Brescia Broadsheet
Brescia House School
opens its doors
January 26
, 1966, Brescia
House School opened its doors for
the very first time. With just over
100 pupils on the roll, classes
ranged from Grade 0 to Form 1
with Grade II and Std 1, Std II
and Std III as combined classes.
By the end of the year, numbers
had increased to 190.
February 1966 brought the first
PTA meeting and the launching of
the Grounds Committee, Catering
Committee and Language Lab.
April 16
was the official opening
of the school with Bishop Boyle
presiding. In attendance was our
Foundress: Sister Xavier Rown-
In August a special tree planting
ceremony was held. A child from
each class was chosen by lot to
plant a tree.
As a special move to build up the
Library, a library drive was held
in October.
Each book presented to the
Library was signed by the child as
a foundation member. During this
year the netball fields, tennis
courts and hockey field took
In 1967, the Grounds Committee
were busy with grassing the front
lawn and laying out the parking
areas and flower beds. By 1968,
numbers had grown such that
they warranted a separate Grades
Block to house Grade 0 to Std II.
The swimming pool was built in
1969. Since 1966 swimming
practices had taken place in pools
kindly put at our disposal by
Sister Xavier saw the school as a
centre of learning, of education,
where opportunities for enter-
prise, initiative and personal and
social responsibility would be
provided, and where true Chris-
tian principles would be inculcat-
ed. These are the objectives all
who have taught at Brescia House
School have since cherished.
Above: The Beginning
16th April 1966 Bishop Boyle flanked by Sister Xavier Rowntree,
foundress, on his right, and the Inspector on his left.
Below left: Sister Xavier Rowntree
Below right: Sister Gemma Lawlor
A special message from
Sister Gemma Lawlor*
‘Now, girls of Brescia House, both
past and present, the school exists
for you; you are its sole concern. Is
it necessary to remind Brescians
who have already passed through
its doors that we follow with
interest and concern your way
through life.
Of those still within its walls the
school asks of you loyalty, an
enthusiastic school spirit and an
earnest devotion to duty. With
these we will continue to build on
the foundation laid by our
predecessors and in the style laid
down in our cherished master-
*This message comes from Sister
Lawlor’s Principal’s Report in 1973,
but is just as relevant today as we
celebrate 50 years of Brescia House
Turning of the sod by Fr. G. O’Callaghan OMI 1965
The importance of
The school is ‘a society which
can provide children with a
sense of belonging, without
which sense there can be no
community. And, if there is no
feeling of community there can
be no interest in serving it. One
of the first things a school must
do is to provide a sense of
community. Pupils must be
trained to a sense of responsi-
bility to themselves, to their
school, and to the wider com-
munity to which one day they
will belong.’
Sister Rowntree 1967
Left: Original wing
of the school
Right: The ‘Ring
Games photo-
graphed from the
1970 1979
The above advertisement, depicting the Brescia House School Domestic
Science class, appeared in the Fair Lady magazine, on 26 June 1974.
From the Headmistress’s log,
dated 13 November1977:
‘It was a bitter sweet day for the
Ursulines. The 7:30 Mass this
Sunday was the last Mass to be
said in our school chapel. The
dedication of the new Church of
the Parish of the Resurrection
took place at 9:30 am. The chief
celebrant was Archbishop Fitzger-
ald. Tea was served in the school
On November 15
, Mass for the
entire school was, for the first
time, celebrated in the new
Dedication of the
Bryanston Catholic
Our first Matric group
December 1970
For the first time, Brescia House School
experiences the mingle of joy and regret of
seeing a group of Matriculation students
graduate from our school: we are sad to
say goodbye to them, but we rejoice with
them and their parents in the accom-
plishment of their formative years at
We hope that the variety of courses of
further study and training which they plan
to undertake will bring to further fruition
in their lives, what they learned and
what they have become while they have
been with us.
The first Matric group consisted of 9 girls,
with the first Head Girl, Ingrid Franken-
berg (pictured below).
