2023 - 2024
Missoula Online Academy
Student-Parent Handbook
Missoula County Public Schools
Forward Thinking,
High Achieving
Missoula Online Academy Website
The Missoula Online Academy (MOA) is our online 9-12 school. The MOA is accessible to all registered
students within the District. The MOA is an online instructional program following MCPS adopted curricula and
priority standards as well as opportunities through 3
party providers. This handbook provides general
guidance for parents and students enrolled in the MOA. The MOA follows the high school District calendar.
What Does Remote Learning Look Like?
A combination of virtual, physical, and project-based activities
A mixture of teacher-directed and self-directed
A time to virtually collaborate with teachers and peers
Mission, Vision
MCPS Mission:
To ensure every student achieves their full potential, regardless of circumstance and ability.
Vision Statement:
We communicate; we collaborate; we think critically; and we create. We are Missoula County
Public Schools - educational leaders in a global society fostering uncompromising excellence
and empowering all learners.
Missoula Online Academy
Contact Information
Staff Member
Cameron Johnson
Principal - High School
Ms. Melanie Jeffs
Jennifer Gilbert
6-12 Special Education
Christine Kolczak
HS Counselor/ TOSA
Jennifer Ellis
HS English Teacher
Alex Rotzal
HS Math Teacher
Abby Jones
HS Science Teacher
Jeffrey Avgeris
o Email: javgeris@mcpsmt.org
Grace M. Decker
o Email: gdecker@mcpsmt.org
Nancy Hobbins
o Email: nhobbins@mcpsmt.org
Koan Mercer
o Email: kmercer@mcpsmt.org
Wilena Old Person
o Email: woldperson@mcpsmt.org
Karen Sherman
Jennifer Vogel (represents Seeley Lake, Swan Valley, Clinton, Potomac and Sunset)
o Email: jvogel@mcpsmt.org
Arlene Walker-Andrews (represents Target Range and Bonner K-8 districts)
o Email: awalker-andrews@mcpsmt.org
Meg Whicher
o Email: mwhicher@mcpsmt.org
Keegan Witt
o Email: kwitt@mcpsmt.org
Rob Woelich (represents Hellgate K-8 School district)
o Email: rwoelich@mcpsmt.org
Missoula County Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability, in the
educational programs and activities it operates including admission and employment. The District is required by federal
law, including but not limited to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, and Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities
Act and their regulations to not discriminate against individuals in violation of these laws. The District also provides
equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle
inquiries regarding complaints under Title IX (sex discrimination and sexual harassment) and all other non-discrimination
Trevor Laboski
909 South Ave. West
Missoula, MT 59801
(406)728-2400, Ext. 1038
Inquiries may also be directed to the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.
Missoula Online Academy Handbook
(Index is hyperlinked, please select topic)
Admission Requirements
Behavior Guidelines
Child Safety GPS and Audio Child Tracking/Monitoring Systems
Complaints by Students and Parents
Computer Resources
Custody Issues/Parenting Plans
Demographic Data Updates
Discipline and Due Process
Distribution of Material
Electronic Device/Chromebook/HotSpot Loans
Emergency Notification
Extracurricular Activities, Clubs, and Organizations
Family in Transition (FIT) Program
Grade Classification
Grading Guidelines
Health Services
Instructional Materials and Supplies
Parent Involvement, Responsibilities, and Rights
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Protection of Student Rights
Report Cards/Progress Reports
Sexual Harassment
Student Records
Technology/Computer Use
Videotaping of Students
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Participating in the Missoula Online Academy means that the student:
is simultaneously enrolled both in MOA and your local school in accordance to your geographic
attendance boundaries. Enrollment requires evidence of a birth certificate, immunization records, and
proof of residency prior to admission;
agrees to actively participate in the Missoula Online Academy environment;
this includes turning on your camera, speaking into the microphone, typing into the chat when
appropriate; and
understands that integrity is essential and that plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is unacceptable.
Plagiarism is defined as presenting work that is not your own. This includes copying from outside
sources without citation, having another student do your work, using translation services, and
presenting work that is made up almost entirely of someone else’s work even when cited.
Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of their education to benefit from teacher-led
activities, to build each day’s learning on that of the previous day, and to grow as an individual. Students enrolled in the
Missoula Online Academy are expected to attend the virtual live meeting each period each day.
Students are required to attend all assigned classes and/or other instructional activities each day school is in session,
unless a valid excuse for absences is provided. Excused absences include 1) personal illness, 2) family emergency 3)
medical or dental treatment 4) other activities approved by the school. Unexcused absences include failing to attend
class without advanced school permission, 2) family trips/vacations for which no prior arrangement has been made with
the school 3) other absences not authorized by the school or parent/guardian. If a student misses more than 5 days,
and is behind on work, a warning letter with resources is sent.
