Carol Brunzell, R.D., C.D.E., L.D.
University of Minnesota Health, Fairview
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dana S. Hardin, M.D.
Peyton Manning Childrens Hospital
Indianapolis, Indiana
Anne Kogler, R.N., C.D.E.
University of Minnesota Health, Fairview
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Antoinette Moran, M.D.
University of Minnesota Health
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Terri Schindler, M.S., R.D.N.
University Hospitals
Case Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio
6th Edition
© 2015 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
is information meets the
guidelines and standards of the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundations
Education Committee.
Address all correspondence to
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
6931 Arlington Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
(800) FIGHT CF
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Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes (CFRD)
Non-CF Diabetes
CFRD Causes
CFRD-Caused Health Problems
CFRD Symptoms
How We Diagnose CFRD
Tests Used to Diagnose CFRD
Treating CFRD
Insulin Types
Insulin Treatment
Insulin Pens, Syringes and Pumps
Continuous Glucose Monitors
Oral Agents (Diabetes Pills)
Blood Sugar Testing
When to Check Blood Sugar
How to Check Blood Sugar
Blood Sugar Testing Results
How We Manage CFRD
Tests to Help Manage CFRD
Other Tools to Manage CFRD
e Diabetes Care Team
Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
What Is Hypoglycemia?
Low Blood Sugar Symptoms
Low Blood Sugar Causes
Low Blood Sugar in CF Without Diabetes
Low Blood Sugar Treatment
Driving and Low Blood Sugar
Sick Days and Low Blood Sugar
Exercise and Low Blood Sugar
Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in CF
Other Types of Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in CF
CHAPTER 9: Nutrition and CFRD
A High-Calorie Healthy Diet
Reading Food Labels for Carbohydrates
Insulin Correction Doses
Eating a Balanced CF Diet
Insulin Coverage of High-Calorie Supplements and Tube Feedings
Special Cases
CHAPTER 10: Nutrition and CFRD When Pregnant
Planning for Pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes
Nutrition When Pregnant
Special Concerns
CHAPTER 11: Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Carbohydrate Counting
Common Household Measurements
Estimating Portion Sizes
Food Lists
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Menu
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CF Foundation)
American Diabetes Association (ADA)
American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)
If you are reading this, you or someone you love has likely been told they have cystic brosis-
related diabetes (CFRD). is guide was written to add to the information given to you by
your diabetes and cystic brosis (CF) care teams. e chapters cover the topics needed to
manage CFRD. To help you focus on the main points, learning goals are listed at the start
of each chapter.
If youve been told that you have CF and diabetes, you might feel stressed by the added health
care responsibilities. You might feel hopeless when you think you cannot do one more thing.
Diabetes is not the “last straw,” though. To manage it well, learn as much as you can. You should
be able to do all the things you want to do — and continue to eat your usual high-calorie diet for
your CF. Learning the skills from this book can help keep you as healthy as possible.
An Important Note for Our Patients and eir Caregivers
e Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is a leader in the eorts to advance and promote specialized care
that improves and extends the lives of people with CF. anks in large part to the care provided
by the Foundations Care Center Network, the median predicted age of survival for people with
CF is about 40 years and is increasing. To ensure this trend continues, the Foundation provides
its accredited care centers with up-to-date guidelines based on the latest research.
e Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, together with the American Diabetes Association and the
Pediatric Endocrine Society, sponsored a consensus conference on CFRD in 2009. e guidelines
and denitions presented here reect the consensus by experts in CF and diabetes. e authors
and the CF Foundation hope this guide will help you and your family understand the unique
nature of CFRD, and help you manage it and live well with diabetes.
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• Understand how the body uses insulin* to turn food into fuel for the body.
• See that CFRD is common among people with CF, especially in adults.
• List the dierences between CFRD and Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
• State the causes of CFRD.
• Understand the symptoms of CFRD.
When people eat, food breaks down into sugar,
fat and protein. Sugar enters the bloodstream
and blood sugar (also known as blood glucose)
levels rise. e increase in blood sugar signals the
pancreas, an organ in the abdomen, to secrete
insulin. Insulin works by helping protein, fat and
sugar leave the blood and enter the cells where
they are used for fuel. People with diabetes either do not make enough insulin or do not respond
to insulin the right way, so sugar cannot leave the blood and enter cells. People with diabetes do
not convert food into fuel very well. ey lose weight, lack energy and can have other problems.
Diabetes is very common in people with cystic brosis (CF). It most often occurs as they get older.
People with CF and diabetes have a unique type of diabetes called cystic brosis-related diabetes
(CFRD). Few people with CF have normal glucose levels. One study found that up to 75 percent of
adults with CF have some form of glucose intolerance where their bodies have trouble converting
sugar into fuel. CFRD aects about 20 percent of adolescents and 40 to 50 percent of adults with
CF. CFRD is not the same as diabetes found in people without CF. ere are important dierences
in the way it is diagnosed and treated. You and those who care for you need to know how CFRD
is unique.
Non-CF Diabetes
e most common types of diabetes for the general population are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
CFRD has some features that are common in both. Type 1 diabetes occurs most often in
childhood. People with Type 1 diabetes cant make insulin, so they must take insulin to stay
alive. is is why Type 1 diabetes is often called insulin-dependent diabetes. People with Type
1 diabetes who miss insulin doses get very sick, which can lead to ketoacidosis (a life-threatening
change in blood acidity).
Type 2 diabetes is sometimes called non-insulin-dependent diabetes. It is caused by the lack of
a normal response to insulin in addition to the pancreas not making enough insulin. is type of
diabetes occurs most often in adults who are overweight. People with Type 2 diabetes dont often get
ketoacidosis, but they can get very sick when their blood sugars are too high. Some people with Type
2 diabetes use insulin. Some take pills. Most are asked to lose weight. Some people can manage Type
2 diabetes through diet and exercise alone.
Type 1: e body stops making insulin.
Type 2: e body lacks normal responses to insulin
(most important) and doesnt make enough insulin.
CFRD: e body doesnt make enough insulin (most
important) and sometimes lacks normal responses
to insulin.
* Words that appear italicized and bolded are dened in the glossary starting on page 52.
CFRD Causes
CFRD is unique to people with CF, though it shares features with both Type 1 and Type 2
diabetes in people who do not have CF. As in Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not make
enough insulin. us, people with CFRD have insulin deciency and require insulin replacement.
Insulin deciency is primarily due to scars in the pancreas (brosis) caused by thick sticky mucus.
Even people with CF who do not have diabetes have partial scarring of the pancreas and make less
insulin than normal.
e main cause of Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. is means the bodys cells require
more insulin than normal to change food into fuel and keep blood sugar levels under control.
When people with CF become insulin resistant, their bodys cells do not use insulin the right way,
which leads to high blood sugar levels. us, insulin resistance in someone with CF who is also
insulin decient can contribute to the development of CFRD.
Insulin resistance in CF can be caused by the following:
Underlying infection in CF can lead to low-grade, chronic inammation and insulin
resistance. Insulin resistance becomes signicantly worse during an acute exacerbation.
is is why diabetes is often rst diagnosed during an acute illness — the sudden spike in
insulin resistance “unmasks” insulin deciency in the person who cannot make extra insulin.
Steroids are drugs such as prednisone or methylprednisolone that are sometimes needed
to treat lung disease. Insulin resistance is a side eect of steroid medications. us, blood sugar
levels are often higher during steroid treatment and can reach diabetic levels.
• During pregnancy all women need very high amounts of insulin. Because of their underlying
insulin deciency, women with CF often cant make the extra insulin and develop high blood
sugars. If the high blood sugars occur only during the pregnancy (not before or after), it is called
gestational diabetes” rather than CFRD.
ere are many problems associated with Type 2 diabetes that are not usually part of CFRD
including obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease. Also, people with type
2 diabetes can often be treated with pills to make them more sensitive to insulin. is treatment
is not appropriate for people with CFRD because the pills do not treat the primary problem of
insulin deciency.
Once you are diagnosed with CFRD, whether while hospitalized or as an outpatient, you will
always have CFRD. However, you may not always need to take insulin. If your blood sugars are
high only when you are sick or on steroids, you may need insulin only at those times. If your
blood sugars are high when you are well, you will need insulin at all times. Even if your blood
sugars are normal after an illness, your doctor may recommend you stay on insulin so you dont
lose weight.
Chapter 1:
Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes (CFRD)
CFRD-Caused Health Problems
Although CFRD is unique, many of the problems
caused by diabetes are the same for all types.
ese include eye, kidney and nerve problems.
Other problems are specic to CF: insulin
deciency makes it hard to maintain a healthy
weight, especially enough muscle mass, and both
insulin deciency and high blood sugars cause
worse lung function. ese problems are caused
by many years of blood sugar levels that are too
high. Every persons goal for diabetes treatment,
no matter what kind the person has, is to keep
blood sugar levels as normal as possible.
is helps to prevent diabetes-caused problems.
CFRD Symptoms
CFRD often has no symptoms, so you might not know you have it. Other diabetes symptoms are
similar to CF symptoms that you may already have.
Having to urinate often (polyuria) and needing to drink often (polydipsia) are classic symptoms
of diabetes. ese symptoms are caused by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). It’s easy to
overlook these symptoms in CF. People with CF often drink more (and then use the bathroom
more) because of dry mouth. Other symptoms of CFRD include feeling very tired, losing weight
without trying or having a hard time gaining weight, and a loss of lung function that you cant
explain. Infection and lung disease can also cause these symptoms, so diabetes may not be found
unless certain blood tests are run to look for it. Unlike people with Type 1 diabetes, it is very rare
for people with CFRD to get ketoacidosis.
Any time you have weight loss that you cant explain or have a hard time gaining weight,
your CF care team should run diabetes tests. If you know you have diabetes and are having
problems keeping your weight up, review how you manage diabetes with your diabetes care
team. Treatment of your CFRD should be included as part of your overall CF treatment plan.
Contact your CF care center to learn more about diabetes. You can nd the nearest CF care center
by calling 1-800-FIGHT CF (1-800-344-4823) or by visiting the CF Foundation website
at www.c.org.
Chapter 1:
Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes (CFRD)
• Eyes
• Kidneys
• Nerves
Maintaining weight and muscle mass
(in CFRD)
Maintaining lung function (in CFRD)
ere may be no symptoms
Being very tired
Losing weight
• Not able to gain weight
• Loss of lung function
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• List the tests used to diagnose CFRD.
Tests Used to Diagnose CFRD
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
e oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is recommended annually by age 10, and
any other time CFRD is suspected. First, you must fast overnight (nothing to eat
or drink) for eight hours. en, your blood is drawn to measure your baseline or
fasting blood glucose level. You will then be asked to drink a glucose drink. Your
blood sugar is measured again two hours later, and many centers also test at 30,
60 and 90 minutes. Your blood sugar results after two hours will show if you have diabetes. If your
fasting blood sugar is 126 mg/dL or 7.0 mmol/L* or more, and/or if your blood sugar at two hours
is 200 mg/dL or 11.1 mmol/L or more, you have CFRD.
Results of your annual OGTT are compared with the baseline glucose to see what’s happening
with your CFRD over the years. Make sure you get your annual OGTT when you are well and not
ghting an infection.
Fasting Blood Glucose
is test measures your blood glucose after you havent eaten for at least eight hours. You dont need
to drink a glucose drink for this test. If your blood glucose level is more than 126 mg/dL or 7.0
mmol/L, you have CFRD.
Casual Blood Glucose Levels
A casual (random) blood glucose level is one that is drawn without caring what time of day it
is or when a meal was last eaten. If this level is 200 mg/dL or 11.1 mmol/L or more, and you
have symptoms of diabetes — having to urinate more often, drinking more liquids than usual,
unintentional weight loss, feeling more tired than usual — then diabetes is likely. You will need to
follow up with a fasting blood glucose test or an OGTT to conrm the diagnosis of diabetes.
Hemoglobin A1c
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a test that is used to diagnose diabetes in people without CF. If it
is high (>6.5%), it means you have diabetes. But if it is low, this does not mean you do not have
diabetes because the test is often falsely low in people with CF. Further testing using the OGTT
is recommended.
Oral glucose tolerance test
Fasting blood glucose
Casual blood glucose
Hemoglobin A1c
* In the United States, blood sugar levels are reported as milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). In Canada and Europe, they are
reported as millimoles per liter (mmol/L). Both are used in this guide.
Done rst
thing in the
after an
8-hour fast
<100 mg/dL
(<5.6 mmol/L)
100-125 mg/dL
(5.6-6.9 mmol/L)
≥126 mg/dL
(≥7.0 mmol/L)
fasting glucose
Starting at age 10, or earlier
if symptoms occur, do
OGTT annually.
You are more likely to
develop diabetes; you will
be closely monitored by
your CF team. Repeat
OGTT annually or earlier if
symptoms occur.
You will be followed by your
CF and endocrinology team
and treated with insulin.
Done at
any time
of time of
last meal or
<200 mg/dL
(11.2 mmol/L)
≥200 mg/dL
(≥11.1 mmol/L)
High risk of
Starting at age 10, or earlier
if symptoms occur, do
OGTT annually.
