Chambersburg Recreation Department
Chambersburg Aquatic Center
2024 Season Rates
Hours of Operation for Daily Admission: 1-8 PM, Sunday-Saturday
Category 2024 Daily Rate 2024 Daily Rate 2024 Daily Rate
(Franklin County & (Chambersburg
Shippensburg Residents) Borough Residents)
Infants UNDER 1 yr of age Free Free Free
Over 42” Sat/Sun $18 $13 $9
Over 42” M-F $16 $13 $9
Age 1+/Under 42” Sat/Sun $12 $9 $6
Age 1+/Under 42” M-F $10 $8 $6
Senior Citizen (Ages 60+) Sat/Sun $11 $8 $6
Senior Citizen (Ages 60+) M-F $10 $8 $6
Twilight (After 5 PM)
Age 1+/Over 42” (Sat / Sun) $12 $9 $6
Twilight (After 5 PM)
Age 1+/Over 42” (M-F) $11 $9 $6
Twilight (After 5 PM)
Age 1+/Under 42” (Daily) $10 $8 $5
Chaperone/Non-Swimmer Sat/Sun $11 $8 $6
Chaperone/Non-Swimmer M-F $9 $8 $6
Special Days / Events
- Teen / Adult Night $6 $6 $4
Discount Pass Booklets
- Book of 10 passes $145
Military Benefit: Active, Veteran, Retired and Reserve military personnel and/or dependents showing proper ID to
include the following branches: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, National Guard, Navy and Space Force receive
10% off the applicable daily rates. Does not apply to special daily discounted rates. (Membership discount only
applies to active military personnel.)
Daily Entrance Includes the Following in 2024:
Super Swimmer Card: With every 15 punches, earn one free Daily Rate admission. These cards expire at the
conclusion of each season.
*Daily patrons are required to present a Driver’s License or current Passport to validate residency. If neither can be provided, an
alternate type of photo ID that includes their name, along with a piece of mail that includes their name and address, is an acceptable
substitute. Essentially, anyone residing in Franklin County, Shippensburg and the Chambersburg Borough zip codes will be
required to present an approved ID to validate their area of residence; otherwise, a daily guest will be required to pay the highest
applicable category rate.
*Under 42” may not ride the Green or Blue Slide and may only ride the Yellow Slide with an adult age 18+.
*Over 42” does not guarantee use of slides if swimming skills are not sufficient.
Chambersburg Recreation Department
Chambersburg Aquatic Center
2024 Season Rates
*To qualify for these rates you must provide proof upon entry that you reside within one of the following zip codes:
17201 17219 17225 17237 17251 17262 17272
17202 17220 17231 17244 17252 17263
17210 17221 17232 17246 17254 17265
17214 17222 17235 17247 17256 17268
17217 17224 17236 17250 17257 17271
Hours of Operation for Season Pass Holders:
Monday through Friday: Early admittance, 12-1 PM through 8 PM.
Saturday and Sunday: Early admittance, 11:30 AM-1 PM through 8 PM.
Category 2024 Rates 2024 Boro Rates
Family Memberships
Family Membership Regular Season $415 $269
- 20% Family discount by January 31 $332 $215.20
- 15% Family discount by March 29 $352.75 $228.65
- 10% Family discount by May 24 $373.50 $242.10
Adult Memberships
Adult Membership Regular Season $209 $155
- 20% Adult Discount by January 31 $167.20 $124
- 15% Adult Discount by March 29 $177.65 $131.75
- 10% Adult Discount by May 24 $188.10 $139.50
Youth Memberships
Youth Membership Regular Season $185 $135 - -
- 20% Youth discount by January 31 $148 $108
- 15% Youth discount by March 29 $157.25 $114.75
- 10% Youth discount by May 24 $166.50 $121.50
Sr. Citizen Memberships
Sr. Citizen Membership Regular Season $175 $125
- 20% Sr. Citizen discount by January 31 $140 $100
- 15% Sr. Citizen discount by March 29
$148.75 $106.25
- 10% Sr. Citizen discount by May 24 $157.50 $112.50
Membership Additions
- Grandparent/Nanny $145 $105
Must accompany a family pass holder or pay the daily rate accordingly.
To receive a discounted rate, payments MUST be received by Close of Business (5 PM) on the indicated deadline date.
Definition of a Family Membership: a family membership includes up to a maximum of five (5) family members residing at the same
address. It is limited to four (4) adults, age 18 and older. Each additional person age one (1) and older: $20/person
Military Benefit: Active Military Personnel and dependents showing proper ID receive 10% off a regular season membership rate.
Financial Aide: Financial assistance provided to Franklin County residents only who are income eligible. Call the Recreation Office for
full details.
Pre-Season, Membership Payment Plan Option:
You may purchase any type of membership prior to the first official day of the 2024 pool season and pay in up to two (2)
installments. The first payment made must be equal to or greater than 50% of the cost of the membership being purchased. If you
purchase a membership at a discounted rate during a discount period, you must make the final payment on or before the indicated
deadline for that discount period. For example, if you wish to purchase a family membership during the 20% discount period, the
second a final payment must be received by January 31 to receive the 20% discounted rate.