The Supra-house Rosette
The Supra-house Rosette reflects all
three houses. The houses, with their
mottos, are as follows:
Brescia (Red) Loyalty Binds
Laurus (Yellow) Ever Willing
Merici (Blue) Service Before Self
A new hall for Brescia
When preparing this report I
thought back on the growth of
Brescia over the past nine years
with a sense of wonder and
gratitude gratitude to you,
parents, especially those who in
1966 started out with us with
high ideals, hopes, a handful of
children and the way ahead
strewn with hurdles.
We finished that first scholastic
year with 190 children, and
opened the following year with
350, and were then reprimanded
by one of you for having convert-
ed our intimate little school into a
stock market.
However, greater numbers led of
necessity to a multiplication of
facilities that you were ever ready
to provide at great cost of effort,
time and money.
This year you crowned your
efforts by presenting the school
with what is without doubt its
most treasured acquisition the
school hall that has changed the
face of things at Brescia.
Sister Gemma; Headmistress
Report 1974
Above: The brochure proposing the
new school hall. At the AGM of the
Parent Teachers Association held on
12 February 1973, each family
received a copy of this brochure for
discussion and suggestions.
1980 1989
Swiss Mission bell will be
ringing at Brescia House
23 January 1988
Old girls of Brescia House Convent,
Bryanston, have donated a bell and arch to
the school to mark its 21
Jane Badham and some fellow ex-pupils
felt it would be appropriate for the ‘old
pupils’ to donate something to the school;
Jane came across an old-world concrete
arch and found a Swiss Mission bell dated
1901 which was previously at the Mission
Church in Kensington.
She then tried to contact former pupils to
ask for donations, but found this difficult
as Brescia House had not maintained
Buried in the foundations of the arch are
the names of all the people who contribut-
ed to it.* Mrs. Heather Erasmus, former
Deputy Head and herself an Old Girl,
presented the bell to the Sisters.
Father Kieran graciously consented to
baptise the bell and give it the name
Angela, after St Angela, founder of the
Ursuline Order.
*Also buried in the foundations is the
original newspaper article.
Celebrating 450 years of
the Ursuline Order
The Feast of St Ursula, 21 October 1985,
was a very special day in the Ursuline
School calendar as it was the day chosen
for the celebration of the 450
sary of the foundation of the Ursuline
Order by St Angela Merici. A total of
1500 pupils and teachers representing
Ursuline schools and missions in South-
ern Africa, gathered at the Cathedral of
Christ the King.
A special feature of the Mass was the Of-
fertory. The customary offering of the
bread and wine was preceded by a
procession of representatives bearing
symbols that depicted, in a variety of
colourful ways, the meaning of the
jubilee to each of the seven participating
Brescia House Girls presented a basket
of red, yellow and white roses, symbolis-
ing Angela’s love of God, her caring
compassionate concern for the illiterate
youth of her day, her purity and spirit of
After the Mass a reception was held in
Cathedral Place, where the girls enjoyed
meeting other Ursuline pupils and the
staff exchanged greetings while sharing a
token meal. It was a day no one connect-
ed with the Ursuline order will ever
The Blessing of the Peace Block
This year has seen a major new beginning; having endured
cramped conditions with admirable patience for the
duration of the building operations, the High School and
Primary School finally separated and settled themselves
into their mutual complexes with much joy and
The Peace Block, fittingly named after Sister Anselm, was
officially opened and blessed by Bishop Reginald Orsmond
on 25
May and since 26
May has housed the Stds 3, 4
and 5 classes, and is also providing a spacious multi-
purpose room, gargantuan store-room, an extra change
room and sports room. All our primary school pupils are
now happily and spaciously housed in a well-designed, well
-constructed, miraculously integrated new structure.
While the plaque of St Francis accompanied by his beloved
birds (below), overlooks the little quadrangle, exhorting all
to put love where there is hatred and light where there is
darkness, a precept so marvellously fulfilled by our
foundress St Angela Merici, and fitting the concept of our
school so well, we continuously wonder at the integration
of the new building with the old; was it really not there a
year ago?