If symptoms are present,
do a fasting blood glucose
test, otherwise OGTT.
Done in the
after an
8-hour fast
2-hour glucose
≥200 mg/dL
(≥11.1 mmol/L)
You will be followed by your
CF and endocrinology team
and treated with insulin.
2-hour glucose
140-199 mg/dL
You are at higher risk for
developing diabetes; you will
be closely monitored by your
CF team. Repeat OGTT
annually or earlier if
symptoms occur.
≥200 mg/dL
(≥11.1 mmol/L),
otherwise normal
You are at higher risk for
developing diabetes; you will
be closely monitored by your
CF team. Repeat OGTT
annually or earlier if
symptoms occur.
2-hour glucose
<140 mg/dL
(<7.8 mmol/L)
Normal Repeat OGTT annually
Chapter 2:
How We Diagnose CFRD
• Sugar in the blood get into the cells.
• e body turn sugar into fuel.
• e cells use amino acids to build muscle.
• e body use and store fat.
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• State how insulin helps lower blood sugars and improve nutrition.
• Understand the eect of insulin deciency in CF.
• List the dierent types of insulin and explain how they work.
• Explain why diabetes pills are not used to treat CFRD.
What Insulin Is
Insulin is a hormone that lowers blood sugar levels. It is made in the pancreas by beta cells located
in a part of the pancreas referred to as the endocrine pancreas. A separate part of the pancreas
— the exocrine pancreas — makes digestive enzymes that ow into the intestine to help digest
food. Most people with CF have damage to the whole pancreas and do not make enough
digestive enzymes. ey have to take enzyme supplements. People with CF who do not need
enzyme supplements often do not get CFRD.
What Insulin Does
Insulin helps your body cells use the energy (calories) from the food you eat for fuel and growth.
Food contains three kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates (sugars and starches), protein and fat.
Insulin helps the body cells absorb these nutrients.
Carbohydrates are changed to sugar for the bodys instant fuel needs. Insulin allows the sugar
to move from the blood into the cells where it is burned for fuel. e body cannot turn sugar
into fuel without insulin. Without enough insulin, sugar builds up in the blood until it spills
into the urine. is loss of sugar through the urine makes people with diabetes need to go to the
bathroom a lot and be thirsty.
Muscles are made from protein. Insulin allows the body cells to take up the building blocks
of protein (amino acids) and build muscle tissue. Without enough insulin, protein breakdown
and muscle loss occur. Muscle loss can aect breathing because lung function depends on
muscle strength.
Lastly, insulin allows the body to use and store fat in the diet as
body fat. Without enough insulin, the bodys fat stores are drained
and weight loss occurs.
People with CF make less insulin, which can cause CFRD.
Right now, insulin is the only treatment proven to work for CFRD.
Insulin can be given only by a shot. No one brand of insulin is better
than another, but it is important for you to learn about all types of
insulin and how they work.
Insulin Types
Insulin types are grouped by how fast they work and by how long
they last in the body. ere are four
broad classes of insulin:
• Rapid-acting (lispro, aspart, glulisine)
• Short-acting (regular)
Intermediate-acting (NPH)
• Long-acting (glargine and detemir)
Insulin action (when it peaks, or when it is the strongest, and how long it lasts) may vary from person
to person.
Rapid-Acting Insulin
Lispro (Humalog®), aspart (NovoLog®) and glulisine (Apidra®) start working 15 to 25 minutes
after theyre taken. ey have their peak eect in 30 to 90 minutes. ey can be taken ve to 15
minutes before a meal. ese insulins are most often used to cover the carbohydrates in meals and
snacks and are also used in insulin pumps.
15 to 25
30 to 90
3 to 5
Lispro (Humalog®)
Aspart (NovoLog®)
Glulisine (Apidr)
Covers carbohydrates
in meals and snacks.
May be taken 5-15
minutes before eating.
Used in insulin pumps.
30 minutes
to 1 hour
2 to
3 hours
6 to 8
Covers carbohydrates
in meals. Take 30
minutes before eating.
May also be used for
tube feedings.
1 to
1.5 hours
6 to
8 hours
12 to 18
carbohydrates in
meals. May also
be used for tube
2 hours
3 to 4 hours
no peak
minimal peak
6 to 8 hours
24 hours
up to
24 hours
Glargine (Lantus®)
Detemir (Levemir®)
Basal or background
insulin. Necessary
for all-day insulin
needs, but not
strong enough to
cover carbohydrates
Chapter 3:
Treating CFRD
Chapter 3:
Treating CFRD
Short-Acting Insulin
Short-acting (regular) insulin starts working 30 minutes after its taken. It has its peak eect in
two to three hours and lasts six to eight hours. is varies from person to person. Regular insulin
should be given at least 30 minutes before eating so that it is working as food is being digested.
Intermediate-Acting Insulin
e body uses NPH more slowly than short- or rapid-acting insulin. It has its peak eect in six to
eight hours and lasts about 13 hours. is varies from person to person. NPH can be used with
regular insulin for nighttime gastrostomy tube feedings.
Long-Acting Insulin
Glargine (Lantus®) is called a basal insulin because one dose gives a constant amount of insulin
for about 24 hours with no peak. Basal insulin gives your body the insulin it needs when you
are not eating. Basal insulin is not strong enough to give the extra insulin needed to cover meals.
People who take glargine still need to cover meals and snacks with rapid-acting insulin. Glargine
cannot be mixed in the same syringe with other insulins.
Detemir (Levemir®) is another long-acting insulin that can be taken once or twice a day. It also is
not strong enough to cover meals and snacks. Detemir should not be mixed in the same syringe
with other insulins.
Many people with CF need rapid-acting insulin only before meals and snacks. Long-acting
insulin is needed if you have high blood sugar levels before breakfast.
Often 1 unit
of rapid-acting
insulin will lower
blood sugar
about 50 mg/dL
(2.75 mmol/L).
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
8AM 12PM 5PM 8PM
insulin peaks
Insulin Treatment
Basal Insulin
Everyone needs a small amount of insulin at all times. is background or basal insulin is made
by the pancreas. Most people with CF make less insulin than people without CF who do not
have diabetes. People with CFRD may or may not need to take long-acting insulin, depending on
whether they make enough of their own basal insulin.
Meal Coverage
Normally, the pancreas secretes insulin as a bolus (all at once) to cover the spike in blood sugar
that occurs when you eat. People with diabetes take rapid-acting insulin before meals and snacks
to provide the insulin bolus. Often, the best way to gure out a pre-meal insulin dose is to count
the total number of carbohydrates in the meal. See Chapter 9, “Nutrition and CFRD.
Correction Insulin
If your blood sugars are too high before a meal, you can add extra rapid-acting insulin to your
normal insulin dose to “correct” or lower your blood sugar. Often, one unit of rapid-acting
insulin will lower your blood sugar about 50 mg/dL or 2.75 mmol/L. Work with your diabetes
care team to nd your correction dose.
How Often Insulin Is Given
Most people with CFRD need three or more rapid-acting insulin shots per day to control blood
sugar levels. e more often people with diabetes take rapid-acting insulin with their food, the
better their blood sugar control will be. You can adjust your insulin dose based on what you eat.
Taking insulin with meals and snacks allows you to eat when you want and as much as you want,
and still keep your blood sugar under control.
Most people with CFRD have high blood sugar levels after meals but their blood sugar returns
to normal again four or more hours after eating. ey may need to take rapid-acting insulin only
before each meal.
Long-acting insulin is added when you have fasting hyperglycemia. It is typically given once or
twice per day. Take your rapid-acting insulin 5-15 minutes before you eat. is way it will work
better to help your body absorb the carbohydrates in your meal and prevent your blood sugar
from going too high. Your insulin type and the time it is given should be matched to your eating,
activity and sleeping schedule. You should give your caregiver or diabetes care team as much
information as you can about your habits. You can achieve your best blood sugar control if your
insulin shots t your routine.
Some people with CF have high blood sugar levels only during nighttime nasogastric or
gastrostomy drip feeding (also called tube feedings). If this is the only time you have high blood
sugar, you may be given one shot of intermediate-acting insulin or a mix of short-acting plus
intermediate-acting insulin at the start of the feeding. Tube feedings can also be covered by an
insulin pump.
When Do You Need More Insulin?
When people get sick, they need more
insulin. Insulin also doesnt work as well
when people receive corticosteroids like
People without diabetes can
make more insulin
in their pancreas when
they are sick. People with
CFRD cant, so
their blood sugars rise. Check your blood sugar often to see if you need more insulin. Sudden high
blood sugar levels may mean your body is stressed or you are getting sick. is may be the rst sign
that a “little cold” is really a bigger illness needing stronger treatment. Always tell your doctor if
your blood sugar levels rise without warning.
You are getting sick and while you are sick.
• You are stressed.
• You dont have enough insulin in your bloodstream.
• You are taking steroids like prednisone.
Chapter 3:
Treating CFRD
Chapter 3:
Treating CFRD
Getting enough insulin while sick will prevent weight loss and help you heal faster. When you
check blood sugar levels often and record the results or download the results on the computer, you
can see patterns of low or high blood sugar at certain times of the day (pattern management).
is information can help you and your doctor adjust your insulin dose between visits.
Time Insulin Blood Sugar Food Intake
Physical Activity Other Factors
Type Amount Amount
Type of
Grams Type Amount Stress/Illness
2 hours aer
2 hours aer
2 hours aer
Storing and Handling Insulin
Insulin that isnt open should be stored in the refrigerator up to the expiration date. Once
opened, insulin is good at room temperature for one month. Many people like to inject room
temperature insulin because cold insulin may sting. To warm the insulin, roll the bottle/pen
between your hands for one to two minutes. Use alcohol wipes to clean the top of the bottle/pen
before taking the insulin out.
Except for NPH, insulin is clear and should be thrown away if it looks cloudy. Any bottle/pen of
insulin that looks “clumpy” should be thrown away. Insulin should be thrown away if it freezes or
gets hotter than 86°F. NovoLog® and Apidra® are stable to 98.6°F.
Insulin in a pen, or cartridge for use with an insulin injection pen, should be stored in the
refrigerator until opened. Once in use, pens of Lantus®, Levemir®, Humalog®, and NovoLog®,
Aprida®, and regular insulin are good for 28 days, and NPH insulin is good for 14 days.
Once insulin pens are in use, they should be stored at room temperature. To avoid damaging
your insulin, never leave it in the car or any other place where it may get too hot or too cold.
Insulin Pens, Syringes, and Pumps
Insulin Injection Devices/Pens
You can choose between many insulin injection devices.
ey are often called “pens” because they are about the size
of an ink pen. e pen needle is 29 to 33 gauge, which is
about the same size or smaller than an insulin syringe needle.
Insulin is stored in a cartridge inside the pen. Some pens
can be reused, though their cartridge of insulin is thrown
away when empty. Other pens are thrown away when the insulin runs out. Insulin cartridges and
disposable pens come with varied types, or mixes, of insulin. Your diabetes doctor can help you
choose the best type of insulin for you. An insulin pen can be convenient because you dont have
to draw up the dose of insulin from a multiuse vial; instead you dial the dose you want to deliver.
It’s quick, precise, and easy to carry with you. An insulin injection device can be useful if you
take only rapid-acting insulin before meals.
Syringes and Needles
Insulin can be given using a specic insulin syringe with a needle.
is is dierent than a traditional medication syringe. Insulin
syringes measure insulin as units per cubic centimeter (cc). e
most common type of insulin sold in the United States contains
100 units of insulin per cc (U-100 insulin). A standard insulin
syringe holds either 3/10 cc (30 units), ½ cc (50 units), or 1 cc
(100 units). A 3/10 cc syringe is simpler to use with small insulin
doses (30 units or less). is is probably the size of insulin syringe
you will use.
Needles have varied widths. Smaller widths have larger numbers.
A 31-gauge needle is the smallest needle. A 20-gauge needle is
very large. Most insulin syringe needles are 29- to 31-gauge. If
you prefer short needles, ask your doctor or diabetes educator to
prescribe them.
Taking Insulin Shots with a Syringe
Before taking an insulin shot, always check the bottle/pen to be sure you are getting the right
type of insulin and that it has not expired.
When mixing both intermediate- and short- or rapid-acting insulin in a syringe from a multiuse
bottle, always draw the short- or rapid-acting insulin into your syringe before you withdraw the
intermediate-acting insulin. Never mix long-acting insulin (Lantus® or Levemir®) in the same
syringe with short- or rapid-acting insulin. is will destroy the long-acting insulin.
Some people choose to use pen devices instead of having to mix two dierent kinds of insulin in
a syringe. You have to take two injections with the pens (because you cannot mix pens), but the
extra shot may outweigh the burden of mixing from the bottle.
Once you withdraw the right amount of insulin, your skin should be cleaned with soap and
water or alcohol. Try not to use alcohol on your skin a lot as it may dry out.
Chapter 3:
Treating CFRD
Chapter 3:
Treating CFRD
Work with your diabetes educator to nd the best plan for you. She or he can teach you the
proper technique when drawing up insulin from a vial and/or when giving an injection with a
pen device. Both methods have special directions for delivering a dose.