Chambersburg Recreation Department
Chambersburg Aquatic Center
2024 Season Rates
The membership is not valid and will not be issued until the balance of the cost is paid in full; and must be paid no later than July 4. If
the final payment is not received by July 4, a refund of the first payment will be issued.
Upon request, the first installment may be refunded as the pass will not have been issued; however, all refunds will be assessed a
10% processing fee deducted before return. The refund will be paid by check and mailed by the Borough to the address given at the
time the first payment was made.
On or after the first official day of the pool season, only full payments will be accepted.
2024 Membership Benefits Include:
Early admittance to the facility: Monday-Friday, 12-1 PM; Saturday and Sunday, 11:30 AM - 1 PM.
Members are permitted to bring a guest during the early admission timeframe when utilizing one of the free guest
passes issued upon the purchase of a 2024 membership. Once a Member has utilized all free issued passes, a member
may purchase an additional Guest Pass Book of 5 passes for $45 (Guest must accompany a member during the early
admittance time frame. Guest passes may only be purchased as a booklet of 5 passes, not as a single voucher.
Two free daily pool passes / Individual Membership; Five free daily pool passes / Family Membership.
10% discount at the concession stand when showing pool membership pass
50% off price of admission for evening events and water walking. Members may pay $45 for unlimited Water Walking;
$30 for Borough Resident members for unlimited Water Walking.
* 10% discount off Parties, Pavilion, Picnic Pad and Event Room Rentals
* 10% discount on Swimming Lessons
* Must first purchase a Membership to receive these benefits. Will not be credited retroactively.
Chambersburg Recreation Department
Chambersburg Aquatic Center
2024 Season Rates
Category 2024 Rates 2024 Boro Rates
Parties During Operational Hours
Standard Pool Party $149 $129
- All parties include ONE coupon good for a free small ice cream at the concession stand which must be used during current
- 3 hours includes up to 30 people, children under age of 1 not included in this count.
- Each additional person, $3 per person. Max amount of 50 people per party. May not schedule the same group back to back to
create a 6 hour party package.
- Discounts at concessions (food options provided with reservation form)
- Parties may be scheduled beginning at 1 PM and be held in 3-hour increments. All parties must end and vacate facility by 7:45 PM.
- Picnic tables near mini golf (not under pavilion).
- One umbrella per table. Each table seats 8.
Pool Party with Pavilion Rental (Whole) $215 $205
- Includes all Pool Party options, but
with tables under the pavilion instead of
near mini golf. Seats approx. 75
Pool Party with Pavilion Rental (Half) $179 $169
- Seats approx. 35
Pool Party with Event Room $189 $175
- Capacity: approx. 30
- Includes all Pool Party options, but
with Event Room instead of tables
near mini golf. Tables / chairs provided.
- Time slots: 14 PM or 4:45 7:45 PM.
Pool Party with Picnic Pad Rental $169 $145
- Includes all Pool Party options, but
with Picnic Pad instead of tables
near mini golf; Seats approx. 15 people
- Grill; Electricity
- Time slots: 14 PM or 4:45 7:45 PM
Full-Day Amenity Rental Rates No Party
Pavilion, Full Day Rental
- Whole (seats 75) $99 $85
- Half (seats 35) $79 $69
Event Room Rental Only
- Capacity: approx. 30. Tables/Chairs provided.
- During operational pool hours $29/hr $25/hr
- These rates apply to corporations as well.
Picnic Pad, Full-Day Rental $69 $65
- Seats approx. 12-15; Grill; Electricity
- Includes 2 picnic tables
*Picnic Pad, Full-Day Rental $59 $55
- Seats approx. 12-15; No Electricity
- Includes 2 picnic tables
Full Facility Pool Rental after hours (8-10 PM) $499 $475
Activity Area Only Rental after hours (8-10 PM) $149 $129
*All after-hour rentals occur between 8-10 PM and are limited to 500 people.
Chambersburg Recreation Department
Chambersburg Aquatic Center
2024 Season Rates
Post-Season Use of the Aquatic Center’s Activity Area
Category Rates Borough Discounted Rates
Group Activity Area (ONLY) Party
Groups up to 100 People $135 $125
Saturdays or Sundays beginning the weekend after Labor Day through mid October)
Times: May begin at 1 PM and be scheduled in three-hour increments. Must finish by 5:30 PM.
Includes unlimited games of mini-golf, volleyball court, basketball court, and picnic tables under the pavilion.
Summer Camps Group Rates
Summer Camp Groups may schedule time between the hours of 1-3:30 PM, Monday through Thursday. The
Aquatic Center will not accept more than 200 total campers in any one calendar day. You must call in advance
to determine if space is available and be placed on the schedule.
Category Rates
Summer Camps that charge their participants $7.50/person (camper/counselor)
Summer Camps that do not charge their participants $4/person (campers only)
No charge for group chaperones/counselors for camps that do not charge their participants
*When groups rent other pavilions or spaces outside the Aquatic Center, normal or standard discount
entry rates apply.