Personal illness, family illness, death in the family, and religious holidays are accepted excuses for absence. Please call
the attendance office (406) 329-5907 or email moaattendance@mcpsmt.org. Include your student’s first name,
student’s last name (spell it out, please), grade level, date and time of absence, and reason for the absence in your
message or email. If your student has a medical appointment, please submit a note from the doctor. The doctor’s office
may fax the note to (406) 329-5922. Teachers can record an absence, but not excuse absences, so you must contact the
attendance office to excuse absences.
Students enrolled in the Missoula Online Academy are expected to work on school assignments each day. They will meet
with the teacher for whole group lessons, small groups, and individual conferences daily. These sessions will take place
using Google Meet during the period assigned. Assignments, projects, and independent reading will be completed
independently or with parent/guardian support. Teachers will host office hours to answer questions and provide
support. Student progress will be closely monitored and reported in Infinite Campus (IC) every two weeks.
We believe in a positive approach to student behavior. Self-control, considerate behavior, and thoughtful decision-
making are traits that are encouraged. The staff at MCPS holds students to high standards and expects students to Be
Respectful, Responsible, and Safe.
Be Respectful
Follow directions.
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Be a good listener.
Ask questions and be an active participant.
Use appropriate language online.
Respond to the messages my teacher sends me via Google Classroom and email in a timely manner.
Be Responsible
Use programs, websites, and videos provided by my teacher.
Read and respond appropriately to the teacher's comments on assignments in Google Classroom.
Revise your work.
Turn in assignments on time.
Ask questions when you are confused.
Seek feedback.
Strive to build stamina for reading, writing, and problem solving.
Be Safe.
Keep personal information private when working online, and do not post any photos or videos that identify self, peers,
or school.
Ask the teacher before visiting any sites that were not previously approved.
Use equipment and supplies as they were intended.
If a student struggles to comply with expectations, they will be provided with an opportunity to meet with dean/staff In
the Missoula Online Academy, discipline is progressive. Low-level, first-time infractions will have lesser consequences
than infractions that are repetitive or more serious in nature. If a serious infraction occurs, or a behavior is repeated
even after reteaching, the parent/guardian will be contacted to attend a conference.
Bullying (including cyberbullying), harassment, intimidation, or hazing, by students, staff, or third parties, is strictly
prohibited and shall not be tolerated. Bullying does not include the determination after an investigation that the
student’s used reasonable and necessary physical force as self-defense or the defense of another in response to a
physical attack.
All complaints about behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated.
Retaliation is prohibited against any person who reports or is thought to have reported a violation, files a complaint, or
otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry.
For additional information, please see Policy 3225.
The MOA will follow the MCPS calendars for quarter end dates, tests dates, and holidays.
Parents and students are expressly prohibited from using covert means to listen-in or make a recording (audio or video)
of any meeting or activity at school. This includes placing recording devices, or other devices with one- or two-way audio
communication technology (i.e., technology that allows a person off-site to listen to live conversations and sounds
taking place in the location where the device is located), within a student's book bag/backpack, on the student's person
or otherwise in an area capable of listening in or recording without express written consent of the Superintendent. Any
requests to place a recording device or other device with one- or two-way audio communication technology within a
student's book bag/backpack or on a student's person shall be submitted, in writing, to the Superintendent along with
an explanation of why such recording is necessary. The Superintendent or a designee shall notify the parent(s), in
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
writing, whether such request is denied or granted within five (5) school days. Where consent has been given by the
Superintendent, the Principal must be given access by the parent to be a school guardian on the device. This will ensure
any “Listen-In” feature is disabled during school hours due to privacy concerns.
It is the goal of the Missoula Online Academy to foster a sense of connection for our families during the school year. In
an effort to help families connect to their students’ learning, they will receive information about their students’
progress and important announcements via MCPS ParentLink notification system. We use a combination of voicemail,
email and/or text to communicate information to families. MOA is a virtual school, email is the primary method of
Students in grades 9-12 will check their Google Classroom for announcements and assignments. All teachers will host
office hours to provide support and answer questions from students and parents.
Usually student or parent complaints or concerns can be addressed simply by an email or a conference with the
teacher. For those complaints and concerns that cannot be handled so easily, the District has adopted a Uniform
Complaint Procedure policy for most complaints (Policy 1700) with the exception of complaints/concerns regarding
sexual harassment and/or disability discrimination. A written copy of the Uniform Complaint Procedure can be obtained
at the Superintendent’s office.
If a student or parent believes that the Board, its employees, or agents have violated their rights, he or she may file a
written complaint with any District Principal or Supervisor under the applicable grievance procedure. If still unresolved,
the matter generally may be referred to the Superintendent. Under some circumstances, the District provides for the
complaint to be presented to the Board of Trustees in the event the matter cannot be resolved at the administrative
Some complaints require different procedures. Any building office or the Superintendent’s office can provide
information regarding specific processes for filing complaints. Additional information can also be found in Policy 1700,
available in any principal’s and Superintendent’s offices.
