CRR Supplemental Resource Guide
ume 1
Asset Management
Version 1.1
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Copyright 2016 Carnegie Mellon University
This material is based upon work funded and supported by Department of Homeland Security under Contract
No. FA8721-05-C-0003 with Carnegie Mellon University for the operation of the Software Engineering
Institute, a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the United States Department of
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Department of Homeland Security or the United States
Department of Defense.
[Distribution Statement A] This material has been approved for public release and unlimited distribution.
Please see Copyright notice for non-US Government use and distribution.
CERT® and OCTAVE® are registered marks of Carnegie Mellon University.
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Table of Contents
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Series Welcome ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Audience .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Asset Management .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Plan for Asset Management ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Identify the Assets ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Document the Assets ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Manage the Assets .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Summary of Steps ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
III. Plan for Asset Management ................................................................................................................................... 8
Before You Begin ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Step 1. Obtain support for asset management planning. ........................................................................................... 9
Step 2. Identify services. ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Step 3. Prioritize services. ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Step 4. Establish a common definition of assets. ..................................................................................................... 11
Output of Section III ................................................................................................................................................. 13
IV. Identify the Assets ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Step 1. Assign responsibility for identifying assets that support critical services. .................................................... 14
Step 2. Identify people assets. ................................................................................................................................. 16
Step 3. Identify information assets. .......................................................................................................................... 17
Step 4. Identify technology assets. .......................................................................................................................... 19
Step 5. Identify facility assets. .................................................................................................................................. 19
Output of Section IV ................................................................................................................................................. 20
V. Document the Assets ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Step 1. Create an asset inventory. ........................................................................................................................... 21
Step 2. Document the relationships between assets and critical services. .............................................................. 22
Step 3. Analyze dependencies between assets supporting multiple services. ......................................................... 22
Step 4. Update the asset inventory. ......................................................................................................................... 23
Output of Section V .................................................................................................................................................. 23
VI. Manage the Assets ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Step 1. Identify change criteria. ............................................................................................................................... 24
Step 2. Establish a change schedule. ...................................................................................................................... 25
Step 3. Manage changes to assets and inventory. .................................................................................................. 27
Step 4. Update asset inventory when changes occur. ............................................................................................. 28
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Step 5. Improve the process. ................................................................................................................................... 29
Outputs of Section VI ............................................................................................................................................... 29
VII. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix A. Asset Profile Catalog ........................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix B. Service Catalog .................................................................................................................................... 32
Appendix C. Asset Management Resources ........................................................................................................... 33
Appendix D. CRR/CERT-RMM Practice/NIST CSF Subcategory Reference .......................................................... 34
Endnotes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
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I. Introduction
Series Welcome
Welcome to the CRR Supplemental Resource Guide series! This document was developed by the Department
of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cyber Security Evaluation Program (CSEP). It is the first of 10 resource guides
intended to help organizations implement practices identified as considerations for improvement during a
Cyber Resilience Review (CRR).
The CRR is an interview-based assessment that captures an understanding
and qualitative measurement of an organization’s operational resilience for IT operations. Operational
resilience indicates the organization’s ability to adapt to risk that affects its core operational capacities.
It also
highlights the organization’s ability to manage operational risks to critical services and associated assets during
normal operations as well as times of operational stress and crisis. The guides were developed for
organizations that have participated in a CRR, but are useful to any organization interested in implementing or
maturing operational resilience capabilities for critical IT services.
The 10 domains covered by the CRR Resource Guide series are
1. Asset Management This guide
2. Controls Management
3. Configuration and Change Management
4. Vulnerability Management
5. Incident Management
6. Service Continuity Management
7. Risk Management
8. External Dependencies Management
9. Training and Awareness
10. Situational Awareness
The objective of the CRR is to allow organizations to measure the performance of fundamental cybersecurity
practices. DHS introduced the CRR in 2011. In 2014, DHS launched the Critical Infrastructure Cyber
Community or C³ (pronounced “C Cubed”) Voluntary Program to assist the enhancement of critical
infrastructure cybersecurity and to encourage the adoption of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). The NIST CSF provides a common taxonomy and
mechanism for organizations to
1. describe their current cybersecurity posture
2. describe their target state for cybersecurity
3. identify and prioritize opportunities for improvement within the context of a continuous and repeatable
4. assess progress toward the target state
5. communicate among internal and external stakeholders about cybersecurity risk
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The CRR Self-Assessment Package includes a correlation of the practices measured in the CRR to criteria of
the NIST CSF. An organization can use the output of the CRR to approximate its conformance with the NIST
CSF. Be aware that the CRR and NIST CSF are based on different catalogs of practice. As a result, an
organization’s fulfillment of CRR practices and capabilities may either fall short of or exceed the
corresponding practices and capabilities in the NIST CSF.
Each resource guide in this series has the same basic structure but can be used independently. Each guide
focuses on the development of plans and artifacts that support the implementation and execution of operational
resilience capabilities. Organizations using more than one resource guide will be able to make use of
complementary materials and suggestions to optimize their adoption approach. For example, this Asset
Management guide outlines how to identify and document critical assets, which can then be used as the basis
for identifying controls according to the Controls Management guide.
Each guide derives its information from best practices described in a number of sources, but primarily from the
Resilience Management Model (CERT
The CERT-RMM is a maturity model for managing
and improving operational resilience, developed by the CERT Division of Carnegie Mellon University’s
Software Engineering Institute (SEI). This model is meant to
guide the implementation and management of operational resilience activities
converge key operational risk management activities
define maturity through capability levels
enable maturity measurement against the model
improve an organization’s confidence in its response to operational stress and crisis
The CERT-RMM provides the framework from which the CRR is derivedin other words, the CRR method
bases its goals and practices on the CERT-RMM process areas.
This guide is intended for organizations seeking help in establishing an asset management process. To outline
this process, this document will use an approach common to many asset management standards and guidelines.
The process areas described include
planning for asset management
identifying the assets
documenting the assets
managing the assets
More specifically this guide
educates and informs readers about the asset management process
promotes a common understanding of the need for an asset management process
identifies and describes key practices for asset management
provides examples and guidance to organizations wishing to implement these practices
The guide is structured as follows:
I. Introduction—Introduces the CRR Supplemental Resource Guide series and describes the content and
structure of these documents.
II. Asset ManagementPresents an overview of the asset management process and establishes some
basic terminology.
CERT® is a registered mark owned by Carnegie Mellon University.
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III. Plan for Asset ManagementHighlights the elements necessary for an effective asset management
IV. Identify the AssetsPresents a process for identifying assets based on asset type.
V. Document the AssetsProvides an approach for documenting assets.
VI. Manage the AssetsOutlines a process for managing assets within the organization.
VII. Conclusion—Provides contacts and references for further information.
A. Asset Profile Catalog
B. Service Catalog
C. Asset Management Resources
D. CRR/CERT-RMM Practice/NIST CSF Subcategory Reference
The principal audience for this guide includes individuals responsible for designing, managing, or deploying
cybersecurity resilience controls, including executives who establish policies and priorities for asset
management, managers and planners who are responsible for converting executive decisions into plans, and
operations staff who implement the plans and participate in the implementation of organizational assets.
To learn more about the source documents for this guide and for other documents of interest, see Appendix C.