How fortunate we are to have a primary school on the same
campus; it is a source of refreshment and enchantment to
the sometime weary adult and adolescent, while the High
School is a source of security and challenge for the ‘little’
Sister Jeanette, Headmistress’s Report December 1989
On the above event, Sister Anselm Peace commented:
Although I was conversant with the outline of the Dedica-
tion service of the Peace Block, the high standard of
performance and polish achieved by the Primary School
girls in their singing, choral verse of selected Scriptural
passages and the dialogue before the Rose presentation,
moved me intensely and I was extremely proud of the girls.
The architect, Mr Romanowicz, came to me and said:
‘Sister, why didn’t we think of a video, that was the most
beautiful service I have ever attended.’ I couldn’t agree with
him more.
1990 1999
Celebrating the 25
Jubilee on 31
January 31
dawned bright and clear
with a cool breeze blowing. The day
was perfect as was the atmosphere
for the celebration of our School’s
Birthday. Approximately 1000
hearts, minds and voices were raised
in song and prayer to celebrate this
great occasion.
The Mass on this occasion set the
tone for the year in that we
acknowledged God as the source,
foundation and continuation of our
School. He has blessed and guided
each successive generation in their
life here at Brescia House and as we
look around and see what exists
today, where once open veld was all
that could be seen, we know that
through each individual involved in
the establishment and life at Brescia
House, God has blessed us abun-
I take this opportunity of thanking all
parents, pupils, teachers, associates
and benefactors, past and present,
for their contribution in making the
School what it is today and for
contributing much of which we are
so proud today.
Sister Jeanette Essey (pictured below)
Growing our school
1992: The opening of St Cecilia’s
Music Centre
The Music Centre was opened by
Sister Jeanette and proved a joyous
occasion of music and choral verse.
Sister Jeanette paid tribute to St
Cecilia, Patroness of Musicans, and
to Mr Romanowicz, the architect,
ARS & Son, the builders, the Board
of Governors, the PTA and everyone
who had contributed to the realisa-
tion of a beautiful dream. Music is
an increasingly important aspect of
the education of our pupils and may
all our endeavours be Soli Deo
Gloria To God Alone the Glory.
1993: Blessing of the new Junior
Primary Block.
On 26
February Bishop Patrick
Mvemve officiated at the blessing of
our new St Angela’s block. It was a
memorable occasion attended by the
whole Primary School, their parents
and various guests. The service,
which was held in the school garden,
consisted of choral readings, choir
items and gifts presentations. The
Primary School presented their
fellow pupils with the pottery image
of St Angela that was hung in the
Peace Block.
The High School presented a young
laurel tree that has been growing in
the High School garden for a number
of years. Bishop Patrick then blessed
each classroom of the new school,
and Sister Jeanette unveiled a
plaque at the entrance.
1993: Official opening of the Swim-
ming Pool Complex
1994: Opening of the new Computer
Centre / Multi-Media Centre and
construction of two new hockey
Mr Clem Sunter
addresses the school
Mr Clem Sunter was the guest
speaker at the Annual Prize Giving
in December 1991. At the time, he
was the Head of Anglo American’s
Scenario Planning Team.
Mr Sunter is South Africa’s most
highly regarded scenario planner
and strategist, and an icon and
model of mental litheness as he
has been adeptly styled as the Foxy
He has gone from discussing strat-
egy in the 1980s with the then
future president Nelson Mandela,
to becoming the renowned author
of several best-selling books
entrenched in bringing his new
methodology to the people.
Dually known for his book, The
Mind of a Fox, which indicated the
terrorist attacks on US soil on
September 11 (2001), he has given
presentations globally and has
become an ambassador of expert
knowledge for South Africa.
Below right: The new computer
centre, 11 September 1993
Above left: The Blessing of the new Junior Primary Block, 26 February
The Pillars of Brescia
Extract from the Log Book dated 1996
These are the values that we, at
Brescia, believe in and strive towards.
Together these four pillars incorporate
all the values which we would like to
uphold. All the pillars can be related
to every aspect of our lives. Aristotle
said, ‘The soul never thinks without a
picture,’ so we have related these four
pillars to a symbol of Brescia, the
Serviam badge.
This is the foundation of our school.