Insulin Injection Sites
Insulin can be given in the thigh, buttocks, upper arm and tummy. e best place for you will
likely be where you have the most fat below the skin. e needle should be put just under the
skin into fat. It may help to pinch up a fold of skin and fat before putting in the needle. Choose
a new place to give the insulin each time (also called rotating the injection site). Be sure to hold
the needle under the skin for 10 seconds before you take it out to make sure all the insulin was
delivered. e picture on page 18 shows some good places to give insulin.
Insulin Pumps
Instead of taking insulin shots, some people use insulin pumps (also called continuous
subcutaneous insulin infusions or CSII). Insulin pumps deliver insulin in two ways:
Basal rate is the background/continuous drip of insulin 24 hours a day. It takes the place of
the injectable background insulin dose (glargine or detemir).
Bolus insulin is given immediately at the touch of a button to cover carbohydrates consumed
or if a correction dose is needed to lower a high blood sugar level. is is called the bolus dose.
A pump gives insulin through an infusion set (a thin, short plastic tube), which is put into the
skin using a tiny needle. ink of the infusion set like an IV except it goes in the subcutaneous
tissues (fat tissue just under the skin) rather than a vein or artery. e infusion set needle starts
at the site but is then removed; the plastic catheter stays behind to deliver the dose. e plastic
catheter is short, ne and exible so you usually cant feel it once it’s in place. e infusion set is
the size of a quarter and stays on the skin with strong tape for two to three days. e infusion set
connects to the pump.
e pump acts as a mini-calculator. It can tell if a correction dose is needed based on your blood
sugar value, total carbohydrates consumed and length of time since your last insulin dose.
e pump rate can also be slowed down or sped up for a prescribed amount of time. For example,
if you are exercising and do not want to get low blood sugar during your workout, you could
temporarily stop or decrease the basal rate while youre exercising. If you have an overnight
tube feeding, the pump can be set at a higher basal rate for a period of time and cover the
carbohydrates being dripped in while sleeping. When on a steroid burst, the pump can be
set to temporarily add 10 to 20 percent more basal insulin to help with the high sugar values
that occur with using steroids.
For many people with CFRD, an insulin pump is ideal because the pump settings can be
adjusted rapidly and precisely to t their frequently changing needs. e pump oers great blood
sugar control without the need for daily shots. Keep in mind that an insulin pump needs to
be worn 24 hours a day. e pump is the size of a pager and you get used to the tubing, but it
cannot be taken on/o for more than a couple of hours, since it is the only source of insulin once
you start it. You still need to check your blood glucose at least four times a day and count your
carbohydrates. To learn more about insulin pumps, meet with your diabetes care team.
Continuous Glucose Monitors
Continuous glucose monitors record your glucose levels around the clock. As with the insulin
pump catheter, a sensor is placed in the subcutaneous tissues (fat tissue just under the skin) for
up to seven days. During that time, the monitor takes in glucose from the interstitial uid
(uid between the cells of the tissues) and converts it to blood glucose data. ose data then
displayed on a receiver for you to interpret. e continuous sensor does not alter the insulin dose,
but instead gives you more information about blood sugar patterns. People who have diculty
recognizing low blood glucose are the best candidates for a sensor.
Sugar levels in interstitial uid lag behind blood sugar levels (that is, sugar shows up in blood
more quickly than in the uid), so the continuous glucose monitor cannot be used to make
immediate decisions about managing your blood sugar. Instead, it shows trends in your blood
sugar levels and can help you and your care team identify any changes you might need in your
diabetes management plan.
e monitor receiver will alarm you if your blood sugar level gets too high or low. is is
especially helpful at night when you are sleeping. e monitors need to be “calibrated” with
nger-stick blood sugar levels, so you still need to check your blood sugar four times a day.
Once calibrated, the monitor will give all the extra data in between.
Oral Agents (Diabetes Pills)
Experts agree that pills are not as eective as insulin in treating CFRD; therefore, insulin is the
only medical treatment recommended.
Chapter 3:
Treating CFRD
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• Explain what blood sugar levels are okay for certain age groups and times of the day.
• State when blood sugar should be tested.
• List the steps taken to check and record blood sugar levels.
• Understand the reasons for wrong results.
When to Check Blood Sugar
Most doctors advise that you check your blood sugar at least three or four times a day to help
decide how much insulin you need. Most people with diabetes check their blood sugar before
breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before their bedtime snack. Blood sugars also rise after
you eat; therefore, you may need to check your blood sugar two to three hours after eating a
meal to make sure your insulin dose is correct. is is known as your postprandial glucose level.
Typical glucose goals for adults, adolescents, children and pregnant women are shown in the table
on page 20. Check with your diabetes care team to see what your goal should be.
Key times to check your blood sugar levels:
Two to three hours after your largest meal once in a while. is reading should be less than
180 mg/dL or 10.0 mmol/L.
• If you take intermediate-acting insulin (NPH) in the evening, check your blood sugar
in the middle of the night once every two to three weeks to make sure that low blood sugar
does not occur during sleep.
• If you get nighttime tube feedings, check your blood sugar before the tube feeding starts,
three to four hours after the tube feeding has started (once or twice a week) and at the end
of the tube feeding. You will likely need more insulin if your blood sugar level is more than
150 mg/dL or 10.0 mmol/L in the middle of the tube feeding.
• If you get feedings all at once, check your blood sugar before the bolus and two to three hours
after the bolus.
• You will likely need more insulin if your blood sugar level is more than 150 mg/dL or
10.0 mmol/L two to three hours after a bolus feeding.
• If your blood sugar level is often higher than 200 mg/dL or 11.0 mmol/L, you need more
rapid-acting insulin before your meal.
Fasting and pre-meal
mg/dL (mmol/L)
2 to 3 Hours after eating
mg/dL (mmol/L)*
mg/dL (mmol/L)
Adults 80-130 (4.4-7.2) <180 (10.0) 90-150 (5.0-8.3)
Adolescents 90-130 (5.0-7.2) <180 (10.0) 90-150 (5.0-8.3)
School-age children 90-180 (5.0-10.0) <200 (11.1) 100-1830 (5.6-10.0)
Children <6 yrs 100-180 (5.6-10.0) <200 (11.1) 110-200 (6.1-11.1)
Pregnant women
≤ 95 (5.3)
≤ 120 (6.7)
60-99 (3.3-5.5)
* If your blood sugar level is less than 100 mg/dL or 5.5 mmol/L, add 15 grams of total carbohydrates
to your bedtime snack. See Chapter 9, “Nutrition and CFRD.” If your blood sugar level is less than
70 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L, add 15-30 grams. If your blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dL at bedtime,
recheck your blood sugar in the middle of the night to make sure you are not too low. If this happens
more than once in a week, call your diabetes care team for advice.
e only sure way to check blood sugar
levels at home is with a blood glucose meter.
Studies show that you cannot guess your
blood sugar levels based on how you feel.
How to Check Blood Sugar
Finger “Sticks
You’ll need a lancet to check your blood
sugar. A lancet has a tiny spring-loaded
needle made for gently getting a drop of blood from the tip of your nger to check your blood
sugar. Before using a lancet, wash your hands with warm water to clean them and increase blood
ow. Washing your hands also helps remove any sugar on your nger so your reading wont be
falsely high. You may need to use alcohol to clean your nger if you cant wash your hands. Dont
use alcohol if you can wash your hands, because alcohol dries out the skin.
It can help to put your hand on top of a table. Prick the side of the nger rather than the eshy
pad. at will hurt less. If you dont get a drop of blood after pricking your nger, hold your
hand down at your side to increase blood ow to your nger. Change the nger you use each
time so your ngers dont get sore.
When you rst wake up.
• Before lunch.
• Before dinner.
Before a bedtime snack.
• Two to three hours after largest meal.
Any time your activity or eating patterns change.
Prepare the lancet.
Wash your hands or clean your nger with an
alcohol swab.
Prick the side of your nger.
Put a drop of blood on the test strip.
Chapter 4:
Blood Sugar Testing
Chapter 4:
Blood Sugar Testing
Glucose Meters (Blood Sugar Meters)
ere are many brands of meters for sale. Each meter diers in the way it is used. Each brand has
test strips that are made to go with the meter. To get correct results, keep the test strips in their
bottle until they are ready for use. Do not use generic or out-of-date test strips because they may
not work properly with your meter and may give you incorrect results. Use the test strips that
are right for the meter! Follow all of the steps for coding, cleaning and checking to see that
the meter is working right. If you have problems with your meter, you can call the 1-800
phone number on the back of the meter for help.
Blood Sugar Testing Results
Recording Results
Record your results after each test and review your blood sugar levels every one to two weeks.
at way you know your baseline blood sugar level and can see if it becomes more erratic.
Patterns in blood sugar readings at certain times of day may signal a need to change your insulin
dose. When you record your results, you can also note any special things going on at the time
that might account for those results. For instance, next to a low blood sugar reading you might
write, “I did not eat enough” or “I worked out more than normal.
Downloading software has become a more common way of self-monitoring blood sugar levels.
Often blood glucose meters come with downloading cables, or you can purchase them separately.
e meter companies have free downloading software that stores the information. You can print
it out and bring it to your appointment or send it to your diabetes team for assessment.
Insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors also have downloading software that allows you
and your diabetes team access to complete records and assess blood sugar levels, insulin doses
and trends. Smartphone apps also will help you keep detailed logbooks and/or store data for your
immediate access.
Whatever program works best for you is the one you should use. New gadgets also give you
something to be excited about and help you have better control of your blood sugar levels.
Good blood sugar control is very important for your health. Record your blood sugars in a
diabetes self-care record, which you will get in your diabetes clinic. Write down events that may
aect your blood sugar such as exercise, stress, not enough insulin, etc. Bring along these results,
and your meter, when you come to the clinic. If the results are often outside of the desired range,
your insulin dose should be changed. Between clinic visits, you can call, email, mail or fax the
test results to your diabetes care team. Your doctor can make changes in insulin or you can make
some changes on your own. e longer you have CFRD, the more comfortable you will feel
about changing your insulin dose.
Good diabetes control can only occur with blood sugar testing. e whole family must support
this eort. In many states, insurance companies must pay for diabetes supplies by law. e local
American Diabetes Association (ADA; can tell you more about the laws in
your state. You and your diabetes care team will work together to help you manage your diabetes.
e more you check your blood sugar, the better you will be able to manage your diabetes.
Your blood sugar reading may be wrong if
Your nger is not clean and dry.
You do not follow all of the meters steps for use
and care.
e meter parts are dirty (such as with dried blood).
e codes on the strip and the meter dont match.
e drop of blood is too small.
• e test strips are generic, expired or not
properly stored.
Chapter 4:
Blood Sugar Testing
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• List the tests used to manage diabetes.
• Explain how the diabetes care team and ophthalmology visits help to manage CFRD.
Tests to Help Manage CFRD
Hemoglobin A1c
Normally, red blood cells live about three months. Hemoglobin A1c shows how much sugar is
stuck” to your red blood cells. e test shows how high your blood sugar levels have been for the
past three months. It shows long-term blood sugar control. Hemoglobin A1c can be measured at
a clinic visit. You do not have to fast. e recommended hemoglobin A1c for adults with diabetes
is less than 7 percent. People with CFRD often have an articially low hemoglobin A1c. is is
because their red blood cells live for less than three months. is test can still be used to track
your blood sugar over time, but your current blood sugar values are more precise.
Urine Microalbumin
Uncontrolled diabetes can eventually lead to kidney damage. e amount of protein in your
urine (urine microalbumin) shows the health of your kidneys. After you have had CFRD for ve
years, your diabetes care team will check the protein level in your urine once a year (a “spot” urine
check). To be diagnosed with kidney damage, you must have two out of the three abnormal urine
tests over a three-to six-month period. Medications can treat this. Good blood sugar control can
help prevent kidney damage.
Blood Pressure
Uncontrolled blood pressure can also lead to kidney damage and other health problems.
Your blood pressure should be checked at every routine clinic visit. Blood pressure should be
less than 140/90 mmHg. If it is higher, your blood pressure should be checked again on a
dierent day to conrm the diagnosis of high blood pressure. Good blood pressure control can
help prevent kidney damage and other health problems. Unlike people without CF, you should
not decrease your salt intake to help control your blood pressure. Medications can treat high
blood pressure.
Urine Sugar Testing
Urine can be tested for sugar, but this is not a sure way to diagnose or manage diabetes.
e blood sugar level that causes sugar to spill into the urine varies from person to person.
Often it varies in the same person from time to time. Urine sugar testing should never be done
instead of blood sugar testing.
Urine or Blood Ketone Testing
When body cells use fat for fuel instead of sugar, the body makes ketones. Ketones are found in
the urine and blood. People with CFRD dont often have large ketone levels and dont usually
need to test for ketones. Your doctor will tell you if you need to check for ketones.
Lipid Prole
Blood lipids (fats) are cholesterol and triglycerides. People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at
risk for heart disease and stroke if their cholesterol and triglyceride levels are high. Lipid proles
are checked every year in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. People with CFRD who need
enzyme supplements to digest food appear to be at a very low risk for heart disease and stroke.
ey dont often need routine lipid prole checks. People with CFRD who dont need enzyme
supplements should have their lipid proles checked yearly. If you have a strong family history
of stroke or heart disease, or if you are taking immunosuppressant medications after a transplant,
you will need an annual lipid prole.
