Best Practices for Gathering
Optimizer Statistics with Oracle
Database 19c
2 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
The Oracle Optimizer examines all of the possible plans for a SQL statement and picks the one with
the lowest cost, where cost represents the estimated resource usage for a given plan. In order for
the optimizer to accurately determine the cost for an execution plan it must have information about
all of the objects (table and indexes) accessed in the SQL statement as well as information about
the system on which the SQL statement will be run.
This necessary information is commonly referred to as optimizer statistics. Understanding and
managing optimizer statistics is key to optimal SQL execution. Knowing when and how to gather
statistics in a timely manner is critical to maintaining acceptable performance. This whitepaper is the
second of a two part series on optimizer statistics. The part one of this series, Understanding
Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c, focuses on the concepts of statistics and will be
referenced several times in this paper as a source of additional information. This paper will discuss
in detail, when and how to gather statistics for the most common scenarios seen in an Oracle
Database. The topics are:
How to gather statistics
When to gather statistics
Improving the quality of statistics
Gathering statistics more quickly
When not to gather statistics
Gathering other types of statistics
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3 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Introduction .................................................................................................. 2
How to Gather Statistics .............................................................................. 4
When to Gather Statistics ............................................................................ 9
Assuring the Quality of Optimizer Statistics ............................................... 16
Gathering Statistics More Quickly .............................................................. 18
When Not to Gather Statistics ................................................................... 20
Gathering Other Types of Statistics ........................................................... 22
Conclusion ................................................................................................. 24
References ................................................................................................ 25
4 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
The preferred method for gathering statistics in Oracle is to use the automatic statistics gathering. If you already have a well-
established, manual statistics gathering procedure then you might prefer to use that instead. Whatever method you choose to use, start
by considering whether the default global preferences meet your needs. In most cases they will, but if you want to change anything then
you can do that with SET_GLOBAL_PREFS. Once you have done that, you can override global defaults where necessary using the
DBMS_STATS “set preference” procedures. For example, use SET_TABLE_PREFS on tables that require incremental statistics or a
specific set of histograms. In this way, you will have declared how statistics are to be gathered, and there will be no need to tailor
parameters for individual “gather stats” operations. You will be free to use default parameters for gather table/schema/database stats
and be confident that the statistics policy you have chosen will be followed. What’s more, you will be able to switch freely between using
auto and manual statistics gathering.
This section covers how to implement this strategy.
Automatic Statistics Gathering
The Oracle database collects statistics for database objects that are missing statistics or have “stale” (out of date) statistics. This is
done by an automatic task that executes during a predefined maintenance window. Oracle internally prioritizes the database objects
that require statistics, so that those objects, which most need updated statistics, are processed first.
The automatic statistics-gathering job uses the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS_JOB_PROC procedure, which uses the
same default parameter values as the other DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures. The defaults are sufficient in most cases.
However, it is occasionally necessary to change the default value of one of the statistics gathering parameters, which can be
accomplished by using the DBMS_STATS.SET_*_PREF procedures. Parameter values should be changed at the smallest scope
possible, ideally on a per-object basis. For example, if you want to change the staleness threshold for a specific table, so its statistics
are considered stale when only 5% of the rows in the table have changed rather than the default 10%, you can change the
STALE_PERCENT table preference for that one table using the DBMS_STATS.SET_TABLE_PREFS procedure. By changing the default
value at the smallest scope you limit the amount of non-default parameter values that need to be manually managed. For example,
here’s how you can change STALE_PRECENT to 5% on the SALES table:
exec dbms_stats.set_table_prefs(user,'SALES','STALE_PERCENT','5')
To check what preferences have been set, you can use the DBMS_STATS.GET_PREFS function. It takes three arguments; the name of
the parameter, the schema name, and the table name:
select dbms_stats.get_prefs('STALE_PERCENT',user,'SALES') stale_percent
from dual;
5 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
As indicated above, it is possible to set DBMS_STATS preferences to target specific objects and schemas to modify the behavior of auto statistics
gathering where necessary. You can specify a particular non-default parameter value for an individual DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS
command, but the recommended approach is to override the defaults where necessary using “targeted” DBMS_STATS.SET_*_PREFS
A parameter override can be specified at a table, schema, database, or global level using one of the following procedures (noting that
AUTOSTATS_TARGET and CONCURRENT can only be modified at the global level):
Traditionally, the most commonly overridden preferences have been ESTIMATE_PERCENT (to control the percentage of rows sampled)
and METHOD_OPT (to control histogram creation), but estimate percent is now better left at its default value for reasons covered later in
this section.
The SET_TABLE_PREFS procedure allows you to change the default values of the parameters used by the
DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures for the specified table only.