We believe that with spirit, everything
is possible. Spirit involves zest, youth,
unity and enthusiasm. An interest
and love for your school is developed
through attending school functions,
and participating in all areas of school
life. The ‘serviam’ scroll on our badge
represents our spirit.
Pupils should feel honoured and
proud to belong to the Brescia family.
It is a school to be proud of, and all
pupils should recognise this. Honour
includes pride in your school, uphold-
ing morals and traditions, as well as
respect. This respect is for the
thoughts and beliefs of the individual,
for the school, for staff, and seniors.
Christianity is a vital part of this
pillar, as Brescia strives to maintain
the beliefs and teachings of our
church. Honour is represented by the
cross on the Serviam badge.
Doris Henning said, ‘This thing we
call failure is not the falling down, but
the staying down.’ We believe that
only through perseverance can suc-
cess be achieved. By human nature
we can’t always win, but by never
giving up or losing faith, we turn our
failures into successes.
Perseverance is the backbone of the
school structure, and is the inspira-
tion which enables us to reach for the
stars. Because of what it leads us to,
this pillar is represented by the seven
stars on our Serviam badge.
Last but not least, through these
pillars, it is excellence we seek. We
are determined to reach our goals of a
united and spirited school. This is our
highest ideal, and can only be
achieved when all pillars are incor-
porated. This is represented by the
whole badge, which also shows unity.
Unity and a belief in love are two
major themes which support all the
pillars. It is unity which holds our
school together. Our vision for our
school is built on four cornerstone
values and is summarised as follows:
To Bond. To Build. To Be Brescia.
2000 2009
Brescia House School is
about the people
‘But the school is not simply bricks
and mortar. The spirit of the School
grew with the buildings.
Today we are focusing on one aspect
of that spirit: gratitude, thanksgiving.
Gratitude is a virtue by which we
acknowledge those who have been
good to us. With joyful and loving
hearts, we acknowledge God’s good-
ness and faithfulness over 40 years.
As our gospel today indicates, Brescia
House School is about people, espe-
cially children: ‘whoever welcomes in
my name one such child as this,
welcomes me,’ (Matt. 18:15).
It is also about those who nurture
these children: their parents and
families, their teachers and friends,
their Pastors and our Ursuline Sisters.
This is the human element of Brescia
House: responsible for the growth of
the school and its spirit.’
From the Mass of Thanksgiving for the
Anniversary, Sister Jeanette Essey
Bless them all…..
All creatures great and small….even
wriggly, squirmy, slithery and hairy,
were blessed at the recent Feast of St
Francis of Assisi at Brescia House
Wise teachers decided larger, more
boisterous animals should be blessed
in absentia through photographs.
Whether a celluloid version or boxed,
bagged, caged or lovingly clutched all
pets received generous blessings from
Father Michael Fitzpatrick.
Budgies, canaries, parrots, lovebirds,
cockatiels, mice, hamsters, rats,
snakes, rabbits and even silkworms
seemed to enjoy their unusual outing.
Pupils at the school, in turn, blessed
the SPCA. One group of girls washed
cars and raised R995. A raffle and the
sale of ‘doggy treats’ raised a further
R1 300.
In addition, an overjoyed Estelle
Swanepoel, education officer at the
Sandton SPCA, was able to take a car
load of pet food collected by pupils,
back to the Sandton SPCA. ‘St Francis
must have been very proud of their ef-
forts,’ she said.
(October 2002)
The meaning behind
the diptych
The diptych of St Angela Merici and
St Ursula, was donated to Brescia
House School on the occasion of the
bicentenary of the canonisation of
St Angela Merici, who founded the
Ursuline Order.
The right hand panel, depicts St
Ursula, a Virgin Martyr of circa the
century. What is said of Ursula
is that she was a British princess,
who went on a pilgrimage to Rome
with her retinue. On their return,
the group were sailing up the Rhine
River and stopped at Cologne,
where they were confronted by the
Huns, who tried to make them
renounce their faith and live with
them. When they refused they were
In the panel, Ursula wears a crown
of royalty and is dressed in red, the
symbolic colour of martyrs. In front
of her there is a bunch of palm
branches, which are also symbolic
of martyrdom, the victory of faith
over death. Ursula’s hand is guiding
and protecting her companions in
the boat. She carries the banner of
Christ and the spear with which
they were martyred. The blue waves
below indicate that they were on
pilgrimage and travelling by boat.