Foot Exam
Nerve damage (neuropathy) can occur in people with CFRD who have uncontrolled blood
sugars over time. After you have had CFRD for ve years, you need to be tested each year for
nerve damage. To test for nerve damage, your doctor will examine your feet with a tool called a
monolament to see if you can feel it.
Other Tools to Manage CFRD
Diabetes Care Team Visits
Besides your routine visits to the CF Foundation-accredited care center, you should also be
seen by a diabetes care team every three to four months. ese visits are very important to help
you manage your CFRD. Your team will examine you and review your diet, your blood sugar
control and your insulin doses. Always bring your blood glucose meter to these appointments.
Uncontrolled diabetes can cause the body to heal more slowly, so you should show your diabetes
care team any new wounds or wounds that havent healed as they should. During these visits,
discuss any questions you have about your diabetes treatment plan to help control your blood
sugars and prevent future problems.
Yearly Ophthalmology Visits
In about 10 to 23 percent of people with CFRD, uncontrolled diabetes over time can cause
or eye disease. is eye disease can cause blurred vision at rst and blindness later
on if blood sugars are not well controlled. After you have had CFRD for ve years, you should
schedule an ophthalmology visit to see an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) once a year. e doctor
will do a complete eye exam to see if you have retinopathy. If you do, the ophthalmologist can
treat it. Good blood sugar control can help prevent it.
Chapter 5:
How We Manage CFRD
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• Describe the members of the total care team.
Although you may know your pulmonologist (lung doctor) well, you may not know an
endocrinologist (diabetes doctor). If you have CFRD or abnormal glucose tolerance, you should
see a diabetes doctor and a lung doctor. e diabetes doctor will design a treatment plan to meet
your diabetes needs and maintain health.
Most diabetes doctors work with certied diabetes educators (CDEs). ese are often nurses
and dietitians with special training to manage diabetes. Get to know the nurses and dietitians
who work with your CF and endocrine doctors. Diabetes educators can help you manage your
diabetes by teaching you about blood sugar control and insulin dosing. Diabetes educators can
teach you how to tell when insulin doses need changing. Other members of the diabetes care
team include a social worker or psychologist. You may end up not meeting all of the diabetes care
team members if you already work closely with the CF dietitian and social worker.
Your diabetes and CF doctors and you need to work as a team to manage your diabetes. Your
total care team includes YOU and your family; your CF doctor, nurse, dietitian and social
worker; and your diabetes doctor, nurse, dietitian, diabetes educator and social worker.
You are the most important member of your total care team! Your role on the team is to tell
the others what you need and how you feel. Bring your blood glucose meter to all clinic visits.
Tell them about your medicines (particularly prednisone/steroids) and physical activity. Tell them
about your schedule (when you wake up, go to bed, eat meals and eat snacks) so they can help
you create a routine that works for school or work days and weekends. is makes it simpler to
manage diabetes. Being open with the other team members allows the total care team to match
your treatment to your needs as a person with CF and CFRD.
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• List the common signs of low blood sugar.
• Explain how to treat low blood sugar.
• Describe how to manage diabetes on days when you are too sick to eat your normal diet.
• Explain how to avoid low blood sugar with exercise.
What is Hypoglycemia?
Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. Levels less than 70 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L are too low and
can be dangerous. Blood sugar levels this low dont often occur unless a person is taking insulin.
People who are taking insulin shots can have very low blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels can
drop fast and must be treated fast! When you are newly diagnosed with CFRD, you and the
people you live and work around must learn the symptoms of hypoglycemia and how to treat it.
Low Blood Sugar Symptoms
e body gives a warning when blood sugars are getting low. WARNINGS VARY FROM
PERSON TO PERSON. Others may see these symptoms in you before you do. If your blood
sugar is low and you dont treat it, you may
pass out, have a seizure or have convulsions.
If you are taking insulin, you must treat your
low blood sugar right away so that symptoms
dont worsen. Symptoms often occur when
blood sugar levels are not yet low enough for
you to pass out.
e early signs of low blood sugar are
caused by the release of a hormone called
adrenaline. Adrenaline is also called the
“ght or ight” hormone because most
people release it when they are excited or
scared. Among other things, it dilates the
pupils, raises the heart rate and makes
people feel shaky and sweaty. If you feel
these symptoms, check your blood sugar.
If it is less than 70 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L,
you need to treat it quickly by eating
foods or drinking liquids that contain
• Sudden hunger
• Upset stomach (nausea)
• Shaky feeling hands or body
• More sweat than normal (often a “cold” sweat)
• A pale face color
• Weakness
• Headache
• Confusion (you may feel or look “spaced out
or “dazed”)
• Blurred vision or double vision
A change in the way you act or feel (crying, feeling
nervous, acting “drunk” or angry, etc.)
• Fast heartbeat
Tingling or numbness in your lips and mouth
Low Blood Sugar Causes
When your body doesnt have enough sugar to burn for fuel, your blood sugar level drops.
Low blood sugar tied to insulin use is often called an insulin reaction or a reaction.
Low Blood Sugar in CF without Diabetes
People with CF who are not taking insulin may have
slightly low blood sugar levels and feel the warning
symptoms listed above. ese symptoms occur because
your bodys own insulin secretion isnt well timed to
when you eat your meals. Although slightly low blood
sugar can feel bad, it is not a danger. Your blood sugar
should never drop really low unless you are taking insulin.
People not taking insulin who feel low blood sugar
symptoms can stop or prevent them by eating small
meals every two to three hours. ese meals should
contain carbohydrates. Ask your dietitian to help you
with a meal plan if you have low blood sugars.
Low Blood Sugar Treatment
e best treatment for very low blood sugar is to eat or
drink a simple sugar source. If your blood sugar is less
than 70 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L, you should take 15 grams of carbohydrates (such as in three or
four glucose tablets; ½ cup of regular soda, juice or lemonade; 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey;
or one piece of medium-sized fruit). If your blood sugar is less than 50 mg/dL or 2.75 mmol/L,
you should take 30 grams of carbohydrates (a double serving of the above). If you are taking insulin,
you should always carry glucose tablets with you. Use them when you feel “low” but
dont have time
to test or when you have no other sugar source.
It is not safe to feed a person who has passed out because they will likely choke. If your blood
sugar is so low that you pass out or cant drink, someone else
needs to give you a glucagon shot and call 911. Glucagon is a
hormone that “squeezes” extra sugar out of the liver and raises
the blood sugar level. You should have glucagon with you at
all times. ose who live with you should know how to give it.
Glucagon can cause nausea and vomiting for up to six hours.
Even if the package is not opened, glucagon expires after
one year. Check your glucagon now and then to see when it
expires. Replace it when needed. Always wear an ID bracelet
or necklace stating that you have diabetes and CF. is is the rst thing that rescue workers look
for. It tells them that you might need glucagon or intravenous (IV) sugar if your blood sugar is
dangerously low.
Chapter 7:
Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
• Late or missed meals and snacks.
• Extra exercise that burns more sugar.
• An insulin dose that is too high.
• Absorbing the insulin too fast, which can happen
with exercise or if the shot is given in the muscle
instead of just under the skin.
• Lack of low blood sugar warning symptoms
(for example, when you are asleep).
• Getting too much insulin or wrongly mixed
insulin types.
• Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach when
taking insulin.
• ree or four glucose tablets
½ cup of regular soda, juice or lemonade
1 Tbsp of sugar or honey
1 piece of medium-sized fruit
Driving and Low Blood Sugar
You can drive with diabetes, but you must take extra precautions to stay safe.
e following are steps you can take to prevent low blood sugar while driving.
• Check your blood sugar before you drive. NEVER drive if your blood sugar is less
than 100 mg/dL or 5.5 mmol/L.
• Eat a snack with carbohydrates before you drive.
• Pack plenty of snacks with carbohydrates for long trips.
• Pull over and check your blood sugar if you feel shaky. If it is low, eat a snack.
• Dont take insulin on an empty stomach before driving to a restaurant. Take insulin
when you get your food.
• Keep glucose tablets in your car.
Sick Days and Blood Sugar
When you are not able to eat your normal diet, it can be hard to control blood sugar. Your blood sugar
often rises when you are sick. You are also more likely to get dehydrated if you have a fever, diarrhea,
high blood sugar or are throwing up. If you are throwing up or have lost your appetite, tell your
diabetes care team.
ese guidelines will help you manage your blood sugar when you cant eat your normal diet:
• Check your blood sugar every four to six hours.
Tell your doctor if your blood sugar is higher than normal.
• Use your normal insulin dose, unless your doctor tells you to change.
• If you cant eat solids, drink liquids. Replace 15 grams of carbohydrates from solids with 15
grams of carbohydrates from liquids.
• Sip at least 8 to 12 ounces of uids every hour. Alternate uids that contain carbohydrates
(juice, milk, supplements, soda) with uids that do not (water, sugar-free drinks).
• Even if your blood sugar is not high, call your doctor if you cant eat your normal diet for more
than 24 hours or if you have diarrhea or are throwing up for more than six hours.
• If you are supposed to check your urine for ketones when well, check more often when sick.
Call your doctor if your urine ketones are moderate or high.
• Dont miss CF treatments when sick!
Chapter 7:
Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
Tell your doctor or CF care team when you have a fever!
• Higher than normal blood sugar levels may mark the start of a more severe illness. Always tell
your CF Foundation-accredited care center team and your diabetes care team if your blood
sugar is high for more than two days.
Exercise and Low Blood Sugar
Routine exercise is good for many reasons. It can help control your blood sugars by making
your body respond better to insulin. Exercise can strengthen your lungs and help you feel better.
Exercise can help with depression. All people with CFRD should do some type of moderate
aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes per week.
Exercise may also cause low blood sugar because muscles use sugar for fuel. People with CFRD
can work out safely as long as they understand the following:
You may need to adjust your insulin dose to match your activity level. Even if your blood sugar
is more than 100 mg/dL or 5.5 mmol/L, eating an extra carbohydrate snack before starting is wise.
• You may need an extra 15 to 30 grams or more of carbohydrates for each hour of intense or
lengthy exercise.
• e blood-sugar-lowering eect of a workout can last as long as 12 to 24 hours, so you may
need to eat an extra bedtime snack with carbohydrates on the days youve exercised really hard.
Record your exercise in your diabetes self-care record so that your doctor will know if exercise
caused low blood sugar.
• Check your blood sugar before, during and after your
workout so you can watch your blood sugar patterns.
• Eat a snack with carbohydrates before you begin if your
blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dL or 5.5 mmol/L.
• Have a source of carbohydrates with you
(such as glucose tablets).
To prevent low blood sugar, eat 15 to 30 grams of
carbohydrates for every 30 minutes to one hour of
continuous exercise.
Chapter 7:
Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
Learning Goal
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• Describe the other types of abnormal glucose tolerance in CF and know treatment for each.
e oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) discussed in Chapter 2 is used to diagnose not just
CFRD but also the other types of abnormal glucose tolerance that are very common in people
with CF. Abnormal glucose tolerance is not the same as diabetes, but people who have abnormal
glucose tolerance are at high risk for developing diabetes in the future.
Other Types of Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in CF
Indeterminate Glycemia
If your fasting and two-hour OGTT results are normal, but you have a high blood glucose
reading in the middle of the OGTT, this is called indeterminate glycemia (INDET).
Impaired Fasting Glucose
Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) occurs when your fasting blood glucose is 100 mg/dL to 125 mg/
dL, or 5.6 mmol/L to 6.9 mmol/L.
Impaired Glucose Tolerance
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) occurs when your blood glucose levels are 140 mg/dL to 199
mg/dL or 5.6 mmol/L to 11.0 mmol/L at two hours during the OGTT.
IFG and INDET are considered pre-diabetic and they carry a high risk of developing diabetes
in the future. In children with CF who have not reached puberty, both IGT and INDET could
indicate an early diagnosis of CFRD. e CF Foundation recommends that all people with
CF have an annual OGTT starting at the age of 10 to screen for abnormal glucose tolerance or
CFRD. You should also be tested if you have diabetes symptoms, when you are sick and/or when
you are taking steroids.
Avoid drinking too many sweet drinks, such as soda or large amounts of fruit juice or other
sweetened beverages. Eat meals and snacks throughout the day, all with the same amount of
carbohydrates. Talk with your dietitian about spreading carbohydrates throughout the day to even
out your blood sugars.
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• Describe a high-calorie healthy diet.
• Figure out carbohydrate content from a standard food label and adjust insulin.
• Manage late meals, alcohol and sugar substitutes.
A High-Calorie Healthy Diet
To ensure good health, it is important to maintain a healthy
body weight. With type 1 or type 2 diabetes, people are often
advised to eat a low-fat, low-salt, and sometimes low-calorie
diet. People with CF have dierent nutrition needs, though.