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II. Asset Management
Asset management establishes an organization’s inventory of high-value assets and defines how these assets
are managed during their lifecycle to ensure sustained productivity in support of the organization’s critical
services. The CRR defines four broad categories of assets: people, information, technology, and facilities. An
event that disrupts an asset can inhibit the organization from achieving its mission. An asset management
program helps identify appropriate strategies that will allow the assets to maintain productivity during
disruptive events.
The Asset Management domain focuses on the processes by which an organization plans, identifies,
documents, and manages the assets within the organization. The process depicted in Figure 1 helps the
organization ensure the asset management objectives are satisfied.
Plan for Asset
Identify Assets
Manage Assets
Figure 1: The Asset Management Process
This guide focuses on defining how assets are related to the services that allow an organization to achieve its
mission. An organization’s assets require various levels of management and staff to plan, identify, document,
and manage. The high-level outline below highlights the main areas of this domain and points the reader to the
corresponding details in this guide.
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Plan for Asset Management
Asset management gives an organization a snapshot of all the assets within the infrastructure at any given time.
Developing and following a plan is essential to efficient and effective asset management. Planning for asset
management includes obtaining support from higher level management to ensure that the process is funded,
staffed, and performed. Key activities include identifying all the mission-critical services the organization
performs or provides and prioritizing them according to their potential to disrupt operations should they fail.
The organization can then focus its resources to appropriately protect and sustain its assets. Finally, planning
for asset management requires the organization to establish a common definition of what constitutes an asset
within its infrastructure.
Important activities while planning for asset management covered in this guide include the following:
Obtain support for asset management planning.
Identify services.
Prioritize services.
Establish a common definition of assets.
A service is a set of activities that the organization carries out in the performance of a duty or in the production of a
Identify the Assets
A key component of this effort involves identifying the critical services and the assets that support them.
Responsibility for this effort should be delegated to a level appropriate for the critical service being considered.
This guide organizes assets into the following categories: people, information, technology, and facilities. It is
important to note that these assets may be internal to the organization or reside within a business partner or
other external entity.
Important activities while identifying assets include the following:
Assign responsibility for identifying assets supporting critical services.
Identify people assets.
Identify information assets.
Identify technology assets.
Identify facility assets.
Document the Assets
Once these assets have been identified, it is important to document them in order to understand their
relationship to the organization (e.g., internal, external), who is responsible for the asset, how well the asset is
protected from disruption, how important the asset is to the critical service, and any changes or updates that
may affect the asset throughout its lifecycle.
This documentation typically includes the following:
asset type (people, information, technology, or facilities)
categorization of asset by sensitivity (generally for information assets only)
asset location (typically where the custodian is managing the asset)
asset owners and custodians (especially if assets are external to the organization)
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format or form of the asset (particularly for information assets that might exist on paper or electronically)
location of asset backups or duplicates (particularly for information assets)
services that are dependent on the asset
value of the asset, either qualitative or quantitative
asset protection and sustainment requirements
Important activities while documenting assets include the following:
Create an asset inventory.
Document the relationships between assets and critical services.
Analyze dependencies between assets supporting multiple services.
Update the asset inventory.
Manage the Assets
The organization will need to manage its assets and inventories and takes steps to improve the process of asset
management. The organization should select tools and methods (configuration databases, drawings, change
control) to manage the assets and also determine how these tools are applied within.
Important activities in the asset management process include the following:
Identify change criteria.
Establish a change schedule.
Manage changes to assets and inventory.
Update asset inventory when changes occur.
Improve the process.
Summary of Steps
The following sections of this guide lay out the steps for developing a plan to implement the asset management
process as described above:
Plan for Asset Management
1. Obtain support for asset management planning.
2. Identify services.
3. Prioritize services.
4. Establish a common definition of assets.
Identify the Assets
1. Assign responsibility for identifying assets supporting critical services.
2. Identify people assets.
3. Identify information assets.
4. Identify technology assets.
5. Identify facility assets.
Document the Assets
1. Create an asset inventory.
2. Document the relationships between assets and critical services.
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3. Analyze dependencies between assets supporting multiple services.
4. Update the asset inventory.
Manage the Assets
1. Identify change criteria.
2. Establish a change schedule.
3. Manage changes to assets and inventory.
4. Update asset inventory when changes occur.
5. Improve the process.
Organizations that already have an asset management program can assess and improve it by using the guidance
in this Resource Guide.
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III. Plan for Asset Management
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin developing an asset management program.
Input Guidance
Scoping statement
This statement defines what the asset management program and plan need to address. Asset
management should cover, at a minimum, all assets that support critical organizational
services. Organizations that are not sure where to start should focus on the most essential
services and the areas that directly affect their mission. This approach may allow an
organization to address the areas of greatest risk first and mitigate their impact. If your
organization has participated in a CRR, it may be beneficial to begin with the critical service
addressed during the CRR. See Appendix D for a cross-reference between the CRR and this
List of stakeholders
The list of stakeholders should be aligned to
and include all
internal and external entities. Potential candidates include
executive and senior management
heads of business lines, especially critical services owners
information technology
board of directors
technology vendors
regulators and auditors
compliance personnel
Management support
An endorsement by senior management for establishing an asset management program and
An understanding and
acknowledgement of an
acceptable approach to
asset management
Acceptance from management for the intended approach to asset management, including
stakeholder expectations about acceptable risk tolerance for the identified critical assets and
Externally imposed
requirements for asset
Regulatory requirements defining mandatory requirements for asset definition; also includes
other needs such as service-level agreement requirements
Risks The list of categorized and prioritized risks
Assignment of
responsibility for asset
Job descriptions for roles that have responsibilities for asset management, for example,
executive ownership, decisions, communication, testing, and disruption risk management
Budget for asset
staffing resources
tools (applications and associated hardware)
third-party support
funding to correct asset management issues identified by the asset management
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Step 1. Obtain support for asset management planning.
Obtaining support from management is essential to ensuring that the asset management plan is effectively
implemented. A top-down approach often helps the asset management program meet the resilience objectives
of the organization. Management can demonstrate support by providing appropriate funding, oversight, and
staffing. A top-down approach also enables a consistent methodology for asset management to be implemented
across organizational boundaries.
The level of management support required depends on where assets reside within the organization. For an asset
management plan that addresses the entire organization, support at the senior executive level is necessary.
Smaller implementations, such as those at the service level, may only require sponsorship from the
management responsible for that particular service. For example, consider an electric utility that has four
business units providing the following services: generation, transmission, distribution, and business support.
An asset management program could be implemented for these services individually with sponsorship coming
from management for that business unit. Alternatively, senior management of the electric utility could require
a common asset management program for all business units.
Step 2. Identify services.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: Services are identified and prioritized.
1. Are services identified? [SC:SG2.SP1]
ID.BE: The organization’s mission, objectives, stakeholders, and
activities are understood and prioritized; this information is used to
inform cybersecurity roles, responsibilities, and risk management
Identifying assets within an organization can be a daunting task, so the organization should first identify the
services it provides. It can then identify assets by the services they support and divide the body of assets into
manageable pieces.
Services are defined as the limited number of activities that the organization carries out in the performance of a
duty or in the production of a product.
Services typically will align with a particular organization, but a
service can be shared between business units and cross organizational boundaries. For example, a large
organization’s global supply chain will cross many organizational boundaries. Possible sources of helpful
information in determining an organization’s services include
strategic plans
business plans
customer requests
standard work processes
Services can be both externally and internally focused. Externally focused services are typically customer
facing and are often the easiest services to identify because they involve a known commodity. For the external
services to achieve their missions, the organization should also consider its internal services (hiring processes,
performance reviews, training programs, etc.). Table 1 highlights different critical infrastructure organizations
and services they may provide.