The left hand panel depicts St
Angela Merici, a contemplative and
an apostle, who lived from AD 1475
1540. The women and angels on
her cloak are reminiscent of a vision
which St Angela had as a teenager
in the field of Brudazzo, Northern
Italy, from which time she knew
that God had called her to found a
group of women who would serve
the Church and lead others to God.
The tree in front of her and above
which the Holy Spirit hovers in the
form of a dove, symbolises the new
Company of St Ursula which she
founded in the Church to further
the Kingdom of God in our world. St
Angela was a dynamic apostle in
her time; a pilgrim in fact and in
spirit during her life, so she carries
a pilgrim staff. The green waves
below her indicate the earth and
the world in which her work was
planted. St Angela is dressed in
blue, the colour symbolic of
contemplatives, prophets and spirit-
There is space between the two
panels, showing the distance of
centuries between these two women
of God. However, their hands reach
out towards one another, showing
that they are connected. Also
linking the two figures is the cross
of Christ, which was the centre of
each woman’s life. The artist has
also included a banner in African
design and in bright African
colours, which integrates the two
panels of the diptych, uniting these
two great saints in art as they were
united in spirit and faith.
(Commissioned in 2007)
Proudly South African
Brescia House School featured on the
Proudly South African website on 23
September 2002. The girls held a civvies
day and dressed up in colours of the
South African flag. Money raised was
donated to Acres of Love. The whole
school gathered on the field and formed
the word ‘South Africa’. On the same
day, they also honoured Arbour Day by
planting an indigenous tree on the
school grounds.
2010 2015
In memory of Father
Michael Fitzpatrick
Father Michael Fitzpatrick was born on 23
June 1939 in Dublin, Ireland, the second
youngest of eight children. He studied for the
priesthood at All Hallows, Dublin and was
ordained a priest for the Diocese of Johannes-
burg on 20
June 1965. He arrived in
Johannesburg in October 1965 to take up his
priestly ministry.
Father Michael served at many parishes within
the Diocese of Johannesburg. In October 1993,
he was appointed parish priest to the Church of
the Resurrection, Bryanston. This is where he
remained for 21 years, until his untimely death
on 22
June 2014, one day before his seventy
fifth birthday and two days after the forty ninth
anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.
During his time at Bryanston, he become the
beloved father of the children and staff at
Brescia House School. His kindly demeanour
when celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy
Communion and his friendly, approachable
style during the Sacrament of Reconciliation are
some of his characteristics that have endeared
him to us. He was ever patient when the school
introduced any new innovations at our weekly
school Masses. Truly he was a man of deep
compassion and concern for all the people to
whom he ministered.
A Requiem Mass was concelebrated by Archbish-
op Buti Tlhagale and over seventy other
priest-friends at the Parish of the Resurrection.
So many friends came to bid him a fond farewell
and to commend his soul to God.
Father Michael’s body was returned to Ireland
where he was buried on 25
June 2014 in
Dublin’s Glasnevin Cemetery at St. Paul’s; this
after a Requiem Mass at Christ the King Church,
Cabra, Dublin.
He is a man who touched many lives in so many
positive and loving ways; his memory continues
to live on here at Brescia House School.
Brescia House: Microsoft Showcase
November 2015
Brescia House School was selected by Microsoft as a
2015-2016 Microsoft Showcase School for its
excellence in transforming its learning environment
to deliver more personalised education to students,
using mobile and cloud technology to better prepare
students for success in the workplace.
Brescia House School joins an exclusive community
of over 400 premier schools from around the world,
recognised to celebrate their truly pioneering efforts
and innovation in rethinking teaching, learning and
assessment in order to drive deep 21
“Microsoft Showcase Schools are shining examples
of those applying purpose-driven innovation in a
variety of ways to build connection, motivate
students and to create community in and out of
school, said Anthony Salcito, vice-president,
Worldwide Education, Microsoft.
