multimedia files will not be created, and there will not
be an entry in the database. Generally speaking, if the user can see a custom icon for a file, an entry is made or
updated in the QuickLook thumbnail cache database. If for some reason OS X does not create a custom icon for a
file, there will be no entry in the QuickLook cache.
Contents of the QuickLook Thumbnail Cache Database
Tables included in the database include:
Of these five tables, information stored in the files and thumbnails table provide information of interest.
The files Table
The files table is the starting point for finding information of interest. Table 1, shown below, provides a list of the
fields with a description of the data contained:
Table 2: Fields Contained in files Table
Field Name
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
The figure below shows how the files table is displayed in BlackLight. The information described above in Table 2
can be seen. Note the entries that have a path beginning with /Users in the “folders” field. The identifier created for
the volume, seen in “fs_id”, is 6562758. Entries that have a path beginning with /Volumes have different volume
identifiers. Figure 5 shows several other volumes, including:
Path Listed in “folders”
Description of Media
/Volumes/Data Sets
Network connected share
Thumb drive
Optical media (CD-R)
Figure 5: Example of files Contents as Seen in BlackLight Preview Pane
The “version” Field
The “version” field is used to track the file the thumbnail was created from using the size and modified time of the
file. Looking at the binary contents of the “version” field, the following information can be seen:
Figure 6: Example Contents of a Binary Property List
The ASCII within a binary plist shows information about the keys in the plist. Notice the words date, size, and gen
in Figure6.
Opening up the plist in Xcode Version 4.6.2 the following data can be seen:
Figure 7: Contents of the Binary Plist from the Version Field
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
The three keys, date, size, and gen are clearly seen, as are the values stored in the keys. OS X commonly tracks
timestamps inside plists in numerical formats that reference the number of seconds since a specific date and time,
often referred to as an epoch time. This particular plist uses a Cocoa/WebKit reference date. The Cocoa/WebKit
time technically has a 1 Jan 1970 epoch plus a constant offset that puts zero time at 1 Jan 2001. Since it uses the
constant offset from an epoch time, it is referred to as a reference date. The Cocoa/WebKit reference date
401,110,664 located within the date field of the binary plist converts to 17 Sep 13 11:37:44 UTC [1]. Below is file
information shown by OS X for the file that generated the entry containing the plist shown in Figures 12 and 13 in
the “version” field.
Figure 8: File Information
The modified time and the file size match the information stored in the binary plist in the “version” field. With the
modified time of the file stored in the binary plist, the OS can detect when a file has been modified and needs a new
thumbnail generated. The gen key in the binary plist tracks the QuickLook “plug in” used to create the thumbnail.
The thumbnails Table
The thumbnails table will show the sizes of the thumbnails created for entries in the files table. One entry in the
files table may have multiple entries in the thumbnails table if multiple views were used or settings were changed in
Finder. Entries in thumbnails are linked with the files table using the fields “rowid” from files and “file_id” from
thumbnails. Some of the other fields in thumbnails relate to:
Size of the thumbnail generated
Number of times the thumbnail was accessed
Last date and time the thumbnail was accessed
Table 3 shown below provides a description of some of the fields that may be useful when interpreting data stored in
the thumbnails table:
Table 3: Fields Contained in thumbnails Table
Field Name
An identifier that links the entry using the field “rowid” from the files table. Without this
information there is no way to link the entries in this table to a file path or file name.
A one dimensional size for the thumbnail created. When custom thumbnails are created to
be used as icons in Finder the “width” and “height” will both be the same as the size, and
“icon_mode” will be 1.
Shows whether the entry is for a Finder icon. The only entries that are not icons are
previews generated for Cover Flow. These previews may not be square. The “width” or the
“height” may not be equal to the “size” field, but at least one will. The value stored in this
field will be 0 for Cover Flow previews.
The number of times the thumbnail has been accessed.
The date and time, stored in Cocoa/WebKit time, when the thumbnail was last accessed.
Width of the thumbnail generated.
