User Guide
EmWave2 Biofeedback: This tool will help you become more aware of your physical responses related to stress and
anxiety in order to better manage stress levels. You can practice breathing exercises designed to reduce your heart rate and
stress level. Let the front desk know if you’d like to checkout the biofeedback tool during your visit.
Light therapy lamp: This 10,000 lux lamp gives off bright light that mimics natural outdoor light. Light therapy is
thought to affect brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep and has been proven to ease sleeping disorders and
depression symptoms. Do not look directly into the lamp. See page 4 for additional guidance.
Weighted blanket: The gray blanket weighs 15lbs and is meant to provide a sense of comfort, security, and pressure to
decrease over arousal and anxiety. Close your eyes, draw, do whatever you’d like to feel calm.
Buddha board: Buddha Board is inspired by the Zen idea of living in the moment. You simply paint on the surface with
water and your creation will come to life in bold design. Then as the water slowly evaporates, your art will magically
disappear leaving you with a clean slate and a clear mind, ready to create a whole new masterpiece.
Relaxation and meditation audio: Browse our CD collection for a relaxation sound that best suites you. Audio links
are available at: Please be considerate of counseling sessions nearby & keep volume low.
Sand garden: Add some tranquility and mindfulness into your day by gently creating patterns in the sand.
Fidget toys: These provide extra sensory input and can help improve concentration and attention. Use with another
activity or by itself.
iPad: Check out our free relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness apps or connect to YouTube and follow a video. See
page 5 for additional guidance. Let the front desk know if you’d like to check this item out during your visit.
Essential oils and diffuser: Untwist top and add water to the fill line of the diffuser. Add 1 drop of your favorite oil and
twist the top back on. Press “mist” to turn on. When done, press mist and empty water in bathroom. Do not ingest the oils
or apply topically to skin. See the oil guide on page 3.
Yoga mat: Pull up a yoga YouTube video and practice at your own pace or enjoy some simple stretches. Check out some
of our favorites: Please use an antibacterial wipe to clean the mat after you are finished.
Adult coloring books and colored pencils: Coloring is known to reduce stress and anxiety while improving
mindfulness. Get creative and feel free to take your design with you.
Meditation cushion: Sitting on this cushion can improve spinal alignment and provide deeper meditation while
relieving pressure from back, ankles, and knees. Try out guided meditation videos at
Water fountain: Plug in the fountain to enhance the relaxing ambiance of the room.
Disposable ear plugs: Feel free to take a pair to block out extra noise and calm your senses. Take with you or throw
away after use.
Essential Oils for Aromatherapy
Essential oils have been linked to natural healing and aid in relaxation & mindfulness. Here is a quick guide to
the various oils we have available for you to try. Try a familiar scent or a new one!
Reminder: do not ingest the oils or apply topically to skin.
The scent of lemon oil has been shown to have a powerful effect on mood. Numerous findings suggest
that lemon oil vapor has antidepressant and anti-stress qualities.
Research suggests that it may be useful for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness. It is
also considered a healing aid against colds, flu, and migraines.
Tea Tree
Tea Tree oil is often used for natural healing methods such as soothing acne and acting as an anti-
inflammatory. It can also aid in helping respiratory conditions, the flu, and muscle aches and pains.
Used to ease cold symptoms, ease cough, loosen mucus, and provide respiratory health benefits. Its
cooling capability also helps with muscle aches, fevers, and migraines.
Used to aid in relieving nausea and migraines, lemongrass is a natural scent that brightens your
mood while reducing anxiety.
A cooling agent that enhances mood, sharpens focus, combats irritation and redness, alleviates
symptoms of congestion, and aids in digestion.
Sweet Orange
Well-known for its uplifting and worry-reducing properties, orange oil carries cheerfulness while
simultaneously calms, making it ideal as an overall mood enhancer and relaxant.
The sweet, woody aroma works to clear the nasal passageway and promote the relief of congestion while
reducing stress and improving concentration.
Light Therapy Lamp
Light therapy is a way to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and certain other conditions by exposure to
artificial light. SAD is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time each year, usually in the fall or winter.
You may want to try light therapy for a number of reasons:
Your mental health provider or doctor recommends it for seasonal affective disorder or another
You want to try treatment that is safe and has few side effects.
You want to increase the effectiveness of antidepressant medication or mental health counseling.
You want to avoid antidepressant medications during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.
It may allow you to take a lower dose of antidepressant medication.
Light therapy is generally safe. If side effects occur, they're usually mild and short lasting. Talk to your doctor if
you are experiencing any lasting side effects.
During light therapy sessions, you can sit or work near a light box. To be effective, light from the light box must
enter your eyes indirectly. You can't get the same effect merely by exposing your skin to the light. While your
eyes must be open, don't look directly at the light box, because the bright light can damage your eyes.
Light therapy is most effective when you have the proper combination of light intensity, duration and timing.
Intensity. The intensity of the light box is recorded in lux, which is a measure of the amount of light you
receive. For SAD, the typical recommendation is to use a 10,000-lux light box at a distance of about 16 to
24 inches from your face.