Students shall use the Title IX Grievance Procedure to address complaints/concerns about sexual harassment. A copy
of the Title IX Grievance Procedures can be obtained on the District’s website or any District or school office or by
contacting the Title IX Coordinator.
Students shall use the Section 504 Grievance Procedure to address complaints/concerns about disability
discrimination. A copy of the Section 504 Grievance Procedures can be obtained on the District’s website or any
District or school office.
Computer resources, including the District’s electronic networks, are an integral part of the District’s instructional
program. Use of these resources is a privilege, not a right. Students have no expectation of privacy in material that is
stored, transmitted, or received via the District’s electronic networks or the District’s computers. General rules for
behavior and communications apply when using the District’s computer resources. Students must sign the
Authorization for Electronic Access Agreement prior to being authorized to use the District’s computer resources. For
additional information, see Policy 3612, 3630.
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Students and parents are encouraged to talk with a school counselor, dean, or principal to learn about course offerings,
the graduation requirements of various programs, and early graduation procedures. Students will be provided
information on anticipated course offerings for the next year and other information that will help them make the most
of academic and vocational opportunities.
Students who are interested in attending a college, university, or training school or pursuing some other type of
advanced education should work closely with their counselor so that they take the high school courses that best prepare
them. The counselor can also provide information about entrance examinations and deadlines for application, as well as
information about automatic admission to state colleges and universities, financial aid, housing, and scholarships.
School counselors are available to assist students with a wide range of personal concerns, including such areas as social,
family, or emotional issues, or substance abuse. Counselors may also make available information about community
resources to address these concerns.
Please note: The school will not conduct a psychological examination, test, or treatment without first obtaining the
parent’s written consent, unless required by state or federal law for special education purposes.
The Missoula Online Academy is an online instructional program following MCPS adopted curriculum and priority
standards. High school students will use Google Classroom and may use other programs and 3
party providers to access
courses and content. Teachers will use a variety of instructional materials including online resources and physical
learning materials. Material distribution days will be held throughout the semester.
MOA students will participate in all MCPS approved tests and assessment systems.
It is imperative that the school is kept up to date on any changes in custody information. Please make certain copies of
the court order are provided to the student’s home school of record and the MOA office staff (406) 329-8989 at the
beginning of each school year or as changes in custody occur. The safety of our students is of utmost importance to the
school staff. Making certain the school has updated information is one way to ensure this happens. All information is
kept confidential.
Students are expected to demonstrate digital citizenship skills while attending the online academy. Any student who
engages in bullying, harassment, and intimidation shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
This includes taking screen shots, video, or photographs of anyone without their permission.
Parents are required to update demographic data for each child every year. This includes telephone numbers, alternate
telephone numbers, and emails to be used in the event a school or health emergency occurs. Any unlisted numbers will
be kept confidential. It is very important to keep the school office and the school nurse informed of any changes in your
demographic or medical information throughout the school year. In the event of an emergency, this is the information
the district will use to contact you.
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Students who violate District policies, rules, and directives are subject to discipline at the discretion of District
administration. Discipline may include referrals, detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and
expulsion. Administrators have the discretion to impose, or in the case of expulsion, recommend, the level of discipline
deemed appropriate for the misconduct.
An administrator has the authority to suspend a student for up to ten (10) school days. The student is entitled to oral or
written notification of the charges and is entitled to the opportunity to provide his or her version. Immediate
suspension when the student’s presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of
disruption to the educational process may occur without notice or the opportunity to be heard provided that notice and
the opportunity to be heard shall follow as soon as practicable. Written notice of the suspension containing a
statement of its basis and notice of the right to a review of the suspension will be sent to the parents as soon as
possible. At the request of the parents, the Superintendent will review the appropriateness of the suspension. The
decision of the Superintendent is final.
An administrator has the authority to extend a suspension for an additional ten (10) school days. Prior to extending the
suspension beyond the original length not to exceed ten days, the administrator must hold an informal hearing with the
student and determine that the student’s immediate return to the school would be detrimental to the health, welfare,
or safety of others, or would be disruptive to the educational process.
Expulsion is any removal of a student for more than twenty (20) school days without the provision of educational
services. Only the Board has the authority to expel a student after holding a hearing that provides the student with an
opportunity to be heard. After an investigation into the student’s conduct, the administrator must send a written notice
to the parents regarding the recommendation to expel the student, the specific charges against the student and
supporting evidence, a description of the rule or regulation broken, the date, time, and location of the board hearing, a
copy of the Board’s procedure, and a description of the student’s and parents’ rights at the hearing.