In addition to the above, 16 teachers from Brescia
House School were announced as Microsoft
Innovative Educator (MIE) Experts, joining the more
than 5 600 educators in the MIE program
worldwide. As an MIE Expert, educators build their
capacity for using technology in both the classroom
and curriculum to improve student learning, advise
Microsoft and educational institutions on how to
integrate technology in pedagogically sound ways
and be an advocate at conferences, events and
trainings for how Microsoft technology can improve
“Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts are inspiring
examples of educators applying new ways of
teaching and learning in their classrooms that
motivate students and empower them to achieve
more,” said Salcito. “We celebrate and support the
work they do every day!”
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
(18 July 19185 December 2013)
Artwork: Wandile Dlamini
(Gr 11 2013)
Below: The new High School Atrium
(officially opened in 2012) and the
newly refurbished Resource Centre
Events Calendar
Significant events over the last 50 years
Save the date!
In recognition of the Ursuline Sisters, we are
planning a number of activities and festivities
that will allow us time to reflect, pause and
celebrate our wonderful school. Please diarise
the following dates so that we can all share in
these special occasions.
27 January: St Angela’s Feast Day: Special
Mass and unveiling of the St Angela statue.
30 January: Alumnae champagne breakfast
9 February: Blessing and distribution of the St
Angela rose (pictured below) library lawns.
23 27 February: High School Major Produc-
tion The 3 ½ Musketeers
27 February: Open Day 09h00 13h00
8 April: School birthday. Special Mass and
7 May: Matric Dance
28 May: Outdoor concert for the High School
11 June: Mothers’ Brunch at the Bryanston
Country Club
30 July: Jubilee Jamboree (Carnival)
3 and 4 August: IP Production
17 September: Jubilee Ball at the Bryanston
Country Club
20 October: Celebration of St Ursula’s Feast
25 November: Carols by Candlelight
Brescia House School Headmistresses
1966January - July Sister Xavier Rowntree
19661974 Sr Gemma Lawlor
19751980 Sr Veronica Murray
19731979 Sr Mary Bateman: Head of Primary School
19811982 Sr Elizabeth Towell
19821983 Mrs Antoinette Alexander
19831989 Sr Anselm Peace
19891991 Sr Jeanette Essey
19911992 Mrs Jill Snaddon
19931996 Mrs Rona Protti: Head of High School
19932002 Mrs Judy Botha: Head of Primary School
19962003 Miss Marilyn Bothma: Head of High School
20042011 Miss Marilyn Bothma: Head of Whole School
20042006 Mrs Lisa Benning: Head of High School
2003present Mrs Ann Owgan: Head of Primary School
2007present Mrs Benedikte Nott: Head of High School
Wishing Brescia House a happy 50
Birthday. Thank
you for all the memories which I hold dear to my heart. I
am privileged to be a part of the Brescia Family.
Candyce Simaan Matric 2001
Happy 50th celebrations Brescia. Thank you for mak-
ing my school years both enjoyable and unforgetta-
ble. May you continue to be a school that nourishes her
girls so that they become the best women that they can
in all spheres of life. Gina Forssman (Blake) Matric
A very happy 50th birthday to the school that was
known as our home for a little over the last decade! May
the school's future be filled with blessings as
we continue to live our lives daily serving God and those
around us in a manner befitting the Serviam motto of
our school. Megan Fyffe, matriculated from Brescia in
2011, Lindsay Fyffe, matriculated from Brescia in 2014
To the dear family and friends that make up Brescia
House Happy 50
FABULOUS! Love the Matrics of 2003 and the Rent-a-
Crowd Group. Skye Livingstone-Blevins (nee Da
Silva), Donatella Whysall (nee Rufrano), Robyn Raath
(nee Mills), Angela Kayton, Je’mae Mountjoy, Jane
Hynes (nee Whysall), Sada Blok and Sarah Whelehan.