The SET_SCHEMA_PREFS procedure allows you to change the default values of the parameters used by the
DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures for all of the existing tables in the specified schema. This procedure actually calls the
SET_TABLE_PREFS procedure for each of the tables in the specified schema. Since it uses SET_TABLE_PREFS, calling this procedure
will not affect any new objects created after it has been run. New objects will pick up the GLOBAL preference values for all parameters.
The SET_DATABASE_PREFS procedure allows you to change the default values of the parameters used by the
DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures for all of the user-defined schemas in the database. This procedure actually calls the
SET_TABLE_PREFS procedure for each table in each user-defined schema. Since it uses SET_TABLE_PREFS, this procedure will not
affect any new objects created after it has been run. New objects will pick up the GLOBAL preference values for all parameters. It is also
possible to include the Oracle owned schemas (sys, system, etc) by setting the ADD_SYS parameter to TRUE.
The SET_GLOBAL_PREFS procedure allows you to change the default values of the parameters used by the
DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures for any object in the database that does not have an existing table preference. All
parameters default to the global setting unless there is a table preference set, or the parameter is explicitly set in the GATHER_*_STATS
command. Changes made by this procedure will affect any new objects created after it has been run. New objects will pick up the
GLOBAL_PREFS values for all parameters.
6 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
The DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures and the automated statistics gathering task obeys the following hierarchy for
parameter values; parameter values explicitly set in the command overrule everything else. If the parameter has not been set in the
command, we check for a table level preference. If there is no table preference set, we use the GLOBAL preference.
Figure 1: DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS hierarchy for parameter values
Oracle Database 12 Release 2 includes a new DBMS_STATS preference called PREFERENCE_OVERRIDES_PARAMETER. Its effect is
illustrated in Figure 2. When this preference is set to TRUE, it allows preference settings to override DBMS_STATS parameter values. For
example, if the global preference ESTIMATE_PERCENT is set to DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, it means that this best-practice
setting will be used even if existing manual statistics gathering procedures use a different parameter setting (for example, a fixed
percentage sample size such as 10%).
7 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
The ESTIMATE_PERCENT parameter determines the percentage of rows used to calculate the statistics. The most accurate statistics
are gathered when all rows in the table are processed (i.e. a 100% sample), often referred to as computed statistics. Oracle Database
11g introduced a new sampling algorithm that is hash based and provides deterministic statistics. This new approach has an accuracy
close to a 100% sample but with the cost of, at most, a 10% sample. The new algorithm is used when ESTIMATE_PERCENT is set to
AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE (the default) in any of the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures. Prior to Oracle Database 11g, DBAs
often set the ESTIMATE_PRECENT parameter to a low value to ensure that the statistics would be gathered quickly. However, without
detailed testing, it is difficult to know which sample size to use to get accurate statistics. It is highly recommended that from Oracle
Database 11g onwards that the default AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE is used for ESTIMATE_PRECENT. This is especially important because
the newer histogram types (HYBRID and Top-Frequency) can only be created if an auto sample size is used.
Many systems still include old statistics gathering scripts that manually set estimate percent, so when upgrading to Oracle Database
19c, consider using the PREFERENCE_OVERRIDES_PARAMETER preference (see above) to enforce the use of auto sample size.
The METHOD_OPT parameter controls the creation of histograms
during statistics collection. Histograms are a special type of column
statistic created to provide more detailed information on the data distribution in a table column.
The default and recommended value for METHOD_OPT is FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO, which means that histograms will be
created for columns that are likely to benefit from having
them. A column is a candidate for a histogram if it is used in equality or range
predicates such as WHERE col1= 'X' or WHERE col1 BETWEEN 'A' and 'B' and, in particular, if it has a skew in the distribution of
column values. The optimizer knows which columns are used in query predicates because this information is tracked and stored in the
dictionary table SYS.COL_USAGE$.
Some DBAs prefer to tightly control when and what histograms are created. The recommended approach to achieve is to use
SET_TABLE_PREFS to specify which histograms to create on a table-by-table basis. For example, here is how you can specify that
SALES must have histograms on col1 and col2 only:
'for all columns size 1 for columns size 254 col1 col2');
It is possible to specify columns that must have histograms (col1 and col2) and, in addition, allow the optimizer to decide if additional
histograms are useful:
'for all columns size auto for columns size 254 col1 col2');
More information on the creation of histograms can be found in part one of this white paper series:
Understanding Optimizer Statistics Oracle Database 19c
8 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Histogram creation is disabled if METHOD_OPT is set to 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1'. For example, you can change the
DBMS_STATS global preference for METHOD_OPT so that histograms are not created by default:
'for all columns size 1');
Unwanted histograms can be dropped without dropping all column statistics by using DBMS_STATS.DELETE_COLUMN_STATS and
setting the col_stat_type to ‘HISTOGRAM’.
