Preliminary Oregon Accessibility
2024-25 School Year
English Language Arts
Extended Assessments
English Language Proficiency
Student Educational Equity Development Survey
It is the policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education
that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status,
religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability in any educational programs, activities, or
employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact
the Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction with the Oregon Department of Education.
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310
(503) 947-5600
Dr. Charlene Williams
Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
Dan Farley
Assistant Superintendent
Andrea Lockard
Director of Assessment &
Student Reporting
Holly Carter
Senior Strategic Advisory, OTLA
Andrew Byerley
Mathematics Assessment
Sody Fearn
K-2 Balanced Assessment
Jon Wiens
Director of Reporting,
Accountability & Data
Carla Martinez
Administrative Specialist
Mariela Salas Bao
Science Assessment Specialist
Ben Wolcott
English Language Proficiency
Assessment Specialist
Mason Rivers
Special Education Assessment
Crystalyn Plattner
Administrative Specialist
Tony Bertrand
English Language Arts & Social
Sciences Assessment Specialist
Beth LaDuca
NAEP State Coordinator
Contributing Organizations
Smarter Balanced Assessment
Consortium (SBAC)
Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI)
English Language Proficiency
Assessment for the 21
National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP)
Behavioral Research &
Teaching, University of Oregon
InterMountain & Willamette
Education Service Districts
All or any part of this document may be photocopied for educational purposes without permission
from the Oregon Department of Education and distributed for the cost of reproduction.
1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Intended Audience and Recommended Use .................................................................................... 5
Table 1.1: Types of Accessibility Supports ........................................................................................... 6
1.2 Modifications ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Documenting Accessibility Supports ................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Oregon Accessibility Manual Reading Requirements ....................................................................... 9
Table 1.2: Reading Requirements by Role ........................................................................................... 9
2.0 UNIVERSAL TOOLS AVAILABLE ACROSS OSAS .................................................................................... 10
Table 2.1: Embedded Universal Tools ............................................................................................... 10
Table 2.2: Non-embedded Universal Tools ....................................................................................... 11
3.0 DESIGNATED SUPPORTS AVAILABLE ACROSS OSAS ........................................................................... 12
Table 3.1: Embedded Designated Supports ...................................................................................... 12
Table 3.2: Non-embedded Designated Supports .............................................................................. 13
4.0 ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE ACROSS OSAS ................................................................................. 15
Table 4.1: Embedded Accommodations ............................................................................................ 15
Table 4.2: Non-embedded Accommodations.................................................................................... 16
5.0 ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER .......................................................................... 17
Appendix A: Technology Skills Needed to Access English Language Proficiency Assessment ................. 50
Appendix B: Guidelines for Signed Interpretation Support ...................................................................... 51
Appendix C: Embedded Accessibility Support Settings ............................................................................ 55
Table C.1: Embedded Universal Tools ............................................................................................... 55
Table C.2: Embedded Designated Supports ...................................................................................... 59
Table C.3: Embedded Accommodations ........................................................................................... 63
Appendix D: The Oregon Accessibility Panel ............................................................................................ 67
Appendix E: Approval Process for a New Accessibility Support ............................................................... 69
Appendix F: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) ......................................................... 70
Appendix G: Manipulatives ....................................................................................................................... 85
Appendix H: OSAS Accessibility Worksheets ............................................................................................ 87
Change Log ................................................................................................................................................ 88
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) strives to provide every student with an engaging and
affirming assessment experience, generating group summary results that are a fair and accurate
estimate of academic achievement for systems-level decision-making. Further, ODE is building on a
framework of accessibility for all students, especially students who are emerging bilinguals (English
Learners; ELs), students experiencing disability, and students who are experiencing disability who are
also emerging bilinguals. In the process of developing its next-generation assessments to measure
students’ knowledge and skills as they progress toward college and career readiness, ODE recognizes
that the validity of assessment results depends on providing appropriate accessibility supports when
needed, based on the constructs measured by each assessment (Table 1.1).
The Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) applies to the current school year and guides the selection and
administration of universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations for all assessments within
Oregon’s Statewide Assessment System (OSAS), including all general, alternate, and interim
assessments in Mathematics, English Language Arts (ELA), Science, and English Language Proficiency.
While not an assessment, as part of Oregon’s Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) the Student
Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey offers the same supports as OSAS assessments.
Educators may also provide accessibility supports for the SEED Survey not found in the OAM. To ensure
valid survey results, any such additional accessibility supports must (a) be typically used during
instruction, and (b) align to the Guiding Principles and Survey Environment Guidance sections of the
SEED Survey Administration Manual.
Oregon’s statewide assessments are intentionally aligned to Oregon’s State Standards in Language
Arts, Mathematics, Science, and English Language Proficiency. The universal tools, designated
supports, and accommodations that are appropriate for these assessments evolve to support
alignment and incorporate available technology and may differ from those allowed in prior years. To
ensure valid scores for Oregon’s statewide assessments, districts and schools may only make available
to students the universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations that are included in this
manual. Further, all accessibility supports a student receives on Oregon’s statewide assessments are to
mirror the supports currently being provided to that student in their classroom instruction and
Used appropriately, accessibility supports reduce or eliminate barriers that inhibit students from
demonstrating what they know and can do both during instruction and during an assessment. Students
should have previous experience with the supports selected for use on Oregon’s statewide
assessments. The supports selected for assessment should align with those used during instruction,
though not all instructional supports are viable for assessment. It would not typically be appropriate
for a student to receive an accessibility support during an assessment that has not been part of the
student’s instruction. Assessment supports should not reduce learning expectations, nor should they
give a student an unfair advantage or disadvantage over their classmates. Use of these supports during
the administration of an Oregon Statewide Assessment is based on individual student needs and
should not impact the validity of the assessment results.
For assistance on how to select, administer, and evaluate the use of accessibility supports for
instruction and assessment of all students, educators are encouraged to consult the Council of Chief
State School Officers’ (CCSSO) Accessibility Manual. The process described in this manual is designed
for use by general education teachers, teachers who provide English language development services,
teachers who serve students experiencing disability, test administrators, district level assessment staff,
Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams, Section 504 Plan committees, or any other student
support team as they work with students to select and use appropriate supports during participation in
Oregon’s Statewide Assessments. For assistance including students as part of this process, consult
Suggestions for Involving Students in Selecting and Implementing Accommodations from the National
Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).
The specific accessibility features approved for Oregon’s Statewide Assessments may change as
additional universal tools, designated supports, or accommodations are identified for the assessment
based on state experience, research findings, and/or the evolution of secure technologies. The Oregon
Department of Education (ODE) maintains an Oregon Accessibility Panel, composed of measurement
and accessibility experts from across the state, to determine which supports should be provided to
Oregon’s students across our state assessments, including ELA, Math, Science, ELPA, and ORExt.
To submit a formal recommendation for a new accessibility support, refer to Appendix E: Approval
Process for a New Accessibility Support.
Furthermore, ODE may issue temporary approvals for individual unique student accommodations (i.e.,
one summative assessment administration for one student). The Assessment Team will evaluate
formal requests for unique accommodations and determine whether the request poses a threat to the
measurement of the construct or a risk to test security.
To request such a temporary approval for an individual unique student accommodation, email Mason
Rivers, Special Education Assessment Specialist, at [email protected]
1.1 Intended Audience and Recommended Use
The OAM applies to all students. It emphasizes an individualized approach to the implementation of
assessment practices for those students who have diverse needs and participate in Oregon’s statewide
assessments. This manual focuses on accessibility supports (i.e., universal tools, designated supports,
and accommodations), recognizing their critical role both for assessment (including tests in the OSAS)
and instruction. The OAM was written to be used in tandem with the Test Administration Manual.
Oregon’s general Statewide Assessments in Mathematics, ELA, Science, and ELPA contain embedded
and non-embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations (defined in Table 1.1
below). Embedded resources are those that are part of the computerized test delivery system,
whereas non-embedded resources are provided outside of that system (e.g., by a test administrator).
Oregon’s Extended Assessments incorporate principles of universal design into all item presentations
and allow for non-embedded accessibility supports.
Table 1.1: Types of Accessibility Supports
Universal Tools
Accessibility features of the assessment that are either provided as digitally
delivered components of the test administration system or separate from it.
Universal tools are available to all students based on student preference and
Designated Supports
Accessibility features of the assessment that are available for use by any
student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator (or a team of
educators with parent/guardian and student). They are either provided as
digitally delivered components of the test administration system or separate
from it.
Changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during the
Oregon Statewide Assessments. Assessment accommodations generate valid
assessment results for students who need them; they allow these students to
show what they know and can do.
Accommodations do not compromise the learning expectations, construct,
grade-level standard, or intended outcome of the assessment.
Note: Accommodations are available only for students with documented
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 Plans that include the
specific accommodations, and for students who have had a physical injury
(e.g., broken hand or arm) that impairs their ability to use a computer. These
students may use the speech- to-text and/or the scribe accommodations (if
they have had sufficient experience with the use of these). The OAM provides
parenthetical accommodation codes which can be included in a student’s IEP
or 504 as part of their assessment accommodation documentation.
The use of accessibility supports may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete
the assessment.
The conceptual model that serves as the basis for the OAM is shown in Figure 1 (below). This figure
portrays several aspects of the accessibility features: universal tools, designated supports, and
accommodations. It also portrays the interconnected nature of these three levels of support. Universal
tools are available to all students, including those receiving designated supports and those receiving
accommodations. Designated supports are available only to students for whom an adult or team has
identified the need. Accommodations are available only to those students with documentation of the
need through a formal plan (i.e., IEP, 504 plan). However, those students may also use universal tools
and designated supports. Embedded designated supports and accommodations must be assigned to
students in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) within the OSAS Portal in advance of testing
to activate the support in the test delivery system (TDS). Authorized TIDE users have the option to
either enter these settings for individual students or to upload settings for multiple students.
Note: for districts using the interim assessment system, accessibility supports enabled in TIDE will
remain in place for the student for summative assessments. ELA PT TIDE settings will apply to the ELA
Interim PT. ELA CAT TIDE settings will apply to all other ELA Interim assessments. All accessibility
support settings should be verified for students before beginning Oregon’s statewide summative
The identification of whether a particular support is offered as a universal tool, designated support, or
accommodation is determined independently for each assessment based on the construct that the
assessment is designed to measure. What is considered a designated support for one assessment may
be treated as an accommodation for another assessment, or it may not be offered at all, depending on
the measured construct of each assessment (see, for example, Scribe). Universal tools, designated
supports, and accommodations all yield valid scores that meet the technical adequacy assessment
requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and count as participation in Oregon’s
Statewide Assessments when used in a manner consistent with the Oregon Accessibility Manual. Figure
1 illustrates the different categories of accessibility features supported within the OSAS.
Accommodation Codes: The Assessment Record Updating Application (ARUA) should be adjusted
directly to indicate any of several special statuses for individual students. Student test records include
accommodation code fields. These codes are listed within the Oregon Accessibility Manual next to the
title of each of the accommodation support titles for all assessments.
Figure 1: Conceptual Model Underlying the Oregon Accessibility Manual
1.2 Modifications
A modification is any practice or procedure that compromises the intent of the assessment through a
change in the learning expectations, construct, content that is to be measured, grade-level standard, or
measured outcome of the assessment that is not authorized explicitly by the Oregon Accessibility Panel
and listed in the OAM. Any change away from a standard administration not listed in the OAM is
considered a modification.
In order for a student’s scores to count toward participation in an Oregon Statewide Assessment, IEP
teams are instructed by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to select for each
assessment only state-approved supports, which do not invalidate the score of the assessment.
Under extremely rare circumstances, a student’s IEP team may choose to use a modification to allow a
student to take an Oregon Statewide Assessment. Assessments taken under any modified condition
are counted as non-participants in all state and federal accountability measures and reports.
A modified assessment will be invalidated even if it was modified in error.
Memorandum No. 001-2006-07 provides additional criteria that may affect decisions about
Accommodations and Modifications
Decisions about modifications must be documented by districts. Documentation is subject to
audits by ODE.
1.3 Documenting Accessibility Supports
Districts may use a variety of methods to document which accessibility supports students need to
participate in statewide assessments. For students who experience disability, it is recommended that
504 and IEP teams include ALL accessibility supports determined necessary by the team on a student’s
504 or IEP plan (specifically the Statewide Assessment page for an IEP). It is required that any
accessibility support designated as an Accommodation is documented in a student’s 504 or IEP plan.
Teams should use the accessibility support name from the OAM as well any settings needed by the
student (e.g., mouse color and size), to ensure the student receives the necessary supports during
testing. Additionally, use of an accommodations on the statewide assessments should be documented
in TIDE via the Accommodations Flag or in the system after extended test
administration. Districts should have a process for ensuring that accessibility decisions made by teams
are implemented during statewide testing. The OSAS Accessibility Worksheets, available in Appendix H
of this document, may be used to document accessibility supports for any student and help facilitate a
process for implementation.
SEED Survey: Accessibility supports, including Accommodations, for the SEED Survey are not
documented on the statewide assessment page of the student’s IEP. The SEED Survey is not a
statewide assessment. It is a classroom activity, and educators should implement any student supports
outlined in a 504 plan or IEP plan as they would with any other classroom activity.
ELPA Screener: A district may believe that a student slated for English language proficiency (ELPA)
screening may qualify for services under a Section 504 or Individualized Education Program (IEP), but
typical documentation, such as a comprehensive evaluation report, may not be available to support
such a determination. In such cases, if screening timelines preclude the convening of a 504 or IEP team,
the test administrator (TA) may select any accommodations on the ELPA Screener for which there is
good evidence of student need (e.g., information provided by parents or caregivers, clearly observable
evidence of a disability which impedes access to one or more domains, relevant medical
Districts who pursue this course of action must document and store evidence used to select
accommodations, along with other screener documentation, in the student’s permanent file.
1.4 Oregon Accessibility Manual Reading Requirements
Section 1.5 Training Requirements of the current Test Administration Manual states that all District
Test Coordinators, School Test Coordinators, Test Administrators, Qualified Test Coordinators, and
Qualified Assessors are required to read the Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM). ODE has identified
role-specific reading requirements for the OAM as illustrated in the table below.
Table 1.2: Reading Requirements by Role
OAM Reading Requirement
School Test Coordinator
Qualified Test Coordinator
Section 1.0 Introduction
Sections 2.0 4.0 Accessibility Tables
Section 5.0 Accessibility Descriptions
Appendices A – H
Qualified Assessor
Section 1.0 Introduction
Sections 2.0 4.0 Accessibility Tables
Section 5.0 Accessibility Descriptions (as needed based on the
supports the TA/QA will provide).
Appendices A, B, C and E, F, G depending on the specific
assessments that the TA/QA will administer
- Intentionally left blank -
The following tables (Table 2.1 and 2.2) outline accessibility supports that are considered universal
tools. Each tool is named in the first column. The other columns indicate the tests on which the tool is
available or allowable across the Oregon Statewide Assessment System. The tests listed in the table are
as follows in alphabetical order:
Alt ELPA, Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessment
ELA-CAT, English Language Arts Summative - Computer Adaptive Test
ELA-PT, English Language Arts Summative - Performance Task
ELPA Screener, English Language Proficiency Assessment Screener
ELPA Summative, English Language Proficiency Assessment Summative
Mathematics, Mathematics Summative - Computer Adaptive Test and Performance Task
OR Extended, Oregon Extended Assessments - ELA, Mathematics, & Science
Science, Science Summative
SEED Survey, Student Educational Equity Development Survey
A “Yes” in the test column means the universal tool is available or allowable on the test. A “No” in the
test column means the universal tool is not available, not allowable, or not applicable on the test. A “^”
symbol means that the reader should reference the description of the support for additional
limitations. The final column lists the page number where the reader can locate additional details
about the support.
Table 2.1: Embedded Universal Tools
Amplification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 18
Audio support No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No 19
Breaks (online tests) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 21
Calculator No No No No No Yes^ No Yes No 22
Color choices Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 23
Digital notepad Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 25
English dictionary No No Yes No No No No No No 26
English glossary No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No 27
English thesaurus No No Yes No No No No No No 27
Expandable stimuli Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 27
Global notes No No Yes No No No No No No 28
Highlighter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 28
Keyboard navigation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 30
Line reader Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 30
Mark for review Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 32
Math tools No No No No No Yes No No No 33
Mouse pointer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 34
Navigation language Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No 34
Paginated item groups No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No 35
Periodic Table No No No No No No No Yes^ No 35
Response recovery No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 37
Spell check No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 41
Strikethrough Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 42
Writing tools Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 48
Zoom Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 49
Table 2.2: Non-embedded Universal Tools
Amplification devices Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18
Breaks (paper tests) No No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 22
Scratch paper Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes^ Yes Yes Yes 37
The following tables (Table 3.1 and 3.2) outline accessibility supports that are considered designated
supports. Each support is named in the first column. The other columns indicate the tests on which the
support is available or allowable across the Oregon Statewide Assessment System. The tests listed in
the table are in alphabetical order.