Students With Disabilities
Students with rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
may be suspended in the same manner as students without those rights or expelled under certain circumstances, but
prior to the imposition of either penalty, the District must follow all procedural requirements of those Acts, including
holding a manifestation determination meeting when necessary, as required by these Acts.
School Materials
All school publications are under the supervision of a teacher, sponsor, and the principal and are part of the curriculum.
School officials have the discretion to edit or delete material which is inconsistent with the District’s educational
mission. School-sponsored groups are permitted to distribute materials directly to students upon approval of the
building Principal or Superintendent.
Non-School Materials
Written materials, handbills, photographs, pictures, petitions, films, tapes, posters, or other visual or auditory materials
may not contain material that is obscene, libelous, invasive of the privacy of others, substantially disruptive to the
proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities, or which advocates conduct inconsistent
with the shared values of civilized social order are not permitted. Outside groups, including governmental agencies,
parent and student organizations not sponsored by the school, and community organizations are permitted to display
their materials on a centrally-located bulletin board and/or table available for the displaying of these materials.
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Any student who posts material without prior approval will be subject to disciplinary action. Prior approval must be
obtained before displaying these materials.
Registered Missoula Online Academy students/parents may check out a chromebook from the school district. Charges
can be incurred for damaged, lost, or stolen devices.
Students in the MOA must have access to high speed internet in order to participate in daily classroom lessons and
activities. If you do not have access to high speed internet, please email moaattendance@mcpsmt.org to request
assistance. A limited number of Wi-Fi hotspots are available for student use.
The MOA uses the MCPS ParentLink notification system. We use a combination of voice mail, email and/or text to
communicate information to families. These numbers are taken from the information supplied at the beginning of the
school year on the enrollment forms, etc.
Please call the school office if your telephone/cell phone numbers or email changes. The system will be used for
cancellations, emergencies and major announcements.
If there is an emergency at home, please notify the school via email or phone.
Participation in extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations is a worthwhile endeavor to enhance students’
development and educational experience. Specific eligibility and conduct rules may be adopted regarding participation
in activities, clubs, and organizations.
Parent/guardian permission is required for a child to participate in a school club and/or extracurricular activity. Parents
also have the right to withdraw their child from any club or extracurricular activity.
Please note: Student clubs and performing groups such as the band, choir, and drill and athletic teams may establish
standards of behavior including consequences for misbehavior that are stricter than those for students in general.
If a violation is also a violation of school rules, the consequences specified by the administrator will apply in addition to
any consequences specified by the organization.
A student attending a nonpublic school or home school that meets the requirements under MCA § 20-5-109 may
participate in extracurricular activities offered by Missoula County Public Schools subject to the student’s eligibility as set
out in the Student Activities Handbook. The student’s academic eligibility must be verified by the head administrator of
the nonpublic school or educator providing the student instruction in the home school as verified by the principal.
Parental permission must be obtained for the student to participate in the extracurricular activity.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act affords eligible students the rights to a free appropriate public education,
immediate enrollment even without documents normally required for enrollment, continue attending their school of
origin, transportation/busing, automatic enrollment in the free/reduced lunch program, automatic enrollment in Title I
services (regardless if in a Title I school), all school-based services of which they qualify, participate in all programs and
activities offered to students and families and challenge enrollment/school-choice decisions.
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Who is Eligible for FIT Services According to the McKinney-Vento Act?
The term “homeless children and youth” refers to individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime
residence. Under the law, a child may qualify as homeless if he or she is:
Living in an emergency shelter, domestic violence shelter, or transitional housing. Examples in Missoula might
include: Carole Graham, Mountain Home Montana, YWCA Gateway Program, YWCA Pathways Shelter, Family
Promise, Missoula Youth Homes, etc.;
Living in a motel, hotel, trailer park, or campground due lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
Abandoned in a hospital;
Living in a car, park, public place, bus or train station, abandoned building, or other structure not meant for
Doubled-up with relatives or friends due to a loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
NOT living with a parent or legal guardian and is an unaccompanied youth living in a situation that meets one of
the definitions listed above or due to extreme conflict, unsafe or unsupportive living conditions.
How does the McKinney-Vento program work at MCPS?
Missoula County Public Schools employs a Families-in-Transition (FIT) liaison to advocate for families and to assist them
in coordinating academic support for their students. The FIT liaison works closely with Family Resource Center or FIT
coordinators at each building in the district to assure eligible families receive needed support. The FIT liaison assists
families with immediate school enrollment for eligible students (regardless if missing immunization or academic
records), arranges for busing or transportation assistance, and refers students for Title I services for those in grades K-8.
