Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 1 of 13
Audio Visual Systems
Preventive & Corrective
Maintenance Agreement
Customer: Palo Verde Community
Address: One College Drive,
Blythe, CA 92225
Date: 6/4/19
Sound Image
2425 Auto Park Way
Escondido, CA 92029
Phone: 760-737-3900
Fax: 760-737-3929
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 2 of 13
Key Contact Information
Contract Holder: Palo Verde Community College
Equipment Location: One College Drive, Blyth CA 92225
On-Site Contact: Rich Soto
Billing Address: One College Drive, Blyth CA 92225
Contract Period: 1 year, with renewal options.
Contract Amount: $ 13,850.00/year
Point of Contact for Services Approval: TBD
Payment Options: Yearly / Quarterly / Monthly
Payment Terms: Discounted rates are only available on yearly pre-paid plans
Equipment Covered: All existing AV equipment provided and installed by Sound Image
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 3 of 13
Covered Equipment: Insert list of all covered equipment
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 4 of 13
1.1 For the sake of brevity this document utilizes many acronyms and other shorthand
labels. They are as follows:
Owner Palo Verde Community College
SI Sound Image
Facility Theater
PCMA Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Agreement
SPM Scheduled Preventive / Corrective Maintenance
PSC Paid Service Call
EWS Extended Warranty Service
AV Installed equipment including, but not limited to the audio, video and control
Visit When used, the term “visit” implies one of the scheduled, quarterly trips to the
Facility in order to provide preventive and corrective maintenance services.
Call When used, the term “call” implies that the Owner needed to make an
unexpected phone call to request a non-scheduled trip to the Facility in order to
provide urgent or emergency repair or service.
Period The number of months or years included in the PCMA
OFE Owner-furnished equipment
2.1 Preventive Maintenance:
Quarterly “tune-ups that are done so that the equipment and systems operate within
factory specifications.
SPM actions shall be performed on-site, at the Owner’s Facility, for equipment being
covered under this PCMA.
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 5 of 13
2.2 Corrective Maintenance:
Replacement of failed or failing user-replaceable components such as lamps or fuses.
Replacement components shall be provided or purchased by the Owner.
3.1 Upon the receipt and acceptance of this PCMA, and a purchase order or payment per
the terms of this Agreement, SI will schedule and deliver thee (tri-annual) SPMs to the
Palo Verde Community College_ (Owner) __Theater____________ (Facility).
Typical SPM visits will include a staff of one technician and cover ___1___ full day(s)
Each SPM will be scheduled two weeks in advance with the noted on-site contact.
3.2 The purpose of the PCMA is to:
Increase the reliability and longevity of the installed AV system equipment.
Increase the chances that all AV equipment will function on a 24/7/365 basis.
Decreases the number of unexpected emergency service calls.
Decreases the number of customer complaints regarding the performance of the AV
3.3 Owner’s Covered Equipment includes the following:
All audio equipment that is existing.
All video equipment that is existing.
All AV rack room(s) and equipment that is existing.
All control equipment that is existing.
All other equipment that is existing.
1. Define other equipment: ________________N/A_______________________
3.4 Facility equipment that is not covered includes:
Any and all Audio/Video/Control System equipment not supplied and installed by SI,
unless otherwise noted above in section 3.3.E.1.
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 6 of 13
4.1 An SPM visit shall include:
One or more field technicians visiting the Facility to verify proper operation of the
covered AV equipment.
Installation of any factory provided hardware and/or software updates.
Cleaning all AV devices.
Checking and cleaning all cooling fans.
Returning the equipment controls to pre-established operating levels.
Verifying equipment operation.
Reloading existing system operating software (if required).
Lubricating any user-accessible moving parts.
Electronically calibrating the AV equipment and correcting operating conditions that
are not within industry standards for normal operation.
4.2 The on-site service hours for the four SPMs shall be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time,
Monday through Friday, unless otherwise agreed up by both the Owner and SI.
Work must begin and end within the on-site service hours.
4.3 Abnormal Conditions:
If abnormal operating conditions, outside industry standards, are noted during a SPM
visit, and the repair or correction cannot easily be accomplished during the immediate
SPM time window, a Paid Service Call will be scheduled to correct/repair the noted
condition(s). See PSC details below in Section 10.
If the SI technicians find any malfunctioning equipment, or abnormal operating
conditions outside industry standards, SI will forward to Owner a description of the
condition and a cost estimate to repair.
Upon approval of the repair cost estimate, SI will remove the equipment from site and
either repair at our shop or ship it to the manufacturer for repair service.
4.4 Loaner Equipment:
Whenever necessary and possible, SI will attempt to replace all critical AV equipment
with suitable loaner equipment.
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 7 of 13
If a non-critical piece of equipment cannot be repaired within five (5) working days, a
loaner unit of comparable functionality will be provided at Owner’s request.