Even with CFRD, you still need to eat your normal high-
calorie, high-protein, high-fat, high-salt diet to help you get
and maintain a healthy body weight. Keeping your blood
sugar at near-normal levels will help to maintain your weight
and ensure good health. You can learn to manage your blood
sugar by balancing your food, insulin and physical activity.
A healthy diet means eating a variety of foods from all food groups. Added fats and sweets
provide a good source of extra calories. All foods are healthy and, when eaten in the right
amounts, can help you reach and maintain a healthy body weight. e only change is that,
now that you have CFRD, you need to learn how to measure or count the foods that aect
your blood sugar the most.
e six major food groups contain six dierent nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins,
minerals and water. Carbohydrates, protein and fat provide fuel (calories) for our bodies. Foods
that contain carbohydrates aect blood sugar the most because the body turns them into sugar.
Foods that are made up mostly of protein and fat have much less of an eect on blood sugar.
e graphs below show how carbohydrates, protein and fat aect blood sugar.
1. Grains
2. Fruits
3. Vegetables
4. Meats
5. Dairy
6. Fats
Carbohydrate Protein Fat
Blood Sugar
e main way to control blood sugar with diet
is to monitor the carbohydrates in your meals
and snacks. is does not mean that you should
avoid carbohydrates. ey contain important
nutrients and are the bodys main source of fuel.
Carbohydrates are turned into sugar that is then
used as fuel for all body functions. e two main
types of carbohydrates in these foods are sugars
and starches. When eaten in the same amounts,
both types aect blood sugar the same way.
Foods that are high in ber have no special
on blood sugar.
By checking your blood sugar and watching the amounts and kinds of carbohydrates you eat,
you will learn how varied combinations of foods aect your blood sugar levels. Make sure that you
eat carbohydrates at times when there is enough insulin in your body to change them into fuel.
If you are on a xed insulin dose (two or three shots per day with the same dose each time), you will
be better able to manage blood sugar by eating the same amount of carbohydrates during each of
your daily three meals and three snacks. Eat at about the same times each day, too.
People who are willing to take four or more shots of rapid-acting insulin per day or use an insulin
pump have more options when choosing when and how much to eat. If you want more options,
your doctor or diabetes educator can teach you how to adjust your rapid-acting insulin, based on
how many carbohydrates you plan to eat during meals and snacks. is is called an insulin-to-
carbohydrate ratio. Your dietitian can help you learn carbohydrate counting so you can use
this method.
Reading Food Labels for Carbohydrates
Food labels will tell you the carbohydrate content
in the foods you eat using “grams of carbohydrate.
On this food label, the serving size is ½ cup. All of
the nutrient values listed below the serving size are
based on ½ cup of this food. As you can see, the total
carbohydrate content in ½ cup of this food is 13 grams.
If you plan to eat more than the listed serving size,
multiply the amount shown on the label by how many
servings you plan to eat. For example, if you plan to eat
1 cup of this food item, you will be eating two times
the serving size on the label, because ½ cup x 2 = 1 cup.
To nd the total carbohydrate content of your 1 cup
of food, multiply 13 grams by 2, which equals
26 grams.
Chapter 9:
Nutrition and CFRD
• Grains (bread, rice, pasta and cereal)
• Fruits (fresh, canned and dried fruit)
• Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, peas
and winter squash)
• Milk and yogurt
• Beans, peas, and lentils
• Desserts
• Sweetened drinks
• Snack foods
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1/2 cup (90g)
Servings Per Container 4
Amount Per Serving
Calories 100 Calories from Fat 30
Total Fat 3g 5%
Saturated Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 300mg 13%
Total Carbohydrates 13g 4%
Dietary Fiber 3g 12%
Sugars 3g
Protein 3g
Chapter 9:
Nutrition and CFRD
Carbohydrate Counting, Breakfast Example
Daily Meal Plans
Here is an example of a meal plan using carbohydrate grams for someone needing about 3,000
calories per day. Servings of meat, vegetable and fat (they have no or very little carbohydrates)
would be added to foods for a well-balanced diet.
Basing your diet on carbohydrate grams gives you options and helps you control your blood sugar
levels (along with insulin and physical activity). You and your dietitian can base your own meal
plan on your normal eating habits. If you want more options in your meal plan, talk to your
doctor, dietitian or diabetes educator about insulin changes and using an insulin-to-carbohydrate
ratio. See Chapter 11, “Carbohydrates in Common Food Items,” and review your meal plan with
your dietitian.
Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratios
Using an insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio will give you
the most options about when and how much you eat.
To use this method, you need to know
• How to count the carbohydrates in the foods you
eat (see Chapter 11, “Carbohydrates in Common
Food Items”).
• How insulin works (see Chapter 3, “Treating CFRD”).
How to “match” or adjust your rapid-acting insulin
to the carbohydrates you plan to eat.
• How to use a “correction dose” of insulin when
your blood sugar is outside your target range.
Food Item Carbohydrate Grams
8 ounces whole milk 11 g
1 cup sweetened dry cereal 28 g
1 large banana 27 g
2 slices of toast 32 g
Margarine or butter
0 g
2 fried eggs
0 g
100 g
Meal Carbohydrate Grams
Breakfast 75 to 90 g
AM Snack 30 to 45 g
Lunch 75 to 90 g
PM Snack 30 to 45 g
Dinner 75 to 90 g
Bedtime Snack 30 to 45 g
• e time of shot, meal and blood sugar check.
• e type and dose of insulin(s).
• Your blood sugar before the meal or snack and two
hours after.
e amount of food eaten (using cups, teaspoons, etc.).
• e carbohydrate content of the food eaten
(in grams).
• Any physical activity (type and how long).
Any stress, illness or other medicines (such as steroids)
you are taking that may aect your blood sugar.
Food Item Carbohydrate Grams
1 turkey and cheese sandwich with mayonnaise 30 g
2 ounces of potato chips 30 g
10 ounces whole milk 15 g
1 medium apple 15 g
Total 90 g
Most people with CFRD need about one unit of rapid-acting insulin (Humalog®, NovoLog®
or Apidra®) for every 15 grams of carbohydrates. Some people need more than this (one unit of
insulin for every 7 or 8 grams of carbohydrates). Some people need less (one unit of insulin for
every 30 grams of carbohydrates). You and your care team can gure the ratio thats right for you.
You’ll need to keep a detailed record for at least three days to gure your ratio. Bring your record
to the clinic.
Your ratio may change from time to time because of illness, stress, weight changes, medicines and
physical activity. Work with your care team if your ratio ever stops working well. Once youve
gured your ratio, you can use it to cover meals and snacks. For instance, if you need about one unit
of rapid-acting insulin for every 15 grams of carbohydrates and you planned on eating 90 grams of
carbohydrates for lunch, then you would take six units of rapid-acting insulin to cover your lunch
(90 ÷ 15 = 6).
Lunch Example
For this lunch, you would take six units of rapid-acting insulin to cover
90 grams of carbohydrates.
Insulin Correction Doses
A correction dose is extra insulin given before meals when your pre-meal blood sugar is higher
than the range you want. For instance, your pre-meal blood sugar is 170 mg/dL (9.4 mmol/L) and
your blood sugar goal is 80 to 120 mg/dL (4.4 to 6.7 mmol/L). You need one unit of rapid-acting
insulin to “drop” or “correct” your blood sugar about 50 mg/dL (2.75 mmol/L) to the top of your
goal range, so you would add one unit of insulin to your meal dose. e total for the lunch example
above would then be seven units of insulin: six units for the meal and one extra unit for correction.
Your doctor or diabetes care team will give you a correction scale when needed. Only rapid-acting
insulins are used for correction.
Eating a Balanced CF Diet
A healthy diet includes a variety of foods and beverages. Most people with type 1 and type 2
diabetes (and most Americans as well) are advised to eat a low-fat diet to help prevent obesity,
atherosclerosis and heart disease. is advice does not apply to you. People with CF need a high-fat
high-calorie diet. Fats are high in calories. Eat lots of them! Adding fats and carbohydrates will
increase your total calories. If you are trying to gain weight, choose high-fat foods.
Chapter 9:
Nutrition and CFRD
e enzymes you may take when you eat help your body to absorb the nutrients and calories that
fats provide. Even with enzymes, you may still end up losing or malabsorbing some of the fat you
eat. Work with your dietitian to make sure your enzyme doses are correct so you can get the most
from the food you eat.
Fat does not have a big eect on blood sugar. It can slow carbohydrates from being released by the
when you eat a lot of fat at a meal, though, so it has an indirect eect on blood sugar.
e more fat in your food, the later your blood sugar may peak. Eat many types of high-fat foods,
as well as foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have many good health benets.
Examples of Added Fats
butter, cream, cream cheese, sour cream
Oil (olive, peanut, canola,
corn, saower, coconut, sunower, palm kernel),
lard, shortening, mayonnaise,
salad dressing
Bacon, salt pork, fatback, chitterlings
Avocados, black and green olives
Peanut butter, peanuts, pecans, walnuts,
almonds, cashews
Sesame seeds,
pumpkin seeds, sunower seeds,
Dierent brands of these foods have dierent amounts of fat. Check the labels!
ese foods are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
ese foods may contain some carbohydrates.
Protein does not have a big impact on blood sugar levels. Still, you need to eat enough protein for
good health. e body uses protein to build, repair and maintain muscles and other body tissues.
It helps to regulate the immune system and other body processes.
Meats and meat substitutes have varied amounts of fat. Increase calories by choosing higher-fat
meats and cheeses and using high-fat cooking methods such as frying and deep-frying.
Milk and other dairy products are important sources of protein, carbohydrates and fat. ey also
provide calcium and other vitamins and minerals. Eat or drink at least three to four servings
per day. A serving size of milk is 8 ounces, or 1 cup. With the exception of cheese, most dairy
products contain carbohydrates and need to be counted.
Chapter 9:
Nutrition and CFRD
Fruits, fruit juices, canned fruit and dried fruit provide carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and
ber. ey are part of a balanced diet. Fruit juice, in particular, contains a concentrated amount
of carbohydrates. Fresh fruit contains ber. See the food lists in Chapter 11, “Carbohydrates in
Common Food Items.
Vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet. Eat at least three servings per day. A serving
size is typically ½ cup of cooked vegetables or vegetable juice or 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables.
Non-starchy vegetables have about 5 grams of carbohydrates per serving. Because vegetables are
low in calories, try stir-frying them with oil or adding cheese sauce, butter, margarine or dips for
extra calories. Starchy vegetables, including corn, peas, winter squash and potatoes, have more
carbohydrates than non-starchy vegetables. See the food lists in Chapter 11, “Carbohydrates in
Common Food Items.
Grains, Grain Products and Beans
Breads, cereal, rice, pasta and beans provide an important source of fuel in the form of
carbohydrates as well as ber, vitamins and minerals. You should eat at least six servings of grains
every day. Try to eat at least three servings of whole grains every day.
Salt and Other Vitamins and Minerals
Whether they have CFRD or not, people with CF lose lots of salt each day in their sweat.
e lost salt needs to be replaced by using extra table salt and eating salty foods. Salt can be
added while cooking or at the table. Convenience foods (snack items, canned and packaged
foods, and processed meats and cheeses), condiments (ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, pickles,
olives), and restaurant and fast foods are often high in salt, or sodium.
You need at least 4,000 milligrams of sodium daily. One teaspoon of salt contains about 2,300
milligrams of sodium. Check food labels for the sodium content to help you choose high-sodium foods.
Eating many types of foods from all the food groups each day plus taking your multivitamin pills
will help you get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Your dietitian can tell you which CF
multivitamin is right for you.
Free Foods
“Free foods” are foods that have less than 20 calories or less than 5 grams of carbohydrates per
serving. Dont ll up on them. You need lots of calories each day to maintain a healthy body
weight. Be careful to watch the portion size or just count it as a carbohydrate unit if the serving
size you plan to eat adds up to a carbohydrate unit (such as three or four servings eaten at once).
Free Food Examples
Beverages/Liquids Bouillon, broth, gelatin, coee, tea, lemon and lime juice, club soda, diet soft
drinks, sugar-free tonic, water
Sugar Substitutes
Aspartame, acesulfame-K, saccharin, sucralose, neotame, stevia,
monk fruit
Condiments BBQ sauce (1 tablespoon), ketchup (1 tablespoon), horseradish, mustard,
relish, salsa, soy sauce, hot pepper sauce, taco sauce, teriyaki sauce,
pickles, vinegar
Herbs and Spices All
Chapter 9:
Nutrition and CFRD
High-Calorie Supplements
At times, you may not feel like eating or may not be hungry. You may struggle to gain or
maintain weight. High-calorie supplements are a great source of extra calories during these times.
ey can help you gain and maintain weight and improve nutrition status. You can make them
part of your daily meal plan using the chart on the next page. e calories of each supplement
will vary. Your doctor or dietitian can help you choose the right one for you.