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Table 1: Organizations and Example Critical Services
Organization Critical Service
Electric Utility Generation of electricity
Human resources (hiring qualified personnel)
Bank Loan processing for consumers
Online banking
Hospital Emergency medical services
Advanced medical research
Communications Utility Provide cable, telephony, and internet service
Technician training program
To facilitate the work done during this step of the process, the organization should consider a method of
documentation to keep track of the identified services. This can include documenting in a spreadsheet, a
configuration-controlled document, or a database. Appendix B provides an example of a service catalog in
spreadsheet form and the data an organization may want to capture. Each organization will have to determine
which tool best suits its needs. Documentation of assets is discussed further in Section V of this document.
External Services—services that are often customer facing and focus on specific products an organization produces or
Internal Servicedepartments, teams, processes, etc. that support the internal organizational units and allow the
organization to achieve its mission
Step 3. Prioritize services.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: Services are identified and prioritized.
2. Are services prioritized based on analysis of the potential
impact if the services are disrupted? [SC:SG2.SP1]
ID.BE: The organization’s mission, objectives, stakeholders, and
activities are understood and prioritized; this information is used to
inform cybersecurity roles, responsibilities, and risk management
ID.AM-5: Resources (e.g., hardware, devices, data, and software)
are prioritized based on their classification, criticality, and
business value.
After the organization has identified all of the services it provides, it should then prioritize those services.
High-value services are services that are critical to the success of the
organization’s mission.
Their failure
may prevent the organization from meeting strategic objectives. Figure 2 illustrates an example of how an
organization’s critical service can be disrupted, whether due to failures in processes or through failures of
specific assets such as information or technology.
Figure 2: Failure of Critical Service
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The organization must decide how to assign value to its own services. When assigning value and prioritizing
services, the organization should consider the following:
results from a business impacts analysis (BIA)
service/business continuity plans
consequences of risks to services identified during risk assessment activities
strategic objectives
safety classification
Once the organization has prioritized its services, it should document this information in the documentation
tool selected in the previous step.
By properly prioritizing services, an organization can proportionately allocate budget and resources for
resilience activities with the services that matter most, such as identifying assets.
See the Service Continuity Resource Guide, Volume 6 of this series. Also see the Service Continuity (SC) process area in
the CERT-RMM for additional information on identifying high-value services.
See the Risk Management Resource Guide, Volume 7 of this series. Also see the Risk Management process area in the
CERT-RMM for additional information on managing risks to services.
Step 4. Establish a common definition of assets.
After the organization develops an understanding of the services that are required to achieve its mission, it
needs to define an understanding of the assets that support those services. Assets are the raw materials that
services need in order to operate.
A service needs
People assets are the vital staff who operate and monitor the organization’s services. People who are internal to
the organization (and sometimes people who are external) are in charge of executing processes and procedures
to ensure that the services are achieving the organization’s mission. Table 2 lists examples of internal and
external people assets for different kinds of organizations.
Table 2: Example Internal and External People Assets
Organization Internal People Asset External People Asset
Electric utility Industrial control system engineer
Equipment manufacturer support team
Bank Teller
Loan officer
Compliance auditor
Hospital Doctor
Lab technician
IT help desk
Communications utility Service request coordinator
Network engineer
Contracted technician
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When identifying people assets, the organization should consider the vital role required for the successful
operation of a service rather than the actual person in that role. It is suggested that each role contain a defined
list of the functions or responsibilities required in the performance of that role.
Defining the functions for each role will help the organization ensure that personnel are sufficiently skilled to carry out that
role and that more than one person can support the role. It also helps identify training needs when deficiencies in personnel
are found. See the Training and Awareness Resource Guide, Volume 9 of this series, for additional information on
identifying and documenting training deficiencies.
Information assets are any information or data, on any media, required for the successful operation of an
organizational service. An information asset can also be the output or by-product of a service. Table 3 lists
examples of information assets within different kinds of organizations.
Table 3: Example Common Information Assets
Information Asset Required for Successful
Service Operation
Information Asset Created as an Output to a
Electric utility
Control system set points
Grid vulnerability report
List of loan types available to consumers
Loan records
Vaccination research methodology
Vaccination structure (intellectual property)
Communications utility Service packages
Network maps of where service is located
Information can range from a bit or byte, a file, or a document, to the collective information stored in a
database. The organization must determine the granularity with which it wants to define its information assets.
Technology assets include software, hardware, firmware, and any physical interconnections. Technology assets
can reside anywhere within an organization, and it is up to the organization to determine how it describes the
technology assets. A good starting point would be at the network-device level, where common network
components such as routers, servers, and switches can be identified. The organization could then move on to
the personal computing devices such as PCs, laptops, and tablets. Identifying broad categories gives the
organization a starting point for uniquely identifying all of the devices within its infrastructure as well as set
boundaries for controls management.
See the Controls Management Resource Guide, Volume 2 of this series. Also see the Controls Management (CTRL)
process area in the CERT-RMM for more detailed guidance on how to identify controls for assets.
Facility assets are any physical plant an organization relies on when delivering or performing a service.
Facilities can be owned and controlled by the organization or be under the control of external business
partners. Table 4 contains examples of facility assets both internal and external to different kinds of
Table 4: Example Common Facility Assets
Organization Internal Facility Asset External Facility Asset
Electric Utility
Power plant
Partner electric distribution facility
Headquarters building
Credit union office
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Organization Internal Facility Asset External Facility Asset
Walk-in care office
Research lab
Communications utility
Central office
Maintenance vehicle garage
Facility assets house the people, technology, and information assets discussed previously, and the protection
strategies for all the assets must be integrated.
Output of Section III
Output Guidance
Prioritized list of
A prioritized list that clearly identifies the highest valued services
Asset definitions
Assets are clearly defined for the organization so that the stakeholders responsible for
identifying assets can consistently document them.
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IV. Identify the Assets
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin identifying assets.
Input Guidance
Prioritized list of
A prioritized list that clearly identifies the highest valued services
Asset definitions
Assets are clearly defined for the organization so that the stakeholders responsible for
identifying assets can consistently document them
An understanding and
acknowledgement of an
acceptable approach to
asset management
Acknowledgement from management
intended approach
acceptable risk tolerance for the identified critical
assets and services
Externally imposed
requirements for asset
requirements for asset definition; also includes
needs such as service-level agreement requirements
Risks The list of categorized and prioritized risks
Assignment of
responsibility for asset
Job descriptions for roles that have responsibilities for asset management, for example,
executive ownership, decisions, communication, testing, and disruption risk management
Step 1. Assign responsibility for identifying assets that support critical
Identifying key stakeholders for each component of a critical service is essential to understand how the
organization approaches service design. These stakeholders often support multiple services within an
organization and can offer unique insights on the assets involved in supporting them. A typical organization
will have individuals serving in work roles (outlined in Table 5), whether through a formal assignment process
or, in smaller organizations, informally based on traditionally performed work roles.
The relationships between these individuals and each asset type can be further illustrated using a Responsible,
Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) Matrix.