1. When possible, loaner equipment will be provided at no cost to Owner.
2. Loaner equipment may not be an exact match to Owner’s existing equipment
and may not be compatible with Owner’s mounting systems or integrated
remote control systems or other components of the system.
3. Owner agrees to be liable for the repair or replacement cost of the loaner unit
due to loss or damage while the loaner equipment is in Owner’s possession.
4.5 AV system equipment log:
At the start of the first PCMA period, SI will document and establish a complete list of
all covered AV equipment in the Facility, complete with locations, serial numbers and
operational status. The AV equipment log book will become the property of the Owner.
During each of the SPM visits, the equipment log book will be updated with information
regarding the status of the equipment, and maintenance rendered.
4.6 Emergency Service
Service typically becomes an emergency when a major portion of a system goes down
with only a few hours before an even that requires the system to function.
PCMA service customers will receive Emergency Service response time of forty-eight
(48) hours or less, if at all possible.
The on-site service hours for an emergency service response shall be 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise agreed up by both the
Owner and SI.
Two (2) emergency service responses are included in this PCMA. Additional services
responses are subject to a Paid Service Call. See PSC details below in Section 10.
Customers requesting Emergency Service should realize that SI may or may not be
able to facilitate a timely repair of the problem. It is not uncommon that the piece of
equipment that has failed cannot be repaired in the field; but rather must be sent to the
manufacturer for repair.
See Section 5.2 below for additional recommendations regarding the satisfactory
resolution of Emergency Service situations.
5.1 Equipment Maintenance and Alteration:
Owner must provide SI with unrestricted access to the Facility and the AV equipment
during the scheduled SPM visits.
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 8 of 13
Owner may not alter the wiring interconnections of the AV equipment during the period
of the PCMA.
Owner may not alter, repair or modify the AV equipment except as expressly directed
by SI’s service personnel.
Owner must operate the equipment within the limits of the equipment functionality, as
detailed in the manufacturer’s user operations manual(s).
Owner may not add or modify the equipment, components, wiring, other parts or
programming of the AV system without written notification to, and acceptance by SI.
5.2 Backup Equipment Inventory:
If the Owner considers their AV systems to be so critical to the operation of their
organization or ongoing business operations that they cannot be without full
functionality for more than one to two days, SI recommends that the Owner maintain a
backup inventory of parts, supplies and equipment.
The backup inventory should have a suitable replacement for many or most of the key
devices within the system.
1. If requested, SI will work with the Owner to establish the best and most cost
effective compliment of spares.
Purchasing backup equipment
2. The backup equipment may be purchased by the Owner during the initial
installation period and stored at or near the facility in which it will be used. If
this approach is desired, SI will charge the same price for the equipment as
was paid for the same gear in the primary system.
3. Alternately, the cost of the backup equipment may be distributed over the life
of the initial service contract. If this approach is desired, SI will need to charge
a premium for each item. However, at no point, will the price charged be in
excess of MSRP.
4. A separate quotation will be prepared and submitted for approval if backup
equipment is required. Contact your SI account representative for more
6.1 Parts and labor for all repairs outside the limits of the PCMA.
All equipment and/or parts required for repairs will be invoiced at a rate of cost plus
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 9 of 13
SI labor, if required for any off-site repairs, will be charge at the rates noted below in
Section 10.
Any required manufacturer’s repair labor will be invoiced at a rate of cost plus 20%.
All percentages stated herein are “margins”, not “mark-up”.
6.2 All consumable items, including batteries and projector lamps, are excluded from this
PCMA and will be quoted and invoiced separately.
6.3 Specialized rental equipment such as man lifts and safety equipment will be provided
and charged at a rate of cost plus 20%.
6.4 Unproductive service calls:
If Owner contacts SI to report a system complaint, failure, or perceived problem or
failure, and no mechanical or electronic failure is found; or the problem is due to
operator error, the Owner will, at SI’s sole discretion, be invoiced for the time spent, at
the rates noted below in Section 10.
6.5 Control system or other software programming changes to facilitate new functionality
that was not available at the commencement of the PCMA.
6.6 Any condition that existed prior to the start date of this PCMA; that would not have
been obvious during a pre-inspection of the Facility and/or AV systems; and/or that
was not communicated to SI.
6.7 Service and repairs prohibited by statute, governmental regulation, or any other law.
6.8 Repair Transportation:
If off-site repair is required, Owner agrees to pay for the round trip transportation costs
of the equipment from the Owner’s Facility to SI’s shop, and/or the manufacturer, and
Transportation will be provided by SI’s staff or by commercial carrier.
Shipping and handling provided by SI will be invoiced at a rate of cost plus 15%.
6.9 Any additional AV equipment purchased or obtained by Owner after the PCMA period
has begun.
If requested, SI will prepare an additional quotation for servicing and maintaining any
new or additional equipment.
6.10 Changes or modifications made to any AV equipment by any other 3
party during the
period of this PCMA.