A “Yes” in the test column means the designated support is available or allowable on the test. A “No”
in the test column means the designated support is not available, not allowable, or not applicable on
the test. A “^” symbol means that the reader should reference the description of the support for
additional limitations. A “*” symbol means that the support is available or allowable for the indicated
test, but as an accommodation, not a designated support. See section 4.0 for details about
accommodations. The final column lists the page number where the reader can locate additional
details about the support.
Table 3.1: Embedded Designated Supports
Dictation (speech-to-text) * * * * * Yes No Yes Yes 25
Full screen mode Yes No No No No No No No No 28
Masking Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 33
Print on request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 36
Print size Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 36
Streamlined interface
Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes 41
Text-to-speech (TTS) No Yes^ Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes 43
(dual language)
No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes 45
Translations (glossaries) No No No No No Yes No No No 46
Turn off any universal tools Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 46
- Intentionally left blank -
Table 3.2: Non-embedded Designated Supports
100s number table No No No No No * Yes^ Yes No 17
Abacus No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No 17
Bilingual dictionary No No Yes No No No No No Yes 20
Calculator No No No No No Yes^ Yes Yes No 22
Color overlays Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 24
Comforting presence Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 24
Communication device Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes 25
English dictionary No No Yes No No No No No Yes 26
English thesaurus No No Yes No No No No No Yes 27
Human read aloud Yes Yes^ Yes * * Yes Yes^ Yes Yes 29
Human read aloud
No No No No No Yes No Yes No 29
Magnification device Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 30
Magnification software Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 31
Manipulatives No No No No No Yes^ Yes^ Yes^ No 31
Mark up tools Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 33
Masking Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 33
Medical supports Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 34
Multiplication table No No No No No * Yes^ Yes No 34
Noise buffers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 35
Periodic table No No No No No No Yes^ Yes^ No 35
Printed writing item
response forms
No No No No No No Yes No No 37
Scribe * Yes * * * Yes Yes Yes Yes 38
Sensory supports Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 38
Separate setting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 38
Simplified test directions No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No 39
Student reads test aloud Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 42
Support physical position of
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 42
TouchPoints No No No No No Yes Yes^ No No 44
Translate/interpret test
directions & test navigation
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 45
Verbal description of
Yes No No No No No No No No 47
Written copy of test
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 48
- Intentionally left blank -
The following tables (Table 4.1 and 4.2) outline accessibility supports that are considered
accommodations. Each accommodation is named in the first column. The other columns indicate the
tests on which the accommodation is available or allowable across the Oregon Statewide Assessment
System. The tests listed in the table are in alphabetical order.
A “Yes” in the test column means the accommodation is available or allowable on the test. A “No” in
the test column means the accommodation is not available, not allowable, or not applicable on the
test. A “^” symbol means that the reader should reference the description of the support for additional
limitations. A “~” symbol means that the support is available for the indicated test, but as a designated
support, not an accommodation. See section 3.0 for details about designated supports. The final
column lists the page number where the reader can locate additional details about the support.
Table 4.1: Embedded Accommodations
American Sign Language
(ASL) (A223)
No Yes^ No No No Yes No No Yes 17
Audio transcript (A231) No Yes^ No No No No No No No 19
Braille (A218) No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes 20
Closed captioning (A224) No Yes^ No No No No No No No 23
(speech-to-text) (A311)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ~ No ~ ~ 25
ELPA domain exemptions
Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No 26
Text-to-speech (A225) No Yes^ ~ No No ~ No ~ ~ 43
Word prediction (A313) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 47
- Intentionally left blank -
Table 4.2: Non-embedded Accommodations
100s number table (A604) No No No No No Yes Yes^ ~ No 17
Alternate response options
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 17
Answer choices on
notecards (A232)
Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 18
Braille (A221) No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No 21
Human read aloud (A227) ~ Yes^ ~ Yes^ Yes^ ~ ~ ~ ~ 29
Large print (A201) No No No No No No Yes No No 30
Multiplication table (A603) No No No No No Yes^ Yes^ ~ No 34
Point-to support for
multiple-choice responses
Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes 35
Scribe (A312) Yes ~ Yes Yes Yes ~ ~ ~ ~ 38
Signed interpretation
Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 39
Specialized calculator
No No No No No Yes^ Yes Yes No 40
Speech-to-text (STT)
software (A311)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 40
Transfer student response
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 44
Translate/interpret test
content (A233)
No No No No No No Yes^ No No 44
Word prediction software
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 47
In this section, each accessibility support is listed and includes a) details on availability or allowability,
b) a description of the support, c) recommendations for using the support (designated supports and
accommodations only), and d) system options for embedded supports (when available). System
options listed in bold are selected by default.
100s number table, accommodation code: A604
Non-embedded designated support allowable on Science (including ORExt Science).
Non-embedded accommodation allowable on Mathematics (including ORExt Mathematics).
Description: A paper-based table listing numbers from 1-100 is available under OSAS Resources in the
OSAS Portal. Students must have received instruction related to the appropriate use of a 100s table
prior to a test administration, as no directions regarding how to use the table should be provided to
the students.
Recommendations for use: Students with visual processing or spatial perception needs may find this
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on Mathematics, Science, and ORExt.
Description: The abacus, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool.
Recommendations for use: This tool may be used by students who typically use an abacus.
Alternate response options, accommodation code: A302
Details: Non-embedded accommodation allowable on all assessments.
Description: Alternate response options include, but are not limited to, adapted keyboards, large
keyboards, keyboard skins, key guards, Sticky Keys, MouseKeys, Filter Keys, adapted mouse, touch
screen, head wand, and switches.
Recommendations for use: Students with some physical disabilities (including both fine motor and
gross motor skills) may need to use the alternate response options accommodation. Some alternate
response options are external devices that must be plugged in and be compatible with the assessment
delivery platform. These devices require “permissive mode” to be enabled via TIDE.
American Sign Language (ASL), accommodation code: A223
Details: Embedded accommodation available on ELA CAT (listening stimuli only), Mathematics, and
SEED Survey.
Description: Test content is translated into ASL video. An ASL interpreter and the translated test
content are viewed on the same screen. Students may view portions of the ASL video as often as
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Recommendations for use: Some students who are deaf or hard of hearing and who typically use ASL
may need this accommodation when accessing text-based content in the assessment. For many
students who are deaf or hard of hearing, viewing signs is the only way to access information
presented orally. It is important to note, though, that some students who are hard of hearing can
effectively listen to information presented orally if they are equipped with suitable amplification and
placed in an environment that minimizes external noise, ensuring a clear audio presentation during
listening tests.
System options: ELA CAT, Mathematics, SEED Survey [On/Off]
Amplification (volume control)
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Summative,
ELPA Screener, and SEED Survey. For assessments without audio, this tool is only available if the
student is using text-to-speech.
Description: The student raises or lowers the volume control, as needed, using the embedded volume
feature in the online test platform. Headphones should be used in a group testing setting. If the test is
one-on-one in a secure location, external speakers can be used.
Amplification devices
Details: Non-embedded universal tool allowable on all assessments with audio. For assessments
without audio, this tool is only necessary if the student is using text-to-speech.
Description: The student adjusts the volume control beyond and/or independently of the computer’s
built-in settings, using headphones or other non-embedded devices.
Students may use whatever assistive amplification devices they use during typical instruction (e.g.,
headphones, FM Systems, Bluetooth hearing aids, speakers, etc.) to increase the volume provided in
the assessment platform. Use of this resource may require a separate setting. If the device has
additional feature that may compromise the validity of the test (e.g., internet access), the additional
functionality must be deactivated or sufficiently monitored to maintain test security.
Answer choices on notecards, accommodation code: A232
Details: Non-embedded accommodation allowable on Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative,
ORExt, Science, and SEED Survey.
Description: A Test Administrator may write answer choices on note cards. The notecards would be
placed in the same order as presented on the student’s screen. The student would select their answer
choice from the note cards. Notecards must be created on the spot, as a Test Administrator is testing a
student. The notecards must be securely destroyed at the conclusion of the testing session.
Recommendations for use: Students may not be able to interact with items online (due to physical or
visual impairments, lack of familiarity with the computer-based format, or other cultural reasons), and
as a result, may need a paper copy of test items. This accommodation is only to be used in a testing
environment where no secure printer is available for Print on Request; on ELP assessments, it is
allowed in the Listening, Reading, and Writing domains.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
For certain items with prohibitively long text, hot text, or where the best method of using notecards is
not immediately apparent, the Test Administrator may create A, B, C, D cards for the multiple-choice
options. The Test Administrator would display a card with a single letter written on it. They would then
state the name of the letter option. This process would be repeated for all answer choices. The student
would then select the card with the letter pertaining to their desired answer choice.
A very small percentage of students may need this accommodation. Educators should follow security
procedures when administering this feature.
Audio support
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative, and ORExt.
Description: The student uses this feature to hear pre-recorded audio of tasks. Audio support is
available for the following:
ELPA – available on all items with the following exceptions by domain:
o All domains: no audio support for inline editing tasks, drag-and-drop text, and word
o Reading: audio support is available only for read-along tasks and for all kindergarten
tasks and items. Otherwise not available in the Reading domain.
o Speaking: some components of some items do not have audio.
ORExt ELA audio support is available for all tasks and most student responses.
ORExt Mathematics & Science audio support is available for all tasks and all student
NOTE: The audio may be replayed any number of times. Students may increase or decrease the pace of
audio supports on the ORExt and in-person ELPA Summative.
System options:
Audio Playback Speed: ELA CAT, ELPA Summative [On/Off]
Audio transcript, accommodation code: A231
Details: Embedded accommodation available on ELA CAT for listening stimuli only. This
accommodation should only be turned on for students who will also be using closed captioning.
Description: Provides a written transcript of the audio stimuli that can be read by screen readers, or
functions as a static document for students who cannot keep up with the closed captioning. JAWS may
take the written transcript and send it to a refreshable Braille display if the student uses that
functionality. Audio transcripts are only available for listening items which are tagged for closed
captioning and are not available for all ELA listening items.
Recommendations for use: Students may have difficulty hearing the listening portion of the passage
and also do not have enough functional vision to read the closed captioning provided for the passage.
Students who are visually impaired, blind and deaf or hard of hearing AND who use Braille may have
access to this support. The audio transcript and closed captioning accommodations must both be
assigned in TIDE to activate this support in the test. Turning audio transcript on for students who are
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
not also using closed captioning may cause confusion since it will not be available for all items they
encounter on the test.
System options: ELA CAT (listening stimuli) [On/Off]
Bilingual dictionary
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on the ELA PT full writes and SEED Survey.
Description: A bilingual/dual language word-to-word dictionary is a language support that may be
provided for the full write portion of an ELA PT. Word-to-word dictionaries provide the direct
translation from the word in English to a translation into the student’s home language but do not
provide a definition.
Recommendations for use: For students whose primary language is not English and who use dual
language supports in the classroom, the use of a bilingual/dual language word-to-word dictionary may
be appropriate. Students participate in the assessment regardless of the language.
Braille (embedded), accommodation code: A218
Details: Embedded accommodation available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, and SEED Survey. Refer to
Braille (non-embedded) for braille options for ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative, and ORExt.
Description: A raised-dot code that individuals read with their fingertips. Graphic material (e.g., maps,
charts, graphs, diagrams, and illustrations) is presented in a raised format (raised-line drawings/ tactile
graphics). Contracted and uncontracted braille is available; Nemeth is available for math.
Braille files available in paper form:
ELA – UEB contracted; UEB uncontracted
Mathematics UEB contracted with Nemeth math; UEB uncontracted with Nemeth math
Science UEB contracted with Nemeth math; UEB uncontracted with Nemeth math
SEED Survey UEB contracted
NOTE: The type of braille presented to the student (contracted or uncontracted) is set in the TA
Prior to administering the assessment through the braille interface, test administrator must receive
both the general test administration and security training provided locally through the school district,
as well as specific training on administering the assessments through the braille interface and its
supporting braille technologies. In addition, districts must ensure that students using the braille
interface receive training on all supporting braille equipment and receive an opportunity to access the
sample test available on the OSAS portal prior to taking the test.
Recommendations for use: Students with visual impairments may read text via braille. Tactile overlays,
graphics, and braille print sticker labels may also be used to assist the student in accessing content
through touch. All test content is available in braille via a refreshable braille display or embossed braille
on paper. For mathematics and science assessments, braille math notation (Nemeth braille) is available
only in the embossed braille materials. Math content will appear as plain text on a refreshable braille
display but will not appear in Nemeth braille notation. Alternative text descriptions should be
embedded in the assessment for all graphics.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
NOTE: All embossed braille materials must be collected and securely destroyed at the end of each
assessment session to maintain test security.
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, SEED Survey [English/Braille]. This setting can
be found in TIDE under the Presentation settings. Upon selecting Braille for a student for a student’s
test, settings for emboss request type and braille type are automatically displayed in the TA Interface.
Braille type is a setting that determines the type of Braille that is delivered to students via a refreshable
Braille display or a Braille embosser. This setting can be managed in the TA interface only.
ELA CAT, ELA PT [UEB contracted/ Not applicable/ UEB Uncontracted]
Mathematics [UEB Contracted with Nemeth math/ UEB Uncontracted with Nemeth math]
Science [UEB Contracted with Nemeth math]
SEED Survey [UEB Contracted]
The not applicable option could be used on ELA tests where the student does not read Braille and
instead uses solely JAWs or another screen reader to receive item content. Not applicable is not
available for Math and Science assessments because some images such as graphs or diagrams cannot
be accessed via screen readers or refreshable embossers and thus embossed Braille is a required
Emboss is a setting that allows test content to be delivered to students via a Braille embosser.
ELA CAT, ELA PT [None/ Stimuli & Items]
Mathematics, Science, SEED Survey [Stimuli & Items]
Emboss request type is a setting that determines if students testing in Braille need to manually send
print requests or if the print requests automatically generate as students navigate the test.
ELA CAT, ELA PT, SEED Survey [On-request/ Auto-request]
Mathematics, Science [Auto-request]
Mute system volume is a setting that allows screen reader software to read aloud either items or items
and passages to students using approved screen readers on Braille tests. ELA CAT [On: Read items only
aloud (designated support)/ Off: Read items and passages aloud (accommodation)]
Braille (non-embedded), accommodation code: A221
Details: Non-embedded accommodation available on ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative, and ORExt.
Description: A raised-dot code that individuals read with their fingertips. Graphic material (e.g., maps,
charts, graphs, diagrams, and illustrations) is presented in a raised format (paper or thermoform). Both
contracted and un-contracted Braille (English Braille, American Edition, and Unified English Braille) are
available via the ELPA Braille order form and/or ORExt Braille order form found on the Test
Administration webpage under forms.
Recommendations for use: Students who are blind or have low vision may read text via Braille. Tactile
overlays and graphics also may be used to assist the student in accessing content through touch.
Breaks (online tests)
Details: Embedded universal tool available on all online assessments.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: The number of items per session can be flexibly defined based on the student’s need.
NOTE: for the computer adaptive tests, if the student’s test is paused for more than 20 minutes, the
student will no longer be able to return to previously answered items. There is no limit on the number
of times that a student’s test may be paused. The use of this universal tool may result in the student
needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.
On the ORExt, if the student needs a break, it is recommended that the Qualified Assessor exit the
online test and start a new testing session when the student is ready to resume testing.
See Section 5.1 Testing Time of the Test Administration Manual for guidance on estimated testing
times for online assessments.
Breaks (paper tests)
Details: Non-embedded universal tool allowable on all paper-based assessments (i.e., ELPA Screener
braille; ELPA Summative braille; ORExt braille, large-print, and paper/pencil; and SEED Survey)
Description: Breaks may be given at predetermined intervals or after completion of sections of the
assessment for students taking a paper-based test. Sometimes students are allowed to take breaks
when individually needed to reduce cognitive fatigue when they experience heavy assessment
demands. The use of this universal tool may result in the student needing additional overall time to
complete the assessment.
Calculator (embedded)
Embedded universal tool available on calculator-allowed items only, grades 6-8 and HS on the
Mathematics assessment.
Embedded universal tool available on all items on the Science assessment.
Description: On the Mathematics assessment, an embedded on-screen digital calculator can be
accessed for calculator-allowed items. This tool is available only for those specific items for which the
OSAS item specifications indicated that it would be appropriate; these items include a calculator icon in
the upper right corner of the screen.
On the Science assessment, a calculator is present regardless of whether the item requires calculation.
Refer to the OSAS testing calculator specifications for more details.
Calculator (non-embedded)
Non-embedded designated support allowable on calculator-allowed items only, grades 6-8 and
HS on the Mathematics assessment.
Non-embedded designated support allowable on all items on the ORExt Mathematics.
Non-embedded designated support allowable on all items on the Science assessment including
the ORExt Science.
Description: On the Mathematics and Science assessment, a non-embedded calculator (i.e., four-
function, scientific, graphing) is allowable ONLY for students who are unable to access the embedded
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
on-screen calculator. The non-embedded calculator must match the type and features of the
embedded calculator at that grade, per the OSAS testing calculator specifications.
Test Administrators will be responsible for ensuring that the non-embedded calculator is only used on
calculator-allowed items; these items include a calculator icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Any other use of a non-embedded calculator may result in a test impropriety.
A very limited number of students should require the use of a non-embedded calculator on the
Mathematics or Science assessment. The supervision necessary to implement this non-embedded
designated support may require a 1:1 test administration.