Manual Statistics Collection
If you already have a well-established statistics gathering procedure or if for some other reason you want to disable automatic statistics
gathering for your main application schema, consider leaving it on for the dictionary tables. You can do so by changing the value of
AUTOSTATS_TARGET parameter to ORACLE instead of AUTO using DBMS_STATS.SET_GLOBAL_PREFS procedure.
exec dbms_stats.set_global_prefs('autostats_target','oracle')
To manually gather statistics you should use the PL/SQL DBMS_STATS package. The obsolete, ANALYZE command should not be
used. The package DBMS_STATS provides multiple DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures to gather statistics on user schema
objects as well as dictionary and fixed objects. Ideally you should let all of the parameters for these procedures default except for
schema name and object name. The defaults and adaptive parameter settings chosen by the Oracle are sufficient in most cases:
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('sh','sales')
As mentioned above, if it does become necessary to change the default value of one of the statistics gathering parameters, using the
DBMS_STATS.SET_*_PREF procedures to make the change at the smallest scope possible, ideally on a per-object bases.
Pending Statistics
When making changes to the default values of the parameter in the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS procedures, it is highly
recommended that you validate those changes before making the change in a production environment. If you don’t have a full scale test
environment you should take advantage of pending statistics. With pending statistics, instead of going into the usual dictionary tables,
the statistics are stored in pending tables so that they can be enabled and tested in a controlled fashion before they are published and
used system-wide. To activate pending statistics collection, you need to use one of the DBMS_STATS.SET_*_PREFS procedures to
change value of the parameter PUBLISH from TRUE (default) to FALSE for the object(s) you wish to create pending statistics for. In the
example below, pending statistics are enabled on the SALES table in the SH schema and then statistics are gathered on the SALES
exec dbms_stats.set_table_prefs('sh','sales','publish','false')
Gather statistics on the object(s) as normal:
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('sh','sales')
The statistics gathered for these objects can be displayed using the dictionary views called USER_*_PENDING_STATS.
You can enable the usage of pending statistics by issuing an alter session command to set the initialization parameter
OPTIMIZER_USE_PENDING_STATS to TRUE. After enabling pending statistics, any SQL workload run in this session will use the new
non-published statistics. For tables accessed in the workload that do not have pending statistics the optimizer will use the current
statistics in the standard data dictionary tables. Once you have validated the pending statistics, you can publish them using the
exec dbms_stats.publish_pending_stats('sh','sales')
9 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
In order to select an optimal execution plan the optimizer must have representative statistics. Representative statistics are not
necessarily up to the minute statistics but a set of statistics that help the optimizer to determine the correct number of rows it should
expect from each operation in the execution plan.
Automatic Statistics Gathering Task
Oracle automatically collects statistics for all database objects, which are missing statistics or have stale statistics during a predefined
maintenance window (10pm to 2am weekdays and 6am to 2am at the weekends). You can change the maintenance window that the
job will run in via Enterprise Manager or using the DBMS_SCHEDULER and DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN packages.
Figure 3: Changing the maintenance window during which the auto stats gathering job runs
If you already have a well-established statistics gathering procedure or if for some other reason you want to disable automatic statistics
gathering you can disable the task altogether:
client_name=>'auto optimizer stats collection',
10 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Manual Statistics Collection
If you plan to manually maintain optimizer statistics you will need to determine when statistics should be gathered.
You can determine when statistics should be gathered based on staleness, as it is for the automatic job, or based on when new data is
loaded in your environment. It is not recommended to continually re-gather statistics if the underlying data has not changed significantly
as this will unnecessarily waste system resources.
If data is only loaded into your environment during a pre-defined ETL or ELT job then the statistics gathering operations can be
scheduled as part of this process. You should try and take advantage of online statistics gathering and incremental statistics as part of
your statistics maintenance strategy.
Online Statistics Gathering for Direct Path Load
Online statistics gathering for direct path load “piggybacks” statistics gather as part of a direct-path data loading operation such as,
create table as select (CTAS) and insert as select (IAS) operations. Gathering statistics as part of the data loading operation means no
additional full data scan is required to have statistics available immediately after the data is loaded.
Figure 4: Online statistic gathering provides both table and column statistics for newly created SALES2 table
11 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Online statistics gathering does not gather histograms or index statistics, as these types of statistics require additional data scans,
which could have a large impact on the performance of the data load. To gather the necessary histogram and index statistics without
re-gathering the base column statistics use the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS procedure with the new options parameter set
to GATHER AUTO. Note that for performance reasons, GATHER AUTO builds histogram using a sample of rows rather than all rows in
the table.