A responsible role manages the asset on a day-to-day
basis. An accountable role has to answer to higher level management when issues arise with that asset. A
consulted role has specific knowledge of the asset or relies on that asset and needs to provide input. An
informed role would need to be updated on the activities surrounding that asset. Table 5 shows an example of
this concept.
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Table 5: Example RACI Matrix
Work Role
Typical Position Within the
Asset Type:
Asset Type:
Asset Type:
Asset Type:
Executive sponsor EVP / VP / director-level sponsor Accountable Informed Informed Informed
Service design
Chief technology officer / architect Responsible Responsible Responsible Consulted
Project manager Project manager / Project analyst Informed Informed Informed Informed
Service delivery
manager (business
process owner)
Functional manager / information
technology manager
Responsible Accountable Accountable Consulted
Service developers
(internal or external)
Information technology analysts /
business analysts
(may include external contractors)
Consulted Consulted Responsible Consulted
technology engineers
Operational technology engineer /
operators (may include external
Consulted Consulted Consulted Consulted
Quality assurance
Sr. information technology analysts
/ business analysts
Consulted Consulted Responsible Informed
These key stakeholders should be able to identify and inventory the assets of the organization. This inventory
will often include
asset owners
asset custodian
asset profiles that contain
o process mapping, service-level agreements (with internal or external customers)
o mandated policy
o regulatory or legal framework imposed on the service
o inventory of the supporting information technology and operational technology systems
o understanding of key personnel and internal teams involved in the support of the service
o external contracts or supplier dependencies
A discussion on establishing ownership (accountability) and custodianship (responsibility) for each asset can
be found in the CERT-RMM description of Asset Definition and Management.
Asset OwnerA person or organizational unit, internal or external to the organization, that has primary responsibility for the
viability, productivity, and resilience of an organizational asset.
Asset CustodianA person or organizational unit, internal or external to the organization, responsible for satisfying the
resilience requirements of a high-value asset while it is in the custodian’s care.
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Step 2. Identify people assets.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 6: Information assets are categorized and
managed to ensure the sustainment and protection of
the critical service.
4. Are all staff members who handle information assets
(including those who are external to the organization, such
as contractors) trained in the use of information categories?
PR.AT-1: All users are informed and trained.
Organizations rely on the experience, talents, and capabilities of internal (and in many cases, external) people
to support critical services. Employees are key to an organization’s success. They are responsible for executing
the organization’s mission and are a key component in its ability to adapt to change or disruption and remain
resilient. Focusing on an employee’s work role allows an organization to capture the critical knowledge, skills,
and abilities required for the position.
Individuals responsible for identifying people assets should consider interfacing with the following groups and
people within the organization:
human resources department—provides demographic information, which can underlie a base profile of the
individuals currently serving in those work roles
supervisors, managers, and directors—provide an assessment of how well an individual currently performs
a specific work role and help tailor the profile to capture the specific background of employees who have
been successful within that role
people external to the organization—provide information on their roles that support a critical service, to
ensure a complete picture of the requirements for that service
As people assets are identified, information about those assets will need to be collected. Table 6 shows
examples of the types of information that should be included when identifying people assets.
Table 6: Examples of People Asset Information
Work Role
Level of Experience
Master) or Years
Certification /
Service design
8–10 years exp.
B.S. in CS or
related field;
.Net multi-tier
source code
Project manager
8–10 years exp.
B.S. in
masters pref.
Critical path
(internal or
3–5 years exp.
B.S. in CS or
related field
SDLC, Agile
.Net multi-tier
system development lifecycle
information technology service management
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Information Technology Infrastructure Library
Project Management Professional
Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
Step 3. Identify information assets.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 5: Access to assets is managed.
1. Is access to assets granted based on their protection
requirements? [AM:SG1.SP1]
PR.AC-1: Identities and credentials are managed for authorized
devices and users.
PR.AC-2: Physical access to assets is managed and protected.
PR.AC-3: Remote access is managed.
2. Are access requests reviewed and approved by the
asset owner? [AM:SG1.SP1]
PR.AC-1: Identities and credentials are managed for authorized
devices and users.
PR.AC-2: Physical access to assets is managed and protected.
PR.AC-3: Remote access is managed.
3. Are access privileges reviewed to identify excessive or
inappropriate privileges? [AM:SG1.SP3]
PR.AC: Access to assets and associated facilities is limited to
authorized users, processes, or devices, and to authorized
activities and transactions.
4. Are access privileges modified as a result of reviews?
PR.AC: Access to assets and associated facilities is limited to
authorized users, processes, or devices, and to authorized
activities and transactions.
Goal 6: Information assets are categorized and
managed to ensure the sustainment and protection of
the critical service.
1. Are information assets categorized based on sensitivity
and potential impact to the critical service (such as public,
internal use only, secret)? [KIM:SG1.SP2]
PR.DS: Information and records (data) are managed consistent
with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of information.
2. Is the categorization of information assets monitored
and enforced? [KIM:SG1.SP2]
PR.DS: Information and records (data) are managed consistent
with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of information.
Information assets must be carefully mapped to each critical service. This information may include not only
the technical documentation involved in supporting the service, but also the actual information contained
within the database or record structure itself. Information assets to consider also include
key configuration requirements for supporting systems (e.g., identity and access management permissions,
DNS entries)
periodic batch processes that must be run to maintain peak performance
back-up scripts that provide snapshots of the critical information
proprietary algorithms developed internally that provide unique capability for the organization
software licensing and purchasing documentation
vendor support agreements and the people authorized to contact the vendor
access requirements for each information asset
Information must be able to be found, opened, used, understood, and trusted in order to be of value to the
A data custodian should be assigned to each critical service to ensure this information is appropriately
inventoried, cataloged, and archived in accordance with the organization’s policies and any regulatory or legal
compliance requirements. Information within an organization may be bound by retention requirements that
must be carefully monitored to ensure that only the essential information required for the execution of that
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
critical service is maintained for the specified timeline. Keeping too much or too little information introduces
additional risk to the organization that must be avoided. Keeping too much information ties up resources and
adds cost to the overall operation. Keeping too little information may open the organization to a variety of
fines or other punitive measures as spelled out under an applicable regulatory regime.
The data custodian must also ensure that appropriate controls are enacted to protect the information assets of
the critical service. Enterprise- and service-level controls should be defined, implemented, and assessed to
ensure that the appropriate level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information assets are
The organization’s policies should clearly spell out these controls.
At all times, a data custodian should know exactly who has access to the types of information under the
custodian’s purview. This access should be periodically reviewed by internal audit or an independent
organization to ensure compliance with stated policy and with legal and regulatory requirements. All changes
to the access level of an individual must be formally documented and approved.
Organizations should consider implementing access control measures to protect their information assets.
Access control models include
identity-based access control (IBAC)
role-based access control (RBAC)
attribute-based access control (ABAC)
ABAC is typically more ideal for information assets where “distinguishable characteristics of users or
resources, conditions defined by an authority, or aspects of the environment, and policies specify how to use
attributes to determine whether to grant or deny an access request.”
Figure 3 illustrates a model for identity and access management. It includes example activities for
provisioning, administering, and enforcing user access to information.
Figure 3: Identity and Access Management Model
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 19
Step 4. Identify technology assets.
Technology assets must be evaluated in terms of their relationship to a critical service. This evaluation will
often focus on the application layer, but the underlying components and their interdependencies must be
carefully considered.