On the ORExt Mathematics and ORExt Science assessments, students may use a non-embedded
calculator in all grades and at all times. The non-embedded calculator should be one the student is
familiar with and uses during instruction.
All programs and downloaded applications must be cleared from calculators before beginning the test
and again following the test period to ensure that information has not been stored on the calculator.
Recommendations for use: A non-embedded calculator may be utilized on the Mathematics or Science
Assessment only if the student is unable to access the on-screen, embedded calculator. A very small
number of students should require a non-embedded calculator on these assessments.
On the ORExt Mathematics and ORExt Science a calculator may be used by any student at any time due
to the lack of an on-screen, embedded calculator.
Closed captioning, accommodation code: A224
Details: Embedded accommodation available on ELA CAT for listening stimuli only.
Description: Printed text that appears on the computer screen as audio materials are presented.
Recommendations for use: Students who are deaf or hard of hearing and who access information
presented auditorily by reading words that appear in synchrony with the auditory presentation may
need this support. For many students who are deaf or hard of hearing, viewing words (sometimes in
combination with reading lips and ASL) is how they access information presented orally. It is important
to note, though, that some hard of hearing students can effectively listen to information presented
orally if they are equipped with suitable amplification and placed in an environment that minimizes
external noise, ensuring a clear audio presentation during listening tests.
System options: ELA CAT [On/Off]
Color choices
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Summative,
ELPA Screener, and SEED Survey.
Description: Various color combinations may be applied to a student’s test. This setting is designed to
help students who experience difficulties associated with the contrast or lighting of the screen. The
color options that will work best is specific to each student.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Recommendations for use: Students with attention difficulties, visual impairments, or print disabilities
(including learning disabilities), may need this support for viewing test content. Choice of colors should
be informed by evidence that color selections meet the student’s needs.
System options:
ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics [black on white/ black on pink/ medium gray on light gray/ red
on white/ white on black/ white on red/ yellow on black/ yellow on blue]
Science, SEED Survey [black on white/ black on blue/ black on pink/ black on yellow/ medium
gray on light gray/ red on white/ white on black/ white on red/ yellow on black/ yellow on blue]
ELPA tests [black on white/ black on blue/ black on cream/ black on pink/ red on white/ white
on black/ white on red/ yellow on black/ yellow on blue]
Dynamic Color Choices [On/Off] is a setting that allows students to select and change their own color
choice based on need or preference during a test session. Dynamic color choices may be turned off for
an individual student in the TA interface.
Color overlays
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: Color transparencies are placed over printed test materials or on the computer screen.
Recommendations for use: Students with attention difficulties, visual impairments, or print disabilities
(including learning disabilities) may need this support to view test content. Choice of color should be
informed by evidence of those colors that meet the student’s needs.
Comforting presence
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: Some students may only feel comfortable speaking to or working in the presence of, a
specific trusted adult. This non-embedded designated support allows for the trusted adult to remain
present in the testing environment. This adult serves as a reassuring presence during work time and a
nonthreatening listener for speaking portions of the ELP assessment. Tests employing this designated
support must be administered one-to-one and must also use a separate setting. An adult serving as a
comforting presence must sign the Assurance of Test Security Form Non-Administrator.
An example of the appropriate use of this designated support would include, but not limited to,
students with conditions such as selective mutism.
Recommendations for use: Comforting presence must be an adult, not a peer. The adult must remain
silent during testing, directing all student questions to the TA. While the adult will overhear some
secure material in their role as a nonthreatening listener, they should not be placed where they can
see the student’s screen or otherwise interact with the test material.
If the trusted adult is also serving as the student’s TA, it is not necessary to document this designated
support. Comforting presence is not tied to a single domain or test and may be employed for any
student who indicates the need for such emotional or psychological support during testing.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
NOTE: This designated support is not necessary for students who require a comforting object, such as a
favorite stuffed animal or blanket. In these cases, use a separate setting.
Communication device
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on the Alt ELPA, ORExt, and SEED Survey.
Description: Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, participating in alternate or
extended assessment may use any assistive technology (AT) or augmentative and alternative
communication (AAC) device that serves as their primary verbal or written communication mode.
Access to the internet must be disabled or monitored on AT and AAC devices to prevent test
Any student taking the SEED Survey may uses an AT or AAC device that functions as their primary
verbal or written communication mode.
Recommendations for use: A student may use any high or low-tech device that serves as their primary
mode of spoken or written communication.
Dictation (speech-to-text), accommodation code: A311
Embedded designated support available on Mathematics, Science, and SEED Survey.
Embedded accommodation available on ELA CAT, ELA PT, Alt ELPA, ELPA Summative, and ELPA
o Available as an embedded accommodation for all ELA Interim Assessments
Description: Students can dictate responses to constructed-response items embedded in the computer
system. Students may also dictate notes into the Digital notepad universal tool. It is the student’s
responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the transcription as well as grammar and punctuation.
NOTE: Dictation is only available in the Digital Notepad of the ELA CAT, Mathematics CAT, and Science
tests as there are no constructed response items on these assessments.
Students using Translations (dual language), Spanish presentation, may dictate constructed response
answers in Spanish. A Spanish language pack must be installed on the student’s testing device for
Spanish dictation to function properly. Instructions are included in the Assistive Technology Manual.
Recommendations for use: Students who have documented motor or processing disabilities (such as
dyslexia), or who have had a recent injury (such as a broken hand or arm) that make it difficult to
produce responses may need to dictate their responses, which is transcribed as text in the item
response area.
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, SEED Survey, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA
Summative [On/Off]
Digital notepad
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Summative,
ELPA Screener, and SEED Survey.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: This tool is used for making notes about an item. The digital notepad is item-specific and is
available through the end of the test segment or after a break of more than 20 minutes. Notes from
the digital notepad can be copied and pasted into text response areas on most constructed response
items. If a student has embedded Dictation or embedded Text-to-speech (TTS) enabled on their test, it
will also be available in the digital notepad.
ELPA domain exemptions, accommodation code: A229
Details: Embedded accommodation available on Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, and ELPA Summative.
Description: Exclusion of an ELPA domain may only be set for qualifying individual students whose IEPs
reflect the specific exemption. Domain exemptions must be set in the OSAS Test Information
Distribution Engine (TIDE) prior to test administration.
Recommendations for use: Refer to the Test Administration Manual and Domain Exemptions on ELPA:
Definitions and Examples for guidance on determining which students may benefit from this
System options:
ELPA Summative, Alt ELPA [No Exemptions/ Listening/ Reading/ Speaking/ Writing] checkboxes
ELPA Screener [No Exemptions]
o [Listening/ Listening and Reading/ Listening and Writing/ Listening and Speaking/
Listening, Reading, and Speaking/ Listening, Speaking, and Writing/ Listening, Reading,
and Writing]
o [Reading/ Reading and Speaking/ Reading and Writing/ Reading, Speaking, and Writing]
o [Speaking]
o [Writing/ Writing and Speaking]
NOTE: A student may not be exempt from all four domains. ELPA domain exemptions must be assigned
to the student prior to the start of testing.
English dictionary
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA PT (performance task) full writes.
Description: A digital English dictionary is available for the full write portion of an ELA performance
task. A full write is the second part of the performance task. This tool is used to look up definitions in
the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The use of this universal tool may result in the student needing
additional overall time to complete the assessment.
System options: ELA PT [On/Off].
Grades 3-5: Merriam-Webster Elementary Dictionary;
Grades 6-8: Merriam-Webster Intermediate Dictionary;
High School: Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary.
English dictionary (non-embedded)
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on ELA PT (performance task) full writes and
SEED Survey.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: A standardized, published, non-student created English dictionary can be provided for the
full write portion of an ELA performance task for students who are unable to access the embedded
digital English dictionary. A full write is the second part of a performance task. The use of this
designated support may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the
Recommendations for use: Students who are unable to use the embedded English dictionary or who
would prefer to use a physical copy may use this designated support.
English glossary
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA and Mathematics.
Description: Grade and context appropriate definitions of specific construct-irrelevant terms are
shown in English on the screen via a pop-up window. The student can access the embedded glossary by
clicking on any of the pre-selected terms. The use of this universal tool may result in the student
needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.
System options: ELA, Mathematics [English Glossary/No Glossary]. See Translations (glossaries) for
additional options on Mathematics.
English thesaurus
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA PT (performance task) full writes.
Description: A digital English thesaurus is available for the full write portion of an ELA performance
task. A thesaurus contains synonyms of terms while a student interacts with text included in the
assessment. A full write is the second part of the performance task. The use of this universal tool may
result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.
System options: ELA PT [On/Off]. Merriam-Webster Intermediate Thesaurus.
English thesaurus (non-embedded)
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on ELA PT (performance task) full writes and
SEED Survey.
Description: A standardized, published, non-student created English thesaurus can be provided for the
full write portion of an ELA performance task for students who are unable to access the embedded
digital English thesaurus. A full write is the second part of a performance task. A thesaurus contains
synonyms of terms while a student interacts with text included in the assessment. The use of this
designated support may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the
Recommendations for use: Students who are unable to use the embedded English thesaurus or who
would prefer to use a physical copy may use this designated support.
Expandable stimuli
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, and
ELPA Summative.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: Each passage/stimuli and/or associated item can be expanded so that it takes up a larger
portion of the screen. This tool appears next to the stimulus context menu.
System options:
ELA PT, ELA CAT, Mathematics, Science [On/Off]
Alt ELPA*, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative [Always On] (Items); [On/Off] (Stimuli)
*Expandable stimuli are only available on the Alt ELPA if streamlined interface mode has been turned
Full screen mode
Details: Embedded designated support available on the Alt ELPA.
Description: This designated support removes the global menu from the top of the test interface
screen and replaces it with a single large button that says “next”.
Recommendations for use: This designated support may benefit students who need simplified test
navigation controls. This support is only available on the Alt ELPA, which is a 1:1 administered
assessment. Users may move in and out of the full screen mode during the test.
System options: Alt ELPA [On/Off]
Global notes
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA PT (performance task) full writes.
Description: Global notes is a notepad that is available for ELA PT within the full write segment of the
ELA PT. A full write is the second part of a PT. The student clicks on the notepad icon for the notepad to
appear. During the ELA PTs, the notes are retained from segment to segment so that the student may
go back to the notes even though the student is not able to go back to specific items in the previous
segment. Notes from the global notepad can be copied and pasted into text response areas. If a
student has embedded Dictation or embedded Text-to-speech (TTS) enabled on their ELA PT, it will
also be available in the global notes notepad.
System options: ELA PT [On/Off]
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener,
ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: A digital tool for marking desired text, item questions, item answers, or parts of these
with color. Highlighted text remains available throughout each test segment. Highlighting on items and
stimuli persist across logout/resume within the 20-minute pause rule, and on any item page that is still
visible upon resume after the pause rule is in effect.
System options:
ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, SEED Survey [On/Off]
ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative [Always On]
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Human read aloud, accommodation code: A227
Non-embedded designated support allowable on Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, SEED Survey,
ELA CAT for items only and ELA PT for all content including stimuli.
Non-embedded designated support allowable on ORExt Mathematics, ORExt Science, and
ORExt ELA items that do not address standards involving decoding or word identification, or
items where independent reading is required. These items may not be read aloud.
Non-embedded Accommodation allowable on ELA CAT for reading stimuli.
Non-embedded Accommodation allowable on ELPA Screener and ELPA Summative for students
with a Reading Exemption.
Description: The text is read aloud to the student by a trained and qualified human reader who follows
the administration guidelines provided in the Read Aloud Guidelines, including the student’s written
responses to text response items.
All or portions of the approved content may be read aloud. Refer to the Guidelines for Choosing the
Read Aloud Accommodation when deciding if this accommodation is appropriate for a student.
Human read aloud on the ELPA Screener and ELPA Summative is only for use with items (a) in non-
Reading domains, and that (b) feature text without accompanying audio support. Such items are rare
enough that a given student may not encounter any.
The SEED Survey may be read aloud in any of the provided languages. The SEED Survey is available in
English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Ukrainian
Recommendations for use: Students who are struggling readers may need assistance accessing the
assessment by having all or portions of the assessment read aloud. This support also may be needed by
students with reading-related disabilities, or by students who are blind and are advancing toward
English Braille proficiency. If not used regularly during instruction, this support is likely to be confusing
and may impeded the performance on assessments.
Readers should be provided to students on an individual basis, not to a group of students. A student
should have the option of asking a reader to slow down or repeat text. The use of this support may
require use of a separate setting.
Read aloud on ELA CAT reading stimuli as an accommodation is appropriate for a very small number of
students and is available for students whose need is documented in an IEP or 504 plan.
Human read aloud (Spanish)
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on Mathematics & Science.
Description: The Spanish text is read aloud to the student by a trained and qualified human reader
who follows the Spanish Read Aloud Guidance. All portions of the Mathematics and Science
assessment may be read aloud.
Recommendations for use: Students receiving the Translations (dual language) designated support and
who are struggling readers may need assistance accessing the assessment by having all or portions of
the assessment read aloud. This support also may be needed by students with reading-related
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
disabilities. If not used regularly during instruction, this support is likely to be confusing and may
impede the performance on assessments. A student should have the option of asking the reader to
slow down or repeat text. The use of this support may require the use of a separate setting.
Keyboard navigation
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener,
ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Navigation throughout test can be accomplished by using a keyboard.
Large print, accommodation code: A201
Details: Non-embedded accommodation available on the ORExt.
Description: A large print version of the paper/pencil ORExt is available to order using the ORExt Large
Print order form located on the Test Administration webpage under forms.
Recommendations for use: Students who are used to viewing enlarged text or graphics may need the
assessment in Large Print. This support may meet the needs of students with visual impairments and
other print disabilities.
Line reader
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener,
ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: The student uses an on-screen universal tool to assist in reading by raising and lowering
the tool for each line of text on the screen. Students with attention difficulties or reading disabilities
may need assistance with tracking where they are reading.
NOTE: this tool is not available while the Highlighter tool is in use.
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative,
SEED Survey [On/Off]
Magnification device
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: A student may use any visual magnification device (e.g., bar magnifiers, dome magnifiers,
desktop video magnifiers, page magnifiers, etc.) that does not compromise the security of the test. Use
of a projector is also allowable and room security must ensure the projection screen is not visible to
any individuals who have not signed an Assurance of Test Security form. A student or QA/TA may not
photocopy or scan assessment materials outside of the services provided by the Oregon Textbook and
Media Center (OTMC) in order to enlarge assessment materials (unless otherwise approved by ODE).
Recommendations for use: Students used to viewing enlarged text or graphics may need to use a
magnification device with printed or digital materials. This support also may meet the needs of
students with visual impairments and other print disabilities.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Magnification software
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: The size of specific areas of the screen (e.g., text, formulas, tables, graphics, navigation
buttons, and mouse pointer) may be adjusted by the student with assistive technology software.
Magnification allows increasing the size and changing of the color contrast, including the size and color
of the mouse pointer, to a level not provided for by the embedded zoom universal tool. Visual
magnification software is only allowed if supported by the testing platform and should be verified with
the practice test prior to actual testing.
NOTE: A student or QA/TA may not upload an assessment to a non-secure browser in order to access
the tool.
Recommendations for use: Students used to viewing enlarged text or graphics, or navigation buttons
with or without changes to color contrast may need magnification to comfortably view content. This
support also may meet the needs of students with visual impairments and other print disabilities.
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on Math, Science, and ORExt. Manipulatives
used during testing must be listed in the table below and should be used during instruction so they are
familiar to students. Using manipulatives not included in this list may result in a testing impropriety
and student test invalidation.
Description: Manipulatives are tactile tools that provide concrete representations of mathematical
Allowable manipulatives for Mathematics, Science, and ORExt (see Appendix G for images):
Algebra tiles
Base-ten blocks or pieces
Colored chips, including those with positive and negative sides
Colored tiles
Counters (e.g., beads, beans, blocks, craft sticks, marbles, tiles or similar)
Dot paper (square or hex)
Fraction strips or fraction pieces (unlabeled only)
Geoboard and bands
Geometric shapes (2D and 3D)
Interlocking cubes (e.g., Unifix, Omnifix)
Linear rods (e.g., Cuisenaire rods, Montessori bead chains)
Number rack (e.g., rekenrek)
Pattern blocks
Trays, containers, or bags for storage and/or sorting
Additional allowable manipulatives for ORExt only:
Balance, including “Hands-on-Math Algebra” balance
Dominoes or checkers
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Egg cartons of various sizes
Measuring cups and spoons with marks and text
Patty paper (small square sheets)
Play money
Playing cards or numbered cards
Transparent sheets, mirrors, MIRA™ – symmetry tools
2-D nets
Additional manipulatives may be requested through the process described in Appendix E.
Recommendations for use: The intent of this support is to make students’ testing environment more
consistent with their learning environment. Students who benefit from the use of manipulatives during
instruction may use this support during their assessment. Manipulatives are available to help students
think, not to give them answers.