Chapter 9:
Nutrition and CFRD
Supplement Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Boost Breeze
8 ounces 31 g
Boost Plus
8 ounces (1 can) 45 g
Boost Pudding
1 serving (5 ounces) 32 g
Boost VHC
8.45 ounces (1 can) 46 g
Carnation Instant
1 serving (1 packet mixed with 8
ounces whole milk or half-and-half)
39 g
2 tablespoons 12 g
Ensure Clear
6.8 uid ounces 43 g
Ensure Plus
8 ounces (1 can) 50 g
Ensure Pudding
4 ounces 30 g
Power Milk 1 cup whole milk with 1 tablespoon
heavy cream and 1 tablespoon
chocolate or strawberry syrup
30 g
1 package mixed with 8 ounces
whole milk
70 g
Insulin Coverage of High-Calorie Supplements and Tube Feedings
People with CFRD need to cover the food they eat and their high-calorie supplements with
insulin. Some people get many cans of supplement while sleeping by gastrostomy or nasogastric
tube. Often, a single shot of combined regular plus NPH insulin given before the drip starts will
cover the whole feeding. Check blood sugars three to four hours after the tube feeding starts and
when it ends. is will help to ne-tune the insulin dose. An insulin pump can also be used to
cover supplemental feedings with a gastrostomy or nasogastric tube.
Special Cases
Late Meals
e timing of meals and snacks matters when you are taking insulin! Review the time-action of
your insulin dose with your diabetes care team so you can plan meals and snacks when the insulin
is most eective. is will help you avoid low blood sugar. If your meal is late but you have taken
your insulin, eat or drink something with 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates while you are waiting.
Try not to delay meals for more than one hour. If your meal is late, check your blood sugar more
often to avoid low blood sugar.
Ask your doctor if it is safe for
you to drink alcohol. If you
plan to drink
alcohol, know
the eect
it has on blood sugar.
Do not drink alcohol on an
empty stomach when taking
because drinking alcohol
food increases the risk
of low blood sugar. If you are
not careful, alcohol can cause
blood sugar to go either too high
(from the sugar in mixed drinks)
or very low. Do not count the
carbohydrates in alcohol towards
your insulin dose. Check your
blood sugars more often while
you drink alcohol.
When you are drinking alcohol, your liver is busy breaking down the alcohol so it will release less
glucose into the blood. is puts you at risk for low blood sugar. See Chapter 6, “Low Blood Sugar
(Hypoglycemia).” Signs of being drunk are a lot like signs of low blood sugar. If alcohol has clouded
your thinking, you may not treat your low blood sugar the right way. ose around you may not
know that you have low blood sugar. is puts you in grave danger!
Sugar Substitutes
Daily use of sugar substitutes is thought to be safe. ere are six approved for use in the United
States by the Food and Drug Administration. ey are aspartame, acesulfame-K, saccharin,
neotame, sucralose and stevia. Sugar alcohols are another type of low-calorie sugar substitute.
Sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol are examples of these. Too much can cause diarrhea. Use them
with caution.
Some foods that contain sugar substitutes, such as sugar-free yogurts, may contain other sources
of carbohydrates, such as milk. It is important to read labels to include all carbohydrates in your
total count.
Many food items with sugar substitutes are low in calories. If you have CF, you need extra
calories. You are better o eating the regular, rather than low-calorie, version of food, except
when it comes to regular soda. Drinking too much of this may cause high blood sugar because of
its high carbohydrate content. A 12-ounce can of regular soda has about 40 to 45 grams of total
carbohydrates. Plus, regular soda has no vitamins or minerals for good health. Eat a balanced CF
diet and use good sense when choosing high-calorie foods.
• Ask your doctor if any amount of alcohol is safe for you.
• Always wear a diabetes ID bracelet or necklace.
• Only drink alcohol when blood sugars are well-controlled.
• Eat foods that contain carbohydrates when drinking alcohol.
• Never drink alone. Be sure to tell your friends that you have
diabetes when you drink alcohol.
• Limit alcohol to one drink for women and two for men.
One drink is 12 ounces of beer; 4 to 5 ounces of wine;
or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, cordials or liqueurs.
• Check your blood sugar after drinking to learn your response
to alcohol. You may also need to check your blood sugar
during the night, especially if you drank too much or you
have been physically active while drinking.
• Ask your doctor how your CF medicines interact with alcohol.
Chapter 9:
Nutrition and CFRD
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• Explain how gestational diabetes is treated.
• Describe the nutrition guidelines for CF and pregnancy.
• Know how to manage special diet concerns while pregnant.
For your health and your babys health, it is important to eat a healthy diet and control your blood
sugars before and while youre pregnant. Eat many types of nutritious foods. Because of your CF, you
need more calories than what is advised for people without CF. If you have CF and are pregnant, you
need even more! You will have to eat three meals and many snacks each day to meet your and your
babys nutritional needs. Because your need for protein, calcium, iron and folic acid are increased, you
need to take extra vitamins.
Check your blood sugar many times each day. Take the right amount
of insulin to cover your carbohydrates. Control your blood sugars
(see Chapter 9, “Nutrition and CFRD”). Know what your blood
sugar goals are. Continue to work closely with your CF dietitian
when you are pregnant, even if you develop diabetes.
Planning for Pregnancy
Women with CF who do not have diabetes and who are planning
a pregnancy should be tested for diabetes before getting pregnant.
ey also should have an OGTT as soon as they nd out they are pregnant. e OGTT should be
repeated again at the end of both the rst and second trimesters to check for diabetes. Diabetes that
is diagnosed during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Be sure to notify your CF team if you
develop gestational diabetes.
Insulin should be started when diabetes is diagnosed, to preserve both the babys and the mother’s
health and ensure a healthy pregnancy with adequate weight gain for both the mother and the baby.
Women with CF who already have diabetes should consult their doctors before getting pregnant.
ey should have good blood sugar control before getting pregnant. ey need to check their blood
sugar more often and take the right amount of insulin. During pregnancy, insulin needs increase,
especially during the second and third trimesters.
Any woman with CF who gets pregnant should be treated by a high-risk obstetrician. If she has
diabetes before getting pregnant or gets gestational diabetes, she also should see an endocrinologist.
An endocrinologist is a doctor with special training in the treatment of diabetes and other diseases
of the glands that make hormones. Uncontrolled blood sugars and/or poor nutrition status can hurt
both mother and baby, and can lead to poor weight gain and possible problems with the baby.
Women with CF and
gestational diabetes
should eat a high-
calorie, healthy CF
diet to gain the right
amount of weight to
have a healthy baby.
Gestational Diabetes
Women with CF are at high risk for gestational diabetes. is type of diabetes occurs while youre
pregnant and goes away when the baby is born. While pregnant, the body naturally makes more
insulin. Gestational diabetes occurs when the pancreas cant keep up with the extra demand for
insulin. Sometimes gestational diabetes may become CFRD after the baby is born. You will need to
have your blood sugars checked by your doctor six to 12 weeks after you deliver your baby to check
for CFRD.
If you have gestational diabetes, learn how to count carbohydrates so you can manage your blood
sugars until the baby is born. Eating three meals and at least three or four snacks each day will help.
Spreading out foods with carbohydrates throughout the day will help. Avoid drinking too many
sweet drinks, including regular soda, juice, punch and lemonade. Your CF dietitian can help create
a plan with the same amounts of carbohydrates throughout the day.
Try to gain the weight you have been advised to gain. Dont lose weight by not eating certain
foods as a way to control blood sugar. Women who have gestational diabetes but do not have CF
can watch what they eat, limit weight gain and control blood sugar. For women with gestational
diabetes and CF, this way to control blood sugar is not safe for you or your baby. You will likely
need insulin at some point to help you gain weight and control blood sugar.
Blood Sugar Goals While Pregnant
To have a healthy baby, you must keep your blood sugar levels as close to normal as you can
while pregnant.
Weight Gain While Pregnant
e amount of weight you should gain while pregnant depends on your body mass index (BMI)
before getting pregnant. Ask your doctor about your special needs. Work with your dietitian
while pregnant to gain the right amount of weight. is is crucial for your health and your
babys health.
Basic Guidelines for Gaining Weight When Pregnant
Body Mass Index (BMI) Before
Getting Pregnant
Advised Weight Gain in Pounds (lbs)
or Kilograms (kg)
BMI less than 21.9 28 to 40 lbs or 12.5 to 18.0 kg
BMI 22 to 24.9
25 to 35 lbs or 11.5 to 16.0 kg
BMI 25 to 29.9 15 to 25 lbs or 7.0 to 11.5 kg
Pregnant with twins 35 to 45 lbs or 16.0 to 20.5 kg
Chapter 10:
Nutrition and CFRD When Pregnant
Less than 95 mg/dL or 5.3 mmol/L while fasting.
• Less than 140 mg/dL or 7.8 mmol/L one hour after meals.
• Less than 120 mg/dL or 6.7 mmol/L two hours after meals.
Nutrition When Pregnant
Calories and Protein
If your weight was normal before you got pregnant, you need to add at least 300 calories and
2 to 3 ounces of protein each day to your diet to meet your increased calorie and protein needs
while pregnant. If you were underweight, you will need to add even more calories. Eating larger
portions and adding extra fat will help add extra calories. If you are having a hard time gaining
weight, add high-calorie supplements to your diet. Be sure to adjust your digestive enzymes so
your body can use the extra calories you are taking in.
Great sources of protein are beef, pork, poultry, sh, seafood, eggs, dairy products, dried peas and
beans, tofu, nuts and peanut butter.
All pregnant women need at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily. ey can get this by eating
four servings of dairy products per day. Women with CF need more than this because not all of
the calcium they eat is absorbed from their intestines. You can get about 300 to 400 milligrams
of calcium in 8 ounces of milk or yogurt. You can get about 200 to 300 milligrams in 1½ to 2
ounces of cheese. Other good sources of calcium include calcium-fortied soy milk, rice milk or
juice; calcium-fortied grain products; green leafy vegetables; and canned salmon or sardines with
bones. You may need a calcium supplement if you cant get enough calcium in food.
While pregnant, your need for iron increases to 30 milligrams per day. Great sources of iron
are red meats, liver, eggs, dried peas and beans, and enriched or whole grain breads and cereals.
Eating a food high in vitamin C along with high-iron foods will help you better absorb the iron.
Good sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, green peppers, broccoli, green
leafy vegetables and tomatoes. You may also need an iron supplement.
Folic Acid
You must get enough folic acid in your diet before you get
pregnant and during the rst trimester for your babys proper
brain and spine development. You need 400 micrograms (0.4
mg) of folic acid per day. Great sources are folic-acid-fortied
cereals, breads and grain products; green leafy vegetables;
dried peas and beans; and citrus fruits and juices. Ask your
CF dietitian if you need a folic acid supplement.
Vitamins A, D and E
It is very important to get the right amounts of vitamins A, D and
E while pregnant. You may need more than normal, but too much
can be as harmful as too little. People with CF dont absorb these vitamins well. Your care team will
check your blood levels to make sure you are getting the right amount.
Special Concerns
Caeinated Beverages and Sugar Substitutes
Caeine and sodas sweetened with aspartame appear to be safe to drink while you are pregnant.
Because they dont have nutritional value, use these in moderation. Limit your intake of drinks
with caeine and sugar substitutes to 2 cups per day or less.
• 300 extra calories
• 2 to 3 ounces more protein
• 1,000 mg of calcium
30 mg of iron
• 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) of folic acid
• 8 to 12 cups of uids
Chapter 10:
Nutrition and CFRD When Pregnant
If you are planning to get pregnant or are pregnant now, do not drink alcohol. No amount is safe
for your baby.
Be sure to drink plenty of uids, such as milk, water and/or supplements while pregnant.
Drink at least 8 to 12 cups per day.
Seafood Concerns
Fish is a great source of protein and other nutrients. Some seafood is safer to eat while you
are pregnant than others. Some sh from polluted waters may contain harmful bacteria and
chemicals. Avoid eating shark, king mackerel, swordsh, tilesh and tuna while pregnant.
Check your local health department or department of sheries about the safety of sh caught in
your local lakes and streams. Buy only very fresh sh, and either use it within 24 hours or freeze
it right away. Avoid eating raw sh such as sushi when you are pregnant. A few people have eaten
raw sh that contained parasites, and others have gotten hepatitis A from raw sh. You can safely
eat 12 ounces of shellsh, canned sh, smaller ocean sh or farm-raised sh per week.
Taste and Smell Changes While Pregnant
Many pregnant women notice changes in the way some foods taste and smell. Some foods may
taste worse, and some smells may make you queasy. is is normal and likely related to hormone
changes. Avoid foods that bother you. If food odors upset your stomach, see if someone else can
cook. If you cant eat enough because of taste and smell changes, see your dietitian.
Food cravings can also occur. Some are good, such as craving milk or fruit. Some are harmful,
such as craving dirt, clay or laundry starch. ese cravings are known as pica and may be a
symptom of anemia. If you crave nonfood items like these, tell your doctor right away.
Feeling Sick and rowing Up While Pregnant
Many women feel sick and throw up while pregnant because of hormone changes. ese problems
often (but not always) go away after the rst 12 weeks. Some women really struggle and need to
be watched closely by their health care team. Try to “eat through” feeling sick and throwing up so
you dont lose weight. Eat smaller meals and snacks more often. Try eating only dry food such as
crackers or toast for a morning snack, avoiding drinking during meals, eating cold foods to avoid
food smells and eating ice chips if uids are hard to keep down. Get help from your dietitian if you
cant eat enough because you feel sick and are throwing up.