For more information or assistance with determining eligibility, contact the MCPS FIT Liaison:
Colleen McGuire
MCPS FIT Liaison
215 South Sixth Street West
Missoula, MT 59801
406-728-2400 ext. 1080
Family Resource Center or Families in Transition Coordinator
A Family Resource Center or Families in Transition Coordinator is available in each MCPS school. FRC/FIT coordinators
are available specifically to serve families seeking help with life’s transitions, challenges and changes. The coordinators
assist with accessing resources and services, to include:
McKinney-Vento services for families and youths experiencing homelessness (as defined by the McKinney-
Vento Homeless Assistance Act);
Additional academic supports;
Housing and employment options and information;
Clothing, food and toiletries supplies and resources;
Information, referrals and paperwork assistance;
Connections to community supports and programs; and
Crisis/personal support.
To learn more about the services available to families and youths experiencing transitions due to economic hardship,
talk to your building FRC/FIT coordinator, secretary, teacher or principal.
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
After the ninth grade, students are classified according to the number of credits earned toward graduation. Promotion
to the next grade level is based on successful completion of the coursework, attendance, performance based on
standardized testing, or other testing administered.
Credits Earned Grade Placement
6 credits 10th grade, sophomore
12 credits 11th grade, junior
18 credits 12th grade, senior
Grades assigned by a teacher cannot be changed except by that teacher after discussions involving the student, teacher,
and administrator. Grades will comply with the following:
Letter Grades--Students' grades are alphabetically designated (i.e., A, B, C, D, F). Grade point averages will be computed
on a 4-point scale as follows:
A--4.0 points
B--3.0 points
C--2.0 points
D--1.0 points
F--0.0 points "I" is used as an incomplete and the students are given a specific length of time by the teachers to
complete the work in the course. Incompletes not made up are recorded as failures (F).
Participation in graduation activities is reserved for those members of the senior class who have completed state and
District requirements for graduation before the ceremony. Some graduating students may be invited to participate in
graduation exercises according to academic class standing or class officer status. Students invited to participate in
graduation exercises may decline. Students may wear traditional American Indian tribal regalia or objects of cultural
significance at a graduation ceremony. Students in the MOA participate with their site schools.
Requirements for a Diploma
Missoula County Public Schools requires students earn a minimum of 24 credits to graduate in the following courses:
4 credits of English language arts;
3 credits of mathematics;
2.5 credits of social studies (includes one year of American History, one year of US Govt., and one
semester of social science elective);
2 credits of science (includes one year of earth & space science and one year of biological science);
2 credits of health enhancement;
1 credit of arts (music, drama or visual arts);
1 credit of vocational/technical education;
8.5 credits of elective coursework
State of Montana Graduation Requirements
A school district can establish its own requirements for graduation. The minimum graduation requirements are
established by the Montana Board of Public Education and are found in ARM 10.55.905. A student has to
complete a minimum of 20 credits in order to receive a Montana high school diploma with 13 credits in the
following courses:
4 credits of English language arts;
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
2 credits of mathematics;
2 credits of social studies;
2 credits of science;
1 credits of health enhancement, with ½ credit each year for two years;
1 credit of arts;
1 credit of career & technical education;
A student with disabilities eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act may satisfy those competency
requirements incorporated into the individualized education program (IEP). Satisfactory completion of the objectives
incorporated in the IEP may serve as the basis for determining completion of a course.
Graduation requirements will not generally be waived; however, in rare and unique circumstances, a recommendation
may be made to approve a minor deviation from the graduation requirements.
MOA students must have health and immunization forms on file at the home school of record. Attending the MOA does
not exempt students from immunization requirements.
Teachers will assign due dates for homework. In the event of illness, the student will have 2 days to make up the work
for each day absent. In the event of a pre-arranged absence, the teacher must have advance notice (at least 2 weeks) to
prepare assignments. We encourage students to follow the classroom feed to get assignments using Google Classroom
during absences, if possible. Third party providers will lhave their own expectations for work completion.
When a student has been absent from school due to an injury or serious medical issue, please contact the school nurse
prior to having the child return to school. The school nurse should be made aware of students who are returning to
school with a cast or has had a surgical procedure or a concussion.
All MOA students must have written proof from a health care provider of adequate immunization before they may
attend school as per state law, unless they have a current signed medical or religious exemption or conditional form.
Attending the MOA does not exempt students from the required immunizations. Please see the school secretary/school
nurse for questions or details or the district website under the student services/health services tab or at
http://www.mcpsmt.org/Page/2111. Necessary immunizations are available through your child’s health care provider
or the Missoula County Health Department located at 301 W. Alder, phone 258-4745. They have a sliding fee scale for
children’s immunizations and walk-in hours. You must have a copy of your child’s immunization record to obtain
immunizations from the health department.
Missoula Online Academy teachers will post a list of school supplies to use at home for lessons and assignments.