Guidelines for administration: Manipulatives must neither directly provide students with answers nor
identify the process by which students may determine the answer. Manipulatives must be provided to
the student in a tray, container, or bag before testing begins. Manipulatives must be stored at the
student’s testing area to minimize movement. Manipulatives must not be labeled (e.g., fractions,
decimals, numerals, text). Students must work individually with manipulatives. Students are not to be
coached as to which manipulatives to use, nor on how to use them.
The use of this designated support may result in additional logistical considerations for the testing
Mark for review
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener,
ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Allows students to flag items for future review during the assessment, from the context
menu. Flags are not saved when the student moves on to the next segment or after a break of more
than 20 minutes. Flags persist across logout/resume within the 20-minute pause rule, and on any item
page that is still visible upon resume after the pause rule is in effect.
System options:
ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Alt ELPA [On/Off]
Science, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative, SEED Survey [Always On]
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Mark up tools
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments when a student is using
printed testing materials.
Description: Tools used by students to mark up (e.g., highlight, cross out, underline, circle, etc.) printed
materials. Mark up tools may include things like highlighters, markers, pens, and pencils.
Recommendations for use: Students who require printed material to access their assessments may
benefit from this support. Students should have received instruction on markup strategies prior to
testing with this support.
Masking (embedded)
Details: Embedded designated support available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA
Screener, ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Masking involves blocking off content that is not of immediate need or that may be
distracting to the student, including individual answer options and navigational buttons and menus.
Students are able to focus their attention on a specific part of a test item by masking.
Recommendations for use: Students with attention difficulties may need to mask content not of
immediate need or that may be distracting during the assessment. This support also may be needed by
students with print disabilities (including learning disabilities) or visual impairments.
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative,
SEED Survey [On/Off]
Masking (non-embedded)
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments while using printed
Description: If using printed materials, a student may use a physical masking tool to block off content
that is not of immediate need or that may be distracting. Students are able to focus their attention on
a specific part of a test item by masking.
Recommendations for use: Students with attention difficulties, print disabilities (including learning
disabilities), or visual impairments, may need to mask content not of immediate need or that may be
distracting during the assessment.
Math tools
Details: Embedded universal tool available on the Mathematics assessment.
Description: These digital tools (i.e., embedded ruler, embedded protractor) are used for
measurements related to mathematics items. They are available only within the specific items for
which the Smarter Balanced Item Specifications indicate that one or more of these tools would be
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Medical supports
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: Students may have access to medical supports for medical purposes (e.g., glucose
monitor). The medical support may include an internet capable device, and should only support the
student during testing for medical reasons.
Recommendations for use: Medical supports would encompass any supports prescribed or
recommended by a medical professional who supports the student’s health. TAs should follow local
policies regarding medical supports and ensure that the student’s health is the highest priority. These
supports include, but are not limited to: glucose monitors, durable medical equipment, hearing aids,
FM systems, and service animals.
Some medical supports may require the use of an app on a cell phone or tablet. Such medical supports
must restrict access to other applications, and the test administrator must closely monitor the use of
the medical support to maintain test security. The use of medical supports may require a separate
setting to avoid distractions to other test takers and to ensure test security.
Mouse pointer (size and color)
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener,
ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: The mouse pointer may be changed in color and increased in size to provide enhanced
visibility. This may be of use to students with visual impairments or perceptual challenges. Students
should have ample opportunity to practice during daily instruction with the size and color to determine
student preference.
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative,
SEED Survey [system default/ large black/ extra large black/ large green/ extra large green/ large red/
extra large red/ large white/ extra large white/ large yellow/ extra large yellow]
Multiplication table, accommodation code: A603
Non-embedded designated support allowable on the Science assessment (including ORExt
Non-embedded accommodation allowable on the Mathematics assessment (including ORExt
Description: A paper-based 1-12 multiplication table is available on the OSAS portal.
Recommendations for use: For students with a documented and persistent calculation disability (i.e.,
Navigation language
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, and ELPA Summative.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: Manages the language in which button names, messages, and other user interface
elements, except for the actual test content, are displayed in the Student Testing Site. Available in
English or Spanish.
On Mathematics, Science, and SEED Survey, navigation language is determined by the Translations
(dual language) presentation setting.
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative [On/Off]
Noise buffers
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: Ear mufflers, white noise, and/or other equipment used to block external sounds.
Recommendations for use: The student uses noise buffering equipment to manage environmental
noises. Any noise buffer must be compatible with the requirements of the test (e.g., allow the student
to hear listening items.) Students may have these testing variations if regularly used in the classroom.
Students who use noise buffers will need headphones unless tested individually in a separate setting.
Paginated item groups
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA CAT, Mathematics CAT, ELPA Screener, and ELPA
Description: Allows students to navigate between items in an item group by selecting a page for
individual viewing. Navigation buttons for each question in a group appear in the upper-right corner.
Students click these buttons to proceed to the corresponding question.
System options:
ELA CAT, Mathematics CAT [On/Off]
ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative [Always On]
Periodic table
Details: Embedded universal tool available on the Science assessment for grades 8 and high school.
Description: All students in grades 8 and high school are able to access the onscreen periodic table.
Periodic table (non-embedded)
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on the Science assessment for grades 8 and high
school (including ORExt Science).
Description: Any student in grades 8 and high school may use the paper-based ODE-provided periodic
table available in English, Spanish, and Braille.
Recommendations for use: Students who are unable to access or utilize the embedded onscreen
periodic table may benefit from this support.
Point-to support for multiple-choice responses, accommodation code: A220
Details: Non-embedded accommodation allowable on ORExt, Alt ELPA, and SEED Survey.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: For students with significant cognitive disabilities, participating in alternate or extended
assessment, the test administrator may point to each answer choice to support students who may
need the option to indicate their answer choice by blinking, head movement, eye gaze, or other forms
of identified non-verbal communication. Student responses can be generated in whatever student
expressive communication modality is used in the classroom.
Recommendations for use: Students with some physical disabilities (including both fine motor and
gross motor skills) may need to use the “point-to” accommodation.
Print on request
Details: Embedded designated support available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA
Screener, ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Paper copies of stimuli (including passages) and/or items are printed for students.
Students may use pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, etc. to mark up the printed test materials.
Security Requirement: All printed test materials (including embossed braille print-outs) must be
collected and securely shredded immediately following each testing event to maintain security.
Students may not keep printed test items for use during future testing events. See Section 2.4 of the
Test Administration Manual.
Recommendations for use: Some students with disabilities, including visual impairments or other print
disabilities, may need paper copies of their test content. Students with attention difficulties may need
the support of printing in different colors when digitally-provided color contrasts do not meet their
needs. A very small percentage of students should need this support.
System options:
ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative [Off/ Items/ Stimuli/
Stimuli & Items]
Science, SEED Survey [Off/ Stimuli & Items]
NOTE: Print on Request may be changed in the TA interface for all tests.
Print size
Details: Embedded designated support available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA
Screener, ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: To increase the default print size of the entire test, the print size must be set for the
student in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) or set by the test administrator prior to the
start of the test. Regardless of the print size assigned, all students can use the Zoom buttons in the test
to toggle between the five levels of print size for the individual test pages.
Recommendations for use: Students with visual impairments may need to increase the size of text and
other item features beyond the 4x zoom universal feature provided by the test platform. A larger
computer screen may be needed for this feature to function effectively.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative,
SEED Survey [1x/ 1.5X/ 1.75X/ 2.5X/ 3X]
NOTE: The default font size is 12 point for most tests. Tests for grades 2, 3, and 4 have a default font
size of 14 point.
Printed writing item response forms
Details: Non-embedded designated support available on the ORExt ELA for writing items only.
Description: Downloadable paper/pencil versions of the ORExt ELA writing items are available. Any
student taking the ORExt via the electronic platform has the option to utilize the printed writing item
responses. Printed materials must be securely shredded immediately following scoring and data entry
for the testing event.
Recommendations for use: This support may be needed for students who are unable to input their
writing directly into the electronic platform due difficulties using a mouse, keyboard, or touchscreen.
Response recovery
Details: Embedded universal tool available on the ELA PT, Mathematics PT, ELPA Screener, ELPA
Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Enables a student to recover every saved (or auto-saved) draft on a constructed response
item. All drafts are ordered from most recent to oldest and grouped by sitting during the same testing
session (each time the student logged in and tested). Previous versions do not persist across
logout/resume, even if within the 20-minute pause rule period.
System options: ELA PT, Mathematics PT, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative, SEED Survey [On/Off]
Scratch paper
Details: Non-embedded universal tool allowable on all assessments.
Description: Scratch paper and accompanying writing tools (e.g., pencil, pen, marker) may be made
available in order to make or organize notes, write computations, or record responses. A whiteboard
with a marker may be used as scratch paper.
For ELA, only plain paper or lined paper is appropriate.
For Mathematics, plain or lined paper may be made available to all students. Graph paper may
be used on math assessments at all grade levels but is required beginning in the sixth grade.
For Science, any color, unlined, lined, or graph paper is appropriate.
NOTE: Some students will need to use assistive technology devices as aligned to their IEP or 504. As
long as the construct being measured is not impacted, digital graph paper and low-tech assistive
technology (e.g., Math Window), are permitted. Access to the internet must be disabled or monitored
on assistive technology devices to prevent test improprieties.
Security requirements for scratch paper:
ELA CAT, Mathematics CAT, ORExt, Alt ELPA, & ELPA Screener: All scratch paper must be collected and
securely destroyed at the end of each test session to maintain test security. All notes on whiteboards
or assistive technology devices must be erased at the end of each session.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
ELA PT, Mathematics PT, Science, & ELPA Summative: For students continuing an ELA or Mathematics
PT, Science, or ELPA Summative across multiple sessions, scratch paper, whiteboards, and/or assistive
technology devices may be made available to the student at the next testing session. To maintain test
security, TAs must direct students to write their names (or other appropriate identifying information)
on their scratch paper before collecting it at the end of each testing session. Once a student completes
the test, their scratch paper must be collected and securely destroyed and all notes on whiteboards
and/or assistive technology devices must be erased to maintain test security. See section 2.4 of the
Test Administration Manual for more information.
Scribe, accommodation code: A312
Non-embedded designated support allowable on ELA CAT, Mathematics, Science, ORExt, and
SEED Survey.
Non-embedded accommodation allowable on ELA PT, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, and ELPA
Description: The student dictates their responses to a human who records verbatim what the student
dictates. The student may dictate by assistive communication device, pointing, sign language, or
speech. Students may dictate, while the human scribe records, selected response items (single and
multiple answer), constructed response items (short-text) and long essay (full write). It is important
that the student is able to develop planning notes with the human scribe and to view what was
produced while dictating to the scribe. The scribe must be trained and qualified, and must follow the
administration guidelines provided in the Scribing Protocol for ELA, Mathematics, and Science
assessments or the ELPA Scribe Guidelines under the General Accessibility Resources section of the
Test Administration Resources webpage.
Recommendations for use: Students who have documented significant motor or processing
difficulties, or who have had a recent injury (such as a broken hand or arm) that make it difficult to
produce responses may need to dictate their responses to a human.
Sensory supports
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: As needed, this designated support should be based on student use in the classroom.
Sensory supports may not be used in response to specific items on the assessment but should reflect
the student’s typical sensory routines.
Recommendations for use: Sensory supports (such as weight belts) are to be used as an overall
support for a student’s interaction with the assessment as a whole. Misuse of sensory supports or the
occasional application of supports during an assessment may impact a student’s response.
Some sensory devices can be potentially disruptive to other students that are testing in the same
room. They should only be used when a student is being tested individually.
Separate setting
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: Students who are easily distracted (or may distract others) in the presence of other
students, for example, may need an alternate location to be able to take the assessment. Additionally,
a student may test in a separate setting if their assessment needs to be administered at a different
time of day than other students, if they need to read aloud or sub-vocalize text, retell a reading
passage in their own words before responding to items, or if they need the use of a calming device or
support (as recommended by educators and/or specialists).
Recommendations for use: The separate setting may be in a different room that allows them to work
individually or among a smaller group, or in the same room but a specific location (for examples, away
from windows, doors, or pencil sharpeners, in a study carrel, near the teacher’s desk, or in the front of
a classroom). Some students may benefit from being in an environment that allows for movement,
such as being able to walk around. In some instances, students may need to interact with instructional
or test content outside of school, such as in a hospital or their home. A specific adult, trained in a
manner consistent with the TAM, can act as a TA when the student requires it. A separate setting
covers all environmental modifications, not just the physical location of testing. For example, a student
may need the emotional support of a comfort object, such as a stuffed animal or blanket. Or a student
may need a “buffer” object to lower their affective filter, such as a curtain to speak through.
Signed interpretation, accommodation code: A228
Details: Non-embedded accommodation allowable on ELA, Mathematics, Science, ORExt, Alt ELPA, and
SEED Survey.
Description: Text is signed to the student by a qualified signed test interpreter using the signed
modality that is most familiar to the student following the administration guidelines provided in
Appendix B: Guidelines for Signed Interpretation Support. All or portions of the approved content may
be signed. While advance access to these online assessments is not available, it is expected the
qualified sign language interpreter has prepared to support the student and TA per the Appendix A
Guidelines for Signed Interpretation Support to ensure the reliable and valid provision of this
accommodation for students on IEPs and 504 plans in the assessment environment.
Student directions are located in the Test Administration Manual. The use of this accommodation may
require the use of a separate setting.
Recommendations for use: Some students who are deaf or hard of hearing and who typically use ASL
may need this accommodation when accessing text-based content in the assessment. For many
students who are deaf or hard of hearing, viewing signs is the only way to access information
presented orally. It is important to note, however, that some students who are hard of hearing will be
able to listen to information presented orally if provided with appropriate amplification and a setting in
which extraneous sounds do not interfere with the clear presentation of the audio presentation in a
listening test.
Simplified test directions
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on ELA, Mathematics, Science, and ELPA
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: The test administrator reads the simplified or paraphrased test directions as found in the
respective Student Directions for (content area) sections of the Test Administration Manual.
Paraphrased log-in directions are available for the ELA, Mathematics, Science, and ELPA Summative.
Simplified test directions are available for the ELPA Summative.
Recommendations for use: Students who need additional support understanding the test directions
may benefit from this resource. This designated support may require testing in a separate setting to
avoid distracting other test takers.
Specialized calculator, accommodation code: A602
Details: Non-embedded accommodation allowable on Mathematics, Science, and ORExt
Description: A non-embedded, stand-alone calculator for students needing a specialized calculator,
such as Braille calculator, talking calculator, or large button calculator is allowable as an
accommodation. These specialized calculators may be provided as a physical calculator or through a
device with assistive technology software. The non-embedded specialized calculator must match the
type and features of the embedded calculator at that grade, per the OSAS testing calculator
Test Administrators will be responsible for ensuring that the non-embedded specialized calculator is
only used on calculator-allowed items; these items include a calculator icon in the upper right corner of
the screen. Any other use of a non-embedded specialized calculator may result in a test impropriety.
A very limited number of students should require the use of a non-embedded specialized calculator on
the Mathematics or Science assessment. The supervision necessary to implement this non-embedded
accommodation support may require a 1:1 test administration.
On the ORExt Mathematics and ORExt Science assessments, students may use a non-embedded
specialized calculator in all grades and at all times. The non-embedded specialized calculator should be
one the student is familiar with and uses during instruction.
All programs and downloaded applications must be cleared from calculators before beginning the test
and again following the test period to ensure that information has not been stored on the calculator.
Recommendations for use: Student who are unable to use the embedded calculator for calculator-
allowed items will be able to use the specialized calculator that they typically use during instruction.
The non-embedded specialized calculator should have no internet or wireless connectivity, and all
security procedures need to be followed.
Speech-to-text (STT) software, accommodation code: A311
Details: Non-embedded accommodation allowable on ELA, Mathematics, Science, ORExt, Alt ELPA,
ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Voice recognition allows students to use their voices as input devices to the computer to
dictate responses. Voice recognition software generally can recognize speech up to 160 words per
minute. Students may use their own assistive technology device instead of a software on their testing
device if necessary. In this circumstance, students would also need the Transfer Student Response
(A317) accommodation. Care must also be taken that the student’s AT device does not have access to
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
features that may result in a test impropriety.
Recommendations for use: Students who have motor or processing disabilities (such as dyslexia) or
who have had a recent injury (such as a broken hand or arm) that make it difficult to produce text or
commands using computer keys may need alternative ways to work with computers.
Students will need to be familiar with the software, and have had many opportunities to use it prior to
testing. Speech-to-text (STT) software requires that the student go back through all generated text to
correct errors in transcription, including the use of writing conventions; thus, prior experience with this
accommodation is essential. For many of these students, using voice recognition software is the only
way to demonstrate their composition skills. Still, use of STT does require that students know writing
conventions and that they have the review and editing skills required of students who use STT also be
able to develop planning notes via STT, and to view what they produce when composing via STT.
Setting up STT:
Install STT program (e.g., Dragon) on the computer that the student will use for the test
“Enable” the Permissive Mode in TIDE
Before the TA opens the OSAS Secure Browser, the STT program needs to be engaged
Open the OSAS Secure Browser and have the student log in to begin the test.
Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI) and Behavioral Research and Teaching (BRT) does not officially
support any particular STT software or perform quality control testing to ensure compatibility between
the secure browsers, test content, and third-party STT software options. Districts should ensure that
whatever software is used during test administration is consistent with the software students use
during instruction. To ensure compatibility before test administration begins, CAI and ODE recommend
trying to STT software with the secure browser using the sample test. Because CAI/BRT does not
formally support STT Software, districts should also note that CAI/BRT’s ability to troubleshoot
compatibility issues is limited.
Spell check
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA PT, Mathematics PT, ELPA Screener, ELPA
Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Writing tool for checking the spelling of words in student-generated responses. Spell
check only gives an indication that a word is misspelled; it does not provide the correct spelling. This
tool is available only with specific items for which the OSAS item specifications indicate that it would
be appropriate. Spell check is bundled with other embedded writing tools for mathematics items, ELA
items, and ELPA items with open-ended student responses.
Streamlined interface mode
Details: Embedded designated support available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, and SEED
Description: This designated support provides a streamlined interface of the test in an alternate,
simplified format in which the items are displayed below the stimuli.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Recommendations for use: This designated support may benefit a small number of students who have
specific learning and/or reading disabilities and/or visual impairment in which the text is presented in a
more sequential format. Students should have familiarity interacting with items in a streamlined
NOTE: Streamlined interface mode is turned ON by default for the Alt ELPA. This is intended to align
the Alt ELPA presentation more closely with the ORExt presentation. Test administrators may turn OFF
streamlined interface mode in TIDE for students who would not benefit from this support.
System options:
ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, SEED Survey [On/Off]
Alt ELPA [On/Off]
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener,
ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Allows students to cross out answer options. If an answer option is an image, a
strikethrough line will not appear, but the image will be grayed out. Strikethrough on items persists
across logout/resume within the 20-minute pause rule, and on any item page that is still visible upon
resume after the pause rule is in effect.
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative,
SEED Survey [On/Off]
Student reads test aloud
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: The student sub-vocalizes, reads the test content aloud, or uses a think-aloud strategy.
This feature must be administered in a secure one-on-one test setting.
Recommendations for use: Students who are beginning readers, have a documented auditory or
processing impairment, or rush through assessments without reading text may need to read the test
aloud. If the student vocalizes to a listener, the listener is to remain neutral and should provide no
feedback or indication of correctness or incorrectness on the student’s part.
Support physical position of student
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: A student who needs physical support to access the computer monitor, keyboard, or
assessment materials may be supported either using appropriate devices as used in the classroom
(preferential seating, special lighting, increase/decrease opportunity for movement, provide position
assistance, provide adaptive/equipment/furniture) or they may be provided supports by an
aide/educational assistant who has reviewed and signed the Assurance of Test Security Form Non-
Recommendations for use: Students who have documented motor or orthopedic impairments may
need additional support to engage in testing activities.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
When aides/educational assistants are providing physical support to a student to allow the student to
interact with an assessment, physical supports and assistance should not involve discussions of items
or direct selection of items. These examples do not constitute an exhaustive list. If additional physical
supports and strategies are written into the student’s IEP, they may also be incorporated into the
assessment in keeping with guidance provided here.
Text-to-speech (TTS), accommodation code: A225
Embedded designated support available on Mathematics, Science, SEED Survey, and ELA CAT
for items only and ELA PT for stimuli and items.
Embedded Accommodation available on ELA CAT for reading stimuli/passages.
NOTE: While embedded text-to-speech (TTS) is not available on the ELPA Summative, ELPA Screener,
or ORExt, these assessments all have the audio support universal tool.
Description: Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech (TTS) technology, including
the student’s responses to constructed-response items. The student can control the speed as well as
the volume level of the voice. Enabling TTS will require the student to use headphones unless tested
individually in a separate setting.
If appropriate for the student, a “tracking” feature can also be enabled in the TA interface or TIDE,
which highlights words as they are being read aloud by TTS.
In addition to English TTS, Spanish TTS is available for Mathematics and Science for students who also
have the Translations (dual language) designated support enabled. A Spanish language pack must be
installed on the student’s testing device for Spanish TTS to function properly. Instructions are included
in the Assistive Technology Manual.
Recommendations for use: Students who are struggling readers may need assistance accessing the
assessment by having all or portions of the assessment read aloud. This support also may be needed by
students with reading-related disabilities, or by students who are blind and are advancing toward
English Braille proficiency. This support may be confusing and may impede the performance of
students who do not regularly have the support during instruction. Students should use this support
regularly during instruction to meaningfully benefit from it on assessments.
Text-to-speech on ELA CAT reading stimuli/passages as an accommodation is appropriate for a very
small number of students and is available for students whose need is documented in an IEP or 504
NOTE: The embedded designated support of text-to-speech is not available for ELA items through the
braille interface. The non-embedded Human Read-aloud designated support is available for students
using the Braille Interface who require read-aloud support for ELA items.
System options:
ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, SEED Survey [Off/ Items & Stimuli]
ELA CAT [Off/ Items (designated support)/ Items & Stimuli (accommodation)]
Text-to-speech tracking is a setting that highlights words on the student’s screen as they are read
aloud. ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Science, SEED Survey [On/Off]
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on Mathematics (including ORExt Mathematics).
Description: TouchPoints are a tactile tool used within the TouchMath program. Students touch points
on each numeral (1-9) to support counting and number fluency. TouchPoints may be used on a variety
of numeral based manipulatives (e.g., touch strips, individual numerical manipulatives, touch cards,
etc.). While TouchPoints support counting and number fluency, they do not inherently perform any
Recommendations for use: Students with learning disabilities, such as dyscalculia, may access
TouchPoints as part of their classroom instruction and assessment. Only students who use this
supporting during instruction should access it on statewide summative tests.
Transfer student response, accommodation code: A317
Details: Non-embedded accommodation allowable on ELA, Mathematics, ORExt, Alt ELPA, ELPA
Screener, ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Transfer Student Response is used to move the student’s written words from a device that
uses speech-to-text and/or word prediction software to a device that is running the secure browser
when that system is not currently supported.
Recommendations for use: This accommodation is only for students who use speech-to-text and/or
word prediction as a part of their regular daily instruction and assessment and do not qualify for the
scribe support. Many students use speech-to-text and/or word prediction in their regular daily
instruction but do not use scribe in their regular daily instruction. TAs can use this support to transfer a
student’s independently generated text, exactly as the student presented it, into the secure browser.
Translate/interpret test content, accommodation code: A233
Details: Non-embedded accommodation allowable on the ORExt Mathematics and ORExt Science only.
Description: All test content (e.g., prompts, stimuli, questions, response options, etc.) may be
translated and/or interpreted into any language. This local translation and/or interpretation must be
conducted by a person whom the district has determined is qualified to complete such translation
and/or interpretation. Individuals providing this support must take care not to provide additional
information that would influence the student’s response or indicate the correct response option.
NOTE: The written translation of secure test materials must be destroyed per section 2.4 of the Test
Administration Manual.
The SEED Survey can be translated by the district into any language. ODE has provided translations of
the SEED Survey in English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese and Traditional
Chinese. Translation of the SEED Survey is allowable as part of survey administration and not
considered an accommodation.
Recommendations for use: For students whose primary language is not English and who use dual
language supports in the classroom, the use of the translate/interpret test content support may be
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Translate/interpret test directions and test navigation
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: Test directions may be translated or interpreted into any language, including American
Sign Language (ASL). Test navigation (e.g., navigation buttons, settings menus, pop-ups, etc.) may also
be interpreted during the testing session.
The following translated test directions are available for district use:
ELA & MathematicsSpanish is available in the Test Administration Manual. Arabic, Burmese,
Cantonese, Dakota, French, Haitian-Creole, Hmong, Ilokano, Japanese, Korean, Lakota,
Marshallese, Mandarin, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, S’Gaw Karen, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian,
Vietnamese, and Yup’ik are available for download on the OSAS Portal.
ScienceSpanish is available in the Test Administration Manual.
Alt ELPAArabic, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swahili, and Vietnamese are available to
download on the OSAS Portal.
ELPA Screener Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Russian, S’Gaw Karen, Somali, Spanish, and
Vietnamese are available to download on the OSAS Portal.
ELPA SummativeSpanish is available in the Test Administration Manual. Marshallese,
Russian, S’Gaw Karen, and Vietnamese are available to download on the OSAS Portal.
These translated test directions can be read to the student by a qualified, multilingual adult.
The local translation or interpretation of the general test directions into other languages must be
completed by an individual who is determined qualified by the district to complete such translation or
interpretation. Locally translated test directions can be read to the student by a qualified, multilingual
adult. Test directions interpreted in the moment may be provided by a qualified interpreter.
The local interpretation of test navigation (e.g., navigation buttons, settings menus, pop-ups, etc.)
must be provided by an individual who is determined qualified by the district to provide such
Recommendations for use: Students who have limited English language skills (regardless of EL status)
can use the translate/interpret test directions and test navigation support.
Translations (dual language)
Details: Embedded designated support available on Mathematics, Science, and SEED Survey.
Description: Dual language translations are a language support that provides the full Spanish-language
translation for each item and stimulus.
On the Mathematics and Science assessments, if the dual language translation is enabled, an additional
menu will appear in constructed response boxes that allows a student to toggle between English and
Spanish to spell check their response in either language. If text-to-speech (TTS) and/or dictation are
enabled in addition to the dual language translation, the student may use these supports in their
constructed response along with spell check.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
For example, a student typing a response in Spanish can check the spelling in Spanish by choosing
“Español” from the language toggle menu. If TTS is enabled and a Spanish language pack is installed on
the student’s computer, the student’s response can read back in Spanish.
Dual language translations on the SEED Survey provide the full language translation for each item in
the following languages: Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese (Mandarin), and
Traditional Chinese (Cantonese).
Recommendations for Use: For students whose primary language is not English and who use dual
language supports in the classroom, the use of the dual language translation may be appropriate.
Additionally, the dual language translation may be appropriate for students learning in immersive dual
language environments. Students participate in the assessment regardless of the language. This
support may increase the reading load and cognitive load.
System options:
Mathematics, Science [English/Spanish]
SEED Survey [English/ Spanish/ Russian/ Vietnamese/ Ukrainian/Simplified Chinese
Mandarin/ Traditional Chinese Cantonese].
This setting can be found in TIDE under the Presentation settings. Presentation language must be set in
TIDE prior to the student logging into the test.
Translations (glossaries)
Details: Embedded designated support available on the Mathematics assessments.
Description: Translated and/or illustrated glossaries are a language support. The translated and/or
illustrated glossaries are provided for selected construct-irrelevant terms for mathematics.
Translations and/or illustrations for these terms appear on the computer screen when students click
on them. Students with the language glossary setting enabled can view the translated and/or
illustrated glossary. Students can adjust the size of the illustration and move it around the screen.
Students can select the audio icon next to the translated glossary term and listen to the audio
recording of the glossary.
Recommendations for use: Students who are advancing toward English language proficiency
(regardless of EL status) can use the translation glossary for specific items. Deaf or hard of hearing
students who are not proficient in American Sign Language (ASL) may use illustrated glossaries.
Students who use the audio icon will need headphones unless tested individually in a separate setting.
System options: Mathematics [English Glossary (universal tool)/ Illustration Glossary/ No Glossary/
Arabic/ Burmese/ Cantonese/ Filipino/ Hmong/ Korean/ Mandarin/ Punjabi/ Russian/ Somali/ Spanish/
Ukrainian/ Vietnamese]
Note: Each language listed above may be combined with English, Illustration, or English & Illustration.
Turn off any universal tools
Details: Embedded designated support available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA
Screener, ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: Disabling any embedded universal tools that might be distracting or that a student does
not need to use or is unable to use.
Recommendations for use: Students who are easily distracted (regardless of designation as having
attention difficulties or disabilities) may be overwhelmed by some of the universal tools. Knowing
which specific tools may be distracting is important for determining which tools to turn off for an
individual student.
NOTE: Universal tools are disabled via the TA interface, not through TIDE.
Verbal description of graphics
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on the Alt ELPA.
NOTE: For other assessments, please see Human read aloud designated support for guidance on image
Description: The test administrator may describe graphics for specific students (e.g., those who are
blind). Care must be taken not to provide the correct answer or cues to the correct answer.
Recommendations for use: Students who are blind or have low vision may need verbal description of
some of the graphics.
Word prediction (embedded), accommodation code: A313
Details: Embedded accommodation available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener,
ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Word prediction allows students to begin writing a word and choose from a list of words
that have been predicted from word frequency and syntax rules. When this tool is enabled, suggested
words will pop up in a menu as students type a written response. Students can select a word in the
pop-up menu instead of typing it out manually.
NOTE: The current embedded word prediction tool does not support audio preview of suggested
words. If a student requires the audio preview function in word prediction, they should use a non-
embedded word prediction software that supports that feature.
NOTE: For the ELA CAT, Mathematics CAT, and Science; word prediction is only available in the digital
notepad as there are no constructed response items on these assessments.
Recommendations for use: Students who have documented motor or orthopedic impairments, which
severely impairs their ability to provide written or typed responses without the use of assistive
technology, may use word prediction. Students with moderate to severe learning disabilities that
prevent them from recalling, processing, or expressing written language may also use word prediction.
System options: ELA CAT, ELA PT, Mathematics, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative, SEED
Survey [On/Off]
Word prediction software, accommodation code: A313
Details: Non-embedded accommodation available on ELA, Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA
Screener, ELPA Summative, and SEED Survey.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Description: Word prediction allows students to begin writing a word and choose from a list of words
that have been predicted from word frequency and syntax rules. Word prediction is delivered via a
non-embedded software program. The program must use only single word prediction.
Functionality such as phrase prediction, predict ahead, or next word must be deactivated. The program
must have settings that allow only a basic dictionary. Expanded dictionaries, such as topic dictionaries
and word banks, must be deactivated. Phonetic spelling functionality may be used, as well as speech
output built into the program which reads back the information the student has written. If further
supports are needed for speech output, see text-to-speech or read aloud policies. Students who use
word prediction in conjunction with speech output will need headphones unless tested individually in a
separate setting. Students may use their own assistive technology devices.
NOTE: For the ELA CAT, Mathematics CAT, and Science; word prediction software may only be used in
the digital notepad as there are no constructed response items on these assessments.
Recommendations for use: Students who have documented motor or orthopedic impairments, which
severely impair their ability to provide written or typed responses without the use of assistive
technology, may use word prediction. Students with moderate to severe learning disabilities that
prevent them from recalling, processing, or expressing written language may also use word prediction.
Students will need to be familiar with the software and have had many opportunities to use it in daily
instruction. Use of word prediction does require that students know writing conventions and that they
have the review and editing skills required of all students. It is important that students who use word
prediction also be able to develop planning notes and review their writing with or without text-to-
speech. If students use their own assistive technology devices, all assessment content should be
deleted from these devices after the test for security purposes.
Writing tools
Details: Embedded universal tool available on ELA PT, Mathematics PT, Alt ELPA, ELPA Screener, ELPA
Summative, and SEED Survey.
Description: Selected writing tools (i.e., bold, italic, bullets, undo/redo) are available for all student-
generated responses. Writing tools are not available for ELA short-answer items.
The Alt ELPA and ELA short-answer items only have cut, copy, and paste functionality.
Written copy of test directions
Details: Non-embedded designated support allowable on all assessments.
Description: Test administrators may provide the student with a written copy of the test directions.
This written copy may be provided in any language in alignment with the Translate/interpret test
directions and test navigation support. Test administrators must read aloud all test directions, even if
this support is being provided.
Recommendations for use: Students who need additional support understanding the test directions
may benefit from this resource.
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Details: Embedded universal tool available on all assessments.
Description: A tool for making text or other graphics in a window or frame appear larger on the screen.
The default font size for all tests is 14 pt. The student can make text and graphics larger by clicking the
Zoom In button. The student can click the Zoom Out button to return to the default or smaller print
size. When using the zoom feature, the student only changes the size of text and graphics on the
current screen.
NOTE: a student’s default font size can be updated for all items and stimuli on the test using the Print
size designated support.
- Intentionally left blank -
Return to Section 2.0 Universal Tools | Section 3.0 Designated Supports | Section 4.0 Accommodations
Appendix A: Technology Skills Needed to Access English Language Proficiency
Prior to testing, school staff should ensure that students have the computer skills necessary to take the
ELPA. The following table describes the technology skills students will need to access ELPA.
Mouse/keyboard navigation
Typing words, phrases,
Speak into a microphone
navigation. Typing words,
phrases, sentences,
Speak into a microphone
Students without the necessary computer skills to participate in ELPA may have an assistant help with
pointing, clicking, dragging, and dropping with the mouse. This includes clicking various navigation
buttons, including “back,” “next,” and “submit.” The assistant must click or move only the answer the
student has selected to the area the student indicates regardless of whether the answer is correct.
Choosing answers for a student is a test impropriety and will result in an invalid assessment. To avoid
improprieties, ensure that all assistants have received test administration and security training and
have signed an Assurance of Test Security form for the current school year prior to assisting with the
administration of the ELPA.