Figure 5: Set options to GATHER AUTO creates histograms on SALES2 table without regarding the base statistics
The notes column “HISTOGRAM_ONLY” indicates that histograms were gathered without re-gathering basic column statistics. There
are two ways to confirm online statistics gathering has occurred: check the execution plan to see if the new row source OPTIMIZER
STATISTICS GATHERING appears in the plan or look in the new notes column of the USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS table for the
Figure 6: Execution plan for an on-line statistics gathering operation
Since online statistics gathering was designed to have a minimal impact on the performance of a direct path load operation it can only
occur when data is being loaded into an empty object. To ensure online statistics gathering kicks in when loading into a new partition of
an existing table, use extended syntax to specify the partition explicitly. In this case partition level statistics will be created but global
level (table level) statistics will not be updated. If incremental statistics have been enabled on the partitioned table a synopsis will be
created as part of the data load operation.
Online statistics gathering can be disabled for individual SQL statements using the NO_GATHER_OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS hint.
12 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
High-frequency Optimizer Statistics Collection
This Oracle Database 19c new feature is available on certain Oracle Database platforms. Check the Oracle Database Licensing Guide for more
Stale statistics can mislead the optimizer and, in some cases, can result in sub-optimal execution plans. To help address this, automatic
optimizer statistics collection was introduced in Oracle 11g. The automated maintenance task infrastructure schedules statistics
gathering to occur in maintenance windows. By default, one window is scheduled for each day of the week and statistics collection runs
in all predefined maintenance windows.
For highly volatile environments, where data changes drastically in a short period time, daily statistics gathering may not be sufficient to
ensure that SQL execution plans remain optimal.
New to Oracle Database 19c, high-frequency automatic statistics collection is introduced as a complement to the existing auto task and
real-time statistics (see below).
An automatic task frequently inspects the database to establish if there are any stale statistics. If stale statistics are found they will be
refreshed. This process is decoupled from the maintenance window.
This feature is enabled as follows:
SQL> exec dbms_stats.set_global_prefs('AUTO_TASK_STATUS','ON') /* OFF to disable */
Where considered necessary, the DBA can customize the frequency of inspection and the maximum run-time for gathering statistics
(per iteration) according to the requirements of a particular system. Note that the existing automatic statistics collection running in the
predefined maintenance window will not be affected, and high-frequency automatic statistics task will not start while statistics are being
gathered in the maintenance window. Defaults can be adjusted as follow, and the units are in seconds:
SQL> exec dbms_stats.set_global_prefs('AUTO_TASK_INTERVAL','900') /* This is the default */
SQL> exec dbms_stats.set_global_prefs('AUTO_TASK_MAX_RUN_TIME','3600') /* This is the default */
Current settings can be viewed as follows:
SQL> select dbms_stats.get_prefs('AUTO_TASK_STATUS') from dual;
SQL> select dbms_stats.get_prefs('AUTO_TASK_INTERVAL') from dual;
SQL> select dbms_stats.get_prefs('AUTO_TASK_MAX_RUN_TIME') from dual;
In contrast to the automatic statistics collection job, which will be invoked during the maintenance window, the high-frequency task will
only take care of gathering statistics for stale objects. Other auxiliary actions (such as calling stats advisor) are done during the
maintenance window.
Execution statistics available in the following DBA view:
select start_time, end_time, failed, timed_out
where origin = 'HIGH_FREQ_AUTO_TASK'
order by start_time;
13 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Real-time Statistics
This Oracle Database 19c new feature is available on certain Oracle Database platforms. Check the Oracle Database Licensing Guide for more
As mentioned above, stale statistics can result in sub-optimal SQL execution plans and keeping them accurate in highly volatile
systems can be challenging. High-frequency statistics gathering helps to resolving this, but a more ideal solution would be to maintain
statistics as changes to the data in the database are made.
Real-time statistics extends statistic gathering techniques to the conventional DML operations INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE. When
these DML operations are executed on the data in the database, the most essential optimizer statistics are maintained in real time. This
applies both the individual row and bulk operations.
Real-time statistics augment those collected by the automatic statistics gathering job, high-frequency stats gathering or those gathered
manually using the DBMS_STATS API. An accurate picture of the data in the database is therefore maintained at all times, which
results in more optimal SQL execution plans.
Real-time statistics are managed automatically, and no intervention from the database administrator is required. Developers may
choose to disable online statistics gathering for individual SQL statements using the NO_GATHER_OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS hint.
Real-time statistics can be viewed as follows:
select table_name, num_rows, blocks
from user_tab_statistics
select table_name, column_name, low_value, high_value
from user_tab_col_statistics
Note that real-time statistics are calculated in real time and the values are persisted to disk periodically. It can take a few minutes for
the values to appear in the data dictionary views.
14 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
The use of real-time statistics is revealed in the SQL execution plan:
SQL_ID 9uq8aaahp0b3u, child number 0
select count(*) from load where a < 10
Plan hash value: 3743925786
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 7 (100)| |
| 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 6 | | |
|* 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| LOAD | 10000 | 60000 | 7 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("A"<10)
- dynamic statistics used: statistics for conventional DML
Incremental Statistics and Partition Exchange Data Loading
Gathering statistics on partitioned tables consists of gathering statistics at both the table level (global statistics) and (sub)partition level.
preference for a partitioned table is set to TRUE, the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_*_STATS parameter GRANULARITY
includes GLOBAL, and ESTIMATE_PERCENT is set to AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, Oracle will accurately derive all global level statistics
by scanning only those partitions that have been added or modified, and not the entire table. Incremental global statistics works by
storing a synopsis for each partition in the table. A synopsis is statistical metadata for that partition and the columns in the partition.