Height of the thumbnail generated.
Though the data in the files table and the thumbnails table can be linked, there may be many entries in the files table
that do not currently have entries in the thumbnails table. Information is not retained in the thumbnails table as long
as information from the files table. If there is an entry in the files table without an entry in the thumbnails table, the
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
directory the file was in was viewed in Finder. No additional information can be determined. If there is an entry in
the thumbnails table for a file of interest, it is possible to determine:
The date and time the thumbnail was last shown (“last_hit_date”)
Total number of times the thumbnail was shown (“hit_count”)
Possibly if a Finder view other than Icon view was used for the directory, depending on the file type
If Cover Flow was used to view the folder
In the thumbnails table, multiple entries for the same file indicate different sizes of the thumbnail were generated.
This can happen if different Finder views are used, or if a user changes the Icon view thumbnail size for the
directory. When changing the Icon size, a slide bar is provided.
Analysis of the QuickLook Thumbnail Cache Database
The index.sqlite database can grow very large. The files table can contain thousands of records. The thumbnails
table contains fewer entries, but needs to be linked with the files table. Keep in mind the process for parsing
information from the binary plist stored in the files table is very manual. Whenever possible, use the CNID to link
an entry to a file instead of parsing this information. For files that are no longer on the system, parsing the binary
plist will provide the size and the modified date of the file. If information for the files of interest stored in the
thumbnails table, it can be used to determine the last time the thumbnail for a particular file was shown and the
number of times the thumbnail was accessed. Though an Excel spreadsheet can be used, the manual work of
matching entries from the files and thumbnails tables can be eliminated by importing exported spreadsheets into a
database and setting up the relationship between the tables.
Sample Analysis
To create this sample, a new account was created in OS X, actions were documented, and the results of those actions
on index.sqlite were reviewed.
When looking at actual data, the first step is to identify the files of interest. For this example files of interest were
created on two CDs with the volume labels Pictures and Shoes. The Pictures CD contains four directories in the root
of the volume: Choos, Degas, Monet, and Photos. The Shoes CD contains ten JPEG files at the root of the volume.
The information stored in the files table created by OS X when these volumes were accessed was exported to a csv
file from BlackLight.
The entries with “folderpaths beginning with /Volumes, indicate the entries relate to a volume other than the OS
volume. In OS X mounted media may include additional volumes on internal hard drive(s), USB thumb drives,
external hard drives, optical media, network connected shares, and disk image (dmg) files. The media used to create
the /Volumes/Pictures and /Volumes/Shoes entries were both optical media, but to determine the exact type of media
during an examination look at other OS artifacts and, if possible, examine the media that created the entries.
If during an examination it is determined that the media used to create these entries is formatted with HFS+, or
HFSX, the CNIDs in the “fs_id” field should be used to link the entries to a specific volume on the media. This can
only be done if there is media with a volume to compare. For volumes not formatted with HFS+ or HFSX, the
volume name, files and folders listed for the entire volume, and information stored in the “version” field of the files
table can be used to link the entries to specific media; the version field tracks the modified date and size of the file.
Similarly to the situation when a file is no longer present in the active file system, for missing media the “version”
field may provide a timeframe of activity.
In this example optical media was used, which is not formatted in HFS+ or HFSX. Multiple pieces of information
can be used to link the entries in the files table and the media using the following information:
Volume name
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
o Using the volume labels Pictures and Shoes
Entries are seen for some of the directories and files on the volumes
o Pictures contains the directories Photos, Monet and Degas
o Shoes contains the files Shoe0.jpegShoe9.jpeg on the root of the volume
Confirming the last modified timestamp and size of one or more of the files
Exporting the files table from BlackLight into a csv file exports the “version” field, but the values were converted to
ASCII. To access the hexadecimal values of the binary plist stored in this field tag the entries in BlackLight, export
a report of the tagged entries to a MS Word file, copy the hexadecimal values into a hex editor and save them as a
.plist, and open the newly created plist file with Xcode. All file sizes and modification dates were parsed from the
binary plists in the “version” field and added to the csv file. The information parsed for file size and modification
date matches the files on the original media.