Constipation is common during pregnancy. Take your enzymes regularly with meals and snacks.
If you are having problems with your bowel movements, talk with your doctor or dietitian.
Eat foods high in ber and drink lots of uids. Fiber is found in whole grains, bran cereals,
fresh fruits, vegetables, dried peas, beans and nuts. Regular exercise helps, too.
Chapter 10:
Nutrition and CFRD When Pregnant
Learning Goals
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
• Quickly nd the carbohydrate content of common food items.
Carbohydrate Counting
Carbohydrates are the main food nutrient that aects blood sugar. To control blood sugar, it is
important to learn how to measure or count the carbohydrates in the foods you eat. is chapter
contains lists of the carbohydrate grams in common foods. It also contains common household
measurements and portion sizes. All foods are listed in cooked, ready-to-eat portions.
Review this chapter with your dietitian as you plan your own meals based on your eating habits, and
decide how to spread out your day’s carbohydrates. At the end of this chapter, there is a sample menu
and meal plan that you can use. Work with your dietitian to create your meal plan. If you dont have
a dietitian, ask your doctor to refer you to one who understands both diabetes and CF.
Common Household Measurements
3 teaspoons (tsp) = 1 tablespoon (Tbsp)
4 Tbsp = ¼ cup = 2 uid ounces
8 Tbsp = ½ cup = 4 uid ounces
16 Tbsp = 1 cup = 8 uid ounces
1 cup = ½ pint
2 cups = 1 pint
1 ounce = 30 grams (dry weight)
Estimating Portion Sizes
ese handy tips will help you estimate portion size:
3 ounces cooked meat/protein = a deck of cards, or the size of a womans palm
1 ounce cheese = four stacked dice
½ cup casserole, grain or vegetable covers about ¼ of a standard size dinner plate
½ cup fruit = a tennis ball
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Bread 1 slice (1 ounce) 15
Breadsticks (soft) 1, 6-inch (1 ounce) 17
Challah ¾ ounce 17
Cornbread* 2 ounces 25
Croutons* 12 large 8
Dinner roll 1 roll (1 ounce) 13
Foccacia bread 1 wedge (2 ounces) 28
French bread 1 slice (1.3 ounce) 22
Hot dog/hamburger bun 1 bun (1.5 to 2 ounces) 22 to 30
Lefse 1 plain (1 ounce) 15
Matzo 1 ounce 24
Pita 1 (2 ounces) 33
Taco shell 2 hard shells 14
Tortilla (corn and our) 1, 6-inch (1 ounce) 13
Tortilla (our) 1, 10-inch (2.5 ounce) 34
Food Lists
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Barley ½ cup 22
Chow mein noodles* ½ cup 13
Couscous ½ cup 18
Kasha/buckwheat ½ cup 17
Pasta ½ cup 22
Pasta side dish (packaged) ½ cup 22
Rice (white, brown) ½ cup 22
Rice (wild) ½ cup 18
Rice-A-Roni™* ½ cup 22
Rice pilaf ½ cup 22
Stung* ½ cup 22
Pasta, Grains and Other Side Dishes
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Bagel (small) 1 (2 ounces) 29
Bagel (medium) 1 (3 ounces) 45
Bagel (large) 1 (4 ounces) 56
Biscuit* 1 cup 14
Cereal, bran akes 1 cup 32 to 45
Cereal, cooked (oatmeal) 1 cup 27
Cereal, (dry, sweetened) 1 cup 25 to 38
Cereal, (dry, unsweetened) 1 cup 22 to 29
Cinnamon roll* 1 small 23
Croissant* 1 (2 ounce) 26
Danish* 1 small (2 ounces) 29
Doughnut* (cake) 1 medium 25
Doughnut* (frosted or glazed) 1 medium 32
French toast* (no syrup) 1 slice 15
English mun 1 mun 26
Grits 1 cup 30
Hash browns* 1 cup 26
Mun* 1 large (3 ounces) 36
Mun* (giant) 1 giant (6 ounces) 72
Pancake* (no syrup) 1, 6-inch 22
Scone* 1 large (4 ounces) 60
Wae* (no syrup) 1 small 15
Breakfast Items
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Beans (baked) ½ cup 27
Beans, peas, lentils (cooked) ½ cup 20
Corn ½ cup 15
Corn on the cob 1 large ear 28
French fries Small order (16 to 25 fries) 30
Peas ½ cup 11
Potato (baked) 1 small (3 ounces) 17
Potato (mashed) ½ cup 18
Potato (sweet) ½ cup 20
Potato pancake* 1 medium 11
Potato salad* ½ cup 14
Potatoes au gratin (packaged*) ½ cup 18
Squash (winter) ½ cup 9
Tater Tots™* ½ cup 15
Starchy Vegetables and Legumes (Beans)
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Club™ crackers 7 crackers 15
Graham crackers 2 full crackers 21
Popcorn* (microwave) 1 bag 48
Potato chips* 12 to 18 chips (1 ounce) 15
Pretzel sticks 31 sticks (¾ ounce) 15
Rice cakes 2 large cakes 15
Ritz™ crackers* 8 crackers 16
Saltine crackers 7 crackers 15
Tortilla chips* 1 ounce 17
Triscuit™ crackers 5 crackers 16
Wheat ins™* 12 crackers 16
Crackers, Chips, and Popcorn
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Honey, sugar, jelly, jam 1 tablespoon 15
Peanut butter* 2 tablespoons 5
Syrup (pancake) 2 tablespoons 26
Syrup (pancake, light) 2 tablespoons 12
Syrup (pancake, sugar-free) 2 tablespoons 4 to 8
Condiments and Spreads
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Cappuccino (espresso, foamed milk) 16 ounces 12
Cocoa (hot) 1 cup (8 ounces) 27
Iced Tea, sweetened 16 ounces 50
Latte (espresso, steamed milk) 16 ounces 18
Lemonade, punch, Kool-Aid™ 1 cup (8 ounces) 26
Mocha (espresso, chocolate, milk) 16 ounces 41
Soda (regular) 1 can (12 ounces) 38 to 46
Sports drink 1 bottle (20 ounces) 32
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Chocolate milk 1 cup (8 ounces) 26
Milk (2% or whole)* 1 cup (8 ounces) 11
Rice Dream™, vanilla 1 cup (8 ounces) 27
Soy Milk, Silk™, vanilla 1 cup (8 ounces) 10
Yogurt (fruit) 1 cup (6 to 8 ounces) 27 to 45
Yogurt (light) 1 cup (6 to 8 ounces) 11 to 16
Yogurt (plain) 1 cup (6 to 8 ounces) 16
Milk, Milk Substitutes and Yogurt
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Banana (large) 1 30
Canned fruits (in natural juice) ½ cup 15
Dried fruit ¼ cup 16 to 23
Fresh berries, melon, papaya 1 cup (pieces) 11 to 21
Fresh fruit (raw) 1 medium piece 11 to 18
Fruit sauces, unsweetened ½ cup 15
Grapefruit ½ 13
Grapes 15 17
Other fresh fruit (cup) ½ cup 11 to 18
Raisins ¼ cup 29
Fresh, Frozen and Canned Fruit
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Apple, grapefruit, orange, pineapple 4 ounces 15
Bottled juice 16 ounces 60
Cranberry, grape, prune 3 ounces 15
Fruit Juices
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Mexican burrito* 1 39 to 65
Fajita 2 40
Quesadilla* 1 entrée size 32-66
Refried beans* ½ cup 17
Taco,* regular, soft 1 small 12 to 18
Combination Foods
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Calzone 1 regular 45-93
Fettuccini alfredo* 1 cup 47
Lasagna* 1 cup 31
Manicotti* 2 pieces 36
Pizza (thick, restaurant)* 1 medium slice 27 to 29
Pizza (thin, restaurant)* 1 medium slice 21 to 23
Ravioli* 1 cup 30
Spaghetti sauce from jar ½ cup 11 to 22
Spaghetti with meat sauce* 1 cup 45
Tortellini* 1 cup 37
Chow mein (no rice) 12 ounces 25
Egg rolls* 1 large 15
Lo mein* 8 ounces 37
Mock duck/wheat gluten 3 ounces 3
Naan 1 ounce 11
Rice, basmati or jasmine 1 cup 44
Rice, fried* 1 cup 42
Stir-fry (meat & vegetable) 8 ounces 9 to 15
Sweet & sour pork* (no rice) 8 ounces 46
Wonton (plain) 4 pieces 16
Middle Eastern
Falafel sandwich 11.6 ounces 85
Gyro sandwich 12 ounces 55
Hummus* 4 tablespoons 8
Tabbouleh ½ cup 15
Casserole (with meat & noodles)* 1 cup 30
Cold-cut sub sandwich* 6-inch 45
Corn dog* 1 regular 23
Grilled cheese sandwich* 1 sandwich 30
Hamburger or hot dog on bun* 1 sandwich 22 to 30
Macaroni & cheese* 1 cup 45
Pot pie* 1 10-ounce pie 55
SpaghettiOs® with meatballs* 1 cup 32
Veggie burger on bun 1 sandwich 26 to 39
Combination Foods (Cont.)
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Hominy 1 cup 33
Hush puppies* 5 pieces 35
Red beans & rice 1 cup 56
Shrimp gumbo 1 cup 19
Succotash ½ cup 17
Bean* 1 cup 34
Chicken noodle 1 cup 12
Chili (with beans)* 1 cup 25
Cream of broccoli* 1 cup 20
Minestrone 1 cup 20
Miso (paste) 3 tablespoons 15
New England clam chowder* 1 cup 17
Tomato with milk 1 cup 22
Vegetable beef 1 cup 10
Combination Foods (Cont.)
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Frozen Treats
Frozen yogurt ½ cup 22 to 30
Fudge bar 1 bar 17 to 30
Ice cream* ½ cup 15 to 30
Ice cream bar* 1 bar 15 to 30
Popsicle 1 popsicle 15
Sherbet ½ cup 22 to 30
Gelatin ½ cup 19
Instant regular pudding* ½ cup 30
Desserts and Sweets
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Food Item Serving Size Carbohydrate Grams per Serving
Chocolate bar* 1 2-ounce bar 30
Fruit roll-up 1 roll 12
Gummy bears 1 small bag 29
Jelly beans 1 small bag 24
Junior Mints™* regular box, 16 mints 35
M&Ms™* regular package 34
Peanut M&Ms™* regular package 33
Skittles™ small package, 40 pieces 54
Snickers™* 1 regular bar 35
Sucker (lollipop) 2 11
Twix™* regular package, 2 bars 37
Twizzlers™ 3 pieces 30
Baked Goods
Angel food cake 2 ounces 32
Apple crisp* 4 ounces 43
Banana bread* 2 ounces 33
Brownie* 2 ounces 36
Cake with frosting* 3 ounces 35 to 48
Cheesecake (fruit topping)* 3 ounces 41 to 48
Cheesecake (plain)* 3 ounces 26
Cream pie* 1 slice 30 to 53
Fruit pie* 1 slice 43 to 55
Lemon bar* 1 small bar 24
Animal crackers 13 pieces 30
Chips Ahoy!™* 3 cookies 21
Fig Newtons™ 3 cookies 33
Fortune cookie 2 cookies 12
Ginger snaps 4 snaps 12
Granola bar (fruit-lled) 1 bar 22 to 41
Granola bar (plain) 1 bar 15 to 20
Homemade cookie* 1 cookie, 1 ounce 14 to 22
Kellogg’s™ Rice Krispie Treats* 1 bar 15
Mrs. Fields® cookie* 1 large 24 to 56
Oreo™ cookies* 3 cookies 24
Pepperidge Farm® cookie* 1 cookie 15 to 22
Shortbread cookies* 3 cookies 14
Vanilla wafers 5 cookies 13
Desserts and Sweets
*To get the extra calories you need, eat more of these higher-fat foods.
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Sample Meal Plan
AM Snack
PM Snack
Evening Snack
Advised Amount of Added Fat per Day:
Advised Amount of Meat, Poultry, Fish, Cheese or Eggs per Day:
Advised Amount of Vegetables per Day:
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Sample Menu
AM Snack
PM Snack
Evening Snack
Chapter 11:
Carbohydrates in Common Food Items
Acesulfame-K – A sugar substitute. e generic form of Sunett® or Sweet One®.
Adrenaline – A “ght or ight” hormone. Made by the adrenal gland.
Amino acids – e building blocks of protein. Insulin allows the body to take up amino acids
and build muscle tissue.
Apidra® (generic: glulisine) – A rapid-acting insulin.
Appetite – A desire for food or drink.
Aspart – A rapid-acting insulin. e generic name for NovoLog®.
Aspartame – A sugar substitute. e generic form of NutraSweet® and Equal®.
AtherosclerosisWhen fats clog the inner lining of the artery walls.
Background insulin – A low level of insulin that is needed at all times (also called basal insulin).
Some people with CFRD need to take a background insulin.
Basal insulin – A low level of insulin that is needed at all times. See “Background insulin.