Aggregating the partition level statistics and the synopses from each partition will accurately generate global level statistics, thus
eliminating the need to scan the entire table. When a new partition is added to the table, you only need to gather statistics for the new
partition. The table level statistics will be automatically and accurately calculated using the new partition synopsis and the existing
partitions’ synopses.
Note that partition statistics are not aggregated from subpartition statistics when incremental statistics are enabled.
If you are using partition exchange loads and wish to take advantage of incremental statistics, you will need to set the DBMS_STATS
table preference INCREMENTAL_LEVEL on the non-partitioned table to identify that it will be used in partition exchange load. By setting
the INCREMENTAL_LEVEL to TABLE (default is PARTITION), Oracle will automatically create a synopsis for the table when statistics
are gathered on it. This table level synopsis will then become the partition level synopsis after the exchange.
However, if your environment has more trickle feeds or online transactions that only insert a small number of rows but these operations
occur throughout the day, you will need to determine when your statistics are stale and then trigger the automated statistics gathering
task. If you plan to rely on the STALE_STATS column in USER_TAB_STATISTICS to determine if statistics are stale you should be
aware that this information is updated on a daily basis only. If you need more timely information on what DML has occurred on your
tables you will need to look in USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS, which lists the number of INSERTS, UPDATES, and DELETES that occurs
on each table, whether the table has been truncated (TRUNCATED column) and calculate staleness yourself. Again, you should note this
information is automatically updated, from memory, periodically. If you need the latest information you will need to manual flush the
information using the DBMS_STATS.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO function.
More information can be found in part one of this white paper series,
Understanding Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
15 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Preventing "Out of Range" Condition
Regardless of whether you use the automated statistics gathering task or you manually gather statistics, if end-users start to query
newly inserted data before statistics have been gathered, it is possible to get a suboptimal execution plan due to stale statistics, even if
less than 10% of the rows have changed in the table. One of the most common cases of this occurs when the value supplied in a where
clause predicate is outside the domain of values represented by the [minimum, maximum] column statistics. This is commonly known
as an ‘out-of-range’ error. In this case, the optimizer prorates the selectivity based on the distance between the predicate value, and the
maximum value (assuming the value is higher than the max), that is, the farther the value is from the maximum or minimum value, the
lower the selectivity will be.
This scenario is very common with range partitioned tables. A new partition is added to an existing range partitioned table, and rows
are inserted into just that partition. End-users begin to query this new data before statistics have been gathered on this new partition.
For partitioned tables, you can use the DBMS_STATS.COPY_TABLE_STATS
procedure (available from Oracle Database
onwards) to prevent "Out of Range" conditions. This procedure copies the statistics of a representative source [sub] partition to the
newly created and empty destination [sub] partition. It also copies the statistics of the dependent objects: columns, local (partitioned)
indexes, etc. and sets the high bound partitioning value as the max value of the partitioning column and high bound partitioning value of
the previous partition as the min value of the partitioning column. The copied statistics should only be considered as temporary solution
until it is possible to gather accurate statistics for the partition. Copying statistics should not be used as a substitute for actually
gathering statistics.
Note by default, DBMS_STATS.COPY_TABLE_STATS only adjust partition statistics and not global or table level statistics. If you want
the global level statistics to be updated for the partition column as part of the copy you need to set the flags parameter of the
For non-partitioned tables you can manually set the max value for a column using the DBMS_STATS.SET_COLUMN_STATS procedure.
This approach is not recommended in general and is not a substitute for actually gathering statistics.
'Real-time Statistics' mitigates the risk of encountering out of range scenarios see page 13.
Understanding Optimizer Statistics With Oracle Database 19c
16 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Good quality statistics are essential to be able to generate optimal SQL execution plans, but sometimes statistics can be of poor quality
and this fact could remain unnoticed. For example, older “inherited” systems might use scripts that are no longer understood by the
database administrators and, understandably, there is a reluctance to change them. However, because Oracle continuously enhances
statistics gathering features it is possible that best practice recommendations will be neglected.
For these reasons, Oracle Database 19c an advisor called the Optimizer Statistics Advisor to help you to improve the quality of
statistics in the database. This diagnostic software analyzes information in the data dictionary, assesses the quality of statistics and
discovers how statistics are being gathered. It will report on poor and missing statistics and generate recommendations to resolve these
The principle behind its operation is to apply best-practice Rules to uncover potential problems. These problems are reported as a
series of Findings, which in turn can lead to specific Recommendations. Recommendations can be implemented automatically using
Actions (either immediately or via an auto-generated script to be executed by the database administrator).