The next step is to look at the information stored in the thumbnails table. To merge the information, entries from
the files table were matched with information in the thumbnails table, matching “rowid” with “file_id”. Some fields
were hidden in Excel to reduce the amount of information shown.
Figure 9: Combined Information from files and thumbnails Tables
With the all of the information in one place (database or spreadsheet), it is easy to sort or query the data to focus on
the information of interest. Figure 9 shows the information sorted by the column “last_hit_date” to see a timeline of
events. The following actions were performed explaining the information seen in the index.sqlite database:
The first two rows are for the default file in the Downloads folder and stack on the Dock About
Downloads.lpdf, created when the user account first logged in.
The /Volumes/Picture CD was opened in Finder, which defaulted to Icon view, showing the four
directories: Choos, Degas, Monet and Photos. No entries were created since there are only directories at the
root of the volume; custom thumbnails are not created for directories.
The view was changed to List view and the Photos directory was expanded. Small (16 x 16) custom
thumbnails were created for the four files in the directory, creating rows 4 to 7.
The Finder view was changed to Column view and the Monet folder was navigated to. Small custom icons
were created for the five files in the directory, rows 8 to 12.
Issues in Information Systems
Volume 15, Issue II, pp. 421-430, 2014
The file monet.wl-green.jpg was highlighted in the Column view creating a preview of the file. No entry
was made in the thumbnails table.
The view was changed to Cover Flow, generating 13 to 16. One of the files in the directory did not have an
entry created, though a custom thumbnail was observed in Cover Flow.
Finder was closed, and then reopened. /Volumes/Pictures/Degas was opened and defaulted to Cover Flow,
the view was changed to Icon view. These actions created rows 17 to 20.
The directory /Volumes/Pictures/Choos was never opened in Finder and there are no entries for the files
from this directory in the index.sqlite database.
From the Desktop, /Volumes/Shoes was opened in Finder; defaulting to Icon view rows 21 to 30 were
After this initial exercise, additional tests were performed in the user profile to generate follow-on data for analysis.
Entries were created when the preferences for Icon size was changed with /Volumes/Pictures/Degas open. The
slider was dragged across without lifting the mouse button from 64 x 64 to 204 x 204. The action was performed
very slowly, taking approximately two minutes, so that changes in timestamps could be observed. Some entries had
multiple hit counts. Human precision is less than perfect with a mouse and attempting to drag across very slowly
resulted in hitting some sizes more than one time.
All files on the Desktop are viewed as Icons and will have a custom thumbnail generated. Files in folders that have a
stack on the Dock will have a custom thumbnail generated as well. If a file has an entry in the files table the OS has
displayed a thumbnail of the file in Finder or it was shown in a stack on the Dock. What does not create or update
entries in the QuickLook Thumbnail Cache database includes:
File previews created by highlighting a file in Column view
Viewing file information
Opening a file in a QuickLook window
On a system where user accounts had been deleted, the database was not deleted. Information regarding the
activities of deleted user accounts could be determined. Reviews of systems with historical information showed
entries were not deleted from the files table rapidly. This provides a historical record for folders and files that were
previously accessed. The entire file is tracking navigation through file systems for each user on the system.
If there is an entry in the thumbnails table, information about the number of times the thumbnail was accessed, how
many times the directory was viewed, and the date and time when it was last viewed can be ascertained. If there are
multiple entries in the thumbnails table, multiple Finder views were used or the icon size was changed in Icon view.
Additional questions that could be answered by further research:
Are there size or time limitations for this file?
When do entries get deleted from the tables?
Are there differences in how this data is stored the latest version(s) of OS X?
1. BlackBag Training Team (2013). Mac Forensics Tips and Tricks: The Epoch Converter Utility [online].
2. Singh Amit (2013). Mac OS X Internals: A System Approach. ISBN 0-321-27854-2.