Appendix B: Guidelines for Signed Interpretation Support
(Except ELPA Summative and ELPA Screener)
Signed interpretation of Oregon’s Statewide Assessments is an approved support for all assessments
except the ELPA Summative and ELPA Screener. In addition to the information in section 5.0, the
following are the Oregon Department of Education’s policy and guidelines related to the appropriate
use of this accommodationincluding qualifications for anyone who plans to serve as a signed test
interpreter of Oregon’s Statewide Assessments.
When providing sign language interpretation as a support for a student taking an Oregon Statewide
Assessment who is deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), the objective is to provide the same level of access
to the printed information that would be provided to a hearing student who receives an oral
presentation (e.g., human read-aloud accommodation or text-to-speech support). Signed
interpretation is equivalent to a read-aloud support, which is allowed in all areas except the ELPA
Summative and ELPA Screener.
Signed interpretation ties assessment to the language and modality presented in the classroom and
allows equal access for students who are deaf or hard of hearing and who require an interpreter for
read-aloud access. Therefore, a signed interpretation of the Oregon Statewide Assessments is an
accessibility support when:
The student uses a sign language interpreter in the classroom or receives direct instruction in
sign language by a teacher of the DHH.
The team, in advance and following ODE protocol, identifies the support as appropriate for the
individual student.
The assessment is interpreted by a qualified signed test interpreter (see Signed Test Interpreter
Qualifications section below).
Interpreting Oregon Statewide Assessments
A qualified signed test interpreter may interpret orally presented information, such as test directions,
as well as written information, such as test content. The decision on what and how much to interpret
should be determined by the student’s IEP team and should match the extent and procedures of
signed interpretation the student receives during instruction. The verbatim student directions for the
OSAS Assessments are located in the following sections of the Oregon Test Administration Manual:
Section 7: Administering Online Summative Assessments, Section 8: Oregon’s English Language Arts
and Mathematics Assessments, Section 9: Oregon’s Science Assessment, and Section 10: Oregon’s
ELPA Summative. The student directions for the Extended Assessments are embedded directly in the
assessment materials. Sign Language interpretation of the ELPA Summative and ELPA Screener (other
than the student directions) is not allowed and is considered a modification--consistent with the
prohibition on providing a read-aloud for a hearing student on these assessments.
Signed Test Interpreter Qualifications & Training Requirements
Meet OAR 581-015-2035 minimum standards
For those administering the Oregon Extended Assessment, complete and pass the ODE Sign
Interpretation Training and Proficiency Assessment on the BRT (UO) Online Training website.
Receive annual Test Administration and Security training from their local district, consistent
with requirements listed in the Test Administration Manual.
Read and understand the Test Administration Manual, as well as all appendices pertaining to
those specific assessments which the interpreter will support.
Sign an Assurance of Test Security form for the current school year.
Review and follow Read Aloud Guidance.
Review Math terminology and Science terminology (grade 5, 8, 11)
Use the relevant ELA, Math, Science, Alt ELPA sample tests or ORExt sample tests to practice
interpreting test items in the subject area they will be interpreting.
Qualifications and Training Requirements of Teacher of the DHH as the “test interpreter
Be the teacher of that content area for the student.
Meet the requirements of TSPC for a Teacher of the DHH.
The teacher must also meet the other items above (except OAR 581-015-2035):
For those administering the Oregon Extended Assessment, complete and pass the ODE
Sign Interpretation Training and Proficiency Assessment on the BRT (UO) Online Training
Receive annual Test Administration and Security training from their local district,
consistent with requirements listed in the Test Administration Manual.
Read and understand the Test Administration Manual, as well as all appendices pertaining
to those specific assessments which the interpreter will administer.
The Test Interpreter:
Will not have access to actual test items prior to the administration of the ELA, Mathematics, or
Science online assessments. However, sign language interpreters should review content
standards for information on vocabulary that is construct- specific to the item so that they do
not give students an unfair advantage.
Will have access to Oregon’s Extended Assessment and Alt ELPA test items at least 48 hours
prior to administration to identify specific content vocabulary that needs to be signed or
Understands that not all items need to be signed; that is, the student can request individual
words or items to be signed.
Is expected to review the “Read Aloud Guidelines,” which provide a consistent script to follow
for commonly used terms and symbols that may appear on a test. These can be studied and
“translated” ahead of time.
Must not clarify, elaborate, paraphrase, or provide assistance with the meaning of words.
The Test Administrator:
Instruct a DHH student on how to request the signed interpretation support prior to test
administration and what to expect in the testing environment before they are tested.
Is expected to understand the role and function of the interpreter in the secure test
Is expected to review the protocols with the test interpreter.
The interpreter is encouraged to remain calm--a hurried or stressed demeanor could have a
negative impact on the student.
The interpreter is to use the language and modality that is typically used in the classroom--
using the same language and signs that are used in instruction.
The interpreter will be afforded time to read the question to prepare for the task of
interpreting. However, to align with classroom practice, during the actual administration of the
test the interpreter will interpret as the test administrator reads it aloud.
If a sign for a word or phrase exists, the test interpreter should use the sign when the word or
phrase occurs in print on the test. (See “Rationale” below).
If a sign for a word or phrase has been locally developed and routinely used in instruction, the
test interpreter may use the sign when the word or phrase occurs in print on the test. (See
“Rationale” below).
If there is no commonly accepted sign for a word or phrase and a local sign has not been
developed, the test interpreter must determine if the word or phrase IS or IS NOT the concept
being assessed. (See “Rationale” below).
The interpreter is to follow “Read Aloud Guidelines”.
For assessments administered orally (Oregon Extended Assessment and Alt ELPA):
The interpreter may ask the test administrator to read the question again or to read more
slowly if that will make it possible to make a more conceptually accurate and complete
The interpreter may ask the test administrator to read more than what the student requested.
For example, if the student asks for a single word to be read aloud, the interpreter may ask for
the entire sentence or more to be read so as to have enough context to make an accurate
If the interpreter is unsure of the vocabulary or concept, they may ask the test administrator to
define a word or concept (away from the test taker) so they provide an accurate interpretation.
The student may be provided with preferential seating so the interpreter and teacher are both
able to be in the student’s line of sight.
The interpreter is not allowed to:
Use signs that invalidate the construct of the question (See training videos on the BRT (UO)
Online Training website).
Give any nonverbal response to affirm or negate a student's response to test items.
Interpret if they do not understand the word or test item--this could skew the interpretation.
However, they can pause the student’s test and ask for clarification from the test administrator.
Prompt the student in any way that would influence their response.
If a sign for a word or phrase exists, the test interpreter should use the sign when the word or phrase
occurs in print on the test.
Signs that are commonly used in sign language are allowable in the signed interpretation of Oregon’s
Statewide Assessments. Occasionally a commonly used sign that is “conceptually accurate” may appear
to give the student an unfair advantage; however, conceptual accuracy is a critical component of
American Sign Language and most sign systems.
Conceptually accurate signs incorporate meaning in the production of the sign. For example, if an item
asks the student to identify a triangle, the commonly used sign is a pantomimed drawing of a triangle.
This is the commonly accepted sign used in conversation and instruction and therefore should be the
sign that is used when the English word “triangle” appears in the test. Fingerspelling is not an
acceptable substitution because it increases the difficulty of the item by requiring the student to
recognize “triangle” by its spelling. A hearing student would not be required to recognize a word by its
spelling in an oral administration; therefore, it should not be required of a deaf student.
If a sign for a word or phrase has been locally developed and routinely used in instruction, the test
interpreter may use the sign when the word or phrase occurs in print on the test.
For much of the vocabulary used in instruction, there are not commonly used signs. In many cases,
teachers or sign language interpreters will develop signs for frequently used vocabulary, with the
understanding that these are locally developed signs for a particular instructional setting. These locally
developed signs may be used in a signed administration if they are regularly used during instruction. An
example of a locally developed sign might be for the English word “fission.” It is not a commonly used
word and it would be extremely rare to find it in any sign language dictionary. However, if “fission” is
used frequently during science instruction, the teacher or sign language interpreter might develop a
sign to be used only in the instructional setting. The concept of “splitting apart” might be incorporated
into the formation of the sign. It would be allowable to use this locally developed sign in the testing
situation. Conceptual accuracy in a sign that exists or in a sign that has been locally developed is a key
component of sign language and should not be denied to the sign language user.
If there is no commonly accepted sign for a word or phrase and a local sign has not been developed,
the test interpreter must determine if the word or phrase IS or IS NOT the concept being assessed.
If the word or phrase IS the concept being assessed, the test administrator must fingerspell the word. It
is not acceptable to create new signs or to use an equivalent or expansion to explain the vocabulary
that is being assessed. Consider this sample question:
Which best describes one of the subatomic particles that could be found at location X in the
model of an atom shown above?
The phrase “subatomic particles” is the concept being assessed. Therefore, if a sign for this word does
not exist or has not been locally developed, the test administrator must fingerspell it.
If the word or phrase IS NOT the concept being assessed, the test administrator may use a reasonable
equivalent or expansion. The test administrator has more flexibility when signing words or phrases that
are not the concepts being assessed. Consider this sample question:
What is the range of the sale prices for a Stunt-Pro bicycle at these stores?
It is unlikely that a sign exists or has been locally developed for “Stunt-Pro.” However, since this is not
the concept being assessed, the test administrator may provide a reasonable equivalent or expansion.
Appendix C: Embedded Accessibility Support Settings
Table C.1: Embedded Universal Tools
Test Setting and
Bold is the default
Audio Playback
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
ELA CAT, ELPA Summative:
When this tool is turned on, students
can change the playback speed on
audio/video. Options are .5, 1X, 1.5X,
Color Choices
State, DTC, DLU,
Math, ELA:
Black on White
Black on Pink
Medium Gray on Light Gray
Red on White
White on Black
White on Red
Yellow on Black
Yellow on Blue
Science, SEED Survey:
Black on White
Black on Blue
Black on Pink
Black on Yellow
Medium Gray on Light Gray
Red on White
White on Black
White on Red
Yellow on Black
Yellow on Blue
ELPA Tests:
Black on White
Black on Blue
Black on Cream
Black on Pink
Red on White
White on Black
White on Red
Yellow on Black
Yellow on Blue
This is the color combination applied to
a student’s test. This setting is designed
to help students who experience
difficulties that are associated with the
contrast or lighting of the screen. The
color option that will work best is
specific to each student.
Test Setting and
Bold is the default
Dynamic Color
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
All Tests:
This tool controls the availability of the
color choice selector within the cog
wheel of the student application. When
the tool is on, the student can change
color choices via the cog wheel.
English Dictionary
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
*Grades 3-5: MW Elementary
Dictionary; Grades 6-8: MW
Intermediate Dictionary; High School:
MW Collegiate Dictionary
All other tests: Not supported
This tool is used to look up definitions
and synonyms in the Merriam-Webster
dictionary or thesaurus.
The dictionary is available for the ELA
PT only.
English Thesaurus
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
*MW Intermediate Thesaurus
All other tests: Not supported
The thesaurus is an embedded tool that
is available for the ELA PT.
Expandable Items
and Stimuli
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
ELA, Math, Science:
ELPA Tests (Expandable Items):
Always On
ELPA Tests (Expandable Stimuli):
SEED Survey: Not supported
Allows student to expand the item
Note: This tool appears next to the
stimulus context menu.
Global Notes
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
All other tests: Not supported
Allows students to use an on-screen
notepad to enter notes that persist
across test sessions until the test has
been submitted.
Students may copy/paste input from
Global Notes into item response fields.
Test Setting and
Bold is the default
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
Math, ELA, Science, Alt ELPA, SEED
ELPA Screener and ELPA Summative:
Always On
Allows students to select the text on
the screen and then select Highlight
Selection from the context menu.
Highlighting on items and stimuli persist
across logout/resume within the 20-
minute pause rule, and on any item
page that is still visible upon resume
after the pause rule is in effect.
Line Reader
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
All Tests:
Allows student to highlight an individual
line of text in a passage or question.
This tool is not available while the
Highlighter tool is in use.
Mark for Review
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
Math, ELA, Alt ELPA:
All other tests:
Always On
Allows student to mark a question for
review, from the context menu.
Mark for Review persists across
logout/resume within the 20-minute
pause rule, and on any item page that is
still visible upon resume after the pause
rule is in effect.
Mouse Pointer
State, DTC, DLU,
All tests:
System Default
Large Black
Extra Large Black
Large Green
Extra Large Green
Large Red
Extra Large Red
Large White
Extra Large White
Large Yellow
Extra Large Yellow
To provide enhanced visibility, the
mouse pointer may be changed in color
and increased in size.
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
All other tests: Not supported
This tool allows the student to change
the language of all navigation buttons
and menu option labels via the cog
Test Setting and
Bold is the default
Paginated Item
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
ELA, Math CAT:
Alt ELPA, Math PT, Science:
Not supported
ELPA Tests:
Always On
Allows students to navigate between
items in an item group by selecting a
page for individual viewing.
Navigation buttons ( ) for
each question in a group appear in the
upper- right corner. Students click these
buttons to proceed to the
corresponding question.
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
ELA PT, Math PT, ELPA, SEED Survey:
Not supported
Allows students to view and restore
responses they previously entered for
an open-response question during the
same testing session. Previous versions
do not persist across logout/resume,
even if within the 20-minute pause rule
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
All Tests:
Allows students to select text then
choose strikethrough in the context
menu to apply strikethrough to the
selected words.
Strikethrough on items persists across
logout/resume within the 20-minute
pause rule, and on any item page that is
still visible upon resume after the pause
rule is in effect.
Table C.2: Embedded Designated Supports
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
Full Screen Mode
State, DTC, DLU,
All other tests:
Not supported
This feature provides simplified test
navigation by removing the global
menu and replacing it with a single
“next” button. If turned on, the TA
must exit Full Screen Mode at the end
of the testing session to end the test.
State, DTC, DLU,
English Glossary (universal tool)
No Glossary
English Glossary (universal tool)
Illustration Glossary
No Glossary
Note: Each language listed below may
be combined with English, Illustration,
or English & Illustration
All other tests:
Not supported
Allows students to view a glossary for
selected words in a test passage or
question. English is enabled by default.
As an accessibility support, you can set
the glossary to show another available
language, or a combination of English
and another available language.
Language options for Glossaries vary by
assessment. Not all options listed are
available for all tests.
Math PT foreign language glossaries
must be set in TIDE prior to the student
starting the test.
State, DTC, DLU,
All Tests:
Allows students to temporarily mask
(hide) an area of the test page to
reduce distraction.
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
(Must be assigned
to the student
prior to the start
of testing)
Science, ELA CAT
& Math CAT
ELA PT & Math PT
State, DTC, DLU,
Math, Science:
Spanish (designated support)
Braille (Accommodation)
Braille (Accommodation)
ELPA Screener, ELPA Summative:
Braille (Accommodation)
SEED Survey:
Spanish (designated support)
Braille (Accommodation)
Russian (designated support)
Vietnamese (designated support)
Simplified Chinese - Mandarin
(designated support)
Traditional Chinese - Cantonese
(designated support)
Ukrainian (designated supports)
The presentation in which the student
is taking the test.
Spanish translation is available for Math
& Science. Braille is available for
Science, ELA and Math. Upon selecting
Braille for a student’s test, settings for
Emboss Request Type and Braille Type
are automatically displayed in the TA
Interface. Language must be set in TIDE
for ELA Interim PT & Math Interim PT,
Science and ELPA Screener prior to the
student logging in to the test.
The Braille Presentation setting for
ELPA Screener & Summative allows
users to access the DEI for the non-
embedded ELPA Screener & Summative
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
Print on Request
State, DTC, DLU,
Math, ELA, & ELPA Tests:
Stimuli & Items
Science & SEED Survey:
Stimuli & Items
This accessibility support permits
students to request printouts of test
Off Students cannot request printing
of any test stimuli or questions.
Stimuli Students can request printing
of any stimuli.
Items Students can request printing
of any questions (including answer
Stimuli and Items Students can
request printing of any test stimuli and
questions (including answer options).
Note: Print on Request may be
changed in the TA interface for all
When printing secure test content, be
sure to follow all security procedures
related to printed test materials and
secure disposal immediately following
the testing event, as described in the
Test Administration Manual.
Print Size
State, DTC, DLU,
All Tests:
Default/No Zoom = 1X
Level 1 = ~1.5X
Level 2 = ~1.75X
Level 3 = ~2.5X
Level 4 = ~3X
The selected print size becomes the
default for all text content in that
student’s test. Regardless of the print
size assigned, all students can use the
Zoom buttons in the test to toggle
between the five levels of print size for
individual test pages.
Note: The default font size is 12 point
for most tests. Tests for grades 2, 3, and
4 have a default font size of 14 point.
Zoom settings persist across test pages.
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
Interface Mode
State, DTC, DLU,
Math, ELA, Science, SEED Survey:
Not supported
Allows the student to view the test
page content vertically (so that the
stimulus is listed above the questions).
This layout makes the test page more
accessible for students testing with
State, DTC, DLU,
Math, ELA PT, Science, & SEED Survey:
Items & Stimuli (Designated Support)
Items (Designated Support)
Items & Stimuli (Accommodation)
ELPA Tests:
Not supported
The TTS accessibility support provides
students with the ability to listen to
sections of test content.
Off The student cannot listen to any
stimuli or items on the test.