Learning materials for specific units of study will be provided periodically. Parents/guardians will be notified of dates and
times for pick up and return of the materials.
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
The District believes that the best educational result for each student occurs when all three partners are doing their
best: the District staff, the student’s parent, and the student. Such a partnership requires trust and much
communication between home and school. To strengthen this partnership, every parent is urged to:
Encourage his or her child to put a high priority on education and commit to making the most of the educational
opportunities the school provides.
Review the information in the student handbook with his or her child and sign and return the acknowledgment
form(s) and the directory information notice.
Become familiar with all of the child’s school activities and with the academic programs and course of study,
including special programs, offered in the District. Discuss with the counselor or principal any questions, such as
concerns about placement, assignment, early graduation, methods to opt-out of programs and instruction
consistent with parent/family rights, and other options available to the child.
Monitor the child’s academic progress and contact teachers as needed, including to discuss homework, attendance,
and discipline. Parents have the right to review their child’s education records upon request.
Attend scheduled conferences and request additional conferences as needed. To schedule a telephone or in-person
conference with a teacher, counselor, or principal, please call the school office at ( (406)329-8989 ) for an
appointment. A teacher will usually arrange to return the call or meet with the parent virtually during his or her
conference period or at a mutually convenient time before or after school.
Access District policies, handbooks, Board and committee meeting agendas, and District grievance procedures to
participate in the governance of the District through the Board of Trustees. Contact information for administrators
and trustees is available on the District’s website.
Contact a counselor or principal to discuss rights related to student name and pronoun use consistent with the
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and Policy 3600.
Participate in campus parent organizations. Parents have the opportunity to support and be involved in various
school activities, either as leaders or in supporting roles at their site schools.
Open communication is encouraged, and parents may request a conference with a teacher at any time during the school
year. Parents may contact the teacher by email to arrange an appointment.
Integrity is essential and plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is unacceptable. Plagiarism is defined as presenting
work that is not your own. This includes copying from outside sources without citation, having another student do your
work, using translation services, and presenting work that is made up almost entirely of someone else’s work even when
cited. The first offense will result in communication with parents and a meeting with the teacher to redo the work or
accept a zero. The second offense (and any subsequent offenses) will result in a parent, student, teacher meeting, an
office referral, and zero on the work.
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Parent Rights
All fundamental parental rights are exclusively reserved to the parent of a child without obstruction or interference by a
government entity in accordance with state and federal law (including without limitation to statutes and the common
law) and District policy.
Parents have the right to inspect any survey or evaluation and refuse to allow their child to participate in such survey or
Instructional Materials
Parents have the right to inspect instructional materials used as a part of their child’s educational curriculum, within a
reasonable time. This does not include academic tests or assessments.
Collection of Personal Information from Students for Marketing
The District will not administer or distribute to students any survey or other instrument for the purposes of collecting or
compiling personal information for marketing or selling such information, with the exception of the collection,
disclosure, or use of personal information collected for the exclusive purpose of developing, evaluating, or providing
educational products/services for, or to, students or educational institutions.
Pursuant to federal law, the District will seek parental consent prior to and will not request, nor disclose, the identity of
a student who completes any survey or evaluation (created by any person or entity, including the District) containing
one or more of the following:
Political affiliations.
Mental and psychological problems
Illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating, and demeaning behavior.
Criticism of other individuals with whom the student or the student’s family has a close family relationship.
Relationships privileged under law, such as relationships with lawyers, physicians, and ministers.
Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of students or the student’s parent/guardian.
Income, except when the information will be used to determine the student’s eligibility to participate in a special
program or to receive financial assistance under such a program.
Formal reports of student progress are provided every quarater and each semester for high school. The exact dates of
each quarter, and semester are published on the MCPS Calendar. In addition to receiving a hard copy, report cards are
posted to Infinite Campus for parent review.
All students, parents, and school staff share the responsibility of creating a positive and productive school climate that
provides all students with equal opportunities to learn. Individual student and parent responsibilities are as follows:
Students’ Responsibilities
Attend daily
Follow school and classroom expectations.
Be respectful and honest in your relationships with students, teachers, and staff.
Actively participate in school and classroom work.
Work hard and learn to the best of your abilities.
Ask for teacher help when needed.
Parents’ Responsibilities
Establish a daily routine and daily expectations with your student(s).
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Help students to understand that their actions have positive or negative consequences and that they are
accountable for their actions.
Help students designate an area for learning at home (place to read/write, technology station).
Help students organize their learning and assignments by using a calendar or planner.
Help students log in and check in each day, check assignments for completion, monitor work time and
independent reading, and collaborate with the teacher to ensure your student follows the schedule.
Establish guidelines for your student’s screen time outside of necessary school screen time.
Reach out to your student’s teachers or school counselors with concerns, questions, and for support.
Be a supportive partner with your student’s teacher(s).