Basal rate – Basal insulin (or background insulin) that is delivered continuously using an insulin
pump. Basal insulin is released slowly over a 24-hour period to help control blood sugars between
meals and overnight.
Baseline – In diabetes, the fasting glucose level.
Beta cells – Special cells in the pancreas that make the hormone insulin.
Blood glucose – e main sugar in the bloodstream. Also known as blood sugar. A major source
of body cell fuel.
Blood sugar – See “Blood glucose.
BMI – See “Body mass index.
Body mass index (BMI) – A measurement of body fat, using weight-to-height ratio.
Bolus – All at once.
Bolus dose – A larger dose of insulin given with meals and snacks.
Bolus insulin – A term used specically for people who wear an insulin pump. Rapid-acting
insulin is typically used and is delivered via the insulin pump in a burst for meals and snacks to
help control blood sugar.
Carbohydrate counting – Counting how many carbohydrates you plan to eat and adjusting your
rapid-acting insulin to cover them.
Carbohydrates – e main nutrients that aect blood sugar. ere are two types: simple (sugars)
and complex (starches). ey are used for the bodys instant fuel needs.
Cartridge – In this case, a container of insulin for use with an insulin injection pen.
Casual blood glucose – A blood glucose level drawn without caring what time of day it is or when
a meal was last eaten.
CDE – See “Certied diabetes educator.
Certied diabetes educator (CDE)A doctor, nurse or dietitian with special training to
manage diabetes.
CF – See “Cystic brosis.
CFRD – See “Cystic brosis-related diabetes.
Cholesterol – A lipid (fat) found in the cell membranes of all tissues and transported in the blood.
Chronic – All of the time, or long lasting.
Constipation – When it is hard to have a bowel movement because the feces are dry and hard.
Continuous glucose monitor – A tiny sensor that tracks blood glucose levels day and night. e
sensor collects readings every ve minutes from the interstitial uid in the abdomen.
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) – A method of giving a constant infusion of
insulin through an insulin pump rather than insulin taken through shots.
Convulsions – See “seizure.
Correction dose – Extra rapid-acting insulin given before meals when the pre-meal blood sugar is
higher than the target range.
Corticosteroids – Steroid-containing drugs (e.g., prednisone) used to treat lung disease.
CSII – See “Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.
Cystic brosis (CF) – A disease that aects the exocrine (mucus) glands of the lungs, liver, pancreas
and intestines, often causing frequent airway infections and poor growth.
Cystic brosis-related diabetes (CFRD) – A form of diabetes that occurs in people with CF where
the body doesnt make enough insulin or use insulin properly. Diabetes is a problem in which a
persons blood glucose (a type of sugar) level is too high.
Detemir – A long-acting insulin. e generic name for Levemir®.
Diabetes – A state in which the body doesnt make enough insulin and/or doesnt respond to insulin
the right way.
Diabetes care team – A team of people with special training to manage diabetes. e team might
include a doctor (often an endocrinologist), certied diabetes educator (often a nurse or dietitian),
social worker and psychologist.
DiagnosedTo decide what the problem or cause of the problem is.
Diarrhea – Passing large amounts of loose stool often.
Digestive enzyme – A substance made in the pancreas that ows into the intestine or that is taken
in a capsule with meals and snacks to help digest food.
Endocrine – e hormone-making function of the pancreas and other glands. Insulin is a hormone.
Endocrine pancreas – e part of the pancreas that makes insulin, which helps your body cells use
the energy (calories) from food.
Endocrinologist – A doctor with special training in the treatment of diabetes and other diseases of
the glands that make hormones.
A substance made in the exocrine pancreas that ows into the intestine to help digest food.
Enzyme supplements – Enzymes, swallowed in pill form, to help the body digest food when the
body doesnt make enough enzymes or the enzymes cant get from the pancreas to the intestine.
Exocrine pancreas – e part of the pancreas that makes digestive enzymes, which ow into the
intestine to help digest food.
Expired – Old or out-of-date medicine.
Fast/fasting – Nothing to eat or drink for at least eight hours.
Fasting blood glucose – A blood sugar level measured after not eating any food for at least eight
hours. “Normal” is less than 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L).
Fluid – Fluids in the diet are also known as liquids, such as water, milk, tea, etc.
An opening made through the abdomen into the stomach for a feeding tube or button.
Any drug that has the same ingredients as a brand name drug but is sold without a brand.
Gestational diabetes – Diabetes only when pregnant.
Glargine – A long-acting insulin. e generic name for Lantus®.
Glucagon – A hormone that “squeezes” extra sugar out of the liver and raises the blood sugar level.
It is given as a shot and can be used to treat low blood sugar in someone not conscious.
Glucose – A simple sugar, and the main sugar in the bloodstream. A major source of body cell fuel.
Glucose intoleranceWhen the body has a hard time turning sugar into fuel for cells.
Glucose meter – A small machine that measures blood sugar level.
Glulisine – A rapid-acting insulin. e generic name for Apidra®.
Hemoglobin A1c – A test that shows how much sugar is “stuck” to your red blood cells. It shows long-
term blood sugar control. e hemoglobin A1c goal is less than 7 percent.
High-calorie supplements – A great source of extra calories when you dont feel like eating or arent
hungry, or when you struggle to gain or maintain proper weight.
Hormones – Chemicals released by cells that either carry messages to other cells or aect cells in other
parts of the body.
Humalog® (generic: lispro) – A rapid-acting insulin.
Hyperglycemia – High blood sugar levels.
Hypoglycemia – Low blood sugar levels.
IGT – See “Impaired glucose tolerance.
Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) – When the bodys fasting blood glucose is 100 mg/dL to 125 mg/dL,
or 5.6 mmol/L to 6.9 mmol/L.
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) – A fasting blood sugar of 100 to 125 mg/dL or 5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L,
and/or a blood sugar of 140 to 199 mg/dL or 7.8 to 11.0 mmol/L two hours after an oral glucose load
during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).
Indeterminate glycemia (INDET) – When your fasting and two-hour OGTT results are normal,
but you have a high blood glucose in the middle of the OGTT.
Infection – e invasion and/or increase of disease-causing organisms, such as germs, in the body.
Inammation – e swelling of the body tissues because of irritation or injury. Inammation occurs
with an infection.
Infusion set – A thin, short plastic tube that carries insulin from an insulin pump into the body for a
baseline constant dose of insulin all day.
Insulin – A hormone secreted by the pancreas that helps sugar leave the blood and enter the cells where
it is used for fuel.
Insulin deciencyWhen the pancreas doesnt make enough insulin.
Insulin-dependent diabetes – Also called type 1 diabetes. It most often occurs in childhood. In
insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas doesnt make insulin, so insulin must be taken daily for the
individual to stay alive.
Insulin injection devices – A device with a very small insulin needle and an insulin cartridge
stored inside.
Insulin injection pen – See “Insulin injection devices.
Insulin pumps – Also called continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII). Insulin pumps are
used to give a constant amount of insulin rather than insulin through shots.
Insulin reaction – Low blood sugar, less than 70 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L.
Insulin resistance – When body cells cant use insulin the right way, so more insulin is needed to
lower blood sugars.
Insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio – A way to “match” or adjust your rapid-acting insulin to the
carbohydrates you plan to eat.
Intermediate-acting insulin (NPH) – Insulin, usually given twice a day, that has its peak eect in
six to eight hours and lasts about 13 hours. is can vary from person to person.
Intersitial uid – e thin layer of uid that bathes and surrounds the cells of the tissues in the
body and delivers nutrients to cells.
Intestine – e part of the body where food is digested and nutrients absorbed.
Intravenous (IV) – In a vein.
IV – See “Intravenous.
Ketoacidosis – A life-threatening change in blood acidity that can occur in people with type 1
Ketones – A chemical the body makes when theres not enough insulin and fat is used for fuel
instead of sugar.
Kg – Kilogram. A measurement of weight. 1 kg = 2.2 pounds.
Lancet – A small device with a tiny spring-loaded needle made for getting a drop of blood from the
tip of your nger for blood sugar testing.
Lantus® (generic: glargine) – A long-acting insulin.
Lbs. – Pounds.
Levemir® (generic: detemir) – A long-acting insulin.
Lipid prole – A check of blood lipid (fat) levels, including cholesterol and triglyceride.
Lipids – Fats.
Lispro – A rapid-acting insulin. e generic name for Humalog®.
Malabsorbing – Not absorbing the nutrients from food for use by body cells.
Mannitol – A sugar alcohol, used as a sugar substitute.
Monolament – An instrument used in the doctors oce on the bottom of your feet to check
for nerve damage.
Nasogastric – A tube that runs from the nose to the stomach.
Neotame – A sugar substitute.
Neuropathy – Damage to the nervous system from uncontrolled blood sugar over time.
Nighttime gastrostomy tube feedings – See “Nighttime tube feedings.
Nighttime tube feedings – Getting high-calorie supplements using a pump through a gastrostomy
or nasogastric tube during the night or while asleep. Also known as milk drips.
Non-diagnostic – Does not indicate a disease.
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes (type 2 diabetes) – A type of diabetes caused by the lack of a
normal response to insulin and/or not making enough insulin. It most often occurs in overweight
people over the age of 40.
NovoLog® (generic: aspart) – A rapid-acting insulin.
NPH – See “Intermediate-acting insulin.
Nutrition – Having to do with the body’s need for and use of nutrients found in food.
OGTT – Oral glucose tolerance test.
Omega-3 fatty acids – A certain type of fat (found in some oils and seafood) with many good
health eects.
Ophthalmologist – A doctor with special training in the care of peoples eyes.
Ophthalmology – e branch of medicine having to do with the eyes.
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) – A test used to diagnose not just diabetes and CFRD but also
the varied types of abnormal glucose tolerance in CF.
Pancreas – An organ in the body that secretes digestive enzymes and makes hormones,
including insulin.
Pattern management – Deciding how much insulin to take based on low and high blood sugar
patterns at certain times of the day.
Pica – Wanting to eat non-food items. May be a symptom of anemia.
Polydipsia – Needing to drink liquids often. A classic diabetes symptom.
Polyuria – Having to urinate (pee) often. A classic diabetes symptom.
Postprandial glucose level – Blood sugar level two hours after the largest meal.
Protein – One of the six nutrients found in the six main food groups. Protein is used by the body
to build, repair and maintain muscle and other body tissues. It helps to regulate the immune
system and other body processes.
Pulmonologist – A doctor with special training to care for people with lung disease.
Reaction – In diabetes, low blood sugar of 70 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L or less.
Regular – In diabetes, a short-acting insulin.
Retinopathy – A type of eye disease caused by high blood sugar levels over a long period of time
that can lead to blindness. All adults with diabetes should be screened for this once per year.
Saccharin – A sugar substitute. Also known as of Sweet’n Low.
SecreteTo produce and give o (as the cells of the pancreas secrete insulin).
Seizure – Sudden and sometimes violent uncontrolled muscle movement.
Sorbitol – A sugar alcohol, used as a sugar substitute.
Starches – A type of carbohydrate that is also referred to as a “complex carbohydrate.” Starches are
found in common foods such as wheat, rice, other grains, potatoes, corn, peas and winter squash.
Steroids – A compound made in the body that regulates many body functions. (See also
Stevia – A sugar substitute.
Sucralose – A sugar substitute. Also known as Splenda®.
Sugar – A type of carbohydrate also referred to as “simple sugar.” Also known as glucose or dextrose,
fructose (found in fruit), galactose and lactose (found in milk), maltose (malt sugar) and sucrose
(table sugar).
Triglyceride – A type of fat in the blood that is usually measured with cholesterol levels.
Tube feedings – Getting nutrition supplements using a pump and a gastrostomy
or nasogastric tube.
Type 1 diabetes – See “Insulin-dependent diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes – See “Non-insulin-dependent” diabetes.
Underlying – Something in the background or at the same time.
UrinateTo pee.
Urine microalbumin – e amount of protein (albumin) in urine, which shows kidney health.
Whole grain – e unprocessed grain containing the bran and germ.
Xylitol – A sugar alcohol, used as a sugar substitute.
e following is a brief overview of organizations that can provide additional information about
cystic brosis (CF) and/or cystic brosis-related diabetes (CFRD).
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
e Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is the world’s leader in the search for a cure for cystic brosis.
e Foundation funds more CF research than any other organization, and nearly every CF
drug available today was made possible because of Foundation support. e Foundation also
supports and accredits a national care center network that has been recognized by the National
Institutes of Health as a model of care for a chronic disease. e Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
is a donor-supported nonprot organization. For more information, visit www.c.org or call
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American Diabetes Association (ADA)
is is a national organization of health team members committed to teaching the public
about all forms of diabetes. e ADA is a good resource for health and legal information about
diabetes. e ADA can be reached at 1701 North Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311;
phone: 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383); email: [email protected]; website: www.
American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)
is is a national organization of diabetes educators who focus on helping people with diabetes
achieve behavior change goals, which in turn lead to better clinical outcomes and improved
health status. It’s a multidisciplinary profession whose members are already licensed in a related
health care eld. Most commonly, you will nd that they are also nurses/nurse practitioners,
dietitians or pharmacists. For more information, visit