Items The student can listen to
questions on the test (including answer
options). This is a designated support.
Items & Stimuli The student can listen
to both questions and stimuli.
TTS is available in the Presentation
language selected.
For students receiving the test in
English, the TTS is delivered through the
computer’s native voice pack. For
students receiving the test in another
language, the district must first install
the appropriate voice pack. ODE and
Cambium recommend that districts use
the voice packs native to the operating
system being used. The TTS options
displayed in the drop-down menu are
those that are available for that specific
When TTS is on, students will also have
the ability to listen back to their written
responses in text fields on constructed
response items.
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
TTS Tracking
State, DTC, DLU,
ELA, Math, Science, SEED Survey:
ELPA Tests:
Not supported
Where TTS is turned on, the words are
highlighted as they are read aloud.
Table C.3: Embedded Accommodations
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
Flag (Number of
State, DTC, DLU,
All Tests:
One or more
All accommodations must be turned on
in TIDE prior to the start of the test.
This tool records the use of any
embedded or non- embedded
accommodation during testing as
prescribed in the IEP or 504 plan.
American Sign
State, DTC, DLU,
Math, ELA, SEED Survey:
All other tests:
Not supported
Allows students to view a video with a
signed translation of the passage or
question. Available for ELA listening
questions (applicable to ELA CAT only)
and all items on Mathematics tests.
ASL must be set in TIDE for all PTs prior
to the student logging in to the test.
Audio Transcript
ELA listening
passages TIDE
State, DTC, DLU,
ELA CAT (Listening Stimuli):
All other tests:
Not supported
Provides a written transcript of the
audio stimuli that can be read by screen
readers, or functions as a static
document for students who cannot
keep up with the closed captioning.
JAWS may take the written transcript
and send it to a refreshable Braille
display if the student uses that
functionality. Available for ELA listening
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
Braille Type
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
UEB Contracted
Not Applicable
UEB Uncontracted
UEB Contracted with Nemeth Math
UEB Uncontracted with Nemeth Math
UEB Contracted with Nemeth Math
SEED Survey:
UEB Contracted
ELPA Tests:
Not supported
Only available when Language is set to
Braille. This setting determines the type
of Braille that is delivered to students
via a refreshable Braille display or a
Braille embosser.
The Not Applicable option could be
used on ELA tests where the student
does not read Braille and instead uses
solely JAWs or another screen reader to
receive item content. Not Applicable is
not available for Math and Science
assessments because some images such
as graphs or diagrams cannot be
accessed via screen readers or
refreshable embossers and thus
embossed Braille is a required resource.
Closed Captioning
State, DTC, DLU,
All other tests:
Not supported
Enables closed captions for audio.
State, DTC, DLU,
All Tests:
Embedded Speech-to-Text transcribes
spoken student responses to text on
constructed response items and in the
notes and Global Notes.
Note: Dictation is a Designated Support
on Math CAT, Math PT, Science, and
SEED Survey.
Dictation is an Accommodation on ELA-
CAT, ELA-PT, and all ELPA tests.
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
Stimuli & Items
Math, Science, SEED Survey:
Stimuli & Items
ELPA Tests:
Not supported
Only available when Presentation is set
to Braille. Allows test content to be
delivered to students via a Braille
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
Emboss Request
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, STC,
Math, Science:
ELA, SEED Survey:
Not supported
Only available when Presentation is set
to Braille. This setting determines if
students testing in Braille need to
manually send print requests or if the
print requests automatically generate
as students navigate the test.
Emboss Request Type options vary by
assessment. Not all options are
available for all tests.
ELPA Domain
ELPA domain
exemptions must
be assigned to the
student prior to
the start of testing
State, DTC, DLU
Alt ELPA, ELPA Summative:
No Exemptions
ELPA Screener:
No Exemptions
Listening and Reading
Listening and Writing
Listening and Speaking
Reading and Speaking
Reading and Writing
Speaking and Writing
Listening, Reading, and
Listening, Reading, and Writing
Listening, Speaking, and Writing
Reading, Speaking, and Writing
All other tests:
Not supported
Some students may be exempted from
specified ELPA domains based on their
A student may not be exempt from all
four domains.
ELPA domain exemptions must be
assigned to the student prior to the
start of testing.
Test Settings and
Bold is the default
Mute System
Only available
Presentation is set
to Braille
TA Interface Only
State, DTC, DLU,
On: Read Items Only Aloud
(Designated Support)
Off: Read Items and Passages Aloud
All other tests:
Not supported
This feature is only available on ELA CAT
Braille tests.
Allows screen reader software to read
aloud either items or items and
passages to students using approved
screen readers on Braille tests.
Permissive Mode
(Required for
Response Option
and Speech-to-
Text Software
State, DTC, DLU,
All tests:
Permissive Mode is an accessibility
support option that allows students to
use accessibility software in addition to
the secure browser.
Word Prediction
State, DTC, DLU,
All tests:
When this tool is enabled, suggested
words will pop up in a menu as
students type a written response.
Students can select a word in the pop-
up menu instead of typing it out
manually. This tool is also available in
item notes and Global Notes.
Appendix D: The Oregon Accessibility Panel
The Oregon Accessibility Panel is a group of Oregon educators and stakeholders that meet to consider
accommodations recommendations submitted by the field for students taking Oregon Statewide
Assessments. The Accessibility Panel is hosted and facilitated by the Oregon Department of Education
(ODE) and has been an active component of Oregon’s assessment system for many years.
ODE selects Panel members based on nominations and team decisions. Each panelist contributes a
unique and important perspective to the outcome of the Panel’s recommendations. The team
combines research, experience, and judgments to make decisions not only with respect to individual
accommodations recommendations but also regarding the participation of students with disabilities in
the Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) as a whole.
Panel meetings are typically conducted quarterly in a morning or afternoon session. The Panel
establishes and outlines meeting times so schedules can be cleared well in advance of selected dates.
Panel members are typically released from their district or agency duties to participate in Panel
activities; this provides a means for organizations with participating members to stay current with
instructional and assessment issues that regularly impact their students. ODE will reimburse Panel
members for travel expenses, if necessary, but there is no remuneration associated with participation.
Membership Eligibility
The Oregon Accessibility Panel (OAP) will consist of educators and consumers of education (e.g.,
parents, individuals using and affected by the statewide assessment, advocates of students with
disabilities). New members will be selected from among (a) those nominated by outgoing members, (b)
self-nominated individuals, (c) those nominated by existing members, or (d) state recommendation. All
members selected for nomination must possess the appropriate eligibility criteria in addition to filling
the short-term and long-term needs of the panel.
Length of Service
Panel members are eligible to continue in the role of OAP member for a 4-year term as long as they (a)
maintain an ongoing role in the field of education and/or assessment, (b) maintain active involvement
and participation on the panel, and/or (c) until retirement, reassignment, or resignation.
Panel members will review recommendations, propose studies, and advise the Director of Assessment
and Student Reporting of current accessibility supports with respect to the inclusion of students with
disabilities in statewide assessment with a conscious link to the appropriate provision and use of these
supports in instruction. The panel will advise the Director of Assessment and Student Reporting toward
those accessibility supports (as defined by the state) that do not impact the validity of a student’s
assessment score, and will provide clear distinctions to be communicated to the field regarding
accepted and rejected accessibility supports.
Panel members are expected to attend a majority of meetings per year and are excused from
participation based on legitimate conflicts. Members will communicate attendance with facilitators in
advance of missed meetings. No substitutes may be sent to participate on behalf of a member.
Teachers who participate on the panel will not be expected to attend on a non-contract day, but may
volunteer their time to attend.
Discontinuation or Removal
Panel members will commit to a 4-year term and will have the option of withdrawing annually if their
commitments must change or if there are prolonged absences or lack of communication, which will be
considered potential conflicts to effective membership.
Skill Sets
Twelve skill sets have been identified as fundamentally critical to the decisions made by this panel.
These skill sets are to be maintained throughout the existence of the panel. Reassigned, retired, or
resigned individuals representing one of these fundamental skill sets will be replaced by individuals
possessing the same set of skills.
Administration (School/District/State)
Assistive Technology
Blind or Visually Impaired
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
English Language Learner
General Education
Parents/Guardians of students with disabilities
Special Education
Other skills as needed (e.g., civil rights, specific subject area)
For additional information, please contact Mason Rivers, Special Education Assessment Specialist by
email: or by phone/text: (971) 208-0434.
Appendix E: Approval Process for a New Accessibility Support
New universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations approved for Oregon’s Statewide
Assessments may be added in the future based on state experience and research findings. When teams
or individuals feel that a strategy not present in the accessibility supports tables deserves further
consideration, they are encouraged to complete a description of the support and submit it to ODE for
the Accessibility Panel to review. The Accessibility Panel uses current research, state practice, federal
and state policy (including, if applicable, OSAS guidance), and professional and technical expertise to
guide their review.
For the ELA and Mathematics Statewide Assessments: The Panel will review suggested additional
universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations (or changes to such), and determine
whether or not to submit to the Smarter Balanced Consortium accessibility supports standing
committee (which includes members from the Governing States), which is charged with reviewing
proposed additions and/or changes to the accessibility supports. If the standing committee determines
additions and/or changes are warranted, these will be brought to the Governing States of the
consortium for review, input, and vote for approval.
For the Science, Extended, and ELPA Statewide Assessments, the Panel will review suggested additional
universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations or changes to such and make a
determination regarding inclusion in the appropriate accessibility supports table(s) of the OAM.
To recommend a new accessibility support for the Accessibility Panel to consider, fill out the
Recommendation for New Accessibility Supports Form in its entirety and submit it to ODE. Contact and
email address information is listed at the bottom of the form. This form can also be downloaded from
the Test Administration Resources webpage.
Appendix F: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest nationally representative and
continuing assessment of what U.S. students know and can do. Since 1969, NAEP has measured
academic progress in subjects such as reading, mathematics, science, civics, U.S. history, and the arts.
Under federal law, states and local educational agencies that receive Title IA funds must participate in
the state-level NAEP assessments of mathematics and reading at grades 4 and 8. At this time, NAEP
does not administer assessments to students who participate only in distance learning.
For the 2024-25 school year, NAEP will administer national Long-Term Trend (LTT) paper-pencil
assessments in mathematics and reading to selected 9-year-olds, 13-year-olds, and 17-year-olds. These
assessments, conducted since the 1970s, measure students’ educational progress over long time
periods to monitor trends in performance. NCES will administer the LTT assessments for each age
group in the following windows:
Age 13: October 7 December 13, 2024
Age 9: January 6March 14, 2025
Age 17: March 17May 23, 2025
The NAEP 2025 Field Test will take place January 27 through March 7, 2025, at grades 4, 8, and 12.
Most students will take assessments in mathematics and reading using district- and school- managed
devices and Internet, while some students will take the assessments on NAEP-owned devices not
connected to school Internet to determine if there are differences in performance. NCES will not report
results from the NAEP 2025 Field Test. Data will be used to inform plans for NAEP 2026, when NCES
plans to administer most NAEP assessments using district- and school-managed devices and Internet,
where districts and schools are able to do so.
The results from NAEP are published as The Nation’s Report Card. For 2024-25, NAEP plans to report
student performance for the national Long-Term Trend assessments of mathematics and reading. The
National Assessment Governing Board will release the results approximately one year after
administration of the assessments.
The National Assessment Governing Board and the National Center for Education Statistics, not the
Oregon Department of Education, establish testing procedures and training requirements for NAEP
administration. This ensures that testing procedures are the same in every state to provide a common
measure of student achievement. NAEP will send a team of trained Assessment Administrators to each
school selected for NAEP. The team is responsible for providing all NAEP materials including the
devices used to administer NAEP.
ODE works with schools selected for NAEP to prepare for the assessment. Schools participating in NAEP
must notify the parents or guardians of the selected students that a student may be excused from
participation for any reason, is not required to finish the assessment, and may skip any test question.
ODE provides a template letter for schools to use in conducting parent/guardian notification. ODE
verifies that each selected school has completed parent/guardian notification before the scheduled
NAEP assessment day.
ODE also provides an optional online training for NAEP school coordinators. This training supports the
NAEP school coordinators in preparing for the assessment. The NAEP school coordinators must work
with school staff members to update demographic data for selected students and to determine how
students with disabilities and English Learners will participate in NAEP.
ODE expects that most students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and all students with a
Section 504 Plan will be included in NAEP. According to National Assessment Governing Board policy,
only students with disabilities who meet (or met) participation criteria for the Oregon Extended
Assessment may be excluded from NAEP at the discretion of school staff.
ODE expects that most English learners will be included in NAEP. According to National Assessment
Governing Board policy, only English learners who meet both criteria below may be excluded from
NAEP at the discretion of school staff:
Enrolled in U.S. schools for less than one full academic year before the NAEP assessment,
Cannot access NAEP with allowable accommodations.
The tables below list the universal design elements and allowable accommodations for the NAEP
paper-pencil LTT assessments of mathematics and reading as well as for the digitally-based Field Test
assessments of mathematics and reading. Please note that NAEP accommodations and NAEP universal
design elements differ from the accommodations, universal tools, or designated supports for the other
assessments described in this manual.
Please review the tables to determine how each selected student with disabilities and each selected
English learner will access NAEP. If a universal design element or accommodation that a student
regularly receives for classroom or state assessments is not listed, please contact Beth LaDuca, NAEP
State Coordinator, at 971-208-0091 to see if the universal design element or accommodation can be
provided on NAEP. Please keep in mind that NAEP does not produce results for individual students or
schools. In other words, the NAEP assessments do not impose consequences for the student or the
school and are instead intended to provide a picture of educational performance and progress at the
state or national levels.
The NAEP Questions Tool provides teachers, students, and parents with sample questions from
previous assessments. The NAEP Survey Questionnaires web page includes links to the NAEP surveys
for students, teachers, and principals. Additional NAEP materials, including links to the assessment
frameworks and item specifications are available from the ODE NAEP webpage.
The chart below is divided into multiple sections. The first section includes the universal design
elements that will be available to all students participating in the paper-pencil LTT assessments. The
second section includes NAEP accommodations for students with disabilities participating in the LTT
assessments, while the third section lists the LTT assessment accommodations for English Learners.
The fourth section describes the universal design elements available to all students participating in the
digitally-based Field Test assessments. The fifth section lists the accommodations for students with
disabilities provided by the digital test delivery system, while the sixth section lists NAEP
accommodations for students with disabilities provided outside the test delivery system. The seventh
section includes NAEP accommodations for English learners provided by the digital test delivery
system, and the eighth section lists NAEP accommodations for English learners provided outside the
test delivery system.
Universal Design Elements for All Students
NAEP Universal
Design Element
NAEP Subject NAEP Universal Design Element Description
/ clarified
Students can raise their hand at any time and ask the
test administrator to clarify or explain directions.
Marks / writes
directly in test
All students write directly in the test booklet. NAEP
does not have Scantron or bubble sheets.
Scratch paper
Administrators inform students that they can use the
white space in the test booklet as scratch paper.
Accommodations for Students Experiencing Disabilities
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Braille version of
the test
A paper-based embossed Braille form. NAEP uses
contracted Unified English Braille (UEB) for all subjects.
For the mathematics assessment, NAEP uses UEB plus
Student can use a scribe to record answers (select
Scribe accommodation).
Student can use a Braille output device provided by
the school.
Breaks during
Students are allowed to take breaks as requested or at
predetermined intervals during the assessment. This
could also mean that students can take the assessment
in more than one sitting during a single day.
Cueing to stay on
Provided by a school staff member.
Monitor for understanding, monitor placement of
Redirect to stay on task, reminders to stay on task,
prompts to stay on task
Provide verbal encouragement, reinforcement,
Track test items.
Directions only
presented in sign
A qualified sign language interpreter provided by the
school signs the instructions included in the session
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Extended time
Student is given up to three times the allotted
time to complete the assessment.
NOTE: If state test is untimed, students may or may
not require extended time on NAEP. Most students are
able to complete the NAEP cognitive sections in the
time allotted.
Familiar person
present or
administers the
School staff member familiar to the student must
be present during the assessment or administer
the test.
Large print version
of the test
NAEP provides large-print booklets to visually
impaired students.
NOTE: Assessment booklets enlarged by 129 percent.
Lens or system provided by the school that enhances
visual function.
NOTE: Magnification devices include eyeglass-
mounted magnifiers, freestanding or handheld
magnifiers, enlarged computer monitors, or
computers with screen-enlargement programs.
Some students use closed-circuit television to
enlarge print and display printed material with
various image enhancements on a screen.
Student is assessed individually in an area free of
Other (specify)
Read aloud to self, use of a whisper phone, and a
snack during testing are allowed “Other”
accommodations. Please contact Beth LaDuca,
NAEP State Coordinator, (503) 947-5836, to learn
if an accommodation not in this table but regularly
provided to a student can be provided on NAEP.
Preferential seating
Provided by the school.
Location with minimal distractions, reduced
distractions, quiet location or setting
Front of the class, close to the test administrator
Presentation in sign
A qualified sign language interpreter provided by
the school signs the instructions included in the
session script and some or all of the test questions
or answer choices for the student.