The technology assets should include all components involved in delivering or supporting a critical service,
whether a traditional information technology asset or an operational technology asset. Identifying the systems
on which a critical service relies is essential to understanding the service’s resilience posture.
The architecture of a critical service and the technology assets supporting it can be illustrated using a layered
approach. For instance, the remote terminal units that support environmental monitoring at a wastewater
treatment facility may include telemetry sensors. The organization may not identify these sensors as assets at
first, but the layered view of the service and asset architecture makes it obvious that these sensors are
important to the function of the top-layer asset (remote terminal unit). Figure 4 depicts this concept.
Figure 4: Layered Illustration of Critical Service Architecture and Supporting Technology Assets
Each of these components should be included in an enterprise configuration management database and
managed through formal change control processes as described in Section VI of this document.
Step 5. Identify facility assets.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 7: Facility assets supporting the critical service
are prioritized and managed.
1. Are facilities prioritized based on potential impact to the
critical service, to identify those that should be the focus of
protection and sustainment activities? [EC:SG1.SP1]
ID.AM-5: Resources (e.g., hardware, devices, data, and software)
are prioritized based on their classification, criticality, and business
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of critical
services are established.
2. Is the prioritization of facilities reviewed and validated?
ID.AM-5: Resources (e.g., hardware, devices, data, and software)
are prioritized based on their classification, criticality, and business
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ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of critical
services are established.
3. Are protection and sustainment requirements of the
critical service considered during the selection of facilities?
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
PR.IP-5: Policy and regulations regarding the physical operating
environment for organizational assets are met.
Critical services rely on the people, information, and technology to support customer requirements, either
internally to the organization or as an external supporting element. Each of these assets requires a physical
facility in which to execute this service. The facilities involved in supporting this effort may be shared across
multiple services, and ownership may be distributed across many organizations.
As the facility assets are identified, the organization should be cognizant of how that facility affects the
services it performs. The organization should prioritize the facilities so that it can focus resources on the
facilities that affect the critical services first. This prioritization should be periodically reviewed and updated
on a schedule determined by the organization.
It is essential to identify the primary owner and custodian for the facility assets involved in supporting a
critical service. The responsibility for a facility asset may not fall under a traditional operational department
and may be considered an ancillary service to the organization. In planning for resilience, it is important to
document the facility assets and help highlight their involvement in supporting the critical service. When
designing their services, key stakeholders may not have considered the importance of the infrastructure or
facilities. The organization should ensure that its resilience requirements will be met by any new facilities.
Output of Section IV
Output Guidance
RACI matrix by asset
A Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) matrix of each work role by asset
allows organizations to assign the appropriate level of oversight to each asset and track other
areas of the organization that need to be included in discussions about the asset itself.
List of assets by type
and service
A comprehensive list of the assets, by type, involved in supporting a specific critical service is
essential to documenting the assets’ lifecycles and roles in the organization.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 21
V. Document the Assets
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin to document assets.
Input Guidance
Prioritized list of services
A prioritized list that clearly identifies the highest valued services
Asset definitions
Assets are clearly defined for the organization so that the stakeholders responsible for
identifying assets can consistently document them.
An understanding and
acknowledgement of an
acceptable approach to
asset management
Acknowledgement from management
intended approach
acceptable risk tolerance for the identified critical
assets and services
Externally imposed
requirements for asset
requirements for asset definition; also includes
needs such as service-level agreement requirements
Risks The list of categorized and prioritized risks
RACI matrix by asset
A Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) matrix of each work role by asset
allows organizations to assign the appropriate level of oversight to each asset and track other
areas of the organization that need to be included in discussions about the asset itself.
List of assets by type
and services
A comprehensive list of the assets, by type, involved in supporting a specific critical service is
essential to documenting the assets’ lifecycles and roles in the organization.
Step 1. Create an asset inventory.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
1. Are the assets that directly support the critical service
inventoried? [ADM:SG1.SP1]
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities that
enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative importance to
business objectives and the organization’s risk strategy.
ID.AM-1: Physical devices and systems within the organization are
ID.AM-2: Software platforms and applications within the
organization are inventoried.
ID.AM-4: External information systems are catalogued.
2. Do asset descriptions include protection and
sustainment requirements? [ADM:SG1.SP2]
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
3. Are both owners and custodians of assets documented
in asset descriptions? [ADM:SG1.SP3]
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities that
enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative importance to
business objectives and the organization’s risk strategy.
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4. Are the physical locations of assets (both within and
outside the organization) documented in the asset
inventory? [ADM:SG1.SP3]
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities that
enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative importance to
business objectives and the organization’s risk strategy.
A standardized inventory of the organization’s assets should be created based on the list of critical services and
the assets that support them, identified in Section IV. This inventory typically contains an asset profile that
includes the following types of information:
asset type (people, information, technology, or facilities)
categorization of asset by sensitivity (generally for information assets only)
asset location (typically where the custodian is managing the asset)
asset owners and custodians (especially if assets are external to the organization)
format or form of the asset (particularly for information assets that might exist on paper or electronically)
location of asset backups or duplicates (particularly for information assets)
services that are dependent on the asset
value of the asset, either qualitative or quantitative
asset protection and sustainment requirements
This list of information types is not exhaustive. The organization should take the time to define the right level
information to document for their assets. Appendix A contains an asset profile template that an organization
can use as a starting point.
Step 2. Document the relationships between assets and critical services.
Once the inventory with asset profiles is established, the organization should document the relationships
between assets and the services they support. Within the inventory, each asset profile should be updated with
all of the services that the asset supports, enabling the organization to see what assets support multiple
One method for documenting the assets involved in supporting critical services is identified in NIST
Interagency Report 7693, Specification for Asset Identification 1.1.
This specification presents an overview
of asset management and guidelines for asset identification using an extensible markup language (XML)
schema. The specification gives examples of how an organization can use identifiers within a database to
identify assets and relationships. For example, a literal identifier can be used to track MAC addresses or the
real name of a people asset. A synthetic identifier is assigned by the organization and is often used to identify
people assets, as with employee identification numbers. Finally, the specification discusses relationship
identifiers, so that an asset may be identified based on its relationships to other assets. These relationship
identifiers can be a simple designation of “INTERNAL” or “EXTERNAL” or something as complex as a
business unit or critical service function.
Step 3. Analyze dependencies between assets supporting multiple services.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 3: The relationship between assets and the
services they support is established.
1. Are the associations between assets and the critical
service they support documented? [ADM:SG2.SP1]
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of critical
services are established.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 23
2. Are confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements
established for each service-related asset?
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
ID.GV-3: Legal and regulatory requirements regarding
cybersecurity, including privacy and civil liberties obligations, are
understood and managed.
When an organization examines its resiliency, it should carefully consider the interdependencies between
assets that support multiple critical services. Documenting the assets and relationships as described above
provides an organization with a baseline for considering whether resilience requirements have been
implemented at an appropriate level for each asset.
The critical service inventory (with relationships identified as in Step 2) can help an organization analyze and
reveal dependencies between assets and services within an organization. It also allows assets to be grouped in
many ways, such as by service domains, service types, and service components. Analysis of these
dependencies and the potential overlap between assets (e.g., facilities used to support multiple services) can
help organizations identify assets of significance whose confidentiality, integrity, or availability should be
carefully considered.