Figure 7: The Optimizer Statistics Advisor
The advisor task runs automatically in the maintenance window, but it can also be run on demand. The HTML or text report generated
by the advisor can be viewed at any time and the actions can be implemented at any time.
Figure 8 illustrates an example of a specific rule that leads to a finding, a recommendation and then an action to resolve the problem:
Figure 8: Example of a rule, finding, recommendation and action.
17 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
The advisor task gathers and stores data in the data dictionary. It is a low performance overhead operation because it performs an
analysis of optimizer statistics and statistics gathering information (that’s already held in the data dictionary). It does not perform a
secondary analysis of data stored in application schema objects.
Figure 9: Reading the data dictionary, executing the task via a filter and storing the results.
Once the task is complete, the report can be generated in HTML or text format and an action (SQL) script can be created too.
Figure 10: Reporting on the advisor task and generating the action SQL script.
It is a simple matter to view the report generated by the automated task:
select dbms_stats.report_advisor_task('auto_stats_advisor_task') as report from dual;
Alternatively, users with the ADVISOR privilege can execute the task manually and report on the results using the following three-step
tname VARCHAR2(32767) := 'demo'; -- task name
tname := dbms_stats.create_advisor_task(tname);
tname VARCHAR2(32767) := 'demo'; -- task name
ename VARCHAR2(32767) := NULL; -- execute name
ename := dbms_stats.execute_advisor_task(tname);
SELECT dbms_stats.report_advisor_task('demo') AS report
FROM dual;
The actions generated by the advisor can be implemented immediately:
tname VARCHAR2 (32767) := 'demo'; -- task name
impl_result CLOB; -- report of
impl_result := dbms_stats.implement_advisor_task(tname);
In addition, Oracle Database 19c Real Application Testing includes useful performance assurance features such as SQL Performance
Advisor Quick Check.
18 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
As data volumes grow and maintenance windows shrink, it is more important than ever to gather statistics in a timely manner. Oracle
offers a variety of ways to speed up the statistics collection, from parallelizing the statistics gathering operations to generating statistics
rather than collecting them.
Using Parallelism
Parallelism can be leveraged in several ways for statistics collection
Using the DEGREE parameter
Concurrent statistics gathering
A combination of both DEGREE and concurrent gathering
The DBMS_STATS, DEGREE parameter controls the number of parallel execution processes that will be used to gather the statistics.
By default Oracle uses the same number of parallel server processes specified as an attribute of the table in the data dictionary
(Degree of Parallelism). All tables in an Oracle database have this attribute set to 1 by default. It may be useful to explicitly set this
parameter for the statistics collection on a large table to speed up statistics collection.
Alternatively you can set DEGREE to AUTO_DEGREE; Oracle will automatically determine the appropriate number of parallel server
processes that should be used to gather statistics, based on the size of an object. The value can be between 1 (serial execution) for
small objects to DEFAULT_DEGREE (PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU X CPU_COUNT) for larger objects.
Figure 11: Using parallelism via the DEGREE parameter
You should note that setting the DEGREE for a partitioned table means that multiple parallel sever processes will be used to gather
statistics on each partition but the statistics will not be gathered concurrently on the different partitions. Statistics will be gathered on
each partition one after the other.
Concurrent Statistic Gathering
Concurrent statistics gathering enables statistics to be gathered on multiple tables in a schema (or database), and multiple
(sub)partitions within a table concurrently. Gathering statistics on multiple tables and (sub)partitions concurrently can reduce the overall
time it takes to gather statistics by allowing Oracle to fully utilize a multi-processor environment.
Concurrent statistics gathering is controlled by the global preference, CONCURRENT, which can be set to MANUAL, AUTOMATIC, ALL,
OFF. By default it is set to OFF. When CONCURRENT is enabled, Oracle employs Oracle Job Scheduler and Advanced Queuing
components to create and manage multiple statistics gathering jobs concurrently.
Calling DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS on a partitioned table when CONCURRENT is set to MANUAL or ALL, causes Oracle to
create a separate statistics gathering job for each (sub)partition in the table. How many of these jobs will execute concurrently, and how
many will be queued is based on the number of available job queue processes (JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES initialization parameter, per
node on a RAC environment) and the available system resources. As the currently running jobs complete, more jobs will be dequeued
and executed until all of the (sub)partitions have had their statistics gathered.
19 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DICTIONARY_STATS, then Oracle will create a separate statistics gathering job for each non-partitioned table,
and each (sub)partition for the partitioned tables. Each partitioned table will also have a coordinator job that manages its (sub)partition
jobs. The database will then run as many concurrent jobs as possible, and queue the remaining jobs until the executing jobs complete.