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Read aloud in
English - directions
General directions (the same for all students)
and/or subject-specific directions are read aloud,
repeated, or reworded in any way in English so
that the student understands what to do.
NOTE: Some students’ IEPs or 504 Plans stipulate
this as an accommodation. For those students, this
will be coded as an accommodation. Students who
do not have this as an IEP or 504 requirement but
who need the general directions (the same for all
students) and/or the subject-specific directions
read aloud, repeated, or reworded in any way in
English can request this by raising a hand during
the session, and it will not be recorded as an
Read aloud in
English most or
Student may request to have most or all of the
assessment read aloud in English.
Read aloud in
English occasional
Student may request to have words, phrases, or
sentences read aloud in English.
Response in sign
Student signs responses to a scribe provided by
the school who records the responses in the
student’s booklet. Please also select Scribe
Scribe provided by the school.
Student responds orally or by pointing to answers
to a scribe who records the student’s responses in
the booklet.
Small group
Group includes no more than five students.
NOTE: A student can be assigned to a small group
session because the student requires this
accommodation or because one or more of the
student’s accommodations must be administered
in a separate session to minimize distractions to
other students in the regular session.
Special equipment
Provided by the school.
FM system, amplification equipment, auditory
amplification device
Noise buffers, study carrel, blinder, special lighting,
adaptive furniture
Stress ball or sensory fidget item
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Use computer/
tablet to respond
Student records answers using a computer or tablet
provided by the school.
Use template
Provided by the school. Cutout, masking, color
overlays, line reader, or place marker.
Accommodations for English Language Learners
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Bilingual dictionary
without definitions
in any language
A handheld electronic or hardcopy bilingual dictionary
provided by the school in any language that contains
English translations of words but does not contain
definitions. It is sometimes referred to as a “word-for-
word dictionary”, “word-to-word translation
dictionary,” or a “bilingual word list.”
Breaks during
Students are allowed to take breaks as requested or at
predetermined intervals during the assessment. This
could also mean that students can take the assessment
in more than one sitting during a single day.
Cueing to stay on
Provided by a school staff member.
Monitor for understanding, monitor placement of
Redirect to stay on task, reminders to stay on task,
prompts to stay on task
Provide verbal encouragement, reinforcement,
Track test items.
Extended time
Student is given up to three times the allotted
time to complete the assessment.
NOTE: If state test is untimed, students may or may
not require extended time on NAEP. Most students are
able to complete the NAEP cognitive sections in the
time allotted.
Familiar person
present or
administers the
School staff member familiar to the student must
be present during the assessment or administer
the test.
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
General directions
only read aloud in
The general session script instructions are read
aloud in Spanish. Session script is the same for all
Note: Not allowed for the age 17 assessments.
Student is assessed individually in an area free
of distractions.
Other (specify)
Read aloud to self, use of a whisper phone, and a snack
during testing are allowed “Other” accommodations.
Please contact Beth LaDuca, NAEP State Coordinator,
(503) 947-5836, to learn if an accommodation not in
this table but regularly provided to a student can be
provided on NAEP.
Preferential seating
Provided by the school.
Location with minimal distractions, reduced
distractions, quiet location or setting
Front of the class, close to the test administrator
Read aloud in English
- directions only
General directions (the same for all students)
and/or subject-specific directions are read aloud,
repeated, or reworded in any way in English so
that the student understands what to do.
NOTE: Some students’ education plans stipulate this as
an accommodation. For those students, this will be
coded as an accommodation. Students who do not have
this in an education plan but who need the general
directions (the same for all students) and/or the subject-
specific directions read aloud, repeated, or reworded in
any way in English can request this by raising a hand
during the session, and it will not be recorded as an
Read aloud in English
most or all
Student may request to have most or all of the
assessment read aloud in English.
Read aloud in
Student may request to have words, phrases, or
sentences read aloud in English.
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Small group
Group includes no more than five students.
NOTE: A student can be assigned to a small group
session because the student requires this
accommodation or because one or more of the student’s
accommodations must be administered in a separate
session to minimize distractions to other students in the
regular session.
version of the test
Spanish/English version of the booklet.
One page has the directions and questions in Spanish,
and the facing page has the same directions and
questions in English. Students may mark their answers
on either page and in either language.
Note: Not allowed for the age 17 assessment.
Special equipment
Provided by the school.
FM system, amplification equipment, auditory
amplification device
Noise buffers, study carrel, blinder, special lighting,
adaptive furniture
Stress ball or sensory fidget item
Test items read
aloud in Spanish
Students may request to have words, phrases, or
sentences read aloud in Spanish.
Note: This requires the students to use a bilingual
Spanish/English assessment booklet (select
Spanish/English Version of the Test).
Note: Not allowed for the age 17 assessment.
Use computer/
tablet to respond
Student records answers using a computer or tablet
provided by the school.
Use template
Provided by the school. Cutout, masking, color
overlays, line reader, or place marker.
Universal Design Elements for All Students
NAEP Universal
Design Element
NAEP Subject NAEP Universal Design Element Description
Closed captioning
All voice-over narration is closed-captioned.
NAEP Universal
Design Element
NAEP Subject NAEP Universal Design Element Description
Color theming
Option 1: black text on white background (default) Option
2: white text on black background
Option 3: black text on beige background
Note: This tool is not available for the tutorial or some
items. For students who need all content in high contrast,
please select the accommodation “High contrast for
visually impaired students.”
Directions explained /
Students can raise their hand at any time and ask the test
administrator to clarify or explain directions.
Directions read aloud
/ text-to- speech
All directions in the assessment are text-to-speech
enabled, including directions within the assessment,
tutorial, Help, and Student Questionnaire screens.
Elimination capability
Students can gray out answer choices for multiple-choice
Note: This tool is not available for constructed-response
Individual testing
Read Aloud and other UDE and accommodations are
provided through the device and will not distract other
students in the room.
Students have earbuds to reduce distractions.
Students interact directly with device.
Tested with other selected students.
Refer to the accommodation “Preferential seating” to
minimize distractions for testing with other students.
Refer to the accommodation “Separate location” if
student requires testing in a small group or away from the
regular session.
Read aloud / text- to-
speech (English)
occasional or most
or all
Students select some or all text to be read aloud by the
system using text-to-speech.
Scratch paper
Administrators inform students that scratch paper (and
pencil) available upon request.
Scratch work /
highlighter capability
Contains an embedded pencil mode to mark-up or take
notes on the screen and highlighter mode to highlight
text on the screen.
Use a computer /
tablet to respond
All students respond on school devices or NAEP-provided
NAEP Universal
Design Element
NAEP Subject NAEP Universal Design Element Description
Volume adjustment
Students can raise or lower voice-over volume using the
device’s volume buttons. The tutorial explains how to
adjust the volume on the device.
Enlarges some content onscreen up to two times (2X) the
default text/image size on the screen while preserving
clarity, contrast, and color.
Note: Does not include the tutorial, toolbar, item tabs,
scrollbars, calculator, or equation editor. For students who
require enlargement of these test elements, or
enlargement greater than two times the default size,
please select the accommodation “Magnification.”
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Provided by the Test Delivery System
NAEP Accommodation
Provided by Test
Delivery System
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Calculator version of
the test
Provides a test form that permits the use of a calculator
on all items. The calculator is an onscreen calculator
provided as part of the test delivery system. For Grade 4:
TI-108. For Grades 8 and 12: TI-30XS.
Extended time
Students are given up to three times the allotted time to
complete the assessment at their own pace.
Note: If state test is untimed, students may or may not
require extended time on NAEP. Most students are able to
complete the NAEP cognitive sections in the time allotted.
Hearing contrast for
visually impaired
Provides a test form that has all auditory content closed-
captioned. For NAEP 2025, all content can be closed-
captioned, so student will receive their originally assigned
High contrast for
visually impaired
Provides a test form with all content that is compatible
with high contrast.
NAEP Accommodation
Provided by Test
Delivery System
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Low mobility version
of test
Provides a test form with items that are keyboard
navigable or accessible with an alternate input device
provided by the school and that do not require the use of
the mouse or touch pad.
Magnification greater than two times the default
text/image size on the screen. Magnifies all assessment
content. Students use screen magnification software to
scroll over a portion of the screen to magnify the content
on the screen including all tools, toolbars, menus,
calculator, and equation editor.
Note: See “Zooming” under universal design elements to
determine if students need this additional magnification.
Not available for pilot assessments.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Provided Outside Test Delivery System
NAEP Accommodation
Provided Outside Test
Delivery System
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Breaks during testing
Students are allowed to take breaks as requested or at
predetermined intervals during the assessment.
Students can take the assessment in more than one
sitting during a single day.
Cueing to stay on task
Provided by a school staff member.
Monitor for understanding, monitor placement of
Redirect to stay on task, reminders to stay on task,
prompts to stay on task
Provide verbal encouragement, reinforcement, refocus
Track test items.
Directions only
presented in sign
Provided by the school.
A qualified sign language interpreter signs general
directions, directions within the assessment, tutorial,
Help, and Student Questionnaire screens.
Note: Not available for pilot assessments.
NAEP Accommodation
Provided Outside Test
Delivery System
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Familiar person
present in testing
The school staff member who regularly works with the
student must be present in the testing room during time
of assessment.
Note: Only trained NAEP staff may conduct the
assessment session.
Other (specify)
Read aloud to self, use of a whisper phone, a snack or
water during testing, flexible scheduling during the day
and testing blood sugar are allowed “Other”
accommodations. No math charts or tables are allowed
on NAEP. Instead, please see the accommodation
“Calculator version of the test.” NAEP does not provide
speech-to-text. Instead, please see the accommodation
“Scribe.” Please contact Beth LaDuca, NAEP State
Coordinator, 971-208-
0091, to learn if an accommodation
not in this table but regularly provided to a student can
be provided on NAEP.
Preferential seating
Provided by the school.
Seating to reduce distractions within the regular testing
Some examples: front of the class, close to the test
administrator, away from other students, where there
is access to special equipment, etc.
Presentation in sign
Provided by the school.
A qualified sign language interpreter signs the
instructions included in the session script and some or all
of the test questions or answer choices for the student.
Response in sign
Provided by the school.
Students sign their responses to a scribe provided by the
school who records the responses on the device. Please
also select the “Scribe” accommodation.
Provided by the school.
Student responds orally or by pointing to their answers to
a scribe who records the student’s responses in the
NAEP Accommodation
Provided Outside Test
Delivery System
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Separate location
Student is tested in a separate location to meet testing
needs as appropriate.
Refer to the universal design element “Individual
testing experience” and the accommodation
“Preferential seating” to determine if separate location
is needed.
May be in the same room but in a specific location or a
different room.
Can be individual or with a small group of students.
Special equipment
(and third party
Provided by the school.
FM system, amplification equipment, auditory
amplification device
Noise buffers, study carrel, blinder, special lighting,
adaptive furniture
Stress ball or sensory fidget item
Uses template
Provided by the school. Cutout, masking, color overlays,
line reader, or place marker.
NAEP Accommodations for English Learners Provided by Test Delivery System
NAEP Accommodation
Provided by Test
Delivery System
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Extended time
Students are given up to three times the allotted time to
complete the assessment at their own pace.
Note: If state test is untimed, students may or may not
require extended time on NAEP. Most students are able to
complete the NAEP cognitive sections in the time allotted.
NAEP Accommodations for English Learners Provided Outside Test Delivery System
NAEP Accommodation
Provided Outside Test
Delivery System
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Bilingual dictionary (in
any language)
Provided by the school.
A handheld electronic or hardcopy bilingual dictionary in
any language that contains English translations of words
but does not contain definitions. It is sometimes referred
to as a “word-for- word” dictionary, “word-to-word
translation dictionary,” or a “bilingual word list.”
Breaks during testing
Students are allowed to take breaks as requested or at
predetermined intervals during the assessment.
Students can take the assessment in more than one
sitting during a single day.
Cueing to stay on task
Provided by a school staff member.
Monitor for understanding, monitor placement of
Redirect to stay on task, reminders to stay on task,
prompts to stay on task
Provide verbal encouragement, reinforcement, refocus
Track test items.
Familiar person
present in testing
The school staff member who regularly works with the
student must be present in the testing room during time
of assessment.
Note: Only trained NAEP staff may conduct the
assessment session.
Other (specify)
Read aloud to self, use of a whisper phone, a snack or
water during testing, flexible scheduling during the day
and testing blood sugar are allowed “Other”
accommodations. No math charts or tables are allowed
on NAEP. Instead, please see the accommodation
“Calculator version of the test.” NAEP does not provide
speech-to-text. Instead, please see the accommodation
“Scribe.” Please contact Beth LaDuca, NAEP State
Coordinator, 971-208-
0091, to learn if an accommodation
not in this table but regularly provided to a student can
be provided on NAEP
NAEP Accommodation
Provided Outside Test
Delivery System
NAEP Subject NAEP Accommodation Description
Preferential seating
Provided by the school.
Seating to reduce distractions within the regular testing
Some examples: front of the class, close to the test
administrator, away from other students, where there
is access to special equipment, etc.
Separate location
Student is tested in a separate location to meet testing
needs as appropriate.
Refer to the universal design element “Individual
testing experience” and the accommodation
“Preferential seating” to determine if separate location
is needed.
May be in the same room but in a specific location or a
different room.
Can be individual or with a small group of students.
Special equipment
Provided by the school.
FM system, amplification equipment, auditory
amplification device
Noise buffers, study carrel, blinder, special lighting,
adaptive furniture
Stress ball or sensory fidget item
Uses template
Provided by the school. Cutout, masking, color overlays,
line reader, or place marker.
Appendix G: Manipulatives
Manipulatives are tactile tools used by students to provide a concrete representation of a
mathematical idea. They are widely used across Oregon, most commonly among elementary learners,
and are especially useful to:
Provide concrete ways for students to understand abstract ideas,
Help students learn new concepts and connect to prior knowledge,
Assist students with solving problems,
Help students see and “play with” mathematical relationships, and
Provide developmentally appropriate hands-on experience.
Manipulatives are non-embedded designated supports. Only those shown here are allowable for use
during testing. Using manipulatives not included in this list will result in a testing impropriety and
student test invalidation. See Manipulatives in Section 5.0 for more information.
Allowable Math Manipulatives
Algebra Tiles
Base Ten Blocks or Pieces
Colored Chips
(including those with positive
and negative sides)
Colored Tiles
(e.g., beans, blocks, craft
sticks, tiles, or similar)
Cuisenaire Rods
Dot Paper
(square or isometric)
Fraction Strips or Pieces
(unlabeled only)
Geoboards and Bands
Geometric Shapes (2D and 3D)
Interlocking Cubes
(e.g., Unifix, Omnifix)
Number Rack (Rekenrek)
Pattern Blocks
*Trays, Containers, and Bins
are allowed for storage and
If you would like to request the use of a manipulative not included in this list, please complete the
Recommendation for Accessibility Support process in Appendix E.
Appendix H: OSAS Accessibility Worksheets
OSAS Accessibility Worksheets are linked below and can be found on the ODE Test Administration
Resources webpage, under the General Accessibility Resources section.
Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessment (Alt ELPA)
PDF Worksheet | Fillable PDF
English Language Arts (ELA) Assessment
PDF Worksheet | Fillable PDF
English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Screener
PDF Worksheet | Fillable PDF
English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Summative
PDF Worksheet | Fillable PDF
Mathematics Assessment
PDF Worksheet | Fillable PDF
Oregon Extended (ORExt) Assessments
PDF Worksheet | Fillable PDF
Science Assessment
PDF Worksheet | Fillable PDF
Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey
PDF Worksheet | Fillable PDF
Change Log
The in-text change log from previous versions of this manual has been replaced with the change log
System options were added to applicable embedded supports
throughout section 5.0 Accessibility Supports in Alphabetical Order
Guidance was added to section 1.0 Introduction to clarify application
of the OAM to the SEED Survey.
Section 1.3 Documenting Accessibility Supports was added to provide
additional guidance to users.
The Read aloud in Spanish support has been renamed Human read
aloud (Spanish) to further differentiate it from the Text-to-speech
The Read aloud support has been renamed Human read aloud to
further differentiate it from the Text-to-speech support.
English dictionary (non-embedded) is now classified as a designated
support. It was previously classified as a universal tool. An educator
must determine ahead of a testing session that a particular student
requires a non-embedded English dictionary and provide that
during the testing session.
English thesaurus (non-embedded) is now classified as a designated
support. It was previously classified as a universal tool. An educator
must determine ahead of a testing session that a particular student
requires a non-embedded English thesaurus and provide that resource
during the testing session.
Navigation language system option is now set to On by default. It was
previously Off by default. This means on the ELA, Alt ELPA, ELPA
Screener, and ELPA Summative, ALL students will be able to toggle
navigation language between English and Spanish.
Color choices is now an embedded universal tool available on ELA,
Mathematics, Science, Alt ELPA, ELPA Summative, ELPA Screener, and
SEED Survey. It was previously classified as a designated support. A
new system option called Dynamic Color Choices allows students to
change their own color choice within the test delivery system.
Multiplication table is now a non-embedded accommodation
allowable on the Mathematics assessment for ALL tested grades. It
was previously available in grade 4 and above.