For instance, an organization depends on both service A and service B to achieve its mission. Service B
contains more stringent requirements for its assets than service A. The results of a dependency analysis show
that many assets support both service A and service B. If the organization is not aware that the assets support
both services, the assets may only receive the less stringent requirements of service A, which could expose the
assets to disruption in ways unacceptable to service B.
Step 4. Update the asset inventory.
To support its services, an organization should have a configuration management database (CMDB) that can
be repeatedly revised to provide more comprehensive asset management. Configuration management can often
be the foundation for broader service management and facilitate management of the lifecycle of those services
and their related assets. It is important to track and document any changes or updates to an asset throughout its
lifecycle, keeping in mind potential impacts to the broader service the asset supports.
See the Configuration and Change Management Resource Guide, Volume 3 of this series, for more detailed guidance on
establishing a configuration and change management program.
Output of Section V
Output Guidance
Service-asset analysis
A mapping of the critical services and their supporting assets can help illustrate overlap and
dependencies within the organization.
Asset profile
A robust asset profile will provide the organization with a thorough understanding of the asset
itself, its ability to respond to disruption, and any changes made throughout its lifecycle.
management database
A formal CMDB that can be repeatedly revised to provide more comprehensive asset
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VI. Manage the Assets
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin selecting methods of managing the assets.
Input Guidance
Identified assets
Before the organization can manage its assets, the people, technology, information, and
facilities of the organization must be identified.
Identified owners and
custodians of the
Asset owners and custodians are identified to support the management of the assets.
Asset documentation
Documentation of the assets should exist, clearly identifying the services they support.
management database
A formal CMDB that can be repeatedly revised to provide more comprehensive asset
Step 1. Identify change criteria.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 4: The asset inventory is managed.
1. Have change criteria been established for asset
descriptions? [ADM:SG3.SP1]
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities that
enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative importance to
business objectives and the organization’s risk strategy.
Organizational assets are dynamic. As assets change, their resilience requirements and protection strategies
change as well. For the organization to effectively manage its assets, it must actively monitor for changes that
significantly alter assets, identify new assets, or call for the retirement of assets for which there is no longer a
To make it easier to evaluate changes to assets, develop a set of change criteria that is consistently applied
within the organization. The change criteria should cover all of the asset types: technology, people,
information, and facilities. Through the effective use of change criteria, changes within assets can be translated
into changes in the resilience requirements. Table 7 illustrates change criteria that an organization might
Table 7: Example Change Criteria for Assets
Asset Type*
Change Criteria
Changes in organizational structure and staff
Changes in technology infrastructure or configuration
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 25
Asset Type*
Change Criteria
Real estate transactions that add, alter, or change existing facilities
Creation or alteration of information
P, T, I, F
Changes in services affecting the assets on which they rely
T, F, I An asset entering or exiting a phase of the system development lifecycle
T, F
Acquisition of assets such as technology or facilities
* P = people, T = technology, F = facility, I = information
To illustrate this point further, consider electric utility A which has just acquired smaller utility B in its service
area. Changes in the organizational structure will occur to ensure that utility B’s organizational structure aligns
with the mission of utility A. This will require the people in utility B to receive specialized training. Utility B
also introduced new facilities to utility A, and resilience requirements such as security practices will be need to
be implemented at those facilities. Having identified change criteria will greatly assist the new organization
identify and track changes to its asset inventory and ensure that resilience requirements are captured.
Document Change Criteria
To ensure that change criteria are consistently applied, even in times of organizational stress, official
documentation should be created in the form of policy and procedures. Typical documentation can include
field change procedures—used when making changes during implementation phases
engineering change notice procedures—used when making changes during design phases
change control board procedures—roles and responsibilities of personnel that approve/disapprove changes
resulting from field changes and engineering changes
Step 2. Establish a change schedule.
Link Asset Management to the System Development Lifecycle
A schedule for updating assets and reviewing resilience requirements can be a useful tool for managing
changes. As a starting point, an organization may consider linking the review of technology, information, and
facility assets to the system development lifecycle (SDLC). Figure 5 depicts the SDLC as presented in NIST
SP 800-64.
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Figure 5: System Development Lifecycle
Linking asset management to the SDLC can provide many benefits, such as
a means to identify milestones for an asset (e.g., software testing completion, facility upgrade)
early identification of potential vulnerabilities in assets
awareness of potential challenges in the assets as the designs are reviewed
documentation of resilience decisions for each SDLC phase
The SDLC approach can also be adopted for use in other CRR domains such as Controls Management. See the Controls
Management Resource Guide, Volume 2 of this series. Also see the Controls Management (CTRL) process area in the
CERT-RMM for more detailed guidance on how to identify controls.
Implement a Change Schedule for People Assets
Scheduled changes to people assets require a different approach because the concepts in the SDLC generally
do not scale. Common tools like performance reviews can be used to document the skills of personnel and
identify training needs. The organization should determine the frequency at which these reviews should take
Implement a Change Schedule for Information, Technology, and Facility Assets
Regardless of the asset type in need of review, the organization should determine the frequency for this
activity. The frequency can be dictated by the organization’s management or through documentation such as
assessment procedures.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 27
Step 3. Manage changes to assets and inventory.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 6: Information assets are categorized and
managed to ensure the sustainment and protection of
the critical service.
3. Are there policies and procedures for the proper labeling
and handling of information assets? [KIM:SG1.SP2]
PR.DS: Information and records (data) are managed consistent
with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of information.
6. Do guidelines exist for properly disposing of information
assets? [KIM:SG4.SP3]
PR.DS-3: Assets are formally managed throughout removal,
transfers, and disposition.
PR.IP-6: Data is destroyed according to policy.
7. Is adherence to information asset disposal guidelines
monitored and enforced? [KIM:SG4.SP3]
PR.DS-3: Assets are formally managed throughout removal,
transfers, and disposition.
PR.IP-6: Data is destroyed according to policy.
As change criteria are defined and implemented, the organization should develop methods for managing
changes to its assets. An organization will typically have many methods for managing and documenting assets.
This documentation can be in the form of drawings, organizational charts, or procedures. The following
sections will outline the different asset types and possible solutions for managing them.
Manage People Assets
Staffs change in many ways, including adding new staff members (internally or externally), transferring staff
from one organizational unit to another, and terminating staff. Table 8 highlights various tools an organization
can use to manage its people assets.
Table 8: Tools for Managing People Assets
Tool Benefit
Organization chart
Ease of maintenance
Pictorial representation of where people assets reside
Performance review
Scheduled review
Skill gaps can be identified, addressed, and documented
Succession planning
Develops people assets to be future leaders of the organization
Title and associated job descriptions
Clearly defines specific roles
Facilitates performance reviews
Exit interview
Provides insight on improvements than can be made within the
organization to retain people assets
Manage Information Assets
Changes to information include the creation, alteration, or deletion of paper and electronic records, files, and
databases. Table 9 highlights various tools an organization can use to manage its information assets.
Table 9: Tools for Managing Information Assets
Tool Benefit
Document database
Information stored in a central location
Can be configuration controlled
Information disposal policy
Provides clear expectations for disposal of information
Employing a numbering system
Uniquely identifies information
Version can be tracked by revision level
Information sensitivity levels
Ensures the handling of information at varying sensitivity levels
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Manage Technology Assets
Changes to technology include refreshes, addition of new technical components, changes to existing technical
components, and the elimination or retirement of existing technology. Table 10 highlights various tools that an
organization can use to manage its technology assets.