Happy Birthday Brescia House! May you continue to
flourish and grow. Thank you for all the happy
memories you gave me in my school days! Love from
Lisa Wegner (nee Blake) Matric 1982
Dearest Brescia House, Wishing this beautiful school a
very happy birthday. Here’s to many years of learning,
memories, joy and growth. May its girls, staff and
families continue to grow and shine. Here’s to serving
Our Lord, and our neighbours every day. Sending much
love, Lauren Pettit (Matric 2005)
Happy Jubilee Year to the Brescia Family. I am certain
the school will continue to excel on all fronts as it enters
its second half century. Happy 50th Birthday Brescia; I
hope the teachers, staff, sisters and most importantly
the girls have a wonderful year. Love Tanya (Douglas)
Cromme. Matric 1986, mother of Alex & Nicole
(Brescia, Grade 10).
Happy Birthday Brescia: To the school that shaped so
many young ladies across the globe. So grateful to have
grown up there, and to have been a part of it all. Hope
you are well and all the anniversary prep is going well.
Yours Sincerely, Harriet Worthington Head Girl 2008
Wishing the best school ever a very happy 50th
birthday. Many wonderful memories were made at
Brescia! A school very close to my heart. With love
always, Romy Best Marais, Class of 94
Happy Happy 50
Birthday Brescia House! From one of
your first Grade 0s that made it all the way through to
matric. The tiny school in the middle of nowhere has
truly blossomed and I wish you well in all your
endeavours for the next 50. Much love from Karin
Amoils (nee Meyer) Matric 1978.
May the school continue to go forward serving its
students as well as equipping them to serve the wider
community and the world in which they subsequently
find themselves, upholding Truth and Honour. May
integrity of soul be Brescia’s first and foremost ideal.
May Christ, who taught by serving, guide and bless all
the work you do in the years ahead. Yours, Andrea
Klopper (Badham) Matric 1981
Happy 50th Birthday Brescia! The Golden Jubilee year
is truly here now, what a milestone! I would like to wish
Brescia many many more years of raising generations of
intelligent and ambitious girls in Green! Safiya
Mahlangu (nee Turundu) Matric 2007
Dear Brescia House (Ursuline Convent), With my
parents I watched you rise from the ground brick by
brick, I walked your corridors before they were filled
with school children and teachers. My parents were
among those who voted for uniforms which included the
apricot coloured shirts to go with our winter pinafore
dresses, hats which are still worn today. Very little has
changed the apricot shirts are a distant memory . . .
Not many people can remember when they had the
measles. I can - 50 years ago next year! First day of
Standard Four at a brand new school spent outside on
a chair with Sister Mary Hugh fussing over me and
eventually sending me home! Many happy memories,
some tears, many good friends, many moments that
could have gone on forever. Happy 50
Brescia! Love, Jan (Janice Hawkridge nee Herbert)
Congratulations Brescia! Thank you for hosting me as
an exchange student from Australia in 1997, it was one
of the most formative years of my life. I have fond
memories of the school, teachers and my class and
formed lifelong friendships. Clare Arthurs (nee Ponton)
Matric 1997
Happy birthday to a school that has played such a
significant part in moulding me into the person I am
today. May you continue to thrive and provide a space
for girls to learn and grow. May God's spirit continue to
be felt throughout the school and may He continue to
bless all those who enter the school gates. Brescia, you
beauty, to many more great and successful years
producing girls with a secret sense of pride for that
white basher! Jeanine Wilson, Matric 2006
Happy Birthday Brescia House! You hold very dear (and
hilarious) memories in your foyers and halls and gave
birth to friendships that still hold strong today. Thank
you for the gentle and strong foundation you gave me in
my life, and I wish this for all the young women who
matriculate with you. Regards, Tabitha Hume, Matric
Happy 50th birthday Brescia, to all the staff, students
and alumnae. Here is to many more years of being
proud Brescia girls. Bronwyn Bredell 2010
A big happy birthday to the place I called 'home' for 13
years of my life. Although over the years the staff and
the pupils have changed, the new and the old will
always be considered part of the Brescia family. I can
only ever dream that my special experience at Brescia
House will too be shared by each and every girl who
attends this magnificent school. Thank you for changing
my life Brescia House, you deserve the biggest
celebration in the world! Best wishes to all, Jess de
Kock, Head Girl, Class of 2012
Happy 50
Birthday Brescia House School! Thank you
for showing me the meaning of sisterhood and most
importantly how to serve. Thank you for playing a part
in making me the young woman I am today and
providing a place for me to make lasting friendships.