However, to prevent possible deadlock scenarios multiple partitioned tables cannot be processed simultaneously. Hence, if there are
some jobs running for a partitioned table, other partitioned tables in a schema (or database or dictionary) will be queued until the
current one completes. There is no such restriction for non-partitioned tables.
Figure 12 illustrates the creation of jobs at different levels, when a DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS command has been issued
on the SH schema. Oracle will create a statistics gathering job (Level 1 in Figure 12) for each of the non-partitioned tables;
Oracle will create a coordinator job for each partitioned table: SALES and COSTS, which in turn creates a statistics gathering job for
each of partition in SALES and COSTS tables, respectively (Level 2 in Figure 12).
Figure 12: List of the statistics gathering job created when Concurrent Statistics Gathering occurs on the SH schema
Each of the individual statistics gathering jobs can also take advantage of parallel execution if the DEGREE parameter is specified.
If a table, partition, or sub-partition is very small or empty, the database may automatically batch the object with other small objects into
a single job to reduce the overhead of job maintenance.
Configuring Concurrent Statistics Gathering
The concurrency setting for statistics gathering is turned off by default. It can be turned on as follows:
exec dbms_stats.set_global_prefs('concurrent', 'all')
You will also need some additional privileges above and beyond the regular privileges required to gather statistics. The user must have
the following Job Scheduler and AQ privileges:
20 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
The SYSAUX tablespace should be online, as the Job Scheduler stores its internal tables and views in SYSAUX tablespace. Finally, the
JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter should be set to fully utilize all of the system resources available (or allocated) for the statistics
gathering process. If you don't plan to use parallel execution you should set the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES to 2 X total number of CPU
cores (this is a per node parameter in a RAC environment). Please make sure that you set this parameter system-wise (ALTER
SYSTEM ... or in init.ora file) rather than at the session level (ALTER SESSION).
If you are going to use parallel execution as part of concurrent statistics gathering you should disable the parallel adaptive multi user:
ALTER SYSTEM SET parallel_adaptive_multi_user=false;
Resource manager must be activated using, for example:
ALTER SYSTEM SET resource_manager_plan = 'DEFAULT_PLAN';
It is also recommended that you enable parallel statement queuing. This requires resource manager to be activated, and the creation of
a temporary resource plan where the consumer group "OTHER_GROUPS" should have queuing enabled. By default, Resource Manager
is activated only during the maintenance windows. The following script illustrates one way of creating a temporary resource plan
(pqq_test), and enabling the Resource Manager with this plan.
-- connect as a user with dba privileges
dbms_resource_manager.create_plan('pqq_test', 'pqq_test');
'OTHER_GROUPS directive for pqq',
parallel_target_percentage => 90);
If you want the automated statistics gathering task to take advantage of concurrency, set CONCURRENT to either AUTOMATIC or ALL. A
new ORA$AUTOTASK consumer group has been added to the Resource Manager plan used during the maintenance window, to ensure
concurrent statistics gathering does not use too much of the system resources.
Although the optimizer needs accurate statistics to select an optimal plan, there are scenarios where gathering statistics can be difficult,
too costly, or cannot be accomplished in a timely manner and an alternative strategy is required.
Volatile Tables
A volatile table is one where the volume of data changes dramatically over time. For example, an orders queue table, which at the start
of the day the table is empty. As the day progresses and orders are placed the table begins to fill up. Once each order is processed it is
deleted from the tables, so by the end of the day the table is empty again. If you relied on the automatic statistics gather job to maintain
statistics on such tables then the statistics would always show the table was empty because it was empty over night when the job ran.
However, during the course of the day the table may have hundreds of thousands of rows in it.
In scenarios such as this, you may choose to rely on high-frequency statistics gathering instead (see above) - assuming your planform
and database version supports it. Alternatively, it is often appropriate to gather a representative set of statistics for the table during the
day when the table is populated and then lock them. Locking the statistics will prevent high-frequency statistics gathering and the
automated statistics gathering job from overwriting them. This approach is especially applicable for highly volatile tables where the
number of rows grows and shrinks significantly during the course of the day.
Alternatively, you can rely on dynamic sampling to gather statistics on these tables. The optimizer uses dynamic sampling during the
compilation of a SQL statement to gather basic statistics on the tables before optimizing the statement. Although the statistics gathered
by dynamic sampling are not as high a quality or as complete as the statistics gathered using the DBMS_STATS package, they are often
good enough in many cases.
21 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Global Temporary Tables
Global temporary tables are often used to store intermediate results in an application context. A global temporary table shares its
definition system-wide with all users with appropriate privileges, but the data content is always session-private. No physical storage is
allocated unless data is inserted into the table. A global temporary table can be transaction specific (delete rows on commit) or session-
specific (preserves rows on commit). Gathering statistics on transaction specific tables leads to the truncation of the table. In contrast, it
is possible to gather statistics on a global temporary table (that persist rows) but in previous releases its wasn’t always a good idea as
all sessions using the GTT had to share a single set of statistics so a lot of systems relied on dynamic statistics.