6.11 Training
Operational training is not considered to be a part of this PCMA.
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 10 of 13
1. That services can be contracted separately. Please contact your SI account
manager for further information.
2. Owner may choose to substitute one (1) emergency service strip and (1) SPM
trip in exchange for one (1) two day training session.
7.1 This Agreement may not be transferred to any other party without the express written
consent of SI and the payment of a transfer fee equal to not less than ten percent
(10%) of the premium amount. SI may, at its sole discretion, choose to accept the
transfer or to terminate this PCMA.
8.1 The PCMA period shall commence upon the receipt of a purchase order or other
acceptable payment guarantee, or on the date identified on the first page of this
PCMA, whichever is later.
No SPM work will be performed prior to the formal commencement of the PCMA.
8.2 On or before thirty (30) days following the start date of the PCMA, Owner may cancel
this PCMA and receive a refund of the full premium if no services or benefits have
been received by the Owner.
8.3 To cancel this PCMA, Owner must submit a notice of cancellation in writing to SI.
8.4 If Owner does not meet the obligations of Section 5, or does not pay the premium
within thirty (30) days of SI’s invoice, SI has the right to cancel this PCMA upon
forwarding written notice to Owner.
In the event of cancellation due to non-payment, Owner agrees to be liable for the full
cost of services and parts provided to Owner prior to the cancellation.
In the event that Owner does not meet the obligations under Section 5, SI will provide
a prorated refund based on the time expired and the services rendered under the
8.5 Multi-year renewals:
This PCMA has a period of one (1) year. Multi-year renewals are available at the
following rates:
1. Two or three consecutive years: Initial rate minus 5% for each additional,
consecutive year following the first year of the PCMA.
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 11 of 13
a. Example: First year = $10,000, second year = $9,500, third year =
$9,500. Total three year contract value $29,000.
2. Terms for the renewal years shall be the same as for the first year.
3. A 15 day renewal grace period will begin on the first day following the end of
any PCMA renewal period. Acceptance for additional years of service must be
taken within the 15 day grace period in order to receive the discounts defined
8.6 Each PCMA period shall expire 12 months after the date of commencement.
SI shall complete any outstanding repair work on the AV systems that began prior to
the expiration of the PCMA period.
This PCMA shall not automatically renew. A renewal PCMA must be generated in
order to provide coverage beyond the expiration date of this Agreement.
The Owner must initiate a request for renewal of the PCMA period(s).
Either Owner or SI may decline to enter into a renewal PCMA
9.1 If the Owner wishes SI to include existing and/or OFE, and the equipment is not new
and/or was not provided, installed or previously serviced by SI, SI reserves the right to
inspect the equipment within thirty (30) days of the commencement of this PCMA to
determine if SI wishes to provide the services covered in this PCMA.
9.2 If SI determines that the equipment is not operating correctly, properly, or requires
service to bring the equipment to good operating condition, SI will forward an estimate
to Owner detailing the cost of such service.
If Owner declines to have SI perform the work required to bring the OFE up to good
operating condition, SI may, at our sole option, refund the full amount of the premium
and cancel all or part of this PCMA.
10.1 PSC repair/service work, which is performed outside this PCMA, shall be billed as
Service Call: $750.00 flat rate to roll a vehicle to the Owner’s Facility.
Field Service: $125.00 per man hour. Monday through Friday; during normal working
hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 12 of 13
Overtime work performed, Monday through Friday, will begin after eight (8) hours of
work (including travel time) on any given calendar day. Overtime rate is $187.50/hr.
The weekend and holiday rate is $225.00 per hour.
1. Overtime rate on weekends and holidays is $337.50/hr.
10.2 By entering into this PCMA contract, Owner agrees to allow SI to bill for on-site PSC
work as outlined above.
10.3 Telephone support will be provide at no additional cost during normal business hours.
11.1 Payments shall be made to:
Southern California Sound Image, Inc.
2425 Auto Park Way
Escondido CA, 92029
12.1 Acceptance:
Any deviation from the terms and conditions outlined within this PCMA must be
approved, in writing, by both the Owner’s authorized representative and an officer or
director of Southern California Sound Image.
12.2 Execution:
This Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Agreement shall become the formal
written Agreement between the parties listed herein, upon the execution by both
Please sign and return one copy of the Agreement to Sound Image.
Full execution of this Agreement, and receipt of payment or PO, will be SI’s Notice to
Sound Image Preventive & Corrective Maintenance Agreement Tel: (760) 737-3900
2425 Auto Park Way v1.0 Fax: (760) 737-3929
Escondido, CA 92029 Page 13 of 13
Agreement submitted by: _______________________________ Title: __________________
Authorized signatory: Ralph Wagner, CFO Date submitted: __________________
Agreement accepted by: _______________________________ Position: ________________
Authorized signatory: Date submitted: __________________