Table 10: Tools for Managing Technology Assets
Tool Benefit
Technology refresh program
Ensures organizations technology remains current
Configuration baselines
Ensures rapid deployment of technology should an asset fail
Asset database
Enables organization to uniquely identify, locate, and document its
technology assets
Network map
Provides snapshots of what is connected to the network
Helps asset owners and custodians determine relationships
between assets
Manage Facility Assets
Changes to facilities include the addition of new facilities (owned by the organization or external business
partner), alteration of existing facilities, and the retirement of a facility. Table 11 highlights various tools an
organization can use to manage its facility assets.
Table 11: Tools for Managing Facility Assets
Tool Benefit
As-built drawings
Graphically depict current configurations within the facility
Preventive maintenance schedule
Ensures that the facility infrastructure is maintained on a consistent
basis, extending its life to support the service
Asset database
Enables organization to uniquely identify, locate, and document its
facility assets
Step 4. Update asset inventory when changes occur.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 4: The asset inventory is managed.
2. Are asset descriptions updated when changes to assets
occur? [ADM:SG3.SP2]
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities that
enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative importance to
business objectives and the organization’s risk strategy.
After the organization determines which tools to use for managing its assets, it should focus on keeping the
asset inventory current. A current asset inventory is critical to ensuring that high-value services achieve their
To keep asset inventories current, the organization should regularly update the following types of
documentation when changes occur:
asset documentation
asset profiles
asset inventory status
asset and service resilience requirements
asset and service protection strategies and controls
strategies and continuity plans for sustaining assets and services
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 29
Implementing proper configuration control on the assets is a useful way for the organization to establish the
documentation needed along with the history of changes to the assets.
For information regarding configuration management of assets, see the Configuration and Change Management Resource
Guide, Volume 3 of this series.
Step 5. Improve the process.
As shown in Figure 1, asset management is an ongoing process for the organization. As the organization’s
services evolve and technology and processes change, so must the assets that support those services. The
organization should continually assess these changes to properly manage decisions related to operational
The organization should leverage other CRR domains to improve asset management. Lessons learned from the
deployment or management of assets in different parts of the organization may provide information that will
enable the organization to manage those assets uniformly. CRR domains to consider include the following:
Controls Management—The organization may decide to use different security controls to commission and
decommission technology assets more efficiently. The controls necessary to realize these efficiencies
should be fed into the asset management process so assets that support these controls can be implemented.
Incident ManagementThe assets compromised during an incident should be discussed during the post-
incident brief. Recommendations to improve the management of the assets should be made.
Risk Management—The organization’s normal risk review sessions will reveal new risks, which might be
mitigated by feeding them into the asset management program.
Service Continuity—As disaster recovery and business continuity plans are developed and exercised,
failures should be documented and recommendations for new assets should be fed into the asset
management program.
The list above provides examples for the organization to consider. CRR domains not listed may also have a
bearing on the asset management plan.
KEY TAKEAWAY: The organization should always look to improve its operational resilience by leveraging other CRR
domains and the outputs they provide.
Outputs of Section VI
Output Guidance
Documented change
Change criteria utilized within the organization to facilitate the evaluation of changes to
Schedules Scheduled activities to assess assets to ensure they are supporting their services mission.
Asset management
The organization should have a defined set of tools and techniques to manage the assets
within the organization.
Updated asset
Updated asset descriptions and inventories utilizing the criteria and tools discussed in this
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
VII. Conclusion
Establishing and supporting an ongoing asset management program enables an organization to effectively
manage the many people, information, technology, and facility assets contained within the organization’s
infrastructure. The asset management program helps ensure that your organization can sustain its critical
services, meet its responsibility to its stakeholders, and make its contribution to national critical infrastructure.
The following resources provide broad program guidance:
The IT Infrastructure Library (
) provides guidance on implementing an
asset management program.
The CERT-RMM [Caralli 2010] is the basis for the CRR and contains more in-depth guidance for
establishing practices.
For more information about the Cyber Resilience Review, please email the Cyber Security Evaluation Program
at [email protected]ov or visit
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appendix A. Asset Profile Catalog
Asset Profile Catalog (Critical Services)
Number of Assets
Total number of assets defined:
Date the asset profile catalog was last reviewed:
Total number of assets supporting critical services:
Total number of assets supporting ancillary services:
Total Assets:
(service IDs)
(e.g., paper,
electronic, tape)
Top Secret
Business Impact of Disruption (Asset Value)
0=None 2=Minimal 4=Moderate 6=Moderately Heavy 8=Heavy 10=Severe
Loss of
Regulatory &
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appendix B. Service Catalog
Critical Service Catalog Component Definition List (Service Name)
Service catalog entries defined:
Number of critical services defined:
Date the service catalog was last reviewed:
SLA or OLA documented:
Number of other types of services defined:
Metrics defined for the service:
Total number of services defined:
BC/DR plan has been documented:
Service cost model developed:
Communications distribution list identified:
SC Entry
Dist. List
Service Category
Business Impact of Disruption (Asset Value)
0=none 2=minimal 4=moderate 6=moderately heavy 8=heavy 10=severe
Critical: mission critical service
Direct: direct customer support
Indirect: secondary support
Utility: enterprise/background
1 2 3 4 5
lo hi
Loss of
& Legal
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 33
Appendix C. Asset Management Resources
Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT)
Rinaldi et al. “Identifying, Understanding, and Analyzing Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies.”
IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2001.
Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT)
Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
NIST Computer Security Division, Computer Security Resource Center
o NIST Special Publication 800-53, Recommended Security and Privacy Controls for Federal
Information Systems and Organizations
o NIST Special Publication 800-64, Security Considerations in the Information System
Development Life Cycle
o NIST Special Publication 800-12, An Introduction to Computer Security: The NIST
Software Engineering Institute, CERT Division
OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation)
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appendix D. CRR/CERT-RMM Practice/NIST CSF Subcategory Reference
Table 12 cross-references the CRR Asset Management Domain goals and practice questions to the NIST CSF
Categories/Subcategories and the sections of this guide that address those questions. Users of this guide may
wish to review the CRR Question Set with Guidance available at
for more
information on interpreting practice questions. The NIST CSF, available at
also provides informative references for interpreting Category and Subcategory statements.
Table 12: Cross-Reference of CRR Goals/Practices and NIST CSF Categories/Subcategories Against the Risk
Management Resource Guide
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM
NIST CSF Category/ Subcategory
Asset Management
Resource Guide
Goal 1: Services are identified and
1. Are services identified? [SC:SG2.SP1]
ID.BE: The organization’s mission, objectives, stakeholders,
and activities are understood and prioritized; this information
is used to inform cybersecurity roles, responsibilities, and risk
management decisions.
Section III, Step 2
2. Are services prioritized based on
analysis of the potential impact if the
services are disrupted? [SC:SG2.SP1]
ID.BE: The organization’s mission, objectives, stakeholders,
and activities are understood and prioritized; this information
is used to inform cybersecurity roles, responsibilities, and risk
management decisions.
ID.AM-5: Resources (e.g., hardware, devices, data, and
software) are prioritized based on their classification,
criticality, and business value.
Section III, Step 3
Goal 2: Assets are inventoried, and the
authority and responsibility for these
assets is established.
1. Are the assets that directly support the
critical service inventoried?
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities
that enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative
importance to business objectives and the organization’s risk
ID.AM-1: Physical devices and systems within the
organization are inventoried.