Encourage quality sleep hygiene.
Teacher Responsibility
Foster a sense of community and connectedness among the students.
Provide high quality, daily instruction.
Solicit feedback and ideas from students and families.
Provide a clear weekly schedule and regular communication to students and parents.
Clearly communicate classroom norms and expectations for all online interactions and collaboration.
Regularly post office hours to communicate availability and the preferred method of communication.
Update scores on Student Infinite Campus biweekly
Missoula County Public Schools believes that all students should have access to technology when they act in a
responsible, efficient, courteous and legal manner. If a student encounters anything inappropriate in accordance with
the District policy, the student should contact their teacher or principal immediately.
The District encourages parental and student support in its efforts to address and prevent sexual harassment in the
public schools. Students and/or parents are encouraged to discuss their questions or concerns about the expectations in
this area with the District’s Title IX coordinator.
Sexual harassment is conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:
1. Quid pro quo: An employee of the recipient conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the
recipient on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct
2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively
offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the recipient’s education program or activity; or
3. “Sexual assault as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), dating violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C.
12291(a)(10), “domestic violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8), , or “stalking” as defined in 34 U.S.C.
A determination of responsibility resulting from a formal complaint against a student for engaging in sexual harassment
will result in appropriate disciplinary action, according to the nature of the offense.
Complaints may be submitted via the District’s Title IX Grievance Procedure. Please refer to Policies 3210 and 3225 for
additional information regarding the District’s prohibition against discrimination and harassment.
Access by Parents and Student
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
A student’s school records are confidential and are protected from unauthorized inspection or use pursuant to the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The District maintains two sets of records: a permanent record and a
cumulative record.
By law, both parents, whether married, separated, or divorced, have access to the records of a student who is under 18.
A parent whose rights have been legally terminated will be denied access to the records, if the school is given a copy of
the court order terminating these rights.
The building principal will be responsible for maintenance, retention, or destruction of a student’s permanent or
cumulative records, in accordance with District procedure established by the Superintendent. The principal will respond
to reasonable requests for explanation and interpretation of the records. Access to records will be granted within 45
days of receipt of a written request. If circumstances prevent a parent or eligible student from inspecting the records,
the District will either provide a copy of the requested records or make other arrangements for the parent or student to
review the requested records.
Parents of a minor, the student (if 18 or older), and school officials with legitimate educational interests are persons who
may regularly access a student’s records. “School officials with legitimate educational interests” include any employees,
agents, or Trustees of the District; cooperatives of which the District is a member; or facilities with which the District
contracts for the placement of students with disabilities, as well as their attorneys and consultants, who are working
with a student or otherwise performing functions the school would perform in accordance with Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act.
The parent’s or student’s right of access to, and copies of, student records does not extend to all records. Materials that
are not considered educational records, such as teachers’ personal notes on a student that are shared only with a
substitute teacher, records pertaining to former students of the District, and records maintained by school law
enforcement officials for purposes other than school discipline do not have to be made available to the parents or
student. Access will also not be granted to the parent or the student to confidential letters and recommendations
concerning admission to a post-secondary educational institution, applications for employment, or receipt of an honor
or award, if the student has waived his or her right of access after being advised of his or her right to obtain the names
of all persons making such confidential letters or statements. See Policy 3121 for more information.
Access by Other Individuals and Entities
Certain officials from various governmental agencies may have limited access to the records without prior consent by
the parents or student (over 18 years of age). Disclosure to these governmental agencies may be done under some of
the following circumstances:
The District may grant access to or release information from student records to employees or officials of the District
or the Montana State Board of Education, provided a current, legitimate educational interest is shown.
The District may grant access to or release information from student records without parental consent or
notification to any person, for the purpose of research, statistical reporting, or planning, provided that no student or
parent can be identified from the information released, and the person to whom the information is released signs an
affidavit agreeing to comply with all applicable statutes and rules pertaining to school student records.
The District will grant access to or release information from any student record as specifically required by federal or
state statute.
The District may release student records or information in connection with an emergency, without parental consent,
if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.
The Superintendent or Principal will make this decision, taking into consideration the nature of the emergency, the
seriousness of the threat to the health and safety of the student or other persons, the need for such records to meet
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
the emergency, and whether the persons to whom such records are released are in a position to deal with the
The District may disclose student records or information to the youth court and law enforcement authorities,
pertaining to violations of the Montana Youth Court Act or criminal laws by the student.
The District will comply with an ex parte order requiring it to permit the U.S. Attorney General or designee to have
access to a student’s school records without notice to or consent of the student’s parent.