However, in Oracle Database 19c, it is possible to have a separate set of statistics for every session using a GTT. Statistics sharing on
a GTT is controlled using a new DBMS_STATS preference GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE_STATS. By default the preference is set to SESSION,
meaning each session accessing the GTT will have its own set of statistics. The optimizer will try to use session statistics first but if
session statistics do not exist, then optimizer will use shared statistics.
Figure 13: Changing the default behavior of not sharing statistics on a GTT to forcing statistics sharing
If you have upgraded from Oracle Database 11g and if database applications have not been modified to take advantage of SESSION
statistics for GTTs, you may want to keep GTT behavior consistent with the pre-upgrade environment by setting the DBMS_STATS
preference GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE_STATS to SHARED (at least until applications have been updated).
22 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
When populating a GTT (that persists rows on commit) using a direct path operation, session level statistics will be automatically
created due to online statistics gathering, which will remove the necessity to run additional statistics gathering command and will not
impact the statistics used by any other session.
Figure 14: Populating a GTT using a direct path operation results in session level statistics being automatically gathered
Intermediate Work Tables
Intermediate work tables are typically seen as part of an ELT process or a complex transaction. These tables are written to only once,
read once, and then truncated or deleted. In such cases the cost of gathering statistics outweighs the benefit, since the statistics will be
used just once. Instead dynamic sampling should be used in these cases. It is recommended you lock statistics on intermediate work
tables that are persistent to prevent the automated statistics gathering task from attempting to gather statistics on them.
Since the Cost Based Optimizer is now the only supported optimizer, all tables in the database need to have statistics, including all of
the dictionary tables (tables owned by SYS,SYSTEM, etc., and residing in the system and SYSAUX tablespace) and the x$ tables used
by the dynamic v$ performance views.
Dictionary Statistics
Statistics on the dictionary tables are maintained via the automated statistics gathering task run during the nightly maintenance window.
It is highly recommended that you allow the automated statistics gather task to maintain dictionary statistics even if you choose to
switch off the automatic statistics gathering job for your main application schema. You can do this by changing the value of
exec dbms_stats.set_global_prefs('autostats_target','oracle')
23 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
Fixed Object Statistics
Fixed object statistics are collected by the automated statistics gathering task if they have not been previously collected. Beyond that,
the database does not gather fixed object statistics. Unlike other database tables, dynamic sampling is not automatically used for SQL
statements involving X$ tables when optimizer statistics are missing so the optimizer uses predefined default values for the statistics if
they are missing. These defaults may not be representative and could potentially lead to a suboptimal execution plan, which could
cause severe performance problems in your system. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend you manually gather fixed objects
You can collect statistics on fixed objects using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECTS_STATS procedure. Because of the transient
nature of the x$ tables it is import that you gather fixed object statistics when there is a representative workload on the system. This
may not always be feasible on large systems due to additional resources needed to gather the statistics. If you can’t do it during peak
load you should do it after the system has warmed up and the three key types of fixed object tables have been populated:
Structural data - for example, views covering datafiles, controlfile contents, etc.
Session based data - for example, v$session, v$access, etc.
Workload data - for example, v$sql, v$sql_plan, etc.
It is recommended that you re-gather fixed object statistics if you do a major database or application upgrade, implement a new
module, or make changes to the database configuration. For example if you increase the SGA size then all of the x$ tables that contain
information about the buffer cache and shared pool may change significantly, such as x$ tables used in v$buffer_pool or
System Statistics
System statistics enable the optimizer to cost an execution plan by using information about the actual system hardware executing the
statement, such as CPU speed and IO performance.
System statistics are automatically initialized with default values, which are suitable for most systems. Oracle recommends that you do
not gather them independently of this mechanism (i.e. there is no requirement to use the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS API).
24 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
In order for the Oracle Optimizer to accurately determine the cost for an execution plan it must have accurate statistics about all of the
objects (table and indexes) accessed in the SQL statement and information about the system on which the SQL statement will be run.
This two part white paper series explains in detail what optimizer statistics are necessary, how they are used, and the different statistics
collection method available to you.
By using a combination of the automated statistics gathering task and the other techniques described in this paper a DBA can maintain
an accurate set of statistics for their environment and ensure the optimizer always has the necessary information in order to select the
most optimal plan. Once a statistics gathering strategy has been put in place, changes to the strategy should be done in a controlled
manner and take advantage of key features such as pending statistics to ensure they do not have an adverse effect on application
25 WHITE PAPER / Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
1. Oracle white paper: Understanding Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19c
2. Oracle white paper: Optimizer with Oracle Database 19c
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White Paper Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 19cSQL Plan Management in Oracle Database 19cSql Plan
Management In Oracle Database 19c
December 2019December 2019
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