Duration. With a 10,000-lux light box, light therapy typically involves daily sessions of about 20 to 30
minutes. But a lower-intensity light box, such as 2,500 lux, may require longer sessions. Your health care
provider may suggest you start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the time.
Timing. For most people, light therapy is most effective when it is done early in the morning, after you
first wake up.
Light therapy probably won't cure seasonal affective disorder, non-seasonal depression or other conditions.
But it may ease symptoms, increase your energy levels, and help you feel better about yourself and life.
Light therapy can start to improve symptoms within just a few days. In some cases, though, it can take two
or more weeks.
(adapted from Mayo Clinic)
Relaxation Apps
Committed to advancing the field of meditation through clinically-validated research,
Headspace app has conducted over 65 studies to find the best practices to aid in
reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing focus, & improving relationships. Filled
with single use and month long meditation challenges, Headspace has something for
Log-in email: Password: Warhawks1
Enjoy 100+ guided meditations to help you manage anxiety, lower stress and sleep better.
The Calm app is the perfect mindfulness app for beginners, but also includes hundreds of
programs for intermediate and advanced users.
Log-in email: Password: Warhawks1
The Oak app offers a minimalistic approach to tranquility. Focused on breathing, Oak
teaches you to guide yourself and eventually become stronger and independent on your
meditation journey.
Created by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Mindfulness Coach app teaches
how to be present in the moment without passing judgement. The app provides 12
gradual, self-guided trainings that allow you to set and track your personal goals as you
become a mindfulness master.
Create your own relaxing melody by combining any soothing sound, bedtime story,
breathing technique, or sleep meditation together. Relax Melodies app offer over 100
meditations created specifically to help you relax and sleep.
The Yoga Workout app features numerous challenges, such as the 21-day Yoga
Challenge and the Yoga for Beginners 30-Day Challenge, to keep you motivated. Whether
you’re at work, traveling, home, or even in bed, this app makes it easy to do yoga in
various situations.
emWave2® Biofeedback System
Before you begin, decided whether you’d like to use the emWave2 system with or without the attached HeartMath CD.
While the HeartMath program is beneficial to tracking your progress visually, you can use the emWave2 system without
the CD program and instead use your own breathing patterns, follow a meditation guide, or listen to relaxing music.
Turning the emWave2 System On & Off:
Lightly press the lower Sensor Button (located above the power symbol). Lights will begin flashing and you will
hear a series of soft beeps. This indicates the system is on and ready to use.
To turn Off- gently hold the power sensor for 1-2 seconds. A small beep will indicate the system is off.
Getting Started:
Plug the sensor cord into the Ear Sensor Jack (See Figure Above)
Gently attach the ear sensor clip (large end of cord) to either right or left ear lobe
Attach the lapel clip (smaller clip on cord) to your collar or shirt to avoid pulling
Located on the left side of the system is the Heart Action Strip. This strip will be your guide as you challenge
yourself to breathe slowly, deeply, and with intention.
The Pulse Indicator, the flashing light on the bottom left of the system, tracks your pulse in real time.
The Coherence Level Indicator, the light at the top of the system, will shift from red to blue to green.
o Red = low coherence
o Blue = medium coherence
o Green = high coherence
The goal of the emwave2 system to is get the Coherence Level Indicator to turn, and stay, green for the
duration of your session.
Note: You may adjust the volume of the system by pressing Up or Down on the Sensor Buttons
To Begin Your Session:
Once you have the ear sensor attached to your ear and the system on, you may begin your breathing session.
The Heart Action Strip (left side of system) will have a blue light that rises and falls acting as a breath pacer.
o Breathe in as the light rises
o Breathe out as the light falls
*Note: if the breath pace is too fast or too slow, just breathe comfortably. Within two minutes the breath pacer will adjust
to your breathing rhythm.
Once pulse calibration has completed (10 / 20 detected pulses) the emWave2 handheld device automatically starts an
active session. During an active session, the Heart Action Strip will display the following:
Rising and falling blue lights will pace breathing in the Heart Action Strip
A second set of lights will display the Accumulated Coherence Score in the Heart Action Strip
You will see the Accumulated Coherence Score displayed in addition to the Breathing Pacer in the Heart
Action Strip, while the Breathing Pacer continues to rise and fall.
Your goal is to fill the Heart Action Strip with the Accumulated Coherence Score blue lights by sustaining
Medium or High Coherence
When you have filled up the Heart Action Strip, all of lights that you have accumulated will disappear and be
replaced by a single, brighter blue light and then begin to accumulate again.
For your first session, aim to practice your breath for 3-10 minutes and increase your time according to your comfort.
The goal of the emWave2 System to is to allow you to track and monitor your breathing and heartrate. While you can
indeed challenge yourself, remember that this is meant for your relaxation.
Using the CD Application
If you are interested in using a visual guide to monitor your breathing, please talk to the Front Desk staff. They
will assist you in starting your session on the computer and will explain how to use the CD-ROM and HeartMath
tracking system.