Here’s to 50 more years of moulding young girls into
successful, strong and compassionate ladies! Caitlin
Mackenzie-Jones, Matric 2013
I would like to wish Brescia House, my beloved school, a
wonderful 50th birthday. It taught me with knowledge,
trained me with skills and filled me with love and care. I
thank Brescia House for turning me into a better
person, and leading me onto a higher stage. It is my
honour to be a Brescia girl. Again, Happy Birthday,
Brescia House! Jing Ying Luo, Matric Year:2013
Happy 50th birthday to Brescia House - a school that
has helped shape my future and taught me many
valuable lessons that I carry with me each day. May it
continue to touch and bless many lives in the loving
way it has in the past. Love Stephanie da Silva (Matric
2009) and the da Silva family.
Happy 50th Birthday Brescia House. A good life is not
measured in years alone, but in the memories that fill
those hours, days, months and years. All who pass
through Brescia’s halls know of the wonderful memories
and nurturing foundation that allows us to become
strong empowered women. Thank you Brescia and long
may you support the young women who have the
privilege to be educated at Brescia House. Marie Claire
Smith (Nee: Rouillard) 2003 Matric Year.
Dear Brescia, 50 years and still going strong! How
wonderful! I matriculated from Brescia in 1973 and
have such wonderful memories of my school years. I
have been so successful in my career and I
have Brescia to thank for developing my skills and
teaching me resilience to face what has sometimes been
a difficult road. Heartiest congratulations on this
momentous birthday. Kindest regards, Barbara
Bennett (nee Hughes) Head Girl 1973
Wow I cannot believe how the past 25 years have flown
by! I matriculated in 1991 and always felt so privileged
to be in Matric during the school's Silver Jubilee year
and remember the celebration Mass as if it were
yesterday. I loved my time at Brescia, my English and
Afrikaans teachers, and especially my friends. From
Cape Town, I wish the Brescia family past and present,
all the very best in celebrating 50 golden years. Diana
Brescia played a huge role in making me the woman I
am today. The 13 years I spent at the school were years
filled with love, family, lifelong friendships and learning
- both academic and life lessons that I still carry with
me today. Thinking of the school always warms my
heart and I hope it continues to impact the lives of
many more young women for generations to come.
Happy 50th birthday to a truly special school! Kerryn
Le Cordeur Matric class of 2004
Happy Birthday Brescia House School. Truly some of
the happiest days of my life and met my best friend for
life! I started school in Grade 1 in 1967 and
matriculated in 1979. Meryl Brown (neė Young).
Every skyscraper is built on a strong foundation of
pillars. And the life of each and every one in our family
is built on a pillar of support called Brescia. Dearest
Brescia House School, wishing you a very Happy 50
Birthday! Thank you for so many happy memories!
Sharon McLintock (Fraser-Smith) 1975 and Taryn
Mclintock 2007
How wonderful that Brescia House has thrived and
prospered and grown over the past 50 years, it deserved
to do so. As I remember it (matric 1975), Brescia House
was a happy, kindly place where we were encouraged to
become our best selves. There was no pressure to
conform to being a 'type'; Mother Gemma and her staff
wanted us to work hard, play hard and be good, it was a
simple recipe, but oh so effective! I remember Brescia
House with great fondness and was very pleased to be
there in April 2015 for my year group's '40 years on'
gathering. Happy birthday, Brescia. Penelope Luther
It seems hard to believe that it is Brescia’s 50
and even more frightening to think how long it has been
since I matriculated after attending Brescia from Grade
0 to Matric. I am so very grateful for all that Brescia
taught me and meant to me and for the significant role
it has played I shaping who I am today. Jane Badham,
Matric 1984
Birthday wishes