ID.AM-2: Software platforms and applications within the
organization are inventoried.
ID.AM-4: External information systems are catalogued.
Section V, Step 1
2. Do asset descriptions include
protection and sustainment requirements?
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
Section V, Step 1
3. Are both owners and custodians of
assets documented in asset descriptions?
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities
that enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative
importance to business objectives and the organization’s risk
Section V, Step 1
4. Are the physical locations of assets
(both within and outside the organization)
documented in the asset inventory?
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities
that enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative
importance to business objectives and the organization’s risk
Section V, Step 1
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 35
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM
NIST CSF Category/ Subcategory
Asset Management
Resource Guide
Goal 3: The relationship between
assets and the services they support is
1. Are the associations between assets
and the critical service they support
documented? [ADM:SG2.SP1]
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
Section V, Step 3
2. Are confidentiality, integrity, and
availability requirements established for
each service-related asset?
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
ID.GV-3: Legal and regulatory requirements regarding
cybersecurity, including privacy and civil liberties obligations,
are understood and managed.
Section V, Step 3
Goal 4: The asset inventory is
1. Have change criteria been established
for asset descriptions? [ADM:SG3.SP1]
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities
that enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative
importance to business objectives and the organization’s risk
Section VI, Step 1
2. Are asset descriptions updated when
changes to assets occur?
ID.AM: The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities
that enable the organization to achieve business purposes are
identified and managed consistent with their relative
importance to business objectives and the organization’s risk
Section VI, Step 4
Goal 5: Access to assets is managed.
1. Is access to assets granted based on
their protection requirements?
PR.AC-1: Identities and credentials are managed for
authorized devices and users.
PR.AC-2: Physical access to assets is managed and
PR.AC-3: Remote access is managed.
Section IV, Step 3
2. Are access requests reviewed and
approved by the asset owner?
PR.AC-1: Identities and credentials are managed for
authorized devices and users.
PR.AC-2: Physical access to assets is managed and
PR.AC-3: Remote access is managed.
Section IV, Step 3
3. Are access privileges reviewed to
identify excessive or inappropriate
privileges? [AM:SG1.SP3]
PR.AC: Access to assets and associated facilities is limited to
authorized users, processes, or devices, and to authorized
activities and transactions.
Section IV, Step 3
4. Are access privileges modified as a
result of reviews? [AM:SG1.SP3]
PR.AC: Access to assets and associated facilities is limited to
authorized users, processes, or devices, and to authorized
activities and transactions.
Section IV, Step 3
Goal 6: Information assets are
categorized and managed to ensure
the sustainment and protection of the
critical service.
1. Are information assets categorized
based on sensitivity and potential impact
to the critical service (such as public,
internal use only, secret)? [KIM:SG1.SP2]
PR.DS: Information and records (data) are managed
consistent with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Section IV, Step 3
2. Is the categorization of information
assets monitored and enforced?
PR.DS: Information and records (data) are managed
consistent with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Section IV, Step 3
3. Are there policies and procedures for
the proper labeling and handling of
information assets? [KIM:SG1.SP2]
PR.DS: Information and records (data) are managed
consistent with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Section VI, Step 3
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM
NIST CSF Category/ Subcategory
Asset Management
Resource Guide
4. Are all staff members who handle
information assets (including those who
are external to the organization, such as
contractors) trained in the use of
information categories? [KIM:SG1.SP2]
PR.AT-1: All users are informed and trained. Section IV, Step 2
5. Are high-value information assets
backed up and retained? [KIM:SG6.SP1]
PR.IP-4: Backups of information are conducted, maintained,
and tested periodically.
Section IV, Step 3
6. Do guidelines exist for properly
disposing of information assets?
PR.DS-3: Assets are formally managed throughout removal,
transfers, and disposition.
PR.IP-6: Data is destroyed according to policy.
Section VI, Step 3
7. Is adherence to information asset
disposal guidelines monitored and
enforced? [KIM:SG4.SP3]
PR.DS-3: Assets are formally managed throughout removal,
transfers, and disposition.
PR.IP-6: Data is destroyed according to policy.
Section VI, Step 3
Goal 7: Facility assets supporting the
critical service are prioritized and
1. Are facilities prioritized based on
potential impact to the critical service, to
identify those that should be the focus of
protection and sustainment activities?
ID.AM-5: Resources (e.g., hardware, devices, data, and
software) are prioritized based on their classification,
criticality, and business value.
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
Section IV, Step 5
2. Is the prioritization of facilities reviewed
and validated? [EC:SG1.SP1]
ID.AM-5: Resources (e.g., hardware, devices, data, and
software) are prioritized based on their classification,
criticality, and business value.
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
Section IV, Step 5
3. Are protection and sustainment
requirements of the critical service
considered during the selection of
facilities? [EC:SG2.SP2]
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
Section IV, Step 5
PR.IP-5: Policy and regulations regarding the physical
operating environment for organizational assets are met.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 37
1. For more information on the Cyber Resilience Review, please contact the Cyber Security Evaluation Program at
2. CERT-RMM. Glossary of Terms[Caralli 2010].
3. Caralli, R. A.; Allen, J. A.; & White, D. W. CERT®-RMM: A Maturity Model for Managing Operational
Resilience (CERT-RMM, Version 1.1). Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010. For more information on the CERT-
RMM, please visit
4. CERT-RMM. Glossary of Terms[Caralli 2010].
5. CERT-RMM. ADM:SG2, Establish the Relationship between Assets and Services” [Caralli 2010].
6. CERT-RMM, ADM:SG1,” discusses the role of services in an organization [Caralli 2010].
7. CERT-RMM, Section 2.2.1 (pg. 29), defines high-value services [Caralli 2010].
8. CERT-RMM. “ADM:SG1” (pg. 123) [Caralli 2010].
9. CERT-RMM, “ADM:SG1,” defines assets as they relate to a service [Caralli 2010].
10. ITIL Service Design, 2011 Edition, pg. 65. The Stationery Office, 2011.
11. CERT-RMM. “ADM:SG1.SP3, Establish Ownership and Custodianship” [Caralli 2010].
12. CERT-RMM. “Glossary of Terms[Caralli 2010].
13. CERT-RMM. “Glossary of Terms[Caralli 2010].
14. Mapping the Technical Dependencies of Information Assets. The National Archives, v1.2, pg. 7, 2011.
15. CERT-RMM. “CTRL:SG2.SP1, Define Controls” [Caralli 2010].
16. NISTIR 7657, A Report on the Privilege (Access) Management Workshop (pg. 14). NIST/NSA Privilege
Management Conference Collaboration Team, 2010.
17. “Identity and Access Management,Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG) (pg. 5). The Institute of Internal
Auditors (The IIA), 2007.
18. CERT-RMM, “ADM:SG1:SP2,” outlines information to be collected for assets [Caralli 2010].
19. CERT-RMM. “ADM:SG2, Establish the Relationship between Assets and Services” [Caralli 2010].
20. Wunder, John; Halbardier, Adam; & Waltermire, David. NIST Interagency Report 7693, Specification for Asset
Identification 1.1 (pg. 28). National Institute of Standards and Technology.
21. CERT-RMM. “ADM:SG3.SP1, Identify Change Criteria” [Caralli 2010].
NIST SP 800-64, Security Considerations in the System Development Life Cycle Revision 2. NIST, 2008.