The District may disclose student records in a court proceeding where the parent is a party to an action involving
child abuse or neglect or dependency matters without parental consent or notification if ordered to make this
The District may disclose student records to caseworkers or other Child Protective Services representatives when
DPHHS/CPS is legally responsible for the care and protection of the student without notification or consent of the
The District forwards a student’s records on request and without prior parental consent to a school in which a student
seeks or intends to enroll. Records are also released in accordance with court order or lawfully issued subpoena. Unless
the subpoena is issued for law enforcement purposes and the subpoena orders that its contents, existence, or the
information sought not be disclosed, the District will make a reasonable effort to notify the parent or eligible student in
advance of compliance.
Parental consent is required to release the records in most circumstances. When the student reaches 18 years of age,
only the student has the right to consent to release of records.
The District charges a nominal fee for copying records; however, no parent or student will be precluded from copying
information because of financial hardship. An access log will also be maintained for each record which details those
individuals accessing the records and their legitimate interest in the records.
Challenging Content of Records
Students over 18, and parents of minor students may inspect the student’s records and request a correction if the
records are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. If the District
refuses the request to amend the records, the requestor has the right to ask for a hearing. If the records are not
amended as a result of the hearing, the requestor has 30 school days to exercise the right to place a statement
commenting on the information in the student’s record. Although improperly recorded grades may be challenged,
parents and the student are not allowed to contest a student’s grade in a course or references to expulsion sand out-of-
school suspensions through this process.
Directory Information
Certain information about district students is considered directory information and will be released to anyone, including
military recruiters and/or post-secondary institutions, who follows procedures for requesting it, unless the parent
objects to the release of any or all directory information about the child. The opportunity to exercise such an objection
was provided on the form signed by the parent to acknowledge receipt of this handbook. Directory information
includes: a student’s name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, date of birth, participation in officially
recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, photographs, dates of attendance,
grade level, and honors and awards received in school.
Maintenance of Records
Permanent records are maintained in perpetuity for every student who has enrolled in the District. Cumulative records
will be maintained for eight (8) years after the student graduates or permanently leaves the District. Cumulative records
which may be of continued assistance to a student with disabilities, who graduates or permanently withdraws from the
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
District, may, after five (5) years, be transferred to the parents or to the student if the student has succeeded to the
rights of the parents.
Privacy Matters Photographs and Social Media
Because of the advent of cell phones and social media, it has become almost impossible to fully protect the privacy
rights of any individual from having his or her picture taken and shared with others. Parents have the right to annually
opt out of the District sharing their child’s photograph in publications or through District media events. The District will
honor any parent opt-outs and not share this information. However, the District cannot prevent others who are present
from sharing photos and videos from school events open to parents and/or the public, including music performances,
sporting events, open assemblies, or field trips.
The Missoula Online Academy uses technology as a tool to improve and enhance student learning. With the use of
technology, students are expected to use computers in a responsible manner. Students and their parents/guardians are
expected to abide by the guidelines set forth in the “Acceptable Use Agreement.” This agreement outlines a student’s
responsibility for using technology at school.
Students are responsible for all textbooks, trade books, classroom materials and library books issued to them. Should a
textbook or library book be lost or damaged it will be the responsibility of the student to pay for the damaged or lost
book. The cost of the book will be determined by the replacement cost the District must pay. In the event that the
student returns to school in January any consumable materials will return with them.
The District has the right to use security and surveillance video cameras on District property to ensure the health,
welfare, and safety of all staff, students, and visitors to District property, and to safeguard District facilities and
equipment. Video cameras may be used in locations as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. Students in
violation of Board policies, administrative regulations, building rules, or law shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary
action. Others may be referred to law enforcement agencies.
Video recordings from security and surveillance cameras may become a part of a student’s educational record. The
District shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to record maintenance and retention. Signs will be
posted at various locations to inform students, staff, and members of the public that video surveillance cameras are in
use. The District will seek consent before recording students individually in the classroom. A consent form seeking
permission to record during extracurricular activities for coaching or instruction is available.
If a family is moving out of the area, please provide the school with advance notice in order for withdrawal information
to be prepared and materials to be collected.
Parents may request a transfer to a non-remote option at their home school at the end of the first semester.
If a student is withdrawing to enroll in another district, MCPS will provide student records for the other school upon
written request by the new school. Official records cannot be hand carried by parents. Students will not be removed
from the MCPS enrollment report until official notice has been received from the receiving school that the student has
2023-2024 MOA Handbook
Missoula Online Academy Handbook Statement of Compliance 2023-24
The undersigned student and undersigned parent/guardian do hereby acknowledge that they agree to adhere
to the Missoula Online Academy Handbook.
I, __________________________ (print student name), have read, understand, and will follow the contents of the
Missoula Online Academy Handbook.
Signature of Student Date
I, ______________________________(print parent/guardian name), parent/guardian of ____________________(print
student name), have read, understand, and support my student in following the contents of the Missoula Online
Academy Handbook.
Signature of Parent Date